#you would not believe how much ive thought about those rp blogs man
meowchela · 2 years
watching the strange aeons video on tumblr ettiquite for new users and. ok two things
she talked about using tags to organize AND having specific tags for personal posts/asks!!! i probably wasnt the only one to suggest that but i wrote like two paragraphs abt it in the the replies of the post where she asked for tips from vets so!!!!! that made me rly happy :3
im not a new user by any means and i already know all of this but god damn this is making me want to get a head start on those rp blogs i was thinking about making.......the only thing really stopping me is that i dont really have anyone that id roleplay With and i dont know tumblr rp culture that well? but idk i still think itd be fun to customize themes for characters i like
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Toko! I was thinking of creating an ask the character blog for IDV or Genshin Impact and wanted a few tips on how to start off. Anything you can share?
ey yo my dude!! thank you so much for this question, now im lowkey tempted (again) to make a genshin ask blog sjadhlkshgkahshglsaj anyway my 1.5 cents is under the cut, yall know how much i talk here HAHAHAHAH
uhhhhhh so i guess we start with picking a character u really Vibe with tm? I KNOW THIS SOUNDS LIKE COMMON SENSE BUT LIKE ive been considering making a genshin ask blog for a while now but i never really got to it cos i couldnt really decide on a character (plus the fact that their outfits are. so intricate. is also a hmm since i try to follow details to a t) (at first i wanted to do zhongli, but i feel like to be able to muse him well u need to know the lore super super well, which i dont n im too lazy to research on that aha. n u know how much i respect characterizations, especially for such a complex character like him. i also considered xiangling for a period of time mostly for guoba but also like i have 2+1 blogs here n having one more might not be a very good idea aha) (as for aesop he was my Hyperfixation Character tm also cos i looked at his kit n went Yep i could work with this. probably)
so assuming ur not a dumbass like me n u kinda know who u wanna pick, id actually say to snoop around here for other ask blogs n kinda get a feel of the... scene? is that the word? or like u know, other blogs that u can potentially vibe with. ive run a couple of ask blogs before this current one (both that have died for different reasons) n from my experience interacting with other blogs (if theyre okay with it, i think most should be) is pretty fun. it also kinda helps get ur blog around to other ppl on other blogs so they can go Oh whats this cool shit n check u out, n its also a reason why we kinda reblog promo posts for other blogs (also cos we’re always excited when someone new comes on, its really the more the merrier. we see all :eyes:). interacting with other blogs is also an option when ur inbox is looking real roomy too
another reason why i havent exactly done a genshin blog is that idk i cant actually seem to find genshin ask blogs around (i have seen rp blogs, or those that answer asks with mostly text instead of art, but thats. not my thing since i hate my own writing aha) (i did find one aether blog some time ago, but for some reason i hardly see them around anymore??? idk man i might be wrong). its not like im trying super hard to find them ask blogs, so im sure they exist out there (hopefully?? im not sure but im being optimistic). i mean theres nothing wrong with just starting an ask blog without others around, but for me i do find a difference when i interact with other ask blogs n when i dont, n i prefer when theres others to have fun with (unfortunately i couldnt find any ask blogs to interact with in my previous fandom. i tried, but the blogs i approached seemed to go inactive shortly afterwards...) plus u get to meet friends that way too :D (i made a lot of friends via idv askblogs n its really been a joy vibing with others)
as for the idv scene. gestures around me. unfortunately there are a lot of ask blogs that arent that active anymore, but theres still some of us who are alive n kicking empty inboxes, n im sure everyone would love to see a new face around. winks at u. also there seems to be a lot more blogs popping up lately, which is really heartening to see.
then u kinda just. make ur blog? n a starting introduction post so ppl can reblog it n spread the word XD n yay u have a blog i guess??? XD
i gotta say tho. dont expect ur blog to take off immediately (especially for smaller fandoms like idv, tvbh i didnt think my blog would even get half this far when i started cos of how non existent idv tumblr seemed to be) n ur inbox will probably be looking pretty empty a lot of the time (or at least filled with some that u havent quite thought of how to reply to yet aha) (but also like empty inboxes happen pretty often, im sure most of us here have experienced this problem)
in the case of the first ask blog i ever started, it never really took off at all. ngl it was kind of demoralizing n depressing but to be fair i had picked one of the more obscure characters in the series, so obscure that many ppl in the fandom would have never heard of this character before. if u wanted to know, i took a character that only appeared in the 2nd musical of the series, who also made a very brief cameo in the manga to acknowledge his existence within that universe. thats how obscure my character was, but i went with him purely because he was my favourite character. i will say though i did enjoy it while it lasted n i learnt a lot from the experience, n i think thats whats important really.
i guess this kinda leads on (not really but let me digress) to the whole uhhhh thing where if u choose a more popular character, u get more attention. which is fine i guess? if u really vibe with the character, i mean theyre popular for a reason. n choosing a more popular fandom (like genshin) would objectively also get u more viewers n numbers. but like honestly i believe that ask blogs are meant for u to have fun with, n like trying to get popular gets tiring pretty fast (this shouldnt be like a main goal, but u know sometimes u subconsciously also want that gucci follower count n bomb ass notes or something. i used to be guilty of this until i realized it isnt worth it) especially if ur not enjoying yourself in the process. (case in point: my previous fandom was considerably larger n my blog got about 700 followers within a year or so, but it got very tiring n stressful to maintain after my interest in it died, n no one was really interacting with the blog even though i tried which kinda made it even more depressing despite the so called success n popularity of the blog)
anyway on a less serious note, theres a lot of fun stuff u can do with the ask blog, like some ask blogs have really fancy tags that i really like n try to do but also like not really HAHAHAHA. i kinda just channel what i want to see in an ask blog into my own ask blogs (good art is one, i try very hard for it to be good :,DD another is characterization, n others is just extra miscellaneous arts n stuffs like au ideas or memes. these are also somethings u could work on during ask box downtimes perhaps)
uhhh another side thing is like a posting schedule i guess? like ppl would be more likely to interact (i think) if ur blog is relatively active, n this is usually determined by the last post u made (i think XD). but like generally for blog maintenence id say try to kinda find a frequency that ur comfortable with?? cos i know my once a day posting is kinda insane if i wasnt so hyperfixated on all of this n fight the urge to dump all ur replies when u finish them XD (though ive seen some blogs do that n they do it pretty frequently so its pretty nice to know once u see their post u can spend some time going through the latest batch of posts XD) the queue function is pretty useful here even though i truthfully have never really used it, i kinda just post from my drafts really but it also helps to space out ur content to seem somewhat active especially when u dont have the time to be working on replies sometimes. i hope u know what im trying to say here aha
ANYWAY that was like my 1.5 cents cos i dont even think its worth 2 cents HAHAHAHAH these are just my thoughts from running all my blogs up till now, some that are still running n the others that have just died a natural death. i wouldnt actually delete them (theyre still around actually XD) cos theyre kinda like archives n i can look back at what i did last time. cos ngl i made some high quality stuff back then, n i dont even know how i managed to do that aldhflhdsgk. also ppl do look at archive blogs every now n then for the content thats there yknow
BUT YES anyway if u do decide to join the idv ask blogs hmu, ill be sure to give u a lil shoutout here. winks
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frccdomfell · 5 years
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So, this is only a little over 1600 words... I have a lot of people to thank.  I’ve had Stevie boy here for five months, but I’ve been around Tumblr rp for a long time and thought I’d take this opportunity to thank those of you that have been such lights this year. This year has been extremely hard for me for a number of reasons I won’t get into in this happy post! So, this is for those who were there for me this year:
My Main Peeps:
@liftingxrocks : firstly, i have to thank my incredible fiance. you were here every step of the way this year and it has made all the difference. i couldn’t have gotten through it without you and i’m so goddamn lucky i get to call you mine. proposing to you was easily the best thing i’ve ever done and when you said yes was the single best moment of my life. we met through rp and I love every character you try your hand at. thanks for being such a light in my life, babygirl. i love you.
@bytheanchor : b! you total fucking nerd. god, you’re the best! i’m so glad to call you my friend and you’re definitely one of my best online friends. you never fail to be positive and brighten my day. you’re so kind and encouraging. we talk practically every day. those two weeks you went away were SO BORING! i love all your characters so much, you know that. writing with you is easily one of my favourite past times. you are always just as excited and willing to write stuff as i am and i love it. thank you for being such an amazing friend.
@spitefulandspectacular : i mean you never check your tumblr notifications, but i don’t care. you were so important this year so you get a spot on the list. man, you were such a great roommate. we each had our things, but honestly i’m so happy my first real roommate was such a quality person. i miss ya like hell and can’t wait to see you real soon hopefully. thanks for being such a great friend and taking care of our boy. you’re a gem.
@mangohub : monroe, what can i even say? you’re such an incredible friend and i’m so thankful for you. anytime i’m dealing with anything you’re right there for me, ready to listen. i don’t think i’ve met a better writer in my entire life, no joke. i love your alec more than life itself and writing with you is always such a fulfilling experience. even jut plotting with you is so much goddamn fun. you’re such a bright and loving person. thanks for being one of the good things about my 2019.
@warricrsbcw : my mollee. hey hun. i just want to thank you for being such a stand up friend since we reconnected. you’ve been there for me every single time i’ve needed it and i hope i’ve been able to do the same. you’re such a sweet person and you deserve all the nice things. not to mention that i love your alec to hell and back! magnus would go to the ends of the earth for that boy.
@lcdgerbled : hayley, you are so awesome! I’m so lucky that when i left my magnus blog i was able to take you with me in a way. you’re such an insanely talented writer and an even better friend. you’ve been so great and always there if i need anyone to talk to about my ED. your natasha is perfect! steve adores her with his entire heart and wants to buy a place in a new york and have ten kids with her lol. thanks so much for making this year a little more bearable.
New Friends:
@divabarnes : so, you were actually the reason i remade my steve into a blog. he was just available on discord but you reignited my love for him. your bucky sparked my steve back to life and i can’t thank you enough. i love him so much. your writing is so in character and makes my jaw drop every time. i love writing with you (even though im slow and trash). thanks for everything you didn’t even know you did.
@ivorysatin : i know we haven’t known each other a super long time but i absolutely adore you! you’ve been so kind and friendly and you’re writing is PHENOMENAL! your magnus, anna and blair! i’m so in love with all your threads and verses. every time i see your blair i’m so tempted to remake my charles so you need to STOP! but, seriously, you’re such a friendly bean, thanks!
@semiistable : hello friend! so i know we literally just met like four days ago, but in that time i have totally fallen in love with your writing and you so freaking nice and chill. my steve is head over heels for your bucky, and writing with you never fails to make me smile. i hope we continue to be friends for a long time.
@mischieftomake : bonjour jas! so i’ve been dying to write a loki/steve pairing for so long but could never find anyone that clicked with my steve. and, i’m so lucky that the one who did also has such a phenomenal mun! you’re so much fun to plot with and to play around with what we want to do. i’m loving our soulmate verses so much! i hope we continue to become close in the new year!
@tcnystcrrk : thank you thank you thank you! i’m so happy we met and i feel so lucky to get to write with you. my steve just gravitates to your tony. you’re actually the only tony i’m properly active with. i just love plotting and writing with you. you’ve been so kind and excited and it’s made me so happy. i hope to write loads with you both ic and ooc in the new year. stay frosty.
@heyqxeens : beep boop. we don’t write a lot, and that’s mostly because i’ve been hella busy and whatnot. but, i love your peter. even without writing with you i’ve been heavily enjoying reading your other threads. honestly just the fact that you're on my dash makes a huge difference in my tumblr experience. also, we still need to do that thread where they both work at the bugle lol. hope your new year is full of fun.
@hcpefell : nyxie. again, i’ve been bad at keeping up bc life is super hectic right now but thank you so much for being part of the harder part of this year. the second half really took a lot out of me and meeting and writing with you really helped! i love how you write gwen and steve adores her. thank you so much!
Honorable Mentions: (a.k.a. those i stalk)
@stolenparticles : so hi! i’ve been following you since even before i had steve i believe. even when i never thought we’d write together (bc of the vastly different fandoms) i still needed to follow you. cassie is such an interesting and complex character and i love to see someone taking her and just running with it. i love to read all your threads on the dash, it’s always such a good time.
@stormweathered : we’ve chatted here and there, but i low key am IN LOVE with your characterization. your thor is so beautiful and on point! i read all of your answered memes when they show up because your writing is just so impressive. one day i’ll stop being a potato and actually get to work on saying a proper hello.
@kendolled : SOOOOO... i lowkey stalk your blog daily! you’re right up there with @ivorysatin making me want to remake charles. every single time i read your replies alli can see is mr. archibald. i swear, you encompass him so well. ive been rewatching gossip girl for the past seven months or so (bc im slow and easily distracted) and trust me when i say your nate is spot on! i read literally almost everything you post because it’s so perfect!
@spidaeyaunt : so i lowkey adore you. all the love and devotion you put into may is inspiring. i love reading your headcanons and i adore your threads with tonys and peters. but i think the big reason i follow you is your personality. i love seeing your ooc posts on the dash and your tags always make me laugh! keep it up, you cool cat.
@exposestruth & @smallvxlle : i grouped you together because i found you through each other. smallville was such a huge and important part of me growing up. it will forever be one of my top three shows. having both of you bring these characters to life has meant everything. makes me totally miss my ollie every time i read your individual threads. plus all the smallville gifsets on my dash make me SO HAPPY! 
@moqul : omg! your cat is FLAWLESS! i love reading your headcanons and your tags are always so freaking hilarious! i laugh so much whenever you’re on  the dash and it’s something i value so much. i love supergirl so much, i played kara for a while and i still play barry (since hes a cw super) and your cat is just perfect. i don’t think anyone else could do her the kind of justice you do.
@hakune : OH MY GOD!! your steve *holds chest* I just love him so much. you write so well and your passion for our boy comes through so clearly. i love reading your threads and just watching you interact on the dash is a blast. keep up the good work, fellow steve.
@madebythejungle : you are so fucking talented, wtf? to take such a cool and interesting character and just explode him into life is so impressive. i love reading your stuff whenever i come across it on the dash. one day i’ll get up the courage to actually come say hi, but until then have this little thank you. thank you for making my dash that much better.
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diveronarpg · 6 years
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Congratulations, EMILY! You’ve been accepted for the role of MIRANDA. Admin Em: Emily, it was your parallel of Maeve and Joan of Arc and their martyrdom that convinced me that you really do understand Maeve, inside and out! From her love and light to her unwavering belief in a peace between the two warring territories, and this line-- “Her flaws are something she is blind to, both in her very nature and perhaps by choice in some small way, even if that choice is a bit unintentional,” we’re all so deeply enamored with your Maeve and her beautiful voice and can’t wait to see her on the dash! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Out of Character Alias | Emily Age | 24 Preferred Pronouns | She/her/hers Activity Level | So I am very busy - with work, applying to graduate school, and other such things. However, when I really adore a character I find it hard to stay away, so I’ll be on at least three nights a week, plus at least one weekend day/night. I also promise to ask for hiatuses as they are needed. Timezone | EST
Current/Past RP Accounts | both past - http://marvelousevelyn.tumblr.comand https://camelliafairchild.tumblr.com/
In Character Character | Miranda // Maeve Petre What drew you to this character? | I’m very drawn to morally grey characters, and I am also very drawn to characters who are very good, without question. Maeve obviously falls more into the latter, and there is something so incredibly beautiful about who she is, what she believes in, and her utter devotion to fight for it.
It is funny to me, because of Shakespeare’s non-history plays, The Tempest is one I am not as familiar with as others, but I have had a fondness for Miranda’s character for a long while, so I will be fascinated to play her out and see how she changes and how she holds true to herself amidst the horrors in the city.
When she hardens, it is not in the way that some expect - she hardens in her desires, not in her sense of being.
I think that even though she is very good, and very innocent, she has the possibility to still have great development, and I would love to be able to help develop her. She is so innocent and is to the point of being naive, and I wish to explore that - she is kind and gentle, but also flawed, and flawed in ways that she would not/does not/cannot quite see, at least now.
Her flaws are something she is blind to, both in her very nature and perhaps by choice in some small way, even if that choice is a bit unintentional.
“Miranda” means “worthy of admiration; wonderful", and Maeve means “the cause of great joy” (at least these are two meanings I found). There is certainly similarities to be found between these names, but I find the subtle differences - how Miranda in some ways feels more as though it has to be earned, and Maeve is something she can just be is a bit of an interesting concept. Something I might like to explore, as I find the power of names incredibly interesting. Maeve was/is her parents’ greatest joy, and now that she is part of the Capulets she has a name that gives her things to live up to - both for herself and in the eyes for others. She is content with what she is doing, but she still sees herself being looked down upon. How will those two things come together? Will they come together? Only time will be able to tell.
I have to say, as someone who likes history, I have also seen her in some ways as a Joan of Arc archetype - although less likely to up and literally ride into battle, she has some similarities, and I certainly can see her as a bit of a saint/martyr type in a number of ways.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
I. I would like for her to find out about how her mother died - I hope it is okay (and that I did not somehow miss something?) to assume it was the Montagues, because I could see that as being the reasoning behind how her father was involved with the Capulets, but I would like to expand on this, and should she ever find out about the circumstances of her mother’s death, how that might affect her view on things. I wonder if it will make her more keen on joining the Capulets more fully - because she is part of them, but she is part because of her father, and has not thrown herself into it because that can limit her ability to do peace - but should the Montagues be the cause of her mother’s death, I could see someone maybe using that to push her into being more of a solider of the Capulets.
However, it could also push her desire for neutrality more - if a feud killed her mother, wouldn’t neutrality be a more desirable option? It would make it so that she would not have to worry about people killing simply because of the other’s associations.
II. I do really wish to do things with her father - I realize he may not be brought into the RP, so even if through a self-para, or through interactions with others who are more well acquainted with the side of him Maeve was unaware of, would be fascinating. She joined with the Capulets to understand him, and yet she still sees hope, she still sees a wish to make everything better - she still hasn’t quite grasped the way that turned Philip into the hardened man whose hands have been covered far more than once with another’s blood. If he’s not brought into the RP, and even more if he is, I would really like to explore how they work together - because they’ve been a father and daughter pair for as long as Maeve can remember, but the context in which they live now is so entirely different…
III. How will her friendship with Santino affect things? Although of course some Montagues and Capulets speak, it is not nearly as common for true friendships to form. How did it blossom? This both has to do with past and future, which I sincerely hope is okay to talk about, but I think that it is crucial in her development, even if when she first met Santino she was not aware of his allegiances. Given how unaware she was of everything, I see this  as quite feasible. When she first met him, she thought he was another kindred soul, and she was not deterred when she found out about him being one of the Montagues - because, perhaps, if she can find kind souls amongst both sides, that will make her goals of peace all the easier.
IV. I am absolutely and entirely here for any interactions with those within the Capulets who oppose her wishes, and also for her finding those she has more in common with than she initially might have expected. I realize this is very vague, but I am also interested to see what her reactions would be if she had more in common with someone more violent than she is, and how that’d play out?
V. She is… very kind, very much seeing the good in most anyone. Quite clearly, this is something that will allow her to fairly easily run into issue. There’s already the chance of it being an issue with regard to her and Santino and how both sides might see that friendship, but there is more to explore. There is the issue of people taking advantage of her desire to see good, to do the opposite of what Rafaella has done and to not push her away and try to make her see the horrors and to fight - but instead, to take her and use her refusal to see anything but beauty in the world and mold that to their liking.
VI. She’s a solider, and soldiers get assignments. Perhaps she somehow gets a violent assignment - probably not from Everett, just because he and she are similar souls (as she would say, too) - but someone else. She is fiercely loyal, and though it would conflict with her desire for bettering the world, she would not want to disappoint someone, especially if she admired them. So how will that affect things? Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Yes, I do. Not right away of course, but should a situation call for it, I am. Angst fuels the RP world, does it not? :) In Depth In-Character Interview:
Papa might not want her to be meeting someone for an interview, but if it allows her voice to be heard, Maeve is more than happy to agree, to go and spread her message. She holds onto her mug of tea, the smell and warmth of cinnamon making its way into her nose.
The first question is to be expected, though she finds herself grateful for it nonetheless. "What is your favorite place in Verona?”
There is a pause, as Maeve considers her options, weighing them - of course she could say her childhood bedroom, one she found comfort in, with posters and carefully cared-for plants, and books neatly arranged on her shelves. But after a moment, she gives a nod - “The Castelvecchio Bridge. I enjoy watching the water from it, and although I am well aware such a memory should not exist, I have vague memories of being held against my mother’s chest as she walked along it, just before sunset, trying to calm me before I slept.” She brushes a curl of her hair out from her face and grins. “How could anybody not adore the bridge?” There is the hint of a would-be wink, her eyes practically squinting shut as she grins. “It is quite hard to resist, and furthermore quite difficult to miss, should anyone come to visit our dear Verona.” She takes a sip of her tea, and nods - the hint that she is ready, without speaking such.
"What does your typical day look like?”
A nod, a laugh. “I wake up - quite often with the sun, and I like to pull my window shades open and keep all the lights off in my room, and then I make myself a cup of tea sweetened with honey,” she gives a nod and gestures towards the teacup that sits in between the two of them, "and I sit at my dining room table and read, before I go off to explore.” She brushes a finger against her nose. “I am in search of a job at present, but that should all come soon, and once I find one, I will surely go there with a bag slung over my shoulder with a book inside, filled with dried flowers.” She knits her brows together. “I also cook dinners for Papa, because someone must help to keep him alive, regardless of everything that has happened.” She bites her lip. “It is what I have done for as long as I can remember, I see no reason as to why I ought to stop.” She waves the interviewer on, “Please, continue.” Please do not ask me why there would be even the barest of considerations that I should change how I have behaved around Papa. I never shall. Never. I do not think.
The interviewer clears his throat, although there is something in his eyes that hints that he might wish to return to her answers in greater depth. "What has been your biggest mistake thus far?” The grin is not wicked now, not exactly, and Maeve remains unaware, instead offering a quick and light shrug. “I am not certain.” Too much trust?  Though that thought leaves practically before it can be fully established. Because her trust is beautiful, it is part of what makes her who she is. “For I believe everything allows one to grow, and though I have made stumbles, calling my life’s path a mistake at any turn seems perhaps far too harsh. I am only sorry I do not have a greater answer, perhaps I can come and find you once I have more time to think on this.”
“What has been the most difficult task asked of you?”
She takes in a breath of air, not wanting to make eye contact. Because difficult is not so often a word that graces her tongue. It may be naive, and there are certainly those who would call it so, but it is her truth. “It is not - was not - exactly a task,” she drums her fingertips against her thigh, but accepting - becoming aware - of exactly what it is that Papa does -“ She presses her fingertips into her thigh for a moment, letting her breath catch. “Nothing can quite compare to that, although it has certainly given me a greater resolve to do better by this whole city.”
Perhaps it sufficed well enough for now, because the interviewer took down a few scribbles onto his notepad, before glancing back up. “What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?”
This one is easy. The answer flows from her pink-tinted lips. “I think that I will be the one to cause its end.” Her wide eyes look up. “Because peace is natural, and if flowers can grown amidst concrete, then peace can overcome war.” There is the glimmer of a smile that crosses her lips, turned up at the edges, though if one is to observe closely, they will notice that it is her eyes which truly glimmer at the idea. “Perhaps that is too self-centered an idea, but it is my belief. My thoughts are that it is not needed, and that it will burn to the ground, and we will rebuild and have peace, finally.” She gives a firm nod, and the curls of her hair bounce softly.
Pinterest Board: Found here!
I. She is allergic to dairy and to peanuts. She found out when she was only about two years old, and was rushed to the hospital. She manages it just fine now, but it is one thing that she does remain cautious about.
II. She loves flowers, and has many plants all over her home and takes incredible care to tend to each of them each day. Her favorite flowers are daffodils (which mean things such as new beginnings - with daffodils, she has a small pot growing), daisies, and violets. She is 100% the sort to have made flower chains/pressed flowers/etc for those she cares about.
III. The first knife she trained with was one from her own kitchen - the same one that she cut up vegetables for soups - because it was a reminder of home, another reminder (not that she should need one) of why she had taken up this cause. To help better her family, to help fix the wrongs of the city.
IV. She wears subtle perfumes every day. Maeve is not one to focus on much make-up, besides some lipbalm or gloss, but she does enjoy perfumes, and has a few bottles (tbd which) that she will rotate.
V. She speaks English, Spanish, and Italian. Although born and raised in Verona, speaking Spanish is something important to her, and she will slip into it with certain terms/phrases because it is a comfort to her.
Mini playlist:
The Power of Love - Gabrielle Aplin
Hallelujah - Kate Voegele cover
Yellow Flicker Beat - Lorde
To Be Human - Sia ft. Labrinth
Now is Not the Time - CHVRCHES
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Just some stuff from yesterday’s post nothin’ special particularly--
@corditeheart  Idek, it's so small that people think one comment speaks for the entire fandom
INCOHERENT HOWLING NOISES. I can’t even comprehend this mindset. Clearly I am still a summer child who knows not the struggle of fandom veterans. I was relatively late to the party and it’s still my firm opinion that people can do what they want as long as it’s not in an attempt to overwrite someone else. I sort of assume everyone else feels like that as well, so it’s never occurred to me to take one comment as law.
@ahmyhotdog I can only speak from where I've been. Most people in this fandom are nice. This is true. I've met way more nicer people than not nice. But I think part of the issue is if you don't want to people with certain people for whatever reason then a lot of others just don't seem to play with you as well? Or it could just simply be once you find people you enjoy playing with you just end up not looking for new muns to play with.
That’s true, actually! So it could be partly down to misreading peoples’ motivations for doing that? I would usually assume it’s because our headcanons don’t mesh, though I will say that’s happened to me elsewhere. I don’t think it’s the fault of the collective though, I think there are just arseholes wherever you go. Idk, I hear “x is a bad fandom” and I think of Bloodborne (INB4 SOMEONE IS A BLOODBORNE PART TIMER AND TAKES OFFENCE... @ them, come on, man, you know exactly what I mean here. BB is a mushroom cloud on the horizon for everyone else). 
@eruditorem I’ve heard things but honestly ive never seen anything and everyone has been so welcoming??? so idk either. also i dont pick my nose, i pick my butt. i  mean... wait-- dont reply to that
Mostly adding this so everyone knows Bri picks her butt
@legendaryturk Hmm.  Well I'm kind of newish to the fandom at least for RP, and I think...things just go in cycles?  I've seen ups and downs in various fandoms - not just 8, but also ffvii, doctor who, mgs, and tons of other fandoms I've RPed in.  overall I'd say ff8 has been mostly welcoming to me? it's small, and tumblr being the animal it is, people may just flock toward others who share similar writing styles or fanon. Idk, if I find I have something in common with another mun, be it writing style or fanon ideas, I'll kind of squee with them over it, but I *never* do so with the intent of excluding others, kwim? that said, there are times where I feel like muns talk around me and there's a joke I'm not in on, but, I think that's just the beast that is tumblr, and not fandom related tbh.
You were in MGS tho//// / ?!?!?/q/1/
That part about not doing it with the intent to exclude is so important tbh. So far, I’m getting the impression that most of it is misunderstanding. I can’t imagine anyone I’ve come across so far being deliberately dickish in that way. Eg, there’s one person I can think of who doesn’t really want to acknowledge me, but that’s okay, cos I know they’re a heavy Seiferx[redacted] shipper and I’ve already said I’m not, so I’d not be much use to them. We still follow each other, though, and I can’t think that they’d be all like YOU CAN’T SIT WITH ME if I spoke to them.
@diosleighrp  There's douchenozzles in every fandom who try to dictate what other fans can and can't do. It's quite unfortunate, but there are just entitled brats everywhere.
I can’t say much about this, I haven’t had it! Idk why. Maybe I’m too babbymode for the haters to have found. I have had it elsewhere though so I know what you mean and you’re right, they are definitely lurking somewhere. They’re lurking everywhere. 
@lionseed Just like American politics, it's the small angry voices that get the most attention for some reason. Sometimes there's a bad experience, and people take that as proof the fandom is shit.
MMMM and there’s always people with a bad experience to talk about because nowhere’s perfect, so I guess it’s partly on the reader to be on it enough to realise that. I would like if people within the fandom wouldn’t say that about all currently participating members though :( Obviously people can talk about their experience, good or bad, but their experience is with a person, not all of us. 
@underplater Okay, so. I will say that what I've personally experienced with the ff8 fandom is a lot of, "oh wow, I really like your blog and your take on the character you're doing. That's wonderful!" "Oh awesome, do you maybe want to do something with her/him/me?" "Uh... Maybe." Which... Means no. And then people are always all, "You just keep doing you, dear, it's wonderful," but no one sends in memes or replies to stuff? And it just.. I always feel like I'm pressed up against the glass, looking in.So I'd say my experience with the ff8 comm has definitely been that it's very insular and hard to for me, personally speaking, to break in on. ... Sorry, I'm fairly sure this was about my comment earlier? I think I was the one who used insular.... Unless, of course, I guess the problem could be me? But if it is, I wish someone would tell me so that I could drop the muses and just stop cluttering up people's dashes.
JJKASHDJASHFGGHFJDSJJHH this hurt me to read and is the main reason I’ve made time to do this reply post rn. I couldn’t remember who said what, to be honest with you and it surprises me that it was you, purely because you’re always one of the first people to come to mind when I think of “the FFVIII community”, you seem like a valued part of it to me, even if you’re not one of the most active. YOU ARE DEFINITELY NOT THE PROBLEM. I can’t really say with 100% certainty what *is*. With the meme thing, I think it depends what it is. If someone reblogs one of those “send me x and I’ll tell you about y”, I try to send it, but if it’s a starter or something that feels thready, I won’t unless I have an idea to back it with, cos it doesn’t feel any different to writing an actual starter for me. I’d rather do that, but I won’t do it uninvited/randomly because that’s putting pressure on someone who didn’t ask for it. If a lot of people do the same as me and don’t mention it, then that could be a big factor because people can well end up waiting for each other to approach without realising it. It might also be something to do with you having multiple blogs (particularly Reno) and that altering your perception. The reason I say that is because I had the exact same thing myself, I had a male muse in a fandom and everyone loved him - mostly everyone wanted to lowkey do him tbh - and I had a female one who got comparatively zero attention because she wasn’t as accessible to such a wide audience. Ellone in particular is a complex character and it’s a sad fact that people tumblr-wide aren’t always into the idea of paying attention to something before they interact with it. Reno is much more easy to interact with in a casual way, since he’s had more exposure in source material and is widely regarded as being a fun, not-serious character (though I acknowledge he very likely IS, and I know from experience that you will have put a lot of thought into him - I love Reno and anything that gives him some substance). He attracts people from further afield, people who might have only seen Advent Children or only know him through fan works. Ellone doesn’t have a movie or much fanfic, and she’s not really subject of the most popular speculation (lbr - by that I mean “who she’s sleeping with”), so she doesn’t have that far a reach. Your Ellone is so valuable to the whole community, you have a hell of a lot to share in your headcanons and your ideas. I haven’t seen you use Julia too much yet, but I’m sure she’ll be that way too. I think you should pick one of those ideas, pick someone who seems like they could pull it off and tell them about it, because I’m so sure 90% if not 100% of us would thread them with you. That’s all I do tbh!! I’m always prepared for someone to say no, but mostly they’re happy to have been approached with an idea to use as a starting point. PLEASE DON’T DROP THEM. You’re not cluttering up anything. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s sad to see you inactive on her whenever you are, tbh. I don’t think you realise how essential she is. I know it’s a small, slow fandom, but anything you post raises the overall standard for the sheer fact you did it, and it had your characteristic level of consideration put in. Course, I’m probably biased, cos I think I can tell when people work more behind the scenes than out front on their muse and the related background and I appreciate that, always have.
@misplacedxheroics .... I'm hoping this is permitted that I comment, as it was my blog where you read this post. I'm only addressing what I've experienced in the community, not trying to speak for everyone here. In my personal experience with VIII, more often than not, I see a lot of the insular behavior mentioned. Several blogs that start up are made to feel so unwelcomed that they leave or close up shop. Then there are the pass/agg anons, the ones who attack strong female characters (OC or otherwise) and 'correct' headcanons for canon characters. Whoever the person is, I have to believe it's just one single person. But anons have begun to reach out and outright tell people who they can or can't write with, which is baffling. And lastly, I'm guilty of this, and I'll own it -- We also become so comfortable and so familiar with who we write with we don't try out other players. There's also the overlap of muns playing with 'private' blogs. To me, the word 'private' tells me I don't have access to them. So what's the bother in following or engaging if everyone who writes muses that are in the fandom closed off to the rest of us? I can't say how the fandom should be run, I know I'm the least liked person in this fandom but this is my experience. A very polarizing, cold and unwelcoming experience.  We need to communicate more among one another, set clear boundaries and maintain community and unity, imo.
I think private is just a word people slap on a blog to make it look legit these days, or as a get-out clause if they find themselves followed by some kind of My Immortal Eldritch horror. Least, that’s what I’ve seen in my travels. Private blogs seem to favour their existing friends, but be open to others who will bring them ideas. I had one blog I called private and that’s because I kept getting people saying “wanna rp?” and I’d be like “yeah okay” and they’d literally say “alright you come up with an idea then”. ? / / //???? Also... I’m trying to word this in the least mean-sounding way possible because I’m not one to shit on anyone’s parade, but if I’m really honest with you, I had to unfollow you on an older blog because you were posting vagues about people so often. I don’t mind when people vent, but it got to the point where it was almost every day someone was on blast and I felt like I’d walked in on a family argument. You can do what you want with your blog, it’s on me to unfollow if I don’t like it, so I did. But. Any oversensitive person seeing it probably assumed you meant them and that might have something to do with you finding it difficult to connect with people. You follow that up by slating the entire fandom when it’s not exactly a fandom problem, which makes people less likely to approach you as you’ve already indirectly blasted them. I’ve had people tell me more than once that you’ve posted something about me without naming me; notably when you made a point of reblogging that one anti-Xu post from an inactive account after saying you hate people who disagree with you “on purpose”. I had just posted a silly Xu support one liner that got a few reblogs. I don’t really have a fig to give whether it was about me or not, but it’s a good example of how a vaguepost causes negative ripples. If one person assumed that was about me, another ten probably guessed it was someone else. I was welcomed to the fandom with a couple of how-do-you-dos and an anon telling me to stay away from you or you’d bully me into deleting. That was the first of several. Then you got that anon telling you to stop sending me hate when you hadn’t (what basis did that have?), and one of your friends for some reason assumed I was the one who had sent it and demanded that “anon” show IP proof, which gives the impression that they’d been led to believe it was me for some reason. I know you said you didn’t understand the logic behind me saying that, but we’re both running Statcounter, you know as well as I do how it works and what the implications are of saying that. It’s also how I know the anons I’ve had that I’ve mentioned are not all one person. Maybe it really was a totally out-of-nowhere thing that person said, but when you combine it with the vagues and the assertions that there’s a split in the fandom that no one else (so far) has detected, it causes bigger problems than it would on its own. I’m not trying to put you on blast, this ain’t a callout post and I haven’t taken any of it to heart - it’s no big deal to me - I’m just trying to offer an outsiders’ perspective because I read this as you being honestly oblivious to it, and if I didn’t I’d either have to ignore your comment or lie to you, neither of which I think you’d appreciate - and I assume since you made the effort to drop in despite not following me that you would want a response.
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diveronarpg · 6 years
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Congratulations, HARRY! You’ve been accepted for the role of HAMLET. Admin Jen: Ah, Harry, you can’t imagine the sheer thrill I felt while reading your application. In general, we were very excited to see Hassan but more than anything, we were excited to see a genuine understanding of him as he is such a nuanced character. And you gave us everything we were looking for and more! I could really feel your passion for Hamlet as I read and that was the main factor that amplified your portrayal and made Hassan’s voice shine. I could sense the connection you’ve felt towards him - especially in the interview which made it such a delightful sight to behold. Your analysis of his mannerisms was brilliant and I was so in love with the way you portrayed the eloquence in his speech and the way he vocalized his thoughts. I’m so enamored by your take on him! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Out of Character Alias | Harry Age | 18 Preferred Pronouns | They/them Activity Level | I’m a full-time college student with a job and am involved with student government. However i love Shakespeare more than anything so I’ll be on literally whenever possible. Timezone | MST Current/Past RP Accounts | pucky-goodfellow.tumblr.com (the group has recently closed so my activity there has stalled however I still adore the character and the way I wrote him. It’s a lot more dialogue heavy than I imagine my writing for this being as well) In Character Character | Hamlet What drew you to this character? | Hamlet is a character that has always been torn in more directions than any man could survive and it’s this aspect that was really emphasized in the skeleton that brought me in. I feel like this particular version of Hamlet is a fusion between Prince Hal from Henry IV and the Hamlet Shakespeare originally penned. Instead of focusing on the events that occur in the source material, the skeleton takes those same things that drove the play to happen and builds upon them. What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
Blood and Loyalty: The same pleading in Hassan’s heart that begs him to avenge his father also begs him to not abandon the mob. A requested hit sends Hassan into an emotional tailspin where the two desires of his heart collide in spectacular fashion, threatening to burn the young heir into a shadow of himself.
What to do? What to Say?: Not all problems can be solved with a clandestine knife to the ribs, no matter how much Hassan wishes. An impossible choice is presented to him, where innocence could die no matter which choice he makes. The bottles are piling high and he’s no closer to a solution. What on Earth should he do?
The Weight of the Past: It wasn’t easy for Hassan to get where he is now. He blazed his own path, using only his father’s name, the bottle, and an will stronger than iron to send him into such a powerful position. But getting here wasn’t easy, and the past has come to enact its toll. The deeds Hassan has tried so hard to bury have returned, and this time, threaten to drag him down with them.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Yeah, I’m completely ok with that. It could be very interesting! In Depth TWs for torture, death, violence, and alcoholism. In-Character Interview: What is your favorite place in Verona?
Hassan was in a chair no more regal than any other, but he sat in it like it was a throne. “I seem to think you believe this to be a difficult question,” Hassan pondered as he fixed the small interviewer with a calculating look. “And I don’t know why.”
He let the silence hang from the heavy tapestries like a bad omen, before he cracked that infamous smile known for putting allies and victims at ease all at once. “The family I serve has an excellent library,” he lightly joked. “And sometimes the tangled mess of my mind needs to quietly work itself out without outside interference.”
Hassan left his statement at that, choosing to allow his words to create the image of a man in quiet contemplation surrounded by the knowledge of others. He hadn’t lied, per say, but he did omit that his most frequent companion in that library was a bottle. What does your typical day look like?
He laughed. The sound was completely devoid of mirth and was only a laugh by the barest of definitions. “You do know what I do, what I control?” He laughed again. It was as cold as the last one. “There is no such thing as a typical day for a captain of the Montague family. Yes, I wake up and eat twice a day. But the time that fills those few constants is as variable as is possible in this world.”
“Why, before I came here, I tortured a man for information on a plot I think he might be planning. I haven’t the concrete proof yet, but I know it’s there, somewhere.” Hassan leaned forward, bearing down on the person across from him like an angel of death waiting to whisk away some unlucky soul.
“Yesterday, however?” He questioned without pausing for an answer. “Yesterday I was in meetings from dawn until dusk, hearing about more problems than I can possibly ever address. I wasn’t even allowed a bottle to help paint the problems into clarity. I was pointed to an impossible mess of problems and told to fix them.”
He shook his head. “And how can I fix them? I cannot look at them with clear eyes when possibilities tie themselves into knots in front of me.” Anxious fingers whirled around the man’s head as he tried to convey the chaos held inside.
“And so it is each and every day,” Hassan says. “I cannot escape the tasks given and I cannot fix the problems that arise with those tasks.” He tried to smile, though it was a desperate thing. “How can I have a typical day when each dawn is lost among the problems that arise from it?” What has been your biggest mistake thus far?
Hassan stiffened and stared at the interviewer with a cold gaze. “I fail to see why this is relevant information to you and whatever publication you represent.” His fingers itched for the knife hidden in his boot and Hassan was forced to tighten his hands on the armrest to avoid planting it into the person across from him.
He took a deep breath. And then he took another just so his body stopped itching with the desire to spill blood. There is a time and a place for every action, Hassan reminded himself. This is neither the time nor the place.
“I will tell you,” Hassan slowly says to the person across from him. “But this is on a strictly confidential basis. If you spread this, you will regret it.” He cracked his neck, the sound sharp in the heavy air of the room. And then he opened his mouth and began.
“I was sixteen when this happened. I had been successful enough that my father thought I could be trusted to conduct a full investigation into a series of protests that had disrupted trade.” Hassan snorted, the sound shocking in its unusuality. “The Itani family has an odd training program, I won’t deny that.”
The sudden flood of mirth fades as quickly as quickly as it comes. “I won’t give you the gory details. Not for my own sake, but for the person I got killed. I was wrong, you see, and a girl close enough to be like a sister to me paid the price. I visit her grave as often as I can, and I tell her what’s happening around Verona. It can help lay things into an order I wasn’t able to see by myself.” A small smile briefly flew across Hassan’s face. It was heartbreaking in its intensity and pulled at the heartstrings of whomever saw it before it was quickly crushed under the heel of steel control. “The dead are also the best secret-keepers we have. It would be a waste to not utilize that skill.” What has been the most difficult task asked of you?
Hassan looked blankly ahead, fixing the wall with a heavy gaze. Despite his silence, his mind spun, trying to create an answer that could both tell the truth and keep his secrets tucked away in their dark closet. The answer was there, heavy on the tip of his tongue, but he didn’t know if he wanted this stranger, this invader, to look into his carefully-ordered life and pick it apart as was no doubt inevitable.
“You know this answer. It’s unavoidable for someone in your position, but perhaps I shall tell you the story anyways. It is no doubt better than letting you listen to the rumors that fly low and heavy across this city.” He fixed the person across from him with a glare. “If you tell anyone of this, just as if you tell anyone of the previous question, I shall know. And I can only promise that you will be very sorry.”
He sighed, intensity lost as soon as it came. He was slumped in his chair and tried to ignore his fingers and heart that itched for a bottle.
“I was always destined for the throne I hold, and though it causes me pain each time I sit upon it, I cannot help but find comfort in it. But there are no true kings, not anymore, so I could not simply expect my father to hand me this position. This is why when I was asked to kill a boy, I couldn’t say no.”
“I was thirteen when my father called me into the office and told me it was time to prove I was an Itani. There was a boy who was spreading lies about the Montague family. Usually, my father would have let this slide. But this boy was smart, and he knew exactly how to use words to paint the exact picture he wanted. And worse, he was gaining traction.”
“He said he hoped I’d be able to take care of the problem before he was forced to bring it to Lord Montague’s attention. He handed me a picture, a name, and a knife, and told me to take care of it.”
“I found the boy’s family before I found him. I claimed I was an admirer of his work and they joyfully pointed me to where he conducted his work. I entered that broken-down building, unfit though it was for rat and beast. The boy looked up at me with green eyes alight in passion. Those same green eyes quickly faded and I lunged forward and buried my knife into his throat.”
“He couldn’t say much, not as he bled out on that filthy floor. But I held him as he passed, and I couldn’t help the gentle song that poured from my lips.”
Hassan shuddered, rubbing his arms as if he can stave off the scent of blood that still haunted his nose. He composed himself after a brief moment, spine so straight it seemed likely to snap.
“It wasn’t until afterwards that I learned the boy was a month older than I was at the time. His name was Ali and he carried a locket with the photo of his younger sister inside.” A wry smile twisted Hassan’s handsome face. “I send her money each month, posing as Ali. I don’t think she’s figured it out yet. As far as she knows, he moved to a different city to pursue a lucrative career as an author.” The smile shifted into something tragic as Hassan continued.
“I still have the locket, you know. I couldn’t give it back to the family without incriminating myself. So it’s currently tucked away in an old trunk that hasn’t been opened in years. Maybe one day I’ll be able to decide what to do with it.” What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?
Hassan rolled his eyes. It was the first display of the man under the shell of the captain that the interviewer saw. It was a shame that the interview was so near its end. “I am hardly surprised, though the fact that it has come to this causes me no small amount of pain.”
He leaned forward, fingers steepled and legs crossed as he tried to convey his beliefs without spilling any secrets. “I cannot tell you why it doesn’t surprise me, but even a citizen such as yourself must know that the tensions that have frayed the bonds of friendship and loyalty had to eventually reach a boiling point.” A brief flicker of sorrow sneaked across Hassan’s brow. “I am truly sorry it was Alvise that served as the catalyst for the fire we now find ourselves in. But we cannot allow the past to cloud our vision, as difficult as that may be. We must simply survive.” Extras:
It’s not my playlist, but the Spotify playlist Hamlet; The Fresh Prince of Denmarkdid not stop playing through the entire writing process of this app.
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