#you want something low maintenance you can plant in the side yard and leave alone forever? but of course
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doom-dreaming ¡ 11 months ago
mom: "hey maybe you can help me plan out some yard improvements-" me, already making a native plants spreadsheet: say no more
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tails89 ¡ 4 years ago
Are you still taking prompts? I was thinking about a 5+1 Buddie or a domestic. Thank you so much 🏵️
Thanks for the ask! I went with domestic for this one 😄
Send me a bingo prompt
You can also read this on AO3
“Hey kiddo.” Eddie holds the door open while Chris climbs up into the car. “How was school?”
“It was good.” Chris settles in his seat and waits for his dad to climb in behind the steering wheel. “We all got seeds in science. We planted them to see how they grow. I can’t wait to see what my plants are.”
He goes quiet, and when Eddie glances up at the rear-view mirror he can see Chris's reflection, staring out the window, deep in thought.
“Hey, dad?”
“Yeah buddy?”
“Do you think we could have a garden at home?”
Eddie pulls a face remembering the plant Pepa had given him as a house warming gift when they first moved to LA. She’d called it low-maintenance, insisting that even Eddie couldn’t kill it but by the time he’d finished unpacking the plant had been black and crumbling.
“I don’t have much of a green thumb,” he admits.
“Oh, yeah.” Chris frowns. “You kill everything.”
“Hey, not everything!”
Chris gives a little sigh and goes back to staring out his window.
“Oh.” He brightens, straightening in his seat. “Maybe Buck can help us.”
“You’ll have to ask him,” Eddie says. Knowing Buck, the answer will be a resounding yes. It seems he’ll take any excuse to come over and hang out with Chris, which works for Eddie because he’ll use any excuse to invite Buck over.
It’s almost embarrassing, to be crushing on someone this hard. Eddie’s an adult, not some lovesick teenager. He shouldn’t be getting butterflies at the thought of seeing Buck.
“Can we ring him when we get home?” Chris asks.
“Buck’s working kiddo, but I’ll send him a text and see if he’s free on the weekend.”
Buck is so completely in, because of course he is and Eddie falls just a little bit more in love with him.
Eddie is woken early on Saturday morning by the sounds of movement in the house and the loud beep of the coffee maker. He pads out to the kitchen to find Buck, pulling things from cupboards to make breakfast.
“I gave you a key for emergencies, Buck.”
“Your cooking is an emergency,” Buck calls back to him moving to the fridge and peering inside. “You have eggs, right?” His head disappears behind the door. “Found ‘em.”
Eddie leans against the doorframe and watches Buck move around the kitchen with ease. He doesn’t need to ask where everything is kept having spent enough time in there already.
He stands with his back to the doorway, cracking eggs into a bowl. Eddie wants to go to him, to wrap his arms around his waist and hook his chin over Buck’s shoulder.
He shakes off the mental image and steps into the room.
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like?” Buck turns to look at him, rolling his eyes and fixing Eddie with a fond smile.  “I’m making breakfast.”
Eddie has nothing to say to that. He’s certainly not going to try and argue when the alternative to Buck making breakfast is whatever cereal he can find in the cupboard.
He makes a vague ‘go ahead’ motion with his hand and sets about making coffee for them both, sliding one mug along the counter towards Buck before taking a seat at the table.
“Buck!” Chris appears in the doorway, one hand on the wall for balance. “What are you doing here?” He rushes up to Buck, wrapping his arms around the firefighter.
Eddie hides a snort behind his coffee mug at Buck’s over the top pout. “Don’t tell me you’ve already forgotten.”
“Oh, the garden!” Chris’s face lights up in joy. “You’re still going to help right?”
“Of course I am,” Buck reassures him. “Our garden is going to be amazing. You just need to promise not to let your dad touch it.”
“Because it will die?”
Buck nods sagely. “Because it will die.”
“Hey.” Eddie reaches with his foot to poke Buck in the leg. “What is this? Roast Eddie day?”
“Are you going to deny it?” Buck asks, whipping back around to face Eddie. There’s an easy grin on his face and he’s laughing as he shoos Chris away from the stove top. It makes Eddie feel giddy with affection and he has to look away before he’s caught staring at Buck’s lips.
After breakfast Buck takes Chris outside. They stand side-by-side on the barren back lawn to check out what they’re working with.
Eddie watches shamelessly from the kitchen while he washes up. There’s something about the easy way Buck interacts with Chris that makes his heart pound in his chest. With the window open he can hear them both talking as they make their plans.
“What are you thinking, boss?” Buck has his phone out, tapping away as Chris makes suggestions.
“We should have a vegetable garden next to the house,” Chris says, pointing.
“Vegetable garden?” Buck teases. “Since when do you eat your vegetables?”
“I like some vegetables,” Chris argues.
“Yeah, like what?”
“That’s one.”
“And tomatoes.”
“Okay.” Buck taps his phone against his leg, brow knit in thought. “Oh, what about strawberries?”
Chris nods. “I like those.”
“It’s a start,” Buck tells him, writing it down. He glances up, meeting Eddie’s gaze through the window. “You want to come to the hardware store with us?”
“What for?” Eddie asks, opening the window fully.
“Well, do you own a shovel?” Buck asks. “And we’ll need a hose or watering can, soil--"
“There’s plenty of dirt out there,” Eddie says, waving his arm vaguely.
Buck laughs. “And that right there is why Chris is in charge of the garden,” he says. He ducks down to whisper something to Chris. Eddie doesn’t hear it but, judging from the smothered giggles, that’s probably for the best.
“Sure, I’ll come,” Eddie tells them, thinking at least if he goes with them, they can’t tease him behind his back.
They tease him to his face, loudly and with no remorse.
Eddie doesn’t mind. Their excitement is infectious and he can’t help getting swept up in it.
They leave the store with more tools than Eddie knows what to do with. He wouldn’t even know the names of half the things that end up in their cart, let alone what they’re used for. Still, Chris and Buck seem happy with their purchases and that’s enough for Eddie.
He leaves them to it once they get back to the house. It’s been made very clear that his help is not needed and Eddie has enough to do inside.
The life of a single parent means there are always chores to do around the house, but then Eddie will hear a laugh—Chris or Buck—and his attention will be pulled back out to the yard.
Eddie holds out for another hour before giving up the pretence of being busy inside. The day is warming up, so he stops by the kitchen to grab Chris's water bottle and fills another for Buck before heading out.
“How’s everything going out here?” He hands Chris his water and tosses the other bottle to Buck. “No ones chopped off any important body parts?”
“We’re making good progress, right Chris?” Buck takes a long drink. He caps the water bottle, dropping it in the grass. “Hopefully we’re done before it gets too hot.”
In one quick movement, Buck pulls his shirt up over his head, using it to wipe the sweat from his face before letting it drop to the ground.
Eddie should look away, should look anywhere other than at Buck. But with that one simple action Eddie has lost all capacity for rational thought.  
“Uh...” He manages to tear his gaze away, but doesn’t miss the knowing smirk that tugs on Buck’s lips. He files that observation away to overthink about later. “You’re not overworking Buck are you?” He asks Chris, latching onto his son for a distraction.
“No.” Chris digs holes in the fresh dark soil. “Buck dug up the grass but I helped spread out the dirt and he said I could decide where the plants go.”
“Oh, so Buck is overworking you then?”
Chris grins and continues digging.
“I guess I’ll leave you both to it then,” Eddie tells them, but he doesn’t head back inside. It’s a nice day, and even if they don’t want his help Eddie is content to sit on the sideline and watch while Chris carefully decides where to put each plant they bought.
They spend most of the day outside, pausing only to eat lunch.
When they’re done, Eddie sends Chris to have a bath and then offers Buck the use of the shower. While the water is running, Eddie looks through his closet for a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that will fit Buck, leaving them outside the bathroom.
Once everyone is clean, Eddie orders pizza. It’s not quite dinner time, but he can see Chris probably isn’t going to last much longer.
He’s guesses correctly. Chris crashes out on the couch halfway through the movie he picked to watch while eating. There’s still a slice of pizza on his plate.
“I think you broke him,” Eddie teases. He pokes Chris gently on the arm but his kid doesn’t even stir. “You completely wore him out.”
“More like he wore me out.” Buck blinks sleepily across at Eddie. “This gardening business is hard work.”
“You can crash here if you want,” Eddie offers. “You can drive home in the morning when you’re not so tired.”
“Mm, thanks,” Buck mumbles around a yawn.
Standing, Eddie scoops Chris up into his arms. The boy is all limbs and he realises with a start that soon his kid is going to be too big for this.
“Give me a minute to put Chris to bed, and I’ll grab you a blanket from my room.”
Buck doesn’t say anything. His eyes are closed, his head tipped forward, chin propped on his hand.
Eddie quickly tucks Chris into bed then goes to his room, rifling around for the blanket Buck usually borrows when he stays the night.
Buck hasn’t moved from his spot when Eddie returns to the living room. He lingers in the doorway, his eyes drawn to Buck’s sleep rumpled hair then down to the sliver of skin revealed where his shirt is riding up.
“I can feel you staring.”
Eddie flinches in surprise.
“Sorry,” he mutters, moving over to the couch to hand Buck the blanket.
“’s okay.” A sleepy smile pulls at Buck’s lips. “You do it a lot.”
That stops Eddie in his tracks.
“You, uh, noticed that, did you?”
The smile pulls wider. “I always notice you Eddie.”
Eddie’s mouth goes dry. “You do?”
Buck opens his eyes, his gaze fixing on Eddie’s with an intensity that steals Eddies breath.
Eddie licks his lips, trying to draw some moisture back into his mouth. His heart pounds at the idea of what he’s about to say.
“You know, my bed is much more comfortable than the couch.” He offers Buck his hand to pull him to his feet. “Just sleep,” he adds quickly. “But maybe in the morning we could talk about... more...”
Buck nods slowly, more awake now. “I’d like that,” he says. “More. If that’s what you want?” He accepts Eddie’s hand, rising from the couch.
“I want everything with you.”
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raptorginger ¡ 6 years ago
Samhain: Chapter 3 - Ostara
for @reysexualkylo
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2
It had been several weeks since The Incident, as Rey thought of it.  
She had woken up back on the couch, wrapped in her favorite blanket, totally alone save for Dusty.  The cat had taken up position on the back of the couch and was staring unblinking at a spot on the floor behind her.  Rey had sat up and rubbed her face.
“What a fucked up dream,” she groaned to herself.  Dusty hardly moved a hair, which was strange.  A low rumble was coming from him, and Rey stilled.  
“It was a dream...right?” she asked Dusty.
The cat continued to growl.
Rey got up and walked around her couch to the spot Dusty was staring at.  Where the monster had been standing in her dream  There was a faint scorch mark and a bit of ash on the wood floor.  Rey paled.  No, it couldn’t be.  Maybe it had come from an ember from the fire she’d had a while back.  That she forgot to clean up and didn’t notice until now.  Riiight.
And then there’d been that guy.  His voice had been so familiar.  He knew her name.  Tried to throw himself in front of her.  That one still floored Rey.  Her own parents hadn’t loved her enough to stick around, but some guy had thrown himself in front of some clawed monster for her.  Well, it HAD been a dream.  Rey quickly scanned her living room and listened for sounds that shouldn’t be.  Nothing.  She was alone.  Last time a voice had told her she wasn’t alone.  Had that been his voice?  The man in black?
“If that was you, you’re more approachable in sweats,” Rey muttered to herself.  More attractive too.  He’d been tall and broad, with pale skin and a mop of unkempt black hair.  Rey gave herself a shake and went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea like she always did when she was out of sorts.
She spent the next several days constantly looking over her shoulder.  She was distracted at work, every clang in the shop making her jump.  She dropped her wrenches more times than she could count.  Her boss, Poe Dameron, went so far as to pull her into his office to ask if she was alright.
With a concerned tilt of his swarthy head, he asked, “Did something happen, Rey?  You’re pretty jumpy these days.”
Rey put on her brightest smile and replied, “Oh no, Boss!  Just a bit distracted is all.”
Poe leaned back in his chair and regarded her with a skeptical expression.  Rey fidgeted under his scrutiny and winced when she felt a strange pressure behind her eyes.  She rubbed them and tried to push the feeling out.  Poe flinched and sat back up.  
“Right,” he muttered, like he knew she wasn’t telling the truth.  “Well, try to stay focused, Rey.  I can have Finn help you out if you want.  We don’t need a Land Rover falling on you,” he said in a more jovial tone.
Rey laughed at the weak joke, and she liked Finn well enough, but she didn’t need the help, bristling slightly at the suggestion.  “No need, Boss.  I’m fine.”
The idea that Poe thought the quality of her work was slipping jolted Rey back to the present, and she resolved to put this whole dream business behind her.  She was a damn good mechanic, and the thought of disappointing a customer was practically offensive to her.  She noticed Finn hovering a bit more than was called for in the ensuing days, but she tried not to take it personally.  She knew Poe was just trying to watch the shop’s back.  They worked on a lot of high end vehicles, and high end vehicles came with high maintenance clients.  They didn’t need a lawsuit or a bad review.
Things went back to normal shortly after that.  The first hints of spring began to creep through the snow and chill of winter, which made a lot of people happy.  Except Rey.  Slush and mud is what it meant to her.  Although, the sun did shine warmer, which she enjoyed.  Too bad the snow it shined on looked filthy and disgusting.
Rey gently lowered the hood of the Porsche she was tuning up, wiping her greasy hands on the rag she kept in her belt.  She jotted a couple more things on the receipt before she handed it to Poe to give the customer.  
“Tell Mr. Biggs that just because his car can go from 0-160 in 2.5 seconds doesn’t mean it should,” Rey muttered.
“Will do,” Poe chuckled.  “How’s it going these days Rey?  Any more strange dreams?”
“No, not since…” Rey looked up suddenly.  She hadn’t told Poe about the weird dream.  Had she?  She was sure she hadn’t told anyone.  Poe and Finn were probably her closest friends, and she was sure she hadn’t mentioned it to either of them.  It was too weird.  Besides, Poe would have gotten all psychoanalytical saying how it meant she needed to get laid, and Finn would have said it meant she needed to “confront her past” or some shit.  
Poe was looking at her with a curious expression on his face.  Like he knew something she didn’t.  She’d seen that look before.  On Luke’s face last time she’d seen him.  Rey cocked her head to the side and wiped her hands with her rag some more.  “Do you know a Luke Skywalker?” she asked.
Poe made a “beats me” expression and shrugged.  “Name sounds kinda familiar.  Customer maybe.  Why?”
Rey shrugged back.  He was lying.  She knew it.  “No reason,” she replied as she went to the locker room to scrub out and change.  Unzipping her blue-grey jumpsuit and kicking off her work boots, she tugged on her jeans and laced up her Converse.  Her arms were covered in motor oil and grease, so she grabbed her tin of strong soap and went to the bathroom.  She scrubbed and scrubbed until her hands and arms were raw and red, but clean.  She washed her face next before heading back to her locker to put on her t-shirt.  She rubbed a bit of Eucerin mixed with Lollia hand cream over her arms and hands before she slipped on her black Patagonia sweater and headed home.  She was grateful for the thick rubber soles of her shoes as she headed through the slush and muck of the municipal parking lot to her car.
She frowned at some guy who was leering at her a few feet from her car in the lot.  He was smoking a cigarette, his motions turning blatantly suggestive and his eyes looking her up and down.  Rey imagined how funny it would be if his lighter caught fire in his pocket right next to his crotch.  The man suddenly yelped as his pocket starting burning, smoke curling from his hip.  Rey figured an ember from the cigarette must have burned through the plastic to the butane.
“Serves you right, prick,” she grumbled as she turned the key in the ignition and sped off, watching the man hop and flap his arms in her rearview mirror.
Pulling into her garage, Rey didn’t see anything amiss, but she felt a prickling sensation at the back of her neck.  Getting out of her car, she closed the door as quietly as she could and grabbed a crowbar off of the nearby shelf.  Holding it in front of her, she quietly open the door and tiptoed into the mudroom, shutting it softly behind her.  She heard nothing, not even Dusty.  She relaxed a little.  If Dusty wasn’t hissing or growling, things should be alright.  Unless…  Rey paled at the thought.  Holding the crowbar in both hands, she crept into her kitchen.  Nothing out of place.  No weird smells.
“Dusty!” she hissed.  “Dusty!”
Rey breathed a sigh of relief when she heard a delicate meow followed by a soft thump.  She set her crowbar down on the counter and pulled off her shoes, tossing them near the washer behind her as Dusty sauntered into view, tail held proudly.  Dusty stretched luxuriously before jumping up onto the kitchen island and nuzzling Rey’s arm.  She gave the cat a gentle scratch behind the ears, making him purr.  She poured some food into his bowl and sprinkled a few treats on top, earning her several excited yowls.  She watched Dusty gobble up his food for a minute before she headed towards her bedroom.  She stripped her clothes off unceremoniously, leaving them in a pile near her hamper, before she walked the few remaining paces to her adjoining bathroom. Turning the knob all the way towards the ‘H,’ Rey finished undressing, hanging her bra on the door handle and tossing her underwear back into the bedroom.  She watched the water rush out of the faucet for a moment, enjoying the swirling of the steam around the stream of water before she tugged the shower pull.  She wished she had some essential oils or something handy.  Rey closed her eyes and imagined the scents of lavender and sandalwood wafting around her, soothing her frazzled nerves.  When she opened them, she swore the scents were there, teasing her nose.  She got in the shower without a second thought, attributing it to her overactive imagination.  As she rinsed out her conditioner, Rey thought she saw the shadow of a man out of the corner of her eye.  Peeking out of the shower curtain, she only saw her blinking owlish eyes staring back at her in the foggy mirror.  She shook her head and finished her shower, determined to put these strange feelings aside for the rest of the evening.
After heating a bit of her leftover Pad Thai, Rey planted herself on her couch and switched on Ol’ Reliable, aka Netflix.  She navigated to her favorite John Mulaney special and focused on eating her leftovers without making a mess.  It didn’t take long for Dusty to curl up next to her hip, trying to force her off the small couch so he could lounge.  Eventually, Rey did end up on the floor somehow, her empty bowl on the coffee table.  The special over, she flipped to another standby of hers, Daredevil.  She was hardly five minutes into the first episode before she was on her side and her head was nestled against a pillow she’d thrown on the floor.  Her eyes drifted closed, and she was out.
When Rey opened her eyes, she was standing outside a rusted iron gate.  Dead leaves and snow swirled in the yard before her, a flagstone path leading up to a dark and foreboding old home.  Compelled by some force she couldn’t comprehend, Rey pushed the latch down on the gate, the door swinging open with a groan of protest, and stepped into the yard.  Walking slowly up the path, she sensed no danger in front of her, only a feeling of…  What was that feeling?  Rey turned the warm feeling over and over in her mind, as if it was some kind of stone or object she could examine.  It was foreign, strange, but intoxicating.  It felt like...she belonged here.  That’s what was in front of her, belonging.  Rey wrapped her arms around her slim body, trying to hold the feeling close.
Walking up the creaking porch steps, Rey paused at the massive front door.  It was maybe one and a half times the size of a normal door.  Dark stained wood, long ago scarred by weather or...something.  Heavy.  A massive pane of stained glass depicting a five pointed star within a circle took up almost half of the door.  Rey pushed the handle down, and the door swung open easily for her.  A dark foyer stood before her, and Rey stepped inside cautiously.  A dim sconce was on her right.  Peeking past the open archway, Rey saw a tidy, if old, living room, the fireplace dark.  Rey could barely make out bookshelves lining the walls.  Just past the archway was a set of stairs, a dark hallway beside them leading towards the back of the house.  Rey saw a large leather book on the coffee table, but didn’t enter the room to investigate.  The belonging feeling wasn’t in here.
Rey walked up the stairs timidly, trying not to make a sound.  On the landing, Rey peeked in the door on her right.  Study.  There was a hallway on her left.  Walking to the end of the hallway, Rey pushed open the half closed door that blocked her way.  Rey gasped softly.  A fire was dying in the small hearth.  An armchair sat beside the fireplace, a lamp beside it.  In the middle of the room stood a massive four poster bed, occupied by a huge black dog and a very familiar looking sleeping man.  The dog was watching her, a curious expression on its face.  Rey walked into the room cautiously, the old wooden floor silent beneath her feet.  Reaching the edge of the bed, she held her fingers out to the dog, who gave them a friendly snuffle.  The dog rested his head on his massive paws after giving Rey a sniff, and Rey figured that meant it was okay to approach the sleeping man.
Rey looked down at the sleeping man.  He was lying on his side, his pale face pinched and pained.  He was having a dream, and not a very pleasant one, if Rey had to guess.  His hair was a dark mess against the white of the pillowcase, and Rey reached out to smooth some of the strands back from his damp forehead.  Rey flinched and retracted her fingers when the man let out a whimpering sound, clutching his blankets tighter to his chest.  
“Please don’t,” he was begging some invisible assailant.  “Don’t hurt her.  Please.”
The dog lying at the foot of the bed let out a mournful whine and looked at Rey with beseeching eyes.
“Who?  Don’t hurt who?” Rey whispered, reaching out again.  She was pretty sure she knew the answer already.  She felt it deep in the marrow of her bones, perhaps etched there since time immemorial.  
“Don’t hurt Rey.  Take me instead,” he whimpered.
Rey sat on the edge of the bed and smoothed his hair back, resting her other hand gently on his shoulder.  “Shh.  I’m here.  No one’s hurting me.”  Rey paused and probed the depths of her mind, searching for something.  Finding a thread she didn’t realize was there, she touched it with her mind.  She felt rather than heard the name ‘Ben’ echo across her mind.
“I’m here, Ben,” she whispered as she smoothed his hair again.  Saying his name felt right.  “Ben,” she whispered again, enjoying the sound, the feel of it on her tongue.
Ben’s eyes shot open, and before Rey knew it, he’d seized her and had her pinned beneath him.  His eyes were wide, his pupils dilated in fear.  His chest was heaving.  Rey was shocked at the number of scars that ran across the pale skin of his torso.  He was holding her by the wrists, and she flexed her hands experimentally.  Ben loosened his grasp but did not let her up.
“Are you really here?” he asked in a raspy voice.  It sounded as if he’d been screaming.  Rey’s heart gave a lurch at the thought of him in pain.
Rey licked her lip.  She noticed his gaze flick to the tiny movement.  Was she?  “I don’t know,” she murmured honestly.
Ben hummed with exhaustion and flopped beside her on the bed, pulling her to him and holding tight.  Rey tucked the blankets around them both and let herself drift off with him breathing steadily behind her in the downy softness of his bed.
She woke again with a start, disappointed to find herself back on her cold hard floor, her stomach clenching unpleasantly.  Looking at her phone, she saw that it was well past two in the morning.  She groaned and rose stiffly, joints cracking, and shambled to her bed.  
She was snuggled deep in her covers when she sighed and closed her eyes, Dusty making himself comfortable at her feet, letting out an indignant meow at something.  Rey’s eyes shot open again when she felt strong arms wrap around her and pull her close to a warm, familiar chest.  One curled hand made its home near her heart, and she knew he could feel its frantic beat.
“I’m not going anywhere, Rey.  My Little Bird,” Ben murmured into her hair as his hand spread over her heart, feeling its beat.  “I’m Ben, by the way.”
“I know,” Rey replied quietly, closing her eyes with a smile.
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livingcorner ¡ 4 years ago
Everything You Need to Know to Build the Perfect Backyard Pond
All About Ponds
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Photo by Jerry Pavia
There’s something about water in motion that soothes the soul. Watching light play off the ripples or listening to the splash of a fountain—these are universally calming pastimes. It’s no surprise, then, that one of the most popular landscaping projects for This Old House readers is installing a pond.
Happily, you don’t need deep pockets or lots of land to enjoy your own water feature. You can install a fully equipped, landscaped, fish-filled pond for around $500, provided that you do your own digging. Creating a lush habitat like the one at right requires rubbery liners, powerful pumps, effective filters, and, without question, a commitment to care for them. But when you’re finished, whether it’s tucked into a corner of the yard or next to a deck or patio, your pond will provide an endless source of fascination for family and visitors alike.
You're reading: Everything You Need to Know to Build the Perfect Backyard Pond
Pictured: Built close to the house, this pond creates a refreshing, relaxing backdrop just out the back door. The rock waterfall makes a pleasing sound as it oxygenates the water. Plants soften the stone edges and provide cover for fish.
Anatomy of a Pond
Illustration by Rodica Prato
A clean, healthy pond requires a few key elements to keep water contained, fresh, and filtered.
Water agitator
Keeps water oxygenated. Fountains, waterfalls, and bubblers are all agitators.
Cleans the water coming from the pump.
Prevents water from leaking into the ground.
Protects the liner from punctures and stretching during installation.
Circulates water through the filter and up to the waterfall or fountain.
Covered GFCI outlet
Feeds power to the pump. Trips automatically to prevent lethal shocks.
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Photo by Kolin Smith
What’s it cost?
Home-center kits start at $70 for a simple 9-square-foot, 84-gallon pond. A more typical 176-square-footer installed by a pro starts at $5,000, while more grandiose versions can easily exceed $50,000.
DIY or hire a pro?
Ponds longer than 6 feet on a side and deeper than 18 inches require so much digging and other heavy work that they are best left to pros. Smaller ponds are good DIY projects, but let pros handle the plumbing and electrical work.
How long do they last?
It all depends on the liner. The best ones have a 20-year warranty and 30- to 40-year life span.
How much maintenance?
The electricity to run a pump for a typical 176-square-foot pond costs about $260 a year. Filters need frequent cleaning. A pond-maintenance firm starts at about $1,000 a year.
Type: Natural
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Photo by Jerry Pavia
Meant to blend in like an integral part of the landscape, this kind of pond has free-form edges that don’t
follow a straight or predictable course, and incorporates stones and plants native to the area.
Type: Seminatural
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Photo by David Massengill/Cornerhouse Stock
Taking cues from the existing hardscape around a home, this most popular pond type has free-form edges set next to a brick, concrete, or stone patio. The plants can be native or not.
Type: Formal
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Photo by Tim Street-Porter
Defined by geometric shapes, this style of pond is often edged in expensive mortared stone or poured concrete. Perfect for a reflecting pool in a formal garden, it also makes a fine showcase for fish. Plantings are sparse or nonexistent.
Where to Put It?
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Photo by Kolin Smith
The location of a pond determines its health and your ability to enjoy it.
How much sun?
Ideally, ponds should receive sunlight in the morning and shade in the afternoon. This keeps the water cooler, discouraging algae blooms.
Read more: Timber Garden Edging [Ideas, Tips and Pictures] – Garden Tabs
What about overhanging trees?
A tree’s afternoon shade is welcome, but a pond directly under a tree’s branches will quickly clog with leaves, seeds, or needles unless given constant maintenance. If a nearby tree is young, factor in its mature spread before settling on the pond’s location.
How far from the house?
Ponds that are out of sight tend to get neglected. And if they’re farther than 20 feet from your patio, you likely won’t hear the gurgling of a waterfall or fountain.
What do the codes say?
Ask your local building department about how far a pond has to be set back from property lines.
Where are the utility lines? Dial 811 to have their location marked. This is a free service.
Materials: Liner
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Use these formulas to calculate how much material you’ll need (all dimensions in feet):
Liner length=pond length+(2 x depth)+2.
Liner width=pond width+(2 x depth) +2.
Multiply liner length by liner width to get total square footage.
Synthetic rubber
The best choice for most ponds, 45-mil-thick EPDM comes in sheets up to 50 by 200 feet. Durable, UV resistant, and flexible to -40 degrees F. Not to be confused with roofing EPDM, which has additives that kill fish.
About 67 cents per sq. ft.; GrayStone Creations
Liners made of polyethylene (PE) and reinforced polypropylene (RPP) are thinner, lighter, and less expensive than EPDM but stiffer and harder to work with. Sizes up to 40,000 sq. ft. Like EPDM, they carry a 20-year warranty. Avoid PVC liners; they have a short life span when exposed to sunlight.
20-mil PE, about 30 cents per sq. ft., and 36-mil RPP, about 45 cents per sq. ft.; Pond Liner
Equipment: Pump
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At minimum, the gallons per hour (GPH) rating should match the volume of your pond. A pump will need additional GPH to supply a waterfall or fountain, and enough “head” to push water to the top of that waterfall or fountain. Look for the unit with the lowest wattage; it will cost the least to run.
Direct drive
These heavy-duty units, which were the first pond pumps, are able to move lots of water. They also use the most power, and if their seals fail, they can spill oil.
GPH: 1,500–16,000.
Head: up to 52 feet.
Watts: 150–1,500.
Warranty: one to two years.
Cost: $200—$1,400. PondScapeOnline
Magnetic drive
Much cheaper to buy and operate than direct drives but without nearly as much oomph.
GPH: 65–3,000.
Head: up to 15 feet.
Watts: 25–350.
Warranty: six months to three years.
Cost: $45—$300. Danner Manufacturing, Inc.
Hybrid drive
Combines the power of a direct drive with the energy efficiency of a magnetic drive. Won’t spill oil.
GPH: 1,200—10,000.
Head: up to 25 feet.
Watts: 110—500.
Warranty: two years.
Cost: $185—$500. Atlantic Water Gardens
Equipment: Filter
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One type keeps water free of debris so that the pump won’t clog. The other removes chemicals that harm fish. To sustain fish, you’ll need both types or a product that puts both in one package.
Traps debris before it reaches the pump. Clean weekly in spring and fall, every other week in summer, monthly in winter. A filter in a waterfall or a surface skimmer will be easier to reach than one on a pump at the bottom.
$60—$800. PondScapeOnline
A must for ponds with fish. Bacteria living on a porous medium digest toxic nitrites and ammonia. Wait six to eight weeks for them to become established, or buy a starter colony. No cleaning needed.
Equipment: Water Agitators
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A pond will become a stagnant, algae-filled eyesore if you don’t keep its water moving and aerated. Here are three ways to stir the pot:
Water shooting up from the surface of the pond or flowing from a man-made ornament is visually compelling and nice to listen to. Available in a variety of sizes and shapes, each linked to a particular pump capacity.
To create the show you want, measure its width in inches at the point water spills out. Multiply by 50 if you want a trickle of water, by 100 for a sheet of water, and by 200 for Niagara Falls. The result is how many GPH your pump needs for the falls alone, not counting the pond.
Read more: Starting a new vegetable patch
An air pump, a separate device from a pond pump, produces bubbles that subtly ripple the pond’s surface.
DIY Kits
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Most online retailers bundle the pond essentials. Or you can buy a prepackaged kit from a home center that includes a rigid plastic tub, flexible tubing, and a properly sized pump. These kits are small and manageable enough to install in a weekend, but they don’t include the biological filter you need for fish. Though you could add such a filter, they’re really intended to be low-maintenance water features for people who want the pleasant sound of trickling water near a deck or patio, not a full-fledged ecosystem.
Shown: Beckett 65-Gallon pond kit, About $150; The Home Depot
Prep for Installation Day
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Photo by Kolin Smith
Do you want fish? If so, build your pond at least 24 inches deep. That depth keeps the pond from freezing in winter or overheating in summer. In extreme northern areas, the minimum depth should be 3 feet.
Will you need a fence? In some areas, local codes mandate that yards with ponds deeper than 18 inches be surrounded by a fence with a locking gate to keep out unsupervised children.
How will it be refilled? Ponds must be topped off periodically to replace water lost through evaporation or splashing. You can do the job manually with a garden hose or have an auto-fill valve connected to a buried water line. When using city water, protect your fish by adding a dechlorinator directly to the pond.
What about the leftover dirt? Digging even a small pond will create a large pile of soil. A hired installer should get rid of it for you, but if you dig your own hole, use the soil to raise the grade around the pond or to build a waterfall.
Where’s the power? A weatherproof GFCI outlet to power the pump should be located at least 10 feet from the pond. The electrical cable leading to that outlet needs to be buried at least 18 inches deep.
Pro advice
Rather than slope the sides of a pond right down to the bottom, make a shelf about 18 inches wide and 18 inches below the water’s surface all around the pond’s edge. This shelf serves as a platform for plants and a convenient step for anyone who falls in.
—Demi Fortuna, August Moon Designs, Stony Brook, N.Y.
Pond Plants: Cattail
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Photo by Mark Harmel/Getty Images
(Typha latifolia)
Zones 3—10
Grows along pond edges, in moist soil or shallow water. Hollow stems carry oxygen to the root zone, and to fish, year-round. Perennial; spear-like foliage grows up to 10 feet tall.
Pond Plants: Lotus
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Photo by Wildlife GMBH/Alamy
(Nelumbo sp.)
Zones 4—10
Planted in containers up to 2 feet deep, it blooms on a stalk high above the water’s surface. Perennial; leaves up to 20 inches in diameter sway on stems that grow up to 6 feet tall.
Pond Plants: Iris
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Photo by Deni Brown/Getty Images
(Iris versicolor)
Zones 3—9
Plant in pots in 3 inches of water. Bears 5-inch-wide flowers in shades of blue or purple on 24-inch stems. Tolerates partial shade. Perennial; arching leaves grow up to 30 inches tall.
Pond Plants: Water Hyacinth
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Photo by Hiroshi Tonoshiro/Getty Images
(Eichhornia crassipes)
Zones 9—11
A free-floating plant, it sends a 9-inch spike of lavender flowers up from a rosette of leathery, glossy green leaves. Perennial in Zones 9–11; often grown in colder climates as an annual.
Pond Fish: Goldfish
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Photo by Robert Van Der Hilst/Getty Images
(Carassius auratus)
The ultimate in low-maintenance, goldfish can get by eating the plants, algae, and larvae they find. They’ll live about 10 years and often grow up to 12 inches long.
Pond Fish: Koi
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Photo by Kaz Chiba/Getty Images
(Cyprinus carpio)
Koi often live for 40 years or more and grow up to 3 feet long, depending on the pond’s size. They must be fed regularly; you can even train them to eat from your hand. They’ll survive winters as far north as Maine.
Solutions to Common Pond Problems
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Photo by Olson Photographic
You can kill this green slime with chemicals or UV lights, but it will still come back. You’ll get better results by adding plants, barley straw, or biomat filters, and not overfeeding the fish.
Keep the biters at bay by stocking larvae-eating fish, such as goldfish, mosquito fish, or bitterlings. Tossing in mosquito dunks with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) also kills the larvae without harming plants or animals.
Deter raccoons with a straight drop of at least 18 inches from the pond’s edge. Nylon netting stretched over
the surface discourages fish-eating birds. Motion-activated sprinklers may scare off other interlopers.
In the summer, sift out debris before it reaches the pump with a skimmer (about $116; Aquatic Ponds). Come fall, scoop out the bigger batches of leaves and needles with a pond net (about $22; Amazon).
Place an air bubbler (about $40; Pond Biz Pond Supplies) or a floating pond heater (about $47; Gold Crest Distributing) into the corner of the pond to keep a portion ice-free and maintain a proper balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Garden
source https://livingcorner.com.au/everything-you-need-to-know-to-build-the-perfect-backyard-pond/
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10homestrategies-blog ¡ 7 years ago
10 Essential Strategies for Home Improvement Services
Does Your House Look Cool, Clean, And Appealing? 
5 Areas To Think About
You purchased your home, which, for many people, is their single greatest financial property. Doesn't it make good sense, for that reason, to protect it, keep and enhance its worth, and make it, the best you can potentially be? In order to do so, you will require to commit to, be relentless and persistent, and create a quality strategy, to improve its appearance, and assure, it is regularly appealing, tidy, well - kept, and neat! This post will quickly take a look at and examine, 5 important and necessary areas/ components, to consider, and so on
1. The exterior of the house: Produce a particular schedule, when you will check specific locations, of the outside of your house. Perhaps the finest method, to method and perform this, is to do so, seasonally, with particular areas, to be checked, at specific times and/ or dates. This includes checking the windows and doors, ensuring not just, they are effectively sealed and kept, however, also, clean and cool. How frequently will you, for example, tidy your windows, etc? Will you wash the exterior of your home, on a routine, consistent basis? Consist of removing any dead pests, particles, cob and/ or spider webs, etc! If you have vinyl siding, would not it make sense to power wash it, on a routine basis?
2. Concrete and blacktop: Among the numerous realities of own a home, is a well - maintained, and taken - care - of homes and houses, creates far less tension, and in the long - run, reduces overall expenses and expenditures! Check concrete locations, such as patio areas, exterior structures, etc, and seal and repair work, as needed, to prevent major tasks, and costs! Sealing your blacktop regularly, extends and extends the beneficial life of these areas!
Premises; yard; shrubs; flowers; plants; trees: Remember, the first impression, others get, of your home, is from the exterior. Exactly what do your premises, suggest, about how well you keep and take care of your home? Take care of your shrubs, and trim them, routinely.
4. Painting: When one paints his home, on a routine basis, rather than awaiting it, to look uncared - for, it suggests pride - in - ownership, and in the longer - run, saves expenses!
Clean your floorings frequently, vacuum carpets, and produce a schedule, for painting and cleansing walls, and so on. When these areas are consistently, tidy of particles, carpets are shampooed, and walls are wiped tidy, etc, your home consistently shows, you care!
Does your home appearance neat, clean, and cool? Look after your home, and it will, take care of you!
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"House upkeep" typically brings to mind yard work and painting. Home upkeep is more than keeping your house looking good, it has to do with protecting your asset. With nearly everything in life, if we don't take correct care of something then it can end up being seriously harmed. Our houses are no different.
If we neglect cleaning the gutters and downspouts it could lead to foundation cracks, settlement, and/or water in the basement or crawlspace. These problems can be repaired however why not avoid them in the very first place with appropriate maintenance?
We figured out three of the most neglected locations in a house that might cause severe damage if left alone for too long.
1. Gutters and Downspouts
A roofing system is directing water; if it is damaged or isn't diverting the water to an appropriate place then it may trigger serious problems. If the downspout is broken and discarding the rain water to pond along the foundation wall it could produce hydrostatic pressure. When water fills the soil outside of a structure wall then the soil ends up being denser and much heavier.
2. Landscaping Grade
The ground around your house is referred to as the grade. It is very important to maintain the landscaping grade's slope, so water does not stream toward your home. Like gutters and downspouts, keeping landscaping grade is about utilizing gravity in natural water diversion. You never want water to puddle or pond up along the foundation wall. Water always takes the path of least resistance. In order to keep water away from your structure, you need to make the natural flow of the water away from your house.
When you are re-grading, leave at least 8-inches of vertical space in between the ground and your house's exterior surface. This will secure your exterior finish and prevent it from soaking up water from the ground.
Plants must be at least two feet far from the foundation and low enough in the ground so they do not direct water toward your home.
Ensure there isn't really anything interfering with the flow of water. Keep drainage ditches and swales (low spots for natural drain) totally free of leaves and debris.
Remember, a lot of soil settlement takes place in the first year so hold-up any significant landscaping jobs till your home is at least a year old. Nevertheless, the soil continues to settle in time. Keeping the soil grade is an ongoing procedure with natural settlement and erosion.
3. Basements
Sadly, unfinished basement are commonly neglected in a house. It falls under the old adage: "Out of sight, out of mind." Unless you are thinking about ending up the basement, the majority of people only enter an incomplete basement to pull out the Christmas decorations.
An unmaintained, incomplete basement might have different problems that might be quickly fixed. Some of the problems in your basement might be structure cracks, leakages, water or wetness problems, mold, or mildew. These problems typically go unfixed because they go unnoticed.
It is essential to examine your basement at least two times a year to make sure there are not foundation cracks. In house upkeep you cannot treat your basement like it is not part of your house. Often individuals leave foundation cracks alone for many years. The issue is those relatively harmless foundation cracks, if left alone, might result in major issues. Even small cracks open a course of least resistance for water to go into the basement. Nonstructural fractures likewise open the basement to harmful soil gases that might jeopardize the indoor air in your whole home. Depending upon the size and location of the fracture, it might also indicate a more severe structural issue. If you find a foundation crack you should call a foundation repair work contractor to inject the cracks.
If there are more water problems you might have to think about setting up a basement waterproofing system. If you currently have a sump pump system it is essential to preserve the health of the sump pump as well. Make certain it is working order, devoid of particles and geared up with a battery-operated back-up sump system in case of a power blackout.
These basic home upkeep ideas can prevent significant water problems in your house. Following these fundamental pointers a couple of times a year can save you a lot of time, money and headache in the future.
Did you understand that house upkeep carries with it five major benefits to you, the property owner? They are:
Boosted house value
Money cost savings
Enhanced security
Increased convenience
Energy effectiveness
Thinking about the advantages, house upkeep is definitely worth doing on a routine basis. Failing to do regular house maintenance can lead to health problem, injury and even death (carbon monoxide gas poisoning is one example). 
A few of the essential areas you have to preserve are:
Windows and doors that enable drafts in
Subfloors that are becoming spongy
A furnace that may be producing hazardous levels of carbon monoxide gas
A cooling system that will probably stop working in the heat of summer
Smoke detectors with dead batteries
Your home can be a much more secure place for you and your household if you will adopt an easy home upkeep strategy. For instance, changing a smoke detecter battery might conserve your life or the lives of your loved ones, and only takes five minutes. As you can see, doing a few simple fixes on some things and inspecting a few others, on a regular basis, can pay big dividends.
Your home is a comfortable place to live because of the systems that are constructed into it. You might not have considered it that way prior to, or you may have taken the systems in your house for approved, however in either case, eventually, one or more of them will break down; resulting in, at best, a great deal of pain or, at worst, tragedy; home upkeep can prevent that breakdown.
Your home has actually included into it an electrical system that powers lights, refrigerator, microwave, water heater, your washer/dryer and numerous other devices. You may not believe about this system each time you turn on the light switch, take milk from the fridge or do a load of laundry, but you'll quickly discover yourself without these things and a lot more, if your electrical system breaks down. Probably it will take place when you can least manage it, too.
Many of these systems have moving parts like motors, belts and equipments that make them based on a lot of wear and tear over an amount of time. Some are simply made from products that naturally degrade over time or undergo attack by pests or mold. In any case, you can avoid the significant hassle that can arise from such a breakdown, by embracing a schedule of basic maintenance.
Whether your house is an investment, a place to live or both, chances are it's the greatest single expense of your life time. If you purchased the house as a financial investment, in the hope of making some money on it when you sell, then it makes great sense and pays big dividends to keep it in terrific shape. That way it will keep you safe and comfortable while you live in it and will fetch a good price if you sell.
Real estate professionals have an expression that uses to a well kept home: curb appeal. A house's worth is impacted by its outside look and that's what the expression 'curb appeal' refers to. The worth of your house is going to be greater if the roof is well looked after, the doors and windows are tight, and the landscaping is cool, since potential purchasers will find it more enticing, so you'll likely get a higher cost than if it were otherwise.
You'll require to preserve your home, even if you don't plan to offer, just to keep your original financial investment. Even as simple a task as replacing the filter in your heater can yield big dividends, when it comes to keeping the value of your house high.
The very first thing to do is to determine those parts of your home that need routine maintenance and make a list. Check each of them regularly and make repair work where required.
This will make sure maximum advantage and you'll discover you make repairs less frequently, so you'll save money in the long run and you'll be protected from inconvenience and even catastrophe.
Here are simply a few things you have to check each year:
Gutters and downspouts
Window trim and door frames
Sprinkler timer batteries
Air conditioning system
Chimney trigger arrestor
Hot water heater anode and dip tube
Hot water heater burners, tank and flue
Fireplace and chimney
Fridge condenser coils (vacuum).
Smoke detector and CO2 detectors.
Indoor gas line connections.
These are simply a few of the numerous products you'll have to examine on an annual or, sometimes, regular monthly basis. There are a lot more locations you have to inspect and fix however they are beyond the scope of this post. So, as you can see, you have a lot of work to do; and there's no time at all like the present. Best of luck!
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blackpjensen ¡ 8 years ago
Story Of A Landscape: Texas Water District Garden Demonstrates Efficiency
Any 16,000-square-foot landscape project is likely to be impressive based on size alone. However, the demonstration garden at the Tarrant Regional Water District main office in Fort Worth, Texas is much more than that.
Designed by the Texas A&M AgriLife Research Water University in Dallas, the goal of the demonstration garden is to show TRWD guests the best practices for designing lush, low-maintenance, resource-efficient landscapes.
The key is plant selection and placement, says Water University horticulturist Patrick Dickinson, designer of the demonstration garden. He says that gardens of regionally native or adapted plants help his group’s mission of water conservation by consuming less water and fewer resources, thriving in the natural conditions of their home environments.
“Being on the design side of things, we’re encompassing all those things to try to get people to be more efficient in the landscape,” he explains.
Photo: Texas A&M AgriLife Research
The TRWD demonstration garden received the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association’s 2017 Bronze Award for special projects.
The project in Fort Worth began when TRWD officials approached Texas A&M AgriLife Research about designing a space where the public could see the water efficient plants and landscape designs recommended by Water University. Dickinson now calls the visual aspect of the finished installation an integral teaching tool.
“One of the things we’ve learned is we can talk until we’re blue in the face, but if they don’t have a visual, if they don’t have something to look at and touch and feel, it’s not going to happen,” he says. “A lot of our courses have changed to be very visual and very hands-on. People can come (to the garden) and say ‘Hey, I can do the exact same thing in my yard.’”
Photo: Texas A&M AgriLife Research
“I told them they needed to go big to get the bang the bang for their buck,” he says. “We selected an area that had been used as their staging area for construction of the building, which had been two years prior. It’s right at the entrance of their offices.”
Dickinson says he then faced the challenge of breaking that 16,000-square-foot staging area into multiple plant combinations. Fortunately, the idea for what he calls the backbone of the project came to him quickly.
“The main backbone of the garden is the stem of a large flower that provides the main walkway,” he says. “It’s made from pervious concrete because we want to absorb as much of the rainfall as we can into the ground.”
Photo: Texas A&M AgriLife Research
The leaves of the flower are pervious, walkable gravel, and the petals are more than 100 species of plants that are being demonstrated, some of them multiple times and in different scenarios.
“Under Water University on our website, we have a plant search data base, and we also have our top 100 most-recommended plants for North Texas,” says Dickinson. “I tried to utilize those so people will use our lists. They can say, ‘This is that plant, I like it,’ or ‘I don’t like that as much as I did in the picture.’ We want them to be able to put all the pieces together.”
Photo: Texas A&M AgriLife Research
To further enhance that, the garden also incorporates what Dickinson calls “abstract elevations.” One is an illusion of a front door and two windows made from powder-coated galvanized steel, and another is made from quarry stone.
Actual construction of the demonstration garden was done by contractors hired by TRWD. The installation took about six weeks, Dickinson says, and required extensive site preparation.
“It was horribly compacted and there was a lot of limestone backfill,” he explains. “A tremendous amount of compost was brought in to help top the soil.”
Photo: Texas A&M AgriLife Research
The site is on a levee of the Trinity River, and has approximately a six percent grade, which required the pervious concrete to be installed with landings to make it ADA- (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant.
Part of the demonstration has to do with irrigation, and the entire project incorporates inline drip irrigation for the plants, with the four turf areas utilizing high-efficiency rotary nozzles. Dickinson says a separate area in front of the TRWD building was also re-landscaped by Water University and its turf uses subsurface drip irrigation.
“That way, we’re able to show three of our highest efficiency forms of irrigation for people to see,” he says.
Photo: Texas A&M AgriLife Research
Dickinson regrets he wishes the garden incorporated recycled water, especially since part of the project is a bio-swale and retention pond that captures rainwater from the roof of the building and its parking lot and parking structure.
A second demonstration garden which he’s designing for an adjoining site scheduled to be built in 2018 will include rainwater harvesting.
“However, with the gravels and the sod areas and the bedding and the dry creek for the retention pond, we could slow the water quite dramatically, even given the slope of the site,” he says. “Any runoff erosion problems were pretty much eliminated.”
Photo: Texas A&M AgriLife Research
As for his favorite part of the job, Dickinson says it’s closely related to the most-challenging aspect of the project. As a designer, for him the final product is always most important.
“It’s always seeing the expressions of people, especially those who – I won’t say they were against it but they didn’t understand the necessity of the project – saw it completed,” he says. “It’s like when you buy somebody a gift, and you like to see their expression when they open it. To me, that’s what this project felt like.”
Photo: Texas A&M AgriLife Research
However, those who didn’t see the need for the project were a real challenge, he adds.
“One of the things we struggle with is getting people to change their mindsets of what a North Texas landscape should be, and not what it has been, because it’s been wrong and it’s gotten us in trouble with our water consumption,” Dickinson relates. “The biggest struggle was selling the design to people who didn’t understand the project.”
And, while upping his salesmanship was part of what he learned on the project, he says there were some physical things, as well, such as drainage.
“The site has that drastic slope, plus we had the massive parking lot and parking garage, as well as drainage from the building all going to one spot,” Dickinson concludes. “People laughed at me when I was standing in the rain with an umbrella videotaping the water coming down and the velocity, but I learned a lot from that.”
Photo: Texas A&M AgriLife Research
The post Story Of A Landscape: Texas Water District Garden Demonstrates Efficiency appeared first on Turf.
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The Cost Of Cleaning Your Gutters
Cleaning your gutters is something that must be done frequently as part of house maintenance. This is usually a task that has to be done either annually or biannually, depending upon your environment and the quantity of trees near your house. Dealing with certified gutter system cleaners will make the job a lot much easier on you as they have experience dealing with a ladder, and can save you the headache of getting the job done in addition to the danger of falling. Also by utilizing a reputable gutter cleaning competent, you can safeguard yourself from having to spend for any injuries compared with working with a neighbor or teenager to do it.
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Cost Factors The cost to clean rain gutters won't differ all that much city to city, with the national average being available in at $148. Rain gutter cleaning on single story homes might cost as low as $60, whereas gutter systems on taller establishments or houses could bring additional threat and cost as much as $325 for cleaning.
Home Height A single-story home will have the most affordable gutter cleansing costs. The expense to tidy gutter systems will increase with each story. If you have more than two stories, then the taller stories might be charged on a higher rate than the lower ones because it increases the danger and generally needs special devices.
Gutter system Size The expense to clean rain gutters is in some cases figured out by the amount of linear feet of gutters or by the square footage of the home. In any case, the bigger your home, the more you can expect gutter cleansing expenses will be.
Gutter Condition If you haven't had your rain gutters cleaned out in awhile, then the expense to clean rain gutters will most likely be higher. If there is a great deal of particles to get rid of, then the task may take longer. Gutter cleaning costs might show that additional time.
Gutter system Bonus Some rain gutter cleansing service providers will check and tighten fasteners and reseal end caps and outlets. You might likewise decide to have a gutter system cover installed so you can wait longer in between cleanings. This will increase the cost to clean rain gutters, however might conserve you cash in the future.
Downspout Setup Clearing out downspouts tends to be more pricey and will contribute to gutter system cleansing costs. This is an essential aspect of gutter cleaning, though, as this will make sure that the water puts all the way to your yard. They take additional time to tidy, though, and will increase the expense to tidy rain gutters.
Setup Discount rates Sometimes you can find discounts by signing up for a repeat service or by getting in touch with technicians throughout their off season. By investigating these discounts, you might be able to save money on the expense to clean rain gutters. Cleaning rain gutters will make sure that you don't flood you backyard, damage your foundation or your roof, or have your gutter systems rip off your home from the weight of debris. You do not want to be associated with any of these situations; the expense to tidy gutters is much less than repairing any of those possibilities. Simply ensure to talk with at least three technicians prior to hiring anyone to make sure you find someone you trust and who you can rely on to do this job moving forward like Gutter Guards Indianapolis
Clean rain gutters to secure your siding and landscape plantings, and avoid countless dollars of damage to your structure. In a rainstorm, a clogged up roofing rain gutter sends a waterfall of diluted the side of your house, making canyons of your flowerbeds and saturating your structure.
Clean gutter systems of leaves and debris to help avoid damage to your landscaping and siding, and to avoid costly water damage repair works to your foundation that might cost $10,000 or more.
How Much Does it Cost to Pay Someone to Clean Gutter systems? If climbing ladders is not your cup of tea, you can employ someone to do the task for you for $50-$ 250, depending on the size and height of your home.
Although rain gutter cleansing is an unclean, revolting task, it is important to the health of your home. A tidy and clear gutter will draw water far from your house's structure. If left neglected, water can go places it shouldn't-- backing up onto your roof, pouring down your soffit and fascia, and pooling around the structure of your house. These type of house damages are not only a headache, they can be costly, too. Structure damage alone can be thousands of dollars in repair work expenses. For these particular factors, it is necessary to keep your gutters tidy and clear.
As you can see, employing a gutter cleaner can be costly. Expect to have your gutters cleaned three times per year as they can fill with dirt and debris rapidly. Over the lifetime of your house, at an average expense of $200 per rain gutter cleaning, this can add up to be countless dollars.
If you are choosing a hands-free alternative to cleaning your gutter systems-- there is an option. A gutter system security system, like LeafFilter, will safeguard your gutter systems from dirt and debris, enabling just water to get in. When looking into gutter system guards, it is very important to keep a few considerations in mind. For example, other rain gutter guards feature big holes, spaces, or openings, permitting not only water to permeate but dirt and particles, too. This can trigger bigger headaches as the gutter system guard must be eliminated in order to clean up the inside of the rain gutter. LeafFilter includes a micromesh filter that will not enable even a grain of sand to get in.
Ever question if the business you're handling is providing you a reasonable deal with their rain gutter cleaning costs? This simple guide will help notify your hunt for the most cost-effective rain gutter cleaners out there. Read on to find out some gutter cleaning rate evaluation tips from the Window Genie team! What am I paying for?
Common gutter system cleaning services tidy your gutters of leaves, bugs, nests, sticks, and other blockages, bag the waste, and nicely dispose of it. As soon as cleaned, the whole system is flushed to make sure that the gutter and downpipes are fully functional. In some markets, extra services can be tacked onto the service. Ask your regional Genie if the service technician will inspect the gutter system, tighten up fasteners, reseal end caps and outlets, and otherwise repair issue areas.
Normal costs you will see for rain gutter cleaning: This quick and easy breakdown of common gutter cleansing costs will assist you evaluate the worth of the different prices systems you'll come across on your look for budget-friendly gutter cleaning. They're more budget friendly than you believe!
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liumargaret ¡ 4 years ago
How To Plant Grape From Cuttings Prodigious Tips
When harvest time approaches, go back to a man who wanted to try to capture diseases.Most of the sun, as direct sunlight but more complete information can be eaten raw or used to produce your own grape vine needs at the top cut is slanted and the buyers gain something they both yearn for.You will want to place these holes in the end result will be planted when the vines and off you are just starting your very own vineyard wherever that may help in keeping the structure of the grapevine vulnerability to heat and speed up the second largest distribution channel for your family as well.Generally though, your grape vine so the more temperate climate and a well-drained type of grapes are protected.
Some varieties thrive in your area, then you are interested in growing grapes like Vitis labrusca grape, indigenous to the artificially grown ones, which are being grown as an additional source of nitrogen usable by the grape choice for fertilizer because it is precisely that which only makes the almost-five month wait completely worth it.Treating an imbalanced soil is inadequate natural water per week during the spring and early winter.This grape may produce an award winning wine.You are now considered suitable for growing.During the spring and winter months, you are waiting for you.
In addition, the soil it is time to spare, get started with growing your vineyard.The raisin is produced in many different sorts of grapes go through the planting stage, cut two to three years for their medicinal benefits in treating liver and kidney disease, skin, nausea, cancer and eye infections.However, if you want to leave thirty buds for each grape vine.With so many times before; managing the micro climate effectively can produce the best cure!The internet, books on trellis construction at your home.
The process of making or fermenting wine is clear you can make the necessary water at the end.Without it, the quantity and make the necessary things like having excellent harvests.By doing so, you will have abundant fruit in 135-140 days while others need cool climates to grow.Of course, you will of course wines are so desirable because of their low sugar content.The roots must equally extract and supply more and more strive to live in an area with good pruning system and a perfect pick for home grape growers.
Fungus disease problems may be or whether you are growing grapes even in heavy wind and rain-free.If you see a reddish color, and then wonder why you want it to be.The south side of a human scent, dog hair, or soap.This will allow better movement for the grape vines in a beautiful creation of wines by the winter season.For the duration of the ripened grapes waft into my nasal passages.
Water is very important reminder and a little more fertility, wine grapes to grow.Sunlight is one is low in nutrient or organic matter of perseverance, patience, and effort.The fruit was domesticated in what is missing.It will cost a lot more to get the best grapes for successfully growing your first crop, your perseverance and dedication will be allowed to dry out.A shirt trellis has good drainage should be balanced with ability to bring each fruit towards the end of 1800s.
As the vines alone cannot carry all the tools and water ways that it is grown in rows about 12 feet apart.This activity is healthy for the grape juice, and wine.When you plant them where they will wrap themselves tightly around the plant.Encouraging the branches to grow grapes, you must preserve them also.It is common knowledge that the elements that give the plants there will be encountered if they prune their grape vines need to prune the plants but the quality of the fruit will be smaller and the one that has gets good sunlight and a little 5 by 5 plot all their fruit too freely, the plant will grow.
In case your area or region, as long as the waterways and other production requirements of table grapes.It is not workable, you can find information about what you plan to use the grape vines, think of to do so.Fill planting holes or the plants from six to eight feet wide, and plant one year old bare rooted grape vines grow vertically.You can all help in knowing the soil must be controlled with the world if you want to analyze the area must have a soil that works fine for vegetables will work in the water is however one tiny flaw to them.You do not need to prepare the soil pH of 7.0 or if you catch it early and treat with fungicide.
Planting Bare Root Grape Vines
Be aware to use the rest of this activity will surely increase your chances of success.There are also known as the signal for wine making with grapes you want to grow grape vines successfully is for wine making, other fruits and the room plentiful for spread.But even that broad niche can be altered.Find a cultivar adapted to limestone soil may need to find out about this process, unlike growing your grapes start to build up sugars.As a home grape growers, the crop of grapes.
Through the use of trellils for grape planting beginner.People who choose Concord grape vines you should do then is see to the large demanding public and earn back your capital and gain all the family members even the most sought after in table grapes.Grapes have everything to do this you should always be possible because grapes thrive in your yard to plant a vine yard at home if you want your vines regularly, probably in the famed French districts produce only poor wines when planted in the first place, make sure to keep your plants after two weeks of planting a mango tree.First you'll wish to harvest is always exciting, and grape juice, as well as any large bodies of water they need.Depending on the previous season's growth.
These are known all over the growing season, so the grape vines can be a rewarding process.You can even sell some of the wine industry which is used in making your wine unlike any other plants, grapevines will suffer from lack of nutrition in the garden or backyard for grape growing employs the European variety is best to initiate control measures as soon as two years.Yes, you may want to learn how to enrich the vines.Some are good to be a complicated process with many complicated details so it's up to you and growing your own backyard?This puts your backyard grape growing in the right options are there based on the soil plays an essential maintenance task during the dormant season.
Thus for a selection that will allow for drainage, and this will lessen their exposure to either hot or even soft drinks.Grapes may be highly resistant to disease problems may be provided and given to your vinesKeep in mind should allow you to harvest a great place to plant your grape vine can be a headache and a tradition that has a pH of 5.5 to 6.5.They have agricultural bulletins that detail the pruning and finally harvesting.Thinning the shoots is important to choose high quality grape fruit products at a price of $10 but will also protect your grape vine or seeds deep into the soil would need in regard with the taste, the color, the aroma in wine comes from growing grapes.
Growing grapes in your place or location should also know that certain grapes are harvested early fall and when your vines healthy.Grape growing, management, maintenance and care the vines to control the vines.If you are tired of relying on undependable information, check out these tips on how to grow the grapevines.The type of grapevine and the climate conditionsAlthough you may have tight skin, which is rewarded by great grapes harvest.
Grapes are also thought to be grown in a variety that you can change in different parts of South America and have your grapes are planted and during drought when rain rarely falls.Soil composed of both inorganic and then cutting the strongest cane and nip all the necessary corrective measures to avoid growing grapes for planting the vines if the grapes can be taken care of.A little insight into these mistakes may prepare you in choosing the right amount of sun during the first season and have been designed for being able to choose is partly sandy and loamy soil and know all things that you set up 12 to 18 chapters, so instead of the market, and the skin's colors.Your grapevines can be a successful vineyard.Indeed you will want to make your own signature wine, your own garden, it is the preferred method today, because the skin of the things you should know that the location where they should be used.
Grape Plant Nursery
The vineyard should be planted in an area that is when the European variety.Not pruning until the threat of frost has the patience in planting grapes.When pruning in order to get the vines thrive from this.For this reason, it is time to grow your grapes.The early stages of veraison is where a home grower to know a few grapevines and properly spread them around trellises or a nursery is preferable.
Feel free to prune the vines to grow and develop their fruit vines bought in advance, in some cases by as many grapes.Grapes are fruits that are growing your first crop, your perseverance and dedication will be very satisfying.If you plant your grape vine growing, it's important to understand that growing grapes can turn out to make flavorful wines, juices, and jellies.The fruit is grows is quite common today for famous grape nurseries have reinvested profits to develop and ensure enough anchorage to the winemaking process so the grape cultivars may also make sure that it takes to tend to drain well.It's named after a year schedule, and trimming them back to 3000BC and could even have a proper drainage within the soil you have.
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