#you want a reliable leader/brother figure? that’s dick grayson
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bluegarners · 1 year ago
someone sent me a post that is surprisingly popular that characterizes dick as an unreliable brother but Jason as the kind of brother that’ll let you stay at his place whenever and cook you meals… so many people in the tags too parroting false canon and weird head canons back and forth… i don’t get it
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northoftheroad · 5 years ago
The Robin 80th Anniversary Special
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It's not a secret that I'm first and foremost a Dick Grayson fan, whether he comes dressed as Robin, Nightwing, Batman or something else. But I try to be charitable and be happy for fans of the other Robins that they got a pice of the birthday cake, i. e. the Robin 80th Anniversary Special.
For your enjoyment (?), here are my thoughts about the book. Spoilers ahead, obviously – don't like, don't read!
I honestly thought almost all of the stories were ok – but pretty forgettable. Marv Wolfman's spin on Dick leaving to become Nightwing, in "A little nudge" (art by Tom Grummett and Scott Hanna), is probably the only one I will remember and reference in the future. I don't know if or how it is supposed to fit into the (any?) continuity, but as far as I can see, it works nicely in the current setting.
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Dick's parting from Robin and Bruce was successively portrayed as more and more hostile. When he originally left Robin to become Nightwing (1983–1984), the two still had a good relationship. This changed in comics to, first, that Bruce decided to retire Robin, and then to that Bruce outright fired Dick and kicked him out of the cave. This lead to that their relationship was portrayed as poor, antagonistic even, for a good many comics years.
The bad mood was picked up by Batman The Animated Series, where Dick left being resentful of Bruce and his methods.
I don't have a lot of good things to say about what has happened to the Bat-family after Flashpoint. But from what we've seen from scattered panels, Dick was the one who decided he wanted to leave Robin. You can read Marv Wolfman's story as confirmation of that. Which is nice.
Bruce is only a little bit of a jerk in this story, being utterly rigid about that Robin has to follow orders. Dick, however, chooses to stay with a kid that had been shot instead of following the criminals.
Dick has had it with Bruce's rules and leaves the cave, but he says "later" rather than "goodbye".
It's made clear that those strict rules were Bruce's way to say, "I know you've grown up, and you should move on; I'll be fine without you."
Batman # 408, where Bruce decides to retire Robin because he got scared when the Joker shot Dick, is firmly established in my mind as the "correct" leaving story in my mind. It was the only one I had read and knew of for many years, and the two still part on decent terms. But Marv Wolfman's 80th Anniversary version has a lot going for it.
On to the rest of the stories...
"Aftershocks" By Chuck Dixon, art Scott McDaniel and Rob Hunter.
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Set during Cataclysm (a storyline from 1998) where Dick lived in Blüdhaven before he moved back to Gotham and became Batman. It's an action-filled story where (fingerstripe) Nightwing comes to Gotham after an earthquake has hit the city.
It's interesting to read this, living through the corona crisis that is going on right now. I don't know how it is where you live, but where I am, people are setting up networks to help people who can't go out to shop or walk the dog, University students are helping kids do their math lessons with the help of Facebook, people make masks for health workers etc. But when Chuck Dixon writes what happens after a catastrophe, Dick has to fight his way through masked thugs who are trying to rob an ambulance of "painkillers and tranks" when he tries to save a cab from falling with a damaged bridge. A woman is giving birth inside the car, and the story ends with that the mother wants to name the boy after Nightwing.
"Well...Robin works, right", he says.
"Team building" by Devin Grayson, art Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapund.
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Well, I'll always soak up everything that has to do with Dick and the Titans – Teen Titans, New Teen Titans, Titans, any Titans...
Devin Grayson wrote The Titans 1999–2000, which is the setting of this story. Most of it takes place inside a H.I.V.E. locale, where an exasperated boss (Damien Darkh) chews out his soldiers after a fight with the Titans. But Darkh decides not to kill the lot of them, because they did distract the Titans while he stole a red crystal/power source. Of course, it turns out Dick is the soldier who has kept his helmet on; he takes the crystal with him and gives Darkh a bit of advice on team-building on his way out.
"Generally speaking, fear of execution isn't a great motivator. I've found basic team-building and morale-boosting to be much more effective. Like, I'm just spitballing here, but... You ever consider a pizza night?"
Well, it did keep me amused, and it shows us that Dick is a good leader and strategist, (and a great acrobat who manages to get out of the H.I.V.E. uniform with one hand, on the way out), although it isn't exactly a surprise that Dick was in the building when you get near the end.
"The Lesson Plan" by Tom King and Tim Seeley, art Mikel Janín.
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Now, I do like some things about the Grayson run, but with a bit of distance, I've realized it was mostly the art. The sexualization of Dick and how King and Seely wrote him as a guy who jumps first and plans never got tiresome. This story is in-character for Grayson; Dick is accompanied by a girl (Paris) from St Hadrian's on a mission, and on the way, he remembers the lessons Batman gave him and imparts his own interpretation of them to Paris. As is Batman says, "plan everything", and Dick says "Improvise. Leap first... figure it all out on the way down." Ergo, classic King and Seeley. Also, it is possibly implied Dick made out with a beautiful girl that turned out to be gorilla in disguise...? Yep, vintage King and Seeley.
Other than that, I don't have a big problem with the story. Some things ring true to me – as when Dick remembers Batman saying, "At their core, people are cowardly and self-serving. Trust no one until you know them. And even then, never completely". And what Dick says is, "Give the benefit of the doubt until you gotta knock 'em out."
For my own peace of mind, I'm reading this as Dick is half-joking with his advice. It's not like we've never seen him make plans and be suspicious post-Flashpoint.
On a side note, one of the best characterizations of Dick Grayson to my mind is a panel from Black Mirror. When Dick explains he had injected James Gordon Jr with a subdermal tracer, and says about himself, "I am a softie. And I do try to see the best in people... but that doesn't mean I'm stupid."
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Detective Comics # 881. By Scott Snyder, art Jock and Francesco Francavilla.  
"More Time" by Judd Winnick, art Dustin Nguyen.
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Jason has a cute story about him repairing Thomas Wayne's watch as a present to Bruce. He started the work as a tiny Robin (too tiny, in my opinion, but with Dustin Nguyen on art it probably couldn't turn out any other way) and finished the work as Red Hood. Jason delivers the present to Bruce on his birthday, placing it on the Batmobile while it is parked in a Gotham alley.
"Extra Credit" by Adam Beechen, art Freddie E. Williams II.
Tim has an appointment with the guidance counsellor at Gotham City High School. Tim sees a future in law enforcement (that's the first I've heard of that, but I'm no expert on Tim) and he's adopted (again, something I haven't seen post-Flashpoint). But the counsellor doubts that Tim will be admitted because he has nothing to show when it comes to extracurricular activities. It's kind of a fun few pages where the counsellor suggests things that Tim could do, and Tim thinks about what he does as Robin on his spare time.
"Boy Wonders" by James Tynion IV, art Javier Fernandez.
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Tim, Red Robin, is unsure what he wants to do with his life and goes to his brothers? fellow Robins? for advice.
I know emotions have been running high because Dick tells Tim that he is "demonstrably smarter" than he is, which makes it sound as if Dick is not really smart at all.
Again, for my peace of mind, I choose to read this as I want: that "big brother" Dick is encouraging, he has always thought highly of Tim, he has no ego to preserve. This doesn't make Dick a reliable narrator on the subject, and the page ends with that Tim thinks "He was the first. He's the best. He's always going to be the role model. "So, two brothers who admire each other.
Tim also talks to Jason and Tim, and the story ends with that he tells Batman he wants to start Gotham Knights protocol, the team in Detective Comics (Rebirth.) 2016-2018.
"Fitting In" by Amy Wolfram, art Damion Scott.
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Stephanie, as Robin has problems because Tim's Robin suit doesn't fit her female body. But at the end of the day, Bruce gives Stephanie her own "changing room" in the Bat-cave, because she's female.
...are Bruce and Alfred idiots? Did Dick, Jason and Tim have exactly the same body type when they were Robin? Stephanie deserved a story worth being told, not this one.
"My Best Friend" by Peter J. Tomasi, art Jorge Jimenez.
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Jonathan Kent writes a school essay about his best friend, Damian. As he writes the words on his laptop at home, they are illustrated with pcitures of the two as both Robin and Superboy, and as Damian and Jon in civvies. Tomasi and Jimenez worked with Super Sons (2017–2019), and though I didn't read that, I'm pretty sure this story is an extra chapter in that series.
"Bat and Mouse" by Robbie Thompson, art Ramon Villalobos.
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It's not the worst story in the book, but somehow the one I disliked the most. It is part of what is going on in Teen Titans and Bat-titles right now; we see Alfred's tombstone and how Batman and Robin have a strained relationship and difficulties in communicating. I'm not keeping up with what is going on with Damian and Bruce in detail, so I really can't say whether this story is consistent with how things have been going lately. I'll let Bruce-and-Damian fans take that ball.
To be honest, my reaction to "Bat and Mouse" is probably due to that I really, really don't like what's happened in the Bat titles lately. I firmly hope that the current situation will be changed and Alfred will be alive again, and I wish I could go back and re-read this book years from now without being reminded of this very dark time when DC seemingly doesn't want any money from me for new comics...
Being who I am, I probably take it waaaaay too seriously to try to understand where/if these stories fit in the DC continuity... The writers have probably (rightly) thought more about writing a good story than making it consistent with any grand plan for a timeline for all of the DC universe. But whatever.
The Grayson story clearly happens in a post-Flashpoint universe, as does Damian's and Tim's stories. But Tim says he's adopted, which I believe has never been said outright post-Flashpoint. And Stephanie has as far as I know not been Robin in this continuity. Chuck Dixon's Nightwing story is explicitly set during Cataclysm (a storyline from 1998) where Dick lived in Blüdhaven before he moved back to Gotham and became Batman. Post-Flashpoint, he moves to Blüdhaven for the first time in Nightwing vol 4., so Dixon's story should take place in the old continuity.
On the other hand. The last pages of the book are made to look like profile overviews in the Bat-computer and use pictures from different Robin runs. If the snippets of information are supposed to be the current continuity for the Robins, a lot from the pre-Flashpoint universe is back in canon.
Shortly, Dick was adopted (that's the word they use), formed the Teen Titans, moved to Blüdhaven and was Agent 37 for a while. Blüdhaven comes before Agent 37, but it's not explicitly stated when he first moved there. Because if Dick was in Blüdhaven before his time with Spyral, it is inconsistent with parts of Rebirth Nightwing. (Which I can live with...)
Jason's story starts as the street kid who tries to steal the tires of the Batmobile, his stint as Robin was short, and today, Red Hood has formed a tenuous alliance with Batman. Tim uncovered Batman's secret and made a bid to become the new Robin – and his new moniker "Drake" is acknowledged. Stephanie was Robin for a very short while. Damian was created with genetic material that Talia stole after a romantic tryst with Bruce, and he was bred to be an assassin.
Personally, of course, I think that Dick Grayson was worth more of an effort from DC on his 80th anniversary. But on the whole, the things we got were decent, "A little nudge" gave me something I will keep with me, and several of the covers are great.
(The cover photo is still pinched from Dan Jurgens' Twitter – I haven't bought all of the variant covers.)
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redrobin-detective · 8 years ago
The one thing I wish they had kept was Batman Inc and Bruce wanting Damian to stick with Dick. It would have been a pretty fascinating concept to keep exploring. Dick might prefer Nightwing, but he loves Damian enough to sacrifice that part of his ID to keep raising him. Likewise Damian is the same Robin who's first thought about Bruce coming back was "are Grayson and I not going to be partners" and nearly stormed out of the cave until Bruce assured him he and Dick got to stay together. As far -
2 I’m concerned, Tim proved his worth more then ever why he’s Bruce’s Robin. He was smart enough to figure out a Bruce’s true fate and didn’t give up until he was found. We should have had dueling storylines. One that centered on Bruce!Batman partnered w/Red Robin Tim and another w/Dick!Batman and Robin Damian. Heck we could have even had Black Bat! Cass partnered w/Batgirl Steph. That way Dami and Tim would have felt secure in their places while still mixing things up w/losing any development.
I am SCREAMING. This is the best thing I have ever heard. THIS is what Dc should have done with the N52 because this is not only a beautiful continuation of the dynamics and plots left over from Pre-Flashpoint while also moving in the new, cool direction DC wanted.
You would have Batman and Red Robin with Bruce and Tim and get some delicious drama. Bruce is still trying to adjust to being back and all the changes, he’s lowkey upset that Damian preferred to stay with Dick but also he needs to get back into the groove and Tim has always been good and reliable with him. Tim meanwhile has grown up and is harder and darker as Bruce quickly realizes. The dynamic isn’t as smooth as before as now Tim is stepping up wanting to have more say and respect. Bruce sees Tim’s heightened anxieties and depression and with suddenly sees this is how Jason started out too before he died so now Bruce has to work to save his middle child like he’d saved him.
Then we have Nightwing and Robin over in another title where Dami and Dick still patrol together and act as brothers. Damian lives with Bruce unhappily because he wants to stay with Dick, but Dick knows Bruce is trying to get to know his son and mediates. Dick is also trying to patch up his relationship with Tim which is hard when Damian is so overprotective. Dami and Tim get on better since they’re not directly competing for Dick’s affection but it’s still very tense and a lot of issues don’t get resolved for a while. So Nightwing and Robin hits the streets, Dick happy with his partner but also silently knowing this isn’t how things are supposed to go. Tim himself views the whole arrangement as temporary until Damian decides he can tolerate Bruce and Tim is kicked aside again.
Both of these will of course cross over with other titles such as Batgirl with Stephanie, The Birds of Prey adding Cass as a regular member, Red Hood and the Outlaws but like with people in his generation not Dick’s stolen friend/ex, Teen Titans where Tim is part time leader with Cassie and Young Justice where Damian resurrects the old team in order to explore his capabilities on his own with other young kids. 
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