#you sure know how to pick 'em don't you owl boy
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cosmic--dandelion · 1 year ago
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Next time you're listening to "Look My Way" and fighting back tears at the sheer scope and beauty of the song, remember that Stolas is sobbing and absolutely pouring his heart out about this guy:
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annebd · 2 months ago
2024 fic wrapped
i was tagged by the lovely @pitforwets to share some fave fics from 2024! this was especially difficult because i joined f1 fandom in late 2023 and only really started reading fic in earnest in january of this year, which means that this is basically "choose your five fave f1 fics you've ever read." that's hard! with that in mind, this list is nowhere close to exhaustive of the amazing list of fics i've read this year. but in keeping with a list of five, here we go (in no particular order):
icarus by @eirianerisdar. i discovered this fic sometime in the spring. i specifically remember being so engrossed in it that first day that i stayed up until nearly 4 in the morning reading it, and i had to call off work the next day because i was so exhausted (shhhh, don't tell my boss!). it's wing!fic, to reduce it to its absolute most basic form, but it's infinitely more than that. the characterization and worldbuilding are a masterclass. the scene where seb walks through the track picking up feathers lives rent free in my mind. (as does the scene where daniel is a wiggly worm whose newly grown feathers are itchy. if you want a fic to have you giggling and sobbing in equal measure, this is the one)
Hey, Remember That Time by @powerful-owl. i'm not 100% sure, but i'm fairly certain that this is the first of em's fics that i read. and what an amazing introduction! i definitely know that it's the one that made me reach out to say hi on tumblr, and i'm so glad that i did! daniel has amnesia, and max runs an inn- what more could you ask for? one of my favorite parts of this fic is the way em writes charles- he's such a little weirdo, and i adore him beyond measure. also, there's a scene where max describes daniel's own dick to him, and boy howdy. it's a good scene, is what i'm saying.
Breaking Every Rule For You by @magicalrocketships. maxiel exchange dick pics. that's it, that's the post. but to be serious, this fic is 150k words of some of the hottest sex (and preludes to sex) you'll ever read, interspersed with genuinely incredible character growth and exploration. honestly, this fic makes me want to learn to be a better writer. each time a new chapter came out, i would devour it and think "god, i wish i could do that."
there's glitter on the floor after the party by @fiveredlights. there are few things that i'm weaker for than a well written epistolary/social media fic, and there is no one out there who does it quite like five! their writing is amazing, every single time, and the care that goes into crafting these fics is unbelievable. i'm reccing this particular fic because it's the first of their fics i'd ever read, but this is actually a rec for everything they've published, because every single fic is one banger after another. also, after the actual events of this year in real life, i'd much rather sink into the world of this fic and pretend this is how things went down with daniel's career instead.
Get It Right Back by @overtake. have i mentioned that i'm a sucker for a social media fic? because i am. and this fic has the perfect combo of traditional fic structure intertwined with social media elements. it's very newly published and has already worked its way up my faves list. another fantastic example of a fic running me through an entire rainbow of emotion. special shoutout to all the scenes between max, daniel, and max's nephews. the cuteness is too much to bear.
tagging everyone who wants to do their own wrapped list! this was so hard, but what a fun look back at the year. <3
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sprout-fics · 1 month ago
Hello, Em! Are you still doing the ship asks? If not, feel free to ignore this.
I am 47, 5'7", with broad shoulders and a chubby belly. Virgo. I am an entire ball of nerves. Cat person. Night owl. I love to cook, and I'm told that I'm pretty good at it. I like to spend time in nature when I can, but i am not particularly athletic. I'm more about listening to the birds and finding cool rocks than trying to be fast. I am about cozy. The pajamas go on as soon as I know I'm done leaving the house for the day. I like to crochet.
May I ask for a Pedro boy in this trying times?
I am also curious which of the 141 you'd pick for me. I've never played CoD but so many of my moots are into it that I feel like those fellas are my blorbo in laws. (if you don't feel like adressing both that's totally fine.)
You are doing us all a wonderful service considering how grim things are right now.
Yes I'm still doing them!
The Pedro Boy I think suits you best is...
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Opposites attract. Having spent time in the military flying high-stakes missions and dealing with special operations missions, Francisco 'Catfish' Morales deserves someone to slow down with. It may be an adjustment, but slowing down to appreciate the slow, coziness of life helps balance him and allow him to appreciate life a little more. I picture him coming home after a long day, dumping his bag, and flopping on top of you on the couch so you can pet his hair and just exist together in quiet comfort. You would also look amazing in his sleep shirts, I'm sure.
I also ship you with...
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Much like Franky, John deserves someone who is focused on coziness over living life fast and hard. You're the perfect balance to that. A thicker girl who likes to cook, sit in PJs, and relax at home crocheting? Be still his beating heart. You may have to coax him a little, but he quickly finds laying his head on your belly for a nap while you read or do something else is one of his favorite activities. Be careful, he snores.
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filmfactors · 2 years ago
opinion on hunter from toh
WARNING: I probably won't get all my thoughts across perfectly. Sorry it's honestly taken me awhile to get back to this anon, I did have thought's but couldn't quite catch myself in the mood to write em! Now let's get started:
Hunter is, by all means, a character I personally should've liked. I did at one point! The Golden Guard easily had my attention, he was sassy and I love my masked characters. It's what they started doing with him that made me less of a fan over time, that and I have a personal grievance with the fandom. Being the rare Belos fan I couldn't go into his tag without seeing it mostly about Hunter all the time.
Obviously I'll state I do not dislike Hunter for having a redemption, rather, it's how Owl House redeems characters that make's him as fascinating as plain white bread. What is this method?
Redemption = Lack of bite, a total lack of genuine flaws... and a reason why their actions can be blamed on someone else.
Let's bring in Amity as another example: Upon her introduction we see her bullying Willow, alone. When Understanding Willow comes around, we see that it's claimed it was her parents, and even later, just her moms fault. Inner Willow says 'you let your friends pick on her for years' but we don't acknowledge Amity did the exact same for no good reason.
Once Amity is redeemed, do we see the attitude? Do we see her hesitations with Willow? Do we even see her trying to make it up to Willow? I am not counting Labyrinth Runners for this because sure we got some closure but it doesn't fix the base issue. Any sort of Amity's actually negative flaws are erased once she is Luz's cool girlfriend.
It happens to Lilith, with her complexes, she never again expresses negative feelings that aren't easy and palpable. She's never superior or with attitude, and she only cursed her sister thinking it'd only be a day. That's a whole other can of worms though.
Point being, Hunter is the exact same. We can blame all his negative attributes on Belos, and once he's good he can no longer have any of those. He's not sassy, or fun, and admittedly is just kind of an angst machine.
I often feel the point of redemption is that it is nice to see someone who did bad things, get help or help themselves. The belief even bad people can change, because in the end they are still human. It's not fun when all your redeemed characters are simply 'misunderstood.' When you can push the blame off of them and instead place it on someone else. Owl House's message is that people are complex, but fails to deliver on this.
An easy comparison to make is Hunter is Zuko, but he's absolutely no Zuko. They both follow a similar principle, it was a family member that led them down the path of ruin. Yet Avatar understood that at some point down the line, your actions are your own. Zuko is conflicted, and hurting but he still does actions that hurt others. He has to apologize, make up for it, etc.
Now I'll say Zuko's redemption is not and has never been the end all be all for redemption. I have a whole slew of thoughts on the matter, point being is that Hunter was this type of redemption. It fails to be anything much other than making Hunter the resident sad but bad boy, and the shows punching bag.
At some point all of his angst was just egregious punching down, as in by Thanks to Them. Flapjack, the possession... it didn't need to happen. In fact it hardly effected anything at all! It just gave Hunter more trauma and powers, but what did it do for the story? Hunter is barely in the finale. I guess let's watch some Boscha and Kikimora hijinks instead?
Moving on from the general issue of Owl House's writing, what else can be said about Hunter? Well he is a screen time leech. Consider, an episode like Labyrinth Runners. Technically a Gus episode, but he once again takes a backseat for other characters. Just like his one other episode! Hunter for some reason knows Willow better than him as well, just for some shipping fuel.
All that to say I don't hate the concept of this episode, I really enjoyed the Gus and Hunter interactions! I find their friendship to probably be Hunter's most compelling relationship outside of Luz. It's only a problem for the fact Gus' whole character is tossed aside by the writers.
He sees Belos' memories, his traumas, etc- what does this lead to? Making Hunter feel better. Gus never actually gets to do anything despite all the set up of his illusion powers, his episodes are overtaken by someone else or a ship. I'll admit this is not just a Hunter problem, but it contributes a lot.
All in all once Hunter was introduced, it left Willow and Gus further on the back burner. No matter what you say, there is an obvious lack of use of these two. Speaking of them, or more specifically Willow:
I'm actually okay with the concept of huntlow! I do not think it's nearly as bad as people in the critical tag claim it to be. It was rushed and not well written, but I felt the writers were on the right track for the idea. However, there have been some pretty bad faith readings of the pairing. Mostly for folks claiming that she 'didn't start liking him until he had powers' which is blatantly untrue.
Willow may not blush at Hunter, the tell tale sign someone in Owl House has a crush. Yet I feel you can pick up on the fact she has an interest in him in Thanks to Them, notably a pre-Hunter powers episode. I won't claim it's extremely compelling, but it's simple and it's cute it just results in some messy things for the sake of ship fuel.
My biggest complaint is that yet again, Hunter steals Gus' role of being a good friend to Willow in For the Future.
I feel there is much more I could say on Hunter, and his character, but I'm bad at writing all my thoughts without specific questions to remind me...
Overall just take it as I dislike Hunter, while also thinking he's one of the better characters of the series. He's got all the right ingredients to make a good cake, but the writers kept adding too much vanilla extract.
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fuckinuchihas · 4 years ago
hi! this is an emergency request, sorry to bother.. it's my birthday now, but I feel like I haven't gotten as far as I should by now and I can't help feeling like I've failed. do you think you could do hc's for kuroo, bokuto, oikawa, iwaizumi, mattsun, and/or the miya twins (separate or together) cheering their s/o up for her birthday? also p l e a s e don't do all of these if you don't want to. thank you so much. (also i'm 18+, so whatever you think suits the characters works)
I plan to get to Iwa and Mattsun soon but on the off chance your birthday isn’t over yet I wanted you to have these two to start!
I don’t know the twins well but if I can get something I’m okay with out, you’ll have one or both of them too!
As hard as it would be to take, Kuroo would understand when you say you don’t want a party. He wants to show you off and let everyone in his life, in both your lives, celebrate the person that means the most to him. You don’t want the attention though, so he nods and promises not to make a big deal out of it.
But he draws the line at leaving you alone for it.
He refuses to give in and eventually you relent and promise to let him spend the day, just the two of you together.
He shows up at your doorstep at 11:58 two minutes before the day officially starts and you’re half asleep ( he woke you mid nap) staring up at him in a shirt that’s just a little too big and he goes soft at the sight of you being so absolutely adorable.
You rub your eyes a little while asking what he’s doing there and he rolls his eyes at you before pushing his way into the small, comfortable apartment you’ve rented for yourself.
“Like I would miss a minute of it,” he says, arms laden with bags that he sits on the counter.
“What is all this?” you ask, wide eyed and slightly more awake now that you’ve noticed the bags.
“Well some of it is your favorite snacks, and some actual groceries so I can cook you breakfast and a romantic dinner later tonight…”
“Tets...this is all, it’s too much.”
He stops, turns to you and puts a hand on your shoulder to make sure you’re facing him directly before lifting your chin up until you can look in those big, bright eyes of his. “I’m grateful, y’know…”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“I want to celebrate your birthday because I’m grateful you were born. I’m so happy that you exist in the world and that I can love you. Please...please let me do this,” he says, eyes a little glassy as he searches over your features.
“Oh…” you whisper softly, heart racing as your gaze flicks down to his lips. “Okay I guess.”
He smiles softly at you, using his thumb to brush against your chin before he leans in and presses a warm, quick kiss to your lips. “Thank you, for being born and for being mine.”
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So everyone knows that Bokuto is so full of life and fun and energy and you’d think this big fluffy himbo owl boy would want nothing more than to throw a party for his amazing partner. But while Bo is a bit, okay maybe a lot clueless about some things, he’s noticed how you’ve slowly been crawling into yourself as your birthday approaches.
He’s not sure how to fix it but he does realize that a big party isn’t the way to go. For him, maybe but not you. As much as he would love to show you a good time and have everyone together, he figures for the first time in his life a more subtle approach is necessary.
Okay you got him, he asked Akaashi for advice and Kaashi told him not to be an idiot and draw attention to the fact that you’re not feeling your best.
Still...it was his idea not to throw a party so he should get bonus points too he thinks.
He finds you in an oversized hoodie and pajama pants despite it being mid afternoon when he comes over with your favorite dessert in hand.
He melts.
“You’re so cute, babe.”
“Bo, I’m a mess. What are you even talking about?” you ask, a small chuckle leaving your lips though. He has a way of making you smile even when it’s hardest.
“Here, eat one of these, or five I don’t care,” he says, handing over the pastry box. “Then you’re gonna get ready and we’re going out.
“Ko, I don’t really feel-”
“Just us… I promise,” he says, and you hesitate.
“That’s my baby,” he says, patting the top of your head.
You scrunch up your nose but ignore the feeling of being patronized because Bo would never and also the promise of sugar is far too appealing.
When you’ve stuffed yourself full on dessert, you change into your favorite seasonal outfit. It’s warm and soft and it fits you like a glove. Bo gives an appreciative whistle despite the fact that he’s seen you in it several times before.
“You’re ridiculous,” you say, shaking your head but you chuckle anyway.
“What? You’re hot...I’m not gonna let you forget it, not for a second.”
You feel your face warm up a little but you duck your head to hide it away.
He pulls you by the hand toward the door and then out to where his truck is waiting.
When you get to the passenger side he opens the door for you like a proper gentleman and then you start to climb up but instead he lifts you up like it’s nothing and eases you down onto the seat despite your slight flailing.
“BO!” you squawk.
“What?,” he says, adding a huff of your name with a wide grin. “I was just trying to be romantic!”
You see a bit of mischief spark in his eyes and you huff out a disgruntled noise.
“No you were just being mean,” you say, shaking your head but you can’t stay mad at him.
He’s too cute, honestly it’s kind of unfair.
Ignoring your fake pout he jogs around to the driver’s seat and hops into the cab beside you, pulling until your pressed up against his side where you belong.
You start to look at him a bit strangely when the road goes from blacktop to gravel and then again when it changes to just sand and a little mud from the rain yesterday.
He pulls into a grassy field and you look around skeptically. “Are you...hiding a murder cabin out here somewhere or something?”
“What? No!” Bo says, shaking his head. “We’re having a picnic.”
You start to open the door but he flies across the cab and pulls the door shut.
“Uhh.. just give me a minute first okay?” he says, and you quirk an eyebrow at him but agree easily enough.
He moves back to his side of the cab just as quickly but you feel the warmth of him leave and you have to pull back a whine. There’s a chill outside and now that the engine has been cut it’s not nearly as comfortable. Thankfully though, you don’t have to wait long before Bo comes back with a wide grin, offering you his hand to help yourself down.
You chuckle but follow along with his guidance.
When you get around to the side of the cab you realize both why he lifted you into the cab because there’s no way you would have missed this.
The bed of the truck is covered in soft fluffy blankets and pillows and there’s a gorgeous wicker basket in the middle and you go a little weak in the knees but Bo just puffs his chest out and grins. “So you like it, eh?”
“No, shut up-” you lie, but he knows the truth so you don’t bother to correct yourself.
The food is amazing, he picked up your regular meal at the place you guys went to on your first date and he takes pleasure in watching you eat as he digs into his own plate.
When the food is gone he stretches out, props himself up on the stack of pillows against the back of the cab and motions for you to join him.
When you cuddle into his side he starts.
“I really like your smile, especially that sleepy soft one you get in the mornings before you’ve forced yourself out of bed…” he grins, and you blink up at him.
“And the way you laugh when something is really funny, not just a little funny but like hilarious. Like that one time with the peanut m&m’s, I still can’t look at a bag without laughing…”
You chuckle too because it’s a fond memory just between the two of you. Still..this feels strange so you poke him in the side gently and ask, “Kou, what’s this about?”
“Oh it’s nothing-”
“Ugh fine, I was trying to give you one thing I love about you for every year you’ve been alive. I found the idea on the internet but it seemed really nice and stuff.”
You melt a little further into the blanket pile with Bo. “It’s very nice, thank you. But this is all I need.”
“Well I could still say em’ though.. Right? I made a list and everything,” he says, pulling the paper out of his pocket to show you. “Those were the only ones I remembered without looking though.”
You chuckle. “It’s okay...thank you by the way, for all of this. It was exactly what I needed,” you add and he looks so fucking proud of himself that it’s almost hard to look at.
You lay there together for a while as he continues to read each and every item off the list and you smile up at him with a look of true awe in your expression before you pull his neck a bit until his lips press against yours and it feels like you’ve come home again.
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sirrriusblack · 5 years ago
can you write a oneshot about wolfstar with 1D's They don't know about us??
Oh my, am I about to expose my 2013 one direction phase? Yes, yes I am. I love this song and it fits so perfectly and thank you so much for this prompt @remuslupingivesthebesthug and I’m sorry I took so long to write it my brain is a disaster :)
* * *
People say we shouldn't be together
We're too young to know about forever
* * *
“Moony, we need to talk...” Sirius said, sitting across from Remus. They were alone in the Gryffindor common room, Remus studying for the upcoming OWLs and Sirius... well, Sirius couldn’t get this off his mind. Remus didn’t lift his head, only turned the page of his book.
“Can it wait ‘til tomorrow? I’ve got to finish taking notes from this chapter and I feel like I’m about to pass out,” he said, his eyelids heavy. Sirius linked his hands together. trying not to fidget. When he didn’t say anything, Remus looked up. Sirius looked like a wreck. His eyes were red, like he’d been crying. He was... “shit, Pads, what’s wrong?” Remus asked putting his book down beside him. Sirius bit his lip and looked up at the roof, his eyes flicking between the beams, watching the shadows and trying to build up his voice.
“I can’t do this anymore,” he said. Sirius’ head fell into his hands, his hair falling around him like a curtain, his shoulders shaking and—
“Sirius,” Remus said. He crawled over to him, crouching in front of Sirius’ knees. He carefully placed his hands on Sirius’ arms, ignoring the heat from the fire, focusing only on this boy in front of him. “What? What can’t you do?” He asked quietly, not wanting to startle him. Sirius took a deep breath and looked up, locking eyes with Remus.
“This,” Sirius gestured between him and Remus, gestured to Remus’ hands, only inches away from Sirius’.
“I don’t... I don’t know what you mean,” Remus admitted, confused. Sirius huffed, and Remus wasn’t sure if it was laughter or bitterness.
“I can’t pretend I haven’t wanted to be with you since third year,” Sirius said. Remus didn’t...he...what? “I can’t pretend you’re just my best friend, I can’t pretend I don’t see you differently than I see Peter or James. I can’t do it anymore.” Remus didn’t believe it. This couldn’t be happening. Sirius was dating Marlene. Sirius was straight. Sirius was...in love with Remus? That couldn’t be true. Remus had probably fallen asleep or he was imagining things or... there had to be some sort of explanation. “Remus?” Sirius said quietly, waiting for an answer.
“I...we...can’t...we shouldn’t be together,” Remus said. Sirius’ face fell. Remus... he didn’t know what he was doing. He was in love with Sirius. He wanted nothing more in the world than to be with Sirius. But this was a trick. Surely. And Remus had to be reasonable.
“What?” Sirius whispered, cringing away from Remus. There wasn’t a place in this world where Sirius and Remus could be accepted.
“We shouldn’t be together.” They just shouldn’t. Remus picked his book up again and started reading.
* * *
But I say they don't know what they talk, talk, talkin' about (Talk, talk, talkin' about)
'Cause this love is only getting stronger
* * *
“I—I’m sorry...” The first words Remus said to Sirius after a month of near silence. I’m sorry.
“What?” Sirius whispered. “What for?” he asked, stepping closer. Remus stayed where he was. His head was facing the ground, his curls falling sheepishly to toward his feet. Remus looked up, green eyes shining. Sirius tried with everything in him not to step forward. “Why are you apologising, Remus?” He asked softly. Remus sniffled.
“I...I keep doing this and it’s not fair of me but I keep telling myself you’re lying or you’re pranking me or it doesn’t matter because it’ll never work because—“
“What are you saying, Remus?” Sirius asked, stepping forward again. Remus took a step back and hit the wall behind him. Sirius halted. He didn’t get it. Was Remus trying to get away from him, or—
“I can’t pretend either,” Remus admitted, thinking back to Sirius’ desperate words a month ago. Sirius blinked.
“What?” he prompted. Remus bit his lip, the habit tearing away a small part of the control Sirius was holding himself to. Remus took a deep breath.
“I can’t pretend I don’t want to be with you. I can’t pretend I don’t see you in the halls with Marlene and want to be that person next to you—“
“Marlene and I broke up over a month ago,” Sirius quickly rushed out. Remus’ hands dropped to his side.
“She... I came out to her.”
“As gay?” Remus asked, leaning forward. Sirius hesitated, but nodded. The world stopped spinning. Remus’ mouth tilted up at the corner like he couldn’t help but smile.
“So what...what’s happening?” Sirius asked, gesturing between the two of them. Remus bit his lip again, a nervous habit.
“I don’t...we can’t...everyone...”
“We can, Moony,” Sirius said when Remus trailed off. He made to step forward again but held back in order to keep from startling Remus. “Please, Moony, we can be together...” Remus only looked back toward the ground. “Please, Remus, I—“
Sirius was cut off as Remus stepped forward and pulled Sirius back against the wall, closing the gap between them and opening every door that had previously been shut. The walls fell down around them as the two boys smiled against each other’s lips, as their hands somehow became linked together, as they kissed, long and gentle and slow.
* * *
So I don't wanna wait any longer
I just wanna tell the world that you're mine
* * *
“You...when...how long?” Pete asked, glancing between the two of them. Sirius smiled, his hand intertwined with Remus’.
“6 months,” Remus answered, tracing his thumb over Sirius’ hand lightly. Pete sputtered, eyes wide.
“You’ve been dating for 6 months and we didn’t even notice?” he exclaimed, moving his limbs everywhere. Next to him, James was silent and still. He couldn’t...no...he hadn’t said a word. Sirius shifted carefully.
“James?” he said, looking for any kind of reaction from his best friend. That’s when James smiled. He smiled wider than the boys had ever seen him smile.
“Oh Merlin, what is it?” Remus asked cautiously. James grinned wider.
“You see, that remark is incorrect, dear Wormtail,” he said, running a hand through his hair. “They’ve been dating for six months and you didn’t notice. In fact, you refused to notice,” James said, still smiling and not making any sense. The sunlight shining through the window glinted of the lens of his glasses. James held out a hand. “I believe I’m owed something, Peter.” Peter sighed dramatically and handed over a box of chocolate frogs from underneath his mattress. Hands dig in right away.
Sirius stole a glance at Remus, who was watching his friends fondly.
“So you really don’t mind?” Remus asked, his eyes glinting and his hand holding Sirius’ with certainty. James pulled a face at Pete, who was staring longingly at James’ chocolate covered hands. He shrugged.
“It’s not up to us,” Peter said, trinity and grabbing another box of stashed chocolates. Remus wondered how many stashes he had. “But yes, we’re happy for you guys,” he promised, “even if you did lose me a bet.” The boys all laughed.
* * *
Oh, they don't know about the things we do
They don't know about the "I love yous"
But I bet you if they only knew
They would just be jealous of us,
They don't know about the up all nights
They don't know I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right
Baby they don't know about
They don't know about us (They don't know about us)
* * *
“I don’t know, I still don’t think I’m ready to tell everyone,” Remus said, feeling nauseous. “I...” he looked up at Sirius, eyes red. “I don’t know how we’d get treated, Sirius. I’m...I’m scared,” he admitted. Sirius’ heart broke then and there. He shifted forward and linked his hands with Remus’, taking in his star flecked face.
“Moony, baby, I promise that I will personally beat the shit out of anyone that makes a single comment about us,” he swore, and Remus smiled a little. “But if you want to wait, then we wait. Pete and James know, and right now, that’s all that matters, yeah?” Sirius said, squeezing Remus’ hands. Remus nodded.
“Here’s to hoping Bellatrix makes a nasty comment,” Remus said quietly, a thin smirk on his face. Sirius barked in laughter.
* * *
Just one touch and I was a believer
Every kiss it gets a little sweeter
It's getting better
Keeps getting better all the time
* * *
“Oh come on! Get a room!” James yelled and slammed the door shut.
“This is our room!” Remus yelled back, his words muffled by Sirius’ lips, they were both shirtless on Sirius’ bed, Remus straddling his boyfriend, their lips melting together, fusing them into one. Sirius breathed out a laugh and drew the curtains shut.
* * *
They don't know about the things we do
They don't know about the "I love yous"
But I bet you if they only knew
They would just be jealous of us,
They don't know about the up all nights
They don't know I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right
Baby, they don't know about (They don't know about us)
* * *
“I love you.” Sirius choked on his orange juice. Remus smiled sheepishly.
“Moony, we’re eating breakfast!” he shouted. Remus only kept smiling.
“I know, I just... thought I ought to let you know,” he said, like those three words hadn’t just meant the entire world to Sirius. He grinned, wider than he’d ever done so before.
“I love you too, Remus,” Sirius said, and he did. He loved Remus with every piece of him. They both stood up at the same time. James looked up.
“What are you doing? You haven’t even finished half your plate,” he pointed out, gesturing to the plates. Remus smirked.
“Other things to eat,” he said. It was Pete’s turn to choke on his orange juice.
* * *
They don't know how special you are
They don't know what you've done to my heart
They can say anything they want 'cause they don't know about us
They don't know what we do best, that's between me and you, our little secret
But I wanna tell 'em
I wanna tell the world that you're mine
* * *
Remus nodded. Sirius grinned and climbed on the dining table, clearing his throat to get the attention of the Great Hall. Professor McGonagall stood to interrupt but Sirius quite literally ‘tsked’ her and she actually sat back down.
“Thank you for your attention. I have an announcement to make.” Remus was bright red, hiding his face in shame, but also unable to keep the smile from his face. The entire room looked confused. Sirius took a deep breath. “I...” he pointed to a group of first year Hufflepuffs. “Drum roll please....” Remus shook his head. “I am...super gay for Remus,” he shouted.
The room was silent, save for a single ‘whoo!’ coming from Marlene a few seats over. Sirius jumped down and bowed. James and Pete were shaking with laughter and Remus was embodying a tomato.
“Thank you and goodnight,” Sirius said, grinning. Remus decided not to tell him it was the middle of the day.
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hb-obsessed · 1 year ago
honestly their relationship is difficult but beautiful at the same time. its actually quite an eye opener
(also im teaching myself how to play "look my way" on the piano XD)
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Next time you're listening to "Look My Way" and fighting back tears at the sheer scope and beauty of the song, remember that Stolas is sobbing and absolutely pouring his heart out about this guy:
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