#you start getting more comfortable and eventually stylize them to perfection in ur mind
superbellsubways · 4 months
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grizz stylization evolution chart 👍
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i'm really shy but i just wanted to say that i love your art and how you draw will and his facial features i've studied your art a lot and i honestly think it's made me a better artist. i feel way more in tune with my work and it's easier for me to translate real facial features into something stylized and cartoonish so thank you
oh wow thank you that’s so cool!!!!
honestly a great Art Technique really just is that if you like some element of someone’s art, just look at how they do it and incorporate that into how You do it and just use that influence/inspiration to help figure out your own approach and how to be more comfortable with it…..that’s all i’ve ever really done and like, even now that i’ve got a better sense than ever of how i Like to draw, it’s still always changing around in little ways……really that’s awesome if my art’s helped you out re: working with your own
really like yeah i’m Especially motivated to keep will’s features in mind while i’m drawing because of how like, unfortunately it seems a lot more common that people like, don’t do that at all…..because you don’t have to be shooting for Realism in your art style to draw someone in a way that still looks like them cuz you can draw features in a recognizable way without that photorealism or whatever. we’re just out here drawing lines and shapes and it’s more about how those lines/shapes work together in your drawing and how you ~translate~ things into your style….like it’s not about what looks closest to a photograph of the person, you can pretty much draw something Resembling someone in whatever style you have b/c all the visual elements you’re working with like the shapes and angles and placement of everything are gonna be at play in the real life example and in your interpretation of that, despite the fact they won’t look exactly the same. like, the way you break things down into shapes and probably simplify / stylize things doesn’t mean you’re gonna have to deviate a ton from how things “”””really”””” look…..i mean for will roland specifically for example, i already mentioned how like, i draw his nose to have that slight convex silhouette like how it really does, and that’s gonna do a lot to make it look more like him than if i do the real small concave upturned deal which…..is nothing in the least like how it actually is
anyways yeah!! it’s always a bit of an ongoing challenge figuring out how to take something and “translate” it into your style, whether its Something From Life or Something From Another Art Style, and sometimes in the process you end up shifting your own style around as you figure out what works for you and what it would help to change. i guess sometimes it can feel like your approach might “break down” if you try to make it work a certain way, but really your style is always going to be shifting and evolving one way or another, so it’s cool to just explore that development and know that your art is usually more flexible than you might think. it’s intimidating and frustrating sometimes but that’s not actually an indication that you’re doing something wrong lol……just keep at it b/c really the answer to “how do i get to [whatever point you want to get to]” is just oh make more within whatever medium you’re working in. draw/right/paint/collage more or whatever it is you’re doing. just Make More of it and that’ll get you further than really trying to think out the theory of what you’re trying to do (cuz that’s part of the whole thing too but no amount of Thinking About It is gonna make it so that you can pick up your pencil and be Fully Ready and make something perfect exactly how you want it to look). it’s annoying when sometimes you might just wanna scrap something entirely, but if you’re spending eons on something and it still just doesn’t look right, don’t be afraid to just throw it out and start again from scratch cuz ultimately that’s gonna be more Productive and helpful than trying to finetune something for a million hrs and still not end up that happy with it. and really even what you finish doesn’t have to feel perfect or like a total masterpiece. it’s fun when something you make really Does feel like something you’re super proud of, but a lot of times for me those kinds of pieces are more of the General Feeling / Effect of it rather than me going “aha perfect can’t spot any mistakes or imperfections or things i would never ever change” etc yknow
and like really Eventual Improvement isn’t as much as feeling like “wow my rate of Masterpieces vs. ‘what i’m not really 10,000% perfectly thrilled with’ sure has increased,” but rather your average piece of art that isn’t either a failure or something you’ve knocked your own socks off with will still be something you’re happier with than how happy you might’ve been with ur average work of art from years prior. and that’s a pretty cool feeling really. and for me it’s definitely been sort of both about figuring out how to handle more Abstract/General Art Things like all the shapes and lines and form and figure and etc etc etc and also the more personal stuff like say, your style…..which, one thing that’s nice is you definitely Have a personal style no matter what, it’s just about figuring out how to make it more into how you like your art to look.
anyways i did not need to get into very general art talk but i have. the point is thank you so much!!! that is so cool and nice to hear and ty for sending this!
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