#you should be the one getting a job at dc imho!
roobylavender · 2 years
Hello! Thank you for your answer (I'm the Bruce loses his wealth anon) and you're so right about the potential for him to be in a teaching/mentorship field for civilian kids! And yeah the thought was prompted by how living in a literal manor and having that much wealth would isolate him from people to a huge degree even his peers and he likely wouldn't stop until an external shock like losing his wealth and gaining community.
I'm kind of obsessed with this au because it is genuinely baffling to me how the common understanding of Bruce is that he's a brooding pessimistic loner when he has literally devoted his life to an unattainable ideal of a crime free Gotham and has so many kids and is on multiple superhero teams. There are so many stories you could still tell with Bruce without him being Batman. And it actually works really well with the current obsession of deconstructing the myth of Batman. (1/2)
(2/2) You could explore the tension with his kids and students in how they feel about Bruce being happier without Batman while they are devoted to the superhero identity. You could give him an altered role in the justice league and explore the consequences of that. Or reveal his identity and see the response of the Gotham people now that they know Bruce as a peer. Like if we must still keep the crime fighting he could be a private detective helping people who don't trust the authorities get justice while actively being a part of the community. We can also explore the impact of both Bruce's philanthropy and Batman's vigilantism and explore the limits of both while looking at the material impact both things have caused on the community. There is endless potential for stories here that can be accomplished while giving Bruce's kids the freedom to become independent heroes and I am truly baffled why people want Bruce to remain trapped in the Batman identity. Sorry I just realised how long this got so sorry for the rambling asks (no one I know is into comics) and thank you for reading! 🌻🌻🌻
i couldn't agree more like you summarized it so succinctly! people need to drive their bruce analysis beyond the idea that bruce is nothing without batman bc it is so not true and he has so much to offer as bruce wayne! esp love your point about how it can potentially create tension with his kids bc that really should be a huge crux of how his relationship with them is explored. the fact that if there was a world where he didn't need to put on the mask he would let it go whereas with them you get the feeling their entire existence is for the sake of the mask and to their own detriment is incredibly impt. and it's really interesting people have projected the latter reading onto bruce increasingly as time goes by to the point that they believe batman supersedes his own existence, bc it's quite ahistorical. i sometimes wonder if people even understand the point of the knightfall arc or bruce's run with tim at all bc it seems all too many come out of it thinking that bruce's return to batman is necessary bc it's all he'll ever be and he's the only one who can be batman. but i think the conglomerate effect of knightfall and whatever subsequent arcs there are through rucka's run (and in spite of the many flaws in some of those stories) is to establish that bruce wayne as himself is an uncompromisable identity that cannot be lost or subsumed by the mask. what bruce does is impt and he does have somewhat of a duty to uphold by putting himself out there in the first place but that doesn't mean his own life is without value or that he can't want for personal things and exact change through his civilian identity. that seemed to be the core message of the rucka arcs esp and while i don't think it was executed flawlessly, whatever impact it had i do think was diluted by the fact that morrison was his successor and essentially walked back all of the effort rucka made to bring bruce back to himself
* also a side note but i imagine the strongest counterargument to whatever i'm saying here is denny o'neil's depiction of the batman identity and while you're not at all arguing with me on that here it's something i want to address about denny's writing style in general. i think my biggest criticism of him is that he's a painfully archetypal writer. he's great at establishing core traits for a character but it's very evident he was at his peak with dc in an era where long term continuity was not necessarily impt and comic runs were largely ruled by one-shot storylines where maintaining the integrity of the character was more important than necessarily driving them to change or evolve in any way (and that's an issue that shows up in his writing of talia as well imo and even to the point i believe it explains very well why he wanted to do death and the maidens, regardless of how differently it turned out from the original concept). it's easy for a lot of people to say the batman identity will forever and always be the absolutely priority to bruce in light of what denny has written without accounting for the fact that denny wasn't necessarily interested in seeing bruce actually grow as a character. in some ways his stubborn attachment to standard form is a blessing but in other ways i also think it's a hindrance and i wish people would acknowledge that
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Miscellaneous Tag Game (pt. ii)
Tysm for tagging me @onehelluvamarine xxx
A band you don’t like that many others do: Uhhh I can't think of anything at the moment. I'm positive there is one but I cannot for the life of me think of one right now
A childhood memory that you remember vividly: So when I was. I want to say like 5? We went on a big family holiday to France and we stayed in this holiday home on a farm, and instead of getting a bedroom I actually slept on this little bed on a semi-landing thing, and I remember being in that bed and falling asleep with the rest of my family still chatting downstairs
Least favorite animal and why: The only thing coming to mind is spiders. Not little ones, they're fine, and not tarantulas either. But big house spiders. Because I have encountered them in too many places they Should Not Be
Hot fandom take: Umm idek. I guess maybe that crossover pairings need to stop being automatically considered crackships? Like, unless you're hitting me with that Impala/TARDIS shit or something, it might just be a regular old crossover rarepair ship imho
Do you wear any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece: I basically always have a necklace and a ring on, and I love them both but the necklace is definitely my favourite. It's Thor's hammer, and it was a Christmas present
A movie others liked but you didn’t: The Dark Knight. Excellent performances but I just didn't really vibe with the Nolan Batman movies even though I really wanted to because I watched them at the height of my DC phase
Three things you love about yourself: My humour (I'm a pun master to the extent that some of my colleagues still bring up a joke I made when I started about 6 months ago), my hair, and the way I taught myself to paint my own nails and now they basically always look cool and interesting
A place you hope to visit in the future and why: As just a holiday: Crete because it's got some fascinating history. As a place specifically to visit people: if you're reading this and you know, you know >:)
An actor that gets on your nerves and why: If I ever meet Kevin Bacon it is ON SIGHT. I've never seen him in anything but X-Men but he's been in EE ads for so long he's driven me up the wall and I can't look at him any more
Things you’re excited for in the nearby future? I have a week off next week! Thank GOD
Least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in: I've said it on this blog before so I'm hoping I'm not going to get mobbed for it but. Sledgefu. As I've said before I get it but I Do Not Vibe. Glad y'all are having a good time though!
What’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in? I can't name it because it's tiny and this'll end up somewhere they'll find it. They were entitled and had a whole superiority complex going on. Last I heard they were STILL hung up on something that happened three years ago where they had beef with someone from another related fandom which blew up into a whole thing
List three things you find beautiful about life: My family, I'm so so lucky to have them and they're always so supportive. My friends, and the fact that I can have good friends who are so important in my life when they're so far away from me. And creating things generally, whether I'm doing it or someone else is, and making something that means something in some way
Any dreams for the future? Current, very mundane dream is to get a job that, even if it's not my biggest passion and I love doing it all the time, doesn't make me dread going in every day
How are you really feeling today? Uhh. Worn out. Kinda ill in a very general way. Seasonal depression is kicking my ass. But I managed to do a couple of important chores today so feeling good about that!
Tags: if you feel like it, then @bruin-coll, @noodleblade, @thesunlikehoney, @paperbrds, @hopefulsapphic and @sumquiasum!
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gorogues · 6 years
sharpandtothepoint replied to your ask post: Cool thanks!
Always a pleasure :D
truxi-twice replied to your text post: late to the love party, but I just want to say I'm so sorry these jerks have been targeting you. You're an incredible person who, imho, is the beating heart of the Rogues fandom (not to be pressuring like "IT WILL DIE WITHOUT YOU," but that you've always brought joy and compassion to the fandom and I feel like the best of it is what's in your circle). <3
Thank you so much, that's very kind of you to say :)  I'm glad to play my part, and hope that we can make Rogues fandom warm and welcoming for everyone!
secondratevillain replied to your photo post: HI I'M AFRAID
The Sinestro Corps has done its job! :O
ohhicas replied to your photo post: I love the tacked on “BTW THIS IS THE SECOND MONARCH WE PROMISE” to the title, but I’m real damn wary that the sudden edition girl has a yellow lantern ring. I swear to god if they make her some villain a la RenegadeTop in the end, too....
They might, we'll have to wait and see.  Introducing her as a Yellow Lantern right off the bat tells us that she's not a great person, so they've kind of telegraphed it already and it wouldn't come as a twist like future!Top.  But yes, making her a secret traitor would be annoying after it's already been done with him, so I hope they don't do it.  I think it'd be fine to have her be the least-good person on the team, however, because we've already gotten a hint of it.
ohhicas replied to your photo post: (But I— it’s so weird to say I love this. WHAT IS THIS FEELING? ENJOYING A COMIC WRITTEN THIS YEAR? WHO AM I?)
I'm so glad you're enjoying it :D  Definitely a nice feeling!  I loved the annual, and have enjoyed some recent Flash issues here and there.  This one was pretty good too.
maswartz replied to your photo post: *spit take* Ok what
I think a lot of people feel like that, especially regarding Golden Guardian :>  It was a neat twist I certainly didn't anticipate.
tricksterrune replied to your photo post: Len, what even is your outfit?
I should have talked about that!  It's an unholy hybrid of his New 52 and Rebirth outfits, basically using the design of the Rebirth era but removing the sleeves.  IMO the sleeveless look was the worst part of his New 52 aesthetic, so I'm not happy to see it here again.
ashlethenggm replied to your photo post: I'm so upset that the writers just seemed to throw Digger's past with the Rogues out the window. Are they just making their own continuity at this point??
I have no idea.  The New 52 gave no indication that Digger had a past with the Rogues, and maybe Rob Williams is going off that continuity.  It's only Joshua Williamson who established that Rebirth Digger does indeed have a history with the Rogues, so maybe Williams a) doesn't know about that, or b) Williams/DC has decided to retcon it.  I'd really prefer it to just be a simple mistake, because while sloppy it might not mean anything in the grand scheme of things...but who knows at this point.
secondratevillain replied to your link post: I AM NO LESS AFRAID
Yes, I think things will get worse for the Flash Family before they get better :O
ohhicas replied to your photo post: it looks vaguely airforce to me? The style of the wings, and I think skulls with that kind of helmet were common tattoo designs? But also bikers.
It does, yeah.  There's never been any hint that Larry was in the military before becoming a cop, but there's no reason to believe he wasn't, either.  So maybe he was in the Air Force at some point, but it'd probably have been before he became a police officer because he's been on Disability since he was drunk/shot/kicked off the force; I can't imagine the AF would welcome a disgraced (and disabled, for that matter) ex-cop.  Interesting idea, and maybe someone should ask Kolins if they meet him.
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dcnativegal · 7 years
I miss Black people
A tall Black man came into the office in Christmas Valley last week to introduce himself as a social services worker for parts of Deschutes County and north Lake County, too.  My door and my fellow therapist’s door were open, and we introduced ourselves and chatted amicably. When he and I discovered we had both lived in DC, I became Chatty Cathy, waxing poetic about Ethiopian Food. It became clear that he wasn’t that familiar with it, couldn’t remember the word ‘injera’… but that was okay. I was talking to a Black man who knew DC.  I’m pretty sure I embarrassed myself. My colleague was friendly and professional. I was irrationally glad to see him out of all proportion to the occasion.
He probably left thinking to himself, white people are weird. Guilty as charged.  
I am one of those white people who study Black people. Their experience, history, personalities, and the systemic, systematic way in which they’ve been imprisoned in one big internment camp called the United States of America. Everything about them, with the possible exception of current music beyond a superficial point. My kids listen to nothing but music made by Black people, so we, as a family, have that covered.
Formative books: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. The Color Purple. Beloved. Also, Why do all the Black kids sit together in the Cafeteria, and When Race Became Real. Between the World and Me is the most recent.
Formative movies: Sounder (with music by Taj Mahal).  Anything by Spike Lee (with the possible exception of Inside Job, which is excellent, but not about Black experience.) Moonlight. Daughters of the Dust.  I am Not Your Negro is the most recent. Anything by Ava DuVernay, most recently, 13th. (I dare you, white reader, to watch it, on Netflix, and not have your mind blown.)
Music: Otis Redding. Songs in the Key of Life by Stevie Wonder. Early Michael Jackson and the Jackson Five. Tracy Chapman. India Arie.
I could go on and on… Perhaps I’ll stop with this link to 100 Woke Black women to follow: http://www.essence.com/news/woke-100-women
“Study” does not mean to keep at arms-length. I have been a marshmallow in a sea of cocoa since I can remember being alive. And since, many times, in different schools and neighborhoods, I was one of the few white kids, it behooved me to observe how we are similar and different. When you are the minority, you study the majority.
Little differences, in hygiene practices (Black women are more fastidious), in pronunciation (Andrea is pronounced An DRE uh by Black folks, AN dreeah by white. Darrell is DaRELLE for Black people and DAR rul for white.)  In Happy Birthday songs: Black folks sing the Stevie Wonder version. In mythical secret jokes. Some Black people think that white people smell bad when wet. I’m serious. Based on how stinky the white men were when they came across the Atlantic to kidnap Black people. I mentioned this one day to a church friend, a PhD in Math, descended from Jamaicans, and she gasped! How did I know?! (I read it in a book, silly.)
I notice how much African American Vernacular English is used by white people. “You go, girl.”  “24/7.” “I’m down.” “Word.” White folks don’t necessarily notice. I do. I try not to use AAVE. For fear of being scolded by my daughter. But also, because it is not appropriate. I struggle with this appropriateness thing. Because it’s the right thing to do. I keep learning how much culture has been stolen from Black Americans. Elvis Presley is just the tip of the iceburg. White people have stolen from Black people for millennia, and not just culturally. I look for examples of this, and find it, daily.  I look out of long habit, so that I can give credit where credit is due.
It is absolutely true that Black people have transformed my life again and again. A Black 10th grade English teacher told me I was a good writer and should check out the Urban Journalism Workshop. I did, I applied, I got in, I learned to write, and the article I wrote earned an honorable mention from the Robert Kennedy Journalism awards. It was about the gentrification of Mount Pleasant, a neighborhood in DC. In 1976.  I’m pretty sure I got into Oberlin College because of the Urban Journalism Workshop. Because I had zero extracurriculars besides running away from home. Thank you, Mrs. Feely.
I spent 40 years in the grooviest episcopal church on the planet (IMHO) because of a Black seminarian I almost married. He was 9 years my senior, I was 17, when we met. St Stephen & the Incarnation became my spiritual home because he was assigned there. And after I realized I was too young to marry, it stayed my parish home until I moved to the Oregon Outback in August 2016. Thank you, Eddie.
I miss my Black friends. Gay and straight women, with a few gay Black men in there, too. I know a lot of wonderful straight Black men, but I can’t say I’d call any of them in the middle of the night to take me to the emergency room. (One of my criteria for being a real friend. I’m sure they’d take me; I would just be so embarrassed.)  Each of my friends is amazing. Of course, that is also true of my white friends. I’ve been mulling over the difference between my white and Black friends.
I’m reminded of something I read years ago about being friends across the racial chasm: the Black woman’s advice to her white friend was, “Forget I am Black. And, never forget that I am Black.”  The zen koan of being friends with a Black person.
I feel lucky when a Black person will deign to be my friend. They could so easily reserve their precious energies for other people of color, especially people of the African diaspora. Out of self-care. (deign: verb, do something that one considers to be beneath one's dignity.  "she did not deign to answer the maid's question" Archaic condescend to give [something.]  "He had deigned an apology.")    When I am hanging out with my Black friends who are activists and seemingly tireless in their work for justice in all kinds of situations, I am amazed that they have time for me. I know in fact that they are tired. And I do my best to be someone they can relax with. Even though I am white.
I have a Black friend who grew up in Crown Heights Brooklyn, where my son lives now in an apartment with many roommates. Her parents were from Guyana, an African-Caribbean country. Crown Heights is gentrifying, but it seems to still hold a special mix of Caribbean immigrants and Hasidim. S is a little younger than I am, and also has 2 kids, one in college (same one as my daughter) and the other graduated (as is my son.)  My kids’ dad and I met their family when we each had only one baby in diapers and one parent each were home, and craving adult conversation. Play group in Brookland DC used to meet once a week until the community-organizing father of my children got hold of it, and then it met 3 times a week.
Our oldest boys were friends. We had second children. We developed a tradition of going to the Outer Banks in North Carolina for a week every summer and sharing an old beach house that was right on the water, one family per bedroom. We’d have 4 families give or take, and take turns cooking, looking after munchkins, and going on field trips to the Wright Brothers Museum, Walmart, and movies.
When it was time to figure out where to have the oldest boys go to school, our two families combined forces. In DC, finding a decent public school requires a strategy. We got pretty elaborate: what are our criteria for excellence? How much did each value weigh in the decision?  We teamed up, with S and I spending the night in her car one icy January to get on the list for a popular bilingual Spanish/English immersion school (Oyster Elementary). My kids’ dad and her husband hit a number of schools that were apparently much less popular but still made our list. My kid got into Oyster, and S, who was right after me, did not. We decided that our boys would go to a DC public Montessori program instead of risking separation.  
By the way, S met a nice Jewish young man from Iowa when they both attended Harvard, and married him. After many years, she decided to convert to Judaism, and both boys had bar mitzvahs, which were very cool to attend.
Both families switched to another DC public Montessori program when the original one seemed in steep decline, and enjoyed that community for a while. It became clear that my son wasn’t doing as well in that context, so I got him on a waiting list for a phenomenal charter school that uses the Expeditionary Learning model (affiliated with Outward Bound.)
We remained friends as families, going to the beach, joining the pool just over the DC line that many Brooklanders belonged to. Our boys grew apart, but we still hung out. One amazing bit of fate is that it was S and her son who introduced my boy to film-making at around 6th grade. He now makes his living as a filmmaker and is a Tisch film school graduate.
S is one of those women who is rather butch, and also straight. She is not femme: never wears make up, keeps her hair very short for minimum of fuss, and never wears skirts or dresses (except in her wedding.)  I taught her to knit on one of our beach weeks, and she’s gone on to become expert and imaginative. I figured out at one point that I had a crush on her, but I stomped that out, and we have had a great 20+ year friendship.
When my marriage ended, S and her husband extended dinner invitations to both me and my ex, separately, but only I responded. My ex is introverted, and for some reason he let his connection to these folks wither. I was grateful to hold onto the friendship, and enjoyed coming to their house for amazing food prepared by Ed, the son of the Iowan baker. Lots of far ranging conversation. We’d solve the problems of the world, and then I’d go home. We also share a love of movies. I had to call Ed once to get me to an emergency department, and he did with calm kindness.
Neither S nor her husband are on Facebook much, which is where I keep in touch with most of my social connections from DC. I’ll have to actually write them a letter, which I used to do routinely.  I miss these people very much. Maybe I should just call them up. How novel.
S was my friend first, and Black incidentally.
B became my friend and her Blackness was way more prominent. Whereas S never uses AAVE, B uses it a lot, and with her I feel like I can say “GIIRRRRRLLLL” in greeting.
 B is from a large African-American Catholic family, originally from Florida. Old school Black, which is to say, ancestors enslaved and brought to the mainland United States, then reared here after Emancipation, and always in the minority. Whereas Island folks, from what was formerly known as the West Indies, were also enslaved, they freed themselves from colonial power, and became majority Black countries. B taught me that some Caribbean folks look down on the old school Black folks. I learned a lot about hierarchies within Blackness from Brigette.
We met at a card game for women in our neighborhood. Her son was a year older than mine, and she lived within a block of us. I started to pursue her as a friend; we attended a Black-taught “all sizes welcomed” yoga class in the neighborhood, and would walk there and back every Saturday morning. On those walks we got to know each other.
She is so accomplished; a law degree, an all but dissertation PhD drop out, an author, a management consultant, a philanthropist. I was honored to be the one white person present for a discernment committee she gathered, Quaker style, to help her make a decision.  She influenced me a great deal. I hope I was a good friend to her. She was, probably still is, extremely busy, always, involved in one justice-promoting effort after another. I felt like a slacker in her presence. And she was not judging me. She simply lived every waking moment as an opportunity for social change. I also know there is pain underneath that activity, not just ‘post-traumatic slavery syndrome.’  Our sons are out in the world making art. She is making change. I miss her.
There are many others… Imani, D, Isaiah, Fern, Paulette, Liane…and powerful Facebook friends... Claudia, Alan, Reuben, KM
When I see a Black person out here in Oregon, I am riveted and try not to stare. Black people in white places are used to this, it is the ‘white gaze’, just like women are conscious of the ‘male gaze.’  For the observed, this vigilance is automatic and barely conscious until there is a perceived danger. Is that man (of whatever color) following me down this street? Is that white woman following me in this store?  I regret that I am adding to this vigilance for people of color in Oregon.
In Eugene Oregon at a huge hippy extravaganza called Country Fair, I took to counting Black people. Less than 20. I follow the SURJ-Eugene Chapter on Facebook. It’s the closest chapter to where I live. (Standing up for Racial Justice is a white person’s organization that hopes to support Black Lives Matter efforts. White folks can ask other white folks to call each other out and help each other grow. This is not the job of Black People.)  Oregon is a very white place. 
I am an anti-racist organization of one. Which is not to say I am the only one who cares about racism against Black people, systemic and individualized here in Lake County. I have not yet met anyone as steeped as I am, but it’s always possible. (Where are you?) Anybody out here willing to start a book club to read Witnessing Whiteness? It’s for white people who want to reveal and counteract the racism that lives within all of us.
From the context of my upbringing, and my choice, the collective and multi-hued Black American World is my north star. The Black/white conversation, the current animosity, the centuries-long history, is my cosmology: “noun, the science of the origin and development of the universe.” My social universe. The foundation upon which I build my politics, my theology of justice, my self-image. My corrective. Also, my joy.
I am a white person who works on her racism. Even when there are no Black people in my Oregon Outback world, except a phlebotomist, one former client, and the girlfriend of another. My moral universe is constructed around the fact of the injustice of slavery and its current unjust sequelae. (Noun. se·que·la. a condition that is the consequence of a previous disease or injury.)  Part of the post-slavery curse is the anti-government bias that is ripping further the tattered safety net. It is hard work to help white folks in mostly white contexts to see how anti-Black racism seeps into every bit of politics and also harms them individually. I’m working on this. I find it exhausting when the occasional conversation starts with “I don’t have a racist bone in my body.” I was so spoiled in D.C.
Yes, I believe in reparations. TaNehisi Coates’ work on this in The Atlantic is a paradigm-shifter.  (https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/06/the-case-for-reparations/361631/)
I only recently read a book on the native American experience, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz’s epic, “An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States.” Now I can include the injustice wrought against native peoples into my cosmology. Except I did not grow up as a white person in a majority First Nation context. A whole new arena to familiarize myself with. First Nations are deeply relevant to life out here due to water rights.  (You can watch Roxane Dunbar-Ortiz read from the book here: https://youtu.be/Pn4QTS6S3WU.) And you can read about water rights and the Klamath Nation here: (https://www.rotary.org/en/rotarian-helping-klamath-river-dispute)
I will continue to be a Black-identified white woman living in Whitelandia. I will try not to be obnoxious when I hear something flatly racist, although I will counter it. Someone said something about Black on Black crime early on. I said something, and now she knows I’m a ‘liberal.’  I share about Black experience on Facebook because I rejoice at the artistry and profound accomplishments of people who Overcome, every day. Maybe my new friends in Oregon will have a couple of stereotypes dashed by following my Facebook posts. Maybe not.  Some of the clients at our mental health center are white ex-offenders with Aryan nation tattoos. Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
My job is to enlighten white people, somehow, with humility, because i know next to nothing. I need to tell the truth, but tell it slant, as Emily Dickinson wrote, so the truth will dazzle gradually. My job is to live with integrity wherever I am, as inclusively as possible, mining my own deep veins of ignorance (see, Native American History, also, the racist history of Oregon vis a vis Sundown laws, et al.) Counteracting the deep ignorance of the public discourse about the roots of our current politics in my own thinking. And praying to know how to be a bridge builder.
Written on the immensely tall wall of the Lincoln Memorial are words from the 2nd Innaugural address. To quote Wikipedia, “Lincoln suggests that the death and destruction wrought by the [Civil] war was divine retribution to the U.S. for possessing slavery, saying that God may will that the war continue "until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword", and that the war was the country's "woe due".’  What I believe is that the great Civil War in the USA right now is the price we are paying for the sin of slavery, the divide of have and have not, early white immigrant/imperialist versus newer immigrant especially from South and Central America, the disconnect of white republican voters-for-trump and the fact of their deep dependence on the government. My cousin, President Lincoln, (4th cousin, 5 times removed) was more right than he knew.
I will be an ally no matter where I am, however (deeply) imperfect. I can’t help it.
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i live in texas but i want to buy a car year 2004 and up which car would be less expensive as in insurance
Car accident question and if I need to report to insurance company?
Ok so here's the scene, I'm backing out of my driveway from my garage. My friend parked his car at the end of driveway (he was leaving but parked there to answer a phone call). My driveway is a downhill so when I backed I couldn't see his car there. Anyway, I backed into his car and caused a minor scatch. Unfortunately, his car is a new BMW and he needs to fix it. The police came and said it is under $1000 fix and it is up to us if we report to our insurance company or not. So now I am waiting him to get a estimate to fix. What do I need to do? I guess it is my full responsibility since I am moving and he is still. If the fix fee is under $1000, do I need to report to my insurance company? How much does the insurance usually increase due to this kind accident? thanks
Can you register car w/o insurance & 1967 Mustang Steering wheel..?
I do not have my license or permit yet. I plan to have my permit by early September. I don't plan on insuring the car until September or Feburuary but can I REGISTER the car before I get insurance? (So it won't get towed.. does that ever really happen?) How much would a 1967 wheel cost and how much to have it installed?
Cheapest tow truck insurance?
progressive quoted me around 600 a month, are there any other companies that would be cheaper? i tried travelers, allstate, state farm, geico, ETC. most don't cover tow trucks. it doesn't have to be a name brand company. any suggestions?""
Pregnant with no insurance?
im only 6 1/2 wks pregnant but im a planner. i have no insurance and do not qualify for any government health so we are paying the hospital $200 a month til my baby comes to cover all the ob bills and hospital bills and my 6 wks check up after the birth. my question is......is there a such thing as infant insurance? ive looked all around online and cannot find insurance that will cover a baby til their first birthday. i know that a baby has to go to the dr alot the first year so i'd love for our child to have insurance. my hubbys work does not offer insurance. thanks for your help
Approximate monthly premium for State Unemployment insurance and the coverage?
1) My employer is in California and I have been working in Illinois for 8 years until last month for the client of my employer. My family is myself, spouse and two kids. The contract with the client is over and my employer might terminate me. In this case, should I file for unemployment insurance in California or in Illinois? 2)What is the approximate monthly premium to be paid for state unemployment insurance? 3)what things will be covered by this insurance? If various factors would affect the answers for the above questions, please try your best to give approximate estimation for the monthly premium and coverage details. Thanks.""
Reputable term life insurance?
Is there any term life Companies with decent prices that you don't have to take physicals for?
Has anyone moved to pennsylvania from new jersey?
i was considering moving to pennsylvania because I've heard the cost of living is a little less expensive than what it is in NJ.And I see alot of people are living in PA that commute to work in NJ/NY so there must be some reason people would be willing to make such a long commute just to live in PA.I live in Northern NJ somewhat close to Newark with my parents and i wana move out but cant afford the rent in NJ.I need some advice and opinions on whether moving will be better or will I be better off staying in NJ.Ive been considering also Washington DC, Maryland,Virginia. Can anyone tell me what towns in PA are cheapest to live, is car insurance cheaper than NJ etc. things like that.Thanx in Advance. O yea and if i wanted to keep my job and commute how far is the drive from nj to pa.i work close to NY""
Car insurance policy?
From out of experience or knowledge, what is the best type of car insurance for a 19 yr old college student? If the 19 yr old will b the policy holder & not under any parents. & what type of coverage is recommended? Any other advice as far insurance goes? Thanks in advance.""
What can I do if my car insurance company denied my claim for inconsistency in my report?
Im going to lay down what happened and I would appreciate your opinion. It started when my 2007 gs eclipse clutch gave out the dealership close to my house wasn't a very professional looking place when it came to their shop they mistreated the cars that where there and had old rusted cars parked in their lot. So, I did not want to get it repaired there, I made a big fuss with mitsubishi but after sitting the car in my lot for 2 months I lost my job and I had to get it fixed there anyway cause of warranty issues and I needed my car to look for another job i'm a truck driver that's why it took 2 months and my car had 7000 miles on it i hardly ever used it. I noticed that after I had it back the cruise control wasn't working I didn't take it back because of the fear of something worse happening to it. My mom suggested that I get repair by my cousins husband so my mom handed me her cell phone called him and told me to bring it in the morning because he worked all day til 7pm and if i couldn't get to him to leave the key under the plant in front of the garage door (that call was on 6-24-09). I tried to get there early enough (6-25-09) but i missed him and no one was home so I placed the key under the plant and left I told the police officer that I had made a call to him after dropping the key but the phone number to reach him was on my moms cell phone. I thought I did I couldn't remember because I came back a day later for the car. After I walked home I thought id leave it there a day so he could find the problem, since he gets home at 7pm. When I got there on 6-26-09 my car wasn't there and they said they never saw it there so i called the police to see if it was towed it wasn't and the key wasn't there either, police came over and took my statement but on the report he stated that the car was stolen on 6-26-09 and the phone number I used to call to tell them I was leaving the car there was written down wrong. The insurance company said that the inconsistencies where that I did not use my cell to make a phone call on the 6-24-09 or 6-25-09 I told them that i used my mothers cell phone in the oath recorded meeting they recorded my statement a week after i reported my car stolen and i failed to tell them i used my mothers cell phone but they didn't ask and I also told them I called when I placed the key under the plant but I was confused because I had called my cousin twice on 6-24-09. I never failed to make a payment on any of my bills and i have good credit score I'm in fact almost done with my car payment. They also brought to my attention that I tried to sell the car but i have proof that i've been trying to sell my car since 2008 and there was a buyer and i have his emails that offered to buy my car with a $1000.00 profit for me. please tell me what do think i should do about this situation?""
Is anybody looking for affordable health care insurance?
I work with ASSURANT HEALTH, I can get you a free quote just let me know.""
I want to buy a used car soon. I was wondering if having an alarm system on the car would make insurance cheap?
Like when you own a house or buying...you have home owners insurance. It sometimes makes insurance cheaper is you have an alarm system. So would the same thing be possible for a car?
Do you have to have insurance when you have your permitt. All i have is my permitt,and my grandma is worried about getting me insurance. Her insurance covers 65 and above. But my cousin didnt get insurance until she was 16 she thought that you didnt hafta have insurance until you got your license?""
Does urgent care cost a lot without insurance?
Please don't treat me like I'm an idiot. I went to the doctor at my college. They told me my throat looks very bad, but I tested negative for strep throat. They are closed all weekend, so I would have to go to urgent care. Last time I was sick (way less sick than this) they gave me steroids and they told me I would have been in the hospital if I waited after the weekend. When I was born, I had a pneumothorax, so I have very bad asthma. I just had an asthma attack, so I want to go to urgent care. However, my dad passed away in january, so we can't afford health insurance (only the one the school provides with tuition). I was just wondering if anyone knows about how much a regular visit would cost without health insurance. Thank you""
Car insurance question? help!?
I am going to get my dad to be the main driver and me to be the named driver because it makes my first insurance 300.00 =] Which is cheap for an 18 year old! lol But an insurance company phoned up today and said if i did this i would not be able to drive the car, if i did i would be uninsured? That sounds wrong, i was thinking maybe he thought i hadn't passed my test? So would i be able to drive by myself with a full UK licence as a named driver on the car i own? Thanks""
What's a nice car with good insurance?
I want a used car for under 15k. Looks, handling, and safety are important. I like how the ford mustang and chevy camaro but they have pretty high insurance... I've never had a ticket in my life. So any nice cars with relatively low insurance?""
Deerfield Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24432
Deerfield Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24432
1998 V6 Firebird Insurance?
I'm 18 years old, just graduated high school, and am looking to buy a car to get to college and back home. What is the insurance on a 1998 v6 firebird or camaro based on a clean driving record and taken the driver's ed courses?""
What does it mean to have full coverage?
It's too late to call a auto company so I am asking it here, I live with my girlfriend and was wonder about getting full coverage on my car, we want to know if I get full coverage would she be able to drive my car legally without putting her on my insurance?""
Car insurance in Ireland?
Does anyone know, if I want to buy a used car (small and cheap) only for a short time (one month traveling in Ireland). Is it any possibility to get a short time car insurance and dont pay for a whole year? Im not Irish, but I have full EU driver licence. Thank you for your advices. Ondra""
Estimating how much more is usually liability then full coverage insurance?
how much more do you think it would cost had 1997 dodge stratus 4 door and bought a 2008 ford focus, I know you it depends but do you think its gonna cost 1000 more for exampe or what?""
""How to lower my car insurance, young driver.?""
I am 18 going 19 this year, and i want to know how i can possibly make my insurance cheaper, legally. I took my pass plus which is meant to cut the price down by a bit, but I've found most internet comparison websites don't ask if you have achieved pass plus, so would it be ideal to get a quote online THEN ring up and try knock the price down? Also what else can i do to cut the cost down, legally?""
How much would it cost a year to own a car like a Ferrari in INDIA? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... answer?
a car like a porsche 911 or ferrari f430. how much would it cost a year to own. dont include the buying cost. include everything else. like insurance, tax, fuel cost, everything, etc.""
Auto insurance.?
somebody hit and run me in the parking lot and dint leave any note or anything and there is no camera. the right fender has a big dent and the door wont open,if i report this to my insurance will i get an increase on montly payment? even tho its not my fault. My car is brand new got it 3 months ago and ha a full collision coverage insurance.""
California unemployment insurance?
Can I still receive unemployment benefits if I return to school? I know you have to be available to work full time. What if I don't tell them I'm going back to school? I know they have job training but I'd like to go to a fully accredited school. Please help. Thank you
Altima Coupe SE 3.5 Insurance Estimate?
Who knows what the cost would be for a male teenage driver with good grades to drive a Nissan Altima Coupe 3.5 SE?
If i get my medical card in california will my parents see it since they pay for insurance?
I am about to get my card and i was wondering if my parents will see it, since they still pay for my insurance.""
Question on best company for classic/historic car insurance?
Our family has had State Farm for 70 years now, several generations, and in the last 10 years or so we have been progressively more & more disappointed in their caring and customer service. Maybe its just the 'assistants' that my local SF agent (who never talks to his clients any more) use, they both seem to have just horrible attitutudes, sarcastic, and act like you are a complete PITA every time you call. I even have an email from his main assistant that I asked her to forward to the actual agent because I was told he was the only one that could answer my question, and just today I was SHOCKED when I re-read the email, and saw in the forward of my email when his assistant sent it on to the actual SF agent, She said This guy will just not give up, he keeps haunting me about this issue! I couldn't freaking believe it. I was going to forward the email to SF headquarters in Bloomington IL, but then as I read more & more about state farm I saw they are completely independent agents in each office, and have literally NO ONE who is their boss or who can reprimand or correct them. This is unbelievable. If I treated my customers at my work place & gave them the rotten attitude treatment we get from our SF office here, I guarantee you I would lose my job. No one is in charge at state farm obviously. Back to my question - I recently bought a classic car I have been looking for a long time - getting it next week - it is 25 yrs old, all original & in perfect shape. My state (Maryland) lets me register the car as Historic if it is 20 yrs old or more. I plan to do this. I contacted my wonderful state farm office today, to get a quote on a new policy/binder for this collectors car. They apparently don't like insuring a vehicle as Historic, maybe the policy is too cheap & they do not make any money off it. The 'assistant' said the best they can do, even if I REGISTER this vehicle in Maryland as Historic & get an Historic tag, which I will do, she said the best she can do is insure it as part time, occasional pleasure use, under 7500 miles a year . Which of course is NOT an historic policy. You can get that on ANY extra car you have in your household even if it is a 2011 model !! She did say (and I understand this being required) that in order to have is classified as Antique/Classic/Historic, you have to have an appraisal done on the vehicle as if it just came off the show room floor -then the premiums would be much lower if you had full coverage on it, as historic/classic . So here we stand. Can someone out there please help me understand - am I being taken for a ride by my State Farm office? Should I shop around for insurance companies that just specialize in Classic/Historic auto insurance? If so can anyone recommend the best companies that specialize in reasonable insurance for classic/historic vehicles? Thanks for your help. .""
Got my first speeding ticket. How much will my insurance go up?
I was on my way to work and I got clocked at 65 mph in a 50 mph zone. I haven't told my parents and I am scared for when they find out. It's my first speeding ticket and even the first time I had ever been pulled over. The ticket was for $103.33. I paid for it and it is all taken care of I think. I was driving my mom's new car. My brother has had a lot of traffic tickets on the same insurance too, but not the same car. So how much do you think the insurance is going to go up? Or do you think it is going to go up at all?""
Is there any affordable health insurance for full time college students?
I'm a full time student and I work full time. But our benefits at work aren't that great. It's close to $400 a month with a 5000 deductible. I can't afford that right now. Recently my mom told me that she heard some colleges have health insurance programs or something like that that I can get through the college. It's pretty affordable supposedly.. I tried to search on my college site but didn't really find anything. Where can I find info about this? Or are there any government programs that offer insurance to full time students?
Whats the cheapest insurance out there?
whats the cheapest insurance out there for a 1998 Pontiac grand prix!!
Do you buy insurance before buying a motorcycle?
which comes first?
Got a speeding ticket in friends newly bought car and he didnt have proof of insurance?
so my friend recently bought a car from someone and i drove it and got a speeding ticket in it. do i have to show HIS insurance for the car or that I am insured? and if i do have to show his, then how do i get proof the insurance on the car was being transfered over to his? he already had insurance on his other cars that are his parents.""
Will my provisional insurance go up after i pass my test?
evening folks, i have my test booked for 3 weeks away, i have been shopping around for car insurance and if i enter that i have a full license then my cheapest quote is over 2000, whereas if i put that i have a provisional then it drops to 1400.. question: if i take out insurance in my name on a provisional will the price go up after i inform them that ive passed?? all answers and opinions welcomed thanks ;)""
Would having a baby affect you car insurance rate?
I just had a baby 3 months ago and I was jw if it would affect my rate if i told the company.
Car Insurance.?
My dad has insurance on his '92 Ford. I will be getting my license in November. I will be driving a '99 GMC Sierra. I was wondering about how much my insurance would be every 3 months. We are insured by Shelter Insurance of Louisiana. What is the cheapest way of getting insurance? Like would it be cheaper if i went under my dads are what? Please help 16 Male Louisiana insured by Shield of Shelter. Louisiana =] Thanks
Whatt is the mileage and insurance on a ferrari 348 spider?
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ferrari-348-Spider-/330770734365?pt=US_Cars_Trucks#ht_21892wt_1170 that is the car, i want to know how much it would cost for gas if im using it as daily driver(is it possible to use one of these as daily driver?). how much would the insurance be monthly? i live in bergen nj and im 17.""
Do i need birth certificate to buy car insurance?
Do i need birth certificate to buy car insurance?
""Wat types of car insurances are there for a 18 year old in Canada, how much do they cost?""
Wat types of car insurances are there for a 18 year old in Canada, how much do they cost?""
Finding the cheapest health insurance to waive school health insurance?
Hello, My college requires that each and every student have health insurance or else they will put you on the school's health insurance - which costs $500 a semester. I've been trying to find an insurance company/plan that meet the requirements to waiver the school's health insurance. Does anyone know a cheap health insurance company/plan in Colorado that meets these requirements? 1. Outside plan must have an annual deductible of $1,500 or less (if it's a family plan, members must have an individual deductible of $1,500 or less). 2. Outside plan must be a Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan that covers medical care for both Injury and Illness, including outpatient AND inpatient medical services. (Non-Comprehensive policies such as Injury, Diagnosis, Cancer, Hospitalization or Catastrophic only plans DO NOT COMPLY). 3. Outside plan must have Mental Health Care Coverage that includes both inpatient and outpatient benefits that have the following minimum levels: Inpatient -- coverage of at least $10,000 or 45 days, Outpatient -- coverage of at least $1,000 or 20 visits.""
If i am a truck driver will my car insurance be cheap?
i am thinking of becoming a truck driver but the problem is i will be in my truck 5 days a week the only time i will drive my car is on the weekends so will my car insurance be cheaper because i use my car on weekends only and i work for a truck company?
Why won't an insurance company insure me since I had a claim in the last 5 years?
I had a fire claim in the last 6 months ($30,000 claim), and I am not happy with my current insurance company. It has taken them 6 months to pay out. I have been trying to get a quote from different insurance companies and they all say that they cannot give me a quote because I had a significant claim the last 5 years. Does anyone know of an insurance company that doesn't have this policy?""
Deerfield Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24432
Deerfield Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24432
Lowering my car insurance premium by putting my car under my roommate's policy?
I'm 20 years old and I own a car. I pay a lot for my own insurance. But I live with a 25 year-old roommate. Is there anyway I can lower my insurance premium by putting my car under his insurance policy because we live together in the same household. What do I need to do? We don't have the same insurance company and does that mean I have to terminate my current insurance and switch to his company? Or a lot more need to be done? I have no clue. This means big savings for me so please help. Thank you!
How can you add an illegal alien to your car insurance? Where?
I have a girlfriend who happens to be an illegal alien. I am a legal U.S. citizen living in California. She owns a car (under someone elses name) and the time is coming when she will have to go to the DMW and reregister it. She wants to transfer the ownership to me but still drive it herself, which I will have no problem with as long as she agrees to pay all costs associated with using the vehicle (an agreement I will get in writing). However, she dosn't want to give her information to any insurance companies because shes afraid the Feds will find her out and deport her back to Mexico. Is their any way I can buy an insurance policy for my new car and add her to the coverage without giving the insurance company her name and and other information? Say, some policy that covers me and any other driver that happens to use the vehicle? If so, what company should I sign up with?""
Cheaper insurance? bmw 3 series or volkswagen jetta?
What would be cheaper on insurance? A 2002-4 Volkswagen Jetta gli or gls (manual v6 around 200 horse). Or a 1999-2002 BMW 3 series? (also v6, manual, and around the same horsepower). Both would be sedans. Im a 18 year old student with a perfectly clean driving record. What would be cheaper? Why? how much cheaper?""
Do your insurance rates go up as soon as you get a driver's license?
I'm about to turn 16. I want to get my driver's license, but my parent's are wondering if the insurance rate's are going to go up right away as soon as I get my driver's license or do I have to tell my insurance company? Can someone give me a little more information about this? Thank you.""
Insurance for moped 16 year old ?
live in cork Ireland,im 15 now 16 in the summer im wondering how much a 50cc moped insurance would be roughly or how much insurance would be on a Yamaha tzr 50 ? Thanks""
Are there any insurance companies that will cover pregnancy in texas?
I am 7w4d pregnant and without health insurance. I have been getting check-ups at a local clinic but I really need to find a doctor. I have not found an insurance policy that will cover maternity costs though. I've heard Medicaid has strict eligibility and is almost impossible to get if the dad is present in the baby's life,which in my situation he will be. Does anyone know of ANY insurance policies that will cover pregnancy?""
How much is the insurance on Brady Quinn's new car?
Where can I get cheap car insurance?
I'm going to be sixteen soon and my parents are still thinking about whether or not they'll let me drive. But I really need this 'cuz my parents can never pick me up on time after school and it's too far to walk. (No bus) So, I just wanted to know what's the cheapest car insurance there is for 16 year old drivers. I heard you could get discounts for getting strait A's (which I do), taking driver's ed, and having an older car (which I will). Thanks in advance!""
When will a vandalism( to my vehicle) go off my record for insurance purposes???
About 2.5 years ago some kids used nylons and a hamburger wrapper in my gas tank to set my truck on fire. It was a brand new tahoe with dealer plates and it had to be deemed totaled due to damages. Now I am trying to change insurance and get quotes and even though I was not at fault and didn't even know these children it increases my premiums by about 600 every 6 months. Does anybody know when this will go off my record? I cant understand why I'm being held financially accountable for some delinquents behavior.
Is there a motorcycle insurance company that lets you have full coverage during the summer months?
and limited coverage during the winter months? I live in NY so naturally, I wouldn't be driving during the winter months, so why pay full? Thanks""
How much would my insurance go up if im 17 and was at fault for a car accident worth more then 750 dollars?
my family plan was about 3k every 6 months. The other car had about 3.4k worth of damage also. Also if i turn 18 will my insurance still become cheaper?
Car insurance for a teen?
I was wondering if a minor can have their own insurance plans, like not under their parents name? And what is a good company for car insurance for teens (cheap) ? Thanks!""
How long does it take for a traffic ticket to show up on your driver's license and insurance?
So i got a ticket on july 17th (of this year) and the deadline to pay, contest, or do traffic school for it was september 17th, two days ago. i checked yesterday for the update because i thought i had a few more days and it said i can extend the ticket (to pay or to contest or to attend traffic school) to november 16th. i chose that and i will eventually go to traffic school but my question is, is point already on my record and will it affect my insurance rates? My friend was saying no because i extended the date and by doing so i havent plead guilty to the ticket (by paying it or attending traffic school for it) so right now because i have the date to fix the ticket extended by two months, it will not show up on my license or my insurance. What do you guys think? thanks a ton for any help :)""
Is my car insurance to high for a new driver(28years old)?
My fiancee added me under his car insurance, and iam being charged $145 a month. Iam a new driver, i just got my liscence last April. Is this Expensive for a new driver? How long will it take for the price to go down?""
What's a good insurance company for motorcycles?
I live in Halifax, NS and looking for good insurance rates. Also, what type of insurance should I get? Full coverage? I would like to insure my soon-to-be 2000 Kawi Ninja 250.""
Insurance for motorcycle?
i live in Montreal Quebec, and would be around 18-25 years old would a Kawasaki ninja 250 (250cc sport bike) be more expensive than a 800cc cruiser? cuz i was originally intresetd in the 250 because of its fun factor and etc... but my uncle is saying that insurance would be a lot because it is a sport bike and i would be still young, so its better to get a cruiser (sportster style bike) because it is heavyer, stabler...and will cost less to insure. but im a little skeptical because a 250cc engine really is not fast (compared to the 600cc sport bike) and a guy on youtube said that his friend pays a little less than half of what he pays for his kawa. 900 custom""
What would be a good price quote for motorcycle insurance SR-22?
I baught a motorcycle about a month ago and got it running last weekend. I only paid $400 for it. I need SR-22 insurance to get my license back and was wondering what is fair to pay for such insurance on a motorcycle worth no more than $400.
My car is totalled and the at fault insurance company won't pay. What do I do?
I was recently rear ended. The lady who hit me was not the owner of the car. The car is insured with Access General under the boyfriends name. Access General came to assess my car and deemed it totalled. They gave me a dollar amount of how much the car is worth and what they are willing to pay for it. Heres the problem, Access General is claiming that they can not get a hold of the boyfriend and that they can not process anything and will close the file if they do not make contact with him. So basically, I would be stuck. Obviously, I am going to get a lawyer, but has anyone ever heard of such a thing? Am I missing something here?""
When to add insurance a newly purchased used car?
I'm purchasing a used truck from a relative of mine for pretty cheap and I'll have to drive the vehicle back down, about 130 miles, to my city by myself. My question is do I have to purchase insurance for the truck before I go up there? Or do I have a grace period where I can drive the truck (say 5 days) without insurance and then once I have the title and other paperwork in my name, go and get insurance? I'm in the state of California, if that helps.""
What the best insurance company for me?
so I'm 19 and havn't have my licence very long and I drive a race car... but I want good cheap insurance like allstate or statefarm I'm looking for good coustomer service that makes me feel safe... so whats the word... any coustomer service stories?
Car insurance Question?
I was driving my friends car. I hit someone. It was my fault. My friend has insurance but I dont know what kind of coverage. I was driving her car because she needed to borrow my truck. If her insurance doesnt cover her damage should I help her pay for it even though I was doing her a favor by borrowing my truck?
Looking for affordable health insurance?
My employer does not offer health insurance. Does anyone know of a private health insurance company? I was with Blue-Cross Blue Shield and they kept raising the rates. I don't qualify for any assistance due to low income. Also some coverage for dental.
If you studied car insurance quotes previously you will know that a Q.B.P. accurate quote takes this many minutes?
Does insurance get cheaper with age or experience?
(UK) - I passed my test last summer. Just wondering does car insurance for young people get cheaper with how many miles they've driven/owned a car/been with an insurance company etc OR is just how long you have had your licence for? Cheers
How much is car insurance for a 19 year old?
im 18 and have had/drove cars be4 but without a license, but i jst went for my g1 a few days ago nd i passed, so im jst startin to save up for a car tht i can put 100% on the Road when i gget my g2.. im not gon to drivin school cuz i dnt have the money so i have to wait a yr nd not 8months till i can get my g2, but i am jst wonderin how much will insurance be?? (i live in Belleville ontario Canada) im hoppin ill have enough save to pay 4 the 1st month then try nd fine a job asap. im wantin a 2door car from 96 nd up, a z24 cavalier, mazda mx6/mx3, sunfire, or a honda civic.. (i have had a mx6 nd cavalier already but they were not on da road)""
Deerfield Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24432
Deerfield Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 24432
What Company Has the Cheapest Auto Insurance?
Also, are there any tricks to finding cheap auto insurance.""
Car insurance which is the cheaper?
What is the cheap car insurance for like a 05 and truck or suv. My dad said Tahoe are really high. It needs to have 4 wheel drive.
Will my insurance?
well my insurance pay for i iud.
How much does car insurance cost?
I'm saving up for a car and I wanna see how much I will be spending. I know it'll be a lot so I don't want any advice that I should really think about it and stuff I just want answers please. I'm 18 and I'm barley gonna get my lisence. I wanna get atleast a 2011 scion tc. How much will insurance cost? I know it'll be a lot cause of the car and cause I'm a new driver and stuff. And if anyone knows how much a 2011 tc will cost and how much I would have to pay a month for it that would help too. Can someone give me an estimate please. Thanks a lot.
How much to insure a classic bus?
i'm a mild bus enthusiast, and would quite like to buy a preserved vehicle. and i was wondering how much it would cost to insure the vehicle for pleasure purposes only, and how much it would cost to run. fuel figures and what not, tax and mot. also, what are the complications in being 17, like max people to carry and whatever. cheers ;)""
Can I suspend my car insurance?
I am 18 years old, male, clean driving record, good student, going to college. I will only be going home for occasional weekends, and vacations, and I would like to be insured so I can drive my car (saturn 2000 sl) around. I want to have coverage when I need it, but don't want to pay for a whole year of car insurance. I do not know a lot about car insurance but, Is it possible to just call up my car insurance company (MetLife) whenever I want and suspend or unsuspend my car insurance? This way I don't have to pay for a whole year of car insurance when i am only using it for weekends, week breaks, or winter and summer vacations (probably 5 months per year). Is this a normal practice? Thanks!!""
Anyone have Healthy families insurance in California?
I'm 12 weeks pregnant and have a high deductible kaiser insurance plan. I have a feeling I will end up paying 4500 (my out of pocket max) to give birth. Anyway, I recently found out I qualify for Healthy families insurance for me and the baby, so I applied and waiting to hear back. Just wondering if anyone has their own insurance in addition to healthy families? I wasn't sure if I could have double coverage to get help with the deductible... It's too late for me to change my plan because open enrollment at my work has already passed""
How can I find affordable health insurance for small business owners?
How can I find affordable health insurance for small business owners?
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I'm from Nevada but moved to Colorado. My parents signed over the title to my car and are going to make me pay for insurance. I was wondering what I had to do to sort this all out. I was thinking I have to go to the DMV to get my license and officially change the name on the title, then go back to get insurance so I can go back to the DMV to get registration. Is that right? What are your thoughts? The DMV is closed right now which is why I'm asking here.""
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mrclaudeknowsbest · 7 years
The Kids are Our Future
The Children are Our Future... so what does “The Baarn ... a ...Baby” issue say to them
Roll out the song cue…"The kids are our future, teach them well, and show them the way. Conflate with “Baby, baby it's a wild world, it's hard to get by without a smile”.
In my humble opinion (”IMHO”) the overall direction of society has followed a consistent historical trajectory of self-interest and hypocrisy. Improvement may not be demonstrable while recognizing improvements in intellect, knowledge base, or technology. Different folk will cherry-pick whatever period of mankind resonates with them, and their particular narrative. That can change easily to whatever is expedient at any time, situation, or audience.
So, what are the most important issues IMHO that today’s adults are leaving our next generations:
1. Climate Change, and its impact on economies, prosperity, population movements and unequal impacts on countries or continents.
2. Inequality in Society and growing disparities are certain to challenge the Western Democratic Model. The constant challenges from alternatives cannot be naively discounted, as appears the norm.
3. Expanding Debt, both public and private, and all its trailing issues. Yes, too many to detail at the moment (”ATM”).
4. Intangible expenses, such as pollution, climate change, and all changes in technology, social cohesion or perceptions of a good life. How they are measured, and how they are communicated to an economically unsophisticated populace. The merits of GNI over GDP is a meaningful starting point.
5. Whatever issues an observant dog, of sufficient mental bandwidth, can sniff out?
Now to “The Baarn…a…Baby issue” (”BaB”) as an aphorism, metaphor and parable (”AMP”) to today’s media beat up as a distraction, and competitor for limited public attention spans, when compared to my list of critical issues.  
For future reference, any AMP requires the background lyrics, soundtrack and visuals by AC/DC to their song ‘TNT’).
IMHO ABC program “Insiders” is the best current affairs offering ATM. The 18/02/18 episode devoted much time to BaB, so why?
Gerard H said words to the effect of - a furious statement by the PM initiated an equally emotional response by Barnaby Joyce (”B”). To the less involved, other side of the brain, thinkers such as GH “fury is best handled privately”. Wow, what does that mean to a dog? My perception is whatever you want it to mean. Any wide statement can be interpreted by anyone for whatever narrative they seek to perpetuate. So, surprise, politicians and media commentators from the left and right start bickering. Any subset of otherwise “emotionally intelligent” folk share many values of narcissism, cognitive dissonance, willful blindness, hypocrisy, hubris, self-interest for the greater good of the tribe ("my filters").  IMHO, Pollies are just pecking at the seeds as a usual course of conduct. I suggest a good lick to discern the pheromones and relevant neurotransmitters being released.  
The PM has a strong view on marriage. That may be limited due to his success at meeting his true soul mate. I often see Lucy and Malcolm walking, hand in hand, completely at ease with each other's company and on display for all to see. Half or more of the population should be in envy. The media have many examples of opposing examples such as Donald Trump and other partners. I refer to this President as Agent Orange (”AO”). Has he followed precedent and introduced some dog sense of values into The White House?    
I submit that the PM has limited experience of family breakdown, or Family Court of Australia ("FCA") matters. I describe this mental vacuum as no personal skin in the game. Accordingly, the PM should stay out of issues, such as BaB, that he is largely ignorant of. An empathetic dog can construe B’s statement and use of the emotive word “inept” in that context. Maybe it is partially true in the entire context of FCA issues that B is currently submerged by. This is not suitable material for political glibness, and I repeat a matter that the PM has no skin in the game. Strangely I have heaps of it. When the subject of divorce is raised in discussion with acquaintances, and lesser relationships, I mention my master's circumstances in this quagmire having a wife who is a more competent lawyer than him. It is unsurprising that the conversation mostly stopped, until a circuit breaker was introduced. That is an example of excessive skin in the game. Perhaps better and further particulars may be relevant in another blog.
The AMP of “oil and water” was raised to elucidate the entire context of many contradictions encompassing personal matters, or family issues, and politics. Agreement with the outstanding broad-brush AMP, yet where is the public interest test for any Government ("G") funded person or position? The timing of the introduction of “The New Code” comes into question and may be the Emperor’s New Clothes. It cannot apply to B, either retrospectively or due to the fact that the PM has limited ability to direct leadership decisions for its Nationals coalition partner. However, the timing was a barb that B, as a compromised individual experiencing family trauma, could not ignore. The lack of foresee-ability shown by the PM to this certainty is breathtaking and disappointing to my master. Furthermore, this distraction from real policy making for the public good was fodder for an opposition attempting to gain traction amid good economic and employment news.  
I submit that the decision for B to take a week off to consider his options was appropriate and necessary in the entire political and FCA context. His priority ATM should be to manage as best as possible the vexed issue of his children’s welfare and the future of his new union, including a yet to be born baby. FCA papers, and counselors, discuss the theory that divorce proceeding initiate various lengths of temporary psychoses in about 80% of applicants. Therefore, I submit that B has a good chance of being affected, especially when conflated with the extreme pressures of politics.
The optics of whether B should have accepted free rent from a mate is more political chaff. Need and greed, overlaid by timing and other distractions, are relevant issues for subjective navel gazing. The journalists with their usual premised questioning techniques have managed to obtain a narrative of different ‘facts’ from B and the friendly landlord. Wow, what a revelation? Seek, often and repeatedly enough, and you will find ‘gold’. Any dog knows that you have to sniff out the entire turf, just to cover the field of possibilities.
That luminary social commentator, Karl Stephanovic ("Karl"), raised doubts about the PM’s possible different treatment of B compared to previous Ministers. I suspect he may be a cat lover. Karl alleged that the PM knew of all manner of mischief, while taking advantage of all the investigative instruments of State. This was likely to have been, months before us mere mortals were informed by the ever-vigilant media. The argument raised by one hypocritical politician, or media commentator, against other equally morally compromised members is that you must be consistent. I submit that Karl has recently been in a similar situation to B, and therefore in my doggy notion of fairness has standing to comment. The issue is likely to have tickled his nerve on the hypocrisy exhibited by the PM and many other journalists and Pollies.  
In summary, I suggest that asking a Pollie to be consistent is akin to asking a flossy such as Kim K to justify engaging in a sexual act on social media for added exposure. OK, perhaps a mental stretch, yet still an intellectual departure for a nuanced PM. Are the Nationals actually unable to remove a leader to the standards expected of effective politicians? The optics of going into a by-election in a Conservative jurisdiction with a leader who has left his family and is now living rent free with his pregnant former staffer requires some review by the local voters. It is not a loyalty to the National Party issue, or the hidden elephant of the G’s tenuously hold on power, yet a question of political judgement. These may be watershed moments when a 24/7 social media enabled electorate require greater transparency from the PM for appropriate information to determine his ability to perform the job.
Legislating personal liaisons of any nature between consenting adults, including the specter of a moral police on a Monotheist Iranian or Saudi model, should appropriately raise the hackles of most Western Libertarians. The opportunities for abuse, conflicts of interest, and by whom are too obvious to require review. However, the matter of moving a well-paid position that already existed in the Nations party office to that of senior ministers is well within the public interest test. Note, not a created position as touted by unsympathetic media outlets, yet the variation to salaries is also relevant. Exposing hypocrisy may be embarrassing to both the accuser and accused. The legal analogy in Equity is that if you seek relief, then you must approach with clean hands.  
Subjective review, and Key Performance Indicators (”KPI”), for which job are merely far too salacious matters for a dog. Geoff asked me if a previous standard existed regarding the issue of moving jobs to shield B or others from political harm? My assessment was a conceded pass to a vague and subjective concept, requiring a tasty bone to mull over the marrow. The issue of a possible breach of existing Ministerial Conduct wrt informing the PM or others is worthy of greater scrutiny. The fact that B was not an active Minister at the time of job movements, moving into free accommodation or when relevant persons should be fully informed has some traction. No journalist to my knowledge has raised the issue of relevant timing. Requirements for a possible breach of conduct by B resurfaced immediately after a position of trust was engaged, and more so, if re-engaged. The reasonable person test kicks in, with a greater expectation due to the previous experience. It is easier to sniff a butt when the tail is raised.  
The new lady journalist to the Insiders panel, Annika S raised further hypocrisy when cherry-picking B’s words on the campaign trails. Specifically, B advising folk to move to the country to obtain cheaper rent was a zinger of Bill Short- of- Integrity optics. Perhaps a well-paid Government Minister could afford to pay a friend a sensible rent, even if he offers otherwise. Conflicting recollections of negotiations, invitations to treat, leading to oral contractual relations and past conversations are emerging. I confess to being a cynical person in relation to the conduct of all business-folk, especially regarding tax minimization. Therefore, should some cunning person or the ATO sniff out if the ‘landlord’ providing free rent to B was negatively gearing this particular complex, or his wider property portfolio, within his tax affairs?
The observation recalling the 2016 election tussle with Tony Windsor was a true political gem or nauseating to a right-minded person or their dog. The “running off with Julia barb” was regurgitated. The salacious suggestion that Tony was engaging in an illicit extra marital affair with a former PM was outside The Pale. Yes, it offended most of my value set and alerted all my sensory filters. Maybe, B's canine pals can provide some relevant insights?
The vexed issue of the scarce resource of water and conflating such with the performance of the (Federal) Murray Darling Water Authority and other State entities was salient and relevant political inquiry. IMHO, this is the really meaty issue that B should be answering in regard to a waste of taxpayers' funds. Geoff assures me that the quantum of money and political machinations far exceed the tantalizing and salacious content of BaB. When he asked me if we could chase this simmering saga into another blog, I merely opened my mouth, stuck out my tongue to taste the air, and wagged my tail in approval.
Mike Bower’s photo zooming in on B, with other Pollies out of focus was potentiated by a musical option. The cartoon of pigs covered in crap was identified by Mark Knight as worthy - of a culinary award IMHO.
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josephduong5-blog · 7 years
Leading 25 Prices estimate On instructor
How you can Quit teacher In 5 Days.
A Missouri educator is under attack for flipping off the White Residence throughout a trip to DC with a team of middle-school pupils-- and then plastering the photo on social networks, inning accordance with records. In order to gain credit history each participant of the group will need to participate in the discussion of the service and also each participant will certainly need to contribute to the option. Educators aged 60 with Three Decade of solution or aged 62 with a minimum of 1 year of service are likewise qualified for typical retirement advantages. A lot of are simply girls searching for love as well as sadly they will fantasize about a male educator that is providing what they really feel is positive focus, and in their minds it could become a hazardous component. This is a lots of cash for someone who has actually just received his or her instructors certification. If an instructor truly wants to get across their students, they have to allow them have a good time every now and then. A 3rd grade instructor ought to know exactly just what has actually been shown in the 2nd grade, so he or she can improve that. Educator specialist advancement training courses could aid you to discover methods to motivate your pupils to find out more and get past the hard times. These quotes are excellent and the book web links would certainly make wonderful gifts for a person's favored teacher past or present. I saw this internet site as well as believed this have to be a joke after that I review them and also I assumed that ever before made this actually desire's educators to be viewed as hero's to. The large bulk of pupils that research English in Greece do so to acquire credentials - Cambridge or Michigan, generally the First Certificate (' Lower') and also Efficiency degrees - with the focus on created comprehension, job and grammar, so educators should be certain in their capability to show English at a high degree. We have all satisfied educators who truly didn't appear to enjoy children, which is so depressing. I after that provide the Word Whiz his or her certificate and they place it on the board for the day. Being in the education company, instructors need to highlight academic credentials. This instance alone must inspire instructors and also parents to become part of just what is called a Parent Educator Partnership. Educators opposing will certainly have little impact (imho) unless pupils and also moms and dads get involved and remain persistent in the search of reasonable teaching/grading techniques.
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E. There might be other school employees included for each and every specific child as well as his/her requirements, such as an autism educator professional, college social employee, special education and learning instructor, principal, and/or cooks in the cafeteria. There is so much to give in this world and also becoming an educator is among the most effective things you could do as an occupation to truly get something back without also recognizing it. While these tasks are not always stable, due to the nature of the movie industry, they do pay well. Beginning the initial week by telephoning each parent (do 5 a day) as well as introducing yourself. He recommends that any individual contemplating an educator task effectively wild fangraphs (szeretemfitness.pink) intend a search around the categorized ads in many components of the nation. When you click a state you are able to take a look at a snapshot" of the state this index includes different details you might wish to know before teaching because state this consists of the ordinary primary instructor salary, typical second teacher salary, the teacher's wage vs. various other jobs within the states wage, along with the variety of trip weeks the teacher obtains per year. Conclusion: Student teacher partnership could have a healthy and balanced future when both people value the duty they accepted play. People who put on a pedometer frequently look for means to boost their results every day, even if it is simply going a couple of more actions every day. This may be shown in a business's pay ranges or can be made use of by you to work out a higher wage. One -fifth, or 20%, of public college educators that had no previous full-time mentor experience stopped in the school year 2004-2005. In mostly all the excellent colleges of The U.S.A., graduate programs are supplied in educator education and learning and training. I was really full of myself this week especially today and I think every one of my educators saw including him. Instructor expert development can enhance educator abilities, which in turn enhances the high quality of lessons for pupils. Unless your teacher is well-known or well-known in musical circles, it is impossible to simply guess just what their level of knowing is. Accreditation is a great way of understanding exactly how much the individual has actually advanced in their learning of drums and exactly how they could assist you find out the very same. This means that students are investing at least twenty-four hours weekly with parents. Have the educator reveal you the means she or he breaks down the elements of your child's grade. Develop a solid foundation with our specialist flute teachers and providing groove mentor jobs Groove Instructions Singapore, sharing the love for groove in Singapore. This technology ought to be used considering that it is most likely to help kids appreciate finding out as well as aim for more information every day. However, you could not refuse to pay the real estate tax bill that has the straight levy quantity, even if the direct levy quantity is under disagreement.
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booknista · 8 years
The Bachelor S21E3: He's Already Whipped (Cream)
Nick, Nick, Nick. When are you going to learn that the girls who bare it all immediately aren’t the ones who are going to want to marry you (even on a show like The Bachelor)?
Now, I want it to be known—I’m not about slut shaming. That isn’t what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that Nick likes being a lover in the nighttime, and it has blinded him in the past.  He falls hard for girls (I’m not even going to say women in this instance) who hop into bed with him, and then the relationships don’t work.  I was hoping that he would be self-aware enough as the Bachelor to know that sleeping with the women early wasn’t going to find him a wife.  If this episode was proof of anything, it’s only that he’s not smart enough to learn it on his own.  But the women will teach him the error of his ways.
Date Me
Date #1: Backstreet’s Back, All Right?
Okay, y’all. The fangirl in me LOVED this date. And can I just say that the Backstreet Boys still look pretty good? I can’t be alone in that. Anyway, here’s the breakdown—a group of girls (including Corinne and Danielle L.) got to learn to dance with the Backstreet Boys and then joined them onstage at a concert. The BBs chose the girl who they thought had the most chemistry with Nick, and they got to dance to “I Want it That Way” on stage. Then they all did the whole cocktail party thing after and Danielle L. (who won the serenade with Nick) got the group date rose.
Yes, there are 2 Backstreet Boys in this picture.
I love the BBs, but this date was pretty yawn.
Date #2: One-on-One with Vanessa in Space!
THIS DATE WAS REALLY COOL THOUGH.  Nick and Vanessa got to do the whole zero gravity thing and pretend they were in space. Vanessa threw up (I feel you, girl) and Nick kissed her right after, which is love right there. Gross, but cute. I’m just saying, I’m not sure my husband would kiss me right after I threw up. Their evening was great, they had good chemistry, she obviously got the rose.
Date #3: Yay Sports!
The second group date was one of those stupid sports ones where famous athletes come on to make the girls do stupid things and compete for Nick. Yawn. The highlights include an unsupportive bra (see Funniest Moment below) and Dominique losing her shit. Plus, a lot of sports bras, bare midriffs, and leggings.
Funniest Moment
Astrid, whom I don’t think has spoken before this date, has an… ample bosom, we’ll say. And she didn’t realize how athletic they were going to have to be, so she didn’t wear a sports bra with very much support. I can’t imagine the bouncing that she was experiencing was very comfortable, but she was able to laugh about it in the most real comment I’ve maybe ever heard on this show—“I probably should have worn a more supportive bra, but maybe this will get me the rose.” She doesn’t (it goes to Rachel), but she does get to hang with Nick in the hot tub for a while. Also, she doesn’t get sent home on the group date (which Dominique can’t say), so she’s doing okay.
Yeah, Nick didn’t seem to mind her lack of chest support.
Stupidest Moment
Are you going to be surprised when I tell you that Corinne is in the Stupidest Moment this week? She bumped Alexis, who has been our reigning champion. But this moment can’t be beat, IMHO.
So. Remember how last episode ended in a cliffhanger? That means that the episode started with a cocktail party and a rose ceremony. And Corinne was feeling like Nick hadn’t gotten enough of her yet. So she took her dress off (I kid you not) and put on a trench coat, and then had Nick meet her in front of the mansion on a pillow pouf thing. She had whipped cream. She squirted some in his mouth. And then, yes, she put it on her boobs for him to lick off. In front of everyone. Nick was not thrilled, but he also hasn’t seemed to get the hint that she’s not the kind of girl who becomes a wife. More on that later. So! That was stupid enough by itself, but then, when he went to talk to someone else, she started crying and went up to her room because she felt rejected. Remember—SHE ALREADY HAS A ROSE. It was just ridiculous. But the best part? She fell asleep up in her room and never came back down for the rose ceremony. Super respectful of her, no?
Personal Fave
It didn’t take long for Vanessa to win the spot as frontrunner, at least in my eyes. She’s a good fit for Nick, she’s smart, she’s spunky, and she calls him on his shit. Again, more on that in the next little section. I still like Danielle M. and Rachel, and Danielle L. is creeping up the charts for me, but Vanessa is all alone out front now.
Enemy of the State
Now that Liz is gone, Corinne has become the sole enemy in the house, much like Chad did last season. Not only did the girls witness the whipped cream debacle, but she also skipped the rose ceremony, and they were not pleased about that. But it gets worse. She was complaining about being tired toward the end of the cocktail party part of the group date, and spilled the beans about having a nanny. For herself. To cut her cucumbers and make her cheese pasta. I think I would have found it more funny if I wasn’t in the throes of immersing myself into diversity in publishing at the moment, but her comments were not only classist and downright rude, but likely have racial undertones, since she’s a little blond girl. It was horrible. AND THEN. Yes, it continues. Nick cancelled the cocktail party after this week’s round of dates and had a pool party instead (shocker). And she somehow got a bouncy castle and proceeded to straddle Nick inside it while everyone could see. AND THEN. Just about everyone in the house started talking to Nick about Corinne and her behavior (they even told him about the nanny), and Corinne herself went to take another nap.
I just can’t with this girl, y’all.
At the beginning of the episode, we had a rose ceremony. At that rose ceremony, Elizabeth W., Hailey, and Lacey (of camel entrance fame) were sent home. I don’t remember anything about any of them, so that’s fine. And then during the second group date, Dominique lost her chill and Nick sent her home too. It was a tough week for blond girls (Elizabeth W., Hailey, and Lacey are all blond). I do think it’s shedding some light on the type that everyone on the planet should know Nick has by now, though—spunky brunettes with real jobs and attitudes. Hello? Andi, a sassy lawyer? Kaitlyn, who needs no explanation? Even Jen, from Paradise, fit the mold. You blond girls might stick around a while, but it’s going to be a dark-haired grown-ass woman who gets the engagement ring, I’d almost bet money on it.
We were left at the pool party, which is likely where we’ll pick up next week. I’m so sick of these episodes that don’t end in rose ceremonies. Come on, ABC!
What do you think about this season so far?
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The Bachelor S21E3: He’s Already Whipped (Cream) was originally published on Booknista.com
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