#you say “Sie” in a polite way to some stranger and other adults and “Du” to familiar people like friends and family
loichte · 1 year
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Let's blame Albert's map for this
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So... he became a Professor at the age of 21, and we all know Liam is 24 y/o at this point. Is... is he working there for three years? Or did he just get that job and "professor" just refers to his graduation? I want my little head canon of a disoriented Liam in new places.
I want Sherly to memorize every god-damn alley and take him by the wrist when they have to run, thank you very much
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fuck-customers · 7 years
- Say hello to your cashier. And if you don't (want to) say it first because you're the customer and they're supposed to greet you first or some shit, at least reply to them when they say hello to you. It's just polite. We deserve to be treated politely too. - On the subject of saying hello as well, please say hello/at least let them finish saying hello before you start explaining shit on how you want them to handle your items ("Hel-" "I have x of these in the cart") Good day to you too, asswipe. - TALK TO US. AT ALL. Say hello, tell us if you want to pay with your card, tell us if you have any issue or something, tell us if you're going to look for exact change instead of wordlessly handing me a big bill and then rummaging around your wallet as I'm punching in what you gave me, and then looking at me like I have two heads when I hand you the change for what you gave me before you're done looking. I can't read your mind and I won't always realize you're looking for change. I'm rummaging around my own cash drawer which makes noise in addition to all the background noise, your coins jingeling won't necessarily alert me. TALK. TO. ME. I CAN'T READ YOUR MIND. WHAT DO YOU WANT. - But also don't interrupt me? It's rude af yo. If I'm telling you your total, wait until I finish my sentence before saying you'd like to use your card, or make sure to say beforehand. But don't cut me off in the middle of it.I promise the extra two seconds it takes to finish my sentence won't kill you. Maybe I'm petty for letting this bother me but it's very rude imho. - Answer me when I ask if you want your receipt. Don't just wordlessly walk off if you don't want it, say "no thank you" and "goodbye"??? Again, basic manners!! You don't even have to wish me a good day or anything, just say thanks or something at all, and goodbye. We're not robots. We deserve to be treated with the basic respect and politeness your parents no doubt taught you. - Also, this is just a language-based peeve but in German, there's two ways to directly address someone: Sie (formal, used for strangers and adults, considered respectful) and Du (informal, used among kids/teens and friends, casual). English speakers have it easier because there's only "you". Unless we know each other, you address me formally. This is a business interaction and I am an adult, and you should talk to me as such, even if I am younger than you. Again, maybe a petty complaint but it bothers me. I guess it's kind of my version of being bothered by customers using your name, since our store doesn't have name tags for the part-timers. Also a few more pet peeves: - We all know those people that pay their small purchase with a large bill. But also don't do the opposite of this and pay your 100€ purchase in 5€ bills. It's unnecessary time wasted. Not only are you going to have to count them to give me the right amount, but I will have to recount them just to make sure. Now, if you only have a big bill or a bunch of very small bills... fine, I guess. There's a bank in the same lot as our store, but... fine. But I see you have multiple 50s in your wallet, so why are you giving me a bunch of fives instead of the 50s? The compartments in my drawer do have limits, you know? - Goddamn people, PAY. ATTENTION. TO. THE. LIGHTS. If my light is red, but I'm still serving someone, that means I will finish helping them and then I have to get up and either go on break or tend to other things. If you only have two or three items, maybe I'll let you line up as well, if you're nice about it. But don't assume you can just dump your huge-ass cart on my belt despite the red light just because "Oh there's still someone being cashed out so it must be okay" NO. THE LIGHT IS RED FOR A REASON. Consider this: Maybe the cashier has had a super busy shift. Maybe they've been working for hours now through a constant flood of customers without any time to take a breather or even a sip of water, so you just dumping your shit on the belt with no consideration is just going to agitate them. If the light is red- don't line up. "Hey, your light is still red." Yes... I just turned it to red bc I need to use the bathroom thanks. There's a reason. "Are you open?" Idk, am I? Take a look at the bright light right above me. If it's red, chances are I'm NOT OPEN. BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT THAT MEANS.
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