#you reject eden. you go home.
whimsicmimic · 1 month
once again thinking about transistor au and how much i love it and how much i want to go back to it
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ohjoelmiller · 1 year
joel miller fic recs vol. 2 ✯
⇾ 18+ minors dni, read at your own risk! ⇽
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happy reading and enjoy! thank u writers we ❥ u!
previous ⇾ vol. 1
series ✰
come home — by @imtryingmybeskar
the hawk and the canary — by @dino-fart
confused warmth — by @rise-my-angel
daughter’s best friend — by @coolgrl111
texas sun — by @from-the-clouds
my bestfriend — by @mannaima
mrs. miller — by @fantasyqueen502
the stable girl — by @guess-my-next-obsession
fallacy: reject me, i get it— by @cherry-clafoutis
the beginning of us — by @companionjones
one-shots ☆
i’m right here — by @orangevtae
morning, darlin’ — by @mandoalorian
dinner date — by @juletheghoul
running free — by @aphroditesmoon
lucky & pt.2 — by cherry-clafoutis
not a thing — by @cevansgoatee
for you, anything — by @mellowsaturns
say you love me — by @thot-of-khonshu
i won’t let go — by @youlightmeupfinn
untitled — by @forever-rogue
fears — by @nonexistent-introvert
blushing — by @talaok
warmth — by youlightmeupfinn
what comes after — by @jobean12-blog
gift (giving) — by @inklore
maybe now — by @supernaturalgirl20
tricks of the trade — by @mypoisonedvine
connected together — by @flightlessangelwings
these burdens we carry — by @thedgeoftheuniverse
if he wanted to — by @sl-ut
in the dead of night — by @egcdeath
love in the time of cordyceps — by @sameheart-sameblood
from eden — by @nexusnyx
religion's in your lips — by @millersdjarin
safe and sound — by @disturbedbeautywrites
it's chemical that make me cling to you — by @cockslutpadalecki
perilous companion — by rise-my-angel
short days, long nights — by @frannyzooey
us against the world — by @ynscrazylife
after the end of the world — by @narcosfanficworld-blog
gone soft — by @blathannabeaga
weakness — by @cevansgoatee
the price of a life — by @criticallyacclaimedstranger
a way to quiet the mind — by @inlovewithquestionablecharacters
seeing joel again — by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord
late spring — by @heartpascal
save a horse, ride a cowboy — by @mandoalorian
the gold — by heartpascal
i never stopped loving you — by @musings-of-a-rose
never enough — by @joels6string
mini pedro pascal fic rec list ✫
the seat filler — by @whiskeyncoke-redux
(series) wildest dreams — by @i-magines
sunflower — by @writersblog20
strawberries & champagne — by youlightmeupfinn
papi — by @missbabyjay
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cheriiyaya · 2 months
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sometimes he likes to go back to your house just to relive a few memories
CW: angst, dazai commits breaking and entering, erm lowkey forgot how to tag but theres no real warnings
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this was a routine dazai knows very well.
jamming the pin into the keyhole, twisting it a few time until a click is heard and then rotating the handle to push open the door into your apartment.
just as expected, the door creaked open to a silent, empty apartment. if you were home, after all, a shot would've already been fired in his direction. maybe it'd hit him in the head, spraying his brains across the floor of your apartment and yet, dazai wouldn't even care, too enamored with you to realise the sticky mahogany spilling from a hole in his head.
dust floated in the rays of light that seeped through the curtains. items thrown haphazardly across the floor indicated you were probably in a rush when leaving, which was strange- you never were late for anything, you were always the most punctual out of the three of you years ago.
dazai could remember it vividly: you scolding him and chuuya for bickering like children, hurrying towards meetings while dazai pouted and chuuya grumbled.
and yet he could also remember how the sunlight glowed on your skin, leaving you a picture of angelic beauty in his eyes, even as your lips crinkled in a frown at the pairs childish antics as you chided them.
the kitchen was cleaner than the rest of the house, a little too clean. dazai wondered if you had even had time to eat before you left, tracing a slim finger around the rim of a mug half-filled with dark coffee. he stopped his finger along a part of the mug, imprinted a muted red in your lip gloss. you still use the same one, don't you? dazai always thought it looked pretty on you. he didn't even need to close his eyes to imagine you, your features burned into his mind and voice the ringing in his ears.
dazai doesn't think he'll feel the same those moments around you felt, with all your attention and devotion focused on him-
the sound of the door opening and shutting slammed dazai's heart into the pit of his stomach. he glanced at the oven clock-4:30? you were always held up 'til seven- before promptly ducking under the counter top.
if you came into the kitchen, he's so done.
your footsteps were muffled by the walls as you shrugged off your coat with a rustle of fabric, sighing. dazai didn't have to look to know, your hands were running in your hair, shoulders drooping with exhaustion.
truth be told, dazai doesn't think he would care being caught by you. he just fears your rejection.
your footsteps got closer and he could hear you, your sweet voice laced with exhaustion, mumble something under your breath. he tensed, eyes darting around for any kind of escape from the predicament.
his heart was racing. was he scared? no, was he...nervous? claws crawled up from his stomach, his throat clenching around their spindly fingers and his stomach churned at the thought of your face when you see him.
disgust, betrayal, hurt.
dazai is a selfish man, and yet he thinks he'll throw up if you look at him with anything but the gentle, affectionate gaze you spoiled him with.
your footsteps keep getting closer, closer. dazai's stomach churns and he holds his breath so hard his head spinned.
you were going to catch him. you were going to find him and scream at him, you were going to pat out every little insult that dazai knew he deserved but please, don't let them come from you.
you sighed and mumbled softly, turning the other way and ambled towards your room. the rush of blood in dazai's ears quieted a bit and he let out a breath once he heard your bedroom door close, lungs burning.
it's funny that he never got this anxious when faced with certain death during a mission, yet getting caught by you was enough to make him crumble. he lets out a shaky breath, half nervous chuckle and half relieved sigh as he stands up after a bit. waitng for noise behind the door of your room, dazai quietly padded his way towards the door. maybe he can leave, he doesn't have to cause you such distress again, it's for the better after all...
...or so he lies.
the door to your room opens with a creak and standing out in the middle of your living room, dazai knows he's done for. he doesn't even bother to turn around, not wanting to see the horrified look on your face. he just stands there, frozen with his back turned towards you.
dazai thinks he'll throw up.
"...dazai?" your voice was so soft, yet so filled of disbelief it hurt him to the core. you called for him again, this time with a quiver in your voice and dazai just wants to die there.
are you crying? did he make you cry? dazai didn't turn around, he doesn't want to see if he really did just make you cry.
too caught up in his thoughts, dazai didn't hear you tread carefully towards him, yet he registered the soft brush of your fingers through his clothes, the hesitancy with which you touched him that only traded for firmness as you brushed his back, as if you were checking if he was real.
"osamu." you sounded so hurt it made dazai sick. why are you calling him by his given name? he doesn't deserve it, he never deserved you after all. he shouldn't even be here in your apartment, he should be half dead in a ditch, drunk off the cheapest sake he has.
"you're here...you're really back, aren't you osamu?" you sobbed quietly.
shit, you're really crying.
reluctantly, dazai turned back towards you, swallowing thickly when your breath hitched at the sight of him. you cupped his face, the right side of his face that he'd always keep covered.
"please don't cry." he wanted to say to you, yet the words wouldn't come out. dazai remained silent, brushing tears off your face. you simply shook, rubbing your thumb along his cheekbone and dazai had to resist the urge to tear away from you and run out.
as if you sensed his wish, his hesitancy to this all, you pulled him closer, burying your face against his neck.
"don't go, please?" you mumbled. dazai let out a shuddering breath, his fingers gliding to rest on the small of your back. He really should leave, even if you begged him to.
and yet like the fool he was he stayed.
dazai walked back until he hit the edge of your couch, plopping down and settling you on his lap.
"...I really didn't mean for you to find me." dazai managed out, a weak smile on his face as he brushed your hair out of your face.
"then why did you break into my house?" dazai chuckled, but stayed silent. his lips brushed against your temple, rubbing his hand up and down your back.
"that's a secret, my dear!" he teased lightly, though his face didn't match his tone as his eyes fell upon your tear-stained face.
He sighed, tilting your head up. he brushed away your tears with the back of his fingers, lips pursed as dazai looked at you.
oh, how he wished it could all go back to those old days, when you life a little less complicated for dazai.
Now, he realises as you shake in his hold, it was never normal. you just came in and changed everything, didn't you?
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©Cheriiyaya 2024
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the-muppet-joker · 2 months
A rough draft of what I will send Ethan:
Hello... this is [Legal Name Redacted]. I am messaging you to apologize for how I acted when we worked together. You may recall that I cut off a piece of your beautiful green hair. I bet you are wondering why I did that. In retrospect, that was fairly strange of me. You see, I am Catholic. I had built an altar dedicated to praying to the LORD for us to one day be together (yes, a gay Catholic. We exist. God told me He had no issue with our love). I overheard you saying that you were going to dye your hair a new color and I panicked because I took the fact that we both had dyed green hair as a sign that we were meant to be. So I simply took action to preserve your hair for my altar. I had no intentions of doing anything weird or sexual with the hair as you seemed to think given your reaction. I now understand that what I did may have felt violating to you. I discovered this when I left home to live in the forest, which I did becauae my parents are getting divorced. It is very traumatic for me and honestly I would appreciate it if you would make an effort to reach out to me during this time. In any case, as I tried to sleep under a tree, I was suddenly remimded of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden. That's odd, I thought to myself. I should not have such a vivid memory of that. Unless, perhaps, I was there when it happened in a past life. You see, I am an Adam Kin as it turns out. Yes, Adam, as in the first man. I suppose this technically makes me your father, but do not worry about that, we will figure it out. Perhaps you can call me "Daddy?" That was a joke. Do not call the police. Anyways, I unlocked kin memories of my past life, I remembered how it felt when God took my rib to crrate Eve. He did this without my consent. It felt so violating. But then I realized that my rib was just like your hair: a piece of myself taken without my consent. I am so sorry I did this to you Ethan. I am sick at myself for letting my love for you get the best of me. I will not take any more pieces of you, I promise. And maybe, if you accept my apology, we can be friends? Or more than friends if you wish, but I was quite hurt by your rejection and may need some time. Do not worry about me, though, I have a "special someone" keeping me company in the mean time... he's very sweet and, heh. Let's just say he's a muppet.
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muxshwriting · 3 months
from eden
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Will Graham x sister!reader
summary: Will tries to protect his sister from himself and his life, only to push her even closer to it || warnings: knives, blood, gore, graphic injury, death, murder || words: 973 || masterlist
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You're sitting on your brother's porch, watching the sun rise as you wait for him. The ground is frozen over, as it often is during winter mornings and your breath forms a mist in front of you. The front door opens and Winston comes running to greet you. Will follows him out and you turn towards him.
"Good morning." His voice is stilted, like he's on edge. "Listen, this isn't a good time..."
"Oh, have you got work or-"
"Yeah. Something like that."
Your mood drops at his rejection. "Ok. I've got the book you asked for and some stuff for the dogs." You offer the bag that was beside you.
You're sitting outside his door again, waiting for Will to arrive home. Life hadn't been great recently and sometimes all you need is your brother. A car pulls up to the house and two men get out. Will and someone dressed in a very fancy suit.
"Will!" You call out to him and both men turn to face you. Will walks over to you and offers you a hand to stand.
"Hannibal, this is my sister Y/N. Y/N, this is Hannibal Lecter, we work together at the FBI."
"It's nice to meet you." You begin.
Will interrupts you. "What do you need?" He glances back to Hannibal and then to you.
Is this why Will was so distant lately? Becuase he made a new friend? "It's fine Will. It's nothing. I was just leaving anyway." You bite back your emotions and wave a goodbye before getting in your car and driving away from your brother and his new friend Hannibal Lecter.
Jack Crawford calls.
Will's been arrested for a string of murders. Your heart is in your mouth and you find yourself running to the bathroom and emptying your stomach in the toilet. You can hear a muffled question through the phone but the words aren't clear and your head is spinning.
You find yourself on his porch again. Winston's head is laying across your lap and it's the only thing keeping your grounded. Stray tears run down your chin before you can wipe them away and the wind makes goosebumps rise on your skin.
Will was released and aquitted from prison months ago. You know he's seen you walking in the woods near his cabin but he doesn't say anything. He doesn't call and he doesn't text you back anymore. It's like he isn't your brother.
"What's going on Will?"
He's standing outside your door, sweat glistening on his forehead and a distinct bloodstain on his cuffs. The pain in his eyes is immeasurable and his hands shake slightly.
"We need to go. Hannibal is crazy, he's going to try and kill you. We need to go."
Before you can reply, his phone rings. He shows the contact to you and it's Hannbial ringing him. You can't get your head around what Will is talking about. Hannbial is trying to kill you? You've met the man once. Maybe Will is going crazy like Alana said he was. Maybe he's not your brother anymore.
Will is pushing you out of the door, telling you to meet him at his place before he picks up the call and starts talking.
You're running. The woods are so familiar to you, bringing you a sene of comfrot as you reach the beaten path you alway take. The cabin draws nearer and a dog comes to greet you as you run towards them all.
Someone's already on the porch, standing stall and shrouded in darkness.
Your steps come to patterned stop as you stare at the figure. Tentatively you reach for you phone and switch on the torch. Hannibal is standing there, knife in hand, blood dripping from his fingers.
"Hannibal?" Your voice is quiet, afraid.
He smiles, sending a shiver down your spine as you turn and run back towrds the wood. In your panic, your foot twists and you fall to the ground. Hannibal stalks towards you, his smirk growing wider as the knife is raised.
You fumble to your feet, heart thundering as footsteps follow you into the woods. Your phone rings. It's Will.
"Will! Help me. Hannibal's here." You're yelling into the phone, not caring if Hannibal can hear whre you are. Will is yelling back down the phone telling you to run and try to loop back to the house towards him.
You dash to your left, ducking under low branches and trying to quiet your panting breaths. An arm wraps around your neck, holding you against a body. You struggle against his hold but a knife is quickly pressed against your cheek.
You're dragged back through the woods to the cabin where Will is waiting. His face is filled with worry, then replaced by fury as he sees Hannibal holding you.
"I didn't want this for us Will."
Will shakes his head. "Let her go. She doesn't know anything."
Hannibal traces the tip of knife from your temple to your chin and you try to lean away from it. He digs into your skin as you gasp in pain.
"Will-" A sharp pain in your chest cuts you off as you're unceremoniously dropped to the ground. You glance down to see a pool of red soaking into your shirt. Will is by your side in an instant, pressing hard against your chest as you gasp for air you can't seem to get.
"Will." You mutter. He meets your eyes, tears springing in his own. "It's okay. It's okay."
You're fading fast, Hannibal knowing just where to stab to hurt you the most and leave Will unable to save you. The corners of your vision blacken and you reach a hand to Will's face.
"It's okay..."
The world goes black and the last thing you hear is your brother's cry of pain as you fade from the world.
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let me know what else you want to see by sending me a request! likes and reblogs are always appreciated x
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wrengrif · 4 months
It's Thought Time again
So I've been rolling over this in various posts and reblogs, and I'm finally going to pin down my thoughts and write them here. Some might call this my 'Aziraphale Defense Post', but that's not accurate.
This is my William James take - meaning, everyone's reality is different due to perspective. What is true to me is not going to be true to you, 100% of the time. However, there is a facet of truth in everything we do believe, because we wholeheartedly believe it. That gives us a rainbow of truths from one opinion, each in their own radiant color.
So here's what I believe to be true. 6000 years ago, Heaven and Hell, on two completely different missions, sent the angel and the demon they found the most annoying to Earth. Not the weakest, not the most problematic (not yet anyways), but the ones they all collectively rolled their eyes at. Crowley was too flash. Aziraphale was too soft.
So God plopped Aziraphale in Eden, told him to protect the humans and not let them eat the apple tree that was sitting right there in front of them. Didn't tell him to put up a fence, or wave the flaming sword at them.
Satan booted Crowley upwards and told him to vaguely, 'start some trouble'. Vaguest of orders, no real direction in them. Crowley could have just thrown rocks at Adam and Eve and it would have counted.
We all know what happened from there. However, instead of Heaven and Hell going, 'Okay we're going to really pin down these orders now, sending more troops, let's get humanity really going' ... they basically left Aziraphale and Crowley alone in the office for 6000 years. Oh, the head offices occasionally pop up. Threaten, in their own unique ways. Mostly though, Crowley and Aziraphale were the only immortal beings on a planet filled with human mayflies.
Human mayflies that nine times out of ten would just set fire to themselves, or show greater compassion than either one of them had ever known.
Crowley and Aziraphale were all alone, except for each other. Even among humans, who they clearly understood more than their superiors -- you had to know they both stuck out. Yeah, think on that. Crowley couldn't have been the only one outcast, with his red hair and his yellow eyes. Aziraphale has the most white-blonde, curly hair in existence. Tag along with blue eyes and fair skin and come on. So at the beginning, they only ever really had each other for safe company. As they moved towards Europe, it got easier to fit in but even then you know people were still giving them the side-eye.
They were both transitory - following where-ever a mission went. Probably a home for maybe ten or so years, but then they'd have to move on again. We talk a lot about how Crowley didn't have a physical home until the creation of the bookshop.
That means neither did Aziraphale.
So what happened? They became home to one another. A touchstone in the centuries that passed. Aziraphale never rejected being approached by Crowley, despite being a demon, and Crowley never held Heaven's stupid missions again Aziraphale, so they kept coming together. Over and over again. Think of Rome. Aziraphale is so happy to see Crowley, and it's only been a few decades. Crowley's mood improves the longer the conversation goes on, letting down his defenses, relaxing enough to smirk.
The Arrangement, thought of by Crowley, agreed to by Aziraphale, despite the dangers they both knew they would face, because at least it meant they could see each other without having to make an excuse or just 'happen to be in the area'. Now they could meet up at theatres or in graveyards. They had to be careful - they always, always had to be careful - or the other one could be hurt.
It is the worst thing that can happen to either one of them, if the other one is hurt, or worse, killed. Remember Aziraphale's face in the graveyard, that look of sheer horror when he realizes Hell has taken Crowley.
Remember Crowley yelling as he runs into a burning bookshop.
The bookshop and the Bentley are theirs, but they can lose those and still go on, as long as they have each other. Maybe it is co-dependent, but honestly who else can they depend on, if not each other? That's why I believe Aziraphale begged Crowley to come with him to Heaven, not because he wanted Crowley to be an angel, but because Crowley would be safe - Aziraphale's Home would be Safe. That's why he says, 'Nothing lasts forever'. No Thing.
Crowley is not a Thing, to Aziraphale. Crowley is Aziraphale's Person. His safe place, and he's Crowley's. They both know it. It's why Aziraphale never wants to run away because he knows he's not fighting for a place called home, he's fighting for Crowley. It's why Crowley walks away and always comes back - not because he's weak but because he knows that being with Aziraphale is what matters. It's what makes life worth living.
Which is what makes the Final Fifteen so heartbreaking because they are both saying the same thing, but they're on different wavelengths. Yet, Yet ... as time has passed and I've been able to look at the Final Fifteen with some space, I see that it's not as hopeless as it seems.
Because Crowley came back. Because Aziraphale looks ready to do what he has to do. I don't think it'll be violence, because they've never solved their problems with violence and I don't think they'll start now. I just know that They're Not Talking is not going to last as long as we think, and that anger and betrayal is not going to be the first thing on their minds when they finally see one another again.
Probably going to be that kiss, though.
This why I could never say I can't forgive Aziraphale for his actions, because he did what he had to do to keep his home, his Crowley safe. I know Crowley knows that, too. How is that all going to shape up - how they're going to find themselves in balance again?
Well. I guess we'll have to wait, and see.
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anxious-critter · 2 months
A Few Days Ago There Was A Small Discussion On Twitter About A YouTuber Who Claimed That Rayman Fans Should Be Disappointed With His CLH Version. ~
I Think It's Very Presumptuous For People To Say That Ramon In CLH Is Disrespectful To The Original When Both Characters Are Literally The Same Person Who Ended Up Going Through Different Lifes Experiences.
Let's Do A Little Character Analysis? ;)
First Of All Just Letting You Know That My Area Of Study Is In The Phenomenology Of Perception, So We'll See How The Way Ramon Perceives The World Around Him Has Shaped Who He Is.
I Also Think It's Important To Highlight That This Analysis Should Not Be Aimed At Real People, So Please Don't Derail. ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
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We Start With The Fact That Ramon Moved Into Dolph's Reality At A Very Young Age, He Probably Grew Up Isolated And Rejected From Society With The feeling Of Being The Only One Of His Kind And He Remained The Aloof "Weirdo" Even When Eden Arose.
He Became The Funny Charismatic Creature, A Mascot For Eden, Even With The Spotlight On Himself He Continued To Be Dehumanized By Those Around Him.
Observing His Home We Can Notice How Empty It Is, The Furniture Is Small Because Of His Height Which Makes The Apartment Seem Even Bigger, With The Exception Of The Tv, This Not Only Demonstrates The Way He Feels Among Humans [Such A Small Being In A World That Doesn't Welcome Him Very Well], But Also In The Way That "Being On Tv" Occupies A Large Part Of His Life.
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And We Also Have All This Mess, This Not Only Indicates That He Doesn't Want Cleaners In His Apartment, This Also Ends Up Demonstrating His Mental State... A Complete Mess.
He Really Cares About Children, Especially Hybrid Children Because He Sees Himself In Them, He Genuinely Believed He Was An Inspiration To Them But In The End He Was Just A Puppet Being Used By Those Who Practice Everything He So Abhors.
Suffering Speciesism From Red And Being Censored When Trying To Defend Himself Was Also A Trigger For Him And That's Why He Got So Drunk That Night. Money, Fame, Eden, None Of This Prevented Him From Suffering Discrimination Again. Things Don't Get Better For Minorities, In The End.
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About Substance Abuse, People Will Try To Deal With Their Traumas And Loneliness In Many Different Ways And Substance Abuse Ends Up Being One Of Them, Basically An Escape Route From His Own Mind. It's Not Pleasant To See, But It Unfortunately Happens.
Knowing That Things Are Not As He Thinks And That He Was Being A Part Of This Was Too Much For Him, He Never Wanted Something Like This After All And As If It Wasn't Enough To Be Replaced Soon After, They Were Never Interested In Who He Was On The Inside, They Just Wanted A Friendly And Face To Spread Their Lies.
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Rayman Using Weapons Is Nothing New And Knowing That Ramon Doesn't Have Powers [Or Doesn't Know How To Use Them] Using Guns Ended Up Being The Safest Way For Him, Killing The Council Was Not Just An Act Of Revenge, It Was Also An Act Of Despair, Fear, Guilt And Anger.
So On One Side We Have Rayman, Who Grew Up In A Healthy Environment With Loved Ones Around Him And On The Other Side We Have Ramon, Who Has Spent His Entire Life Trying To Fit In And Begging, Begging For Mercy, Begging For A Job, Begging For Acceptance...
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In The End, They End Up Being The Same, But They Have Gone Through Different Life Experiences And Different Ways Of Dealing With Life's Difficulties, In The End, The Way We Perceive The World Around Us Ends Up Shaping Who We Are.
This Turned Out To Be Simpler Than I Intended, But Thanks For Reading. (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
MY FIRST TEXT HERE YAY!!! \⁠(⁠◎⁠o⁠◎⁠)⁠/
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gurugirl · 2 years
The Queen's Secret Chapter 5*
Summary: Queen Y/n and Prince Harry have a quick rendezvous at his house to make up for the session that was cut short. This is a just a filler chapter - it's all SMUT.
Warning: Smut, some angsty thoughts
The Queen's Secret Masterlist
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Chapter 4*
Chapter 5*
She could feel his need. The way his hands softly, and then roughly gripped and squeezed and roamed over her arms, her waist, her neck, her back, fingers in her hair - everywhere he could reach. His warm mouth was needy, smothering hers and removing the breath from her lungs.
She hadn’t expected to be greeted by him like this. She assumed a polite offer of a beverage, maybe some flirty banter, a few longing glances. A discussion about what they were doing but skirting the real issue. And then perhaps a soft kiss to start things off.
But Harry hadn’t stopped thinking about the queen since after their first session and today’s session was cut far too short for Harry’s taste. His sensitive soul needed to be shared with someone and it had been far too long since someone wanted it. Gertrude had grown bored of him long ago and she no longer enjoyed being loving and slow and savoring of intimacy. She liked sex on their regularly scheduled intervals, but it was quick and lacked the affection Harry had long stopped begging her for because he was tired of the rejection.
So he turned his suppressed affections onto the queen and when she opened herself to him and returned the need, his soul found a breath of relief and latched on. It was a surprise to her the way he pounced on her as soon as he saw her. He locked the door without removing his mouth form hers and then put his missing hand back onto her face, holding her head close to him.
Harry was dressed very casually in his home, but so was she. She hadn’t seen the Prince in sweats and a t-shirt before but this was a welcome sight.
Y/n slid her hands up the back of his shirt and softly scratched at his skin. She didn’t want to make marks on his back but she wanted him to feel it. His broad back was covering her frame and everything about him surrounded her.
He moved a hand down to one of her thighs and lifted her softly to hitch it over his hip, he needed to get in closer to her. Y/n happily let herself be adjusted to his liking and he kept his hand at her thigh to hold her in place. Harry pressed himself into her center and they both gasped at the feel of warmth between them.
This wasn’t how they were supposed to act around one another. This was forbidden. Their need and desperation for closeness and touch and feelings had won out over their better sense. But neither cared anymore. They’d only just begun this sordid deal and now it was their Garden of Eden. A secret place to dip their toes into, to get the fix of intimacy and pleasure they weren’t getting anywhere else.
Harry rutted into Y/n again and this time he spoke, his nose still brushing against her, “I’m sorry. I swear that I was going to be a gentleman and invite you in for tea and then talk a little but I… how long do we have?” He backed away a bit to see her face, but kept her body pressed into the wall firmly. His clear green eyes were darkened with his pupils and spoke of lust and need.
The Queen needed a moment. She was taken by him. Her breath was still caught in her throat and body was trembling already. She swallowed as she took Harry’s appearance in. The way he looked at her was enough for her to bend to him in whatever he wanted. How long did she have? She hadn’t made a plan. She couldn’t be gone all night or the king would wonder where she was.
“Maybe two hours? I can’t stay all night. But maybe we could arrange for that another night, if you wanted.” She wanted to stay all night. To know what it would be like to have him until the morning. To sleep and wake with him next to her.
Harry dropped his mouth back down to the Queen’s. Two hours was perfect for now. He’d make good use of their time. When Harry stepped back he kept the Queen’s hand in his and he lifted her knuckles to his mouth and gave her hand a soft peck.
“Let’s go to my bed. I want to make our time together count.”
The master suite appeared to have been readied for their encounter. A few candles were lit, the bed was turned down, there was a tray with water and wine and some glasses, dimmed light. Harry was a true romantic. He’d thought of her when he was preparing the room. It wasn’t much, but it was more than the Queen had gotten from her own husband.
Harry pushed the door closed and grasped Y/n’s hips, pressing his forehead to hers, “Would you like a drink? Should we sit and talk first? What do you want, Y/n?”
The Queen held onto Harry’s sturdy sides and bumped her nose toward his, “I just want you, Harry.”
And that was true. She didn’t need a drink or chit chat in that moment, but she did think they needed to talk. Perhaps after. The kiss he’d given her as soon as he saw her at his front door was quite enough to tilt her opinion in favor of action at the moment. Harry was happy to oblige. His body was aching for her.
The Prince walked them to his bed, with Y/n moving backwards, and The Queen sat down and moved herself up toward his headboard. He removed his shirt and his sweatpants before climbing onto the bed and when he got to her he placed his hands into the band of her sweatpants, “Mmm… these are so soft, my Queen. Is this cashmere?” His grin was playful as he looked down at her pants and then back into her eyes. She nodded. His grin widened as he began slipping them off her hips and down her legs, “Of course the Queen wears a cashmere jumper set. Only the best fabric should be placed on this body.” He kept his gaze on hers as he brought her ankle up to his mouth and kissed, slowly moving up her leg, his mouth pecking warm kisses up to her knees and then onto the other leg. Y/n quickly rid herself of her top as Harry worked his mouth over her limbs. When he got to her inner thigh the Queen was downright dripping into her lacy panties. His lips were masterful on her skin and she let out shallow breaths as his lips drew near to her center.
He licked at the edge of where her inner thigh meets just next to her wetness, and then to the other side. He kept his tongue skimming just around her sweet spot and Y/n sighed in pleasure. She loved the build and the attention.
Harry continued to move his eyes up to the Queen to watch her reaction. He loved seeing her arch her back and part her wet lips. He slid a hand up to her tummy, spreading his palm over her belly button as he continued slowly licking all around the fabric crotch of her panties, but never directly on it. They had two hours, which wasn’t all night, but he knew it was plenty of time so he could go slow and bring her to the edge the way he preferred.
When Y/n groaned in impatience Harry chuckled and began to pull at her panties so they could be free of them, “Ruined. These’ll need to be washed. Certainly aren’t able to wear them home, Y/n.” He watched as her arousal caught between her labia and the lace fabric of the panties before pulling them over her thighs and off her legs completely.
When Harry lowered himself back over Y/n’s pretty pussy, the Queen’s hands grasped the blankets under her and then she brought one hand down to the thick curls on the Prince’s head. She met his gaze and saw his tongue jut out at that moment, finally gliding his tongue over her folds and upward toward her clit. She dropped her mouth wider, if that were possible, and moaned at the vision.
Harry began consuming her cunt with wide strokes of his tongue upward toward her clit at each pass. He’d pause and pay extra attention to her clit on contact and then go back to lapping upward. Each pause at her clit, whether he’d flick his tongue around or suck it into his mouth, had the Queen moaning his name.
The taste of her pussy was delicate and lightly tangy, but mostly sweet. As he continued sucking and teasing her he brought both arms under her thighs and held her well in place. She was forced flat into the bed so she could not thrust her hips upward anymore under his solid hold.
The Queen loved how sturdy Harry was as well. His well-built arms holding her in place and the way he pressed her down so firmly was sending chills up her spine. He was amazingly strong and well-founded. The way his muscular thighs flexed and his back muscles stretched and tightened when he held her down was so achingly sexy to her that she swooned over his image between her thighs this way. She’d always have this picture in her mind of him.
Harry moaned into her pussy and closed his eyes when he felt her wetness increase further. She was turned on and her soft panting indicated a good sign. He lifted his head up an inch, his lips still feathering over her labia and spoke, “Taste so good, Queen. Dreamt of the way you squirm under me when I eat your cunt.”
Y/n could feel his lips bracket her pussy again in a full-on hungry display. He sucked her clit into his mouth and the slurping noises were divine. He removed an arm from under her thigh and promptly circled his fingertips at her entrance before pushing three thick fingers past her opening and curling them upward to reach her little honey spot. A deep moan bolted from the Queen’s throat and she keened when he began pumping his fingers and sucking at her clit at the same time.
Harry didn’t let up his rhythm. He felt her begin to wobble and shake under him and her moaning became louder and louder every moment she got closer to her orgasm. This was exactly what he wanted. Y/n to moan his name and be as loud as she needed to be. He reveled in the sounds coming from her body and from her lips. His ego was fed fully when she started to tip and gushed with her orgasm.
He held her down with one arm as he continued lapping at her, prolonging her pleasure from the fingers he fucked into her and the way his lips worked over the rest. Her high-pitched breaths and moans became yelps as she began feeling overstimulated, but Harry didn’t let up. She tried pushing at his hair and her small laugh turned into another moan and a whine as she tried closing her thighs.
The Prince removed his fingers from her and returned his arm back to her thigh to keep her still, and spread open for him. He kept lapping at her but he eventually slowed down as he felt Y/n calm and relax under him. The Queen was at his mercy, so she gave in to the indulgence he was forcing on her.
“Harry… Haarr… please…” she whined when he didn’t let up. Soon, the tickle and overstimulation of his tongue and lips started to twist itself into a second layer of sensuality through Y/n’s insides, making her feel gooey and pliant again.
“I know, Y/n. Let me take care of you. One more for me, baby.” He put his mouth squarely back over her wetness and took his time with gentle strokes of his tongue. He lazily circled over her clit, not going too heavy on the pressure, he wanted her next orgasm to be soft and floaty to get her ready for what was to come.
The Queen relented and her second orgasm was deeply lovely and comforting. Her breaths were hitched and then she went silent, jaw dropped when it overcame her. Harry released one of her legs and smoothed a hand up her tummy and palmed at her tit. The grip she had on his hair was uncompromising. She wasn’t letting go easy. Harry smirked into her pussy and then chuckled as he lifted his eyes up to his Queen, a beautiful mess above him. She had the slightest sheen of sweat over her torso and her pussy was absolutely sodden. Harry determined he’d need to wash the comforter based on the how wet it was below her. Certainly, he’d leave it be for the few more days he had until Gertrude came home. He’d like to smell her on his sheets and his bed for the entire week.
Slowly Y/n slid her fingers out of his curls and opened her eyes. Harry sat up between her legs and massaged her thighs. He ran his gaze over her face and her beautiful body and down to her swollen cunt that he’d just taken care of.
“Harry, you’re… so good at that. My god.” She was still panting and her chest was violently rising and falling as she caught her breath.
Harry pressed over his ruddy tipped cock and then squeezed himself as he smirked at Y/n, “Ya think so? Keep complimenting me like that and I’m gonna go down on you again.”
The Queen chuckled and sat up, “I’d like to go down on you now, Harry. Return the favor…” Harry’s lips cut her off as soon as she spoke of returning favors.
Harry was feeling appreciative and enlivened by the Queen. She was a good match for him. In bed at least. Her willingness to suck him off and allow him to eat her out, the way she wanted him to enjoy everything as much as he wanted her to… he couldn’t stop the emotions that made his heart pound and his tummy sizzle for Y/n. He didn’t want to think of her like a new toy, but it was hard not to get so overly electrified by her sexual appetite. He hadn’t been so wound up about a woman in a long time and the pang of guilt he felt regarding Gertrude and his children, he’d deal with later as his lips smoothed over the Queen’s.
And she could taste herself on him. She loved it because it meant he had just done something that she’d been longing for. Harry was motivated and it reawakened her taste for all the bonuses that went with sex. She’d been disappointed with the king but it hadn’t bothered her all that much. Until she experienced Harry. And this was trouble for the new lovers. Both of them were suffering with lackluster sex lives outside of one another. They both had a deep need for love making and sensuality that wasn’t answered in their marriages.
The Queen got to her knees as she continued allowing the Prince to kiss her lips and sip at her tongue. Harry got to his knees as well so they were mimicking each other’s stance. Her hands journeyed down from his strong shoulders to over his pecs and then continued south to where his happy trail began, soft but firm under the extra bit of flesh that had accumulated from Harry’s large appetite. When her hand grazed the thick hair that surrounded his large dick like a crown displaying royalty, Harry groaned and stopped his lips from working over hers for a moment as he pressed their foreheads together. Their noses were nudged together and Harry flattened his hands around the back of Y/n’s upper thighs before moving them upward to hold onto her soft bum. He pulled her center in towards his as her hand finally made contact with this thick shaft. He could feel her own sparse hair drag over his cock when he pulled her closer. Her wet labia kissed over the ridge of him, wetting him lightly.
He moved his hands up to her waste and titled his head to kiss at her lips again. The soft kisses were an invitation, to do what she wanted. She was being given permission to make the next move.
The Queen cupped at Harry’s cock and gently stroked him and he lowered his lips to her neck, licking over her sensitive pulse point. She rutted her hips to him and continued pumping gently and Harry brought his hands around to her breasts. He placed them into his large palms and massaged before focusing on the nipples and softly pinching the hardened nubs. Y/n gasped at the feel of his lips on her neck and his fingers pinching at her nipples. She was nearly ready to be ravished by him again. Wanted to feel him enter her and poke deep inside of her body. But first she wanted to have him in his mouth.
She pushed at his chest with a tap so he’d sit back onto his bottom. Harry quickly got into position, his arms outstretched behind him, legs spread for her to cozy in and take him however she wanted. He watched as she held onto his knees for leverage and lowered herself further over him. She looked up at him with her eyes, keeping her head tilted down so her mouth brushed over his tip and then she kissed it. Once, and then twice and jutted her tongue out to give a tiny lick. Harry was already heaving breaths. He knew what was about to come. Y/n’s mouth on his cock was holy. He watched her purse her lips and spit over his tip and then grabbing him from the top she pulled her saliva down his lengthy shaft. He could feel the air from the room delicately dance on his cock now that he was wetted with her saliva. It was cool and goosebumps jumped out on his thighs.
When Y/n saw his goosebumps she waited no longer to put him into her mouth. She knew what she must do. What she wanted to do.
Harry moaned and then gulped down the spit that had gathered when he began to salivate over the spectacle. Y/n slowly moved down on him. He was thick and long and she needed to get her bearings with him. She opened her mouth as wide as she could sucked him in, slowly going down further then back up to his glans. She gently stroked her tongue over his sensitive frenulum and then, taking a deep breath, lowered down again to get him further.
She kept a hand at his base and her lips over him were watering down his shaft so he was wet all the way to his dark pubic hair from her saliva. She bobbed and she tried getting him further and further as she sucked and flattened her tongue along the thick dorsal vein that ran underneath. Harry was wetly gasping and he put a hand into the Queen’s hair, gently moving the strands away so he could watch the scene with adoring eyes.
When she felt him move her hair aside she looked back up to him and he groaned at the eye contact and the way her lips were pink and wet and sinking over him. “Mmm… Y/n… your mouth feels so good. Don’t know how I can ever go back to not having this from you again when we’re done.”
That was the elephant in the room, which Harry didn’t mean to bring up but his state of mind couldn’t help but speak it. They knew their time together had an expiration date. It would be too risky to continue this after she became pregnant. Which, she knew she would be soon. If not this round, probably by the next. There was no way this man wasn’t fertile and she knew she was. It would happen soon, too soon for her liking. Though, the Queen was excited to be pregnant and have a child.
She continued her dutiful sucking and licking and Harry moaned her name into the room and threw his head back when he felt that warm ache begin to liven up his groin. He wanted to come inside of her, though. The feel of her pussy around him was not like anything else and he wanted it. So, he sat up and grasped onto her hair to gently pull at her, “I want to fuck you. I’m gonna come if you keep that up but I wanted to come inside your pussy if you want that too.”
The Queen grinned and nodded. Her face was a little damp and her lips puffy and pink from her diligent work on his cock. She sat up to her knees and Harry pulled her down onto him so she was laying over him, their centers pressed together. She was still as wet as she could ever be. Having him in her mouth and listening to his moans and tasting his creamy pre-come was exciting and arousing.
Harry pulled her down by the back of her neck and forced his mouth to hers in a hot and wet kiss. Y/n spread her legs to straddle his hips and she angled herself so her labia would smooth over the large vein under his shaft. She shifted slowly up and down for a bit as their lips meshed and locked together in perfect pace.
Then the Queen lifted herself up a little and reached down between them to put his wide head at her hole. They gazed at one another as she sank over his tip and she gasped at the stretch and the pop of his initial entry. Once his cock was just past her opening it was easy going from there. She moved down and encased him with her wet walls, wrapping him up in a tight, warm enclosure.
Harry put his hands over her ass and pressed her as he moved her up and down over him. Her knees were in the mattress on either side of his hips and her clit was gently rubbed at each pass. She placed her palms on his pecs and began moving herself on him as Harry assisted with his hands over her. Now the sounds of her slick walls around him were evident and their gasps and moans were soft and quiet at first.
“You… Harry… that’s it. Oh my god.” Her words wouldn’t make much sense outside of the bedroom they were in, but to Harry they made perfect sense. He knew he was parting her walls, spreading her open and reaching deep inside of her. He knew she felt good and it made him feel good.
She slid up and down as far as she could fit him, until his balls were tucked up to her ass. Her hips rolling downward at each stroke over him.
“Fuck yourself on my cock, Y/n. Milk me, baby.” Harry groaned into the room. He was going to explode. He was already being bumped toward his peak. He clenched his jaw to stave off coming too fast.
So she did. She went a bit faster and the cock inside of her hit everything, everywhere. Their bodies, where their centers met, were wet, slick, and sticky. The smell in room around them was nothing but sex and heat.
Harry’s eyes were squeezed closed and his face was twisted as he felt the Queen clench and hamper down over him when she began to release. He wanted to hold out a little longer. Wanted to fuck her in one more position and make her come once more for him. Give her a really good ending. Her moans were load and her vision went white. Her body rushed with heat and the small gush of her release dripped down over Harry and onto his ball sack. It was erotic and carnal. The mess between them was something Harry loved during sex. He loved getting a little dirty, didn’t mind the cleanup. The wetness and the smell and the sweat were all a badge of honor for him.  
The Queen collapsed onto Harry’s chest when she was done coming and her lungs were exhausted. She was warm and soft over him. He rubbed his hands over her back and she felt him twitch inside of her. He was still solid and long. He’d not yet come.
She pushed herself up and looked down at the Prince with confusion, “You didn’t come?”
Harry shook his head, “Want to fuck you from behind if that’s okay. Make you come once more. Got one more for me?” He raised his brows at the last sentence.
At that very moment, Y/n couldn’t imagine having one more orgasm dragged from her body. But she was happy to let him fuck her in whatever way he wanted. She wanted his come.
“I can try. But I want you to fill me up, Harry. Even if I can’t come again.” She smiled at him.
She moved her leg off him and leaned back as Harry sat up and gently took her face in his hands and pulled her in for some more kisses. She would not get tired of all the sweet kisses and touches Harry continued to bless her with throughout their baby-making-sessions.
He lapped at her lips and she opened up. His soft lips would kill her. There was no one who could come close to kissing her this way. It was ethereal. He was ethereal.
He lowered his mouth to her left breast and did that thing she loved so much where he licked and gently suckled all around before focusing on her pebbled teat. He gave the smallest nibble and then flicked his tongue over it to soothe before turning to her right breast and repeated the action. Y/n put her hands into his hair and watched as his pink lips sucked and swathed over her tender skin.  
When he sat up the look in his eyes was dark and marked a man ready to devour. She quickly turned herself and lowered her palms to the bed and spread her thighs for him to arrange her however he liked.
He grabbed her hips and rubbed over her bum softly, watching as her flesh indented with his fingers. God what he wouldn’t give to hang onto her with a bit of a grip and watch as small bruises form, marking her up with his fingertips so she could see them as a reminder of what they’d done in secret. But he couldn’t. Despite his need to claim her in some way, she wasn’t his. Would never be.
He leaned over her back and moved his hands from her ass up to her low back and to the plane of her upper back and her spine. She could feel him pressed against her bum as his lips swept over the shell of her ear. His deep, raspy drawl in her ear made her skin prickle with lust, “Want to just bite into your beautiful bottom. Can I give you a quick spank. I won’t leave any marks. I’m just so… God your ass is so beautiful.”
The Queen bit her lip and turned a bit, prompting Harry’s nose to press into the inner notch of her ear, “Yes. Give me one nice swat to each cheek so it stings. Shouldn’t leave a mark.”
Harry rocked his hips down once to push his cock into the spread of her cheeks before he leaned back, kneading over her for good measure and then took his right hand and landed his palm square on to her right cheek first. She jumped and let out a soft chuckle as he did it again to her left cheek. Her moan came out in a wet garble. Okay, now she was ready again. She was sure he could give her another orgasm again after this bit of respite he provided her pussy.
The Queen felt the Prince spreading her cheeks and she closed her eyes, readying herself for penetration when she felt his wet mouth on her from behind. He moaned into her folds and then licked. She spread her thighs a little more on instinct so he could have easier admission to all her parts. When he licked up toward her bum hole she popped her eyes open and turned to see him. He had his hands over her cheeks, parting them for his mouth as he licked over her and up again over her anus. He caught her gaze and then sat up with a smirk.
“Taste so good everywhere. I couldn’t help myself.” He spoke as he dragged a finger back over her tightest hole and she squirmed under the touch and the way he looked at her. He licked his lips and grasped his base, dragging himself up and down her slick crease. She was wet all along her inner thighs and her ass. She was so aroused there was denying the proof.
When Y/n turned back around she stuffed her face into the blankets below her which popped the arch of her back and Harry’s jaw dropped at her submissive pose. He gently attached his tip to her opening and pushed just the head in and then brought himself back out. He loved watching himself disappear inside of her and he wanted to really get a good look from his position. Her holes were both on display for him as he spread her open with his head and then pulled out with a small slush sound, thanks to how wet she was.
The Queen wiggled a little, needing him to wreck her and so he took note of her need and pushed in a little further, watching as her lips spread apart for his thick cock. He pushed in nearly all the way and then watched himself back out little by little with his dick shiny and slick. Inward he thrusted and then slowly pulled out almost all the way. His languid strokes were on purpose. She could feel every single inch as he pushed in and pulled out. The way her body allowed room for him, parted for him and how he filled her up so completely was worth the price of admission. That price being a possible broken heart or a longing that she’d never be able to sate once their time was up.
Harry’s thoughts were similar. He wanted her to really feel him, know him, desire him. He wanted to feel good in and around her. He wanted her cravings and her time and her body, but their relationship wasn’t meant to be endured for longer than necessary. But in the meantime, they both pushed those dwelling thoughts back and focused on their now together.
Harry began at a hungrier pace when he needed to feel more of her on him. The patting and slapping noises that fell from between their bodies were only punctuated by the wet sound of arousal that Harry’s cock glided through. Y/n’s body was on fire and she grunted at each thud of his hips into her. She whimpered his name and curled her toes when he dug in deeper and faster. His hands on her hips were meant to hold her still but she was able to fuck herself back onto him, needing more, more…
Harry choked out a gasp and watched his cock being fucked by her when she reamed herself back onto him, her breaths being knocked from her body as he impaled her with a sturdy force.
“Creaming all over me, this fertile pussy is begging to be bred. Want my babies, Y/n? Hmm?” He was keening and tipping fast again. He wanted to give it to her one more time. Get her to burst over her cock and feel her squeezing and pulsating around him as he filled her up and poured all that he had into her cunt to get her knocked up.
She moaned loudly into the air, a partial yes, but difficult to make out. She was being whacked into rather vigorously so a sentence was out of the question, and even a single word was not likely to be uttered properly. But Harry wanted to hear her and he also needed to slow his impending release so he slowed his cadence to a still vigorous but reasonable pace.
“Tell me, Queen. Whose babies will you have? Whose cock do you want inside of you every night? Whose cock do you want to come all over?” Harry’s balls were tightening up, a telltale sign of what was about to happen. He clenched his jaw and took a deep breath and tried not to look down to where he was connected with her.
“You. Oh God! Just you, Prince. You Harry. Your babies, your cock. You!” She was trembling and she knew she was close. She couldn’t believe the speed at which he was able to bring her to orgasm. But she needed just one more thing to push her over the edge. She moved a hand between her legs and began slushing her arousal over her clit and the tips of her fingers and nails were delicately swathing over Harry’s balls. When he felt her fingers he looked down to realize she was quickly swiping back and forth over her clit and he panted deeply, causing a small snort to fall from him. He was so close. His sperm had to have been frothing, about to overflow up his cock and into his lover’s cunt. He grunted as he tamped down the cream about to exit his urethra as his muscles started to contract around his reproductive organ.
The Queen moaned loudly and pathetically as she felt his large organ twitching inside of her and his grip on her hips tightened. She wondered if he’d bruise her and if he did she’d need to worry about it later, because her orgasm suddenly spilled onto Harry’s cock as she bit down on the comforter under her face. She cried and her ears rang as Harry coughed out a moan and finally allowed himself to release inside of his Queen. He fucked his come into her as he felt her squeeze around him in soft pulses. He forced his eyes to stay opened to watch her cunt being pumped into. She milked every last drop of his sperm out of his cock, ejaculating into her in big spurts that filled her to the brim.
There was no denying their very intimate connection in the bed. They were well matched and burned for one another in a way they shouldn’t. And while this was all a physical manifestation of a deeper need they were both consumed by, it was easy to see how this could become sentimental and personal on a different level.
With both bodies exhausted and sweat on every crevice of their bodies, Harry slowly pulled out of his beautiful lover and spread her again to watch the come slowly ooze out of her. He thumbed over the spot and pushed into her and spread it up toward her swollen clit. He wanted to cover her in his come. It was some primal need that was ridiculous but the image had made him almost harden up again. Maybe she’d let him come on her body one of these days they had together. Instead of inside of her. Maybe the one time he doesn’t come inside of her is the moment she would be most fertile and they could do this weeklong affair once again. He’d like to do this with her again. And again. If she gets pregnant too quickly, it will all be over for them too fast.
Y/n sat back and hummed in contentment, “I need a shower before I head back. Is that okay?” She turned to look at Harry knelt behind her.
He nodded, “Of course. I’ll join you.”
The shower was over too fast. Harry helped her clean her back and cheeks and he did notice the very beginnings of bruises from where he’d held on too tightly as he started to come. He kissed over the bruises and held her hips and then kissed the back of her shoulder, “I’ve accidentally bruised your hips. I’m sorry. Maybe just think of something to tell the king or try not to let him see you.”
Harry preferred the latter. He’d prefer to be the only one to see her naked. He didn’t like that the King got to see her naked whenever he pleased.
“Edgar will be difficult. He’s been hounding me today. I don’t know what’s gotten into him but I think he’s a little jealous. I haven’t given him reason to be but, he just… I don’t know. I’ll be careful. I think it was worth it.” She smiled softly at her handsome prince.
When the Queen slipped away from his house and back to the castle she checked her phone and realized she’d missed many calls and had a few texts from Edgar. She rolled her eyes but the last text message he sent her 45 minutes prior had her hackles raised.
From Edgar: If you’re at the Styles’ home I will find out.
Part 6
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artoriarts · 4 months
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borked coloring but Adam & Eve prime. While I’m of the mind that p-3 probably should probably be Lucifer (though it would fit the tragedy if he wasn’t even strong enough to be a prime. Simply a man concerned of his lord’s work damned with the rest. but I’m getting ahead of myself) or another Greek figure to keep up the theme, that don’t stop me from thinking. Cracked lore under cut
Don’t have any specific specifics but my general idea is that, unlike Minos and Sisyphus who remain in the world via willpower, the lovers here do so out of a combination of latent power as the first humans and sheer denial and the simple urge to live. Due to God’s shame robbing them of an explanation, neither of them even *know* why they’re in hell, whatever sin put them there in the first place. They barely even know what hell is. All they know is each other and the eternal torment that their minds reject. This, understandably, left the two bitter and paranoid and angry and, above all, horrified of everything around them, and cultivated their first response to anything being incredible violence, which eventually got them locked up by heaven in their flesh penitentiary or whatever prison synonym we go for. When v1 finally comes along and frees them, they’re barely coherent enough to even give their speech, and they have not a shred of the valiance their fellow primes have shown - they harbor no grudge against the angels, their only wish to be free, but upon registering v1’s presence, the only response they can muster is fear, and consequently try to fight it. Upon their inevitable defeat, the two, again, free of malice, and now drained even of self-defensive anger, can only embrace and cry together one last time.
During their fight itself, I'm imagining that the two are completely animalistic - they move nearly as fast and erratically as v1 itself, dependent a lot more on direct movement than the teleports Minos and Sisyphus work with, their state of "rest" when out of stamina being skating around and peppering v1 with thorns of eden much akin to v2's combat. Their main combos, their "Thy End is Now!"s and "You Can't Escape!"s have the main caveat that most parry opportunities from Adam are immediately either preceded or proceeded by an unparriable from Eve, and fucking up one will usually confirm the other. Other assorted ideas are:
Vine whip that, while also used by them in their movement to redirect their momentum, can be used like a Hideous harpoon. The way they use this most commonly is to spear v1 and then string it up and suspend it in the air, forcing it to either rely almost entirely on dash i-frames to dodge or quickly kb'ing the whip and slamming back to the ground. Also thinking that their power allows them to instate their presence on the world around them, allowing eden to partially take over the penitentiary, making bramble a hazard that they can just, y'know, grab and fling v1 into.
Previously mentioned thorns of eden are hitscan pellets that they can either fire rapidly, like the gutterman's chaingun, or in short, 2-shot bursts akin to v2's revolver. Also like v2, they can shoot coins with the thorns - And speaking of coins, they also have a sort of coin derivative in seeds of eden, which they can throw out in arrays, which will hang in the air for a moment before homing onto v1. They will do nothing but follow until v1 or A&E shoot it, at which point they will explode, ricocheting around all present seeds, ending the chain with the seed closest to the target (v1 if A&E shoot it, vice versa).
The two have three phases, two health bars - The first health bar is a standard prime fight, with their stamina growing and moveset getting a bit more deadly after hitting half heath, gaining the briars seen wrapping around them in the photo as their "crowning" similar to sisyphus gaining his beard and minos his aura, but the second health bar is much more dramatic, with them struggling to right themselves after the damage v1 has inflicted, with eve, in the struggle, managing to pull her half-formed body out from adam's, standing on her own for the first time since becoming a combined prime on a knotted tangle of veins and translucent guts, the two's spirit reinvigorated by the distress of their separation and the physical agony of being mutually disemboweled, then fighting together as two separate targets. Eve takes half the damage Adam does, but is less aggressive, taking most of the ranged role from him and meleeing only when joining in his melee combos, and, due to half her current body mass being vascular system, is also constantly bleeding fresh blood, essentially having a permanent mini-screwdriver in her.
okay that's all i got for now thanks for reading my illness <3
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fruitzbasket · 1 year
twiyor eden headcanons pt 2 📚
• time passes. people realize loid is okay. for a guy from westalis, at least. he has the best grades in his class, he’s insanely skilled at tennis and other sports, he’s good at cooking, and… he’s handsome. very handsome. chaos ensues.
• most girls are cool about their attraction to loid. and then there’s people like camilla, who go an extra mile to drive yor away from him and vice-versa. they find it easier to target yor, so she gets the short end of the stick.
• one afternoon loid notices that she’s being strangely quiet. shying away from him, avoiding his eyes. he eventually convinces yor to tell him what’s going on and it turns out that someone (camilla) told her that she’s not pretty or smart enough for him. that she’s too bland. too weird. he almost earns a tronitus bolt for the public telling off he gives to yor’s group of “friends”.
• yor receives many love letters. loid always looks like he’s about to stab someone so even though he’s more popular than yor, he doesn’t get as many confessions as her.
• she’s seen loid around his mom. she hugs him often, ruffles his hair, fixes his uniform. westalians must be affectionate people—that’s why loid holds her hand while walking to class, right?
• franky learns quickly that flirting with yor, even jokingly, is a death sentence.
• the library is their favorite spot in eden. yor reads true crime/horror books and points out gruesome paragraphs with a sweet smile on her face. “…and then his spine was ripped out!” “wow. is that book even allowed here?”
• they often have study dates. not that yor would call them dates, mind you.
• in fact, loid thought they had been dating months before they actually started dating. they walked home together everyday, they went on (one-sided) dates with each other all the time, yor disliked it when he was around other girls, she frequented his house, she slept with her head on his shoulder sometimes, etc.
• the day they became imperial scholars is the day yor kisses his cheek for the first time as a thanks for helping her out with her studies. loid valued that kiss more than his new status as a student.
• you know that official art where eden!loid is wearing a bandaid on his nose and yor is looking kind of bashful? she’s to blame for that bandaid being there at all to begin with. it’s just that he was so—so close! she couldn’t not have panicked!
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• confessing to yor is a whole ordeal. loid has to come up with several plans and they all end up in failure for one reason or another. when he finally managed ask yor out on a date and walked her back home with the full intention of confessing his feelings on her doorstep, yuri threw a rock at him from the window.
• yor has very organized notes. she adds a few hearts/flowers/stars next to titles when she’s bored so there’s stuff like ♡WAR CRIMES♡ on her notebook lol. yor also writes things like yor forger, yor briar-forger, yor and loid forger… she remembers those too late, when her notebook is already in the possession of the forger in question.
• yor is part of the volleyball club. loid hoped to join the art club since he’s fairly skilled at drawing, but he's busy with the part-time job sylvia dragged him into. also, the tennis club would riot if he were to give his time to any other club.
• loid confesses to yor during valentine’s day. he sees yor being confessed to by someone who’s getting too comfortable, saying things yor doesn’t understand, touching her arm—normally he would just watch. not this time. he's had enough.
• "you should’ve punched him." "i was about to! why are you so mad for, anyway? it's not like we're d—dating." "...i would like to." "what?" "i would like to date you, yor."
• she straight up runs away from him. it's a disaster. loid thinks he might have miscalculated everything yor has done up until now. to him, that was 100% a rejection. he treats it like one.
• yor avoids him like hell after that incident. they only really talk again a few weeks later, when yor kisses him in the infirmary. she sprained her ankle during volleyball practice and loid carried her all the way there without a word. always so good to her. there's no way loid would see her in a romantic light, not after she's showed all her bad sides in front of him. he'd want to date for someone prettier, someone smarter, someone he can protect.
• loid is expecting her to tell him to leave. he doesn’t expect her to look down and quietly tug on the sleeve of his uniform. "did you mean what you said the other day?" (of course he did.)
• yor’s parents were strongly against their relationship at first, citing yor’s naivety and loid’s westalian origin. loid and yor even had to meet secretly for some time. for that reason and that reason only, they waited until loid was done with medical school to get married.
• in this au, loid retains his canon day job. loid is a good match for a psychiatrist, especially one focused on treating war veterans. he’s unbiased, well-acquainted with the subject of war, has great observational skills, etc. i read somewhere that yor’s performance working in the city hall is average at best? enough to not make her boss mad? so i could see her doing something else that she’s more passionate about, maybe as a teacher for younger kids. she’s great with them. and i like that part where she disguised herself as a teacher to infiltrate eden. more yor in glasses, please.
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baudshaw · 10 months
30 (Yes, thirty!) concepts I made for new seasons, from Isle to Vault. (I still believe no Eden season will be made.)
If you find any of these interesting, please say so and I’ll elaborate!
Season of Nocturnes: These dark lands have been abandoned by centuries. After returning to their childhood home, the spirits don’t know what to feel.
Season of Gusts: Cast out from the Isle, four young spirits try to create a makeshift home in the clouds. But they better watch their step!
Season of Release: For so long, this strict warrior clan in Isle forbade anyone from entering. But their thoughts change after meeting a young child.
Season of Tears: A family group in Isle has seen their once beautiful meadow grow more and more deteriorated. Should they stay true to their roots or venture to better lands?
Season of Pilgrimage: Lost and dazed, these young travelers never even made it to the land of Sky. But they’re determined to see this beautiful world, or at least what’s remaining of it.
Season of Harbors: Merchants from afar have planned to make a center of culture by the sea. But when trade is slow, problems start to arise…
Season of Exploration: “What happens when your desires to go forth outpace the land you can find?
Season of Abundance: Four rural ranchers love to bicker about what foods they should get. In their barn, no food goes to waste.
Season of Harvest: Cultivating the vast lands of Prairie requires strenuous work. Are these spirits up for the task?
Season of Exchange: Instead of using candles, these fledgling spirits have planned to make a new fiat currency! But convincing the people of Sky to use it is harder than they think.
Season of Withdrawal: “In these harsh rains, not even the warmest campfire can save you. But it must save them.”
Season of Protection: One guardian, barely an adult, has to help four young children in these rains of darkness. A cozy shelter has been constructed, but it cannot last forever.
Season of Brinkmanship: A large connection of expansive mines have been discovered below the Forest, inviting many. But some have come for more than just ore.
Season of Loss: Spirits from many ages have to learn to process a devastating battle together by trying to re-enact it.
Season of Lightseekers the Sequel: Because they’re just so epic
Season of Innocence: “The snow is as pure as ever, so pure that it absorbs all imperfections in the land. Yet still, the land is not perfect.”
Season of Liars: The dark underbelly of the Valley city has been exposed! Corruption in the sports betting market has been rampant among the youth of Valley. What can you even do at this point?!
Season of Floating: A strange spirit has been trying to conquer the skies by learning how to fly. Yet all their friends use boats.
Season of Prosperity: A bustling center of architecture has burned down. It’s up to four inexperienced designers to re-create it while adding their own touch.
Season of Heights: To the tallest mountain of Valley, four spirits try to mount an expedition. But strange things happen when you’re so close to the stars…
Season of Beneath: “And so, the spirits have made it here. A land that stars never reach. A land that, somehow, is inhabited. Who would willingly reject themselves from the Light while still being part of it?”
Season of Hiding: Those horrific creatures may not be fully conquered, but in a remote outpost, some have talked about change. They believe that by studying their behaviors, they can outsmart the Dark Dragons.
Season of Collapse: A large dock is breaking down due to poor management. Most spirits want to evacuate, but a nostalgic loner believes in something better.
Season of Burning: (my main one): Traumatized by the war, some spirits still believe there’s a battle to fight. What campaigns will they go on? Nobody knows as they go on an adventure of a lifetime.
Season of Desolation: Even in the Golden Wasteland, this dump would never be willingly inhabited… or so, one might think.
Season of Sharing: This tight-knit community sent soldiers to both sides of the war. After both sides lost, their purpose seems unclear, until someone new steps up.
Season of Survival: Rejects from the Forgotten Ark, these gloomy spirits feel like they have nowhere else to go. But once they find a pristine lake filled with wildlife, their attitude start to shift.
Season of Relinquish: “What if both the light and dark could be left behind… to forge a new world? Something that truly belongs to us? I have been thinking a lot, in this place beyond order and chaos.”
Season of Stories: Writing is all these spirits want to do. Who can blame them, with that beautiful library of theirs? But with no one to read it, they feel frustrated.
Season of Opening: Trapped in a bunker for the war, these spirits have a warped perception of time. Can you convince them that they now live in an era of peace?
Season of Closing: A sequel to the Season of Opening. After realizing the horrors of the Shattering, the spirits from the bunker go to the Vault Elder to beg for help. But nobody is there.
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kaylaz-world-00 · 7 months
I have like... a few ideas to write for Bullfrog along with your requests. Lemme make a requests list first:
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A part two for Bullfrog being reunited with Reader after he's freed from his execution.
Yandere headcanons for Bullfrog with human reader that works for eden.
Bullfrog with a very affectionate human.
An enemies to lovers oneshot with Bullfrog, the reader is working with the government of Eden.
Nsfw headcanons for Bullfrog
A Bullfrog scenario that sees the reader very hurt and goes on a killing spree.
Reader and Bullfrog are dating but the relationship breaks with a betrayal. Bullfrog finding out the reader actually works for eden by mere coincidence.
A touch starved Bullfrog who doesn't realize he's touch starved until his small kisses with reader become a heavy desperate makeout session on their couch.
A scenario where Bullfrog first realizes he has feelings for the reader.
Some headcanons about Bullfrog with a s/o who fidgets a lot.
Bullfrog with a s/o who's love language is gift giving
A scenario where Bullfrog's s/o is drunk and all clingy.
Bullfrog being comforted by Reader. He's remembering his mentor and friends that died before him and needs comfort. (Omg my headcanon? :3)
Bullfrog taking care of badly wounded GN!reader
Bullfrog with a Hybrid Fox reader who protects him Hcs
Bullfrog going after a target but we jump out and tackle him and it turns into a fight
Y/N is a poison dart that isn't able to touch or kiss someone or else they could die. What if Bullfrog accidently touches Y/N (or gets hurt during a mission), thinking that he might not make it, he finally kisses Y/N despite their poison. I smell potential angst (Yes I smell it too jasjksj such a cute idea)
Bullfrog comforts anxious reader after having a nightmare. Also with Rayman/Ramon
I really loved you're enemies to perhaps eventual lovers with the eden guard❤️❤️would it be possible to request a first kiss with that reader and Bullfrog? Or maybe the first time they're intimate
A bookish/researcher reader that maybe works for the guild and Bullfrog has been teaching them self defense out of concern for their well being
Bullfrog (and Rayman) with a reader whose reaction to someone trying to attack their partner is to drop into a split and send a full-force punch between the would-be assailant's legs? Like, Y/N just straight-up Johnny Cages the poor sap
Nsfw shower scenario with both Rayman and Bullfrog
Bullfrog with a f!s/o who has never received affection in her entire life
Headcanons for Bullfrogs and his S/O's first kiss
Bullfrog patches us up this time after we get hurt
After Bullfrog rescued from his execution, reader takes care of him
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Y/N has low self-esteem and doesn't like their appearance and Rayman conforts them
Headcanons for Rayman with a touchstarved or shy (or both if you'd like!) s/o
Headcanon about reader meeting rayman/ramon in college, supported him when he began to work with eden but, were slowly drifting apart due to both of them being busy, then reconnecting when he was fired by eden and killed the head of directors.
Rayman nsfw alphabet.
Laserhawk!ramon x fem!reader smut where she is the same species as him.
And there is your ideas scattered around in my comments, (and mine also 👀) that I will definetly write:
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What would Bullfrog do if we come home with a kid?
Hibernation angst
Bullfrog's past
I also want to write something to emphasize/acknowledge his abilities and skills.
Sick headcanons
Everyday headcanons
You both are somewhere cold, there is snow outside but it shouldn't be winter where you live. Angst with comfort
What if Bullfrog learns his next target is us?! And the last second too, like maybe when he gets inside our house, and that's when he realise? (Idk. He already know us of course. Maybe even had some certain feelings too who knows? 👀) Even better, we saw him and understand what's going on!
A rejection scenario. He express his feelings but face a rejection. (For Bonus I am gonna write this for Rayman too~)
Bullfrog forsees dating us!!
Yes but now this got me thinking WHAT IF he forsees us DYING?!
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Will be added more as ideas come :)
(I will add links at the parts that I wrote and published.)
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daysofyellowroses · 5 months
Bestie bestie bestie I can’t believe I haven’t asked this but do you agree Carmy in love would be soooo Hozier coded???!!!
Like.. Oh my god. His whole life, he’s been faced with rejection and shame and guilt and he has never been given an outlet to shamelessly pour out all the love he has and I feel it’s been sitting idle for so long that when someone comes along and has the key to the valve and unlock it it just comes gushing out and he would be completely obsessed and infatuated.
Specifically the lyrics to me that are so Carmy down bad coded;
“Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know. I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door.”
“When my time comes around. Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth. No grave can hold my body down, I'll crawl home to her”
“I just think about my baby, I’m so full of love I can barely eat”
“And flew like a moth to you, sunlight, oh, sunlight, your love is sunlight.”
“The jarring of judgment and reasons defeat the sweet heat of her breath in my mouth; I am alive.”
“Whatever here that is left of me is yours as it was.”
“If the heavens ever did speak, she’s the last true mouthpiece.”
Like that man would be the ASTRONOMICALLY down bad for his girl.
oh my god i 1000% agree! 🫶🏻 hozier and carm, what a pairing 🌼 i feel like carm would absolutely be down in the depths for his girl to the point that he is terrified of making mistakes and screwing it up, but because he is so terrified of screwing up he does? like..he's so conscious of every little thing he does, is it enough, is it too much, etc. the pressure would get to him and he would blow hot and cold, but i think the right partner would see through all that, would reassure him that they love him for him. he doesn't need to put so much pressure on himself because they're not going anywhere, they're just as down bad for him
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moonlight-prose · 1 year
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a/n: below you can find all the works that i have created for the show/game the last of us! they're all on this post, but in the future some of the characters might get their own masterlist post.
Under no circumstances may you steal my work, say it’s yours, or post it somewhere else. The writings I put on here are mine unless stated otherwise.
smut =🔥| angst =💫 | fluff =🌙
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Hurt (series) | 18+🔥| ONGOING
Summary: Alone and trying to survive, you find your path crossing with a man who’s headed to Boston of all places. He claims he’s looking for a new start, not realizing you might be it.
Pale Rider |💫
Summary: Grief was a noose and he did what he could to loosen it before he lost you too.
From Eden, Love Grows | 18+🔥| dedicated to: @/saradika
Summary: Days spent in flower fields and cooking in a sunbathed kitchen with him.
Marks Of The Damned | 18+🔥
Summary: His scars were his secrets, his pain he never shared.
The Wasteland Of A Bleeding Heart |💫
Summary: Joel’s fears began to interfere.
View From The Bridge |💫
Summary: The past was off limits, but at what cost?
Warm Glow | 18+🔥| dedicated to: @/sunflowersteves
Summary: His love felt as warm as the afternoon sun.
More and More | 18+🔥
Summary: “He wanted to know every part of you, everything you kept hidden for fear of it being rejected. And you let him.”
Be Still My Foolish Heart |🌙
Summary: “Yet somehow—despite you never realizing it—Joel always ended up with you.”
A Poison That Never Stung | 18+🔥| UPCOMING
Way Down We Go | 18+🔥| UPCOMING
Blackthorn Tree | 💫
Summary: You needed to protect him as much as he needed to protect you. The only problem was…Joel believed he didn’t need caring for. He didn’t need protecting.
Thrills | 18+🔥| Kinktober 2023
Summary: “He sought you out in the darkness of your shared home and found what he knew would keep him from dipping beneath the surface again. And you let him.”
Safe Haven | 18+🔥| Kinktober 2023
Summary: “Being with Joel felt like breathing. As if you’d stepped outside for the first time in eons, soaking in the fresh air that emanated from the trees. It was clear. A constant fixated piece of nature that you knew would never fade.”
Sweet Words of Sin | 18+🔥| Kinktober 2023
Summary: “There was a certain high that came from this. Having a man like joel miller relenting to your every word, all to hear those sweet words fall from your lips. As delicious as a glass of wine and just as sinful.”
Sweetened Breath and Tongue So Mean | 18+🔥| Kinktober 2023
Summary: “Joel couldn’t fathom what you saw in him. a man bloodied with the ravages of life. He’d taken life, killed to survive, and there were times he even fucking enjoyed it. But you were soft. You were the good that remained. The light he shouldn’t be allowed to tarnish.”
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It Will Come Back | 18+🔥
Summary: Mornings in the kitchen with him made life worthwhile.
Last Night On Earth | 18+🔥| UPCOMING
Dreadful Need | 18+🔥
Summary: “You wanted to see his smile fade as the realization struck him that he would have to work for it tonight.”
Falling |🌙
Summary: “A fleeting moment of you being tugged forward and wrapped into the safety of his arms. It ignited something in you. caused your heart to quicken its pace whenever he was around—reminding you of what he felt like so close.”
Lover Be Good To Me | 18+🔥| Kinktober 2023
Summary: “How you managed to be the lucky winner in this draw called life, you’d never know. Tommy was kind, good to you in a way no other person ever had been before.”
Wretched and Joyful | 18+🔥| Kinktober 2023
Summary: “He would be your end and all that came next. He’d be your consequence in a world that sought out punishment rather than forgiveness. Your small slice of joy in the wretched ways of reality.”
How Stars Shine in Darkness | 💫
Summary: In darkness stars shine. In pain…your love glows. And when all hope feels lost, Tommy Miller thinks of you.
The Breaking of Glass | 💫
Summary: You could remember his smile most of all. How it shone brighter than the sun on most days. How his curls nearly always fell into his eyes. But most of all…you remembered how he loved you.
First Light (series) | 18+🔥| COMING SOON
Summary: Tommy Miller never thought he would end up alone. Not when he had family behind him - a life that wasn't perfect, but good enough. Yet there he was, kneeling on the cold forest floor - bloodied and bruised - asking to die. Until light streams through the trees, and he sees you.
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necros-writing-stuff · 5 months
after reading Dare if he was in the DoL universe, I was curious about his opinion/thoughts on the LIs/other NPCs
I'm not fond of this AU so I'm not going to write much more beyond this and the other ask I got about it, just a heads up.
Yeah Dare doesn't like himself most days, it's going to be super difficult to get him to like anyone in DoL.
I already said about Eden in a previous post, but they would hate each other.
The only person he's going to find chill and friendly is pretty much Landry. Landry is cool, Dare drinks at the pub and has talked to them a few times, but they wouldn't be friends cause Landry can see a shark in the water right there.
The school LIs? A bunch of little shits with no impact on his life, he doesn't give a single fuck, wouldn't even look their way. The only ones he'd even be aware of existing would be Whitney (some of his employees know Whitney's family) and Robin (been offered them by Bailey when looking for who to buy) (rejected the offer).
Bailey and Briar are in a similar boat of "I may buy from you but I don't trust you at all." Hates being in Briar's brothel cause he hates seeing the shit that goes on there. Hypocrite Dare strikes again. Much more likely to go to Darryl's place, and honestly if PC didn't exist he's likely try to grab Darryl for himself.
Doesn't even know Charlie, Wren, Alex, Gwylan, Remy, Zephyr, IW, any of the prison characters, Jordan, the Night Monster, Micky, Morgan.
Knows Winter only cause they taught him. Doesn't know the other teachers.
Quinn is a fuck to deal with when it comes to zoning regulations and building. Smarmy fucker with a false charm.
Doesn't know Avery but would fling them out of the top floor of a high-rise if he did.
Literally 0 opinion on BW or GH. That's a fucking creature, what do you want from him. They might be annoying on hunts, but that's about it.
Black Dog however, he'd try to bring home and be sad when they wouldn't come.
Avoids Harper at all costs. Harper creeps him the fuck out to the point where he feels the urge to punch them square in the face and break their glasses every time they move an inch.
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dorsey-divine · 8 months
The Binding Of God
Content Warning: Mentions of child death, religious trauma
Now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham!”
And he said “Here I am.”
Then He said, “Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.”
“Why do you desire Isaac, my Lord God?” asked Abraham.
“Do you not trust me Abraham?” asked God in return, surprised that His command was not immediately heeded.
“I do Almighty Father, Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, but before a ram was the sacrifice to your most holy Heavenly Father. Why now must my son be sacrificed?” Abraham asked again.
“Because I command it so.” Answered God. “Will you disobey my command?”
Abraham did not answer the Lord’s question, instead he asked, “If an earthly Lord ordered a son to be sacrificed in his name would he not be evil?”
“He would.” God told Abraham, “The killing of an innocent is a most high sin.”
“I would not obey that command from an earthly Lord.” Stated Abraham. “Whether it was my son Isaac or another man’s, for I follow your teachings and wisdom Lord.”
“That is noble and good Abraham.” Commended God.
“Yes it is. You are my Lord, and you command me to kill my beloved son in your name.” Abraham said, “Do you see now why I hesitate?”
“I do,” said God, “but I am not an earthly Lord. I am the most high God. I ask for your trust and faith Abraham.”
“But I am an earthly man, just as you made me.” Responded Abraham. “Would you kill your son Lord, if you had one?”
“I will one day.” Said God. “He will be your savior, delivered to your wretched and sinful earth by a virgin mother, and He will die for the sins of all humanity. Not only Him, but you humans are my children, made in my image.” God told Abraham.
“A father willing to strike down his child is no father at all.” Responded Abraham. “You say we humans are your children, but you call our home wretched and sinful. If you love us Lord, why leave us here?”
“Eve disobeyed me in the garden, do you not remember?” Asked God.
“The Original Sin, I remember Lord. She disobeyed your command not to eat the fruit of knowledge and was cast, along with her husband Adam, from Eden.” Abraham paused and seemed to weigh his words. “Her sin tainted us all Lord?”
“Yes.” Answered God. “Do you fear being rejected from my light as well?”
“I do.” Abraham told God, and his voice began to shake.
“You may weep Abraham.” God said to Abraham. And he did, for many hours, the terrible love and wrath of the Heavenly Father overwhelming him completely. Once his tears had run dry Abraham looked to the sky where the Lord was, waiting for his words. The Lord did not speak, so Abraham did.
“You truly are omniscient my Lord, so you know my heart.” Said Abraham. “I regret what I must say now.”
“I know Abraham.” God told his once faithful servant.
“I fear you Father,” Abraham began “I know you love me despite my sinful flesh and soul, but I fear you.” Abraham stood up straighter. “You are the one who taught me that fear is not the most powerful emotion, but instead forgiveness and love, and I have taken that lesson to heart.”
“I know you have Abraham.” Interrupted God. Abraham did not heed Him and continued to talk.
“I love you God. I love you for your grace, for your glory, for your patience, and for your love. My love for you is unlike what I feel for any other, but that does not make it the strongest love within my heart and soul. I love my son beyond what I can describe even to you Lord, and I choose him.”
This angered God. “You would damn your immortal soul and refuse to obey me?” His voice thundered throughout the Heavens and the earth.
“Yes Lord.” Said Abraham. “I would die one thousand deaths and suffer eternal damnation for my son.” And with that, Abraham walked away from God and back into his home.
After some time stewing in anger, the Lord sent an angel to speak to Abraham.
“Abraham! Abraham!” Called the angel.
“Here I am.” replied Abraham. “Why do you seek me angel?”
“I am a messenger of God,” said the angel, “He has asked me to speak with you. Will you still disobey him?”
“Yes, messenger of God, if he still commands me to sacrifice my only son.”
“He does.” Spoke the angel. “Do you not trust His purpose?”
“I trust His purpose as the creator and ruler of all time and space, but my son is mine, to do with as I will.” Abraham told the angel, as he had told God. “If my punishment is to be struck down and delivered to Hell do so now, if I am to die I do not want to linger.” Abraham dropped to his knees and looked up at the angel.
"I swear by myself,” declared the angel, on behalf of God “that because you have done this and have withheld your son, your only son, I will surely curse you and make your descendants as few as the stars on the earth and as the grass on the seashore. Your descendants will slave away in the cities of their enemies, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be condemned, because you have disobeyed me." After these words the angel flew back to Heaven and Abraham was left alone to weep for the future. He wished he had never doubted his Lord, and that his descendants would not be punished for it.
“Isaac!” He called out, rising to his feet.
“Here I am.” said his son, having run to meet Abraham’s call. “Are you alright?” he asked upon seeing his father’s face.
“Yes my son, I am, because you are here with me.” Abraham told Isaac, remembering why he had strayed from God. He stepped forward and took his son by the shoulders. “I love you more than anything Isaac.”
“I love you as well father. But why do you weep?”
“God has cursed my descendants, your children, and their children and all after. They will be few- and slaves to their enemies and bring misfortune upon all nations of the world. I disobeyed Him by denying to sacrificing you.” Abraham drew his son into an embrace. “I am sorry Isaac.”
Isaac thought for a moment, then spoke. “It is alright father, for if God has given us free will, and in His grace He has, then we may disobey his plans. I shall have many children and they shall bring joy and love to the world, and their children shall do the same, and all after. God’s light may no longer shine on our family, but your love shines on me, for you did not kill me. God’s love is mighty, but it is not yours, and yours is all I need.”
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