#you racist fucking scum
apollos-olives · 10 months
Ur literally just racist. Hating white people isnt a fucking moral high ground. And no im not white myself cuz i know you'll just assume anyone who disagrees with you is.
And this is tumblr. Not twitter. Its a blog website comprised mostly of fandom and personal blogs. Get over it if people make things into a meme or use a meme to send news. That's how it's always been done.
And again. Wishing white people would die or commit suicide doesnt make you a better person. It doesn't even make you look like a better person.
Considering how upset you are about your people being killed you should also understand how terrible it is for white people when their friends and family die. Do you really wanna be that person? Do you really wanna be the person that made someone take their own life?
Just like your people who died, anyone who killed themself because of you and behaviour like this would be dead too. An it would be your fucking fault. How does that make you any better?
It doesnt.
So shut up.
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you cannot be this fucking stupid oh my god... there's no way someone is THIS fucking stupid 💀💀💀
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sweet-potato-42 · 8 months
apparently absolute shitheads are being blatantly racist and zenophobic to the Brazilian community (and have been for a while now but we are seeing it now)
Its so stupid and i hope anyone doing it just leaves the community and learns to be a more reasonable person
To the brazilian community and anyone else who faces hatred like this I am so sorry. I hope we as a fanbase can power through and prove that it is possible to have a diverse multilingual community
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11x11pm · 11 months
if katniss was a real person, some of yall would be calling her a terrorist too
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cognitiveinequality · 1 month
i seriously can't believe there's no filter preventing using the n-word in a username/blog handle during blog creation... wow... there are some pieces of shit on this website, man.
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kaifish-pond · 3 months
Ryan Garcia: I hate nig*gers
him after getting his career taken away: Omggggg guuuuiiiiisssseeeee I looooooooveeee ni- Black peopleeeeeee. C'mooonnnnn pleeeassseee dont take my careerrrrrrrrr awaaaayyyyyy wwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
I love how I can literally post about anything as much as I want and no one gives a shit but the second I answer “too many” asks in a row about ts then I’m “spending so much time and energy” and it’s “obsessive”. at least y’all are consistent, i guess.
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
I think another thing that annoys me about how prevalent it is for people to read MTMTE/LL and nothing else, is the fact that JRO's depiction of Cybertronian-organic relationships is slanted so heavily in favor of Cybertronians portraying organic aliens as tyrannical racists killing colonies for no reason (Galactic Council, the Black Block Consortia) that love torturing Cybertronians because they hate them so much and don't see them as sentient (that dude who was selling Cybertronian torture dolls to alien races).
And like, something that happens as a result of people only reading MTMTE/LL is that they get this idea in their head that it's Cybertronians who are oppressed by the rest of the galaxy. And an unfortunate.... take that I see as a result of this ends up with stuff like Decepticon/Megatron apologists trying to frame technoist colonialism as basically Cybertronians trying to strike back against being unfairly persecuted and being seen as lesser by alien species? They don't always explicitly say it as such, but I've seen a lot of people try to downplay the whole technoism and colonialism thing by framing it in context to organic racism and how both sides are equally bad or something like that.
Which is not fucking true because if you actually were to read exRID and OP, you would know that there are multiple Cybertronian colonies throughout the galaxy that were created by razing previously occupied organics planets, that Nova Prime (one of the original 13 Primes and the first Prime to rule a united Cybertron) wanted to conquer the entire galaxy which led to the creation of cold construction in the first place, and that the reason organic species hate Cybertronians so much is because Cybertronians were the first ones to go out and start conquering other planets millions of years ago.
It's even more infuriating because you don't even need to read other comics besides JRO's to know this! Tailgate and Cyclonus were from Nova Prime's time and the whole "yeah during those times we liked going out on a fun journey to kill organics for fun hahaha" is brought up at least a couple times in the series.
#squiggposting#meta#but yeah it's easy to forget that idw cybertronians were the ones colonizing organics first#when the bulk of organic species presence in JRO's works is showing them as like absolute racist scum or as poor woobies in need of rescuin#and with regards to m/gatron apologists it actually pisses me off a lot because i KNOW most of them only read m/tmte and ll#and that's why they have Those Takes (derogatory)#and like ppl try to claim that M is unfairly framed as the villain and the colonialism 'makes no sense' (how?????)#but like if they read series besides JRO's they would see that basically M is only carrying on a colonialist legacy#that has pervaded all of cybertronian history. which imo is much more compelling and more accurate to real life than just#'M is racist against organics because they were racist to him/cybertron first. he's just retaliating!'#because like. when you look at real life history you see plenty of activists who revolutionized society and human rights and stuff#but in other aspects they were like fucking racist or sexist or transphobic or whatever#to me M makes much more sense and is more compelling as a tragically flawed former activist/pacifist#when you look at his anti functionism in contrast to his anti organic and colonialist actions#what you see there is a person who correctly argued in favor of the rights of his own species but failed to apply that logic to other speci#it's not uncommon for certain activists IRL to argue for the rights of one group of oppressed ppl but stomp on the rights of others because#they don't acknowledge the shared struggles or the shared roots of oppression between both#that's literally what M is doing. but if you take the stupid route of going 'oh M may be racist but organics were racist too'#that's just. that's not only boring but it makes for a less compelling narrative in a continuity full of political discussions and themes#and also i hate how many M fans just refuse to acknowledge the whole colonialism thing. it's not a matter of you have to feel bad for likin#him but it's a matter of. you can't just brush off M's crimes and get mad at other ppl for pointing out he did bad things#and also sometimes M stans' efforts to justify his crimes just end up having really unfortunate implications sometimes#like that one person who tried claiming that M's colonialism was just him making hard decisions to ensure the survival of his species#which is very mmmm uhhhh ahhhhhhh not a good argument to put it lightly#point is. some ppl wanna talk politics in TF so bad but aren't willing to talk ALL OF THE POLITICS#or like they wanna talk politics in TF without even reading the rest of the series#if your analysis of a story is based on incomplete evidence not having read most of the series and only cherrypicking from 2 series#your arguments are not logically compelling nor properly informed and i can rip them apart as such#there are too many takes in this fucking fandom made by ppl who haven't read most of idw or even read PART OF IT with attention to detail#just. i hate it when popular takes are made by ppl who only read a pinch of the story and make sweeping generaliations
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narryleomessi · 1 year
have any of you ever hated a player so much that you don't want your team to win any trophies or leagues for as long as that motherfucker plays in your team???
Like you love your team so much, been supporting that club for 15+ years/since childhood because it's your dad and granddad's club, you love the other players immensely, but this one player grates on your nerves so much, like you fucking hate his guts, so now you don't want your team to win in the upcoming season because you don't want that one guy you despise to lift the trophy, get a medal, celebrate happily, or be on a winners bus parade ever.
I know this is soooooo irrational and ridiculous, i'm fully aware this is such a shitty thought, like why don't you want your childhood club and 25 other good players to win but you can't stop your brain from having this negative thought and intense hatred. The manager is stupid af too so they are going to lose on their own accord.
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hole34 · 19 days
holy fucking shit... i wasn't aware of the TCC tumblr rabbithole, this is absolutely DISGUSTING and all of these people are unforgivable monsters, excuse me??? fuck y'all
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ppulverse · 5 months
how can some people be so heartless lol
#rant cw#death tw#dl#some ppl on twt/tt saying my state deserves what's happening rn bc SOME people from here are the scum of the earth#and have said rlly racist stuff about ppl from other states#girlie i can guarantee you most of the people who say that kinda shit are not being affected as much as the rest of us rn#bc most of them are RICH and either live in safer areas or have the money to evacuate to a much better place#you're gonna watch a video of a dude that was rescuing children and he was crying while talking about how one of the kids he rescued#asked him to pick up a doll she saw floating on the water and when he looked at it he realized it was actually the body a dead baby#and you're gonna be like yeah. that BABY deserved to drown bc some rich entitled right-winged piece of shit was racist on the internet??#i know a lot of people from here are horrible and trust me we're the ones who hate them the most#but to get to the point where people are having to post PROOF that most of us are not right-winged racists that flirt with nazism#just to convince people to have some damn empathy.......#literally 90% of my town is underwater. there are some areas where you couldn't even see the roofs of the houses anymore#i most likely lost everything i owned except for the things i could pack up and bring with me#and there are people who are in much worse situations than me bc at least i have where to stay#some people don't even have that bc their families were also affected#i've been crying literally every night bc of everything that's been going on despite knowing how privileged i am just for being safe rn#last night i spent a whole hour just crying bc i'm pretty sure our dogs died#and then i open twitter/tiktok and see some asshole going ''yeah. they deserve it''??? fuck you i hope you go to hell
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dimplecki · 9 months
POC: this is racist
Other people: oh my God, I'm so sorry! I'll take it down & immediately apologise publicly. I wish you only the best💗
Jews: this is antisemitic
Other people: shut the fuck up you whiny zionist scum lol kys
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saintescuderia · 4 months
(a pancakes oneshot!)
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AKA - max comes to you after winning abu dhabi 2021 and becoming a world champion
series masterlist here :) // the pancakes recipe here :)
A/N: hello! welcome to another oneshot part of the pancakes!universe. and of course i would choose such a controversial moment to write about. please remember creative liberties in fiction. we love max and lewis equally (oscar's chandler bing level sarcasm is the real goat here c'mon)
TW: emetophobia
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You were mopping up vomit. 
For some reason, it was this pile of vomit that occupied your thoughts. Who had done it? When had they had done it? It was in between the Mercedes and Red Bull motorhome so it could’ve been either. Team members throwing up from the sheer nerves wasn’t something new to you. But today, tonight, after everything... it really could’ve been from anything. Both teams had gone through it tonight. Everyone had gone through it tonight. The vomit before you could’ve very well had been come out of you from everything you had witnessed. 
The nausea you had felt hadn't let up since last night. Last night when Domenicali had specifically requested you to work the bar and you had served all the rich, white men drinks who laughed jovially as Free Practice spun past and you anxiously snuck glances on the Red Bull with the Black T-Cam. Number 33. Verstappen. Max. Your old driver.
He was so close to getting what the two of you had dreamed about for so long.
You really had wanted Max to win. Of course you did. He had been your driver since entering F1. He was your driver and, honestly, there was a part of you that was always going to be reserved for him.
It wasn't the same thing with that you had for Charles - that was something entirely different. But Max was the first and only driver that you had officially trained, that you had gone through all the F1 bullshit with.
Whereas Charles was perfectly media trained, Max always blamed (or credited) his shit-talking to, well, you.
Lewis was a brilliant driver, and with one of the kindest souls to match. Despite everything with F1, the man had survived the brutal ruthlessness of the sport and hadn't let the money or fame corrupt him. You had a lot of respect for him.
But it was undeniable that you wanted one for Max. Lewis had seven already. Can’t we just let Max have one?
Apparently, some big oil rich guy with ties to the FIA shared a similar thought.
Well, for different reasons. 
“Ta.” Said big oil rich guy said, barely glancing at you as set his espresso martini down at the table. Domenicali gave you an appreciative smile before returning his attention to the man who kept going on. You gathered the empty glasses and turned around to walk back the bar as the man kept talking.
“No, look Stefano. Don’t call me racist. Don’t. But Lewis is… we need a knew face for F1. Do you know what it looks like when I go back home and there’s one of… you know, like Max is…”
You almost vomited. 
It wasn't like this was new to you. It wasn't. However, the man being so open about it had you counting how many drinks However, considering the two glasses in your hand, the man was well buzzed enough for his drunk words to reflect the sober thoughts.
From behind the bar, you kept your head down, staring at the Jordan Fours the donned your feet. The Black Cats had been a gift from Max way back when and you had wearing them all weekend for him.
“Everyone is getting bored of Hamilton winning. Put Max’s face. The white hope for Formula !”
Your hand froze. You couldn't help it. Your head shot up to look at the fucking scum that had just said that.
Formula 1 had been a lot of things. Sexist - downright fucking misogynist. Your time as a trainer had a lot of men down playing your skills and work. The added part of your appearance being 'exotic' and 'foreign' only compounded this.
Suffice to say, you also respected Lewis a lot for him being the sole black man on the grid.
So to hear this. Now. In 2021. To hear such blatant fucking racism made your fist curl so much that the stem of the martini glass snapped.
Domenicali noticed. He met your eyes - his petrol friend distracted by the sounds outside - and he gave you a troubled look.  
It wasn’t the first time you had heard something troubling. It wasn’t like Domenicali hadn’t ever quietly sidled up to you before with a special NDA in hand and the following month’s payslip to have some special bonus. 
But this… this was… this was too much.
Your barely registered the blood dripping down from your palm as you threw the towel on the bar and stalked to the door. You passed another worker on your way who called out your name. You barely paid them any attention. Sure, VIP sector of the Experiences lounge held certain expectations - you couldn't exactly just leave.
But you also knew Stefano wouldn't say anything. Not after that. And if anyone else would have a problem with you leaving, you would just tell them to go talk to Domenicali themselves. There would be no way he would penalise you for that. Not when he was likely thinking right now about what 'bonus' he could give you to compensate for what you'd just heard.
You didn't realise you had gone into the bathroom until you were met the stalls. Apparently your body was working on its own accord since the neural pathways weren't registering the nausea that was going through you. Your legs moved to the stalls. You found yourself kneeling. You found bile rising. You found the protein pancakes from this morning exiting into the toilet bowl in front of you.
Now, a few hours later, Michael Masi had made a call, your right hand was wrapped in bandages, Max had won his World Championship and you were mopping up vomit.
Normally, you would've changed your shoes. Now, you couldn't find yourself to care. The Black Cats had suffered a few scuffs here and there and looking down at them, you couldn't find yourself to even care. Looking down at them, you thought about Max and started to cry.
He had won. The internet had broken. Toto Wolff’s calls to Masi still resounded in your ears. Christian Horner’s tears of joy still flashed in your mind. The TV had caught Lewis crying and his father comforting him. The TV had caught Jos congratulating Max. 
You knew all too well that had the outcome been reversed, Anthony would be celebrating like it was Lewis’ first Championship - but Jos would have no sense to even speak to his disappointment of a son!
If anything, you were just glad Max had won so that there would be no worrying tonight about what hidden scars his father would cause him. More than anything, you hated the fact that you were no longer able to protect Max like before. Drama aside, it broke your heart.
But your heart broke today for a different reason. Because even though Max would be okay... you were so fucking disappointed.
You saw - everyone fucking saw - Lewis still make an effort to celebrate on the podium. You saw how Anthony Hamilton still went to shake the hands of Jos, of Christian, of Max. 
And Max almost didn’t fucking shake Anthony's hand.
And that, you took on yourself. You honestly thought you had taught him better than that.
Someone called out your name. You blinked. A quick wipe of your eyes and you schooled your face to greet the wide grin set on the face of one very elated Max Verstappen who was still dressed in his race suit standing before you.
“There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere!"
"Why? What do you mean why? Because I'm a fucking World Champion!" He said like it was the most obvious thing. You looked around and frowned. You checked your watch. Enough time had passed that he would be done in the cool down room. That meant you probably should go there and finish mopping.
So you sighed and made a move on to finish with mopping this up so you could get to the driver's room. Your lack of reaction and going back to mopping clearly stumped the driver - no, World Champion, in front of you.
"You -- what are you doing?” Max said, completely taken aback.
“Mopping up vomit.”
"Get someone else to do this shit."
"This is my job now, Max." You said and looked up at him with a stern look that made Max's smile falter a little bit.
"Can't you get someone else to do it?" He asked, taking the cap off to run a hand through his blond hair. "I'm-- We won."
"You won." You corrected. "I'm no longer affiliated with Red Bull."
"But I..." He stopped and closed his eyes. He huffed and you could tell that he was trying to sort through his frustrations. You had coached him one too many times about using his big boy words and actually talk about his feelings. Since, of course, Jos did fuck all to help Max learn to talk about emotional needs.
"I want to celebrate with you. It's important that I celebrate with you." Max said, eyes still closed.
"You and I both know that's not going to happen. Your mother has a restraining order against me and your father's mood is going to be dampened seeing me." You said. Max's eyes opened and you hated how the joy dimmed.
"But... I'm a World Champion." He said, sounding like a kid again. A defeated kid.
“You’re still Max Verstappen.” You said, the emphasis. The emphasis served to remind him that, World Champion or not, he was still Verstappen. As in the son of the very man who loathed your guts. 
The emphasis also, you hoped was to remind him he was still a person, still Max Verstappen.
You wouldn’t let him lose himself like, arguably, Daniel had in the tempting champagne glory that comes with winning in Formula 1. 
And it was that thought that reminded you of the sad fury of disappointment you had been sorting through before he'd surprised you.
"Are you at least going to congratulate me?” Max asked. "I just became a World Champion finally. Everything we always said and you're mopping up fucking vomit!"
You stopped and looked up at him. You thought carefully of your next words. Taking a breath, you spoke.
"Did you shake Lewis' hand?"
"Did you shake Lewis' hand?" You repeated.
"Why the fuck would that—"
"Sportsmanship, Max." You interrupted him and then went back to mopping. "That’s why. Sportsmanship."
This set him off. "Are you serious right now?" He called your name out and when you continued mopping, he came round and pulled the mop away from you. You stepped back and he stepped forward and suddenly both of you had your shoes - his racing shoes and your Jordan 4s - were now in it. "I did it. i finally did it. I proved them all wrong. Everyone said it wasn't going to happen. The commentators. The journalists. Even Christian had his doubts. But I fucking won. I did it. Jos -- Jos said he was proud of me!"
You fought to keep your voice calm and level. "So why are you here? Do you want me to say that I'm proud of you as well?"
Max didn't speak, but continued to breathe heavily. His pride and his anger wouldn't let him say yes.
"I thought you would be happy! We worked so hard for this. And I'm not so fucking arrogant to admit that I did it because of you. And here you are talking about Lewis hand?"
"Yes. Because I'm not taking credit for tonight. Not one single fucking bit of it." Max blinked, your voice starting to raise as you finally got to it. "You say you're not arrogant enough to want to celebrate with me. A nice shout out to the Hospitality worker who gave you the fucking seat and trained you to where you are now. But you know what? I would rather mop up this shit that pretend that I am happy about what happened."
"You're not happy for me?"
"I'm not happy at myself Max." You said, losing anger and heavy a tired sigh, finally looking up at the sky. It was dark but you couldn't see any stars. The light pollution from a night race was always so ridiculous. Suffocating almost.
"Because I thought I had taught you better than that." You said, finally bringing your eyes down to look at him. "You watched the cooldown, Max. You saw what happened."
"Yeah? And?"
"And?" You mimicked him. "I — if I had been up there with you guys tonight, what do you think the first thing I would do?" He remained silent. His shoulders gave a minuscule shrug. "I would shake Lewis' hand. Max. And I would slap you on the back of your neck and make sure you did the same fucking thing. Just like Anthony."
"Are you serious not going to congratulate me not shaking Lewis’ hand?"
"I'm sorry, and you're saying you're not arrogant?" Your eyes narrowed. "Clearly you're not getting it Max so let me be blunt. I would rather be mopping up this fucking vomit right now than stand beside whatever the fuck that was. I don’t mean to rain on your parade here, believe me, this goes beyond you. But the least you could’ve done was shake Lewis hand and prove them wrong!"
"Them?" Max frowned. "What are you talking about?"
"Max." You pinched the bridge of your nose "I work in Hospitality. I serve the rich white man. I hear a lot of shit."
It took Max a second. You looked at him and watched his face continue to look at you confusedly until the understanding set in his widening eyes.
"Are you saying..."
"I'm not saying anything." You said with a grim smile. He immediately understood. NDAs were dished out on the daily around here.
You set the broom down and turned to fully face him. You put your hands on his shoulders and stared him dead in the eye. Given his height advantage, you leaned on your tip toes to be able to reach up and press a kiss to his forehead. Coming down, you saw his eyes shine and you gave him a soft smile.
"Maximilian, my brother, I love you. And I am happy for you. But when you're up, don't forget what it was like when you were down. Hold onto that, actually. It'll mean you won't lose yourself and be there for those that will always be down."
And with that, you turned around and went back to mopping.
Max stood there, unable to say or do anything. He was too overwhelmed with emotion. This... more than winning a Championship... this he felt more. He couldn't put this in words. This hurt. But in a good way. It... He felt... He just felt.
Max vaguely heard his name being called and hands pulling at him. Red Bull engineers talking about partying. You kept mopping. Head down, arms moving forward and back and you went about your manual labour task while expensive Champagne was flowing over him once more.
"Where do you want to go? Winner's choice!"
He knew exactly where he wanted to go. What he wanted - what he needed to.
Despite winning a Championship, Max Verstappen was still getting an earful from Jos. 
"Why the fuck did you go and shake his hand? And with all those cameras around? Do you know how that looks? He lost. You won. You don’t need to surround yourself with losers. No - fucking - pity. No mercy! Max! Why do you insist on being weak? I raised you better than this!"
Maybe that had been the problem. HIs methods of raising him.
His father’s tirade went to background music as he felt his phone buzz. He still had your contact details saved as before. 
tessio’s wings 💪💪💪
i’m proud of you
Max smiled to himself. It was funny how his father had finally said those words - had finally said he was proud of him - and they were hollow to him. How long had Max longed for Jos to finally say them and when he finally did... Max realised he didn't need them. He didn't want them. What he wanted was you again. To see you smile at him and tell him good job. To show him the love that he hadn't felt for most of his life. He had missed that.
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@eugene-emt-roe @spookystitchery @vicurious28 @taytaylala12 @c-losur3 @hiireadstuff @samantha-chicago @fionaschicken @casperlikej @bookstore-of-dreams @itsjustkhaos @sam-is-lost @laneyspaulding19 @formula1mount @bokutos-babyowl @stampiej @alilcloudy @bingussthirdtoe @sisinever @lilymurphy03 @inlovewmarlenemckinnon @charllleclerc
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genquerdeer · 2 months
About writing-prompt-s drama:
There obviously IS a 'scam ring'. By that I mean the same scam ring we've been dealing with for years, regular tumblr bot farms now also pose as Palestinians refugees because those people are scum who will do anything for money. I've myself gotten asks from "Palestinians" clearly mass sent by a bot.
Idea that vetters are intentional scam ring is an insane racist conspiracy theory. However, they're all volunteers - they're not detectives, lawyers or anyone with formal training in recognizing e.g. forged documents or poking holes at made-up backstories.
Some scammers seem to have made it to vetted lists. This is either by slipping through the cracks, or by hacked accounts. Makes sense, an account that is vetted is a super prime target for a scammer. This is inevitable and de facto impossible to prevent in a crowdsourced approach. They're doing their best, but that just *improves* chances, not guarantees it.
A process that is 100% true would have to be centralized, slow, restrictive and would hurt more people that it would help. 1% of gfms being scammers is bad, but it's better than the alternative. If it really bothers you, you can just... donate to an accredited charity instead?
@writing-prompt-s accused 90-ghost of being a scammer on a post that had nothing to do with him nor was written by him. Bullshit I say. Mere *existence* of actual scammers doesn't absolve him one fucking bit.
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Begging you all to spare a thought for everyone in the U.K. right now and to keep talking about what’s going on here.
If you didn’t know, I can give a quick TLDR but three young girls were killed in a stabbing in Southport. Ten others were injured, including eight other children. The culprit was arrested following the attack. Social media alleged that the attacker was an immigrant and a Muslim (both of which have been debunked, he is a Christian and was born in Wales) and now the fascist right wingers have crawled out of their holes to riot across the country.
Hotels housing asylum seekers have been attacked, including those in Rotherham and Tamworth. Riots have taken place across the country, in 28 locations so far, and rioters continue to plan their attacks in these key locations.
They call it a protest, it isn’t, it’s a fucking riot. They’re harassing innocent people, causing damage to property, looting and causing harm. These cunts are bringing their children along, encouraging them to incite violence and continue this hate and vitriol and it’s just fucking sickening.
And to make it all fucking worse, scum of the earth Elon fucking Musk is throwing his two pence into the situation, claiming that ‘civil war is inevitable’ and trying to wage a Twitter war with PM Keir Starmer.
I’m scared to go to work tomorrow. Riots are planned to take place in my town for at least the next few days, including near my area of work. I’m white, I’m not a target, but my heart breaks for the POC who live in my area, for my friends whom I love who are terrified of being attacked or their families being attacked. I can’t even begin to imagine how scared they must feel.
To all my fellow U.K. friends, please stay safe. Normally I would encourage peaceful counter protest but these aren’t protests, they’re riots. You can’t counter protest a riot. Going would mean putting yourself at significant risk of being harmed by these spineless racist thugs. Please keep safe and keep us in your thoughts. Thanks.
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pobopolybius · 1 year
Comparing the project moon situation to harry potter fans really does go to show not only do you people not know what the fuck you are talking about but also that you are performative as fuck and don't care about Anyone but your own self righteousness.
Get this through your heads: someone being into a small indie company that has a manchild for a CEO is nowhere comparable to an antisemitic, racist, transphobic misogynistic anti-scottish and irish liberation scumbag which uses her writing to promote her views and donates money to make sure trans people are put through hell.
The artists situation is horrible. Of course. It is. It fucking is. But equating looking at fanart and youtube videos of something that does not perpetuate hateful ideologies to actively consuming transphobic and antisemitic propaganda that is getting people killed is abhorrent.
None of you know what the fuck you are talking about.
Do better. Get your heads out of your self righteous asses. Scumbags. Fuck you for equating a legal dispute to the deaths of queer and jewish people. You are scum.
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euniexenoblade · 7 months
@avewy got banned for having her dick out (search her url there are screenshots) and her friends are into rape, especially @unending-sorceress, he's an abuser and a racist that defends pedos
You're a worthless liar. Genuinely a terrible, worthless liar. You're a bigot looking to besmirch the names of trans women because you literally hate trans people.
Avery is such a lovely person. She's genuinely so kind and wonderful. When I was the target of harassment, she was understanding and lovely and helped my friends reconnect to me. She was deleted from Tumblr because terfs mass reported her in a sexually harassing hate campaign. (Yes, this is sexual harassment.)
And Vi has been my friend for years. She is one of the most gentle and wonderful people I have ever met. Your attempt to misgender my friend and paint her as a pedophile is so fucking horrible. She's one of the best people in this world, she's one of the most caring people in this world.
I know I shouldn't post this, I know I shouldn't give this any acknowledgement, but I'm sick of seeing all these people brainlessly post this without taking a second to look at either blog. They're trans women who are being targeted by literal bigots. And I think the world deserves to know that they're both beautiful souls who are being targeted by the literal scum of the earth.
Anon and her terf friends are violent, transphobic, anti LGBT shits trying to take advantage of people's transmisogyny to force trans women out of their communities. I don't believe life has "worth" but anon is worthless. Genuinely evil. And I hope you get what you deserve for the hate you spread.
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