#you put a warrior cats fan into any other fandom
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do-minuzz · 9 months ago
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favourite dynamic: a trained professional killer and a psychopath with her 1200 year old funny talking thing who's wearing a bowtie
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tearwolfe · 11 months ago
I'll borrow a warrior cats book from the library and see how it is before buying a book.. shivers in fear, i did not know that..
yeah for sure do not buy them. there's also a bunch of free PDFs online you can read!! or check them out through libby or whatever online library service your local library uses if you don't mind reading from your phone.
gonna use this chance to highlight issues with warriors under the cut!! because i've spent so much time being with this series i have a lot of thoughts. i want to let you know i am not trying to cancel warriors or anything, there's just a lot of issues and i like talking about it.
CW: misogyny, pedophilia, ablism, racism
Okay, we're going to start with the more annoying aspects. First of all, Warriors is written by a ton of different people. They have the main writers outline the plot, and there's a bunch of other people that fill in all the empty space. Kind of an interesting way to do it, but that's why Warriors is able to publish several books a year. Erin Hunter is just a penname for a group.
Why do I bring this up, what's the issue? The inconsistencies, dude. There's so many. Character appearances change between books. Dovewing's eye color changes frequently, for example, to the point where there was an internet war about how she would be represented on the Warriors Wiki. Another example is Mapleshade, a cat that's been prevalent as a villain since Crookedstar's Promise. In that book, she's referred to as a ginger-and-white she-cat, but after that she's been described as a calico (er, tortishelle-and-white, because Erin Hunter is somehow allergic to the word calico). Appearances aren't the only inconsistency. Character personalities are a big issue. After the first arc especially, characters will lose what charm they had in their personalities. Suddenly Spottedleaf is in love with Fireheart/star after she dies, suddenly Yellowfang is unwelcoming towards cats who find themselves breaking the Warrior Code (despite being a codebreaker herself and having compassion toward other cats while she was alive). The authors also seem to have trouble keeping track of characters. On one page Sandstorm leaves camp to go on patrol, and a paragraph later she is seen STILL in camp, talking to someone, despite having been written to leave camp. It's a very bizarre series to read. (Other inconsistencies include miswriting names [Ravepaw incident], using the wrong pronouns, and entirely confusing cats between each other). Heavystep also died a few times because the Erins forgot that he died.
Outside of poor writing, we're hit with misogyny. Main female characters, in POV, are written at least a little bit better than any of the other she-cats. However, as soon as the next arc starts and she's put out of the limelight, the authors have to give her a mate, give her kits, and make her a mother. There is only ONE POV she-cat I can think of that didn't die and never had kits. Twigbranch is literally the only one. This isn't a dig at being a mother at all, however whenever the Erins DO make a former main character a mother, that's the only trait they give them. Rarely do these she-cats continue to carry the personalities they were given initially.
It's not even a secret that the fandom dislikes when every she-cat is boiled down to being just a babymaker. The Erins literally killed off a she-cat because the fans didn't like the fact that her only personality trait was mom. Yes, this actually did happen.
There's lots of victim-blaming misogyny with whatever is going on between Squirrelflight and Bramblestar and between Leafpool and StarClan. Bramblestar will literally say the worst things to Squirrelflight and the narrative makes it seem like he's in the right. It's not wrong to display unhealthy relationships in media, but if you're writing a KID'S SERIES, it's extremely irresponsible to constantly write the victim as being wrong. This applies to how StarClan blames Leafpool for everything that's happened to her, despite the fact that Crowfeather was also a part of the equation.
Don't even get me started about Spottedleaf's Heart. In summary, Spottedleaf was groomed by Thisteclaw from when she was a kit (and he was a Warrior), and the narrative only makes Thistleclaw a bad guy because he was training in the Dark Forest, not because he is a predator.
It's absolutely crazy how ableist this series is. In arc one, we have Brightpaw, an apprentice who gets mauled by dogs, and as Bluestar watched, as what she thought was going to be her death bed, she decided to give her her warrior name- a name that she would be stuck with in StarClan. She chose "Lostface." Brightpaw would eventually recover, loosing one of her eyes in the attack, and would live with being called Lostface until Firestar was able to rename her (to Brightheart). The whole renaming thing feels gross enough, but Brightheart is probably the best case scenario of ableism in Warriors, as she was allowed to function as a regular Warrior in the clan. Cinderpelt wasn't so lucky. She was a Warrior apprentice who got hit by a car, mangling her leg. She was then forced to become a Medicine Cat because she "couldn't hunt or fight" (despite the fact that real world cats are able to function completely normally while missing a limb). Longtail lost his vision in a fight with rabbits and he was retired early to the elder's den, despite wanting to be a Warrior. Jayfeather was blind, so he was made a Medicine Cat despite wanting to be a Warrior. Briarlight was paralyzed, so she was put in the Medicine Cat den most of the time despite wanting to be a Warrior. This is a very common theme in the series. Any cat who isn't fully able-bodied is often made to be a Medicine Cat or an Elder, even if that's not what they want. Literally every single Medicine Cat in ThunderClan since Spottedleaf through to Alderheart never wanted to be a Medicine Cat.
Being a Medicine Cat isn't supposed to be a bad role, but the way Warriors uses it as a cop-out to make disabled cats have a more "plot interesting" role without allowing them to be a Warrior is really weird.
I'm not the most knowledgeable person on this topic, however, many Indigenous readers have brought up a lot of issues the series has in terms of being culturally insensitive to native tribes. There's a well-written document that explains this in full detail.
The writing isn't good. This goes back to the multi-writer issue. These people can't keep track of their characters or plot, so a lot of things just sort of fall flat. The best plotlines can be found in some of the novellas and graphic novels, and then I think it's because they're mostly written by one person.
How come StarClan can be so vague to living cats, but when we get POV in StarClan, they just act like normal cats? How come Ashfur randomly was super powerful in the Dark Forest/StarClan, while every other cat wasn't? There's just a lot of unexplained stuff, it's very weird.
Warriors is a very interesting series because it's pretty bad yet the fandom is huge. I definitely recommend watching Warriors Multi-Animator-Projects, reading fancomics, and fix-it fanfics instead of actually reading the books. The fans are so, so talented, it's crazy how a never-ending series of children's cat books has created such an insane fanbase.
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clubconsent · 11 months ago
I was thinking "Man, I bet a lot of Locked Tomb fans would go nuts for Die," and then I realized I knew a bunch of comics I think fellow Muir fans would like. So here, have some of my personal faves.
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Bitch Planet, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Valentine De Landro
This one will probably never be completed, but the two existing volumes are absurdly good. It's about an off-world penal colony for non-compliant women. Brutal, angry, pulpy--and full of love and admiration for women who rebel.
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Die, Kieron Gillen, Stephanie Hans
Goth as hell, lovely, and extremely gender. All about the power of story, but story here is not inspirational. It is eldritch: amoral, all-powerful, and hungry.
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Love and Rockets, Jaime Hernandez, Gilbert Hernandez, Mario Hernandez
I'm particularly thinking of the Jaime stuff here--queer punks on bizarre adventures, loving and surviving in a shit-ass world.
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Monstress, Marjorie Liu, Sana Takeda
A terrifying and powerful lesbian on a quest for revenge has an elder god come out of her arm stump occasionally to kill people. Also, there is a cat who is a nekomancer. (Get it?)
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Once and Future, Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain
There's a lot going on here thematically, but whatever. Just take a look at Bridgette, 80-something monster hunter with just the worst attitude you've ever heard of. See that old woman? You will absolutely want to fuck that old woman.
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Pretty Deadly, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Emma Rios
Ungh. The art. The deathiness. The art. Imagine if the Locked Tomb took its aesthetic cues from westerns, swap out necromancers for reapers, and you're pretty much there. Just a gorgeous series.
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The Sandman, Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth, Mike Dringenberg
You have heard of Sandman. It is as good as you have heard. Shares with TLT an unflinching--but warm--look into the darkness.
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Tigress Queen, Allison Shaw
Buff warrior queen must enter the opulent city of the enemy empire to seek peace. Palace intrigue, diplomatic tensions, occasional fights. Everyone is very sexy.
Obligatory mention for the five of you who never put on gray bodypaint: Homestuck is interesting, but I do not recommend it because I do not think the comic itself is very good. Homestuck is a several-thousand page joke at the expense of the reader. It did not deserve the passionate, creative fandom it attracted.
It gets mentioned a lot as a TLT influence because Muir co-wrote a beloved fic (Promstuck), but she herself has said it's not any bigger an influence than a million other things she's read or played. There are some interesting overlaps, but many of those are because she's influenced by the same material Hussie is (notably parser games and jrpgs).
If you really want to read Homestuck, I recommend listening to Homestuck Made This World as you go.
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boybff · 2 years ago
wait hiiiii hi hello bestie i didn’t know u like video essays!! i’ve been trying to find more to watch recently, do u have any other recs? about any topic 👀
HIIIIII bestie Robin, are you ready?? After harvesting my Youtube subscription and liked video lists here is what I have compiled. I'm gonna put my current top 5 video recommendations and then the rest of the list, under the cut, is organized by creator.
Why Are There So Many Confederate Vampires
The art of religious interpretation (midnight mass vs god’s not dead)
Defunctland: Walt Disney's City of the Future, E.P.C.O.T.
Hogwarts Legacy, JK Rowling, and Trans Advocacy
Cultural Inspirations in Avatar: The Last Airbender Book 1 - Water 
biz barclay - hilarious, brilliant, my best friend who drinks wine and weaves me long insightful stories while sitting on the dresser or in the bathtub. The vast amount of knowledge, historical 
understanding snapewives: religion, fandom, sociology, & erotica
Goncharov (1973) video essay
The art of religious interpretation (midnight mass vs god’s not dead)
Xiran Jay Zhao - Author of one of my FAVE YA novels, “Iron Widow” (which is a MUST read). I always want more avatar content that focuses on cultural inspirations from trusted sources. Xiran taught me so much about the avatar universe I already loved as well as valuable critiques. They also do retellings of historical events such as- Bisexual Han Dynasty Emperors and Forgotten Warrior Queen - Fu Hao.
Cultural Inspirations in Avatar: The Last Airbender Book 1 - Water 
Cultural Inspirations in Avatar: The Last Airbender Book 2 - Earth 
Cultural Inspirations in Avatar: The Last Airbender Book 3 - Fire 
Fundie Fridays - Jen, a leftist queer feminist, and her husband James examine different aspects of Christian fundamentalism, American conservative politics and pop culture. She has remade a lot of her older videos so make sure to watch the updated versions! She was also featured in the Amazon docuseries “Shiny Happy People” which I would HIGHLY recommend. 
Vacation Bible School of Rock (3 part video series History of Contemporary Christian Music)
Ken Ham’s Creation Museum & Ark Encounter
Ask a Mortician - Caitlin Doughty!!! The adult Wednesday Addams we should have got. So compassionate, informed, and moving!! I love her work and she has taught me so much about what it means to have a relationship with death and grief. Her work deals with heavy topics and you can tell she does this work from a deeply respectful, informed place. 
The Lake That Never Gives Up Her Dead
Let’s Visit the Churches Made of Human Skulls
Why are Black and White Funeral Homes STILL Separate? With Dr. Kami Fletcher
Iconic Corpse Series
Princess Weekes -  Nuanced video essays on pop culture, race, feminism, and other social issues. Takes time to break down complex concepts, their origins and material consequences. The essay on confederate vampires and the connection later made to sci-fi media like Firefly were so paradigm shifting to me!
Why Are There So Many Confederate Vampires
The Magical Negroes of Stephen King
Ro Ramdin - Poetic, biting, and introspective essays on pop culture. 
Do Celebrities Hate Their Fans? (Doja Cat, Frank Ocean)
Hogwarts Legacy, JK Rowling, and Trans Advocacy
DefunctLand- History of extinct theme parks and themed entertainment experiences. 
Defunctland: Walt Disney's City of the Future, E.P.C.O.T.
Disney Channel’s Theme: A History Mystery
Mina Le - Fashion, movies and pop culture
WHY IS EVERYTHING SO UGLY: The Curse of Modernism
FAIRYTALE COSTUMES: it’s giving renfaire but why?
Quinton Reviews - Extensive videos covering niche topics, most popular for Nickelodeon deep dive retrospectives.
How Documentaries Lie to You
The ICarly/Victorious Saga Playlist
TheEpicNate315 - yea i fucking love endless hours of useless skyrim lore because the conspiracies are so deep and I have to do 0 of the research to get all of the information years of scouts worked to piece together! 
The Skyrim Mysteries Iceberg (Part 1 of 4)
The Fallout Mysteries Iceberg (Part 1 of 2, incomplete series)
Mike’s Mic - Silly, goofy, and thorough breakdowns of nostalgic TV shows
Any of his unhinged recaps - LOST, Pretty Little Liars, Glee
Tiffanyferg - Media criticism and commentary
Internet Analysis Series��
Zoë Ligon - sex educator, artist, and writer, who also owns SpectrumBoutique.com, a health and education oriented sex toy store. Such a special place in my heart for her!! Her bondage mini-documentary with Midori was so touching. 
Sex Stuff | Japanese Rope Bondage with Midori
Channels Newer to Me
Broey Deschanel - a mixture of film analyses, retrospectives, politics and just absolutely overthinking anything to do with pop culture
Elvis (2022) and the Utter Mediocrity of Biopics 
Meeptop - rambling about movies and stuff
Who is Dahmer Even Made For?
LadyJenevia - discussing entertainment media content including films, television series, etc. Expect to find reviews of recent cinematic releases, video essays on older releases, and interviews with talent from the film/television industry
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery and The Art of Hiding in Plain Sight (Netflix Review/Video Essay)
As a disclaimer, I am not endorsing any creator fully and if you see someone you think I should not promote please reach out to me so I can edit this list. As a general rule of thumb the more I had to write about someone, the more informed the recommendation.
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doyouremem8erme · 2 months ago
asks for tomorrow when you are in (point emoji) The Car
what are your biggest inspirations for your ocs and the stories you want to tell?
if you could have absolute control over any book being adapted to film, what book would you choose and how would you adapt it? if you don't have a book choose something else
what is the sexiest car
1. i think the biggest thing is preexisting stories whether music or other works. but also various times in my life that i feel nostalgia for or that otherwise really affected me. and finally relationships that transcend boundaries of platonic/romantic and even fate and lifetimes.
for academy of bad cats, the biggest inspirations for the way the story is told are sparklecare and matilda. but the story itself is still very much at least very loosely based on real events
liminaland is a bit of an outlier since its much more rooted in aesthetics than my other stories, but it did have inspiration from infinity train and a bit from amphibia. and the relationship between the main characters is certainly one of those relationships transcending expectations of platonic and romantic attraction.
the world of light was very inspired by various songs by sleeping at last—the “light” in the title comes from light, which inspired the very first short story i wrote in that setting—melius’s story, which establishes the timeloop and the doomed romance between him and mahina. its still quite funny to me how closely the plot of world of light resembles homestuck despite being put together years before i ever read it, and the fact that the timeloop was created by a character literally originally named akemi before i renamed her to atsuko to stop it from resembling pmmm, which i also hadnt watched and knew almost nothing about at that point! bigger inspirations for the world of light were the sajana/bayala books by gecko keck, and the wolves of the beyond books.
other minor characters i have are usually based around a very specific theme song or concept. sarah and ben are based on the plans album by death cab for cutie, from their designs to their story to their names. phoebe and mara started out as designs i was given based on moodboards i made, and their stories grew entirely out of those designs.
2. hmmmm well before the wildwood movie was even announced as being made by laika that was already my ideal vision for an adaptation and i am sooo excited for it to come out… the laika style complements carson ellis’s illustrations sooo well
but since that one is already happening! i think an anime movie of escaping exodus by nicki drayden would be absolutely beautiful… the visuals in it already feel like if studio ghibli was gorey body horror i think itd work so well
also i know it would never happen and if it did happen it would not be to the vision of fans. but… animated warrior cats movie… hot take lowkey would be kinda fire if they actually USED that realistic 3d animation style for it. like the fandom is so so full of talented 2d animators that create so much incredible stuff on their own but 3d is harder to pull off well on a low budget. and seeing those books brought to life like that would be insanely cool. ofc it would be way too violent for the target audience of the books but if we are simply talking dream scenarios…thatd be so cool. and it would be cool if it was 2d animated too! they both have their pros and cons.
finally another that i know would never be done well but i would still want to see so goddamn bad would be. homestuck movie series. they could probably pull it off in 6 movies at the most and ive talked abt how it could be split up before… i think it should be slightly cheesy live action. like a little bit campy with intentionally dated cgi especially within the medium. faithful to the original comic but perhaps adding in some more modern references… imagine if they were able to get some of the iconic homestuck fandom songs for it. what if lets see how far weve come played in the end credits of one of the movies. i had a wholeass dream abt this once. and i wish it was real so fucking bad. but i know it never will happen
3. i dont know enough about cars to answer this sorry…
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canadianno · 5 months ago
who is your favorite oc and why? i’ve noticed you have a plethora
Putting under a readmore and hoping it works
Favorite COTL ocs
Camellia and Morrigan! Camellia is my Leshycat fan child and the god of change and seasons in the TCOLC au, and Morrigan is the god of death in the DMAU.
Camellia is a favorite because I just.. love her. Her storyline is really relatable to ppl my age and people in the modern world in general, as was the intention, and I just really love the themes of her story.
Morrigan is a favorite because I love the au, I love the people I'm working with, and they've got a really nice design. Morrigan is more a favorite because of creating the au with other people and the friendship in that, rather than any particular characteristics.
(Art by me)
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Favorite warrior cats ocs
Raccoon’sight, Snow'star and Bumble'skip! I have hundreds of warrior ocs so it was really really hard to narrow it down, and I'm always willing to go find more that I love to bits, but these guys are definitely favorites. These three are all from the same story.
Raccoon’sight is a favorite like... he just is? His story isn't actually my favorite thing ever. But I just LOVE him. Made him when I was 13 I think? He's like a chew toy. Gnawing on him. Love when a guy is a little fucked up.
Snow'star is a favorite in the same sense as Raccoon’sight. His story also isn't my favorite, his motives are all over the place, his moral compass is questionable in a not good way, but I just LOVE him. He's my little villain. He's also really pretty I think.
Bumble'skip is a favorite because I think she's neat. She doesn't actually have that big of a story role, unlike Raccoon’sight who is a prophet and Snow'star who is the main antagonist. She's just a girl who's husband abandons her. She's half sibling to the main antagonist and doesn't let anyone give her shit for it. She adopts and raises his kids when he dies. She's girl boss I love her.
(Art by dissolveanddecay on toyhouse, mambastar on toyhouse and deviantart, and litterboo on toyhouse)
(Note: Snowstar is the guy at the top of the second image! Other two ocs don't belong to me)
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Favorite general ocs
Okay so, this first guy, Bee, is unrelated to these other two. The other two are Scream Cheese and Atom Punk, and they are some favorite ocs who aren't from one of my two fandoms :]]
Bee! He's a favorite because he's got like the funniest story ever to me. He's a high ranking Soviet spy during the Cold War who just so happens to fall head over heels with a high ranking American spy who is a menace and also literally also an actual demon from pseudohell. He's also autistic and dies at the end it's really really fun hes a fucking disaster I like to bully him.
Scream Cheese and Atom Punk I'm gonna group together here because it's less that they specifically are my favorites, and more their story and world. They're from a world where instead of people it's just all anthro cats, for fun. They're part of a group of time travelers trying to evade the time travel police and they keep picking up friends along the way! Cheese was the first to join with The Time Traveler (belongs to my friend and thus isn't listed) and then Atom is fun because he got spliced and created a mandela effect in a time travel related mishap. It's so much fun it's SOOO much fun I love them.
(Art by me, Atom Punk is the fella on the right in the last image, other two don't belong to me!)
(Also Yes Bee technically has Better Art, but it's old and I don't like it anymore)
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probablyaseamonster · 9 months ago
I just saw the trailer for the next Cult of the Lamb update and I'm having fuuuun/devious glee.
Sidenote but it'll be coming out a few days before my b-day so that's great! (I totally didn't need anymore signs from the gods that I need irl friends before I snap hehooo)
So, regarding the alternate universe vessel character.
(so far I've seen like 5 names that I love to death but I have a feeling I know the one in particular that is gonna settle before the others get considered. I could make a list if anyone wants to debate 'cause fandoms can settle Fast and I think there's some potential for layered contrast and just settling for the easy option would be disappointing. But I'm not the biggest fan anyway so maybe I shouldn't be so arrogant about it.)
I noticed how they were wearing purple robes and were often in purple lighting, obviously, the way everyone else did, but something might be wrong with my eyes cuz their crown colour seemed like, straight-up blue to me? I do have an eye injury atm so maybe that's legit. Seemed kinda glaring tho/pos
So now I've got two diverging paths I'm *scrawling* over/pos:
1- AU where Shamura is the one bound in chains (and Narinder the role of think no evil) and the player character serves the god of War instead of Death.
Look, the animatics just write themselves. Any God of War scene? You can warp and adapt. Also, the "Warrior of the Mind" animatic for anyone who got obsessed with Fate: the Musical recently. It's just potential!
I also like the idea of instead of the dynamic being black cat x deceptively wholesome shepherd, it's intellectual spider x scruffy goat with a knife.
On the OTHER hand, hear me out,
2- Kallamar & Narinder roleswap AU. This could have the personalities swap version (something something scaredy-cat), or a fun to imagine scenario where Kallamar became jaded enough to the point of nearly paralleling Narinder in formidable vengefulness while also having been just as much of a coward in the past. Basically he grew some courage but at what cost?
This would probably mean that Narinder stayed however he was before the betrayal and imprisonment, probably being the one to lose his ears, and maybe taking the role in the narrative as the sibling to run from the Goat after the two younger gods got taken out and the middle child realized he was next? I can't imagine Narinder throwing Shamura under the bus like that, maybe it was more like a "you can't kill me, it'll fuck everything up! You have to spare me or the last fight will take place in an even more fucked-up apocalyptic hellscape!").
If Narinder was still the one to first express discontent with Death, wonder how Sickness being restrained in the afterlife affected Narinder's situation... Or what if Narinder was like Shamura, and the two were conspirators, instead of Death by War it was Death by Plague? And Death stayed free but went deaf or insane? What would Kallamar have to gain from the idea of breaking past his cosmic role, thinking "okay but what if, immortality was an option?" remixed to be uh, maybe something to do with health? Immunity? Something bordering Frankenstein as an affront to nature?
As you can see I'm putting thoughts and curiosity into both ideas, the only thing I kinda hope becomes mainstream fanon is that the Goat is a bit like Lamb's opposite - wheras one is welcoming and soft but capable of horrors at night, and of course being a badass monster fighter - contrasted with an equally small and powerful but ig more unhinged-seeming up close for the first couple interactions (probably recruited individuals with a pitch like "look I'm the one with the weapon here, so you're gonna wanna get behind me even if you don't trust me with access to things") but then shows glimpses of a heart of gold that makes followers feel safe enough to stay. As well as a sense of responsibility and like, actual leadership skills lol.
Just, Sheep / Goat religious allegories make me very sad and I think this silly little game would make me feel better about things.
I can't WAIT to see how Bamsara handles this update. We gettin' the multiverse canon? Hopefully it doesn't get too crazy, and we stick with just the two purple/blue and red characters for a little while.
I wonder what other satanic animals could be vessels? Wolf, definitely, donkey makes sense also, and pig is usually ascribed with gluttony but there's something that could be done with cleanliness or intelligence but percieved otherwise... I also think there's something that could be done with birds though, like I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere that the Mourning Dove is angel coded, much like the Lamb. Could just be the Dove also, though I was kinda hoping that the Symbol of World Peace wouldn't be a drect Christian symbol, which was a wishful hope.
Um... yeah! Just wanted to get my thoughts out! And there's a certain other goatlike character who's been occupying my thoughts recently, dw, I'll get to that soon. I'll explain then.
um. I don't know if this is a function so I'm not even gonna try lol but I hope I remember to come back to see Bamsara's initial reaction to the alternate universe implicated update! Oh yeah and a daycare centre, that's a relief for everyone involved whoof! Hope there's an NPC willing to take up the job, and who would of course enjoy being around kids.
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warrior-cats-rewritten · 10 months ago
Best and Worst POV? My fav is Squilf and my least fav is rootspring
Good choices! I love Squirrelstar/Squirrelflight/Squirrelpaw myself. I thought her view was interesting and refreshing. Rootspring is only saved to me by his friendship with Shadowsight, and at least by Book 2, he is trying really hard to be kind to Bristlefrost. Sure, he comes off as weird about it so far, but it comes off to me like "autistic teenage boy is trying to penguin pebble and it is not going well"
As for my favorite POV? It has to go to... Ivypool.
Yup. Despite my love for Hollyleaf, quite a few parts of her story were very uncomfortable to a kid like me who was struggling with the catholic school system. Hollypaw and I were both told to stop asking questions, given rules that presented blatent double standards and both told by our parents that we were the Good Quiet Sibling who could keep our brothers in check.
But my favorite was Ivypool. Mean? Yeah. At first though? I wasn't angry. Ivypaw was a jealous kid, that was fine, and I have enough nuance to know that warrior ≠ full grown ass adult that shouldn't let anything effect them ever (which... Is stupid anyways, you still have feelings the split second you turn 18).
Her POV was tense, filled with paranoia, and...Actually a pretty accurate example of grooming and radicalization. I love the relationships she had with others and how much of a Cuddly Porcupine she is. She wants companionship but keeps pricking the people who get close to her.
As for least favorite?
Alderheart. Full stop. Whiny, stubborn, and a perfect example of Not Helping Yourself. If he wants to get better at hunting, he needs to practice the basics, but we never see this happen and the timeline is too close and too seen for him to have actually put a plan in place to be better than his Awful Bitch Sister.
The way he hates Sparkpelt for breathing (to the point his "anxiety" magically disappears when there's an opportunity to look beyter than her), the way he scorns any and all kittypets as an "acceptable" form of bigotry to the point he BLAMES THE DAYLIGHT WARRIORS FOR SKYCLAN'S COLLAPSE and yet the fandom and writers (especially the writers) coo over him like he's a precious, nervous baby.
Actually... Gray Wing and Clear Sky too. Thank you both for ruining what was a cool sounding arc and tricking the fans so badly that everyone calls DOTC "actually really good" like it isn't a misogynistic (which I guess doesn't matter now because misogyny is seen as "bigotry light" and no one cares) slaughter fest rife with colonialism, abuse apologia, and other bullshit.
Favorite other little POV was that snippet from Darkstripe during Sunset's prologue. It was our first big glimpse at the Dark Forest, and the ending line from it gave me chills, I could practically see Tigerstar's face fade away into the camp view as it came to a close and Chapter 1 began, his eyes fading but lingering slightly longer as the shot transitioned to Brambleclaw standing in the ruined camp.
It was cinema to me, okay? And Darkstripe being his pathetic, sniveling self really tied it together. Odd he seemed to be there for so long and not know what was going on. Or... Maybe he only just spawned? But why? In WCR it takes long because his trial takes AGES due to an... Incident... With a certain Bloodclan deputy, along with other cats who are going to be damned before him taking a while to wrap up, ah the legal system. But in canon, he seems new there.
Maybe he really is that naive.
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tv3x · 2 months ago
hello hello hello-!!!
Call me Tuex or Sun!! I’m an artist and animator that animates my fixations !!! :3
I’m the host of an OSDD system ((Happy Health Hospital // Dead Doe Collective)) [note that alters may post if they wanna at some point in time]
— Therian ((Border Collie theriotype!!)) Otherkin, Furry ((Kyáto!)), Fictionkin
— Overall, I’m just here to share my fixations and meet fellow critters!! X3
Basic Info!
PRONOUNS : It/Its/Zir ((agender + xenogender)) HYPERFIXATIONS : Chonny Jash, Dandy’s World, Will Wood, Tally Hall, Lemon Demon, Jack Stauber, Madilyn Mei, Rabbitology, Yaelokre, Puppeteering, Art, My OCs ((c-7-8 project!!!!)), Holy Harmonia ((my CCCC AU)), Murder Drones, TADC, Warrior Cats, WoF, Writing, ((and more that I probably can’t think of atm))
Basic DNI [google if necessary] + radqueers, endogenic “systems” ((really just be a cool person and I’m fine with you!!))
— Please don’t DM me if over 17!!
— I don’t wanna be involved in fights or discourse of any kind. Please don’t mention me in those situations.
YOUTUBE ((where most of Holy Harmonia gets posted))
((+ more that I don’t feel like putting here!! I’m Tv3x or tv3x_drawz on most platforms!!))
that’s all-!!!
my page is a safe space for Jash fans, therians, furries, and anyone alike-!!
I’ll see ya around!!!
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star-vibing-prompts · 2 years ago
Random quotes from different Fandoms as prompts.
Yes you can use these. Yes you can change the pronouns. Also NOTE: None of these are in particular order.
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, swearing, a very long post, and maybe yandere stuff??
"I hope he didn't care about that pizza..."
"[Name], have you seen [Name] this morning?" "Yeap. He's hanging out with some weirdo. I think he's trying to vaporize [Name]."
"[Name], I blame YOU for this." "Eh, that's fair."
"Also, I cleaned up your awful, awful mess. You’re welcome." "You did WHAT?! I have a system!"
"I never asked for it to be this way. I never asked to be made!"
"Admit it. I'm just an embarrassment to you!"
"I'm not gonna let you stand there and remind me of everything I hate about myself!"
"How will StarClan come back if we keep breaking the code?"
"I really-really-like you. I've always felt that we might be mates one someday. And now that I'm a warrior, maybe this is the time for us to start thinking of each other in a new way?" "I'm sorry. I had no idea you felt like this, [Name]. I like you a lot, but I always thought of you as a friend-a really good friend, almost like another littermate. I've never felt...that way about you." "But now that you know how I feel...do you think that in time, [Name] you might feel the same way?" "I don't think so. Actually I...I like another cat. I'm so sorry, [Name]."
"Wow, [Name]. I know your thing is honesty, but come on!"
"No disrespect ma'am, but there's a big difference between pushing yourself as hard as you can, and just being reckless. And if being reckless is what gets rewarded around here, if that's what it means to be a Wonderbolt, then I don't want any part of it."
"Hey, now wait a minute! Just because I don't have a pet now doesn't mean I never want a pet!"
"Oh, that's my new toy. Pretty, isn't she? I bet I'm the only queen with my very own RainWing."
"Now really, this is getting insulting. You're in my territory. Apparently you're living under my mountain. I am only the most important dragon for hundreds of miles. How dare you not recognize me?"
"It doesn't matter what Earth is like, it's not going to be like anything soon!"
"Don't you Gems have anything better to do than annoy me?"
"Ohh, I adore these fantasies! They have the best fashions."
"Wait! I-I wouldn't have called just to waste your time with a report."
"Just being on a ship with [Name] made me tired."
"So am I gonna have to wear a star? Where am I gonna put the star?!"
"It'll be better this time. I've changed. You've changed me. I'm the only one who can handle your kind of power."
"You can't lie to me. I've seen what you're capable of. I thought I was a brute, but you... you're a monster."
"There's always someone to fight! There's just no one left worth fighting..."
"Uh, that was way more explosive than I expected."
"Someone ordered some noodles?"
"Yeah. I was about to take my break. So..."
"To be fair, do you trust any man? Any men? Men?"
"Does that mean I don't have a free room anymore? Aw, well shucks."
"OH MY GOD! My drugs! Damn it!"
"W-well I-I just wanted to look a little nicer for you. This is our first real date after all."
"I'm sorry, [Name]. I'm sorry for…everything…happening right now. I know it's…a lot. I, uh-- I should have listened."
"We're rich and we are hot. People want our money AND our bodies! Speak for yourself, princess."
"I swear… If you go near her I will destroy you!"
"I don't care what your arrogant brother thinks!"
"That. Was the sound…OF A FUCKING DIVORCE!"
"My hair is ruined!"
"My face. My face! MY FACE! GIVE ME BACK MY EYES!"
"I bet you don't even HAVE friends..."
"Your fans are watching you right now. I know."
"What's that supposed to mean, you got a problem or somethin', sour cream? Don't fuck with me!"
"Alright shit talker, but there hasn't been a soul yet who can beat me at my own game. So you better bring the fire baby!"
"Could've just used the door, dude. Doesn't need to be this whole thing."
"Do you think they saw me? Fuck! I did my make-up shitty today!"
"Oh, what does it matter?! You’re not my real dad, I was almost eighteen!"
"Totally. But since then, you've had me teaching you. You're stronger now. Don't you feel stronger?"
"I found out where it lives."
"I've won. You can all see that. We can end this now, without killing anyone. I ask you all to let him live!"
"He's just a human! He isn't a threat at all! He's not one of them!"
"I just want to go home."
"You don't understand! Just leave me alone."
"Slow down, kiddo. This is the thanks I get for checking in on my favorite student?"
"Unloaded all your secret insecurities on me! I know! But hey, no shame in that, man. Sometimes you just gotta talk it out, y'know? I don't really do it. Maybe I should. But we'd be here all day so..."
"Totally. But since then, you've had me teaching you. You're stronger now. Don't you feel stronger?"
"What we had wasn't healthy. I never want to feel like I felt with you. Never again! So just go!"
"I was terrible to you. I liked taking everything out on you. I needed to. I-I hated you. It was bad!"
"[Name], you can still wear the hat, if you want." "Thanks, but I'm not putting that on my body."
"It was an endless, crushing darkness. Wet and bleak and suffocating. Water was the tomb I lived in for those months."
"You do realize that I spent the last few months trapped under the ocean, right?"
"For a moment, I really felt like things were different, but they're not. No matter where I go, I'm trapped."
"I'm done being everyone's prisoner! Now you're MY prisoner! And I'm never letting you go!"
"Let's stay on this miserable planet, together!"
"Spoiler alert, the butter is spoiled."
"Sorry I fucked your husband."
"The FUCK is "insurance"?"
"It's only just come into existence, and it already doesn't like us."
"He can be a real sweetheart once you get to know him."
"We knew for sure you would prevail."
"I'm the monster."
"You're... going to LOVE ME!"
"Now that we've gotten that out of the way, how about a game?"
"A baby dragon! Oh, I've never seen a baby dragon before. He's so cute."
"[Name], I think our work here is done." "Put your clothes on, [Name]."
"I just want everyone to know: my plan would have also worked."
"All that matters is that [Name] is happy."
"What's in these things?"
"That's not my baby!"
“If I were forced to sing those same stupid songs for twenty years and I never got a bath? I’d probably be a bit irritable at night, too.”
“I’m still here. I will put you back together."
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cloverpurr · 1 year ago
💔📝☯️💋 for the ask thing!
💋 : is there any ships out there you absolutely hate for genuinely no good reason at all. like its not problematic in the slightest, if anything it's one of the better ones, you just cannot bring yourself to enjoy it
any ship involving jayfeather or shadowsight honestly . . . in my head they will forever be aroace so whenever i see any ship art for either of them im just like . he would NOT be mates with them !! lol
as for specific ships, ive never been a fan of shadowsight and sunbeam or sunbeam and rootspring or leafpool and hawkfrost... to me with the sunbeam x shadow/root ships it just feels like people are shipping her with any tom she interacts with as a way to be like "look! this character would be a much better mate than nightheart!" and arent actually putting any thought into the ship outside of that. leafpool and hawkfrost just doesnt appeal 2 me though. im a mothpool truther <3 hehe
📝 : if commanded to, without warning, approximately how many paragraphs could you write about your favorite warrior cat before you ran out of things to say
i could write an entire essay on nightheart's character i think. probably 8 whole paragraphs until i start repeating myself haha
same goes for leafpool too as shes one of my other favs , i could probably write a whole essay about her as well :3
☯️ : what dynamic between two cats has got you up at night pacing for hours? (romantic, platonic, familial, etc)
the relationship between the three and squirrelflight/leafpool has always been interesting to me and god i wish it was explored more in canon... i feel like we never really get to see hollyleaf's true Road To Redemption and her coming to terms with everything and forgiving leafpool and squirrelflight until she dies. i really wish she wasnt killed off in the last hope btw that still makes me so mad grgargharhgar harghaarhgar hgarragh she could have been so cool and such a good character but rargh. rghrgrrrgh
honestly i love any dynamic between a cat and their parent bc thers so many rocky parent/kit relationships in wc and i love them all to death because i love projecting my own parental issues on to them . this also includes nightheart/sparkpelt and frostpaw/curlfeather and sunbeam/berryheart and the three/leafpool (and squirrelflight)... even rainflower/crookedstar and eventually crookedstar/silverstream, the ending of crookedstar's promise where he struggles to even spend time with silverkit after willowbreeze and minnowkit and willowkit's death is Heartbreaking, when he's still grieving and pushing away his one remaining kit who doesn't even know he's her father... gah. ghhra.a.rghgr hrg ahgr hahrhgh (positive) (i love relationships like this theyre so good)
💔 : have you ever lost friends over warriors related topics?
ill be real ive never actually had friends who like warrior cats. like i knew people in 5th grade who did but we never talked about the characters or discussed anything about the books we just roleplayed it during recess . . .
i do think that i probably turn a lot of Potential Friends away just because i dare to like a character that the majority of the fandom hates...which is unfortunate that the fandom has gotten to that point where liking/disliking a character will get you mass blocked by all the popular wc blogs but. oh well! at least i know im not alone in liking nightheart, there's at least a handful of nightheart fans out there <3
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andiv3r · 1 year ago
Hey I hope this doesn't come across as weird but do you have any other things you're a fan of? (Doesn't even need to necessarily be fandoms you're in)
Or is Good Omens just like your main thing?
Not weird at all! Actually, I've had plenty of other interests, but none of them have ever been this... intense? If that's the right way to put it? Good Omens has sort of overshadowed the rest of them lately, I think it's... ehrm... bigger than the usual hyperfixation, I'd say. Aside from a few, like animals & nature. I know tons about nature and could spill facts for days, and I care as much about that as I do Good Omens. It's just that Good Omens is the only interest I have that I specifically joined Tumblr for, and the only TV show that I've genuinely enjoyed in a long time. But if you were curious, my other interests (of varying degrees, I will put a star beside the ones that are major interests) include:
Warrior Cats (moreso the fandom & the video game Clangen than the books, I haven't read the books in a long time)
Nature and animals (specifically big cats & wolves and how their social systems work, I could talk about that for days) ⭐️
English, writing and etymology ⭐️
Dead End: Paranormal Park
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murderousjelliebean · 2 years ago
there's a certain category of characters who are terrible people but still well written. Mapleshade from Warrior Cats. Elhokar from Stormlight. Even Kelsier! Take away the charisma and he's a mentally unstable genocidal maniac! And they're for the most part super interesting! Mapleshade is a HUGE source of controversy in the warriors fandom, as is Elhokar. We all agree Kelsier is awesome, but, again, take away his charisma or put him in literally any other kind of society and he'd be put in prison for literally eating the rich!
There's probably more examples out there, these are just some from series I love and frequent. And i use "well written" loosely with Mapleshade, as any fan can tell you the writing quality has never been great and most of us, myself included, are there for the fluffy little kitties.
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pardofelis-mywife · 3 months ago
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!! English is not my native language, so there may be errors in the text !!
Hii !!
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My first post is here, so I'll start by introducing myself
You can call me:
• Petard
• PardoMW
• Pardo/Felis
• she/her + any
I am a self-taught artist, a VERY LAZY artist, so I rarely finish my works quickly, but that doesn't mean I don't draw enough
I mostly draw my own characters, but sometimes I touch on characters from other fandoms as well
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my main fandoms:
• Honkai impact 3rd
• Genshin impact
• Honkai Star Rail
• Cookie run (Ovenbreak & Kingdom)
• Houseki no kuni
• Nana
• 19 Days
• Skull girls
• Projest Sekai
• Pinishing Gray Raven
• BanG Dream Girls Band Party
• Evangelion
• Warrior cats
• Bungo Stray Dogs
• Fight club
• Doki Doki Literature Club
• Alien stage
• Dungeon Meshi
• Nu Carnival
• Saori Sato Supervisor
• Cold front
• ggz
• Inside Out
and many, many others... (I'm just too lazy to put them all here)
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> Homophobic, Transphobic, Xenophobic, Islamophobic, etc.
> Misogynistic
> Racist, Sexist, Ableist, Discrimination, etc.
> Invalidates A Person's Pronouns / Gender / Identity
> Pedophile, Sexualizes Minors, Jokes About R×pe, etc.
> Supports, participates, tolerates, or justify any of the above.
> fans AffoCara (Affogato + Caramel arrow) /ChocoCara ( Dark Choco + Caramel arrow) / CacaoCara ( Dark Cacao + Caramel arrow) / CrunchyCara ( Crunchy Chip + Caramel arrow)
• sorry guys, I don't hate these pairings, they're just not particularly attractive to me.
> if you hate Pardofelis / PardoPonia (Pardofelis + Aponia ) /ElyPardo ( Elysia + Pardofelis )
> if you hate oc / oc + canon / selfship
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ways to contact me:
• Tiktok
• X
• Instagram
• Telegram
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hamcatspamacc · 4 months ago
Heyo, Hamcat/ Ham here! (⁠=⁠^⁠・⁠ェ⁠・⁠^⁠=⁠)
I go by they/them pronouns but if you yell 'Oi, stupid!' in any direction I'd probably answer to that too.
My art acc is @hamcatburger go follow me there if you want to see shitty doodles of my OCs and whatever fanart I chuck out when I'm feeling like it lmao.
I mainly reblog things into a black hole of doomscrolling here and sometimes (rarely) put thoughts on here!
ALSO I LOVE CATS if you have any cat photos please send them!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE i am on my knees...
Under the cut is my fandom list and tags if you wanna look through them or block them or anything!
Re hams - for reblogs (block this one if you don't want random spamposts on your dash)(sometimes i forget to tag my reblogs tho)(whoops)
Ham spams - for random thoughts/text posts
OC and stories tags (ill add more if i ever do post art or write about them)
Thrys and Jing (two guys just running around doing stupid shit while not trying to get involved in a war)(Jing is by @mirikthepoet)
Away ham ver (man escapism is sure one hell of a interdimensional trip, isn't it?)(ham ver so that it doesnt get confused with other away tags)
The Revue of Syzergy (starlight revue OC stuff)(still thinking up of a better name lmao)
I'm pretty multifandom, but some things I'm interested in is:
- Dndads
- DND (in general)(like critical role/jocat's campaigns/legends or avantris/dimension20 etc)
- Ace attorney (specifically the Great Ace Attorney but all is good :)
- Vocaloid!
- The Magnus Archives
- BanG Dream Girls Band party (retired player but still a fan)(Kasuari my love)
- Rythm games in general
- Minecraft (Hermitcraft/life series/whitepine/parkciv etc)
- Good Omens
- Revue Starlight
- Welcome to Nightvale
- The Owl House
- Musicals in general
- Hamilton
- Cats (the musical)(casual enjoyer)
- Cult of the Lamb
- Fnaf
- Disco Elysium
- The Stanley Parable
- Will Wood
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (casual enjoyer rn)
- Professor Layton
- Arcane (casual enjoyer)
- Legend of Zelda (mostly Botw and totk)
- Pokemon
- (Some) Gravity falls
- Genshin Impact (retired player but still somewhat casually enjoying the stories)(not the blatant whitewashing and cultural appropriation tho fuck you mihoyo)
- Most anime in general
- (Some) Danganronpa
- Loads of indie games (esp those with banger stories)
- Wandersong
- Chicory a colourful tale
- Stardew Valley
- Slay the Princess
- Dungeon Meshi
- Undertale/Deltarune
- (Some) My Little Pony
- (Not much anymore) Warrior cats
- Murder drones
- The Amazing Digital Circus
- Hololive (not too much anymore)
There's more that I can't quite remmeber right now but I'll update if there are any!
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Stinker jumpscare
0 notes
hamcatburger · 4 months ago
Heyo, Hamcat/ Ham here! (⁠=⁠^⁠・⁠ェ⁠・⁠^⁠=⁠)
I go by they/them pronouns but if you yell 'Oi, stupid!' in any direction I'd probably answer to that too.
/⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\ I yeet doodles and the occasional proper art into the void here, I draw mostly my OCs tho! (Perhaps some fanart as a treat when I feel like it who knows?)
You can find all my art under the (hamcat draws) tag!
/⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ\ Socials!
Side/spam blog @hamcatspamacc (but it's mostly me just reblogging things and occasional rambles...)
Bluesky: @/ hamcatburger
Artfight: Hamcatburger
Toyhou.se: Hamcatburger (i have not touched it much so its p empty...)
/⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\ I also do doodle requests, (good if i know the character but if I don't you can send in some refs as well)(but they'll probably be simple sketches or something) art trades, collabs, bring it on i love collabing with other artists!
/⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\ You can reuse my art for headers and/or icons as long as you credit me! (I don't think anyone would because it's mostly characters like one person other than me knows)(But still good to put a precaution here)
ALSO I LOVE CATS if you have any cat photos or just want to talk about cats please send them!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE i am on my knees...
Under the cut is my fandom list and tags if you wanna look through them or block them or anything!
re hams - for reblogs
hamchats - for random thoughts/text posts
OC and stories tags (ill add more if i ever do post art or write about them)
Thrys and Jing (two guys just running around doing stupid shit while not trying to get involved in a war)(Jing is by @mirikthepoet)
Away ham ver (man escapism is sure one hell of a interdimensional trip, isn't it?)(ham ver so that it doesnt get confused with other away tags)
The Revue of Syzergy (starlight revue OC stuff)(still thinking up of a better name lmao)
I'm pretty multifandom, but some things I'm interested in is:
- Dndads
- DND (in general)(like critical role/jocat's campaigns/legends or avantris/dimension20 etc)
- Ace attorney (specifically the Great Ace Attorney but all is good :)
- Vocaloid!
- The Magnus Archives
- BanG Dream Girls Band party (retired player but still a fan)(Kasuari my love)
- Rythm games in general
- Minecraft (Hermitcraft/life series/whitepine/parkciv etc)
- Good Omens
- Revue Starlight
- Welcome to Nightvale
- The Owl House
- Musicals in general
- Hamilton
- Cats (the musical)(casual enjoyer)
- Cult of the Lamb
- Fnaf
- Disco Elysium
- The Stanley Parable
- Will Wood
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (casual enjoyer rn)
- Professor Layton
- Arcane (casual enjoyer)
- Legend of Zelda (mostly Botw and totk)
- Pokemon
- (Some) Gravity falls
- Genshin Impact (retired player but still somewhat casually enjoying the stories)(not the blatant whitewashing and cultural appropriation tho fuck you mihoyo)
- Most anime in general
- (Some) Danganronpa
- Loads of indie games (esp those with banger stories)
- Wandersong
- Chicory a colourful tale
- Stardew Valley
- Slay the Princess
- Dungeon Meshi
- Undertale/Deltarune
- (Some) My Little Pony
- (Not much anymore) Warrior cats
- Murder drones
- The Amazing Digital Circus
- Hololive (not too much anymore)
There's more that I can't quite remmeber right now but I'll update if there are any!
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Stinker jumpscare
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