#you may notice all the text is in dark grey. thats because i had literally no black ink whatsoever so the docs wouldnt print
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raitrolling · 5 months ago
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It's been a busy few weeks for Ropikk Alaysi and the rest of the staff at Aeon Racing...
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unofficialbighittheories · 5 years ago
Epiphany MV analysis and theory
In this MV we get some of the dynamics of Magic Island or the astral plane (if you don’t know what im talking about this video is pretty cool). Also for this MV you should know about the butterfly effect, if you don’t know about it google it. I also recommend watching the MV as you read because it can get confusing with so many Jins.
There’s more than one Jin in this MV. Just as the video starts we see two jins: Jin1 is sitting and Jin 2 is looking at himself in the mirror. Jin 2 leaves so we can focus on Jin 1 who looks at the 6 flowers (the members) and the notebook (the girl from hyyh). As the camera pans out we see Jin 3 crying under the window.
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Jin 1 walks to the closet and puts on the jacket becoming Jin 2. At this point we go from black and white to colour but I’ll explain this later. Jin 2 looks at himself in the mirror and leaves like we saw before, stepping into sunlight. When we see him outside, though, it’s dark and raining. He gets soaked in the rain and after thunder the rain starts going up, he’s reversing time. 
Jin 2 walks back in while we see a Jin sitting (we’ll call him Jin 1B). Jin 2 goes to sit under the window like we saw before becoming Jin 3. We centre on Jin 1B as he starts the loop again or thats what they want you to think because sike he doesn’t do what he did before! Jin 3 has disappeared (because Jin 1B has changed his actions aka butterfly effect). Jin 1B walks to the window and closes the curtains, which you may have noticed he does in a LOT of MVs. As he gets the jacket again he re-starts a fresh loop, this time grabbing the notebook like he’s not planning to go back to this room. 
Then we see the text which (most likely) says sorry i don’t speak Korean: 
“The end of the journey of finding myself, this place is where I had already been/returning to the starting point. 
In the end what I have to discover is the beginning of everything, the milestone, the map of the soul.
What someone is cannot be discovered by anyone, I’m going to search for it from now on.”
This loop in particular made Jin aware that he has to love himself, and he literally ends at his starting point in the Magic Island. He realises he has to start from 0, the loops aren’t working, so he starts looking for the Map of the Soul (we’re clowns this was the LY Answer trailer). He probably gets this idea from the notebook but im not sure yet. He’s looking for a way to save all his friends with their ‘souls’ intact, without them having to suffer, for example without Yoongi trying to set himself on fire (SaveMe Webtoon) or Hoseok having Munchausen's (Wings short films).
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Lyrics and editing
The lyrics are about learning to love yourself (obviously), but let’s go into more detail.
In the first verse he says ‘I for sure loved you so much/ adapted to you with everything’, he’s realising he’s adapting to ‘you’ but needs to love himself first, he’s forgetting that he’s human too and needs things for himself, he’s having a ‘storm inside my heart’. The you could be the girl or the members or no one in particular, I’m not sure. Jin 1 looks at the lilies and then the notebook, which symbolise the boys and the hyyh girl respectively. He’s sacrificing himself to save the others by time travelling and he’s suffering because of it, he’s having to re-live traumatic events over and over and over again. That’s why everything is grey, he feels dull and he’s stuck. He reveals himself, letting go of the mask (again we’re clowns this is the persona/ego/shadow).
When he realises he deserves to love himself ‘shining me, precious soul of mine’ we go from black and white to colour, even if it’s in cold tones, still he continues with the loop. He doesn’t need to be perfect to be beautiful, it’s his journey of self-discovery and self-love, that’s why it doesn’t change immediately.
We get another nice wide shot, like in the introduction, to see where we are, the void (call it whatever u are id be scared to be there by myself). He gets washed by the rain. The colours are so nice, everything is black -and white- except Jin, who’s the centre of attention. After the lighting the rain goes up instead of down and that’s how we know he’s travelling back in time. When he loops back the scene looks stereotypically sad (rain, dark background) but he looks more resigned or acceptant to me. 
He enters the room soaked (I guess after a failed attempt of the SaveMe time loop), after focusing on Jin 1B for a moment and Jin 3 has disappeared because this Jin is changing the timeline. ‘I want to love them [me/my soul] in this world’ he enters back to continue his loop but as he ‘finally realised, so I love me’ his other self goes to break the loop, closing the window and realises that despite loving himself he still has to save the others so everything goes back to grey. Before he leaves this time Jin takes the notebook.
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Ah, the final shot is stunning, this set is stunning, Jin is stunning. Let me cry as we see the two photos of the timeline being rewritten as Jin saves the boys. Stream Epiphany.
This is a list of items that pop up around the storyline/universes or easer eggs:
Bangtan bomb / glass lamp
The jacket behind the sofa is on the MOTS:P photoshoot if im not wrong
The Notebook
The window
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queenell50-stuff · 8 years ago
Welcome to week 6 of the 52-week MFRW blog challenge.  Each week will be a new topic. Isn’t that fun? 
This week’s prompt:  My hobbies.
I have more hobbies than I have time for, but I’ll share just a few in order of time actually spent doing them.
Bullet Journaling – OK, technically this may or may not be considered a hobby. It’s a productivity tool but it’s also an outlet for artistic expression. I haven’t shared any of my pages for a while because they tend to look alike. For the most part,  my daily entries consist of my to do list, maybe a quote or scripture, and a few personal notes. There are days when I have a lot more on my mind and my journaling can be long winded.
First bujo cover – This is the 33 cent comp book. Notice the tabs, these are necessary for me.
From my humble beginnings last year, a 33 cent clearance  5 x 8 composition notebook, to the current one – a  dotted Leuchterm that was received as a gift, my bullet journal keeps me on track, allows a little artistic expression and allows a place to enter my thoughts.
A few pages are fancy schmancy, artsy fartsy but most are repetitive dailies. You can make your journal however you want. This is mine and I do what I want with it. I can color the page entirely black if I feel like it. I don’t see what that would accomplish, but I could if I wanted to.
Below is a quick gallery of a few pages. The cover is red, not sure why it looks pink in this photo.
#gallery-0-19 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-19 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-19 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-19 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
New cover
I liked how this one turned out.
Got the chance to doodle while I was waiting on hold.
I really liked this one aspect of a weekly spread, why haven’t I incorporated this???
A bit ofself motivation, trying to lift myself up out of a mirey place.
A typical layout, just a bit of this and that.
I got a new stamp that I played around with. I found a few stamps that I have been using regularly, one for a block to date my pages, a little car to indicate errand days, a book to designate online learning, etc.
2. Crochet – I have a multitude of projects from quick cup cozies to lengthy projects like afghans. I am currently working on 2 projects – a manghan – basically an afghan in charcoal grey for my husband ‘that is larger than a regular afghan so that it will cover his feet and still be able to tuck in  under his chin, in a basic design that doesn’t have big holes that  his toes can go through and not in some god-awful color that looks like someone couldn’t decide’ was his request, and a market bag which I am freestyling. I have to admit, I’ve ripped this one out a few times already. It’s currently about a third finished.
  #gallery-0-20 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-20 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-20 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-20 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
A shrug for a gift.
The front of the shrug.
Flower detail.
Cowl scarf.
A variety of scarves, traditional arm knit infinity scarves, and crochet infinity scarves.
Cup cozies
3. Furniture refinishing/repurposing. I haven’t been as diligent in taking photos of my  before and after projects, but I do have a few. We find odd pieces at auction or yard sales. I can’t ay that I look for any specific style, it’s more a matter of what grabs my attention. 
This metal framed vanity chair was literally on the side of the road. Most people would look at that and say good riddance. No, not me. I look at that and see the bones of something more. So after a little bit of work,  and a lot of elbow grease to polish the metal, I transformed it into this:
I’m not a fan of orange, but the fabric popped and it sold for $40.00. Not bad for a scavenge, using up a bit of leftover padding, and a half yard of fabric.
Here are a few of my finds:
#gallery-0-21 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-21 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-21 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-21 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Old fan blades and a Table leg + whimsical glow in the dark dragon fly.
Old dresser drawers = display shelves.
dusty can barrel chairs cleaned up – decided that I liked them too much to sell!
This old mirror was in a ‘lot’ of stuff for $5.00!
4. Crafts – all of the crafts that don’t easily fit within crocheting, refinishing, or journaling.  This includes sewing which I will do again when I can replace my sewing machine that died after twenty some odd years. As part of my ofice space that I am going to carve out in our basement, a craft area is going to be part of that plan.
I’ve been scouring Pinterest on the best way to handle storage in this area.  I need an area for items that will go into a resale shop, and an area for hand crafted items also. I have to admit, before I can get the clean, tidy work area that I desire I will have to purge my stash and start over. It’s difficult to create a clean area when you are overrun with stuff.
5. Gardening –  I didn’t do much last year, and I really missed it. I love having fresh produce from the garden. I love planting the seedlings and watching it grow. I can’t deny I love the fresh produce that I know is organic as well. This month is the planning stage of gardening. I’m plotting out on graph paper to plan what seeds and starts I will need for my garden area. Yes, I’m a geek.
Managing time for all of these things however, that’s another story.
I wonder if there are hobbies that don’t cost money. It seems everything I do ends up costing money in some way. At least the refinishing/repurposing is getting a return! Do you have any hobbies?
Don’t forget this is a blog hop. Anyone can join at any point in the MFRW 52 week challenge…  Click here. Make sure you check out some of the other authors.
Write on my friends, write on!
Hobbies I have (or wish I had)
Garden Tour–Sara Walter Ellwood
Robin Michaela – Hobby? When Do I Have Time?
My Hobbies Aren’t What They Used to Be
Adriana Kraft
Hobbies & Things That Are Kinda Hobbies—Not Really
Oh, yea, I remember hobbies. . .
What’s a Hobby?
I Should Be Reading
Exploring the World by Linda McLaughlin
Hobby or Body Snatching?
Hobbies: When Do I find Time?
My Precious
Baker, Yogi, Car Girl, Spy
Obsessions! #MFRWAuthor
Heather Boyd: Hobby Habits and hangups
Things I Do When I’m Not Writing
Shari Elder (Hobbies? I wish)
Picture Perfect Art by Henderson
In My Spare Time
Thats not trash~Thats Crafts
Crafty Author #MFRWauthor
Welcome to week 6 of the 52-week MFRW blog challenge.  Each week will be a new topic.
Crafty Author #MFRWauthor Welcome to week 6 of the 52-week MFRW blog challenge.  Each week will be a new topic.
0 notes
authorelliemack · 8 years ago
Welcome to week 6 of the 52-week MFRW blog challenge.  Each week will be a new topic. Isn’t that fun? 
This week’s prompt:  My hobbies.
I have more hobbies than I have time for, but I’ll share just a few in order of time actually spent doing them.
Bullet Journaling – OK, technically this may or may not be considered a hobby. It’s a productivity tool but it’s also an outlet for artistic expression. I haven’t shared any of my pages for a while because they tend to look alike. For the most part,  my daily entries consist of my to do list, maybe a quote or scripture, and a few personal notes. There are days when I have a lot more on my mind and my journaling can be long winded.
First bujo cover – This is the 33 cent comp book. Notice the tabs, these are necessary for me.
From my humble beginnings last year, a 33 cent clearance  5 x 8 composition notebook, to the current one – a  dotted Leuchterm that was received as a gift, my bullet journal keeps me on track, allows a little artistic expression and allows a place to enter my thoughts.
A few pages are fancy schmancy, artsy fartsy but most are repetitive dailies. You can make your journal however you want. This is mine and I do what I want with it. I can color the page entirely black if I feel like it. I don’t see what that would accomplish, but I could if I wanted to.
Below is a quick gallery of a few pages. The cover is red, not sure why it looks pink in this photo.
#gallery-0-19 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-19 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-19 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-19 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
New cover
I liked how this one turned out.
Got the chance to doodle while I was waiting on hold.
I really liked this one aspect of a weekly spread, why haven’t I incorporated this???
A bit ofself motivation, trying to lift myself up out of a mirey place.
A typical layout, just a bit of this and that.
I got a new stamp that I played around with. I found a few stamps that I have been using regularly, one for a block to date my pages, a little car to indicate errand days, a book to designate online learning, etc.
2. Crochet – I have a multitude of projects from quick cup cozies to lengthy projects like afghans. I am currently working on 2 projects – a manghan – basically an afghan in charcoal grey for my husband ‘that is larger than a regular afghan so that it will cover his feet and still be able to tuck in  under his chin, in a basic design that doesn’t have big holes that  his toes can go through and not in some god-awful color that looks like someone couldn’t decide’ was his request, and a market bag which I am freestyling. I have to admit, I’ve ripped this one out a few times already. It’s currently about a third finished.
  #gallery-0-20 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-20 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-20 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-20 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
A shrug for a gift.
The front of the shrug.
Flower detail.
Cowl scarf.
A variety of scarves, traditional arm knit infinity scarves, and crochet infinity scarves.
Cup cozies
3. Furniture refinishing/repurposing. I haven’t been as diligent in taking photos of my  before and after projects, but I do have a few. We find odd pieces at auction or yard sales. I can’t ay that I look for any specific style, it’s more a matter of what grabs my attention. 
This metal framed vanity chair was literally on the side of the road. Most people would look at that and say good riddance. No, not me. I look at that and see the bones of something more. So after a little bit of work,  and a lot of elbow grease to polish the metal, I transformed it into this:
I’m not a fan of orange, but the fabric popped and it sold for $40.00. Not bad for a scavenge, using up a bit of leftover padding, and a half yard of fabric.
Here are a few of my finds:
#gallery-0-21 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-21 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-21 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-21 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Old fan blades and a Table leg + whimsical glow in the dark dragon fly.
Old dresser drawers = display shelves.
dusty can barrel chairs cleaned up – decided that I liked them too much to sell!
This old mirror was in a ‘lot’ of stuff for $5.00!
4. Crafts – all of the crafts that don’t easily fit within crocheting, refinishing, or journaling.  This includes sewing which I will do again when I can replace my sewing machine that died after twenty some odd years. As part of my ofice space that I am going to carve out in our basement, a craft area is going to be part of that plan.
I’ve been scouring Pinterest on the best way to handle storage in this area.  I need an area for items that will go into a resale shop, and an area for hand crafted items also. I have to admit, before I can get the clean, tidy work area that I desire I will have to purge my stash and start over. It’s difficult to create a clean area when you are overrun with stuff.
5. Gardening –  I didn’t do much last year, and I really missed it. I love having fresh produce from the garden. I love planting the seedlings and watching it grow. I can’t deny I love the fresh produce that I know is organic as well. This month is the planning stage of gardening. I’m plotting out on graph paper to plan what seeds and starts I will need for my garden area. Yes, I’m a geek.
Managing time for all of these things however, that’s another story.
I wonder if there are hobbies that don’t cost money. It seems everything I do ends up costing money in some way. At least the refinishing/repurposing is getting a return! Do you have any hobbies?
Don’t forget this is a blog hop. Anyone can join at any point in the MFRW 52 week challenge…  Click here. Make sure you check out some of the other authors.
Write on my friends, write on!
Hobbies I have (or wish I had)
Garden Tour–Sara Walter Ellwood
Robin Michaela – Hobby? When Do I Have Time?
My Hobbies Aren’t What They Used to Be
Adriana Kraft
Hobbies & Things That Are Kinda Hobbies—Not Really
Oh, yea, I remember hobbies. . .
What’s a Hobby?
I Should Be Reading
Exploring the World by Linda McLaughlin
Hobby or Body Snatching?
Hobbies: When Do I find Time?
My Precious
Baker, Yogi, Car Girl, Spy
Obsessions! #MFRWAuthor
Heather Boyd: Hobby Habits and hangups
Things I Do When I’m Not Writing
Shari Elder (Hobbies? I wish)
Picture Perfect Art by Henderson
In My Spare Time
Thats not trash~Thats Crafts
Crafty Author #MFRWauthor Welcome to week 6 of the 52-week MFRW blog challenge.  Each week will be a new topic.
0 notes