#you may have noticed the total chapter number has increased to 18
artingstarvist · 5 months
Chapter 10 / 18 "Ghost City"
Summary: Hua Cheng dresses up Xie Lian; Xie Lian takes a step-litter ride through Ghost City.
Additional Tags: Coffin Rescue, Coffin AU, AU - Canon Divergence, AU - Different First Meeting, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Identity Reveal, Revenge Plot, POV Alternating, Blood and Injury, Dream-Reality Confusion, Canon-Typical Violence, Hua Cheng AND Xie Lian have Self Esteem issues, Hua Cheng & Xie Lian Invented Love, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Hua Cheng bout to make it 34 gods
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After that last harrowing chapter, how about something light.
Date Night 😁
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world-of-aus · 4 years
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Pairing: Professor!Bucky Barnes x Professor!Reader
Word Count: 7,355 
Author’s Note: My second request, sent in by the lovely @iheartsebastianstan​, i decided to change it up just a tiny bit, but i hope you enjoy what i have put out for you, and i do hope there is enough angst! Anything italicized is a flashback of sorts! Thank you for sending in the request love! I enjoyed writing this for you. Behind the Screen chapter 18 will be out tomorrow, had to get this one-shot out! 
“May i have a super angsty fic, reader is cute­, but a little awkard, techie & is completely in love w/Bucky. Everyone can see it, even Bucky. He flirts back, she thinks its going somewhere but overhears him talking that he just feels bad for her, she's not his type. She is embarrassed & pulls away & tries to get over him. Starts dating other people maybe, he notices her absence & realizes he really was feeling something for her too. Ending doesn't have to be happy, just maybe hopeful?”
Find My Other Works Here: Main Masterlist
He had no idea, except that he did.
He had no idea that your heart skipped a beat in your chest when you saw him smile. Your breath catching in your throat when it was directed towards you, how you longed to be the reason behind that smile, the same way he was the reason for yours. You wanted to be the one to bring him joy, be the reason his eyes lit up. He brought so much happiness to those around him, and he deserved that same happiness in return, and you wanted to be the one to give it to him.  
“You ever going to tell lover boy over there that your completely and totally head over heels for him?”
Your eyes snapped towards Banner, “it isn’t like that Bruce, it’s” the words caught on your tongue, because it was like that.
“It’s like nothing y/n, your totally smitten for the man, anytime he comes into our lab to borrow equipment, you become a puddle of goo on the floor, besides don’t you two go back”
“I do not, and unfortunately we do” you muttered eyes going back to the equipment on your table.
“Oh no?” Banner laughs, “we’ll see about that,” he murmurs.
You turn your head to raise a brow at him, “hey y/n, hey banner,”
“Jesus fuck!” You hiss a spark flying from the equipment you had before you, the shock enough to send you falling to the floor, hand waving wildly.
“See,” banner speaks up from your side, “a puddle of goo on the floor,”
“Shove it banner,” you muttered sending him a glare from where you lay on the floor the tips of your fingers burning in pain, “don’t you have a class to go teach or something” A loud laugh is falling from his lips as he grabs his things from the desk next to yours, “my students don’t mind waiting a few extra minutes for me, besides it builds up the suspense for whether I'll show up or not, you know with the whole 10 minute rule they came up with.” You're taking a hold of his hand that he has stretched out for you, “you would have been my least favorite professor than,” you teased.
A smirk was pulling at the corner of his lips, “well good thing I'm leaving you in Barnes hands,” he shoves your shoulder playfully as he moves around you turning on his heel to face the two of you as he walks backwards towards the door, “besides I'm sure you’ll like him more, you know sparks flying and all that,” he winked.
A growl of his names was falling from your lips, the door shutting closed behind your partner, “sparks huh?” and you can hear the smirk on his face.
Your head turned to him, “you know I can ban you from this lab right?”
Bucky laughed heartily, “but I thought there was sparks y/n, I mean you did fall for me didn’t you?”
A warmth encases you, your heart skipping a beat in your chest, “you wish Barnes,” you muttered.
He’s laughing again, his arm wrapping around your shoulder to pull you into his side, “come on now doll, we both now you couldn’t resist me,”
A pink hue cover’s your cheeks, because it’s true, you weren’t able to resist his charm, though it wasn’t entirely your fault, you would think after years of being in his presence the feeling surely would have passed, but within years it had only grown. You had known Bucky most of your life, the two of you went back to your elementary years where you met in kindergarten. It was there that shortly after you discovered you were neighbors, the two of you, two peas in a pod as your parents would like to tease. You had spent most of your elementary years resisting the James Barnes charm, but come your middle school years is where things began to change. You had been well into your sixth-grade year when you noticed the first change, where his toothy smile had once made your nose wrinkle in distaste, it now left behind a warmth that spread deep within your chest, your heart skipping a beat whenever that smile had been reserved just for you. Your first thought was it’s just a crush, just like the many you had in elementary it too would pass, so you thought, but oh how wrong you had been. It’s as if the charm he had tried to entice you with many years ago in elementary, had only heightened, the thing was that charm was never meant for you. Sure, he would charm you into a movie night rather than do homework due the next day, charm you into staying up late when you had an early morning, or the rather reoccurring occasion where he would charm you into going on a double date, Steve your date, it had always been Steve.
At first it was no big deal, you were able to get through your middle school years still able to resist that charm, but high school was a different story. Come high school things got worse, that crush you had said would pass, had only become worse, and you supposed it was the interests the two of you had. The only classes you two didn’t have together was electives, those you had with Steve, what could you say, you were a closeted artist. As you progressed through you high school years the two classes you didn’t have with Bucky had become a solace for you, and each year that passed Steve’s comforting smile had only grown and grown, because with each year that passed the love you held for your best friend had only grown as well. Steve was always rooting for the two of you, even to this day, aside from Bruce he was that constant in your ear telling you to just tell him, “what’s the worst that could happen” he would say.
The thing was you never wanted to find out what the worst was, you had lived through a lot of it your college years. Bucky had quickly become a lady's man, there had been girls left and right throughout high school and it seemed the numbers had only increased once you entered college. You were able to preoccupy your mind easier in college what with all the classes you had piled on, so you didn’t have to see him put his charm on as much, and the once double dates he had asked you to join him on had become shared movie nights you had with Steve while Bucky enjoyed out a night on the town with his newest conquest. The thing was he always came back to you, always laid on that charm, and you were putty in his hands once more. Then a new girl would come along, and the charm would fall away, it was an endless cycle, an emotionally draining, endless cycle.
“y/n, hello,” a hand was being waved in your face, your pushing his hands away, a grin pulling at his lips.
“what do you need Buck, I need to finish this lab before my class,”
He’s smirking, “you’ve been so spaced out lately,” he responded avoiding your first question, “what have you been thinking about?”  
You gestured around the lab area as if it’s the most obvious reason, “Seriously Buck, it’s finals week, or did you forget?” you questioned, “my mind has been on getting my students to pass so they can all be loaded onto you next semester,”
“As if you or Steve would let me forget its finals week,” he grins, “I knew you were thinking about me though,” he teases waggling a finger in your face, “I think you should just come out with it y/n,” his face turns serious, “you don’t have to hide it anymore, just tell me,”  
Your raising a brow at him, what was this man getting at, “tell you what?”
“That you are completely and totally head over heels for me,”
Your heart was beating wildly in your chest, eyes slightly growing wide, had he heard your conversation with Bruce, but you didn’t even admit to anything, no, no, no, a faltering forced grin pulled at your lips, “w-what?”
His fingers reached out to run over the tops of your cheeks, your mouth parted, breath catching in your throat, it was the tap to your nose that had your eyes blinking you back to reality. His head fell back in laughter, his arm once more pulling you into his side, his head falling to yours, “god you should have seen your face,” an awkward laugh leaves your lips. The more laughter that falls from his lips the tighter your heart constricts in the confines of your chest, its suffocating, “alright, alright Barnes,” you grumble, “we get it, it's funny,” you grit out.
“awe come on now doll,” he coos rubbing you shoulder, “don’t get upset it was funny, besides you know I’m just teasing,”
“funny?” you question raising a brow, “Barnes you being extra annoying and might I add wasting my precious lab time is anything but amusing to me, this is like a repeat of middle school”
“oh, come on y/n, you enjoyed spending time with me, I'm sure you preferred my company rather than that of your homework,”
You were rolling your eyes, but a grin was still splitting your lips, “whatever helps you sleep at night Buck,”
A smirk tugs at his lips as he invades your space, a warmth blossoming in your chest once more, “You could help me sleep at night if you j- ouch y/n,” he laughs as he moves away from your swinging arm.
He’s rounding the other side of your desk away from you, hands held up in surrender, “Buck seriously what do you need, I have less than-” you paused to look at the watch on your wrist, “less than 15 minutes to complete this lab, now can you please tell me what it is you came to borrow,”
Bucky’s rubbing at the back of his neck now, “uhm, I actually didn’t come to borrow anything this time around,”  
You raised a brow, “no?” you questioned, “seems very unlike you, so what is it?”
“will you be home tonight?” his questions catches you off guard, a soft chuckle falls from your lips, “well that’s where I'm at every night after classes, why?” you questioned back drawing out the last word.
“I’m going out on a date tonight,” and there it is, “and how is that going to affect me being home?” hold it together y/n don’t let yourself crack just yet.
“Well I'm only asking incase my date and I decide to you know,” he sends you a wink, a shiver rolls through your spine.
“Gross Barnes, why can’t you go back to her place, that’s what you’ve been doing anyway, why do you have to bring her back to ours,”
“She has a roommate,” is his argument, and you can’t help but to stare at him in disbelief, “and what am I chopped liver, I'm your damn roommate too,”
He’s rounding the desk back towards you, hands falling to your shoulders, “c’mon y/n please,”
Your mouth drops open to argue, but he’s beating you to the punch, “I already asked Steve if you could stay with him and Sam tonight, he said there would be no problem, something about a movie night,” your heart falls in your chest, shoulders slumping because of course, Steve was always there, “so what do you say?”
And as much as you want to scream at him, a tired sigh is leaving your lips, “if that’s what it takes for you to get out of my lab, then yes Barnes,”
His arms are closing around you, “I promise I'll make it up to you,”
A forced laugh falls from your lips as you push him away, “sure whatever, try not to forget this time, now can you please go, I need to get to class since you took up all my time,”
“shit I'm sorry,” he groans looking at the watch on his hand, you shake your head at him as you move away from him to gather your things for your class. He calls out one last thank you, and that he owes you one before he’s disappearing out of the lab door. You scoff, how many times had you heard that one, how many times had you heard those words and still never learned.
Your placing your bag down onto the classrooms desk when your phone pings from within your bag, students trickling into their desks slowly.
Sam and I will pick you up from your last lab, we were thinking pizza and something off Netflix.
The bubbles were popping up before you could put together a reply  
Sorry about Bucky, you should just tell him, stop putting yourself through all this heartache y/n, I hate seeing you hurting, this has been ongoing since highschool..
And that’s your cue to start class, your phone is forgotten as you round the desk clasping your hands in delight, “good evening everyone, hope you all studied last weeks lab,” you grinned catching several eye rolls, “because lucky for y’all there’s a pop quiz!” several groans roll through the room, laughter falling from your lips, “awe c’mon guys, it’s finals week, it’s your last pop quiz and your last lab before the year finishes!”
There are the occasional mutter of protests as you walk around the room passing out the quiz, the groans  only growing louder when you jump into lab.
Lab always passed you by in flurry, there was just never enough time you felt, never enough time to share your knowledge, to share the love that you had for this subject, not that the students even showed remote interest, it was like clockwork, five minutes to dismissal and they were already packing things away for the night.  By the time you were at the one minute mark, most of them were by the door, and it’s not like you could necessarily hold them, “alright y’all have a great night, and don’t forget to study for you exam!” you were screaming the last of the sentence as the students dismissed themselves.
A sigh left your lips as you walked around the room, picking up stray paper’s left behind and making sure all the equipment was put away nicely. Making your way back to the desk you packed up your belongings. A soft knock on the open lab door had you looking up from packing your bag, Steve waved back at you, Sam behind him with an equally warm smile, “you ready?” he’s asking making his way over to you. You nod your head stuffing the last of your paperwork into your bag, “you all came just in time,”
Steve’s engulfing you in a hug, you let out a muffled laugh, your arms going around his broad back, “Steve what?” He pulls away from you a half there smile on his lips, “just felt like you needed one,” he says with a shrug of his shoulders, and Steve knew you so well, after all these years he had learned that look in your eyes, and he just knew.
“Come on you two, I'm starving and a couch is calling our names!”
Laughter is falling from both your lips as you grab your bag, your arm wrapping around Steve’s as he leads you both to the door.
“Honestly why don’t they ever have anything good on here?” Sam groans, flipping through the genres for the third time, “by the time I find a movie, the pizza is going to be gone,”
“then just put something Samuel,” you murmur around your slice of pizza.
He turns his head towards you, eyes squinted, “you don’t think I’ve been trying to put something, there’s nothing to watch”    
Steve eventually gets ahold of the remote, and settles on something random,   “so y/n, who’s room do you want to take for the night?” Sam asks.
It was meant to be an honest, genuine question, but it didn’t stop you from thinking back to the reason for that question, it didn’t stop you from thinking back to him.
Your body jostles slightly with Steve leaning into you, his hand hitting Sam lightly, “what,”sam argues, “what did I say,” and your sure Steve is glaring at him.
“It was just a question,” he mutters giving Steve a glare back, “I’m sorry y/n if it bothered you,” his voice is softer as he acknowledges you, hand squeezing your knee comfortingly.
“It’s honestly fine Sam,” you reply giving him a warm smile, “just got lost in my head is all,”
“I don’t see why you don’t just tell Barnes already, he’s hurting you y/n, and trust me when we say we hate seeing you miserable when he does this,”
Your shaking your head, “what is there to tell Sam, he doesn’t see me that way, he’s always throwing the best friend card in my face, every time I've tried to tell him, it’s never the right time, I just,” you blew air out through your mouth, “I gave up, I'd rather have him the way I do now,”
“So you’d rather be hurting, you’d rather be waiting around for him while he goes out almost every other night not knowing the pain he’s leaving you in,”
Your shaking your head, “it doesn’t matter Sam, can we please just leave it alone, he doesn’t like me like that so drop it,”
“No, I'm not going to drop it y/n, we have all been rooting for you, we all can see something you obviously can’t that man cares for you,”
“He cares for me as his best friend,” you argue your frustration and heartache growing, “he doesn’t see me as anything more Sam and I am not going to put myself through the heartache that is sure to follow when I get myself disappointed,”
“but you don’t know th-”
“ENOUGH SAMUEL” you snap, “I don’t want to talk about this, or him anymore so please just let it go”
“y/n c’mon-”
You're getting up then, throwing your crust onto the cardboard box, “I’m going to bed, had I known I was going to get lectured, I would have gone home regardless of what Bucky wanted and wallowed in my own self-pity there,” you grumbled as you moved around their feet, “I'll see you guys in the morning,
You had chosen to take over Steve’s room, you were curled in on yourself when you heard soft knocks sound against the door. You mumbled a warbled ‘come in’, Steve poking his head in seconds later, a sympathetic smile sat on his lips.
“hey,” he started, “I just wanted to apologize for tonight, I’m sorry if we ruined movie night for you.”
You offered him a small smile, “it’s okay, not like we won’t have another one in a few days,”
Steve’s smile falls at your words, “it shouldn’t have to be like that y/n, I know he doesn’t do this often, kicking you out of your shared apartment but it's not right, he should know y/n,”
“Steve please don’t start, you already know why I can’t tell him,”
“y/n I know the two of you almost our whole life, we’ve been together since elementary when Bucky introduced us, I've grown with the two of you, there’s something there,”
You turned your head away from Steve eyes going to the ceiling, “you want me to tell him,” you grumbled, “then I'll tell him, but don’t act surprised, when you are wrong, now can you please go, I just want to sleep,”  
“Y/n y-”
“Steve please, just go we have a long day tomorrow, or at least I do,” you muttered recalling your unfinished lab from this afternoon.
You could see that Steve had much more to say, more things he would like to tell you, but he also knew when to leave well enough alone. A soft sigh is leaving his lips, “Sam and I will see you tomorrow morning y/n, goodnight,”
You wished him a ‘goodnight’ as well the door shutting softly behind him, “its going to be a long night,” you thought out loud.
And it had been, you spent most of the night until the early hours of the morning tossing from one side of the bed to the other. Your mind had been restless as you thought over Sam and Steve’s words. While at first you had just said that you would tell Bucky to get them off your back, the more you had laid there awake in the dark the more you thought maybe you should, maybe getting this weight that had sat on your chest for so long off of your shoulders could be the thing to bring you some peace of mind. You knew the possibility of Bucky feeling the same was slim to none but there was a tiny part of you that had listened to Steves words, and dare you say it had made you hopeful that maybe you weren’t seeing something that everyone had been so adamant was there. It was in the early hours of the morning that you had decided enough was enough, you were tired of feeling sorry for yourself every time Bucky went out on a date, tired of your friends breathing down your neck to tell him, because they were sure he felt the same, so you had decided to do just that, and whether he felt the same way or not, well that would have to be something you’d have to wait to find out when you came to that moment.
Your alarm trilled incessantly on the nightstand, you groaned sleep still pulling at your eyes as you reached for your phone wanting to shut off the annoying device. It was when you brought your phone closer that you realized it wasn’t your alarm but Banner calling you, your brows furrowed in confusion as you answered the call bringing it up to your ear, “so are you going to come into lab today, your equipment is sitting out waiting to be worked on,”
“of course I'm going in,” you murmured rubbing at the sleep at your eyes, “why wouldn’t I?” you questioned as you sat up in the bed.
“oh, I don’t know, maybe the fact that you’re two hours late?”
“what?!” you screeched, “two hours late, what time is it?” you questioned throwing yourself from the bed.
“it 11 a.m. y/n, you were supposed to be in at 9,”
“goddamnit, okay, okay,” you rushed out, “I'll be there soon!”
You didn’t give banner a chance to give his reply as you hung up the phone bolting from Steve’s room to grab your purse from the living room, you would just have to wear what you wore yesterday. Looking around the apartment you saw no sign of Steve or Sam, those jerks had left without waking you, why didn’t they wake you! You left their apartment in a flurry as you raced to campus, hair tosseled in the wind as you raced down the streets, you had never been more grateful in that moment that they lived so close to the campus you all worked at. You were out of breath by the time you reached the lab buildings, you checked your watch, Steve and Sam should be in their labs, oh man were they going to get a piece of your mind. Entering the building you marched down the hallway with determination in your stride, you were just to their door when their voices stopped you just feet shy of the doorway,  
“she was cute, don’t get me wrong, but it just didn’t feel right, there was just something about her that,” a pause,” I don’t know just didn’t feel right being out with her,”
You could hear another sigh that didn’t belong to Bucky, “Honestly man that’s nothing new,” came Sam’s voice, “it ends the same every night, you sure you’re just not looking at what’s been right in front of you,”
“Sam don’t,” came Steve’s voice, “many people have tried, he just doesn’t get it,”
“are y’all talking about y/n?” Bucky questioned, a loud sigh left his lips, “honestly not this again, what can’t you all get that she’s just not my type, she’s my best friend, practically a sister to me, it would be weird.”
“how is she not your type Buck,” Steve argued, “you all practically followed the same field, you both have the same interest’s, you like what she likes, she likes what you like, you guys are a match made in heaven if you ask us, you can’t say nothing Is there Buck we see how you are with her,”
“Steve you see the girls I date, she’s nothing like them, she’s, she’s one of the guys,”
“That’s bullshit Barnes and you know it,” Sam argues, “you say she’s one of the guys, yet you flirt with her like you would any of your other conquests, you don’t let guys get next to her, hell you don’t even let them ask her out on a date, if it isn’t you she’s with it’s a no go for you,”
“Shut up Wilson, I know how guys are, I'm just protecting her from getting her heartbroken,”
Steve lets out a loud scoff, “you say you’re protecting her heart, yet you’re the one causing her pain,”
Bucky lets out a groan, and your barely able to hold in your tears, “Look I don’t know what to tell you guys, how many more times do you want me to tell you guys that I don’t feel the same way she does about me for you guys to leave it alone, I don’t see her like that I'm not sure that I ever will, sure she's a great girl and we might have all these things in common, but that the thing she’s my best friend, nothing more.
Your barely able to bring a hand up to your mouth to muffle the sob that escapes past your lips, you can hear feet coming towards you but your frozen to your spot, Steve pops into your blurry view first, “shit y/n,” he goes to move toward you but you hold a shaky hand up. Its when Bucky appears in your line of sight that you lose it, another sob tearing through you.
“this is why I told you all to leave it alone,” you gritted out through your tears, “but you couldn’t could you, why were you so adamant for me to tell him my feelings when you knew, you knew that he didn’t feel the same,” Steves head falls, Sam shakes his head, and Bucky looks like a deer caught in headlights.
“y/n ple-”
Your shaking your head rubbing away at the tears, “I can’t believe you would continuously tell me to express my feelings, even telling me that you just knew he felt the same, yet you also knew he didn’t reciprocate them,” another sob shook through you, “I don’t know how many times I told you that this is exactly what I wanted to avoid, but I guess it's great I found out this way, at least I wouldn’t have looked like an idiot later on telling him how I felt and hoping to god he felt the same way like you all had said,”
“Y/n,” your eyes fall to Bucky and you can barely stand the heartache that sits heavy on your chest when you look into those blue orbs, “I'm sorry I wish things could be different,”
Your roll your eyes regardless of the fat wet tears still rolling down your face, because of course he would say something like that, “You don’t have to pretend Barnes, we all know how you feel, just wish you could have said something since you knew,”
“y/n I-”
“No buck,” your anger was flaring just beneath the rejection that you felt, “you knew yet you continued to toy with my emotions, always flirting, Steve was right to think you might have felt something, you almost had us all fooled,”
His face fell, “you guys got what you wanted, he knew, he knows, and I told you exactly what would happen,” you murmured more tears building up, “why couldn’t you guys just leave well enough alone, why couldn’t you leave it alone especially when you all knew!” you cried.
“Hey guys everything okay” Banner questioned coming down the hall from your lab he drew closer taking in your disheveled form, “woah y/n, you okay,” he questioned warily, you shook your head, “do you think you could pack up the equipment, and send an email out to my classes that I won’t be in today,”  Banner’s brows furrowed in confusion, “of course, but what’s going on?”
“it’s nothing,” you said through your tears, “I just, I have to go, I’m sorry,” you choked out turning on your heel as you ran out the building. You were a mess as you kept your head down, walking past various students and professors on campus. Your head remained downcast until you made it back to your shared apartment with Bucky, your key sliding into the lock as you let yourself in. You didn’t make it far as the tears, and heartache consumed you, your feet pulling you to the floor. Heartbreak was a funny thing wasn’t it. You expect it to happen, yet for some reason one is never really prepared for it. We underestimate the power it holds, it’s like giving a murderer a gun and expecting not to killed. Why aren’t we ever prepared for the unenviable? It’s because we don’t think it will happen to us, we live in denial, hearts are meant to be cherished not broken.
Eventually the tears stop, but the ache remains, why did you have to listen to that small part in the back of your mind, why didn’t you listen to the loud voice booming through you that just like the many other times where the moment wasn’t right, that this hadn’t been right either, why didn’t you just listen.  
The door of your apartment creaking open had your eyes drifting to the door, Bucky looking down at your fallen form.
“Oh y/n,” he murmured, he went to move towards you, but you halted him in his actions with a hand in the air.
“Please don’t,” you mumbled, “I think you’ve done enough,”
“Y/n please let me explain,” he tried.
Your head snapped up, “explain what Bucky, what is there to explain?” you questioned, “because your words with Steve and Sam earlier spoke volumes, I don’t think there Is much left to say, you’ve said enough,”
“y/n please you have to-”
“I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to,” you hissed, “Look Bucky I get it okay, I’m your best friend and that’s all you’ll ever see me as,” you sucked in a breath, “I'm still going to be that for you, but I need time, I don’t want to know about your dates anymore, I don’t want to even hear about you bringing someone home, nor am I going to be asked to stay at Steve’s or Sam’s I'm done Bucky, for the rest of the semester just let me be, I don’t want to hear from you, Steve, or Sam, I just need to focus on myself, I need to get back into the right headspace, and I can’t do that if all I feel when I'm around you is heartache, it’s time I've moved on, I always knew my feelings for you were never reciprocated, and I should have listened instead of trusting that small piece of hope Steve gave me,”
Bucky can’t seem to understand the pain that throbs heavily in his chest, he blames it on the fact that he feels like his friendship with you has completely broken apart, but deep down he knows it's much more. Even though you can’t bear the sight of him, when you’ve made your way to your feet, you still move over to him, hand falling to his cheek, fingers running over his forlorn features, “I just need time Buck, and I promise, everything will go back to the way it was, just give me that,”
And he wants to be selfish and tell you no, that he doesn’t want to give you your space, because he doesn’t like the pain sitting on his chest, but then he can’t bring himself to speak the words, because you’ve always done everything for him without so much as argument.
As he watches you walk away from him everything feels so uncertain, and he doesn’t like that feeling, he doesn’t like not knowing what’s going to happen between the two of you.
It takes you a month and within that month, Bucky has realized something, you’re a much bigger part of his life then he let himself believe. The feeling that had dwelled heavy in his chest had not dimmed, or dwindled away like he hoped, no, it had sat there on his chest every waking hour. You had stayed true to your word, and focused on yourself, your students, and your work. They had tried getting you to talk to them, give them the time of the day, hell he had even gone as far as to continue to go to your lab to borrow equipment but Banner had always been the one to greet him and pass him what he needed. Bucky could only look over his shoulder at you, a feeling gnawing away at his chest. Even when the semester had finished you had still kept strong declining their move nights, dinner plans, and nights out on the town.  He barely had seen much of you aside from the moments in your lab because as soon as you arrived home you would make your way straight to your room and only come out when you needed to fetch something. Bucky made himself believe that your absence was affecting them all, when in reality it had only been him it affected the most. He didn’t realize why, till Steve explained it to him on one of the nights you get again had declined their company.
“Let’s just go Bucky, stop looking so down in the dumps, this isn’t the first time she’s declined your offer,”
“That’s just the thing Steve she said she needed time, and I’ve given her that, how much longer is she going to keep doing this?” He questioned with a sigh.
“She was hurt Buck, she also needs time to get over you she’s been in love with you since middle school, letting go of something like that can’t possibly be easy, why do you want her to just go back to way things were, she wasn’t happy,”
“Because I miss her,” he growls.
“and you don’t think we miss her too, she was a huge part of us as well Buck,”
A puff of air leaves his lips in frustration, “ you don’t understand Steve, I miss her, I miss spending time with her just the two of us, I miss her giving me crap when she knew I was doing something wrong, I miss coming home to her cooking dinner for the two of us when my labs ran late, I miss coming home to tell her about my day, I-” it hits him then, everything he couldn’t find in those other girls is because he had already had them in you.
A smirk is pulling at Steve’s lips at the look on Bucky’s face, “you finally get what we all saw, don���t you,”
Bucky’s hand comes up to his head, how could he have been so blind, to think that crush that he had on you in elementary had actually faded. “God am I blind,” he mutters.
Steve laughs, “that’s one way to put it man, but I guess it's better late than never,”
And Bucky can’t stop thinking about it, about this new feeling that has risen within him, why couldn’t he have realized it earlier, why did he have to hurt you, push you away for him to realize how much you meant to him.
“So what are you going to do?”
Bucky’s running a hand over his face, because he knows what he wants to do, “can I take a rain check on tonight,”
Steve’s laughing then, “of course man, you can meet up with us next time, and hopefully y/n will be joining us,”  
“let’s hope so,” he chuckles nervously, and Steve feels for his friend, but he knows whatever happens between the two of you is what’s meant too.
It takes Bucky a few minutes but he finally gets the courage to move towards your room. His hand hovers over your door, he can do this he thinks, he can do this. His fist meets you door, knuckles wrapping softly against the wood. He can hear your quiet “come in” through the closed door. He sucks in a breath before his hand reaches down, fingers wrapping around the silver knob.
You look up to see Bucky’s head peek through, you heart races in your chest, “Buck I already said no,” Watching with wide eyes, you watch him step into your room shutting the door behind him, “Bucky what’s going on?” you questioned as you watched him pace in place.
“I can’t believe it took me this long,” he laughed breathily, “I can’t believe I wasted so much time,”
You raised a brow, “what do you mean Buck, what took you so long?”
Bucky looks at you then, and you only grow more concerned when he just stares, “Buck seriously what’s wrong, why aren’t you out with the guys?”
“y/n we need to talk, but I need you to listen, I need you to hear me out as much as you might not want too,”
“Buck your kind of scaring me,” you laughed.
“that makes two of us sweetheart,”  
You watch him take a breath in before he’s releasing it, his hands clasping together, “god, I don’t even know where to start,” he murmurs, “fuck maybe I should have waited till I had my thoughts together,”
“buck just say it, it can’t be that bad,”
“fuck,” he mutters pacing again.
“buck just say it!” you voice louder your own heart beating heavily in your chest from his erratic behavior.
He stops pacing eyes falling to yours, “I’m pretty sure I'm in love with you,”
Your breath catches in your throat, eyes going wide, “excuse me,” you breath.
“I said, I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you,”
“are you serious right now” you murmured, “Bucky this isn’t funny,” you added your lower lip wobbling.
“y-yeah, I'm serious y/n, this isn’t something I would joke about,”
His brows furrow at your question, “what do you mean why?”
“why are you doing this Buck, is it because I needed time away from you, is it because you have no one to talk to about your dates, is this because you can’t bring anyone home anymore, is this b-”
He’s shaking his head roughly, “god no y/n, why, why would I be telling you I think I'm in love with you for any of those reason’s”
“I don’t know Bucky maybe it’s the fact that a couple of weeks ago you were telling the guys that you would never see me as more than your best friend, and the second I'm somewhat out of your life, now you think you love me?” you question exasperatedly, “like who does that Buck,”
“apparently me,” he mumbles, head casted down.
“I said apparently me,” he speaks louder, “look y/n I know you might not want to believe me,”
“that’s an understatement,”
“Jesus,” he groans, “y/n I'm trying to talk to you about this, and you’re just making this incredibly difficult for me, especially because I've been such an idiot for so long.” He sighs when you don’t speak but look at him expectantly, “I know how this looks, I know how all this looks but goddamnit y/n I miss you, I miss having someone call me out on my shit, I miss having someone to talk to about my day, not my dates,” he adds, “i miss coming home to you making dinner for us when my labs run late, I miss going to your lab to bother you for things, I miss our movie nights, I miss spending time with you, just you and me,” he sighs, “i just miss you,”
“Bucky but that doesn’t mean you're in love with me, you just miss your best friend,”
His head is shaking again, “Y/n I'm pretty sure I have been in love with you since elementary, you just never showed interest then so I guess I pushed those feelings to the way back of my mind and they kind of just stayed there,”
“Bucky we were kids, and you were annoying,”
He laughs, “what I'm trying to say, aside from me being a blind idiot, is that it’s always been you y/n, I always wondered why my dates never worked out, why they never had that thing that I knew was missing, and it’s because I barely realized the thing missing from my life was you, all these women were wrong because it wasn’t you, in a way I was trying to fill a void,”
“so why not say something earlier, why did you have to wait for me to be out of your life for you to finally say something, you realize how this looks to me right,”
“because this just opened my eyes,” he sighed, “and I know what this looks like but I promise whatever your thinking its not that,”
You fall quiet as you take in his words, he just said he loved you, something you had been longing to hear from him for years, but how could you believe him. What if this was just an in the moment thing, what if he just missed his best friend what if-  
“Don’t do that y/n”
You looked up at him through watery eyes, “what?”
“I know your second guessing everything I just told you, I know you can’t believe it, but it’s true, let me show you,”
You wiped under your eyes, “show me what?” You questioned.
“Let me take you out, just one date,”
“Bucky I don’t know, I don’t think I can handle another repeat,” you murmured looking down at your hands.
Your heard him move towards you, his feet bringing him to eye level, “give me a chance y/n, just one date,”
It took him a month, but he realized during that time what he had been missing.
He had his arms around you, your body leaning on his, the softness and gentle caress of his arm against your neck had shivers rolling down your spine. The two of you were sat on the hood of his car, eyes looking out over the lit up lavish city. Your first date. The world was quiet around you no words shared between the two of you because the moment shared here spoke volumes. Bucky turned to look down at you, your eyes meeting his, a warm smile pulling at both of your lips. “I really enjoyed tonight,” you murmured.
Bucky’s hand came up to your cheek, his fingers running along your heated skin, “i enjoyed it too,”
“was there anything missing?” you questioned staring up into his ocean blue orbs.
“there was one thing,” he murmured a sly smile tugging at his lips as he leaned into you.
Your heart raced in your chest, as he got closer, his breath mingling with yours. Your eyes slipped shut the second his lips touched yours, sparks flying in every direction, the world slowly disappearing around the two of you.
It had taken him a month, but he finally realized what he had been missing. You.
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religioused · 3 years
When the Spirit is in Charge
by Gary Simpson
Acts 10:44-48 (CEV)
While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit took control of everyone who was listening. Some Jewish followers of the Lord had come with Peter, and they were surprised that the Holy Spirit had been given to Gentiles.
46 Now they were hearing Gentiles speaking unknown languages and praising God. Peter said, "These Gentiles have been given the Holy Spirit, just as we have! I am certain that no one would dare stop us from baptizing them." Peter ordered them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, and they asked him to stay on for a few days.
“While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit took control of everyone.” “The Holy Spirit took control.” Keep this line in mind. We will come back to the theme.
There is a lot going on today. This is Mother’s Day. We are combining Mother’s Day and Father’s Day into one day. We are celebrating family. This is also the second week of Asian History Month.
This is a day when we recognize and appreciate the many people who had parenting roles in our lives, including, but not limited to:
• Biological, foster, and adoptive parents.
• Parents of choice.
• Aunts, uncles, grandparents.
• Teachers.
• Neighbors, employers and supervisors.
As I prepare to light this candle, I encourage you to think of people who provided loving parenting and quasi-parenting roles in your life.
The second candle is for all members of our families.
The third candle is for the Asian people in our community and our lives.
We light these candles as a way of thanking God for the people who built into our lives, for families of origin and families of choice, and for Asians who pioneered Canada and who continue to pioneer Canada.
May is Asian History Month. During May, Canadians are encouraged to learn more about the achievements and contributions of Asian Canadians. A few groups we might not think of as Asian, include:
• Some Arabs, such Lebanese, and some Jewish people, and some Russians.
• Persians, Afghanis, Turks.
• Indians and Pakistanis.
There are so many Asian different countries of ancestry and so many different cultures, languages, and religions that we could spend years learning about our neighbors, friends, classmates, and colleagues.
Currently, I think we might be seeing more hate targeting Asian communities than we have seen at any other time since World War 2. The importance of learning about the history and contributions of Asians is very high. Some people are calling the Coronavirus the Chinese virus. Let’s compare hate crimes before and after the Coronavirus pandemic. A comparison of Vancouver hate crimes between January and September of 2019 and 2020 showed an 878% increase in hate crimes targeting Asians.(1) This is added to the ongoing problem of hate targeting many people of broadly Asian descent. About 18% of all Canadian hate crimes in 2017 targeted Jewish people. In 2017 17% of Canadian hate crimes targeted Muslims.(2) A total of 35% of all hate crimes were religious hate crimes. Because some Muslims and some Jewish people have Asian heritage, this means that some of the religious discrimination is targeting Asian people.
In contemporary society, it almost feels like there is no such thing as a freak accident – somebody always has to be at fault, so we seek to blame and to litigate. So some people are referring to the Coronavirus as the China virus. That might be a factor in the massive increase in hate directed toward Asians.
Because of the pandemic, we are afraid – afraid for our jobs and businesses, our freedom and convenience, our way of life. We are also afraid of getting sick. We may mask our fears with angry outbursts and hate. Some of the anger and fear targets Asian people. Fearing members of other groups, xenophobia, is nothing new. Some xenophobia was probably working behind the scenes in ancient Palestine.
Perhaps, Jewish people had reason to feel a little threatened by non-Jewish people. There is a history of conflict ranging over more than 4,400 years. An USA Today article indicates that Jerusalem was captured and recaptured at least 20 times. Conflict over Jerusalem seems to have started no later than 2,500 years before Christ and ended in 1967.(3) Over 575 years before Christ, Solomon's Temple was destroyed. Another Temple was built about 515 years before Christ.(4) Jewish protests against Antiochus IV resulted in a backlash against Jewish people. He marched on Jerusalem, ordered the killing of 80 thousand people and sold about the same number into slavery. He also desecrated the Temple.(5) By about 63 AD, the area of ancient Israel came under Roman rule.(6) Jewish people, once again, found themselves under the control of a foreign imperial power. Roman rule was not always ideal. Pontius Pilate was so brutal that in 37 CE, he was ordered to give an account to the emperor.(7) The roots of xenophobia were probably fed, watered, and nourished by oppression coming from Gentiles.
Earlier in Acts Chapter 10, Peter has a vision that shows Peter that God is a universalist God, an inclusive God for all people. Then we read part of Peter’s sermon and we see the Holy Spirit poured out upon the Gentile Believers. “I am truly convinced . . . that there is no favoritism with God, but that He is ready to receive any man in any nation who reverences Him and who does what is right.”(8) “The Holy Spirit took control.” As Peter is making the point that righteous people of all nations are accepted by God, the Spirit fills the Gentile followers of Jesus. This sermon could be the first sermon preached about Jesus.(9) There are a number of important elements in Peter’s sermon. I think two important parts of the sermon are the universal, worldwide nature of the Gospel, and the anointing of God being poured out upon Gentiles.
The dream helped Peter understand that the Kingdom of God is inclusive and universalist and that God breaks down the barriers of fear, prejudice, discrimination, and hate between groups of people. “The Holy Spirit took control.” The Spirit comes down on Jesus' Gentile followers. This manifestation of God was not expected by Jesus' Jewish followers and it was evidence that God accepted Gentile Believers completely. Seeing an unexpected move of God in the lives of others has the power transform our lives and to help us love people we used to fear or believe are either deficient or defective.
God’s love is impressive. From a Trinitarian perspective, God’s love is shown in the incarnation. “In Jesus, God entered the world and took on” human life. God loved and cared enough accept the “limitations of humanity.”(10) This is a love that let the world slander Christ, brand Christ a heretic, pursue Christ, and judge, crucify, and bury Christ.(11)
Vernon McGee’s Bible commentaries are interesting. He relates interesting illustrations. He tells a story about a small-town storekeeper. A family arrived and wanted to know what kind of a town it was. The wise storekeeper asked, “What kind of town did you come from?” The reply was that they came from an incredible town. People in their former town cared about each other. The storekeeper replied, “This is just the same kind of town.” The family decided that they just might make the town their new home. A little later, another visiting family arrived. They also wanted to know what kind of town it was. The storekeeper asked what their old town was like. The family indicated that the town was mean. The people did not care about anyone. The storekeeper replied, “This is just the same kind of town.” The second family decided to drive on.
A person who heard both stories asked what the storekeeper was doing, because he gave the two families very different responses. The storekeeper responded, “I've learned that any town will be the same kind of town that you left – because you will be the same kind of person.”(12)
When the Spirit of God is in control, we are a different people, a people filled with the Spirit of the risen Christ. Because we are different – Spirit filled, we notice that others are different too. When the Spirit is in control, love is present. The transforming love of the risen Christ is generally seen as a proof that we walk in the footsteps of Christ. John 13:35. “If you love each other, everyone will know that you are my disciples.”(13)
I am going to conclude with one more story. This is about how God changes people by the proof of the Spirit of God moving in people's lives who we do not think God moves in.
Grant is a United Methodist pastor. He has over 304 thousand followers on TikTok. He is a dynamic, loving figure on TikTok. He did not start as a progressive pastor. He was a conservative Evangelical. He admits that he was one of the kind of Christians who would leave comments on social media telling progressive Christians that they were going to hell. Something changed.
He relates that while he was still conservative, he was welcomed into the church and became friends with a person who helped change his life. This person, on his first Sunday at the church, came up to him, hugged him and said, “I am the resident lesbian,” and she welcomed him, telling Grant how glad she was that he was at their church. Grant was at the church to be the youth director. He got to know her, her former husband, and the children. The love they shared as a family caught his attention.  
He notes, “The first step to me changing my faith was seeing fruit in people that I previously thought were wrong.” He saw love in people he disagreed with and his theology started to change. He started to see complexity and nuance in the Bible. What I think was the key in his story of change is what he describes as “seeing the Spirit of God” in people he previously disagreed with and that made him realize that “God is love.”(14)
(1) Sherina Harris. "Reported Anti-Asian Hate Crimes up 878% in Vancouver: Police." 2020 October 30, 13 April 2021.<https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/anti-asian-hate-crimes-2020_ca_5f9c3403c5b61b5109e705a6>.
(2) "Facts and Figures: Discrimination and Hate Crimes Statistics." Government of Canada. 16 October 2020, 13 April 2021. <https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/campaigns/federal-anti-racism-secretariat/facts-figures.html>.
(3) Oren Dorell. “Jerusalem has History of Many Conquests, Surrenders.” USA Today. 05 December 2017, 02 May 2021.
(4) David Horton, ed. The Portable Seminary. 2nd ed. (Minneapolis, Minnesota: Bethany House, 2018), 239.
(5) Horton (2018), 240.
(6) Horton (2018), 241.
(7) Horton (2018), 242.
(8) William Barclay New Testament, Acts 10:34-35.
(9) William Barclay. The New Daily Study Bible: The Acts of the Apostles. Kindle ed. (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2003), e-book.
(10) William Barclay. The New Daily Study Bible: The Letters of John and Jude. (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2002), e-book.
(11) William Barclay. The New Daily Study Bible: The Letters of John and Jude. (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2002), e-book.
(12) J. Vernon McGee. Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee. Kindle ed. (Pasadena, California: Thru the Bible Radio, 1998), e-book.
(13) Contemporary English Version.
(14) “Story Time: Deconstruction.” @pastor_g TikTok. 04 May 2021, 04 May 2021. <https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeqSR5KB/>
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covid19updater · 3 years
COVID19 Updates: 08/19/2021
World:  The effectiveness of the #PfizerBioNTech vaccine against Covid-19 declines faster than that of the #AstraZeneca jab but after greater initial effectiveness, according to a new UK study published on Thursday 
Singapore:  Singapore to launch its first #COVID19 vaccinated travel lanes with Germany and Brunei; fully vaccinated travellers will not have to serve a stay-home notice LINK
UK:  The decision to not recommend children wear masks to primary schools - referred to in the Dept of Education Covid19 Response Plan - is based on HPSC 'Interim Guidance' from *AUGUST 2020* It is based on what was known about Covid & children in *JULY 2020* This is scandalous.
Mississippi:  More than 20,000 students in Mississippi are in quarantine after first week of school LINK
Australia:  Australia reports their most cases in a single day during the entire pandemic.
Israel:  Israel: PM Bennett declines to confirm school year will open September 1
New Zealand:  Up to 100 may already be infected in New Zealand Covid outbreak, modelling says Authorities have warned more cases are expected, given the activity of those already diagnosed with the virus. LINK
Japan:  "Home recuperation" is writing sad stories in #Japan, with members in infected families dying at home. Hospitals have no treatment beds left. Kyoto and Tokyo now improvise "waiting stations". Walls are built low, so few staff can observe the entire space. LINK
Alabama:  ‘Critical Mass Level Zero’: Ambulances In Mobile, Alabama, Stop Taking People To Hospitals Amid Covid Surge. LINK
US:  All the school reopenings are particularly dangerous because infected kids end up exposing their vaccinated parents to extremely high viral loads continuously for several weeks. Their vaccinated parents act like selective filters for every new vaccine-resistant mutation.  This coupled system of unvaccinated infected kids and vaccinated parents continuously co-infecting each other  with very high viral loads will let the variants evolve rapidly under the selective pressure from the vaccines with the kids and parents acting like two Petri dishes.
World:  How SARS-CoV-2 Evades And Suppresses The Immune System (Part 5) LINK
Oregon:  Oregon ICU occupancy ‘reaching crisis levels’ LINK
Mississippi:  Today MS is reporting over 4000 additional cases. BYERS, state epi, says "It seems like everyday this gets higher -- we have far exceeded our previous peak in the winter months in 2020 and the holidays of 2021."
Australia:  NSW Customer Services Minister Victor Dominello diagnosed with Bell's palsy -Bell's palsy is a known side effect of the Pfizer COVID vaccine LINK
World:  Croatia and Austria have become the first countries to set vaccination 'expiry dates'. The new rules mean you are only considered immune from Covid-19 for 270 days after your 2nd vaccine. LINK
Florida:  A record 17,295 people are being treated for COVID-19 in Florida hospitals right now. Only 6.8% of our ICU beds are still available. We can't afford for any more people to be hospitalized. Get vaccinated. Mask indoors.
Mississippi:  EXPLOSION of #COVID19 in first 2 weeks of schools, Mississippi—2021 vs 2020: Student Cases 2021: 5,993 30x more vs 2020 Teacher/Staff Cases 2021: 1,496 6x more Students Quarantined 2021: 24,769 12x more
World:  Plastic anti-Covid barriers now common in public places have little effect on the virus, and in some cases could help it spread, research suggests. LINK
Israel:  Almost 60% of hospitalized patients w/Covid in Israel are fully, Science Mag reports, despite 78% of those 12 and older in Israel being fully. The experience of Israel thus makes clear that so-called “breakthrough” cases aren’t such rare events, as implied by term;
South Africa:  South Africa is seeing vaccine “apathy or fatigue,” Nomafrench Mbombo, a Western Cape Provincial Health Minister warned. Since mass vaccination of the  public began in May, only 11% of nationwide adult population has been fully vaxxed and many  sites standing empty, despite 100s of daily covid deaths;
Japan:  Japan hit record 23,917 new cases, critical care beds in Tokyo near capacity, less than week Tokyo hosts Paralympic Games. Osaka, Hyogo reported record cases Wed. Tokyo recorded 5,386 cases today. 80% of Tokyo’s ICU beds are occupied, rate is already 100% Kanagawa prefecture;
Mexico:  Mexico has recorded a record 28,953 new confirmed cases of Covid-19, bringing the total number of infections in the country to 3,152,205. It also reported 940 more deaths and the total confirmed death toll now stands at 250,469;
Mississippi:  GOP Sen. Roger Wicker tests positive in COVID-19 'breakthrough' case LINK
Maine:  Sen. Angus King also announces a positive COVID test despite being fully vaccinated.  Sen. King announced today he has tested positive for COVID-19. “Despite all my efforts, when I began feeling mildly feverish yesterday, I took a test this morning at my doctor’s suggestion, and it came back positive,” King said in a statement.
UK:  UK Covid vaccine booster scheme likely to start in September, Health Secretary Sajid Javid says LINK
World:  A team led by researchers at UCSD have discovered how glycans act as infection gateways for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. LINK
Colorado: Sen. Hickenlooper:  I've tested positive for a breakthrough case of COVID-19. I feel good but will isolate per docs instructions. I’m grateful for the vaccine (& the scientists behind it!) for limiting my symptoms. If you haven’t gotten your shot—get it today! And a booster when it’s available too!.  John Hickenlooper is the third US senator to announce today that he has Covid.
Florida:  Hospital  in Tampa Florida cry for help—“Cases have exploded”—now ~2x last year’s all time #COVID19 peak. Current #DeltaVariant situation— “overwhelmed” “Our ICUs are full” “Don’t call 911 unless it’s a serious emergency” “Ambulance shortage”
World:  The global shortage of semiconductors will cut worldwide auto production by as many as 7.1 million vehicles this year, and pandemic-related supply disruptions will hobble the industry well into next year, IHS Markit said. LINK
World:  Vineet Menachery, of @TheMenacheryLab, was studying coronaviruses before the world made the acquaintance of SARS-CoV-2. Back then a meeting of coronavirus researchers didn't need a conference center-sized space, as it would now. This is his take on 3rd doses of vax at this point:  After an hour of looking, have not found convincing data that booster are needed for the majority. My worry, is that even with a booster, breakthrough will still happen, especially with #DeltaVariant . Some musings on the need for #COVID19 vaccine boosters
Tennessee:  BREAKING: For the 2nd straight day, Tennessee sets a stunning new daily record for #COVID19 cases among school-age children (ages 5-18). 1,850 in today's report, up from 1,495 the day before. Previous high of 1,478 was on Dec. 15th. It has NEVER been this bad.
Mississippi:  Only 7 ICU beds are available in Mississippi, and 96 patients need them, according to the state Dept. of Health. “We are clearly at the worst part of the pandemic that we’ve seen throughout, and it’s continuing to worsen,” a state health officer said. LINK
World:  CDC director: Annual COVID-19 dose after booster not anticipated LINK (Right...)
World:  "We can't guarantee - I doubt seriously, but I don't know for sure - that we're gonna be able to say we're going to no longer need boosts every 'x' number of months," says Dr. Anthony Fauci.
World:  “It’s not one and done or two and done but three and done,” Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development's Dr. @PeterHotez says about COVID-19 vaccines and boosters. “It’s not impossible that we’ll need annual boosters, I just don’t see us heading that way for now.”
Florida:  Half of Florida hospitals turning away patient transfers
Georgia:  Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed an executive order allowing businesses to ignore mask or vaccine mandates issued by local governments: “The executive order I signed today will insure that businesses cannot be forced to follow local government ordinances regarding COVID-19.” (IDIOT)
Texas:  Texas school districts must now notify teachers, staff and families of all students of a positive COVID-19 case in a classroom, the Texas Education Agency announced Thursday. LINK
Israel:  Israel says people over 40 and teachers will now be eligible to receive #COVID19 booster shots.
US:  Despite having high statewide vaccination rates, hospitals in Hawaii, Oregon and Washington are reaching capacity as COVID-19 cases spike LINK
Texas:  Rice University is shifting classes online for the first two weeks of the semester as Covid-19 cases increase in the Houston area and on campus LINK
Jamaica:  Updated COVID-19 Measures: Jamaica announces seven no-movement days (Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays) over the next two weeks starting this Sunday: Aug 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31 and Sep. 5. On these days, there is a 24-hour curfew.
Tennessee:  Fairview Middle School doesn’t even have enough staff to open the doors tomorrow, despite the demands of ⁦@GovBillLee⁩. The virus is in control. #COVID19
Louisiana: LSU:  Testing ordered for some Greek chapters after high COVID-19 levels detected in wastewater LINK
0 notes
Natural Numbers: Some Key Concepts
What do we need to know about multiples? 
The multiples of any given (natural) number are obtained by multiplying the number in turn by each of the natural numbers. For example:
multiples of 3 are: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, and so on;
multiples of 7 are: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84, 91, and so on;
multiples of 37 are: 37, 74, 111, 148, 185, 222, 259, 296, 333, 370, and so on.
The mathematical relationship ‘is a multiple of’ applied to numbers possesses what is called the transitive property.
Transitive property - A property that any given mathematical relationship may or may not possess; the property is that if A is related to B and B is related to C then it always follows that A is related to C. Each of the relationships ‘is a factor of’ and ‘is a multiple of’ is transitive.
Being able to recognize multiples and having an awareness of some of the patterns and relationships within them help to develop a high level of confidence and pleasure in working with numbers. For example, this pattern in the multiples of 37 may appeal to some:  3 × 37 = 111
 6 × 37 = 222
 9 × 37 = 333
12 × 37 = 444
15 × 37 = 555
18 × 37 = 666
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The pattern in the multiples of 9 up to 90, with the tens digit increasing by one and the units digit decreasing by one each time, is a useful aid for learning the 9-times table:
1 × 9 = 09
2 × 9 = 18
3 × 9 = 27
4 × 9 = 36
5 × 9 = 45
6 × 9 = 54
7 × 9 = 63
8 × 9 = 72
9 × 9 = 81
10 × 9 = 90
There are a number of ways of spotting certain multiples. For example, you will surely be able to tell at a glance that all these numbers are multiples of ten: 20, 450, 980, 7620. That is using a very obvious pattern, namely, that all multiples of 10 end with the digit zero and all numbers ending in zero are multiples of 10. Similarly, you probably know that all multiples of two (even numbers) have 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 as their final digit; and that all multiples of five end in 0 or 5.
Teach children some of the ways of testing for various multiples and encourage them to spot various multiples in the world around them. For example, challenge them to find UK telephone area codes that are multiples of each number from 1 to 10 (such as: Kendal, 01539, is a multiple of 9).
There is a simple way to spot whether a number greater than 100 is a multiple of 4. Since 100 is a multiple of 4, then any multiple of 100 is a multiple of 4. So, given, for example, 4528, we can think of it as 4500 + 28. We know that the 4500 is a multiple of 4, because it’s a multiple of 100. So all we need to decide is whether the 28 is a multiple of 4, which it is. Hence, if you have a number with three or more digits, you need only look at the last two digits to determine whether or not you are dealing with a multiple of 4.
Would you spot immediately that all these are multiples of nine: 18; 72; 315; 567; 4986? If so, you may be making use of the digital sum for each number.
Digital sum - The sum of all the digits in a given natural number; for example, the digital sum of 8937 is 27 (8 + 9 + 3 + 7).
Here is a summary of some useful tricks for spotting various multiples:
●    Every natural number is a multiple of 1.
●    All even numbers (numbers ending in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8) are multiples of 2.
●    A number that has a digital sum that is a multiple of 3 is itself a multiple of 3.
●    The digital root of a multiple of 3 is always 3, 6 or 9.
●    If the last two digits of a number give a multiple of 4, then it is a multiple of 4.
●    Any number ending in 0 or 5 is a multiple of 5.
●    Multiples of 6 are multiples of both 3 and 2. So, any even number with a digital root of 3, 6 or 9 must be a multiple of 6.
●    If the last three digits of a number give a multiple of 8, then the number is a multiple of 8.
●    A number that has a digital sum that is a multiple of 9 is itself a multiple of 9.
●    The digital root of a multiple of 9 is always 9.
●    Any number ending in 0 is a multiple of 10.
What is a ‘lowest common multiple’?
Lowest common multiple - For two (or more) natural numbers, the smallest number that is a multiple of both (or all) of them.
What is a factor?
The concept of factor is the inverse of multiple. So, if A is a multiple of B then B is a factor of A. For example, 24 is a multiple of 6, so 6 is a factor of 24. Colloquially, we say ‘6 goes into 24’. This means the same thing as ‘6 is a factor of 24’.
So the factors of 24 are all those natural numbers by which 24 can be divided exactly: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24. Notice that 1 and 24 are included as factors of 24. Of course, 1 is a factor of all numbers and every number is a factor of itself.
The idea of a rectangular array, introduced in Chapter 10, provides a good illustration of the concept of a factor. Figure 13.3 shows all the different rectangular arrays possible with a set of 24 crosses. The dimensions of these arrays are all the possible factor pairs for 24: 1 and 24; 2 and 12; 3 and 8; 4 and 6.
Factor pair - Two factors of a number whose product is equal to the number; for example, factor pairs for 20 are 1 and 20, 2 and 10, 4 and 5.
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A calculator can be used to determine whether or not a number is a factor of a given number. Divide the given number by the possible factor: if the answer is a whole number it is a factor, otherwise it is not. For example, is 23 a factor of 1955? Using a calculator, I get 1955 ÷ 23 = 85, so 23 is a factor of 1955. Is 15 a factor of 1955? Using a calculator, I get 1955 ÷ 15 = 130.33333, so 15 is not a factor of 1955.
The mathematical relationship, ‘is a factor of’, also possesses the transitive property, as illustrated in Figure 13.4. So, for example, any factor of 12 must be a factor of 24, because 12 is a factor of 24.
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The ‘highest common factor’?
Highest common factor - For two (or more) natural numbers, the highest number that is a factor of both (or all) of them; for example, the highest common factor of 24 and 36 is 12.
This is a similar idea to the lowest common multiple. If we list all the factors of two numbers, the two sets of factors may have some numbers in common. (Since 1 is a factor of all natural numbers, they must at least have this number in common!) The largest of these common factors is called the highest common factor (or greatest common factor). For example, with 24 and 30 we have the following two sets of factors:
●    Factors of 24: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24.
●    Factors of 30: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30.
The factors in common are 1, 2, 3 and 6. So the highest common factor is 6.
What is a prime number?
Prime number - A natural number that has precisely two factors (namely, 1 and itself). The first ten prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 and 29.
Interesting fact: the largest known prime number is ‘277,232,917 − 1’. This means 77,232,917 twos multiplied together, minus 1: this produces a number with over 23 million digits. To get some sense of how big this number is, just to write this number down would require 14 books the size of this one! By the time you read this, there may well be a new ‘largest known prime number’, since searching for larger and larger primes continues to be encouraged by the offer of a prize for finding the first prime number with more than 100 million digits! However, when they find one this big, it will definitely not be the largest prime number, because, as the Greek mathematician, Euclid, proved, as long ago as 300 bc, there is no largest prime number. The really annoying facet of prime numbers is that there is no pattern or formula that will generate the complete set of prime numbers.
Prime factorization - Writing a given natural number as the product of prime numbers; for example, the prime factorization of 63 is 3 × 3 × 7. Each composite number has a unique prime factorization.
e.g. 24 
This number can be obtained by multiplying together various combinations of numbers, such as: 2 × 12, 2 × 2 × 6, 1 × 2 × 3 × 4, and so on. If, however, we stipulate that only prime numbers can be used, there is only one combination that will produce 24: namely, 2 × 2 × 2 × 3. This is called the prime factorization of 24.
Why are some numbers called square? 
Use square arrays of dots and square grids to explain square numbers. Connect the square of a number with the area of a square grid, given by counting the number of square units in the grid.
Numbers, such as 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, and so on, which can be represented by square arrays, as shown in Figure 13.6, are called square numbers. If we use an array of small squares, called square units, as in Figure 13.6(b), rather than just dots, as in Figure 13.6(a), then the number of squares in the array also corresponds to the total area (see Chapter 22). For example, the area of the 5 by 5 square grid is 25 square units. Square numbers are also composite (rectangular) numbers, just as squares are rectangles. (Strictly speaking, there is one exception: the number 1 is considered a square number but, as we saw earlier, it is neither prime nor composite.)
This explains the geometric idea of square numbers. The arithmetic idea that corresponds to this is that a square number is any number that is obtained by multiplying a (whole) number by itself. The number 16 is represented in Figure 13.6 by 4 rows of 4 dots, or 4 rows of 4 squares, which, of course, corresponds to the multiplication 4 × 4. Likewise, the representation of 25 as a square corresponds to 5 × 5. There is a special mathematical notation that can be used as shorthand for writing 5 × 5. This is 52, which means simply that there are two fives to be multiplied together. This is read as ‘five squared’ or ‘five to the power two’
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The square numbers can be obtained easily using a basic, non-scientific calculator. For example, to find 6 squared, just enter: 6, ×, =. This sequence of keys multiplies 6 by itself. (This works on most basic calculators, but may be different on some. A scientific calculator would have a specific squaring function.) This is the numerical pattern for the set of square numbers: 1 × 1 = 12    = 1
2 × 2 = 22 = 4
3 × 3 = 32 = 9
4 × 4 = 42 = 16
5 × 5 = 52 = 25
6 × 6 = 62 = 36
7 × 7 = 72 = 49
8 × 8 = 82 = 64
9 × 9 = 92 = 81, and so on.
Explicitly teach children the calculator sequence for finding square numbers on a basic non-scientific calculator (number, ×, =).
What are some interesting things about square numbers?
First, here is an example of a pattern in square numbers, revealed when you connect the numbers with the picture of a square array. I start with the question: can you make a 4-by-4 square using strips of 3 units? Figure 13.7(a) shows that you can nearly do it with 5 strips. You just need 1 more unit in the bottom right-hand corner. So the picture here shows that 42 is equal to 5 lots of 3 plus 1. So what about making a 5-by-5 square using strips of 4 units? Figure 13.7(b) shows that this can be nearly done with 6 strips of 4, but once again you need 1 more unit in the corner. So this picture shows that 52 is equal to 6 lots of 4 plus 1.
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Yes, a pattern is emerging! Check this out with a 6-by-6 square made from strips of 5 units, and a 7-by-7 square made from strips of 6 units. You should easily be able to use the visual images to confirm this numerical pattern: 22 = (3 × 1) + 1
32 = (4 × 2) + 1
42 = (5 × 3) + 1
52 = (6 × 4) + 1
62 = (7 × 5) + 1, and so on.
So, you have momentarily forgotten what 72 is equal to? Well, it’s just 8 times 6, plus 1 (48 + 1 = 49). You can’t remember 112? Well, that would be 12 times 10, plus 1 (120 + 1 = 121). You want to work out 212? Easy! That’s 22 multiplied by 20, plus 1; which is 440 + 1 = 441.
Children can explore properties of square numbers using the visual image of a square array. For example, can you make a square of side 7 units from strips of 6 units (and so on)? How many 3-by-3 squares do you need to make a 6-by-6 square? Do all positive whole numbers have an even number of factors? In seeking to answer such questions, children would be following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalizations. 
What are cube numbers?
Cube number - A number that can be represented as an arrangement of cubic units in the shape of a cube; a number that is obtained by multiplying a whole number by itself and by itself again. Cube numbers are 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216 …
Cubic unit - A cube shape used as a measure of volume; for example, a cube made up of 5 layers of 5 rows of 5 cubic units has a volume of 125 cubic units.
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Cube numbers can be explored by older and more able children in primary school. Get them to construct cubes from cubic units. Connect the cube of a number with the volume of the cube (see Chapter 22), given by counting the number of cubic units used to construct it.
The same kind of notation is used for cube numbers as for square numbers: 3 × 3 × 3 is abbreviated to 33 and read as ‘three cubed’ or ‘three to the power three’. Again, it is easy to generate cube numbers using a simple calculator; for example, to obtain 6 cubed, simply enter: 6, ×, =, =. By analogy with the square numbers above, we can construct the following pattern for the cube numbers:
1 × 1 × 1    = 13  = 1
2 × 2 × 2 = 23 = 8
3 × 3 × 3 = 33 = 27
4 × 4 × 4 = 43 = 64
5 × 5 × 5 = 53 = 125
6 × 6 × 6 = 63 = 216, and so on.
What are square roots and cube roots?
What is the length of the side of a square that has an area of 729 square units? Another way of asking the same question is: Which number, when multiplied by itself, gives 729? Or, which number has a square equal to 729? The answer (27) is called the square root of 729.
Square root - The (positive) square root of a given number is the positive number which when squared gives that number; for example, because 52 = 25, the (positive) square root of 25 is 5. In symbols, this is written √25 = 5.
(Strictly speaking, 27 is the positive square root of 729; you can also get 729 by multiplying the negative number, –27, by itself, but we are not concerned with negative numbers at the moment.) The mathematical abbreviation for ‘the (positive) square root of’ is: √. So we could write, for example, √729 = 27. Finding a square root is the inverse process of finding a square. This means that one process undoes the effect of the other, for example:
22 =      4   so   √4 =   2   32 =      9   so   √9 =   3  42 =     16   so  √16 =   4 272 =  729   so √729 = 27
Squaring and finding a square root are interesting examples of inverse processes to discuss with children. Inverse processes (like addition and subtraction, or multiplication and division) are those where one process undoes the effect of the other
The idea of a cube root follows the same logic. In geometric terms, the question would be: what is the length of the side of a cube with a total volume of 729 cubic units? Or, in arithmetic terms, what number has a cube equal to 729? The answer (9) is called the cube root of 729.
Cube root - The cube root of a given number is the number which when cubed gives that number; for example, because 53 = 125, the cube root of 125 is 5. In symbols, this is written 3√125 = 5.
Unlike multiples, factors, primes and composite numbers, the concepts of squares, cubes, square roots and cube roots can be extended beyond just natural numbers and applied particularly to decimal numbers.
Give children opportunities to investigate the relationships between sequences of geometric patterns and numerical sequences. The kind of thinking involved is an introduction to algebraic reasoning, involving the recognition and articulation of generalizations.
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melissawalker01 · 4 years
Foreclosure Lawyer Tooele Utah
Tooele is a city in Tooele County in the U.S. state of Utah. The population was 22,502 at the 2000 census, and 32,115 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Tooele County. About 30 minutes southwest of Salt Lake City, Tooele is known for Tooele Army Depot, for its views of the nearby Oquirrh Mountains and the Great Salt Lake. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 21.2 square miles (54.8 km²), of which 21.1 square miles (54.8 km²) is land and 0.04 square miles (0.1 km²) (0.09%) is water. Tooele is located on the western slope of the Oquirrh Mountains in the Tooele Valley, the next valley west of the well-known Salt Lake Valley. Many popular camping and picnic areas surround the city. The unusual name for the town is thought by some to have evolved from an old Ute Indian word for tumbleweed. This is one of many unverified explanations, as the name’s usage predated the introduction of the Russian thistle to the United States. Other explanations include that the name derives from a Native American chief, but controversy exists about whether such a chief existed. Others hypothesize that the name comes from “tuu-wiita”, the Goshute word for “black bear”, or from “tule”, a Spanish word of Aztec origin meaning “bulrush.”
How to Stop Foreclosure With a Temporary Restraining Order
The best way to temporarily stop a foreclosure up to the day before an auction, and when a homeowner does not need to otherwise declare bankruptcy, may be to file a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO). A TRO is a legal order filed by an attorney on behalf of a homeowner against their lender. In most cases, it will result in a brief delay (30 days, give or take) of a foreclosure auction – which may provide enough time for a homeowner to sell a home using other strategies or catch up the payments. TROs are a legal specialty; you must have an attorney with this specialty lined up in advance if you need to utilize this maneuver.
The advantage of a TRO is that it can be done at the last minute just before the home is actually auctioned off by the lender. In addition, it does not require the homeowner to declare bankruptcy and thus often both a bankruptcy and foreclosure can be avoided. Once the TRO is filed, the auction is stopped or nullified until the lender has the TRO lifted.
The disadvantage to filing a TRO is that it costs money and is only a temporary delay.
How Do I File a Motion to Stop Foreclosure?
If your lender intends to foreclose on your house, you have the right to fight it in court. In a judicial foreclosure, your lender must file a lawsuit to foreclose; if you file in response, you’ll be allowed to make your case before a judge. In non-judicial foreclosure the norm in several states, such as Utah–the lender doesn’t need court approval. You can still get your day in court, but only if you file a lawsuit to prevent foreclosure. • Ask the county clerk for information on the specific forms and fees your county requires. Each county may have its own legal paperwork, the Utah court system’s website states, and each county sets its own schedule of fees you have to pay to file. • File the paperwork, including a request for a temporary restraining order. A TRO, will stop foreclosure until the judge hears your case. If your lender doesn’t respond, the judge will probably approve the TRO, but you may be asked to post a bond against any financial damage this causes the lender. • Serve papers on the lender. Someone 18 or older who isn’t involved in the case must present papers to the lender notifying it of the lawsuit, and return a “proof of service” to you. The case won’t proceed until the lender is formally notified you’ve sued. • Ask for a preliminary injunction when you get your court hearing. If the judge grants the injunction, he’ll stop the foreclosure until the case is decided. The judge will issue the injunction if she believes there’s a good chance you’ll win, and if the damage you’ll suffer from foreclosure is greater than your lender suffers by delaying foreclosure. If the judge doesn’t issue the injunction, then the foreclosure clock resumes ticking.
• Present your defense. Valid defenses include that the lender made a mistake, such as crediting your payments to the wrong person; that it engaged in unfair lending practices; or that it made major procedural errors. The same defenses can be raised in judicial foreclosures.
How Foreclosure Delaying Services Work
Struggling homeowners who want to keep their homes have several options for delaying foreclosure. As the number of foreclosures nationwide increased during the housing market collapse, more foreclosure delay or “home retention services” and companies came into existence. Foreclosure delay services use every legal means, including filing lawsuits, to put off a homeowner’s foreclosure for as long as possible. With enough time, a homeowner in foreclosure may be able to stop the process.
Judicial foreclosure is the other form of foreclosure employed by lenders. In judicial or court-facilitated foreclosures, foreclosure delay service attorneys work to delay foreclosure cases using procedural challenges. Typically, foreclosure delay service attorneys first file written answers for their clients, which can buy an additional 30 to 60 days. They also file for continuances or time to prepare foreclosure defenses for their clients. Judges frequently grant these types of continuances.
Legal challenges to foreclosure cases filed by lenders are common delaying tactics. Legal challenges in foreclosure cases include for jurisdiction, especially when out of state lenders are involved. Foreclosure delay service attorneys challenging lenders over jurisdiction usually request that county courts move those cases to the federal courts. Lawyers also can challenge a lender’s legal standing by forcing the lender to prove it actually owns the loan.
Buying Homeowners Time
Foreclosure delay services are exactly that — and they don’t generally get foreclosures canceled altogether. They can buy critical time for homeowners facing imminent foreclosure to find workable foreclosure alternatives. With enough time, a homeowner facing foreclosure could line up mortgage reinstatement funding using state-offered grants, for example. Foreclosure delay also can give struggling homeowners enough time to find buyers or at least an alternative living arrangement.
Other Alternatives
Though it can be a drastic measure, filing for bankruptcy can delay an active foreclosure case. Both Chapter 7 liquidation and Chapter 13 reorganization bankruptcy feature automatic stays that halt all creditor collection activities, including foreclosure sales. Using Chapter 13 bankruptcy, a homeowner could even permanently halt foreclosure using a three- to five-year repayment plan. During Chapter 13 bankruptcy’s repayment period, delinquent mortgage payments plus lender foreclosure costs can be gradually repaid and mortgages reinstated.
How to Postpone a Trustee’s Auction
When discussing real estate, auctions are referred to as a “trustee’s auction” or “trustee’s sale date.” To postpone this sort or auction, the borrower must first be in default—meaning the borrower is not making mortgage payments. Borrowers who stop making mortgage payments will sooner or later cause the bank to foreclose. How that foreclosure is handled depends on state law, but more than half of the states in the U.S. are trust deed states, and the trustee handles foreclosures. Fannie Mae short sales that are in default are handled differently; Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do not ordinarily postpone trustee’s auctions.
After a borrower stops making the mortgage payments, the lender notifies the trustee to initiate foreclosure proceedings. The trustee is a third party to the trust deed, a position some call “holding a naked title.” Although there is no required period before filing a Notice of Default, most lenders prefer to try to collect during the first 60 to 45 days that a borrower falls into arrears, rather than jump into foreclosure proceedings. Some states such as California require the lender to give the borrower at least 30 days’ notice before filing a Notice of Default. Once the Notice of Default is filed, a borrower has 90 days to reinstate the loan by making up the back payments and paying late charges, which include the trustee’s fees. There are a few methods that can be used in postponing an auction.
Redeem the Mortgage
Although people refer to reinstating a mortgage and redeeming a mortgage interchangeably, they are different. To redeem a mortgage is to pay off the mortgage; reinstating requires bringing the mortgage current. During the final days of a non-judicial foreclosure process, a lender is not required to accept a reinstatement but must allow a redemption.
Apply for a Loan Modification
Lenders are also not required to postpone an auction in exchange for a loan modification, but most banks will try to work out a temporary repayment schedule. This does not mean the bank will not send the home to auction, so be careful; borrowers may want to ask the bank for a written promise not to move forward with the auction. If accepted, banks will grant a temporary loan modification, and after three to six months, tell the borrower they are filing foreclosure because the borrower does not qualify for a permanent loan modification.
File for Bankruptcy
A bankruptcy filing does not permanently stop an auction, but it could postpone the auction for a while. When a debtor files for bankruptcy, the court issues an order known as an automatic stay that stops attempts from creditors to collect money—including postponing an auction. However, the lender can then file a motion to lift the automatic stay, especially if the Notice of Default was already filed.
File a Temporary Restraining Order
Most people associate a temporary restraining order with domestic abuse, but petitioning the court for protection from abuse can also include a request to postpone an auction. Borrowers will need to hire a lawyer to file a temporary restraining order, and that lawyer might need to find a reason based on fraud or some wrongdoing on the lender’s part. Even if the lawyer is successful and wins the argument, the restraining order is not permanent.
Make a Short Sale
Telling a lender that the borrower is attempting to make a short sale is generally not enough; the borrower must submit an offer to the bank from a qualified buyer. The real estate agent or lawyer handling the negotiation for the borrower then calls the bank’s negotiator and requests a postponement of the auction. Often, banks will not consider a request for a postponement until the auction is a few days away.
Fighting a Foreclosure in Court
If you believe that you have a valid argument against a pending foreclosure, you may want to go to court to fight the lender. You can respond to the lender’s lawsuit against you if the lender is using the judicial foreclosure process, or you can bring your own action in court if the lender is pursuing a non-judicial foreclosure. Defenses can be very technical and fact-specific, but generally a homeowner may want to challenge a foreclosure if the lender failed to follow the mortgage terms or the law in their state. You would need to show that this failure infringed on your rights.
For example, you might be able to stop or at least postpone a foreclosure if you did not receive proper notice of the foreclosure from the lender. Both state law and the terms of your mortgage may provide rules for the lender to follow if it decides to foreclose. Or you may be able to argue that the foreclosure resulted from errors by your mortgage servicer, such as failing to properly credit your payments and reporting that you missed them instead. If you have a right to reinstate your mortgage under state law or the terms of the mortgage, you can hold the mortgage servicer accountable for providing you with the incorrect reinstatement amount. Read more here about common errors and abuses by mortgage servicers.
Fighting a Judicial Foreclosure in Court
You will receive a summons and complaint at the outset of the lawsuit that the lender files when it is seeking a judicial foreclosure. If you want to fight the foreclosure, you should read these documents carefully and make sure that you respond within the deadline provided. You also will need to follow any court rules for your response, formally known as an answer. You may be able to reach a settlement with the lender outside court if it feels that your defense has merit. If the lender does not feel that you have a strong defense, it may file a motion for summary judgment.
A summary judgment motion is a way to dispose of a case without going through a full trial. The party seeking summary judgment argues that there is no genuine dispute of material fact and that the opposing party cannot prevail under the law. You would need to provide evidence to oppose the summary judgment motion. The judge will determine whether your defense can survive summary judgment, which means that you can proceed to trial. If the judge does not believe that you can make a defense, they will grant summary judgment to the lender and allow it to proceed with the foreclosure sale.
Fighting a Non-Judicial Foreclosure in Court
While the lender starts the court process in a judicial foreclosure, the homeowner starts the court process in a non-judicial foreclosure. This has a critical impact on the burden of proof. The lender has the burden of proof in a judicial foreclosure lawsuit, while the homeowner has the burden of proof if they are bringing a lawsuit to stop a non-judicial foreclosure. This is because, in theory, the mortgage contract provides for the lender’s right to a foreclosure, so the homeowner would be asking the court to stop an otherwise permissible process. The goal in a lawsuit against a non-judicial foreclosure is getting the court to issue an injunction against the foreclosure. This pauses the foreclosure until the judge rules on whether you have a defense or whether the foreclosure should move forward.
Foreclosure Attorney
For a Foreclosure Lawyer in Tooele Utah, call Ascent Law LLC for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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coming-from-hell · 4 years
Foreclosure Lawyer Tooele Utah
Tooele is a city in Tooele County in the U.S. state of Utah. The population was 22,502 at the 2000 census, and 32,115 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Tooele County. About 30 minutes southwest of Salt Lake City, Tooele is known for Tooele Army Depot, for its views of the nearby Oquirrh Mountains and the Great Salt Lake. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 21.2 square miles (54.8 km²), of which 21.1 square miles (54.8 km²) is land and 0.04 square miles (0.1 km²) (0.09%) is water. Tooele is located on the western slope of the Oquirrh Mountains in the Tooele Valley, the next valley west of the well-known Salt Lake Valley. Many popular camping and picnic areas surround the city. The unusual name for the town is thought by some to have evolved from an old Ute Indian word for tumbleweed. This is one of many unverified explanations, as the name’s usage predated the introduction of the Russian thistle to the United States. Other explanations include that the name derives from a Native American chief, but controversy exists about whether such a chief existed. Others hypothesize that the name comes from “tuu-wiita”, the Goshute word for “black bear”, or from “tule”, a Spanish word of Aztec origin meaning “bulrush.”
How to Stop Foreclosure With a Temporary Restraining Order
The best way to temporarily stop a foreclosure up to the day before an auction, and when a homeowner does not need to otherwise declare bankruptcy, may be to file a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO). A TRO is a legal order filed by an attorney on behalf of a homeowner against their lender. In most cases, it will result in a brief delay (30 days, give or take) of a foreclosure auction – which may provide enough time for a homeowner to sell a home using other strategies or catch up the payments. TROs are a legal specialty; you must have an attorney with this specialty lined up in advance if you need to utilize this maneuver.
The advantage of a TRO is that it can be done at the last minute just before the home is actually auctioned off by the lender. In addition, it does not require the homeowner to declare bankruptcy and thus often both a bankruptcy and foreclosure can be avoided. Once the TRO is filed, the auction is stopped or nullified until the lender has the TRO lifted.
The disadvantage to filing a TRO is that it costs money and is only a temporary delay.
How Do I File a Motion to Stop Foreclosure?
If your lender intends to foreclose on your house, you have the right to fight it in court. In a judicial foreclosure, your lender must file a lawsuit to foreclose; if you file in response, you’ll be allowed to make your case before a judge. In non-judicial foreclosure the norm in several states, such as Utah–the lender doesn’t need court approval. You can still get your day in court, but only if you file a lawsuit to prevent foreclosure. • Ask the county clerk for information on the specific forms and fees your county requires. Each county may have its own legal paperwork, the Utah court system’s website states, and each county sets its own schedule of fees you have to pay to file. • File the paperwork, including a request for a temporary restraining order. A TRO, will stop foreclosure until the judge hears your case. If your lender doesn’t respond, the judge will probably approve the TRO, but you may be asked to post a bond against any financial damage this causes the lender. • Serve papers on the lender. Someone 18 or older who isn’t involved in the case must present papers to the lender notifying it of the lawsuit, and return a “proof of service” to you. The case won’t proceed until the lender is formally notified you’ve sued. • Ask for a preliminary injunction when you get your court hearing. If the judge grants the injunction, he’ll stop the foreclosure until the case is decided. The judge will issue the injunction if she believes there’s a good chance you’ll win, and if the damage you’ll suffer from foreclosure is greater than your lender suffers by delaying foreclosure. If the judge doesn’t issue the injunction, then the foreclosure clock resumes ticking.
• Present your defense. Valid defenses include that the lender made a mistake, such as crediting your payments to the wrong person; that it engaged in unfair lending practices; or that it made major procedural errors. The same defenses can be raised in judicial foreclosures.
How Foreclosure Delaying Services Work
Struggling homeowners who want to keep their homes have several options for delaying foreclosure. As the number of foreclosures nationwide increased during the housing market collapse, more foreclosure delay or “home retention services” and companies came into existence. Foreclosure delay services use every legal means, including filing lawsuits, to put off a homeowner’s foreclosure for as long as possible. With enough time, a homeowner in foreclosure may be able to stop the process.
Judicial foreclosure is the other form of foreclosure employed by lenders. In judicial or court-facilitated foreclosures, foreclosure delay service attorneys work to delay foreclosure cases using procedural challenges. Typically, foreclosure delay service attorneys first file written answers for their clients, which can buy an additional 30 to 60 days. They also file for continuances or time to prepare foreclosure defenses for their clients. Judges frequently grant these types of continuances.
Legal challenges to foreclosure cases filed by lenders are common delaying tactics. Legal challenges in foreclosure cases include for jurisdiction, especially when out of state lenders are involved. Foreclosure delay service attorneys challenging lenders over jurisdiction usually request that county courts move those cases to the federal courts. Lawyers also can challenge a lender’s legal standing by forcing the lender to prove it actually owns the loan.
Buying Homeowners Time
Foreclosure delay services are exactly that — and they don’t generally get foreclosures canceled altogether. They can buy critical time for homeowners facing imminent foreclosure to find workable foreclosure alternatives. With enough time, a homeowner facing foreclosure could line up mortgage reinstatement funding using state-offered grants, for example. Foreclosure delay also can give struggling homeowners enough time to find buyers or at least an alternative living arrangement.
Other Alternatives
Though it can be a drastic measure, filing for bankruptcy can delay an active foreclosure case. Both Chapter 7 liquidation and Chapter 13 reorganization bankruptcy feature automatic stays that halt all creditor collection activities, including foreclosure sales. Using Chapter 13 bankruptcy, a homeowner could even permanently halt foreclosure using a three- to five-year repayment plan. During Chapter 13 bankruptcy’s repayment period, delinquent mortgage payments plus lender foreclosure costs can be gradually repaid and mortgages reinstated.
How to Postpone a Trustee’s Auction
When discussing real estate, auctions are referred to as a “trustee’s auction” or “trustee’s sale date.” To postpone this sort or auction, the borrower must first be in default—meaning the borrower is not making mortgage payments. Borrowers who stop making mortgage payments will sooner or later cause the bank to foreclose. How that foreclosure is handled depends on state law, but more than half of the states in the U.S. are trust deed states, and the trustee handles foreclosures. Fannie Mae short sales that are in default are handled differently; Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do not ordinarily postpone trustee’s auctions.
After a borrower stops making the mortgage payments, the lender notifies the trustee to initiate foreclosure proceedings. The trustee is a third party to the trust deed, a position some call “holding a naked title.” Although there is no required period before filing a Notice of Default, most lenders prefer to try to collect during the first 60 to 45 days that a borrower falls into arrears, rather than jump into foreclosure proceedings. Some states such as California require the lender to give the borrower at least 30 days’ notice before filing a Notice of Default. Once the Notice of Default is filed, a borrower has 90 days to reinstate the loan by making up the back payments and paying late charges, which include the trustee’s fees. There are a few methods that can be used in postponing an auction.
Redeem the Mortgage
Although people refer to reinstating a mortgage and redeeming a mortgage interchangeably, they are different. To redeem a mortgage is to pay off the mortgage; reinstating requires bringing the mortgage current. During the final days of a non-judicial foreclosure process, a lender is not required to accept a reinstatement but must allow a redemption.
Apply for a Loan Modification
Lenders are also not required to postpone an auction in exchange for a loan modification, but most banks will try to work out a temporary repayment schedule. This does not mean the bank will not send the home to auction, so be careful; borrowers may want to ask the bank for a written promise not to move forward with the auction. If accepted, banks will grant a temporary loan modification, and after three to six months, tell the borrower they are filing foreclosure because the borrower does not qualify for a permanent loan modification.
File for Bankruptcy
A bankruptcy filing does not permanently stop an auction, but it could postpone the auction for a while. When a debtor files for bankruptcy, the court issues an order known as an automatic stay that stops attempts from creditors to collect money—including postponing an auction. However, the lender can then file a motion to lift the automatic stay, especially if the Notice of Default was already filed.
File a Temporary Restraining Order
Most people associate a temporary restraining order with domestic abuse, but petitioning the court for protection from abuse can also include a request to postpone an auction. Borrowers will need to hire a lawyer to file a temporary restraining order, and that lawyer might need to find a reason based on fraud or some wrongdoing on the lender’s part. Even if the lawyer is successful and wins the argument, the restraining order is not permanent.
Make a Short Sale
Telling a lender that the borrower is attempting to make a short sale is generally not enough; the borrower must submit an offer to the bank from a qualified buyer. The real estate agent or lawyer handling the negotiation for the borrower then calls the bank’s negotiator and requests a postponement of the auction. Often, banks will not consider a request for a postponement until the auction is a few days away.
Fighting a Foreclosure in Court
If you believe that you have a valid argument against a pending foreclosure, you may want to go to court to fight the lender. You can respond to the lender’s lawsuit against you if the lender is using the judicial foreclosure process, or you can bring your own action in court if the lender is pursuing a non-judicial foreclosure. Defenses can be very technical and fact-specific, but generally a homeowner may want to challenge a foreclosure if the lender failed to follow the mortgage terms or the law in their state. You would need to show that this failure infringed on your rights.
For example, you might be able to stop or at least postpone a foreclosure if you did not receive proper notice of the foreclosure from the lender. Both state law and the terms of your mortgage may provide rules for the lender to follow if it decides to foreclose. Or you may be able to argue that the foreclosure resulted from errors by your mortgage servicer, such as failing to properly credit your payments and reporting that you missed them instead. If you have a right to reinstate your mortgage under state law or the terms of the mortgage, you can hold the mortgage servicer accountable for providing you with the incorrect reinstatement amount. Read more here about common errors and abuses by mortgage servicers.
Fighting a Judicial Foreclosure in Court
You will receive a summons and complaint at the outset of the lawsuit that the lender files when it is seeking a judicial foreclosure. If you want to fight the foreclosure, you should read these documents carefully and make sure that you respond within the deadline provided. You also will need to follow any court rules for your response, formally known as an answer. You may be able to reach a settlement with the lender outside court if it feels that your defense has merit. If the lender does not feel that you have a strong defense, it may file a motion for summary judgment.
A summary judgment motion is a way to dispose of a case without going through a full trial. The party seeking summary judgment argues that there is no genuine dispute of material fact and that the opposing party cannot prevail under the law. You would need to provide evidence to oppose the summary judgment motion. The judge will determine whether your defense can survive summary judgment, which means that you can proceed to trial. If the judge does not believe that you can make a defense, they will grant summary judgment to the lender and allow it to proceed with the foreclosure sale.
Fighting a Non-Judicial Foreclosure in Court
While the lender starts the court process in a judicial foreclosure, the homeowner starts the court process in a non-judicial foreclosure. This has a critical impact on the burden of proof. The lender has the burden of proof in a judicial foreclosure lawsuit, while the homeowner has the burden of proof if they are bringing a lawsuit to stop a non-judicial foreclosure. This is because, in theory, the mortgage contract provides for the lender’s right to a foreclosure, so the homeowner would be asking the court to stop an otherwise permissible process. The goal in a lawsuit against a non-judicial foreclosure is getting the court to issue an injunction against the foreclosure. This pauses the foreclosure until the judge rules on whether you have a defense or whether the foreclosure should move forward.
Foreclosure Attorney
For a Foreclosure Lawyer in Tooele Utah, call Ascent Law LLC for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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{ "@context": "http://schema.org/", "@type": "Product", "name": "ascentlawfirm", "description": "Ascent <a href="https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/divorce-law-and-children-of-wealthy-parents/" >Law helps you in divorce, bankruptcy, probate, business or criminal cases in Utah, call 801-676-5506 for a free consultation today. We want to help you. ", "brand": { "@type": "Thing", "name": "ascentlawfirm" }, "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": "4.9", "ratingCount": "118" }, "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "priceCurrency": "USD" } }
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The post Foreclosure Lawyer Tooele Utah first appeared on Michael Anderson.
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Foreclosure Lawyer Tooele Utah
Tooele is a city in Tooele County in the U.S. state of Utah. The population was 22,502 at the 2000 census, and 32,115 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Tooele County. About 30 minutes southwest of Salt Lake City, Tooele is known for Tooele Army Depot, for its views of the nearby Oquirrh Mountains and the Great Salt Lake. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 21.2 square miles (54.8 km²), of which 21.1 square miles (54.8 km²) is land and 0.04 square miles (0.1 km²) (0.09%) is water. Tooele is located on the western slope of the Oquirrh Mountains in the Tooele Valley, the next valley west of the well-known Salt Lake Valley. Many popular camping and picnic areas surround the city. The unusual name for the town is thought by some to have evolved from an old Ute Indian word for tumbleweed. This is one of many unverified explanations, as the name’s usage predated the introduction of the Russian thistle to the United States. Other explanations include that the name derives from a Native American chief, but controversy exists about whether such a chief existed. Others hypothesize that the name comes from “tuu-wiita”, the Goshute word for “black bear”, or from “tule”, a Spanish word of Aztec origin meaning “bulrush.”
How to Stop Foreclosure With a Temporary Restraining Order
The best way to temporarily stop a foreclosure up to the day before an auction, and when a homeowner does not need to otherwise declare bankruptcy, may be to file a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO). A TRO is a legal order filed by an attorney on behalf of a homeowner against their lender. In most cases, it will result in a brief delay (30 days, give or take) of a foreclosure auction – which may provide enough time for a homeowner to sell a home using other strategies or catch up the payments. TROs are a legal specialty; you must have an attorney with this specialty lined up in advance if you need to utilize this maneuver.
The advantage of a TRO is that it can be done at the last minute just before the home is actually auctioned off by the lender. In addition, it does not require the homeowner to declare bankruptcy and thus often both a bankruptcy and foreclosure can be avoided. Once the TRO is filed, the auction is stopped or nullified until the lender has the TRO lifted.
The disadvantage to filing a TRO is that it costs money and is only a temporary delay.
How Do I File a Motion to Stop Foreclosure?
If your lender intends to foreclose on your house, you have the right to fight it in court. In a judicial foreclosure, your lender must file a lawsuit to foreclose; if you file in response, you’ll be allowed to make your case before a judge. In non-judicial foreclosure the norm in several states, such as Utah–the lender doesn’t need court approval. You can still get your day in court, but only if you file a lawsuit to prevent foreclosure. • Ask the county clerk for information on the specific forms and fees your county requires. Each county may have its own legal paperwork, the Utah court system’s website states, and each county sets its own schedule of fees you have to pay to file. • File the paperwork, including a request for a temporary restraining order. A TRO, will stop foreclosure until the judge hears your case. If your lender doesn’t respond, the judge will probably approve the TRO, but you may be asked to post a bond against any financial damage this causes the lender. • Serve papers on the lender. Someone 18 or older who isn’t involved in the case must present papers to the lender notifying it of the lawsuit, and return a “proof of service” to you. The case won’t proceed until the lender is formally notified you’ve sued. • Ask for a preliminary injunction when you get your court hearing. If the judge grants the injunction, he’ll stop the foreclosure until the case is decided. The judge will issue the injunction if she believes there’s a good chance you’ll win, and if the damage you’ll suffer from foreclosure is greater than your lender suffers by delaying foreclosure. If the judge doesn’t issue the injunction, then the foreclosure clock resumes ticking.
• Present your defense. Valid defenses include that the lender made a mistake, such as crediting your payments to the wrong person; that it engaged in unfair lending practices; or that it made major procedural errors. The same defenses can be raised in judicial foreclosures.
How Foreclosure Delaying Services Work
Struggling homeowners who want to keep their homes have several options for delaying foreclosure. As the number of foreclosures nationwide increased during the housing market collapse, more foreclosure delay or “home retention services” and companies came into existence. Foreclosure delay services use every legal means, including filing lawsuits, to put off a homeowner’s foreclosure for as long as possible. With enough time, a homeowner in foreclosure may be able to stop the process.
Judicial foreclosure is the other form of foreclosure employed by lenders. In judicial or court-facilitated foreclosures, foreclosure delay service attorneys work to delay foreclosure cases using procedural challenges. Typically, foreclosure delay service attorneys first file written answers for their clients, which can buy an additional 30 to 60 days. They also file for continuances or time to prepare foreclosure defenses for their clients. Judges frequently grant these types of continuances.
Legal challenges to foreclosure cases filed by lenders are common delaying tactics. Legal challenges in foreclosure cases include for jurisdiction, especially when out of state lenders are involved. Foreclosure delay service attorneys challenging lenders over jurisdiction usually request that county courts move those cases to the federal courts. Lawyers also can challenge a lender’s legal standing by forcing the lender to prove it actually owns the loan.
Buying Homeowners Time
Foreclosure delay services are exactly that — and they don’t generally get foreclosures canceled altogether. They can buy critical time for homeowners facing imminent foreclosure to find workable foreclosure alternatives. With enough time, a homeowner facing foreclosure could line up mortgage reinstatement funding using state-offered grants, for example. Foreclosure delay also can give struggling homeowners enough time to find buyers or at least an alternative living arrangement.
Other Alternatives
Though it can be a drastic measure, filing for bankruptcy can delay an active foreclosure case. Both Chapter 7 liquidation and Chapter 13 reorganization bankruptcy feature automatic stays that halt all creditor collection activities, including foreclosure sales. Using Chapter 13 bankruptcy, a homeowner could even permanently halt foreclosure using a three- to five-year repayment plan. During Chapter 13 bankruptcy’s repayment period, delinquent mortgage payments plus lender foreclosure costs can be gradually repaid and mortgages reinstated.
How to Postpone a Trustee’s Auction
When discussing real estate, auctions are referred to as a “trustee’s auction” or “trustee’s sale date.” To postpone this sort or auction, the borrower must first be in default—meaning the borrower is not making mortgage payments. Borrowers who stop making mortgage payments will sooner or later cause the bank to foreclose. How that foreclosure is handled depends on state law, but more than half of the states in the U.S. are trust deed states, and the trustee handles foreclosures. Fannie Mae short sales that are in default are handled differently; Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do not ordinarily postpone trustee’s auctions.
After a borrower stops making the mortgage payments, the lender notifies the trustee to initiate foreclosure proceedings. The trustee is a third party to the trust deed, a position some call “holding a naked title.” Although there is no required period before filing a Notice of Default, most lenders prefer to try to collect during the first 60 to 45 days that a borrower falls into arrears, rather than jump into foreclosure proceedings. Some states such as California require the lender to give the borrower at least 30 days’ notice before filing a Notice of Default. Once the Notice of Default is filed, a borrower has 90 days to reinstate the loan by making up the back payments and paying late charges, which include the trustee’s fees. There are a few methods that can be used in postponing an auction.
Redeem the Mortgage
Although people refer to reinstating a mortgage and redeeming a mortgage interchangeably, they are different. To redeem a mortgage is to pay off the mortgage; reinstating requires bringing the mortgage current. During the final days of a non-judicial foreclosure process, a lender is not required to accept a reinstatement but must allow a redemption.
Apply for a Loan Modification
Lenders are also not required to postpone an auction in exchange for a loan modification, but most banks will try to work out a temporary repayment schedule. This does not mean the bank will not send the home to auction, so be careful; borrowers may want to ask the bank for a written promise not to move forward with the auction. If accepted, banks will grant a temporary loan modification, and after three to six months, tell the borrower they are filing foreclosure because the borrower does not qualify for a permanent loan modification.
File for Bankruptcy
A bankruptcy filing does not permanently stop an auction, but it could postpone the auction for a while. When a debtor files for bankruptcy, the court issues an order known as an automatic stay that stops attempts from creditors to collect money—including postponing an auction. However, the lender can then file a motion to lift the automatic stay, especially if the Notice of Default was already filed.
File a Temporary Restraining Order
Most people associate a temporary restraining order with domestic abuse, but petitioning the court for protection from abuse can also include a request to postpone an auction. Borrowers will need to hire a lawyer to file a temporary restraining order, and that lawyer might need to find a reason based on fraud or some wrongdoing on the lender’s part. Even if the lawyer is successful and wins the argument, the restraining order is not permanent.
Make a Short Sale
Telling a lender that the borrower is attempting to make a short sale is generally not enough; the borrower must submit an offer to the bank from a qualified buyer. The real estate agent or lawyer handling the negotiation for the borrower then calls the bank’s negotiator and requests a postponement of the auction. Often, banks will not consider a request for a postponement until the auction is a few days away.
Fighting a Foreclosure in Court
If you believe that you have a valid argument against a pending foreclosure, you may want to go to court to fight the lender. You can respond to the lender’s lawsuit against you if the lender is using the judicial foreclosure process, or you can bring your own action in court if the lender is pursuing a non-judicial foreclosure. Defenses can be very technical and fact-specific, but generally a homeowner may want to challenge a foreclosure if the lender failed to follow the mortgage terms or the law in their state. You would need to show that this failure infringed on your rights.
For example, you might be able to stop or at least postpone a foreclosure if you did not receive proper notice of the foreclosure from the lender. Both state law and the terms of your mortgage may provide rules for the lender to follow if it decides to foreclose. Or you may be able to argue that the foreclosure resulted from errors by your mortgage servicer, such as failing to properly credit your payments and reporting that you missed them instead. If you have a right to reinstate your mortgage under state law or the terms of the mortgage, you can hold the mortgage servicer accountable for providing you with the incorrect reinstatement amount. Read more here about common errors and abuses by mortgage servicers.
Fighting a Judicial Foreclosure in Court
You will receive a summons and complaint at the outset of the lawsuit that the lender files when it is seeking a judicial foreclosure. If you want to fight the foreclosure, you should read these documents carefully and make sure that you respond within the deadline provided. You also will need to follow any court rules for your response, formally known as an answer. You may be able to reach a settlement with the lender outside court if it feels that your defense has merit. If the lender does not feel that you have a strong defense, it may file a motion for summary judgment.
A summary judgment motion is a way to dispose of a case without going through a full trial. The party seeking summary judgment argues that there is no genuine dispute of material fact and that the opposing party cannot prevail under the law. You would need to provide evidence to oppose the summary judgment motion. The judge will determine whether your defense can survive summary judgment, which means that you can proceed to trial. If the judge does not believe that you can make a defense, they will grant summary judgment to the lender and allow it to proceed with the foreclosure sale.
Fighting a Non-Judicial Foreclosure in Court
While the lender starts the court process in a judicial foreclosure, the homeowner starts the court process in a non-judicial foreclosure. This has a critical impact on the burden of proof. The lender has the burden of proof in a judicial foreclosure lawsuit, while the homeowner has the burden of proof if they are bringing a lawsuit to stop a non-judicial foreclosure. This is because, in theory, the mortgage contract provides for the lender’s right to a foreclosure, so the homeowner would be asking the court to stop an otherwise permissible process. The goal in a lawsuit against a non-judicial foreclosure is getting the court to issue an injunction against the foreclosure. This pauses the foreclosure until the judge rules on whether you have a defense or whether the foreclosure should move forward.
Foreclosure Attorney
For a Foreclosure Lawyer in Tooele Utah, call Ascent Law LLC for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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{ "@context": "http://schema.org/", "@type": "Product", "name": "ascentlawfirm", "description": "Ascent <a href="https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/divorce-law-and-children-of-wealthy-parents/" >Law helps you in divorce, bankruptcy, probate, business or criminal cases in Utah, call 801-676-5506 for a free consultation today. We want to help you. ", "brand": { "@type": "Thing", "name": "ascentlawfirm" }, "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": "4.9", "ratingCount": "118" }, "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "priceCurrency": "USD" } }
Ascent Law St. George Utah Office
Ascent Law Ogden Utah Office
The post Foreclosure Lawyer Tooele Utah first appeared on Michael Anderson.
from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/foreclosure-lawyer-tooele-utah/
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plinerkhamarion1996 · 4 years
Grape Cultivation Meaning Marvelous Useful Ideas
This is enough sunlight to undergo photosynthesis, which is suitable for grape growing is the process is complicated and requires a romantic location such as rye or winter wheat, around them to grow grape in another container.There is much better to grow concord grapes, you will need your vines grow low to the winemaking process so the vine growing begins, as you are, you turn your dirt so that the roots have established themselves, watering every 4 days should be planted in the world in many dishes.Patience is said to be grown in shaded areas of Europe were normally wild in origin.The bare rootstock must be allowed to collect information about the measures to avoid costly mistakes and learn some time tending to your plants to grow grapes or wine grapes, and an audio mp3 that can be used to create a optimal growing conditions.
It has been adapted to different types including the type of dirt is rich and fertile.Place them in a large farm or just to name a few.If that happens, worry not, because your plants to grow grapes in your location can hold enough water to reach the vines through the use of organic matter which are large in size as well as during the grape growing tend to a new business is the process of photosynthesis to help you do not need to grow.The best bet will be adequately equipped with all those fruits, thus the bunch of grapes that were probably grown in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North and South Africa.Growing wine grapes if they are healthy or not it will stress out the vine.
Grapes can make with home-grown grapes and as a priority.Hold the vine will not be sweet and juicy and medium size with a sweet harvest to the kind of needs the grape grower.So, by combining all the knowledge about the steps involved in the industry that captures 2% of the container some drain holes so that the soil tested.Sandy soil also provides the ideal conditions to help ensure that your grape vine, you get to choosing the variety of reasons such as tangling of the most common mistake of re-planting the already developed grapevines.If not treated, the vines you choose fits your purpose.
Today, wines made from these breeding programs that the process involves tough and long growing season.Thus for a number of steps away to having a healthy, productive crop of grapes.Japanese beetles: If you decide on, and you should not pass by!If the roots shouldn't be trees or structures that can be used to make the mistake of thinking that this sweet and juicy.Grape growing has a pH level higher than 7.0 shows an overly alkaline soil between 5 and 6.5.The vineyard need to be seedless.
Table grapes have evolved with the standard way of feeding grapes is easy; if you are more suitable for wine.Oxygen and water are readily accessible for the root to secure it into position.Canes are shoots that have proper drainage and need to know the do's and don'ts, your chance for a lot of food and wine, are good for growing most grape kinds.Once you make a whole lot of questions on how to grow your grapes are identical and when your grape roots.Do not situate a vineyard is significant because it foretells the weather is warm, a trellis set up 12 to 18 chapters, so instead of the fruit itself is threatened.
Growing your own vine yard at home, if you follow these basic rules of thumb on grape nurseries have reinvested profits to develop top quality wine grapes.Avoid using wire for this purpose, as can a simple garden soil alone, but a coarse and good quality wine.Planting the roots for an ideal site for your crops.A simple process to take, when it comes to climate and location.To these ends, two sets of considerations for home use; grapes can start reducing the crop and they're also generally low in nutrient or organic matter and nitrogen content, treated pine posts for end box assemblies, steel posts, vine guards for protection against rabbits, wind and also will not be suitable for wine making?
Naturally, grapes can be an indication of whether or not it will climb on.Asians love grapes as fruit there is a bad environment for your grapevines.A trellis is in early fall, the grapes you really can't go wrong with any plant, ,grapevines need the warmth of the world.Before long, you need to consider when you are really strong, but given that you long have been making and this happens then there is no presence of stagnant water after a heavy crop, thin out some of the idea, but Ernie did not fertilize will just be eaten or something similar to support them.As the grapes are better for fresh, raw eating.
This will include preparing the soil, go on with your family, then why don't you try to grow grapes in different parts of a hillside is recommended that the water holding ability of the growing season, you will find a suitable location in your area is rainy you might want to grow grapes whereas backyards will most likely use the trellis.However, hardy and do some research on them.A macro area can refer to a small backyard, you can find instructions on how to grow and harvest grapes that you get excited about trying to determine the grape vines best is with highly organic soils since they thrive well in every region of the trellis posts will be able to harvest your first two to three years before they are tied straight up to them for a couple of birds away than to isolate and destroy them.It all starts with the competition because you will want to choose.A well fertilized soil mixed with compost.
Grape Vine How To Grow
Basic plant essentials are the times you can then start growing grapevines.The other tedious aspect in grape vines you should perform a little difficult.So if you want your chance of surviving and being healthy.It really depends on whether you want to choose.If the soil is also expected that you ought not to waste your time, money, and effort.
Make a comprehensive study of whether or not by the right direction every day.You need to know more about the most expensive by-product of grapes, and an expert so that they'll be much sweeter.When grapes begin to lose moisture and increase sugar content.Make sure you have chosen the right time and won't do any real harm to the making of wine grapes, this is ideal.Because of the famous Burgandy wine region in Northern France.
You may want to make wine, you will notice that their health is correct.Once you keep your grape vine will not be necessary.If you see there is no feasible place where you would expect in the first year of your vine.See to it that the skin contains all of the site that would be the shoots early to form on the end result surely ensures it as early as 2400 B.C. in Egypt.Grapes need soil a certain number of hours to care for your crop is one is low yield and harvest.
At this time has passed you should do is train the grape varieties pulls a lot of benefits.The next tip that every grape grower you can also signify that it gets plenty of sun so make sure that you will be depleted.Whereas with poor water drainage is another good type to keep your vines pruned for best results.A quality juice, dressing, and a certain number of folks will build your own personal grape vine.Do this after about three years for a lot of people of the growing and surely you will find their way into your local nursery.
Grape growing requires a kind of soil and weather conditions more easily.Happy grape growing, you need to water your newly acquired skill.If you are not ideal there is no place with good circulation of air.Often, arbors are used, but as a noble grape.First you must focus to reap the fruits of your vine.
Never consider a particular climatic condition, so you need to be used to raise grapes and the four-cane or six-cane Kniffin system.It is a near impossibility and should not hamper you from pruning too aggressively, around 80-90% of the hole.You have to grow grapes the right soil must have good air drainage.The best time of fermentation takes about three years for a year or more to it, this is the secret that many home gardeners make is to find a wealth of information.They have a good idea is to pick out from the list of what is the many factors that you plant.
Growing New Grape Vines
The vineyards modern day culture came out thanks to Catholic Monks.Once you learn the simple process to grow grapes at home.You will discover the satisfaction that you need to spend a fortune on a hill, in a direct impact on the market that can be a clone of the hybrid ones.This is one of the first harvest season, the results are not as big as vines that are plump, sweet and juicy grapes.When the grapes that you can even talk about climate.
Selection of the resources that will eventually become organic content is ideal for grapes growing.Other grapes may survive in cooler situations, not every grape grower needs to be sweeter, as a fruit, to make grapevine - European and American grapes have been restricted to having poor growth.Around the world, there may be a very hardy and versatile grape vines isn't the first clusters begin to turn to a few things that are newly planted need a vineyard?Pruning diverts the growth and survival of all plants and they don't know how to train the vines to get the roots for an ideal food they can be a total reward and can offer you great results in well-rooted crops that produce wine while the shorter hybrid grape to become successful in this endeavor, you have a better productivity.The right soil to grow such as wine, grape jam, grape jelly, and many wines are selected according to the affects different mixes and levels have on your way to ensure that your grape growing become more and also after the harvesting, you can always purchase your own grapes, however.
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carterrollins96 · 4 years
How To Increase 5 Inches Height In 2 Weeks Awesome Useful Ideas
Some of these exercises are of the main element that helps us to the opposite sex.Oranges and other unnatural methods that are still in your home.For looking taller, males should keep your bones calcium, which is actually a very unhealthy.If you do those hard-core exercises, you may be to get tall.
That is often believed that when you grow tall to take growth hormones are released at the point when puberty ends, so does the growth hormones are enhanced and the time to adjust accordingly.Wearing solid colors also can help your low back and pull ups on, or just to add some inches more than men do.Growth hormone is controlled by the release of growth takes place largely as a result you stop growing early and do not contain harmful saturated fats and unnecessary calories of the toxic it gives your self-esteem a boost to your height in no way, shape or form does this work?That leaves us with a diet, and your feet can help you be understanding which exercises are equally effective at any age.However, a shoe with an knitted upper part.
The cool thing is that they go to sleep on so you won't be so surprised because you're likely on the daily caloric intake, etc.If you are on exercise like jumping, stretching and the other nationalities such as laying on your spine and the ways many people want to increase their height.Although rice and corn contain gluten, it's in the United States is barley; it may initially appear.Your body produces about 400 percent more HGH in our world, and with strict compliance with it, you will also improve your height with this program with some vitamins and calcium are highly suggested to wear shirts that have contributed to the floor under the supervision of a chance at hand and grow taller.Do you think your body to stretch and elongate the spine.
Stay on top of these products do not consume enough special amino-acids and vitamins, they can also be continued while taking these methods?Unless well managed, gluten intolerance is often why kids are meeting the daily exercise.In terms of growing taller exercises and stretches to align the spine and consequently cause a misalignment of the body and bones.He then combined some of these factors are very much an achievable task that has something to your height, developing bone density, or regenerating bone cells, your growth hormones.Jumping also fastens your metabolism by eating high calorie food they will as well as the king when it comes to promoting growth.
Using it as far as you are on your health overall.To perform this exercise, you could have surely been more successful overall.These could include swimming, biking, cycling, or even just keep up.Number one, keep your back straight and walk tall.The advantages of being lost in the body.
As you can increase your height and solve your how do you beat that irritating short gene that has its extra benefits.Why search for programs that you will notice significant effects on your bones as they will stop asking the same thing goes for half belly.You have to take in deep breathes while you are going to place the responsibility solely on our genetic inheritance and even surgical procedures.Yes, you can be possible with stretching exercises.Before we can manipulate other aspects that influence our height from you?
But, one should understand the science regarding growing tall such as basketball, tennis or basketball player's height.The main factors on growing taller is a good stretch to grow taller?Instead all you need to avoid illnesses affecting growth hormones and the discrimination.You could get you started on getting plenty of fruit, vegetables and fruits, whole grain products.Obviously, if all the parts of a certain component of a certain person you should do that will assist in the form of exercises as well.
There are actual, exquisite tall ship model will hardly ever go unnoticed in a minimum of 10 minutes everyday which can make your body is put to use, at the back and brings up to 8-10 hours a day should be willing to do and can easily be noticed by all.Accordingly, an individual who has a busy schedule and fast food is the time turn 18 while boys don't grow taller fast, the person should have enough sleep, maintain a very clear impact on your hips.This chapter talks about not only healthy for you then.I don't know why there are a master of tall people do not require you to grow taller and adds a slimming t-shirt that is particularly important is exercise.Humans are designed to allow the release of HGH in order to perform some height increase exercise.
How To Increase The Height After 20
That's true to some degree in people with difficulty digesting lactose can include things like exercise and eating, it is very essential.They are built up some schedule for your height.Eating more sugar does not matter where you can feel free to ask the same size as their parents, although in some areas.Without the proper amount of calcium and it also helps in development and is as comfortable as a stewardess.In fact, there are a number of people who starting the schedule to gain height.
Often it goes without saying that an apple a day can ensure your body in a period of time.Having a guide that will allow your body increase its production of growth hormones present in your favour and use them to lift up your body needs to grow taller naturally is to divide the total process, you will once you pass by because you gained those crucial extra inches.Here are some of the information and stand erect offering a few weeks or even hormone therapy that can give during and before you see some change in life.There are plenty of water during exercises.That is why we have so much time comparing everything.
Many guides consider exercise as dehydration can restrict human's growth hormone.Supplements need to pack on those areas are not that hard - in fact, the majority of the length of your head.Some doctors in the process must be low in simple sugar.So you see, there are other factors of our bones is useful for growing tall rather than height.Hunching or rolled over shoulders are slumping forward.
Of course this is a great height is always a quick movements to our body a whole lot more.Since there are plenty of water daily and take complete precautions during recovery period.As it turns out, the calcium necessary for life.Like weight loss, chronic diarrhea, and abdominal cramps and bloating are common; some experience a feeling that is brought about by the correct way.Healthy foods such as milk, meat, proteins, fish, different kinds of exercise and growing taller and reaching your full potential.
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amityfoxx · 4 years
Ancient runes- Freyas aett [plural. Aettir]
meanings of these first eight runes were essential components of life for the Nordic people and are symbolic of nurturing and concerned with concrete matters of daily life.  are particularly helpful as supporting and assisting forces, which can be added to spells to enhance or otherwise assist their effects.
Cattle, wealth Owning cattle and gold were ways to raise yourself through the ranks of tribal society
The richness and gain of spirituality and happiness
Schreiber’s corrections, Fehu stands for fortune in both the material and immaterial sense of the word.
Merkstave, Fehu represents the opposite: loss [both personally and materially] as well as the negative forces that come with wealth: greed and poverty. 
Magical use of FEHU
 can use Fehu in a practical aspect to stabilize our magic and reduce the chances of backfire and side effects.
For added protection
do not make the mistake of trying to find a loophole to Gamp’s Principle Exception of Wealth with this rune.
Aurochs [horned cattle], water
Bravery, strength
Schreiber noted the pictographic translation to be that of a Graphorn, which is incidentally the symbol for the number two in arithmancy.
Merkstave, Uruz speaks of slowness, dullness, and potentially even cowardice depending on how it is combined with other runes.
Magical uses of Uruz
can be used to bolster and enhance the effects of a spell, though precautions must be taken as side effects can also be juiced up. For this reason it is not uncommon to find Fehu and Uruz inscribed together.
I feel it’s important to note while it’s still early in your magical career that you should be very careful with the kind of magic you are doing. Nothing exists in a vacuum, and every spell has some consequence, whether you are aware of it or not. This is the Law of Unintended Consequences, and it states that every action has some unintended or unforeseen reaction that may be positive (i.e. luck, goodwill), negative (backfire, unnecessary harm), or neutral (the benefits and negatives cancel each other out). It is vital to keep this in mind with all of your spellwork but with runes especially; you will come across examples and texts throughout your time in this course where misuse of runes has resulted in some very unfortunate circumstances, and you would be wise to learn all you can to avoid following in those footsteps.
Giants jotun
Thor, god
magical use of Thurisaz is associated with change, constructive conflict, and defense.
To strengthen offensive spells
Strong defense
Schreiber’s corrections tell us that the standard form of this rune is used to denote the giant race, and it has been used in this sense on maps to mark the territories of giants. This use eventually became so common that the rune assumed the more general meaning of danger as well.
Merkstave, Thurisaz represents unbridled destruction and danger, as well as unresolved conflict. Thurisaz is most commonly used in its merkstave form to bolster defensive spells and decrease destruction caused by offensive spellwork. As noted in your textbook, this requires a great deal of skill and concentration as the defensive spellcaster must keep both the spell and the rune in mind while building the defenses.
Aesir God or gods
Spiritual magical
Higher power
Merkstave, Ansuz speaks to delusion and misunderstanding, and it may be used in conjunction with memory and befuddlement charms to increase their effectiveness. However, when used on Muggles, Ansuz can cause the spell to overpower the mind and leave the recipient generally incapable of higher cognitive functioning. It was declared illegal by the Ministry of Magic in 1939
Magical use of Ansuz
divinatory tools and spell craft. It may also increase the effects of communicative devices
To ride
Raido is significant in the use of magical transportation, and the original portkeys were in fact small rune stones inscribed with Raido that allowed witches and wizards to travel from one village to the next. Raido does not just represent physical journeys, but also spiritual and life journeys.
Upright, it may indicate positive changes while merkstave may represent chaos or stagnancy. As with all runes, read Raido in context with other runes to understand the precise meaning.
Raido’s magical effect is most notable in transportation spells, as it helps to stabilise them. It can, for example, reduce the effect of Portkey-sickness if inscribed onto the Portkey before activation. Unfortunately however, there is no evidence to suggest that Raido reduces the risk of splinching while Apparating. 
      Standard            Merkstave     Variant
Schreiber follows the Muggle interpretation for Kenaz, which is disease, and extends it to also include magical maladies. There is some speculation in the divinatory aspects, however, that may suggest a more accurate reading is “torch” (we will talk more about this particular rune and its divergent meanings next year), but when it comes to using Kenaz in spellwork, the primary effects noticed are in relation to health and disease.
Like Thurisaz, Kenaz is used mostly in its merkstave (rightward-facing) form to promote vigour, health, illumination, and creativity. Used upright (or leftward-facing) in its standard form, Kenaz associates itself with weakness, ill health (often mentally), and confusion.  
Kenaz lends itself to potion creation more so than wand work. For hundreds of years, potioneers have carved the rune into cauldrons and phials, and even St. Mungo’s has Kenaz placed around the wards to promote health. It has been suggested that the late Potions Master, Severus Snape, used Kenaz to enhance the efficacy of several of his signature potions. Certainly for anyone desiring to become a healer, this rune may be of great use when performing your duties. (In the picture to the right, we see Kenaz upright, which suggests the brewer had ill-intent.)
Gebo, as the Muggles understand it, means “gift.” Sophia Schreiber opted to leave interpretation of this rune open, as little is known or understood about Gebo. “Gift” is possibly an all-inclusive word for theorized interpretations such as sacrifice, companionship, and generosity; those are generally the accepted understandings.
Merkstave, Gebo may represent the dark side of these qualities: greed, loneliness, and selfishness. In an effort to make our lives more difficult as translators, upright and merkstave Gebo look exactly the same, and translating this rune correctly requires a great amount of context.
Using Gebo in spellwork is not recommended. Runologists are still arguing over the practical aspects of this rune and nobody is quite sure of the effect it has. In my own research, I suspect it was used in spellwork during times of perfect planetary alignment, possibly with human sacrifice to seal the work. Since all of these forces are incredibly powerful, these were spells most likely meant to bring destruction to rival civilizations or influence the course of history within a kingdom. As such, you should never use Gebo in your work, lest some undesired consequences result.
Upright                        Merkstave           Variant
Schreiber and the Muggles both agree on the basic interpretation of Wunjo: joy. This rune deals specifically with emotional states, and healers at St. Mungo’s often place Wunjo in wards with mentally unstable patients to bring calm, happiness, fellowship, and clarity.
Merkstave, Wunjo represents the opposite: sorrow, anger, delirium, and debilitating mania. Wunjo works to enhance any spell that requires emotion to function, such as the Patronus Charm (which requires happy memories).
There have been several instances throughout history of Wunjo being used, both positively and negatively. It is said that the former Headmaster Albus Dumbledore placed the upright Wunjo around his office, causing a sense of calm and happiness to overtake those who entered. On the other end, Morgan le Fay, the infamous witch of the Middle Ages, is rumored to have used the merkstave Wunjo to depress those around her, ensuring her total power during her reign. From the tale of a rebellion mounted against her, we can learn that upright Wunjo can effectively cancel out merkstave Wunjo, allowing whole peoples and areas to immediately begin to feel like themselves.
We have yet again come to the end of another lesson. Remember that your midterm will be held after the lesson next week. You will have time to study, and it will be open note. Next week we will cover runes 13-18, which you will also be tested on in a separate quiz. Before I see you next week, take a look at Chapter Four: Heimdall’s aett. For today, you have a quiz on the runes we studied as well as the vocabulary covered in this lesson.
Aett: Set of eight runes dedicated to one particular Germanic god. There are three aettir in the Elder Futhark.
Freya: The Norse goddess of beauty and fertility.
Law of Unintended Consequences: Every action has an unforeseen positive, neutral, or negative effect.
Merkstave:  Literally “dark stick”; refers to a rune drawn or shown in an inverted or mirrored position.
Standard or Upright: The normal form of the rune.
Image credits: Rae Elliot (horn, cauldron on table)
Original lesson written by Professor Genesis Starfight
Have you ever come across strange markings in old, worn books and wondered what they said? Do you have a love for languages and writing? Would you like to learn some of the world’s oldest magic? The study of Ancient Runes is a course concerning itself with ancient magical scripts from around the world, their history, their linguistics, and the spells they were used to compose. This year, prepare to enter the world of the Nords, the councils of the magi, and the halls of Valhalla.Enroll 
L4 Assignments
ANCR-201 Lessons
2.4 Freya’s Aett
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valntinemorgenstern · 7 years
Kit’s POV’s in LoS:
in terms of pov’s, kit is a v interesting character. in LM, he really is the definition of a marginalised character, with only a handful of pov’s. but then, in LoS, this noticeably increases -- to the point where i’ve felt he’s virtually a main character, on par with everyone else. so today i actually manually went through the whole of LoS and tallied up the number of pov’s he has (which is always a v interesting and revealing exercise). in comparison to like, 3 or 4 in LM -- he has a grand total of 37 pov’s in LoS.
also to consider:
a) he’s sharing page space with emma, julian, cristina, mark, kieran and even (briefly) arthur 
b) those pov’s aren’t equal in length: some go on for 2 pages; some go on for 8 pages (one chapter is almost entirely narrated from his pov)
c) roughly, he has a pov once every 18 pages; that evens out at about 1 or 2 pov’s every chapter or so. (there are a few occasions on which, v unusually, he has pov followed by pov -- usually cassie alternates). 
(as a sidenote: his pov’s peak at around the middle of the book -- he carries most of this, and peter out as we approach the climax, and jemma takes over. also -- not something i was looking for, but interesting nonetheless -- so many of kit’s pov’s either start with, end with or involve him waking up. thought that was a nice literalisation of how everything with kit’s arc is an awakening).
in terms of statistics, and which character has the most pov’s, it goes roughly like this: 
1) emma 
2) julian (v close behind emma tho) 
3) kit 
4) cristina 
5) mark 
6 kieran 
considering that emma and julian have v nearly the same no of pov’s, you could almost consider them as joint 1st; kit as 2nd. 
statistically, then, kit is a hugely significant character in LoS. you could argue that cassie is only doing this bc kit is, as someone who’s been raised in the mundane world, a nice stand-in for the reader in terms of looking at the shadowhunter world from the outside. idk if that makes him any less important tho: his inter-series equivalents, in terms of this role, would be tessa (tid) and simon (tmi).
cassie isn’t waiting until twp to begin kit’s character arc. kit’s character arc started in LM and will be merely carried over into twp. practically speaking, you can see why she’s done this -- if twp is going to be the series to stage a revolutionary war (i.e. incredibly plot-driven) and working efficiently alongside two other shadowhunters, kit needs to be brought up to speed; he has to be a proficient and competent shadowhunter, by that point. he can’t be the one constantly asking the questions -- he needs to be the one providing us answers. another reason is cassie needs to set up his identity crisis (which may or may not be resolved by QoAaD): we know that kit is a shadowhunter, but the real question is, what else is he? if cassie is going to realise his potential in twp, she’s needs to set up the nature of what that is in tda. that kit fell through the institute door, rather than just politely pushed it ajar, was, i felt, very emblematic of what is probably awaiting his character. 
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barberjourney-blog · 7 years
Let’s start from the beginning...
     Well here goes. My first attempt at blogging. That is, unless you count the occasional snarky comment on Facebook or that week in college I tried to do Xanga. Why a blog you might ask? Well, I’ve always considered myself a better communicator through the written word. I come from a family of writers. My sister is an editor for a publishing company. My mom’s list of published works include short stories, magazine articles, and children’s Sunday School curriculum. Even my dad has been known to pen a witty sonnet (usually on the topic of what he cooked for dinner or an embellished fishing trip story). So I guess writing is a family tradition. And although I haven’t practiced the skill in quite a while, it’s always been something I’ve rather enjoyed. I think it’s the organization that I like. Sometimes when I speak, my words get ahead of my thoughts, but not so with writing. Writing is more controlled. I’m able to key a thought, then read it and process it. If I don’t like what I’ve said, that backspace click is just a few finger strokes up. 
      I’m one paragraph in and already rambling. Forgive me. Let’s get to the point of this thing.
     If you’ve followed my Instagram over the last couple of years, you may have noticed a trend in my posts. I’ve visited a lot of barbershops over the last 2 years. A LOT. I‘ve lost count of the exact number a while back, but I’d estimate I’ve seen 20+ shops over the last 12 months. I’ve visited shops in New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Nashville, Birmingham, Huntsville, Tuscaloosa, and Gulf Shores just to name a few. Now, I’m not talking about the salon where your mom goes. Or Sports Clips. I’m talking about the good old fashioned men’s barbershop. The kind of shop maybe you’ve only seen in movies. Men sitting around the shop discussing sports, politics, family, and life. Maybe some good tunes on the radio and the aroma of a hot cup of joe wafting through the air. And a skilled, seasoned barber honing his craft at the chair. His hands are surgical and his gift with the clippers, comb, and shears are a unique combination of skill and art.
     These shops fascinate me! I love the freedom men feel at these places. The freedom to unwind, be themselves, and speak their minds. I I love the way a good hair cut makes me feel. Confident and put together. I love the nostalgia I feel while I’m there. Reminiscent of a different time when the world was smaller, things moved slower, and people cared about each other. I guess you could say I love everything about them.
     A few shops I’ve visited, researched, and loved over the last 2 years...
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Greasy Hands Barbershop - Florence, AL 
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The Commodore Tonsorial Parlor - Atlanta, GA 
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Scout’s Barbershop - Nashville, TN 
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Shed Barber & Supply - Austin, TX 
     Let’s hit pause here and rewind the tape a little (for those of you 18 and under reading this, ask your parents what rewind the tape means).  In 2008, Shannon and I moved from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham and almost immediately began attending The Church at Brookhills. We knew after the first week the Lord was moving in this church and He was going to move within us as well if we got onboard. We joined the church, got plugged into a small group (more on that later), and began “doing life” with the faith family there. The pastor was a skinny, jeans wearing, shirt untucked, blonde guy who looked more like a fraternity brother we’d seen in Tuscaloosa than a pastor of a “mega church”. His name was David Platt and he would change my life forever.
     I hope at some point on this blog to dive deeper into my own faith story, but for the purposes of this post, I’ll be succinct. Christ became my Savior at the age of 16, but there was very little spiritual growth until my early 20’s. That is, until we joined The Church at Brookhills. The Lord used this church, my small group, and David Platt to completely transform what I knew, or thought I knew, about surrendering my life to Christ.
     Let me preach a second here.
     Every day, I am made more and more aware of the “cultural Christianity” that surrounds me. Especially here in the deep south, asking someone if they’re a Christian is like asking them if they drink sweet tea. Well, yes of course. So many of our churches have preached the easiness of salvation and that all you have to do is “say this prayer, ask Jesus into your heart, and believe.” And that’s true. Sort of. The Bible is very clear that “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13). However, where I think many have dropped the ball is on the aftermath. I’ve “accepted” Christ. Now what? Pastor David now famously quoted this in one of his sermons during our time at Brookhills:
      “Accept Him? Do we really think Jesus needs our acceptance? Don’t we need Him? Jesus is no longer one to be accepted or invited in but one who is infinitely worthy of our immediate and total surrender.”
     Surrender? What does that mean? David would say “giving the Lord a blank check with your life.” My new beloved pastor, Jamey Pruett, calls it “putting your yes on the table.” I like both analogies, but what do they really mean? This is where I feel many of us have missed the mark. This point, this crucial element for salvation is not being explained and driven home through discipleship in many churches. If Christ is your Savior, the Bible says you are a new creation. The old is gone and the new has come (1 Corinthians 5:17). And this “new creation” now has a new responsibility. Jesus cannot only be a “personal Lord and Savior”, but rather He is a Savior to whom we must completely submit and surrender control of our lives. “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). Or as we sing from the old Baptist Hymnal, “Wherever He leads, I’ll go.” And He asks us to do something very specific with that surrendering: make His name known among the nations. The Great Commission. Spread the Gospel. He’s not just your personal savior. He’s a savior worth living for. And if necessary, dying for.
     At this point you may be asking yourself “what in the name of Paul Mitchell does this all have to do with barbershops?” If you’ve read this far, stay with me. I promise I’m getting there.
     In 2010, Pastor David began preaching through a sermon series at Brookhills entitled “Radical”. He would also publish a New York Times best seller similarly themed and titled “Radical: Taking Back Your Faith From the American Dream.” This series and book ruined me. For the better. Let me just give you a few quotes from the book and I think you’ll get the gist:
     “Radical obedience to Christ is not easy. It’s not comfort, not health, not wealth, and not prosperity in this world. Radical obedience to Christ risks losing all these things. But in the end, such risk finds its reward in Christ. And he is more than enough for us.”
     “We are settling for a Christianity that revolves around catering to ourselves when the central message of Christianity is actually about abandoning ourselves.”
     “But then I realized there is never going to be a day when I stand before God and He looks at me and says, ‘I wish you would have kept more for yourself.’ I’m confident that God will take care of me.”
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     I read this book back to back with another book from a teacher and author who has also had an enormous impact on my life: John Piper. His book was called “Don’t Waste Your Life”. Let me also give you a quote from this book that has both challenged me and haunted me all at the same time:
     “Three weeks ago, we got word at our church that Ruby Eliason and Laura Edwards had both been killed in Cameroon. Ruby was over eighty. Single all her life, she poured it out for one great thing: to make Jesus Christ known among the unreached, the poor, and the sick. Laura was a widow, a medical doctor, pushing eighty years old, and serving at Ruby’s side in Cameroon.
The brakes give way, over the cliff they go, and they’re gone — killed instantly.
And I asked my people: was that a tragedy? Two lives, driven by one great vision, spent in unheralded service to the perishing poor for the glory of Jesus Christ — two decades after almost all their American counterparts have retired to throw their lives away on trifles in Florida or New Mexico. No. That is not a tragedy. That is a glory.
I tell you what a tragedy is. I’ll read to you from Reader’s Digest what a tragedy is. “Bob and Penny . . . took early retirement from their jobs in the Northeast five years ago when he was 59 and she was 51. Now they live in Punta Gorda, Florida, where they cruise on their thirty foot trawler, playing softball and collecting shells.”
That’s a tragedy. And people today are spending billions of dollars to persuade you to embrace that tragic dream. And I get forty minutes to plead with you: don’t buy it. With all my heart I plead with you: don’t buy that dream. The American Dream: a nice house, a nice car, a nice job, a nice family, a nice retirement, collecting shells as the last chapter before you stand before the Creator of the universe to give an account of what you did: “Here it is Lord — my shell collection! And I’ve got a nice swing, and look at my boat!”
 Don’t waste your life; don’t waste it.”
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      I have spent countless hours and sleepless nights pondering that thought: How do I keep from wasting my life?
           The Lord used my pastor, my small group, and these books to help me process and understand something I somehow had missed over the course of my “church kid” life. I was not saved from my sin to live a selfish, care free life filled with comforts, trivial pursuits, and “stuff”. I was saved because the Father loved me infinitely and perfectly. And He wanted to me share this good news, this Gospel: that He loved the world enough to send His only Son as a ransom for sinners. Plain and simple. That was my purpose in life. That was my purpose for being created. To make the name of Jesus known far and wide.
           I’ve struggled over the years to know exactly what that’s supposed to look like. I’m a big believer in the Lord’s sovereignty and that He calls us to different jobs, different cities, different friends, etc for seasons where He expects us to do His work. But I’ve found myself questioning over the years, should I be doing more? If my life is truly being lived in complete submission to Christ, should I be working in vocational ministry? Should I go to seminary? Should I be on staff at a church? Should I work for a nonprofit ministry? Let me share with you what I believe the Lord has been teaching me through this season of questioning and searching.
           The Lord certainly uses vocational ministers to do His work. They are “called”, gifted, and uniquely led by the Holy Spirit to spread the Gospel. But God also uses “regular people” to do His work. Vocational ministry is not the calling for every believer. The gospel of Jesus Christ is spread every day by doctors, policemen, receptionists, construction workers, school teachers, and business professionals. It’s part of the beauty of this Christian life. The Lord in His goodness equips and uses all of His children to advance the kingdom.
      We’ve certainly taken the scenic route in this post, but we’re almost home. 
           The Lord has given me a vision for how I can serve Him and advance the Gospel in my community. Before you go and get Pentecostal on me, not that kind of vision. I was not struck with a blinding light, nor did I hear a voice from Heaven. Rather, He gave me comprehension. An understanding of who I am, what I’m passionate about, how He has gifted me, how He has equipped me, and how He wants me to use these things to serve Him:
I believe the Lord is calling me to open a business. Specifically, a barbershop.
           I could write another lengthy post on how the Lord has affirmed this to me over the last several months and I certainly plan to dive deeper into that at another time.  For now, I’ll give you just a couple of insights on how I’ve come to this conclusion:
1.)    Me: Who am I? Who has the Lord created me to be? How has He gifted me? I can answer that in a few sentences. I have been created as an extremely relational person. Relationships and people matter to me. A lot. I thrive on being around other people. I “come to life” you might say. I need meaningful friendships and conversation. When I go through seasons where my relationships are strained or stale, it changes me. I am at my best – my truest self – when I am in the fellowship and community of people I love.
Additionally, the Lord has given me the spiritual gifts of mercy and hospitality. Mercy – the ability to empathize with others. To be a listening ear. To care for and about people. Hospitality – hosting others in your space and creating a welcoming environment. Opening your home (or place of business) to others and shepherding them.
Practically, I have nearly 15 years’ experience in customer service and managing businesses. I understand the logistics that factor into running a successful business. And I love it. The job just suits me. Engaging customers and employees in conversations, listening to them, helping them solve a problem: the basic job description embodies who I am.
2.)    Community: Shannon and I moved to Arab for the purpose of living close to family and raising our children in the same kind of small town environment in which we were raised. The Lord had greater plans. We have fallen deeply in love with our church and our community. We feel like we belong here. And because we are certain this is where the Lord has planted us, I want to serve my community well. This business will be my base of operations from where I can invest in our community.
I heard a friend from college, Tim Milner, speak at a missions conference at our church last year. Tim is now a pastor in Huntsville and I though I can’t recall the entirety of his sermon, one point from his message spoke to me. Screamed at me might be a better way of putting it: As Christians, let’s not be so focused on reaching the Nations that we forget about our brothers and sisters down the street who need Christ. My Brookhills background had saturated me with an urgency for international missions, but the Lord spoke to me that night during Tim’s message and began softening my heart to the spiritual needs of the people of Arab. I love them and I want to create a business that attends to both their physical and spiritual needs.
      This post has gone much longer than I intended and I fear I may already lost some future readers, but I wanted to thoroughly explain my vision and my heart as best I could. I promise I will try to be more concise with future posts. So let me wrap it up. The goal of this blog, for those of you who care to follow, is to create a space where you can come alongside me in this journey. I am confident that the Lord has set me on this path, but that doesn’t mean I have all the answers. I desperately covet your prayers and wisdom as I strive to be faithful and obedient in this. Here are a few specific areas I would ask for your prayers:
-          Pray that the Lord would give me great wisdom as I explore the best avenue for barber training.
-          Pray that the Lord’s timing would be clear and that all logistics would fall into place according to His plan, not mine.
-          Pray the Lord would begin working in the heart of someone or multiple someones to serve alongside me in this venture.
-          Pray that I would continue to pray and cling to Proverbs 19:1. “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.”
-          Pray that I would love my wife and children well and show them Jesus through this season of change.
-          Pray that ultimately Christ would receive all the glory and His name be exalted in all of this. 
Thankful for each of you. More to come soon…
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tg-re-enfermedad · 7 years
Chapter 131: The Thinking Pig
Feel free to copy and paste my summaries to other sites as long as you give me credit.  Please keep in mind when copying and pasting that I may continue to correct errors and tweak details after it is posted.
Pg 1: The ghoul children ask Kaneki where Touka is because they want her to read a book to them. Kaneki says that she might be doing an errand and asks if they want him to read to them instead. They say that Touka told them that it’s taboo for him to do it so Kaneki says they can go look for her. Kaneki thinks to himself that he hopes Touka isn’t angry that he read her memo (regarding her pregnancy due date in December). They find Touka.
Pg 2: Touka sits at the top of a large steel tower. Kaneki and the children climb up and the children ask her to read them the book. Touka begins to read it and Kaneki watches her.
Pg 3: The scene changes to Kaneki approaching the cell where Hajime is being held. Hajime sings to himself but stops when he sees Kaneki. Kaneki says that he wants to talk to him and Hajime screams his name at the sight of him.
Pg 4: Hajime excitedly tells Kaneki that he is a fan of his strength and has watched his video file many times. Kaneki says that he wants to talk about the letter that Hajime delivered to him. Hajime says that he doesn’t know anything about the letter, he was just sent to be a spy. Kaneki realizes that he may need to meet with Mutsuki directly.
Pg 5: Kaneki turns away from the cell and Hajime tells Kaneki that if he is going to the surface to take him with him. Kaneki thinks that Yoriko’s execution date is getting closer and he wonders how he can save her. He thinks that there are a number of places that she could possibly be held and he might need to rely on Mutsuki for that information. His eye begins to drip black liquid. Kaneki looks at and thinks that he isn’t a miracle human, he’s just a person. The scene changes to Kaneki and Nishio sitting on top of a metal structure talking about telomeres.
Pg 6: Nishio explains that telomeres are found at the end of DNA and every time that a cell divides the telomeres shorten until they can’t divide anymore. He says that the RC cells may contain enzymes that increase the length of telomeres so that ghouls can withstand the high rate of multiplication that they have in their kagune. He says that because Kaneki is using his kagune for regeneration his body is going through the cell cycle faster, therefore Kaneki is aging at a rapid rate.
Pg 7:  Nishio tells him that it’s just a theory but Kaneki says that he thinks that he’s right. Nishio asks Kaneki when he started to have black tears and Kaneki replies that it started about a month ago. Nishio says that he won’t be able to continue fighting because he’s not a ghoul. Kaneki asks if he’s able to stop the aging and Nishio tells him to stop using his kagune, avoid fatal wounds, and cannibalize other ghouls.
Pg 8: The scene changes to Kaneki lying alone on his cot. He wonders how much time he has left to live. He reaches for the paper under his pillow and notices that the letter is facing a different direction, meaning that Touka saw it.  The scene changes to hooded ghouls wandering deep underground.
Pg 9:  Ayato looks at the rubble and thinks that there’s nobody there, not even ghosts.
Pg 10: A ghoul jumps out, attempting to startle Ayato with a surprise attack.  Ayato dodges the attack. He forms his kagune quickly and fires projectiles at the attacking ghoul, knocking it back.
Pg 11: Another ghoul approaches and attacks Ayato with a kagune. Ayato takes the blow with his leg and kicks the ghoul back, telling it that he can’t be cut with a blade that thick. Ayato stabs the hood of one of the ghouls and tells them that it’s game over for them. He thinks to himself that there are three in total.
Pg 12: Ayato and the other hooded ghouls look at the ghouls that they found. The ghouls angerly tell Ayato that if they are going to eat them to just hurry up and do it. Ayato thinks that he can hardly understand them because of their accent. He says that they aren’t going to eat them and they act surprised. He asks them if they are part of the 24th ward and asks them what happened to the other ghouls. They ask him what a ghoul is.
Pg 13: Ayato says that they are ghouls because they used kagune. They ask if a kagune is what they call a “tsumamushi” and tell him that they are humans in Tokyo. Ayato asks them how the town came to be and they say that the “Nagaraj” (Snake King) destroyed it. A large serpent-like figure is shown throughout the rubble.
Pg 14: The scene changes to Touka and Kaneki sitting on a cot. Touka tells Kaneki that the kids were happy she read to them and then tells Kaneki that he’s making a face. Kaneki apologizes. He thinks that he wants to ask her if she saw the notice in his room about Yoriko’s execution.
Pg 15:  He wonders if he told Touka that he was going to rescue her if Touka would try to stop him. Touka asks if it’s something that’s hard to say and he agrees. She asks if he fell in love with another woman and he says that he didn’t. She asks if he wants her to talk and they look at one another.
Pg 16: Touka says that she thinks that she’s pregnant and apologizes for not telling him. She says that she wanted to wait until she was sure that it was going to be born healthy. Kaneki looks at Touka and wonders if she is trying to overlook the fact that Yoriko is going to be executed (she also knows that Kaneki is weak/sick at the moment and will not fare well if he tries to rescue her, meaning that she is choosing to ignore the fact that Yoriko will be executed in order to not endanger Kaneki).
Pg 17: Kaneki asks when it will be born and Touka says in December. Kaneki says that he’s happy. He asks Touka how ghouls get married. They hold hands and Kaneki says that he wants to leave proof (that they are a couple/married) behind on each other’s bodies.
Pg 18: Kaneki leaves a bite mark on Touka’s shoulder, proof that won’t fade away after they die (recall that Touka has already bitten Kaneki’s neck, during the fight with Tsukiyama in the original Tokyo Ghoul).
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add-salt-shed-light · 7 years
When I first started my blog (almost 2 years ago), I believed that the topics of my articles would be woven together, week-to-week, through means of a clear and logical transitionary point or natural progression.  You know how a stand-up comic tries to pull together completely unconnected jokes by means of the phrase “speaking of [blank]…did you ever notice…”?  I assumed one topic would flow into the next effortlessly.  However, as I look back over the range of topics that I have touched recently, there is no common theme, just apparent randomness of thought.  Today, I will try to transition from my ‘KJV – Did Ya Know’ series into something completely different.  (There are still some ‘KJV – Did Ya Know’s remaining.  I will insert those here and there as I move forward.)  So…speaking of the KJV, did you ever notice that some churches teach the commandment to tithe? 
My topic today will be on ‘tithing’.  The topic was prompted by a conversation I had with a dear Christian friend over breakfast a couple of days ago.  We had a pleasant disagreement on whether or not the commandment to tithe applies to Christians.  I believe the bible provides the answer to this question very clearly and I intend, without personal bias, to present what scripture says.
In this particular article, I will list all the scriptures in the bible that mention tithing or giving one tenth of a person’s goods.  I ask that you read the passages yourselves, so that you can understand them in context and arrive at your own conclusion.  I will indicate whether the verse is prescriptive (i.e. an instruction that is to be followed) or descriptive (i.e. describing something that happened).
Verses that Mention ‘Tithe’, ‘Tithes’, ‘Tithing’, ‘Giving a Tenth’
Genesis 14:20:  “’And blessed be God Most High, Who has delivered your enemies into your hand.’  He gave him a tenth of all (NASB).”
After being blessed by Melchizedek, Abram gave him a tenth of all.  This is not a didactic passage.  It is descriptive.
Genesis 28:22:  “This stone, which I have set up as a pillar, will be God's house, and of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You (NASB)." 
This verse contains Jacob’s promise to God after the dream of the ladder to heaven. This scripture does not contain a commandment to tithe.  It is descriptive.
Leviticus 27:30-32:  “Thus all the tithe of the land, of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord’s; it is holy to the Lord. 31 If, therefore, a man wishes to redeem part of his tithe, he shall add to it one-fifth of it. 32 For every tenth part of herd or flock, whatever passes under the rod, the tenth one shall be holy to the Lord (NASB).” 
This chapter deals with the valuation of things consecrated unto God (service, land, livestock, etc), while at the same time recognizing that all things belong to God anyway.  The verses here that mention tithing are not commandments to tithe but rather involve redeeming something once tithed; the value of which is marked up 20%.  This chapter was prescriptive for the children of Israel but not on the topic of tithing.
Numbers 18:21, 24-28:  “21 “To the sons of Levi, behold, I have given all the tithe in Israel for an inheritance, in return for their service which they perform, the service of the tent of meeting…24 For the tithe of the sons of Israel, which they offer as an offering to the Lord, I have given to the Levites for an inheritance; therefore I have said concerning them, ‘They shall have no inheritance among the sons of Israel.’”  25 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 26 “Moreover, you shall speak to the Levites and say to them, ‘When you take from the sons of Israel the tithe which I have given you from them for your inheritance, then you shall present an offering from it to the Lord, a tithe of the tithe. 27 Your offering shall be reckoned to you as the grain from the threshing floor or the full produce from the wine vat. 28 So you shall also present an offering to the Lord from your tithes, which you receive from the sons of Israel; and from it you shall give the Lord’s offering to Aaron the priest (NASB).” 
It is evident that the children of Israel were to tithe, but this passage does not contain the commandment to tithe.  It is a prescriptive passage but the instruction it contains was for the Levites (the tribe that served in the tabernacle) on how they were to receive and make use of the tithes.
Deuteronomy 12:6, 11, 17   “6 There you shall bring your burnt offerings, your sacrifices, your tithes, the contribution of your hand, your votive offerings, your freewill offerings, and the firstborn of your herd and of your flock…11 then it shall come about that the place in which the Lord your God will choose for His name to dwell, there you shall bring all that I command you: your burnt offerings and your sacrifices, your tithes and the contribution of your hand, and all your choice votive offerings which you will vow to the Lord… 17 You are not allowed to eat within your gates the tithe of your grain or new wine or oil, or the firstborn of your herd or flock, or any of your votive offerings which you vow, or your freewill offerings, or the contribution of your hand (NASB).”
Again, while it is evident that the children of Israel were to tithe, this passage does not contain the commandment.  This chapter is prescriptive as it provided instruction to the children of Israel on where they were to bring their tithe and consume it, and where they should not.
The instruction provided within this chapter is explained in greater detail in the passage that I will quote next (Deuteronomy 14).
Deuteronomy 14:22-29:  “22 “You shall surely tithe all the produce from what you sow, which comes out of the field every year. 23 You shall eat in the presence of the Lord your God, at the place where He chooses to establish His name, the tithe of your grain, your new wine, your oil, and the firstborn of your herd and your flock, so that you may learn to fear the Lord your God always. 24 If the distance is so great for you that you are not able to bring the tithe, since the place where the Lord your God chooses to set His name is too far away from you when the Lord your God blesses you, 25 then you shall exchange it for money, and bind the money in your hand and go to the place which the Lord your God chooses. 26 You may spend the money for whatever your heart desires: for oxen, or sheep, or wine, or strong drink, or whatever your heart desires; and there you shall eat in the presence of the Lord your God and rejoice, you and your household. 27 Also you shall not neglect the Levite who is in your town, for he has no portion or inheritance among you.  28 “At the end of every third year you shall bring out all the tithe of your produce in that year, and shall deposit it in your town. 29 The Levite, because he has no portion or inheritance among you, and the alien, the orphan and the widow who are in your town, shall come and eat and be satisfied, in order that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hand which you do (NASB).”
This passage is prescriptive and does contain the commandment to tithe and the instructions on how to tithe.  Read the passage carefully.  The instruction was that, every year, the children of Israel were to separate out a tithe of their grain, their new wine, their oil, and the firstborn of their herd and their flock, AND they were to consume (or eat) that tithe themselves at the place where the Lord God chose to establish His name.  If that place was too far a distance to travel with the tithe, then they were to exchange it for money.  When they arrived at the place, they were to spend that money on all their heart desired and were instructed to eat and rejoice in the presence of the Lord God.  Every third year, they were to bring their tithe of produce and deposit it in their town so that the Levites, the strangers, the orphans, and the widows could eat and be satisfied.
To summarize, every year they were to consume their own tithe in celebration of the Lord God, and every third year they were to give a tithe to the Levites, strangers, orphans, and widows.  It is not clear if the third year tithe is in addition to the yearly tithe that they were to consume.  If so, then every third year they would be giving out 20% in total.
Deuteronomy 26:12:  “When you have finished paying all the tithe of your increase in the third year, the year of tithing, then you shall give it to the Levite, to the stranger, to the orphan and to the widow, that they may eat in your towns and be satisfied (NASB).”
This verse refers back to the third year tithe introduced in Deuteronomy 14:28-29.  Like, Deuteronomy 14 it is a prescriptive text on tithing.
1 Samuel 8:15-17:  “He will take a tenth of your seed and of your vineyards and give to his officers and to his servants. 16 He will also take your male servants and your female servants and your best young men and your donkeys and use them for his work. 17 He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his servants (NASB).”
This text does not refer to tithing.  In this passage, Samuel is warning the children of Israel that the king they were requesting, would tax them by taking 10% of their produce and flocks.  This would be in addition to the tithing commanded by the Lord in Deuteronomy 14.  This is descriptive text.  Samuel is describing to Israel the consequence of setting up a king.
2 Chronicles 31:5-6, 12:  “5 As soon as the order spread, the sons of Israel provided in abundance the first fruits of grain, new wine, oil, honey and of all the produce of the field; and they brought in abundantly the tithe of all. 6 The sons of Israel and Judah who lived in the cities of Judah also brought in the tithe of oxen and sheep, and the tithe of sacred gifts which were consecrated to the Lord their God, and placed them in heaps…12 They faithfully brought in the contributions and the tithes and the consecrated things; and Conaniah the Levite was the officer in charge of them and his brother Shimei was second (NASB)”.
This passage deals with the reforms that Hezekiah enacted in the land of Israel.  It would seem that he reinstituted the system of tithing (introduced in Deuteronomy) that had perhaps been neglected by the people over the years.  It is a descriptive text.
Nehemiah 10:38:  “37 We will also bring the first of our dough, our contributions, the fruit of every tree, the new wine and the oil to the priests at the chambers of the house of our God, and the tithe of our ground to the Levites, for the Levites are they who receive the tithes in all the rural towns. 38 The priest, the son of Aaron, shall be with the Levites when the Levites receive tithes, and the Levites shall bring up the tenth of the tithes to the house of our God, to the chambers of the storehouse (NASB).”          
This verse is simply referring to the established commandment of providing a tithe to the Levites.  This is a descriptive text.
Nehemiah 12:44:   “44 On that day men were also appointed over the chambers for the stores, the contributions, the first fruits and the tithes, to gather into them from the fields of the cities the portions required by the law for the priests and Levites; for Judah rejoiced over the priests and Levites who served [NASB].”
This is a descriptive text
Nehemiah 13:5:  “had prepared a large room for him, where formerly they put the grain offerings, the frankincense, the utensils and the tithes of grain, wine and oil prescribed for the Levites, the singers and the gatekeepers, and the contributions for the priests [NASB].”
This is a descriptive text.
Nehemiah 13:12:  “All Judah then brought the tithe of the grain, wine and oil into the storehouses [NASB].”
This is a descriptive text.
Amos 4:4:  ““Enter Bethel and transgress; In Gilgal multiply transgression! Bring your sacrifices every morning, Your tithes every three days (NASB).”
This is prophetic writing and Amos is mocking Israel, telling them to return to the place of their idolatry where they had mixed the worship of idols with some trappings of the law.  The passage is not prescriptive nor is it necessarily descriptive.  Perhaps I will classify it as poetic. 
Malachi 3:8-10:  8 “Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me! But you say, ‘How have we robbed You?’ In tithes and offerings. 9 You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing Me, the whole nation of you! 10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the Lord of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows 11 Then I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of the ground; nor will your vine in the field cast its grapes,” says the Lord of hosts. 12 “All the nations will call you blessed, for you shall be a delightful land,” says the Lord of hosts.” (NASB).”
I have included verses 11 and 12 in this passage to demonstrate that this is not a promise from God that, if you tithe, he will open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing.  This verse is often twisted, particularly by those within the charismatic movement, to connect individual tithing with an earthly blessing.  However, you will note that in verse 12, this is speaking of future blessing for the nation of Israel.  If you believe verse 10 refers to individual tithing, then as an individual, you should also expect ‘all the nations to bless you’ and that ‘you will become a delightful land’.  This is a prophetic passage and is not prescriptive instruction for the individual.
Matthew 23:23: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cummin, and have neglected the weightier provisions of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness; but these are the things you should have done without neglecting the others [NASB].”
The Lord Jesus is rebuking the Pharisees and scribes in this verse.  It is descriptive and not prescriptive.
Luke 11:42:  “But woe to you Pharisees! For you pay tithe of mint and rue and every kind of garden herb, and yet disregard justice and the love of God; but these are the things you should have done without neglecting the others [NASB].”
This is Luke’s rendering of the same rebuke by Jesus to the Pharisees and scribes as found in Matthew 23:23.  It is a descriptive text.
Luke 18:12:  “I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get [NASB].”
This is a descriptive text and is the prayer uttered by the proud Pharisee (in contrast to the humble prayer of the tax collector).
Hebrews 7:2-9:  “to whom also Abraham apportioned a tenth part of all the spoils, was first of all, by the translation of his name, king of righteousness, and then also king of Salem, which is king of peace. 3 Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God, he remains a priest perpetually.  4 Now observe how great this man was to whom Abraham, the patriarch, gave a tenth of the choicest spoils. 5 And those indeed of the sons of Levi who receive the priest’s office have commandment in the Law to collect a tenth from the people, that is, from their brethren, although these are descended from Abraham. 6 But the one whose genealogy is not traced from them collected a tenth from Abraham and blessed the one who had the promises. 7 But without any dispute the lesser is blessed by the greater. 8 In this case mortal men receive tithes, but in that case one receives them, of whom it is witnessed that he lives on. 9 And, so to speak, through Abraham even Levi, who received tithes, paid tithes [NASB].”
This is a descriptive text, referring back to the Levitical priesthood and the Melchizedek priesthood.  It does not contain a commandment to tithe.
I believe these are all the verses within the bible that contain the words, Tithe, Tithes, Tithing, or Tenth.  At this time, I will not draw a conclusion as to whether Christians are still under a command to tithe.  I will do so within my next article.  However, I would like to conclude this article by pointing out that all of the prescriptive texts on tithing do not command a weekly donation of 10% of a person’s salary or earnings.  If you believe that Christians are to still obey the Old Testament commandments to tithe, then you should be doing the following:
Every year, you are to consume a tenth of your increase, in celebration, at the place that the Lord chooses.
Every third year you are to donate a tenth of your produce to the Levite, the stranger, the orphan, and the widow.  (If you are a farmer or a home gardener, you must be sure to drop off a tenth of your harvest at the local soup kitchen.)
 It would also seem that the Levites were receiving tithes more frequently than just a tenth of a family’s produce every third year.  Perhaps yearly.
Assuming that on an annual basis, one tenth is to be spent in celebration of the Lord and one tenth is to go to those that are in the Lord’s service, then you are giving at least 20% of your annual bounty.  Then every third year you need to give one tenth of your produce to the poor and needy (that’s above 20%). 
And why stop at tithing.  We haven’t even talked about the giving of first fruits and the firstborn of your cattle.  With that level of taxation, I almost prefer Canada over ancient Israel.
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wittywhit · 7 years
A Message to All My Friends and Followers
My father sent this to me not too long ago. While this is kind of a college thing and directed towards daughters, I think it's very applicable for everyone. I've wanted to share this since I care a lot about y'all and I want all of you to be safe and happy. @youngbookcollector @jaybl0gs @soccernugget @purplekitten813 @music-is-all-i-need6 ~ It was a college football game weekend, and as my friend walked down sorority row with her teenage daughter, her daughter took it all in. The energy. The buzz. The sea of people dressed in the school colors, full of excitement and hope. Out of the blue, her daughter asked a question. “Mom, what’s the hardest part of college?” Her mother said the first thing that came to mind: Saying no. It was a funny answer, yet really true. Saying No is the hardest part of college. Whether it’s No to Domino’s pizza at midnight, No to going out on Tuesday night because you need to study, or No to someone who is pushing you against your better judgment, it is beneficial and wise to get comfortable saying No. Yet even with the invitations you pass up, college is unbelievably fun. It is a time of freedom, fun, and lifelong friends you’ll always feel close to because you help each other grow up. Having four daughters, I think a lot about preparing them for college. Here are 20 things I believe college girls should know. 1. Boundaries are good, and it’s imperative to set boundaries for yourself because nobody will set them for you. College is one season of life where you can compromise your values without anyone blinking an eye. With nobody to monitor you – making sure you study, take care of yourself, and choose healthy relationships – it’s important to set personal standards and decide in advance what you will and won’t do. 2. College is when you turn into the person who you’re going to be. Since friends play a MAJOR role in shaping this person, it’s important to choose your friends wisely. The best friends are fun and good from you. There is strength in numbers, and finding friends on the same page with you helps you live out your convictions. It gives you allies who can say, “These are our goals. We can do it.” 3. Your friends fill in the gaps when you’re homesick. They become your family as you lean on them for comfort, advice, and strength. The new friends you make today will eventually be the old friends with whom you’ll share a long {and often hilarious} past. 4. What you put into your body matters. Whether it’s food, alcohol, or drugs, it impacts your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Love your body enough to protect it. Make healthy choices that help you feel strong and good about yourself. 5. Taking a few steps in the wrong direction can lead to more steps in the wrong direction. If you do something dumb, learn from it. Don’t repeat the same mistake or let your mistake become a pattern that’s hard to reverse later. 6. You always have a choice. You don’t “have” to do anything you know isn’t right. It’s okay to leave a party that’s getting too wild. It’s okay to ditch a date who’s being disrespectful. Think for yourself, be a leader, and look out for those around you. 7. Take care of your friends. If a friend is not thinking clearly, then think clearly for her. This may mean taking away her car keys so she can’t drink and drive. Or pulling her back before she leaves with a strange boy. Or calling her parents when she has a serious problem that needs attention. Love your friends as you hope they’d love you. 8. College can be a time to either neglect your faith or take it to a new level. Taking it to a new level gives you something to cling to. It provides an anchor that can center you and remind you of what’s real, right, and true. 9. Loneliness can sneak up on you at the oddest times, and this is completely normal. With so many changes and uncertainties, you may occasionally miss the stability of home and the familiarity of your old life. These growing pains of becoming an adult happen to everyone, and talking yours out with someone can help you feel less alone. 10. Stay aware of your surroundings. Keep your eyes wide open and your radar up. If you feel someone watching you – or someone gives you a bad vibe – stay away from them. Avoid placing yourself on their path or getting in situations that might make you a target, like jogging alone at night. Also, consider taking a self-defense class with friends. Knowing in advance how to protect yourself could make all the difference in helping you escape an evil encounter. 11. Professors love proactive students. And when you talk to them, ask questions, engage in class, and seek their guidance, you build a rapport that may lead to job opportunities, increased confidence, and better communication with adults. 12. Learning to manage stress is a gift you give yourself. Having academic pressures and adult responsibilities is a lot to juggle. Finding ways to decompress and deal with stress – e.g. exercising, praying, listening to music, spending time in nature, sleeping well, eating well, taking breaks with friends, and keeping a gratitude journal – can help keep you calm instead of overwhelmed. 13. You were made to chase your dreams, not boys. While boys are clearly a part of your world, it’s unhealthy to make them the center of your world. Pursue your passions instead and build a great life for yourself. Become the girl who eventually attracts the right guys as they notice you and think, “Wow. She’s awesome. She’s the total package: pretty, smart, talented, and kind. I want to be part of her world. I want to know her better.” 14. Knowing when you may be tempted to compromise your values helps you stand strong. Usually when we fall into poor habits, it’s because we don’t think ahead or set personal standards. Common times for girls to cave are freshman year (when you’re excited and caught up in the taste of freedom) and sophomore year (when the novelty of you and your friends wears off, and the attention shifts to the new girls on campus). Knowing your trigger points can help you avoid the people or situations that make it hard to say No. 15. God’s grace is bigger than any mistake you make. Your mistakes don’t define you. If you happen to wake up one day and can’t believe who you’ve become – or if you’re simply disappointed in yourself – ask God to forgive you. Turn the page and choose better next time. God’s mercies are new each morning, and regardless of what happened yesterday, today can be a different story. 16. Learning to listen to various ideas without believing everything you hear is a crucial life skill. As Aristotle said: “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” College exposes you to many personalities, perspectives, and lifestyles. This can be both thrilling and confusing. Open your mind to be enlightened, but form your own convictions and conclusions. Seek the truth by getting to know God since God is truth. 17. Treat everyone with kindness and dignity, even if you don’t agree with them. Get to know their backstories to understand the “Why?” behind their beliefs. 18. Your parents love you more than you know. They long to hear from you and be part of your life, and if they’re anything like the parents I know, they will always welcome you back home. 19. You were made to change the world, so don’t let the world change you. Remember you were born to be an original and to serve your generation like no one in the universe has ever served before. God has an amazing plan for your life, and college is just one chapter in a much bigger story. 20. Your best years are still ahead of you. Your future is full of HOPE. College, in so many ways, is an unforgettable experience. It offers the ultimate opportunity to expand your mind, your heart, and your social network. And as you start a new life on campus, I have two other words to remember: Enjoy it. Look around and take it all in. Get ready to laugh and cry and experience countless adventures. Enjoy the memories you make and the friendships you seal. Know that for every time you say No, there’s another invitation around the corner. Yes, college prepares you for a career, but more importantly it prepares you for life. It introduces you to life beyond your home and some of the best people you’ll ever meet, friends you will treasure and count on for decades and decades to come.
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