#you look cute when i’m doing you︱ Sienna & Sirius
allmymuseinspo · 2 years
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curtsycream · 6 months
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My Heart Lingers in Italy
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In which James Potter visits Italy for a school trip just to meet two girls that change him forever.
This is pretty short but it is only my first installment of this series if you want to call it that. It will be part of my summer project for my writing. So updates may be a bit slow but quality over quantity right? Anyway I hope you enjoy, it wasn’t beta read this time I wanted to get it out before I rewrite it completely or just scrap the idea. Also when they trade IDs it was supposed to be for Line and such like that but couldn’t find a face social media maker for that one, so yeah also English is not my first language so if my grammar or spelling is off I apologize in advance.
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“Lily, where are we going?”
The two girls held hands as they weaved through a crowd of tourists. The streets of Verona normally weren’t so packed but it was tourist season. Smiling Lily tugs Y/N forward as the two girls walk, “Remember you said you’d go to Piazza San Zeno with me. I explicitly remember telling you last week when you were busy talking with Sienna.”
Y/N smiled broadly, “don’t tell me you were jealous again. You know you never have anything to worry about, she just wanted to know if I would be applying to universities outside of Italy. I told her I’m going wherever you go,” she whispered.
Ducking her head down Lily tried to use her hair to hide her reddened cheeks. “You’re so annoying sometimes, come on!”
The two girls, one smirking and the other blushing made their way to the open flea market. It was packed with locals and foreigners alike. Y/N waved to any and everyone she knew running different stalls. When Lily stopped walking she bumped into the shorter girl’s back.
“What’s the hold-up, Donnina?” Y/N glanced up to notice a group of teenagers. All about the same age as the two of them. But what stuck out the most was a group of boys playing around near a booth. Their playful nature was animated and rather funny.
Grinning she wrapped an arm around Lily’s shoulder, “oh I see it’s those tourists. They’re rather cute I’ll admit,” she commented.
“What do you think about that one?” Lily asked pointing at a bespectacled boy with dark hair.
Squinting Y/N finds herself analyzing the boy from his charming behaviors to his handsome looks. “Attractive,” it was simple but for someone like Y/N, it meant a lot.
Lily and Y/N knew each other inside and out better than most people did. So a simple compliment from Y/N meant she wanted to get to know him too.
“Should we talk to him?”
“What about that thing we rushed here for?”
“Aldo will be here next Sunday with the book I want to look at, should we talk to him?”
The urgency in her voice was clear, it hinted at her fear of passing up on what could be a once-in-a-lifetime deal. Nodding her head Y/N nods her head in his direction, “Let’s go.”
Pulling Lily along she smiled softly when standing in front of the boy. Up close he was much more handsome than she gave him credit for.
James was listening to Remus explain the difference between the two books in his hands to Sirius. He knew Sirius only did this to rile him up. Looking away from his friends he noticed two girls walking towards him. One was short and flushed and the other tall and grinning.
He would be lying if he said that he didn’t feel something. They were opposites of each other yet they looked so good together. Like that of sunshine and rain where together they equal out to rainbows. A balance is what they represent one that he wanted to be a part of. It was a strange feeling but it felt meant to be.
“Ciao,” he said without thinking.
The tall girl smiled with a laugh, “Ciao.” While the shorter one looked away before looking back at him with a smile, “Ciao.”
“I, I didn’t really pass Italian just enough to end up on this trip,” he explained. He felt as if he had to as if he owned them something.
“No it’s fine, we know English. Your accent British?” The tall one asked with just as much interest as a puppy. Her accent is thick as she speaks fluently and confidently.
“Yes, I guess the accent was very obvious,” he joked.
“That among other things,” the words from the shorter girl made him grin. Her voice was lithe sneaking up on his ears with agility. While the taller girl’s voice felt like velvet wrapping around his eyes blinding him with mystery. Both were opposite but equal in the effects they were having on his senses.
“Oh, what are these other things?” He asked leaning forward enough to smell figs and jasmine on her. A floral and fruity scent that made him lean back some.
“If I told you so easily it wouldn’t be as fun,” she told him.
“She’s always like this if you’re wondering, you’ll have to pry her secrets from her cold little hands to know.” The glint of amusement in the taller girl’s eyes was evident. Just like the smell of mint and lemon when she stepped closer to whisper that to him. The crisp and citrus scent was exhilarating like a cool breeze sweeping over him.
“I’ll keep that in mind for the next time we meet,” he tells her.
The confidence in his tone was enough to cause Y/N to look away. Lily found herself squinting at him, “who said we would meet again?”
“I can’t say for sure but I hope so,” he says. “You’re both really interesting.”
“We’ve said less than five sentences each,” she tells him. All he did was shrug a look of certainty on his face. His expression revealed it all as if he knew they would.
“Then let’s trade IDs?” He asked them.
“How do you even know we have the app?”
“I don’t, but I’d like to hope you do, red.”
Laying in her bed whilst looking up at her ceiling Lily sighs. Sitting up she glanced over at whom she deemed her other half. The other girl was sculpting something with clay her headphones probably blaring some loud music.
Each time Lily tried to sleep her mind would wander to the bespectacled boy they met. His charisma was refreshing in a way she had not expected. Though she denied it on the trip back home she did enjoy his company.
His words so easily teased and left her cheeks red. She couldn’t understand how he so easily did so. Before she could think longer about the British boy she felt arms snake around her waist. A head resting on her chest, “What are you thinking so hard about, Donnina?”
Weaving her fingers through the taller girl’s hair the ginger sighs. A look of contemplation on her freckled face. “That guy…the British boy. He’s not easy to forget,” she uttered.
Mulling over Lily’s words she agreed, “I get that..he’s very charismatic in a way. But under all that, there is this heart tug where you can’t help but enjoy his company.”
“Exactly!” Lily exclaimed as she brushed hair out of the other girl’s face. Her finger trailed down her forehead and along the bridge of her nose. “I wonder if that’s normal…to feel that way about someone you just met.”
Humming softly Y/N’s fingers ghost over Lily’s sides before resting on her hips. “Maybe it’s a British thing? To be so charming and have people eager to see them again.”
“I thought that was the French?”
“It’s all relative, or how do people say Greek to me.”
Lily snorted shaking her head, “I think this is why you shouldn’t skip out on your literature classes.”
“Why would I stop when I have such a beautiful tutor to teach me when I don’t show up for classes?”
“You’re such a flirt.”
“You wouldn’t have me any other way, donnina.”
Verona was beautiful at night, James remembered Remus telling him it was the city of Romeo and Juliet. A lovely Italian city where lovers can go and enjoy the sights around them.
Lover or not he had to admit that the city was more than he expected. The town with its medieval architecture and the meandering Adige river. It was hard for him to stop looking out of his window as the moon reflected perfectly upon it.
He could hear Sirius and Remus’ hushed tones within the room. The two had spent the day with James although James made it clear he was okay alone. He didn’t want to ruin the time his friends could have in such a romantic place together.
But he was grateful, sighing he glanced down his eyes finally leaving the river. People were still walking about outside conversing. he expected the nightlife to not be as active. From the morning and afternoon being busy with bustling marketplaces, piazzas, shops, and gardens. But from the way people were chattering and laughing it seemed there was more to the city.
For some reason he found himself watching a duo of two women. One tall and the other short both of them laughing and clinging to each other in their drunken state. He wondered if they did similar activities, or rather he wondered what they were doing now.
A small ding left his phone, his hand dived into his trousers pocket to retrieve it. A message from Y/N appeared on his phone, eagerly he opened it.
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Typos are on purpose because they are messaging in English. To better clarify when it’s just Lily and Y/N speaking together it will be in Italian. I’ll better indicate that in the next installment, but Y/N is terrible at English but she tries. I’m such a sucker for this trio already.
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allmymuseinspo · 3 years
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allmymuseinspo · 4 years
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allmymuseinspo · 4 years
sienna x sirius
Who asks the other on dates:
lmao do they do that?? if anyone does it’s sirius 
Who is the bigger cuddler:
100000% sirius. he loves cuddles and sienna indulges him 
Who initiates holding hands more often:
tbh i think they both do? i really dont think they care too much about pda?
Who remembers anniversaries:
in the world where they ended up together i think probably sienna? he’s much more forgetful and i think she would maybe take that stuff more seriously?
Who is more possessive:
oof im going to say sienna 
Who gets more jealous:
both? fucking both. they both are
Who is more protective:
sirius for sure. 
Who is more likely to cheat:
see i dont even know. like i dont see sirius as someone who would ever cheat. i know you said like sienna could potentially emotionally like cheat w chris -- would that apply here? im not sure. i guess sienna? 
Who initiates sexy times the most:
it’s pretty even i think
Who dislikes PDA the most:
neither of them, they love it. well.. they love it to a degree, as they’re still super conscientious of like paps and stuff 
Who kills the spider:
im pretty sure sirius has to 
Who asks the the other to marry them:
neither loool
Who buys the other flowers or gifts:
again, i think it’s even. sienna buys stuff for him all the time. i do think sirius is the type to bring flowers home tho
Who would bring up possibly having kids:
god i think the first kid would totally be an accident whoops
Who is more nervous to meet the parents:
neither, they’ve known each others parents their whole lives
Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry:
sirius in the guest bed?
Who tries to make up first after arguments:
god theyre so fucking stubborn. i dont know, probably sirius 
Who tells the other they love them more often:
sirius for sure
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allmymuseinspo · 5 years
#comparing the twin scars on our forearms ︱ Alistaire & Lucinda#gold leaf across your lips ︱Regulus & Lucinda#i crave the balm of beautiful & soft things ︱Lucinda Talkalot#just get in the fucking blanket fort ︱ Peter & Sirius#platonically calls you babe ︱ Lily & Sirius#you look cute when i’m doing you︱ Sienna & Sirius#local dumbasses knew what they were getting into but did anyway︱ James & Sirius#as long as we don’t die this is going to be one hell of a story ︱ Remus & Sirius#merry band of weirdos ︱ Marauders#built on the same pretty lie ︱ Regulus & Sirius#is crying in class punk rock?︱Sirius Black#your smile lifted the world off me ︱ Verity & Christopher#and you sin you sin you sin ︱ Christopher Flint#we win because we do not know how to lose ︱ Lily & Glenda#so i did a stupid thing again ︱ Marlene & Glenda#we are syrup in coffee and hands that bite︱Sienna & Glenda#maybe it was the timing or the toxicity or the lifetime︱Peter & Glenda#nothing sets you off like how you want him︱Thorfinn & Glenda#if witchery is a sin she’s going to burn smiling ︱ Glenda Chittock#thank you for loving me through it all ︱ Amelia & Silas#six am sunrise shining down on us ︱ Edgar & Silas#is it a heart or is it a hole︱ Silas Bones#tag dump#🌻 glenda x peter ›› maybe it was the timing or the toxicity or the lifetime#🌻 glenda x sienna ›› book me first class to my fancy house in london town#🌻 glenda x marlene ›› so i did a stupid thing again#🌻 glenda x lily ›› we win because we don’t know how to lose
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allmymuseinspo · 3 years
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allmymuseinspo · 3 years
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allmymuseinspo · 5 years
sirius and sienna for the parents meme
Who’s the one to wake up the kids:
I think probably Sirius or maybe both sometimes? But I feel like he gets up relatively early for work anyway and then he’s such a DAD that like fucking lame ass makes them lunches and shit like i think he would totally wake them up a lot 
Who makes breakfast:
See the above ^^ he really eventually likes to cook and is good at it. Right now it’s basically almost inedible but you know he’s getting there 
Who’s the more discipline parent and who’s the more lenient one:
I think probably a mix of both but probably Sienna ultimately? I think Sirius is very easily swayed
Who helps with the science fair:
Umm nannies. Maybe Sirius sometimes. But this is not his forte 
Who does baby talk:
Sirius 100%
Who wakes up for midnight feedings:
Again I think it’s a mix of both but they also would probablyyyy have a night nurse because Sienna isn’t all that into it. I also think they probably would be bottle fed so he would get up quite a bit too
Who’s the one who always worries:
Both, just in different ways? 
Who picks up the kids early from school for some fun:
Sirius, he wants to have fun and he knows he shouldn’t do it but sometimes ya gotta do it
Who’s the competitive parent:
Sienna 100% altho… he’s a close second can’t lie
Who kisses the ouches:
Sirius !
Who’s the sucker for the puppy eyes:
lmfao is this a question? Sirius motherfucking Black. The Black men are suckers for their kids’ puppy eyes
Who makes the “dad jokes”:
God, Sirius… yeah. 
Who embarrasses their kid for fun:
I don’t think either really goes out of their way to do it? I think he is more likely to tease them, but I don’t think they ever try to be purposefully embarrassing
Who’s the over protective one:
Both. Sienna because she wants their lives to be super private at least when it comes to the press and shit, and Sirius because… literally fuck the press. He probably would want to like hide their faces constantly. Like he’d be that celeb where they’re around but no one knows what they look like? 
Who’s the “take a sweater!” parent:
LOL Sirius
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allmymuseinspo · 4 years
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