#you know. the one that has Lois rightfully tearing someone a new asshole
thesaltyace · 2 years
Okay I'm about to lose my shit on a whole university.
Admin sent faculty - for the SECOND time in the past year - a letter describing, in detail, how much they "cost" the university.
I assume because there have been LOTS of complaints about the lack of raise for two years in a row. Not even a cost of living adjustment.
So yeah, the letter "kindly" explains to faculty that their compensation includes their benefits, and lists what those "cost" the university in detail.
As though employing them is a favor.
As though they aren't required by law to provide those benefits.
As though those benefits aren't comparable to the benefits every other public university offers, while they also pay a higher salary.
And not to put too fine a point on it, but
do you think you would even HAVE a university without faculty to teach?
What the fuck else does a university do, but do teaching and research? Which is performed by the faculty you hired to perform that function?
If you view your employees as a LIABILITY instead of an ASSET, you deserve every poor outcome for which you're currently sowing the seeds.
You absolute twatwaffles.
Go. To. Hell.
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