#you know when you're dating in high school and you've got your first relationship going on and it's sweet
simpee9000 · 28 days
Not Just Friends - 9 -
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M.List : Prologue : Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 : Part 4 : Part 5 : Part 6 : Part 7 : Part 8 : Words 5.1k
Childhood best friends turned into something more, at least with the label. Katsuki Bakugo, a fast-rising hero and fast-learning guy who is ever so slow in getting attached to and loving someone. Even three long years into a relationship, and your friends even forget you're even dating. Nothing happening, spare a few kisses.. like 3 kisses, during high school. Graduated and living together, and you guys have done absolutely nothing to further the relationship. Are you sure you're not just friends? Also not edited!! CW: Smut, brief domestic violence discussion, virginity loss, aggressive flirting from creeps, gore with pro hero stuff (lmk if i missed any) Applies to all chapters regardless of it is in said chapter.
The change was weird. A lasting sour taste in your mouth.
It was sudden too. His withdrawal from your life was instant.
Rather than how it was when you were temporarily sharing his room, he didn't wake you up and say goodbye. You thought that was just a morning after an argument thing, but it lasted. Going into the next week he even changed it more.
He no longer let you share your mornings, you had to relearn to use your own alarm quickly. Your schedules conflicted more than just that as well.
Lunch would no longer work, he switched his patrol times and took on meetings instead of leaving the space open for you.
Dinner wasn't really a thing anymore either. He stopped telling you when he'd be home, and after the first week of him not being home till late, you gave up. Throwing yourself into work as well. Changing your hours so you could sleep in more and get home later. Just to eat some leftovers he packed up for you, before turning in.
Words weren't really exchanged anymore and it was weird. You shared a room, and a bed, yet never saw each other awake.
It felt like a break up. In the simplest of terms. It wrecked you for a while. Felt like you were trudging along as you waited for him like a puppy.
You knew he held grudges but you've never expected him to turn it onto you.
You wanted to mourn the relationship but felt like it wasn't a right you had. He was still your boyfriend, you think. And you talked after you woke him up getting into bed. A quick conversation, but a conversation nonetheless. But the relationship back peddled to way before he got the watch. It felt like how it was after your first kiss in first year. Consuming yourselves with school to avoid the talk.
His mom still called often, nothing changed with how she spoke to you. Nothing changed outside your relationship with him and it was weird. You don't even know if your friends have noticed and it's been months.
It was nearing the end of October, the argument happened in the middle of August.
And none of your friends even blinked an eye. When Katsuki refused an invitation they assumed the normal, not surprised to see you at the bar without him. Mei didn't even notice. When you brushed off your change of work schedule and said he changed as well, she didn't ask another question. Thinking you were only glum because of the negative side of the internet. Fans bashing you at any corner possible.
It didn't bother you much, felt like a fly buzzing around you constantly but it was liveable.
Getting pestered for more interviews, people trying to get an inside look at Dynamight's home life. But you followed Shoto's PR manager's advice and chose to stay out of the limelight. Only interviewing when it was about your work.
Your work was your baby after all. Especially recently, it was hard to get you out of the office before two in the morning. Having more heroes come to you than before. It was exciting to see your career grow, you were just slightly annoyed that it was because of Katsuki that it grew. But a win was a win.
Everyone agreed with you on that, your friends closed down a bar for you, wanting to celebrate how many clients you had. You were getting article after article written about your work, being named as the second-best individual support tech in all of Japan. Because obviously, they'd have rankings for that as well.
A blush instantly covered your face when you walked into the bar, Mei pushing you forward. She dragged you out of the lab for once and convinced you to show face.
Kirishima is the first to tackle you in a hug, letting Mina do the same right after. "Congrats," he patted your shoulder as he pulled you more into the bar.
Most of Class A was there for you, celebrating you. Other pros you met along the way as well. People that you stayed in touch with since high school. Anyone you would want to be there was there.
"You guys shouldn't have," you smiled at the group, it was contagious. Denki had a derpy smile on him while Mina was bouncing around.
Kirishima laughed you off, "You needed it, been stuck in that lab and it paid off." You shrunk in on yourself when called out, you hadn't really been showing up that often to group outings. Not nearly as much as you used to.
"I got your favorite Cake!" Mina skipped towards you as best as she could. The cake was custom-made for you, having only the best flavors.
"It's not my birthday," you felt the need to point out, given the size of the celebration. And the candles that topped the cake.
"Might as well be," Mina pushed, "You're a new person! Officially number 2 in Japan!"
You did feel like a new person, you've changed a lot in the past two months.
"Come on," Mei teased over your shoulder, "Blow out the candles!"
"Make a wish!" Mina cheered, pushing the cake closer to you. And with the people you knew, they joined in. Cheering you on.
"They're gonna melt, y'know," Sero urged you once move.
"Fine," you laughed, feeling lighter than you had in the past couple of months. Thinking of nothing in particular as you blew out the candles, only looking around the crowd after. Noticing the lack of a certain blonde.
Rather than letting your shoulders slump too much, you let yourself fall into the cheer from your friends.
It was how you've done things since. You stopped waiting around for him, for the first time since you were kids. You pushed past him, not looking at every notification on your phone and hoping it was him. It didn't take Izuku this long to move beyond Katsuki, so you don't know why you let yourself take this long. Living behind him for so long.
You were pushed from conversation to conversation, catching up with people you haven't seen in a while and then talking with your closest friends. Being handed drink after drink in the process.
"You've been working a lot," Izuku commented when you finally made your way to him.
"Yeah," you nodded happily, "It's paid off."
He furrowed his brows, "You shouldn't overwork yourself. You haven't had a day off in months."
"Not true, I take a day off every week," you corrected him, not knowing where he got that idea. You took a day off every week, taking time to sleep the entire time.
"But-" he looked so confused, "Kacchan said you're not home, like ever."
"Oh," you understood the confusion now, "I switched my off days."
You shrugged, not really wanting to get into this conversation. Especially not with him and not now. You'd fall apart instantly. The feeling and pressure of your fragile relationship sitting on top of your chest. "Needed a change, you know how it is."
"I'm here for you, I know I'm busy but if you need anything I'm here," he was taking on the concerned best friend role, like usual.
"Z', I'm fine, really," you brushed off his concern, "Better than ever, my career is taking off, that's all that matters."
"That's not all that matter-"
"I need to go thank Mina and Mei again for setting this up," you excused yourself and walked through the slowly dying crowd. Meeting with the two pink-haired girls that were chatting near the food.
"Why do you look so drained?" Mei called out instantly, Mina slapping her shoulder right after.
"Social battery is just nonexistent right now," you lied, picking up a piece of food.
Mina looked around the bar, "It seems like it's just your close friends now, everyone else left by now."
You sighed in relief, you wanted to go home somewhat. Yet you didn't want to go back to him.
"Hey, Mei," you got her attention, "Can I spend the night?"
"Yeah," she shrugged, "Thought your social battery was dead though?"
"Friends don't count," you contradicted yourself and just prayed they wouldn't call you on it.
"Still, you never ask," Mei pointed out.
"I'm a new person," you grabbed another piece of food, filling your mouth so you couldn't be asked anymore.
"If you're mad at Bakugo for not showing up I wouldn't blame you." Mina spoke softly, "Dick move of him honestly."
"He's busy, it's fine," you defended him without another thought.
"No it's not, how many award shows have you been to for him?" Mei joined in. It felt nice they had your back, but it wasn't necessary.
You sighed, "I'm used to it. I'll have plenty more so it's fine."
Mina and Mei shared a look, not wanting to give in and forgive him as easily as you do, but not wanting to put you down either. "You're welcome to stay at mine," Mei finished the conversation.
A small gasp left Mina's mouth, eyes widening. "Bag of dicks is here," Mei groaned.
You couldn't help looking over your shoulder, seeing Katsuki for the first time awake in a while. Seeing Kirishima and Denki crowd him instantly. Greeting him warmly as you stood there. "I need a drink," you twisted your direction to head to the bar. Tonight was going to be a good night, not another about him.
Looking at him was too much, it hurt at first. Knowing your last real conversation was an argument. One where he threatened to take sex away from you, when he actually took everything him away. Just because you didn't want him to die for a stupid reason. It hurt to see everything on his side was fine.
It pissed you off. He was acting the same as you were, sure, but you would have gone to his award show. You would have been the first one there. Yet here he was, the last person to show after most left.
The bartender was quick to hand you a drink, watching and replacing it after you downed it all. You've been steadily drinking all night but a new buzz would help. Help the anger that was brewing over you.
You turned around when you had your second drink, wanting to sip on this one instead. Only getting more upset when he was still talking to his friends. Not even sparing you a glance. You let your head fall at this point, watching your shoes as you tapped your feet.
Any thought other than him would help, this wasn't about him. It shouldn't be.
For the past two months, you've been doing everything alone, and it's shown it's worth it. This was just another event that you had to get through. You'd just have to deal with him standing on the sidelines for once.
You saw Uraraka's white shoes before she spoke, "Do you want to join the group?"
When you looked up you saw that people pushed tables together, all of them sitting down together. How you didn't hear them move everything was surprising. Once you got rid of the shock, you turned back to her, "Yeah sure."
She smiled warmly, linking her arm with yours as she walked to the table with you. Sitting down next to you after you took your spot at the head of the table, next to him, unfortunately. You kept your body turned away from him, focusing on talking with her. The two of you didn't get to talk often after all. But you liked her nonetheless, she was the embodiment of welcoming.
The side conversations easily merged into one big conversation. You looked over the group as you leaned back in your chair. Sero was laughing as Denki rambled, Mei and Mina encouraging the conversation while Kirishima tried to reel it back in. Izuku was smiling fondly at the group, the same as Shoto. It was all your closest friends, it made you feel warm.
"It is not just a high school thing," Denki pointed at Sero laughing, "you're just mad that you couldn't." You were easily confused by his outburst, not having a clue what the conversation was about.
"No Nut November is like a middle school joke," Sero stated back.
"What is that?" Shoto asked, confused.
Denki and Sero started laughing, forcing Mina to explain, "It's a thing guys do, a challenge of not nutting for the full month of November."
"Nutting?" Shoto asked again.
"You're kidding!" Denki wheezed.
"Cumming," Kirishima answered, face cringing at the conversation. Everyone cringed besides Denki and Sero, who were too busy laughing.
"Why would you do that though?" Shoto was trying to piece together the concept.
"Only idiots do," Katsuki cut in. It was the first time you heard his voice so clearly all night.
Not being given a chance to soak in his voice, Denki starts defending the idea again, "You're only saying that cause you couldn't last that long."
"I could," Katsuki bit back, wanting to win at anything challenged.
"Please," Sero started teasing as well, "Bakugo you'd last a day."
"How the fuck would you know?"
"You either get some daily or never," Sero pointed out, "I'm falling on the likelihood of daily, knowing your girlfriend."
"Okay," you slapped your hands on the table, "Enough of that conversation."
Mina booed at you, having enjoyed the guys bickering.
"Thank god," you heard Izuku whisper in relief.
"I think I'm going to head out," you announced, standing up and giving Mei a nod so she knew she should get ready. You were thankful the bar was already nearly clean, no help was needed.
You looked down at Katsuki when you heard his keys, the sound familiar to you.
"Did you drive here?" Katsuki asked you, looking back up at you.
"Uh-" you looked at Mei, "I didn't."
"Need a ride back home?" he offered, standing up next to you.
It hurt to decline him, but you didn't want anything to do with him, not tonight.
"Ready?" Mei joined you by your side.
You looked between the two before settling on Katsuki, "I'm actually going to stay the night at Mei's." Any hope he had in his eyes left, face dropping in the slightest bit. You didn't notice the look he held until it was gone.
He looked like he got his heart ripped out and stomped on, but so did you.
"Look, if this is about me showing up late, I'm-"
A surprised laugh left your lips, it was mean. And the look on his face showed that he felt that it was mean as well. "This isn't about you Katsuki," you put it bluntly. It wasn't about him, tonight wasn't about him. You wanted to keep a good mood, and going home with him wouldn't do that.
You didn't give him the chance to reply before you grabbed onto Mei, wanting to leave as soon as possible. Going through all the goodbyes.
Mei and you shared the same horrible sleep schedule. She grabbed some wine as she let you collapse on her couch and turned the TV onto something for background noise the second you got to her apartment.
She handed you a glass before she sat down next to you, beer in her own hand. "I got to ask now, you know that right?"
You groaned, taking a sip of your wine, "Hit me with the questions." Avoidance wouldn't last in a small setting and you knew that.
"What the hell happened between you guys?"
"We're having a rough spot right now," you answered simply, shuffling further into the couch.
"That much is obvious."
"Fine," you gave in, taking a deep breath to give an actual answer, "I haven't really talked to him for two months."
Mei's face drained of all color, "What?"
"Yeah," you shrugged, swirling the wine in your glass.
"Are you broken up?" Mei reached a hand to rest on your forearm.
"No, at least," you thought for a second, "I don't think we are."
"How are you with someone you haven't talked to in months?"
"I don't know," you mumbled.
"What type of argument could have caused that?"
You wanted to laugh out of frustration, looking back on it was painful and stupid to you. Yet you were still so mad. "Y'know how I made him that watch?" she nodded, "Well, he asked me to make the watch for the reasons you thought. And he was fully relying on it. Having his quirk off every time he was next to me."
"Can't that kill you?" Mei asked.
"Yes, so I told him that and he turned it into a massive thing. I asked him to take it off, and he said no, so I told him I wouldn't touch him when he had his quirk off. Now we just don't talk," you explained quickly, chest tightening.
"But you're still dating?" you could tell she was trying to be sensitive to the situation.
All you could do was shrug, "I still share a bed with him, so I'm assuming yes."
"How come you don't talk to him?"
"I tried the first week, but when he changed his schedule around to avoid me, I did the same."
"So that's why-"
"Yeah, it's done a lot of good for me though. I've finally grown a lot more. My career is at a high and it's only up from now. I'm no longer just in his shadow. Honestly, I'm thankful for the fight. I finally feel like an adult. I don't need anyone to get me where I am and it's refreshing," you admitted. A lot of good has come from it, and you weren't going to ignore it.
"But you love him?" Mei asked, trying to make sure.
"Of course, he just isn't my life."
"You're not going to try for him? You have been each other's since you were five," Mei worded slowly.
"I'm not reaching out to someone who doesn't want me, Mei," you looked at her, firm on what to do about everything. It was already settled before but now you've actually said it. "I don't know why it took me forever to realize, I wish I did when Izuku did. I would be a lot further in life."
"You already are far in life, you're not even twenty and your 2nd best support tech-"
"I could have been first-"
"No," Mei shook her head, "I'm sorry to say it, but you're only this far because of him. Because of your friends."
"I'm not wrong, you've been given endless support. Without that? You would still be fumbling behind everyone else. You can't get anywhere in life solely on your own."
"Well, it wasn't only him," you pointed out. You agreed with her, your friends helped a lot.
"It was majority him," she pointed out.
You rolled your eyes, "Don't you somewhat hate him?"
"I still know he's good for you, and if your entire relationship goes to shit over this, I'm not letting myself be a part of it. Is he an asshole for showing up late? Yes, fuck him for that. Is he a dick for throwing a fit about kissing and not talking to you? Absolutely. But he is also the man who loves you the most, he's been there for you so many times. Are you going to throw that away?"
"I'm not throwing shit away, he is," you defended yourself, tears lining your eyes.
"Your not even trying-"
"I shouldn't have to," you stood up, "I tell him everything while he keeps himself away. I'm fucking done. If he wants me, he needs to tell me."
"What are you doing?" Mei questioned, seeing you grab your things.
"Leaving," you said firmly.
"You don't have a car-"
"I'll walk," you spit out, slamming the door to her apartment as you left. Breaking down when in the elevator. You wanted tonight to be about you, about your success. Yet as always, it turned out to be about him. You thought you'd grown out of being only mentioned because of him.
You walked on uneasy footing until you got out of her block. She was your best friend and she didn't even understand. It made you wish you talked to Izuku.
The street lamps lit up your bag as you looked for your phone. Glancing at the time before you dialed his number. His sleep was fucked up too, so you weren't worried about waking him up
"Are you okay?" was the first thing he said, full of concern. It was 3 in the morning after all.
"No," you choked on a sob, choosing to lean on a wall rather than continue walking. You didn't even know where to walk.
"What's going on? Do I need to get you-"
"I'm safe," you cleared up your throat, "I'm just struggling."
"Katsuki and I are in a rough patch, Mei doesn't get my side on it, and I can't turn to him," you rambled, "I just don't know what to do."
"Just breathe right now, you're going to get worse if you continue like this," he counted for you to follow. Performing his hero script as he calmed you down.
You let yourself sit on the concrete, leaning your back onto a random building as you rested your head on your knees.
"Okay," you whispered into the phone, "Katsuki and I haven't talked in two months."
Izuku was a rambler but he was also a good listener. Letting you get out any detail you needed before even opening his mouth. So you told him everything, leaving out any sex-related things. Telling him Katsuki used the watch to hug you or kiss you, so a truth in the cover-up. He could draw up that conclusion on his own.
"I was just thinking that maybe you'd understand," you finished, "I'm just so tired of reaching out to him."
"I get it," he started, "Probably the only one that does. He locks himself off and just expects you to come chasing for him. And the second you don't, he throws a fit. You should let him, I know it's hard, but he needs to grow up as well. You told him your concern and he locked you out, he needs to be the one to let you back in."
You sighed in relief, "So I'm doing the right thing?"
"Yes, especially in a relationship. It shouldn't be so one-sided with communication. You come a long way in the past months, and he should acknowledge that. I love you both, and I hope you guys work past it, but if it doesn't then it's for the best," he spoke to you like a brother would. You didn't even notice when the dynamic between the two of you flipped. Him going from acting like a younger brother to the older brother.
"Thank you," you sniffled, trying to dry the tears that have been working down your face, "Mei thinks I'm throwing everything away."
"He's the one that pushed you out, he's throwing it away," Izuku pointed out. You hummed in agreement, looking down at your phone.
"Holy fuck," the time surprised you, it was nearing five in the morning, and it was a Saturday. You were thankful that the city wasn't awake yet. "I need to get home."
"You're not home?!" he squeaked into the phone, "Where are you?"
"I don't know," you answered honestly, standing upright and stretching your limbs out.
"I'll start walking home now," you tried to calm him down.
"Do you know how dangerous that is?"
"I'm fine Izuku, I'm maybe a block away from home," that seemed to calm him down. He let you hang up the phone, telling you to text him when you were home.
You were glad to have a hoodie at this point, pulling the hood up to hide your tear-streaked face as you walked back home. Needing the ten-minute walk to calm down. Think for yourself.
While you fully agreed with Izuku, you also saw Mei's point of view. She wanted you happy, and you were happy with Katsuki. You didn't want to break up with him, you loved him fully. But if he couldn't meet you halfway, you weren't going to rush to fill that emptiness he left. You'd rather move on to better things. Maybe find someone who would.
With your head hung low the entire walk back to your apartment, you didn't even notice you were in the elevator until it opened on your floor. Having walked all the way on a full autopilot. Thinking of your relationship that overtook one of the biggest days of your career.
You opened your door with a sigh, throwing your keys on the shelf before turning into the kitchen for some water. Filling up a glass before you walked to the basket of blankets in the corner of the living room.
The second you turned around to walk to the couch you dropped your glass. A shocked scream left your lips when you saw Katsuki sitting there in the dark.
"What the fuck are you doing?" you hissed at him, confused as to why he was sitting in the dark and not in his room.
"I was sleeping," he answered.
"Here?" you shot back, bending down to pick up the broken glass.
"Aren't you supposed to be at Mei's?"
You squeezed your hand in annoyance, only noticing the burn of the cut then.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," you turned his concern down, throwing away the broken glass when you walked into the kitchen. Thankful that it broke into big pieces rather than small. You ran your hand underwater as you ignored him.
"You're bleeding," it was clear he was groggy with sleep.
"No shit," you answered plainly.
"Fuckin' c'mere," he moved near you, trying to grab your hand only to get swatted away.
"I can take care of myself," you snapped at him, moving to grab a paper towel, trying to dry up the small cut.
"Think I don't fucking know that?" he asked back, agitated at your reactions to him. You waited for the bleeding to stop before throwing away your trash and grabbing a bandaid to cover the small cut to your finger.
You shrugged, "Never know with you. Never tell me anything. Don't know what you know or don't."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I-" you sighed, you didn't want to get into it, "Nothing, I'm tired." You walked past him again, grabbing a blanket and getting comfortable on the couch.
"You're sleeping down here?"
"Yeah, go to bed Katsuki," you turned away from him.
"Kats," he said softly, making you turn to face him again.
"You stopped calling me Kats, it's only this Katsuki bullshit now."
"Whatever, Katsuki," you dismissed without thinking, turning back over as you tried to forget how he looked just then. It's how he looked at the party, just ten times worse.
"What happened to us?"
You didn't bother to reply, it was clear he wanted you to do the talking. But if he wanted to actually talk, he had to first.
"This," he paused, silence filling the air before he cleared his throat only for his voice to crack regardless, "This isn't what I want."
"You never told me what you wanted," you couldn't help but reply.
"I'm not good at this type of shit," he was angry at himself but you wouldn't fall into this pity party for himself. "I didn't think you'd change your schedule."
"You changed yours."
"I only did that because I needed to think," he defended.
"For two months?"
"I switched it back after but you weren't home, and haven't been since."
"So you couldn't have called? Asked me when I did get home at night? Woke me up in the morning to talk?"
"You could have done the same."
"I always do that Katsuki," you turned to face him, "I'm always the one fucking chasing you. And I'm done."
He choked, "You're done?"
"I'm done chasing after you," you clarified, "I've met you halfway, time after time, you just need to do the same."
Silence buzzed around the living room. The two of you were just staring at each other. Both are equally heartbroken. You looked him over for the first time in months.
"You're still wearing the watch," you pointed out, seeing the gleam of it on his wrist.
"You gave it to me," he replied, "I haven't used it since, by the way."
He took a shaky breath in, "I'm so fucking sorry, Brains." You waited for him to continue, "You were right, I wasn't using it just as a crutch. I was completely relying on it." It hurt to hear it from him, you already knew it was true. "I, fuck," he ran his hand over his face, "I went to the doctor too, they said if I used it that much it'd kill me. Having my quirk completely off."
You couldn't be more glad about the fight now, knowing it kept him from killing himself. Sure it wouldn't kill him immediately, but over time it would just get worse and worse for his health.
"Once I found out you were right, I just couldn't bear the thought. I don't feel safe around you without my quirk dampened and now I can't," he admitted, "I feel my quirk just with this conversation. I don't want to hurt you."
"You were late to the party," you pointed out instead, "You never even congratulated me."
He hung his head, "I got sidetracked with trying to get a gift- but I was going to congratulate you at home."
"Doesn't excuse it."
"I know, I'm sorry," he reached into his pocket, "I got this for you though." He tossed the small bag at you.
You gave him an unsure look before opening it, first seeing a sticker of "World's Best Tech" an inside joke between the two of you. He hated the idea of #1 mugs and things like it, claiming he was better than everyone else. The next was just a small necklace, something easy to wear with everything.
"It doesn't make up for shit, and that's not what I'm trying to do with it," he said after you stared at the gift for a while.
"I know," you spoke softly, the gift was thoughtful for your relationship.
"I'm so fucking proud of you, I knew you could do it," he followed.
Tears were hitting your eyes harder than before. Despite claiming you didn't need him. You wanted to hear him say that so bad.
You saw him move to get up when he saw your tears, sitting back down and grabbing his own hands when he decided against it. You patted the seat next to you. As long as his watch wasn't on, you were okay. He rushed immediately to your side, tugging you into a hug before he could overthink.
"I should have talked to you a lot sooner," he spoke into your hairline, leaving a kiss on your forehead after.
"I'm sorry I can't be there for you like this," he said softly.
You pulled back from him, "What do you mean?"
"Can't hug you and shit," he grumbled, pulling you back into him. Not wanting you to see his face.
You sat in silence for a while, soaking in his words and the perspective he likely had the past two months. He could have thought you stopped talking to him because he couldn't touch you anymore.
"I'm not mad that you can't touch me, I'm upset that you don't talk to me, in general," you spoke just as softly as he did, wanting to comfort him the way he was comforting you.
He let out a breath of relief, "It's gotten worse without you around."
"What did?"
"My quirk just goes off without you now, just the thought freaks me out enough. Fuckin' annoying," he confessed.
"Is it going to go off soon?" you wanted to be prepared to be pushed away from him. If he did it unannounced you'd likely cry. He just squeezed you closer.
"No," he said quietly, "It's finally calmed the fuck down."
-Next Part-
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tvhsleb3ww · 7 months
summary miya atsumu had lost hope on finding the one for him after multiple failed relationships before you came along
swearing, suggestive (mentions of getting laid), flirting, light punching(does that count as violent?), pure fluff honestly, some twins bickering
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his first girlfriend was when he was 13. he had just gotten popular for being the best setter in the district. surely, many girls had gone up to him and tried to befriend him. he wouldn't deny the attention because we all know miya atsumu loves attention. especially from cute girls his age.
the relationship wasn't long, probably around 3 weeks or so. it was the first time tsumu had broken his piggy bank with his dad's hammer to take out some cash and use them to buy his girlfriend some chocolate.
it ended when tsumu hit puberty and had a terrible break out. the girl was probably freaked and it was the first time tsumu cried over a girl. they never even had the chance to kiss like he had imagined!
the second girlfriend was when he was in his third year of highschool. it was a much more serious relationship and he developed strong feelings for the girl. it was the first time tsumu went on multiple dates and had a girl over.
despite that, he got dumped once again after high school ended and his said girlfriend is going overseas for her studies.
things started to heat up a bit as he reached his early twenties. due to his rising fame from the volleyball industry and his incredibly good looks, women especially models, are interested in him.
likewise, he's not one to deny attention and affection from hot ladies. oh, he loves it.
starting from there, he had a couple flings and hook ups. he even got popular with the supermodel ladies for being amazing in bed. although, he was never one to try and find a relationship.
that changed after he met a girl at a club. he was one hundred percent sure that she was the one. the way she was hitting on him, wrapping her arms around his neck. his breath hitches everytime they interacted and thus it was his first real relationship in a long while.
it lasted for six months or so after he got dumped for a CEO bastard. he then started to think maybe he was never meant to find his other half. maybe he was gonna die alone.
that thought had him awake at night and as much as he is scared of that predicament, he can't really do anything to change it. he just accepted his fate right then and there.
and it all changed when he locked eyes with you.
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it was official. osamu had opened his restaurant for approximately two years now! to celebrate this achievement, he had decided to close the store for a day to throw a small party to celebrate.
of course, all his family and friends were invited. atsumu's volleyball team, his friends from high school, his relatives, everyone!
"samu! congrats man!"
tsumu exclaims with a bright smile as he pulls his twin brother into a hug. osamu quickly hugs him back before giving him a punch on the shoulder, making atsumu yelp.
"ey! the hell was that for, ya twerp!?"
he pouted at his brother as osamu just chuckled. osamu crossed his arms over his broad chest, a gentle smile on his face as he watches his twin brother being dramatic as usual.
"that's for bein' late, ya asshat. yer team already started eatin' ages ago"
osamu rolled his eyes as atsumu just chuckles.
"i had somethin' to take care of"
"oh shut yer mouth, i know you've been sleepin' and forgot"
their interaction went on with some laughter and some light punches. the usual miya twin interaction. after some minutes, atsumu had left to join his team at the table.
"hey, you're late! good thing, the food isn't finished yet"
bokuto chirped as he started to prepare a plate for atsumu. he grinned at this, mumbling a small 'thank you' but before he could sit down he's been told to go get some drinks from the counter.
"wha? but a was just about to sit!"
"just take it, that's your punishment for being late"
he pouts and huffs but he goes anyway.
he walks towards the counter and as his fingers wrap around the bottle of sake, a hand was grabbing it too. his eyes widen slightly as he turns his head to take a look at the dude who's taking his drink.
at that moment, he felt like he had died and ascended to heaven because holy fuck was that an angel right beside him? he had never seen anyone this pretty before. and god, her eyes! he could stare into them for as long as he can.
maybe, he was staring for too long with his mouth agape because it caused you to clear your throat to get him back into reality.
"sorry, were you taking this?"
you quickly asked him and for a second there, you could've sworn you saw heart shaped pupils. he immediately took his hand away from the bottle.
"well, i was gonna but it's all yours if you want it, pretty"
he says with a flirty tone added with a flirty wink as he leaned against the counter. your lips curled into a smile at his flirt, cheeks also growing a tad red. you fixed your hair and he swears it's love at first sight.
"thank you"
you mumbled, giving him a smile before you walked away to your table. he sighed dreamily as he watches you from afar. how can someone look so pretty? your hair, your eyes, your body. the way you were staring at him judgingly made his heartbeat skyrocket. he found it so hot and cute.
he never rushed to osamu so fast in his life before. osamu, who had just gone out from the kitchen was quickly pulled into the nearest VIP rooms by his brother.
"hey! what the hell is your deal!?"
osamu groans at his brother. atsumu grabbed his shoulders.
"listen, am askin' ya as yer big brother-"
he rolled his eyes at that, big brother my ass. just by 5 minutes.
"do ya have a friend that's absolutely fuckin' hot and gorgeous ya'd feel like ya died an' saw an angel?"
osamu narrowed his eyes. what an overexaggerated question. he thought about it for a minute.
"are ya talkin' bout (y/n)? i mean, she's the only female friend i have"
(y/n). what a cute name. he sighed dreamily again when he remembered their interaction. osamu raised a brow at this.
"(y/n)? ya mean the girl of ma dreams?"
"ugh, ya lovesick idiot. yer supposed to be celebratin' my achievement not get laid"
atsumu shot him a glare and lets go of his grip on osamu's shoulders.
soon enough, they both leave the room to join the party again. osamu went to see some of his college friends and atsumu had gone to join his team.
on his way, his gaze falls on you. you looked so beautiful under the orange lights of osamu's restaurant and were you talking to his grandmother?
not only beautiful but friendly and good with old people. his heart beats faster when you laughed at whatever his grandma said because you look amazing, fuck.
and at that second, he locked eyes with you. you kept the eye contact with a gentle smile on your lips.
with just a small wink from you, he knows. he knows that he's fallen too deep for you.
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the-offside-rule · 7 months
Charles Leclerc (Scuderia Ferrari) - It's Always Been You
Requested: yes
Prompt: 4) "You deserve better."
Warnings: nope, but long iwl
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As the paddock seemed normal in it's all too familiar business and loudness, Y/n found solace in between hospitality lounges, with the stacks of Red Bull Racing tyres as her only form of company. The scent of rubber and gasoline enveloped her as she sought refuge from the shattered pieces of her heart. Tears streaked down her cheeks, leaving a trail of black from her eyeliner. As the sister of Max Verstappen, Y/n was no stranger to the high-speed world of Formula 1. Her heart, however, had taken an unexpected detour when she fell for Carlos Sainz, the charming driver who had once occupied a special place in her life. She remembers when she first met him, back when her twin and him were teammates. There was always casual flirting but then when Y/n finished up school in 2016, the pair began going on dates since her visits to the paddock became more and more common, then becoming basically constant once they made it official. They were the it couple and it felt like no other couple could compare. How they looked at eachother, how they spoke of one another, it seemed too good good be true...until the faithful night after the Singapore Grand Prix win when Carlos decided to call it quits.
The music pulsed through the air as Carlos downed one shot after another, his laughter filling the space. Y/n, his girlfriend, tried to catch his attention, but he seemed oblivious, lost in the sea of people. "Carlos? I  wanna go dance." Y/n said. "Yeah, sure. Go ahead." Carlos replied, turning back to his group of instagram models who fanned over him, all desperate for the same thing; dick and clout. She rolled her eyes and walked away. "Fine, do whatever." As she walked away, the girls began giggling at her little outburst and Carlos didn't once stick up for Y/n. He was never like this before. He wasn't even like this at their romantic dinner the night before. But Y/n got on with it and did what she wanted to do; dance.
As she lost herself in the music, a man managed to gather the courage and make his way towards her. "Hey gorgeous." The stranger smiled, dancing along with Y/n. Since Carlos was surrounded by these stupid instagram models, the least Y/n could do was talk to a guy surely. "Hey." Their conversation continued until the topic of relationships came up, to which Y/n said that she had a boyfriend.
"I don't see him." The stranger grinned, leaning closer. "Well, you see that guy up there with the huge bottle of champagne?" The guy nodded. "That's my boyfriend. Carlos. He just won the Grand Prix a few hours ago." The stranger looked between the spaniard and Y/n. "He looks occupied." He said, referring to the hoard of girls surrounding him. "Honestly, who gives a fuck. The only reason he won it was because Red Bull had a fuck up." The man laughed at Y/n's drunken joke, but she couldn't help but feel bad for undermining her boyfriend's hard work.
As she swayed with her newfound dance partner, Carlos watched from afar, a twinge of jealousy gnawing at him. His strides became purposeful, marching towards the dancing couple. His vision blurry, he poked the stranger. He turned. "Hey, you're Y/n's boyfriend. How you doing man?" He asked, putting his hand out. Carlos slapped it away. "Yeah, whatever. Who are you?" Y/n arched a brow at the sudden rudeness of Carlos. "I've been talking to Y/n since you've been occupied." He joked. "Are you accusing me of cheating on my girlfriend?"
"Carlos, what the fuck?" Y/n asked. "I didn't mean to-"
"No, no, I know what you want and you're not going to get it." Carlos began shoving the guy. "Because when I go back to my hotel room, I'm going to have her on her knees and screaming my name, while you sit by yourself with your left hand doing all the work-"
Carlos was silenced by a hard thump to the face, that ended with both his lip and nose bleeding. Carlos stumbled back, holding his nose. "Carlos!" Y/n rushed to his side, concern etched across her face. "Carlos, we need to leave. This is getting out of hand." He pushed her away, his drunken gaze defiant. "I don't need you. I can handle myself." Ignoring her, he swung at the guy, completely missing him and falling to the floor. "Carlos, we're going." Y/n repeated, this time more stern. Carlos scoffed and despite the chaos, Y/n managed to guide Carlos outside and hailed a cab. The ride home was tense, filled with silence interrupted only by the distant sounds of the city nightlife.
As Y/n scanned their key card, Carlos lay against the wall beside the door, looking at Y/n with pure hatred in his eyes. "You're such a bitch sometimes." He muttered. Y/n turned to him. "Excuse me?" The door beeped and Carlos practically burst it down. "You heard me. You're You're a bitch sometimes." Y/n closed the door behind her and followed Carlos to the bed where he kicked off his shoes. "How am I a bitch? People were filming you and I don't think you want to answer to your PR people tomorrow morning." Y/n rolled her eyes and sat down on the sofa, taking her heels off promptly. "Okay? You're still a bitch. I could have taken him."  Y/n's frustration bubbled over as she demanded an explanation. "Carlos, what's going on? Why are you acting like this?"
Carlos glared at her, venom in his words. "I'm tired of this, Y/n. I don't want you in my life anymore." Stunned, Y/n pleaded. "Carlos, what are you tired of? We don't argue ever. Please, let's talk about it in the morning. You're drunk, and we can figure things out then." But Carlos was resolute. "No, I want you gone now. Pack your things and leave." Her eyes flickered as a few tears had fallen.
"You're so shit at this mate!" Max cackled, taking another sip of his beer whilst Pierre missed yet another goal on FIFA. The hotel room was filled with laughter as a few drivers had finished their clubbinv prematurely to instead play a few games of FIFA. The camaraderie and banter echoed through the room, creating a light atmosphere that temporarily eased the pressures of the racing world. Amid the gaming frenzy, a sudden knock on the door disrupted the jovial mood. "I'll get it." Charles said, walking towards the door. He expected some food from room service since they paid for it, but instead he was surprised to find Y/n Verstappen standing there, tears streaming down her face. "Hi, Charles." She sniffled.
"Y/n. Are you okay? What happened?" Charles asked, genuine concern etched on his face. Y/n, struggling to compose herself, managed to choke out. "Is Max here?"
Charles nodded, realizing something serious must have transpired. He stepped aside, allowing Y/n to enter the room. "Max? It's Y/n." The laughter hushed as the other drivers sensed the shift in the atmosphere. Max stood up. "Y/n? What's wrong?" A few words had been spoken in Dutch and it seemed that each word Y/n said, made Max angrier. The other drivers simply watched on, wanting to see what happened. "Where is he?" Max demanded in a demanding tone. "Max, please don't. That's the last thing I need tonight." Y/n pleaded. "No, I'm getting dad and we are sorting this." Max replied. "Max, no! He'll kill him!"
"And I will bury him. Don't worry about it." The drivers shared glances amongst one another as the siblings had run out of the room, closing the door behind them. "Are we going to see what happens or what?" Charles asks. "Seems like family stuff. I am leaving them to it." Pierre replied. "Seems logical." Lando added. Charles groaned as he left the room, following the sounds of loud shouting in both Dutch and English.
He looked down to see two figures banging on Carlos' door. "You don't treat my sister like this!" Max shouted as Y/n pulled from his arm, trying to deter him. "Max! Stop!" Charles shouted, trying to mediate, urging everyone to calm down. "If someone did this to your sister, you'd you'd the same!" Max shouted back at Charles. "Max! Not here! There are people trying to sleep." Charles said, reasoning with the dutchman. The commotion drew the attention of hotel staff and even a few curious guests. "Get out here, you fucking pussy!" Max had begun kicking the door now, not caring if it broke and deciding he'd worry about it if the door did break. The chaos continued until Max's father, joined the fray. The yelling and banging intensified, creating a scene that could be heard throughout the hotel.
Eventually, the rage subsided, as everyone agreed that Carlos must have passed out drunk and that it was a conversation best having in the morning. Max and Jos walked away as Charles stood by Y/n, tear-stained and emotionally drained. "Do you have a place to stay?" Charles asked. "I'm sure your brother wouldn't mind letting you stay." Y/n shook her head. "No. They're playing FIFA I don't want to have to kick them all out." Y/n replied. "Then I'll let you have my bed and Ill sleep on the floor." Charles offered. She smiled. "As nice as you're being right now, I don't need your pity. Im just going to fall asleep in my room and deal with this in the morning." She said. "Y/n, you can't possibly do that. I wouldn't wouldn't sleep in the same bed as him. You deserve better." Before Charles could even trg to convince her, she opened the door, re-entered her and Carlos' hotel room and closed it again without another word.
She had moved on from Carlos. In all honesty, she hadn't heard a lot from him. That was until she had come to her first Grand Prix single in 8 years. It felt weird not having someone to hold hands with, but she got on with it, showing her poker face and pretending not to care about her recent breakup. As she walked, she noticed an all too familiar spaniard, holding a gorgeous woman in his arms. It was a model, a model Y/n had seen on the catwalk of the Ferrari fashion event. That's where they must have met...back when Carlos was still in a relationship with Y/n. And that's how she found herself hiding like a kid scared of the dark, in between the Red Bull and Ferrari hospitality where no one could find her.
"Are you okay?" Y/n jumped as she wiped her eyes. "I- yeah. I'm fine. Who are-" She paused as she looked up to see Charles walking towards her. "What are you doing here?" Charles asked. "Inspecting the tyres, you?" Y/n replied quickly, drying her eyes. "Talking with the tyre inspector." Charles replied, sitting down next to her. Y/n looked up, her eyes swollen but grateful for the company. "Why are you crying?" Charles asked. "It's just-" Yhe tears had started again. "Carlos' new girlfriend is so much prettier, and she's so much skinnier and her hair is different, her eyes are different, we are just nothing alike and Carlos is just so happy with her." Y/n sobbed. Charles wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer to him as her tears stained his red shirt. "He's moved on and I'm sat, befriending stacks of tyres."
"Well that's not true. I'm not a stack of tyres, am I?" Y/n chuckled at the light hearted joke Charles had made. "No, no you're not." She replied. "You seem to be much nicer to talk to than a set of tyres, to be fair." Unbeknownst to her, Charles had been silently witnessing the intricate dance of emotions unfolding in the paddock. His infatuation with Y/n had started years ago, at one of Max's early kart races.
"Charles, you cut me off there! You could've caused a crash," Max argued, frustration evident in his voice. Charles, eager to impress Y/n, tried to maintain composure. "Max, I had the racing line! You should've anticipated my move." He chuckled, looking over to Y/n subtly to see her reaction. "Anticipated? You came out of nowhere!" Max shot back. As Charles vehemently defended his position, Y/n couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. She expected a spirited rivalry, but Charles's insistence on being right grated on her nerves.
"Charles, back down. You know I'm right." Max urged, trying to defuse the tension. Yet, Charles, fueled by both competitiveness and a desire to impress, doubled down. "Max, I won't back down when I'm right." The harder Charles pushed, the more Y/n saw a side of him she didn't like. She began to see why Max always yelled about how much of a diclhead Charles was and she fully agreed now. "Charles, seriously, I will be to the stewards about it." Max insisted, the frustration evident in his tone. But Charles, in his pursuit of proving himself, didn't heed the advice. As the argument escalated, Y/n couldn't help but feel a growing distaste for Charles.
"You know what, Charles? Forget it. We're done talking," Max declared, grabbing his helmet and walking away with Y/n behind him. "Hij is een klootzak." Y/n muttered. "Ah, dus nu zie je die kant van hem?"
"Why are you even here? Don't you hate me?" Y/n asked, too tired to move her head from his shoulder. Charles sighed. "I never hated you, Y/n. You started hating me so I pretended to hate you back." Her brow furrowed in confusion. "But you always seemed so distant, so cold." Charles cast his gaze downward, confessing, "I didn't want Max to think I was interfering. I liked you from when I was in karting, but you started dating Carlos and I just gave up."
"I wish I had known, Charles," Y/n admitted, wiping away tears. "I could've used a friend." Charles offered a reassuring smile. "Well, you have one now. And if you'll let me, maybe more than just a friend." She sighed. "As much as I would love to, I just don't think I'm ready to have a boyfriend, let alone date my ex's teammate." Y/n replied. "That's fine. He's out of a Ferrari seat for next year anyway." Y/n smiled. "Listen, I don't care how long it takes. I've waited like what, 15 years already? I may as well hold on for another while."
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whore-ibly-hot · 3 months
How would Harrison react if reader outright confessed to him and wanted to be in a relationship?
Your writing is really nice btw
-Florida Man
He would be absolutely thrilled, if not a little disappointed only because he wanted to be the one to confess. He had some gran gesture halfway planned out, but maybe he put it off too long.
He's very physical when you confess, but also very cautious. He hides his yandere side better than the other boys, so he doesn't want to overwhelm you with questions. This relationship is all about your comfort. He'll pick you up in a big hug and spin you around, then immediately ask you about sharing his bed, sharing clothes and setting boundaries.
He'd be glad to continue doing the same things he usually does with you, but now under the guise of a date. He's so happy to finally hold you and kiss you, it's enough to make him ignore the stiffy he's gotten. Almost.
You aren't going to be allowed to sleep on your bed on your side of the dorm. You are now permanently glued into his bed. He'll hold you and whisper out sweet things about how happy he is that you're finally dating.
"M' so fuckin' happy..."
"Guess you'll have to wear my jerseys at my games now. Heh, maybe I can wear something of yours for good luck?"
He's determined that since you 'stole' the confession from him, as he so often teases you about, that he's going to be one step ahead from now on. Anniversary? He's got a cozy booth at a local diner all picked out. He likes to keep it thoughtful, and you both used to go there after his games all the time. If your able to get your period, he's all hands on deck. Its... odd he always seems to know your cycle, but he explains it away as just a 'roommate' thing. It's not like he's tracking it or anything.
He'd be more protective, you being the one to ask him out surely means you want all of him, right? He's willing to get more rough with Evan, or report Pez for getting you all high and fuzzy. You'll still love him, won't you?
Since you've agreed to date him, he's thrilled to introduce you to his family, he's always been there golden boy and he wants more than anything for them to like you. The first school break after he met you, when he was back with his parents, he had lots of time to look at family photos and see his parents being domestic. That's when he made up his mind, when he got you to be his, or when you got him, he'd propose not long after. He'd wanted that family life with you, a white picket fence and a home. You practically shared a home anyways, your roommates! He plans to propose quickly, he's not gonna let you beat him to it. Besides, your father wouldn't be thrilled, his schools star athlete dating his only child, it's a match made in heaven.
It's past three in the morning, and Harris9n should be resting, but every moment he goes to close his eyes feels like a moment he wastes, considering he could be looking at your sweet, sleeping form curled up in his big arm. He adjusts his position to let you further press into his chest, and he lets out a shaky sigh as quietly as he can. "Love you..." he whispers. "You're gonna look so pretty on our wedding day, yeah? Dress or suit, I don't care. I think I'd just wanna see you in white." He rambles on throughout the night until you wake up, and his quickly apologizes for talking too much.
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iluvmattsbeard · 5 months
on the phone (c.s)
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master list
chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: nothing! just a little angst.
preview: you knew with Chris being famous there would be constant obstacles in the way of your guys relationship. recently, you’ve been having doubts with your relationship since Chris and his brothers left for tour. you wouldn’t be able to see him for almost two months. you couldn’t handle the distance but Chris reassures you everything will be okay.
a/n: big time rush + chris sturniolo. my two favorites at once. masterpiece.
you stand there as you watch the boys load the bus with their luggage. they were leaving for their first tour ever. it was a bitter sweet moment. as happy as you were for the boys, you couldn't help but feel sad at the same time. you and Chris haven't been separated for so long. now he's going to be gone for almost two whole months. Chris asked if you wanted to come along, but you were so busy with college. you and Chris have been dating since high school. so him gaining so much popularity to the point people are paying to see him, has you feeling proud and worried.
you snap out of your thoughts when you hear Nick speak, "well, that was the last bag." you pout slightly as he embraces you in a hug. "I hope you have fun Nick." you say rubbing his back. it was also bitter sweet for you to see Nick and Matt gain so much attention as well. Nick and Matt were like the siblings you never had. you basically grew up with them. "thank you y/n. we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." he says with a smile, pulling away. you were always there by their side no matter what, supporting them. you gave them ideas for videos and you helped film them. when they were doubting themselves, you were there to encourage them to keep pushing. now look, they finally got the recognition they deserve.
Matt embraces you in a hug as he speaks, "we'll update you okay?" you nod and smile. now, the moment you've been dreading. you pull away from Matt when you meet eyes with Chris. you cover your mouth slightly as you try to hold in your tears with a smile. he walks up to you and pulls you in for a big hug, holding you. "hey, don't cry okay? I'll be back soon." he says with his face in the crook of your neck. you sniffle with a soft laugh before speaking, "I know. i’m just so proud of you three." he pulls away a bit still holding onto you. he looks into your eyes as he wipes your tears away. "i'll be fine!" you say with a weak smile. "I'll text and call you every day okay?" he says reassuringly. you nod as he holds your face, bringing you both into a soft passionate kiss. "I love you y/n." he whispers after pulling away. "I love you too Chris." you say wiping your left over tears. you hug one last time before he turns around and gets on the bus.
you stand there as you see the three of them look out the window towards you. you laugh softly as you wave good bye, with them doing the same. when they leave, you walk to your car and sit in there bawling your eyes out right away. you really hoped Chris would keep his words.
the next day, you wake up to seeing a text from Chris.
hey baby! we're preparing for our show today. can't stop thinking about you already!
you smile before texting back.
hi handsome! I hope you have a good show. I know you'll do amazing!
thank you! you're my motivation.
you let out a small laugh as you get up and start off your day. day 1 without him starts now. you do your morning routine and head to your kitchen. you made yourself a bowl of cereal and sat down scrolling on your phone. when on Twitter, you were seeing fans of the triplets talk about how excited they were to see them. you saw some fans talk about how attractive Chris was and how even more attractive he would look in person. your heart tightens a bit at the comments. you knew you were all his but, sometimes you couldn't help but imagine all these girls all over him. you just shrug off the thoughts that popped up into your head.
as it got later in the day, you continued to scroll through Twitter again as you see the meet and greet pics fans posted. it was weird seeing Chris have his hands on some other girl. but what did you expect? you sigh as a call comes through. it was Chris. you pick it up and answer, "hey Chris" "hey baby. we just got finished with the first show! as nervous as I was, it actually went great. everyone was so nice!" he says happily. "that's awesome Chris. i've seen many meet and greet pics already." you say. "what's wrong y/n?" he asks. your eyes widen a bit as you respond, "what? nothing. why do you think something is wrong?" you say lying through your teeth.
he lets out a small chuckle before responding, "i'm pretty sure I know you. we've been together for how long now? I think I know the way you act." you stay quiet for a bit. he wasn’t wrong. "okay fine, i'm just being a little jealous. you look so cute posing with the fans. a little too cute." you respond. "you? jealous?" he questions with a soft laugh, "well i’ll have you know, you’re all i’m thinking about the whole time." he says. you smile a bit before responding, "okay well still! they get to be in your arms while I have to sit here and suffer." "well like I said, we'll be together after and you'll have me all to yourself when all of this is over okay?" he reassures you. "okay i'm sorry. I know this is your big moment. i don’t want to spoil it by being like this." you say letting out a small nervous laugh. "yeah but your feelings are valid baby." he says.
you both talk for the rest of the night before falling asleep on the phone. as time goes by, it's already the 7th show of the tour. Chris has been progressively getting busier and you had to focus on school. so, your conversations were kept short recently. it was late in the night already as you laid there sniffling. you were left on delivered for a while. yeah you knew he was busy but, this is what you were afraid of. your biggest fear was Chris getting caught up in the limelight that he just has no time for you. you shut your eyes and cry yourself to sleep.
hey baby! I'm sorry I didn't call you last night. I was so tired out.
all you did was look at it and not respond. you didn't want him to think he had to text you or call you. he should just focus on himself you thought. you didn't want him to think you wanted to be his number 1 priority. you just shut your phone and start off your daily routine.
hey what are you up to? show is about to start. the weather is nice here in St Louis. I miss you.
you read the text but don't respond again. you were too caught up in your studying to send back a text anyways. you just needed to be distracted.
later in the night, you laid in bed as you see another text.
is everything okay? are you mad at me?
again, you shut off your phone and drifted off to sleep. after about a hour, your phone buzzes. you groan and pick it up to read the contact name. it was Chris again. you answer and talk tiredly, "hello Chris?" you hear him sniffle before talking, "hey y/n. did I wake you up?" his voice sound raspy. was he crying? "yes but it's okay. what's wrong?" you say sitting up in your bed. "I just missed your voice that's all. I'm sorry I can't be able to talk as much and when shows are over, I just get so tired out." he says. "that's alright." you say feeling terrible. you were so caught up in your feelings that you didn't realize Chris felt the same way. "I know this is all hard right now. just know i'm thinking about you everywhere I go. when I go from city to city, you're always on my mind and there's nothing more that I want but to have you here with me." he says making a tear drop slide down your face.
"I just didn't realize it would be this hard." you say wiping your tear away, letting out a soft laugh. "trust me, I know. we just have to be strong okay?" he says. "soon we'll be together." he adds on. you smile at his words as you whisper, "I love you" "I love you too beautiful." he says. but you still couldn’t shake off the thought. he’s only getting more famous. next thing you know, he’ll just be even busier. it had you doubting everything.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
a few days later, you came home from work bawling your eyes out. you were feeling overwhelmed by everything. you have a terrible boss and he would use his power against everybody. you laid down on your bed with your dirty clothes as you pick up your phone to call Chris. there was no answer. you threw your phone across the bed as you pressed your face against your mattress crying some more. is this how it'll be from now on? when you need him, he's too busy? you felt selfish thinking that. Chris worked hard for where he's at now. but what about you?
you just shut your eyes and drifted off to sleep. you felt like everyday was just a constant replay. nothing was new. you were either at home doing school, actually going to school to take exams, or at work being treated terribly. while Chris was having the time of his life.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
even though Chris reassured you everything will be fine, you couldn't help but feel disappointed still. when you called, he wouldn't answer. when you texted, he texted hours later. it was making you more upset. you only asked for one thing. it was for him to communicate, but he didn't. you always felt like he was leaving you hanging. you scroll on your phone as you see posts from the tour and sigh.
Chris I don't know if I could do this.
what are you talking about baby?
this. I can't stand this. I know this is your first tour but, now I can't even imagine more in the future.
again, you felt guilty for feeling this way. you see him type but eventually it stops. you suddenly get an incoming call from him. you pick up about to speak but he cuts you off, "y/n please. listen to me." "this tour will be over soon. once it's over, we'll pick up right where we left off. I know it's hard but, you're not alone. do you think i just let you slip off my mind?" he says. "Chris, I understand you feel the same and trust me I feel terrible even feeling this way but, you're only getting more noticed. who knows how many more tours you'll be on. what am I supposed to do? because even when you are here, you're so caught up with You tube and I just don't want to get in between that." you say. "and when I needed you? you didn't answer me. then you didn't even apologize the next day for it."
Chris stays quiet as he gulps. "I don't know Chris. how will this all work out if this is what you do? this is your job, and I just don't fit in." you finish. "well i'm not the only one whose said this, my brothers also agree that I wouldn't even be here with these opportunities if it weren't for you. all I ask is for you to support me no matter where I am. just because we aren't near each other, doesn't mean this won't work. you do fit in my life. just because I have all this recognition, doesn't mean i'm just going to give up on us. you're the only one who truly knows. you knew me from the start. you do fit in." he says as you let out a sigh, "I can't do this i'm sorry." you say before hanging up.
Chris was left standing there slowly pulling his phone away from his ear. you shut off your phone while hugging one of the stuffed animals Chris got you back in high school. you look at it as you thought to yourself. you missed how simple things use to be.
Chris POV
it's been a while ever since I last heard from y/n. every show has been a struggle for me. we were slowly getting towards the end, but was it worth it? was this all worth it without y/n? our Boston show is our last stop. that was coming up in a few days.
we can work this out.
i've been texting her and all she does is read them. why couldn't she realize this was hard for me too? "Chris?" I hear Nick call out for me. all I do is look up at him. "we have to set up for today." he says. "yeah i'll be there." I respond looking back at my phone. "Chris, everything will be okay. she'll come around." he says putting a hand on my shoulder. I sigh before responding, "I understand where she comes from. this is all so new. but even when we aren't touring, we let filming get in the way too." "well, don't think about it too hard. I know she'll come around." Nick says before walking away. I really hope so. my heart aches every time i think about her.
End of Chris POV
time passes by as it's now the last show. the triplets finally arrive back to Boston and the first thing Chris wants to do is see you.
y/n we just got to Boston. please let me see you.
please i’m back. this is what we’ve been waiting for.
Chris puts his face into his hands as he groans. "come on Chris. lets go stop by the house and say hi to mom and dad." Matt says patting his back. Chris sits up, “have you heard from y/n?” he asks. Matt just looks at him and shakes his head, “nope.” Chris just sighs and nods, “well if she texts, tell her to answer me.” he says.
later during the day, after visiting their parents, the triplets finally arrive at the venue. Chris was washing his face real quick before putting on his outfit. he looks in the mirror shaking his head, "here we go." he whispers out. the time comes and the crowd can be heard chanting. the triplets come out running onto stage as the crowd cheers louder. their show then starts. the show was hilarious. it was obvious the triplets were meant to be up on stage. the fans were really loving them.
after a bit, something catches Chris' eyes. it was a big sign that read 'I love Chris!". "that's a pretty big sign." Chris says into the mic. "is that even allowed?" he continues with a small laugh. "you’re right. nobody else has signs." Matt says joining with a laugh.
"show yourself!" Nick shouts out into the mic. the sign moves revealing a face. "i'm sorry! I didn't get the memo!" you shout out. Chris locks eyes with you as his mouth is left agape in shock. you smile at him as you hear the crowd cheer. the fans obviously knew about you from the start. they adored your guys' relationship.
"hello y/n!" Nick shouts out with a smile. "surprise!" Matt says shaking Chris. Chris then gets off the stage as he pushes through the crowd to get to you. you drop the sign onto the ground as he embraces you in a hug, nearly lifting you up.
"you scared me y/n." he says hiding his face in the crook of your neck. the crowd was going crazy. Marylou and Jimmy were standing there next to you guys, clapping and smiling. you pull away from him as you look into his eyes, "I'm sorry for ever doubting us." you say. he shakes his head before responding, "don't even apologize y/n. i'm just happy you're here." you let out a small laugh as you push him away softly, "okay we'll talk after the show! get back up there." he nods as he kisses you on the cheek, running back up onto stage.
when the show ends, you meet Chris backstage and he embraces you in the same big hug from earlier. "I can't handle another goodbye." Chris whispers. "next time, you're coming with me you understand?" he says. you let out a giggle and kiss his cheek, "okay I will.” you say. “we have lots to talk about.” he says pulling away, planting a soft kiss on your lips. you smile and nod as you both sit down with him talking about the whole experience. even though you doubted this whole thing, you don't regret being in this moment right now. you'll go through what you went through over again if it means you'll be in his arms in the end. no matter what, world wide.
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a/n: if you know the iconic sign scene from the show, you know what’s up. LIKES AND REBLOGS ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATED! THANK YOU!
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Romantic Light Yagami concept/short where he and Darling were childhood friends, and Darling notices something is off about him (due to him being Kira and all) and gets suspicious/maybe confronts him?
I like this idea...! Hope it came out well! The plot was a struggle at first but I think I got it!
Yandere! Light Yagami Short
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Death mention, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Gaslighting, Threats, Emotional blackmail, Consensual turned forced relationship.
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You've known Light for years. You didn't think anyone else besides his family knew him as well as you did. After all, you've both been childhood friends since elementary.
Even now you're close... you've been dating since you were highschool juniors.
You remember Light as compassionate with a sense of justice in childhood, no doubt due to his father being a police officer. Through school he's always been the top student... he's always been the most popular. Despite this, he still stuck by you as your best friend and boyfriend later on.
Due to you two being close, you just seemed to know when something was wrong with him. If anyone could read him, it was usually you. You care for him... you love each other...
Which is why you began to grow concerned when Light's attitude changed.
Light began to grow cold towards others. He acts like those around him aren't worthy of his attention, yet you can tell he's hiding it. He's... definitely changed towards others.
Yet Light always seems to be the same compassionate person with you... always sincere despite lying to everyone else.
You're the only one worth his time in his eyes.
This behavior only started when you were both seniors in high school. It was such a... subtle yet sudden change. Just enough for you to notice.
You originally assumed that the stress of high school finals was getting to him. Perhaps that would make him push others away...? He did want to go to that University for Criminal Justice.
But something kept nagging you. You just couldn't forget the glare he kept giving others around you. You couldn't ignore the apathy he held towards the recent Kira murders.
For someone you once knew as compassionate... you could tell he had no concern for anyone except his family and you.
Even in University you two are still attached to the hip. Light insisted on keeping the relationship going as he studies. Despite your worries, you still love him and hope he gets better.
He doesn't... in fact...
He seems worse as time goes on.
You aren't blind when you see how Light acts around you. Sure, he acts very caring and affectionate with you... but you're skeptical of if he's genuine or not. Plus, that's if it's just you two....
Light always seems to stare at his TV screen when the news comes on, the news rambling about the latest set of Kira murders. When you two go on outings to take a break, Light's grip is tight around your waist. When you hang out with friends...
They always seem to disappear and end up on the news.
The moment you noticed your friends going missing and dying on TV... you had your assumptions. It felt too... planned. Even more so when Light would comfort you with rough kisses on your neck while you attempt to grieve.
"It's okay... I'll protect you..." You remember him murmuring to you as he turns you away from the TV, holding you in his arms as he kisses you.
Light's apathetic and arrogant attitude was merely another hint. But the fate of your friends felt like a smoking gun. Such thoughts made you look into the Kira killings...
The answers you found made you dread being around your boyfriend when you put things together.
But you still felt you should confront him to confirm your suspicions
Light should've known you'd catch on. He knew you were clever and smart. He was better... but he should've known you'd be perceptive due to you both knowing each other for years.
Light cursed himself, knowing he should've hid the murders of your friends better. They weren't heart attacks, but you still picked it up. No doubt because it always happened after you hung out with them.
He let his emotions go unchecked. Out of jealousy he had written their names in the Death Note. Now you suspected him as Kira...
Yet... he calms himself... so what if you know?
You can't do anything about it with him around.
The moment you walked up to him in his dorm room, Light knew what you were planning by the glint in your eyes. Like you could with him, he was able to read you as well. He clenched his fists when you stood in front of him... you're nervous...
It's actually quite cute.
"Light... may we talk...?" You ask, your voice betraying you and revealing your nervous attitude.
"Of course, love..." Light grins, pulling you into his arms. He works his charm on you, lightly caressing your back. "What is it you need?"
"Could you be honest with me?" You ask, seeing Light's eyes darken for a moment.
"I'm always honest, baby...." Light murmurs, kissing the top of your head. He's trying to distract you with his affection and you know it.
"Then are you Kira?" You push yourself to say.
There's a long pause after your accusation. Light's silent, the only confirmation that he heard you being his grip tightening around you. His arms remain wrapped around you like snakes.
"Light..." You ask again, watching his glaring gaze. "Did you kill my friends...? Did you kill all those people...? How did-"
"You ask too many questions, love...." Light sighs, tilting your head up. "Why would I do such a thing? Do you think I'm capable of murder?"
You stare at each other, you can tell Light's hiding a smirk. You know he's lying. But Light still thinks he can convince you otherwise.
"Please, Light... I just want answers-" You plead, even if you were going to hate the outcome. "Did you kill them?"
Light doesn't seem like he wants to answer for a moment, frowning deeply before continuing.
"Oh, love... it's nothing to worry your pretty little head about." Light coos, kissing your cheek while keeping a tight grip on your chin. "Regardless of what I did I'll never hurt you...."
"So you did kill them..." You whisper, nervous. "You're Kira-"
"Sure, I'm Kira." Light shrugs. "I don't even care if you know anymore, because I know you won't tell a soul, baby."
"What makes you so sure I won't?" You ask, only for Light to lean down into your ear.
"You love me too much... that or you're scared of me..." Light chuckles, rubbing your back. "You know only trouble will come from reporting me, don't you, love? I could go after your family... or maybe even frame you..."
Light then leans closer, eyes gleaming with mischief.
"Or maybe I'll kill you to keep you to myself?"
His words send a shiver down your spine. Light merely looks amused at your fear. As usual, he read you right, you were scared of him.
"But sweetheart... we can look past this, can't we?" Light hums, rubbing your chin absentmindedly. "You know I only have secrets to keep you safe... we can continue dating..."
Light leans in, breath ghosting over your lips as he chuckles.
"You can continue to be mine... all you have to do is keep your mouth shut and stay by my side...."
"You're a psychopath..." You growl, causing Light to narrow his eyes.
"Really now...? Is me getting rid of criminals psychopathic?" Light frowns, looking you in the eyes. You push him away, but he just moves his grip to your waist.
"You killed my friends... for what!? They didn't do anything wrong!" You point out, only for Light to sigh.
"Baby... they did do something wrong." Light retorts before snaking a hand to the back of your head. You go to fight him but he pulls your face closer.
"They were trying to take you away from me..." Light grumbles, watching your anger with amused irritation. "They had to go, love... They would ruin everything if they knew the truth."
"I wouldn't tell them a thing...!" You try to say before Light kisses your lips, stunning you.
"Doesn't matter, honestly." Light sighs between his kisses. "You're mine all the same..."
His grip feels like a vice around you. You can't struggle against him. The threat of him killing you echoes in your mind... forcing you to play along as his partner.
"You won't tell anyone about Kira, will you?" Light asks, his tone threatening as he pulls away for a moment. There's only one answer...
"I won't tell anyone...." You agree, causing Light to smile.
"It's good to know you know what side you're on..." Light murmurs, "Even if you didn't... you'd always be mine one way or another."
With that, he resumes his kisses...
A planned distraction to keep you wrapped around his finger.
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steddieas-shegoes · 7 months
i could listen all night
for @steddielovemonth prompt 'love is wanting to hear every detail of their day'
rated t | 803 words | cw: recreational drug use (weed) | tags: established relationship, stargazing, they're so in love
"And it's not even that I'm worried about failing the test!" Steve said as he leaned back against the wall of their too-small balcony. "I did a practice test yesterday and only missed one question. I just feel like it's too easy."
"I think you're just smarter than you give yourself credit for, Stevie," Eddie said as he exhaled smoke.
"I don't think that's it."
Eddie rolled his eyes fondly.
They didn't love their apartment. It was on the third floor of a three story townhome that seemed to be a revolving door of large families who couldn't make rent after a couple of months. They'd get close to someone on the first floor and they'd be evicted two months later. They'd finally have a quiet neighbor below them only to find out it was an old man who was moved to a nursing home a month after moving in.
But they at least had this balcony that faced a parking lot of some business that was empty and closed by the time they needed to smoke.
And when Steve graduated, they could move closer to whatever school he ended up working at.
"What if I don't graduate?" Steve asked quietly, reaching out for the joint Eddie had just taken a third pull off of. "What if I'm doing all this for nothing?"
Eddie turned to Steve as much as he could, covered his hand in comfort. "If anyone knows what it's like not to graduate, it's me. And it's not the end of the world. It may feel like it at first, but just because you don't do it when you think you should doesn't mean you won't ever. You're smart and you work hard, sunshine, you're gonna graduate."
"You have to say that. You're my boyfriend."
"I don't have to say anything! I told you just this morning that you were stupid if you thought I wasn't gonna wake up just to kiss you goodbye," Eddie pecked his cheek and took the join back from him.
He knew Steve got emotional if he smoked too much, and he'd already reached the glassy eye part of the high. Better to stop him now.
"Other than your professor scaring you, what happened today?" Eddie asked casually. He wanted to hear about everything, and Steve liked talking about it.
"I had the best cup of tea. The library was giving free cups to students who donated $1 to the writer's club. So I guess it wasn't really free, but still, $1 for the best cup of tea I've ever had isn't bad." Steve leaned his head on Eddie's shoulder. "I studied for an hour between classes and saw these two women making out. One was like, a lot older than the other and I'm almost certain she was a professor with a student. Don't know what that's about."
Eddie raised his brows, but stayed quiet as Steve continued.
"And then I managed to eat my sandwich after my second class. Best one you've made yet. Perfect ham to turkey ratio," Steve kissed his neck.
"Glad you liked it, sweetheart."
"Oh! And there's gonna be a student run show next Friday. I get two free tickets if you wanna go. Maybe we could make it a date night?"
"I think that sounds lovely. Write it on the fridge and I'll make sure I'm home in time to get ready for it," Eddie took one last drag from the joint before putting it out in the ash tray he grabbed from the flea market downtown when they first moved in. "Anything else today?"
"I got to sit outside and look at the stars with my boyfriend. That's been pretty nice," Steve whispered.
Eddie felt his cheeks heat up, never quite used to how easily Steve shared his love and affection. He'd been like that before they were even together, overwhelmingly honest.
"Was he good company?" Eddie teased, leaning his head on top of Steve's and looking up at the few stars they could see in the city.
"He's always good company."
Eddie kissed the top of Steve's head and settled back.
"What about your day?" Steve asked, sinking further into his side.
"My day was boring." Eddie sighed. "But we have new releases hitting the shelves tomorrow. Those days are always fun."
"Any you want?" Steve sounded tired.
It was barely eight at night, but the weed was hitting and he'd been up since five that morning going nonstop.
"Might grab this local band's demo. We're the only place carrying it and they're hoping to do a show in our basement next month, but we'll see. Brad said we had to see how the demos sell."
"Sounds like fun," Steve said.
"You wanna go inside, sweetheart?"
"Not yet. Keep talking. Wanna hear about everything."
"Mkay, baby."
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twisted-king · 5 months
OOOO IDEA, how about the OB boys with a s/o who has an ESA (Emotional Support Animal) that they somehow convinced Crowley to allow them to have (because they literally need the animal). And the esa comforting them after their OB 🥺
Literally kissing you on the forehead rn.
Sorry about the exlusion of Jamil, idia and Malleus.
No ideas about Jamil, not sure how Idias would fit in... and Mal mal isnt finished
This is angstier than I thought it would be <3
TW: Panic attacks (Isolating + silent types), narcolepsy
Feel free to correct me if i got a certain experience wrong, I am a studying Psychology major so it would help me with my understanding of anything!
Remeber: ESAs and Service animals are different!
Overblot gang with an S/O with an ESA
First things first:
Lets say you're in second year, so you're dating the OB boys before the OB.
Going to keep the particular support need vauge, but it is panic related, reader is sensitive to loud noises and textures feeling wrong.
You 100% convinced crowley to let your ESA to stay with you because:
he is sooooo kind
you wouldn't let a poor defenseless panic-prone human in an ALL MAGIC BOYS SCHOOL alone would you????
Now with that out of the way:
Riddle Rosehearts
Animal: British Shorthair (cat)
I'm gonna call this cat Queenie
Riddle's Overblot wasn't really something you were ready for in any capacity.
Your usually kept together boyfriend was suddenly some... angry, monsterous thing.
This wasnt the Riddle that got you high quality noise cancelling headphones for unbirthday parties, the same Riddle who you spent so much time learning and growing with. Your dutiful boyfriend who was learning how harsh his punishments were with you...
That Riddle wasnt here right now.
Queenie circles you, nuzzling into your legs.
But its too late, you've shut down. Its hard to move, your heart feels like it doesnt have a beat but the hurt of an ever beating heart remains present.
Your breathing quickens, your knees buckle in from under you.
the dull thud of of your body hitting the slightly overgrown grass of heartslabyul is the last thing you hear as you slowly drown further into your panic.
Riddle, on the other hand, Just came to from his OB, staring at his dormmates worried and horrified faces. He feels weak, he knows what just happened, and he feels HORRIBLE....Oh god.
Are YOU okay??? where are you? Where is his S/O
That's when he spots you, your tear striken face, Queenie laying on top oof your chest, your hands shakily petting her back in sporadic, unrythmic strokes as her face snuggles further into your chest.
What has he done?
Riddle feels awful.
He promised to never be the cause of any panic for you. He wanted to be a safe space for you.
But his need for order seems to have taken over and ruined yet another important relationship in his life.
Despite his fatigue, he hesitantly appraches, keeping about 2 meters away from you. He knows you don't want anyone too close by right now.
When you show signs of calming down, He's there, silently and patiently sitting across from you.
"Do... do you want to talk about it..?"
You respond with a shake of your head.
He nods, you two remain in silence. One preparing for a potentially life-changing talk, the other rocking about as they cradle their cat
Leona Kingscholar
Animal: Corn Snake
His name is Zazu (shhhh)
Leona liked things quiet, and calm.
Thats what made you two work, at least according to him.
But, you knew and Malleus and Magift was a sore subject for him, you were kind of ready for his yearly temper, it caught you off gaurd last year, but this year you felt like you could really stand by his side!
Besides, a year in this hectic world with Zazu really helped stabilize your mood!
Until it wasn't.
A roaring stampede instead of a crowed, screams of terror instead of cheer, and your boyfriend, slowly turning your friend, Ruggie, into sand.
It was too much, too many shoves, too much noise, your friend almost died
You hold Zazu's little head gently, the soft, smooth texture of his scales your only vice as you duck under the bleachers of the magift stadium.
It's there and only there, all alone with your snake that you're able to break down and cry.
Leona groaned as he came to, he knew this was a stupid plan and a stupid decision. He could have just trained everyone properly, spend some actual time with you. He could have- Wait... where were you?
Despite his drained energy, he needed to know where you were. He put a hand up, stopping the chatter of his former victims, attemping to listen in for any sign of you.
He hears the soft mumbling of your attempts to talk to yourself
"Can't even trust em enough to tell me, I knew i should have stayed at home, this is why no one will accept yo-" hisssss
Okay, he had to do something
He rushes across the nearly empty stadium, suprising everyone (Except Ruggie maybe, he's kind of used to Leona)
"Herbivore?!" he stands outside the stands you're under
"I don't... I don't want to see you right now... I don't want you to see me."
"Babe- I... alright. Can I be with you right now?" "no." "I'm coming in anyway."
and he does.
He enters the darker space to find you huddled ong the ground, gripping onto your sleeve with one hand, the other coiled but zazu, who seems to lay still across your shoulders.
"I'll just be here." "Why?" you mumble "For you." he states
That makes you chuckle "You sap.."
Hisss <3
Azul Ashengrotto
Animal: Mop dog
Mop dog named Max...uh... Maxie
Okay so, unfortunately Azul did NOT like Maxie at first
But he got used to him because you two are a package deal
You knew Azul had insecurities, and his own...moments
You and Azul had a comfortable routine, you and him are both realtively particular, he needs a level of order in his life, and his comfort zone is very well kept. So you two kind of fell into a step.
Despite your realtive bliss spending most days in his office or the backrooms of the Lounge. You knew his business was his passion.
You also knew he tended to get a bit... ambitious.
You and Maxie knew to stay away during midterms, it was bound to get chaotic. And Azul gets kind of... gift-bomby around this time... it isn't the most comfortable.
Things typically died down a few days after midterms, so you decided to visit your boyfriend.
On the complete wrong day.
You took Maxie with you, ready to greet Azul after his busier week but instead you find...
Leona? with a pile of sand around him by Azul's vault... Oh no.
Maxie softly appraches a sullen Azul and nudges his leg with his paw.
Something seemed to snap because all of a sudden the sneaky yet loving Azul Ashengrotto you knew was... huge eight tentacles and crazed.
He shoves Maxie away, sending him to the ground (mind you, he's a pretty big dog)
He shoved your dog.
He's stealing things, he's refusing to be "worthless" "weak" "stupid and clumsy"
Everything you've always secretly felt you were... oh no...
Maxie rushes toward you.
You slowly place yourself on the ground.
You've fainted.
Azul comes to, he sees Ace, Deuce, the Prefect... Leona... and you? when did you get here? on the ground... Maxie gaurding your sleeping form.
He... overblotted.
How could he be so stupid?? everything seemed to be in pla e did he not count something or- WHY ARE YOU HERE?
Azul approaches you and Maxie, he dismisses the prefect and gang, solely focused on you.
Maxie opts to lie on top of you, promptly waking you up
"oof... what... what happended"
"I'm... so sorry" "Oh. right."
Maxie greets you with kisses, happily nudgeing your cheek accompanied by his happy barks. You sratch his head "I'm ok... down boy."
Azul apologetically stares at you, hesitant to say more.
You look up to him, sighing against Maxie. Your eyes narrowed "I thought we agreed." "I know I just... I can't help it." "Therapy." "I'll apply tomorrow afternoon, I promise."
Vil Schoenheit
Animal: Poodle
Her name is Georgette
Vil and Georgette get along realtively well. She doesn't shed, you keep her well groomed, and you're usually more on task with her around.
You like to joke that Vil reminds you of Georgette. He claims he is much more refined than your dog. She doesn't seem to like it much either.
He likes taking you out to set with him. He trusts you to behave and know's you feel safe both around him and whenever Georgette is around, he respects that.
Vil pets Georgette like an evil mastermind sometimes? So maybe that should have been a warning sign.
The VDC was fast approaching, Vil is under a lot of stress; he's been a harsh coach, his popularity stays at the same place consistently, he's FINALLY given the opportunity to beat Neige "once and for all"
VDC happens, you're helping the Prefect overlook how things are running. Overlooking the practices.
Vil does absoltely beautifully! and for once, Georgette agrees.
Neige does this old nursery song, and you're more than confident Vil will win.
You leave the prefect to handle the rest while you head to the stalls to buy a drink for Vil.
He deserves a treat after all <3
When you come back, everything seems fine but, the stadium is empty though...
And suddenly everything is falling around you
You take Georgette and quickly duck behind one of the seats.
Vil's distorted voice echoes throughout the stadium, you cannot quite see him but you see the giant MONSTER lurking behaind him.
When he comes to..
Vil is downright ashamed. He knows trying to poison someone is wrong. He knows he doesn't get to decide whether or not someone lives... Especially not for a glorified popularity contest.
And that's when he spots Georgette's thankfully obnoxiously large bow peeking out from behind one of the seats.
That is when he knows he has to check in on you. You are never far from Georgette.
"Darling? Meine Geliebte, are you alright.." You're huddled with your poodle. Rubble is strewn about around you. Your eyes remain shut as you mutter to yourself.
"It's ok, it's fine. you're safe. I-it's okay.." Georgette's fur is soft, you continue to trace little patterns into her well groomed coat.
Vil sighs to himself, relived you're at least ok, but he's worried. You have Georgette for a reason, and he knows just how much progress you've made to gain the confidence to live your daily life and he may have just destroyed that.
He remains by your side
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11rosebunny · 5 months
Bofurin and breakup(end of a relationship). Glass is not always good, but it is also necessary, isn't it?
Breaking up (BOFURIN)
-Decided to split this up into two parts.
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Haruka Sakura
In reality, Sakura is the type of person to be the one asking to breakup, even if you wanted to as well.
His reason for breaking up is due to the fact he finds himself too caught up in his High school, looking after the town, being the class representative, and following the orders from the higher-ups in the school is an overload of work and he constantly finds himself stuck on trying to find time with you.
It got really bad, sometimes he wouldn't speak to you for two whole days. Not even a single text or a call to see what you were doing and he explains that he was tied up in a fight during that time. It's come to a point where he hasn't shown affection to you in so long to where you've forgotten how his touch was. In doing so, you're the one that breaks up with him.
At first, he's shocked to hear the words coming out of your mouth, saying you want to breakup, thinking about what could have possibly gone wrong. But when he recalls all his moments spent together with you, not even he can remember the last time he saw you smile.
He puts on a poker face and understands your wishes to depart from him, so when you two agree to finally put an end to your relationship, he walks away and continues with his life.
For the first few days of being separated for, a tiny part of him winces when he thinks about how awful he treated you. He tries to get it off his mind by going out with his friends more often and submerging himself into events even though he acts like he doesn't want to be there. It's only at night when he's alone in his room does he think about you. He can't believe that he thought your relationship with him was doing well and nothing was wrong. When the memory of your first date pops in his head as he lay in bed looking the ceiling, only then he remembers the swollen face of yours due to how much you were laughing with him. They way both your hands intertwined together for the first time, and the moment where he saw you and looked at you.
'She's everything to me.' He thought in a daze.
Now that he was all alone once again, he turned away and shut his eyes and began to feel the ache in his chest for the first time in years.
Hajime Umemiya
It would be impossible for you to breakup with him. He's possibly the best boyfriend you've ever had in your life. He's respectful, understands your feelings, learns about you the most than anyone has in your entire life. So what could have possibly driven the both of you away?
The answer: University.
You met each other in your third-year, everything up till that time was amazing, it seemed like nothing could separate the both of you. But when life continues, so does after High school when you two are found deciding your feature careers. And sadly, they didn't match up. His pathway was way far off yours to what you wanted to pursue. The both of you knew of that but with very little time left you had with each other, you pushed it away and left that for last.
The deadline was coming up, and the last few days of summer was to be gone. Eventually, he did have that beach party where he wanted everyone to come. It was something so surreal to him, a core memory of his he would like to think about the future to tell his kids. However, he knows they could never be yours.
The moment when the party dies down, and all take their leave, now it's just you two—sitting on the beach, watching the sunset hues cover the sky look into a beautiful shade of an orangey-yellow colour illuminating in both of you eyes. Sitting next to each other, side by side as you watch the sun take its leave. But when will you?
It's silent. He knows it's not the time to speak and splurge out any unethical topics. And so he sits there, waiting for something to happen, although, he dreads for anything to happen.
He knows it's his last time with you. When the silence overtakes everything, he grows sick of the deafening waves crashing against one another loudly as the wind propels your hair. He takes this chance and looks at you. And there he catches a glimpse of sorrow in your eyes. He widens his eyes slightly at the way tears begin to cloud your vision.
It took a while for any of you to speak until he broke it.
"It was fun today. Very fun." His voice was low. It didn't sound like his usual tone. Instead, it was replaced with an ordinary tone.
It was then, you let your tears go wild. The sounds of your choked breathing going rapid and sniffles filled his ears painfully as you tried to wipe away your tears each time managed to escape. But with the amount of liquids that spewed from your eyes, it was impossible to reach for each one and take them away.
A regretful smile plastered his face as he brought you closer to him, wrapping a hand around your back and placing his hand on your waist to bring you in.
"Ah, there's no need to cry [Name]..." Your cries grew louder as soon as he started speaking. It was amazing how he didn't burst out into tears right now. Your hands covered your face as you weeped noisily.
"But tomorrow, is..."
"I know."
Your cries went quieter. Once again, silence overtook the both of you.
"It's okay, we'll meet again." He said. This time, when he turned to look at you, you looked back and there he witnessed the features on your face sunkissed by the golden hues.
"But when?" You asked with glassy eyes. The breeze of the winds blew roughly on the both of you. Both your hairs flowing in the wind just like the first time you met each other. Then you noticed the way his pupils watered his vision.
"When the universe brings me to you again."
Toma Hiragi
Your relationship with him began to falter. Both of you were aware when it started to fall apart, with the daily arguments over little things that could have easily been solved, the way he grew distant and stopped checking up on you decreased drastically in the same way you have been ignoring his texts and calls for hours till you felt like it was the right time to speak to him again.
In beginning, everything was alright—amazing even. With the way you two hung out everyday, called each other every night, and walked to school each morning, it slowly turned into vacant little argument about waking up a little too late, not replying fast enough, miscommunication, and jealousy issues in his side of the relationship.
He started to become a bit possessive of you and controlling, to where it felt like you couldn't speak to anyone and had lost many of your friends due to him not liking some of them. He didn't see anything wrong with it until your arguments with him had the tendency to increase into an even uglier fight between the both of you.
You had gotten sick of all the sleepless nights of crying and wondering if he still cares about you, so when you meet up with him for the last time asking him to speak about your relationship with him, he is terrified. Before meeting with you, he knew by the tone of his voice something bad was going to approach him, and he knew he couldn't do anything about that.
So when the both of you stood under the tree where you two met for the first time, he feels his heart drop when you say you want to breakup. He mentally prepared himself that it was coming and this was one of the few times where he didn't care about the anger that brewed from his behaviour, but now he was seen as the most fragile person ever when he had no other choice but to accept your wishes.
He doesn't walk you home anymore and instead watched you walk away from him for the last time. He doesn't look away, not till you've completely disappeared from his sight otherwise if he were to look away, he's afraid that he won't see you ever again.
As soon as he gets home, he barricades himself on his room, deciding to not eat dinner that day after your last encounter with him. He goes on his phone and the first thing he sees in the wallpaper of you and him sitting on a bench watching the sunset go down. He takes in your features with cold eyes, the way you're kissing his cheek in the photo as he cheekily smiles.
'Wow.' He thought. He remembers how happy he was during that date and cracks a smile to himself. Until he realizes, you're no longer here anymore, and there was nothing he could do to stop you from leaving.
After all, he knew he was the reason why you were driven away.
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chaosology · 1 year
haven't i given enough?
— Sam Kerr x reader
based off another fic I wrote, hope it's ok!! masterlist
there will be a part two, let me know what you think :)
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When Sam and Y/N met, everything had just fallen into place. Y/N was interning at the local hospital when the Matilda's had come for a charity event, cheering up sick kids on the ward. Y/N had never been much into sports, instead choosing to lock herself in her room on Sunday mornings when her sister would train. In fact, she had no real intention of even interacting with the team. For all she knew, they were a bother - cluttering the halls and blocking the entry ways.
That was until she slammed right into one of them.
Her pager was quiet for the first time that shift, and she had taken the opportunity to go get coffee from the break room. The pathology results in her hands were suddenly scattered on the ground as she was forced several steps back. She had just cursed, not even bothering to look at her now enemy as she crouched down to pick them up.
"Shit! I'm so so sorry," the voice came, "I'll get it for you."
Her hands were joined by two more that anxiously fumbled around on the vinyl tiles, attempting to pick up the A4 sheets that would just fall from her fingers and slip back out.
"No no, it's fine." Y/N fired back. She wanted to add a sly you've already done enough, but at least her mystery attacker had tried to help. That was more than she could say for others.
"Quite some force you've got there." Y/N followed with. She was too embarrassed to life her gaze from the ground and instead focused on the blue nikes in front of her, now reordering the papers and securing them into her clipboard.
"Yeah, comes with the job I guess"
Y/N looked up and was met with an apologetic set of eyes and a warm smile. She took her outstretched hand, allowing herself to be pulled up.
"I'm sorry. I'm Sam... I'm Sam and I'm sorry." She was tripping over her words awkwardly, a blush beginning to paint her cheeks. Y/N had laughed, looking down to realise her hand was still in hers.
"Can I buy you a coffee?"
"So, when can I meet your family?"
You looked over to the couch where Sam was resting with her phone, the sun painting a warm glow over her body - she looked beautiful. The question had caught you off guard, Sam could tell. The way your body tensed and nervously chewed on your lip. Your relationship with your family was... complicated.. In the nine months you'd been dating, there was never any mention of your relatives despite your meeting hers.
Your older sister Ami was everything you weren't. She was sporty and athletic, witty and carefree. She exuded an air of confidence that you could never quite match no matter how hard you tried - but that you could handle. It was the taking.
At 14 you stood anxiously by the lockers as you admired Cara Stevens from afar. She was so dreamy, blonde curls framing her freckled face. She had all the important qualities you needed as a 14 year old: she was pretty, a year above AND she had the nicest stationary in her grade. You couldn't believe when she walked over to you of all people, leaning against the door of your locker. Your heart was racing, almost beating out of your chest as you met her eye.
"Hey there, you're Y/N... right?" she had asked. She smelled of fresh mint and you swear she could combust right then and there. "I was just wondering if you could give me your sister's number? No harm in trying, right?"
All feeling had left your body as you absentmindedly scribbled down her mobile number, saying nothing as you watched Cara walk over to her friends and hold up the number like it was a trophy.
You cried in the bathrooms that day.
At 19, you met Grace Li. She was your first proper girlfriend, as you swore off dating in high school to focus on getting into medicine. Grace was studying radiology and you bonded over your mutual love of the sciences, regularly making dates out of shared lectures and labs. Grace clicked instantly with your family, always coming over and helping out when she could. You didn't think much of how she would always sit next to your sister and chat when she had the chance (even if the seat next to you was free.) You thought her inviting out your sister when you went clubbing with friends was just her trying to make a good impression.
You realised you were wrong when you walked in on them with their tongues down their throats in the bathroom.
Your sister had only offered a half-hearted apology that morning. "It's not my fault, Y/N. She came on to me and we were both super drunk. You guys weren't even that serious, right?"
It irked you that it seemed she hadn't even wanted a relationship with Grace, only to win her over and have her claim. But they were only human, right? You spent that weekend in bed crying not only from sadness, but the all-consuming guilt from momentarily hating your sister. You felt so awful.
You never saw Grace again.
At 23, you begged your mum and dad to drive you to the hospital for your first day as an intern. All throughout your childhood, they would take your first day of school off work to drop you off. You'd get breakfast before and play Strawberry Kisses on the radio, singing in the back of the car and kicking your dad's seat to annoy him. You had worked your ass off to get here and wanted nothing more to relive a favourite childhood memory on what would be the most exciting day of your life.
As you left your room to meet in the kitchen of the family home, you were greeted by the obnoxiously yellow note on the fridge.
"Sorry love, Ami was subbed in for a big game! Maybe tomorrow? x"
Your emotions had bubbled up to the surface as you ripped the note from the fridge. It crumpled in your hand as you stood there, tears falling down your cheeks. You had wiped them away pathetically, sniffling as you grabbed your lunch and stuffed it in your bag. The drive to work was silent. There was no Strawberry Kisses, no breakfast and kiss on the cheek. There was no photo of you in your scrubs outside the hospital, mimicking the cheesy grin you made in your kindy photo.
They never made up for it.
So yes, the relationship with your family was strained. There was no awareness on their part; instead, they would pass comments at the table about how you were oh so distant. They would tease about Ami "stealing" Grace as you sat eating, feeling like a little girl all over again. You loved your family, but they had the ability to reduce you to nothing in seconds without even realising it. The worst part was could never quite bring yourself to criticise it, always too guilty to think even a bad word.
You had wanted so desperately to keep Sam a secret, but she was getting impatient. You texted your mother that evening, asking if she was free for dinner and made plans for the following Saturday. Sam held you in that arms as you slept that night, but you couldn't quite rid yourself of that sinking feeling in your stomach.
When you arrived at dinner that night, you noticed the way your sister left the spare chair next to her and insisted you sat next to your father. Sam had looked almost uncomfortable at first, but next you knew she was having an animated conversation with Ami about football. The sinking feeling returned.
As you laid in bed that night, you traced Sam's face. She was exhausted - having fallen asleep as her head hit the pillow. Your fingers danced delicately across her cupid's bow, running down her jawline and coming to rest just above her heart.
The tender moment was interrupted by the buzz of her phone. She was too far gone to even notice and the screen eventually turned back off, returning the room to darkness. Until it buzzed again. And again.
Frustrated, you grabbed it to put it on silent. Thats when you noticed.
"Heya, it's Ami. Lovely meeting Y/N's better half tonight :) Send me that link we spoke about? x"
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makeyoumine69 · 2 months
Till Death Do Us Part (Chapter Three)
PAIRING: Patrick Bateman x Innocent!Fem!Reader; [no y/n]
SUMMARY: Your curiosity led you into the lion's mouth.
CONTAINS: Arranged marriage/enemies to lovers trope, implied smut, manipulative relationships, drugging, oral sex (Patrick receiving), titjob, dirty talk, misogyny, masturbation.
WORDS: 3.6k
A/N: Sorry for the long wait, hope you enjoy the new chapter!
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Swallowing hard, you carefully removed his hand. "Can you tell me why you’re doing this? I know you don't want this marriage to happen either...you've been dating such beautiful women just to end up married to me? What nonsense!" Your nervous chuckle echoed through the modern kitchen of Bateman's apartment. "You know, I think we can compromise. If this marriage is going to happen, we can make it a formality—you can keep your lifestyle and sleep with whoever you want, I won't mind, I promise. But the only thing I want is for you to let me finish my internship. That's all."
You did your best to regain your composure, even though you could see Patrick's eyebrows furrowed in frustration. How would you have reacted if someone had told you ten years ago that you would become Bateman? You would probably be so damn happy, because it was no secret that you had been in love with him since the first time you saw him—a cute little boy with a beautiful smile and freckles.
Patrick clenched his hand into a fist and pulled it away from you gently so as not to frighten you. He listened to your deal and furrowed his brow. 'I'm going to sleep with whoever, no matter what the deal is,' he thought to himself', the corners of his eyes crinkling slightly with amusement. Bateman chuckled and shook his head. "There's no need for this deal...do you think so little of me that you think I need more than one woman?" He grinned and put his hand on his chest as if he was offended by your statement. "Besides, you can finish your internship even if we're married. My father always wanted a doctor..." There was a hint of sadness in his voice when he mentioned his father. "...Besides, I have a maid." He took your hand and pulled you closer. "I... think you're beautiful... Sure, you could be thinner, but that's easily fixable. Of course, marriage isn't exactly what I want right now... but who knows? Maybe it'll be fun." There was a predatory glint in his eyes. If he could just get you to fall in love with him like you did in high school, you would be putty in his hands.
'I can be thinner, sure, but you can't be a better man than you are,' You thought, but you let him pull you closer, giving him the illusion that he was in control of the situation. "You sound like you want to change me to your liking," you scoffed, looking into his hazel eyes. "Will I have to dye my hair blonde?"
It was too bad for you that you had such a good memory, as your mind replayed all the old memories of endless numbers of blonde girls hovering around Bateman like sharks around a piece of meat.
"Aren't you afraid we'll be late?" You suddenly asked with a grin, making it clear that you didn't want to continue this conversation.
"Doesn't everyone want the best for their partner?" Patrick said, his voice lower than before. "I mean... I at least want to be attracted to my wife... So I wouldn't mind if her hair had more... Striking color." He looked at your curly locs curiously. "We'll think of something." All these statements hardly registered as insults to Patrick. Just the truth. Well, some of it was. If this marriage thing was really going to happen, he could at least get something out of it. A little... object to have around the house. If he got tired of you, you'd die in a “tragic accident” and he'd get the life insurance money, being your spouse and all. All he needed was for you to step a little closer into his trap. 
Bateman then looked at his watch. One hour to dinner now. He hummed and looked down at you, "I'll get ready. Wait here." He walked away, huffing quietly. It was obvious that nothing sexual would happen before dinner. Whatever. Once in his room, he closed the door—or so he thought. He sat down on his bed and pulled his boxers down, his erection popping out. He flushed as he tried to think of something to get him off. After pushing thoughts of you out of his mind, his thoughts moved to Courtney. Sure, she was married to Luis now... but he always imagined Luis dead in his fantasies. That only made her more attractive to him anyway. He imagined her tanned, aerobic legs spread for him, her pussy winking as an invitation. He smiled and wrapped his hand around his cock, moving it quickly as he bit his thumb to hide his moans.
Five minutes had passed since Patrick had left, and you were still standing in the kitchen, thinking about your recent conversation. As you were about to go into the living room and maybe read something to kill some time, you heard a muffled moan. At first you thought it was coming from the TV, but when you heard it again, your curiosity got the better of you and you decided to find the source of the moaning.
Cautiously, like a cat, you crept into the living room, only to find a small gap in the bedroom door, and although your inner voice tried to stop you, you refused to listen and continued to come closer as if hypnotized. It only took a few small steps to get closer to the door to see Bateman's naked form, his eyes closed and his cheeks flushed. As your curious gaze fell to his groin, your heart seemed to stop at the sight of his meaty, veiny cock, cut and so damn huge that your insides tightened at the sight.
"Oh...my...God…" You whispered uncontrollably before recoiling as if from the fire.
Embarrassed, you felt a searing heat coursing through your body, frightening you so much that instead of just returning to the living room, you ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Then you opened the sink to muffle your desperate gasping. 'Why? Why is this happening? Why did I want to wrap my hands around his dick? Why did I want... to taste it? Fuck, I bet it tastes amazing...'
"STOP!" You yelled at yourself, grabbing the surface of the bathroom counter. 'How am I supposed to behave around him after what I've seen? You cursed, trying to calm yourself.'
Patrick groaned and tilted his head back, gripping the sheets as he quickened his hand movements. The silence in the room was broken by a soft noise. His eyes flew open and he looked at the door to see a figure flashing away from it. "Hey!" he roared, instantly enraged. Before Bateman could do anything he would regret, he pulled his boxers back up and opened his desk drawer. He took out his prescriptions and popped a pill into his mouth, letting it calm him down and quell his emotions. 
The man sighed and got up, walking out of the bedroom. He looked around and saw that the bathroom door was closed and went straight to it. He calmly knocked on the door. "Becca." Patrick called, his voice stern and demanding, but still with a hint of comfort. "Come out. You're not in trouble." He huffed and put a hand on the door frame, waiting for you to meet him.
‘Oh my fucking God, he caught me looking at him! What am I going to say? Uhhh, I'm sorry, I thought you were in pain, so I came over and saw you jerking off. FUCK!’
With a deep breath you closed the tap and after a quick look at your reflection you fixed your hair and went to the door to open it. But at the last moment you stopped, feeling your heart pounding so fast because you were sure Bateman was standing right behind the door.
"Can you...can you get away from the door, please? I'll come out." You didn't want your voice to sound demanding, but what was done was done.
Patrick rolled his eyes and took a step back from the door, crossing his arms over his pecs. He tapped his foot on the floor as he waited for you to come out. The man wasn't sure what he would do when you came out. Probably try to persuade you ... tell you that if you wanted to watch him so badly, you could get a better look before you left for dinner.
When you left the bathroom, the first thing you noticed was that Bateman was still wearing only his white boxers, which made you visually nervous.
"Mmmhhm, if you're still not ready to go out, maybe you don't really want to have this dinner?" You asked shyly, closing the bathroom door. "Maybe... you have other plans?"
Wait, what? Why the hell did you ask that?
Abashed, you averted your eyes from his, finding it hard to look into them—a blazing embarrassment burning you from the inside out. 'Don't look...don't look...oh shit, he's still so hard.'
Patrick laughed and shook his head. "No, we can't miss this dinner. My friend wants to meet you." The man said and adjusted the hem of his boxers. He was still extremely hard, which made it uncomfortable to stand. "You know, I just wanted to take care of my... problem by myself, which wouldn't take long." He put his hand back on the doorframe and leaned over you. "But since you want to watch so badly... you can help." He winked. "If you want."
Bateman ran his hand down your arm before moving it to your waist. "It won't take long... besides, I can tell you want to. Why be so reluctant?" He grinned. "I think it'll be an excellent way for us to relieve stress."
Trembling, you gasped at his touch and now you were beginning to regret not wearing a bra as your nipples were clearly visible through the thin fabric of your dress.
You closed your eyes for a second to process his suggestion. "You want me to... you want me to watch you masturbate? Is that what you want?"
'I can't believe we're actually talking about this.' Oh, how many times did you spend the nights touching yourself and thinking about Patrick, but that Patrick was just your perfect illusion, because now you were standing in front of the real Bateman, selfish and arrogant and totally sexy and hot. Dear God…
Patrick laughed. "God, you really are a virgin." He looked down and saw your nipples protruding conspicuously from the dress. That was enough motivation for him to keep going. The man snaked his hand up your back and pulled you closer, pressing his erection against your leg. Then Bateman pressed his fingers against your hip, using all his strength not to rip the dress off you right away. "I want you to go to... our bedroom, take off the dress and wait for me." He whispered, keeping his eyes on you. "I know you have fantasized about this before, Rebecca. You want my fat cock inside you, don't you?"
Even though it had been almost ten days since you had tried to get used to living with Patrick in his apartment, but all that time you hadn't even slept in the same bed, although it was stupid to deny that you didn't look at his perfect body whenever you had the chance.
"I... I can try to help you, but I'm not ready for such radical things as having sex with you," you said, your whole body shaking, but you didn't try to remove his hands. "You said it wouldn't take long...so maybe we can finish this right here?"
Maybe it could mean that you accepted your fate, but when you got on your knees in front of him, it didn't feel strange or disgusting, it felt so fucking wrong, but at the same time so fucking right.
Patrick watched you with hungry eyes, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly. He didn't want it to be just a blow job... but he'd take what he could get. Maybe he'd let you sleep in the same bed with him tonight. Well.. "Sleep" - he'd see how long you actually slept. Bateman moved his hand to the top of your head as you dropped to your knees. He smiled and pulled his boxers down, letting his erection pop out and hit your cheek. Pre-cum oozed from the tip from his earlier masturbation session. "Good. Let's see what you can do." Patrick murmured and ran his hand through your hair. He knew he'd probably have to do most of the work, you being a virgin and all, but he'd let you take control for a while, show him how you could work your magic.
Totally embarrassed, you didn't even know how to react when Bateman's thick cock almost slapped your cheek—you had never felt more vulnerable and humiliated in your life. And even though this was not your first blowjob, the only boyfriend you had was much smaller, so the huge size difference turned out to be much scarier than you thought.
Closing your eyes, you wrapped your tiny hand around the base of his beefy dick, which twitched in response. "Why... Why are you so big?" You asked naively before giving his swollen tip a few kitten licks. 
‘Oh God, if Patrick ever found out about my ex-boyfriend and that we failed to have sex several times because he wasn't that big, Bateman would laugh at me and mock me for the rest of my life.’
Patrick watched, leaning over you and resting his arm against the wall. He watched you work, his face expressionless as you worked slowly. He started to get impatient, but held himself back. "Uh- genetics?" The man smiled condescendingly. "Have you never seen a real man's cock? I mean, I know you're a virgin, but I know you had a boyfriend in high school... some nobody from the suburbs." He chuckled before tugging gently on your hair. "Why don't you open your mouth wide for me?" Bateman crooned softly.
As for the current options, you chose to open your mouth as he asked, rather than tell him about your failures in your sex life. The moment Bateman pushed himself deeper into your mouth, you immediately grabbed his hips, trying to keep control of the situation.
"Mhmmm," you murmured around his throbbing dick, hoping it would all be over soon. Thank God Patrick gave you a short breather. "It... it won't fit, Patrick."
Ashamed, you fidgeted nervously on the floor, not wanting him to know that you were so wet between your legs.
Patrick moaned and tilted his head back, enjoying the warmth of your mouth. He rocked his hips slightly, his head nuzzling the inside of your cheek. He looked down and pulled out of your mouth, listening to you speak. "Oh, it'll fit..." He grinned before moving both hands to your hair. Bateman gripped tightly, then thrust his cock into your mouth, moaning deeply. With a shaky breath he stopped himself from making you deepthroat him. Gradually, the man rocked his hips faster, carefully pulling in and out of your mouth. "Mm, fuck... perfect fit..." He growled under his breath.
You did your best to breathe through your nose, though your eyes were already watering from lack of oxygen. It was humiliating and even painful, the way his cockhead brushed against your soft palate was almost brutal. 
'Fuck, what am I doing? What will my family think of me when they find out what a slut I have become?' You could only whimper helplessly, hoping that Bateman would soon reach his climax and let you go, but... what if he decided to cum in your mouth? You leaned on his hips, then one of your hands rested on his perfect abs, signaling him to slow down a bit.
Patrick closed his eyes as he worked his hips back and forth, chasing his own pleasure at a slow pace. He let out a throaty moan and opened his eyes when he felt you tap him. He slowed his thrusts but continued, his eyebrows furrowed. No way you were tapping out already. Bateman sighed and pulled out of your mouth completely, looking down at you with a scornful look. "I think jerking off would go a lot faster." The man said bitterly, keeping his hands in your hair. He moved one to wipe the drool from your lip, tilting his head in thought. He knew that if he got too rough with you now, you'd probably never trust him with sex again... and it would be a pain in the ass to have to wrestle you down like an irate chihuahua every time he had a hard-on. He could just hire prostitutes, but that adds up fast.
Bateman's mocking comment about your lack of experience really offended you because you were trying your best to help him with his "hard" problem.
"Hey, I'm trying, okay?" you suddenly blurted out in an angry tone. "It's not my fault that you're so... huge," you gasped several times, finally able to breathe properly. But Patrick's burning eyes still looked at you deceptively. "Uh, I don't know... how about this?" you knew that it would be so risky, since you could easily get dirty, but you didn't know what else you could do in such a situation. Slowly you pulled down the top of your dress, revealing your heavy tits. Without realizing what you were doing, you squeezed them together and looked up at Patrick, his dick twitching at the sight of your breasts. "Do you...like it?"
Patrick sniffed. 'Could have fooled me,' he thought to himself with an amused grin that only deepened when you called him 'huge'. His eyes widened and his lips pursed as Bateman watched you pull down your dress. He really wasn't expecting it. His eyes froze on your breasts, his cock twitching at the sight. Biting the inside of his cheek, he nodded. "Yeah... did you have plastic surgery or something?" He asked, gently running his hand through your hair. He wanted to fuck your tits. The thought made his cock twitch again. "How about you lying down on the couch? I have an idea... you don't have to do anything. You won't lose your virginity either." Bateman grinned cheekily.
Your face was tense with panic as you tried not to think about what was happening. "No, I didn't have surgery," you replied, slowly standing up and covering your breasts. "They're natural."
Smiling shyly, you said it with a hint of pride, but then your expression tensed as Bateman looked at you, eating you alive with his brown eyes. Then you took a moment to consider whether it was right to follow his order, but did you really have a choice, since it was your idea to start all this madness? Leisurely, you moved past Patrick to his white slutty couch to lie down on it, your dress slipping down more and more as you couldn't hold it in place.
"What... what are you going to do to me?" You asked as you lay on the soft furniture, listening to the man's steady footsteps.
Patrick watched you make your way to the couch and made sure you obeyed him before he went into the bathroom. He fixed his hair in the mirror before opening his medicine cabinet and taking out the spermicidal lubricant. He put some on his hand and smeared it on, his cock twitching in his grasp. The man hummed and walked back into the living room. 
Smugly, Bateman looked over at you, his eyes roaming hungrily over your body. "Trust me, you'll like it." He smiled and stood beside you, towering over you as he stroked your head. After that, Patrick moved to carefully straddle your belly, hovering over you instead of sitting on you. With an obsessive determination, he gripped your tits tightly, rubbing his palms against your sensitive nipples before slowly thrusting his cock between them.
The moment his hot flesh slid between your heavy breasts, you literally stopped breathing. It was so obscene, so sinful, so...delightful? Your ex-boyfriend had never done this to you before, so you didn't even know how to react.
"It's so warm," you whimpered, not daring to look down. "I can feel it pulsating..."
Your hands roamed chaotically over the plush surface of the couch as you were trapped under Bateman's massive body like a little bunny cornered by the Big Bad Wolf, doing your best to stifle any provocative sounds that would reveal your arousal.
Patrick nodded, biting his lower lip. "Yeah..." He groaned and thrust faster, enjoying the feel of his cock between your soft breasts. His veiny cock twitched and he felt his balls tighten, signaling that he was getting closer. Frowning, the man growled and gripped you tighter, thrusting faster. The head of his cock brushed against your lower lip as he moved.
"Ohh... yeah... I know you like this..." He moaned, moving at a slightly gentler pace. Patrick grinned over you, his slicked back hair losing some of its shape so that strands fell in front of his eyes.
You could feel his movements becoming more erratic and jerky - the obvious evidence of his impending orgasm. "Patrick," you called his name in a feeble attempt to get his attention. "Please...don't...come around my breasts, please!"
You were simply not ready, and you were afraid that Bateman would stain the dress he bought you and blame you for it.  'What if I suggest he finish in my mouth? Oh, fuck, he'll drown me in his cum.'
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P.S. Thank you for reading until the end! I don’t have a taglist. You can follow my side blog @makeyoumineagain and turn on notifications to know when I update!
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imnotaacat · 4 months
You (not) Belong to Me
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bestfriend!Steve x fem reader / boyfriend!Eddie x fem reader.
— Summary: You were always in love with your best friend Steve, however, he never noticed it and when he did it was too late.
— Warnings: Angst, friends to enemies, insults, and some fluff with Eddie at the end. (I think that's all)
A/n: English is not my native language, sorry if something is written wrong, I hope everything can be understood. :)
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Five years have passed since you moved from Hawkins to follow your dream, it was very difficult of course, but now, you are one of the most important artists in the industry. Many emotions were passing through your mind, many memories, your friends, your best friends, would finally be together again.
It was very difficult to convince your agency and manager that they would agree to have a date in Hawkins, but after some insistence, they agreed. Hawkins was a quiet, boring town, but now that you and Corroed Coffin had included it in your respective tours, the town was in chaos. Despite having called its leader and vocalist, Eddie Munson, satanic.
After two and a half hours of flight, your plane landed, there was a crowd at the airport shouting your name, holding banners, and asking for photos and autographs, you signed the ones you could, while you got to the car that would take you to your hotel, you agreed to see your friends after your concert, so you will rest better.
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You were about to end the show, this would be the last song, you were so happy to see how people had fun and sang all the songs on the setlist.
“Alright Hawkins, are you ready to go back to high school with me?” The entire crowd shouted, and that song that more than one identified with began to play.
"You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset She's going off about something that you said 'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do I'm in my room, it's a typical Tuesday night I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like And she'll never know your story like I do"
Despite the lights you could see your friends in the crowd, seeing that scene where they were chanting and enjoying your songs made you even happier. You really appreciated the support of your friends, they always gave you words of encouragement, even when you thought you wouldn't make it, but now look at you, you fill entire stadiums and arenas.
"And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down You say you're fine, I know you better than that Hey, what ya doing with a girl like that?"
At that moment something clicked in Steve's brain.
You were neighbors since you were children, however, being “King Steve” and you being just another “normal” student, there was never any interaction beyond casual greetings, however, that changed when you reached high school, being in the same class and also being neighbors, the friendship between you blossomed quite quickly. Without realizing it, you went and did everything together, many began to believe that you were dating, but you always denied it. However, behind all the times you denied it, there was a reality, you liked Steve.
"She wears high heels, I wear sneakers She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find That what you're looking for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you Been here all along, so why can't you see? You belong with me"
Steve started dating a girl from high school, she was the captain of the cheerleaders, like her best friend, you gave him all the encouragement and confidence to ask about a first date, to ask for a second date, and even to formalize the relationship; although inside you were dying of jealousy and reproaching yourself for not having the courage to tell him what you felt for him.
When the relationship ended after a few months, Steve, although he didn't show it, was heartbroken, so there you were, giving him words of encouragement and your shoulder to cry on, reproaching yourself again for not telling him your feelings.
"Oh, I remember you driving to my house In the middle of the night I'm the one who makes you laugh When you know you're about to cry
I know your favorite songs And you tell me about your dreams Think I know where you belong Think I know it's with me"
After class you had told Steve that you weren't feeling very well, so you weren't going to the party with him; he insisted on staying with you and taking care of you, but you rejected him claiming that you didn't want him to miss out on the fun and the opportunity to meet a girl that night. However, the reality is that you did not want to have him close, you did not want to see him flirt with various girls at the party, while your heart would break into a thousand pieces, you did not want to be alone with him, and fight with yourself for fear of rejection.
It was around 11:30 when you heard the doorbell ring, It had already rung several times, but you didn't dare open it, because you were alone at home and Steve was also too far away to help you, if was a serial killer or something similar, you turned off the television, stood up and began to climb the stairs as far as possible. As silent as possible, your doorbell kept ringing.
“Sweetheart, is everything okay? It's Steve." Your legs weakened a little when you heard the nickname, you stood there for a few more seconds and then went down the stairs again and opened the door. “Steve? What are you doing here? It's not even twelve…”  Steve entered your house and gave you what he had in his hands, four pieces of pizza, probably from the party, some gas station chocolates, and a small bouquet of roses that were almost withered. “I know, honey, but I didn't feel good at the party knowing that you weren't well, so I decided to come here, accompany you, and help you with whatever you need.” Steve turned to look at you and raised both thumbs. “Steve, it wasn't necessary, I already feel much better, I'm serious.” However, I can't hear you anymore, I was arriving at your room.
That night they spent together, they talked about school, problems with her parents, and love dramas. Finally, he discovered that your spirits were low because of a boy, so for about an hour, he asked you the name of the boy, without knowing that he was him.
“Standing by and waiting at your backdoor All this time how could you not know, baby? You belong with me You belong with me
You belong with me Have you ever thought just maybe You belong with me You belong with me"
“Thank you very much, Hawkins! A round of applause for this wonderful band that accompanies me, a round of applause for you, I hope to see you soon, thank you very much.” You said goodbye to your audience as you left the stage, leaving behind the screams of all the people who loved and supported you. Steve also quickly got up from his seat heading towards your dressing room, he ran as fast as he could to avoid encountering the entire crowd. Finally, he was able to sneak through the crowd and the small spaces under the stage to get to your dressing room, he knocked on the door insistently, until you finally opened it.
“Steve!” You quickly hugged him. “Sweetheart” He said while hugging you, “You know, I finally understood everything, I understood why my relationships never lasted with any girl” He began to say with a smile, as he separated from the hug and took your hands, you just had a face surprised and confused. “What are you talking about Steve? I'm not understanding you at all” You said laughing, his eyes went to yours. “It was always you, I was always in love with you, I finally understood all the signals you were giving me… I really was an idiot for not realizing it.” Steve said with a smile, a slight blush on his cheeks, you didn't know what to say. “Steve I—” Your words were interrupted by your other friends who shouted to get your attention and ran to hug you.
“It's good to see you all again, thank you very much for coming.” You spoke, as you looked at your friends. “My god, you guys have grown so much” You spoke addressing Dustin, Mike, Will, Eleven, and Max. Who smiled back at you. “It's incredible to be all together again… Only Eddie is missing and the whole group will be reunited again, it's a shame he's coming here until tomorrow.” Dustin spoke, you simply nodded with a mischievous smile, while the others discussed agreeing with him.
“Love, everything is done, we can go with the boys.” Said a voice speaking distractedly, also walking looking backwards, making sure everything was in its place and order. “Edward…”You spoke. Eddie turned to look at you with a smile and then saw who you were talking to, the one who was waiting to see you talking to your team quickly covered his mouth, “Shit” hoping that by magic no one would have heard what he had called you. All your friends looked at them surprised, especially Steve, “Did you listen carefully to what he said?”, “Did everyone hear the same thing?” They all asked at the same time, you and Eddie just laughed, and you raised your left hand to your mouth to cover your laughter a little, “Wait… You already have the ring!” Robin shouted, everyone stopped talking and turned to look at them again, “God, at what point?” “When were you planning to tell us?”, “Were you guys already dating when you left here?” Dustin asked, everyone had a lot of questions at that moment. “Oh no dude, three years ago she was part of the cover of one of the band's albums, we started talking more often and well, now we're going to get married” Eddie explained with a big smile on his face. While all this was going on and Eddie was answering some questions you noticed that Steve's mood and expressions had changed and rightly so. Actually, in those years that you were in love with him, you gave him all the signs you could, even the most obvious ones, like the time you kissed him pretending to be a little drunk, however, there was no response from him, so from that moment on you decided forgetting him, you moved to Los Angeles and met Eddie again, from the moment you started talking to him you realized how gentlemanly and warm he was, you never noticed it when you still lived in Hawkins, he quickly won your heart, and Now you were about to marry him, the love of your life.
“Love, is everything okay?” Eddie asked, breaking you out of your thoughts. “I'm sorry, I zoned out a little, I remember how we had it before, I'm very happy that we are together again” You responded with a smile, Eddie hugged you and kissed you on the forehead. “What do they say about going out to eat something?” Dustin said, “I'm hungry and you two must give us a lot of answers.” Everyone laughed. “We can go to my house, we can be calmer,” Steve spoke, with a noticeably low mood.
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“Does anyone know what's wrong with Steve? Since we came back it's been weird” Robin said, looking at Steve who was in the backyard of his house. The others denied. “He probably didn't have a good day,” you said. “I spend the whole day excited about tonight, it's weird” Dustin added. “I'll go talk to him” You warned as you stood up and walked in Steve's direction.
"Everything is alright?" You asked, but there was no answer, so you just sat next to him, giving him space, “You're my best friend, I know we haven't lost communication a bit, but you can still trust me.” Again there was no response, although you had an idea of ​​what he might have, from what he had told you in your dressing room. “That's the problem” He finally spoke, turning to look at you. “I'm your best friend” You didn't respond. “Why did you never tell me?” He asked, a hint of confusion showing on your face. “Tell you what?” Asked. “That you were in love with me” Your confused expression became a little more evident. “I knew you were like this because of this” You stopped looking at him and directed your gaze towards your ring. “If you had only told me, I would have given you the ring you are wearing,” I added. A little anger began to grow in your chest. “Are you really in love with him?” Asked. “Or are you just with him out of spite?” You didn't answer anything, you could hear how drunk he was, so he was just saying it because he was drunk, not because he meant it. “What does he have that I don't have?” “Edward Munson” He let out a sarcastic laugh. “What could be so special about the freak?” “What does the freak have that King Steve doesn't, huh?” He said with an annoyed tone in his voice, you remained silent, you really didn't want to say anything and ruin your friendship, however with everything Steve was saying, he was going that way, Steve probably wouldn't remember tomorrow, but you would, and probably after that night the friendship between the two of you would no longer exist.
"I bet when you realized that I didn't feel the same way about you, you ran into his arms." You remained silent, you didn't believe everything he was telling you, he was your best friend, how could he say something like that about you? "You know... For a long time it was said that you were a slut, I never believed them but now I realize it was the truth" Steve laughed at the moment, he turned to look at you, and you were already looking at him, however, the tears were beginning to come out. your eyes. “I’m thankful I never dated you, can you imagine King Steve dating a slut?” once again he laughed. Without realizing it, Eddie was a short distance from you, he had heard everything, to say that he was angry would be flattery, he wanted to go with you and confront Steve himself, however, he restrained himself, he knew that it was a problem between you and Steve, He shouldn't get involved, you two would talk later.
The anger was already accumulated in your chest, Steve reacted until he felt the burning of your hand on his cheek, there he woke up, he realized everything he had told you, and he regretted it instantly, however, it was too late. "You're an Idiot!" You said a little louder, getting your friend's attention. “I gave you a lot of signs when I was in love with you, all our friends realized it, except you Steve, even someone who didn't know you or me would have realized it” Steve's face of regret was evident, all the others were now only a meter away from the two of you. "You know... now I'm grateful not to be with you, I always thought you were a gentleman, but now I realize that when you're drunk you transform, your true self takes over you, imagine being your best friend, you call me a slut, what wouldn't you say to me being your girlfriend or wife?” Steve felt the gaze of all his friends staring at him, especially Eddie's, without even seeing him he could tell that he was very angry. “You could have fooled us all Steve, saying that you had changed, that you were different, but now I realize that you will always be the idiotic and stupid King Steve” You said. You gave him one last look and then went inside the house to grab your things, Eddie followed you, and you noticed how angry Eddie was, you took his hand, then you remembered that your friends were still there, you turned to see them, their confused faces told you everything. “Guys… sorry about this… I didn't think it would end like this tonight, I'll make it up to you, I promise.” Everyone nodded and some said there was no problem. You and Eddie left Steve's house hand in hand and headed to the car you had rented, before getting in you could notice a flash behind you. “Shit” They both thought.
After that discussion everyone went home, Steve was alone again, the regret was much greater than him, the image of all his friends being disappointed in him after you left was present in his head, but without However, the one that was repeated the most was yours, seeing him with teary eyes listening to him call you “slut”, he wondered what had happened to him, why call the person he loved that way, the person he has always loved. It had probably been jealousy, for not acting sooner, and now you were happy for someone else, the guilt was killing him, if he found out that you and Eddie broke up because of that, he definitely wouldn't be able to live in peace, he knew you would never want to have anything. with him now, and knowing that the person you loved would leave because of him, he couldn't bear it.
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The walk from Steve's house to his hotel had been silent, which meant something to you, you and Eddie always had something to talk about, even if it was stupid. Once in his hotel room, you headed to the bathroom and Eddie stayed in the small living room. You took a rather long shower, and when you came out of the shower you noticed that Eddie was not in the room, you put on your pajamas and got ready to sleep and rest, tomorrow you would talk to him and explain everything to him. For about thirty minutes you tried to fall asleep, but you just couldn't do it, you got out of bed and headed to the small living room, there you saw Eddie sitting, he had a music book in his hands, without making much noise. When you approached him and sat on the couch leaving a little space between you, he turned to look at you, the image he saw made his anger return, you looked tired and irritated, and rightly so, after a concert and everything that step, your eyes were red and swollen, making it obvious that you had cried. “I don't want to bother you, I just want to talk to you… explain what happened.” You spoke, Eddie responded a few seconds later, “You don't have to explain anything to me, I know what happened” He responded, you looked down at your ring, it was probably over between the two of you. “I'm not mad at you, Love… I'm mad at Steve, for everything he said, for what he called you…” You turned to look at him. “I always thought that you and him were dating, that's why I didn't dare to confess it to you when we were at school… But when you told me that you and he weren't together, I didn't want to miss the opportunity to be with you and since that day I haven't regretted it.” Eddie smiled, opening his arms in a hug, and you snuggled into his arms. “I love you so much” You said, “I love you too” He responded, getting up and carrying your bridal style towards the bedroom.
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A year later you found yourself on stage again at Hawkings, your wedding with Eddie would have been a few months after their photos appeared in the newspaper speculating about their relationship, the day of the fight at Steve's house.
“Very good Hawkins, I'm very happy to be here tonight, for the next song, someone very special will accompany me on guitar, with you, Eddie Munson!” Eddie came out on stage, the entire crowd went crazy, absolutely everyone since those speculations about the two of you, he began to comment that you would be a great couple, one of the best in the artistic medium. However, no one confirmed or denied the news. Eddie greeted the crowd, then hugged you, and you confirmed your relationship with a kiss, the audience once again applauded and screamed at this.
You brought your microphone closer to him, “Good evening Hawkins, I'm glad to be here with you, but above all to share the stage with this wonderful girl” He said looking at you “Now we will play for you “Slut!”” The crowd went crazy once again, there was a lot of speculation. and theories for who this song would be for, but now, it was more than confirmed.
"Flamingo pink, Sunrise boulevard Clink, clink, being this young is art Aquamarine, moonlit swimming pool What if all I need is you?"
Steve, who had gone to your concert, was clearly incognito because, after that night, the group had decided not to communicate with him much. I knew that fight could have perhaps inspired this song, although I wasn't proud of the way you had written a song, thinking of him.
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I hope you like this short (long) one shot, it's the first time I have written something like this, so I would also like you to give advice or recommendations. I hope it's not too long or boring. I would appreciate your comments. 💗
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spellwell · 7 months
only mine || Druig
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human!Druig x fem!reader
summary: Druig was never the best boyfriend, leaving you to feel indifferent to the idea of staying with him. When you've finally had enough and try and leave your toxic relationship, Druig will do anything to make you stay.
trigger warning: angst, slightly manipulative Druig, cheating, smut, penetration, oral (f receiving), toxic relationship, praise, alcohol consumption.
word count: 2.6k
a/n: I hope you enjoy, just a lil one-shot for an idea I had. Sorry if grammar is not perfect I wrote this quickly. interact for more fics :)
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A tear ran down your cheek as you watched your boyfriend rest his hand on the small of the anonymous woman's back. The lights of the club lit up around you, but you didn't feel bright at all. Your heart was breaking as the sight unfolded in front of you.
This wasn't a new sight to behold, neither was the sting. You and Druig had been together since high school, now in your second year of college, it's felt like forever. When you two had first met, it was like you were floating. He treated you like you were the only girl in the world. Everyone wanted to either fuck him or be him, except for you. That's what you believe drew him to you.
Druig was always known as a partier and a charmer. All of those traits grew with time, only making it harder. It started with subtle flirting with girls in the high school halls, growing to grabs and winks at parties when he got too drunk. Not only was he a flirty drunk, but a bit of a hot head as well. You knew Druig would never lay a hand on you, but his venom laced barks he called words were unbearable.
"God Y/N, it's seriously not that big of a deal. I was jus' talking to her!" Like you totally didn't see his hand brush her ass.
"Would you quit looming over me! I'm not even that drunk, you're bein' way too much right now! God you're so annoying." If you hadn't been there he would have fallen and cracked his head.
You on the other hand always tried to do your best by Druig. You loved him so much, you forgave and over-looked so many things for him. Not everything was so bad after all, he was your first kiss, first lover, even your first date and he meant everything to you.
So here you were as usual, standing off to the side of this club watching your boyfriend who comes over every 30 minutes to kiss you on the cheek. You didn't even know why tears still spilled when you'd see it.
Your eyes finally trailed off from the pair, giving you a moment to breathe, knowing that if you went over there he'd just holler, he was hammered.
When your eyes reluctantly returned, your face went beat red, the tears now pouring out in pairs. He was kissing her, on the lips, nearly falling over her, grabbing at any flesh he could. Your legs practically carried you out of the door of the club, thumping against your lovers shoulder as you left.
"Y/N... Y/N wait!" Was all you heard over the music as Druig whipped around, discarding the woman he was playing with. He knew it was you from the smell of the perfume he loved so much and the soft sob that left your lips.
Any plea or apology that came out of his mouth went in one ear and out the other. "Fuck!" His voice was booming and distressed, realizing he wasn't going to get a word.
He had followed you for a while before giving up, accepting that nothing he could shout after you would make you budge. The tears continued to burn her now raw cheeks as the approached the street her apartment was on. Pain was the only thing you felt as defeat and heartbreak over came you. That was the last straw and even though it would hurt, no body deserves to be treated like this.
Some time passed, allowing you to calm down and gather your thoughts that still felt so jumbled. It didn't take long before the dreaded knock came thundering on your door. "Baby... babe please... Baby, i'm begging you, open the door, just talk to me please." You knew it was him before he even spoke. With every word he said your heart tugged some more. Words could not form on your tongue and the palms of your hands began to sweat. "Y/N!" he boomed out in sobs, continuing to abuse your apartment door. "I can't take this darlin', don't you leave me!"
The same sobs and words he always spoke, almost like he didn't actually think you'd do it. Annoyance began to stir inside of you, setting aside your sadness. With a huff, you stood up towards the door.
As the door flew open, you were met with a very disheveled Druig, still tispy but much more coherent. Your mouth hung open to speak but all that came out was a choked out sob. "My love..." His voice came out soft, almost pathetically.
"No Druig!" Your voice cut him off before anything else could be said. "You can't take this? I can't take this!" Your voice broke through hard sobs, fists balling to your sides. Your eyes fell to the floor below you, "I... I won't do this anymore Dru..." Your eyes now lifting and meeting his concerned gaze. "I just can't be with you anymore..."
The words sat in the atmosphere for a moment, vibrating off the walls of the tension.
All you wanted to do was shut the door in his face and hide, afraid that you'd fold to the man you love at any minute. Eye contact was avoided as your hand came to shut the door.
The sound boomed as his hand caught the wooden door, quick steps making their way behind you. Your feet couldn't have moved faster as you reached for the door knob of your bedroom. "Y/N.. baby... no" he spoke sternly yet softly as his hand grasped for yours, a little less softly.
You attempted to pull away, weak from the mental breakdown you felt like having. "hey..." he trailed off, now pulling you forward in a more gentle nature, towards him. "Don't say that.. don't-don't do that my love you're mine."
His voice had a tension to it but he continued to speak with laces of honey. "Say somethin'.." Your chest was now flush to his, his hand moving up to rub your wrist, up to your arm.
"Dru...I can't...I-" Another sob broke your words in two. The tears flew down your face, cheeks red and lips puffy. The grasp he had on your arm released, moving around your hips. He held you close, burying his face in your hair like it was the last time he'd feel it on his cheeks. Your arms wrapped around him in return, wanting comfort from the one you love even if it was his fault your eyes poured.
"I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry..." Soft kisses left his lips, planting themselves on your head. "I'll change, all for you, you're everythin' to me. She was nothin', absolutely nothin'..." His head hooked down, continuing to whisper sweet nothings in your ear to calm you down
You never understood why but the manipulation of your feelings came so easily to Druig. He always knew how to touch you and what to say to calm your nerves even when they were towards him. Your breathe evened, fully beginning to submit to the man before you, like you had done so many times.
His hands now trailed up and down the small of your back, gripping slightly at the tops of your hips. "You have to be mine, I don't want anyone else touchin' my girl.." His tone darkened, staying at your ear. His breathe fanned gently against your neck, making your knees weak and stomach bunch. His fingers tugged and felt at the end of the tight shirt you wore. You wore all black, just for him, knowing he loved it.
"Did you wear my favorite shirt just for me darlin'?" A small chuckle left his lips making goose bumps appear on the nape of your neck. His face now moved to press his forehead against yours, your heartbeat and breathe now quickening due to your arousal and nerves. "Yes..." It came as barley a whisper, still feeling the desire to please your man.
His teeth bit softly at his lip, a small smirk apparent. "Good." His voice stern yet sweet, eyes now locked with yours. His hands made it's way to cup your face in hand, gently rubbing at the tear stains on your cheeks. "No need to cry beautiful... I'll always be all yours." The words themselves almost threatened to make tears bud as you became completely immersed in Druig once again.
His lips fell onto yours gently at first, passion growing by the second. "And you will always be mine. Have you seen the way men look at you gorgeous? They can't have you." A small whine left your lips as he broke the kiss, pushing your bedroom door open. He backed you up slowly and softly towards your bed as another deep kiss filled your senses.
You took a soft fall to the bed as he pushed you towards it, now looming over you as if you were some kind of prey. "Oh darlin', your not leaving me, I haven't had my way with you yet." A comfortable burn and tingle entered your core at his words. His arms come up to pull the leather jacket he was wearing to be discarded on the floor. His shirt was tight against his body, showing every inch of him that you loved.
"Dru..." Your voice just above a whisper, coming out as a breathless moan. His shirt came off next, to join his jacket. Your eyes scanned his torso, making you bite the inside of your lip. "Sit up." His voice coming out demanding. As you sat up he dropped to his knees in front of you, never breaking eye contact. He licked his lips before running his hands up your thighs and up to the hem of your shirt.
You watched him closely as you followed his silent direction to pull off the shirt, even if it was his favorite. His hands moved up your now exposed sides as he leaned up and in closer to your chest, giving each breast a soft kiss. Your eyes felt trained to stay on his, his hands running now up your back, skillfully unclasping your bra.
With the last layer from your torso gone, his hands moved up to kneed at your mounds before taking a bud in between his lips and giving it a teasing suckle. A breathe escaped your lungs faster than you were prepared for as your eyes fluttered. He didn't forget to give the other bud attention, leaving marks on his way, before dipping back down where you wanted him most.
He started to grow impatient, pulling your shorts and panties off in one go. Suddenly his patience returned, parting your legs slightly, nipping at the most sensitive part of your thigh. You jolted, him pulling you farther into his face, now inches away from your core.
"Is this what you want?" He said, almost chuckling at your desperation, your hips rocking, gradually trying to reach his lips. He hummed, leaving a quick stripe of his tongue against your folds, making you shutter and whine. He decided you deserve good girl treatment and pressed his face against your pussy that he knew all too well, smiling against your clit. Gasps left your mouth as he began to work at your favorite spot, his hands running up and down the tops of your thighs.
Druig loved seeing you like this, all fucked out and anxious to have something, anything. One of his hands dipped in between your now wet folds from his spit and your arousal, teasing your entrance. "Please... I'll be good." The most clear thing he's heard you say all night. He chuckled against your clit, doing you the honor of entering a finger in you. You continued to beg, moaning at the new feeling. You knew the more you begged the more he liked it and the more he gave you.
Your body began to shake and the knot in your stomach started to unfold as you gripped the base of his brown locks. Your body fell back into the bed making him groan and stop all motion. A whine left your lips, feeling overstimulated from the denial of your orgasm. Your mouth opened but nothing but sounds could escape.
"I like to watch you fall apart." He said lustfully but sternly. He gave your now puffy clit a few hard taps before pulling your torso back up, now looking into your eyes. "You keep your eyes open and look at me, understood?" You nodded quickly begging for release. That didn't seem to be enough, his face still cold staring you down. "Yes! Yes, I understand." This made his expression change to delight, his head dipping back down and finally giving you what you needed.
His name fell from your lips as his fingers worked perfectly, re-building your orgasm quickly. Druig grinned, listening to his name being chanted like a prayer as your walls squeezed and convulsed around his digits. Keeping your promise you held onto his arms to hold you up, never breaking eye contact.
Once he helped ride out your orgasm, he leaned up, placing his lips on yours making you taste yourself. Moans fell into his mouth from yours as he pushed you back down gently onto the bed, now biting at your neck.
Watching you fall apart made him eager to make you fall apart again. He made quick work of his pants and boxers, tossing them aside before coming back down to your level. He brought you into a passionate kiss, running his hands against the slick of your wet folds, collecting some and pumping his cock with it. "I love you, I love you" He chanted a few times in her ear, running his length in between your folds. Pleas and whines left your lips as you felt the familiar feeling of him sinking into you. Your head fell back, a soft groan leaving Druig's lips as he bottomed out inside of you.
He began to rut in and out of you, the sound of skin slapping together increased as his speed did. He kept it hard but passionate, claiming but also loving you. Your bodies close, sticking together from sweat as desperate sounds left both your lips. "No body feels as good as you do." He groaned out, lips brushing each other, foreheads touching. His arms captured you close, legs and arms wrapped around him, hands exploring his broad shoulders. Your bodies moved together like they belonged, hitting every spot inside of you.
You felt his movements becoming more erratic, knowing he was close. Your own release crawling it's way down your body. You couldn't even find the words before you started to have your second orgasm. Usually degrading names and dirty words would escape Druig as you came but his lips captured yours, moaning your name into your mouth as he came inside of you.
He rode out both of your orgasms as he muttered pussy drunk words to you breathlessly. Instead of falling next to you, he pulled you close now soft inside of you, wanting to be as close as possible. He made a soft hum against your neck, peppering small kisses. He reluctantly moved away to look into your eyes, adoring your scent. His voice loving but stern he spoke:
"You're only for me to have. Do you understand me my dove?"
"yes Druig."
"I love you darlin'"
"I love you too."
the end.
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Her Best friend
Summary: Pablo is her best friend..until he startled doing some interesting things...;)
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x Reader
Warnings: smutty end ;)
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You were family friends with Gavi and Aurora since you three were little kids. Aurora being older always bossed you and Pablo around so you kind of became closer to the younger Gavira sibling throughout the years.
It was clear you were no longer kids when you stopped having sleep overs in the same bed or 'play fights' where you would end up on top of him and vice versa.
It stopped when you got your first boyfriend in high school of whom Pablo didn't really approve and was definitely right since the asshole cheated on you in less than a month.
It was a strange relationship anyways...you couldn't really give yourself completely (you know what I mean) and that kept him impatient and somewhat angry with you.
You first thought it was your fear of losing it so soon but then you realized it was your intuition telling you he is not the one you want to give your innocence to...he's not the one you love.
Realization that you had a crush on your best friend didn't really change much because you always believed he didn't share those same feelings..that is until he started to do interesting things recently.
For example, last time y'all went out was on some dinner event where all footballers brought their girlfriends (aka wags) and Pablo invited you as his best friend cause he didn't want to go alone.
You assumed it was fine and got all dolled up in one of your favorite dresses and some high heels. Since your break up, you haven't exactly had a chance to go out looking this nice.
"You look beautiful, enana" he said making you blush and smile while moving closer ruffling his fluffy brown hair.
"You're not bad yourself, Gavira" you chuckled while he whined about you messing his "perfect hair" per usual but you knew he secretly loved it.
"Y/N! Tu eres tan hermosa!" Pedri walked towards you with his big smile and you smiled back nodding your head before giving him a quick hug.
"Where is Francesca, hermano?" Pablo asked referring to Pedri's date meanwhile moving his hand to touch the back on your thigh like it was the most naturally occurring thing in the world (gif).
It was like he wanted Pedri to see it...like he was marking his territory but why?
"She'll be here soon. I'll see you guys inside!" Pedri said quickly before leaving and you turned towards Pablo whose eyes were glued to his phone screen.
You had every intention of asking him why he did that but you chickened out the moment your eyes met remembering how good it felt to have his fingers on your skin.
Another night, he invited you to his house for a movie night. It wasn't an odd thing for you two to watch movies together, often times leading to you sleeping in his bed while he goes to the guest room.
It was during that movie that Pablo started to give you gentle scratches on your leg and you didn't really mind trying your best to stay focused on the movie.
After a few minutes his hand started to move more inward finishing almost inside your pajama shorts a few times. It was useless trying to focus on the movie but stealing a glance from him, you saw that he appears completely unfazed..like he isn't doing anything "interesting" at all right now.
"Pabloooo" you whine and he finally moved his eyes from the TV screen looking down at you with raised busy eyebrows.
"Qué? You don't like the move?" he asks staring in your eyes while still continuing with his little ministrations. Was he really clueless about what he was doing!? No freaking way!
"Um..no..I..you've been touching me a lot lately?" you say feeling your cheeks heat up and his hand stop moving half of his fingers underneath your pajama shorts.
"So?" he asked like your question was dumb and you looked down at his hand rested between your legs which was such a turn on in that moment.
"Nothing..but..um..you've touched me more than my boyfriend and you are my best friend..and I kinda.." you couldn't finish the sentence since he started moving his hand more tracing circles on your clothed clit.
"like it...?" he whispered while you bit your bottom lip trying to suppress a moan knowing that his family is right down stairs.
"do you like it when I touch you nena?" Pablo moved so that he could whisper into your ear and you closed your thighs around his hand trapping it there.
"did anyone ever touch you, princesa?" Pablo added more pressure against your clothed clit and you let a small whine leave your lips while you shook your head making your best friend smirk and pull himself above you.
"aww my poor princesa...so touch starved...maybe I can change that?" Pablo leaned down and you felt nervous all of the sudden..was this really happening or is it another wet dream?
"wait! we..are..friends" you mumble not yourself believing in those words and he knew that the moment he saw your eyes.
"shh..nena..i want to be your boyfriend finally..." Pablo said and you felt your heart skip a beat as his lips crashed on your and he deepened the kiss pulling you down and resting comfortably between your thighs.
"if you want me to stop..." Pablo said after pulling away wanting to make sure you are comfortable with everything that he was doing.
"touch me Pablo.." you couldn't pretend anymore letting a moan slip your lips the moment you pulled him down and kissed his lips again...guess he's not your best friend anymore ;)
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kittievampire · 1 year
So long/odd request but hear me out
Mc and Lucifer are in a sugar-rotting relationship and brothers and undatebles react
Lucifer spoils Mc so much like…mammon gets in trouble he gets hung from the ceiling Mc does the same thing they get away scot-free Satan has been begging for a cat for eons nope! but Mc wants one of course. He gets them tons of expensive gifts and if Mc ever wants something they only have to bat their eyes at him. It's not like Mc is using him though they dot on him a bunch too. And whenever they get in a fight loud moans are followed within a few minutes (if you know what I mean) but feel free to ignore 💙
I was in the middle of class when I read this and I was WHEEZING
I am a firm believer in Lucifer spoiling the MC rotten and leaving his brothers to fend for them damn selves but denying any sort of favoritism
I only did the brothers this time, I hope that's okay 😭😭😭
Sorry this took so fooking long to make 🥲
Lemme see what I have in my bag, my dear~
Click here if you wanna request!
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Warnings: Very suggestive, jealous bros lmao L
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You and Lucifer had been dating for a few months now. Though, one would think you'd just gotten together with the way the two of you treated eachother. Or maybe that you were newlyweds in your honeymoon phase.
Lucifer treated you like a goddess. There was constant praise and worship, he'd drop everything if you asked, and he'd spoil you rotten with his love. You would return the favor, of course. Every now and then you'd surprise him with a new cursed vinyl, which he'd listen to all night if not spending it with you.
However, the brothers believe that you're getting totally unfair treatment.
Baby boy was spending a lot more money than usual
He was playing a new gambling game he'd downloaded on his D.D.D.
When Lucifer got home, he immediately scolded the second-born for a solid 45 minutes
He announced that Mammon was on "lock-down" and wasn't allowed to ask anything of anyone, nor was he allowed to spend money
He was hung from the ceiling
And Goldie was taken away, too
Mammon was pissed the fuck off
So, when he noticed you were spending a lot more money, he did tease you for being greedy
"Oi, human, ain't splurgin' on shopping supposed to be mine and Asmo's thing? Lucifer's gonna be on yer ass if ya spend too much. Just be careful."
He says this and is genuinely a little worried that he'd see you hung from the ceiling as well
Lucifer confronts you about it in front of Mammon
"My Love, may I know why you've been spending so much grimm recently?"
First off, Mammon didn't like how he started that
How come you got that sweet conversation starter?
What he got was, "Mammon, what have you been wasting your money on this time?!"
Though, he still suspected it'd go downhill, and that he'd need to jump in to protect you at some point
"Oh, just some things... I can't tell you what they are, but I promise this is a rare occasion, Luci." You said, gifting him a kiss on his cheek
Lucifer smiled at you. "Alright, as long as you're being responsible, I trust you."
"WHAT?!" Mammon shouted, earning a slight jolt from you and a look of annoyance from Lucifer
"What, Mammon?"
The Avatar of Greed froze. "I-I-! Y-You—" He paused before letting out a small groan
"Nevermind. Forget about it, yeah?"
Snekboi missed roughly a week of school and wasn't attending his online classes
He was grinding this new game he got so he could keep his spot as one of the top players!
He just couldn't afford to take his attention off of his D.D.D. for a second, the price would be too high!
Of course, Levi ended up being scolded by Lucifer
"Your priority must be your studies, Levi, do you intend on dragging Diavolo's name through the mud?"
How Diavolo was relevant was beyond him
But, Levi still had to sit through a lecture
He also got his D.D.D. taken away from him for a week
Not only did he lose top-spot, but he lost a majority of his self-esteem as well
So, he was obviously worried when you started skipping as well
"Uhh, MC, I'm not sure you should stay home today. Lucifer's not too kind to those who slack off."
But, his warnings fell upon deaf ears
You decided to take a few days off, deciding that you just really didn't feel like going to RAD
You woke up with a migraine one day, couldn't get sufficient sleep the other, and you just took another day to catch up on sleep and what work you had
Leviathan actually tried to stop Lucifer when he saw him outside of your room
"Lucifer, maybe they were feeling really bad or something, I don't think punishing them is a good idea, please show mercy! They're just a human!"
"Quit your whining, Levi. Or do you want to be given the Mammon treatment?"
This made Levi yelp and cower behind him, watching as Lucifer knocked on your door
You answered it, and Leviathan bit his nails nervously
"Hey, Luci," You said, greeting him with a small kiss to the cheek
"My Love," He started softly. "Are you feeling alright? You haven't been attending your classes. Is something wrong?" He asked, a hand reaching up to caress your cheek.
Error 404 not found
Leviathan.exe has stopped working
You smile sweetly. "I'm okay, Lucifer, I just really wasn't feeling up for RAD these past couple of days. It's nothing to worry about, promise!" You say, quite enthusiastically.
Levi SWORE you were about to get bodied
But, no
Lucifer just smiled, chuckled softly, and left with an "Alright, take care of yourself, Love."
You're fucking hacking
Satan wanted to bring a cat into the HoL
Lucifer reminded him of how he brought more cats than were allowed and "turned the House of Lamentation into the House of Cats"
Very fucking salty about it, but ultimately got over it (for the most part)
He saw you bring a little feline home and immediately rushed to your side to help you take care of it
It was a stray with a few wounds from other cats
He helped you bandage it and feed it, all the goods
"MC, I must warn you that Lucifer isn't exactly fond of pets... Let alone cats," Satan said, stern gaze meeting yours
You tilted your head in confusion. "Why is that?"
Satan was a bit hesitant to tell you, so he gave you the shortened and sweet version
"We had a bit of a cat problem a while back, he just really doesn't like cats. Dog people, am I right?" He scoffed
"Satan, what did I say about bringing in cats?"
Satan lowkey jumped a bit and turned his head
The fuck did he come from, bro is teleporting or some shit
You immediately hold the kitty close to your arms, looking up at Lucifer with doe eyes
"Luci, I'm sorry! I was the one who took in the cat, but he was hurt! Please, can we just keep it for a little while, at the very least?" You begged, the black cat in your arms meowing at Lucifer
Satan sighed. He was about to tell you that it was no use, that Lucifer couldn't be bought or reasoned with on this topic. That may have been his fault and he was sorry, but there was absolutely no way Lucifer would budge on this-
Satan sat there dumbfoundedly before the two of you as you continued to converse, trying to process the events that had just taken place
Lucifer said yes
To you
For a cat?
He was upset for a mere moment, but then a light bulb went off in his mind
Perhaps he could use this to an advantage
Satan's definitely going to try and get you to be a wild card whenever him and Belphie are pulling pranks on Lucifer
Just so the eldest will be a little more lenient
Now he knew Lucifer's weakspot
He found himself laughing maniacally in his mind as he realized just how much him and Belphegor could do with you as a cushion whenever they'd get in trouble
"But, Lucifer, all of products in my favorite cosmetic brand are going on sale today! I have to get every single one of them or else I'll be..." Asmodeus gasped
"Trashy!!" He cried out, practically leeching off of Lucifer's arm as he continued to beg
"Asmodeus, no! You and Mammon are both on lockdown for the rest of the month! Now, get off of me!"
Lucifer managed to pry his younger brother off of him and slammed ether door shut to his office, leaving a near-on sobbing Asmodeus in the library
That's when he heard you
"Lucifer, must you always be so rough on your siblings?" He heard you ask, making him gasp and sigh dreamily. "Oh, darling, you always come to my rescue when I need it!" He said, his voice not loud enough to penetrate the door
"MC, I suggest staying out of my family matters. They have nothing to do with you."
Asmodeus could tell from the other side of the door that an argument was likely about to ensue
However, when the two of you started raising your voices, he could also sense some... Arousal?
It wasn't long before he could hear your moans and whimpers from the other side of the door, lewd slapping noises making him step back a bit
Asmodeus couldn't help but giggle a little
He honestly didn't mind this as much as his brothers did, he found it really entertaining that the two of you endulged in his sin after such a heated argument
Asmodeus approves 👍💖
Poor baby gets scolded so often for raiding the fridge, especially late at night
He's usually told to go to bed, and that these late-night trips to the fridge aren't good for him, all that
He couldn't help it, it was his sin! That was no fair!
Lucifer ended up putting him on lockdown after 11pm, meaning no trips outside of his room whatsoever
Beelzebub would usually try to get some snacks into his room before that time, but he usually ran out rather quickly and was left with a rumbling stomach
That's when you came in, holding two arm-fulls of snacks
Quietly, you pushed the door closed with your foot
You knew Belphegor was a heavy sleeper, but you still wanted to be quiet anyway, so as not to wake the Avatar of Sloth
You saw the gluttonous ginger perk up when he saw you
You smiled, dropping down the snacks before him
"Lucifer didn't say I couldn't raid the kitchen. I figured you'd be hungry, so I got you some snacks."
Bro bear-hugs you
He lowkey almost breaks your spine with how tight he holds you
"Thank you, MC! Can I call you sister, please? Get married to him quick so I can call you sister!"
You blushed at this comment, chuckling softly
"I'm working on it, I guess," You choked playfully, patting his back
"Beel, I need to breathe."
Not really all too jealous
A bit sad, but he gets over it when you bring him food
Lucifer never says anything about it tho when he finds out you're the one who's causing such a snack shortage
He was constantly scolded for pulling all kinds of pranks on Lucifer
There was that time he threw his D.D.D. in the trash, lit his coat on fire
All harmless things
So, when he catches you attaching a can of whipped cream to... Something in the fridge, he immediately raises a brow at you
"Hey, what are you doing?"
"Ahhh, just setting up a little surprise," You chuckled out
At first, he thinks it's for Beelzebub, but Asmodeus had taken him shopping with him earlier with the promise of free food afterward
"For..." Belphie trailed off, hearing footsteps nearing the kitchen
Immediately you close the fridge and take your seat in front of a plate of food you'd made yourself earlier. "Sit down," You whispered to the Avatar of Sloth
As he shuffled to a seat next to you, he realized what you were up to and put a hand over his mouth
Lucifer walked into the kitchen, greeting you and the youngest with a smile and a "Good morning."
You picked up a piece of the pancakes in front of you with a fork, putting it in your mouth and humming to yourself. "Luci? Could you pass me the butter?" You asked softly
Lucifer nodded, turning and opening the fridge
Immediately, whipped cream sprayed all over his face, some falling onto his chest
Belphegor bursted into a fit of laughter, immediately giving you a high-five and wiping a tear from his eye as he clutched his stomach
"Oh, that was good!" He choked out in between laughs
Lucifer turned to look at the youngest, wiping off a large portion of the whipped cream on his face
"Belphegor, did you do this?"
You snickered beside him, looking up at Lucifer
"I thought you'd like a snack, Luci~" You hummed out, giggling softly
Belphegor mentally prepared himself for a 45 minute lecture
There was a pause, making him shift a bit in his seat as his laughter died down
Suddenly, Lucifer began to laugh
It started out small
Then, his laughter boomed in the room, bouncing off of the walls
This confused the fuck out of Belphie
Like, ummmm what
"You've gotten me, MC, well done. I needed that laugh." He said, walking over to you and wiping some whipped cream off of him, putting it on your nose
He dismissed himself, saying he was going to wash this off of him
Belphegor was silent for a moment
"You get laughter and boops after pranks and I get lectures and scoldings... Favoritism at it's finest. The Anti-Lucifer League could make use of this."
He'd explain more, but he was getting too sleepy
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Shit was fun asf to write, thanks for requesting
I hope you enjoyed this, anon!
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robin374 · 11 months
TF2 scout jealousy hcs? :) aka does he get jealous easily? If so how would he act? Etc. :)
Characters: Scout
Notes: Nothing!
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He is inscure, but tries to hide it via confidence. As always.
If you've been together for a pretty long time and you already know him well, you can tell whether he's hiding his jealousy or not.
However, in the first days and moths of your relationship he gets jealous easily, beucause he is not sure if you're dating him just to get the affection you need and then break up with him when you find someone better.
You know that feeling when you feel that you're being used just to entretain the other and then they will leave you out just like a puppet when the child grows old? Yeah that.
He, at firsts, is insecure inside. He doesn't really believe that you actually want to be in a long-term relationship with him. He's used to night stands and hook ups. The only romatic thing he's experienced (except for you) was the fail of date with Miss Pauling.
I feel like he would act like a child, trying to catch your attention with anything. For example, you're talking with a random guy and you can see Scout fighting with a random ass dog for a tennis ball. Or trying to take a flower from the field and running away from a horde of bees.
Despite that, he acts in a really protective way. Remember that we are talking about the first months of your relationship, he's in love with you and doesn't want to do anything wrong to lose you. I mean, he can have experience with sex, but not with the other side of relationships: the cuddling, the kisses on the cheek, communicating, dates... We all know that he can't hide secrets for too long, though.
"Who was that guy you were talking to? Was he interested in you? Was it your ex?"
"Jeremy, dear. It was Ermenegildo, my former teacher from high school. He is 60 years old and has a wife and three kids."
"Oh... But that doesn't mean you wanted him to be your sugar daddy."
"Teachers don't get paid enough, so I don't think so. I prefer mercenaries."
You always cheer him up with most simple things. Personally, I get this Golden Retriever vibe from him, it's like you can go for a walk, and you won't have a jealous Scout anymore.
As the time passes by, he trusts you more and doesn't get jealous easily. You've assured him so many times that you love him that he's got the message. He may be dumb, but not that dumb.
That's why when a guy hits on you, you can feel his shit eating grin from behind, and you can hear his giggles. You smile thinkign he can be really cute sometimes if he really wants to.
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