#you know what you tism kids would probably also enjoy this
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buglover77 · 2 years ago
oh, so when SPIDER-MAN can sense a bug moving on the wall across the room, doesn’t have the fine motor control to get the right amount of toothpaste, and can feel each individual drop of sweat down his neck, it’s a “super power,” but for me it’s a “sensory processing disorder” yeah okay sounds fake doc I think you just don’t want me to stop you from committing crimes, how about THAT
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localplaguenurse · 2 months ago
I am so in fucking love with the stairway to heaven animation and the only ways I can express that is to either say I am bricked the FUCK up, or I give in to the uber instincts of my uber autism and write an essay on what I THINK are some of the references/inspirations used in the animation. I chose the essay because I need people to know why I am "bricked up."
I am fully willing to accept if I am wrong/reaching for some of these but even then, I think it's cool that I can still connect certain moments with things I enjoy. With that out of the way, behold my analysis/breakdown of Stairway to Heaven!
Spoilers below the cut not just for the animation, but also minor spoilers for Kane Pixel's backrooms series, Liminal Land, Skinamarink, and Mandela Catalogue. Also just a warning for the incoherent ramblings of a guy who's abnormal about analog/indie horror. Please please please please PLEASE go watch the animation if you haven't.
First, "subject 087" is in reference to SCP-087, the never ending staircase SCP. I actually didn't even catch that the first time until I scrolled down to the comments lmao. In my defense, when SCP was blowing up in the mid 2010s I wasn't really old enough to appreciate it or find the format interesting (and honestly it is still hard for me to really get into it, but that's more of a me thing. Conceptually a clinical approach to horror like with SCPs or in All Tomorrows is fascinating, but it can be a bit of a slog for me), so I only knew the main three's numbers. (173, 096, and 682).
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"Motion detected" has been used in just about every analog horror series now, but Mandela Catalogue is probably the main series that popularized the trope when analog horror first started getting popular.
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The backrooms is, obviously, the backrooms. You can probably assume it's Kane Pixels' backrooms because his version really blew up but it feels more like early days backrooms before we got all those monsters and almond water stuff. (Which btw it's so funny we got "almond water" from whoever the first person to say the air smells like almonds was. For reference, almonds smell like cyanide. OP was trying to say the air smells toxic, not that almonds are the safest thing to consume in the backrooms.)
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This shot just reminded me of The Oldest View, ALSO from Kane Pixels. Tbh that's probably just me but I thought it was neat.
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Next up, the door. Aside from the obvious 333 angel numbers which also appear very prominently in Mandela Catalogue (this series is going to pop up a lot, I'm sorry), but for some reason it reminded me of the Silent Hill 4 door. Again, that's just the tism probably.
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Skinamarink ahh shot, was honestly expecting the door to just poof, disappear.
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Next, the shot with all the houses. While KP's Backrooms do have that creepy neighbourhood, this exact shot and set up feels closer to H.O.M.E. from Liminal Land.
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And then our most darling biblically accurate horror icon Columbina would make False Gabriel proud, and just... she is so fucking cool and creepy in this and I love her so much.
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This whole sequence was for one absolutely horrifying and beautiful, but what caught MY attention were the settings and locations shown. These are standard creepy liminal spaces and analog horror gore censorship, yes, but they also reminded me of the locations Trevor Henderson uses in his art pieces, so suffice to say I think Columbina looks RIGHT AT HOME regardless of how you wanna look at these shots. And the animation on her face opening up into wings and eyes is just an absolute chef's kiss moment. Props to the animators, man.
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This trope, the whole main character monologue overlaying the screen moment, very common in analog horror but for me, again popularized by its use in the Mandela Catalogue.
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The smudged picture is a reference to one of the ending shots in Skinamarink, where it pans over the childhood photos only for their heads and faces to now be missing, which most agree is the movie's way of saying these kids were trapped her for so long they eventually just stopped existing/faded into nothingness.
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And finally, the classic ending scene of KP's first Backrooms video.
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I know for a fact there are probably other references to liminal spaces/analog horror that I either missed or they're like general concepts/tropes used in analog horror. I did almost mention the mill in petscop because of Columbina's "two in the mill, one taken, one left" because that phrasing felt really specific, but it doesn't quite fit the vibes of all the other references. Also her only being seen in the camera is a trope used in all manner of horror media. My first thought was the forest scene in VHS (2012) where the murderer could only be seen in the film static.
I just wanted to get the especially cool/unique moments out there. I didn't even touch on the storyline but that's because it seems pretty straightforward. I'm also aware not many people are gonna read my red string corkboard ramblings, which I'm fine with. I just needed to get this out of my system, but I do appreciate those who did take the time to indulge my ramblings!
That's all for now, back to whatever the hell I had planned for today.
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izzy-b-hands · 1 year ago
26, 32, 56!
Thank you for asking!!!
26. What foods do you like to eat when it's cold outside?
Soup! And stews! I've yet to try any sort of chowder, but I'm hoping to add those to the list of safe cold weather foods for me once I do (they look so good!) Knoephla soup is probably at the v top of that list, but Housemate's chili is a close second. I'm a sucker for warm breads/potato based things when it's cold too; my plate/bowl winds up p beige looking by the time I'm done but there's just something abt a bunch of warm carbs and a soup or stew fdaslfkjdas
32. What are the most commonly used seasonings in your cupboard?
I have to admit I actually don't have a good answer for this one, because I was raised by v white ppl in the American Midwest who didn't season things like. Well. Or at all, sometimes (there are dishes I was taught where making it 'spicy' involves just. adding pepper instead of only salt lmaoooo)
But Housemate has me using more paprika, curry, chili powder, and other things that give dishes an actual kick and add some volume to the overall taste, so those might count for this one?
56. Is there anything that isn't edible that you’ve really wanted to eat?
Oh, the 'tism has so many answers for this fjaskdla:
-gasoline, to drink, bc I'm one of the odd ones that enjoys the smell of it, so my brain is Insistent that it will taste good, despite knowing it absolutely would not fdjsakfldaj
-aquarium gravel. Had fish as a kid briefly and my god was finding out about rock candy a saviour on this one lol
-those lil colourful bouncy balls that were all over in the 90s and into the early-mid 2000s. I only, once, ONCE, as a six year old attempted to bite into one and was horribly disappointed by the taste and also how it fucked up a loose tooth I had at the time (didn't get any teeth stuck, but it did not help that situation at lmao)
-not to keep bringing up rocks but. as a kid I kept a small collection of rocks I specifically liked bc they looked like if they were edible, they'd taste good/have good texture.
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eldorr1e · 2 years ago
I just did some searching here in tumblr abt the rise of the brave tangled dragons and I’ve come up with a few headcannons. Also don’t get mad at me if these headcannons aren’t close to cannon at all or don’t fit yours, this is MY headcannons and it’s up to you wether or not you like it. Take it or leave it. Also it’s been awhile since I’ve watched any of these movies so bare with me 😭
If they were in the modern au:
- Jack would be a prankster/trouble kid and always has something up his sleeve
- literally does not take anything seriously
- people are annoyed on how carefree he is
- his behavior makes it look like he actually doesn’t care about anything or anyone
- in truth he actually does but he doesn’t know how to show or expresses his feelings
- is the clown friend.
- has some very complicated feelings abt him not finding who he is and he feels so out of place at school. He’s desperate to know who he is and tries everything he can catch with his hands to see if that thing sparks joy or thrill inside him or not.
- he has tried every single club or extracurricular activities in school, but it seems he can’t find anything he enjoys and he fears that if he doesn’t find one he won’t be able to survive the real world. So he just keeps on trying and experimenting over and over again.
-he has so many hobbies he just doesn’t know what to do with it.
- but he does enjoy skateboarding so that’s that!
- okay I don’t know why but Rapunzel seems like she’d be a manic pixie girl for some reason to me 😭 like cmon bro was locked up her entire childhood and most likely mother gothel allowed her unrestricted access to the internet (probably? I’m not sure, maybe Rapunzel would find a way to use the family computer without her mom noticing 💀)
- she definitely has mode mental scar from the internet don’t even think that’s impossible
- you and I both know the internet… it’s a dangerous place 😁
- trauma from amino. I will not elaborate.
- and she would seem like a weird girl due to her being homeschooled and literally being so out of touch with the world so she wants to live up to every experience possible
- after she found out she was going to a real Highschool she was estactic
- has the touch of the tism (maybe all 4 of them too now that I’m thinking about it)
- I would love to see her in some outdated 2010-2014 outfits and her thinking she’s the most drippiest person on earth lmao
- she is in so many fandoms you have no idea.
- I would love to be friends with her because she’d likely know most of the fandoms I know and would indulge with me with each one 😭 (she’s an og for this✊)
- star butterfly kinnie probably
- okay it’s been awhile since I’ve last watched httyd (seven years *cough*) so my headcannons for hiccup will probably not be as accurate as it seems so don’t throw fire balls at me 😡
- most sane out of the entire three
- literally keeps everyone in line, is the mom too 😭
- responsible teen and is quite mature for his age
- well respected and has a great reputation, but him being friends with the three makes it falter just a little
- his dad owns some company or something and his dad keeps pressuring him to be the greatest yatta yatta yatta which makes him uncomfortable with the amount of expectations and pressure laid upon him on an early age.
- does not want to be apart of it bc he thinks he’ll fuck it up
- loves his friends so much you have no idea
- Merida would be THE sport kid in school don’t even test me
- she absolutely excels in archery and is literally apart of the school’s archery program. She’s very passionate abt it and is the fewest of things that makes her feel alive
- does fencing too but she likes archery more
- her mom doesn’t approve of this at all but her dad is very supportive and just wants her to be happy
- incredibly loud! Has an extremely extroverted personality and is friends with mostly everyone
- her family owns a big business too and she’s the next in line to managing it, except she knew at a young age that she really doesn’t want to do it and wants to be successful at her own thing.
- she’s both scared and angry at her mom for always restricting her with nearly everything and making sure she’s the ‘perfect girl/daughter’, always putting her in etiquette classes and stuff like that
- her mom keeps insisting she’s doing this for her own good and that it will come handy in the future but Merida ain’t having it.
- she’s scared at her mom because one time Merida was practicing archery for a little too long and was late for an important meeting her family was attending to. Her mom was so angry that she burned her archery equipment right infront of Merida which fucked up her brain chemistry 💀
- her mom feels bad but they haven’t really discussed or communicated about this yet, so their both on a tense situation everytime their near each other.
- mommy issues go her
- she loves her mom to the bottom of her heart, she really does. And deep down she is aware everything her mom is doing is for her sake and that she should listen to her atleast once. But she has been hurt beyond repair due to their past experiences with her mom and they both don’t seem to know how to fix it.
- therapy is the answer girl 😭
Okay so right now that’s all I can think of at the top of my head. There are probably some more that I left out either on purpose or I just forgot. But holy crap this is the first time I’ve ever made a headcannon list so I’m pretty impressed with myself rn
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tezzbot · 2 years ago
Osomatsu, Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu (🏳️‍🌈💌💔🧸🪀💬🎃🔊)
not gonna do all of these for all 3 ive been trying since last night my brains gonna melt lmfao
🏳️‍🌈 lgbt hc
osomatsu thats a dyke
jyushimatsu i think w regards to gender probably doesnt give tht much of a fuck tbh. hes just jyushimatsu also woman liker
todomatsu uhhh . hm idk.. theres smth fruity going on there i mean look at it. not sure how id label him hes like a lgbt what all at once type u know HDHJDG
💌 fluff hc
osomatsu has always really loved horse racing even before he had a gambling addiction lol i think as a kid hed go to the library or smth and just Read n Learn about horses and races in general thats the tism baby he knows literally everything you ask him who won whatever race in like 1976 he Knows its like scary impressive (literally how else wld he remember horse racing results from Ten Years In The Past in the movie!!!!) if you gave him a horse he would fully know how to take care of it
jyushimatsu and homura, tho not dating cus i dont think theyre ldr kinda people, they do still stay in contact, they talk on the phone n write each other letters tgey r the world
some of the friends todomatsu has do legitimately enjoy hanging out with him like the barista girls what r their names. aida and s. saachi? they like him a lot! as a friend! he just is in the mindset of im bottom of the social barrel so he doesnt always see it lol
💔 angst hc
do i even need to do this these guys r miserable little freaks as is lmfao
osomatsu. cant think of anythin original just uknow usual. childhood trauma, dependency issues, oldest child 3rd parent syndrome, etcetc
jyushimatsu feels bad abt how he treated ppl in high school, despite the fact tht it was a defence mechanism he didnt Like being so angry all the time :( its why he tries so much to make people happy now. tht anger does still make its appearances but hes better with it now
🧸hurt/comfort hc
osomatsu when he feels like trashgarbage will go and find one of his brothers and if he finds one of them in the house he'll go n sit by them n try strike up a conversation but if hes feeling like considerably bad he'll just sit and maybe lean against them just for the pressure remind him that theyre there keep him grounded
💬 fav line
jyushimatsu - literally all of his big long stupid internal monologues are great but literally the best line in the show is "Samples, my guy" it legitimately made me laugh So loud when i first watched that episode by myself
🎃 sth i think theyre afraid of
osomatsu hemophobia not a fan of blood, why he freaked out so bad in the movie over a scuff
jyushimatsu probably claustrophobic n being restrained fr long not of his own accord, man needs to fidget
todomatsu literally so scared of seeing the hat man in the dark. he watched one five nights at freddys video in 2015 and now his brain thinks hes gonna see bonnie in the bathroom at night he closes the door facing into a room so he has a full view of the room w his back On the door to make sure he hasnt been followed despite the fact he Knows he hasnt. just in case lol (no i am not projecting [lying])
🔊song that reminds me of them
oso - get well city by felix hagan and the family (a lot of their songs make me think Matsus in general tbh lol)
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jyushi- dumb dumb by mazie
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todo is kinda hard to nail down but - secrets by p!nk
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