#you know what tho the fact i didnt buy her makes me want to alter her a bit
freaky-flawless · 1 year
On the one hand, the fact that neither of my nieces are into dolls is a huge bummer to me, mainly because dolls were such a huge part of my life when I was their ages and I would love to engage with them the way I wished someone would've with me when I was a kid.
...But on the other hand sometimes they're gifted dolls that they don't want, and knowing that I collect them, they'll hand em over to me.
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starmoonjin · 3 years
Genre: ANGSTTTT FLUFFFFFF (you can include smut if you want to)
Pairing: TSUNDERE! Depressed! Seokjin x Famous kid in school! Freelance beauty consultant! Y/N.
Setting: school/college (whatever you want bruh)
To all the fanfics writer.. HEAR ME OUT (especially for those who's trying to find a one shot/series ideas)
I am currently craving for TSUNDERE! Seokjin (basically like the alter ego of Kim Seokjin) who's already have an established relationship with cheerful, confident, expressive and a little bit of a bitch y/n .. For the first few paragraphs/scene we see that Seokjin is going through a phase where live feels gloomy and doest excite him anymore including his relationship with y/n, he was too in his own head or too busy feeling depress and y/n knows about it so continue to bring/make him a home-cook meal/snacks , continue texting him that everything is gonna be alright despite seokjin acting a little bit more dismissive than usual..
One day, Seokjin is having a very bad day he kept thinking what went wrong in his life until he saw y/n was laughing with (one of the members) and just simply enjoy having a platonic conversation with her friend. In that moment something toxic inside of Seokjin snapped (due to him being too focused on his depressive thoughts), he pushed y/n against a wall in a closed place (school stairs/ janitor room whatever) then questioning y/n loyalty, he feels betrayed yadiyadiyada Y/n who always trying to cheerful, who barely show her emotional side call him out for his behaviour that affected himself and his relationship with others then they broke up with y/n last word to him
"I sincerely care about you, more than i care about my skincare routine, and it hurts me so much when you didnt notice it cause you were too indulged in your sad thoughts, i have feelings to you know? Everyday i keep thinking on how to make you feel a little better until i neglected my own.. I love you for who you are and im willing to accept the best and the worst version of yourself.. but rn idk anywhere whether its worth staying cause your dark side is killing me slowly and you didnt notice any changes on me like you usually do"
So they broke up but y/n last words made Seokjin do a lot of self reflect and he finally manage to look himself in the mirror and see what he has become... So seokjin wanting to apologize to y/n by sending her text on how sorry he was.. y/n did reply to his text but doesnt really accept his apology she just said she need some time. So he send her flowers that he picks up on his way to school and put it inside y/n locker (Basically he does whatever he did before during his early relationship with y/n *in secret way that y/n knows* )
There is this one scene that i imagined in my mind where y/n (who's a freelancer beauty consultant in social media) having a break out skin moment due to stress (she's having a mental breakdown because of the breakup) . Everyone in the school noticed it and it makes y/n a little bit frantic and a little bit bitchy, So seokjin got an idea to give her an expensive beauty kit that she always wanted and keep telling seokjin about it during the time they're still together (as matter of fact seokjin did save his money in his piggy bank to buy her that but he forgot about it then his depression state occured) he wrote a little note that he willing to wait for her to talk about their relationship and he wrote that all those things that he did for her after the break up is just a way for him to make up all of his terrible treatment during his depression state.
Of course after the break up Seokjin seek help from a friend and trying his best to regain himself from falling deeper. He text y/n everyday about his recovery process cause he know y/n all too well that even tho they're not together anymore, y/n still going to worry bout his well being. One day he confessed to his friend that he knows how determine y/n can get. He stated his worry by saying that if y/n decided to forget about him then nothing and no one can ever stop her.. and it break him down because of how much he still cares and loves y/n.
(Last scene i guess..)
So it's Prom/ senior year event night.. seokjin came to the prom in hoping he could have a dance with y/n since she's the one who made him promise. He promised y/n that he will take her to the dance where everyone in the school/college can see (since their relationship doesnt involve a lot of pda) and he will not be embarrassed about it/running away. But once he arrive he didnt see y/n at all , he overheard y/n's friend saying that y/n is really sick and couldnt get up from the bed. So seokjin quickly left that place, went back home to cook y/n favorite cheesy chicken mushroom soup and drove to her place.
When he arrived at y/n house (its up to the writer whether they want y/n lives with her parents/roommates/all by herself) y/n trying her best not to act like she doesnt miss him a lot but still accept the chicken soup anyway... she was having a bad fever and her eyes are all swollen from crying. They sit next to each other in silence while y/n eating the chicken soup.. Seokjin then saw y/n prom dress was already hanging on her clothes rack so prettily then he said that its make him sad that y/n couldnt enjoy her last senior year event with people who cares about her, he proceed to to tell y/n of how much he loves every single thing about her and believe that y/n is going to be the most successful person after high school/college..
Y/n confessed that she overhead the conversation that seokjin had with his friend about how determine y/n can get.. y/n later on confess that she may be determine in every choice that she makes including loving him and breaking up with him.. but she feels very unsure of herself in letting seokjin go.. she still wants him and she still miss him..
Then the writer decide the ending...
Brb imma tag my favourite authors , maybe they are looking for some idea @namjoonchronicles @yoonpobs @jungshookz @purpletaecup @citrustan
Oh and please tag me and credit me if you ever decide to write the hell out of this :) please tag @starmoonjin okay??? 🥰
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memcaked · 4 years
Source: Subarashiki kono Sekai | The World Ends With You
Characters: Atarashi Coco, Sakuraba Neku, Bito “Beat” Daisukenojo, Hanekoma Sanae, Kiryu “Joshua” Yoshiya
Additional tags: Not beta read, A New Day spoilers, TWEWYTOBER, TWEWYTOBER 2020
MYTH: How did I end up back on the Scramble, anyway? And why do I still have this pin?
FACT: The Reapers’ Game is back! Like, gag of the season and literally no one told me about it? Sooo weird, right? I thought Shibuya was finally back to normal, but lol nope jk.
MYTH: You bet I mind your “trio”.
FACT: What? You’d really leave a poor, powerless little girl like me all alone?
MYTH: Ain’t nobody ever said nothin’ ‘bout no Expert Mode! I’m startin’ to think we should blow off this mission, yo.
FACT: Like, my Reaper senses are telling me this is totez the real deal. Are u REALLY sure that’s a good idea, tho?
Beginning notes: funny story: i finished 100%ing twewy final remix in july and for a large chunk of it i'd be in a new day. there's a lot of new pins you have to look for and master, if you know where to go there's a lot of cheap broken exploits that make some rather tedious processes ten times faster, and dissonance noise just give out tons of BP so they're great for pin grinding too. i'd grind late into the night and i'd go to bed after that, and always have these vivid nightmares about being chased down by something i didn't know through this place where as soon as i had a handle on the layout it'd shift and be something new entirely i'd have to learn. it'd always catch me and tackle me to the ground and i'd wake up. i don't touch twewy much since i 100%d it but yeah no more new day grinding before bed
MYTH: How did I end up back on the Scramble, anyway? And why do I still have this pin?
FACT: The Reapers’ Game is back! Like, gag of the season and literally no one told me about it? Sooo weird, right? I thought Shibuya was finally back to normal, but lol nope jk.
MYTH: You bet I mind your “trio”.
FACT: What? You’d really leave a poor, powerless little girl like me all alone?
MYTH: Ain’t nobody ever said nothin’ ‘bout no Expert Mode! I’m startin’ to think we should blow off this mission, yo.
FACT: Like, my Reaper senses are telling me this is totez the real deal. Are u REALLY sure that’s a good idea, tho?
MYTH: My visions aren’t something I’ve forgotten… they’re something I never knew in the first place.
FACT: hm… no use crying over spilled memories or whatever they say, right?? Maybe u’ll totez remember everything when we’re out! Or its a hallucination or smthing!
MYTH: Who are they an’ what they done with Lollipop and Pinky?
FACT: i’m like, pretty sure this is how theyve always been the pink-haired lady HATES her job and the other guy totez adores. We’re not bffs i left Shibuya after the game idk much lol
MYTH: All these visions are looks into the future. Does that mean Joshua will kill me again?!
FACT: u must be totez fucking sad when ur a litcheral homicidal god and STILL ur a pussy ass who cant fire 1st
MYTH: … I know someone who may be able to offer some insight. H-his name is “Hanekoma”?
FACT: that creepy old guy is going to trap u. u should see his beard its so sus. dont say i didnt warn ya
MYTH: The entire city -- everything around you -- is one giant Noise.
FACT: that’s sooo fake. LOL who could even make an enormous Noise like that? im just a cute little harrier
MYTH: And where would the exit would have led these boys?
FACT: im not telling fuzzface that.
MYTH: I’m going with Shiki to buy some materials for fixing Mr. Mew tomorrow.
FACT: miiiight need to do some rescheduling. There’s not enough time in the day when you need to be the body dead on the ground.
End notes: Addendum: The second half of these notes have been altered from original upload to add more explanation. this was going to be some short basic prose on neku's exhaustion during a new day but i was washing dishes and thought of this onion article and the idea of coco """debunking""" facts about the expert reapers game came to me. to be honest a lot of this is lifted from her canon a new day lines, especially ones at the start. i freestyled the "joshua will shoot me again" fact and edited her dialogue to sound more in line with what i wrote, which probably is not what you want to do to make in character characters now i reflect on this?? i think im meant to bow back now
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