#you know things that are relevant despite of the timeline they appear in... you know more than any of those people you are trying to emulate
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the most touching and the most influential aspect of elena's writing is that she takes these people who exist as representatives of the universe, of something intergal to human nature, their lives not in any way original, their destinies shared with thousands and she makes sure, almost instinctively, that we as readers remember them by their specific names. how many people have taken their own life for the same reasons franco mari did? how many people suffered alfonso's faith in exchange for one second of owning their identities? how many girls didn't get to go to school the way lila did? but that doesn't concern elena, does it... those numbers... she thinks of lila and she sees lila and these people who have done nothing but repeat the past exist in this space, exactly as elena remembers them, exist and belong entirely to themselves... these people are gifted originality and importance simply because this woman remembers them... and that means something!!!!!!!!!!
#translated the important bit of my tag essay in serbian ♡#it's the importance of literature debate it's a response to lila's discovery of the cyclical nature of everything#i love elena ♡#this could be tied to her musings on politics and general desire to keep up with current events#and every time she expresses concern that she isn't good enough at staying up to date i think...#you know things that are relevant despite of the timeline they appear in... you know more than any of those people you are trying to emulate#idk... her ability to say something meaningful on any topic no matter how little she is informed about it#isn't performative to me... she does exactly what an artist is supposed to do#not pick sides. observe. put a mirror in front of everything and draw out its essence... find it amongst too many phrases and filters#elena greco 📝#l'amica geniale#letters from stephanie*#ferranteposting
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Project: Eden's Garden chapter 1 is so fucking good oh my god
btw spoilers here
go watch the official playthrough
Okay so ever since I saw the announcement trailer I was like "Diana's going to die first, I can feel it". It was something with her design, and her personality that screamed "early target". So when all that trial stuff was targeted towards her, I assumed it meant this was when she died: still chapter 1 but a bit later.
Now I think she's gonna die in chapter 2 from all that heroic monologuing. I also feel like Wenona's gonna play some kind of big role due to the way she acts. Possibly an antagonist? I'm not sure.
The actual contents of the chapter are long, with the official playthrough's being about 11 hours combined (and you bet I watched them the day they came out this weekend) yet the pacing still feels fine. A lot happens within both daily life, deadly life and the trial and I can in vision a timeline based on what happened on each day/part of day. The tournament thing was cool and how despite the murder not being in the new rooms, the fact that it would be impossible without it made it feel like it actually had a purpose, which I was a bit concerned about when the corpse was in the boiler room.
I wouldn't have guessed Wolfgang was the victim though but it makes so much sense. And Eva being the murderer. That was a whole bag of plot twists and they work very well. The rooms are cool, the concept of the whole locks thing is cool, basically everything is cool and Tozu is more interesting than Monokuma and he's definitely some drama kid that get rejected from the lead role and so some organisation thing that Wolfgang's father made (I swear he's going to be important in the future) and he was basically like "yeah just act all dramatic and stuff and scare the kiddies". Why Wolfgang is in this game though...idk. I feel like his father has to be important though, especially with the message on the back that for some reason took Damon so long to figure out when I figured it out very quickly: Wolfgang's father is an asshole and he is too. His animal is literally a sheep how the hell did he not realise this. I mean, the conversation with Tozu was cool as he doesn't appear often, but like, has Damon ever heard the phrase "Wolf in sheep's clothing?".
Okay here's my nitpicks:
some of the furniture models are a bit low poly which doesn't mesh well with the 2D sprites
3D textures are weird in places (Wolfgang's chair is the worst offender of this)
the line width is a bit thin in some of the new sprites and it bugs me because the artstyle typically has quite thick lines
this book is never shaded
the Damon thing I mentioned earlier
this bug in the trial where it fades out to show some kind of floor plan, and Damon is talking, but when the UI fades back in, for a split second it shows the mugshot of whoever was speaking before the fade thing (I can't find where this happens in the official playthrough but I swear it's real)
nobody realising the "thin bit of metal" was a hairpin until it was brought up as a lockpick in the trial like i realised that immediately
does Eva have a game console or a tablet? Pre-trial and at the start of the trial it was called a game console but towards the end when it was relevant, it was called a tablet? I can't find an image of it as the wiki doesn't have a gallery page for her (idk why) but I remember it looked like a DS from it's lid
there's only like 4 minigame section things in the trial: non stop debate, rebuttal showdown, the choosy one and the ending one. where's the letter one? i know there's more and i know this is probably so the programmers don't shoot themselves in the head, but still.
when did they have lunch during the last day? there was the tournament, the blackout, the investigation and then the trial and that was all about 5 hours going based on gameplay so if the investigation was at 9:45 ish and the trial ended 5 hours later, then it should be 2:45 and these poor people are starving! Well, idk about them all but Damon certainly didn't stop investigating to make lunch.
there's little inconsistencies with the art style/quality of the image in the CGs. The ending one with Diana sticks out the most to me: the lineart and shading look a little different. It's like a different artist from the rest drew it.
Okay more praise:
grace pulling the middle finger in her objection sprite
the music made by mark having a danganronpa motif in
the dummy thing in the execution
the whole scene where eva's true talent is revealed and her "oh shit" sprite
all the voice acting
the maths equipment in the execution
the thing with the calendars and the horses joke at the beginning
eva's free time events (it was shown in the playthrough)
the scenes with Tozu at the beginning of each day
the tree animation is sick
the thing with the footsteps
the thing with the blackout
everyone screaming one by one when they see the body
the beginning
the middle
the end
all those biblical references
Tumblr is going to have a field day with this game.
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Everything you need to know from Leviathan
First things first: this is Not a story summary of Leviathan. This is merely a collection of all the pieces of characterization, backstory, and worldbuilding that I believe is or will be relevant in Limbus Company.
I encourage everyone who has finished Library of Ruina (or doesn't care about spoilers to that game) to read Leviathan yourselves, as I will be skipping over most of the actual plot of the novel.
Also, due to the nature of Leviathan as the direct sequel to Library of Ruina, some endgame spoilers to that game will inevitably come up. That being said, I will try my best to keep those spoilers as minimal and vague as possible.
Preamble: Done. Let's get into this. Something something long post warning ahead. It's also kind of chaotic and borderline incomprehensible. If I missed something then, uh, whoops.
Event Timeline:
The end of Library of Ruina directly causes an event dubbed "the first miracle" by some, and "the second passing of White Nights" by others, during which the people killed in the Library would begin returning to the City as if nothing happened.
An orphanage in the Backstreets of District 22 (V Corp's) was at the epicenter of this event, being destroyed in the process and causing the Ring to take interest in the children raised there.
The events of Leviathan follow half a year after this event, and seem to take place over the course of at least a few days. It's as of yet unclear how much time has passed between the end of Leviathan and the beginning of Limbus Company.
Vergilius comes from District 22 (V Corp's), a Nest filled with wide water canals and boats that make use of them, making it somewhat reminiscent of Venice.
Vergilius used to be the operator of a highly-experienced and skilled Fixer Office. The lowest Grade Fixer at that Office is Grade 3 until a rookie joins them during the events of Leviathan. This Office seems to be dissolved by the end of Leviathan after half of the Fixers working for it die.
Vergilius's title, the Red Gaze, is a stealth pun in Korean. The word used for Gaze is a homophone to the characters used in an epiphet meaning Immortal Poet.
The red eyes Vergilius is named after appear to have a certain kind of aura to them, which causes him to draw attention to himself and be easily recognised. For missions where stealth is involved, Vergilius has a special pair of glasses to make his gaze less recognisable.
Also, Vergilius owns whole-ass calling cards with his Fixer title and a portrait in a Roman-inspired style.
As a Color Fixer, Vergilius is extremely strong and fast, being able to crack the ground underneath his feet when running at full sprint and literally cut through buildings. In fact, Vergilius's body is heavily augmented with artificially woven muscle fibers, which Vergilius compares to hydraullic cylinders and motors in how it feels to use them, though they're not literally mechanical. Despite that level of power, he's noticeably less experienced or skilled than another Color Fixer seen in Leviathan - Iori, the Purple Tear.
Speaking of her, Vergilius appears to know quite a bit about her, including her name, what happened to her in Library of Ruina, and what one of her goals is. She's also implied to have taught Vergilius a technique called Shin that gets introduced later in Leviathan. Also, Iori calls him a junior, implying a difference in either age or experience between the two. Oh, and he also knew Roland.
In addition to knowing those people, Vergilius appears to have also known Carmen before she died. He recognises the nickname Carmen uses for him within the Light as the one she used for him back when they knew each other. Also, back then, Vergilius's weren't as they are now, implying they've known each other before Vergilius was a Color Fixer.
For some time during his work as a Fixer, Vergilius has had the ability to sense "Flow". A fate-like pressure that he sees as trails of shadows and light, pointing him towards a destination he doesn't know. It's a force he notably struggles to resist, only being able to by following dim Flows, rather than the slow but bright Flow. However, doing so merely brings ruin to Vergilius's life, as the dim Flow inevitably guides him back to the slow Flow.
For ten years, Vergilius has been visitting an orphanage in the local Backstreets, donating money and goods and spending time with the children there. He even keeps an old photograph of him with all the orphanage's residents on him.
Before he found the orphanage for the first time however, Vergilius would go on rampages and kill people he believed were contributing to the horrible current state of the City. One of those rampages involved the slaughter of a whole Syndicate, the leader of which was Lapis's father. It's heavily implied that all the children within the orphanage landed there as a direct result of Vergilius's actions.
Vergilius is consistently shown to be stoic and emotionally distant, yet deeply caring underneath his aloof exterior. This is most clearly shown through his relationship with Garnet, the previously mentioned rookie who was raised at the previously mentioned orphanage. Though Vergilius denies Garnet's claims that he raised him, and regularly thinks about how Garnet's sentimentality is going to get him killed, yet he also can't help but feel proud of Garnet in moments where he truly shines, care a lot about Garnet's safety, and feel horrible guilt when he fails to protect him.
Back during his rampaging days, Vergilius is unable to show mercy, with his "attempt" to do so involving giving the last survivor a cut that would let them survive for a few hours, in gratitude for giving him a code to the door. Inversely, current day Vergilius appears to have softened, as his gladius has a heating mechanism that immediately cauterizes the wounds it inflicts. This ensures non-fatal wounds remain not fatal, even if leaving his target alive could cause him issues later on.
Vergilius's motives for taking care of the kids at the orphanage despite being the one who orphaned them are as complex as they are layered. Guilt is clearly a part of that, as Vergilius believes there's no reason for him to see Lapis again when Garnet offers to take him along for his meeting with her. Another part of it might have been Vergilius secretly wishing that one day, one of the kids would realize what he'd done and take their retribution... however it's unclear how "canon" that particular motivation is due to it only being brought up in a vision of a Mirror World. The orphanage was also a reprieve from his former reality filled with wails and begging for mercy. It was a place of warmth, filled with voices of delight waiting for him every time. At the same time, it was a source of hope for him. A place where he could redeem himself, to raise children who could live with the heart he couldn't have, and who could potentially change the City with their virtues alone. All of these motivated Vergilius to cover up and forget about his true goal. One he's been actively burrying during his visits at the orphanage.
That goal? Redacted from the viewer. The first explicitly set up mystery in Leviathan. However, we know that it is directly tied to how Vergilius wishes to change the City.
Vergilius believes that the City is deeply wounded, with its injuries having festered for a long time. He believes that the way to change it is to continue spilling blood, never letting it dry out. To try and pierce through the City's thick shell into its wounded core. When describing the world he wants, he says it's "a world that can only be understood once you feel it with your whole body".
After a talk with Carmen, Vergilius effloresces into his E.G.O, which allows him to wield blood as both a weapon and armor. It also allows him to become one with pools of blood, however he would be unable to leave them if they were to dry while he's inside. However, the usage of his E.G.O is limited by the amount of other people's blood he has available to him. If he were to run out, he'd be forced to use his own, dying painfully in the process.
Also, Vergilius keeps coming up with one-liners when beating people up. It's kinda funny.
At the end of Leviathan, Vergilius is invited into Limbus Company, being promised to give him Lapis (who had been replaced by Charon) and Garnet (who has been reduced to a tiny glowing jewel) back. Thinking back on his past, Vergilius accepts, though the story ends before we get to see the exact terms of his employment.
Previously, Charon was known as Lapis, and was one of the kids at the orphanage Vergilius would regularly visit. She was especially close friends with Garnet, who would later become a Fixer and join Vergilius's Office. In fact, Garnet notes how Lapis wouldn't usually open up to anyone but him, and when they did talk she would often talk about Vergilius. She's also noted to not be a fan of studying.
Lapis ended up at the orphanage after Vergilius killed her father during his slaughter of the Syndicate he led. While we don't get to know much about her father, we do know he cared deeply for her, to the point his last words were calling out her name.
In a flashback to her childhood, we learn that Lapis would always suck on bitter candy as she's able to preserve it and suckle on it little by little, whereas sweet things melt away much sooner. She follows this anecdote of hers up by revealing her wish to "try all the flavors in the world" when she grows up.
After aging out of the orphanage, Lapis got a job at a fruit-harvesting company. During the events of Leviathan, Lapis has decided to meet up with Garnet at a private location. However, the area turned out be occupied by Syndicate members, including that of the Ring, and Lapis was kidnapped to be used in the Ring's experiments with Mirror World technology.
At the end of Leviathan, Lapis turned out to be the only of the "gems" to have survived the experiments. However, she did so because she was the only successful one. Her former identity was completely erased, replaced by that of Charon. Initially, Vergilius is hesitant to make contact with her, feeling like keeping his distant will save both of them from pain. However, he relents when Charon finds a still living piece of the jewel Garnet had turned into.
Gubo is one of the researchers at N Corp, and during the events of Leviathan he comes to an auction held by the Ring for the sole purpose of gaining access to their Corridor and retrieving Aseah.
His connections to a Wing allow him to casually bid 10 billion Ahn like it's nothing. Gubo is also notably frustrated when the auctioneer appears to be breaking their own rules, trying to convince them that doing so would put their gallery in ill repute.
To enter the Corridor despite his failure at the auction, Gubo is willing to sacrifice the lives of the people that had accompanied. Notably, Vergilius is able to tell that Gubo did no fighting himself due to his appearance, reckoning he merely hid while others fought in his stead.
Gubo is someone who's willing to keep himself calm and composed regardless of the situation. He's constantly calculating ways to reach his goal, willing to do anything and pay any price to do so. However, that composure is said to reflect insecurity, obsession, and yearning. He is shown to take some ridiculous risks in pursuit of his goals, attempting to attack Vergilius twice despite being clearly outmatched against a fucking Color.
Despite N Corp being at potential odds with the Ring, due to them kidnapping Aseah, Gubo doesn't act hostile towards the Ring's members outside of getting rid of those who were directly standing in his way.
During Leviathan, Aseah is the main researcher working on the Mirror World technology for the Ring. He's specifically working on modifying and tuning an invention made by Young-Ji, the Glass Window.
By that point in time, Aseah had already joined N Corp, however the Ring kidnapped him to use his knowledge for their own gain. Despite such seemingly dire circumstances, Aseah does not seem bothered to be working for the Ring in the slightest.
Aseah is a cold and usually emotionless individual who only cares about his research. In fact, he only ever shows emotions, specifically passion, when realizing he's made a breakthrough or describing how the technology he's researching works. He's easily swayed to risk other people's lives for the sake of pushing his research even further.
One of this main motives for using the Glass Window is to create a Singularity to surpass Yi Sang's creation, as well as any other competing technology of this kind. Despite his self-imposed rivalry with Yi Sang, Aseah still calls him a friend.
At the end of Leviathan, Aseah is successfully retrieved by Gubo . However, a question is posed: for both to get back out of the Corridor, Aseah must be able to know how to navigate it. If that's the case and he could have escaped this whole time, why didn't he? He must have had reasons to not fly away, even though his cage was wide open. Add that to the mystery counter.
Limbus Company:
Limbus Company shows up at the very end of Leviathan, being a new enough Company for Vergilius to have never heard of them before.
A Special Operations Team from a department called LCA raids the Ring's lab, specifically searching for Vergilius. A woman with hair that seems white from far away, but appears graysih close up, approaches him. This is revealed to be Faust, and she's the one who gives Vergilius an offer.
Work for Limbus Company, and we can bring Lapis and Garnet back.
The Ring:
The Ring are a Syndicate that are said to only believe what they see with their own eyes, and are dedicated to the creation and display of various types of art. They also hold auctions for various pieces.
Some of the Ring's art falls within our understanding of it, such as paintings and sculptures. A large amount of it however includes acts of extreme violence or otherwise cruel behavior.
Many of the lower-ranking members of the Ring and Backstreets residents under their protection are considered to be akin to students, being graded on their pieces and taking art exams. While the Ring does allow resits on their exams, flunking too many times will result in death. In such an environment, a lack of inspiration causes people to have mental breakdowns.
As far as we've seen, the Ring hold two different types of art galleries, which I'll refer to as Syndicate-facing and Public-facing respectively.
Syndicate-facing art galleries are structured more like schools, complete with classrooms and suspicious "art" exhibits within the halls. One of those exhibits we see are "statues" of people with animal heads. However, these statues are actually sill living people that are forced to stay completely still under the threat of violence, or "scolding". Oh, and those people also had their mouths and ears sewn shut. This particular exhibition is revealed to be a part of a test that the Ring was holding that night.
Public-facing art galleries look more akin to modern art galleries we'd see in our world, and their lower floors are accessible to pretty much any public person. These floors are filled with more standard types of art, like paintings and sculptures. The top floor of these galleries is considered the VIP floor, where auctions are held and the true disturbing nature of the Ring is shown to the guests there.
During the auctions, every participant has a veil put over their head, and they are to bow in respect when the one holding the auction enters the stage. The art pieces sold on these auctions can be anything from paintings of real slaughters that took place in the City, to objects made out of or containing pieces of actual people, to straight up dancers stuck eternally dancing in glass stages in which time flows slower. Additionally, the person who wins the bid on the "meister's most cherished work" will be allowed into the Ring's Corridor.
At the time of Leviathan's events, the Ring not only has access to the Corridor, but also Mirror World technology in the form of the Glass Window.
A secret research lab was kept hidden within one such Corridor, where the Ring would test Mirror World technology on "gems" - young people who came from the orphanage at the epicenter of the Miracle. These experiments involved these people experiencing many Mirror Worlds at once within their mind, with those people physically shattering if pushed too far.
The Ring's goal with their research of the Mirror Worlds is to open as many Rifts to as many of them as possible, with one of the high-ranking Ring members saying they wish to open ten thousand rifts at minimum.
This plan appears to be thwarted by the end of Leviathan. It's vaguely implied that N Corp and/or Limbus Company seized the tech in the Ring's possession, leaving it unclear if the Ring still has access to it currently.
Over the course of Leviathan, we learn of two different high positions within the Ring: Docents and Maestros. Each can be identified by the kind of ring they wear on their ring fingers. Also, all of the ones we've seen thus far are gender non-conforming as fuck.
Docents are responsible for taking care of and monitoring the art galleries. Notably, they are responsible for guiding guests and giving lectures on the lower floors of their public-facing galleries. These lectures appear to involve explaining the ideals of their Maestros. Docents wear two-coiled rings that extends down the top of their hands and coils around their wrists.
Maestros are responsible for holding the auctions and appear to have a high amount of control over the Ring's actions. They wear three-coiled rings. They also notably act a lot more according to what they believe is true art, as opposed to the Docents who can still be swayed by money and social standard. As an example, Maestro Jumsoon decides to give his most prized artpiece not to the person bidding billions of Ahn, but to the person who convinces him they can complete the piece due to being personally involved in what it represents.
N Corp:
The physical location of the Ring's secret lab appears to be within N Corp's District. However, due to its entry point being connected to the Corridor, it's unable to be accessed from outside the Corridor.
One of N Corp's main source of income and culture are so-called suicide vending machines, or vending machines that dispense canned experiences that specifically allow a person to experience suicide. This bit of technology is considered both amazing and condemnable, and is said to be one of the main reasons people move to N Corp's Nest.
N Corp Taboos are upheld vehemently. Recorded footage of that secret lab, even without knowing it's located in N Corp, would result in Taboo Hunters being sent out over the breaking of the Nest filming taboo. They are highly efficient, going after everyone who had seen the recording before finally retrieving the footage.
M Corp:
M Corp's full name is MDM Enterprise. In Leviathan, we see M Corp do business with the Ring through delivering their product to them - an entire moonlight stone.
A moonlight stone delivered in a massive box filled with a flesh-like cushion around the stone. Opening the box requires using an unlocking mechanism composed of multiple various levers. Everyone present in the same room as the box during its opening are required to wear ear plugs, while those actually opening it also require airway protection. Upon being pulled open, the stone needs to be cut out of the flesh cushion using a knife.
If sufficient ear protection is not worn during this process, the sound the stone emits while being forced out of its container will cause all that hear it to experience a "wave of hiraeth". This is shown as a sort of dissociative state where the person rambles about the ocean being their home and family, and how they need to return to it.
The moonlight stones themselves appear similar in shape to large pearls. The Ring appears to use them by putting them in translucent containers, where the stone is attached to multiple electrodes and tubes for a yet unclear purpose.
The Light:
After the second passing of White Nights, people would begin transforming into forms similar to cocoons or eggs. This happens when a person becomes aware of how unbearable the world around them is, causing them to retreat from reality.
When seperated from their bodies, people establish their... Redacted. Yet another mystery. However, it's implied to be something along the lines of the ideal world they wish to create, or the dream they wish to make true. If they manage to set this Redacted and endure the process, they can be born anew as a Distortion (or potentially with Effloresced E.G.O). If they can't their bodies are seized by their sins, resulting in the creation of a Peccatulum.
This process is pointed out as being different to the process of Distorting that we're used to seeing, though it's not yet unclear to what extent.
The inside of the Light as utter stillness, shimmering as if somethered in light. When someone is inside the Light, Carmen attempts to guide them towards a specific conclusion, acting kind and trying to absolve them of any guilt over their actions, while showing an utter lack of pity or genuine feeling. She's able to see past the facades people put up, directly looking into what they have been through. She uses that knowledge to direct people towards realizing their true desires and wishes.
Carmen is able to meet and talk with people whose hearts "crack". Who are too overwhelmed with their emotions in the moment. When she discovers a person's true wish has been buried and hidden away, she acts as if the act is so painful that it hurts her by proxy. She uses this opportunity to offer these people the power to create they consider right, one only for their own eyes.
She claims that she's helping everyone paint the City with their own colors, much like the Light, in which all colors perfectly blend together. When it's pointed out to her that doing so would be impossible, due to everyone's colors being different and thus it being impossible for them all to exist together in perfect harmony, Carmen responds by saying everyone should be dedicated to protecting and fighting for the sake of their own world, even if it means fighting the entire world itself.
Carmen describes the process of Distorting or Efflorescing E.G.O as becoming a "self unbound by the eyes and standards of the City", with Carmen attributing the latter to being Ayin's idea. Carmen says that she believes the final destination of everyone's ambitions is Love, specifically unconditional Love towards oneself, as the only person that can truly understand and love them is themself. This is where Carmen and Ayin come into conflict. Ayin believes people should be able fight using clothes and tools, holding the human form in high regard. Carmen, on the other hand, sees that as unnecessary moderation, and argues one should express their love through their body, so that it and their heart can become one.
Effectively, Carmen is trying to guide people to only caring about themselves and their desires, disregarding everything around them. She does so through a "friendly, yet ruthless pressure", by offering the seemingly perfect solution of absolute self-love at the cost of being blind to one's reality. She knows what the "right" choice is, and will be disappointed if one were to choose the other option, but she won't stop anyone from pursuing their desires even if their way is different from what she's envisioned.
...There is a purpose to it all. A goal Carmen has for herself. After all, she's a person too. It's another bit of information that's redacted, setting it up as yet another mystery, but we do have a hint towards what it could be. Somehow, a person who was given power by Carmen failing to fight for their wish appears to contribute towards Carmen's personal purpose.
Speaking of that, Leviathan reveals another, more violent way to defeat a Distortion. By proving the fundamentals of a Distortion's beliefs wrong, by breaking the foundation upon which their wish was built, the Distortion begins to fall apart. With nothing left to its form but vague concepts, an Abnormality is born, tearing out of the Distorted person's body and killing them instantly.
The Peccatulae are the result of the process enabled by the second passing of White Nights, in which a person retreats into a cocoon-like form upon finding the world too unbearable and faces an ordeal within. If the person fails the ordeal by not being able to find a wish for which's sake to return to their world, their body is left to be fed on by their sins. This results in their bodies transforming into manifestations of those sins - the Peccatulae. Once this transformation takes place, it cannot be reversed.
Peccatulae are not Distortions, as they are what happens when one lacks the strong desire needed to either Distort or Effloresce E.G.O. They are also not Abnormalities, as unlike them the Peccatulae can be killed.
The Peccatulae visually lack any humanity they may have had before the transformation. At the same time though, the cries they let out are compared to that of humans burdened by life, by the sin of bearing sin.
Those cries are also seemingly able to affect one's mind, causing memories associated with the Peccatulum's Sin Affinity to resurface.
The Glass Window:
The Glass Window is a piece of technology created by Young-Ji, which was co-opted by Aseah and studied by the Ring. This technology is considered to be a Singularity by Wings and Grade 1 Fixers.
The main function of the Glass Window is superimposing Mirror Worlds onto whatever is viewed through it, though in a blurry state. It's noted to be less stable than Yi Sang's Mirror technology, but in exchange it's capable of superimposing a much larger number of Worls at the same time.
The amount of Mirror Worlds and their intensity can be controlled through modifying the Glass Window's Refraction Rate. A higher Refraction Rate allows more overlayed Worlds to stack, at the cost of "yielding more of one's heart to the Glass Window".
Surviving high Refraction Rates without physically shattering involves attaining focus - a process involving perishing one's heart without killing it.
Most weapons cannot damage the Glass Window.
The Corridor:
The Corridor is a piece of technology that the Ring owns during the events of Leviathan. It's a liminal, seemingly-infinite space that can connect to places all over the City. As long as the area they wish to link has an exit, a matching entrance will appear within the Corridor.
Many of the doors within the Corridor are locked using mental locks, to be able to enter them one needs to think specific mental keywords as they attempt to open the door.
Inside the Corridor itself, electronics such as video recorders and ear pieces appear to malfunction.
Despite the Corridor being a mostly linear space, the complex and intricate rules by which its passages connect make it more than possible to get lost within. As such, navigating the Corridor is usually done when accompanied by a guide.
To navigate the Corridor by oneself, one needs to always remember two things - their starting point, and their destination. Knowing those two points will allow one to be able to find their way by feeling which directions to take. This is due to a phenomenon called Reversion of Causality, a phenomenon which some Singularities take advantage of as well.
Breaking through a wall in the Corridor leads to a massive hall made of constantly shifting purposeless surfaces lined within even more purposeless doors. Staying within this outer hall is dangerous, as one would become stuck here if the doors within the Corridor reassembled themselves.
Shin and Mang:
Shin is a technique Vergilius learned from (who's implied to be) the Purple Tear. Shin involves completely relinquishing the control of one's body to one's mind, specifically one's memories and the feelings associated with them. When Shin is used, it causes glowing rings to appear around the weapon (or body part if weaponless) one is using to fight. The glow of these rings is constantly emphasized to be that of the moon.
Vergilius describes Shin as "the power of Light", and "the power of sin".
To use Shin, one needs Mang (referred to as luna/lunae when not a proper noun), often multiple of them. Using Mang is described as filling onces emptied minds with dense and heavy memories, then letting the lunae of these recalled feelings guide one's movements.
Random Miscellanous Bits of Info:
It's a tradition in District 8 (H Corp's) to gift apples on Christmas Eve, to wish the giftee a peaceful night.
Cellphones in the City seem to be at a stage in-between Iphones and slightly older smartphones. The screen only takes up roughly half of the phone, but it appears to be a touchscreen due to the lack of mechanical buttons.
Related to that, payphones also exist in the City. The District the payphone is in gets shown to the one recieving a call from one.
The Seven Association holds seminars for new and aspiring Fixers that teaches them the basics, such as information about major Syndicates, Singularities, spatial awareness, etc. The Seven Association also holds Fixer qualification tests.
Higher education is something one can pursue in the City.
There are still video recorders that use videotapes in the City.
Cognition-warping ID Cards are a thing within the City. However, they are noted to only be useful for brief deception.
One of the canonical Mirror Worlds is literally our world.
Airplanes don't exist in the City.
#lu speaketh#limbus company#leviathan project moon#project moon#this took. so fucking long to write down.#my mouse ran out of batteries in the middle of me writing this#it was hell#but it is done
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this is your invitation to talk about all your two theories :))) thoughts on janus? the role of the princes of hell? pleaseeee feed me
thank you for this opportunity anon, as it turns out I have far more to say on this than I thought (buckle up for a massive amount of yapping)
firstly, Janus. He's an interesting character given all we know about him, but he also feels very straightforward. At this point he is being presented as an antagonist, a very central one at that, but in the scheme of things he seems very minor. He is nowhere near the same level of threat as the other antagonistic forces that we know await us in TWP, which brings his role in things into question. Normally, a tsc antagonist has some connection to the main character(s) and there is a specific reason why they become entangled (eg. Valentine is Clary's father, Mortmain created Tessa, Malcolm needed the Blackthorns to raise Annabel etc etc). Janus as a villain however has no obvious connection to any of the twp mains, and it's the total opposite when it comes to Ash despite the fact his motivations are known. He is focused around Clary, Jace, and the other tmi mains and given what we know its hard to see why he would come into conflict with Kit, Dru or Ty. There is the parallels between him and Livvy, but this doesn't seem antagonistic to me, he just represents a possible future for her (as Magnus said in gotsm, if she does not do great things, she will do terrible things).
All this is to say I think Janus is a massive red herring and not the person we should be worrying about. I think his relevance as a antagonist is going to come from his alliance to the Seelie Queen, who's motivations we know nothing about. She has been entangling herself in matters ever since she requested their audience in City of Ashes and we do not know why. It's especially obvious she's up to something when you compare her relevance in the modern timeline to the historical one, where I don't think she mentioned at all. Some of her actions are also suspicious, such as how she went out of her way to ensure Meliorn was the faerie representative. It's a plot point that gets resolved with the reveal she's working with Sebastian, but Sebastian was dead when she did it and I doubt even she would have known Lilith was going to raise him from the dead. This implies she had different plans that she then abandoned to aid Sebastian, because he could give her something she wanted; Ash. Ash clearly holds more significance to her than simply being her child as the Seelie Queen has only ever had two children, Auraline and Ash, and they were born over 200 years apart. There is clearly intention behind this, there is something that both the Unseelie King and Sebastian have in common that the Seelie Queen wants her children to have. What her plans are, we probably won't know until twp, although there may be hints in the Better in Black short story.
Like the Seelie Queen, the Princes of Hell are also likely up to something big behind the scenes. The last time we've seen from any of them was in 2010 with tlbotw; they're entirely absent from tda. This is strange as it makes tda the only series where they do not make an appearance or play a role in the story (side note I do include Lilith as a Prince of Hell even though she's technically not). Which is extremely suspicious and it's very likely that not the case, and that it'll be revealed that they have been influencing things in twp. Thule especially is something I think they're involved in, for a number of reasons. We're told the thing that altered the timeline was a powerful demon giving Lilith the strength to kill Clary, and CC said on tumblr the demon is one who is associated with Lilith in mythology. At the time (2018) CC was very mysterious, but we know enough about the PoH now to make a very educated guess that it was Sammael. Also, it's always struck me as odd that there was such a massive passing of time between Annabel & Ash coming to Thule and Emma & Julian following them. Every other time someone has gone through the portal, time has passed more or less the same and if there was discrepancy it's very minor, nowhere near the years that Ash was in Thule for. I would not be surprised if someone (Belphegor?) manipulated the portal to ensure Ash was in Thule for a certain amount of time before Emma and Julian could interfere with anything. Why the PoH would want any of this I have no idea, except poor Ash is seemingly a pawn in their plans (again) (free him for all these evil plans hasn't he been through enough?)
There is also Lucifer, who is by far the most mysterious tsc character and we know next to nothing about him. However, in the PoH art series CJ did, it does say on Belial's page that a) he claims to have convinced Lucifer to rebel and b) he is sometimes called the "father of Lucifer." A lot of the information in these arts come from preexisting Jewish & Christian mythology and can be easily googled, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Either it's more obscure or CC made it up herself which is slightly terrifying because what does that mean. is Nate losing the title of Tessa's worst brother 137 years after his death?? ig we'll find out in 2026
#please ignore any spelling errors <3 also answering this was so fun#i really want to write down all my thoughts & theories for twp bc i regret not doing so for tlh#so thank you anon#bella talks#twp theory#tsc#the shadowhunter chronicles#the wicked powers#twp#the last king of faerie#the last prince of hell#the last shadowhunter#tlkof#tlpoh#tls#ash morgenstern#janus herondale#the seelie queen
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Okay. I've been tip-toeing around this AU for a while now, but I just got caught up, and now I think I have a (decent) grasp on what's going on. So I wanna go over everything I know so far to see if I'm right or wrong on anything. Don't know if you'd be willing to correct me or not. Either way, I hope my mistakes can help you understand what to clarify to other fans like me. But, I also have some questions. You probably won't be able to answer most of them, but it's at least worth a shot.
First, where's Venus? Like, why is she not in your comics that are (sort of) separate frome the canon now story. The ones that skip to the future way after all the turtles reunite. Did she die? Did she escape? Is it because she wasn't introduced yet when you made those comics?
Two, why do you keep on making references to the future timeline? I know you're planning on possibly making your own stuff leading up to the events of the movie. It just gives me a jumpscare when I see certain...imagery in those comics. I guess you're hinting at what your version of the future apocalypse would look like, but it just hurts to see. Specifically in the comic explaining both the events and aftermath of the movie and the bad future timeline. It's starting to really confuse my brain as to where this story is headed. What's meant to be the main focus? The Hamto's reuniting? The aftermath? Or the future?
Third, did you make all those min-comics before you started the actual AU? Or did you do them during?
Fourth, are any of those mini-comics relevant to the actual story now? Or have you changed your mind on a few things? It's just that everything is so all over the place, I don't really know whether to trust if they're accurate. I know most of them are just there for funzies, but the longer ones concern me. I guess I'm just not used to the storyteller doing sequel, start, prequel, start, sequel, prequel, prequel, sequel, and then end. Or maybe it's just me, and I'm sleep deprived.
My little observation speech is gonna take a while for me to get out in your asks because when I get theoretical, my speech gets long, and my proper English goes down the drain. So I'll be back. I appreciate your work very much. Despite the pain it causes me, it's still amazing.
I’ll try my best to clear up what confusion I can!
1. As far as Venus. The answer is kind of a mix of, I was still figuring out her design and backstory while coming out with some of those early comics, and then, once I had that down, I wanted the boys to grow strong bonds as a main cast. That’s why a lot of the side characters are only making small appearances in the Sep!AU Life stories, as those are mainly for the boys reconnecting. (Usagi shows up the most because I love him and am totally biased towards him).
This maybe hasn’t been stated outright, but I wasn’t really expecting so many ppl to like Vee as much as they do, and now im trying not to spoil too much of her story. It’ll unfortunately just take us a while to get to the meat of it. Since the boys reconnecting takes up a lot of the early s1s2 story, Im trying to follow the familiar Rise blueprint of Draxum, Shredder, Krang, and then in s3 we’ll have crazy fun new stories with the extra characters.
Ive also decided to take this little nugget from one of the Q&As, and use it for Venus instead of Jennika. It was a much needed bit of inspiration to explain why Venus sorta disappears for a while and will go through some major physical changes (not yet revealed) before the family can figure out a way to reach her.

2. I’m not sure if you mean jump scared in a bad/triggering or neutral way, but if you need me to tag anything on those posts please let me know!
The glimpses of the future timeline, are being scattered throughout wherever they parallel the present story in little ways, but that’s only for now. As we get closer to the movie plot, bigger chunks of the future will be revealed, because the future versions of the boys will have a larger role to play in the present timeline. So we will need more backstory than what the canon got. And also I just enjoy drawing my future versions so sometimes I don’t think too hard on a reason. I just like throwing them at ppl with no warning or reason.
When s2 ends, I plan on collecting all the future related stuff that’s been released, and recapping it for easier reading. Right now, it’s just little sprinkles of foreshadowing to give ppl an idea that, ‘oh crap. The doomed timeline is a bummer’. In my mind, I guess i thought it’d be kinda like a fun scavenger hunt for clues, but maybe ppl don’t like that 😅
3. All of the side-stories were written as the main comic was/is being released. A lot of them resulted from asks that just spawned the need to expand on certain ideas, or a desire to give all the turtles their time to shine.
For instance, when I was doing Donnie’s section of the main comic, it was a good few months where we hardly saw anyone but him and Venus. I wanted to just mix it up, and give Raph some love with his ‘Raph Time’ short. When Leo was front and center in the main, we hardly saw the others, so Mikey and Donnie got their little ‘Secrets’ short (and it was also I fun thank you for EW making it so far in the tmnt sep competition).
4. Anything that has been reworked/revised or just plain dropped should have an ‘Edit’ note because yes—I have gone back and changed some things, but more so from the asks i got in the early days, and some movie idea drafts.
All the short comics done in the last year, especially the ones that are listed in my pinned post, are canon and fall somewhere in the timeline. They’re like supplemental reading though—extra meat to give the world and the characters more personality. They do have particular backstory plot and important info in them, but nothing that shouldn’t eventually be re-visited/repeated in the main story.
um I hope that cleared up some things! I know it’s kind of a crazy amount of lore. I’ve tried my best to organize it in the pinned post, huge timeline, and search bar tags, but I know it’s getting harder and harder for newer ppl to jump in as it just get bigger. Thanks for reading regardless!
#rottmnt#tmnt#ask slushie#separated au#rise of the tmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt separated au#sep!au infodump#ew au#Empyrean Weeping Au
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SONIC OC!!! And Espilver fankid hehe!! People on insta helped me name her Mirai and she’s a marten! (She/her, though Espio and silver use “they” until they learn her preferred pronouns)
(The formatting on the comic part is a little scuffed it reads top left, bottom left, top center, bottom center, top right, bottom right. Sorry about that whoops)
Under the cut I’m gonna give her full lore dump which includes my headcanon on how Silvers time travel works but trust me you don’t need to read it all.
The TLDR is that Silver found her in a ruined future and in exchange for allowing her to exist outside timelines much like himself she now has time-bending powers (kinda!) She can adjust the time of any object (for example turning water into steam by sending it to its future where it evaporates.)
Ok so let’s start with Silvers time travel cuz it is actually relevant. The way I headcannon it working kinda combines all the ways we’ve seen it in canon.
I’m not gonna address 06 cause it didn’t happen in this timeline and also the method of time travel is similar to the own used in Rivals 1: using the power of the master or chaos emeralds.
So first off I headcanon that Silver being sent back to the past in rivals 1 was actually somewhat of an accident. He was on Onyx island when it was sent back. And then between Eggman Nega admitting he used the master emerald and (I have a rivals rewrite when this happens but that’s a post for another day oops) Shadow teaching Silver about the Chaos emeralds and how to harness their energy - Silver realizes he can use this power himself to send himself back in time Again but this time to stop the Ifirit from ever growing strong and therefore saving his future.
Doing this caused two things: one, now Silver himself was a living paradox where he both exists but can’t exist at once, and two: the timestones became aware of his determination to protect the world throughout all of time. The timestones then blessed Silver with the ability to exist outside the timelines and now he’s the only Silver throughout all time, but in return he now has the duty to Always save the future from destruction. The portals that appear to being Silver to the past or future when he’s needed is created by the timestones.
Now, to Mirai. Silver found Mirai in one of many ruined futures he had been called to prevent, and despite knowing that bringing anyone from the future back to the past could inadvertently cause a paradox (like he himself almost did) he knew he couldn’t just leave the child alone in a ruined future. They’d die. So he brings the child to the timestones and begs them to allow Mirai to be capable of existing outside time similar to himself so he could bring her home and she could live safely. The timestones really like Silver so they agree but also make it clear this cannot happen again.
When the time stones bless Mirai they also give her the ability to control the time of objects. She can turn water into steam, re-form broken relics, manipulates clay where she can create different weapons by sending the clay into alternate “futures” - one as a sword, one as a scythe, etc.
While this power can be very useful it’s also somewhat unreliable, so she also had Espio train her in Ninjitsu and with certain weapons.
I’m undecided on if I want her connection to the timestones mean that like Silver she has to go through the portals when they open. I think it would be interesting but idk if I can handle that level of angst oops
If you read this all thank you!!
#sonic oc#my art#mstormcloud#mirai the marten#espilver#sonic fankid#sth#silver the hedgehog#espio the chameleon#sonic#I’ve been concidering giving her a sibling as well lmao#tho unlike Mirai this one is found at Espios job#like ace attorney style adopting a child after solving a crime#but I haven’t decided yet…
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Okay, so, wild speculation time but: I think Nashi could appear in Duskmourn: House of Horror. Like, in a major role.
Now, I, obviously, do not wish harm upon Tamiyo's beloved ratperson son, but also I think there are a bunch of factors that make it make sense for this to happen. [Edit to add: uh wait hang on we got some Duskmourn art in the [admittedly too long] I spent writing this?! Really?!]
Like, enough that I'm going to stick a "read more" in here.
Anyway, to start off: Wizards probably does need some established characters to Experience the Horrors. Like, there's the idea of horror as corrupted familiarity - already-known characters can be a source of said familiarity. It's why all those Pokémon creepypastas exist[1]. Also every set has at least some tie, at the very least thematically, to the larger plot (yes even Zendikar Rising). This, obviously, doesn't necessarily mean Nashi, specifically, has to be there, but it is relevant context for all the rest of this.
Nashi is teen-coded [I do not know quite how old he's meant to be, and him being a Nezumi might complicate it, but he is still A Teen in every important respect]. Now, I am no Modern Horror Expert (tm), but a lot of those stories do focus on teen characters and... in terms of the present timeline we have Nashi, Kellan and. Uh. Shadowblayde-with-a-y? Like there are not that many Teen characters, especially with the recent timeskips. Like, Rat might technically be 19 at the youngest now. And, speaking of Rat, well, with apologies to her fans, I think we're still close enough to War of the Spark for Wizards to be nervous about introducing a new character to be the token teenager [in the main story. There might be other Teenaged Horror Protag/Victim creature cards in there].
Nashi also just starred in a story in a set with 43 other Legendary Creatures [not including Commander exclusives, or Loot], despite not getting a card himself. This might just be because Wizards let Akemi Dawn Bowman write whatever for her OTJ side-story, but there might well be a reason they brought Nashi back here. (I mean, it's a good story, and sometimes Side Stories are just there, but I'm assuming relevance for the sake of argument.)
"A Long Way From Home" further established Nashi's power as cameras - indeed, his entire thing as telling stories through cameras. The very limited information we have for Duskmourn includes the set logo. Which has freaking scanlines. Also cameras and found footage and people attempting to record the horrors for posterity are all modern horror staples [I would do a list but it would get long]. Again, Nashi is the clearest link to these tropes 'normally', and he's just about reckless enough that him getting involved doesn't seem particularly OOC.
Finally, Nashi uses his OP camera powers to steal an "elixir" described thusly: "The liquid was deep red and unmistakably metallic. There was no writing on the bottle, but Nashi's nostrils flared when he picked up its scent. The magic was abhorrently pungent, and the stench made his eyes water.".
I don't think anyone has managed to ID this incredibly suspicious potion. He presumably went ahead and drank this stuff, or otherwise still has it. I would not be surprised if it actually had some ties to the horror plane/plane horror and drinking this mysterious red liquid is part of how you end up on/in Duskmourn (like, it has the urban legend feel to it, and the power, or other desired thing, at an extreme and unpredictable price implemented by an almost cosmic force is also a big horror thing that falls outside of the Innistrad remit). Like this is pure speculation, to be clear, but it also really fits the vibe imo.
Kaito confirmed for Duskmourn! I mean. Kaito was mentioned in Nashi's story, because Nashi still has very complex feelings about the "Kaito didn't save my mom" thing. So it's a point in favour! But also, like, I feel as if Nashi would be in that type of art if he was appearing, so...
[1] Point adapted from Supereyepatchwolf, who used the phrase "dissolution of our world's boundaries" from... uh, I'm not sure where, Googling gets stuff about demon summoning (like... results about it in those words, thanks 'AI'), and a video he referenced didn't seem to use it in the first several minutes but using "normalcy" as part of said boundaries. (ngl, I like "corrupted familiarity" better).
#magic the gathering#magic story#mtg#text#duskmourn#okay so for context I wanted to write up the legends of OTJ and checking the story made me go “wait... oh no”
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i keep telling myself to quit checking up on KM spaces cause there’s literally nothing but bickering and going out of the way to find things to be mad at but I keep ending up coming back 😓 it’s so hard, I still think about them a lot and I generally enjoy doing so! They make me happy to think about, genuinely. it’s been a force of habit for so long but the vibe with no new content (I try and avoid military updates but they waft into my view every so often and I’m glad they seem to be doing ok at least) is just so nasty it’s just like can’t everyone just relax and be happy knowing they’re together??? Obviously I am the problem here and I need to stop but it’s a struggle….do I need to just go completely cold turkey on bangtan? 😂 is that what you did when you took a long break? It’s not like I don’t have hobbies and a job and stuff, but for a long time they’ve occupied a special nice place where I just think of them and generally enjoy reading people’s thoughts about them, but over the past year especially w the solo stuff it’s just gotten kinda rancid
Hello, anon
I understand you completely. If something has become part of your daily routine, on top of other activities and interests, it's normal to get the urge to check up on it. Cold turkey might not help because it increases the chances of going back to it. I'm going through the same thing nowadays. I'm aware that right now, there's barely any point in keeping up with that part of my interests online. KM have enlisted and despite seeing some military updates, I'm not excitedly/anxiously looking forward to it. Like you, I think it's nice to see that they appear fine, but personally I could live without those updates as well. Consequently, I barely discuss it even on my blog, I don't find it necessary.
Most likely, the upcoming show will be the only relevant content that makes me still keep an eye on them right now and that's because the announcement might drop at any time. By not knowing exactly when, it's enough to keep at least a part of the fandom waiting and participating online. Not a bad strategy, but a frustrating one for us.
Likewise, by still checking up tumblr/twitter, I'm also exposing myself to daily fights, endless debates on relationship dynamics and so on. I find it pointless and I'd say a sign of boredom if this wasn't the modus operandi of the fandom anyway.
I made a vague comment recently, but it is terribly annoying having to read left and right troll anons baiting bloggers who then are bringing receipts to demonstrate that KM are close. Really? We're still doing that in 2024? People are talking in circles to demonstrate something that doesn't need more proving. Twitter is worse because they fight like idiots under the guise of defending. The knights in shining armour fighting for the princesses.
As to solo stans, I don't have an issue with the idea of only liking an artist and that's it. If only that would be the full definition. Anyone acting like not only a fanatic, but writing like some miserable 4chan user is someone I really can't stand. It's slowly becoming standard stan behavior and I see this in other fandoms as well, including those of western artists. It's nasty and embarassing.
When I took a break, I unfollowed almost all KM and JM focused accounts. The ones remaining I muted so I had to go to my following list and check each individually if I wanted to see what was up. My point was to not have any of that on my timeline. I think it worked for a while. Now I'm back to how it was before and I don't know how that happened. I should make some changes again.
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Do you think Hanako-kun had a good reason to kill Tsukasa? Or was it out of sheer selfishness? In my opinion I think Tsukasa must have hurt someone at the festival and maybe Hanako-kun considered him dangerous. It's easy to see him hurt someone if it's to try to make a wish come true, especially if the person he has trying to make the wish come true is Hanako-kun, surely Tsukasa wouldn't mind making sacrifices for him. That's my theory right now I'd like to hear yours
Thinking in terms of "good reason to kill" is Minamoto cop reasoning.
I think he killed him out of love, attachment. In a twisted way, maybe he was protecting his little brother.

you're suggesting a situation in which Amane was a sort of cop who decided Tsukasa was too dangerous to exist… As far as we've seen, Amane did the opposite; refused to tattle on Tsukasa, and swore to forgive everything. He had opportunities to report what was happening, and, out of love and loyalty, he refused.
Tsukasa already appears to have been hurting Amane. Imagining Tsukasa hurting a random, no-name NPC only diminishes the intimacy of their story. It would turn Amane into some sort of Minamoto, concerned with society and being a hero. What happened between the Yugi was personal. It was between them. This is why nobody could intervene, or stop it. If someone else was hurt, more parents would become involved, the school, etc. If it's only Amane, and their parents are perhaps neglectful, then it can be kept secret.
You're also misunderstanding the timeline; the festival we are seeing flashbacks of, now is in the Yugi's first year of middle school, when they are 12. The murder-suicide will not happen for almost another year from the festival.
The Yugi do not live long enough to see the next school festival, as they die when they are 13, some time shortly after July 22nd, just before Summer vacation. Amane does not kill Tsukasa at any time close to the school festival.
We don't have any evidence the living Tsukasa could or would hurt anyone, other than the strong possibility of hurting Amane. His classmates seem to regard him normally, at age 12.
Amane himself does not feel he had a "good reason" to kill Tsukasa, and doesn't feel there is such a thing as a "good reason to kill somebody".
A lot of the western fandom believes in murder-as-justified-punishment-for-a-crime, and the death penalty, but that's a very American view of things. I do not think it is relevant to Amane's feelings. It's also not at all relevant to any of the themeing of this manga.
I think Amane killed Tsukasa out of some kind of passion, love, devotion, perhaps a desire for control in a chaotic situation. In a way, it could be possessive and selfish, or it could have been complicated, compromised, an attempt at something noble, protective ... whatever the case, Amane himself doesn't seem to remember it as a noble act. Perhaps Amane knows his own motivations weren't so pure, or, perhaps he can't entirely understand what his feelings were, at the time. I often just try to propose something like Tsukasa trying to kill himself, Amane getting upset/distressed as his loyalty (enduring being hurt) is rewarded only with the threat of abandonment, and killed Tsukasa as a way of demanding they stay together. Something like that, for me, would explain why Tsukasa now seems so pleased/reassured of his place in Amane's heart, why he loved the shinjuu, while Amane feels ashamed and unstable. Perhaps it sent a message of being loved, to Tsukasa, despite everything.
I think I'll stop replying to these kinds of 'theories' now ... … I am not interested in having to read other's theories about Tsukasa being dangerous; I'd just look at twitter or something, if I wanted that. I already know most people think of Tsukasa as dangerous and deserving to die, a wild chimpanzee who hurts people left and right, Amane's personal criminal to shoot. I do not think even Amane sees it that way. I do not think he ever has, or ever will. I think people thinking that way, is part of why Amane doesn't ever want to share a moment of his precious history with Tsukasa, to anyone else, in the story.
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DBD x Silent Hill Fun Facts:
(Spoilers for SH1-SH3)

The Lisa Garland that appears in DBD isn’t the real one and is instead the monster manifestation of Lisa Garland. Why this version of Lisa was taken in unclear, since the Entity can take people before they die, but it’s most likely because of how powerful “Lisa’s” suffering was when Harry left her (which is when the Entity took her in the timeline.)
Pyramid Head is also weird, since technically he doesn’t exist and is a manifestation unique to James, so it’s possible that in canon James was taken at the same time as Cheryl despite being added much later. That or the manifestation of Pyramid Head was taken but sometime later the Entity went back for James, likely to motivate Pyramid Head more.
Another thing about Lisa is she seems very happy to be here. It’s not uncommon to see survivors that are smiling or look calm, but Lisa is smiling from ear to ear. It’s likely the reason she is so happy is because even though she’s now trapped in an alternate dimension and forced to be repeatedly killed, she is now no longer alone in Silent Hill doomed to be tortured for an eternity. At least in the Entity’s realm she is with other people, can take breaks, and has a chance to survive.
Akira Yamaoka created a unique soundtrack for the Silent Hill chapter, including lobby music and menu music, though the menu music is currently unavailable since it was only added for the release. You can still listen to it online.
Cheryl Mason was taken roughly at least three months after Silent Hill 3, after hearing Claudia Wolf’s voice on the youth hotline.
Cybil Bennet was taken during an unspecified time in Silent Hill, whilst looking for the original Cheryl Mason.
Lisa Garland was taken shortly after Harry locked her in a room and abandoned her.
James Sunderland was taken shortly after entering Silent Hill, and likely didn’t make it far.
Maria was taken after her first meeting with James. The promotional art also implies this was when James was taken too.
Pyramid Head was taken after the events of Silent Hill 2, it is unknown which ending he is from since the lore is very vague simply saying “when his duty was complete.” This confirms that despite being from the same game, the James that appears in DBD isn’t the same exact one Pyramid Head encountered.
Despite being a manifestation of James’ personal guilt, Pyramid Head in DBD is specifically after Cheryl, likely being how the Entity convinced Pyramid Head to come to the realm (assuming James didn’t arrive at the same time as Cheryl.)
Pyramid Head has a tongue model, that is unused but was likely going to be part of the mori, in reference to one death in SH2 where James is strangled by the tongue.
Eggs are randomly appearing add-ons for killers in DBD, but the two egg add-ons for Pyramid Head are actually relevant as they were dropped by the two Pyramid Head’s once they killed themselves in SH2. One was rusty and the other was clean, with the common theory that the rusty one represents his old murder of Mary, whilst the clean one represents his recent murder of Eddie.
Despite technically being a different character, the Alessa Gillespie skin isn’t a legendary but is a costume, meaning it’s just Cheryl dressed like Alessa. This was likely done because of two reasons. #1 Alessa was 14, and was too young to become an actual character. #2 Cheryl and Alessa are the same person.
If the Maria art is to be taken as canon, it means that Maria hadn’t “died” at all yet, and the James in game doesn’t know the truth about Mary yet.
Maria is the only survivor without a last name.
Maria and Lisa are the only survivors that aren’t real people.
Maria and Lisa were both taken likely because of their emotional connections to James and Cheryl respectively. (Maria for obvious reasons, Lisa because Cheryl remembers her from her past life.)
#fun facts#DBD#dead by daylight#horror#slasher#silent hill#silent hill 2#dbd silent hill#dead by daylight silent hill
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Okay I've had a bit to recover from the 52 Emotions. Moving through Final Crisis, 70 appearances left to go til Flashpoint.
Justice League of America 2006 #1
Not actually an appearance, but someone impersonates Vic in a flirty note to Vixen and it's very funny to me that a) he's a known pain in the ass among Leaguers and b) she's down for it.
Countdown #40-38
Renee's here! It's not great, she's only here for a couple pages, but she and Kate are kicking ass together, she's funny, she looks good, and Kate calls her Question for the first time.
Crime Bible: Five Lessons of Blood #1
After all this time, Renee gets a solo of her own, and it's SO good.
She's so cool! Relentless, inquisitive, always in motion... it's not that she wasn't great in 52, she was, but she really flourishes when she's in her own space.
I have thoughts about how much Renee's grown but um. Women.
Renee finally gets to reflect on her time at the GCPD, which is interesting. She still has some respect for Maggie and Gordon, but Bullock is dead to her.
Divorce! This is a really good divorce moment. Back in 52, she pushed Kate away for the exact same reasons - old habits die hard.
Tot continues to be my fave despite not doing much. He's perpetually hanging out and begrudgingly helping.
"We're not friends." Two pages later handing her a hat he made in case she gets cold.
The newscast says Myra was "elected for a third consecutive term last fall", which I think means she's been mayor for nine years unless some American mayoral terms last different lengths? I'd have guessed it had been longer, but it's not an unreasonably short timeline.
I'm so glad Renee goes back to Hub City. The Question isn't a mantle that carries a lot of recognition, but it does have a history beyond what it meant to Vic and Tot, and I'm glad there's this closure.
Izzy's more Gordon-y than the last time we saw him, but hey it's been almost a decade and it's good for the parallels.
It's important to me that she's funny. She's learned how to go with the flow and take things in stride, and that means saying dumb shit even when she's actively in danger.
This fight is drawn so well. The dialogue wouldn't land nearly as well if it wasn't for the pacing.
This all works so well to flesh out who Renee was, who she is now, and where she might be going.
The Montoya Journal
Not a comic, but some supplementary pieces, because the secret code in the scriptures was too subtle and the way to get people to notice it was to send out secret journals with props. Pictures of the contents are included with commentary in the back of the trade.
Here's a link to some archived posts about the contents, if you don't have a copy, including a link to the song.
The fake band has a MySpace page and an actual song you can listen to. There are designs for in-universe newspapers and messaging apps. The physical journals came with bullet casings. The commitment here is ridiculous.
Only sixteen journals were ever made and I want one so badly.
Final Crisis #1
More events. I'm getting sick of events.
Something something Darkseid. I don't know what's going on with most of these characters and I don't really care.
Getting arrested by... I think these guys are like Checkmate?
Final Crisis: Revelations #1
This is the part of Final Crisis that's relevant to Renee.
Crispus has been having the worst time since we last saw him.
What if your dead best friend turned into the personification of God's wrath and tried to murder you about it after you'd spent years dealing with your Catholic guilt over being a lesbian. Would that be fucked up or what.
The DC universe has some truly wild theological problems.
Is this blasphemous? Should I like. Put some kind of content warning on this?
I don't know if this is that good but it's very dramatic.
Renee kicks Cain in the face.
The Radiant talks theology and the problem of free will and prophecy.
It's a Lot.
Renee hits the combined might of Darkseid and Vandal Savage with a "I know you are but what am I?" and it works so well it allows her to restore Crispus' faith in God. I love comics.
Final Crisis #3-7
I've decided I don't actually care enough to do these individually. Renee gets recruited by Checkmate because she's so good at both cop stuff and superhero stuff that she should lead the charge into another universe. Cool? Good for her?
Captain Marvel tells her not to swear and she says no.
Wow that sure was a Crisis. Anyways.
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For Mun Reference // Verse Stuff.
This is pretty much only relevant to me and Bunny at this point but mandatory note that any threads or pinterests boards may (and probably do) contain a lot of graphic/nsfw material.
Heartverse Timeline:
First meeting ages 11/5.
Grand Line meeting: 1 year post-Marineford (late July, ages 25/20). Two nights on island. [Thread: Main]
[Thread: Chores]
[Thread: "Let's get you to bed." - Oops, tattoos, epiphanies. COMPLETE.]
Oct. 6 important announcement [Thread: Law's bday.]
[Thread: "Do you want to know what your problem is?" Ikkaku.]
Six months or so in, parent fears, worst case scenario game, and Nami finally gets into the Polar Tang's vault. [Thread: "I let you sleep."]
Nov-Dec: Rocky Port, heading east.
[Thread: Scary Mom.]
Sometime before April: marriage.
April 12: Cora-chan. ♡
July 3: Outings & baby giggles. [Thread: Nami's bday.]
October: Cora-chan 6 months old, heading back to the Grand Line.
[Thread: Jealousy]?
[Thread: Beach Day]?
Punk Hazard, Dressrosa, Zou.
[Thread: Stubborn/Injury.]
WCI, Wano, BB.
When the Great Pirate Era ends, they go back to Cocoyashi to pick up their kid and continue traveling to fulfill Nami's dream.
Heartverse Random Notes:
Law and Nami have each other's vivre cards but "aren't allowed" to sit around staring at them. After she leaves to become a Straw Hat, Nami gives Law's to Robin; Law supposedly gives Nami's to Bepo.
Because they set out with the intention of staying together, they have exactly one photo of them + bb Cora. Starting on Dressrosa the pic gets bounced back and forth between parents. (Nami has it while Law's on Dressrosa, Law gets it when she goes off to WCI, Nami gets it back in Wano, Law has it afterwards.)
Law knows Nami can take care of herself but might or might not make sure Zoro receives a consistent stream of booze as a bribe/added precaution.
Nami Drabbles: First pregnancy suspicions ||
Law Drabbles: Nami's first night on the Polar Tang || pregnancy announcement introspection, ???
Kids: Three, eventually. Cora, who's her father's lookalike minus the button nose and big smiles. She is every bit as sneaky and stubborn as both of them. Law's medical knowledge and deadpan snark, Nami's ability to pick pockets. May or may not have been conceived in the middle of a jewelry store heist on the first night Law and Nami met up in the Grand Line (oops.) Atlas (march 6th) is much the same in appearance and mannerisms, but serves as something of a tactful middle-man between his two very different sisters. The "planned" child years after the events of the Great Pirate Era come to an end and they decide they want a second - takes month of trying to conceive. Umi is Nami's little lookalike minus the golden eyes, but she's softspoken and timid in ways neither parent understands. Has Nami's innate ability to read and understand weather phenomena - the two of them often leave Law, Cora, and Atlas looking on the sidelines like "what are they talking about?" Not quite Irish twins with Atlas, but a definitely unplanned conception shortly after his birth. Cora and Atlas are Little Shits™ who think they can get away with things, but A ) Law and Nami have done it all and nothing gets past them + B ) Umi can't tell a lie and all either of them have to do is ask if her siblings did something to get her to crack.
Tangerine Twists Random Notes:
Threads: Main
Nami stays a marine. They get progressively less subtle with their relationship as time goes on despite Nami's rising in the ranks. Post-Wano they don't even bother trying to keep it a secret.
Godverse Random Notes:
Threads: Main
Kids: Tama (adopted). Atlas and Umi follow exist in Godverse as well with the same features/personalities as in Heartverse.
Mikan Meadows Random Notes:
Threads: Main
Timeline: First meeting end of summer/early fall as the temperatures start to change. He comes around frequently while waiting for a lost soul to make its peace and then they fall into a pattern of regularly scheduled meetings (weekly? monthly?) By winter these move from outdoor locations (beach, graveyard, etc.) to a cabin in the woods.
New Year celebration/dance.
Panic, guilt, backpedaling, angst.
Spring wedding.
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MAG 13!
So in general, I found this episode a bit boring, just didn't speak to me. In the spooky sense I mean. I like the character and social aspects of this statement a lot. Also I like the lore that's involved.
First time we actually really know, where exactly in the timeline we're at - 13th of January, 2016.
The Lukas family managed to totally evade my attention during my first listen. Peter Lukas himself had to actually walk in on the podcast for me to finally puzzle together, that this might be relevant (this might also be because I accidentally skipped MAG 33 on my first listen, oops).
Jon sounds different there at the beginning. Not that fake deep posh voice, but still not soft as later on.
It's so funny to me how much influence there was in pushing Jon to take live statements. First Oliver's statement in MAG 11, which made him anxious to miss anything important or perhaps even life-saving (very Eye-aligned) and now Naomi, who doesn't want Jon to leave while she records her story, because she doesn't want to be alone (which is understandable, since she was targeted by the Lonely).
Ha… indeed. I read this in another a-mag-a-day post, we really do hear Naomi breathing.
"He used to tell me it wasn’t natural for people to live in isolation, that we were creatures of community by nature." - Speak for yourself! xD
I am 100% convinced that Evan didn't die of a congenital heart problem. I think this is a very popular theory. His creepy Lonely family wasn't happy that he didn't want to be lonely/his Patron wasn't happy, that he didn't want to be lonely, so his god fed on him. I wonder, if the Lukases maybe sensed, that this life wasn't for Evan and just waited for the right person to come around, to finally give Evan the rest and prey on the poor soul who got left behind.
"He said he wasn’t on good terms with them because they were very religious, and he never had been." - so yep, Evan didn't want anything to do with the Lonely.
"The house was full of people I didn’t know." - What a lonely place to be… For some I guess. Whenever I'm in a situation like this I feel very seen and all my senses scream for me to leave and get somewhere, where I'm alone.
"I’m sure you want to be alone.” - Hold on, so is actually wanting to be alone tasty for the Fear or not? Because it would make me feel better.
Ah yes, the fog of the Lonely. Big fan.
"Kneeling down, I was surprised to realise that the ground I was now standing on was not wet. The hard-packed earth was damp from the creeping mist but it did not appear to have been rained on." / "I realised afterwards that the night should have been far too dark to see the fog. There were no lights there to show it, and the moon had been shrouded in storm clouds all night, but despite this I could clearly see it." - She really crossed over into the Lonely there.
"Every grave was open and they were all empty. Even here among the dead, I was alone." - This is the only line I find spooky.
" I heard something. It was the strangest thing, but as I tried to run I could have sworn I heard Evan’s voice call to me. He said, “Turn left”. That’s it. That’s all he said." - THIS is what I find very interesting because this is the first time we see a sort of anchor to escape the grasp of an Entity. While I can't quite puzzle out Naomi hearing Evan - ghost of the deceased only seem to exist in the Slaughter or in form of a memory in the Catalogue of the Trapped Dead and not in like our traditional sense of a soul lingering because of unfinished business or whatever. I heard it is possible to suffer from auditory hallucinations in periods of heavy grief, so maybe this was it? We know from MAG 48 (or MAG 129) that thinking of a loved one is enough to anchor people. So thinking of Evan should have been enough to get her to escape the Lonely, and that's exactly what happened. And the earlier "The image of Evan’s family suddenly came into my mind, and I vowed to myself that they would not be the last human contact I ever had." even makes it seem, as if the Lukas family actually tried to influence Naomi to prevent her from thinking of Evan. Yeah, big fan of the anchors-are-always-loved-ones-and-not-objects theory.
"I’d say it was only real insofar as trauma can have a very real effect on the mind." - Jon trying to deny/reason with his Mr. Spider encounter again?
"Some time with a more… qualified care professional might also prove helpful." - I don't know why this is supposed to be so insulting? Nah, actually I do know, there still is a huge social stigma on mental health… Normalize going to therapy!
Thank you for sharing!
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Destruction is out and boy, this one’s a doozy
Ok review/rant time let’s go motherfuckers, and for simplicity sake, I will be dividing this post into subcategories to make reading this tolerable, because HOLY FUCK SO MUCH HAPPENED.
The season could have ended here… again.
I swear to god this season’s theme might as well be “let’s show you all the ways we can finish this show in one episode using a smart idea, but proceed to beat it to a pulp with a hammer because we need this show to run on forever and ever and never stop EVER” because Ladybug takes Hawkmoth- oh sorry, MoNaRcH, on this entire fucking treasure hunt 5D chess game, ONLY TO FLUB IT IN THE LAST SECOND?!
The Kwamis are also still kinda brat babies, but I forgive them this time because monarch deserved it
Also is the show not aware that they’re pointing out the absurdity of the fucking rooster miraculous by explaining it?! Like bitch if it’s meant to give you powers it’s fucking OP! And Hawkmoth could’ve easily asked for the power to translate the Kwami bubbles into speech and whoops look at that doesn’t contradict other Kwamis HE WINS!!!
And speaking of Hawkmoth…
BITCH YOU LITERALLY WERE FACING LADYBUG!!! I DONT CARE HOW MAGICAL AND STRONG THE FUCKING MASKS ARE, IT TAKES A SINGLE NEURON FOR YOU TO GO “wait a minute. A random girl around ladybug’s age with same hair and eyes and physique conveniently has the first key to the puzzle to find the miraculous. NO ITS THE MOUSE MIRACULOUS LETS GO FIND LADYBUG’S FUCKING ADDRESS”

It’s so… stupid. Again the show starts with a smart idea to look like they’re becoming a sophisticated plot that moves forward, but the characters’ actions are just so idiotic! Like ladybug/Hawkmoth could’ve easily won if they had done the one logical thing anyone else would have done!
Chat noir… is a tool
Real quick y’all Chat Noir has 1:15 minutes of screentime from a 20 something minute episode, and his screentime consists of one scene where he kills it to being a prop for Ladybug’s plan.
Also is it just me? Or is the show really trying to push chat noir into the back? Like I’m still not sure because it’s only been three episodes, but Chat Noir has been entirely downgrade to funny quips, one line that fans will adore and latch onto, and “yes ladybug you’re amazing ladybug you’re ideas are always right ladybug and you’ll always fix everything ladybug despite failing miserably, still betraying my trust and hiding secrets, and being all in all a shit human”
Either way I feel bad for him, you did good baby, now go contemplate how your cataclysm works please don’t use it on yourself
What the fuck is the timeline?!
Ok so when the fuck does this exactly take place?! I know the actual mission is supposed to take place between episode 1 and 2 because of Hawkmoth’s appearance but then why the fuck did they say last episode that there was a time skip where Hawkmoth did nothing?! CLEARLY IF HAWKMOTH WAS CAUGHT LIVE PUTTING A RANDOM GIRL IN A HOSTAGE SITUATION WE SHOULD HAVE BEEN MADE AWARE OF IT?! OR LADYBUG AND CHAT NOIR WOULD HAVE ALERTED THE PUBLIC?!

Also if Adrien just cataclysmed Hawkmoth, wouldn’t he have more on his mind then marinette?! Which speaking of, watch Gabe’s cataclysm mark be forgotten until the show needs it ti be relevant again
The show be pretending to have a timeline, but the timeline is as bad as ever✨
Monarch 2.0… ugh.
Listen I’m gonna make a whole ass separate post about the miraculous rings, because this shit is so absurd and breaks every single rule we’ve known about the miraculouses thus far that it needs its own analysis post (I’ll try to put it here if I remember) but long story short, the rings should not be able to work if they were ground up ti powder because of what we know happens when there’s a single crack in a miraculous, and Gabriel’s way of using them with the unity rings is the most bullshit way ever that breaks every rule we’ve known about Kwamis and Miraculouses ever AND IT INFURIATES NE SO FUCKING MUCH
Also Gabe’s new look is fine if it weren’t for those hideously tight pants, and Monarch 2.0 is actually the ugliest design this show have come out with so far
Whew! Now that all that is out, I’m heading to bed! Goodnight!
#ml season 5#miraculous ladybug#ml rants#ml destruction#marinette dupain cheng#chat noir#MoNArCh#I’m legit so tired this season’s theme is the illusion of fan service and bashing good plot ideas in the head#BUT LADYBUG IS THE BEST AND SHE HAS A PLAN EVEN THO SHE HONESTLY JUST NEEDS TO LEARN TO SHUT UP AND GRAB THE MIRACULOUS#adrien agreste
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Following up on this post as well as this one...
This has been edited due to getting more context.
Some spoilers for PLA under the cut.
Even though it IS official, and was posted early due to bookstores in Japan releasing the book a day early, the initial tweet that got people riled up didn’t have any context to it, so it was nice to see that not everyone took it at face value. I’ve noticed in more recent years especially, people are quick to react to something without looking into it first and this often creates more problems.
Leaving these paragraphs here but with a strikethrough as they are no longer accurate.
As far as I can tell, there’s no real confirmation on the alleged pages from what is supposed to be the PLA guidebook that actually has not come out yet? A cursory Google search showed the guidebook being on pre-order for the 21st, and releasing in Japan on the 16th (today). From what I have seen, the person who initially posted the pages gave no further information about what the images are or where they came from.
Someone else pointed out to me that the image has a lot of hallmarks of being a hoax (though these things don’t mean this IS a hoax); no source, and it plays into a lot of popular headcanons/fanart. Think about it. How much funny fanart of Ingo falling flat on his face to be discovered by the Pearl Clan or Sneasler have you seen, even though Ingo himself says he was found standing around with no idea where he was or how he got there? How many people joked about Submas having receding hairlines due to no official art of them without hats and the way the plushes’ heads look under the hats? The alleged concept art gives us two things many people thought would be funny to see, and one thing most people did not want (that Ingo has been in Hisui for much, much longer than originally thought). However, the next part is still relevant. Several of the tweets mention the inaccuracy between Ingo being depicted as having been found laying on the ground “XX years ago” and his own account in-game, and everyone seems confused as to what “XX” means, and that him being there for decades doesn’t seem to work.
Speaking about that last point again, none of what is apparently stated or inferred (as the photo of the page doesn’t say anything about Ingo’s age) fits into the timeline of events given in PLA at all. As so many other people and I have pointed out, the Rift hasn’t been open for very long, Ingo still appears to be somewhat of an outsider to the Pearl Clan/Irida, who would have known Ingo most of her life if he arrived 10+ years before the events of the game, speaks about him as though he’s still an outsider despite his Warden status, his amnesia is presented as urgent/a more recent problem, he seems to start recovering memories after having a simple conversation with the player character which, well, why wouldn’t that have happened 10+ years ago with someone else?
Also consider this; we know from Laventon at the start of the game that Jubilife Village has only existed for two years. We also know from the end of the first story arc that Kamado and Beni’s home town was destroyed by raging Pokemon and this event has traumatized them and influenced every decision since then. If they arrived in Hisui looking to create a town safe from wild Pokemon attacks and never have what happened to their previous home repeat itself, they probably would not choose to do so in a region with a giant, menacing rift in the sky. And if the Rift had opened early enough in their establishing Jubilife Village, they probably would have packed up and left. It’s probably only been there a couple of months.
If this is canon information rather than an unused or changed concept, it would suggest that tons of players misinterpreted events of the game that seemed relatively clear-cut, or it would mean the developers somehow didn’t notice or care that Ingo’s backstory that would only be mentioned in supplementary material wouldn’t hold up in the game’s canon. Both of these are fairly unlikely, especially given how much detail and care was put into PLA.
Apparently the pages of the Wardens are all we have so far. I’ve seen no mention yet as to whether or not there was text giving additional context as to whether or not these are scrapped ideas about Ingo, or if not, how they fit into the game’s canon when there’s some glaring contradictions. It poses more questions than it answers. The images are described as “concept art”, which could mean they’re unused concepts. For example, the Legend of Zelda series’ Hyrule Historia and Creating a Champion include the final character designs, as well as earlier concept art or unused designs or even entire characters that didn’t make the final cut. However this book seems to only have final designs for the Wardens. This doesn’t mean the information about Ingo that contradicts in-game info IS canon, but the lack of explanation isn’t helping anyone understand his appearance in PLA any better.
If anyone has any further official information, let me know. I don’t want to spread misinformation!
#submas#ingo#ingo pokemon#nobori#warden ingo#bald ingo#this post has been edited in light of new information
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Adding on because some things here caught my eye ^^
Hey, ten out of twelve isn't bad, all things considered! This very well could have gone down in October. Also, since it's February (March if you wanna be generous), does that mean everyone in Harugumi's slightly younger than their Year One ages now? Ack, timelines are confusing.
ah yes, here's where the timeline starts getting confusing based on the fact that Sakuya and Masumi are going to school, we can assume that it's actually… April at the earliest so Sakuya and Massu's bdays have already passed, and they're the age shown in the cards, while for the other characters, while they're the age in their cards, they're soon gonna have their bdays and grow a lil older (An explains this better than i do) also yeah i know that this starting during April does mess up with the ten months til the end of the year thing, so the one conclusion An and i got to was that the "year" actually refers to the "cycle of seasons" (if it's apr, in 10 months it's gonna be feb, which is the end of winter)
What Cam said! I'll keep the long explanation for another time, but TL;DR the Japanese school year (and many other Asian countries) starts in April and ends in March, and so many gacha games use April 1st, the beginning of the school year, for their listed ages (a notable exception is enstars!!: !! explicitly states that the listed ages are for July 1st while in ! it was based on April 1st, so some characters appear "two years older" between years).
This also holds for A3! in many facts interspersed throughout the game's story, but essentially, it's safe to assume that the ages listed on everyone's cards are for April 1st of that year. Masumi has only just turned 16 when this story begins, while Tsuzuru is 19 for... most of the time we know him in y1. For one example, this is why we see Banri and Juza being of legal drinking age past act 3: their birthdays have passed and they're now 20 years old, despite still being listed as 19 on their cards.
Also, more relevant, if this story started in January, February, or March, Sakuya, Masumi, and Tsuzuru's ages just don't line up at all. Sakuya clearly introduces himself as a high school third year, but that would mean he'd graduate in the end of March and that would be the end of that. Obviously we know that he doesn't graduate until y2 so... you get my point.
I'm not versed enough in Japanese particles but I recognize "daijoubu" and Tsuzuru watching this trainwreck unfold and saying something along the lines of "are you guys, like, okay?" is extremely funny.
don't quote me on this but i think Tsuzuru's line is closer to an "is this [gonna be] okay?" rather than a question about the others' wellbeing
Sorry but my nitpicky translator brain cannot pass up on commenting on this. Tsuzuru says 「大丈夫なのか?」 which, in this context, is in fact closer to an "is this [gonna be] okay?" Personally, to get the same vibes across in English (not that A3!EN did it badly; I think they did it very well), I'd have put it down as either that or "Are we sure this is okay?"
On another note, I know people have pointed out his distaste for pig's feet as evidence for headcanoning him as Muslim, but I haven't seen anyone point out how he calls Veludo Way a "mecca" of theatre. Like yeah, mecca can just mean hub, but...why didn't they just say hub? Words Have Connotations. I'm not saying this coding isgood or bad, it's just a neutral observation.
Words have connotations, but as a Muslim person I can assure you that no Muslim would refer to any other place as a "mecca" of anything. I personally headcanon Citron as Muslim and it's a big comfort headcanon for me, but this is one thing that actually goes against it rather than supporting it. Makkah is a very sacred place for us, and its name (or the ugly English spelling that doesn't reflect its pronunciation, "Mecca") is not something to be used lightly. It's the name of a city, not a general term.
The reason Citron uses the term "mecca", or メッカ in Japanese, is for no reason other than this game was written by a Japanese person, possibly with the added bonus of Citron being a vaguely SWANA or South Asian character. I've actually done some research on this, and the name of Makkah is spelled both マッカ (makka) and メッカ (mekka) in Japanese, but in recent years, マッカ is becoming more common as it better represents the actual Arabic pronunciation of its name. メッカ, on the other hand, while also used to refer to Makkah, is also the only way that the English term "mecca" as used to refer to a "hub" is spelled. That one cannot be マッカ.
It just so happens that "mecca" is an English term (coming from the name of the city, obviously, because orientalism and a lot of other things that make us seem "inferior" and "primitive" compared to the white Europeans who first used the word in this way, but that's a whole other rant) that got borrowed by Japanese (like many, many others) and stuck very hard. It's probably even more common in Japanese to refer to a hub for something than it is in English nowadays.
Many Japanese sources will tell you how マッカ is becoming a more common spelling for the name of the city, though, because it's simply more respectful: both to differentiate it from what the word has come to mean in English (and, by extension, Japanese) and because using the name of Makkah in that way is honestly offensive. Japanese media outlets that have done so have been told very clearly about that, hence the shift.
One Japanese website I stumbled across says this:
たまに日本語で使われる「○○のメッカ」の“メッカ”ですが、実際のメッカはイスラム教の聖地で中心地でもあり、多くの信者が集まる場所となっています。これが由来となって、 “メッカ”は多くの人が憧れている場所もしくは聖地というニュアンスで使われるようになったと考えられています。誰がどうして「メッカ」をこういう言葉の使い方にしたかは謎ですが、イスラム教に馴染みの薄い日本において「メッカ」という言葉だけが定着しているのは不思議な話です。
Which, roughly translated, says:
Sometimes, "mecca" is used in Japanese in the phrase "mecca of ○○", but the real Mecca is a sacred place and the center of Islam, so it is a place where many believers gather. It it believed that that is the origin of the word "mecca" being used for the nuance of a place that many people long to visit, or a sacred place [for fans of specific media]. It's a mystery why someone would have used the word "mecca" in this way, but it's even stranger how the word "mecca" alone came to be so common in Japan, which is so unfamiliar with Islam.
So... I understand where you're coming from, really, but like I said in the beginning, this actually contributes nothing towards headcanons or implications of Citron being Muslim, because it's not done with any such connotations. It's just a word that Japanese people use a lot, A3! writers included, and is starting to be phased out because... it's offensive.
A3! reading club: act one (chapter 1-6)
(cw: talking about parental neglect and abuse, orientalism, one mention of suicide)
Hey, ten out of twelve isn't bad, all things considered! This very well could have gone down in October. Also, since it's February (March if you wanna be generous), does that mean everyone in Harugumi's slightly younger than their Year One ages now? Ack, timelines are confusing.
Izumi casually talking about how Yukio neglected her and following it up with "well, it was probably because he loved this theater so much!" is. Oh, girl. No wonder she snapped when Sakyo suggested he'd abandoned Mankai, because if he hadn't loved it, then why did she have to go through with that?
I'm not versed enough in Japanese particles but I recognize "daijoubu" and Tsuzuru watching this trainwreck unfold and saying something along the lines of "are you guys, like, okay?" is extremely funny.
Then we get to Sakuya and Masumi's family situations, which. From a meta perspective, it makes sense to want to give your minor protagonists the freedom that having parents limits. That's why the trope of "young protagonist in kid's spec fic media is conveniently an orphan" is so common. (was? I think it's becoming less common now.) The problem lies in the lack of willingness to follow through with the emotional conflict it creates, or resolve said conflict in a satisfying manner. Sure, I'm assuming they weren't starved or physically abused, but being treated like a burden when you're a child is still fucking traumatizing! Basically I think Izumi Sakuya and Masumi should start a union. And I'm glad later chapters go the reasonably more toned-down route of "my parents have a reasonable amount of trust in me to make these kinds of decisions".
Also, can we talk about Sakuya and Masumi, because they're one of my favorite brotps here. The way Sakuya appoints himself as Masumi's surrogate big brother? He's so eager to potentially share a room with him ;-;. (personally I hc that Ms. Sakuma was expecting another child before the accident or whatever killed them, so Sakuya's been a big brother without a younger sibling all this time </3)
Wow, that doesn't sound like a metaphor for anything! You're right, Izumi, why would you go the easy route of taking something prepackaged and guaranteed when a bunch of wildly different spices can create a delicious meal if you know how to utilize them right?
Am I grasping at straws here. Probably.
The little ka-ching sound effect is adorable.
Tsuzuru, I'd think "antagonist" should be near the top of the list...also, there's plenty of plays that have been pulled off with two or three actors. Just put on "night, Mother" or something. (Joking. Don't look up night, Mother if you're sensitive to themes of suicide.)
"Tsuzuru, you picked this troupe because it had a dorm, right? ...Then maybe our best bet is to focus on more people in your shoes."
"People in my shoes? In other words...."
"The homeless?"
he's literally doing the 😔 face i'm on the floor.
HE'S HERE! Funny how Izumi's right about Citron not being a regular tourist right off the bat. He may not be from another troupe, but he's definitely "in character" right now.
Also, oof. Citron's my second fave in Harugumi after Sakuya, but it's glaringly obvious how much of his character is rooted in orientalism. Sure, maybe it's an act, but why is he talking about how "shameful" showing skin is when his top is (conveniently for us) THAT low-cut.
On another note, I know people have pointed out his distaste for pig's feet as evidence for headcanoning him as Muslim, but I haven't seen anyone point out how he calls Veludo Way a "mecca" of theatre. Like yeah, mecca can just mean hub, but...why didn't they just say hub? Words Have Connotations. I'm not saying this coding is good or bad, it's just a neutral observation.
AND HERE'S THIS BASTARD (affectionate)
Oh, Kasumi! (insert pointing reaction pic bc I've run out of photo space.) It's Kasumi, guys! :D
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