#you have excellent taste in NPCs Anon
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flowertab · 3 months ago
congrats on 50 followers! may i request a nils (miracle mask)?
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*casually saunters over to give you this*
This is random but…I recently discovered that Nils’s eyes remind me of that hamster guy from Lilo and Stitch. I haven’t been able to get it out of my head since.
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heartsunholy-a · 6 years ago
2 & 17 for the ship meme !
Let’s Talk Ships! // @warsraging
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2. Favorite familial ship
Okay SO! Out of my own muses, I definitely can’t pick one so I’ma ramble off a few. This is gonna get super long. 
In my head, I’ve got a lot of hcs about Giselle kinda being the runt of the litter and isolating herself from her brothers and just doing her own thing but every time I write her with her family??? I’m reminded how much she adores them?? So I’m gonna shout out @dawnswake , @sixbillicnsouls , @confidcntdarling / @asortofsensation , and @pureparagons . Giselle ADORES Gil, adores her mom and her aunts, adores her sister Cosette, and adores the twins. Shout out to @grandnoirbeau for being an excellent Gaston but we all know Giselle’s got a complicated relationship with her papa.
On the subject of Adam, I would die for Melody and Eric Jr. Andersen???? Precious mermaid sister and water controlling brother??? Melody and EJ have this almost borderline unhealthy self-sacrificial determination to do Everything They Can for each other but at the end of the day, it’s just pure love. Sibs against the world.
I know I talk a lot about Betty and Race being sibs but that’s just pure brotp and as far as her actual siblings go, I love that I’ve gotten to bounce her off of @tatterdhearts ‘s Polly!! One of the things I actually gelled with on R.iverd.ale was how B.etty and P.olly tried their best to be their for each other and while I hc a more healthy dynamic for the C.oopers than the show presented for Obvious Reasons, I still hc B.etty as closer to P.olly than C.hic and she’d do just about anything for her big sister’s approval and affection. I still think about the first time I saw P.olly in the comics whic was during the future arc L.ife with A.rchie. And at this point in the story, R.eggie is accused of extortion and P.olly bursts in from San Francisco like “Baby sister, I trust your taste and if you say R.eggie is innocent, my investigative journalism is gonna prove it!” AND SHE DOES AND IT’S GREAT
Also I can’t not shout out the T.remaines like, I’ve been developing the triplets for such a long time and I adore the words I’ve built for them and all the family I’ve gotten to bounce them off of! Your Ana being one of the first people I got to bounce them off of, Sofia, makes me happy just thinking about it!! @we-are-guiltless has of course been my ride or die with T.remaine feels, more so now that I have Anastasia and Drizella to bounce off Anthony and Dizzy. @withoutapprcval for all the T.remaine crack and angst, we love a wine mom. @soughtbirthright because the triplets love their cousin, they’re all wlw disaster children. And of course I gotta shout out @islecaptain !! I’m probably gonna keep the triplets’ dad unknown in their main verse because I’ve just built so much about their family dynamic without a father but GOD I just??? Drizella and Hans??? Are perfect for each other and Hans is so unbelievably good to the triplets and Dizzy and Reggie who’s Desc verse has him as Hans’s son but from a different woman and Driz just took him in because “I’m already pregnant with triplets, what’s one more gonna matter.” Alana once had a reply where in Hans speculates internally that getting 4 daughters was his curse for his poor treatment of Anna, as he’s constantly worried about how the men and boys on the Isle will treat them and it just??? God I love the Tremaine-Westergaards so much, y’all don’t even K N O W
And then finally, I gotta shout out my N.ewsies kids, even though all their family members are npcs in my own mind. But Spot adores his mother and Fiona Conlon is a boss ass bitch single mother and we stan. Hotshot and her twin brother Frankie and all their siblings are just the sweetest lil family unit and they protect each other so much??? And while they’re all deceased during the canon timeline, Mush Meyers had the best parents and the absolute Best Grandma in the world and the world needs to know that.
Also, bonus since I cannot wait to add them, I love B.illy B.atson and all the kids at the group home as well as the foster parents. I just love S.hazam okay leave me alone
17. A ship you hate but everyone loves
Okay admittedly, I do enjoy this ship more NOW. But it still makes my stomach clench anxiously just talking about it.
I stopped watching L.egends of T.omorrow just before the E.arth X crossover and haven’t looked back. So when S.ara and A.va / A.val.ance first get together, it just seemed really fast for me. I dug the hateship to friends thing but it seemed like friends to dating was hella rushed and I wanted more development. I thought it was just cheating Sara out of development by pushing her into a relationship super fast, especially with someone she clashed with so much at first. Now, again, from the little I’ve seen of them post getting together, I can dig it. They do get development and care about each other and I like what I’ve seen in gifs from season 4.
However, my neutral to disinterested feelings on the couple were an outlier. The entire fandom went apeshit for them and it got to the point where I was so insecure and worried that I’d be a bad Sara or worse, a bad biromantic woman myself if I didn’t sing their praises. Legit, writing this has me worried I’m gonna get hate anons calling me homophobic for not being super enthusiastic about it, despite having other favorite ships with S.ara and women (y’all sleeping on S.ara/K.endra btw and I miss S.uperc.anary)
Granted, I don’t hate the ship anymore if I ever did, I’m just so wary about writing it and am way more into starting from the ground up (or maybe the first or second floor up) with an A.va. Primarily because I don’t have a lot of canon knowledge on their relationship and partly because I wanna fall in love with them but idk if I can shake these negative feelings my own anxieties have drummed up.
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saskiavalentineapologist · 7 years ago
Can you tell me more about Jubilee and DeLune? Jubilee is your character, right? They both sound like great characters!
hooo ok. ok so. ok so listen. listen.
we gotta get something out of the way realquick: whenever i talk about DeLune and Jubilee–or really just DeLune–i getso incoherent and flail-y i just. i love DeLune so much, she’s been in mythoughts every day for the past month+ no lie
ok so. @fatalcookies​ createdDeLune as an npc for a campaign she’s going to run, in which I’m going to be aplayer, playing as Jubilee Waters, the gayest tiefling you’ll ever meet (as ofyet, there has not been a single game. I’m obsessing over a character i haventplayed as and her girlfriend. i know. I’m ridiculous)
..let’s introduce Jubilee, then DeLune, theni’ll talk a little about their relationship and maaaaybe go into the au’s I’vecooked up for them. that sounds good, yeah let’s do that
Jubilee Waters. she’s from a small mountaincommunity where tieflings are more accepted than in other places. This mountaincommunity is also known for its arts
Jubilee was abandoned on the church ofPelor’s doorstep at birth, and was taken in by one of the people whoworked in the church, a laborer/cook/whatever they needed her to be named MariaWaters.
Jubilee grew up healthy and strong, and wasquick to pick up the ways of both a cleric and an artist; shaping her own hornsinto works of art and also taking up painting as a hobby, all while training tobe a holy warrior who fought in the name of Pelor, god of the sun. She excelledat the healing arts, and it was only because of her desire to help peopleoutweighing her need for glory that she went down the cleric path instead ofthe paladin path. (that and i reallllly wanted to play a cleric, because ihavent yet)
except her mom didn’t want her to go out andadventure, because it was too dangerous. That was a point of contention for along time between them. Jubilee wanted to go out and help people, and hermother wanted her home and safe.
Eventually, Jubilee’s mother passed. Jubileestayed, mourned, and before too long had passed, she was out on the road,heading to destinations unknown in a quest with a single goal: help peoplewherever help is needed. 
Eventually, she meets the group she’ll betraveling with in-game, and she goes on her merry way, eventually meetingDeLune
(I’ve been informed that DeLune probably won’tshow up until about halfway through the campaign, which on one hand makes me :(but on the other hand has built up the Hype of meeting her so much that i thinkwhen Jennie says “and in walks a half elven businesswoman” or somethingalong those lines I’m literally going to burst into tears of joy)
DeLune Candor…im trying to decide how much ican talk about.
you know what? i don’t think any of the otherplayers follow me, so the chances of them seeing this post are slim to none.I’m going in guns a’ blazin’
Her full name, I’ve found out, is Claire DeLuneCandor (which “Claire DeLune” means moonlight so they’ve already got thisgreat sun and moon dynamic going on which makes me Weak)
DeLune Candor is a ~55 year old (or theequivalent in half-elven terms) inventor turned businesswoman who is currentlythe head of a large family business that specializes in trading. The businessis booming, and it’s exclusively due to DeLune being at the head of thebusiness. She tries her best to run an ethical business, she’s a pointy-earedcapitalist, and i love her with my whole heart oh my god
She’s a workaholic, she is Fancy to the extremeand has quite the refined taste. She doesn’t like mincing words, she’svery direct and to the point, and she’s…i was going to say she’s perfectbut she’s not, she has flaws, but she’s so My Type that it hurts me and as suchi tend to gloss over her flaws.  I love her with my entire heart, flawsand all tho?? I say i would die for a lot of characters but i would live forDeLune.
OH HOW COULD I FORGET!!!!the song that inspired this character is this song and the woman singing? Shirley Bassey?? is the voice andface claim for DeLune so you Know I’m all about this song, i’ve probablylistened to it a hundred times. i love that song
DeLune…..DeLune actually has a daughter namedCeleste who is around Jubilee’s age which makes things sorta awkward sometimesbut shh shh its perfectly fine shh it can be funny sometimes, ill get into that in a minute
she’s a huge lover of the arts and thesciences, having been an inventor at one point. the love of the arts manifestsitself in her giving patronage to many different artists and commissioningworks and stuff like that Its Good
hrrmm what else is there about DeLune that ican rant about. god i just. ok i just love her. i love her so much?? and shehurts me sometimes for reasons I’m not sure i can disclose at this point. to besafe I’m not going to go too much into it but…she gave up a lot for thefamily business. and i just want her to be happy and relaxed and without toomuch stress
Their relationship…hoogh
ok so they meet, right. and DeLune isimmediately interested in Jubilee’s horns, because they’re works of art andshe’s intrigued with how they came to be. And when Jubilee tells her that she’sbeen working on her horns since she was ten, and that they still require upkeepand management….DeLune has this “holy shit” moment. bc?? here let mefind a direct quote:
“–these are the work of a literallifetime and peoples’ /lives/ are the work of a lifetime and they can’tmaintain as much focus as this 90% of the time.”
so yes, DeLune takes notice in Jubilee becauseof her horns. And Jubilee like. she saw DeLune and she just got this momentof “holy moly I’m so gay” so like?? They both were somewhat interestedfrom the start, and it just evolved from there.
i imagine Jubilee tried to beat around the bushand be subtle about trying to get DeLune to date her but DeLune saw rightthrough it and was just like “…do you want to date me? is that whatyou’re getting at?” and jubilee was like “yes. yes yes yes please godyes"
and so?? they date??
and things go well!! they click reallynaturally and they enjoy each other’s company. They go to a variety offancy places and Jubilee is terrified each time because she doesn’t want to sayor do the wrong thing and end up embarrassing DeLune, but DeLune teaches herthe basics of fancy etiquette and that puts her at ease
…jennie and i have had a conversation abouthow DeLune just completely roasts someone who dared to make a comment aboutJubilee being a tiefling and honestly i saved that whole conversation and iread it when i get sad bc DeLune utterly destroying someone is just So Good
They have their arguments and theirdisagreements because Something (I don’t know what it is) happens around thesame time they meet each other that puts DeLune on edge and so there’sdefinitely conflict regarding this thing. I don’t know what it is but I know inmy soul that its going to hurt me whenever i find out
Hrmmm what else is there. I mean. they fuck. alot. like a lot a lot. god i love them. i just. god i love them.
and this is a thing that makes Celeste and Jubilee’s relationship kind of tense like?? Celeste doesn’t blame Jubilee for getting involved with DeLune, but she DOES blame DeLune for getting involved with Jubilee. and so
ok we’ve had this scene thought out where Celeste comes into the kitchen one morning to see Jubilee dressed in just a silk robe, hair a mess and out of it’s usual braid, leaning against the counter and drinking coffee. and they make eye contact and then that’s how Celeste gets confirmation that yes, her friend is banging her mom and I’m just over here like god fucking bless. 
honestly I’ve saved that conversation too and it makes me giggle because Jubilee just. she sees celeste and she’s like “hi!! good morning!! do you want some coffee??” and celeste is just. no nonsense like. “Jubilee. were you sleeping with someone tonight?” and jubilee makes this face and it cracks me up every time. 
and jubilee just makes the smallest “yeah” ever and celeste just. “and it was my mother, wasn’t it.” not even a question. she knows. but jubilee answers anyway, with another tiny “…yeah.” and then she just “please don’t be cross with her”
and then celeste breaks out the whiskey despite it being like. you know. breakfast. and god i love this family theyre so dysfunctional but god i love them
what else is there. they may or may not go to a small house in the countryside after everything is said and done, somewhere DeLune can make things and somewhere Jubilee can have a quiet life again. just the two of them, after DeLune gives up the reigns on the family business and god i love them. if there’s anything about them that has almost made me cry it’s this idea of them living a quiet life together, somewhere with a small workshop for DeLune and space for Jubilee and her god.
like. jennie killed me with this line:
a small little workshop, pen and paper, and a lover in her bed
…beautiful things they made together
artisan rugs are left back at a different home that she visits,sometimes, when she needs to–and besides it’s not half so beautiful as thesmile on Jubilee’s face when DeLune hand-feeds her a grape and catches atrickle of juice from the corner of her mouth with her thumb
ok so you know how jubilee paints?? she did a portrait of DeLune that she purposely left unfinished to represent that all things are a work in progress and GOD can you tell how much i love them yet they’re so good
but god, all i want is for them to be happy together. that’s all i want. i love them so much it hurts me
ok let’s get into those AUs
ok so. the aus. i made a list here of those aus but on one of them we’ve gotten real deep man
ok so. we havent gotten too deep into vampire/vampire hunter au but?? there’s some choice symbolism
i initially thought of DeLune as the vampire and Jubilee as theperson sent to kill her but they fall in love and run away together. the symbolism would be pretty choice here, DeLune representing the night (as her name means moonlight) and Jubilee with her divine connection to the sun, right
but I’vethought about it some more and the other way is also pretty choice like.
Jubilee as a prominent religious figure who had a fall from grace when shewas turned into a vampire. she fled, disgraced and outcast by the religion she had known for her whole life. and DeLune is theperson sent to hunt her down because in this au she’s probably like a goodwizard or something who knows. and so she finds this vampire and DeLune isgoing to bring her back alive, but they fall in love and run away together. but the SYMBOLISM
….Jubilee’s still a cleric of pelor, right. but now the sun burnsher and she can’t find solace in her god. but you know what light doesn’t hurt vampires?
DeLune, symbolically the moon, giving her light and hope in a way thatdoesn’t hurt her. god i love the symbolism with these two its Good
and. then. the au we got deep in right.
crime boss au
an au where Jubilee is the new cop investigating this mob family, and falls in love with DeLune in the process.
one problem.
DeLune, unbeknownst to Jubilee, is the mob boss. she’s the leader of this crime family. she’s the head of the syndicate, and she knows that Jubilee is investigating her.
She, to her credit, tries to dissuade jubilee, tries to turn her away from her path because she knows that whatever happens, the outcome will hurt her. but Jubilee is bound and determined to make a difference, and she doesn’t heed DeLune’s advice
and Celeste shows up?? and she wants to tear this business apart to get her mom out, and her and jubilee team up because even tho jubilee doesn’t know that DeLune is the head of the mob or that Celeste is DeLune’s daughter, they have similar goals
and how does celeste find her, you ask? well. Jubilee lives in kind of a rough neighborhood, and has had her fair share of shitty things thrown at her, right. after Jubilee and DeLune started dating, all that stops.
so celeste tracks where things aren’t happening to determine where her mother has influence, and finds out that this cop is a link.
and then one day they’re working on something and Jubilee just like. stands up and starts getting ready and she’s apologizing and saying she’s late, and Celeste is like “?? late to what??” and Jubilee replies “I have a date with my girlfriend DeLune”
…and that’s how Celeste finds out just how Jubilee is linked to her mother. and god its so good bc she’s just. shocked. like. no. no this. what. 
and so eventually, in this au, Jubilee goes into somewhere undercover to try and find out more about the mob, and gets caught. she’s cornered, on the ground, surrounded by people with guns, and then there’s the clicking of heels on linoleum and there’s DeLune. and all these people who were being threatening just stop
and DeLune kind of helps her up, dusts her off, and leads her out, all in silence, with only a biting retort to one of the henchmen who protests about Jubilee knowing too much. 
and then. hoo this kills me. when theyre out of there and in the car, DeLune just says kind of quietly “Idid ask you not to dig too deep, darling.”
hooo boy that hurts me
so then DeLune takes jubilee back to her house and celeste is there so there’s a mother daughter reunion, and they go inside and jubilee almost just completely fucking loses it and she’s like “you know? if you were just a part of the syndicate i think i could’vedealt with that. but the boss?!” and then she gets real quiet for a moment and just. “how much of it was real? how much of it was you trying toget another cop in your pocket?“
and so celeste just nopes out of there and DeLune and jubilee have a long conversation where Jubilee is passive aggressive and petty to the extreme. 
like DeLune basically tells her it’s easier to deal with when Jubilee’s angry in response to Jubilee losing some of her anger and getting kind of soft over the course of the conversation. so Jubilee’s like. “she wants me to be angry? fine. i can do that”
so she kicks her out of her house
and then soon after that she goes and she takes all of her things out of DeLune’s house. and DeLune has this heartbreaking line of “If you wish very much to be so utterly removedfrom me, only say the word. I will make certain you never see me again.”
and jubilee doesn’t respond. she just leaves. because she knows in her heart she wants to mend things, but at the moment she needs to process everything that’s happening. she isn’t processing it well bc she doesn’t deal with negative emotions well but she’s trying bless her
and so Celeste and DeLune and Jubilee tear down this mafia right, and then. god i love them. so DeLune and Jubilee agree to give it another shot after another long conversation, and that they’ll meet for lunch sometime and see where it goes
and. like in canon DeLune and Celeste’s relationship is strained at best, and so this au reflects that. but in this au i get confirmation that they definitely 100% make up and that gives me Life
so yes, that’s DeLune and Jubilee. god i love them. thank you so much for asking about them, you have no idea how hard i was laughing when i got this message bc i was like “I ACTUALLY TRICKED SOMEONE INTO CARING ABOUT THESE TWO OH MY GOD” and honestly? writing this up was a delight, thank you again for asking this anon!!!
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