#you guys dont know... the number of sauce plates you will need in your life
kadkadduwa · 2 years
the people in the comments on that video of the woman with the restaurant ceramikins clearly have never worked at restaurants + do not come from asian households
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mamawolfblood · 3 years
Total drama Surprise
14 Brunch of Disgustingness
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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island… A note from a secret admirer got Gwen and Bridgette up in each other’s business. DJ accidentally knocked his boy Trent off the airplane, sending him deep into the Earth’s crust. Leshawna showed everybody how to hang on for dear life on the moose ride. Harold showed himself to be an ace flag-catcher, until he caught sight of Heather’s… unmentionables, causing him to crash his way right off the island, but not without a little canoodling time with the fair Leshawna. And now, let’s see what’s in store for our campers on this week’s episode of Total. Drama. Island!
Iris found it odd that Chef did want her help today for breakfast. Walking and sat on the dock looking at the moon. It was calm a peaceful just the gentle sound of water. "You couldn't sleep either?" Duncan said making the teen jump. He chuckled sitting behind me. His arms wrapped me into a warm embrace. His chin ontop of her head. No words needed to be spoken they just watch the sun rise.
It was something she didn't want to end but nothing lasts forever. The campers made their way to the mess hall. Before Iris could enter Duncan grabbed her arm. "Duncan what is it?" She asked looking up at him. But the carage he gathered soon turned to cold feet making him let go. "Nothing let's see what your dad has up his sleeve today." Damb so close but no big deal. The girl thought stepping inside sitting with her team.
Iris pov
My dad  Was acting weird whenever someone tried to ask about food.  Chef would snicker and laugh along with him. " OK seriously enough, what is wrong with the two of you?" I asked making them look at me. Its no secret I get cranky when I don't get food.
Chris: Congratulations to the remaining ten campers for reaching the halfway mark in the competition! You’ll all be on the jury for the final episode.
Geoff: We got the power! Yeah!
Chris: The two teams will become one next week. But first, all the girls will be moved to the Gopher cabin and all the guys will stay in the Bass cabin. This week’s challenge is as old as history itself. A battle of the sexes [Lindsay blows a raspberry at the guys] After everyone is settled in, I’ll announce the challenge. And then, you’ll have an uh… bite to eat.[He and Chef snicker] Ready for a little good news? This week, no one will be kicked off. [everyone cheers] It’s all for reward and it’s a good one. Okay, time to relocate. Let’s move! [He and Chef snicker]
Heather started kissing up to Bridgette. It was sickening to watch so I got up and left.
(Confessional: Bridgette)
Bridgette: I was a bit worried about being the only new girl on the team. Then I figured it can’t be that bad. I don’t buy that hype about how well guys get along and how catty girls can be.
(Confessional Off)
I was sitting outside when Bridgette walked over. "Hi Bridgette have fun in the lions den." I said before laughing.
Leshawna: Nobody’s leaving until I find out who ate my pudding pockets!
Heather: I ate them. So what?
Leshawna: Whoa! Pump the brakes a minute! You’re “so what”ing me? That’s my food. No one touches my food!
Heather: Whatever, deal with it. It serves you right for leaving your junk everywhere, especially that. That is bugging me.
Leshawna: Yeah, it’d bug me too if I didn’t have anything in the front or in the back to shake.
Heather: Yeah? Well, you’ve got so much junk in your trunk, your jeans should come with a trash compactor!
Leshawna: Ooh! You want a piece of this?
Bridgette: Uh-oh.
Heather: Bridgette! It’s so good to see you! Come in, come in! Welcome to our cabin. We’re like a big family in here.
Gwen: Big and dysfunctional.
Heather: Anything you need, just yell.
Bridgette: Thanks for the awesome welcome, Heather.
Lindsay: Welcome to the club! It’ll be so much fun! As long as you do everything Heather says. Ow!
Heather [after she laughs] : Yeah, we love joking around here at girls cabin. I made sure your bunk was next to mine–
Lindsay: Hey! That’s my bed. Ow!
Heather: So we can talk and share and really get to know each other.
Bridgette: Okay, yeah! Hey, thanks everybody, I can’t wait to get to know all of–
Heather: Okay! Plenty of time to chat later! Let’s unpack.
Lindsay: This is great! I bet we’re getting along way better than the guys.
I honestly hope things are going well. This den of vipers is about to explode. If on cue I heard this.
Bridgette: Let’s build bridges, not walls!
Heather: Take your pick.
dramatic music plays as Bridgette picks Gwen and Leshwana's side
Heather: You just dug your own grave.
Bridgette: Let’s try to get along, okay? Otherwise, the guys are going to cream us, don’t you get it? Tough room.
[Chef and Chris snicker]
Heather: Stop doing that!
Chris: Let’s just tell them… Today’s challenge is… The Brunch of Disgustingness! You’ll be getting a nine-course meal. Each member of each team must finish each dish. You will not know if the next dish is grosser than the last, not as gross, or just as gross. Just that it’ll likely be… gross.
Chef: Tell them what they’ll get if they win, Chris!
Chris: The winning team spends two days at a local five-star resort where they’ll be pampered, eat gourmet nosh, and be given antibiotics against anything they may have caught while participating in this challenge! The losing team will go hungry tonight and spend the next two days here. On Total Drama Island. With Chef.
The first round was bull testicles and the point went to the girls. Oh those boys could handle a little meatball.
Chris: The score now stands at one for the girls and zero for the guys! And now, the next course in… The Brunch of Disgustingness! You guys like pizza?
Owen: I could eat pizza any time with anything on it!
Chris: Anything? How about live grasshopper pizza with tangy jellyfish sauce and live anchovies?
Owen: I could eat pizza any time with anything on it!
Chris: How about live grasshopper pizza with tangy jellyfish sauce and live anchovies?
Ok even I thought it was gross please do let me get sick.
Leshawna couldn't eat it giving the guys a point making us tied. The girls freaked on her but honestly not a big deal. "Guys its not a big deal. We will win the next round so stop complaining.
(Confessional: Chef)
Chef: I was excited about the next dish. I made it from scratch.
(Confessional Off)
Chris: All right, who’s ready for the third course? Spaghetti! Well, actually, Earthworms covered in snail slime sauce and hairballs.
I barfed when it was placed infront of me.
(Confessional )
*static *
(End of Confessionals)
The guys got another point and now I am getting aggravated.
Chris: All right everybody. Time for course number four. No nine-course meal would be complete without soup. Today’s special is French Bunyon soup with hangnail crackers.
(Confessional: Geoff)
Geoff: I think they just use stuff from Chef’s bathroom floor.
(Confessional Off)
Bridgette gasps
DJ strains to eat
Trent gags
Lindsay: I didn’t even taste it.
Chris: The girls win again![Gwen, Heather, Leshawna, and Lindsay cheer] The score’s now tied up at two.
(Confessional: Bridgette)
Bridgette: I think the girls really made a breakthrough as a team.
(Confessional Off)
The rounds continue and the barfing too. But we made it to the final round.
"Oh god I think I'm going to be sick." I said trying to hold it down but I dont think I can.
hris: Wow, it’s still tied up. We’re down to the last course in the challenge. It’s delicious dolphin wieners. Hot dogs made of dolphin.
Bridgette [after she gasps] : But dolphins are our friends!
Heather: What are you waiting for? It’s already dead. If you don’t eat it, we don’t win.
Bridgette: Ooh, I can’t! I’m a surfer! I swim with dolphins!
Heather: Eat it!
Bridgette: No! I’m not doing it. You can’t pressure me.
The hell we can't grabbing a hot dog off the plate, and then proceeded to shove it down her throat.
"I'M NOT LOSING THIS BECAUSE YOU CAN'T GROW A PAIR! THE DAMB THING IS DEAD SO SUCK IT UP AND STUFF YOU FUCKING FACE!" They all looked at me Bridgette had tears in her eyes. She coughed it all up.
DJ: I’m with you sister. I’m not eating no dolphin.
(Confessional : Chef)
Chef: I slave over a hot stove cooking dolphin. No appreciation!
(Confessional Off)
Chris: Okay, enough. We’ll solve this by having an eat-off. The one who can drink the most shot glasses of fresh, delicious blended cockroach will be the winner. This unlikely satisfying blend of eight different cockroaches is vitamin rich for your balanced lifestyle. On your mark, get set, go!
Owen and Leshwana drink the cockroaches.
Leshawna groans two times
Chris: Owen wins!
DJ, Duncan, Geoff, and Trent cheer
Leshawna groans
Heather: Leshawna, you are completely useless!
Leshawna: Oh, uh-oh, something’s coming up. [puking]
DJ pukes
Chef: Grr… [retches]
Chris retches
Duncan and Geoff Puke
The “elimination” music plays.
Chris: The guys are the big winners today. And the girls go their separate ways. Two definitive cliques have been cemented. [Heather grunts and the door rattles] For now. What shocking surprises are in store for our campers next week as they head for the big merge? Tune in on Total. Drama. Island!
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kimmoonkwon · 6 years
Dear someone... hopefully....
Dear to whom it may concern. I'll love you, I dont know who'll you'll be, all I know is that I'll love you.... hopefull I'll meet you one day.
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
Hey! How'd ya feel.
if we go for lunch ^^
Uh sure
It's cute how you were being nice, SeungChan, but I wish you'd said no, indulging me only made it hurt more...
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
"Hansooooooool," you whine, trying to snap your friend's eyes off the cute boy who he'd been having a staring contest with for the past half hour. "Get your eyes off Jun and pay attention to this!"
"Awe c'mom y/n I'm not picking matching colours for our graduation."
"You're my best friend! You've gotta match with me!"
"What if I wanna match with Jun?"
You press your fingers to the bridge of your nose, "you're not dating Jun, you're barely friends with hi-"
"You're right, I'll go ask him."
You sigh banging your head against the table.
A few minutes later, Hansol excitedly tapped you on the shoulder.
"He said 'yes' y/n!"
"Ah good for you, Ji."
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
I've asked so many girls out, I'm almost done high school! Why cant I get a girlfriend??
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
A three week camping trip, more like a three week break from Hansol and Jun...
I wish I could stop my mind from thinking about him hes been so nice to me this whole trip! The warm air, the atmosphere, it's a nice trip! Plus th- is Woochul looking at me???
I know we've never spoken or anything.. but hes smiled at me lots! And been nice! And stood next to me while lining up for the bus back! And-
Oh my gosh-
Hes just being nice....
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
I'm friendly! I'm nice! So why does the only girl who wants to date me only want me for sex? Why cant I just have a nice relationship?
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
So I started noticing a guy at work...
Hes friendly with me, his friends, customers!
Hes funny, sweet, nice, cute, unique!
Jo Mingyu seems pretty cool!
He literally ticks off every requirement for a guy that I've ever had!
Okay. I'm going to ask him out!
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
"Hey? Hwi?" You ask, running out onto the parking lot, winter air striking your face.
Just ask y/n.
"Hey, uh, would you like to go for dinner or lunch sometime, maybe this week?" You ask, nervously rubbing your sweaty palms on your jeans.
"Oh, uh, um, I'll uh, text you, I'm pretty busy this week..." He said, halfway in his car.
"Yeah, no problem!" You smile, mentally stopping yourself from celebrating prematurely.
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
Hey y/n so i thought it would let you know now rather than later about going to dinner sometime, im going to have to decline, im just not really looking for a relationship or anything right now. Sorry.
Yea no problem Have a
nice weekend ^^
Yeah you too...
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
"Hansol what do I do?"
"In regards to what?" Hansol asked, reaching across the table to grab the bottle of soy sauce.
"To get a boyfriend! Like you've got!"
"You you dont want mine, hes a little bit gay..."
"Ugh, leave Jun out of this! You know what I mean!" You protest.
Hansol rolled his eyes. "What about I set you up on a date?"
"Yes! Okay with who?" You jump in your seat, bumping your plate forward, crashing into your friend's.
Hansol rolled his eyes again, pulling out his phone, showing you a cute guy with squishy cheeks. "This is Yunmin."
"Okay I'm in." You nod vigorously at your friend.
"I'll let him know." Hansol laughed at your eagerness.
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
"Okay, y/n I'll ask now."
A few minutes of excited silence passes.
"O-oh Hes got a girlfriend y/n, I'm sorry I didnt know"
"Oh, yeah, that's... good for him..."
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
What if I die alone? A miserable old man?
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
Just a normal Saturday, a perfect, normal, nice, Saturday.
That is until you received a text from a co-worker...
Hi Jiann!
Um are you doing
anything Friday night
Nope 😊
Would you like to go to
Dinner with me? I know a
Great restaurant downtown!
I'd love to!
Okayy! I'll meet you there!
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
You called Hansol about what to wear 3 times, reapplied make up 2 times, thanked Jun for driving you there, countless times, and waited an hour... two hours... three hours... four?!?!
Y/n I'm so sorry to do this to you, but my mom had an emergency, shes fine but I need to be with her right now, maybe another time?
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
Shes kinda cute, shes been sitting here all evening, o-oh she crying now...
She ran past me and into the bathroom, I probably should comfort her...
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
"Miss? Miss we close soon... may I come in?" A sweet voice asked.
You were too sad to really register the door open, gentle figure sit down next to you and his soft hand cautiously rub circles on your back. You felt the owner of the hand hold out a tissue to you.
"May I ask why your crying Miss?"
"S-stood u-up," you stutter, embarrassing yourself further.
"That bastard! I'll beat him up for you, Miss!"
You try laugh between sobs, "His mom needed him." You explain.
"Ah, I see, we'll how about a make up date?"
"W-with you?" You dare to look up, praying that your makeup hasnt run to badly.
"Y-yeah, is that okay?"
"Sounds lovely," You smile, trying to make yourself look slightly more inviting.
"My shift is over now? How about we go next door to the café?"
You nod, smiling, wiping away your tears.
The boy's name tag read 'Jinkwon'.
     ─┉─ • ─┉─      
"She did What?!?" You exclaim, a warm cup of tea clasped tightly in your hand, its contents quickly depleting.
"I know right!!" Jinkwon laughs, his own coffee going cold from all the stories he's been telling you.
Funny how life sucks so bad that you end up with something better?
"Its my last year of college too!" You excitedly explain your major to the boy infront of you.
At the end of the wonderful evening, Jinkwon drove you back home, you exchanged numbers, and couldn't feel happier!
Dear to whom it may concern.
I'll love you, I dont know who'll you'll be, all I know is that I'll love you.... hopefull I'll meet you one day.
Dear Jinkwon, thank you for being you, and thank you to everyone who rejected me or otherwise, you've given me the experience to have a healthy relationship with someone who I truly care about. Funny how loves seems to figure itself out huh?
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mrjnepln-blog · 8 years
A Change of Heart
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Chapter 1 : Just Friends
Hell week para saming mga Arki student na alam ng malapit na ang submission. Kitang kita sa mga mata namin na muka kami mga panda ng dahil sa ilang araw na walang tulog. Ako naman na momoblema sa iisang Space na hindi ko maiisipan kung saan ko ilalagay sa plan ko. Leche, Panic Mode na ko.    
"Oy, alam niyo naman na Self Service dito diba?"
Inis na sinabi ni Will, daladala niya ang mga kape namin lahat. Tumingin lang ako sa kanya na parang pinapakita ko sa kanya na mamatay na ako dito hayaan mo na lang kami dahil malapit na kami mabaliw.
"Oo na."
Binaba niya sa table ang kape namin na dala niya. Kinuha ko agad yung akin at agad agad kong nilaklak dahil sa sobrang gusto ko magpower up, parang popeye lang na kumain ng spinach. Ang masaklap nilaklak ko ng mainit. Aray ko beh.
"Tutulungan kita  after ng shift ko dito. Wait ka lang"
Yes! May katulong na ko! Ang bait talaga ng BestFriend. Matagal na kaming mag bestfriend simula nung High School. Lagi kaming magkasama kasi nagkakasundo kami sa mga gusto namin at ayaw namin alam niyo yun, JINX lang. Pati pangarap pareho pa kami. Feeling ko ginagaya niya ako kasi Idol niya ko. Puede yun diba? Basta siya ang pinaka Best Friend ko na lagi kong maasahan kahit anong mangyare he's still there kasi siya lang nakakaintindi ng pagkaabnormal ko.
"Gurl, tignan mo nga yung kulay na to?" sabi ni Ava sakin. Pinakita niya sakin ang gawa niya. "Bagay ba tong dalawang kulay na to dito?" "Hmmm. Yung Red palitan mo parang kasing bandila e" "Weh? Osige." "Pasahan kita ng palettes para hindi ka mahirapan mag pair ng mga kulay"
Oh? Diba kala mo magaling echos lang yan, madami nalalaman e. Lintek na Resort to bakit ang hirap planuhin ng matino tong Site Development na to. 5days na lang pasahan na. Pano na ang Life? Intayin ko na lang si Will.
"Ano na natapos mo, Ave?" "Site Dev. Tapos Apat na Plans. Bale Hotel na lang tsaka yung Restaurant." "Hala Shit! Bat ang bilis mo?! Site Dev. palang ako." "Bobo ka kasi, puro ka lande kaya ang bagal mo!" "Ay gago! Na Bobo pa ko. FYI wala akong nilalande." "Si Will?!" "Tangina! Best Friend lang yun not more than that pa, para kang tanga!" "Sauce, pakipot ka pa, iniintay mo para matulungan ka tapos magHohokage moves ka dyan." "Para kang tanga! Issue ka dyan ng hindi totoo, so Shut up na lang." "Pikon!"
Oh? Diba? Sobrang mahal na mahal ako nitong babaeng to. Puro mura! Lagi akong nagkakasala pag kasama ko yan. Buti na lang araw araw ako dumadaan ng simbahan. Siya lang ang babaeng lagi kong kasama pag wala Will also know as my girl bestfriend. Lahat alam niyan pati baho ko pinagkakalat pa niya. Ang siya niyang kaibigan diba? Totoong totoo. Dumating na si Will at sa wakas na tapos narin siya sa Shift niya. May katulong narin sa wakas. Tumabi siya sakin at nilabas niya na yung Laptop niya at iba pang kagamitan sa pag gawa ng lintek na proyektong to.
"Game!" Sabi niya. "Ano? Saan ka nahihirapan?" "Nakakainis, hanggang ngayon dito parin ako sa Site Development. Wala parin progress." "Guythss, alis na aketch. May klase pa ako" singit ni Ava. Na may kasamang di mo maintindihan na parang manyak na tingin sakin. Buti na lang di nakatingin sa kanya si Will. Tangina nitong babaeng to.
"Sige, masagasaan ka sana" sabi ko sa kanya. "Sana hindi mo matapos yan! Tangina ka."
Sabi niya with Evil Laugh. Badtrip to! Knock on the wood ayoko mag take 2. And ayun buti na lang hinintay ko si Will kundi hindi ko matatapos tong Site Dev ngayong araw. Thanks to him. Sa totoo lang di ko maintindihan mga tao minsan e. Lagi nilang nilalagyan ng meaning yung pagiging bestfriend namin sa isa't isa ni Will. Madalas, napagkakamalan pa kaming magsyota! Hello, bestfriend lang talaga kasi kilala ko si Will and masaya ako sa kung ano yung meron kami.
Thesis Deliberation na naman, wala nanaman prof. Ang saya nanaman, pag dating ng exams nga nga. Nakatambay lang kami sa classroom kasama sila kasi air-coned ang classroom. Mainit nanaman sa labas. And then there this girl na pumasok sa classroom with her friend. Sobrang pretty niya talaga petite pa. PRETITE. Chos. Basta pretty naman this gurl. Syempre as a girl normal lang na magandahan ka sa isang tao lalo na kung maganda talaga. Edi sinabi ko kay Will.
"Will, look. Diba pretty?" Tinuro ko sa kanya. Tinignan niya, medjo matagal niyang tinignan tapos ang tagal pa ng sagot. Siguro nagandahan rin siya. Oh diba? Same talaga kami. "Ano tinging mo?" Tinanong ko ule. "Hindi naman." Then he went back on what he's doing. Sungit naman. Hindi ko galaga mawari tong si Will feeling ko talaga bakla to e ayaw lang sabihin kasi nahihiya siguro. Lagi na lang pag may tinuturo akong babae sa kanya hindi maganda para sa kanya. So sino yung maganda? Siya? Then sinabi ko rin kay Ava. "Pretty siya diba?" "Hay nako tomboy ka nanaman!" "Badtrip kayo ni Will." Then bumulong ako kay Ava. "Parang bakla talaga si Will. Hindi nanaman siya nagandahan sa gurl na tinuro ko." "E baka naman kasi sa isang tao lang siya nagagandahan." Sinabi niya ng malakas. Tangina nito napaka gago, sayang effort ko sa pag bulong buset. "Ako ba?" Tanong ni Will   "Diba? Oo ka na lang dali." "Oo." Nagpauto naman tong lalakeng to. "Sino naman?" Bulong na tanong ko kay Ava. "Sino pa ba?" Tumingin siya sakin parang may halong meaning na ewan. Sinasabi na ako. What? Bakit ako? I'm Ugly duh?! Kaya tinignan ko siya ng masama. "Wala akong sinabing ikaw bat ka affected?" Sabi niya sakin. "Wala rin akong sinabing affected ako." "So Shut up na lang na lang kayo. Nagcoconcentrate ako." Singit ni Will. Sabay namin hinampas ni Ava si Will. "ARAY!"
Impossible rin magkagusto sakin si Will. Hindi niya nga akong tinuturing na babae e. Tsaka obvious naman na Lalake gusto niya. Basta Bakla siya. Mapush lang na bakla.
Back to work again. Naglalakad paikot ikot at akyat baba sa buiding namin para lang makakita ng vacant na classroom. Pagdating sa third floor. May nakita na rin. Eto na mga mandirigma nagseset up na ng mga laptops then pag kaupo hello reality na. Sa sobrang busy namin hindi na namin namalayan na maya maya may susunod ng klase sa room. Kaya pala ang dami ng estudyante. Bigla akong kinalabit ni Ava.
"Gurl, doon sa may pinto. Cutie Spotted."
Si Vaughn. Tangina? Anong cutie dyan? E puro hangin naman yan e. Ewan ko kung anong meron sa mata ng mga kaibigan ko e. May deprensya. Isa rin tong si Will e. Ay bawal awayin pala tong si Will. Tinutulungan ako sa Plates kaya thats no no. Lumapit samin si Vaughn.
"Uy Cris!"
Nakakaramdam ako na parang masama tingin sakin ni Ava. Lagot ako. Type niya ata this guy.
Dont know what to say though. Sa dinami daming taong kakausapin dito sa classroom ako nilapitan.
"Kamusta Plates? Ano na natapos mo?" "Ayun, onting progress pa lang. Site Dev. Palang nagagawa ko." "Need help? Tulungan kita. Patapos narin ako e." Wow so great naman this guy. "No need. Tinutulungan na ako ni Will. Thank You" "Ganun ba? If you need anything I'm willing to help" sinabi niya ng nakangit kaya nginitian ko na lang siya at umalis na siya. Whoo nakahinga ako dun ah? Then naalala ko si Ava.
"Cris?!" Sinigaw niya pangalan ko. "Guard! OSA oh?!" Tumingin ako sa labas at nakaturo kay Ava. "Kaye, ituloy mo na to" save by the bell thank you Will. "At kailan pa kayo naging close ng Boyfriend kong si Vaughn." Sabi ni Ava. "Anong gagawin ko? Nilapitan niya ko e. Alangan naman na iwasan ko? At least nakita mo siya ng malapitan diba?" "Kahit na boyfriend ko siya, hmp! Mang aagaw," naging mang aagaw pa ko. "Kaye tapusin mo na yang Plan. Dali!" "Yes Boss,"
At sa hindi rin inaasahang pagkakataon ay may dumating ng prof. Kami'y nagmadaling nag ligpit at umalis. May class na si Ava kaya nauna na siya sa amin. Kaming dalawa na lang ni Will magkasama. Magkaklase kami sa next Subject pero mamaya pang gabi yun kaya buti na lang may time pa para magpatulong. Pumunta kami sa Coffee Place para doon kami gumawa at magpalamig. Alam niyo naman dito sa Pilipinas, Can't Beat the Heat.
Pagdating namin sa Coffee Shop, buti na lang wala masyadong tao. We set our table para makapag gawa na ng seryosohan sa Plate na to. Tinulungan na ako ni Will siya na nagpaganda ng Site Dev. ko at tinutuloy ko na lahat ng mga Plans. I made my checklist para malaman ko pa kung ano kulang. Ang saya magisip pag kape ang na aamoy. May lumapit samin na pretty gurl. Pero mukang Bitch naman. Mukang Tourism ang tinatake niya. Ganda niya, ganda ng Legs, maputi. Ay naloko ako ng stockings, shocks. This is me, I judge people. Ganda ko e.
"Kresnik?" Sabi niya with Arte. Will looked at her. "Eugenie. Uy kamusta?"
Magkakilala sila. Obviously pero ako hindi ko siya kilala.
"Okay lang. Di ko akalain na you study near here." "Oo! TIP lang."
Sinabi niya with kasamang smile. Ang landi nito. Simula ngayon hindi ko na siya pagkakamalang bakla. Siya siguro yung taong maganda para sa kanya. Okay naman, pretty naman talaga siya. Kunwari Busy busyhan ako para hindi ako mahalaga na nakikichismis ako sa kanila.
"Tagal din natin di nagkita noh? Kailan pa? Grade School right?" "Oo, mga bata pa tayo nun." Then he laugh. "Oo nga." She laugh too, ang flirty pa ng tawa kaasar. "Kamusta si Tita and Tito? Namiss ko yung Kare kare ni Tita!"
True! Masarap nga Kare kare ni Tita. Favorite ko rin yun. So ano? Lagi rin tambay tong girl na to kela Will?
"Who's she? Your Girlfriend?" Tanong niya. Then napatingin ako sa kanya. Nagulat ako sa sinabi niya. "No. I'm his-" "Bestfriend." Singit ni Will. Inunahan niya na ako. "Oh. Puede ko na makuha number mo? So we could get in touch. Namiss kita sobra." Ang lande. Number agad? "Sure." Ang lande rin. So nag exchange numbers sila. "I have to go, bye." Ge umalis ka ng malandi ka. "Bat ganyan itsura mo?" Nakatingin sakin si Will. "Ano?! May ginagawa ako." "Bakit parang irritado ka? Actually kanina ko pa napapansin yun e simula yung nung dumating si Eugenie. Tinititigan mo pa ng masama. "Hindi ah?!" I denied! Biglang napangiti si Will. "Siguro-" "Ano nanaman?" I said it with a pitchy voice! Ugh bat ganun boses ko! "Nagseselos ka no?" "What! No way! Tigilan mo ko!" I got annoyed. "Buset to! Ako selos? Hello, nakakairita lang yung babae kasi maarte duh?!" "Wag ako. Sabi na e. May lihim na pagtingin ka sakin." "Salita ka ng salita dyan ng hindi totoo, so shut up na lang!" "Ginaya mo pa si Padilla."
I hate him! Feeling naman niya na gusto ko siya. Bestfriend lang talaga wala ng hihigit pa.
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