#you guys dont know what it's like to live in latam
basofy · 2 months
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oh my godddddddddddddddddd you have to be fucking kidding me
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demonqueenart · 3 months
im just gonna be so genuine and say i love you but i dont understand what racist remarks you're talking about and it's really frustrating for me to hear people talk about this like its so serious when i havent seen anything at all thats bad. im white so i think i may have genuinely missed things but could you please just give me some examples? i really am trying to understand where you guys are coming from its just getting hard because everyone is just getting mad at each other whenever they talk about it. i know people are mad bc of something dan said about not being able to come on tour to third world countries and possibly something he said in like 2011 when he was in his crazy fake tan phase? i just really am not seeing anything here that i think would get people so worked up and i would love to understand better
Hey anon, I understand where you coming from. And I really appreciate you trying to understand better.
To be really honest, why things have blown up now is because of the upcoming tour. It’s not really about why they couldn’t go to the other continents when they’re planning to do 32 shows in US, even though that’s also fishy af cause they could’ve easily dipped into Mexico, and the route they using feels like they’re avoiding latam specifically. The way that they handled this with poc fans is the problem, because while they’re being excited from the tour or whatever, they have not once tried to explain why they couldn’t go to poc fans (or the majority of us that is. Some of us might live somewhere else.)
The way they keep retweeting and being hyped about the tour, while basically intentionally avoiding talking to us is just.. it hurts. Most of us complain about this, and even more expressing how they just need dnp to give them an explanation. But never once did they do it. Instead, they even launch more trailer lol. And I know they saw it, there’s a lot of us and they like snooping on social media anyway. It makes us feel like we’re not part of the tour, that it wasn’t meant for us. And it was actually the first time I questioned if I was really a part of this community at all.
Turning back to phandom with that state of mind, it can feel like everyone is abandoning you. Because just like dnp, everyone is only talking about the tour, and not about how this exclusion needs to be addressed. It’s understandable why people would feel angry when they just keep being ignored like their voices didn’t matter. But I know now, just because people didn’t interact with me, doesn’t mean they didn’t want to be there for me. We just might come from a different place. (Btw, if you’re western and you have poc friends who’s affected by this, please reach out to them. The reason why I’m still here rn is because of all my friends, western friends included, saying they’ll be there for me throughout this racism thing. They might be angry and hurt, and even assume the worst of you. And I won’t ask more than you can do. But saying you understand (or at least empathize the situation they’re in) and that you will support them no matter what, will help them a lot.)
Dan clearly carry a micro aggression around latam, and the fact that this still occur in wad really says a lot about how they’ve not grown from that. When dan said brazil and mexico were 3rd world country on was, that makes us feel like he’s looking down on us. And the fact that they have avoided latam specifically without giving any reason why they couldn’t go, well, there’s only so many things you can assume is happening under the surface. This makes us feel like they’re looking down on us, and that they’ve never seen their poc fans as equals.
The reason why the old stuff was brought up is because this isn’t the first time this has happened. Dan has made a lot of racist remarks, and while it’s understandable to slip up from time to time, and even more understandable why he might be afraid to actually apologize and own things up, it doesn’t excuse the patterns that are being repeated here. When he doesn’t take accountability to his past mistakes and keep repeating the patterns of racism and exclusion, that indicates he’s going to keep oppressing us forever without ever acknowledging it. And THAT is not okay.
We don’t want to cancel them, never once do we want that. We only want dnp to hear us and actually talk to us about this. They are not beyond redemption, but it’s going to be hard for them to open up considering the past fifteen years of them not doing that. So the only thing we can do at this point is to be more opened up about their racist remarks. We’re bringing up past mistakes now, because there’re still a lot of people who have been affected by this, and them not bringing it up is not going to make all that hurt go away. So I suggest, we should bring it up, not to cancel them or demonize them! But to acknowledge it exists so that we can heal from it. We can learn to love dnp despite being flawed, and normalize how to take accountability to make this place safer for poc. These voices can’t be avoided because that’s also a form of exclusion in this community. I want everyone to feel welcomed here, so I’ll listen to their voices when they need it. That way, there will be a place for poc to belong in this space. We can learn to include each other in, or at least I hope so :3
*also, this will be very funny if this ask turns out to be dnp, but whatever lol xD Hope we can catch up someday whoever you are (✿˵ ꒡3꒡˵)৴♡*
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louisisalarrie · 4 months
Hello love. I like sending you asks because you’re always great at responding. This one is a bit sensitive. Don’t post if not appropriate.
Louis and alcohol. You’ve worked with him and seen him a little more closely than most. Is he a massive drinker (like, every day) or is his alcohol consumption a little exaggerated? I’ve seen other posts referring to him as having a problem, which seems a cruel assumption when people don’t know the guy.
It looks to me like there’s a ton of boozing on tour (lots of stories from other artists who’ve worked with him confirm they all drink a lot when they’re all together) but L never looks as though he goes on stage p*ssed. He tends to have beer on stage with him but never drinks the whole thing (I kind of feel like it’s a bit of a nervous habit, to have a drink there he can grab but not to be necessarily knocking it back show). I mean he definitely looks like he drinks a lot post show but we never hear of him turning up to meet fans drunk or smelling of booze (and there dont seem to be any major boozy stories about him doing something bad because he was drunk - oh apart from breaking his arm!) so I’m on the fence about whether or not he does have unhealthy drinking habits or not. He seems pretty controlled and put together with the occasional post show drunken/stoned selfie!
What are your thoughts?
I guess I just want a healthy Louis.
Hello anon! Apologies for the hold up on this, I wanted to do a good and thorough job at responding because it is a sensitive topic, for sure. I’m not sure how much you dabble in substances, your age, or your experiences with said substances, so what I say may feel like it’s still too much, but yeah, I hope I can provide you with some reassurance. So, lovely anon, welcome to the show!
TW for alcohol and drug use
Drinking and drug use is heavily glorified, over indulged in, and used as a crutch in the entertainment industry, but often times you only hear the worst of it. You’ve got the stories of overdoses, media analysing stars because they look drunk performing on stage, and artists having a bad/shocking image because they partake in alcohol/drugs depending on who their demographic is (zouis weed video, for example).
It’s often used as a coping mechanism, to just take a bit of the edge off. This doesn’t mean that all artists use it to an extreme extent to where they can’t perform/can’t live without it (like it’s portrayed in A Star is Born), and don’t get me wrong, some do, but from what I’ve seen and my pals and colleagues in the music industry have seen, Louis doesn’t overindulge.
I mean, they’d have a drink (or multiple) for the same reasons as we do, to just… chill out the nervous system, or carry on the energy. Dissipate some anxiety before going on stage and while on stage, calming down your body and mind from the adrenaline afterwards, partying and carrying on a bit more heavily if you’re celebrating. I’ve toured, not to the same extent as L or H, but it becomes quite normalised within people from the artist’s direct team, their direct touring crew, to the promoters, to the artist’s personal friends. It’s SO much work putting on these shows and travelling and when everything goes well, it’s a huge relief and time for a beverage or a joint. It’s just kinda… very normalised, which is also really bad, but Louis, from what I’ve seen and heard, is smart with it.
You’re correct in saying he isn’t drunk on stage, he doesn’t smell like substances (only cigarettes but that’s a whole other story), and only has 1 beer on stage.
His rider is pretty standard too. Artists over order so they don’t need runners to go get them stuff causing a delay. And then they take whatever they don’t finish to the hotel with them or whatever. If you were famous you’d wanna milk the free stuff 100%, so yeah, if that is a cause of concern for some fans seeing the leaked LATAM rider, I can assure you that it doesn’t go that far between the amount of people in his band and crew. It’s just… very normalised, but doesn’t happen every night.
Louis also just loves to dabble in the devils lettuce (im super annoyed that I have a story about this that I can’t share but he’s fucking hilarious) and loves a drink. Alcohol is also super normalised and encouraged in the UK, and here in Australia too. So I see a lot of it and it’s just kind of a thing you… do. It’s more so if you don’t drink, people are like ????? Hahaha.
So growing up in a country where it’s very normal to drink a beer or get pissed, it’s kind of engrained, and then being in an industry where it’s also normalised, it’s 100% natural to lean into it. When I drink on tour, it’s certainly less often than artists, but it’s just a social celebration thing and it’s kind of expected to a degree. In my opinion, and from what I’ve seen of him going on tour, he doesn’t have a problem nor loses any professionalism on or off the stage. He’s very serious about making these shows good and proving himself.
When I was backstage with him at one of these shows, he was in a green room that wasn’t too far from my office. He is so LOUD and hearing his giggle and talking shit was so wild hahaha. I could smell cigarettes, and heard him and his band/crew do a shot before the show, but apart from that I think maybe they had one or two beers in the late arvo together. I don’t clean/service green rooms so I can’t tell you 100% how much they drank, but it was pretty lowkey. I also don’t think he gets stoned before going on stage (I would’ve smelt it). I think it’s purely an after show fun time which also helps him sleep from jet lag/adrenaline etc. like I mentioned earlier.
He eats well, and while not as healthy as H, still filling food and has an appetite (im talking during the day, not the wild amount of munchies he orders post show), so he’s not letting alcohol/nicotine curb his appetite to that point. He did have bottle service at his hotel on a couple of those nights, too. But again, the bigger indulgence seems to be post show. He’s overall still healthy.
From what we’ve seen, it would be very easy to spot if he was going too far. He’s 100% in control and uses it as a small crutch like a lot of us do due to the intense stress of our jobs. Tbh he also just likes a drink and a joint or two and there’s no reason to worry. Hell, I like a drink or a joint or two and im good at my job, know when to stop, and uphold my professionalism to a high standard. There’s truly no reason to worry, he’s just louder about it than the other boys (I’ve heard that Niall gets on it just as much, but we don’t see it).
Now, it may seem like im making excuses for the industry or for Louis or whatever, but truly, it kinda is what it is. There has been a small but significant shift in the industry around drinking and drug use though, and how it affects mental health, which is great. In Australia, we have a resource called “Support Act” which is an organisation that now has a 24/7 wellbeing hotline for artists, industry folks, and crew, and while it has been around since 1997, it is obviously far bigger and more accessible now due to technology etc., and has great resources. The UK similarly has “Music Minds Matter”, and there are multiple around the US. So there is definitely a larger awareness on the toll touring and an industry career can take on you, and I have no doubt that Louis is aware of his limits and has supportive and wonderful people around him.
Wow okay this turned into a whole other thing. Sorry!!! Hahaha. Look, in short, he drinks nowhere near as much as other artists I’ve worked with (8 bottles of top shelf whiskey in one night thanks) and unless we see any cause for concern, im sure he’s okay, 100% in control, and just living his best life as a 32 yr old successful rockstar. Try not to worry!
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aristotels · 8 months
re EE being in the periphery. i’m pretty sure there were articles about how germany uses EE countries in EU for cheap labor. like sure, they’re privileged compared to most say african states, but it’s not like WE countries give that privilege for free or out of good heart, when in reality it’s geographic control + cheap labor + brain drain. combined with the fact that EU doesn’t allow for state control of markets, it means that those EE countries that had state enterprises are now in disadvantage. like i think EE countries have more in common with latin american countries than western europe , idk.
yeah, and not only articles you can find in english, but there are actual studies and articles; they are however in croatian so i dont know how much help would that be (the emmigration issue here is huge, its mainly to germany/ireland) (we have so many SONGS about moving to germany and ireland too). heres wikipedia on it, i guess you can use google translate and it also lists something quite shocking: many cities and villages in croatia and bosnia have more people living in germany than in their respective native towns.
as for lived experience, when i visited germany, you could literally walk around the city and find our people there, mostly in low-skill jobs. i once said "u pičku materinu" and a totally random guy in the street was like "ooooo pa evo i naših". "arbajt" and "bauštela" are such common phrases here that they have become memes, and dalmatians from zagora literally wear mercedes signs around their necks. recently there was an article saying how, despite euro, people from imotski STILL mourn over the deutsch marke, because they used to go work there, and then would come home and just live for an entire month off one bill. they STILL convert euros to marke.
EE is a neo-colony to the WE. whenever i talk about this, while i do use EE as a term because its more understood than SEE (southern-eastern europe), my experiences are yugoslavian, and there are big differences between eastern bloc and exyu countries. it isnt the same, economically nor politically, since yugoslavia was a part of the third world movement, thus primarily working with african and latam countries in its past (also reason why we have the lowest skin-based-racism in europe)(different than nationality racism, thats what we excel at).
a lot of croats (esp dalmatians) mainly moved to latam countries during ww2 as opposed to the usa (the current chilean and argentinian presidents are croatian dalmatians)(sorry guys we are kinda ruining yalls countries)
it was very surprising to me when i started following global-south-commies on here, they always have very positive opinions of yugoslav countries. i find it very endearing how all my political yugoslav posts end up being hits among them.
politics unrelated, croats tend to love latam countries because of football, messi was literally the coolest person in the entire world while i was a kid. there are lots of similarities in mentality.
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loverintofolk · 2 years
What makes me piss off is the USA fans acting like "this has never happened before we need a statement from her" 
Well gest what? you got what you want, but theres a place in the world where fans never get the refound of lover fest and didn't even have the support from her team ... but it was with latam fans so it doesn't count to you
And gets even worse because when we talked about our situation and we were flooding taylornation tweets for some help, only a fews fans from USA support us
Most of you was denounce our tweets as spam because "taylornation cant change the politics" and with the spam taylornation wasnt able to finding yours tweets about your pets baking cookies while listening lover
Now you say that "taylor can change the politics of ticketmaster"
But you only said this because you find out that reciving a quote from taylornation doesnt make the tickets arise into your home
International fans has talked since forever that taylor need to change her team ... but only now you guys are caring about this
And you wanna know what scares me more? that taylor stops the conversations about the internationals shows that was supposed to happen in 2024, to add more dates to US tour and leave internationals shows to 2025 or whoever knows when the US tour will ends
I'm really sad about a lot of things that you guys said and do to her in the last few days, and she already came here to say that she will find a way to resolves this while we didnt recive an "i am sorry about the situation but i tried and i cant do anything more"
i've saw fans saying in that time of the lover fest situation that she doesnt need to go to a country that dont speak English because the people wont understand her
And well seems like the taylornation team wont change so once again the USA fans gets everything and the others country gets the rest (if remain something for the others countrys because sometimes doesnt exist the rest)
Just add that the lover fest situation was more simple to her team, because if others artists (that was supoust to came here at the same time that her with others company) changed politcs and gets the refund to brazilian fans ... why her team couldnt do the same to us?
We dont even know if she or her team tried to do something for us, its different that she change the ticketmaster situation 'alone' (and seems she will try to do something for you)
The situation for USA was caos some people wont able to buy the tickets or buy it for a lot of money and was a stracefull situation .. but you get a statement from her that she will try doing something we really basacly lost our money in a pandemic and ever her team never said a shit about it
"I'm extremely protective of my fans... by doing it myself with my team who cares as much about my fans as I do" makes me think that they only cares about USA swifties
Because where was some statament about the latam? We only wanted to feel shelter even they cant do anything
You can live in your bubble all you want and whine over little things knowing that she will always come to your rescue and you can discord all you want but it is clear that the difference in treatment between the fans is yealling. So what you claim to soffer, we soffer 13 more
We past to all of this stuff and some others ... and we still here to support her, even when she wasnt here to conffort us, we stayed here
And you didnt see a latam swiftie burning cd/merch (well 99% cant buy them but ... this isnt the point) or saying REALLY bad things about her as you were saying... while you guys are complaning about this stracefull situation and never give her the bennefict of the doubt
The situation between taylor/tn and international fans is sad but i feel that i'm already came into a aceppet process that if she came or give some warm to us ok, if she doesnt do ok too i will stay here anyway but the USA fans actions over the course of this week makes me angry
I know that the USA is her main market and will always be, there is no way to compete or compare with them
But latam is a market that has been growing on its own, without the help of her team and has the stature to go head-to-head with some others markets that she/her team has always paid attention to
The lover fest show in brazil was only 2 dates, but it was 2 dates for ALL latam and a lot of fans from another country were affect by a 'law' that werent from their country as we go through a pandemic ... and a 'law' that taylornation could do something about it
Like i get it that probably t4f (our ticketmaster) said to taylornation that all the things about the refund was happened according the law (because this what they said to us)
And its totally aceptible that taylornation believed in them in the first moment, because they dont know about the laws in Brazil
But since the moment that we came into internet to say "we saw some artist get the refund for their fans even with the laws, please try to do something" and taylornation choose to be online and quote some random tweet about a fan baking cookie
Well i think thats is where the problem lives
 I you dont understand this yet .. the law said that the refund wasnt obligatory BUT IF THE COMPANY CHOOSE TO DO THEY COULD DO
So a lot of team from others artist came and talked about it with others companys and get into a agreement and fans get the refund
Why taylornation choose not to do it with us? Because if they tried and couldnt do anything ... they could said it and we will understanded
 What we dont understand its where were those 'my team always protect my fans' that taylor talked in this letter about the usa shows ... where this protection went when we needed them?
It's great that she said something about the USA situation and I hope she actually does something about the shows because it's her main market and the whole situation was stressful for everyone, there was a LOT of things wrong that still need to be explained
I hope that taylornation are working and that the situation will be resolved as soon as possible, in the best way for the fans, not for ticketmaster, not for taylor ... for the fans
But i hope that international dates, that probably are on the way to be scheduled, dont be affected
And more than that, if taylor came to talk about international dates before she add more shows into the usa (i think she will do that) ... i hope the fans from usa dont lose their minds and start talk shit about her again
 Because i think she can do US - INTERNATIONAL - US ... end the tour where she start because of the demand (even its take some time to her get back to usa)
 Anyway ... there's more i want to say but i'll stop here
PS: I'm not fluent in English so there are probably a lot of writing errors, but I hope that the interpretation and intention/context was understandable
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petitprincess1 · 3 years
Nightfur also said that Villainous is taking so long because everything is being done in-house, and not sent overseas to animate. I guess that would influence the schedules, at least a bit. I don’t want to compare, but I’m curious which is the case with Helluva Boss, do you know? To give an idea of how much time it should take in one case and the other mostly.
Yeah, I do know a little bit. I think Vivzie has said that the pandemic had actually helped increase productivity in certain aspects because, well....what else is there to do? There's a lot of things that dropped due to the pandemic, so everybody is stuck in their homes. So, they're able to send their finished product to Vivzie or whoever is working that specific scene. I'm sure some things have gotten slowed a bit, but Viv never gave full specifics. I think it was mainly voice talent, but dont quote me on that. Either than that, the production has been more-or-less smooth.
I dont think Night has specifically said things are done in-house, more because of Corona. However, if that is true, then yeah. Everything being done solely in-house would slow things down, especially since you can only have a certain amount of people within a building. Not exactly a good thing and I refuse to believe these guys have no way to animate, considering that they're able to post digital images online. As for the overseas thing, it doesn't really make much sense, since a completely different studio animated the crossover. I think the studio was within Mexico.
Also, please dont bring up the whole thing about Mexico being a poor country. It's not that poor of a country. If you compare it to America, then no shit It's "poor". But they aren't like living in mud huts. X3 Besides, there are many Latam cartoons that exist and Villainous is the only one that has had this many issues. At some point, someone's gonna have to stop blaming the pandemic, Mexico, and CN. Gonna have to realize that maybe it's the person in control of pretty much the whole show.
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ahsokabi-archive · 5 years
its just so typical white leftists yanqui behavior to talk abt what happens in latam for like a week, without knowing anything abt it before, with a self righteous and authoritatively tone, but then forget abt it, ignoring what happened after that week, the ppl that are suffering, their experiences.
its so funny bc u ppl preach and “teach” us whats a coup, how to make a revolution, what we can and cannot say abt out politicians, what is actually happening in our countries, and yet u cant organize a single protest or even think of mobilizing in your own country. like you guys still shop at amazon while preaching to actual latine leftist abt whats communism.
and its also funny that u all thinking that bc u studied abt latam politics, or bc u read some washington post article abt us u know what we go thru and how we live, how we mobilized or how we think, and no. bc u ppl cant even see latines as complex beings u dont think that we can and we did in fact rebel against our own government multiple times, that we can know whats socialism, what is being repressed, whats fighting against the ffaa, etc.
its oh so funny to be preached by leftists that have never joined an union, joined a protest, organized a march and only have read leftist text.
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