#you gotta check all their hard drives fr
rosafloera · 10 months
I swear it always gotta be something man, as a new fan I just got into researching ATLA and everytime I think 'oh this guy staff did/said something I can get behind!' I'm just shooting myself in the foot for them to turn around and do sexist and godawful things
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bluejayblueskies · 2 years
pov you're an arkham taxi driver
Rating: Teen and Up Category: Gen
Characters: Original Characters, John, Arthur Additional Tags: Outsider POV, Alternative Perspective, Second Person POV, Some Humor, (a bit tongue-in-cheek)
CW: ableist language, cults, and mentions of violence/murder
Read on AO3
The man who climbs into the back of your cab looks just like any other man living in Arkham. That isn’t saying much, of course, given that they all look like any other person until the shit hits the fan, but there truly is no way to tell. That said, when the man begins muttering to himself, you’re not surprised in the least. You’ve been doing this job for far too long, and you’ve seen far worse.
(Some things do not wash out of upholstery, which is a fact that you’ve come to know quite intimately. You have a strict no-fluids policy now, which you think is perfectly fair and reasonable of you. The horrors can go ooze all over the back of somebody else’s taxi, thank you very much.)
“What is this Dark World?” the man says. His voice is hushed but not hushed enough, like he thinks that just because you’re up here and he’s back there, you can’t hear him. Why do they always think that? “Wh-what does it look like? I…”
He stops, clearly listening to something that only he can hear. You watch him in the rearview mirror as you drive through the streets of Arkham. You know these roads like the back of your hand, and you know the people who walk them just as well. You recognize the quietly horrified expression that flashes across his face, there and gone like it had never been.
You’ve reached his stop. Normally, you might take the long way ‘round, stretch out the ride for some extra cash, because things are hard out there right now and you’ve got a family to feed. But there’s no point. This guy is so far inside his own head (literally? You don’t know how these things work) that he barely blinks when you tack on the extra dollar fee.
Look, it’s just good business practice. Somebody brings a whole host of weird spooky shit into your cab, they gotta pay for it. Like a convenience fee. It’s not like every other taxi driver in this godforsaken city doesn’t do it.
The man leaves the cab, still muttering to himself, dropping the coins absently in your outstretched hand as he goes. He even says, “Thank you,” which is more than you get half of the time. You twist in your seat to check, and—nope. No mysterious packages, no odd stains, no lingering smells. Not even a shiver down the back of your neck.
All in all, a perfectly pleasant interaction. You almost feel bad about the surcharge.
Your taxi still smells faintly of smoked meat when you pick up the man who talks to himself. You’ve been doing this long enough now that you can identify one of these types of people pretty much on sight—the ones involved with things they ought not to be involved with. Still, given that your last passenger—decidedly mundane—thought it appropriate to eat in the back of your taxi and subsequently saturate it with foodsmell for the next few hours at least, you’re more inclined than usual to turn a blind eye to whatever’s currently happening in your backseat.
… That doesn’t mean you can’t eavesdrop, though.
That’s the thing, see—they never assume that you’re listening. It’s possible they do and they just don’t care, but after the third time somebody openly discussed murder in front of you on the way to their destination, you’ve come to the conclusion that your presence is negligible to them.
Well, that’s just fine. Preferable, even. The last thing you want is for any of these people to think that you pose a threat to them. You’d much prefer that your limbs stay attached to your body and at all the right angles.
Anyway. The man is a detective, you think. There are also plenty of those in Arkham, which makes sense; more supernatural criminals necessitate more people to stop them who aren’t afraid of a bit of spook. He mentions a symbol in an old house—his destination, you assume, not far at all from the bookstore—but the way he phrases it, it’s … like he’s talking to somebody else.
… Probably best not to ask. If a man hears voices in his head and deigns to talk to them in public, well—that’s his own business.
“I always valued my sight, obviously,” the man says after a moment, “as much as one can. But it’s quite a different thing to lose it altogether one day.”
He continues, but you’re not listening anymore. Instead, you’re looking back and forth between the road in front of you and the man’s reflection in your rearview mirror, eyebrows raised.
He’s blind? Funny, he doesn’t look it. His eyes dart around, taking in the interior of the cab, the scenery outside the window, focusing on specific things. If you squint, though, you think you can see the faintest yellow shine around his irises, like that of the stray cats that scurry across the road in front of your taxi when you have the night shift.  
You don’t have time to think about it any longer, though, because you’ve reached the house. It looks just like any other house, but they all do on the surface. The evil lies deeper, uncovered only if you’re not smart enough to keep your nose where it belongs.
You’re smart enough. This man evidently is not.
Pity. He seems nice enough—gives you nearly twice the required fare, thanks you, doesn’t leave any smells behind as he departs. (Christ, the bar is low, isn’t it.)
The man walks inside the house, almost certainly to his own detriment, and you drive away. You don’t expect you’ll be seeing him again any time soon.
“Alright, well—I’m all ears. Tell me.”
You almost respond before you glance in the mirror and see that the man in the back of your taxi isn’t looking at you. He cocks his head slightly, as if … listening to something?
Then, he says, “So you think this religious sect had opened a gateway?” and you have to fight back a sigh.
It fucking figures that you’d be transporting another goddamned cultist. Or at least somebody involved with them. It’s been a week or so since you picked one up, and apparently, the universe has decided to mock you for your belief that maybe you wouldn’t have to do so again.
You hate driving cultists. Sometimes you can tell just by looking at them if they’re involved in all that bullshit, but most of the time, you have no idea until they’re ruining your entire day. You know what all the other taxi drivers say—charge more, mind your business, and you’ll be fine—and you listen, of course. The extra money is nice—means you can actually put food on the table for your kids—and not being dead is also a significant perk.
But you see, that’s the issue. You drive a taxi; this should not be a life-or-death situation kind of job.
You sneak another glance at the man in your backseat.
He looks a bit frazzled. “Yes, um, well…” He trails off, then recenters himself. “Uh, this beckons the question once again—who are you to have a religious cult open a gateway to another world just to bring you through?”
What the fuck?
“I continually brush off the very real and serious concern that you may be something more sinister, and you seem quite okay with that. I don’t know exactly what you are—”
What the fuck? Who the fuck is this guy?
You take your eyes off the road, just for a moment, to do a full sweep of your car. There’s nobody else here—just you and this unassuming man in a suit and tie who you’re now certain is either very mad or very, very cursed. You really hope it’s the former, but given all the other things that have crawled into the back of your cab (in some cases literally), you’re not optimistic.
Fucking hell.
… At least he’s not covered in blood.
You drop the man on the doorstep of Miskatonic University and drive off as quickly as you can. There. He and his cryptic mutterings are somebody else’s problem now.
Christ. You wish the economy weren’t in shambles. You could really use a new career.
You’ve been doing this job for a long time, so you don’t bat an eye when the guy in the back of your taxi starts talking to himself about kidnappings. So long as he keeps all his business back there and leaves you out of it, you’ll stay up here and mind your business. It’s the polite thing to do, really.
You do bat an eye, however, when you pull up to his address and there are police outside the building.
The arrangement you and the other taxi drivers have with the cultists in this town is as unshakable as it is unspoken. They pay extra for their fare, and you don’t drop them on the steps of the police station when they start discussing illegal shit or carry suspicious-looking packages into the back of the taxi with them. You leave them be, and they leave you be, and everything is all hunky-dory.
That agreement, of course, rests on ambiguity and plausible deniability. If anybody ever tried to bring an actual body into your taxi, or if you picked them up from an obvious murder scene or ritual sacrifice, then yeah—all bets are off. But generally, the cultists don’t want to end up behind bars any more than you want to end up buried six feet under, so it all tends to shake out all right.
This guy apparently didn’t get the memo. He’s staring at the cops wide-eyed, using every swear in the book, and it couldn’t be more obvious that he’s the reason they’re here if he stepped out of the cab and started shouting his confession to the wind.
“How can we calm down?” he mutters to fucking nobody. Yep, he’s off to the looney bin for sure. At least he can make an insanity plea once he gets arrested. “They—they’ve just found my partner, they’ve found his body … oh fuck—”
You resist the urge to turn and give this guy a what-the-fuck look. He knows you’ll have to make a report about this, right? Even if he gets out of the taxi right now and makes it past the police without being seen, he’s basically just confessed to fucking murder in front of you. You can’t not write this up. It wouldn’t be ethical.
As the man continues to ramble to himself, you rifle through the glovebox until you locate a pen and paper. You jot down the address and a quick description of the man. You’ve never actually had to make a report like this before—who would have thought, seeing something new in this town even after all these years—so you’re not sure what you’ll need. Best to be thorough.
As you’re studying the man’s face, he suddenly looks at you, wide-eyed. Before you can say anything, he pulls a random assortment of coins from his pocket and thrusts them towards you—Christ, five dollars, is that supposed to be hush money or something?—before practically fleeing the cab.
You stare at the coins for a moment, then at the paper in your hand, before shrugging, setting them both on the passenger side seat, and driving away.
You don’t know the man’s name, of course. But the police accept his address and description all the same.
There is a frazzled, frantic man in the back of your taxi, talking to himself, and you wish you could say that this is the weirdest thing that’s happened to you all day. But you’re pretty sure the guy who wore a white mask and said fuck all the whole ride holds that honor.
On the other hand, though, this man may have just confessed to murder? Some guy named Eddie? Or maybe whoever he’s talking to killed him—it’s a bit unclear. He’s clearly having a conversation with somebody, but there isn’t anybody else in the cab other than the two of you. Either you’re transporting a murderer (not ideal) or an insane person (also not ideal) or both (really not ideal).
But also, he’s almost certainly one of Arkham’s weird-as-all-hell cultists, so who knows. Maybe there is somebody back there, but they’re invisible. Or something.
You double the fare just in case.
You’re pretty sure the man is hyperventilating now. He keeps flexing the fingers of his left hand, staring down at it as he curls it into a fist and then uncurls it. The look in his eyes, a hungry sort of curiosity, is at stark odds with the horrified panic consuming the rest of him. It’s fucking unsettling.
At least the guy in the mask was quiet. And he tipped well.
It’s a low bar to be sure, but hey—money is money. You’ve gotta pay the bills somehow.
The man continues to study his left hand like it belongs in the fucking Met, and to be honest, it’s kinda starting to get to you. It’s funny; you’re hardly fazed by the murder confession, but everything else about this guy kinda makes your skin crawl. There’s something really freaky going on with him, and you want no part of it, you decide.
It’s a relief when you drop him off on the curb outside an abandoned old house and drive away. You wish you could tell yourself that you just won’t pick up people like him anymore, but you can’t. Aside from being utterly impractical, it’s not like you knew what he was going to be like until he climbed into your cab.
And besides, his money works just as well as anybody else’s. And god knows that’s all you can afford to care about.
The man from this morning is sitting in your taxi again. He looks different now—shaken, trembling, haunted. Like he’s seen a ghost, perhaps, or whatever spooky nonsense his kind of people get themselves involved in.
You’ll never understand it—why people join these cults. But you don’t have to. You just have to pick them up and drop them off and keep your mouth shut, and you excel at all three of those things.
You add the surcharge and start to drive. You recognize the provided address as the one you picked him up at a few hours ago—his house, maybe? You try not to be curious, but sometimes, you can’t help but wonder. Particularly when the man begins to talk to himself again, hushed but still very much audible, because it’s not like these cabs are soundproof, are you kidding?
“That is easy for you to say,” he says, sounding equal parts distressed and resigned. “I am losing pieces of myself. My ha—my hand is gone.”
You look in the rearview mirror. Nope; he still has two hands.
“My eyes are gone.”
And two eyes as well. Though they do dart around oddly, in a manner that doesn’t quite match what the rest of his body is doing.
“I don’t know what’s next to leave. For all I know, if you … if you take my mind entirely, I will no longer be able to think.”
Hm. You’re honestly not quite sure what to make of that.
You turn a corner. His building is just ahead.
Most of the other taxi drivers don’t believe in any of the horrible things that are rumored to lie just beneath the surface of Arkham. And they’re probably all the wiser for it, honestly. A good degree of skepticism is healthy in this job, he’s found. It helps you keep your distance, keeps you alive and kicking to see another day.
Still, it’s hard to watch these strange people get in and out of his cab and not believe, just a little bit, that there is something more to it all.
So, fuck it. Maybe there is some supernatural entity living in this guy’s brain or influencing him in some way. Maybe it controls him physically, or maybe it just makes him think that he’s being controlled. Some things are tricky like that, you’ve found—can make you see things that aren’t actually there.
Whatever the case, you … actually feel bad for the poor man sitting in your back seat. He’s clearly had one hell of a day. Exhaustion drags him down, and he gives you the distinct impression of somebody who was dragged kicking and screaming into the realm of the unnatural without being asked for permission. He smells a bit like blood and gunpowder. Normally you’d be put off by that, but it’s overwhelmingly surpassed by the pity you feel for this man.
However. As badly as you feel, as much as you pity him, there’s nothing in this world or any other that could convince you to get involved in his situation by choice.
So you drop the man off at 13 Mosby Avenue, alone in the rain, and drive away two dollars richer.
The last glimpse you catch of him is in the bright white of a lightning strike, high above in the clouds. He looks … taller, somehow. Like his shadow has peeled away from the ground and now looms ominously above, an unholy specter of darkness that winds around him like it’s trying to consume him utterly.
Then, you turn a corner and he disappears from view.
You blink a few times to dispel the image before pulling over to pick up another person who’s hailing you down. The two people who get in your cab seem normal, at least—a mother and her daughter, if you had to guess. They give you their address and then begin chatting quietly amongst themselves. All perfectly mundane.
You really ought to retire, you think as you begin toward the next destination. It’s hard out there, and you’re lucky to have this job, but perhaps you’ve been doing this for too long if your eyes are starting to play tricks on you like that.
You ignore the voice in your head telling you that your eyes know exactly what they saw, just as you’ve ignored every other voice in your head over the past decade or so telling you that something is off, just as every other taxi driver has done and will continue to do. You drop off your passenger and pick up another, and if the one after that smells of sulfur and carries a black-stained backpack on their lap, well.
It’s really none of your business.
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chaisshitposts · 11 months
thanks for reminding me i can manifest them to be chill- i way too used to my strict parents lmao
i haven't catched up with hxh manga but i did finish the anime and basically killua split up to protect alluka and gon wanted to meet his father so they technically couldn't stay together, there's a possibility that they won't appear in the manga again :((
don't blame me😭 the first thing i saw about kny was that episode and nezuko (there was so many nezuko edits oml), but first episode was like a 50/50 for me?? i'm pretty sure it's because i used to watch like really dark magical girls animes when i was younger and my cousins always made me watch the final destination series with them🧍🏻
OML TOJI I REMEMBER READING THE MANGA AND WANTING HIM AND MEGUMI TO MEET SDCNKSDJFBS and yuta is the literal definition of looking like a cinnamon roll but can actually kill you
I DON'T BLAME YOU ABOUT THE PROMISED NEVERLAND CUz Isabella's jumpscare in the first episode was😭😭🖐🏻 and yES PLS GIVE BUNGO STAY DOGS A CHANCE!
there's something so scrumptiously delicious about main characters who are weak but are actually strong and just humbles the people who underestimates them, like, sLAY
my sister recommended me mashle! it's on to watch list since i'm planning on binge watching animes in my waiting room and PLS TELL ME THAT ZOM 100 IS FINALLY COMPLETED, I'VE BEEN WANTING TO BINGE WATCH IT SINCE LIKE LAST LAST MONTH
i'm currently watching the apothecary diaries! It's so refreshing because the female lead is so smart and pragmatic, like she doesn't give a sht about the male lead and just loves medicine and poison tasting so much😫 the only thing i dislike is how she's being forced to be the male lead's partner but the plot is still good heheh
no problemo 🕵️ gotta help the homies out. everything in life is a jojo reference, even jesus.
oml nO wait I watched the whole HXH manga and know they split up I was just acting delusional 😭 and uGh I hope the manga gets finished one day... The creator has bad health-- wait a damn minute I can just manifest his health back wtf am I sayin' 🧐
PFFFTTT what a wild read— and oh god no don't even talk about final destination to me, I cannot drive on the freeway normally sometimes bc of that shit, everytime I see a truck with like oversized loads (especially the fuckers with the big ass steel poles on the back of them) I always get chills, even though I know nothing is gonna happen to me cause I said so 🧍
toji didn't even remember he had son.... deadbeat dad type beat. yuta and rika deserve better ngl
isabella and that other maid... they are nightmare fuel. and yes!!!!!! I will absolutely give it another chance for the adorable tiger boy with the fruity little haircut!!! bingeing anime in yer waitin' room??? bruh that's literally so big brain wtf I low-key wanna shift to all my favorite animes one of these days 🕵️ but I have this underlying worry about the version of myself being left behind to do my dirty work lmfao
also- katekyo hitman reborn! is super good, but I will say that I have been rewatchin' it for a sense of nostalgia on and off whenever I have time and god the first like--- 20 episodes are fuckin' cringe but the main character's awakenin' is satisfying 😭 he's like the og deku
I have no idea if all the eps have been posted for zom 100 !!!! I will check for you today if I remember--- I haven't had time to check after watching like the first three episodes on crunchyroll—
OooOo an anime with a strong female lead!?!?! I would absolutely eat that shit up oml gobble gobble gobble— ew that plot sounds cringey. man, I really want an anime with a stoic, underestimated female lead whos like majorly asexual... wait 🧍 hold on, I basically just described saiki k... I NEED A FULL THIRD SEASON OF THE DISASTROUS LIFE OF SAIKI K.
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enn0s · 3 months
Hey theree,
a wild one has appeared again D. 🦝__ 💨
Life slows down for no one sadly but sometimes a busy life is a good distraction. Hopefully it’s not bringing you any unnecessary stress. Ahhhh that’s always nice to hear. I actually was going through your art tag a couple weeks back and realized you were one of my favorite artist when I was using the app more. Glad to still know your phalanges and artistic drive is going strong. I draw but I wouldn’t consider myself an “artist” artist. I’ve been having art block on and off for years, but I will admit I have been picking up the pencil and paper here and there, but I’m not satisfied still with how often I do it.
Do you have any goals when it comes to your creative path? Like maybe one day make it a career or is it just a hobby for right now?
Ooooh~ yes, especially! On the No Mercy EP. I have to say all those songs are favorites. But First sensibility, also got a good amount of favorites 1004 definitely, Check On and Shady lady lady lady~. I looove their rnb vibe too and I don’t like a lot of K-pop music with rnb influence. It’s just the ear feel isn’t always the same lol idk maybe it just me.
Omg…speaking of I officially have a group an actually like to the point I’m watching their videos and actually being invested. I haven’t been like this since B.A.P really honestly haaa. I will say I’m felling cringe about it…but I know I shouldn’t :,^]. But euuuu liking someone to this extent? Brother euuuu. But it is what it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
They’re called EVNNE and I’m going to see them in August. If you’ve heard of them do you have members you like or songs? I wonder if we’d like the same peeps, if one of them starts with a H…we may scrapp 👊💥
Nahh I’m playinng around lol they deserve all the love and just shows you have good taste to me.
Ahhhh that sounds like fun. I enjoyed the BYG concert, but I feel like the fans weren’t that hype for me but still! Great vibes all the way. Well lol I’m going to another one so thank you for wishing it into existence 🙇‍♀️
And don’t worry about pronouns I’m not a stickler about it but quite nice of you to ask. But to the MBLAQ throwbacks. OH YEEEAH OH YEEEAH OH YEEEAH YEAH YEAH! Vibe and continue getting that dopamine.
Until next time… D. RACC OUT! 🚪🦝 _💨💨
I always enjoy these convos as well, especially, it’s kind of not related, when I find people who watch or watched early 2000s - 2010s anime’s. The Nostalgia is always nice. And to share it with someone? Double win.
Reminds me when I wore my Powerline Concert Tee from The Goofy Movie. And the store clerk started singing Eye to Eye. But lol fr this time, I wish you well until the next we speak again.
Oh! And also if you had to choose an animal what would you identify with?
Toodles and 🍜✨~
hello friend i was just thinking about you the other day! hoping you were doing well on your side of the world lol.
thats an incredible compliment for me to hear about my older art, i appreciate you so much 🤧 in my mind, if u try to make art then you're an artist lol im proud of you for picking up the pencil again! its hard to start up again after a long time, your hand doesnt move quite the way it used to and you gotta get used to your speed and your style again like meeting an old friend after a long long time...awkward at first but then you fall right back into it and its different but still good. i definitely had a dip in creative drive for a solid...5 years? idk it comes and goes and i've learned to just let it. no shame in a rest period!
I actually went to school originally to pursue art and design but i discovered very early on that i dont respond well to being told what to create so an art-focused job was just never gonna be something i was going to succeed in without burning out completely.
These days i just have my tiny 10 dollar sketchbook and i've been pulling out the colored pencils and crayons and glue and scrap paper and just. having fun... and it's really kickstarted that urge to create bigger, more polished pieces again. i think my goal is just to keep that love close to me and not lose it again in the hustle and bustle of being alive.
i gave evnne a listen and i like the sound of the ride or die EP! even the b-sides are solid, theyve got great voices, they got a little sauce right out the gate and i see a lot of potential for them! im a long haul kind of person for bands so ill keep checking in on them for sure, they got good things comin for them. They look soooo young to me lmao i just wanna get those kids some sandwiches and a nap 🥲 you can tell theyre working their asses off.
I wonder if you had to make a list, what your top 10 songs (doesnt have to be kpop) would be~ im always looking for new music and i love hearing the songs people love and why they hit the way they do.
Bro powerline tho!!!! what a fucking legend!!! a goofy movie and shrek are unironically masterclasses of cinema to me lol, i had goofy movie on VHS and id play that thing to death, its just so good and eye to eye is a banger. Taste.
Wishing you peaceful nights and delicious foods till the next time we talk friend!
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Playing at Eddie's: Eddie X Little! Reader
Summary: This is part of my Discovery fic world! Regressing at Eddie’s trailer for the first time.
A/N: this feels a little rushed but I liked it! :)) Working on a Steve rogers fic rn.
W/C: 1066
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To say Eddie was stressed was an understatement. How could he not be? His baby was going to be there in less than an hour and his trailer was still a mess, all of his… special apparel and other adult stuff was moved to being hidden in his closet. 
Eddie pulled out all of the blankets, pillows, and other soft things that his baby would adore. Luckily that left more room in his closet for him to throw the trash and dirty clothing that littered his floor into it. With some shoving and cramming, the floor of his room was visible, and so were the crumbs that were spread all over. He needed to vacuum, do they have a vacuum? Where would it be? Luckily it was in the first place he checked, in what was referred to as the broom closet. 
‘Maybe I should clean more often…’ was all that ran through his mind, as he frantically vacuumed his room. Luckily right as he put the vacuum away the doorbell rang. Opening the door Robin and (Y/N) stood in front and Steve stood a little farther back. 
“Hi!” (Y/N) said, as they threw themself into a hug (making Eddie catch them). 
“Hi Baby, did Harrington drive carefully with you in the car?” Eddie said while stroking their head and kissing their forehead. A playful glare pointed at Steve before he laughed.
“Yes!” They said not picking up on the playful annoyance, “We went to get stuff for Steve and Robin’s booth at the fair and I got to help!” 
“Oh really?” Eddie kissed their head again and asked quietly, “Were you a good helper?”
“Mhmmmm!” They said, starting to peer into his house.
“Hope they didn’t work you two too hard,” Eddie chuckled, before eying (Y/N) again waiting for them to say thank you and goodbye. Having to squeeze their hand and raise an eyebrow to get them to understand.
“Oh! Thank you for inviting me and driving me! I had fun!” They released Eddies, moving to hug Steve and Robin.
“It’s no problem, do you want to join us again to work on it?” Robin asked, being gentle towards the obviously teetering baby.
“I’d like that, can Eddie come too?” They asked while moving to hug Steve.
“Of course,” Robin said smiling at the question. “Now, you too go have fun, don’t forget to show him your present!”
“Okay! Thank you! Bye-Bye!” They said walking back to the trailer, Eddie and them waving as their friends got in the car to drive away.
“Come in, can’t have you catching a cold out here!” Eddie exclaims overdramatically. 
“Eddie, what are we gonna do today?” (Y/N) asked, wandering around the living area. Staring at 
“We can play, and watch movies! Sadly, it’s gonna rain soon lovie, so all our plans were ruined.” Eddie said frowning at them.
Their eyes widen, “It’s okay! We can spend all day cuddling, Dada!”
“That’s right, and I pulled all my old toys out for you,” Eddie said, smiling at them. 
“Really? We play?” They stare up blinking at them.
“Yes baby,” Eddie said, opening the door to his bedroom, “Remember, if you get sleepy, hungry, or even having to go potty, you gotta say something so I know.”
“Okie dada,” They said plopping onto the floor and looking into the box of toys. There were he-man toys, Cabbage Patch kids, and Care Bears. “Watch the Care bears tonight?”
“Yes baby, and we can have anything you’d like to eat!” Eddie said before whispering to himself, “If we can order it for takeout…”
“Dada, we pway now?” Eddie smiled and nodded, sitting behind them. Pulling them onto his lap, picking up a toy to play with. “Ou da knight and sab me? (You are the knight and save me?)”
“Of course, dada will always save his little baby!” Eddie exclaims, bouncing them in his lap and kissing their cheek. 
With a squeal, (Y/N) began acting out a story. The story was partially based on a DND campaign he wrote a few months back, however, it was babified. Eddie was playing a dangerous dragon that steals the baby away from their kingdom. He also was playing a knight in dented armor, who would save their baby back. 
They played for hours until the baby got all fidgety, and started squirming. Eddie was quick to notice this, “Baby, do you have to go potty?”
“Wanna pway mowe!” They said, upset.
“You can play again after you go potty!” Eddie said, trying to come them down. They only pouted in response. “Baby, do you want me to help you, or do you want to go by yourself?”
“By myself, pease, ‘m big giwl” (Y/N) said, asking to be carried into the bathroom. 
Once they were placed in the restroom, Eddie asked, “Do you need help with the button on your pants?”
(Y/N) nodded, soon the button was undone and Eddie left the bathroom. Eddie noticed the stains on his bed as he left the bathroom. Did they notice it when they came in? How could he forget to clean his bed? 
Quickly, Eddie decided to take the blankets from the living room and drape a few on the bed to cover the stains. For once in his life, Eddie prayed to God for a miracle and for (Y/N) to not see the stains. They came out shortly after Eddie’s mad rush.
“Dada, can we watch Care Bears now?” They said, pants unbuttoned.
“How about we get you changed and then we can watch it?” Eddie said, only to be met with a whine, “Don’t you wanna be all comfy in daddy’s cloths?”
“Pease,”  They said, “Wan’ dada’s.”
“Can I change you?” Eddie asked, receiving a nod, “Okay, hands up,” Their shirt was pulled off, and then their pants. Their top was quickly replaced by his (then your bra was removed if you wear one), then he traded their underwear for a pair of his sweatpants.
“Danks dada!” They said, jumping to be carried by him, “Cuddle time?”
“Yes, my little elf,” Eddie said, “And movie! AND some yummy dinner!”
The night continued, being filled with a delivery meal. (Y/N) was forced to eat at least some of their veggies before dessert. Luckily, it was easy to convince them to while they watched their favorite movie.
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chelleztjs18 · 3 years
Lost in Assistance - Ch. 6
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GIF: I do not own this GIF.
Summary: Y/n is a professional celebrity's personal assistant in Hollywood got hired with two years contract to be the assistant of the famous and talented Elizabeth Olsen / Lizzie by her manager. Both Y/n and Lizzie hate each other since day one, and they have mutual friend. One is as stubborn as the other, will Y/n stay when Lizzie gives attitudes and tries her best to make her quit before the contract ends?
Warning: fluff, angst, smut (in future chapters), swearing words ( +18 only)
All chapters
You are forced to wake up in a sudden by your alarm blaring. You squint your eyes, try to find your glasses or your phone to turn off that annoyance of the sounds of your alarm. You finally turned it off and put on your glasses then checked out the time. You forgot that you have to wake up earlier than you planned before Lizzie’s text yesterday. Once you see the time is 5 AM, you regretted that you stayed up late last night.
You groaned as you got out of the bed. Last night you decided to wake up at 5 AM just so you can give yourself enough time to get ready, let alone you have to try to beat the traffic to go to the office even though it’s Friday you just don’t want to take that risk, not today. Last but not least, you have to get the coffee that Lizzie specifically requested.
You try to get ready faster than usual. You picked semi casual attire for today with a low ponytail and flat shoes. You grabbed your purse, your laptop and every other thing you need for work today. You walk out then go to your mom’s room to check if your mom is awake.
“Ma, are you awake yet? I’m gonna go to work okay? I’ll see you when I get home. Love you.” You half whispered hoping your mom can hear you but not loud enough to wake her up just in case she is still sleeping.
“Okay, good luck on your first day my dear.” Your mom replies in a sleepy tone.
You left for work but had to drop by at Starbucks near the office to get Lizzie’s large black coffee with half and half and two pumps of hazelnut syrup so it will still be hot when she gets it. That’s how she likes it and it’s one of a few list of coffee beverages she likes besides her precious seasonal pumpkin spice latte.
You finally arrived at the office at 6 AM sharp. The main building is already open due to some offices having early operation hours. You confidently go up to the office thinking it is already open as well or at least opened for Lizzie who is meeting you there but to your surprise the door is still locked and all the lights are still off. Puzzled with what’s going on, you pull out your phone and try to contact Lizzie to figure out where she is.
You try to call her but no answer. You wait for a few minutes in front of the office, then you try to call her again, which leads to the same result, no answer. Hoping that you will get an answer if you try to reach her in a different way, you decided to text her.
"Good morning Ms. Olsen, I'm here at the office. Are you on your way here by any chance? Thanks." You texted anxiously yet irritated. Fifteen minutes went by and still no words whatsoever from her. You decided to go back to your car and wait there.
You hate waiting yet that’s the only thing you can do now. Luckily, you parked at one of the Vernon’s office reserved spots so it will be easy for you to spot Lizzie when she comes. You sighed with annoyance every time you checked your phone and found nothing from Lizzie. You watch the parking spots around you like a hawk to spot Lizzie but shortly you are betrayed by your body, your eyes slowly close and you fall asleep. All of a sudden you hear your phone ring, it’s Lizzie. You jolted to check the time to find it’s 8:05. “Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!’ You cursed in your mind and answered the call.
”Hello. Ms. Olsen. I’m coming right up.” You explain right away while you gather your stuff to get going.  “Where are you?! You are late. I have been waiting here for 5 minutes.” Lizzie asked, pretending she was upset about waiting. Making you come two hours early and letting you wait was her plan. Little did you know, Lizzie actually saw you sleeping in the car when she parked. Of course she won’t let this situation go to waste so she decided to just go up to the office to make it look like you are late. 
You finally showed up with one hand holding your purse and your laptop, the other handing Lizzie her coffee. “Good morning. I’m so sorry. Here’s your coffee. I got here at-..” before you could finish your explanation she cuts you off. “Um, my coffee is not hot, Y/n. Why is it cold? I like hot coffee in the morning. You need to get me a new one on the way there. We gotta go now or we are gonna be late. Thanks to you.” She gave the coffee back to you and walked away.
Your jaw dropped. You are so flabbergasted and irritated at the same time with what just happened as you saw her walk away with no remorse whatsoever. 
“Aren’t you coming?” What Lizzie said snap you back to reality and you proceed to follow her to leave.
Lizzie decided to sit at the front passenger side with you driving. You drive in silence, still upset that you have to go to Starbucks to get her another hot coffee. You ordered hers and your usual coffee. You got both of your orders, you put yours in the cup holder and you hand her hers. “Ice coffee huh in the morning? Grande Espresso frappuccino, light ice double blended with extra shot in a venti cup. Just because you like cold coffee in the morning, it doesn’t mean other people like it too, you know?” She commented sarcastically.  “Ms. Olsen, I got there at 6 just like you wanted me to, I tried to call and text you but no answer. That’s why your coffee got cold. It has been sitting for two hours.” You broke your silence but are still trying to keep it cool.
“Oh yeah, I slept in, didn’t hear my alarm.” Lizzie answered nonchalantly.
“Are you kidd--” You said in your mind then you took a deep breath. Hearing how she answered you, it made you connect the dots and you know what she’s up to. You know it’s normal if she really slept in but this happened on the first day you work for her, coincidence much. 
“I see.” You said it sarcastically and nodded slightly. “What? What do you see?” You got her attention. “Oh nothing. You did it on purpose didn’t you? You are trying to give me a hard time working.” You calmly confront her. “I told you I slept in. It’s up to you how you gonna take my answer.” Another nonchalant answer came out from her. You chuckle sarcastically then pull over and turn your head to look at her. She looks back at you confused.
“Look, Ms. Olsen. I don’t sugar coat things so please hear me out, I know you don’t like me because I got hired as the assistant you thought you don’t need and I don’t fancy you either. What you did this morning is completely childish and to me, you really give yourself a bad name such as a brat. I’m just here doing my job. As professional as you are and as stubborn as you are, no matter what game you are playing now, I won’t quit because I’m not a quitter. So why don’t you just let me do my job until the contract ends?” You raise one of your eyebrows and give her an intimidating smile then you start to drive again to the location.
Despite the fact that Lizzie actually got caught off guard with what you just did and with everything you said, she refused to give in. In fact it just provoked her more and started to ramble angrily “I told you I slept in! Just so you know, I have my own reason why I don't need a new assistant! You know nothing about me! So don't you dare call me a brat! Don't get too cocky. I’m not a quitter either. I’ll win.” She replied and just like that, they soon got into an argument and everything turned into one competition between you two girls who have the same level of unyielding obduracy. Nonetheless, both of you are consumed by your own ego and anger. 
You scoffed. "Oh come on! We both know you did it on purpose! I'm not stupid! 2 plus 2 is 4! Why don't you want a new assistant anyway? It's not that bad!" You raised your tone a little.
"Why the hell do I have to tell you my reason?! It's a personal thing! You work for me, don't you remember that?! Being childish is way better than being cocky like you. Just because you are the best assistant that Mitchel has, doesn't mean you're better than anybody else! So if you are as professional as you said you are, why don't you just zip it and drive?!"
The driving is now filled with tension and awkward silence. You decide to turn on the music just to calm you down. Clair De Lune by Motez Remix plays. The tune is actually catchy enough to Lizzie’s ears, she never heard this song before so she secretly checked the title on y/n’s car screen. “I don’t like this, I want to listen to something else.” She lied just to push y/n’s button yet again. “My car, my choice of music.” Lizzie rolled her eyes to what you said.
Luckily the traffic wasn’t that bad, you both arrived at the location on time. Lizzie gets out of the car and slams the door as she is still upset with you.
The photoshoot session starts. Both of you only talk when it’s needed. Not a single eye contact happens between the two of you. After a few hours, it’s time for lunch. Lunch is already catered, you prepared a plate for her, place it on the table. You sit with the photographer and crews on another table near hers.
She sits and about to eat but was stopped by something she noticed on her plate. Something that she hates, onions.
“Umm, Y/n, I can’t eat this.” She pushed the plate away. “ And why is that?” curious why she said that, you go to take a look at her plate and notice what’s the problem. “Sorry, I didn’t notice there’s onions there.” You added.
“It’s okay, I wouldn’t mind eating it if there’s no onion in it. Since you are my assistant, I will let you do your job just like what you asked me to do earlier.” She said it sarcastically but in a low tone and gave you a smirk, knowing she just served you back your own words from the argument earlier.
You realized what she wants you to do, it won’t look good if the photographer and the crew see you argue with you since they didn’t hear what ridiculous “assistance” Lizzie just asked you to do for her so you just do what she asked you to half heartedly.
The rest of the session continues then you both go back to the office when it’s all done. The whole ride was awkward and silent from both of you with soft music playing in the background. Tension is in the air but that doesn’t stop both of you secretly exchanging glances to each other without you both knowing.
You both arrived at the office’s parking structure  just to separate to go home and move on with your day.
Ch. 7
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hops-hunny · 3 years
ok now you got me going with the size kink stuff
AND I DEMAND A BLURB WITH POTHEAD NEV, SIZE KINK NEV, DOM!NEV, SPANKING KINK, but like the reader is sweet and act "innocent", and neville gets more turned on than he already is
;_; yall fr treat me huh? IM FINNA TEAR THIS ONE UP. I'll do you one better, reader IS innocent. Not even as an act
Neville knew he was playing with fire when he first asked (Y/n) out. They were different in so many ways. While Neville was experienced in all sense of the world, she was untouched. Didn't drink, didn't party, barely left her dorm, hell she didn't even smoke before she started to date him. At first, he thought her whole innocent thing was an act or that it was at least a lot less than it came off originally. However when he went to touch her for the first time and she took the time to turn each of her stuffed animals around, he knew he was screwed.
It was like the world was tempting him, holding the metaphorical candy in front of his face. He'd be damned if he didn't eat it. Although they hadn't gone all the way yet her reactions from what he had done were more than enough. The way she'd moan and buck her hips onto his tongue as he tongue fucked her, begging him to stop because she was so sensitive but whining when he pulled away. The way he'd finger her in the common room, in the great hall too, whispering about how naughty she was for letting him touch her. It was all so addicting. He found himself being absolutely devoted to eliciting those noises from her whenever he could, loving how even when she was deep into it she'd still go as far as to cover her own eyes claiming it was "too lewd".
"N-nev. Can I ask you something?" she mumbled, walking up to him as he sat with his friends. He glared at them as they went to say something, standing up to grab her hands.
"Of course. Everything okay, petal?" he asked, stroking her cheek as he tilted her head up to look at him. He noticed how her eyes were bloodshot, pupils slightly blown out. "Are..are you high princess?" he asked in a shocked tone. It wasn't unusual for her to be high, just unusual for her to be high without him. She never did it alone, usually opting to wait for him. He ignored his friends' giggles, walking her away to a secluded corridor. "What is it you needed to ask me?"
She looked both ways before grabbing his hand, guiding it between her legs. His eyes widened at how wet she was before another wave of shock rolled through him. She wasn't wearing underwear?
"Petal just what do you think you're doing, walking around the hall with no knickers under your skirt? Only sluts do things like that, are you a slut?" he teased, rubbing his fingers between her folds slightly. He smirked as her legs begin to shake, a whimper falling through her lips as she clung onto his shirt.
"Wanted..no needed you to touch me. I wanna feel good." she said, burying her face in his chest. He drew back his fingers slowly, holding them to her lips. His cock twitched at her confused expression.
"Open." he commanded, sticking his slick covered fingers into her mouth as she opened. "Yes, just like that pretty. I'll make you feel good. But first I've gotta teach you a lesson." he began to drag her off towards his dorm, ignoring her protests.
When they got to his dorm, Neville sat on the edge of his bed pulling the smaller girl towards him. He pushed her down over his lap, pulling up the back of her skirt. His pants tightened at the sight of her slick covered cut, spasming around nothing. "Fucking hell.." he muttered, rubbing a large hand over her ass. Without warning he brought his hand back down, a loud smack echoing around the room. (Y/n) whimpered, gripping onto his pants leg at the action, bits of her arousal sliding out.
"N-nev! Hurts..." she squeaked out as he repeated the action, massaging her sore cheek. She ground her clit against his pants leg, whimpering at the minimal amount of friction. "B-but feels good."
He let out a soft groan, landing a hard spank on her cheek once more. His eyes darkened at the sight of her red cheeks, marks in the shape of his hand. "Yeah? Bet it does. You're such a slut for me, bunny. Look at you, getting all messy and I've barely even touched you." he chuckled as she whined, moving her hips down onto his thigh. He continued with his ruthless actions, growing more and more impatient from the little noises she'd make, begging and begging him to touch her.
"Alright. Think that's enough darling. Want me to make you feel good?" he mused, laying her back on the bed as he removed her shirt. He felt his cock twitch at the sight of her. Her lips were all puffy from his relentless kissing, hair tousled as her hard nipples poked through her frilly little bra. Normally he'd remove it, but she looked so pretty that he hardly wanted to ruin it. He moved her skirt up once again, going to slide a finger inside of her but was surprised when it went in with ease.
"W-wanted you so bad earlier so I...I tried...I can't say it!" she cried out, covering her face. He felt his heart swell at her adorable actions, every bit of his patience was being tested and he was sure if he didn't keep going, he'd fail.
"Go on bunny, say it. Tell daddy what you did, hm?" he cooed, rubbing at her clit slowly. He watched as the girl tensed, hips bucking to meet his small movements. He stopped, pinching at the small bud when she shook her head no.
"T-touched myself. Thinking of you, wanted you so so bad." she said, looking up with him with big sad eyes, bottom lip jutted out. She was so pretty, so delicate and pure. His sweet little flower.
"Oh petal, bet your cunny is begging to be filled then. Don't worry, I'm gonna take good care of you." he muttered, freeing his cock from the restraints of his briefs. He rubbed his swollen tip against her entrance , pausing briefly as her small hand reached out to wrap around his wrist. His eyes locked with hers, softening at her expression.
"I..I don't think it's gonna fit. It's just...it's so big Nev." she whimpered out, tears springing in the corner of her eyes. He felt himself began to throb at the question, eyes trailing down to look at the sight. The size of her hole was impossibly small compared to his massive member. He knew it'd take forever to even fit half way but it was sure to be worth it. He'd just have to take his time, find some inner patience to do this in the best way possible.
"It'll fit, don't worry dove. You wanna be my good girl don't you?" he asked, watching as the girl nodded, her face relaxing some. He gave her a soft smile, leaning down to press a soft peck on her lips. He pushed in the tip slightly, hissing at how tight she was. An insufferable warmth grabbing him and pulling him in. He took both of her hands in his, intertwining them above her head. He couldn't help but admire how small she looked under him, tiny hands being swallowed by the grip of his larger ones.
He began to push in, letting out a groan at how tight she was, clenching and unclenching around him frantically. "You okay, bunny?" He asked, checking in at the halfway point. He opened his eyes, looking at her expression surprised to find her deep in her own pleasure, drool dripping down the sides of her mouth.
"S-so big Nev! M-ore more please! Need it." she begged, peaking up at him through weighted lashes. He bit his lip, resisting the urge to drive himself deep into her.
"As much as I want to love, I don't wanna hurt you." he reasoned, leaning down to peck her nose gently, halting the movements in his hips, he was surprised when she leaned up, capturing his for a longer period of time. He took back control, sliding his tongue into her mouth as he savored the of cannabis and ice lollies. He let out a groan of his own, tugging her bottom lip as he pulled away. He watched as she looked away, avoiding eye contact.
"But..I..I..I like it when it hurts!" she said louder than she probably intended. His eyes widened as he sat there, stunned at her words. His little princess saying such dirty things to him? He rammed the rest of his cock in, groaning at the feeling of her tight muscle engulfing him completely. The squeeze was so tight that he barely fit. His eyes traveled down to sight of her hot cream trickling out of him. He chuckled some, looking at her embarrassed expression. "Couldn't help it, feels too good!"
He sped up his movements, hitting his thrust deeper. "What does princess? Use your words." he gazed down at her as she babbled, hot tears rolling down her face as he continued to pound into her abused hole. With each thrust he could feel her stretching open more and more but no matter what, his cock was still far too big.
"C-cock so big! Oh Neville, please! It's too much." she wailed, back arching off the bed as he continued his relentless pace. She let out a chorus of moans, bucking her hips forward slightly to meet his thrust.
"You look so pretty like this baby. Give me one more, one more good one and then I'll stop." he moaned out through her. His moans began to grow frantic along with his sloppy thrust. Gripping both of her hands in one of his, he moved a finger down to rub at her clit, desperate to draw one more out of her. As her eyes rolled to the back of her head, he knew she was wrecked. Shortly after, her high came as she began to flail, moaning and sobbing out for him in a desperate choked out voice.
All of it was too much. Not too long after with a few more rough thrust, Neville came deep inside of her whimpering as he buried her head in her shoulder. He groaned as he collapsed beside her, pulling her close to his chest. As he looked down at her, he felt himself twitch at the sight of her glossed over eyes, cum spilling out of her swollen cunt.
"T-thank you. Can we do that again sometime?" she asked, eyes full of the innocence they always held.
Yeah, Neville may have been fucked but she would be harder.
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bxcketbarnes · 5 years
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gif isn't mine
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Plus Size!Reader
Words: 2400+
Author's Note: I love this fucking gif. He just... looks so good I can't handle it. So I thought of this idea based on this gif. It's my first time writing a plus-sized reader and I hope I've done justice. I just hope you guys like this. I'm nervous hahaha. xox
You've been a curvy girl for the majority of your life, ever since you hit middle school. You weren't really mad about it. Some days your body looked really good with your hourglass-like figure. You've got a little chub, but it's not excessive.
The people at Hawkins High though… they don't accept anyone who's over a size 12 in jeans or shorts. So, naturally, everyone in the school made fun of you one way or another. Which is why you don't really talk to anyone. You're friends with Nancy, Robin, and Jonathan, but other than that you mainly keep to yourself.
You were standing at your locker, grabbing the books you need to do your homework for your last period when you noticed a piece of paper resting against your books. "What is this?" You questioned yourself while grabbing it, tucking it into your pocket before closing the locker and head towards your last class of the day which is a study hall.
A random person opened the library door for you as you made it a minute before the bell rings. You sit down in the quiet area of the library, seeing Tommy and his little group of friends sitting at a large table.
You rolled your eyes at the group, wondering how they're not kicked out for being loud. You set your books onto the table before grabbing the note from your pocket. You slowly open it, getting a bit nervous at what this could be.
Hey, sexy.
A little bird told me you wanted to know what I was like in the sack. Why don't you come to my house tomorrow night and I can show you exactly what you're missing ;)
4819 Cherry Lane
See you then,
You bite your lip, glancing towards the giant group of people to see Danny already looking at you and he sends a wink in your direction. You blushed, looking away from him and you tuck the note back into your pocket before opening your textbook to begin the weekend's homework so you don't need to worry about it.
You stood in front of the mirror in your bedroom, looking over the outfit you are wearing. You had on your shortest pair of shorts, pulling them down as they rode up along with a button-down vintage shirt that you tied so your midriff shows slightly. You put on a pair of white tennis shoes before leaving your house, heading towards the address given to you.
You grew nervous as you were driving and you couldn't believe this was actually happening. You pull up to the small house, admiring how cute it is before turning your vehicle off before getting out. As you walked up to the front door, you wiped your sweaty hands onto your shorts.
You knock on the door, stepping back just a bit as you waited for Danny to answer the door. Billy, who was working out inside his house heard the knock on his front door. A sigh leaves his lips, setting the bar back onto the rack before getting up. He chugs some of his beer while walking towards the door, setting it down on a shelf before opening it. The door opened and the person who answered was indeed not Danny but Billy Hargrove. The air left your chest as you breath hitched, looking up at the teen in front of you.
"Hey, Y/N," he greeted and you were shocked that he actually knew your name, but he did hang out with Tommy. His blue eyes roam down your body and you begin to feel self-conscious.
"I, uh, I'm sorry. I must have the wrong house," you informed him and he leaned against the doorframe.
Billy crosses his arms over his chest, his skin glistening with sweat as you couldn't help but check him out a bit. "What house you looking for, sweetheart?"
"4819 Cherry Lane," you told him the address and he poked his head out the front door, pointing towards the number on the yellow house.
You followed his finger, seeing it was indeed the correct house and your stomach churned finally realizing what was happening. Oh, of course. It was just a joke. You pressed your lips together as you nod your head and feel your eyes begin to sting, trying to stop yourself from crying.
"Oh, okay. I'm sorry I-I gotta go," you stuttered, your voice wavering as Billy seemed to notice.
He reached his hand out, stopping you from leaving his porch as he looked at you with a confused expression on his beautiful face. "What's going on?" He asked you and you reach into your pocket, hesitantly giving him the note you received.
He read the letter, knowing who Danny was as the douche hung out with Tommy. Billy clicked his tongue, crumbling the note before tossing it towards the trash in his house.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't-"
"Danny's a dick. I don't know why you'd want him anyway," Billy cut you off and your eyes widened, surprised he hasn't kicked you off his porch yet. He stepped towards you and his fingers moved to the knot in your shirt, picking at it. "You wanna come inside?"
Your heart pounds against your ribcage, your face moving from his hands to his face. "I-You're serious?"
He mhm'd while looking down at you, his fingers gliding against the open skin giving you a cold chill. You swallowed hard before you nodded your head. Billy motioned his head towards the front door and you stepped inside.
He closed the door, following you in as you fiddled with your fingers and turn to face him. "So, I'm going to take a wild guess at what Danny and his group of friends were trying to achieve," Billy muttered and you waited for him to continue. "I know about everyone making fun of you because you're not a fucking stick. So, some chick must've heard you tell someone that you liked him or something and he devised this plan of wanting to "show you how he is" by sending you to my house, thinking that I would join in and make fun of the way you look."
You frowned at his explanation and you really couldn't believe that you fell for such a thing. A scoff leaves your lips and you run a hand through your hair. "I should've known," you muttered and tried to walk past him but he holds his arm out, stopping you from leaving.
"Hold on, sweetheart. I'm not finished," Billy muttered as he dragged his fingers up your arm. "How do you feel about getting back at him?"
"What were you thinking?" You asked him with a raised eyebrow.
Billy smirked as he looked down at your body again, finding the way you look to be really attractive. He's never been with a girl as curvy as you and it's not like he doesn't have a preference, there just hasn't been one as gorgeous as you. He hooked a finger under your chin, moving your head to the side before softly pressing his lips to your neck.
A gasp left your lips as you grabbed a hold of his forearm. "Billy, I-"
He pulled away and looked down at you. "Y/N, look, I'm not going to lie. I find you really attractive. Like, your body looks delicious. I can easily show you a better time than he could, that is, if you want me too," Billy confessed and your eyes widened as his hands slide around your waist, fingers close to gripping your ass cheek.
"You're not… lying?" You slowly asked and he smirked, shaking his head. You couldn't believe your ears. Yeah, Danny Slater was attractive but Billy Hargrove was ten times more attractive than anyone in Hawkins.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Billy grabbed the back of your thighs, picking you up into his arms. "B-Billy," You stuttered and quickly wrapped your arms around him, hooking your legs around his waist as he carried you down a short hallway.
"Shhh, sweetheart. Don't even mention what you're thinking," he whispered, knowing exactly what you were gonna say and you closed your mouth.
He laid you down on his bed, hovering over you as the curly-haired blonde pressed his lips to your neck again. You tilt your head to the side, giving him more room as you could feel his teeth graze against your skin. Your nails clawed at his biceps, small moans leaving your lips as Billy sucked your skin.
The blue-eyed teen pulled away from your neck, looking into your eyes for a few seconds before capturing your lips with his. Your eyes fluttered close, running your fingers through his hair as you kiss him back. One of his hands moves back to the knot on your shirt, undoing it before he started to unbutton it. You pulled away from him and he sat up to finish unbuttoning the shirt before moving it off your shoulders.
You sit up, helping him take it off as you began to feel nervous. Billy tosses your shirt to his floor, returning his gaze to your chest and he internally groaned. “Jesus, sweetheart. You’re a fucking package,” he muttered and you blushed. His blue eyes met yours and he can see the nervousness swimming around in them. “You don’t have to go all the way with me, you know.”
“I know,” you whispered and his nose brushed against yours. “I just… I haven’t really done this before.”
Billy moved some of the hair from your face, tucking it behind your ear and he sighed softly. “How about this,” he paused his finger moving your bra strap off of your shoulder, “how about I just give you a few hickies to prove to those assholes that we did something and that’s it. We don’t have to do anything you’re uncomfortable with.”
Your lips part in surprise, never hearing any girl who’s been with him to be this caring towards a girl. “Are you serious? I-Don’t you usually go all the way with girls? I’m confused. Why am I different?” You asked him and he chuckled.
“You’re different because you’re not like everyone else at Hawkins High. You probably never notice but I’ve had my eyes on you since I got here,” he tells you and you’re dumbfounded, a loss for words.
Your eyes scan over his face before placing your hand on the back of his neck, pulling him in for a rough kiss. A moan left his lips as his hands rest on your waist, his fingers gripping you roughly. Billy pushes you back down on the bed and pulls away from your lips, a whine leaving your lips and he smirks, liking how puffy your lips look from all the kissing.
He moved his face towards the nape of your head, sucking on your skin as he begins to mark his territory. “God, I bet you taste fantastic,” Billy mumbled into your neck and he bit down, making you cry out just a bit as you arch your back.
“Billy!” Neil’s voice yelled and Billy pulled away from you, a look of panic on his face as he glanced towards his bedroom door.
You noticed his expression and frowned, laying a hand on his arm. “Billy, what’s wrong?” You asked him and he looked down at you before getting off of you.
“I’m sorry. I’d love to continue but you need to go. My dad’s home and he’s… he’s not the greatest person,” he explained and you nodded, understand as you got up as well, grabbing your shirt off the floor. Billy opened his window, hopping out first as you quickly button a few buttons before crawling out of the window after him. He helped you, resting his hands on your hips as you struggled slightly. He grabbed your hand, leading you out front towards your car. “Meet me in my car on Monday morning, okay? We’re gonna make these fuckers jealous.”
He winked at you and you couldn’t help but giggle before nodding your head. “Okay, Billy,” you bite your lip and his fingers traced over your skin.
“And, don’t hide the hickies alright, sweetheart?”
You parked your car in the usual spot, putting it in park before turning the vehicle off. You looked at your makeup in the rearview mirror, admiring how you look today and you couldn’t help but smile at the dark hickies that littered your neck. You looked out the windshield to see Billy standing beside his Camaro, his blue eyes already set on you with a smirk on his pink lips.
You got out of the car, fiddling with the hem of your black skirt before walking towards the tall Californian boy. “Look at you, sweetheart,” Billy mentioned when you reached him, his hands reaching out to feel the fabric of your skirt. “You look really good. You ready for this?” A deep sigh leaves your lips before nodding your head. He smirked again, reaching into the backseat of his car and hands me his leather jacket. “Put this on, gorgeous.”
You slide the leather jacket on and it’s a bit big on you which is totally fine. Billy draped his arm over your shoulder. You wrapped your arms around his waist and the two of you begin heading into the school. Eyes were staring at the two of you as you walked down the hallway, seeing Tommy and his little group of assholes standing on the other end.
Danny met your eyes first, seeing them widen a bit before he nudged Tommy. The rest of the group looked in your direction, not believing the sight they were seeing as Billy couldn’t help but let his cockiness get to him.
“Hey, Danny,” Billy greeted and the two of you stopped in front of them. You can see their eyes on your neck, noticing the hickies and you couldn’t help but blush slightly. “I just wanted to thank you for sending this Goddess to my house. It’s a real shame you didn’t get a piece of her, cause damn.” He gloated and didn’t wait for his reply, leading you away from them as you two headed towards your lockers.
“Oh my god,” you whispered and laughed, looking up at the curly-haired teen, “the looks on their faces were priceless. Thank you, Billy, really. I appreciate it.” He smiled down at you before pressing a quick kiss to your lips.
“No problem, sweetheart. If you wanna keep the adrenaline up… we can skip school? Go have some fun,” he mentioned with an eyebrow raise and you licked your lips.
“You know what? Let’s do it.”
Stranger Things Taglist: @marshmallowtraver @daisyxbuckley @bumblebet-20 @thebookamongmen @makeupbychio @whiitee--sxxl @mattysheelies @lovefilledtragedy @vanitysfairr @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @fangirlinganditswonders @ria132love @rissa067 @omgdani17 @sadgirlhours247 @radicalbilly @lizziejean13 @thecurlsofgod @laurmillen @puppylover12222 @mishaphades @billyhargrovescigarette @l0ve-0f-my-life @smilechannie @imsunsetboulevard @readinthegarden12
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Hashirama & Tobirama With a Little Sister Headcanons
( as children )
♡ butsuma was never really a good father. he was constantly pushing his children into war one way or the other, so i headcanon him as being, to put it bluntly, a very abusive father.
♡ i imagine butsuma being absolutely infuriated when he finds out that his youngest child is a girl
♡ "what am i going to do with this? she won't ever be as strong as my sons!"
♡ with this being mentioned, hashi and tobi's little sister grows up constantly being called a 'total misfire'
♡ so, with that in mind...
♡ get ready for a whole lot of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
♡ GOD, hashi just loves her SO MUCH
♡ when she was little, hashirama would play with her in her room like, all the time. no buts. all the time.
♡ "wanna play with the blocks? you want the green one? here you go!! i love you so much!!!"
♡ he can't believe he has a little sister! three brothers it took to get him here and now all he wants is to play with her constantly
♡ when kawarama and itama become fatalities to the uchiha clan, hashirama has a newfound drive to protect his youngest sibling. he vows to never, ever let anything happen to her, may god help him.
♡ stands up for her against their father. butsuma is furious, but hashi's little sister never forgets that. hashi made a vow to protect her, and that's exactly what he's gonna do.
♡ whenever she has nightmares, he's always there to comfort her, no matter what. if he has a curfew and has to be in his room and stay in there at a certain time, he'll sneak out and crawl through the halls just to get to her room. #goodfam
♡ during the colder months he likes to wrap a long scarf around his sister and throw one of the ends over her head, just for shits and giggles
♡ she doesn't mind, she's giggling too
( as teenagers )
♡ when things get a little more rocky in their lives now that hashirama is older, he finds he doesn't have enough time for his baby sister anymore. right around the corner he'll be in his twenties, and his baby sister is still only barely past the age of ten. now that he's much more stronger and able to provide more for his family, he's willing to do anything it takes, even if it means he won't always physically be there for his sister.
♡ when butsuma passes away and hashirama becomes the head of the senju clan, there's a lot of strain on him, but he manages to pull through
♡ his baby sister is always getting noogies or having her hair ruffled by him
♡ once she was complaining about her hair getting too long and how she didn't like it, so hashi sat her down and cut her hair for her. he was like "OMG KSJGFSHGBJRGH IM GONNA CUT YOUR HAIR ARE YOU READY? im not the best at cutting hair. like, TERRIBLE. im TERRIBLE at it. but i hope it'll look good on u!! cus ur so cute!! look at those squishy cheeks!!!!"
♡ his little sister is like "uhh, on second thought???"
♡ he does a terrible job
♡ he cuts it at about a few inches above her shoulders but it's so UNEVEN
♡ he tried his best
♡ she cries because it looks so bad but can't get mad at poor hashi
♡ his little sister enjoys practicing being a homemaker before fighting other clans, so that's what she does. while hashi and tobi are out, she stays at home and sweeps, scrubs the floors on her hands and knees, does the dishes, washes the laundry as best she can, etc
♡ by the time hashi and tobi get home she's fallen asleep on the floor
♡ when she woke up nothing went well.
♡ if his little sister wants to dabble in some medical ninjutsu, hashi complies immediately. 3 seconds after the words are out of her mouth hashi is dashing out of the house towards the medical quarters to see if he can find a nurse nin to teach his lil sis
♡ oh, btw, lots of "sis"'s
♡ and hugs
♡ and cheek kisses
♡ he can't resist he loves his baby sister SO much. like, 100/10 would fr die for her
( as children )
♡ he comes off as a bit cold and distant sometimes, but he really does care about his little sister, especially after itama and kawarama.
♡ whenever she'd come up to him wanting to play he shrugged her off and made her cry quite a handful of times, but every time he'd cringe at her sniffling and would be guilt-tripped into stacking blocks with her or some shit like that lmfao
♡ tobi definitely would not go to hashirama's level of affection for their little sister. it's just... it's just kinda nasty to him
♡ he hates the idea of receiving such affection and wouldn't "obsessively" kiss or hug his baby sister like SOMEONE he knows
♡ although once in a while he'll lay a hand on the top of her head
♡ she doesn't really know what's happening but he takes it off after .2 seconds
♡ he just aint that kinda brutha
♡ one time his sister started uncontrollably crying in the garden outside of their house and when he came to see what was wrong she pointed at a dead lizard on the ground and "i stepped on him!" poor babey
♡ tobirama honestly doesn't see how that's a problem. big deal, how many, i dunno, ants has he stepped on before? he never cried about that. he just cant understand what the big deal is. it's a lizard. there's billions of them.
♡ "so what? he was bound to be caught by a bird sometime or the other."
♡ in which the crying ensues, again, and tobirama begrudgingly places a hand on his sister's shoulder in some way to console her, but that's the best he can do. if his sister jumps at him while she's crying for comfort, he may lay a hand on the back of her neck while cries on him. that's it though
( as teenagers )
♡ when he's in his late teens, he's constantly out of the house preparing battle strategies just in case. he's virtually never at home except for when he gets off from his strategizing earlier than normal. when he's out late, he doesn't come home till past midnight probably or he'll be pulling an all-nighter. it's just who he is, and battle strategizing in case of a uchiha attack is necessary. someone's gotta do it
♡ now that his sister is older, she now has a bit of knowledge in the kitchen, and sometimes makes a little, small snack for her brother if he gets home late. it's not much, but it's the best she can do. probably something like a little tiny cupcake or a small dish of sliced fruit for him
♡ he appreciates it, but will never ever say that to her. his pride wouldn't be able to take it, showing thanks to a little girl when at the very least it should be him cooking for her. but we all know he doesn't have time for that
♡ once hashirama switched around the salt and sugar jars by accident since he just. he just doesn't know anything that goes on in the kitchen. it was a mistake. their little sister decided to make a little treat for tobirama when he got home, and she put salt in the cupcake instead of sugar. made it all nice and as neat as an eleven-year-old could, even put only a very small amount of icing on the top, just how tobi likes it
♡ when tobi got home he found it sitting out on the kotatsu in the dining room and decided to take only a bite before getting ready for a much-needed hot bath
♡ and promptly spat it out on the floor
♡ he was SO angry. ???????? like??????? did she do this on purpose??? was she messing with him?? was she angry that tobirama couldn't stay home the other night to eat dinner with her???? she knew that he had a busy schedule, so her giving him this garbage was unacceptable and selfish
♡ he's just a big grump
♡ when he confronts her about it the next day, shes like ??????? huh??? i didn't put salt in the food, get your mouth checked
♡ and then hashirama, amidst the loud arguing, is rubbing his neck like ...... hey guys, i have a confession to make
♡ when konoha is formed, tobirama is old enough to have his own home, and hashirama is arranged for a marriage with a woman named mito uzumaki. so tobirama moves out, and brings his little sister with him
♡ she runs the house while he's out being hashi's right-hand-man and whatnot
♡ y'know, slaving away, but now, thanks to hashi, pretty good at medical ninjutsu
♡ now that they're living alone together, tobirama has a bit more time for her. when he's free, he takes his sister out to a secluded spot to practice battle moves with her, pretty much trying to show her everything he knows, as much as he can. if his sister has an affinity for water like him, then all the more convenient. this gives him a much larger platform to teach her on
♡ she lowkey hates his style of teaching though
♡ "i can't be hitting you that hard" headass
♡ tobi she's like, thirteen, with barely any battle experience. you're a grown adult male whom has literally wasted some people, including that spikey-haired angry man's brother, ok
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deathvalleyqueen · 4 years
OOOOOOOOOOOOOHkay, so. from that very cute hurt/comfort list. for mj and john. uh. “ hold my hand ?? ” or “ i’m not leaving you here . " either/or/or both.
So this turned angstier than I was expecting.... so... enjoy the emotional pain... I guess... thank you for sending these prompts in! <3  the full oneshot will be under the cut. Found
**Also… just because of the time this takes place… possible spoiler about who Grace’s mom really is… but like… yeah…just an FYI** 
Everything happened so fast.
One minute I was sitting on the couch with Bobby and we were watching Lily and Rose play, while the baby slept in the nursery down the hall. The next Sean, who I hadn’t seen in months, was pounding on my door in a panic. He was going on about how Colin had tracked John down in Fall’s End and he was going to kill him. I didn’t want to believe that all Colin’s posturing had come to this. “Come inside and explain, Sean.” I said confused, opening the door and gesturing for him to come inside. 
“MJ, sweetheart, there is no time… NO TIME.” Sean said the panic raising in his voice causing the girls to look up from their toys. He grabbed a hold of my shoulders and looked me square in the eyes. I knew my brother, Sean was not a man who was easily rattled but whatever was going on had him rattled. Reaching out he took my hand. I froze as I looked up at him. “You need to come with me… maybe… maybe…” The way he stumbled over his words, like he didn’t want to say what needed to be said.
For Sean to be this rattled, Colin was serious with his intent. I glanced back at the girls before turning back to Sean. I looked at him for a tense moment as it dawned on me. “He is really going to kill him…” I muttered my hands going to cover my mouth. I knew that Colin had been out to ‘end Eden’s Gate’ but I didn’t think he would go so hard after John. Things had been escalating for the last three months, John had become more and more frazzled with each slight against him Colin committed. Joseph was furious at John, he felt as if John was failing to take care of what in The Father’s mine, was John’s problem. I turned back to Bobby who knelt down on the floor trying to distract the girls but Lily was smart. She sat on the floor holding her doll, watching as my eyes grew wide as I tried to come up with some manner of plan.. “Bobby…” I called out. He looked up. “Take my car, take the girls to Jacob…” 
“Why?’ Bobby asked, confused. Normally in this type of situation, I would have taken the girls to John’s bunker and we would have hid there till things blew over. Yet something told me that this wasn’t going to end well at all. That my children needed to be someplace safe, some place they would be protected. There was only one place that I could think of. 
“Because he would never let anything happen to the girls and I need to know they are safe… alright!” I reached over and pulled Lily and Rose’s coats from the coat rack and laid them over the edge of the couch. “With Jacob, is going to be the safest place for them to be.” I said more reminding myself than Bobby. Looking down at my brother I gave him a pained look as I took a deep breath trying to steady myself. “Just do this please…” 
“Do you really think this is the best idea, if John finds out..” Bobby began.
“JUST DO IT!” I yelled cutting him off, as I raced to the bookshelf and searched through the titles till I found the one I was looking for. It was a false copy of the ‘The Art of War’ that was hallowed into a box. Inside there was several thousand dollars in cash and pistol. I pulled the pistol out and checked to make sure the safety was one before I tucked into the back of my jeans. 
Sean shook his head, I knew that there was part of him that already knew the answer to the question he was about to ask. “Why are you taking the gun, MJ, do you really think..” 
“Do you really think that Colin is going to get out of this alive if he hurt my husband…” I snapped sharply. I was in no mood to be cautioned against brash actions. Not this time. This was John’s life on the line and even with all of our ups and downs I couldn’t ever picture my life without him. “After everything he and I have been through… that man is still the man I love and so help me if my shit for brains brother is going to let his hero complex take him from me.” I could feel both of my brother’s eyes on me as I heard Rose start to scream in the background scared by all commotion. “Bobby… Girls… to Jacob… NOW.” I reached down and picked up a black leather diaper bag that I had since Lily was born. I thrust it at him as he looked around the room in a mild panic. “There are bottles for Gracie in the fridge, everything else in here. Do not stop, do not slow down till you hit the Whitetails and then you find the first Hunter you can find… better yet radio Mac and tell him to meet you at the border and then you BOTH take my babies straight to Jacob and you tell him that Colin is going after John… John could very well be dead and I could be taken by Colin.. ”
“That’s not going to happen, MJ, this is all getting out of fucking hand…” Sean tried to reassure me but I had a feeling in my bones if I didn’t get there in time to stop it. Everything was going to end very badly. 
I turned to Sean and tilted my head to side ever so slightly as my jaw clenched. “It’s just now getting out of hand… when Colin decides to kill John…” 
“And Jacob, Joseph… Faith…” There was a long pause before he looked me dead in the eyes. “And You…” I shoved Sean backwards towards the door furious that he could even be still siding with Colin in this situation after learning this. I let out a disgusted scoff as I shook my head trying to find words to express my pure distatin for the idea that my brother thought this this was a solution. Sean took a step back towards me, his hand reaching out and brushing against mine. “I don’t want anyone else to get hurt, Mary… I swear I just want everyone to calm down about all this and figure out some rational answer to all this…” 
“Then let’s go…because if he kills John, that’s never going to happen.” I snapped before turning back to Bobby who was trying to get the girl’s coats on. “Don’t forget the Gracie’s bottles…” 
“I won’t…” He muttered. 
I looked down at my daughters, Lily was old enough to vaguely understand what was going on. She was 6 and smart. I leaned down motioned for her to come towards me. She did as she shoved her hands through the puffy silver sleeves of her coat. I reached down and cupped her cheek. “Everything is going to be alright, Lily-bug…” I smiled softly but Lily was my daughter, as good as she was at shoving her own emotions down. Fear was written all over her face. I brushed a few stray strands of her black hair off her cheek. “It’s going to be fine, okay… but I need you to promise me you are going to be good for your Uncles and help with your sisters…” 
“I promise..” Lily answered as she nodded her head. 
I lent down and kissed the top of her head as I whispered. “I love you, protect your sisters...always…” Fearing that this could be the last time I spoke to my eldest daughter. Standing up I looked at Bobby who was holding Rose who was only 16 months. “The girls…” 
“To Jacob, don’t stop till all three of them are in his hands…” Bobby finished trying to calm my nerves. “I am going to radio Mac and Jimmy right now. My guess is they will meet us…” I nodded and lent over to kiss Rose’s cheek. “I got the girls… you go stop Colin from doing something he would regret.” 
Sean took my hand and began pulling me towards the door. I didn’t want to leave the girl but I couldn’t bare the thought of losing John. Sean drug me out to his truck and helped me in. We spent much of the drive down the long dirt driveway in silence. What were we going to say? What could be said? 
It wasn’t until I spotted John’s truck race past us heading towards the house did I speak. “That’s John’s truck!” I shouted, hitting his arm. “He’s heading back to the house…” I thought for a moment. I knew John better than anyone else and he and Colin had been at each other's throats for our entire relationship. If Colin openly threatened him, there was one thing John was going to do. “John’s going to the hanger… John is going after Fall’s End..” 
“Colin would guess that, that’s what John does…” Sean pointed out as he pulled the truck off to the side. “He is all buddy buddy with Nick Rye these days… He was with Colin at the church…” 
“Go to Nick’s… I can stop Nick… If he doesn’t give..” 
“You think that’s going to stop Colin, you would have better luck trying to stop John…” gripping the steering wheel Sean let out a ragged sigh. “What do you want to do Mary Jane?” 
I caught a glimpse of my car zooming past with Bobby at the wheel, “John didn’t stop, Bobby…” I whispered. “He is out for blood… John in his right mind wouldn’t have let the girls be taken out into this…” I let out a long scream of frustration before I threw my hands up. “Go back to the Ranch…” Sean whipped his truck around and raced back towards the Ranch but as we neared the end of the driveway I could hear the all too familiar sound of the engine of John’s plane starting. 
My hands came crashing down on the dashboard as I screamed “FUCK!” Sean looked over at me before he reached out and took my hand. I pulled away at first. “Don’t fucking start…” 
“We can follow them… see what happens…” He suggested and all I could do in response was nod. Throwing the truck in reveres he swung around and rolled down his window. “We should be able to find a good spot to see..” He stopped when he heard my muffled sobs behind my hands. “You don’t gotta watch, Mary Jane… just… I’m sorry…” 
I wanted to snap back at him but in that moment I couldn’t bring myself to stop crying long enough to do so. Only a nod as I closed my eyes. I rolled down the window and listened. I could hear the gun fire, the crack of Colin’s voice taunting John over the radio, followed by John coming back at him. They made it more than clear only one man was walking away from this fight. I tried to block out for as long as I could till I felt Sean’s hand on my arm. He handed me the radio and I listened as John through coughs said his plane was going down. 
The most ungodly sound came from my mouth as my hands shook around the radio. Sean stopped the truck and I threw the radio on the floor as I tossed my seatbelt off and threw open the door. “Where are you going…” He called out as I walked around the front of the truck and saw the smoke off in tree line from where John’s plane had crashed. My eyes went to the sky and I could just barely make out the silhouette of John’s parachute. 
“He got out… He got out…” I exclaimed as I raced across the road towards the clearing where I was expecting John to land. “We have to go help him… Sean… COME ON!” I screamed as I stepped over the railing and Sean threw his hands up. 
“Fuck there is Colin..” He pointed to the sky and the second silhouette of the parachute. He reached into the bed of the truck and pulled out a shotgun before racing across the road to join me. As we made our way through the dense forests the sounds of gunshots could be heard in the distance. With each round fired, my feet moved faster. I am not an athlete and I had given birth 10 weeks earlier, but I was moving faster than I ever had before. 
By the time we reached the clearing Colin was crouched over John, his fists pummeling down on his face. Both men were covered in blood, though John was far worse for the wear. That same ungodly scream came pouring from my lips as I reached into the waistband of my jeans to pull out the pistol. Without hesitation I fired a shot in Colin’s direction, I had a horrible aim so even though I was aiming for his head, I only managed to hit his shoulder but it was enough to send him tumbling off John. Colin looked up at me from a few dozen yards away with a look of shock. 
“You went and got her!? Are you fucking serious Sean!?” He yelled before letting out a groan of pain as he attempted to stand back up. 
I raced over to John, my gun still drawn and pointed at Colin as knelt beside my husband. “Baby..” I muttered softly as my free hand went to his face. Through the haze, John’s eyes found mine and I smiled down at him. “It’s gonna be okay baby... I’m gonna get you out of here and you are going to be just fine...I promise…” 
“You found me..” He muttered weakly as he tried to reach out for me but only ended up coughing as he tried to catch his breath. 
I rested my hand on his chest for a moment and when I lifted it, it was covered in his blood. “Sean… SEAN!” I screamed and though Sean was trying to deal with Colin as soon as I screamed he turned back to me. “We gotta get him out of here… we gotta get him the Bunker.. Please… I can’t..” Colin began to protest but I snapped at him before I could even process what he had said. “You have no rights to fucking speak ever again, you understand that Colin. You are lucky he is fucking hurt as bad as he is, because if he wasn’t… and if I wasn’t desperate to save my husband… I would fucking kill you for the shit that you have caused the last three months…”
“Oh it’s just getting started, Mary Jane… you took our parents from me… YOU KILLED OUR FUCKING MOTHER!” Colin screamed as he lunged at me, his hands only able to grasp my hair as he pulled me down across John and shoved my face into the dirt. As he was about to kick me, Sean brought down the barrel of his gun on the back of Colin’s head. Hard enough to hopefully just knock him out but in that moment I was less concerned if he was okay or not. Colin went tumbling to the ground as Sean scrambled to help me up. 
“We gotta go now…” he yelled as he tried to pull me up off John but I wouldn’t budge. 
“Not without John…” I wouldn’t leave him, I couldn’t leave him. I knelt next to him, my grey sweatshirt now soaked in his blood as I looked helplessly up at Sean. There was no way that I was going to move John on my own. I needed Sean’s help. 
I felt John’s hand move over mine, looking down at him I smiled but John’s face was ashen and serious. “Just go..” John said weakly. “I’m not gonna..” 
“I’m not leaving you here,” I whispered as I reached up and ran my hand across his forehead before leaning down and kissing it. “You aren’t going to leave me either, understand that. We have been through too much for you to just die on me like this, understand okay. You aren’t allowed to die..” I turned back to Sean who looked like he was about to cry himself when I looked up at him, tears running down my cheeks, “Sean… please… before Colin comes too…” 
Sean nodded and I stood up. It took us a moment to figure out what was going to be the best way to move John and the only way we could think of was to carry him each of us taking an arm. One we got him up it was only a matter of getting him close enough to the road that Sean could bring the truck to us. I tried to keep John conscious, knowing if I kept him talking that in my mind he was going to be okay. “I can’t believe you let Bobby take the girls…” I started as we made our way through the woods.
“He...said...he was… taking them to Jacob…” John coughed hard and we stopped to let him catch his breath. “They would be safe… Gracie is his after all.. That’s what the test said..” 
Sean looked at me wide eyed over the top of John’s head and shook my head. “She is our daughter, Jacob even said that… what happened was a mistake and the only good thing that came out of it was Grace… okay..” Sean looked dumbfounded, no one knew that she was Jacob’s daughter besides the three of us. Not even Joseph knew. “This has all been settled, you love her just as much as Lily and Rose…” 
John sighed and smiled softly thinking about our children, “I do… I do…” He nodded and Sean just kept looking at me wide eyed in disbelief.
‘You and Jacob… fucked?’ He mouthed, I responded with a shrug. “A shrug is a maybe… that was a yes or no question.” Sean snapped, still very confused over the situation.
“Yes.. we…had… a…” I was trying to find a delicate way to put it but leave it to John, even in the state he was in to find a way to break the tense mood. 
“He knocked her up, so either they fucked or it was immaculate conception and Jacob just happens to be god..” Sean snorted at the comment and could feel my face turn bright red. “How red is her face?” John asked too weak to lift his head at this point. 
“Solid Candy Apple...which tells me they definitely fucked…” 
“Would you both please…” I sighed as I rested my hand on John’s chest to feel his shallow ragged breaths. “Come on, we need to get him to the truck.” Sean nodded and we quickened our pace. It took another five minutes of walking before we reached a spot clear enough that Sean could get his truck down. We settled John down against a tree and I sat down next to him. He leaned into me, his head resting against my chest. 
I chuckled softly as I ran my hand through his hair. “Even now...the boobs..” 
“Especially now..” He wanted to laugh but he didn’t have it left in him to do so. He was pale and he had lost a lot of blood. I knew time was starting to really be of the essence. I kissed the top of his head as my eyes searched for the first sign of Sean’s truck. Thankfully he didn’t take long and we got John into the cab and wedged myself in the middle. 
Sean got up the hill as quickly as he could but it was much easier getting down than up. Once on the road, he put the pedal to the floor as he raced towards the bunker. It was only a few miles away but John was not doing well. “Would you hold my hand…”I whispered to John trying to keep him on the edge of consciousness. I laid my hand in his and his fingers interlaced with mine. “You stay with me okay… I can’t face this world or the next without you..” Tears were rolling down my cheeks when John wouldn’t respond. He was still breathing but his breaths were shallow as we pulled up in front of the bunker. 
As soon as we pulled up, Sean laid on the horn and a group of men came running out of the bunker. Sean stuck his head of the window. “John’s hurt… fucking hurry!” The men came rushing over and pulled John from the truck, I wouldn’t let him take him without me right next to him. 
“It’s gonna be okay, John… it’s gonna be okay…” I whispered as we were rushed into the bunker and I turned back to see Sean standing by his truck at the gate. I knew he wasn’t going to follow, I had lost that hope long ago. I was however thankful that my brother did the right thing, he helped me find John. He helped me save him...when he could have let Colin kill us both. 
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candycanes19 · 4 years
Playing in the Dark with No Escape ** Non Con** Violence
Please read tags. Non Con  Rape and Miscarriage
The next morning you and Daniel are enjoying breakfast and he is talking on his phone about some work thing.  You are happy not to have to talk to him because it always ends with you getting hurt in some way or another.  Silence is welcomed by you but it is not for long when Daniel hangs up his phone.
“Princess, you need to get yourself ready for the doctor so hurry along and get showered and dressed.”  Daniel starts cleaning up breakfast and sends you on your way.  
You turn on the shower and enjoy the hot water cascading over your body.  You relax and try and forget where you are during your shower.   Daniel has rarely bothered you in the shower but low and behold he opens the door and joins you.  
You whisper to yourself. “Fuck me” and luckily Daniel does not hear you.  He comes up behind you and puts his hands on your hips and nuzzles your neck.  
“Do you know how absolutely gorgeous you are, Princess.  My Princess” he attacks your neck with kisses and little love nips along your neck and shoulders.  His hands move from your hips to your shoulders and then one ends up around your neck. 
“You are mine” and with that statement he kicks your legs open for him.  He lines himself up with your entrance and slams into you again.  You groan at the intrusion and try to move your hips away but he pushes with his other hand on your hip to keep you where he wants you.  
His hand on your neck squeezes tightly and you try to calm your nerves and let him do what he wants.  He continues thrusting and it is not as rough as it usually is, and maybe it is because he is not upset at you.  
“Fuck Princess so good for me.  So tight and wet so perfect.  Love you so much”  and his hand on your hip moves to your clit and he plays with it and you come hard on his cock.  He continues his thrusts and they become a bit rougher and he does last much longer himself and paints you pussy white with his seed.  
“Oh princess I love you so so much.  You gotta know that.  Now we need to get together because Doctor Winston will be here soon.  He kisses your shoulder and gets out.  You stay in the shower a bit longer just so you can be alone when you get out.  
When you get out Daniel has laid out a towel for you.  You dry yourself off and go and get dressed for your doctor visit.
When you were ready, Daniel came and got you and brought you into the living area of his house.  It was very masculine with dark blues and blacks for the furniture and a few paintings on the wall but it fit Daniel from the bit you knew about him.
The doorbell rang and Daniel walked over and opened the door, “Good Morning Doctor Winston, great to see you.  Thank you for doing this for me.  I appreciate it so much. My girlfriend is just not up for traveling around.”
“Anything for you Daniel.  We know with how much you help us out at the clinic, I am willing to help you out anyway I can or any of my staff.”  she says.
You overhear their conversation and can not believe that Daniel would be kind and helpful.  But when they walk into the room you stand up and smile.
“Hi,” you say, putting on your best smile for show.
“Hi, (Y/N) it is nice to meet you.” Doctor Winston says shaking your hand.
“Thank you” you feel Daniel come around you and put his arm around your waist.  
“We really hope that (Y/N) is pregnant.  We are super excited to start our family.” Daniel says kissing your temple. 
You just smile at Daniel and then at the doctor and then put a hand on your abdomen so it looks like you are excited.
“Then let me start my exam” Doctor Winston says, “(Y/N) if you do not mind, I need you to pee in a cup and we might be able to find out quickly.  I have the tests and I need to take some blood as well.” 
She hands you a cup and you walk to the downstairs bathroom.  You pee in the cup and follow the directions and wash your hands.  When you come out you hand the doctor the cup and she then gets some stuff out of her bag and starts the test.
You sit patiently and feel ridiculous at finding out if you are pregnant.  You have been feeling miserable and throwing up at the weirdest times.  Plus with all the sex that you both had been having it would be a shock if you were not.
Daniel was sitting next to you holding your hand.  You knew better than to start something in front of someone else fearing your life.  So you played along even though all you wanted to do was tell the doctor that you were being abused and raped by this man.  And that if you were pregnant did you have options but you knew certainly that would end your life if you even suggested not having the baby.
Finally after what seemed like forever, the doctor came back over and prepared to take some blood, “Now this will not be bad just a quick poke and then we will be almost done”  she said and then she poked you with the needle and took some blood.
After your blood was taken the doctor put a bandaid on your arm, “Now from my preliminary test results, you are pregnant. Congratulations.  I will definitely need to see you at my clinic for check ups to keep up the progress of your pregnancy and make sure all is well.”
You hear that you have to go into the clinic for your next appointment and your hopes get raised that maybe you can escape from Daniel and live your life free.
After she checks a few more things during your exam, “Overall you seem in good shape and you need to get some prenatal vitamins and then schedule that check up.  Is there anything else I can help you with, (Y/N)?”  
You so desperately want to say that you need to escape but you shake your head no. “I am good.  Thank you” you say with another fake smile.
“Very good and you two again congratulations on the baby.  What a great way to start your day” she said as she packed up her stuff.
Daniel showed her to the door and then he closed it and walked back over to you.  You will as still as a statue because the shock of a baby that part of you wanted and part of you did not want because of what had happened to you by this monster sitting next to you.
Daniel moves his hand to touch your abdomen, “Our love for each other is growing inside of you.  This is wonderful.  I am so happy. I love you Princess.”  He moves his hand to cup your cheek to kiss you deeply.
“We should celebrate” Daniel suggests, “What would you like to do, Princess?”
You know what you want but you will get punished badly for it so you say, “I do not know.” 
“Come on Princess there has to be something I can let you do.” 
“Let me see my cousin.  Please” you are sure your suggestion will fall on deaf ears.
“Your cousin? Oh yes Kacey right? You two are like sisters since you both were only children.  I remember that.”  Daniel says which freaks you out at all that he knows about you.
“Yes, can I see Kacey?” you beg.
“I might be able to work it out so we can meet for coffee.  If that is what you want?” Daniel smiles at you.
“More than anything” you say and are sure you can get Kacey to save you.
“Sounds good.  Let’s call her and we can arrange to meet.  Just for you Princess”  He leans in for another kiss and you let him because what’s the point of resisting anymore.  All you will get is roughed up more and you have no energy for that now that you have a little life growing inside of you.
Kacey gets to the coffee shop first and waits for you to show up with Daniel.  She had been worried about you since you had not called her in several days.
When she sees you and Daniel she motions for you over to her table.
“Oh my goodness, (Y/N), I have been so worried about you. I am glad you are alive and looking well.” she hugs you tightly.
You start to cry at the feeling of just being in close proximity to your best friend and cousin.  And when you pull back she notices how upset you look. 
“(Y/N) what’s the matter?” she asks.
Daniel buts in and says, “I think the pregnancy hormones are kicking in for (Y/N).  Pregnant women can be emotional sometimes.”
Kacey looks at you and you nod, “I am pregnant.” you say putting a hand on your abdomen.
“Oh how wonderful, (Y/N). I am happy for the two of you. A baby is a wondrous being. Congratulations.” 
“Thank you Kacey” you say and you all sit down, “Oh where are my manners, this is Daniel my boyfriend.” you introduce him to Kacey.
“Nice to meet you Daniel and I am Kacey.  (Y/N)’s cousin and best friend.  I am so glad we got to see you both.  I have missed seeing my best friend.” Kacey explained and grabbed your hand in hers.
Daniel noticed that you two seemed very close and that would be a problem in his mind.  But  he would let it go for now.
“So why have you been so MIA, (Y/N) your boss said you were on sick leave.  They found your car left in the parking lot at work.  I had it towed to my place because they said at your apartment complex you had moved out.  And I drive it some so it gets some use.  Are you going to need it because I can get it to you?”  
You look at Daniel and he smiles, “That actually would be good if (Y/N) had her car at my place now since we are living together.”  
“Sounds good so what do you guys want to eat.  This place smells like heaven.”  Kacey says and you guys look at your menus.
You guys order and then you say you need to go to the bathroom, “Kacey will you come with me?” 
“Sure”  she says, “Be right back, Daniel,” you say, kissing his cheek.  He looks concerned and grabs your hand quickly and whispers in your ear, “If you do something, you will be sorry.” he threatens you.   You look at him. “I understand.” and you get up with Kacey and walk to the bathroom.
When you get in there you ignore what Daniel says and grab Kacey’s hand, “Please help me Kacey.  Daniel is a bad man.  He had hurt me and kept me prisoner in his house.  He forced me to have this baby.  I am so scared.  He told me not to say anything but I can’t take it anymore.  Please please help me!”  you beg with tears flowing.
Kacey pulls into a hug, “I had a feeling something was wrong when I had not heard from you in several days. I will see what I can do.”  
“He is going to hurt me again when we leave because I told you but I can’t have his child and live this way much longer.  He is scary…….” and you start crying again.  
Daniel has a feeling and walks to the bathrooms and opens the women’s bathroom door and sees you hugging your cousin and crying.  He is livid.
“(Y/N), we are going now” you both jump away from each other and he comes at you and grabs your arm harshly,
“Get off my cousin you asshole” Kacey yells.
“She is not well and anything she told you is a lie. We need to leave” and he takes you out and marches you out of the coffee shop.  Kacey follows but quickly leaves money on the table.
Kacey is too late because you and Daniel are in your car and leaving the parking lot. 
In the car, Daniel looks at you and yells, “You will be punished and I will not feel bad about it.  You are such a little disobedient whore.  I do something special and you fuck it up.  Why? I am so good to you and you just do not listen.” 
You cringe at what he is going to do to you. Then a thought hits you, “Daniel if you hurt me you hurt the baby.  Please don’t hurt us.  I am so sorry please.  I beg of you not to do something to hurt your baby.  Our family.” you cry putting a hand on your abdomen to try and hope that will make him rethink his punishment for you.
When you get home Daniel has a strong grip on your upper arm.  He is literally pulling you into the house.  When he opens the door and throws you inside and then slams the door shut.  You had fallen but got up and bolted but Daniel was close on your heels and grabbed you around the waist.  
“You will not get away” and then he throws you onto the floor and pounces on you.  Rips at your blouse and bra and leans in to bite one of your nipples  and pushes your skirt up and rips your panties and undoes his belt and zipper and pulls his cock out and slams into you so roughly that you scream for your life.
“No no no” and you close your eyes and try to not feel at how roughly he is taking you against your will.  
You raise a hand and scratch his face and that earns you a slap and more rough thrusts.
“Fuck you whore” and he is relentless with his thrusts. And he pinches at your nipples and you fight him as best you can.  You pull at his hair and that seems to turn him on more, “Bring on bitch”  and then you cry because his cock hits you in  the right place and you come and then he spills his essence into you with another rough thrust.
He leans up and slaps you again, “Whore, just a whore”  he pulls out and then grabs your arm..
“Let’s go” and he takes you back to your prison, “Clean yourself up and think about how to act right.”  and he locks you in again.
The shower is becoming your best friend and you try to wash away the sin of your encounter with Daniel.   He was never letting you out of his sight after your stunt.  And you just hoped that Kacey could help you but who knows.  You were very scared and now even more so for the baby growing inside of you.  
You look down at your body and pray that you and your unborn child will survive.  
That evening as you are sleeping you wake up to awful pain in your abdomen and then you notice blood between your thighs.  
“Oh god no no no!  Help me.  No” you scream.  
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paige-from-my-book · 4 years
Sorry for those reading along! I had some internet issues and a crazy weekend. Here is part 5! Warning: This contains sexual assault and talks about PTSD.
"I put my bike away when I got home and went inside. Grace was there with a couple people on the couch, they were all clearly doped up.
“Hailey!” Grace called, getting up.
“Hey, Grace. I’m not hanging out. Work was rough today. I just need to be alone.”
“Hey, dude, come on. Why don’t you ever hang out anymore?” Grace asked. “Is it because I got you arrested?”
I just wanted to go upstairs. But she was blocking the stairs.
“Look, I deserved what I got. I know I did. I’ve just decided I don’t want that life anymore.”
“Oh you think you’re better than the rest of us, huh?” one of the guys still on the couch asked. He had black hair that was shaggy and was a toothpick. Both of them were, which wasn’t surprising given what they were doing.
“What? No, not at all. I just… I can’t live like that anymore. It’s not for me,” I said, trying to duck under her arm. But she sidestepped to still block my path.
“Come on, man. One more time won’t kill you,” she said.
“No, but it could blow my chance at this job I really like. Plus I just don’t even want to feel the way meth makes me feel. I’d rather not, Grace. Please, I just need to be alone. I have a date anyway, and I want to get ready,” I say.
She stood there looking at me for a moment before stepping aside, letting me go upstairs.
I checked my phone. June was asking what time I would be over. I told her to let me shower and then I would be ready.
As I sat on my bed, my door opened. I got ready to yell at Grace that I didn’t want company, but it was one of the guys that had been on the couch. His greasy black hair hung to his shoulders. He was about six feet tall and his baggy shirt hung off of his body.
“You, uh, you have a date?”
“I do. My room is off limits,” I said, discreetly reaching for the knife under my pillow.
“You’re too pretty to be taken.”
“Back off,” I said sternly, my voice raising.
“But… But I just want to talk. Don’t you know any nice guys that just want to talk?”
“I’ve never met a ‘nice guy’ that just wanted to talk. Get out of my room,” I warned. My hand was now under my pillow, my fingers around my knife.
He lunged at me before I could pull it out, though, and knocked me off the bed. Luckily I didn’t lose my grip on it and I sprung it open as we hit the floor.
“Grace told me you don’t like guys,” he huffed, working to pin me. He was surprisingly strong for his physical state, but I knew better than to expect him to be weak. 
I struggled against him, but he weighed more than me thanks to his height. I was only 5’4”.  He shoved his arms up my shirt to take it off, but when that didn’t work, he ripped it from the front, tearing the buttons off of my work shirt.
When he did that, it freed up my hand, so I did what I knew I had to do. What I desperately didn’t want to. I sunk the metal into his flesh. He cried out, but still tried to undo my bra. So I did it again. And again. And again. I made sure to miss any organs while still causing pain.
Finally he fell off of me. I jumped up and, without looking back, I ran out the door. I didn’t stop to grab my helmet or coat or anything other than my wallet and keys. I hopped on my bike, before anyone could stop me and peeled out of the driveway. 
I couldn’t think. I could barely see. The wind against my bare torso hardly registered.  Tears flooded my eyes. Memories flooded back. An orange jumpsuit on top of me. My shirt ripped open. 
“You’d be prettier if your stomach was flat.”
Her voice haunted me. It sent chills throughout my whole body.
“Struggle if you want. That just makes it more fun for me.”
It had happened over a year and a half ago, but I could hear her voice in my ear as if she was sitting on my motorcycle behind me.
“Your scream is sexy, babe.”
And the guard. The guard just stood there. I could tell he was hard from watching it. He just watched as she took my dignity. 
That was the first time since I’d been with a guy that it hurt. God, it had hurt so bad, but she didn’t stop. She didn’t stop even after she’d finished. Not until there was blood.
I tried to blink away the tears. I knew I was driving too fast, but I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t even focus on where I was going. I could only make sure that I wasn’t driving erratically or breaking any laws other than the speed limit.
“We gotta do this more often.”
I found myself back at the vet office I honestly called home more than my own house. It was only 10 minutes after they closed, I knew Amanda would still be there. I didn’t want to be here like this, but I didn’t have anywhere else to go.
I turned my bike off and with shaky hands opened the door. But Amanda wasn’t anywhere to be seen, instead, Andrea was there.
She looked up from the desk, clearly ready to tell whoever was coming in that the office was closed. But when she saw me, her mouth hung open and her eyes widened.
“What have you done?” she asked as she stepped out from behind the front desk, horrified, seeing the blood all over me. Her eyes lingered on my stomach and chest, I assumed to stare at where the blood was most concentrated. I could also see a hint of worry and sadness. Why sadness?
“Wh-.. What… Have I… Done?” I asked, barely able to process the question. Then everything snapped. The shock, the pain from the scuffle, the hurt in my heart. I realized I had bruises. The guy at the house must have gotten in a few hits. “What… Have I done????” I repeated.
Andrea held her hands up, as if trying to calm me. “Easy there. I have a gun in the back.”
“What have I done???” I repeated again through tears. I was shaking uncontrollably. I tried to take a step, but instead I fell to the ground. When Andrea saw the tears she started to walk forward slowly, unsure what to make of me.
Just then, Amanda came out of the back room. “Hailey!” she exclaimed before rushing over to me. “What happened??”
“My… My roommate,” I started, right before bursting into more tears.
Amanda pulled me close, letting me cry into her shoulder.
“Her f-fr-friend,” I sobbed. “H-he came up t-t-to my room. He didn’t even let me relax after…. After work.”
I motioned to my clothes. I noticed Andrea hovering at the other edge of the waiting room, not sure if she should come over or not.
“He… He wanted,” I pointed to my shirt. I couldn’t finish, but they both knew what I meant. “I had a knife. I didn’t… I didn’t know what else to do.” 
I sobbed more into Amanda’s shoulder. Andrea finally came over, still cautious. Amanda stroked my hair and back and Andrea sat down on the floor next to me, putting a hand on my shoulder
“It wasn’t your fault,” Andrea said quietly in a surprisingly soothing voice.  “He made you do that. You didn’t want to. When you’re ready, come into the back room. I’ll make sure you’re cleaned and okay physically.”
Both Amanda and I looked at her, a little surprised by how gentle she was being.
“Then, we’ll go to your house,” Andrea continued. “I’ll see what care he needs.  Then I’ll take care of it.”
The coldness in her voice scared me. Her eyes were hollow. I’d never been so afraid of someone as I was of Andrea in that moment, so Amanda and I followed her instructions. Amanda continued to close up the office as Andrea led me to the back room. There was a stiffness and hardness about her movements and her expressions. It was terrifying.
She took a towel and wetted it as she slipped my shirt off.  Her hands were so gentle it was soothing. She wiped at the blood on my skin, rinsing the cloth off every few wipes to keep it clean.
It was comforting until she moved behind me. 
“How are you feeling?” she murmured into my ear.
Feeling her hands on my bare skin, not having a shirt, and having someone’s voice in my ear while they were behind me caused a flashback from that moment in prison.
“You feel sexy.”
“Stop! Stop!!” I cried, jolting forward. I fell to my knees as I scrambled to get away from her. I whirled around, sitting up to see a shocked and confused look on her face.
“Hailey, I was just cleaning you. It’s okay,” she said softly. She took a small step towards me, holding her hands up, trying to calm me down.
“Sorry, I…. uh… I,” I stammered, trying to figure out a way to explain my reaction.
Andrea looked at me with sympathy. “You have PTSD, don’t you?”
I stared up at her, wondering how she could read me that well when we’d only worked with each other for less than three months.
“I’ve struggled with some hard memories. I know what it looks like,” she explained, walking over to me slowly and kneeling down.  “What can I do to not trigger it?”
“It’s, um. It’s just if someone is whispering in my ear or behind me, mostly,” I admitted.
“If I don’t talk can I wipe your back?”
I nodded, letting her walk around to be behind me. I took a deep breath and tried to relax my shoulders.
She touched me a little more firmly, clearly trying to ground me and making sure the touch didn’t feel like the way she’d just touched me.
Finally she was done, coming around in front of me, helped me up, and placed a hand on my upper arm.
“Now, show me where it hurts.”
I pointed to my ribs, realizing there were bruises there now that the blood was gone. She checked my ribs and stomach, making sure everything was okay. After that, she took my forearm gently in her hands, looking at my wrist.
There were bruises on each wrist, but they didn’t hurt as much as my ribs. After checking them a bit, she straightened up and said, “Should we go back to your place now? Are you ready?”
I nodded, wondering if she would actually come back with me to my house. Just the thought of going back caused me to start shaking. 
Andrea gently put her hand on my elbow and stepped within just inches of me. “It’s okay. I’ll be there.” Her eyes were so kind. Her voice was so soft. My shivers melted away and for the first time since I’d left my house, my shoulders relaxed.
True to her word, she caught a ride with Amanda to my house. I was embarrassed to show them the neighborhood, and I could tell they were both nervous, but regardless of her fear, Andrea got out, telling Amanda to stay in the car.
I could feel my hands shaking as I opened the door, fighting my fear to do so. Something about Andrea behind me comforted me and gave me the strength to push the door open. Even though I had never been with Andrea outside of the lab, I knew she had my back.
The guy was on the couch again, bloody towels around him.
“What the fuck, Hailey?? Why would you stab Tyler??” Grace asked, turning to me.
“Because he’s an asshole who deserved it,” Andrea said coolly as she walked over with her medical kit. “Move aside, let me look at his cuts.”
“Why would I let you look at my cuts?” Tyler snarled.
“Because I assume you don’t want to go to the hospital with how much shit is in your system. Because I have a doctorate in biology and treat stupid, feral animals every day. Because Hailey happens to be one of my best coworkers and I’ll not have you dying and ruining our work environment,” she snapped, shoving his hands away from his side. “I’m the best chance you have at living right now. So shut up and let me fix this so I can properly threaten you afterwards.”
Everyone in the room, including me, was so shocked they all just let her treat him. 
“Yes it seems she missed all of your organs,” Andrea said, sounding pleased.
“I know where to stab someone to cause damage,” I offered, nodding. I had done that on purpose and I wanted her to know it.
Andrea turned to look at me, eyebrows raised. I couldn’t be sure, but it looked like there was a smile playing at the edge of her lips. Her full lips. She stitched him up, not giving him anything for the pain. She seemed to be almost glad he was squirming under her and constantly berated him for making the procedure harder, often looking back at me.
“Now. Hailey told us what led up to you getting injured,” Andrea said after she had dressed the wounds, putting her medical kit away. Her voice was cold again. Hollow. Terrifying. 
“She’s a lying bitch!” Tyler started right before screaming because Andrea pushed down hard on one of his stab wounds.
“You need to learn to keep it in your pants. I know you can’t think of any scenario where a woman wouldn’t want that pitiful carcass you call a body, but you need to get used to that. Because if I ever find out that you did anything other than keep those pants zipped I will personally drug you, bring you to my lab while no one is there to hear your screams, and then make sure you are fully conscious while I cut you open and remove every single reproductive organ in your body while you watch,” she said. Her face told every person in the room that she wasn’t just saying that, either.
“Are… are you threatening me?” Tyler asked. He tried to sound tough, but the color was already draining from his face. He was as terrified as I was of her right now.
“I’m promising you,” Andrea answered right before standing up. Then she turned to me. “Can you pack your things?”
I nodded, completely speechless.
As I hurried  up the stairs, I heard Andrea ask who was my roommate and tell her to start looking for a new one.
I quickly put all of my work clothes into a bag and all of my essential things, which weren’t much. By the time I got back downstairs, Andrea was waiting by the door. Everyone else looked too scared to speak.
We walked back out and Andrea took my bag from me, putting it in Amanda’s car.
“We talked about it on the way over,” Andrea explained. “You’ll stay with Amanda for as long as you need.”
“I doubt I can afford that.”
“Don’t worry about it. Pay her what you can. We’ve figured out a way to make it work.”
I was speechless. “My… My car,” I started, turning to the garage.
Andrea held out her hand. I handed her the car keys and she strode over to the car, getting in the driver’s seat. Amanda pulled out and we both followed her to her house.
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ichigopanhpff · 5 years
BNHA Fic: Blink! Ch. 8
Read Ch. 7 | Masterlist
SPOILER ALERT: We divin’ right into the story plot for S4 here!
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“Blink, he’s mine,” Red Riot growled out and got into stance. “Get the stragglers to safety.”
“I’m not running away from this fight.”
A barrage of blades came flying from the enhanced villain in hopes to distract them, only to have to two dodge simultaneously.
“No offense, but I can take him down faster,” the hardened boy firmly stated, his resolve re-lit. “At the rate his blades are coming, you’re just gonna get more beaten up. And there’s still people around who can get hurt. Their safety takes priority.”
He glanced at her current state, covered in cuts. Hating to admit her disadvantage here, Blink clicked her tongue in annoyance and turned.
“You better get him!” she shouted before running to a group of civilians to teleport them away to safety.
Using himself as bait, Red Riot lured the blades over to cover Blink while she continued to evacuate the vicinity. Charging in with his Unbreakable form, he successfully got close enough to execute his ultimate move, Red Gun Turret. Pummeling the villain directly in his torso, the man was sent flying to the far wall. Scurrying on the ground like a cowering rat when Red Riot approached him, he begged for his life, reiterating how all he wanted to do was get stronger and he’s just a pathetic guy wanting power.
With his words as a diversion, the villain used his blades to launch himself into the air to escape, only to intercepted by Blink and Fat Gum who were both mid-air. She swung her staff at full force, shattering his blades into a million pieces and kicked the base of his neck with the fat hero intercepting him with his body.
“When confronting an enemy, a villain’s conditions are: Kill! Escape! Beat up! And so on!” Fat Gum lectured through chuffed breaths. “For us, it’s just “capture without any victims”! Remember that, Red Riot!”
Gradually standing back up, Fat Gum successfully stopped the villain with his Fat Absorption quirk. Red Riot looked on amazement how easy he was able to take him down whereas he struggled to the end.
“To suppress villains, you gotta take away their will to fight as quickly as possible!”
Blink stomped over to the now softened redhead and gave him a hard smack to the back of his head, to which he gave a verbal hiss of pain.
“You goddamn idiot! Are you deaf?!” she shouted. “I told you not to talk to the enemy! That’s how they distract you!”
“S-sorry, Blink,” he sheepishly apologized as the lingering pain throbbed all over his occipital lobe.
“Don’t be sorry. Be better!” she angrily huffed and poked him hard on his chest to drive the point home. Red Riot let out a breath through his nose with a small frown at his senior and nodded.
“I’ll be careful next time,” he muttered out. The hardening hero looked away bashfully and wiped the sweat from the top of his lip with his index finger. “And thanks… for before. Your pep talk helped me bring out Unbreakable.”
“All I did was remind you of what you had all along,” she replied as a matter of factly. “You’re a hero, aren’t you?”
He looked up at his upperclassman, who was currently smirking at him and held the back of her fist out, to which he responded with a bump in acknowledging each other’s strength. The hidden civilians, even some of which Blink teleported away to safety, gathered around and thanked them for their actions.
“You two got one hell of a magnificent debut,” Fat Gum complimented. “Far different from mine. And you’re the ones who helped me out! The two of you will be great heroes yet.”
With the commotion dying down, the three regrouped with Suneater on the main street to help the local authorities round up the now captured street thugs. The group of four analyzed the capsule the hooded boy was shot with.
“There’s no doubt about it,” Blink firmly stated. “It’s a quirk booster. But it looks off...”
“Based on how long it lasted, it’s most likely a knock-off,” FatGum pointed out.
“It’s definitely not from America; theirs work up to two to three hours,” the scraped up girl deduced. “And the side effects are semi-permanent, depending on the uppers dosage mixed in.”
“Chances are it’s from Asia,” the tall, rotund hero guessed.
“You seem to know a lot about this, Blink,” Red Riot noticed. “Why is that?”
Suneater noticed the look of hesitation on her face, decided to answer in her stead. “It’s been all over the news as of late, so it’s not surprising the information makes its way onto the internet.”
“And I used to work with the cops back in the day and we seized a lotta this stuff during raids,” Fat Gum added, quickly catching on what his sidekick was doing.
Their discussion was interrupted by one of the cops coming over with information about the gun used to shoot Suneater. The two turned to their senior, who was currently hiding his face under his hood.
“You okay?” Red Riot asked with a tone of concern.
“… It’s such a bitter pill to swallow… To have a hero’s quirk not work is a poor showing on my end,” he mumbled out dejectedly. “Both of you had to protect me… It’s something Mirio would’ve done. You’re both a ball of sunlight.”
“Well, you helped me with this internship, guiding me through everythin’...” Red Riot replied.
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“Suneater… It’s only temporary,” Blink comforted and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Your quirk’ll be back before you know it.”
He tilted his head down to hide his face under the hood.
“Blink… I have a really bad feeling about this,” was all he uttered out with a slight quiver in his voice. “We’ve heard of the boosters, but now we have a drug that can negate quirks? This is bigger than what you thought it is from before...”
All she could do was nod solemnly. With the investigation wrapped up, Fat Gum told the three to go to the hospital to get checked out and wounded tended before returning to the agency for the debrief. As they headed back to U.A., Amajiki pulled Ren aside with these parting words:
Whoever will be involved with this need to know your history. It’s bigger than you.
Days after their first day, classes went by as usual in the U.A. campus. As the evening rolled in, the students all gathered in the Common Area. Sighing aloud, Ren slumped her head back on the couch, not wanting to think about this burden anymore. She glanced over at Kirishima, who was also dazing out.
“Hey Kirishima! Ren-senpai!” Kaminari yelled across the room. “Your hero names are all over the news on the net! That’s awesome!”
The redhead walked over to see two articles his friend pulled up on his screen, the first reading “Newcomer sidekick Red Riot Breaks Into the Scene!” and the other “The Beaming Hope, Blink!” Meanwhile, Ren remained stationary on the couch, unable to move a finger; she was beyond tired after returning from Kansai and having to head to class the following day.
“Tsuyu, Uraraka!” Ashido shouted and showed her phone screen too. “Your names came up in another article!”
All the while other students were commending their achievements, Bakugou stood on the sidelines angrily grinding his teeth out of jealousy and frustration. Iida, however, commented even though they have their provisional licenses, academics take precedence over everything.
The R.A. closed her eyes and leaned back on the couch, with mental and physical exhaustion racking her body as she tuned out the lively conversation. She drifted to sleep and felt a sudden shift of weight on the couch. Lazily opening her right eye, she made out Todoroki’s face staring at her only to have it close again.
“If you’re tired, you should head back into your room to sleep,” he spoke into the shell of her ear in a low voice and noticed the thin cut scabbed over on her cheek. Unconsciously reaching out, his thumb softly grazed the bumpy surface of it, watching her slip further away from the conscious world. This was the first time he’s seen their resident advisor with such a peaceful expression.
“Ah, Ren-senpai fell asleep,” Yaoyoruzu pointed out. “That’s rare.”
“She has been pretty tired lately, huh,” Uraraka pointed out with a look of concern. “I hope the internship isn’t wearing her out.”
“Are you kidding?” Kirishima exclaimed. “She was kickin’ ass left and right! Senpai moved faster than me when we were fighting that blade bastard!”
“She really that strong?” Bakugou suddenly asked, his interest peaked.
The spiky boy stayed quiet for a moment, replaying the moments in his head.
“It’s not that she’s ridiculously strong like Togata-senpai, but….” He paused to think further, placing his hand on his chin. “She moves like she already knows what the enemy’s about to do.”
“So she’s predicting her enemy’s moves before attacking,” the ash blond boy summarized.
“Like Togata-senpai did with us during the exercise,” Midoriya added.
“It works with how she currently fights,” Kirishima agreed. “But if she was to fix up her offense, even I would struggle against her if we ever fought, maybe even lose.”
The four boys looked at her as she drifted into full slumber, her face looking like she didn’t have a care in the world.
As the days went on, Ren alternated between going to her internship and classes, trying her best to stay awake in the latter. At one point, one of Ectoplasm’s clone repeatedly slapped her awake during math class only to have no response and ended up in detention for it. It’s not that her current schedule made her exhausted, it’s the extra personal training sessions she put herself through that overworked her body.
Considering how the last fight went with the recent villain, she realized all of her weaknesses in her fighting style were laid bare like wounds.
She didn’t show it, but she was as frustrated as Amajiki when she placed all the pressure on Kirishima in taking that scumbag down. Forget the glory in making the front page of stories. She wanted justice delivered by her strength, something she currently lacked. And the fact that walking garbage used a quirk enhancer hit too close to home.
If she couldn’t take care of a small fry like that, what were the chances of her taking him down?
Knowing she couldn’t stay the way she was now, Ren swallowed her pride and initially asked the Big Three to do training sessions with her in the dead of night. However, given their schedules as third years on top of the internships, it was hard to squeeze it in.
Her next choice were those from 1-A.
Taking Seri’s advice to heart, who better to ask in training her close range combat skills than them? When it came down to picking sparring partners, the four who came to mind were Kirishima, Bakugou, Todoroki and Midoriya on the boys side; for the girls, it’d have to be Uraraka.
This wasn’t an act of desperation; they were strategically chosen because of their combat experience and skills.
Out of the five she chose, three agreed to help her. Midoriya refused because of his uncertainty in controlling his quirk and was afraid he’d hurt her. Uraraka also refused because she too was undergoing her own training.
However, out of the three boys, Kirishima was surprisingly the one who struck up the proposal in wanting something in return: information. He wanted to know what her relation was to the quirk enhancing drugs that’s been in circulation. Deciding it was a fair request, Ren accepted the condition. It was a necessary deal with the devil if she were to progress her own abilities.
Damn the past and what came from it; the present’s here for her to carve out her path. She’ll play Aizawa’s game and be the tragic hero he wants her to be. No matter the cost.
As the dead of night approached, Ren woke up from her nap and got dressed in a black tank top with her U.A. gym uniform bottom in the darkness of her room. Stretching out her limbs to stir up her sleep-ridden body, she sighed and knelt down on the floor in the middle of her room. Placing her right palm on the floor, she concentrated all of her energy into it and emitted a faint glow, creating a small trap door that wasn’t there before.
This was Ren’s second ultimate move: Void.
With her Flicker quirk, she can concentrate the energy from it to create a room in between spaces for safety and hiding. There is only one door for entrance and exit. The only people who can enter this space is whoever she invites with a verbal agreement. Anyone invited to the room can only enter when she activates it. As great as this move is, it takes a lot of stamina and concentration as Void is a one-shot deal. Because of the amount of energy it takes, it takes away her teleportation abilities for 24 hours.
Entering through the door, she found another person was already waiting for her with his arms crossed donning a matching black tank top and loose sweatpants.
“You’re late.”
“My alarm didn’t go off. Sorry.”
“Y’know, you’re wasting my precious sleep too.”
“Oh, please,” Ren disregarded and stretched her arms out. “You’re getting plenty from this session too, Bakugou. Even if it is once a week with you.”
The explosive blond merely huffed a breath and smirked while hunching over to stretch out his back and legs.
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“Just remember the deal, senpai.”
The silence between the two was intercepted with the sound of a door opening. Bakugou scoffed at the person entering and rolled his eyes at a familiar bi-coloured hair boy walking toward them, wearing a white tank top with dark blue pants.
“Didn’t know tonight was a threesome.”
“Figured I up the difficulty level tonight,” Ren disclosed with a smirk. “I’m feeling impatient.”
“Just let us know when you need a break,” Todoroki reminded and placed his hands on his hips. “You’re overworking yourself as of late.”
“We’ll keep the session to two hours tonight. Sound good?” she bargained.
“Be it one hour or ten hours, I’ll kick your ass either way,” Bakugou growled out and lit his palms up with mini explosions. “By the way, Kirishima revealed one of your advantages when you knocked out on the couch the other night,” he mentioned in passing. “Teach that to us.”
“Oh?” Ren hummed with interest. “Gotta be more specific there.”
“He said you had foresight in battle,” Todoroki answered.
“Ah, that should be simple enough for you two to pick up, given both your combat experiences,” she casually remarked and suddenly appeared in front of Bakugou’s personal space and jumped back from being startled.
“What the– I thought you said you couldn’t teleport if you made this space!” he exclaimed.
“That’s my normal speed without my quirk,” she revealed with an arrogant smirk gracing her lips, her eyes glowing with mischief. “Some third years even say my speed surpasses Mirio-senpai’s by just a little bit.”
Taking a few steps away from the blond boy, she turned and placed her hands on her hips.
“Change of plans: your goal tonight is to predict my movements,” she stated. “This’ll be your first step in getting stronger and getting a leg up in your provisionals. Considering I can’t use my quirk tonight, you two are at an advantage.”
“But what about you, senpai?” Todoroki asked with hesitation.
“Don’t you worry. I have a few ideas up my sleeve.”
She flashed a confident grin at the two boys, their heart fluttering with nervousness and excitement. Just what kind of tricks will their Ren show them tonight?
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mingyaus · 6 years
entrepreneurs au | the flowers pt. 2
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Inspired by this
U don’t have to, but u should read the flowers first bc this is set in that au
Ur a college student who frequents the block where the flower shop is located
(btw that block is owned by landlord seokjin and all the other bts boys have shops in that block).
Usually u just pass by after stopping by ur fave clothing/thrift shop owned by tae and joon, but one day ur like “I deserve a break fr studying, so imma look at some flowers.” Jungkook is off doin something else + it’s off season, so yoongs is the only one in the shop
He’s like “uh r u looking for anything in particular”
“nope just taking a break and looking at flowers”
“break fr what? U don’t look like u work here”
“nah I’m a college student”
”oo cooL. What u studying?”
“[insert major here]”
“at Local University that Focuses on Your Field of Study?”
“wow that’s such a cool school. I probs would’ve studied at plant focused school if such a thing existed”
“How’s school at Local University?”
“Just a lotta studying”
“aW that sucks, u wanna flower? Maybe it’ll motivate u���
“sure *blushies bc he’s being so nice*”
yoongs picks out that cute rose for u.
U: “how much is it?”
“On the house. Ik how rough college can b sometimes, then life hits and then ur doing work in some research lab that u hate–but enough abt me. I don’t wanna stress u w my probs”
“Aw no pls keep talking. It’s a nice distraction”
^then sugay just talks abt everything that happened in the og au
And you’re like “woW what a dude” but in ur head. Then you have to leave bc it’s gonna get dark soon, but then Namjoon happens
U see, u and Namjoon have a something something going on, aka joon is always flirting w u when u go to his shop, but it’s really weird cuz he never actually asks u out or do anything more than flirting so u don’t really know how he feels and whenever u try to initiate something w him he plays it off cool
Aka that one time u asked if he wanted to go to jimin’s bakery w u and he was like “uH nah. I gotta do some stuff w tae...for the shop, yes. Sorry, and I hope I’m not giving u the wrong impression bc I’m not looking for a relationship rn”
AND THEn the next time u come in the boi flirts w u again, so u just start flirting w him and y’all have this weird friendship where u flirt all the time
It’s like Garcia and Morgan in criminal minds
So yaH. Yoongs is walking u out of the shop, and joon is closing up his shop (sweeping the front, locking the doors type of stuff) AND HE SEES YOONGS HAND U A flower.
Joon literally yells across the parking lot (the flower shop and joon’s shop face each other) “HEy, y/n, r u cheating on me?!”
Yoongs is shaken cuz he rarely interacts w joon, and yoongs whispers a quick goodbaiiiii to u before running back into his shop
Suga may seem like an aggressive man bc of his cool rapping skills and savage words, but he’s really just a pacifist deep down inside
So joon finishes locking up his shop, and you’re just standing there a little shaken holding ur flower. Ur stressed abt school and now stressed bc rm has never flirted this aggressively before
Joon marches across the lot and yoongs is abt to flip his sign to the closed side when joon throws the flower shop door open, finds the same rose yoongs chose for you and slams it on the counter and is like “imma buy this, little boi”
And yoongs is just staring at joon w a slightly afraid but mostly judgy face and is like “ok it’ll b $****” (like I’m censoring the money amount bc yoongs likes to keep his prices private, something abt competition mixed w the patriot act. Sometimes idk what’s up w this guy)
And as yoongs is getting change, etc. he’s like “ya know one time I saw ur paperwork on seokjin’s desk and saw ur bday and I know ur younger than me, so b more respectful, boi.”
Rm isn’t letting up and keeps on a hard face “okay. Sure.”
Yoongs hands over the rose and joon mumbles “thanks hyung” before exiting the shop
You’ve been outside this whole time just standing there thinking abt how weird this is and considering ending ur odd friendship w joon bc wtf was that
And joon comes out and smirks and winks is like “take this flower instead. It’s better. I swear”
U: “Uh it’s the same flower”
Joon: “Shhhhhhhh, but it’s from me, ya boy, so it’s better.”
U: “Uh okay.”
So now you’re standing there holding one flower in both of ur hands, and the sun is at that annoying level where it keeps getting in ur eyes and ur the one facing the sun. Fortunately yoongs comes out a few awk secs later and his 5’ 8” tall head is big enough to block the sun.
thanks, GOD, for making this man’s head the right size and shape to cover up the sun at this exact moment in time
Yah Yoongi is basically the sun now
Yoongs *ignoring rm w his body language*: “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had a bf” 
U: “I don’t. That’s just joon, my friend”
Yoongs: “But u talk to him like he’s ur bf.”
U: “ yah it’s this whole confusing thing. Pls ignore joon.”
Sugay: *glares at joon* “stop harassing her”
Joon: *hands up and genuine oops covering mouth face* “shoot man, sorry Y/N, I didn’t mean to harass u”
Yu: “oh yeah that was harassment kinda, but I mean I reciprocated it so it kinda wasn’t really harassment, like it was consensual harassing, basically teasing, but thanks, Yoongs for enlightening me”
U: *looks at joon* “so r we buds or were u actually jealous?”
Joon: *scratches neck* “uh...yah we’re friends, but I enjoy being in this sarcastic not-relationship flirtationship w u”
Yoongs: “Well y’all can keep that up but imma ask Y/N out rn”
u: *jilted + school stressed + friendship stress + suitor stress, so tears slowly begin to form in ur eyes*
Yoongs and joon r broing out and making up for their weird fight earlier and r doing a bro hug when Yoongs sees u crying
Yoongs kinda just stops in the middle of the hug and stares at u, he’s kinda shocked.
Joon turns and looks at u and is like “Omg, r u crying”
Ur like “yah” and then u receive a nice big group hug fr the boys and then realize the rose thorns r piercing into ur palms and suddenly joon and Yoongs have ur blood on their backs and they’re like “oh shoot” and help u get inside yoongs’ shop where suga sanitizes ur hands and bandaids them up while joon is making some tea in the back
Yoongi is whispering “so when do u wanna go out?”
Ur still sniffling and can’t rlly talk and say something abt finals coming up soon
Sugay: “after finals?”
U: “yah. After finals”
“I’ll call u tho”
“Yes pls”
And joon comes out w some tea and then drives both of u (Jk usually drives Yoongs home bc yoongs shares a car w his roommate and jjk and myg r neighbors, live in the same apartment complex. So yah Yoongs took the bus to work)
Joon drives both of u home and u listen to some good soothing winky face bops (think u by primary or any dean-like song or zion t) on the way back and u and Yoongs r in the back seat holding hands and when u arrive at ur apartment rm is like “next time one of u sit in the front, I feel like an Uber driver”
U: “weren’t u actually an Uber driver once”
Rm: “actually I still am,but for the one time I’m actually not getting paid to drive I’d appreciate having someone shotgun.”
Yoongs: “oK I’ll move to the front”
Rm *smirks*: “thx bro”
And Yoongs opens the door to let u out and he walks u to ur dorm and he’s like “inch resting night “
U: “Yah”
Myg: “I’ll call u, ok? Don’t b too stressed” and he pulls the two roses fr behind his back and hands them to u “use these to remind u to chill, k?”
U: “K.”
U hug Yoongs then u say goodbye and u peek out ur window to see Yoongs get into Rm’s car but in the back seat and you can see Yoongs laughing fr inside and his smile is as bright as the sun and rm’s just sighing his face dull like the night sky
And they’re ur sun and moon, two nice dudes making ur life better than before.
Omg that’s a crap ending, I was Trying to b poetic but nah I’m not rlly
our masterlist
a(dmin ayeee)/n: lol the gif is rm checking out y/n and yoongi’s dms 5 weeks later. haH. btw this was originally written in an instagram dm conversation. tbh i prefer lyft. there’s a yoongi lyft driver au that should be written soon. 
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save-the-cronch · 7 years
Sincerely Me
Welcome to my fic that is using a title that is overused! Anyways, this is based off a set of one-shots I posted, originally, on my other account. 
Read on AO3
Evan kept his head down as he walked to the school’s computer lab. He had to quickly finish his ‘self-help’ letter before his mom picked him up for his therapy session with Dr. Sherman. Slowly, Evan pushed open the door to the lab and shuffled over to a computer on the right side. Silently, he logged into the computer, found the google chrome search logo, clicked on it, and signed onto his google drive account. He moved the cursor over to the google doc containing his letter. After he clicked on it, he watched as a new paged popped up, and his letter loaded onto the screen. Evan quickly read over the letter, and noticed that he left off with:
Maybe if I could just talk to her. Maybe, nothing would be different at all.
He silent thought for a second, tapping his fingers on the table. Eventually, he began to type out the last part.
I wish everything was different. I wish I was a part of something. I wish that anything I said mattered to anyone. I mean, let’s face it, would anyone even notice if I just disappeared tomorrow?
He stopped typing briefly. Evan knows this isn’t what his therapist had in mind for him to write. These letters are supposed to say the good things in life, but when there aren’t any good things, why make it up? Why not just tell the damn truth? No one would even care anyways.
Sincerely, your best and dearest friend, me.
Suddenly, his phone began to ring. Evan fumbled with it in his pocket. He quickly checked the caller ID and was relieved to see it was his mom calling him.
“H-hello?” He asked. Evan has always hated phone calls, can't stand them. Even though it was just his mom calling, he still stumbled on his words.
“Evan, I’m not going to be able to bring you to your appointment. They needed extra help at the hospital and I was the only one on duty. Also right afterward I’m going to class, there are leftovers in the fridge for dinner.” Heidi Hansen rushed her words as if she really needs to get back to work. Which, Evan assumed, she probably does.
God, Evan thought, I'm such a burden, she wouldn't need to work so hard if I wasn't around. I have so many problems. She has to spend too much money on my pills and therapy, I hate it.
"O-okay, yeah, I’ll ea-t that.” Even while he says this, Evan knows he won’t.
“Did you finish your letter sweetie?" Evan knows that all his mom wants is for him to get better. However, he also knows that she knows she'd have a better life without him.
“Yeah, I just pr-printed it n-ow.” He says, clicking on the little printer button on the top right of the screen.
“That’s fantastic sweetie. I’ve gotta go now, but I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” Totally fantastic. Except for the fact that his letter basically states that he wants to just disappear and never come back.
Evan nods his head but then realizes she probably couldn’t even see him. Stupid. “Okay, love you.”
“Love you too honey.” And with that, she hangs up the phone.
Evan sighs once again, and then, he stands up to go and grab his letter. Before he can even take a step, Connor Murphy appears in front of him. Oh great. Evan really hopes he's still not mad about this morning. Connor had thought that Evan laughed at him, and so he shoved him to the ground. However, what had really happened was that Evan didn't laugh at him, He would never laugh at him. He would never laugh at anyone really. Evan was just nervous, and so he let out a nervous chuckle. Because of this, Evam have a mental freak out moment. He still didn’t know if Connor’s here to yell at him some more or what but he was absolutely terrified.
“Evan? Right?” Connor asks, looking Evan up and down, then into his eyes. Evan shivered slightly and nodded. Evan didn't shiver because Connor was scary, he's actually really pretty. Like his sister, Zoe. Wait, not the time Evan. Shut up. Evan looked back at him, and he noticed something. Connor seemed like he was trying to tell Evan something, but then seems to think better if it and instead says, “How’d you break your arm?”
It was an easy question to answer, Evan had practiced the answer many times, but he still stuttered.
“Oh, uh, I f-fell. Out of a tr-tree.” Evan stuttered out, picking at the hem of his shirt. Evan hates lying, but he didn't want people to see how broken he really was.
“Well, that’s the saddest fucking thing I’ve ever heard. Oh my god!” He laughs out.
Oh, how wonderful. Evan thinks. Now I'm an even bigger loser.
Evan nodded, “Yeah, uh, yeah.”
Connor glances at Evan’s cast, and he seems to notice no one has signed it.
Shit, now I not just a loser, but a friendless loser. Evan doesn’t know how this could get any worse.
“No one’s signed your cast.” Connor points out as if Evan hadn’t already realized no one liked him.
“Yeah, uh, I kn-know.” Evan just wishes he could stop stuttering, dammit!
“I’ll sign it.” Connor offers, probably pitying Evan. Defiantly pitying him. Most people did.
“Oh, you, you don’t have to.” Evan mentally hits himself, what is he doing? He needs his mom to think he actually talked to people. Why is he telling him no?
Connor ignores him and He holds out a hand, expecting a sharpie. Thank God he's persistent.
Evan nods his head and then stuffed his hand into his pocket. He pulled out the unused sharpie and handed it to the taller boy.
He grips Evan’s hand and tugs it towards him. “Ow,” Evan mumbled.
“Sorry,” Connor seemed to have pushed it out. As if he's not used to saying sorry. Connor quickly scrawls out his name, filling up half of the blonds cast with it.
“Oh, thanks,” Evan said, with a kind of sarcastic, sort of thankful, and a bit of wanting to get the hell out of there asap tone of voice. Thankfully though, Connor doesn’t seem to notice and smiles at the shorter boy. However, it’s more of a grimace. He then takes a piece of paper from his bag and lifts it up.
“Is this yours? I saw it at the printer. ‘Dear Evan Hansen,’ You're last name is Hansen, right?”
“Uh, yeah that’s mine, um, th-thanks.” Evan reached to take it, but Connor pulls back.
“Because there’s Zoe? What the hell,” He whispers this, seemingly confused, and Evan begins to freak out. Once again.
“C-connor, please give that ba-back.”
“You did this on purpose!” Connor’s yelling now, Evan hopes he can maybe calm him down?
“What?” Very good Evan, ask a fucking question. This is super helpful.
“Yeah, you saw I was the only other person in here so you printed this wanting me to see it.” Evan knows that Connor is totally misunderstanding the situation. Evan also knows that he has no clue on how to deal with this.
“No, I-”
“You were hoping I’d freak out right? So you can tell everyone what a fucking freak I am?”
“No, please-”
“Well FUCK YOU!” The long-haired boy pushed past Evan and runs out of the computer lab. All Evan can do is stare at him as he runs, forgetting that he still has his letter.
“You what?” Jared asks from the other side of the phone, clearly enjoying the situation that Evan had gotten himself into.
“I-I printed my letter out at school and Co-connor saw it. He thought I wanted t-to get him ma-mad! He saw that I me-mentioned Zoe, and-”
“Wait, so he read some crazy sex letter you wrote about his sister? That’s messed up.” Evan starts to really hope that Jared stops laughing soon.
“It wasn’t a sex le-letter Jared! It’s for my therapy-therapist.” Evan is trying to explain this the best he can, but Jared doesn't like to listen. He never listens.
“You write sex letters to your therapist? That's kinky.”
“Whatever man, but why are you telling me this?” Evan can imagine that Jared is probably lying upside down on his bed, playing video games. He's definitely not paying attention to their conversation at all.
“Because you’re my cl-only family fr-friend.” That's all they’ll ever be because Jared knows that Evan is too much of a weirdo.
“Yeah, okay, I gotta go dude. Good luck with that sex letter!”
“IT’S NOT A-” Before Evan can finish, Jared hangs up the phone. Evan groans, tossing his own phone onto his bed.
How the hell is he supposed to convince Connor Murphy that that letter was meant to cause no harm.
Also, how is he supposed to get it back from him before he tells the whole school? And, once the school knows how will he live through the taunts? No, wait, forget the jokes. Connor is probably gonna kill him.
God Dammit.
  Connor stared at the orange bottle in his hand as he sat on his bed. For once it was made, he wanted to feel productive for his last few hours alive. He also had a box filled with all the stuff he had taken from Zoe over the years placed on his desk.  He has about an hour before Zoe gets home from jazz band practice, and his mom won’t be home for another two. Connor isn’t sure when his dad will be home, but it’ll probably be late, as usual.
Connor uncaps the bottle and empties all the pills into his open palm. With no more thought, he downs all the pills and lays back onto his bed, waiting for the effects to kick in.
Zoe Murphy usually considers herself a lucky girl. She’s lucky because she made jazz one as a freshman, and sits in the first chair. She’s lucky that she is smart enough to be in most senior classes. She’s lucky that Alana Beck actually considers her a friend. She’s lucky that her brother doesn’t follow through on his death threats.
Zoe Murphy is also lucky that she got out of jazz band earlier than usual. A lot usual. AT least, according to the doctors, she is. Is she had called the ambulance not even five minutes after she had, her brother would have had no chance of survival.
So yeah, Zoe Murphy is a lucky girl. Luck apparently just comes naturally to her, and even though her relationship with Connor has been torn to shreds years ago, she’s glad that she’s luckier than most. Really fucking glad.
“Yo, Evan, did you hear what happened to Murphy last night?” Those are the first words Evan hears out of Jared’s mouth on the second day of school. Evan shuts his locker and looks at his family friend. Jared is practically bouncing on the balls of his feet, gripping the straps of his backpack.
“N-no, what happened to-to him?”
“I’m not exactly sure, but you know Calvin Ferrell? Well he lives across from the Murphy’s and he told Kelly Petie who told Kyle Gold who I overheard telling Kevin Lakes that an ambulance showed up at their house around five last night, and Calvin saw Zoe Murphy running out with paramedics pushing a stretcher with Connor laying on it out of the house and into the ambulance. Calvin doesn’t know what happened to him but Connor isn’t at school and neither is Zoe. So obviously it was something really big right? I mean why else would paramedics be there?” Jared is much too enthusiastic about this.
“J-jared! Why do yo-you seem so, so ex-excited? Wh-what if he di-died. That wo-would be te-terr-terrible!” Evan whisper yells.
“Eh, I wouldn’t worry about it, I mean so what? No one likes him anyway.”
“Jared th-that isn’t nice! You sh-shouldn’t say, say things like that!” Evan remembers how alone he felt this past summer, and knows that whatever Connor was feeling is probably ten times worse than what he feels. He hopes Connor isn’t dead, he decides that if, no when, Connor gets back to school, Evan will try his best to try and brighten the brown haired boy’s day.
“Whatever tree boy, I’m going to class.” Jared shrugged his shoulders and left Evan standing in the hallway by himself. Evan sighs. He knows Jared fakes a lot of how he acts. He just wishes Jared was like he was when they were younger, his actual friend.
Dear Connor Murphy,
I heard about what happened the other week and I want you to know I failed as well, over the summer. You’re not alone.\
Sincerely Me.
Connor stared dumbfounded at the letter in his hands. It was his second day back after being out of school for three weeks, and he had no idea as to why a letter had fallen out of his letter. He was even more confused when he realized the letter was addressed to him and not whoever owned the locker next to him. Then after reading the two sentenced note, he felt something inside him. It wasn’t happiness at being recognized, it was more like relief. Someone out there, though he had no idea who knew in some way how he felt. And who wouldn’t get the smallest spark of hope after realizing that?
Evan watched from around the Corner as Connor neatly folded up the letter and placed it in his hoodie pocket. Then he saw the brown haired boy give a small smile, and Evan couldn’t help but smile as well.
For the next month, Evan continues to write letters to Connor. He writes the letters on Monday and Wednesdays after his homework, then on Tuesday and Thursday mornings he shoves them through the cracks in Connor’s locker. Evan know’s that Connor doesn’t check his locker until after third period, so he knows that he won’t be caught.
Sometimes the letters contain personal information as Evan knows that Connor doesn’t know it’s him, so he’s not worried, for once, about being taunted. Sometimes they just include small things that happen over the week. Usually, the Tuesday letters are the long ones, informing Connor about Evan’s weekend, the Thursday ones usually remind Connor how great he is.
Evan’s noticed that Connor is usually happier on the letter days. He’s also noticed that Connor skips school a lot, but he’s always there on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
Connor has gotten a total of six letters so far.
The second one was almost as short as the first, giving Connor one simple tip on calming down.
Dear Connor Murphy,
Counting down from ten is always a great strategy to calm down, in my experience at least. Also, my mom, she does it a lot, especially when my dad tries to contact us. He’s very inconsiderate when he does.
Sincerely, Me
Connor felt like punching this guy’s dad after reading it.
The third letter talked a lot about trees, as did the fifth letter. The fourth told Connor that the mystery guy has a crush on a girl in junior year. He wondered if Zoe knew the girl as the letter never mentioned her name. The sixth letter was longer than usual. It seemed as though Letter Guy, as Connor now calls him, was stressing about something and just couldn’t stop talking. It started out about a math test the kid had, then there was a paragraph on why trees are so important to the environment, then two sentences wondering if Connor liked trees as much as he did, and it ended with five sentences of the guy apologizing as to how long the letter was. Connor thought it was hilarious, and kind of adorable. He kept that letter on his bedside table.
After the next two letters come, and Connor finds himself wondering who the guy is, he realizes that he might actually sort of like him. But he tries to ignore it for two reasons. First, why would this guy like him back, especially since he already likes someone else? Second, Connor doesn’t even know who writes the letter, how can he like someone he doesn’t know. However, Connor does know the letter guy, very well from all the information he writes down. He just doesn’t know his name or what he looks like.
Evan sits behind Connor in math class, which Evan actually quite enjoys. Math is fourth period, which means Connor comes in right after reading Evan’s notes on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. This also means that Evan gets to see the small smile on Connor’s face due to the letters that he receives.Evan always enjoys seeing that smile. It tells him that he was once again successful in making Connor happy. Evan knows that it isn’t a permanent fix, but he also knows that it works for at least an hour. And an hour is better than nothing in his opinion.
After Thanksgiving break, Evan realizes that he hasn’t thought, or written, about Zoe in a month. This really confuses him, how can he go from fawning over the guitar player to never even thinking about her? He isn’t entirely sure.
That is, at least, until the first Thursday of December and Evan catches himself staring at the older Murphy all of math class. At first, Evan tells himself that he was just making sure his letters were still making Connor happy. It wasn’t until Evan was in his room, trying to go to bed while still thinking about the long-haired boy that he shoots up, now fully awake.
“Fuck I like the school shooter.”
Which then leads to Evan actually slapping himself.
“Dammit Evan, stop listening to Jared.”
Evan continues to mutter to himself about the fact that he has just figured out that he is bi. However, he isn’t just bi, no, he’s really really bi for the kid he writes letters to, to make him feel better.
That’s when his mother, Heidi Hansen, Knocks on the door.
“Sweetie are you alright?” She asks, concerned that her son is mumbling to himself at eleven at night.
“Yeah, I’m fine!” Evan shouts back, quickly laying back down.
That night Evan falls asleep with only the thought of Connor Murphy on his mind.
The next letter Connor received he was surprised to see that the mystery writer told him he wasn’t into the junior girl anymore. At that, Connor walked to his math class with a small spring in his step. He knows that the letter boy might not be into guys, but he doesn’t like the junior anymore, he has a slight chance now.
When he gets to math, the kid that sits behind him, Evan Hansen, already has a notebook out. Connor remembers in middle school when he had a small crush on the blond haired kid. He can’t help but hope that Evan was the mystery writer.
Connor spends all of math wondering what Evan’s hand in his would feel like.
When Connor walked into math, Evan couldn’t help but blush at Connor’s happy gait. Evan can’t help but hope that it’s because Evan doesn’t like Zoe anymore, and maybe Connor likes him back. But that’s insane, who would like the wallflower anyway?
Evan spends the rest of the class wondering what Connor’s hair would feel like with Evan’s fingers combing through it.
The week leading up to winter break, Evan can’t stop thinking about what he should get Connor for Christmas. Sure, Evan is Jewish and celebrates Hanukkah, he knows that Connor celebrates Christmas. He only knows this because he overheard Zoe asking Alana to come over on Christmas Eve, as Zoe’s parents apparently want to meet her.
Evan wasn’t sure on what to get Connor until he was at the store with Jared because apparently he needed knew flannel and his mom thought he was ditching Evan. Which, he usually does, but Mrs. Kleinman doesn’t need to know that. Evan had seen a couple black hoodies and remembered that Connor’s were all worn out and faded. Then as he was walking up to the cash register, money already in hand, he saw a bowl full of nail polish and quickly plucked out a black bottle. Connor usually as his nails painted, sure they were almost always chipped, but they were also always black. Black seemed to be his signature color.
Wednesday night, Evan wrapped the gift for Connor, taping his note to the present.
Connor Murphy didn’t go to bed until one am that night. Usually, he’s asleep by 12 on Mondays and Wednesdays, but this time he stayed up. He needed to get it perfect. Sure there was a chance that Mystery Writer didn’t celebrate Christmas, but that’s why Connor is signing the card Happy Holidays instead. It doesn’t need to be a Christmas gift. Just a thank you gift.
Thursday morning, when Evan went to put the gift outside Connor’s locker, he was surprised to see it propped open, and not shut like normal. Curiosity was digging at him, so Evan carefully opened the locker and was even more shocked to see a small wrapped item on the bottom of Connor’s locker. He picked it up, and then he noticed the card, which was addressed to him. Well not him exactly, but it did say To: My Mystery Writer and who else would Connor be calling a mystery writer?
Evan felt a small smile grow on his face as he placed the gift he got Connor on the bottom of his locker, and quickly put the one Connor got him in his bag. He then swiftly shut the locker and made his way to his first class.
After third period, when Connor got to his locker, he was glad to see that Mystery Writer took the gift, he was also happy to find out that he was left a gift as well.
Throughout math class, Evan couldn’t focus. He just stared at Connor’s head. Which probably wasn’t a good idea in hindsight as Finals is the week he gets back from spring break, and he really should be paying attention the review they’re doing. But at that moment, he really didn’t care.
The first thing Evan does when he gets home is putting the gift Connor got him under the small house plant he has on his desk. Even though he doesn’t do Christmas, maybe this one time he can pretend.
When his mom gets home and sees the gift on his desk, she asks where it came from.
“O-oh, well um. There’s this b-boy, C-connor Murphy, and earlier this year he wa-was in the hos-hospital? So, um, I decided to, uh, write him letters. I-I wanted to ma-make him feel good. So, uh, I gu-guess he got me-me a gift?”
“Oh honey, that’s so kind of you! I’m so glad you have another friend!”
Heidi was so excited to see the excitement in her son’s eyes as he talked about Connor.
Evan didn’t have the heart to tell his mom that Connor didn’t know it was him writing the letters, which is how he ended up baking cookies with his mom the day after Hanukkah ended. As soon as they were done, Heidi had already left for work, and Evan was tasked with the job of bringing them over to the Murphy’s place.
Before he left, he found a pen and a piece of paper to quickly scrawl out a note.
Cynthia is a bit confused as to who would be ringing her doorbell at nine at night. She is even more confused when no one is at the door, and she looks down to see a plate of cookies with a note taped to it. She leans down to pick up the plate, walks back inside and shuts the door. When she gets to her kitchen, she plucks the note from the plate and reads it.
Dear Connor Murphy
Have an excellent Christmas
Sincerely Me.
Cynthia can’t help but grin at the fact that Connor has a friend. She can’t remember the last time Connor even talked about a friend. Cynthia places the note back onto the plate, then proceeds to pick the plate up and carry it upstairs to her son’s room.
She knocks twice on the door, and the music that was blaring from inside is turned off. She hears heavy footsteps and then the door opens, revealing her son who seems to not have gotten dressed today. Instead, he is in sweats, a tank top, and has an apron covered in paint over his pajamas.
Cynthia doesn’t fail to notice the hard glare on her son’s face, and so she just holds up the plate.
Connor glances at it, and noticing the note, he picks it up and reads it.
Cynthia also doesn’t fail to notice the small smile and slight blush that Connor suddenly now has, as he takes the plate of cookies and ducks back into his room.
Cynthia can already tell that whoever this new friend is, is a good fit for her boy.
Christmas morning comes, and Evan figures that now is a good time to open Connor’s present. He brings the gift over to his bed. He tears open the wrapping paper and finds a book with a note covering the title.
Dear Mystery Writer
You always talk, or write, about how you love trees, so, here.
Evan flips the paper over and sees a beautifully drown Oak tree on the back. Evan knew Connor drew, as that’s what he does for most of math, but he never knew he could draw so, realistically. Before even glancing at what the title says, Evan gets up to pin the tree to his headboard, smiling proudly at it, before looking at the book.
Evan laughs when he sees it’s the Encyclopedia of Trees.
Connor also sits on his bed as he opens Mystery Writer’s gift. First, he looks at the note that was taped to the gift.
Dear Connor Murphy,
Your sweatshirts seem to have a lot of holes, I didn’t know if it was for comfort or what but I got you a new one. Oh, and I really like your nails so here’s some more polish.
Sincerely me’
Connor can feel the blush already beginning on his cheeks.
He unwraps the gift and instantly notices how soft the two hoodies are. He also decides that he will be using the new nail polish until it ran out. He can also feel his blush deepen and nearly scolds himself for feeling and acting this way. He shouldn’t start to like someone he doesn’t know the name of. He really shouldn’t. But then again, when has he ever done something he should do?
A week after school is back in session, the Kleinmans come over to the Hansen’s place for dinner. When Jared enters Evan’s room, he instantly notices the tree that’s still pinned up, and as Evan was gathering snacks downstairs, it felt only reasonable for Jared to see if he could see who drew it. It certainly wasn’t Evan, as his art skills were no better than Jared, who could only draw cartoon cats and nothing else.
When Jared is close enough to read the signature, he would have spat out his drink, if he was drinking something. Why would Conor Murphy draw Evan Hansen a tree?
When Evan walks back into his room, Jared plays innocent and asks his family friend who drew the tree.
When Evan blushes and says that it’s from Connor Murphy, Jared demands that Evan tells him why Connor drew him a tree.
After Evan is done explaining the letters, Jared can’t stop laughing.
“So first, you write sex letters about his sister, and now you’re writing sex letters about and for him?”
“No! Th-they’re not se-sex letter Jared! An-and I only wro-wrote about him on-once!” Which, was the wrong thing for Evan to say as it throws Jared into another fit of hysterics.
For the next month at school, Jared starts to act differently when he’s around Connor, and Connor severely hopes that Jared isn’t the letter guy as that would mean Connor has a crush on Jared, and he really hopes that isn’t the case.
However, for a slight second Connor is relieved when Jared tells him who the writer is.
Connor was casually reading one of the letters when Jared pops up and says “I see you have another love note from Evan tree boy Hansen.”
At that Connor watches as Jared's eyes widen and he quickly leaves. It takes a second for the brand new information to kick in, but then Connor realizes that the cute dorky kid that sits behind him in math. The kid he’s always had a small crush on. The kid he silently hoped was the mystery writer, is actually the mystery writer, and Connor doesn’t remember the last time he was this happy.
Evan was just about to walk out of school when he suddenly heard someone calling his name. He turned to see Connor Murphy running to catch up with him.
“Evan, can we talk? Now?”
Evan isn’t sure why Connor wants to talk to him, but being who he is, he gives a simple nod and lets Connor lead him to the tree that he usually sits under during lunch.
“So, uh, Jared told me you were the one writing letters to me. Is, uh, is that true?” Connor seems nervous and a little hopeful. Evan isn’t sure why.
“H-he told yo-you?”
Connor nods.
“OhgodI’msosorryIprobablywasn’tthepersonyouwantedtpbewritingyouletters. Sorry.”
“Uh, could you repeat that.”
Evan takes in a large breath of air before repeating his previous statement. “Oh god, I’m so sorry, I probably wasn’t the person you wanted to be writing you letters. Sorry.” Evan’s nervous that Connor hates him now, and really doesn’t want that. He wants to be friends with him, especially since that’s the closest he can probably get to Connor liking him back.
“No! I’m glad it’s you. You’re probably the nicest kid in school, anyone else I would think was making fun of me. I just wanted to say thanks. So, uh, thanks.” And with that, Connor dashes away from Evan.
The next day at school, Evan is surprised to see a note flutter to the ground after opening his locker. He bent down to pick it up and is happy to find that the letter is from Connor.
From that day onwards, Evan and Connor correspond with letters for each other. They both want to talk outside these letters, be friends in real life as well.
In February Connor finally lets himself fall completely in love with the blond haired boy. However, he doesn’t tell anyone, especially Evan. Either way, Evan likes someone else. Sure, they have some of the same features, but there are plenty of kids at their school with brown hair. And the way Evan describes his crush? Definitely not him. One letter Connor received was all about this crush. Apparently, he has beautiful brown hair, gorgeous blue eyes with a small bit of brown in the left, and a face that was crafted by God himself.
Sure, Connor has brown hair, but so does half the student body. And yes, Connor has a bit of brown in his left eye, but so does Jared Kleinman and this other kid in his AP lit class. And Connor’s face was most definitely not crafted by God. No way in hell.
So yeah, Connor accepted that he likes Evan. Like, a lot. But he’s also accepted that Evan will never like him back. And that’s okay. Or so Connor tells himself.
It isn’t until mid-March that Evan asks Connor if he wants to go grab ice cream on Friday after school.
Connor replies back with a no shit and his phone number.
After school, Connor drove Evan to A la mode, his favorite ice cream place, and they hung out at Evan’s house until Connor left at eleven at night, running into Heidi Hansen, who was thrilled to finally meet the boy her son speaks so highly of. She then asked Connor for his mom’s number so she could talk to her.
Both moms were ecstatic to hear about their sons hanging out.
They were also happy to talk to each other about them.
Both boys had a blush on their faces for an hour afterward.
And both of them fell asleep with the other on their minds, once again.
For the last two and a half months of school, Connor and Evan are practically attached at the hip. Evan was at Connor’s house for Easter since Evan doesn’t celebrate it and his mom was working. Then, they skip prom and just hang out at Connor’s house watching 80’s movies. They fell asleep on the couch, Evan’s head on Connor’s shoulder, and Connor’s head on Evan’s head.
At the end of senior year, Evan informs Connor that he didn’t apply to any schools so that he could take a gap year and save up for school for a while longer. Connor decides then and there to just not go to college until Evan goes. Connor doesn’t want to be alone, he’s not good at making friends, and to get through life he just really needs one. He got lucky with Evan. He doesn’t think he will get as lucky again.
Evan gets a job at the Pottery Barn, and Connor works at the Michael's next door. They always share their lunch breaks together, and they carpool to work as Evan doesn’t like to drive, and Connor does. Plus it means more time being together, and neither of them will pass up that opportunity.
That winter, Connor, and Evan were at Evan’s house. Heidi was at work, taking on the night shift and wouldn’t be home until early the next morning. The boys took advantage of that situation and broke out a bottle of bourbon to share as they watched Lord of the Rings.
By the time they were on the second movie, both of them had a pretty good buzz going on.
And both boys were a little Childish when drunk.
“Hey, hey Evan.” Connor whispers, giggling.
“What?” After there’s a slight pause, Evan asks again, “Co-connor, what?”
“Oh! Oh right! I wanted to tell you something.” Connor isn’t giggling anymore, but he still has a large smile adorning his face.
“It’s very important. I’ve know for a while now. I wanted to tell you sooner, but I was nervous. Haha, I’m kind of nervous now, but like, less than usual. You know?”
“Co-con, just to-tell me. Please?”
“Oh right! I haven’t said it yet! Well, I like you!”
“I know th-that Con! That’s why we-we’re best fri-friends!”
“No! I mean I love you! Like, I want to date you and kiss you! All the time. But I don’t cause I don’t think you’d like that.”
“Well, th-that’s not true Co-con! I want to kiss you all the time too!”
“Really?” Connor’s very surprised, but also extremely happy.
“Then, can I kiss you?”
Evan answers with a swift nod and Connor grabs Evan’s shirt collar and pulls him in for a sweet kiss, that’s long overdue.
When they pull back, neither of the boys have their eyes opened all the way. They’re both smiling, and they’re both still gripping onto each other.
Evan goes in for another kiss, and they fall back onto the couch, kissing lazily until they fall asleep, Evan on top of Connor, arms, and legs tangled, smiles still on their faces.
When Heidi comes home, she promptly ignores the bottle of whiskey on the coffee table. Instead, she grabs a blanket from the basket by the TV and spreads it over her son and his new boyfriend. She smiles as she takes out her phone to send a picture to Cynthia, telling her that she expects the twenty bucks the next time they go out for coffee together.
She also decides that she’ll talk to the boys about the bottle after she congratulates them.
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frogsagainandagain · 7 years
favorite lyric from every fob song
i’m so sorry this is so long please skip this is mainly for me to be able to reference
*songs with incredible lyrics throughout that it was extra hard to choose one or two
honorable mention:  and maybe next time/i’ll remember not to tell you something stupid like I’ll never leave your side
calm before the storm:  you said, between your smiles and regrets: “don’t say it’s over.”
switchblades and infidelity:  walking out on the show is walking out on you/and walking out on you’s still the best thing that I ever did.
pretty in punk:  well I’ve seen your boyfriend/and i don’t think he treats you right/but that’s none of my business is it?
growing up*:  i’ve dried my eyes, now it’s “rushmore”/i’m deep with futures like chicago/no, glenview never meant a thing to me/she never meant a thing to me
the world’s not waiting (for five tired boys in a broken down van):  we’re all “hasbeens” and “never-were’s”
short, fast and loud: good god i wish i was tall
moving pictures:  where can I go when I want you around/but I can’t stand to be around you
parker lewis can’t lose (but i’m gonna give it my best shot): in the meantime just talking with my shoes/converse with my converse
tell that mick:  stop burning bridges and drive off of them
dead on arrival:  i know I’m not your favorite record/but the songs you grow to like never stick at first
grand theft autumn: you need him/i could be him
saturday:  and i read about the afterlife/but I never really lived
homesick at space camp:  landing on a runway in chicago and I’m grounding all my dreams/of ever really seeing california
sending postcards:  when you go i will forget everything about you
chicago is so two years ago*:  she took me down and said:/“boys like you are overrated. so save your breath."          bonus:  with every breath i wish your body will be broken again
the pros and cons of breathing:  i want to hate you half as much as i hate myself
grenade jumper:  living like life’s going out of style.
reinventing the wheel:  i can’t wake up to these reminders of who i am:/a failure at everything… 18 going on extinct.
patron saint*:  and when it all goes to hell/and when it all goes.
my heart is the worst kind of weapon:  we are salt - you are the wound
it’s not a side effect:  and think of all the places/where you’ve been lost/and then found…out/in between my sheets/in between the rights and the wrongs
our lawyer:  we’re only good cause you can have almost famous friends
gin joints:  i used to waste my time dreaming of being alive (now i only waste it dreaming of you)
dance, dance: joe trohman is lame
sugar:  isn’t it messed up how i’m just dying to be him?
nobody puts baby in the corner: you look so good in blue
dark alley: joke me something awful just like kisses on the necks of "best friends”
atavan halen:  i’ll be stuck fixated on one star/when the world is crashing down
sophomore slump*:  cause i swear i’d burn this city down to show you the light
champagne:  they say, “you want a war? you’ve got a war.”/but who are you fighting for?
i slept with:  douse yourself in cheap perfume it’s/so fitting, so fitting of the way you are
sixteen candles*:  she said, she said, she said, “why don’t you just drop dead?"       bonus:  so say what are you waiting for?/kiss her, kiss her
get busy*:  i used to obsess over living,/now I only obsess over you
XO:  to the "love”, i left my conscience pressed/between the pages of the bible in the drawer
snitches and walkers:  show me a starry-eyed kid/i will break his jaw
the music or the misery*:  it’s true romance is dead, i shot it in the chest then in the head.      bonus:   and if you wanna go down in history then i’m your prince      bonus bonus:  i went to sleep a poet, and i woke up a fraud
thriller:  i can take your problems away with a nod and a wave/of my hand, ‘cause that’s just the kind of boy that i am
take over, breaks over:  don’t pretend you ever forgot about me.
arms race:  i wrote the gospel on giving up/(you look pretty sinking)
me & you:  the best way/to make it through/with hearts and wrists intact/is to realize/two out of three ain’t bad/ain’t bad
hum hallelujah*:  i thought I loved you/it was just how you looked in the light.
golden:  and i knew that the lights of the city were too heavy for me
thnks fr th mmrs:  get me out of my mind and get you out of those clothes
don’t you know:  i could learn to pity fools as I’m the worst of all/and i can’t stop feeling sorry for myself
the after life of the party:  put love on hold,/young hollywood is on the other line
tunnel of love:  got postcards from my former selves saying: “how’ve you been?”
doldrums:  you’re wrong/are we all wrong?
fame > infamy:  “there’s too much green to feel blue”
you’re crashing*:  the headline reads “the man hangs”, but the jury doesn't                bonus:  baby boy can’t lift his headache head
ringing in my ears: new york eyes, chicago thighs
ginasfs:  threw caution to the wind,/but i’ve got a lousy arm
hard to say:  but don’t get the wrong idea/we’re gonna shoot you
lullabye:  when you wake up the world will come around
disloyal order*:  what a match, i’m half doomed and you’re semi-sweet        bonus: boycott love/ detox just to retox 
i don’t care:  say my name and his in the same breath/i dare you to say they taste the same
winona:  bop bop ba dop
america’s suitehearts: why won’t the world revolve around me?
headfirst slide:  i don’t just want to be a footnote in someone else’s happiness
(shipped) gold standard:  plant palm trees on lake michigan before it gets cold/i gotta feel the wind chill again before i get old
(coffee’s for closers)*: i will never believe in anything again/though change will come
donnie: i’m the one/who charmed the one/who gave up on you
27:  you’re a bottled star/the planets align/you’re just like mars/you shine in the sky
tiffany blews: dear gravity, you held me down in this starless city
wams*:  what makes you so special?/i’m gonna leave you/i’m gonna teach you/how we’re all alone
nosebleed:  goes to the desert the same war his dad rehearsed/came back with flags on coffins and said,/”we won, oh we won.“
west coast smoker:  got my degree in the gutter,/my heart broken in the dorms of the ivy league
pavlove:  i want to make you as lonely as me/so you can get, get addicted to this
the phoenix:  wearing our vintage misery/no, i think it looked a little better on me
light em up:  a constellation of tears on your lashes/burn everything you love, then burn the ashes
alone together:  but i don’t think i’m coming home and i said/i’ll check in tomorrow if i don’t wake up dead
where did the party go:  my old aches become new again/my old friends become exes again
just one yesterday:  letting people down is my thing, baby/find yourself a new gig/this town ain’t big enough for two of us
the mighty fall:  two’s a whole lot lonelier than one
miss missing you*:  baby, you were my picket fence           bonus:  i will sing to you every day/if it will take away the pain
death valley:  undress to impress/you can wear the crown but you’re no princess 
young volcanoes:  come on make it easy/say i never mattered  (basic ik)
rat a tat*:  i’m the lonelier version of you/i just don’t know where it went wrong \
srar:  how’d it get to be only me?/like i’m the last damn kid still kicking/that still believes 
the king is dead:  the may never think and wonder why, dear christ/every time i see you i just want to paint the walls white
art of keeping up disappearances: erase the conclusion/but never meant to clear up/any of the confusion
hot to the touch:  if it’s never been broken/can’t believe in it/now you’re just a problem/for someone else to fix
love, sex, death:  but out of every pretty pretty miscalculation/you have got to be my all-time favorite
eternal summer:  i can’t do this again/i need more oxygen
demigods:  what if we were demigods?/they’d take to our knees/raging at the half of our sins
american made:  when i was younger i couldn’t wait for the days to pass/now i know they’ll never last/and i just want my childhood back
caffeine cold:  don’t breathe life into a monster then/complain when he destroys it all again
irresistible:  too many war wounds and not enough wars/too few rounds in the ring and not enough settled scores/too many sharks, not enough blood in the waves
ab/ap:  i think i. i fell in love again/maybe i just took too much cough medicine
centuries: heavy metal broke my heart       bonus: we are the poisoned youth
the kids aren’t alright*:  and i still feel that rush in my veins./it twists my head just a bit too thin./all those people in those old photographs I’ve seen are dead.
uma thurman: the end of the fucking song
jet pack blues*:  did you ever love her? do you know?/or did you never want to be alone?
novocaine:  if you knew, knew what the bluebirds sang at you,/you would never sing along
4th of july:  you are my favorite "what if”/you are my best “I’ll never know”
favorite record:  and i confessed, confessed to you/riding shotgun underneath the purple skies
immortals:  i try to picture me without you but i can’t
hotel in nyc:  a birth and a death on the same day/and honey I only appeared so i can fade away/i wanna throw my hands in the air and scream/and i could just die laughing on your spiral of shame
young and menace?? champion?? i’m sorry who?? what?? huh???
hold me tight or don’t:  i got too high again/when i realized i can’t not be with you/or be just your friend/i love you to death but i just can’t/i just can’t pretend/we were lovers first/confidants but never friends/were we ever friends?
the last of the real ones:  'cause you’re the last of a dying breed/write our names in the wet concrete
7-9 legendary:  i want to choke (u)/and get sick off of you/like secondhand smoke
alpha dog:  i want to put the midwest home again
austin we have a problem:  i gave you pretentious./i gave you indifference, but you only wanted undressed and defenseless.           bonus: hey! everyone’s an underdog.
catch me if you can:  oh dear lord,/please let me into heaven, for just an afternoon.
from now on we are enemies:  a composer but never composed/singing the symphonies of the overdosed
guilty as charged:  i got greater expectations than oliver twist
hand of god*:  it’s not gossip if it’s the truth/i’m sick of always writing songs for you to slit your wrists to
lake effect kid*:  i’ve got the skyline in my veins/forget your night times/summer love on a gurney with a squeaky wheel/and joke us, joke us/till lakeshore drive comes back into focus
mskwyditd (demo)*:  we sold our souls in dark hotel rooms/we slip tongues and lie like “i will see you soon”
star 67:  maybe we could talk this over/but i swear to god/and i’ll have this phone to my head.
we don’t take hits, we write them:  and my life is holding our heads to this gun/you and your new boy think you can come in and keep me off, but you’re wrong
yule shoot your eye out:  and all i want this year is for you to dedicate your last breath to me/before you bury yourself alive
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