#you get a 9/10 because i stan TWO men and the other is my bf
heartseeker · 6 years
I Am Tobias I Only Stan One Man And His Name Is Snartobirama Senju
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buttered-kpopcorn · 7 years
11 Questions Tag
I was tagged by @elalir26 thank you very muchhh
So it looks like I answer your 11 questions, then tag people to answer my 11 questions- neat!
1. If money were no object, what would you like to do career-wise?
I don’t really have a dream career, but I know that my passions lie in music, psychology, language, the sciences (mostly biology and physics), art, and food?? but thats like all the things average chicks like so
2. If you had to give up 2 of the 4 - desserts, cheese, beef, or chicken - which 2 would you give up?
I’m gonna have to go with beef and chicken cause I went without them for 90% of my life... I was stuck as one of those yucky vegetarians up until a little less than a year ago
3. What’s your favorite animal?
the human female no I have a feeling that’s more gross sounding than I thought at first ... so I’ll just go with cat because I have cats and they’re good
4. Do you have any siblings and are they younger or older?
I have three younger siblings
5. Could you perform the choreography of one of your favorite K-pop groups?
thats funny... I don’t have the coordination skills to dance to anything ever so yeah no... HOWEVER I KNOW SOMEONE WHO CAN DANCE AND THATS MY PAL IN 4ØUR      STAN 4ØUR
6. Pick one: black and white, pastels, neons, or dark/gloomy colors
lowkey love all those aesthetics but I’m mostly a dark/gloomy colors girl... y’know like earthy and darker colors like deeper reds, greens, greys, browns, maroons and such.... but also I have a thing for orange rn? I think I might change my theme up and throw some orange in there
7. What time do you usually get up during the week?
weekdays: 6:15; weekends: anywhere from 7:00 to 12:00
8. What was the last book you read?
I read part of The Two Towers but didn’t finish and I really enjoy it I just never get around to reading it or reading anything
9. Who is your favorite non K-pop artist?
idk if I can choose just one, so I’ll list a few: Joywave, Saint Motel, Of Monsters And Men, Imagine Dragons? there’s some others I’m starting to fall more in love with recently but they’re not on top quite yet
10. Scenario: you meet your bias by happenstance and end up striking up a conversation with one another and even switch numbers/kakao IDs. How do you react when your bias says he/she wants to introduce (AKA set you up on a blind date) you to one of their idol friends?
uhhhhh I’m not single lol so if we keep that then I’d prob go  w i l d   ofc bc like meeting any of my biases irl would be sick but yeah I’d just wanna be super good pals with them instead... and tbh even if I weren’t in a relationship I wouldn’t wanna deal with an idol gf/bf that sounds emotionally difficult
11. If you were to become a K-pop trainee, where would you want to become one (ie. YG, BigHit, Pledis, etc)?
uh I mean I wouldn’t want that difficult trainee life to begin with but uh I wouldn’t mind jyp that sounds like a decent life
I tag whoever wants to (I’ll tag some other people later)
to answer these questions:
1. List a couple songs you recommend I listen to:
2. Do you have any guilty pleasure songs that you’re kinda embarrassed about but really love?
3. What are some things you spend a whole lot of your free time doing?
4. Is there anything you really regret not doing?
5. What’s something that can always make you smile and feel really good?
6. What’s your opinion on dabbing?
7. Tell me about one of the most memorable days of your life:
8. List at least five small things that made you happy today:
9. What’s something that pisses you off a ton?
10. What’s something you wish you could learn more about?
11. Drop some childhood nostalgia (a story, a song, an item, a place, a person):
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