#you funky little weirdo
i-am-a-fan · 2 months
the world is so much more tolerable when you remember that you’re weird too.
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live-from-flaturn · 9 months
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inspired by this lovely photo collection from @arewedoneyet
I know this meme/joke is ancient but I really couldn't help it.
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girlchomp · 11 months
his intense need for control, homosexual attitude, and awkward autistic swagger have captivated me.
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i am now Abnormal abt him.
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lemontartyellow · 26 days
“Detective Bullock, do you give up?” I’m bawling my eyes out 😭.
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nerdy-kitty-boi · 11 months
why can no one be normal about multigender people? somehow not even other people with weird and funky genders manage it. other non-binary people don't manage it. And so as always I'm left with the knowledge that part of my gender is seen as suspect, unwanted, and bad by large swaths of the community where I ironically feel the most at home and most connected. By people who probably have very similar experiences of gender and navigating the world to me even! But that one part of my gender? Nope, that part isn't wanted, isn't allowed.
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disast3rtransp0rt · 1 year
We shit on France a lot for a country that does most of our favorite stuff, such as:
Antagonizing England.
Antagonizing and disrupting global religious norms (Western Schism, anyone?).
Beheading the greedy, overwealthy bourgeousie and demanding various workers'/civil rights on a regular basis.
Holding their governing body accountable, with very real consequences if citizens' demands go ignored.
Normalizing snack culture (bread and spreadable cheese with juice, amirite, fellow neurodivergents?)
Having the BEST possible villain accent for campy children's cartoons (step aside, Cockney Brits)
Providing endless meme content.
Like I'm not a France Stan by any means. Please don't get me wrong. The one French exchange student in my university's English Literature MA program did his thesis on Homestuck, for fuck’s sake.
But damn... They have the vibes.
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quinnzscale · 2 years
New obsession alert: just finished Camp Here and There and I regret to inform you that I have feelings for Soren Baltimore.
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early db is soo underrated like you have kid goku being an absolute menace bulma gives a pig a permanent laxative then later gets turned into a carrot. a blue creature of indeterminable species keeps ordering around a dog in a ninja costume and a hot chick he found from a damn spy ad in the newspaper and goku straight up strands some motherfuckers on the moon until the end of time. Goofy as hell
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deritosmi · 11 months
I actually just said ‘what does my hair taste like?’ Out loud and then proceeded to push a strand into my mouth. what did I conclude?
yum. . my.
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taitenator · 1 year
Deeply confused at people choosing to follow my account when 90% of the time I just reblog and like other peoples stuff. You’re all very welcome to watch as I slowly lose my grip on reality! But why would you want to? See you next month for another instalment of “actually making a post”
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theshadowofsorrow · 1 year
i don't regret playing a new campaign. for myriad reasons. but i miss my girl so much.
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live-from-flaturn · 2 years
Pourin' one out for the real MVP on his birthday today, Mr. Mile.
Thank you to the man who used spit and tape (and a shit ton of money) to save the production. Thanks for helping to give us KinnPorsche: The Series in all its high quality, well-acted, beautifully composed problematic fav glory.
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sweetcreaturetm · 2 years
I wish there was more nurse Steve.
Like Steve in nursing school doing clinicals and he does a round in the ED. And his first shift he gets this weirdo who has to have one of his rings cut off his finger cause he bet his buddy that his rings wouldn’t bend under the wheels of his van. He’s honestly lucky none of his bones are broken. Steve’s kind of just in the background since he’s just doing clinicals but the guy keeps looking at him for comfort while the doctors are setting up all the stuff to cut the ring. Steve can tell he’s a little scared so he goes to stand on his other side to distract him.
“So- uhhh” Steve checks the chart “Mr. Munson do you usually go around running over various body parts?”
Eddie smiles widely at him “it’s Eddie, and no. But uh” he shares a sneaky look with Steve and lowers his voice like they’re conspiring together “I was a little… shall we say elevated”
Steve literally giggles “I knew it smelled a little funkier than usual” he winks.
“What can I say I’m a funky guy-“ Eddie gets cut off by the small saw the doctors are aiming at his hand. Steve can tell he’s about to freak out he sees him start to pull his hand away.
He puts his hand on Eddie’s other arm and brings his attention back to him. He glances down at his guitar pick necklace. “Do you play the guitar?” He asks his hand never leaves Eddie’s arm. And that gets Eddie distracted going on and on about his sweetheart and his band and how they play at a place called the hideout and Steve listens intently. Steve’s more than kind of mesmerized by him.
Before either of them realize the ring is off. The charge nurse asks Steve to finish wrapping Eddie’s fingers and discharge him. Steve goes about getting the gauze and other supplies while still listening to Eddie now he’s talking about D&D something Steve knew more about than he wished thanks to Dustin.
He interrupts Eddie “Okay so I’m gonna put this ointment on just for some relief the saw blade didn’t cut you but it got a little hot for your skin so you might feel a little discomfort. Then I’ll wrap it up. Try to keep an eye if it starts to hurt worse or you have a reaction. I can sneak you some of this it works wonders” he starts to clean the tray off but Eddie stops him with his hand over Steve’s own.
“Do you think I could have my ring back?” He asks sheepishly.
“Oh yeah! Of course sorry I wasn’t thinking” Steve’s a little embarrassed of course he wanted his ring he probably didn’t even care about the stupid ointment. He puts the ring in a little plastic cup they use for pills. Unfortunately they had to cut it a few times so there’s some small bits of the band that are in pieces.
After Eddie signs all the paperwork he gives Steve a little bow in thanks “you probably couldn’t tell since I was being so brave” Eddie says. Steve giggles at that. “But I am a tad frightened of hospitals and stuff. So thanks for being so nice to me. And distracting me when they tried to saw my finger off”
“They would not saw your finger off!” Steve laughs even harder. “It was nice talking to you.” He gives Eddie a hopefully flirty smile.
“Whatever you say, Stevie” Eddie says after he glances down at Steve’s temporary badge. “But hey if it was so nice maybe you can come check out our next show after my fingers are fully recovered” he waggles said fingers but then winces and stops.
Steve reaches out for his injured hand and holds it and says “that actually sounds really nice. But I literally have no time out of school and clinicals.”
“Well maybe I’ll just have to find another way to injure myself to see you again” Eddie says getting bolder.
Steve looks deep into his eyes. He glances down at Eddie’s lips god he wishes he wasn’t literally working right now. “What if you didn’t hurt yourself again and I give you my number and you can come by when I get off my shift.”
Eddie considers for a second and hands Steve his own phone so Steve can put his number in. “That sounds doable” he leans close to Steve’s ear as he gathers his jacket to walk out of the curtained off area and then whispers “just like you” he winks over his shoulder at a gaping Steve.
When Eddie pulls out his phone after getting to the van he sees the newest contact in his phone “Stevie” with a little stethoscope emoji next to it. He sends Steve a quick text so he’ll be able to text him when he’s off.
Finally Steve takes a break and checks his phone he’s been dying to check it since Eddie left he has a text from an unknown number “Guess who *guitar emoji* *ring emoji*” Steve cannot stop grinning the rest of his shift.
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starbabyg · 1 year
pleaseeeeeee jack and trevor share her
Picture Perfect pt. 3 | Jack Hughes x reader x Trevor Zegras
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part one and part two right hereeee
warnings; smut duh, the words cock and other funky words that make me squirm, jealous Jack , also a bit shitty writing lol
Trevor couldn’t get you off his mind ever since that day. It’s all he could think of, the way your pussy gripped around Jack’s dick. The sound of your angelic moans. It was sick the way all of his thoughts were revolving around you. Trevor couldn’t even face Jack any more. He had been avoiding him at all costs, too scared he’d blurt out how he needed to fuck you to get you out of his head.
You walked out of your room and into the living room, seeing Jack playing a video game with his feet up on the coffee table. “Hey, isn’t it guy’s night shouldn’t you be at the lake house?”
“Yeah, but Trev said he couldn’t make it again. I think he’s doing that shit on purpose cause Cole told me he saw him the other day,” Jack responded, not looking up at you. He had a rough demeanor about it, but inside Jack was just a bit hurt that it seemed like his best friend was avoiding him.
“Is he mad at you or something?” You made your way to the kitchen island, grabbing a mandarin and peeling it to snack on.
“Can’t be, I didn’t do shit to him. And I mean it this time.”
“Well when was the last time you even saw him?”
“That one weekend he came over and watched us fuck. Told me he’d call me to chill afterwards, never did,” he shrugged.
“You don’t think he was weirded out by the situation? Like at least a little bit? I mean he did watch us have sex,” you concluded.
Jack recollected the event, he knew Trevor was nervous about it but he didn’t think that he would be weirded out by it, “I don’t fucken know, I thought we were close enough for that. We’ve joked about it before, banging groupies together— all before I met you of course.”
“Mmhmm,” you nodded. “Still, it was a hypothetical situation. And I’m your girlfriend, Jack. Not a groupie you’re never going to see again. It adds a certain nuance to the situation don’t you think?”
Your words made Jack think deeply, and one thing about Jack is he hates getting deep in his thoughts. He furrowed his brows, what you said confusing him just a bit. “Yeah I guess that’s true. But whatever, I’m just gonna confront him and ask him why he’s being like this.” Jack got up from his spot, putting his slides on and grabbing his keys. If Trevor was going to avoid him the only thing he could do was be right there where he had no choice but to see Jack.
“Stupid Trevor avoiding me like a weirdo. Making me drive to his house cause he wants to be lame. Funky ass missing guys night again,” Jack grumbled the whole drive to Trevor’s place.
When Jack arrived to Trevor’s place he was less upset and more hurt by the fact his best friend hadn’t responded to his texts or calls. That it had really got to the point where he had to actually drive to his house to see him face to face. Nevertheless he knocked, picking his posture up and preparing himself for the confrontation.
“Yo–” Trevor opened the door with a smile on his face, which faded with the sight of a less than happy Jack on the other side of the door. “Oh, what’s up Jack,” he now monotonously greeted.
“What’s up? That’s all you gotta say bro?” Jack started off, his hurt feelings getting to him, “You’ve been flaking on me. Not answering my calls or texts. Just straight up dodging me. What’s up with you?” At that moment he sounded like a heartbroken girlfriend, but at that moment he was.
Trevor was taken a back just a bit, but fully understood where Jack was coming from. “It’s just that I um, I’ve just been—“ he stuttered and stammered, not being able to form a cohesive sentence.
“You’ve what? Whatever it is, it just sucks you’re not able to communicate it with me. Being as we’re like best friends and all,” Jack spoke vulnerably, something he had taken up from you.
Trevor sighed, the words resonating with him. He realized he just had to face the problem head on, and tell Jack what was going on in his head. “Listen,” Trevor looked down, not being able to look Jack in the eyes, “It’s hard for me to tell you this. I never in a million years thought I’d be in this situation. Ever. Like ever. It makes me sick just thinking about it. But, watching you fuck y/n was a huge mistake.”
“Was it too much for you? She told me you probably thought I was weird, god I’m embarrassed—“
Trevor cut him off, “No, no. It’s not that. Like at all. It’s just that you were right about everything you said. About y/n,” Trev took a deep breath to muster up courage and to finish, “So right to the point that I can’t get her out of my head. Just seeing the way she fucked you and shit. It’s been stuck on my mind. I’ve never seen no one fuck like that ever in my life. And you know how many girls I’ve fucked.”
Jack didn’t know how to react or respond. Yeah, he was proud of you because he knew you were the top of the top, cream of the crop. But also, his best friend was lusting after you, his girlfriend.
“So you gotta crush on y/n?”
“I don’t know if you can say crush, she’s a great girl and all but I know you two are meant for each other. It’s just, she has that sexual prowess. If anything it’s like a fuck crush.”
“A fuck crush,” Jack raised an eyebrow, trying to comprehend what Trevor just said. The entire situation was difficult for him to comprehend.
“Yeah. Not to objectify her or anything. But she just looked so fucking amazing fucking you.”
Jack pursed his lips, “So if I let you fuck her can you stop being weird?”
“Wait, what did you just say?” Trevor had to double take, cause after everything, he knows Jack didn’t say what he just said.
“If I let you fuck her, can you stop being weird,” Jack drew out his words.
“No way. I’m not going to fuck your girlfriend and no way you’re actually going to let me fuck her just like that.”
“If it’ll make you get over whatever the hell a fuck crush is, then yeah. Get her out of your system so we can be cool again. I don’t wanna lose my best friend over some petty shit like this, cmon Trev.”
“Jack, listen to what you’re saying. Are you really going to let me fuck your girlfriend.”
“I’m not all too keen about you taking her all by yourself. Not no cuck shit. But remember when we always talked about tag teaming a girl?”
“Yeah, I kinda remember,” he recalled all the conversations from when they both first got into the league, bragging about all the pussy they were gonna get.
“Well, how about a threesome with my girlfriend,” Jack proposed, “God it makes me sick just thinking about it. But if there’s anyone I would have a threesome with it’d be you.”
“Jesus Jack, you’ve put me in a sick situation. A sick sick situation. I wanna say yes but I wanna say no.”
“Like I said, if this is what it takes for shit to go back to normal I’m all for it,” Jack sighed.
“You sure that you’re sure?”
“As sure as I can be, In this moment. I might come to regret it but you know my dumb ass just lives in the moment,” shaking his head, Jack tried to push all negative thoughts away.
Trevor contemplated, because the first time he said yes to one of Jack’s asinine ideas he got put in this situation. But still, he just couldn’t get you out of his mind. His body was feening to feel yours against his. To feel you ride him the way you rode Jack. It was driving him borderline insane. The whole situation was a catch 22 for him.
“Are you sure y/n even wants this? I mean look at the position we put her in,” classic Trevor, always worried about you where Jack had always been mindless.
“You saw the way she was about to go down on you. Seems like we’re all consenting in this situation.” He recalled the way you so easily crawled over to Trevor without a second thought, about to take him inside your mouth just as you would with him. It sparked a tinge of jealousy in him, but at the same time also turned him on seeing you from another point of view.
“I just don’t want this to make shit even more weird than it already is. I know how much you love her and you know how much I love you.”
“Yeah, I know. That’s why I trust both of you to even do any of this shit. We’ve been best friends since like forever, and to be honest I’ve never been in love with someone as much as I’m in love with y/n. And I’m the one who put us all in this place, being the show off I am. Can’t bitch out now.”
“Jack, if this goes south I’m literally gonna kill myself. I’m already dead inside from shame and embarrassment,” Trev spoke with his eyes squeezed shut. It was still difficult for him to look Jack in his eyes.
“Jesus Zegras, don’t be so morbid.”
So right then and there Jack and Trevor set a day for the threesome. With Trevor freaking out the whole time, and Jack trying to calm him down, you were clueless to the whole ordeal.
It was a Friday evening, Jack running errands and you taking the day off from the hectic week. You laid in the king sized bed the two of you shared, only in one of Jack’s oversized graphic tee shirts and a pair of lace panties that you so loved to adorn.
“Hey princess,” you felt Jack’s hand run up your bare leg. Your eyes fluttered open, still adjusting to your surroundings. Everything was always hazy when you first woke up.
“Hi my love,” you sleepily smiled at him. You turned so you were no longer on your side, but leaning your back against the headboard. Still blinking to adjust, you could now make out another person in the room.
“How was your little nap? You still look sleepy my little love bug,” Jack smiled at you. He loved how you looked when you first woke up, always with a look of clueless confusion, brows upturned and bottom lip stuck out just a bit.
“It was fine, hadda nice dream. Probably coulda slept through the whole night I was so comfortable,” you rubbed your eye and stretched as you finally started to actually wake up.
“Yeah? I got someone here who wants to see you though,” he told you, his thumb still rubbing that spot on your leg.
“Huh? Who?” You turned, seeing Trevor stand idly by the door, “Oh hey Trevor, long time no see. How you been?” You softly smiled up at him.
“Hey y/n,” he timidly waved. Seeing you in person sucked every ounce of courage that was inside of him. If he was nervous before, now he was a complete wreck. He tried to mask it by mustering up a half smile.
“Trevor’s been feeling some type of way,” Jack started.
“Hm? What d’ya mean?” You questioned confused.
Jack looked towards him, not being able to tell you himself, from lack of words to say it or refusal, no one knows.
“Jack, I can’t say it,” Trev shook his head. Between you and Jack, it was just too much to be put on the spot and confess how you had him feeling.
Jack stood up, “Well, I’m gonna get a drink. I’ll be right back. Give you some space.” This wasn’t just for Trevor to finally relay how he feels about you. Jack himself just couldn’t stand to be in the room while it happened. He knew what was about to go down, yet his possessive instincts kicked in. He had to at least be a little tipsy before consciously going through with another one of his crazy ideas.
“Are you like, grossed out by me or something? That I could actually go through with fucking Jack in front of you? Do you look at me differently now?”
“Yes, I look at you differently.”
“Oh,” was all you could say.
“But not in that way. Y/n, I just can’t seem to get you out of my head. Ever since I saw you fuck Jack, I just can’t. I’ve had this sick craving, I needed to feel what Jack felt. It makes me sick that I can’t feel you bounce on my cock, that I can’t just flip you over and fuck you how Jack did. I just can’t stand not being able to experience you like that,” finally all the words spilled from his brain and out for you to hear. “And I know I shouldn’t feel this way because you’re my best friends girlfriend, that’s why I’ve been avoiding Jack. Because of you. Because I can’t have you the way I want to. The way I need to.”
“Trevor, I–”
“It’s fine y/n. You don’t have to try and let me down easy. Jack wanted to bring me here to get you out of my system but this is another insane idea I just can’t go through with and put you through.” Trevor turned hastily to get out of there as quickly as possible.
You shot up as fast as you could and grabbed Trev by his arm, pulling him back into the room. “No Trevor, I was gonna say I can help you get over me. Guys always get over it once they get what they want right?” You softly chuckled.
Trevor sighed, “Y/n I don’t want you to think of it like that. I really like you, you’re perfect for Jack. I– just don’t know where this sudden infatuation came from.”
“I know Trev, it doesn’t have to be that way. Let’s just get this over with and forget it all happened mm?” You tilted your head, your hand that grabbed him now making its way up his tricep. The way Trevor talked about this situation, how he viewed you now, sparked something tantalizing inside of you.
“W-what about Jack?”
“Well we’ll just have to get his blessing, right?” You pulled Trevor out of the room, to where Jack was seated on the kitchen island, beer in hand. “Jacky baby, is it alright if I get to play with Trev tonight? That is what you brought him over for right?”
Jack took a deep gulp, he hated the words that came out of your mouth but he loved the sultry way that you spoke him, he couldn’t stop himself from breathlessly staring and nodding. Just like Trevor, he too was trapped under your siren spell. You could never do anything without Jack, so you gripped him by his wrist and yanked him up from his solitude. You’d need the space of the big California king bed for the three of you.
“I think it’s only fair that Trevor gets to undress me,” grabbing his hands, you set them at the hem of the large tee shirt you wore. There really wasn’t much for him to strip your body off. Trevor’s breath hitched, this really was the moment, he’s finally getting what he wanted. Slowly he lifted the shirt up, your arms raised. Jack sat there with anticipation, palming himself through his sweatpants. So this is what it looks like to the neighbors huh. He was loving this point of view, seeing you in another light.
Now just standing in your bra, panties, and knee high socks, Trevor’s brain had flipped a switch. It’s as if his brain went feral, urging him to grab your supple breasts. He cupped them, feeling the fullness of them in his palms, squeezing them, the flesh filling in the gaps between his fingers.
“Screw this bra, it needs to go now,” he mumbled under his breath. Trevor reached around to your backside, feeling for the hooks. Trevor fumbled with it, trying to use one hand to unhook it was proving difficult. Jack saw this, and he himself started to get impatient.
“You’re taking too long, let me do it,” he smacked his lips together, slightly shoving Trevor out of the way. Swiftly, with one hand Jack had unlatched your bra, with the straps falling off your dainty shoulders. Jack smirked at Trevor, who only looked back with his mouth agape. “Perfect titties.”
“Mhmm,” Trevor agreed with Jack, bending down and taking one in his mouth. Trevor started sucking it softly, the feather like sensation causing you to gasp. Seeing that Trevor could get that kind of reaction out of you made Jack grow a tinge jealous. Although it was all turning him on, he was feeling that bit possessive feeling over you. Jack planted himself onto your other boob, suctioning to it with pressure.
“Oh my god,” you moaned as Jack gently rolled your nipple in between his teeth. The slight pain mixed with the intense pleasure sent shocks through your body. Where Jack was going rough, Trevor went soft. With the slightest touch of his tongue he flicked it in all the right places around your areola. Starting with the bottom, swinging around the top, then making a full circle around the whole nipple. The two differing pressures started to make your vision hazy, your legs starting to buckle and give out. Sensing this, and knowing your body, Jack went behind you, now supporting your weight as your naked body pressed against him. Jack moved your hair to one side out of the way and pressed kisses from the nape of your neck upwards. One hand held your waist, the other gripping the bare flesh of your boob, rolling the nipple between his index and middle finger.
Seeing Jack supporting the upper portion of your body, Trevor kneeled down, planting a kiss to your clit as he placed himself in between your legs, putting both knees on his shoulders and hoisting you up. With your body now in the air, lifted up by the two boys, Trevor began to lap his tongue on your pussy, licking up your labia and up to the crown of your clit. You squirmed, your legs locking around his neck. The feather like kitten licks so slight and so gentle, although it wasn’t a lot of pressure it stimulated your bundle of nerves in all the right ways. With Trev’s hands on your backside he started to grip and grab at the flesh of your bottom before taking his right hand to insert two fingers inside your vulva. He curled his fingers down, caving into the floor of your silky walls.
All Jack could hear was the slurps of Trevor’s mouth and the squelching sound of your pussy, and quite frankly he was becoming a bit bratty that he didn’t get to be in any of the action. Jack pulled your body back, the two of you falling on the bed before he elevated your body to fit right between his legs, your back reclining on his chest. Jack padded his fingers along your stomach just before going to touch your lower lips. The temperature change from Trevor’s warm mouth to Jack’s cold fingers contrasting greatly. Starting off at a normal pace but quickly picking it up, Jack was determined to make you feel better than Trevor could.
“C’mon princess, I know you feel it, let it out,” he smirked. Knowing last time Trevor didn’t truly get the full Y/n experience. Trevor just quizzically looked, what the hell did Jack mean? Anyways, Trevor was focused on you, watching how your body reacted to the brash touch. Your toes curling up, your legs twitching. Trevor made his way up your legs, planting kisses from the tops of your feet all the way up to your thighs.
At this time Jack had both hands playing with your princess parts, his dominant hand gliding in and out of you as his other toyed with your clit. With all of this touch you were getting overstimulated, and fully well knew what Jack meant from that statement. You felt the buildup in your lower stomach, and it was getting to the point where you couldn’t contain yourself.
“Oh my fuck, I’m gonna– I’m gonna,” you breathlessly tried to get out before you squirted, Jack pulling his fingers out at the right time as you ejaculated juices that covered the bed sheets, and subsequently got a bit on Trevor as well.
“No fucking way, did you just-,” Trevor gaped in awe. Throughout his multitude of bodies he had never once met a girl who could squirt, only seeing it in videos.
“Mmhmm, just gotta play with her in all the right ways and she’s your own little waterfall,” Jack smugly boasted, proud of himself that at least he was the only one who could get you like that.
You turned around, now on your knees as you kissed Jack intensely, “I think baby deserves a treat for himself now huh,” you lowered yourself down his body, peppering kisses as you made your way to his dick. Swirling your tongue around the tip and head, you then took his full member in your mouth and started to bob up and down.
Your ass stuck out in the air vulnerably, Trevor smacked it, surely leaving a hand print, before diving in and eating it from the back. This took you by surprise, making you lurch forward and causing you to take more of Jack in your mouth.
“I think she needs to be stuffed from both ends, huh Jack,” Trevor grunted, now wanting—no, needing– to bury himself deep inside your walls. Too preoccupied with getting deepthroated, Jack just nodded and groaned out what sounded like a grumble of a yes.
Trevor pulled down his shorts, his dick now throbbing from how hard it had been this whole time. He rubbed the head from the fore and aft of your vagina before easily sliding it in.
“Is’so slick and wet. Just slid right in,” Trevor softly murmured, starting off with slow measured strokes. His hand laid on your ass as he watched his dick glide in and out of you. In this moment he was awestruck, he finally was able to feel what he was only able to daydream about. He relished in the moment, knowing this would be his only chance to feel your insides.
Wanting more pressure, you backed yourself up against his cock, your plump ass bouncing as you rocked forward and backwards. Every time you moved up, your throat taking more of Jack’s dick. Trevor bit his lip, he loved the way you took initiative, but in the moment he was much more hungrier for more friction. Trevor grabbed your hips, ramming his cock in you as deep as he could. You squealed, surprised at the tempo Trevor had now started to go. Your ass was now clapping loudly against his front side. He then grabbed you by your neck, pulling you up so your back was pressed against him and your head tilted in the crook of his neck.
Trevor’s hands roamed all over your body, a squeeze to your tit, soft touches on your belly, all before his hands made their way down to your punani. He played with your folds, just embracing the slick wetness you were secreting.
“Oh my god, oh my god,” your eyes were rolling back, hands gripped to Trevor’s arms. Jack glared at the two of you, he felt like Trevor was being pretty selfish by not sharing you.
“It’s my turn,” Jack snarled, roughly pulling you down, Trevor slipping right out of you. Jack spread your legs out, aligned himself with you, and jammed himself inside. All regards were out there window, he had to make you feel just as good as Trevor did, maybe even better.
A few strokes in he brought your legs together, straightening them up and having them rest on him, making you feel tighter for him. Jack rhythmically pounded you, on arm securing your legs to its position rested on his chest, his other hand holding you by your waist. Trevor stood over you, stroking himself as he watched you scream in pleasure.
“Hey pretty girl, stroke this for me why don’t you,” Trevor lowered his bottom half to you, letting you grab his member. You pulled him closer to you, rubbing his cock as you started to lick his under shaft and balls. Trevor’s head fell back, a nice deep grunt leaving his mouth. To you it was simple things, but to him he had never had a girl do these kind of things to him. “Fuuuuuuck y/n that feels amazing.”
At that point Trev needed to feel the inside of your whatever, almost to the point of climaxing. Your mouth, your pussy, hell if he could fuck your bellybutton he would.
“Bend her over the bed, I gotta feel her I’m bouta finish,” his breaths were hitched. Jack listened, knowing after this was over he’d finally get you all to himself again and this would all be behind you three. Never have to share you again as greedy as he is.
Jack stuck your taut ass out, your elbows rested on the edge of the bed as he pushed you faced down. He smacked your ass, leaving his imprint before looking at Trevor, “Go for it brother.”
Trevor positioned himself behind you, jiggling your ass a bit before inserting himself inside you once again. Jack got in front, about to face fuck you into oblivion. With his hands planted to your hips, Trevor began to snap himself into you, a nice pace so he can ride this dream out as long as he physically could. You looked back at him, mouth agape moaning as you started to fuck him back, grinding yourself against him.
Jack didn’t appreciate himself being left out, and grabbed your face just a biiiit too forcefully, opening your jaw and jamming himself inside your moist mouth. He held your hair back, one hand under your chin as he shoved as much of himself between your lips as you can take. You started to gag, and with this your walls tightening as well. With your walls tightening with every time you choked, Trevor got closer and closer to his orgasm.
“Oh shit– I’m gonna fucken,” Trevor couldn’t even finish his statement before he swiftly pulled himself out of you and finished right on your ass. “Fuck.” Trevor looked at the mess he made on your backside, he spent all that time backed up that it coated most of your ass, dripping down the sides. Jack himself was close as well, having restrained himself not wanting to finish before Trevor, and only took a few more strokes inside your mouth before he warned you.
“Get ready baby I’m gonna cum,” he brushed your hair a bit, relief in his voice. Soon you felt his warm seed coat the inside of your mouth, with you sucking his tip to drain him. Jack pulled himself out of you, your mouth closing with a ‘pop’ as you licked your lips. You swallowed, cause Jack did not train a spitter, and opened your mouth to show Jack you swallowed every drop. “That’s my good girl.” He smiled with approval.
Trevor got himself dressed as Jack got a baby wipe to clean you up. “Well, that settles it. Y/n thank you for the great fuck, Hughes, I’m never being nosy again, see you at the lake house this weekend?” Trevor laughed, dapping Jack up.
“Of course bro, I knew this would fix you being weird. Back to normal, and I know no more crazy ass ideas from me either,” Jack brought him in for a hug.
“Yeah, for real. Imma get goin tho, practice tomorrow and let you two love birds sit in that after sex bliss, see y’all,” he pointed to you both, before exiting out of the room.
“Bye Trev!” You shouted tiredly, worn out. He waved back at you one last time before he was finally out of Jack and yours sight.
Trevor closed your front door, making sure to lock it behind him. He rested his back on the door, letting out a big sigh. That had sealed it, and had turned out just how he expected it to. Fucking you had only made his crush worse, and now he had to hide it for the rest of his life.
“What the hell am I going to do now?”
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gunnrblze · 1 month
Very random Kick headcannons
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➤ owns cassette tapes somewhere. cassette player? perchance, but he definitely owns the tapes from when he was a kid
➤ favorite Gatorade flavor is lemon lime
➤ sleeps with his neck all :/@‘?;&$/!;$/& and then wonders why it hurts when he wakes up
➤ owns those funky socks with random patterns on them. some have a pair of matching boxers
➤ avid sims enjoyer
➤ genuinely believes there is truth behind the Loch Ness Monster/Nessie story. tries to convince the others Ghosts that “it just makes sense”
➤ same with aliens, except he actually has a better argument for that
➤ loves Tetris and is pretty good at it. Ajax is better though and it annoys him to death
➤ veryyyy good at math
➤ can recite the abc’s backwards very quickly. sober
➤synth/new wave/post punk/vapor/techno/electronic/goth/alternative rock/pop listener
➤unless he’s the one participating (and he often is), he’s such an enabler when it comes to bets/dares. the mf in the back yelling “you won’t!”
➤has used those cheesy one liners when flirting and they actually work cause he’s weirdly charming about it. anybody else using them you’d be like “…” but he makes it work
➤a bit of an unconventional flirt in general. is a little weirdo, but not in a way that makes you question your safety lmao he’s just a lil silly
➤doesn’t have guilty pleasures. very open about the stuff he likes and doesn’t really feel embarrassed about it
➤that being said^ he takes teasing in stride very well. unbothered king
➤knows the best technology to buy, very well versed with product quality and stuff like that
➤is a cutie patootie
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sirfrogsworth · 1 month
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It was 1991. I was 10. And the other white kids at my Catholic elementary school started getting into rap. And I always thought if I did what my bullies did, they would bully me less. So I got a cassette tape of Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch and the new "Hammer" album. He dropped the "MC" part of his name because he wanted to be taken more seriously as an artist and too many sketch comedy shows had made fun of parachute pants by that point.
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So he was just Hammer.
Apparently I screwed up because they only liked the white rappers. Because they were all a bunch of little proto-racists. But that pretty much limited you to Marky Mark and Vanilla Ice. But I liked the way MC Hammer danced so I picked that out at the music shop.
Other things I tried to get on the good side of my bullies...
I learned how to play hockey (which I ended up really liking).
I had my parents get me a White Sox Starter hat. It had to be from that brand though. And despite being in St. Louis, it had to be the White Sox. For some reason it was cooler to root for a non-local team at the time. I guess that was the extent of edgy counterculture for 10 year olds.
I got shoes that had little air pumps in the tongue. You'd press a little basketball and it would inflate the top of your shoe.
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Oh, and you had to get this Adidas jacket.
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This was fun because it came in a bunch of colors but I got black just to be safe.
The Adidas jacket was my last attempt to get on the good side of my bullies. One of them took apart an ink pen and dropped it in my hood. I spent all day with it just jostling around and spreading ink everywhere. When I came home at night my mom noticed the entire hood was stained with ink. I cried my eyes out and she tried her best to clean it. And I think I got mad at her when she couldn't. I asked her to buy me a new jacket but I'm pretty sure they couldn't really afford to buy me that one to begin with. She assured me you couldn't even tell and no one would notice if I never used the hood. But the bully who did it knew and pointed it out the next day. And they all made fun of me for my ruined jacket.
I think it finally dawned on my tiny squishy brain that I would never appease these jerks no matter what I did. No matter how much I tried to fit in. And that's when I had the discussion with my parents to switch schools. They told me the only other option was public school. They worried there would be a lot more kids able to bully me. Because I was a weird kid and said weird things. But I wanted to try it. Plus, it probably saved them a bunch of money in tuition. My bullies all told me I was going to get stabbed because of the Black kids. But, in reality, it was the best decision I ever made.
It took me a little while to adjust. I had been so traumatized at my previous school that I had trouble controlling my emotions. So I would cry at the drop of a hat. And one of my teachers got upset with me because I'd cry if I got a bad grade or if I forgot my homework. One time my dog actually ate my homework and she didn't believe me and I cried, so my parents had to write a note for me.
But eventually I learned I was not actually a big weirdo as my bullies had said. I was funny. And I made people laugh. And they liked laughing. And it turns out, if you entertain people, they don't want to make fun of you anymore.
What was I talking about?
Yes, that was my first CD.
And I liked 1 song on it.
Because Hammer got too serious and I wanted parachute pants.
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