#you forgot Zane
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arolloyd · 5 months ago
Ykw scratch that tlnm and the Lego movie DOES take place in the same universe after all... I feel like most ppl don't really talk about this too much because tlnm is usually associated w Ninjago rather than the lego movieverse
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sketchalicious · 2 years ago
uhh doomed au where jay is the only normal one. spoilers sorta
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cherry picked some of the ninja's fates after i watched nya's whole water form episode. and i was like .man something about forgetting everything and being unknowingly confined to something technically against your will hits hard.
and THEN realized. man that kinda happens a lot.
alt under here---
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maydayintheforest · 2 months ago
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They make me so ill.
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lloydgaymerdyke · 1 month ago
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transfem kai AND middle school gym class… maybe this is the most projecting i’ve ever done
don’t zoom in on my art like ever if you want to keep enjoying it….
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those-rainbow-ninjas · 10 months ago
sometimes i forget i can literally post whatever the fuck i want even if its not of my three main fandom interests or whatever. my brain keeps telling me “ok you can only post ninjago or tmnt or sonic or mlp and never anything else or you will Die” ? no. i lost my train of thought. oh you follow tumblr user those-rainbow-ninjas? well then WEBTOON FANART BLAST
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kindaasrikal · 7 months ago
Why did Ninjago give so many characters mommy issues wth
Lloyd, Nya, Cole, Morro, Frohickey, Lovo, Sora, Harumi.
The list is probably way longer but like so many characters have mommy issues, these are literally just the ones with the most obvious/mentioned ones.
Don’t get me started on the ones with daddy issues. It’s way longer.
Theres Skylor, Kai, Cole, Lloyd, Morro, Harumi, Sora, Wu, Garmadon, Benthomaar, Vania, Echo, Unagami, Zane, Jay, and probably more.
Ninjago ain’t about ninja’s. It’s about rlly bad daddy issues. Mommy issues.
Parental issues.
Were the writers projecting orrr 😭
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writer-room · 2 years ago
I had an idea, and so I made some low effort memes. Happy Dragons Rising everybody
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That is all
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jalluzas-ferney · 1 year ago
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LMAO Just smth funny that came to my mind the other day ab Cole Kai Nya and Zane moping around ab missing their “wives”. It started off with Sora and Nya only but I just kept remembering everyone else who is basically separated from their couple in the show lol.
I ranted sm on the tags i ran out for space to tag everyone bye
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iloveacronix · 8 months ago
Doodles of my bbgs before I sleep. @yourlocalkitkat GOT ME INTO THE HETEROCHROMIA HC FOR CYRUS💪😈
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Also some random pics of Kit and I playing the goofy ninjago roblox game and pony town together(for once the ninjago area was PACKED)
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captain-space-kin · 21 days ago
Random Oppositeshipping headcanon I pulled from my dm's, since I've been meaning to post more lol
They cannot fucking stand each other when they're sick (Just apply this to a context where they can both get sick). Kai gets chills and has a tendency to get clingy, while Zane runs a fever and gets overstimulated easier. So it usually ends with both of them sleeping in different rooms because they're getting on each other's nerves. And on top of that if one of them is sick the other will always get sick because they are both parts of that one "He got bronchitis! You'll never guess how" post simultaneously
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jinxed-ninjago · 7 months ago
Shade is voiced by Andrew Francis and honestly it's pretty clear after looking it up because how Andrew Francis voices Shade and how Andrew Francis voices Cole sound incredibly similar. Shade's voice is just more raspy and the tiniest bit deeper I guess? Regardless they sound very similar
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veikkoalen · 1 year ago
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fuck marry kill but it's alex and casey and aleksi
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dark-twist-fairytales · 1 year ago
Kai has Zane's, Cole's, Jay's, and Nya's name tattooed on his left wrist in a bracelet pattern.
Zane's was the first, planted right in the middle of the back of his palm, in a typewriter like font.
Cole's was the second, to the right of Zane's, in a quake-y like font (thick lined with little jaggeds like rocks).
Jay's was third, to the left of Zane's, in a faux lightning font that's more legible than not
Nya's was the fourth, beside Jay's with a large gap between hers and Cole's, in a very wavy like pattern.
There's enough space for Lloyd's, and he hopes to never fill that space.
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empyreansentinel · 6 months ago
Yay thank you for responding to my bandit au ask! Follow up question. Does Nisha surviving change the inter-bandit clan politics at all, especially with the COV trying to get everyone to assimilate? I imagine she wouldn’t play nice, or go down without a fight.
and yes hello I see you on Angel + religious something or other with the bandit clans. If there’s anything more there please elaborate. Angel cults sound interesting as hell, moreso in light of her being alive in this AU. How does she feel about her position as a religious figure?
ty for your ask! another read more situation because this ones even longer than the first. somehow.
nisha surviving does cause some problems in BL2, though because of lynchwoods isolated nature those complications are more to do with the slabs and the crimson raiders than anyone else. the hodunks are also in uncomfortable proximity, living in the dust, and the zafords juusstt out of reach in the highlands. lucky them, because even though nisha is ‘technically’ on the crimson raider’s side for the remainder of their war with hyperion, her opinions on the other bandits clans do not change. there is a sense of lawfulness and control that separates her from them. something that simply makes her Better. her anger with hyperion is all-consuming, which is what helps her integrate so well with the crimson raiders for the brief time they work together. its the only thing that overpowers the general bloodlust she displays when facing the rest of pandora. shes on a warpath because she specifically feels spurned and that is what pushes her out of the BL2’s vault hunters way long enough for her to survive. some assholes shooting up her town and blowing her bank? thats funny. her grievances with handsome jack? thats personal. also worth adding in that wilhelm lives in this AU. orrrr…he lives up until the bunker fight, at least. its always been the dumbest thing in the world to me that he gets killed off so easily in BL2. hes the actual threat he deserves to be in my rewrite. mentioning this because nisha is also there. and nisha absolutely does not go down easy when it comes to the COV, which puts her between a rock and a hard place with them and the crimson raiders. lynchwood had dissolved, as much as she can try and hold onto power within the town, its purpose is gone. lynchwood was only ever made to profit off the eridium underneath it, she admits this herself, and it was gift wrapped to her on her anniversary to ensure the mines had their protector. so hyperion goes down, the mines lose their worth, and lynchwood enters a sort of limbo. she cant keep people in because theres no money coming in from hyperion. lynchwood isnt like other bandit clans, theyre not raiders, they dont go on the offensive for resources, and even if they did, nisha cannot provide for an entire town like a billion dollar corporation can. so people starve and people leave. nisha is furious, of course. she keeps a handful of her riders, those who are actually loyal to her, and she stays in the outskirts of COV territory for her own survival. but she’s not sitting on her hands, she did enough of that already as sheriff of lynchwood. thinking of her active role in BL3…hm. again, id have to play the game to refresh my memory. its been a while! she fights the COV parallel to the crimson raiders, but not necessarily alongside them. i have a few times in my head planned where they butt heads, though. specifically her skag riders chasing after carnivora alongside the crimson raiders. which is just fun to imagine. mad max style. and now angel! my idea isnt completely thought out, but! this starts at the end of BL1, angel heralds the death of baron flynt and commandant steele by leading the vault hunters and because there is that immediate power gap, the bandits who would become the bloodshots try to find anything they can cling onto, and they cling onto her. this unexplainable voice from the radio, watching from above. a very convenient idol to turn to in their time of need!
this is ENTIRELY based off of angels siren telepathy whatever sometimes having closeups of her eyes and the bloodshot clan symbol being eyes btw. thats it thats what kicked this off. if you give me long enough i can make Anything in borderlands circle back to angel she is my everything.
and good question! seeing as how angel is ~13 at the time of BL1, at first she buys into it for a sense of human connection because of how isolated she is. shes a child, she doesnt understand the consequences of indulging these people in their beliefs, because shes too busy indulging herself in playing pretend with these new "friends" of hers. we know that angel has had contact with pandora outside of vault hunters, so why not with the bandit populations? as she gets older that opinion changes. the bloodshots solidify, and they grow, and soon it isnt just a bunch of desperate people that she can play barbies with. and she changes too- with the opening of the vault, eridium floods the planet and it doesnt take very long at all for her to become reliant on it. nothing is “fun” anymore. (nothing was ever really fun, but now she is old enough to understand it. this is also my way of explaining her playful nature in 1 becoming more restrained in 2.)
so she disconnects. this happens maybe a year or so pre-BL2, so she’d be around 17. the bloodshots lose their idol, their god has gone silent, and theyre facing blow after blow from a war on three different sides. so they turn to someone else. enter marcus! professional war profiteer. he floods the bloodshots with guns, gives them a fighting chance, and angel becomes a memory as they refocus on the war. when they get their hands on roland and try to ransom him off, angel tries to intervene, but now that they have been promised something tangible, they reject her.
and then the fight at the dam happens, the bloodshots are swarmed by vault hunters and hyperion alike, and they lose a good portion of their number. angels first reaction is surprisingly apathetic, which immediately disgusts her. these are people she has known for years now who have been mowed down by her friends and her father’s death machines. people she, at some point, felt a strong sense of responsibility for. to at first feel nothing for their deaths shocks her and (in her mind) puts her too close to her father for comfort. its another crack in the wall of angel’s rebellion, she is terrified of the apathy and potential hatred she could foster for these people, and she wants to rip it out before it takes root.
her contact with the bloodshots has been lost, though, and its not long after 2 that their population starts to wane. angel post-BL2 is set on trying to help everyone on pandora, including the bandit clans, but she is just one person, one teenager at that, and her hold on the planet feels so small now that shes no longer connected to the control core.
so, for a year maybe, or however long it takes from the end of 2 to helios falling in tales, she feels very stuck. she’s sick, still not fully recovering from her eridium addiction, and her world has gone from being trapped in the control core with satellite access to the entire world to living in sanctuary and being unable to help in a way that she truly wants to.
and then helios does fall, and she finds a way. but thats not really bloodshot focused and this post is long enough as it is so. If youd like to hear more about that i can explain! just not on this post omg
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miguelillusion · 6 months ago
ok some of you actually wanted this so here we go!
This is just a little introduction to the whole miniseries, like what the designs are and the basic story. So here's the basic story:
After the events that took place in the Never-Realm, Zane refuses to leave his room, letting his anxiety build up in piles. While the guys think it's best to let him have a little time for himself to process it all, Nya wishes that he'd go back to having fun with them on missions again. After a long call from the police commissioner about a few tasks that the ninja could help with, all but Nya decide to go help with it. Nya decides to ask Pixal to help get Zane back to being himself again. They both approach him with a 'cheer-up' activity. It's simple and something he enjoys: baking! A red velvet cake isn't the hardest thing to make at all. The hardest thing would be the trio having to visit the world of Downtown Ninjago to get the things they need. It's fun to bake; how could this go wrong?
Oh yeah. And the character lineup.
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Also, about when I'll upload actual chapters and such. I don't think I'll have a set schedule, since school stuff could pop up randomly. But I'll try my best to stay focused and get it done. Having this drawn out in a fairly simpler style will help a ton. And I'll post each chapter right after I'm done drawing them!
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yeetusthemighty · 9 months ago
Drawing ninjago while watching analog horror is an. interesting experience
Like I’ll be happily drawing Zane then I look at the corner of my screen and it’s just. The boiled one
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