#you don’t understand the album narrative is connected to his pr stunts?
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alarrytale · 1 year ago
do you think larry have had a break up but missed each other and got back together again? Because song like Love You Goodbye sound like a break up and HS1 also sounds like they weren’t speaking/ broken up. In the meantime they could have had sexual experiences with other people (Woke up the girl who looked like you, Harry's music videos also hint him sleeping with multiple people: female orgasm and WS etc). Ehat do you think of that? Have a nice day❤️
Hi, anon!
I think you all are messing with me at this point. Of all the blogs you can send asks to about lyric interpretation and analysis, you chose mine? Someone who answers an ask every other day about why you shouldn't fret over their lyrics and trying to tell you all not to take every lyric so literally?
I've explained why i believe they haven't broken up too many times to count. If you think 'Love you goodbye' sounds like a song about H and L breaking up, and HS1 like a break up album, then you do you. You can believe anything you want 💚
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emisonme · 5 years ago
you need to accept and understand camila's in love with shawn. stop trying to make her something she's not.
Oh, shut up!!! How fucking ignorant you must be, to actually believe Camila would be willing to torpedo her own career, just to be with his ass. If she was really in love with him, she would keep it fucking private and not allow Label’s, management, media, or fans to use it to destroy her fucking image.
You should realize, since June of last year, Camila hasn’t been able to do a damn thing to promote herself. It’s all about the Maple Leaf. According to PUBLIC narrative, everything is about him...Her album, her videos, her performances, everything. She can’t even show off HER TALENT on a stupid late night show, without her performance being all about his ass.
You know what the fucked up part is? Canada didn’t even want to record that stupid song (IICHY). He originally planned to give it to Dua Lipa. But, THEY needed it for this stupid ass narrative, so he had to sing it, instead.
If anyone had any damn doubt, who this ridiculous PR stunt is really for, look no further than that performance last night. There’s your fucking sign!!!
I can not be the only one that noticed, when she is PUBLICLY connected to that mother fucker, her image starts taking a hit....In 2015, things were going pretty good, then he showed up in her career, and everything went to shit. Suddenly, Camila was a backstabbing hoe, and “people” got pissed and started FAKING racist shit, and other shit, about her. They were admitted to be FAKE, but it don’t matter. They are out there, and people believe them.
Fast forward four years, and it’s the exact same shit, different fucking day. He PUBLICLY comes into her life and career, and suddenly she is a racist, again, and she is just a clout chasing hoe. Her solo career was soaring like an eagle, then Canada comes back, and she is basically a caged bird.
So no, I will not “accept and understand” any of this bullshit. That mother fucker is TOXIC to her image, career, and happiness. You need to open your fucking eyes and ACCEPT AND UNDERSTAND that!!!!!
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mr-mr-ontheradio · 5 years ago
Hey! 2014 anon here. I completely agree with you. However I feel him and Louis were going through some problems in their relationship because of all the stunting. Maybe that's why Harry was making connections in the industry and was looking for a way out for both of them. Maybe whatever is happening till now was all planned during that time with azoffs. But I don't understand b***gate. It was like they started winning and everything went to sh*t.
Also I blame azoffs for the whole Harry is better than other 1d boys narrative which increased the differences between Harry and Louis public image. I feel Harry was too desperate for their way out as evident with whole hendall stunt. Maybe because it started affecting Louis health. And yes Louis is so supportive of Harry that it makes me cry. The period from 1d day, wwa upto book signing is extremely difficult to watch. Though four promo gave some amazing moments. Thank you for answering. :)
I don't think Harry was looking for a way out as much as Jeff showed him there was one. Jeff gets a lot of shit in this fandom and there are definitely reasons to question his actions and motives especially since we're all so protective of Harry but at the end of the day I think Jeff kind of saved Harry from a lifetime of hiding who he really is. I know we still see stunting and closeting from Harry but he also gets to dress how he wants, wear makeup, endorse LGBT movements and charities, act however flamboyant he wants, make the music he wants, and enjoys an extensive amount of freedom and privacy considering his level of fame since he goes MIA for weeks and even months at a time.
People also don't understand that stunting isn't really a bad thing altogether and isn't always just about enforcing a het narrative. Every celebrity does stunting it's a part of being famous. It's actually a good way to boost fame for both people involved or projects both are working on. There are very few things that make a celebrity interesting to the locals outside of scandals and dating rumors so if we have to pick I'd prefer Harry spends a few days out of the year walking around with a pretty girl to Harry getting humiliated and villified in the media over some controversy.
As far as Elounor goes I think it's strictly about the closet because Elounor is as plain-jane as it gets and she's not using her relationship with Louis to draw attention to herself. It's actually the opposite she draws as little attention to herself and her personal life as possible aside from promoting brand names here and there.
They don't want us to know much about Eleanor or give her the fame boost that we gave Danielle.
I'm always hesitant to call BG a stunt bc I think even if there's the smallest chance the kid is really his then calling the whole thing fake makes me really uncomfortable. That being said there is so much that doesn't make sense or add up and the Jungwirths were definitely using the situation to make a profit and promote Briana whether it was a stunt or not.
There are theories that I find compelling about how BG was supposed to be Zayn's stunt but he left the band so it was given to Louis. This is obviously a farfetched one but I think if babygate was a stunt it wasn't just about closetting Louis. They could have released a sex tape and it would have been more effective and less convoluted if that was the only goal. I think it was about creating a scandal to hype their album and the goal would have been to let it run its course and then get a pat test and reveal it wasn't actually his for another scandal to promote something else. it got wayy out of hand though as people weren't buying it from day one.
So either that or BG was used to punish Louis for some horrible reason god only knows so I prefer to think either he did knock up Briana one night when he was drunk and him and Harry were on a break, or a wild PR stunt that was supposed to end but got too complicated.
I think 2015 was where 1D was clashing hard with the management/label. They actually missed a concert under REALLY shady circumstances where fans saw them at the venue literally ready to go on stage and then the whole concert was shut down. The whole thing was so shady which makes me think it was a power play on managements part to make them behave. RBB was also a big part of OTRA and Harry started stanning rainbows and waving the pride flags at the shows.
Of course there was some backlash with that when Liam gave an interview denouncing all the pride stuff fans brought to concerts, but it was still something.
Larry also started interacting more on camera, Louis was seen at Harry's 21st birthday party by well-known LA "stalkers" even though there was no record of him being there, and then of course Lairport happened so either they stopped giving a shit or were negotiating more freedom.
Louis public image was a catastrophe though and Zayn did leave the band and they announced hiatus. I don't think we'll ever know what really happened but I think all the boys were getting increasingly frustrated and acting out in every way they could. My theory is that Louis kind of took a hit for Harry so he wouldn't have to be the womanizer anymore and would be given more freedom but that could just have easily been managements decision.
As far as separating Harry's image from Louis I don't think Jeff was the reason it started but I think he plays a part in it's continuation. Harry got out of 1D relatively unscathed as far as PR scandals but Louis is still wrapped up in 10 layers of shit on top of the actual tragedies that happened to him. From a career standpoint I guess it makes sense to keep their images separate especially since solo harries are so against Louis and vice versa. Hopefully theyve been working out a way to navigate Louis back into Harry's life publically but who knows.
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emisonme · 7 years ago
Could it be more obvious.....
Come on guys, it’s not that serious.It’s going to be OK. If there was ever an obvious PR stunt, it would be this one. I’ve seen lots of folks saying how disappointed they are in Camila for doing this. I was hoping like hell THEY wouldn’t go there with her, but I also completely expected it.
The main thing I’m pissed off about, is the “who” they paired her up with. Really! A 30 year old, self pretentious milksop, who charges 8000 Pounds, that’s over 11,000 dollars, AN HOUR to tell women how to nab a guy, then tell them how to keep the bastard. A self proclaimed “love guru” who has more gay rumors than Camila. He even said in one of his bio’s, that he switched up his vocation from telling men how to get women, because that wasn’t his forte. A guy who can’t tell other guys how to pick up women? No wonder there are gay rumors swirling around him.
Hell, people who know him, aren’t even buying this shit. Those beach photos were so staged it was laughable. The fact that E News got the scoop makes it even more laughable. You can even tell exactly how it was all planned.
One thing we need to understand though, is those of us who have been following Camila and the girls, for a while, can see how obvious all this is. The General Public have no idea who Camila is. They are just now getting to know her. THEY are projecting an image of her, to the GP, that THEY want her to have. That’s the main reason we are getting this stunt.
The stunt, and the timeline to set it was, was really simple. They started following each other on SM in October of last year. She was supposedly a “fan” of his work. So, they have had this plan in their pocket, since October of 2017.
January, 11, just before  the release of her album, it was time to put the plan into motion. During her interview with Elvis Duran, she brought his name up for the first time. It was love all around for someone named Matthew Hussey. The very next day, release day, she was performing on GMA. Guess who happen to be scheduled for a segment on the exact same show. Yep, Matt Hussey himself. How convenient!
Then we come to the Zane Lowe interview, on January 15. Remember, back in May, she did her first Zane interview, and she said then that she needed to find a boy and experience the loving portion of her album. During her second appearance, low and behold, he asks her if she has someone special in her life.
That whole segment was set up, just for all this crap. He asked her about the last note she made on her phone. We get the, “I can’t say your name without smiling”. Then he asked if there was someone special, and we get the “maybe” heard around the world.
We knew then, we were getting ready to get hit with some more bullshit and Industry fuckery. Most were hoping it would be Shawn Mendes, but no, we get this schmuck who preys on women’s insecurities. Yay!
Anyway, then we come to the Zack Sang interview. Here, she said a few interesting things. She laughed off the fact people thought her songs could possibly be about Austin Mahone, because she was young and it was a long time ago. FYI, all the Michael shit happened LESS than 6 months after the Austin shit. Just let that sink in for a minute.
Then she said, she likes to keep her relationships a secret. The Mahone fiasco taught her that she didn’t want to do any more public relationships. Oops! Less than a month later, she is plastered all over the headlines with her “new boyfriend”. See, how in all her interviews, she is constantly contradicting herself. Remember what I said before? “The truth never changes, and a false narrative rarely sounds the same twice.”
That’s how this whole thing was set up and presented to us. For those of you thinking the photos weren’t staged or that they were leaked. NO!!! That’s not how this shit works. They went to that beach, they performed for the camera, and E News was given the exclusive for the story. That’s what happened, whether you want to believe it or not.
Now, why is she being told to do this. For a couple reasons. One has to do with the existing fandom, and the other has to do with the GP.
First, let me explain the main reason they do these stupid PR relationships and stunts in the first place. IMAGE! They use them to control the way the fans and GP see and connect with an artist. If there is no connection, it is less likely the GP will become fans. They will just hear your singles, and if they like them, they might put it on their playlist and give it streams, but they most likely won’t purchase it. If THEY give you a reason to feel a connection to an artist, then you will purchase their music. That’s what THEY want, because there is more money to be made from purchases than streams. A connection will also get you out of your houses and into the venues for the live shows.
That being said, the GP is just now getting to know Camila. The only thing they know about her, is that she came from a manufactured girl group, and she went solo. They have to introduce Camila to the GP, and they basically have a blank slate with which to do so.
The GP have no idea who Ausmila or Camichael are. They don’t even know who Austin and Michael are. They have no idea who Camren is. THEY would  like to keep it that way. Thanks to the E News exclusive, and every damn entertainment magazine picking up the story and running with it, he is the only person, she has been connected to romantically, and that’s exactly what they want.
As for those of us who have been fans for a while. Well, Camila hasn’t exactly been stellar at keeping up with her hetero image. Her, and her gender neutral pronouns. Telling people the songs are about people she has secretly dated. The fact she has told everyone, the longest relationship she’s had is a couple of months. (Seeing someone for a couple months, does not add up to the lyrics for “All These Years”, and “Consequences”.) The ever changing stories as to who the songs are about. Her idea of a good time is staying at home having a twerk party with her girlfriends. Saying she loves girls, on national television. It goes on and on.
Then there is the fact it seems Lauren was at Camila’s house for Christmas, and possibly been with her a few more times. All the stuff Lauren has been saying on SM lately, and the fact Tyren seems to be finally coming to an end. Yeah, one can see why THEY paraded her around at the beach with a guy.
Double bearding is a normal occurrence in the Industry. They are trying to make her the next big superstar. They need the GP to fall in love with her. For that to happen, she can not have gay rumors swirling around her. Hooking her up with Hussey, dispels those rumors.
What’s in it for him? Like I said at the top, he has more gay rumors than she does. How many women do you think will spend over 11,000 dollars an hour, to get love advice, and know how to nab and keep a guy, if the person giving that advice hasn’t the foggiest idea what men really want from women. Especially when he is telling them, he is an expert on the subject.
Those of you who are all pissed off about it, need to get over your selfish asses. She isn’t going to be able to do what you want. She isn’t out there queerbaiting her fans. She does nothing but show love and respect to each and every one of her fans. To bad some of you can’t show the same for her.
This isn’t the playground or High School. This isn’t your collage fraternity. This is her career. She is under contract with people who have control over her public image. She does have more creative control as a solo artist, but she does not have full control, yet, over her image and career. If THEY think it is best for her career, and their pockets, for her to have a PR relationship with a damn man, she is going to have a PR relationship with a damn man.
To prove my point that she has to do and say things she is told to say; She said in a recent interview that CITC was her choice to release as her first single. She was told to say that, so everyone would think she has complete control over her career. Her A&R must not have gotten the memo, because he admitted in a recent interview, that CITC was not her first choice as a single.
The sooner some of you realize she isn’t the one in control right now, the better your lives will be. Once you accept the fact, the Music Industry is a shady business, that will do whatever it takes to generate more money, the sooner you can accept all the bullshit for what it is, and laugh it off, instead of getting all depressed and butthurt because she did something you didn’t particularly want her to do.
Instead of burning her CD’s, why don’t you enjoy the music she did give us, and laugh at the fact, Matthew is no where near the Latin boy, she has been telling us she’s going to move to Spain and fall in love with. That’s why they worded the story the way they did. The one about this “relationship” taking her by surprise. I’m sure it did. I’m almost certain she could find someone better than a guy who charges the hell out of women, to tell them how to lie down and roll over for a man.
P.S. Just because I know some will ask, this is the perfect example of the different ways they do PR. They allowed Lauren to come out as Bisexual, and then promptly hooked her up with a guy. They do it ALL THE TIME. The difference with Lauren/Ty and Camila/Matt, is the targeted audience.
They wanted to target a select fan base with the Tyren PR stunt. That’s why they let it play out mostly on Social Media. They controlled the news outlets that ran stories about them, and controlled the message that was generated through it.
With Camila/Matt, they are targeting the GP. They can’t keep it concentrated to SM. They need the media outlets to pick up the story and run with it. They will control the narrative the media projects through their reporting. Don’t be surprised if you see him on her arm during the award show red carpets, and other public events that garner media attention. If they want to push it hard, they will publicize the hell out of it. It’ll be interesting to see how it all plays out.
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emisonme · 8 years ago
Tyren, Tyren, Tyren................
A shit load of people keep asking for my opinion on Tyren. Instead of answering all the different asks, I'm just going to put it in a post , to answer all the questions about them, at the same time. So, here it is...
What some need to understand, with all the Social Media platforms out there today, and everyone using them to follow what's happening, with anything and every thing, the Music Industry doesn't have to do PR stunts, like they did in the past.
They used to have to call the professional Star chasers, otherwise known as Paparazzi, and stage photo ops, use the rag sheets, or tabloids, and the Red Carpets, to promote a PR Relationship. That lead to THEM having to "confirm" the "relationship". The problem with confirming a PR relationship, is when it's served it's purpose, THEY then had to stage a "break-up". Drama, Drama, Drama. PR relationships was a very messy side of promotion.
Now, with the various platforms of Social Media, the world of PR has become a lot less messy, for the Stars and the Industry. It's easier to control the message, using the Stars own SM platforms.
If they want to promote a PR relationship now, all they have to do is get the two people together someplace, take a few pictures or short videos, and when they are ready, send them out through the Stars SM accounts, and presto, PR relationship has begun. They don't have to pay the middle man. When they are ready for the world to catch on, they shoot out a notification to the likes of the TMZ's and Perez Hilton's of the world, and it is known by every "media" outlet in no time.
It's not even really necessary to have the stars together, to make people think they are together, at any given time. A member of the Stars Team could go, take a short video/pic, log onto the Stars SM account that they have unfettered access to, send it out, and there you have it, everyone thinks that's where the star is at that time. It's really that easy.
What makes it even easier and effective, they can take these video/pics anytime, anywhere, and post them anytime from any place, to make people think the star is at a certain place at a certain time. This is a favorite tactic for them to use, because it serves it's purpose and it costs nothing.
Social Media has become the most cost effective way for the Music Industry to push a narrative, or anything really. A PR relationship, a song, a video, an album, anything, SM allows the promotion of an Artist and their projects to be seen by millions in minutes. Now-a-days, the majority of an artists promotion and success is driven by the fans through Social Media. They succeed by the fans, they fail by the fans.
Now, with all of that in mind, lets address the question on everyone's mind. Is Tyren real or PR? I personally think it is nothing more than a PR stunt. What makes me think that? Lets look at how Tyren started. It started as a rumor on the internet, on January 20, 2017. That rumor was, that Lauren hooked up with a married man. People took to SM and deduced, that man was Ty $. People didn't think much of it, until the Women's march happened after Trump's Inauguration. Lauren and Lucy was at the same march, but they were not marching together. Uh oh, trouble in Laucy paradise.
When the time was right, Ty started sending out little cryptic tweets, here and there. People started thinking that Lauren cheated on Lucy with Ty. Then we got the release of the Laucy photo shoot, and the photographer "confirmed" Laucy, after they had "broke up" After that, they started the process of being more "open" with Tyren.
They started giving us "proof" that they were together. They have gone so far as to make people think they are happily living together with a new dog and everything. Ty would shoot out a tweet about taking his Bae to the airport, just to have Lauren's account shoot out a pic shortly after of her at an Airport. He has sent snaps of Leo, only to find out they were sent to him to present on his SM account.
To this day, have we ever seen Tyren alone together? Not to my knowledge. They are always surrounded by other people, at concerts, sanctioned events, birthday parties, and there is always someone there to make sure a pic and video is taken to prove they were there together. They need to make sure the public see's them together.
Hell, Lauren went to Jamaica to celebrate her birthday, and Ty was sure to tweet that he was on his way there as well. Lauren, Ty, and her friends weren't the only ones that went. Lauren's Manager Tara, her Social Media manager Sheila, and her choreographer Sean, and Ty also took his personal Professional Photographer. How convenient!
Are you starting to see the pattern here? They pretty much did the same damn thing with Laucy. We always knew when Lauren and Lucy were together, because they wanted us to know that they were together. They even had Lucy's professional photographer friend take a bunch of the pictures they would send out as "proof".
That's the reasons why all of this Tyren shit screams PR stunt to me. I predicted the Laucy kiss pic to drop, because I had a really good idea what was happening, and what to expect. When you realize and start to understand how these things work, it helps to get a clear picture of what's really going on.
I'll move on to one of the other questions people seem to be very confused about, and that is; Why Tyren? People keep trying to connect Tyren to Camren and Camila. There are no dots there to connect, so no need to keep trying. They effectively "killed" Camren with Laucy and Camila's departure. Tyren has nothing to do with Camren or Camila's "straight" image. Tyren is about Lauren and Ty's image.
It actually serves three main purposes. First, when the Music Industry makes the decision to let a female artist come out as Bisexual, it is handled in stages. Step one is to get another female to PR with.
The MI has never hooked two successful female artists up together in a PR relationship. They either choose a known actress or model, or they will use a close friend of the Artist, that can be trusted. They start the stunt with some close pics and videos, just to get the possibility of a "relationship" circulating. When they are ready, they stage a scene, usually an innocent kiss picture, or a slightly more intimate but short video, usually taken from a distance, almost like it was caught on camera by "accident".
They "leak" the "proof", and once it has made it's rounds and picked up by the gossip blogs, the Artist officially comes out of the closet publicly. Once that has been done, the PR relationship comes to an end, usually within a couple of months. It has served it's purpose and is no longer needed, or wanted for that matter. They are eager to move on to the next stage.
This step is an almost immediate PR relationship with a male artist. They do this, because they want their female Bisexual to be out and proud, just not seen as "gay". Yes, the homophobia in the Industry is that bad. They don't mind that Lauren is an out Bisexual, they just don't want people thinking she has a preference for the Ladies. Insert Ty Money here!
The second reason for Tyren, was "Strangers". That is the reason they took Tyren from rumorville to public PR stunt, when they did. They needed to solidify the Tyren "relationship" to the fan base, before "Strangers" was confirmed and released.
The last thing they wanted, was for people thinking there was something going on between Lauren and Halsey. They were just two out Bisexuals, who happen to be friends, that decided to do a song together, to represent their LGBTQ+ community. It's also fitting, they relaesed the song just in time to celebrate Pride Month. They perform the song a few times live, but there are no worries, because Lauren is with Ty, right!
Lastly, why Ty Dolla $ign? Well, they had spent time together during their WFH run, and the possibility of it seeming legit was real because they had hung out and partied together after performances and award shows. The connection was already there to play with...Plus he is about to drop a new album.
He has his, "rapper reputation" to protect. Most rappers are "known" as players. It doesn't matter if that's the way they are in real life. That is the image they are given. What better way to represent that image, than to have him "cheat" on his "Ex" with a hot young Latina that's 11 years younger than him. Yep, that done the trick.
Beach House 3 is supposed to be dropping soon. There has been speculation, Lauren and Ty have a collaboration on the album. If that is true, and they plan to make that collaboration a single, Tyren will continue until after the release and promotion of it. If it is not true, or they don't plan on releasing it as a single, Tyren will only last a month or two, after the release of BH3.
If I'm wrong about Tyren, so be it. May they live their happy high life together in harmony...but I don't think I am. Either way, we'll find out soon.
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