#you do start inevitably running into the X-men are an allegory for prejudice (but they do breathe fire) situation
soath · 1 month
one thing that’s annoying is the yearning for punitive politics and moralistic storytelling expressed by fans—both diegetic and non-diegetic. “this character needs to get called out!” “i hope someone teaches them a lesson!” have we considered that they can simply be Wrong and it’s not the end of the world? the universe is full of people with kind of all kinds of opinions and fiction often reflects that. most people who are wrong don’t get put on a stage where five judges explain the many ways that they have done opinion crime, whereupon they repent and solemnly swear to only engage in good patterns of thinking from now on. (you are thinking of the spanish inquisition, perhaps.) most people who are wrong either continue on being wrong in a way that’s mildly insufferable to their loved ones but ultimately part of the rich tapestry of the human experience or they change their mind slowly and subtly, often without realizing it. the equation of a “redemption arc” with groveling and confessions of sin is, hmm, unhealthy, and if applied to real life incredibly counter-productive.
this also goes for fan interactions with other fans. the correct reaction to being right about the progression of a story where someone else was wrong is mild smugness and delight—you shouldn’t be demanding recantations. having the correct interpretation of a narrative being equated with moral superiority feels a bit self congratulatory.
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