#you did so amazing 🥺💛💛💛 hope you know you made my day
scarletwinterxx · 5 months
jaemin dad scenario #2
hellooooooo ~ not sure if y'all are familiar with this audio but I saw a cute tiktok vid earlier with this audio and I wanted to write one about it. plus I've been wanting to write another dad jaemin scenario so here we are😅 hope you like it!!!
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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Jaemin hears the voices from downstairs, waiting for his wife and daughter to walk in the kitchen where he's currently baking cupcakes for Heejin's school day.
"Daddy, we're home"
He turns around to face the two of you, his two girls smiling widely at him. Heejin reaches out for him, immediately getting Heejin from you to give him her after daycare cuddles and kisses
"There's my baby princess, how was daycare today? Did you have so much fun? You didn't cry?" he ask in between kisses on her face. Meanwhile you watch the adorable scene between your husband and his mini me.
"She didn't cry, her teacher told me and she got a star"
"Wah you did? Can appa see it?" he asks the little girl in his arms, Heejin holds out her hand to show the star sticker on the back of her hand
"Wow, that's great! I'll give you a cupcake since you're very good" he promises Heejin, you give him a strict look but you let it slide.
You and Jaemin are on the same page when it comes to raising your daughter. You rarely have any arguments, but there are times Jaemin folds whenever Heejin wants something. Like giving her sweets, or letting her stay up past her bedtime.
You really can't beat the dad-daughter duo, they both know how to make you say yes. One look at you with their round eyes, you're nodding your head to whatever wish they have.
"Also Heejin got something to say" you tell Jaemin, walking towards the fridge to get a drink while Jaemin sets Heejin on the counter
"What is it, baby?"
"I got a boyfwiend" her little baby voice says happily.
Immediately Jaemin's smile changes while you try to hold in the laughter. He looks over at you then back at Heejin
"You don't have a boyfriend"
The little girl frowns at her dad, "I do have my boyfwiend" she says a bit louder this time
You can't help but laugh, Jaemin looks over at you with a glare clearly not amazed with the situation but to you it's very hilarious.
"You don't have a boyfriend" he sternly says, Heejin then sobs then reaches out for you.
You step closer to give her some comfort while Jaemin stands beside you, still not done with his argument with his 4 year old daughter.
"Aw love, what's wrong? who made you cry?" you ask her, patting her hair. The Little Na looking up at you with teary eyes
"Daddy says.. daddy says i don't have boyfwiend" she says in between sobs. At this point you can't help the big smile on your face, your daughter is being so adorable right now.
"But you do have a boyfriend?" you ask her, giggling.
Jaemin playfully pinches your waist, you brush him off while you watch Heejin nod her head "You do? What's his name?"
"Ji-hun" she says with her lips cutely pouting
You laugh again, enveloping her with a hug and kissing her head. Looking over at your husband to see him with an opposite expression on his face, "Yah, they're kids. Just go with it" you whisper
"She's four, she's my babygirl" he grumbles, taking Heejin from you to hold her again
"You're not allowed to have a boyfriend until you're 50" he tells her seriously. To little Heejin, it doesn't really make any sense apart from meaning she doesn't get to be right this time which she doesn't like.
This makes her cry again but doesn't move from her father's embrace
"Boys will make you cry then I have to beat them up then dad will have boo boo's. Do you want dad to have boo boo's?"
"No" she answers, hugging Jaemin quickly. She's always been a worried baby, if she feels like either of you are in danger she gets very anxious and starts to cry. When she was a baby, she hated seeing Jaemin on his bike. She thought he was going to fall.
"Okay then don't get a boyfriend okay? Pinky promise" he holds out his pinky towards Heejin, the little girl sealing the promise
"I can't even imagine how you would be when she actually starts dating" you tease him
"Don't start with me. I'll actually fight them"
You laugh, joining in their hug. Jaemin wraps one arm around you while the other holds Heejin, both of his girls in his arms.
"And I love you for that, but one day she's going be a big girl and would fall in love just like I did. With you" you tell him, giving him a kiss on the cheek
He looks at you, his eyes full of love and adoration like they always have ever since you met. "Well then as long as she falls in love with someone who loves her the way I love you, then I guess I'll be okay. That's still a maybe though, no one deserve our baby girl"
You smile at him, kissing him again this time on the lips then giving Heejin a kiss also on her chubby cheeks "I love you more, both of you. How about we finish baking these then let's have a cuddle night the three of us?"
"Sounds like heaven to me" He agrees, kissing both you and Heejin on the head before he sets Heejin down. The little one getting her standing stool ready to help with decorating the cupcakes but you both know she's after the sprinklers
"After I put her to bed, you and I are going to have a talk" he whispers
"What did I do" you laugh "Mhm, you can laugh now. Just wait until later"
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youremyheaven · 4 months
Man I wish it was like this in my case me and my sister were forced to keep military haircut well to alteast we turned 11, then I rebelled but she didn't so she had to keep a super short Bob cut till she was 15. No it was not consensual we were forced to keep that haircut and I would cry everything at barber, we dressed like boys till 12. I guess it was there dire need of wanting a boy or maybe some astrological placement but I don't know my parents chart. I the problem child andblack sheep of family is saturnian and my sister the golden child is lunar. And this year I shaved my head and my parents cussed at me and now they don't like me with short hair. Make it make sense 😭😭
im so sorry to hear that 😔 i hope both you and your sister are in a better place 🥺🫶🏼 you're healing your inner child now 💛
idk why some parents are so contrarian for no reason 💀😪
Saturnian blacksheep and Lunar golden child, but both lowkey abused is soooo on brand
Saturnians know what they're going through and are fully aware of its injustice, Lunars kind of get lost in the mind games and brainwashing and kind of fully surrender to their circumstances (which is why so many Lunar women find themselves in abusive relationships)
I remember when I was a kid, I was besties with 2 sisters (who had 2 more younger sisters) and their dad was super trad and conservative and wouldn't let them get their hair cut short ?? bc he thought girls should have long hair?? and they're just like 9 and 11 with like hair past their butt and it's super knotted and tangled and they didn't care for it properly 🤧 and this guy also had a rule that they should never leave their hair open at home bc open hair = attracting the devil 🤡and one day the younger sister had her hair open and he dragged her to the bathroom and chopped all her hair off,, i remember how she came to school with a very weird looking pixie cut and when she told me what happened I was so scared bc wtf 😭 anyways that friend of mine had Anuradha & Vishaka placements 👀 so she had Saturnian influence too 🧐 I'll have to look more into why some parents are excessively authoritarian with their Saturnian children 🤔
My mom always wanted me to keep my bangs as a kid even tho I outgrew it by like 5th grade,, and yk what she did??? She cut my bangs when i slept😭😭and I remember feeling like something was off but couldn't figure out why for like weeeeks and then my uncle visited us and he was like "aww u got bangs again so cute" and then it was like everything clicked and I lost my mind 🥲😤 tbh i should've just listened to her bc her styling was always on point and she always made me look amazing but I guess I had to find my own identity 😪
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theharrowing · 1 year
hey, dear harrow! how are you? i recently came across your blog and omg i've fallen in true and deep love with collateral!!! i couldn't stop reading and i finished all the available chapters in just a few days cause i enjoyed every word. actually i don't know where to start, cause i wanna say so many things, but imma try. so, i love your writing style, i love how you describe every little detail, i love how you paint such vivid pictures in my head with your expressive words. the way you write is amazing and aaah your characters!! i love all of them one by one!! the mc, ah, i love her, when she first saw yoongi and his gang approaching her and she just casually said "fellas, how can i help you?" i was kicking my feet, rolling on the couch. aaaahh, she's so coool!!! as i read more her past became more clear and our dove went through a lot, went through so much it's heartbreaking:( i just wanna hold her and never let her go:( same goes to yoongi and actually to everyone. what i love the most is the message what your story tells. the characters are all humans despite their flaws. it doesn't matter if they're rich and powerful, a drug addict or someone who just killed 15 guys in one night lmao, they all have their own experiences and struggles. your characters are not perfect and their dark journeys are certainly challenging, despite of that, they're certainly humans who need love and happiness, just like everyone else in this world. despite its dark themes, the story you have created is absolutely a tale of hope, love, and strength. thank you for writing such a deep and impactful story, it touches on topics like this.<3 you did an excellent job, i'm truly in love with the whole story, i can't wait to read what happens next!!<33
wow, thank you so much!!! i’m so honored that you binged Collateral and thrilled that you love it so much!!! 🥰🥰🥰 i love those characters tons, and it means a lot that you do, as well!!! even when they kill 15 men in one night hehehe jungkookie, that scamp. 🤪💜
i am also honored that you like my writing style, those comments mean the absolute world to me. thank you, thank you!!!
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if you're into character asks, there's a bunnnch for the Collateral cast! and you're always welcome to send them in too, if you would like!!! (no pressure hehe.)
thank you again!!!!! i appreciate you so much!!! this message has made my day!!! 🥰🥰🥰
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
I followed you because your ao3 fics were incredible and you seemed like such an amazing person.
Now, you are an amazing friend and has helped me into becoming a better writer. I’m so glad to have met you!!
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stooooop you are so cute, I can't. you totally made my day I really hope you know that. and you saying something like this about my fics? while I devour everything you post? gaaaah🥺💛
and I did nothing, you already were and amazing writer!!! you ARE an amazing writer!!!
I am so glad I have met you❤️
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
Mayaaaaaa, my love! I know you're in Morocco as we speak and I hope you're having an amazing, very offline time and that you're doing all the hiking and sightseeing and other wonderful things, but I just wanted to drop by to tell you how much I miss you and your wonderful, uplifting presence on my dash 🥺💖💫 I'm very much looking forward to your return, if and when you're back and ready to rejoin the craziness 🥰🌷😘 You've missed a lot lmao (not in terms of the boys, don't worry, just... tumblr being tumblr 😂 They made up a movie, it's a long and hilarious story, but who knows, you might've even seen some of it because it's everywhere). ANYWAY. Hope you're having the most fabulous time, and I miss and love you lots!!! 💫💖🌷💕🥰
Minnieeeee my love 💛💛💛💛 thank you so much for this lovely message, you are just the absolute sweetest🥺🥰
I did have an amazing time! It had been over 10 years since I was last in Morocco, and so much of it felt nostalgic and so much was new, getting to experience it in a different way, and I loved every minute of it so much! The hiking was intense but definitely a highlight, with some amazing views and wonderful local people we stayed with, who taught us how to make a bunch of Moroccan food, which was an incredible experience. I’m definitely gonna go back some day. And the FOOD we had on this trip just in general 🥰🥰🥰 so good!!!! I want to go back again just for that 😂
I did miss you and everyone else on here so much, even if it was just a week! It felt longer for sure. And I’ve definitely lurked a little so I did see that part about the movie and I didn’t even bother trying to explain to my friends why that made me laugh so much. I’m definitely with you on the reboot with our boys 🥰🥰 😂
I’m also definitely ready to join in on the craziness again though 😂 I’ll probably spend some time catching up on what I missed, which will basically be me going through your blog and reblogging everything lmao. This wonderful message was the perfect welcome home, and I love you soooo much 💖💖💖💖 I hope you’ve had an amazing week too lovely!!!
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kpophubb · 2 years
Open the link in 3rd paragraph first & than read the rest 🌹
Morning sunshine ☀️💖🤲🏻🥰 (I don't know what is exactly the time in your place, but I would like to think it's morning)
I literally have two minutes of my lunch, but I just wanna wish you a lovely day and I hope you feel better🤲🏻🙏🏻🥰 I know how hard the period can get , so please take care of yourself , eat good OK ? something sweet maybe some chocolate 🍪
I read your letter yesterday, and I want to take time wanted to give you a proper reply to attach pictures and just to make it so lovey-dovey 💖🤲🏻☀️ I also like the video you attached so cute so cute💗💗💗
Sending you the big warm hug 🤗, I'm gonna be short because I'm short on time but I just came here to wish you a good day I will be back later❤️❤️❤️🫶🏻
Love you my lixie 🍪🥰🤲🏻❤️🌹🫶🏻
Hi hyunnie 🥺🫶🏻💓 …[ ♡ 💌 : 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖄𝖔𝖚 ᰔ ]…
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pls I viewed the link and it was a Japanese song?🥹 I love Japanese songs I don’t know if you knew, but that made my day entirely. 🫶🏻🤍 it was evening when you sent that ask and it’s 3:30 pm here now? :p so good evening my love~🧡 I feel so special everytime you tell me you text me in between your breaks 👉🏻👈🏻 like what did I do to deserve to be so special awww.. *sobs* ☀️💛
yes don’t worry, I’m eating well and I feel better now bc the cramps subsided!! And I slept TOO well hahah😛 and pls..I’ve been having so much chocolates and fast food over the course of last 20 days (I think?) that I’ve gained 4 kg weight lol🥲 but no worries cause once I’m recovered, ima go on a diet and fix myself up again!!!
How have you been baby? You doing good? I’m so glad you liked the hyunlix edit cause that was so comforting for me too ! 🤍 have a great day ahead and remember to remind yourself today that you are ~ amazing~✨
[☁️….𝗹𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗱𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗾𝘂𝗼𝘁𝗲] ⇘ ♡♡♡♡
“honestly, without you in my life, deep inside, i've never felt alive. ... “ 💛
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hyuckmov · 2 years
i initially thought reader would give in easily to whatever haechan's plans were upon reading the teaser, BUT THIS IS EVEN BETTER OMG POOR HAECHANIE PLANNING ALL THOSE TO ONLY END UP BEING THE ONE GETTING SWOONED 😆 (can't say for the ending tho since tables have turned 🤭)
i also like how you always incorporated how they communicate their feelings well to each other 🥺 making sure that the other is assured and comfortable. and also like wow 2 years into their relationship and they still get flustered by each other like they just recently dated 🥹 HNGGGGGGG SUCH CUTIES
absolutely love how we got a full ass scene of haechan's roughness near the end as well ❤️‍🔥 (we did had a glimpse of it in pt. 1 thru flashbacks hehe)
this release was probably my highlight on valentine's day so thank you very much 🫶🏼 as someone who always visits ur profile to see if there are any updates, the wait is indeed worth it! i know you spent so much time creating this so i want you to know that i and other readers appreciate it ☺️ kudos to all authors out there honestly for their stories that can be enjoyed by others freely 💗
also... I can't help but spark an interest towards mark since you hinted something about his probable kink 😉 HAHAHAHQHAHQHAHQ
- 💛
HIIIII 💛 anon i cannot thank you enough for being so supportive it's so motivating to know someone is out here waiting on ur work and reviewing it for you thank u ilysm!!!
also yeah initially my idea was just to do the exact same thing for haechan where he kind of tests out one idea and has it pay off at the end but i was like...hmm...where's the fun in that...it would be more interesting if he was testing out soooo many ideas bc he was starting from scratch (and also because it was hard for me to pick ONE trait of haechan's i wanted to settle on hehe) i'm glad you enjoyed that!!! fav eagerbaby and crybaby just 2 people who take turns babying each other
i'm so glad the communication parts worked well in the fic <3 thank you for being so kind too i'm happy to have made your valentine's day!!! and yeah i honestly admire so many writers on here and the work they do is just amazing... thank you so much again!!! hope to write more things soon so i can show them to you :)
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saberdeity · 3 years
Hi! I saw you were looking for ideas to write about Geralt! I’m a sucker for a story where the reader is traveling with Geralt and Ciri where they are just their own little found family and Geralt is a little softer around the reader when they’re alone and whatnot.
I don’t know if this makes any sense or if you want to write something like this but do with it what you will lol. Hope you have a fabulous day! 💛
𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒔 - 𝑮𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝑹𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒂
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pairings - geralt of rivia x fem! reader
summary - geralt shows his softer side that he doesn't show to everyone.
warnings - I dont think there is any but if there is something I've missed please kindly let me know
a/n - Hi! thank you so much for requesting! I really hope you like this 🥺 I'm sorry it has taken me a little while to write this I've been so busy but any feedback is really appreciated! thank you for reading and supporting my blog!
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Travels with Geralt were far from boring. You'd been travelling with him from the beginning, being one of the only female Witchers in existence you proved to be a lot of help to him and it wasn't all that bad.
Naturally you and Geralt grew closer as the days passed by. Neither of you knew what love truly felt like until you met one another, after all Witcher's weren't meant to feel normal human emotions but his grumpiness funnily enough made you fall in love with him just a little more.
When Geralt claimed the law of surprise to say you were scared was an understatement. Of course he had no idea it would be a child surprise but you truly believed everything happened for a reason. Your line of work was dangerous, externally dangerous in fact and you couldn't live with yourself if something happened to Ciri, she had become like your own daughter and you wouldn't change it for the world.
You were travelling in between towns, a rare few days off for the three of you as the distance to the nearest town was the furthest yet. The sun was shining beautifully around, highlighting the freshly growing grass and young budded flowers around. Ciri had skipped along ahead, still in sight as Geralt instructed. She began picking flowers, running back over to us when she had a bunch in her hands.
After a little longer of travelling along, you all decided to stop for the day. It was the perfect place to set up camp, the ground was dry and there was a lake nearby for bathing and gathering drinking water for the rest of the journey. Geralt went out looking for food, whilst you and Ciri began to set everything up, building the tent and setting up a little seating area with a fire and some logs to perch on.
Ciri had been begging you for days to let her braid your hair and you simply didn't have the place to stop but now you did so you agreed. She was ever so gentle, carefully combing out the knots in your naturally wavy hair. As she began to braid the soft strands together, Geralt had returned with some venison for that evenings dinner.
Geralt admired from afar as he watches his two girls bonding throughout the time he had gone. Geralt knew that having Ciri was a huge responsibility not just for him but you also and he would never trust anyone with her the way he trusted you.
Ciri carefully threaded some flowers through the braided strands, leaving the rest of your hair falling effortlessly down.
"You look beautiful y/n" Ciri smiles, admiring her work
"thank you Ciri, it looks amazing" You reply, looking in the reflection on your blade.
Geralt smiled, a rarity for him as he tended to the small fire that he wanted ready to light before night fall. There was still some light left and as Ciri was doing her own thing you decided to head to the lake just 2 minutes from camp.
You sat upon the river bank, leaning your hand on your raised knee as your admired the scenery around you. The blubbering and babbling of the flowing water along with the soft songs of the birds around the only thing that could he heard. You took a deep breath in, taking in the smells of the fresh spring water and the peace surrounding you.
After a short while, you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around you. Geralt pulled you into his chest, resting his hands on your lower belly as he leant his head against yours. He pressed a soft kiss to your temple as you snuggled into his chest.
"you should let Ciri do your hair more often, it truly looks beautiful" He whispers after a while, also enjoying the peace.
"I'm thinking I should the smile on her face after was heartwarming, thank you my love" you whisper in return, smiling up at him before kissing his cheek softly.
You enjoyed the peace until Ciri began to get hungry signalling she wanted you both to cook food. You spent the evening reminiscing about past stories and hopeful future tails, all together in your little family.
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heymacy · 2 years
macy <3! i can't stop thinking about yqhbr, and i kinda felt like sharing something with you. this was my favorite book as a kid:
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and it's about a field of sunflowers (inspired by van gogh's painting) where there is a tiny flower that feels different. eventually, the little flower realizes it can find comfort/solace in the moon just like the rest of its siblings find comfort/solace in the sun; it's a "moonflower", rather than a sunflower.
so, yeah. van gogh! embracing being different! it's a special little book to me, and you and your fic are also very special to me, so i wanted to share <3 did you have a favorite book/story growing up?
ily, ily, hope you're having a beautiful day <3!
VICKY MY STAR ✨ hello hello and welcome to my inbox, i’m stupidly happy you’re here 🥹
i am desperate to get my hands on this book — a moonflower?? please!! my little heart can’t handle this 😭 i’ve worked with kids for nearly two decades so i feel like i’ve read every children’s book imaginable, but no premise compares to this one — learning about self-acceptance through flowers & van gogh?? i will simply cry 🥺
i was a huuuuuge reader as a child, and as a little kid i loved picture books with really vibrant or detailed art! two of my favorites were “The Rainbow Fish” (a story about pride & the power of sharing) and “Stellaluna” (a story about finding yourself) — i always recommend them to parents because they’re beautiful books and teach such important lessons!!
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did you know that YOU’RE very special to me?? because you are. so, so special 😭 thank you for sharing this with me, i smiled so big when i refreshed my dashboard and there was a message waiting there — and then to see that it was you?? day made, and it’s not even 9am 🥹💛💫
ily ily ily 🌙☀️ & i hope you have the most amazing day!!
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sparkagrace · 2 years
Hi lovely Tej 💛💛 I know you’re gonna have a busy day today and I hope none of your meetings are too frustrating or exhausting & your evening plans are fun! But that’s not why I’m dropping by.
Bc I’m dropping by to SCREAM at you because you made me read 100k of your fic yesterday so I went to bed way too late and I’m pretty sure my dreams were all about swimming 😭 Okay fine you told me GIRL GO TO BED (repeatedly), but I can’t be blamed for wanting to finish the masterpiece that is Lane Lines.
I can’t even imagine the work that must have gone into that, not just writing but also research, but god did it work out because it’s just brilliant. Even if I wanted to grab him by the shoulders &! shake some sense into Stevie like every other chapter because GOD you idiot baby (even if I completely love the arch you gave him). Your writing is just amazing. I don’t do so well with slow burns, but you write tension so well and I was so freaking invested in this, the story and all the characters, I couldn’t stop. I’m pretty sure I sobbed my way through some of the later chapters though. 😭
I got so anxious for the boys for each of their competitions, wanting to turn on a tv thinking I could watch them swim because it was all SO real. Everything about the story is, especially everything Steve feels and goes through how heartbreaking or painful or self-sabotaging it might be, just feels so real 🥺
I’m just completely in awe of you for writing this story. I knew you’re a great writer from your other fics, but god, this is just something else. I loved everything about it 💖So so freaking perfect, stand alone semi-sequels included. I can’t believe you’re writing a full sequel to this, that you’re blessing us with even more of this story.
I kinda want to hug you and smack you over the head at the same time, bc how can you be so brilliant and not always recognize it? I’m telling you. You are. So so so freaking genius. Anyway. I loved it. And I love you 💗💗
ohhhhhhh my dear Maya 💛 YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE TO BED. I can't believe you stayed up so late reading my little fic. I've stared at this ask for hours trying to think of something to say that can adequately express how much I appreciate you taking the time to read and send me your reactions and comments in real time. I am SO sorry for putting you through 130k worth of angst haha (but I guess you made me cry on a train this morning while reading this sweet and beautiful ask, so maybe we're even) 😭😭😭
It's always nice getting lovely feedback, but even nicer when it's from a friend and someone whose writing you love in return! 💖 You have no idea how much your comments continually delight me, and how much I get a little flip in my heart when I see you've posted a new fic (and everyone should go check out your fics because they're so sweet and fluffy and a breath of fresh air!).
Anyway, this is getting sappy and I am at work trying not to slam my head against the desk because we're having a tech nightmare and nothing is working like it should be *pokes work laptop* but this ask genuinely has made my day (possibly my entire year) and I absolutely love you to the moon and back! 🌕
I hope you are having a good working day and that you're not too exhausted! Sending you so much love and goodness coming your way because you deserve all the best things in life ✨✨✨
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courtlyharlequin · 3 years
🦁 + I’m an introvert and extremely awkward when it comes to meeting new people </3 so it takes a lot of time to fully warm up to them! I can get real quiet around people I just met to the point where they don’t notice me at all and I dislike this part about me because that’s so sad but!! loud asf around people I’m comfortable with. I really really really am down bad for night skies and astronomy. I’ve always wanted to be able to see a sky full of dazzling stars but unfortunately due to all the light pollution in cities I won’t be able to see them :( so it’s always been a dream of mine to witness such beauty, even better with a person I cherish and love 🥺
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AHHHH I couldn’t help but jump in on this event! Couldn’t bear to miss out on your amazing writing <33 congratulations on 1k+ and wishing all the best for you Vivi!! You’re such a sweetheart please know that 💛
(also this is such a good event idea you’re always the best 😮‍💨)
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Warning(s): female reader
A/N: Hello Leona’s housewif– I mean Sem!! Semmy Sem Sem!! Thank you so much for stopping by~ I really appreciate the support. You’re super sweet!! I was worried this event would flop since it’s different from what I’ve done in the past, but it turned out alright!! It’s actually my favorite event so far. I’m proud of myself so thank you for the compliment. It means a lot ♡ Anyhow, I hope you like it! I came to deliver (╯✧▽✧)╯
You frowned at the pile of laundry in the corner of Leona’s room. It wasn’t even in the hamper. His garments were draped over different pieces of furniture. You squinted, making out the shape of his gym uniform in the midst of the dark. It laid on his desk, crumpled up into a ball with sharp points protruding out of its sides.
“Leona?” you called.
Your voice echoed throughout his room. No response. You placed a hand on your hips. It was nearly midnight. Where else could he be, if not in his room at an hour like this? You scolded yourself for getting your hopes up. But how could you not? It was Leona Kingscholar of all people. Sure, he was incredibly entitled at times–  some would even call him arrogant, but he was so fine. You occasionally stopped by the makeshift field to watch him play. His prowess, his hair tied up, his leadership– everything he did made your heart flutter. You didn’t think he would notice you on the bleachers– let alone jokingly coin the term “darling” whilst calling you out for ogling at with heart eyes. You died of embarrassment that day.
Even to this day, you were absolutely smitten with him. You still haven't processed the fact that he asked you out. Him. He asked you out. Your mind was filled with hopelessly romantic daydreams and scenarios for days on end. You had brushed over the fact that he was Leona Kingscholar: an incredibly handsome athlete that you admired from afar, but also the troublesome student who skipped classes and made his underclassmen his errand boy.
It didn’t set in that he was the same person until now. Could he have ditched you? You slapped both hands on your cheeks. He wouldn’t waste your time like that. You weren’t his servant. You were his lover– if you even counted as one anyway. This was your first date after all. Moreover, you were a girl. Female. Leona would treat you well. He wouldn’t stand you up. According to Cater, Afterglow Savannah was a “ladies first” kind of culture. Hopefully, he wasn’t lying. The redhead always had a habit of ferreting out things. You would like to have hope in Leona– whether or not Cater told you was true. He was complex– layered like a piece of origami. There was much to unfold.
The moonlight embraced you as you made your way to the balcony of his room. You leaned against the railing. The sky was a deep indigo blue, dotted with brilliant, twinkling stars.
“Wow…” you breathed.
You yelped. The starlit sky was replaced with piercing green eyes.
You took a step back, averting your gaze from his. You had never seen them up close before. You had never been so close to his face before either. His braids tickled your face. You angled your neck upward, getting a clearer view of Leona. He laid flat on his stomach, craning his neck over the edge of his bedroom’s roof. Your eyes trailed down his chest. Gravity pulled down his shirt. It hung loosely around his body, exposing his entire upper body if you looked through the V cut at the right angle. You coughed, turning around to not strain your neck amongst other reasons. Noting your change in position, Leona propped himself up with his elbows, looking down on you.
“Good evening to you, (y/n).”
“What are you doing up there?”
You hesitantly reached for his face, pausing to see if he’d push you away. He hummed. You brushed his bangs aside. His ears twitched.
“The stars are nicer up here,” he said.
“You said you liked the stars didn’t you? ‘Down bad for the stars’ if I remember correctly?”
“Well yes– I mean no,” you coughed, “Yes, I like the stars.”
Out of all the things he could’ve remembered, he remembered that particular sentence. Granted, it was a rather bizarre combination of words. “Stars” and “down bad” weren’t typically paired together. Your cheeks flushed as he flashed you a smirk.
He offered you a hand. You cocked your head to the side. Your eyes widened as he grabbed your hand with his and hoisted you up onto the roof. He grunted as you struggled.
“Hold still,” he hissed.
Your breath hitched at the sudden movement.
Leona sighed, slowly lowering you to the ground, “Use your feet to gain some leverage. Put them up against the wall. Kinda like rock climbing. Don’t struggle so much.”
You nodded. He pulled up effortlessly this time.
“That wasn’t so hard, was it now?”
You rolled your eyes as you crawled onto the wooly blanket Leona was resting on. He pushed a basket of fruit and pastries to your side. You glanced at the goods then to him. His hair shrouded his face. His tail swayed back and forth. You giggled, grabbing a handful of berries before making yourself comfortable by his side.
“You’re right.”
“The stars are nicer up here.”
“They are.”
“Do you come here often?”
You leaned against his shoulder. His tail brushed your side as he wrapped an arm around you.
“Do you need anything? It can get cold up here.”
“No, not at all. Thank you though.”
“Let me know if you do.”
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djarinsbeskar · 3 years
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Happiest of Birthdays to our darling @literallydontlook who has brought untold joy to the fandom through her art, presence and friendship!
Your gifts are enroute but to accompany them, we have a few sneaky extras starting with messages from everyone who made this little project possible!
If you want to leave B a birthday message, feel free to reblog this post so she can see them all together in one post!
From @jazzelsaur
Dearest B — Happiest of birthdays to you! You are always such a delight on my dash; from sharing your incredible talent through your art, your perspectives on things that make me pause and take a moment to think, to being so incredibly supportive of others here, I’m always happy to see you around. I hope your special day is filled with all things wonderful: friends and family, good food and drinks, and lots and lots of love.
From @heartsofbeskar
my sweet bumblebee❤️🐝 you came into my life unexpected but i'm so grateful you did. your beauty and kindness and talent shine from every pore of you, and i hope you have the best of birthdays like you deserve, and the sun shines bright and warm just for you! p.s. i hope petey grants you snuggles today as well. love you to bits my wife! -olive (heartsofbeskar)
From @radiowallet
Dear B- Happy happiest of birthdays to you! Seeing you on my dash never ever fails to make me smile! Your amazing art and talent continues to amaze me. But even more than that you are so kind, so supportive, and you deserve to have a day of love and pampering, food and drink, and all the things your heart desires! Biggest hugs and birthday wishes to you, sweet B.
From @asta-lily
Beloved B!! Beautiful friend, artist, writer, purveyor of sweet porn, devoted dog mama - the list goes on! You are the sweetest ray of light, wise voice of reason, and wonderful cheerleader for us all and I am so grateful to know you. I am always so eager to hear your perspective on ANYTHING, because your outlook on issues and life is always so realistic yet inspiring, you just have this way in the world that is really comforting to hear about... How you cram all of that wonderfulness and huge galaxy brain into that tiny body of yours, I'll never know. Have the best birthday! You deserve to be spoiled rotten, and then spoiled some more. Love you lots Bee 🐝💛
From @ronnieiswriting
Happy, happy birthday BumbleBee!!! I'm so greatful that you decided to not only share your porny art, but also embrace the swarm of us that absolutely died over your hard work and skill! You are well and truly one of the greatest members of this community- and not only for your work but because you've got a huge heart too!! Chatting with you about anything is always uplifting and I always know I can share anything with you and you'll understand 🥺 I wish I wasn't on the other side of the world because I'd love to give you a big hug but a virtual one will have to do! Hope you have a wonderful and relaxing birthday, Bee- you deserve it 🥳💖-ur Aussie wife, Ronron
From @djarinsbeskar
My dearest B! I'm so glad that I can celebrate another Pisces' birthday for one of the single most wonderful people I've ever had the pleasure of not only knowing, but being friends with! You never cease to amaze me with the depth of your compassion, the selflessness of your support and the unwavering bundle of loveliness that makes my day brighter with just your name popping up on discord! I could ramble on for hours about how you use your insane gifts to show writers how much you enjoy their work, or how you're no one trick pony (I still haven't recovered from that Rex fic ok), or how you breathe life and a steady perspective on things that can seem daunting and difficult and make them so much more easy to overcome. I can't even count how many times you've got me off the ledge with just your friendship and I can't express how grateful I am to you. I thank all the smutty gods and goddesses for putting you in my path and enriching my life to the point that your presence is so intrinsically linked to everything I love and enjoy. (basically you're stuck with me soz for that) I cannot WAIT to see what you think of your gifts that are on their way to you now. Know that you deserve it all and more for being a true beacon and inspiration for all of us.
Love you lots honeybee~~~ 🐝🧡
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superherotiger · 2 years
Hi! I just finished reading your Western AU story, and I just wanted to tell you that it's one of the best fanfics I've read, the four chapters are masterpieces and the story in general is really moving and wholesome. You inspired me to write my own storys again, so thanks for that and for the amazing story!!
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Awwww Anon, you made me so soft with this message, thank you so much!! 🥺😍🥰 It means the world to me to hear you enjoyed the series as much as you did, and knowing it inspired you to write again put the biggest smile on my face!! I hope your writing has been going well, and I can’t wait to show you all the future stories I have planned for the Western AU!! 💛💛💛
Hope you have a great day, and I love you 3000!
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onlymingyus · 2 years
Hiii💛🧡🥺 I hope you're doing well these days. I just wanted to stop by and randomly send this because lately I haven't been able to stop thinking about your blog and your absolutely amazing writings! Like each and everyone of them! I am in complete awe. There's not one that I did not enjoy reading. The way you write is golden✨ and I really admire it so damn much.
Just wanted you to know that you're great lol. Amazing and incredible and that I acknowledge and recognize your works...😫😭 IDK what else to say? There more I want to say, but I'll leave it at that got now 💛
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Oh my god...this is so sweet. Thank you so much, seriously. I can't tell you how much reading this has made my day.
Just you reaching out means so much.
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soopticboop · 3 years
Hey boop! It's that time again of checking up on you and seeing how things are😅
I just saw your post about the HDWGH era here and it brought back so many memories.
It truly was an incredible time here and this little family that we created was a safe space for me, and interacting with you all brought me so much joy🌸
I sat in my room and waited for jacks video to be uploaded (I kept refreshing the page, lol) so that after we could all discuss and make memes about it and just have fun.
I have left the community here on tumblr a few years ago due to school and very important exams that would determine if I would get into the university of my choice (I did it, art school woo!!) so studying took up a lot of my time, and not having been active for so long made me feel kind of disconnected from everyone and I felt like I was back to zero. But I knew that all the amazing memories we all shared together would always be with me forever.
Sometimes I have the urge to log back into my old jse account and talk to everyone again, but since so much time has passed I feel like it would not be pleasant for you guys😅
I am so glad to have been there with you when you first opened up your etsy store, and I am more thrilled to have bought one of your first pieces that I see on my wall right now, the place it never left since :))
You are an incredible and special person boop, and you have no idea how much you have helped me when I needed someone to just be there. I miss you lots and know that I will always be rooting for you💛
Oh man this is the loveliest message 😭😭 I actually really needed to hear something like this today so sincerely thank you!! It means the world to me 🥰
Congrats on art school!!! That’s absolutely sensational, you should be SO proud of yourself!!
And yes omg the HDWGH era was unparalleled 🥺 I also used to sit at my computer and refresh haha, it was always just so so fun!! I still watch all of Jacks videos but I’m usually a couple of days behind because of work! But regardless, i like to think that it was one big happy family, especially back in the day! I often wonder about old tumblr friends who are no longer active and hope they’re doing well🥰
And aww man, thank you for your kind words about my Etsy shop!! I’ll never ever forget how nervous and excited I was when I opened it and I was so overwhelmed with such kind people ordering my little drawings! It’s been like what, 3 years since I opened it?? Coming up on 4?? So so wild. I love every second of my Etsy adventure 🥰
Thank you for checking in!! It’s genuinely so kind and made me smile! Have yourself a great day! 🥰✌🏻
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
Hello Miss Amazing, Incredible, Show-Stopping, Breathtaking, Wonderful Writer!! 💕💕💕
I'm here for my stucky prompt! ☺️☺️
Given how i'm forever in love with the way you wrote Steve and Bucky as parents, i would like nothing more than to read thousands of fics written by your sweet self about their day to day life as the world's best dads! 
But for now, i'll settle for just one 😉
If you feel like doing it and if it sparks your imagination, can you plz write something about Stucky and their teenage daughter after her first heartbreak. Like how would they comfort her and how would they react. Maybe how the way they do deepens the love and connection they have for each other even more. I'd love to see how you think they'd be about someone breaking their little girl's heart. I can already sense that it will definitely break mine in the best and most glorious ways! 🥺🥺🥺
May by the time you answer this, you would have gained a million follower for your blog is almost awesome as you! (Cause nothing and no-one can be as awesome as you, bubbie 💙💙💙)
OULA, bubba, my love 💖💖💖 Thank you so so much, for this wonderful message and your constant support and all the love you send my way every single day, I’m so grateful for it and for you 💕💕💕
I’m so happy to hear you loved my earlier stucky kid fic. I just love the idea of them as parents, you know? I just know they’d be the best dads, and your enthusiasm as well as Tej’s might have inspired me to think about writing more of them as parents 💛💛
I love your prompt, even if it’s a little more than just a word + ship 😂 and I did my best to write you a little something I hope you enjoy. Thank you again sweetheart, hope you’re having a lovely Sunday, and I love you a whole lot 💕💕💕
Stucky + Heartbreak, 2.6k, T
Read on Ao3 or below
Steve almost drops his keys, trying to open the front door while juggling a couple of bags of groceries. It’s a Thursday, late afternoon and he just dropped the twins off at Sam and Nat’s, picking up food on the way back, leaving the evening free for Bucky and his date night. Ever since Emma and Ben were old enough for them to feel comfortable leaving them alone with friends or a babysitter, they’ve made sure to have at least one evening for themselves on a semi-regular basis. They love their kids more than life itself, sure, but sometimes they need a night just for the two of them.
He finally manages to open the front door, calling out for a little help when stepping inside. While he’s toeing off his shoes, Bucky shows up in the hallway and takes two of the bags, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek in the process. “Everything go alright with drop-off?”, he asks over his shoulder, slowly making his way to the kitchen, Steve following right behind.
Steve sighs. “Yeah, if I didn’t know better, I’d think they were glad to see me leave so they could spend some quality time with their aunt and uncle. When did they get so big? I still remember Ben clinging to me, not wanting to be left with anyone else”. Bucky gives him a sympathetic smile. “Beats me. But you know it’s just because they rarely get to see Sam with all his Cap duties. Don’t worry, they still love you.” Steve wraps his arms around his husband’s waist, leaning his forehead against Bucky’s.
“You think?”, he asks, a little self-pityingly. “Yeah pal, I’m sure. What’s not to love?”. Steve smiles, feeling a little better. “Oh”, he starts, taking a step back, “have you heard from Nat? Lily was supposed to make her way over right after track practice, she should be there by now.” Bucky frowns at that. “No, she hasn’t texted me. But give it like half an hour, you know how she is, probably still hanging around there somewhere. I’m sure she’ll get over there soon enough.”
He can’t help but grumble a little. “Hanging out with Noah you mean.” Bucky chuckles at him. “Probably, but what did you expect? She’s 16, almost 17. We at least know where she is, do you think your mom knew what we were up to at that age? And Noah seems like a great kid.”
Steve knows he’s being a little unfair to the kid. He’s met him a couple of times now, since they started dating about 9 months ago, and he seemed polite, nice, like he thought the world of Lily and would treat her right. But you can’t blame him for not liking it. She’s their first child, his baby, and even if he’d never stop his children from dating anyone they liked, he just…worries. Bucky can probably see the wheels turning in his head. “Come on honey, stop worrying so much”, he says softly, grabbing one of Steve’s hands and running his thumb over Steve’s knuckles, “why don’t you go take a shower and get ready? We have about an hour until our reservation.”
He knows he’s being a little dramatic, and Bucky‘s not wrong. He really shouldn’t worry so much. He sighs, pulls Bucky in for a quick kiss. “Yeah, I know. You’re right.” He’s about to make his way upstairs and take a shower, but before he’s even out of the kitchen, the front door swings open. “Lily?”, he asks, but he gets no response, just hears the front door slam shut and feet stomping up the stairs.
Looking back at Bucky, he sees a concerned frown on his face, one that must match the one on his own. “I’ll go see what’s wrong?”, he offers, and Bucky nods. “Let me know if you need back-up, I’ll tell Nat that she’s with us.”
Steve goes upstairs, softly knocking on the door. “Lily, sweetheart, everything okay?” he asks, but he gets no response. When he’s about to knock again, he can hear that Lily’s crying, the sound tugging at his heart strings. “Sweetheart, please open the door”, he tries again, still getting nothing in return. He slumps down against the door, willing to wait a little. He hates to hear any of their children cry, but he also respects their privacy, so he’s not gonna go barging in there. He’s gonna wait a couple of minutes, see if she changes her mind. Even if it’s hard, and he’s worried.
“Okay. I’m here, I’ll be here. I just want to know if you’re okay honey, but you don’t have to talk to me if you don’t want to”, he says, hoping that maybe the worry in voice will get her to at least tell him something . He texts Bucky, telling him to maybe try to push up that reservation. He’s not going anywhere until he knows she’s okay, and he knows Bucky will feel the same.
After a couple of minutes, he hears some movement on the other side of the door, and then the sound of the bedroom door unlocking. Good thing he didn’t try to go inside. He can hear Lily walk away from the still closed door. He opens it a little. “Can I come in?”, he asks quietly, and in between sobs he thinks he can make out a “yeah”, so he opens the door a little wider. His heart sinks when he sees his daughter on the bed, her face pressed into the pillows, body shaking a little with her sobbing.
“Oh baby”, he whispers, rushing over and sitting down on the bed beside her, carefully moving some of her long blonde hair from her face. “What’s going on huh? Can you tell me?”.
Lily doesn’t stop crying, but does try to get some words out. While he hates seeing her cry, it’s not the first time he’s tried to figure out what she’s saying through tears, so he’s at least grateful he can make out some of what she trying to say, which comes down to “Noah”, “not anymore”, and “break up”. He felt a little guilty for speaking badly about Noah earlier, but now, now that guilt makes way for anger. But he knows that’s not what Lily needs right now, so he breathes in deep.
He quickly shoots off a text to Bucky, telling him what’s going on and asking him to come up, before dropping his phone. “Oh Lily, I’m so sorry”, he says, taking his daughter into his arms. She goes willingly, wrapping her arms around his middle and pressing her face against his chest, and he can feel his shirt getting wet with tears. He softly cards his fingers through her hair. He’s not sure what to say right now, thinking she probably needs a little time.
He looks up when the door opens again, Bucky walking in, a stormy look on his face. He’s about to open his mouth, probably say something about Noah, something along the lines of “where is this kid” - Steve knows, because that thought is running through his head too - so he quickly shakes his head, hoping his expression is enough to tell Bucky not to. When he sees Bucky take in a deep breath, he knows he understands, and he’s never been more grateful for the fact that they know each other so well.
Bucky makes his way to the bed, sitting down next to Steve, running his hand up and down their daughter’s back. They sit in silence for a while, letting Lily cry, exchanging worried looks. Even if they have had their fair share of heartbreak, and a little on top of that, this is different. Steve hopes Bucky knows what to say, because he feels a little lost. Lily’s life couldn’t be more different than theirs growing up, so even if he knows what it feels like to be heartbroken, he’s worried about saying the wrong thing.
When Lily’s sobbing starts to die down a little, Steve presses a kiss to her temple. “You feel up to talking?”, he asks softly. She shakes her head, then nods, slowly removing her face from where it had been buried against his chest. Her eyes are red and puffy, tear tracks visible all over her cheeks, her skin splotchy red. Steve bites the inside of his cheek, trying not to cry at the sight of it. That’s the last thing they need. He feels Bucky’s comforting hand on his back now, tries to pull it together. This is not about him.
Thankfully, Bucky takes over. “Want to tell us what happened honey?”, he whispers, wiping some of the tears from Lily’s cheeks with his thumb. She swallows roughly, closes her eyes, but finally looks ready to talk. “He, he said he, I”, she starts haltingly, but when she starts talking again it all comes out in a rush.
“We finished practice and we were talking about summer plans and he said he got his college acceptance letters and he’s gonna move away, and he said he didn’t really like me like that anymore, that we’d be better as friends, that he wanted to break up because he didn’t want to do the long distance thing, so that he was ending it”. Before either of them can respond, she says, voice sounding a little angry now “he said he was sure I’d understand , what does that even mean??”
Steve can understand something all right - that Noah kid is a little asshole. He balls his fist up, but Bucky’s hand wraps around it to get him to relax. While Steve is contemplating murdering an 18 year old, or at least severely maiming him- not that he would actually do that, he’s just angry with the kid for upsetting his daughter so much - Bucky’s the voice of reason. “Oh honey, I’m so sorry. What did you say?”
“I said fine, but it’s not fine, I don’t understand, I thought everything was going great? And people stay in long distance relationships all the time, why didn’t he even want to try? I just… I don’t get it papa”, she rushes out, sobs starting up a little again. Bucky moves her into his lap, grabbing her hands and squeezing them a little.
“I know it doesn’t make sense sweetheart. It doesn’t. He wasn’t very nice for just dropping that on you like that. And I know it must hurt a lot huh? You really liked him?”, and Lily nods. “Yeahh I know sweetheart, I’m so sorry you’re feeling like this. But I promise you’ll feel better eventually. You really will”, Bucky continues, and Steve just looks on in awe as he can see Lily’s starting to calm down.
“How about for now, we just get some ice cream and put on a movie? Just a movie night with the three of us. We can talk some more, or we don’t have to talk about it at all. It’s okay to feel those feelings”, he pulls Lily in for a hug. “But if you do want to talk, just know you can always come to daddy and me, okay?”, and Steve can see Lily nod against Bucky’s neck. “Can we watch an old movie?”, he hears her whisper. “Yeah baby, anything you want”.
Bucky stands up, Lily still clinging to him. Even if she’s a tall 16 year old, he carries her easily, that super-soldier serum helpful at times like these. “You wanna go downstairs or our room?”, Bucky asks, and Lily mumbles out a quiet “yours”, so they make their way out of the room, but Steve stays where he is. After a couple of minutes, Bucky comes back. “You wanna go get the ice-“, he starts, but Steve must look a certain way, because he stops talking and makes his way over, cups Steve’s face in his hands. “Hey, you okay?”
Steve nods, closes his eyes. “I just… I was useless just now, I didn’t know what to say, and I would’ve just said the wrong thing, what kind of parent am I?”, he shakes his head, feeling disappointed with himself. “I would’ve just made it worse, and you just, you knew what to do and I just, I just sat there.”
He can feel Bucky tilt his face up. “Come on, open your eyes, look at me baby”, he says, and Steve complies. “You’re a great parent Steve. She trusted you to come in, you let her cry and try to process her feelings, you stopped me from saying something stupid.” Steve shakes his head, unconvinced. “No, no listen to me Steve. You’re an amazing dad. You did everything you needed to do for her. You were there for her when she needed it. And you calmed me down enough to do my part. Because we’re a team, aren’t we Stevie?”
Steve feels a tear run down his face. “Yeah”, he says roughly, “yeah, we’re a team”. Bucky presses a kiss to the top of his head, and removes his hands from Steve’s face. “Good, because as the captain of this team, you’re in charge of ice cream procurement”, Bucky grins, taking a step back. “Make sure there’s cookie dough”, he calls out over his shoulder, making his way back to their bedroom at the end of the hall.
Steve gets himself together, goes downstairs to get the ice cream and makes his way back up, seeing Bucky and Lily cozied up against the headboard. He puts down the spoons and ice cream tubs, and sits down on Lily’s other side. They watch a couple of comedies and rom-coms, and eventually, Lily falls asleep with her head on Steve’s shoulder, a smile on her face. Bucky gets rid of their trash while Steve carefully carries Lily back to her own bed.
Both of them are tired, not just because it’s late but also because of the evening’s high running emotions, so they go to bed not too long after. They settle down on their sides, facing each other. Steve must have a dopey look on his face, because Bucky smiles and asks “what’s that face for?”. Steve smiles back, reaches out to push a lock of hair behind Bucky’s ear, his finger lingering on the side of his face, caressing it slowly.
“Nothing. I just love you. You’re amazing, you know that? God, I couldn’t imagine doing this with anyone other than you”. Bucky raises an eyebrow at him teasingly. “You better not, pal”, he says, in faux-offense, before sobering up. “I hate to see her, any of them, get hurt. Wish I could change it.” Steve pulls Bucky closer to him, tightens his hold around his waist and back. He knows Bucky kept it together for all of them earlier, but just one look at him now and he can see how he’s struggling with it just as much as Steve is. “I know sweetheart. But like someone very wise told me, you did everything right. She’ll be okay.”
Bucky sighs. “Yeah, I know you’re right. Still.”, he mumbles, hiding his face against Steve’s neck. They stay like that for a while in silence, both processing everything but trying to offer each other some comfort. Steve’s about to fall asleep when Bucky whispers “Stevie?”, which he responds to with a hum. “I couldn’t ever imagine doing this with anyone else either. And I love you too.” Steve smiles, presses another kiss to Bucky’s temple, squeezes him close. “I know baby.”
They might not always know what the right thing to do is, might not be able to protect their kids from ever getting hurt. But they have each other. They’re a team. They both fall asleep still a little worried about their daughter, but comforted by the knowledge that at least, they’ll always try to figure it out together.
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