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akasakurevival · 2 months ago
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This is VERY late, but here are the (main round) results of our 3 Artists, 1 Writer special Halloween challenge - Monster(girl) Mash!
Artists went first this round. We spun a wheel to get a random monstergirl type and designed Sakura as that monster! Writers were then randomly assigned to create a fic featuring the monster Sakura and spun for a random quote to include.
Artists: @princessxgarbage @eggqty @artofmintea @ionahazuki @frostmarris @mayskalih @hallous
Writers: @caipher @byefolkals @bluemingqueen @munchbell45 @rosebrided @summersirius @sakuradeservedbetter91
Fic Links:
Eldritch Horror Sakura by caipher
Fallen Angel Sakura (unfinished) by byefolkals
Harpy Sakura by bluemingqueen
Centaur Sakura by munchbell45 (ItzMunchbell)
Swamp Creature Sakura by rosebrided
Plant Girl Sakura by summersirius
Kitsune Sakura by sakuradeservedbetter91 (Binkerbell)
[Artist/Ship/Prompt breakdowns under the cut!]
【Eldritch Horror】
⟡ sketch: princessxgarbage
⟡ lines: mayskalih
⟡ color: artofmintea
⟡ writer: caipher
⟡ quote: "What happened to you?
⟡ ship: Itachi/Sakura
【Fallen Angel】
⟡ sketch: eggqty
⟡ lines: ionahazuki
⟡ color: mayskalih
⟡ writer: byefolkals
⟡ quote: "Really? You want those to be your last words?"
⟡ ship: Konan/Sakura
⟡ sketch: artofmintea
⟡ lines: frostmarris
⟡ color: eggqty
⟡ writer: bluemingqueen
⟡ quote: "It's been a while since I've taken a life."
⟡ ship: Deidara/Sakura
⟡ sketch: ionahazuki
⟡ lines: princessxgarbage
⟡ color: frostmarris
⟡ writer: munchbell45
⟡ quote: "If it's all the same to you, I say we just kill him."
⟡ ship: Konan/Sakura
【Swamp Creature】
⟡ sketch: frostmarris
⟡ lines: artofmintea
⟡ color: hallous
⟡ writer: rosebrided
⟡ quote: "You can't keep me here forever, you know."
⟡ ship: Kakashi/Sakura
【Plant Girl】
⟡ sketch: mayskalih
⟡ lines: hallous
⟡ color: ionahazuki
⟡ writer: summersirius
⟡ quote: “How long did you think you could hide this from me?”
⟡ ship: Shisui/Sakura
⟡ sketch: hallous
⟡ lines: eggqty
⟡ color: princessxgarbage
⟡ writer: sakuradeservedbetter91
⟡ quote: "I want to trust you, but I also don't want to be a huge idiot. Do you see my dilemma?"
⟡ ship: Kisame/Sakura
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detta-pica · 25 days ago
The trouble with camomile tea is that it needs to steep for a while. Suguru tugs idly on the string connecting the bag to its label, leaning his hip against the counter. “How was it? The event, I mean. Dinner? Cocktail party? I never know what to imagine when they call you away like that.”
“A waste of time is what I call it,” Satoru grumbles. “It was fine. There were miniature cakes.”
“Ah.” Suguru grins as he imagines Satoru’s face lighting up in delight at the sight of tiny desserts. “How many kinds?”
“Definitely over twenty.” Satoru’s smile is audible. “I think I hunted down all of them, though not all were worth my effort. Hey, so, is it too late for you to come over?”
Suguru stares into his mug, considering. He checks the time--almost nine--and goes to knock on his parents’ bedroom door, just in case. No answer. “I dunno. I already bathed, and spending so much time on the train again…”
“Wussing out, huh? Okay, I get it.”
“What? Are you going to tell me you have homework to finish? Go on, Suguru, prove me right. Prove that you’re no fun.”
Suguru can’t help the way his lips curl into a smile, but he can make sure his voice sounds dry and incredulous when he says, “And what would I be making the trip for? Your delightful company?”
There’s a soft, nearly silent exhalation from Satoru’s end of the connection. “Of course! My wonderful self and the new Samurai Trilogy film on DVD. On a big screen. With as much popcorn and soda as you can keep down. Also pizza if you like. Do I have your attention yet?”
He always does, no matter what they’re doing, no matter what’s happening around them, but it’s too embarrassing to admit. Suguru hums, noncommittal, pretending he has to think about it. In truth, his mind was made up the moment Satoru asked, and not just because there’s no school tomorrow and they can sleep in. Not even because Suguru hates being alone in an empty house, haunted by the ghosts of his parents’ guilt and disappointment.
It’s because he knows, has known for a long time, that Satoru is just as alone. More so, maybe. Satoru, despite all his confidence, money, and good looks, has a lot more trouble building real connections with people.
“I don’t know,” Suguru teases. “Do you think I’m paying attention to you right now? Maybe I’m really, really busy.”
“With what? Highlighting your favourite passages about the human genome?”
“What if I wanted some alone time?” Suguru isn’t sure what possesses him to say this, but once it’s out of his mouth, he has to commit. “I spend so much time with you that I barely get any privacy. Anyone would get a little pent up.”
There’s some muffled swearing and the sound of Satoru’s phone falling onto a soft surface, then being picked back up. Some shuffling. “I,” Satoru says, voice so high he groans and tries again. “Suguru. Do you want to tell me about your little fantasies? Have we unlocked the girl talk mechanic?”
Suguru cannot stand him. “My fantasies aren’t particularly little.”
It’s true. When he does get some time to himself--and it happens often enough for his limited needs; he’s on medication and exerting a lot of energy to keep up with schoolwork, judo, and Satoru--he thinks about long limbs, flexing forearms, muscular shoulders. A pretty neck, red from the sun and prickling with sweat above the collar. Big hands. A big mouth.
“Suguru.” Satoru sounds like there isn’t enough oxygen in his body. “I’ve waited years to reach this stage of our friendship. Tell me more.”
He’s ridiculous. “You’re ridiculous. Do you want me to come over or do you want me to talk?”
The noise he gets in response is definitely a whine. Music to Suguru’s ears.
After some hemming and hawing, Satoru makes a decision. “Come over. We can do girl talk over here if you’re still in the mood. Or not,” he adds, painfully earnest. “Love and Honor won’t watch itself.”
Suguru’s glad they’re on the phone and not face to face, because the soft smile he’s wearing right now would be damning. “Alright. I gotta get ready. See you soon, Satoru.”
“Hurry up, I’ll be so pissed if I fall asleep before you get here.”
Suguru hangs up mid-laugh. There’s no danger of that and they both know it. Satoru barely sleeps on a good night, when he’s not buzzing with impatience, when Suguru hasn’t teased him into a frenzy. Suguru likes to think that him staying over helps Satoru sleep, but maybe it’s just wishful thinking and his need to feel useful lying to him. There’s no point in asking Satoru.
A longer snippet for WIP Wednesday. This fic is pretty likely to require some serious rewriting. I keep changing my mind about stuff!
(What actually happened is that this fic spawned a completely separate baseball AU, which will require me to read a 70-page report on child athlete abuse. Sometimes, being a fanfic author feels like a full-time job. I love it.)
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stevesjockstrap · 2 years ago
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@stcreators event 01: favorite
Ahoy Captain
“Jesus H. Christ.” Eddie stopped walking so sharply that Gareth ran into his back. He did a double take and his jaw was on the floor.
“What the fu-“ But Gareth followed his gaze and his jaw also dropped. “Is that?”
Jeff came to stand next to them, eyebrows raised. “…Steve Harrington in a sailor outfit?”
“That’s the Steve Harrington you won’t shut up about?” Drew said, especially loud in the crowded mall.
“Shut up!” He turned to hiss at him before rounding back to stare across the hall. “Did I die and go to heaven? Pinch me.” He pulled the sleeve of his leather jacket up and offered his arm to Gareth. He pinched his forearm roughly, without looking down. All of their eyes were locked on the figure in the brightly colored ice cream shop, now coming around the counter to crouch down to hand a cone to a small child. Doing so making the tiny shorts ride up his thighs, but Eddie’s eyes were suddenly drawn to where his v-neck hung open, getting a glimpse of chest hair.
“Buh,” he turned to Gareth to announce.
“Yo, we have to go in there. This is like once in a lifetime shit.”
Eddie adamantly shook his head and started backing away but Gareth and the guys shared a look before suddenly grabbing him under the arms to escort him awkwardly through the mall thoroughfare.
“Oh no. Oh no.” He chanted under his breath.
Back behind the counter now, Steve greeted them as they bodily pushed him into the store. “Welcome, fellas! Would you like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me? I’ll be your captain!”
“Holy shit,” Eddie breathed. It’s so much worse, being this close. Steve’s eyes shine under the terrible fluorescent lighting and he can see the muscles in his arms flex as he leans onto the counter.
“If you need any help let me know. The flavor of the week is triple decker extravaganza!”
Eddie’s brain had stopped working. His arms were dropped as his friends went further up to the counter to look at the ice cream options. He continued staring stupidly at Steve as he leaned a hip against the back counter.
“You guys check out the new record store yet?” Steve Harrington was actually making decent conversation with them. What universe did he teleport to this morning?
“No, not yet,” Gareth answered. “That’s where we were heading actually, when uh-“ he awkwardly turned around to make eye contact with Eddie, still a few feet behind them and drawing Steve’s attention over to him.
“You don’t want anything?” Steve asked him. Oh he wanted something. Wanted to drop to his knees in front of him. Or the other way around. He wouldn’t mind either way. He would’ve done anything to have Steve’s undivided attention on him and now that he had it he was blanking on English. He opened and closed his mouth a few times. He finally forced his body forward, tearing his eyes away from Steve to send a panicked look at Gareth. He just smirked, the absolute asshole.
Steve frowned at him and he wanted to melt into the floor. “If you’re not a fan of ice cream we have cookies, too.”
Steve being so sweet to him finally rattled some brain cells loose. “Oh, um, no, that’s-“
Jeff chuckled from the other side of Gareth. “Eddie here loves ice cream. That’s why we had to stop in. Isn’t that right, guys?” The rest of his band laughed obnoxiously and nodded. Steve looked at all of them confused, but still with an easy smile when he turned back to Eddie.
“What’s your favorite?”
“Um, huh?” Eddie blinked at him. He watched as Steve pulled his bottom lip in to bite it, probably trying to figure out what was happening with him and the guys. Eddie’s gut clenched. He hoped he didn’t think he was doing anything wrong or they were making fun of him.
“Your favorite ice cream? We can talk about any of your other favorites after we get that out of the way,” he grinned at him and Eddie had to grab the counter in front of him when his knees threatened to give out.
“Rocky road?”
“Perfect. Coming right up! Cup or cone? Or waffle bowl? It’s like a big cone in a cup?”
“Cone please?”
Once he wasn’t under the heavy gaze of gorgeous brown eyes, he turned to his friends for help. But Drew just snickered at him and Jeff sent him a thumbs up. Dicks.
Steve handed him his cone and their fingers brushed. He dumped all the change he had into the tip jar and Steve fucking winked at him. The guys ordered their ice creams suspiciously easily, but Steve kept coming back to Eddie’s side of the counter. He tried hard not to hold eye contact with him as he licked across his ice cream.
“So was it worth it?”
“Wh-what?” He stammered.
“Coming in, for the ice cream?”
“Definitely. The ice cream is… great.” He looked around and realized his friends had gone to sit in the furthest booth by the door. Steve had only been sweet and amazing to him and he couldn’t leave without at least having a somewhat competent conversation. “But I- I really came in to see you.”
“Me?” Steve leaned further across the counter towards him. He turned those big brown eyes up at him and Eddie wasn’t sure if he could get any other words out.
“Couldn’t walk away from you in this getup.” His hand moved on his own accord to reach out and tug on the red tie in the middle of his chest.
“Oh,” he huffed. “Yeah. I wish I would’ve known before I agreed to work here. Not that I had any better offers.”
Eddie’s fingers itched to run along the blush that appeared across his cheeks.
“No, no, it’s- I mean, I like it.” He winced as it came out, but his eyes shot open when Steve chuckled. “Really. I really like it.” He cleared his throat because that couldn’t have been his voice. It was deep and gravely and sounded way too fucking hot to have come out of his mouth.
Steve’s wide eyes tracked his tongue as it came out to wet his lips. Fuck.
Eddie leaned a bit closer, drawing on this unknown confidence that came from Steve Harrington hanging on his every word. “So what time do you get off, Captain?”
This was a benedryl-fueled thought but Scoops!uniform Steve was the only thing my brain wanted to give me for “favorite.”
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it-happened-one-fic · 2 years ago
Thats How You Know - Leona
Author Notes: This fic is actually for the @briarvalleyarchives "Anthems of Old" event. It was inspired by its namesake song, "That's How You Know" from the Disney film Enchanted. It's surprisingly nerve-wracking to be posting a fic for an event, but I had fun writing thing and had to curb the urge to not just rip of the scene from the film. As per usual, reader is gender neutral. I hope you enjoy.
Type: Fluff/ romantic/ gender-neutral reader/ sfw
Word Count: 1782
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“You know he likes you, right?” Ruggie had leaned over to look you in the eye better as he voiced his question, but you looked away as soon as his words registered. 
His question drew a sigh from your lips that didn’t quite match the odd smile on your face as you kept your silence. You weren’t quite able to answer his question, even as Ruggie frowned at your silence.
The truth was that, in a lot of ways, you felt like Leona did like you just as much as you liked him. But he never really did anything to show it if he did, which left you with questions. 
How could you really know if he did like, much less love, you?
Despite what others said, you weren’t certain. You knew you liked him. After all, you’d taken to picking up on his interests, worries, and other such little tidbits that made up the individual that was Leona. They’d affected you, becoming interests and worries of your own.
What had started out as curiosity and wanting to get to know him better had swelled from there. You’d fallen in love with Leona. And while you knew that Leona didn’t hate you, the matter of romantic interest was….. Well, it was a whole other can of worms that you weren’t nearly as confident about.
Or at least you weren’t until recently. 
It had started out simply enough, with a small note being left on your desk on top of a stack of books. The note itself was pinned in an elegant but largely unfamiliar hand and mentioned the upcoming practical magic test.
Something you knew you were going to flunk, what with your lack of ability to practice magic.
But after just a little bit of studying, it became clear that maybe you had a better chance of passing than you had thought. 
The books in the mysterious stack handled the subject well, showing intensive instructions for how to draw an appropriate magic circle that would help you pass the test without having to actually use magic.
That wasn’t what really caught your attention, though. What caught your attention was the signature on the reverse side of the note, which you hadn’t found until you’d given it a closer inspection.
 Elegant and small-lettered, the signature was barely noticeable but easily capable of causing a smile to appear on your face.
Leona Kingscholar.
You’d known he’d helped Ruggie get caught up with the rest of the school in terms of tutoring and having uniforms when he���d first come to NRC, but you’d never expected him to help you.
Perhaps he did care a bit more for your concerns and troubles than you’d thought….
You’d thanked the Savannaclaw housewarden after you’d passed the test, but he’d  brushed off your gratitude with an almost trained ease. 
“You help Jack out with his work, so if I give you stuff, I don’t have to tutor him myself,” A lazy smirk had spread across his features. He’d looked over his shoulder at you as he’d walked off, throwing a final comment back at you, “Less work for me that way.”
His words had caused you to frown slightly, but you shrugged them off. He wasn’t wrong after all. You and the other first-years often studied together to help each other with your problem subjects. If you could teach Jack things, then Leona wouldn't have to worry about it. Though you were pretty sure he’d never bothered with that in the past either.
But what followed the next day had you forgetting your previously dismissive thoughts. 
You and Grim both stared down at the bright yellow flowers that greeted you from your doorstep. At odds with the otherwise dreary day, they smiled brightly up at you from the discolored wood of your porch. They were one of your favorite flowers from the ones you’d seen since coming to this world, simply due to how happy they looked.
You frowned at the blooms even as you knelt to collect them. They were tied with a rough cord, an oddly rugged touch to such a sweet sentiment. 
You fingered the cord slightly before taking them inside to plop in a glass of water before heading off to the botanical garden for Potionology class.
Except when you at last reached the botanical garden, you froze. Staring at the familiar yellow flowers that greeted you, yet again, with smiling faces from alongside jaggedly cut stems that had no doubt been where your little bouquet had once resided.
It could have been a coincidence that Leona spent large amounts of time in the botanical garden where these pretty little flowers, that perfectly matched the color of yellow he wore on his dorm uniform, grew. 
It was a color that was slowly becoming one of your favorites as the days wore on and was possibly one of the reasons you did like these flowers so much
 Either way, the oddness of it all was enough to make you wonder and smile to yourself at the possibilities.
You were still smiling as you were chopping the potion ingredients and you almost missed the grin Ace was wearing when he leaned over closer, “So, anything interesting today?”
You frowned, immediately suspicious since you knew good and well that Ace didn’t bring those flowers when he’d just claimed they aggravated his allergies mere seconds ago.
 His question, though, was incredibly fishy considering that getting a bouquet of flowers from an unknown sender was definitely an interesting start to your day.
“I got some flowers this morning…. Some of those yellow ones you said you were allergic to,” You eyed him skeptically, but he merely snorted.
“Ooh, got an admirer, have we, Prefect?” He bounced his eyebrows at you before laughing at your eye roll and continuing on.
“My day had a weird start too. First thing this morning, Deuce informed me that Jack apparently overheard Ruggie telling Leona that you couldn’t read minds.” 
The redhead’s grin was sly now as he shouldered you playfully, “Weird, huh? Would’ve thought everyone knew that. After all, if you could read minds, you wouldn’t have needed those books to help you with the practical magic test, right?”
You blinked in surprise at the redhead, ignoring the teasing tone he used in favor of thinking about this new information.
The rest of class went by in a blur until Ruggie came trotting over, an exasperated expression on his face, “Y/n, hun, help a guy out?”
You sighed almost immediately at his wheedling tone but found yourself turning to face him anyway, “What is it, Ruggie?”
You were fully prepared for some sort of grand tale about how he had too many jobs and needed help running something to a class or that he’d found some sort of new couple deal and wanted to go on a fake date in the name of sales.
But it was none of those things. Instead, you were met with a sandwich being shoved into your hands, “Give this to Leona for me. I haven’t got the time, and he’s miffed with me anyway. You’re a real pal, bye!”
He was skittering away, waving with his signature snicker, before you even had a chance to object. You glanced Ace’s way only to be met with a rapid head shake, “Oh no, he gave that to you. You’re on your own, Prefect.”
The redhead backed away like you were carrying a bomb and quickly abandoned you to your newfound work. You rolled your eyes at both of the men’s dramatics but turned on your heel, striding towards where Leona always napped with a sandwich in hand. You had some questions you wanted to ask him anyway.
You stepped into the clearing to see him sitting there with some food already in front of him, causing you to frown at the sandwich in your hand.
He looked up at you with his tail flicking in an oddly energetic fashion behind him. Unlike you, he didn’t seem to  be surprised in the slightest bit. In fact, he almost seemed amused by your confusion.
“About time you got here. I’d almost begun to suspect that Ruggie had somehow missed you,” His words were delivered with the customary smirk, and all of the various pieces snapped into place.
“So, the flowers were from you?” You grinned slightly as you sat down across from him and started unwrapping the sandwich in your hand, only to find that, rather than his preferred variety, it was your favorite kind of the sandwiches offered by the cafeteria’s deli. A rare luxury that you couldn’t usually afford.
Leona looked down at the food in front of him and, instead of answering your question, posed one of his own, “So, have you got an answer for Ruggie’s question yet?”
Your eyes widened slightly at his nonchalant question, and your mind went racing back to just a couple of days ago, when Ruggie had been questioning if you knew how Leona felt about you. “You heard him?”
Leona grinned outright at your shock, “Oh yeah, I heard the whole conversation.” He looked up at you, ears twitching almost pointedly as he leaned back. Totally relaxed despite your own embarrassment.
“You ought to pay better attention to your surroundings. Herbivores like you have to be careful if you don’t want someone catching you off guard.”
He was so smug, but you found yourself recovering from being flustered as a thought registered, “But that’s how you came to know how I felt. Right?”
He snorted before leaning forward, entering your personal space with a single easy motion that had your previous confidence failing you, “I already knew. You’d already proved that plenty of times.”
Mercifully, he leaned back, “So, have you got your answer?”
You found yourself smiling slightly at his question this time despite how pleased he seemed with himself.
 Because of course you had your answer. After he’d done so much to prove that he did care and that he paid special attention to you, how could you not?
He’d known that you’d needed help on a test, that you liked those flowers in that specific color, and that you liked this sandwich. They were all little things, but those little things made up who you were. And he’d taken the time to do all of those things just to show you that he did care and did like you because he’d overheard Ruggie’s question and correctly interpreted your own concerns even though you hadn’t voiced them.
 Paying attention to little things like that and taking the time to reassure you…. That's how you know that someone loves you.
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sup3rbloom · 10 months ago
Wolfstar Microfic: Expecto Patronum
@wolfstarmicrofic - june 1st: incantation read on ao3 - 250 wc -
“This is useless,” Sirius mumbles, angrily shoving his wand back into his jeans pocket, and crossing his arms against his chest. He also refuses to look his best friend in the eyes, feeling like an utter failure, because Remus has been trying to teach him the Expecto Patronum spell for hours now, and this specific incantation has been giving him quite trouble for some odd reason.
“No, come on now. You can’t just give up,” Remus says, a sigh escaping from his lips. “You’ll get it.”
“We’ve been doing this for bloody hours. I’m tired Moony,” Sirius complains.
“We’ll stop for now,” Remus says, and rolls his eyes when Sirius sighs in relief. “But, we are continuing right where we left off tomorrow, understood?” He gently pokes Sirius on the chest with his finger.
“And what if I don’t want to, huh?” Sirius retorts, finally looking up at Remus.
Remus shakes his head. “You’re impossible, you know that?” He mumbles, before grabbing a hold of Sirius’ shirt and pulling him forward, kissing him passionately. 
Sirius instantly melts into the kiss, and he’s nothing but disappointed when the kiss ends a moment later. “Why’d you stop?” He whines, looking up at Remus with his big grey eyes.
Remus chuckles, gently resting his forehead against Sirius’, still gripping onto him. “I didn’t think you’d…”
“Don’t be so ridiculous,” Sirius mumbles, before pulling Remus into another sweet kiss, and Sirius knows exactly what happy memory he’s going to use for the spell tomorrow.
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vtforpedro · 4 months ago
autumn leaves (7596, 1/1) Pairing: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield Rating: General Tags: Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, POV Bilbo Baggins, The Shire, Melancholy, Grief/Mourning, Healing, Autumn, Fluff and Humor, Reunions, this is a gentle reunion fic, Softe and Warme, Feel-good, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: In which tender love is found through autumn harvests, an orphaned boy, and a king from far over the Misty Mountains. ---- It's a Bagginshield! We held an event in the Bagginshield 101 server on discord for 'Harvest Season.' c: Hope you enjoy it!
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organchordsandlightning · 6 months ago
Somnambulism - Big Bang 2024
Hello, everyone, and happy Big Bang season! This year, I decided to write a S4 AU Noel/Oscar case fic where they try to track down a missing Arthur. It was a lot of fun to really dig into characters I hadn't written in depth before, and I found that I missed the easy-breezy style of Noel.
This year, I had the pleasure of working with Arthur (ceaselesslyfalling on Tumblr and Instagram), Mikky (friskyblitz226 on Twitter and Instagram), and Seth (wniemocy on Tumblr and wniemocy_art on Instagram). All tremendously talented: check out their art in the fic and then take a glance at their profiles!
Summary: Despite his breezy exterior, Noel is not doing well post-Dreamlands captivity. He has violent nightmares every night, he has no connections in New York, and for the past few years, he's been sleepwalking through life. After Oscar wakes up alone and discovers Arthur missing from the Allan farmstead, he recruits Detective Noel for help in tracking him down. Noel is less than thrilled to be working with an alcoholic priest who should really be in the hospital, but remembering his promise to help Arthur, he agrees. Despite a rocky start, Noel comes to find that there is more to Oscar than he previously expected: a strong moral core, a reckless bravery, and even a sly wit. Everything inside Noel has felt dead for so long - but there is something to Oscar's company and relentless support that makes Noel want to wake up.
Chapters: 11/11
Fandom: Malevolent (Podcast)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Noel | Charlie Dowd/Oscar
Characters: Noel | Charlie Dowd, Oscar
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, Case Fic, Mystery, Romance, Noel POV, CW Depression/PTSD, cw alcoholism, Canon Divergent AU, set mid-s4
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oopsbirdficced · 7 months ago
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The Lighthouse Keeper's Secret
Art by @moon-glisten / moonglisten_ (instagram) / moonglisten (ao3)
Story by @oopsbirdficced / ingenious_spark (AO3)
Fic rating: Teen
Warnings: None
Relationships: Legolas/Gimli
Characters: Legolas, Gimli, minor original characters
Tags: Selkie legend, lighthouses, romance, mild action/adventure, domestic fluff, introspection, mythical beings & creatures, subversion of selkie legend, illustrated work
Word Count: 10,367
Summary: Life is peaceful on the coastline for Gimli, away from the responsibilities of the wider world. Until the day he finds a seal’s pelt and a mysterious stranger on his doorstep.
A collaboration created for the 2023 Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang, @tolkienrsb! It's been wonderful working on this with Moon!
Collection/link will go live on September 6th!
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rosegoldorigins · 5 months ago
MCYT Halloween Gift Exchange 2024
For VoidRatWrites!
Happy secret gift exchange @voidratwrites! I hope you like this! :D
Boo! I hit you with the fluff! (And a dash of angst like sprinkles on a sundae)
I don't know how spooky this is >~< I got carried away playing with your prompts so forgot this was a spooktober fic.
DreamSMP - SBI (Dark SBI optional) - Fae AU - Shapeshifter Tommy - Give some power back to Tommy. Don't let him get bullied.
Title- You Got Too Close (And That's Not Fair. I Fell For You)
Summary- Shapeshifter Tommy got himself in a mess with the Fae.
He could admit it was his fault!
The forced contract was expected. The love and care they gave him was not...
Maybe that wasn’t such an issue for humans. Tommy wouldn’t know, he didn’t masquerade as one often, but as a shapeshifter he get into deep trouble fast just by shifting into the right form and passing security.
Tommy’s problem as a shapeshifter was he was always so curious.
He’d done it again. He’d slipped past initial impressions and modified his form to copy exactly what was in front of him. Even… even magic.
This was his biggest con yet he thought as he met the eyes of a fae. His bright pink hair and sharp red eyes made the world around him look more vibrant when Tommy stared at him head on.
Tommy was doing that too… He imagined the powerful creature was seeing a dazzling blonde fae with mesmerising blue irises, light shifting around him to highlight all his best angles.
Tommy wasn’t a fae. He wasn’t anything even close to a fae and though the ancient being before him could sniff his kind from a mile away Tommy was fooling him. He’d copied too perfectly. His magic smelled the exact same.
Tommy grinned flashing his sharp teeth. The fae sighed rolling his eyes as elegantly as royalty.
“How did you get in here?” Techno asked.
“I’m a mastermind!” Tommy teased. “A stealth artist and a-“
“Thief.” The fae supplied.
“I haven’t stolen anything!” Tommy refuted.
“Not yet.”
“I ain’t no thief!” Tommy shouted throwing his arms out and making magic sparkle around him.
God that didn’t happen for lesser fae, he checked in on Techno and saw his eyebrow raise. He’d noticed too. Tommy was ‘powerful’ by fae standards.
“I came to see what all the fuss was about! A ball? And I wasn’t invited?!” He acted appalled.
“You are nothing here.” Techno turned his head away dismissively. “You hold no land and no title why would I invite you?”
“I’ve got titles! Plenty of titles!”
“Like?” Techno tilted his head just enough to catch his eye over his shoulder.
“Like- like I’d tell you.” Tommy crossed his arms.
He knew anything he said would catch him out. Fae social classes were nothing like a dragons or racoons. You didn’t fight like a savage to get what you wanted, you spun tales and found loopholes to break your enemies apart.
Techno scoffed walking away.
“Hey!” Tommy shouted. “I wasn’t done talking to you!”
Techno ignored him as he traveled smoothly down the hall.
“You’re being rude!”
The fae froze like a spell was cast over him. As Tommy caught up the tension in Techno’s shoulders fled and he looked him over meaningfully.
“Apologies.” He said automatically.
“You don’t mean it.” Tommy bared a fang with a hiss.
The fae blinked at him, surprised by the feral sound. He turned slowly and bowed slightly keeping his eyes on Tommy.
“I am sincere in my apologies…” Techno said carefully. “I merely felt your lack of cooperation in the conversation was…” He considered his next words.
“Lack of cooperation?” Tommy spat. “What on Earth are you talking about?”
“Your titles.” Techno replied testily. “You didn’t share them.” He stood with a flourish of his hands. Tommy was jealous on how he could settle his clothes and hair so easily, even his copious amounts of jewellery didn’t jingle unless he commanded them to.
“Look Techno.” Tommy glared at him. “You didn’t greet me properly when I entered your territory, you called me a thief and you’ve been dismissing me for months now on the basis that I don’t meet your standards.”
He could feel his eyes heat up as magic fizzled in the air, this wasn’t something a shapeshifter was able to do. Sure he could copy visuals, pick up culture and language in a cinch but magic was always meant to be basic. This wasn’t basic. The fae’s eyes widened minutely. Tommy was presenting as powerful.
“Have you ever considered that my lack of cooperation stems from your behaviour?” Tommy growled. “If you treated me nicer maybe we wouldn’t be butting heads all the time!”
The fae bowed deeper making Tommy’s magic fizzle out in shock.
Techno never bowed… Sure the small one he’d done before was given to a million fae to appease testy lords and ladies. Even his swift dry apology was commonplace but a deep bow?
“I atone for my sins.” Techno said hurriedly. “It is a dishonour that I couldn’t pick up the strength of your power. You are clearly remarkable-”
“As all the others.” Tommy huffed crossing his arms. He taped his finger with a frown. He didn’t like this new behaviour in the fae, Techno bowed to no one… least of all a shapeshifter.
Techno looked up in surprise. Tommy’s magic was gone. He’d let it disappear into the aether.
A shapeshifter’s magic only worked for short sharp displays. It was all visual. All a lie. Techno straightened.
“Are you…” He cleared his throat. “Would you like to join me?” He waved down the hall.
Tommy’s eyes widened as he looked to him.
“I was heading to the training grounds.” The fae said awkwardly. “Balls were never quite my thing…”
Tommy lit up. “Sure big man!” He bounced up beside him. “Lead the way!” He laughed.
The simple earing in his right ear jingled at his swift movements. Techno’s eyes drew to it for a moment.
“Alright…” Techno began walking again.
“How good are you with a sword?” Tommy asked. “I’m the best.” He puffed his chest out.
“Really?” Techno deadpanned. “Do you not know who I am?”
“Enlighten me.” Tommy teased. “The legends have slipped my mind.”
Techno was widely popular for his strength in battle. He bowed to no one because he could kill faster than a fae could mutter a curse. Tommy knew all this. The fae was dangerous and for some twisted reason it drew Tommy in more than it warned him away.
Tommy got what he wanted. He was fighting the fae known best for his bloodshed.
If Tommy thought too hard he couldn’t pinpoint why he wanted it so bad. Why his curiosity urged him to test the boundaries of the strongest creature alive.
Tommy threw Techno’s attack off, swinging his sword and deflecting every blow.
The fae was smiling. Tommy couldn’t remember ever seeing him smile. Not with other powerful fae, not with the High King or even with the soldiers he trained.
Tommy forced Techno’s steps to slide back and he twirled around his opponent to test his reflexes.
The fae was fast, smart, he didn’t take the bait and body slammed Tommy as he got too close.
Tommy kept his footing even as the fae charged forward and he saw the glint in Techno’s eye that he was enjoying the challenge.
Tommy was enjoying it too…
As the fae fought harder his magic turned his aura red. Techno’s hair turned darker, his eyes shifted colour and his clothes looked like the spilt blood of a thousand battles. Even his jewellery shifted in tune to his fighting. Tommy grinned latching onto his power to soak up every piece of magic he could take.
He didn’t realise how it was turning him red too. His eyes and hair changed, his clothes moved with him like a second skin as his sword shone brighter and his teeth turned sharper.
Techno was delighted and Tommy matched him like every shapeshifter was naturally inclined to do.
As the battle progressed the strength of their magic grew. It burst in waves with each hit of their weapons drawing in curious souls.
They gained an audience…
Tommy taunted and bantered parrying the fae’s sword and striking at his openings. Neither of them got hit and it made Tommy wonder how he fought a little too well for his experience.
The realisation made him stumble and Techno took the opening enthusiastically.
Tommy was thrown to the ground and he gasped as the wind left him.
He’d been hit with a magical attack not just a physical one so his form disappeared in a moments notice leaving him raw and open.
He heaved looking up to meet those red eyes that offered him such a tantalising challenge. The fae was shocked and disgusted.
“Shapeshifter.” He growled.
“Tech-“ Tommy wheezed. “I’m-“
The fae marched towards him grabbing the collar of his shirt and lifting him up.
“You dare deceive me?! Do you know who I am? What I’m capable of?!”
“Yes, yes, I do.” Tommy grabbed his wrists weakly. His powers were still feeding off Techno’s. He could feel his form rippling just as the fae shook him.
“Stop that!”
“I can’t!” Tommy gasped. “I’m sorry, I can’t…” He bowed his head.
Within a moment he was the same fae as before. Blonde hair sparkling unnaturally, blue eyes aimed at the floor.
The audience around them were chattering and hissing at the imposter among their midst. Techno had to kill him. This was a display now. A public execution.
Techno rattled a growl as he pulled Tommy closer to his face. The shapeshifter flinched at his hot breath and sharp teeth.
“Why did you do it?” Techno asked quietly.
Tommy shivered as he shifted his grip on the fae’s wrists. “I don’t know…” He closed his eyes helplessly.
“Give me a better answer than that!” Techno hissed in offence.
“I-“ Tommy’s shoulders curled up. “I got drawn in!” He shook his head. “It’s stupid, stupid. I knew it was dangerous. I knew you would get angry!”
“Then why did you do it?!” Techno insisted.
“Because of you!” Tommy admitted. He met the fae’s eyes and his breath caught. The red reminded him of a vampires and it so enticingly held his attention like a thrall. That was the power of the fae. Their beauty enraptured you until it was too late. Until you were too close.
Tommy was too close…
“Me?” Techno replied flatly.
“You… are the best of the best.” Tommy said slowly. “You are the strongest and the most fascinating. Even from a distance…” He swallowed. “I guess I got tricked didn’t I?” He chuckled. “Fell for your charm like every other stupid human.”
The fae narrowed his eyes. “You really are a thief.” He said.
Tommy exhaled losing the adrenaline in his body. “Yeah…” He agreed. “All I wanted was your attention.” He grit his teeth. “I got what I wanted…” He tilted his head to bare his neck.
Tommy had shifted into many creatures in his lifetime. Simple animals, magical entities and proud predators. There was a universal language amongst all of them even when Tommy acted as prey.
Techno’s eyes widened at his submission. Fae were too proud to ever bare their weaknesses for the world to see.
His grip on Tommy’s shirt tightened then within a blink he stepped forward and warped into the castle.
Tommy spluttered. “What- How?”
“You aren’t after my magic…” Techno said curiously. Tommy swallowed as the fae looked him over. “And you have no bad intent…” He said in surprise.
Techno dropped him to the floor making him gasp.
Tommy watched as Techno moved to the window. He looked over the crowd in his courtyard, all angry and growling at each other.
“I’m sorry…” Tommy said weakly.
The fae hummed tilting his head as the door burst open.
Tommy whipped his head to the newcomer. It was the fae’s brother.
Wilbur met Techno’s eye then when their expressions flashed in silent communication he turned his sharp gaze to Tommy.
“Shapeshifter.” He growled in disgust.
Tommy dipped his head. It wasn’t surprising the fae hated shapeshifters, nearly every species disowned and exiled him from their ranks.
The fae’s feet entered his vision and he bowed his head deeper making Wilbur scoff. “Have you no pride?”
Tommy flinched and looked up. “What?”
“I heard you bared your neck to my brother and now you bow your head to me? If there’s one thing you should know about the fae is we hate weakness.”
Tommy looked carefully to Techno then flicked his eyes back to Wilbur. “You… want me to fight you?” He asked.
“I want you to defend yourself.” Wilbur corrected with a hiss. He threw his foot forward and Tommy dodged staring up at him with wide eyes from the floor.
“That’s better.” Wilbur nodded. He turned to Techno and joined his side. “So why is he still alive?”
Techno scoffed looking Tommy over. “He is… strong.”
Wilbur rolled his eyes at his answer. “Always so easily impressed Techno.” He walked over to the window. “Dad’s not going to be happy about this.”
Tommy looked between them in confusion.
“I think dad will be quite happy actually.” Techno jabbed at his brother.
Wilbur shrugged as he kept watching the commotion outside. “You’ve made a mess for me to clean up.”
“You enjoy the work.” Techno sighed.
Wilbur grinned. “Maybe I do…” He conceded. “But I didn’t ask for more fuel to the fire.” He slid his eyes to Tommy. “You’re going to be the talk of the century. I hope you like popularity.”
Tommy shivered.
The door opened again and in came the High King. Tommy bowed his head swiftly freaking out that the most powerful creature in all of fae kind was in the same room as him.
“Your majesty.” Techno mocked as he crossed his arms.
“Techno.” The King said amused.
Wilbur made a dramatic bow. “Evening dad.” He cocked his head. “Wonderful day for some drama don’t you think?”
Tommy paled at the two princes greeting their father. Tommy knew Techno was a general and one of the most highly respected fae in all the land but a prince?
“What do we have here?” The King asked towards Tommy.
“A shapeshifter.” Wilbur bounced over to his brothers shoulder. “And guess who wants to keep him?”
“Keep?” Tommy couldn’t help blurting out. He tensed at the High King’s eyes on him but he was too busy looking to Techno for a sign this was a misunderstanding.
Techno was watching him closely. “You think I’d let you go?”
“You think I’d accept being kept?” Tommy spat. He could feel his magic flaring again. Three powerful fae were in the room and Tommy was matching their energy. His eyes turned black and his aura turned red as his hair floated around his face. “I’m not an animal.” His voice echoed with power.
“Really?” Wilbur hummed. “I thought that’s what your species were well known for,” He smiled. “Filthy little animals that steal and cheat and lie-“
“Wilbur that’s enough-“ The King interrupted.
Tommy shot his hand out throwing a burst of magic at Wilbur’s face. The fae grinned as it flew towards him, Techno’s hand reaching out and intercepting the blow.
Tommy’s eyes widened as he looked to Techno. The fae was shaking his hand out with a frown at him. “So you are using my magic.” He said.
Tommy bared his teeth. “I’m using my own actually.” He growled.
“How does that work?” Wilbur asked curiously.
Tommy’s spine straightened. He was appalled they were having this conversation. He moved his eyes to the High King then pouted at Techno.
“I’m leaving.” He declared.
“Be my guest.” Techno waved his arm out.
Tommy stood and balled his hands into fists. Something was off here. Fae were all about tricks.
“Before you go…” Techno said idly. “I believe you owe me a deal for your deception.”
“I don’t owe you anything.” Tommy growled.
“Don’t you?” Techno acted surprised. “You entered my land without stating your true nature, you sparred me in my own court and used my own magic against me.” His eyes turned dark as he glared at Tommy. “You’ve caused me a mess that needs to be dealt with.” He waved outside to the fae that would be gossiping and jeering at Techno’s behaviour. He should’ve publicly executed Tommy. That was tradition for a non fae infiltrating a court. It was an insult.
Tommy frowned and thought it over.
“I suppose…” He conceded. If he gave Techno his deal there would be no debt. Tommy wouldn’t be hunted down.
It was risky to make a deal with the fae but it was riskier to leave indebted to the prince.
Tommy straightened and let the magic he’d gathered settle properly into his form. He was as honest and deceiving as Techno now. They were on even ground.
“What do you propose?” Tommy asked carefully.
Techno grinned sharply. “Will?” He tilted his head to his brother.
Wilbur happily stepped forward. “We want your name.” He held his hand out. “Just to start easy.” He said innocently.
Tommy frowned at him. “You can call me Tommy.” He replied.
It wasn’t his True Name and Wilbur could tell. He pouted in disappointment.
“Is our deal fulfilled?” Tommy asked.
“Oh heavens no.” Wilbur smiled. “There should be terms. Give and take on both sides no?”
Tommy glared at him. “Your next words will be under contract.” He warned. “Don’t ask for things that do not relieve my debt.”
Wilbur giggled giddily. “Said like a true fae.” He stepped closer. “Well then… Tommy.” He said for emphasis. “The terms are as follows, you get to keep your life and we clean up the social mess outside,” He smiled. “for your returned presence at the castle for as long as you deceived us. Do you agree to those terms?”
Tommy pinched his lips thinking the deal over. Wilbur was a master of words. It was well known that if you wanted to succeed in your end of a deal you went to Techno not Will.
“I do not agree to those terms.” He decided.
All the fae in the room tensed, eyes glowing with magic.
“Instead I offer new terms.” Tommy appeased. “I will stay only for as long as I deceived you.” He stated. “Afterwards I am free without pursuit.” He gave Techno a meaningful look. “During my time in this castle I do no have to do anything you say.” He narrowed his eyes at Wilbur. “I am independent with no influence or magical sway. I will be safe.” He carefully looked to the High King. “And I will be treated with respect. You will protect me from any dishonour fae outside our agreement give me. And in return…” He sighed. “I will help clean up the social mess I’ve made.” He met Techno’s eye. “Do you agree to these terms?” He asked.
Technoblade smiled at him then passed a look to his brother.
Wilbur nodded and Techno stepped forward with his hand held out. “I agree to those terms.” He said.
Tommy took his hand and their contract locked into place. Tommy could feel it in his magic. He was bound to the terms he’d set. He couldn’t leave before his three months was up.
“Great.” Tommy withdrew his hand and rubbed it on his clothes. “It’s an honour and all that.” He rolled his eyes.
Techno scoffed.
“Do I get a room?” He checked.
He technically hadn’t asked for one so it was well within their right to make him sleep on the floor. Then again… would that be a breach of ‘treating him with respect?’
“Ha ha! Already so demanding!” Wilbur laughed as he flourished his hands. “These next few months will be a treat!” He gave a pointed look to his father.
The High King was watching Tommy closely, it was the most terrifying experience to exist under his gaze.
“I suppose I have some basic guest rooms you could use.” Techno drawled. “But don’t expect anything lavish.” He warned.
Tommy crossed his arms. “Wasn’t planning on it.” He scowled at Wilbur. “Fae don’t like shapeshifters after all.”
Turns out the fae really liked Tommy. Techno was fascinated by his magic and fighting, Wilbur was interested in how Tommy used his shifting abilities and Phil liked having something new going on in his court. They’d never had a shapeshifter stick around.
Tommy expected scorn and vitriol from the High King and his sons but they didn’t struggle at all with the terms he’d set. They respected him, they defended him against other fae and they made no move to hypnotise or cast a spell on him.
Tommy was having to adjust to them looking after him. They sought him out and gave him all he needed, they gave him entertainment and taught him a thing or two about how fae worked. It was nothing like how he expected things to go. The ‘social mess’ he was tasked to clean up was fixed swiftly in his first week of staying with them. Wilbur knew exactly how to cut arguments off and the power of Phil’s status left no room for the fae to budge on the family’s decision.
It wasn’t up for debate… a shapeshifter had entered their ranks and Technoblade had struck a deal with the critter. No one knew what the deal was but they were smart enough not to stick their noses where they didn’t belong.
Tommy’s only responsibility was staying on Technoblade’s territory until his time was up. It was exceptionally easy and he was waiting for the other ball to drop.
He was enjoying himself… and when he enjoyed himself that’s when things went bad.
The last month of Tommy’s stay was the best he’d ever experienced with a group that wasn’t his own species. The fae gave him passing pats, messing with his hair and pulling him into side hugs. They each had a special bond with Tommy and the boy had grown more in his skills and identity than he’d ever done in his whole time on earth.
He was missing them even as he still spent time with them knowing it had to end at some point.
He couldn’t live as a fae… he wasn’t one. (And they knew that. They were immensely accepting of his shapeshifter abilities. He got to be whatever he wanted, when he wanted.)
Tommy couldn’t gather the words to say how he felt. How he yearned to stay with them. How he wanted to keep having what they gave him.
The time came when his contract was up and Tommy left with a swift goodbye. He couldn’t handle doing it slow. He didn’t want to drag out the pain.
They didn’t follow him. Tommy knew they couldn’t but it still stung. This was his decision. Could he risk going back? Could he risk learning that the past three months was a ruse? That they’d never actually cared for him?
Tommy lasted a week. It was all he could do before his loneliness consumed him. He snuck into Techno’s room.
Techno looked up and locked eyes with him immediately.
Tommy bobbed his head, dropping from the ceiling and shifting from the lemur he’d been to the fae he often presented as.
“H-hey.” He fiddled with his hands nervously.
“Hey.” Techno smiled.
Tommy didn’t know what to say further than that. He wasn’t able to spy on them and gather courage after observing, the fae would be able to sense him too easily. This was the only way he could get answers.
“How… how are you?” Tommy tilted his head so he was looking past his fringe at the fae. He knew he shouldn’t be here, there was nothing owed between them, sticking around was begging for another mistake to strike.
“I’m well…” Techno said slowly. It was a tell that he was lying. Techno was trying to find a loophole.
Tommy stiffened and looked up at him properly.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
“Nothing.” Techno chuckled waving his hands. “It’s a small problem. Should take no time at all to fix.”
Tommy nodded dropping his shoulders. “That’s good.” He sighed. “Can I help in any way?”
Techno’s lips pinched. “You already are…” He admitted.
Tommy frowned.
He was already…? Oh.
“Did you… were you missing me?” He asked.
Techno snorted looking him over fondly. “You could say that…”
Tommy smiled and stepped forward. “Right.” He said with more confidence. “Because the great Techno, Fae of Blood and War doesn’t have feelings like that.” He joked.
Techno embraced him as soon as Tommy was close and he melted dropping his head onto his. “No.” He agreed. “It’s nothing like that.”
Tommy snickered hugging the fae back. “It was a week loser.”
Techno squeezed him and growled lowly. “That’s only as long as you were able to keep away.”
“Hey!” Tommy looked up at him indignantly. “That’s not-!”
Techno gave him a look.
Tommy coughed avoiding his eye. “You’re only kinda close.”
“Right.” Techno replied amused. “Because the great Tommy is unpredictable.”
“Exactly!” Tommy shouted. “I’ll hear no further slander!”
The fae chuckled, his voice ringing with power. “It’s good to have you back Tommy…” He looked the boy over. “You-“ He swallowed.
Tommy met his eye and saw something conflicted swirl within them.
“I want to give you my True Name.” Techno said.
“What?!” Tommy stepped back. “Techno no-!”
“Please.” Techno closed his eyes as Tommy left his arms. He opened them to smile at him sadly. “I need to know you can call upon me if you need. Even if you never want me around… I need you to have access to me.”
Tommy’s body trembled at the thought. Such devotion meant Techno wasn’t tricking him. The fae didn’t even ask for a trade. He wasn’t asking Tommy to return the favour, Techno only wanted him to have access to him.
“I-“ He said.
Techno held his hand out and Tommy placed his hand in his automatically.
“Tommy…” Techno exhaled. “I am giving you my True Name freely and without pain.” He looked up at his face. “It’s Technoblade.”
Tommy felt the fae’s magic wash over him, Techno’s True Name was his now. His to own and his to use.
“I’m giving mine in return under the same conditions.” Tommy stated. Techno’s eyes widened in surprise as Tommy tightened his grip. “It’s TommyInnit.”
Tommy felt his magic recede for just a moment to fill Techno up. The fae rolled his shoulders realising what Tommy meant when he said his magic was his own.
They were both red fae but there was a contrast.
Techno’s power was born from bloodshed and fighting, Tommy’s power came from fighting too but it was a different form, a type of survival that every shapeshifter was familiar with. Desperation.
Tommy could shift and steal like his life depended on it because it always did. He could mimic to look exactly like Techno and he could become a carbon copy of any fae in the court so they would accept him.
Tommy had been shifting his whole life and never found acceptance. Techno was the first one to show him what that felt like.
“TommyInnit.” Techno smiled.
“Technoblade." Tommy grinned back.
“I can't believe…” Techno shook his head.
“I guess Wilbur is going to have a field day with this.” Tommy joked. “He always said we were like brothers.
Techno pouted. “Can I own your name for a little longer without him having it too? He’s going to be such a pain about this.”
Tommy held back a laugh at Techno’s pettiness. He really was a fae no matter how much he said he felt disconnected from his kind. How long did he expect to have the sole privilege of owning his name?
“I guess a few more moments can’t hurt.” Tommy shrugged.
Techno pulled him into a hug and held him tight. “Can you stay?” He asked weakly like he expected a rejection.
“Mm.” Tommy pretended to think about it. “You do realise I just signed my True Name over right? I think that’s a pretty big hint that I’m staying.”
Techno pulled away slightly to look at him. “You… you don’t want to run away?” He asked.
“Why would I?” Tommy shrugged. “What’s a shapeshifter got out there that’s better than in here?”
Techno smiled sadly. “Freedom?”
Tommy gripped his arms and kept his gaze steady. “And a whole world aiming knives at my back.” He reminded.
Techno’s face fell. “You’re so strong Tommy…”
“But I don’t have to be when I have you.” Tommy said.
Technoblade blinked. “I suppose not…” He thought back to all the fae that had tried to kill Tommy. Wilbur and him had beheaded every last one of them.
“So I’m staying.” Tommy smiled. “And truthfully…” He looked away bashfully. “I’m glad you want me too. I thought…”
Techno snorted and bumped heads with him. “We all fell for you pretty fast Tommy… None of those three months was a lie.”
“That’s good to know.” Tommy leaned more into Techno’s embrace. “I was kinda worried.”
Techno squeezed him. “That’s fair.”
“But like you told me before…” Tommy reminded. “None of us are monsters.”
“No.” Techno chuckled. “Not me and certainly not you.”
Tommy hummed in disbelief. It would take some time to unlearn the hate he’d been given but at least he had the fae to help him.
“I love you big brother Techno.” He joked.
“I love you Tommy.” The fae replied. He was wholly serious when he said it.
Tommy hugged him tighter to let him know he returned the sentiment.
He loved his new family even as he struggled to get the words out.
He couldn’t wait to share his True Name with the others.
I hope you enjoyed VoidRatWrites! :D I loved your prompts and I feel like we like the same DreamSMP/SBI stuff! Let me know what you thought! I tried to keep it short and sweet ^-^
[As always this story is purely for fun and to progress my writing skills in a topic I enjoy. These are my characters and have nothing to do with the content creators]
You can find more of my work on AO3! (I'm still new to Tumblr so I haven't posted much here)
I appreciate all comments and interactions! <3
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taxi-cab-to-slowtown · 10 months ago
DC Trans Week Day 3
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Title: Heart Struggles Behind a Painful Bar Pairing: Dick Grayson/Wally West Trans Catagory: genderfluid-nonbinary-transmasc Wally West Rating: teen Length: 947 Summary:
He bent over, grabbing his chest, as it squeezed and it felt like his ribs were shifting. Immediately Nightwing, Clark, and John had dropped at his side. He groaned into the floor, tears in his eyes. It had been almost forty-eight hours, apparently that was too much, even for a speedster. His vision was blurring. For Taxi's 366 Day 143 and DC Trans Week Day 3: "nonbinary, binder overuse, correct gender in suit/not in civilian ID, genderfluid*
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akasakurevival · 2 months ago
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Results of our 3 Artists, 1 Writer special Halloween challenge - Monster(girl) Mash BONUS ROUND!
Artists went first this round. We spun a wheel to get a random monstergirl type and designed Sakura as that monster! Writers were then randomly assigned to create a fic featuring the monster Sakura and spun for a random quote to include.
Artists: @frostmarris @artofmintea @princessxgarbage @hallous @mayskalih
Writers: @sakuradeservedbetter91 @ cordi @princessxgarbage @belledaynight @artofmintea
Fic Link: (only one fic has been finished and posted so far!)
Naga Sakura by belledaynight
[Artist/Ship/Prompt breakdowns under the cut!]
【Satyr (Unicorn)】
⟡ sketch: frostmarris
⟡ lines: mayskalih
⟡ color: princessxgarbage
⟡ writer: sakuradeservedbetter91
⟡ quote: "Just how do you plan on saving them? You can't even save yourself.
⟡ ship: Kakuzu/Sakura/Hidan
【Insect Girl (Moth)】
⟡ sketch: artofmintea
⟡ lines: princessxgarbage
⟡ color: hallous
⟡ writer: cordi
⟡ quote: "Whatever the hell you guys are up to, just keep me out of it." & "I was kind of hoping you'd walk into this obvious trap with me."
⟡ ship: Obito/Sakura
⟡ sketch: princessxgarbage
⟡ lines: hallous
⟡ color: artofmintea
⟡ writer: princessxgarbage
⟡ quote: "If you want to be helpful, you'll stay out of my way."
⟡ ship: —
⟡ sketch: hallous
⟡ lines: frostmarris
⟡ color: mayskalih
⟡ writer: belledaynight
⟡ quote: "It's far too late for that." & "I suggest you keep your hands to yourself if you want to keep them attached."
⟡ ship: Madara/Sakura
⟡ sketch: mayskalih
⟡ lines: artofmintea
⟡ color: frostmarris
⟡ writer: artofmintea
⟡ quote: "Oh, and I suppose I ought to be flattered by that?"
⟡ ship: Zetsu/Sakura
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detta-pica · 1 month ago
A feverish hunger builds in Satoru, spurring him on. Something about feeling hot blood rushing to the surface of Suguru’s golden skin makes Satoru feel like biting, harsh, until he tastes it, until he’s drunk his fill. He doesn’t of course. It’s not the game they agreed to play. Instead, he moans at the heat and the salt on his tongue, latching onto spot after spot, pressing in until his nose hurts, until he can barely breathe, jaw open wide or clenched on a chunk of flesh. Entirely incapable of releasing his grip on Suguru’s chest, he needs to push his face in between his spread fingers, layering bruises on bruises. Rapturous, worshipful, he drools all over Suguru, dragging his tongue across goosebumps, inhaling the best scent in the world. Satoru could spend hours here, like this, easily. Maybe he does. He loses himself in the sensation of being this close to his favourite person, so intent on it that he has to consciously stop himself from taking off chunks to keep. When he emerges from his haze, drawn out of it by Suguru calling his name, Suguru’s chest is dripping wet, and there are seven red marks blooming across it. It’s such a pretty sight that Satoru forgets to breathe looking at them. It was his mouth, his teeth, his ardour, making Suguru keen, bursting capillaries and crushing living tissue. They do look like wounds, so angry, vividly red. Satoru pants, imagines biting for real after all, blood trickling down Suguru’s ribs, pooling in his navel. Blood is salty, too, better than sweat. Closer, more intimate, more alive. Satoru wants. “Fuck, you’re really into this,” Suguru observes with a breathy chuckle.
Aaaand WIP number two. This one is for @satosugusato's White Day event. I don't know who decided to make the first half of 2025 all about stsg (there's one more event I have my eyes on), but I'm definitely not complaining.
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stevesjockstrap · 1 year ago
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Somebody to Love
@stcreators event 04: music
Steve/Eddie • rated G • 90s, no upside down, single dad Steve • read on ao3
Eddie loathed the early shift at the record store, but Allan had moved away and the new hire was a college student who had class every morning, so Eddie had begrudgingly agreed when Chrissy had explained the situation.
He was not a morning person. But he figured since the store was usually empty in the morning, he could use the time to write music or work on his D&D campaigns. Then go home and nap.
Everything changed the day the new customer walked in. It was just after nine, and Eddie had had about four sips of coffee when the bell on the door jingled.
“Welcome to Chrissy’s Classics,” he monotoned.
“Mornin’,” the guy mumbled, giving him a nod.
He tried his best not to stare as the man walked aimlessly around the store. He looked younger than Eddie, but had more laugh and worry lines. They suited him. Showed off that he’d expressed himself a lot. He appreciated those things about people. Scars and freckles and callouses and liver spots. Those were the things that made you real, the things that showed you really lived.
The customer’s hair was hidden under a beanie, but his sideburns and the too long tufts on the back of his neck were a gorgeous and intriguing copper color.
They made sudden awkward eye contact when the man looked up and Eddie immediately ducked his head down to his notebook. His closed notebook. He heard a small snicker and he winced. Caught.
Deciding to go for broke, he cleared his throat and looked back up. “You need any help finding anything today, sir?”
The man laughed, grinning over at him. “No, I don’t think. And lose the ‘sir.’ It makes me feel ancient.”
“You’re not ancient,” he argued. If he was ancient then Eddie was already dead.
“Thanks, I’ll take that today,” the man gave him a crooked smile. He held up a record and nodded towards a listening booth. Eddie waved a hand.
That was good. Let’s him off the hook of making small talk. At least until he’d woken up a bit more.
A few minutes later, though, he almost dropped his coffee cup when he heard singing coming from the booth. Not entirely on key, but belting out George Michael without a care in the world, and it brought a smile to Eddie’s face. So new guy assumed the booths were soundproof. They definitely were not.
But over the next couple weeks this became their norm. Usually the first customer of the day, if not the only customer Eddie saw during the morning, Crinkly Eyes would show up, they’d have some pleasant small talk about the weather or a new album release that week, and he’d end up in a booth. Where he’d sing. Usually some pop hit, but sometimes going rogue and choosing The Cure or Van Halen.
While Eddie would pretend like he couldn’t hear. Secretly serenaded while he mapped out his campaigns or doodled. Tried to decide when he’d gather the courage to ask out the hot guy who didn’t know he was putting on a concert for one.
When Chrissy stopped by early to do payroll, she heard him in the booth and raised an eyebrow. Eddie shook his head pointedly at her and she’d just shrugged.
“Whatever, weirdo. Your funeral when he finds out eventually,” she’d scolded quietly as she walked back to the office.
Then on a perfectly ordinary day, Crinkly Eyes walked in with his nails painted. All different colors and what had to be glitter, the sunlight catching on it just right. Eddie couldn’t drag his eyes away, the juxtaposition of the big manly hands and the pretty nails causing his brain to malfunction.
The man blushed so prettily, too. “Oh,” he murmured. “I forgot. Um, my daughter, she- well she only has twenty of her own nails to paint. She was upset that she couldn’t use all the colors.” He raked a hand nervously through his hair.
“Looks nice, very pretty,” Eddie offered with a lopsided grin.
“Hah, thanks,” he stuck his hand out finally and introduced himself. “I’m Steve, by the way. Thanks for letting me come here like every day and annoy you. My kid, she started half day kindergarten around the corner… and I didn’t want to be far, you know, if she needed me? And I can’t stand being home alone anymore. It’s too quiet.” The man, Crinkly Eyes, Steve, realized he was rambling and pulled his lips in between his teeth. Adorably.
“Oh, yeah, of course. It’s pretty boring here in the mornings, anyways. Chrissy would probably be happier if I sold you something, but it’s fine.” He laughed at Steve’s stricken face. “Seriously, it’s cool. At least you’re dusting off the record players for me, right?”
“Yeah,” Steve said a bit awkwardly.
“You should bring your artist daughter in some time. I’d love to meet her.”
“Oh? Y-yeah, that’d be okay?” He seemed to be asking a deeper question.
“I’d like it, or maybe we could do dinner just the two of us first. Before I meet the family.” He winked.
Steve sucked in a breath but recovered quickly. “Yes! I mean, yeah, uh, we could definitely do that.” His eyes crinkled up more as he smiled wide.
It wasn’t until after their dinner that he confessed to listening to him singing every day, and he’d watched mesmerized as Steve turned a brilliant red and stammered at him.
Title from the song Somebody to Love, Steve would’ve been stoked about the George Michael release.
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it-happened-one-fic · 2 years ago
Peaceful Midnight Stroll - Jade
Author Notes: So this is for @briarvalleyarchives "Summer Shoreline" event! Despite having only been to the beach like once this fic came together so fast. I wasn't listening to anything specific while writing this fic, but I did listen to "By The End of The Night" by Ellie Goulding while editing/polishing so that might have leaked into the fic. As per usual, reader is gender-neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ fluff/ romantic
Word count: 1004
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There were probably a great many who would question your sanity for going on a stroll down the beach long after the sun had set with none other than Jade Leech. But it was quite enjoyable, really. Walking along, collecting seashells, and chatting with the infamous vice-housewarden of Octavinelle about everything and nothing all at once
You’d exchanged stories from your childhood and discussed the different things each of you had faced upon leaving your home. Him, adjusting to the land and you, to magic, as well as a whole new world. Literally.
There was comfort in knowing you weren’t the only one who’d been quite so out of your depth when you’d first appeared at NRC. And, honestly speaking, the idea of the usually poised Jade floundering was rather amusing.
Unaware of your slightly mean-spirited but amused thoughts, Jade laid another shell in your palm. He glanced at you, tilting his head inquisitively as he met your gaze, “I do believe I’ll take this chance to enjoy the ocean since I am quite so close to home….. Would you care to join me?”
Ever polite, whether it was feigned or genuine, but Jade’s words brought a smile to your lips even as you shook your head. “No… Swimming, or even wading in the dark, just seems oddly risky when it's happening in the ocean.”
At your words, an amused and perhaps slightly mocking smile started to work its way onto Jade’s face. The young man pressed a hand to his chest as he leaned slightly closer, his yellow eye glimmering strangely in the darkness, “My, you need not be concerned about being carried out by the tide or any other such issues. You are with a merman after all.”
As he finished, he grinned. Letting his too-sharp teeth glint ever so slightly in the gentle moonlight. But you couldn’t say you were surprised. Jade took a certain delight in the discomfort of others when that discomfort stemmed from either his own or his brother’s harassment.
You just shook your head, though. Perfectly used to this behavior by now simply from having spent so much time with both Jade and Floyd. 
You grinned at him and leaned slightly closer, your voice dipping into an almost conspiratorial whisper, “I’m pretty sure you being a merman just makes it all the more risky with the whole drowning sailors schtick and all.”
The amusement that flickered across his face at your reasoning was gone in a flash as his face became a perfect mask of faux hurt, “What a hurtful stereotype that is…. You don’t trust me?”
It was amusing to hear him, of all people, say such a thing in that soothing voice of his with such a picture perfect face. He was practically made to catch people unawares and lure them to a potentially watery doom. 
Because despite his good looks and charming voice, Jade really was more like a malicious siren than some fairy-tale prince.
And perhaps that realization was why there was little hesitation in your voice when you responded with crossed arms and a perfectly blunt tone, “No. Not totally, at least.”
He chuckled at your words as he leaned back out of your space, smiling at you all the while. But it was true. You didn’t trust him not to tease you or harass Grim.
Jade was perfectly likely to mess with you if you were to get in the water, just as he was perfectly likely to watch others' antics without even offering to intervene simply for the sake of his own amusement. So, in many ways, despite your fondness for the young man, you didn’t trust Jade.
But then, to be fair, in many other ways, you did trust him.
Despite your words, you knew that if you were to actually join him for a nighttime swim, he wouldn’t allow you to come to any harm, just like he would never let you come to any real harm in any other situation. 
Similarly, you’d known when you'd accepted his invitation for a relaxing stroll on the beach that you’d be perfectly safe, even if it was long after dark and it was just you and him. The only real risk you ran was the ever-present chance of Jade teasing you.
All told, you could trust Jade when it mattered, and that showed in how you let him get so close. Close enough that it sometimes felt like there was a little bit more to your relationship than just friendship.
Few others had seen you sing poorly in the hallway, even though, in all truth, the only reason Jade had been privy to that was his penchant for walking quietly. Similarly, few others seemed quite so capable of perceiving what mood you were in or what you needed simply by spending a short period of time with you.
But in the end, what Jade didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, and for right now you were comfortable with the proximity you currently had with him. 
Close, but not touching. Trusting, but not fully willing to give your heart away, no matter exactly how fond you were of him.
And Jade was nothing if not patient.
He smiled, obviously pleased with your reaction to his previous statement, as a single word fell from his mouth from where he stood just in front of you, looking like something out of some form of illustration from a book with the way the moonlight sparkled on the dark tide that flowed beside where the two of you stood.
“Good,” The word was punctuated by an enigmatic smile that curved across his face as he held out his hand in a silent offer. Almost like he already knew what your response would be. 
And maybe he did. Because, as easily as breathing, your hand slipped into his. A smile on your face as you let him lead you along further while the two of you continued about your idle but peaceful midnight stroll along the beach.
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sup3rbloom · 10 months ago
Wolfstar Microfic: the world is your oyster
@wolfstarmicrofic - june 2nd: oyster read on ao3 - 275 wc -
“Remus Lupin, what on Earth are you doing?”
Remus groans as soon as he hears the sound of his best friend's voice. “Pads, I don’t have time for-”
“Time for what exactly?” Sirius asks with no amusement in his voice. “We’ve been out of school for over two weeks, and you’ve already got your nose buried in more books?”
“I have to prepare for a job, don’t I? You should be doing the same thing,” Remus retorts.
“I’m going to find a job eventually,” Sirius argues, and he walks closer to Remus, and gently tugs at his coat. “You’re putting too much pressure on yourself, mate. You’ve got plenty of time to find a job. Give yourself some time to relax and enjoy life for once. The world is your oyster! We can do what we want”
Remus raises his eyebrows and looks up at Sirius. “Since when did you become a motivational speaker?”
“Since my boyfriend decided he wasn’t going to enjoy the summer with me,” Sirius pouts.
Remus rolls his eyes, and allows Sirius to pull him up from his chair. “You’re a bit dramatic, you know?”
“I’m not being dramatic. I just want to enjoy the summer with you while we have the time, because we will both eventually get jobs and I won’t get to see you as much. So, can you blame me?”
“I suppose not,” Remus says, sighing softly. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be. However, I need you to get dressed. Prongs is throwing a party tonight, and he wants us both to be there,” Sirius says, and he grins when Remus rolls his eyes once more.
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frankthesnek · 1 year ago
✨️ New Story ✨️
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Hot Rod Red (rated E)
Stony (Steve Rogers/Tony Stark)
No powers AU, Cam model Tony, Steve Rogers feels, falling in love, multiple sex scenes (full tags on AO3!)
37k words
Steve has been single since the abrupt end of his engagement 5 years ago (despite the efforts of his friends). When he accidentally stumbles across an attractive cam model online, the idea of having a virtual booty call on hand seems appealing. The only problem, Tony is far more charming than Steve would have imagined and there is more to him than a pretty smile and a nice body. Too bad all their interactions are just part of Tony's job… or are they?
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