#you did a good job LilSimsie
victorluvsalice · 1 year
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BUT I actually had a goal in mind for this playsession, and that goal was "get Victor some more potion recipes to play with!" And so, once Moory had been milked and the trash recycled and the laundry moved to the dryer, it was off to the Magic Realm with the help of Victor's Glimmerstone! He summoned Alice and Smiler to join him, and the trio waited at the entrance to the Realm --
While I turned on the "enablefreebuild" cheat and used that to plop down a new Magic Realm HQ! Because the EAxis one is a mess, and there are much better ones on the Gallery. This particular one is the one by LilSimsie, and it is a LOT nicer looking than the standard, as you can see. A proper place for everyone to sleep, more defined rooms without huge amounts of empty space, and a much-cooler looking basement area. I am very pleased with this choice of HQ. I even got the chance to slap some lot traits on it because I was in Free Build mode -- I gave it Chef's Kitchen to increase the quality of the food made here (don't think it'll do anything for potions, but it feels right nonetheless), Peace & Quiet to boost skill gains from reading and make Tense moods fade faster, and Study Spot to give everyone more bonuses from reading stuff. I mean, when tomes are such an important way to learn spells in this game...
However, plopping down a new HQ did mean all the people INSIDE said HQ got shunted out as the new building replaced the old. On the plus side, that meant all the sages were easily accessible to chat to! I had Victor start up a conversation with Morgyn while Smiler did their usual "hi I'm Smiler and now we're friends" routine with Simeon. XD Things went very well with Smiler and Simeon, though Victor and Morgyn had a few rough patches -- I think Morgyn may have pestered Victor for some juice-fizzing tips. You have to catch him in JUST the right mood to ask that, Morgyn! Anyway, Victor wasn't really able to get enough relationship gain with Morgyn to justify asking for a recipe, so I had him start scanning the bookshelves for tomes while Alice wandered off to do a painting of some of the nearby scenery (I mean, the Magic Realm IS a pretty beautiful place), and Smiler went collectible hunting. Results? Two time capsules, resulting in two Dr. F MySims trophies. *shakehead* Uh, game, just one would have been enough!
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ziesbunz · 7 months
NCT Legacy Challenge
Inspired by lilsimsie and alwaysimming's not-so-berry challenge and sims-himbo's Barbie Legacy Challenge, I give you the K-pop collaboration idea that comes from combining the large numbered group NCT and our beloved Sims 4 Legacy gameplay.
Make sure to use the hashtag #NCTLegacyChallenge, so I can catch a glimpse of what you're making on various social media platforms and in the gallery.
Still unfinished (NCT WIsh members are to follow)
For easier access, here is the link for the Google Docs of the challenge
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Welcome! To the 26 generations of a legacy challenge inspired by the 26 members of NCT!
Here are some of the basic rules of the challenge:
Play on short lifespan this is to make sure that we get through all 26 generations of this let’s play.
But if you want to play on normal life span please refer to the normal life span rules
This legacy is patriarchal, meaning only male sims can be the heirs of this let’s play.
The firstborn son would be the recognized heir.
All skills and careers should reach level 7
Unless stated otherwise 
All aspirations must finish the third level
Unless stated otherwise.
All generations should start with 2,500 Simoleons
Unless they are set to inherit the previous sim’s wealth.
Auto aging should be on even for townies.
You may opt to, but are not required to:
Edit your sims to look like the NCT members
Edit their names to be the same as the generation
Live in different lots per generation (if moving is not a requirement)
Follow with mid life crisis situation and change paths as long as you've reached the level 7 of your career.
Before we continue, I want to apologize with the fact that I used a lot of packs for this legacy challenge.
This legacy is still unfinished, the last six members (all from NCT Wish) have yet to updated as they've only debuted and I need to get to know them better so I can plot out what their generation would have and need to complete.
Also, this challenge doesn't reflect real life personalities of the members. It is simply inspired by SOME aspects of their personalities and what they show to us as idols. I also do not own NCT, nor is this challenge affiliated with them.
If you're a simmer, who happens to want a little more legacy challenges to play with and is not familiar with NCT please feel free to follow through with the legacy challenge and use the hashtags #NCTLegacyChallenge in all platforms (including the Gallery)
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ENTP | Aquarius
It's simple, you are the epitome of good-looking, model-like perfection. You're the perfect start to a legacy challenge of good-looking men set on their own paths in life. Your path, as the bright good-looking, model-like pioneer you are, you are set in the path of stardom, fame and success. You desire the arts, is charismatic and charming, and the perfect fit to become a world famous actor.
traits: outgoing, self-absorbed, snob
aspiration: master actor
career: acting
skills to lvl 7: fitness, DJ mixing
additional requirements:
Previous generation’s wealth is inherited
Reach celebrity level 4
Flirt and get into a relationship with Judith Ward [your decision if you want to marry her or not]
DJ at the clubs at least three times as a young adult
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ENTP | Cancer
Your father was a popular actor and you? All you want is a simple life, so you pack up your bags and move to the country, although the one thing you can’t seem to move away from is the premium-aged nectar your father had in abundance. Now, you dream of starting your own nectar-making farm to fulfill those dreams of yours.
traits: animal lover, loves the outdoors, childish
aspiration: master nectar maker
career: none
skills to lvl 7: nectar making, gardening
additional requirements:
Move to Henford-on-Bagley as soon as you turn into a young adult..
Strictly no career [no odd jobs or part-time jobs]
Spouse should be from Henford-on-Bagley
May ignore the last part of the aspiration [earn 100,000 simoleons from nectar]
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SEXY | Scorpio
Why did your father pack up all his stuff to move to the countryside? The boring, lifeless countryside. You just can’t seem to see the appeal of the quiet life in a remote village where it takes a good commute to get you to town, the charm of the bars, parties, and flirting seem much more appealing. A little partying and flirting isn’t going to hurt anyone.
traits: romantic, art lover, non-committal
aspiration: villanous valentine
career: style influencer -- trend setter
skills to lvl 7: writing, charisma
additional requirements:
Move into a needs TLC apartment as a young adult – unfurnished.
Move into a better apartment as an adult.
Must have your heir with a short-term live-in partner.
Have a strained relationship with your child/children
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ESFJ | Capricorn
Everywhere you went all you hear about is how your father broke their hearts. It was like a curse hunting you every day. The only way you could escape was when you watched the sky. The many your father romanced were from the city, it was crazy how with every turn of the corner this was how they remembered you as. Maybe the only answer for happiness was in the stars.
traits: genius, neat, snob
aspiration: renaissance sim
career: astronaut -- space ranger
skills to lvl 7: logic, rocket science
additional requirements:
Move into the suburbia (newcrest, willowcreek, etc.)
Build a rocket ship
If abducted by aliens keep the child [if it is a male, that will be the heir]
Cook with your child three times.
Sing in the shower every time you take a shower.
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ISFJ | Aquarius
Your father was rarely home– heck even rarely on the planet. On the rare occasion, he was home he was either working on his rocket or cooking lunch with him. His unhealthy obsession with the sky made it a bit difficult to approach him, but he had always made time by cooking them food and it seems that this has stuck with you.
traits: perfectionist, foodie, creative
aspiration: master chef
career: culinary -- chef
skills to lvl 7: cooking, singing
additional requirements:
Cook with your father 
Aside from cooking together, you cannot talk with your father
Indifferent with the other parent.
Invite Kun over to your place to cook for him
Karaoke once a week.
Meet your spouse at the karaoke.
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INFJ | Aquarius
Your father was a talented chef and before you even realized it you were only used to eating the best of the best. Your father, as much as he hates to admit it, was a talented singer. Being surrounded in a house where creatives were valued you were bursting with your own creative juices. 
traits: high maintenance, creative, dance machine
aspiration: painter extraordinaire
career: painter -- master of the arts
skills to lvl 7: painting, dancing
additional requirements:
Previous generation’s wealth is inherited.
Give a masterpiece painting to Doyoung
Go to the club (place) once a week
Create a club for painters
Earn 2000 club points for the club [can be used and consumed]’
Spouse should be one of the people in the club.
Make a painting of your heir and give it to them.
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ESFP | Aquarius
As much as your father was busy with his hobbies and work he seems to have always had time for you. Thus, all you’ve ever wanted was to become a father present in kids' lives– but things are always easier said than done. With work eating you up and a marriage that was bound to fail promising a great life for your kids looked impossible.
traits: family oriented, active, slob
aspiration: big happy family
career: salaryperson -- supervisor
skills to lvl 7: parenting, charisma
additional requirements:
Previous generation’s wealth is inherited.
Marry someone you’re not compatible with
Have four or more children
Get married as soon as you turn into a young adult.
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INFJ | Scorpio
You grew up in a big house, with a huge number of siblings, and barely any room and space to yourself. As your parents put you in some after-school activity– cough drama club cough– in hopes that it would help with your shyness. But it doesn’t seem to have worked at all. All that’s left is a confused identity, whether you want to act or not, or find a compromise for that– or whether you want to be in a happy long relationship or not.
traits: loner, creative, geek
aspiration: soulmate
career: secret agent -- diamond agent
skills to lvl 7: logic, acting
additional requirements:
Complete the drama club during childhood and teen years.
Live in a micro home (max 34 tiles) until your second child then may expand to a tiny home
Thus, it is required to have at least two children.
Spouse must be a co-worker in order to keep the secret of your work.
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INFJ | Pisces
Tiny home with a father who has always wanted to be alone and a number of siblings sharing a room. Your life early on was a total disaster– not to mention you were sure that your parents did some dirty work to get them by. Now all you want is a stable career and a stable place for all your future kids. But no matter how much you want to be a better person you can’t help but joke around.
traits: over achiever, goofball, materialistic
aspiration: successful lineage
career: engineer -- mechanical engineer
skills to lvl 7: mischief, robotics
additional requirements:
Never have a balance of less than 1,000 simoleons
By the end of this generation all children should have the ff:
Their own room
Most expensive computers (that doesn’t need to be unlocked)
Their own TVs and gaming consoles
Visit the lounge once a week to tell jokes and cause mischief (ex. Pranking the toilets, interacting w/ other sims)
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INFJ | Leo
Your father made sure to spoil you, but you were never truly attached to your physical things instead you have always wandered around in your mind. Not to mention his uptight way of running your home doesn’t seem to sit right with you. Thus, it doesn’t really come as a surprise that you want to be a famous author.
traits: ambitious, bookworm, bro
aspiration: best selling author
career: writer -- author branch
skills to lvl 7: writing, guitar
additional requirements:
Reach celebrity level 3
Always. Always pose for the paparazzi.
To gain fun the main way is through playing a guitar (do this thrice a week to be considered a main way)
Attend if your book gets nominated and meet your spouse through this event.
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ENFP | Leo
 As seen by your ancestors, a popular father has always had its downfall, but to you, it was no disadvantage at all. You loved the attention, but you weren’t exactly the writer that your father was– though you are talented as a singer, you just couldn’t see yourself pursuing it. But if you were to bask in attention maybe there was a way– be an influencer.
traits: self-absorbed, clumsy, dog lover
aspiration: world famous celebrity
career: social media -- internet personality
skills to lvl 7: comedy, pet training
additional requirements:
Adopt a dog and name it ‘Bella’
Every time you take a shower you have to sing in the shower.
Just like your father you have a bad habit of posing in front of the paparazzi
Your spouse must have celebrity status as well.
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ENTP | Libra
You lived under all the spotlight. It was exhausting! Constant cameras in your face and your parents were just as obsessed with fame as everyone was obsessed with your parents. So all you could really think about was moving out as soon as you could– and as far away from your parents as possible. What better way to run away from people than to constantly work from home– but that only seems too hard for an extrovert like you.
traits: outgoing, cheerful, lactose intolerant
aspiration: neighborhood confidant
career: freelance -- programming
skills to lvl 7: video gaming, handiness
additional requirements:
Finish the aspiration
Give your neighbors (all those in the neighborhood) crafted items from the woodworking bench.
Move to Tartosa as soon as you turn into a young adult.
Visit the beach once a week and do your work there.
Upgrade one of your toilets to have a composting container.
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CUTE | Aries
You lived in a town of romance. Surrounded by several beautiful things in your life. It doesn’t really come as a surprise that you turned into a romantic. You adored watching sunsets and were a lot more drawn to the ocean than normal. So, it doesn’t come as a surprise that you want to give back to the ocean and make sure it’s in perfect condition.
traits: romantic, hot-headed, child of the islands
aspiration: beach life
career: conservationist -- marine biologist
skills to lvl 7: logic, fishing
additional requirements:
Collect 75% of the fish collection
Move to Sulani as a young adult
Your spouse must be from Sulani and be a mermaid.
Do odd jobs during the day offs related to Sulani ONLY
Host a Kava gathering
Attend one town festival with your whole family.
Part two
Google Docs Link
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dadjoke-ness · 2 years
Sims 4: Homegrown Berry Legacy Challenge
First - I just wanna say I love the @lilsimsie Not So Berry Challenge, and I’ve been watching Kelsey Dangerous play it, but I wanted to play at writing my own version of a berry challenge that primarily uses base game only. Any DLC content is a “bonus challenge” and is completely optional, even if you own the DLC. 
Especially now that the Sims 4 is free to play, so new people who don’t have the DLC (or who just want to play for free without piracy) can try out a challenge of their own.
1. The playable sim of each generation must live on the family’s land. This land can be in whatever city you choose. Try to pick the largest lot in the city so your family has plenty of room.  2. The typical “each heir must represent the legacy color as best as possible” rule - this means hair, clothes, and any additions they make to the house. However, try to keep some pieces of the previous generations around as well, overwriting your family feels wrong.  3. The heir doesn’t necessarily have to be the oldest. As stated at the bottom of each gen, the heir is picked based on which kid earns or needs the land.  4. Avoid using money cheats outside of “Freerealestate” to buy the empty plot at the beginning.  5. Every generation should complete their aspiration and if stated, a career. 6. Spouse colors do not matter. 7. Keep lifespans on normal, it’s more funny that way. 8. If you do this and want to share, use the hashtag #HomegrownBerryLegacy 9. Spouses should take your last name no matter the gender. You have a legacy to uphold.  10. The “heir” is decided when they age up to an adult - parents should either move out if still younger, or retire and stay living on the lot until death. If moved out, attempt to visit after death to collect the family graves. 
Generation 1: Blue
You aren’t from the area, but you moved here anyway. Last month, just as your landlord kicked you out, you received a letter saying that your great uncle twice removed had left you a plot of land. Selling everything but your clothes, you hike across the country, arriving to a nice piece of land with nothing on it but a mailbox. With 20,000 Simoleons to your name, you decide to build yourself a little blue house.
Traits: Self-Assured, Ambitious, Materialistic Aspiration: Successful Lineage  Career: Business - Investor Branch
Rules: - Build a small blue house that has plenty of room to expand.  - Buy at least 2 trees or bushes - Date around the local area and marry a family minded sim to help raise the kids.
Heir: The most academically gifted of your children, who has the most potential to maintain the family name and legacy. This child is a straight A student who worked in high school. If you move out, you take over half the family funds.  (Bonus: If you have High School Years or College Life and one of your children becomes Valedictorian, they become the heir.)  -------------------------------------------------------------
Generation 2: Purple
Your whole life you were working to please your parents. You maintained good grades and even got a part time job in high school. But you also enjoy putting your nose to the grindstone. You don’t much enjoy talking with others, and you really don’t like being confined to this planet. So you decide to go into space, because in space, there is nothing but the sweet silence of your own breathing. 
Traits: Loner, Geek, Neat Aspiration: Nerd Brain Career: Barista, Astronaut
Rules: - Try to maintain as social outcast of a personality as possible.  - Marry someone in your career.  - Become best friends with your heir - Only build yourself a purple room and a rocket, you don’t need much else. But do feel free to add purple decor in the house where it looks like stuff is needed. (Note that you’ll want to keep the rocket around until gen 9, for the grilled cheese aspiration.) 
Heir: You’re mostly surprised you managed to have an heir in the first place, but you did try your best to raise them well. Your heir is the child who became your best friend as time went on - one of the few people to look past your loner, introvert nature and become quiet friends with you.  If you move out, you take exactly 35,000 simoleons to buy a quiet house away from others. 
Generation 3: Green
Much like your parent, you enjoy some quiet and solitude, but you aren’t really a loner. You just like the outdoors, and everything that comes with it - gardening, fishing, hiking, jogging. You take your green side of the legacy VERY seriously. You apply your love of nature to your career as well - you become a painter so you can share how gorgeous nature is with everyone around you.  And in your heart, you are a hopeless romantic - your biggest goal, behind supporting nature and the environment, is to find a soulmate.
Traits: Loves outdoors, Art Lover, Good Aspiration: Soulmate Career: Painter - Master of the Real branch
Rules: - Meet your spouse while doing an outdoor activity like fishing - Donate to charity every Saturday - Build a green themed family graveyard with cute flowers. - Add at least 6 plants to the property outside of the graveyard. - Have at least 3 children.
Heir: Being in the art world, you decide to make a statement with your heir - they are the youngest child.  You don’t move out because you want to continue caring for your baby, especially after they get cheated on in high school.
Generation 4: Red
You grew up surrounded by luxury. Your parent is an artist, you are the baby of the family. Despite being a bit spoiled, even your siblings like you because you are just that charismatic and friendly. You have a popular simstagram page. You have a lot of friends. You are always the center of any crowd. Everyone wants to either be you or date you, often both. But despite this your first partner cheated on you in high school, and your best childhood friend stopped talking to you, so you hide deep jealousy behind your charismatic exterior. You also throw bomb ass parties, because who has time to be jealous when they are partying all the time? 
Traits: Jealous, Perfectionist, Outgoing Aspiration: Party Animal  Career: Style Influencer - Trendsetter branch
Rules: - Catch teenage boyfriend/girlfriend cheating on you (may require playing as the partner temporarily)  - Build yourself a fancy master bedroom with a walk in closet and a full bathroom with the fanciest of bathroom items. - Make a best friend as a child, stop talking to each other. - Accept every party invitation you receive.  - Post Simstigrams and vlogs of all your children.  - Bonus: If you have pets DLC, get a pet and post simstigrams of them as well. 
Heir: The child with the most social media followers by adulthood. They make you proud, and by being internet famous, they bring more hype to you and your career. After all, you raised this internet famous kid yourself. If you move out, you take most of the money, leaving your heir with just 5k and the house. 
Generation 5: Orange
Your childhood was like walking on glass as you carefully kept yourself on your parent’s good side. Ever since you were a kid, your parent was taking pictures of you and your siblings and making family vlogs. Kids in school knew you from these videos, and you don’t really have privacy. You use your own internet popularity to post pictures of your cooking creations, and you promise to be a better parent than Red. You promise yourself you also cannot hurt anyone the way your parent’s ex hurt them, as that is some WILD generational trauma. Luckily food is your passion, and you are GOOD at your passion. 
Traits: Foodie, Loyal, Cheerful Aspiration: Master Chef Career: Culinary - chef branch
Rules: - Build a nice orange kitchen add-on to the house.  - Become chubby, like a good chef. - On top of your other culinary success, master both baking and mixology skills. - Marry a sim with the goofball trait. 
Heir: Well, you were going to pick an heir, but when White came of age, you find yourself being shuffled out of the house with your spouse and other children as White takes charge. Barely into adulthood, they’ve already forged your signature on some documents stating that they own the house now. Luckily they didn’t have full access to the bank accounts, and you leave with 3/4 of the family money. 
Generation 6: White
You always wanted to own the house, thinking it’s about time to add a branch in YOUR style. So you forged Orange’s signature and you kicked them out of their own home, making an enemy of your parent. Unfortunately for you, your tendency to make enemies works against you, and you wind up having to raise your child without a spouse. In this area, you shine - you are the best parent in the world, because after everything, you have immense guilt about how you treated your own parent, and don’t want the same thing to happen to you. 
Traits: Kleptomaniac, Evil, Mean Aspiration: Public Enemy Career: Criminal career - Boss path
Rules: -Only one child allowed. You are a crime boss, and cannot afford to have too many weaknesses. (Cheats may be needed to prevent twins.)  - Become friends with your child - Your addition to the home is a stark white basement. While no one would say you commit crime down here (to your face), it is very obviously a crime basement.  - Master the comedy skill - Help your child with homework whenever possible
Heir: Since you only had the one child, the heir is an easy choice. You’ve carefully raised your child to be the perfect legacy to the family name, because despite your life of crime, the family name is important, especially to you, a crime lord. Doesn’t move out - retires and stays in the home to watch over Black gen. 
Generation 7: Black
The nerdiest member of the family in generations, you led a sheltered life. All your friends have to meet your parent at some point, and you are a good kid without an ounce of rebellion in your bones. You dutifully introduce your friends to your parent, you don’t date anyone your parent deems unacceptable, your parent has connections aplenty, and you trust their background checks over even the police. And your first jobs are kind of for your parent as well, as you delve into tech and hacking, you are the tech support side of the mob relations. Of course, most of that involves unlocking illegal phones and reminding your parent’s "employees” to not post their crimes on Simstagram. You also enjoy some private singing, though you’d never admit that to anyone.  And of course, when you get married it’s to a Sim with connections - an old family, like a Landgrab or Goth. However, they take your name because after 7 generations, your family is just as important to the community. Also your parent is scary.
Traits: Bookworm, Genius, Erratic Aspiration: Computer whiz  Career: Tech Guru - Either Branch
Rules: - If possible, marry a Landgrab or Goth, and make them take your last name. (If not possible, design or download your own Goth or Landgrab.)  - Build a stylish black computer room. Get the nicest PC possible and upgrade it as much as you can.  -Introduce all your friends to White generation.  -Master the handiness skill and upgrade at least 10 items in the house. - Bonus: If you have City Living, master the Singing Skill and replace Erratic with Unflirty for a challenge. 
Heir: In contrast to most of your family, you pick a child that is nothing like you. Your heir is the most athletic of your children, an average C/B student. You couldn’t relate to them much growing up though you tried. You made them your heir because of how different they were.  If you move out, you take exactly half of the family funds. 
Generation 8: Brown
You were nothing like your bookish parent growing up, though that didn’t stop you from being friends. You didn’t even manage to grow up slightly greedy from your family’s old house with all it’s old ghosts. You connect with your grandparent - White, even if they are dead now, and become friends. Since your bookish parent can’t work out with you due to being unfit, you find most of your workout companions as a teen to be ghosts. After your parent has a health scare, you decide to become a bodybuilder so you can punch death and illness when they come sniffing around your family.
Traits: Bro, Active, Goofball Aspiration: Bodybuilder Career: Athlete - Bodybuilder 
Rules: - Have exactly 2 kids. (Once again, may require some cheating)  -Add a family gym to the house.  -Become close friends with White gen, even if they are dead - befriend the ghost. -Master the Mischief and Comedy skills -Win at least 1 fight with death.
Heir: Of your two children, your heir is the least likely to succeed. Honestly, if you don’t leave them the house, they’d probably die. One child got straight As - the other flunked out. And the heir is your child that flunked out. Despite you trying your best, you just can’t realistically throw Yellow to the street with a clean conscience, so you make them the heir.  You do not move out. 
Generation 9: Yellow
The dimmest bulb in the box, and the most obsessed with grilled cheese. With all the failures in your life, grilled cheese is the only thing that makes you happy. You spent your childhood and teenage years dreaming of grilled cheese. You finally achieve grilled cheese perfection and throw a grilled cheese party, inviting your best friend (your sibling) and your other friends as well. At the party, one thing leads to another, and you get into a fight with your hardworking sibling who mocks your achievement. Later, you don’t even remember what either of you said, just that you hurt your sibling. You spend the rest of your life obsessed with family, trying to repair your relationship with your sibling and raise perfect kids. 
Traits: Glutton, Slob, Lazy Aspiration: Grilled Cheese, Then Big Happy Family Career: None
Rules: - As a child & teen: be best friends with your sibling - As a young adult: Achieve grilled cheese aspiration, throw a party. Become enemies with sibling. - As adult to elder: try to patch up relationship with sibling.  - Get married to a sim that enjoys your grilled cheese enthusiasm.  -Add a grilled cheese shrine to your home.  -Never work a job -Adopt most of your children  -Make Saturday night a “Grilled Cheese and Gaming” night
Heir: Either a late in life baby or a complete surprise baby - this is your rainbow baby! A surprise to you entirely, you are overcome with such joy when they are born that you declare the still wailing infant your heir. (May be an alien child.) You also do not move out. You have never worked and don’t think you should start now. 
Generation 10: Rainbow Generation
You are a rainbow baby. You love every one of the colors scattered throughout your home, every piece of legacy. You spend much of your childhood putting treasures from the other branches of the house in your own room, from blue generation items to a grilled cheese painting by your lovely parent. You were born after the rift, and you become friends with both your parent and their sibling, and eventually help Yellow regain their family. You grew up on a diet of grilled cheese and no meat, so becoming a vegetarian is second nature to you. You love animals, you love the outdoors, and you don’t like sitting still. You are constantly popping out to hang with friends and you love to enjoy life. Your family is so entrenched in the community you can do whatever you want, so you decide to do a lot of things!  
Traits: Vegetarian, Creative, Noncommittal  Aspiration: The Curator Careers: Fast-food employee, Painter, Writer, Entertainer, whatever you want
Rules: -Make sure the outside of the house is bright and full of rainbows -Put at least 1 item from each generation in your bedroom (ex: a blue doll from gen 1, a white dresser from gen 6).  -You don’t have to complete any career.  -Write and sell at least 3 books, Paint and sell at least 3 paintings.  -Get married to the most colorful sim you can find.  -Become besties with your spouse -Be friends with all living members of your family (siblings, parents, niblings, cousins).  -Bonus Content: If you have pets dlc, own both a cat and a dog at the same time. 
Heir: None, you’re done! If you want to keep going with other legacy challenges, go ahead! 
And we’re done! This took me 7 hours to write and double check almost everything listed was base game, but if I made any mistakes let me know! 
Happy Simming! 
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ecofinisher · 1 year
Ecofinisher's crediting list for "Ecofinisher's Sims 4 BASE GAME file"
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This is my game file with the ideas and dramas I have put up together to make it more…..interesting.
I’ve seen various Simmer do them, some created every little thing on their own, others did use gallery stuff or edit existing buildings and I did somewhat both. I’m not very talented with buildings and tend to download other places or just use the existing ones and change it up.
I am also quite used to play with the existing Sims or ones from the gallery and from hearing about this with the sharing of game files I thought about making one too. I don’t expect it to be perfect, but I could put my ideas on it. Normal and crazy ones (I’m pretty sure in-laws crushing on each other is crazy, right?)
This save was actually started back, when I had three other packs active and would use anything. Youtuber "savythatsimmer" mentioned something about, the lack of base game files, so I changed my mind and tried to use only base game stuff, but it was challenging to me to not accidentally pick them. Sometimes I read how to “deactivate them” and did so to facilitate my job to use base game content only. It might contain something from the Christmas pack, which I ACTUALLY did remove, but it keeps showing me, that I’m using an object from there when I’m not. It was either a glitch here or I couldn’t really find it, which is weird, cause most of the time it was about a bracelet. If anyone gets a notification about that pack missing, it won’t be a big chance like a shirt or something.
Here’s the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k2foELAi1NENgrd4Y3yHG_f672OVBv-9/view?usp=drive_link
The difference between version 1 and 2 is only, that in the first I forgot to complete the summaries of the existing buildings.
If anything doesn’t work, feel free to tell.
The following listed buildings I used were created by other users and I will list them down here in case you’re interested to look for their original creator.
I do have also Sims I used from the gallery, mostly the ones based on Sims 2/3 characters. Mainly, because they looked better, than my own creations. (Althought the River McIrish one I made once was hot for a Sims 4 character xD But I wanted her to look closer to her, you know…..)
Other Sims I made by myself are newer creation, others are based by my old sims or foreign media. (Cartoons and all)
House Plan B (Inhabited by the Furtado family) (c) xoGerardine
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Tilelicious (Inhabited by Iliana Langerak) (c) blondemaniac
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Base 35k family home (Inhabited by LOL) (c) lilsimsie
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Birch Cabin (Inhabited by the Blackwood household (c) Dippy Designs
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Quick family home (Inhabited by the Rolloos) (c) lilsimsie
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Pet Starter (Inhabited by the Sheppard household (c) HARIBOWS
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London Townhouse (Inhabited by Cosplay Chicks) (c) FurryCassidy2021
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The Hive (Inhabited by Zelda Mae) (c) Martacatarino
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Single Moms: Asilomar (Inhabited by Zaczkowky clan) (c) OG: lilsimsie/ Current: staceymoonkenzie
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Minimalist Basegame (Inhabited by the Single Moms household (c) MDR-CA
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Bulkhead (Inhabited by Langerak Jr. family) (c) blondemaniac
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Big Basegame Mansion (Inhabited by Wolff family) (c) DeadlyBloodRoses
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IKEA SIMS (A furniture store) (c) Emmateitsma
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Musical Castle Hall (A music-themed museum) (c) fatwolf54
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Flor da Magnolia (A castle with a park) (c) diogoneves35
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I like to move it (Fitness center) (c) karalianne
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Nightclub Orion (Nightclub) (c) MAXIS
Used Pre-Created Sim-characters by MAXIS
-Don Lothario
-The BFF household
My own created Sims (Before creating the game file)
-Diogo (Da) Costa (Based after a Sim of the same name)
-Jake Furtado (Based after a Sim of the same name)
-Nathaniel Kurtzberg (Based after a Miraculous character)
-Lila Rossi (Based after a Miraculous character)
-Marc Gaiman (Facilitated version of an existing LGBT-Sim)
-Davy Linnell (Based after an NPC-Sim of The Sims 3)
-The Langerak-Goode household (Based on the household of the same name from Lunar Lakes)
-The Norgay Household (Based after the trio in DreamWork’s Abominable)
-Ruby Langerak (In-game born + edit daughter of River McIrish & Parker Langerak)
-Kari Clavell (In-game born + edit daughter of Xander Clavell & Ayesha Ansari)
-Guillermo Caliente (In-game born + edited son of Dina Caliente & Diogo Costa)
-Jake Wolff (DNA-generated in CAS. Son of Morgana/Thornton Wolff)
-Johnny Furtado (DNA-generated in CAS. Son of Jamie Jolina & Jake Furtado)
-Emil and Jonas Alto (Science-babies. Sons of Vita/Nick Alto)
-Arthur Jr. and Jake Langerak (DNA-Generated in CAS. Sons of Arthur Langerak & Gloria Goode)
Other Simmer’s creation based on Sims 2-3 characters
Sims 2
-Caliente Sisters (c) Mizzystace
Sims 3
-Ayesha Ansari (c) ToriGlory
-The Alvi family (c) DianaTheMad
-The Alto (c) 6cac182574f19e03
-Bert Alto (c) presumed to be 6cac182574f19e03
-Jamie Jolina (c) Dawwno (OG), Edited by liamdixon1
-The Wolff family (c) presumed to be 6cac182574f19e03
-The Langerak family (c) Omri147
-The Clavell family (c) Vit_DM3994
-The Hart family (c) hestiah23
-The Bunch family (c) hestiah23
-The McIrish family (Single moms household) (c) hestiah23
-The French family (Single moms household (c) MegKatt
Bonus: Inspiration for my own creations for the save file
Based on how I and my extroverted friends would be like, if we actually lived in a commune. Names and nationalities are changed and multicultural. Used google as well.
Googled Dutch names and picked random ones.
Last name I got from some random person on Facebook. Name should have an opposite meaning. Sim Angel came out randomized like that. 3 kids are named after Sims 4 soundtracks.
Random name.
An old newspaper notification with similar story. Names came into my head randomly.
“Breed the ugly challenge”
The Miraculous love square, except the girl knows the cop’s identity, but he doesn’t know hers, because she’s a masked criminal. The Clavell household from my safe file.
The LOL-household.
Googled for Greek names.
Went into my head.
Went into my head.
Went into my head.
Random, suggested family name in the game.
Googled for Arabic family names
To hint their sexuality.
Random Scandinavian-sounding names. The first names I took inspiration by the Snow Queen franchise.
Bella Bachelor’s Italian dubbed name. I also used the new Bella of EA, but made some changes to make a “fake Bella”
Some channel aired Home Alone and well…..ask Kevin.
The name MBAND, which is a music trio with men.
Some movie I don’t remember the name, but John Travolta played in it along with Robin Williams. Benson came to a later point, when I watched Bee Movie advertisment.
Random generated name by Sims 4. Nouns first names came into my head randomly and I googled for some. Summer Holiday’s name.
Somehow I realized LOL also means “League of legends”
The black widow challenge.
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twistedberri3z · 2 years
Rainbow Rays Sims Challenge!
A similar challenge was created by LilSimsie & AlwaysSimming and I decided to change it up a bit for people with not the right packs for the not so berry challenge!
If you want to change the traits up you have to follow the description of the sim.
These generations have to be done in a specific order as it is the rainbow of course!! (The colours after that are the same rule)
If you do have get to work and you get abducted by aliens the child will count up to your child total!
Challenge Rules :
* Keep the save file on normal lifespan
* You may have mods installed to do this challenge.
Basic Rules :
* You have to base the sims hair, makeup & clothes mainly on the colour of the generation
* Characters may be of any gender
* The skin colour of the sim is optional
* Spouses can be based off the colour of the current generation (This is optional)
* You have to start out on 2,000, Money cheats may not be used after this point.
* You can use freerealestate to buy your first house
If you do play this challenge, if you want please share it on tiktok, youtube, tumblr or even the sims gallery! Please post with #RainbowRaysChallenge
Generation 1 - Red
Your a mischievous criminal who likes to have that tinge of romance in their life. You want atleast something for your family. You are more of a workaholic and do not care about your family as much.
Traits : Evil, Romantic, Mean
Aspiration : Soulmate “The One”
Career : Criminal
The character must have the majority of the colour red and if you wish add a rainbow touch to add that “Rainbow Rays” vibe to this!
Rules :
* Have only 1 child
* Get married as an adult
* Master Mischief Skill
* Master Criminal Career & Complete Soulmate Aspiration
Generation 2 - Orange
You do not like the thought of love after your parent didn’t love you as much as they did their job. You thought of making things in secret and make sure nobody knows what you are doing! After no discipline when you were younger you started to become a meaner person…
Traits : Loner, Mean, Ambitious
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Career : Secret Agent
The character must have the majority of the colour orange and if you wish add a rainbow touch to add that “Rainbow Ray” vibe to this!
Rules :
* Have 1 Child
* Get married as a elder
* Master the Secret Agent Career and Master the logic skill
* Keep away from other people and try to avoid people at all costs
Generation 3 - Yellow
You are an adventurous sim who loves the outdoors and wants to spend her full life with her loved ones!
Traits : Loves Outdoors, Active, Outgoing
Aspiration : Freelance Botanist
Career : Athlete
Rules :
* Have 3 children
* Get married as a young adult
* Must complete Freelance Botanist Aspiration and get to level 7 of the Athlete career
* Master the fitness skill
Generation 4 - Green
You have always been interested in writing, even when you were little, you wanted to show off the story if your life and show the world what you are capable of. You love your children with your heart but your lover wasn’t the right fit for you…
Traits : Genius, Clumsy, Kleptomaniac
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career : Writer
Rules :
* Have 4 Children
* Get a boyfriend and have 3 children
* Break up with the boyfriend when you are pregnant in the 2nd Trimester of your 3rd Child
* Have a 4th child with someone different
* Get married as an adult/elder
* Master the writing skill
* Master the writing career
Generation 5 - Blue
You have always been obsessed with the sky since you were younger and you always wondered what would happen if you went to space. You also have a massive hatred for meat for a reason you cannot figure out yourself. You live with your astronaut lover with your one child.
Traits : Vegetarian, Good, Childish
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Career : Astronaut
Rules :
* Have 1 child
* Have a spouse which is also in the astronaut career
* Master the astronaut career
* Master Rocket Science skill
* Build a rocket and go to space
Generation 6 - Indigo
You are a sim who spreads loads of cheer through the neighbourhood and makes friends with everybody and has a love for art and everyone around around her, don’t forget an added touch of funny interactions!!
Traits : Art Lover, Outgoing, Good
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Career : Painter
Rules :
* Have 2 Children
* Marry at Young Adult/ Adult
* Master the painter career
* Master Painting Skill
* Master Logic Skill
Generation 7 - Violet
You have always been obsessed with fashion and the way you and other people look. You always suffer being socially awkward and seen as boring, you also think yourself as a professional dancer and you dance in your free time. People do not tend to like you so you feel as if you need to break some hearts before you find “The one”
Traits : Slob, Materialistic, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Career : Fashion
Rules :
* Have 1 child
* Make your child & boyfriend hate you
* Leave someone at the alter
* Get married as an elder
If you finish this challenge you can finally call yourself a “Rainbow Rays Master!!”
Thank you for playing / reading my challenge!!
Chloe (@sims4-lilshadow)
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magicalgirlgore · 8 months
He doesnt have to virtue signal for the masses. He can support and be active and that does not mean he has to delcare it to the fucking world. There are laws in Germany he has to be aware of. He can prioritize his own fucking mental health over making you feel good about his level of activism and virtue signalling.
Please look away from your computer screen for 5 fucking minutes.
he is the one who was vocal about the issue first then decided to block people for nicely saying 'hey maybe sharing links would be helpful!'. other youtubers and streamers have done it, hell, lilsimsie did a charity stream for gaza and shes a sims streamer. it takes five secornds to retweet something. and nice job hiding behind anon! i dont give a shit about virtue signalling, he has a large audience and sharing one link would be extremely helpful.
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mayocc · 4 years
Not So Not So Berry Challenge
AKA Not So Berry Challenge 2
General Info:
If you play this challenge it’d be great to hear some feedback on what’s good and what’s not, especially as this is my first (and probably only) time making a challenge.
Feel free to either start this challenge off with Emerald, or continue the original NSB with this one.
I’ve heard that the freelancer career often doesn’t work. If this is the case for you, feel free to simply ignore that part of the black generation. Or any other stuff that don’t work right.
Packs that can be realistically replaced are in italics.
Expansion Packs Needed: Get Together, Eco Lifestyle, Get Famous, Island Living, Cats and Dogs, Discover University, Get to Work
Game Packs Needed: Spa Day, Strangerville, Jungle Adventure, Outdoor Retreat
Stuff Packs Needed: Nifty Knitting
1. Same basic rules as the original NSB.
2. You can do mild cheats if you want to, just don't cheat the actual challenges like careers, collections, relationships, ect.
3. If you fail to complete minor parts of the generation (only make food with ingredients you have, living near water, ect), you don't have to end the challenge. As long as you do the main stuff of the generation (careers, collections, aspirations), you're a-OK!
4. Tag your post #not so not so berry / #nsnsb if you do this challenge, or @ me! I’m @mayooinajar /  @mayosims This isn’t necessary but I’d really love it if you did :)
Generation One: Emerald
You’re a sim with a passion for the world! You spend your life working to improve the future for others.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Green Fiend, Insider
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack
Career: Civil Designer
Master Civic Planner branch of the Civil Designer career and complete Leader of the Pack aspiration
Master Gardening, Logic, and Charisma skills
Build a Greenhouse/Sunroom
Only make meals you have the ingredients for
Generation Two: Cream
Ever since you were a child, you dreamed of being in the spotlight. Time to make your dream a reality. 
Traits: Bro, Erratic, Outgoing
Aspiration: Master Actor/Actress
Career: Actor/Actress
Master Actor career and complete Master Actor/Actress aspiration
Master Acting and Charisma skills
Divorce your spouse and never remarry
Complete MySims collection
Generation Three: Black
Spending your childhood in the spotlight, you decide to change your appearance, leave home, and try to make it as an artist. You struggle at first, but eventually settle into your new life, all by your own merits! (okay, maybe with the help of some ‘borrowed’ objects)
Traits: Geek, Kleptomaniac, Freegan
Aspiration: Master Maker
Career: Freelance Artist
Complete Master Maker aspiration
Master Fabrication and Painting skills
Leave home once Young Adult, drastically change your appearance
Steal items for money
Generation Four: Teal
You’ve loved the ocean ever since you were a child. Eventually you decide to take this dream to the next level and become a mermaid, which you find is surprisingly easy to do! You use your new swimming skills to excel at your job as a diver, and play the piano on the side.
Traits: Child of the Ocean, Loves Outdoors, Cheerful
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Career: Diver
Master Diver career and complete Musical Genius aspiration
Master Piano and Fitness skills
Live by the water (Sulani, Windenburg, Brindleton Bay)
Become a mermaid
Generation Five: Lavender
Who says performing surgery and paranoia don’t mix? Not you! You brush your fear aside and start up your own vet clinic, and if you sleep in a vaulted basement, nobody has to know.
Traits: Genius, Paranoid, Cat/Dog Lover
Aspiration: Lady/Lord of the Knits
Career: Veterinarian
Own a Vet Clinic and complete Lady/Lord of the Knits aspiration
Master Veterinarian and Knitting skills
Have 3 pets at once (including My First Pet pets)
Sleep in the basement underneath your Clinic
Generation Six: Honey
You’ve obsessed over fashion since you were young. You decide to combine your amazing taste and extreme likeableness into a job! Who wouldn’t want to hear your opinion anyway?
Traits: Self Absorbed, Cheerful, Foodie
Aspiration: Mansion Baron
Career: Style Influencer
Master Style Influencer career and complete Mansion Baron aspiration
Master Writing, Photography and Gourmet Cooking skills
Always hire a Nanny instead of daycare
Go to the spa at least twice
Generation Seven: Coral
In spite of your sheltered childhood, you decide to spend your adult life exploring the jungle! And maybe meeting someone along the way?
Traits: Childish, Art Lover, Glutton
Aspiration: Jungle Explorer
Career: None
Complete Jungle Explorer aspiration
Master Selvadoradian Culture and Juice Fizzing skills
Propose at the waterfall in Selvadorada
Try for a baby while adventuring
Make money by selling artifacts
Generation Eight: Sky
Parent by day, Secret Agent by night, you do it all! You keep your job a secret from your children. It’s for their own good.
Traits: Good, Neat, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Career: Secret Agent
Master Diamond Agent branch of the Secret Agent career and complete Big Happy Family aspiration
Master Cooking, Charisma and Logic skills
Have twins or triplets
Lie about career to your children
Generation Nine: Burgundy
You’re determined to be the best doctor around, and nothing can stand in your way! Besides, having kids is overrated anyways… Oops.
Traits: Goofball, Self-Assured, Hates Children
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Career: Doctor
Master Doctor career and complete Fabulously Wealthy aspiration
Complete Logic and Handiness skills
Never get higher than level 5 parenting skill
Stay late every time you go to work with your sim
Generation Ten: Lime
Growing up with a parent who didn’t like you, you decide to go into a career where you can improve the lives of young people! 
Traits: Squeamish, Romantic, Bookworm
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Career: Education
Master Education career and complete Bestselling Author aspiration
Master Research and Debate, Charisma and Writing skills
Have a sim in your household die, then be resurrected via a Book of Life
Adopt all of your children
Alright! That’s it, I hope you enjoy. I’d like to thank myself for actually following through and writing this whole thing! 
Edits (M/D/Y): 
9/21/20 / Fixed a missing aspiration
9/22/20 / Changed generations from eleven-twenty to one-ten
11/30/20 / Fixed some messed up phrasing
@lilsimsie @alwaysimming just in case they care lol
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Sims 4 Challenge Creation In the Works - Coming Soon!!!
Hello Lovelies of Tumblr! 
What Simmer doesn't love a good challenge? 
We all know Lilsimsie and her friendoz did an amazing job with Not So Berry! The challege pushes you to try parts of Sims game play we normally just kinda glaze over... But what if you want to continue but do something new? We have so many new traits, aspirations & careers to explore! 
I have the answer in the works! Stay tuned and give us a follow here and on our other social medias to stay up to date!
Ember_TGQ89 - Twitter
thegoblinqueen89 - Twitch, Twitter, & Instagram
The Goblin Queen Gaming - Facebook
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camisimming · 4 years
Elements Legacy Challenge
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Welcome to the Elements Legacy Challenge Rules Sheet! (Wow, what a long introductory phrase!)
This challenge, as you’ll see, is heavily inspired by lilsimsie and alwayssimming’s Not So Berry Challenge (click here to read the rules). It’s evident that the format of the color coded generations & generation’s goals system wasn’t invented by me, but I wanted to make it clear anyway. I hope no one feels offended by the idea behind this challenge. I created this one out of boredom and good intentions! 💛
Basically each generation has its own color(s), material and style. Each one of these characteristics will have to be shown through your Sim’s aesthetic and/or in their house. However, if you don’t want to make a golden dressed Sim, but you’d like to give them a super tacky house, go for it! What matters is that these given characteristics are visible somewhere, even just a room or an object. The colors and materials for each gen are just a starting point, you can add whatever color or texture you like to them! Each generation has a few worlds they can live in, you can only choose among those listed for each gen.
As for money, the first gen is the only one with specified starting funds. In the following ones you can choose if you want to keep the money your family has, or if you want to start with less money to make the gameplay more challenging 😊
Then, each generation has of course some tasks and aspirations to complete, some skills to max and other stuff to do! When you play a generation, be sure to take a look at the following one as well, because sometimes there will be things that need to be taken care of before the start of the following gen!
You can play in whatever lifespan you want. It's a new challenge for me, too, so I don't know what's the best one to use.
To play some of the gens, a couple of packs are kind of necessary, like: Cats and Dogs, Seasons, Discover University, Get Famous, Eco Lifestyle, Spa Day, Realm of Magic and Jungle Adventure. Get Together, Parenthood and others are also somewhat important but you can do it without them. If anyone's interested I can do a basegame compatible version of the challenge!😊
If the challenge becomes "popular", I'll add some more generations🤩
Have fun ✨🥰
Camilla @camisimming
I'm everywhere as CamiSimming if you want to tag me when playing the challenge, or to DM me in case of doubts about it💛
Twitter Instagram
Details under the cut 💛
Generations list:
1 Earth generation🌄
You’re new in town and don’t know anyone. The only thing that moves your heart is...art! In fact, you brought only your easel with you from your old place, and you hope to make a living out of the stuff you’ll create on that thing. But staying inside all day is not good for anyone, so sometimes you’ll accept your (new) friends invitations, and follow them wherever they take you. Sometimes, however, friends can really pressure you to do things you don’t want to, and this really annoys you! You get married too young and have a kid, only to divorce shortly after the baby is born. You just weren’t ready. When you finally decide to settle down and start a family again, you’ll marry a spellcaster just for their looks (WHAT?!) and you two will give birth to a lovely little kid!
Starting funds: 18,000 S Traits: Loner, Art Lover, Snob Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Max the Painting, Singing and Piano skills
Complete the Renaissance Sim Aspiration
Reach level 10 in the Painter career – Patron of the Arts branch
Complete the Feathers collection
Earn the Night Owl satisfaction reward trait
Color(s): dark brown, dark green, orange
Material: stucco, wood Style: craftsman World(s): Willow Creek / Brindleton Bay / Windenburg / Britechester 
2 Gem generation💎
As a spellcaster’s kid, you’re fascinated by what’s out of the ordinary. You don’t have many friends, and your parents are your best friends, until they pass away together in mysterious circumstances. Therefore, you decide to move in with your closest friend from high school, and of course, as it  happens with anyone you say more than a ‘hello’ to, you fall in love with them! But it looks like this time this is for real! After some ups and downs, you win them over (did you use a love potion? You didn’t?! You sure?) and you turn your roommates’ home in a place ready for a family. With a lot of cats. You also have just one child, who you love more than anybody else. You’re gonna be the best parent EVER!!!
Traits: Romantic, Family Oriented, Cat Lover Aspiration: Spellcraft & Sorcery 
Max the Cooking, Gourmet Cooking and Parenting skills
Complete the Spellcraft & Sorcery Aspiration
Complete the Magical Artifacts collection
Complete the Crystals collection
Earn the Beguiling satisfaction reward trait
Color: purple Material: glass, gems Style: boho World(s): Glimmerbrook / Forgotten Hollow / Newcrest
3 Water generation💧
You are sick of mountains and rocks, you want to see the SEA. You are also sick of working (although you’ve never had a job, but just the idea of it makes you SICK). So you are determined to make a living out of vlogs, videos, videogames, juice fizzing and song recordings. You get married but your significant other can’t stand this lifestyle, so you get divorced. You adopt a kid to raise on your own in your little beach house. And you’re freaking HAPPY. Oh, another thing: one of the best memories you have is the one of your parents cooking together, so you want to learn how to make that grilled cheese they used to prepare for you. You want to learn it VERY BADLY.
Traits: Self-Absorbed, Vegetarian, Perfectionist Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Max the Fishing, Media Production and Juice Fizzing skills
Complete the Computer Whiz Aspiration
Unlock and complete the Grilled Cheese Aspiration
Complete the Fish collection
Earn the Marketable satisfaction reward trait
Color(s): blue & white Material: light woods Style: coastal beach or tropical World(s): Sulani / Windenburg / Brindleton Bay / Evergreen Harbor / Newcrest
4 Fire Generation🔥
Your parent was a freak. Seriously, how could they expect to make a successful living out of videogames? No, no, no. You won’t make the same mistake. You’re gonna study hard and get a degree. Oh yeah. And you won’t stay home with that freak, you’re staying on campus. You will get a degree in Language and Literature, so that you can become a best-selling author. Unfortunately, having been so focused on your education, your love life is non-existent. So you think a meaningless fling could help you in that field but--OH NO. You get stuck with an unwanted pregnancy (even though you’ll never get married) and you have to leave campus and study between milk feeding and diaper changing. Anyway, you end up loving that little thing more than you’ve ever loved your parent, who never stops judging you (you end up hating each other)
Traits: Genius, Bookworm and Mean Aspiration: Academic
Get a degree in Language and Literature
Max the Research and Debate, Writing and Charisma skills
Complete the Academic Aspiration
Reach level 10 in the Writing career – Author branch
Have at least one enemy
Color(s): red & orange Material: red-toned woods, stucco Style: industrial World(s): Willow Creek / Oasis Springs / San Myshuno / Evergreen Harbor / Britechester
5 Grass generation🌿
Having seen your parents struggle with university, you have decided to go by a different path. You want to live your life surrounded by nature and by your big, happy family. A job is important though, so you’ll begin working when you’re still a teenager. You enter the Gardener career once you are a bit older, and you LOVE IT. You marry a co-worker and you have many many kids and animals playing in your backyard. AHH how beautiful life can be! Countryside life really works for you.
Traits: Cheerful, Loves the Outdoors, Family-oriented Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Max the Gardening, Flower Arranging and Handiness skills
Have a full household when you’re an Adult (pets count)
Complete the Freelance Botanist Aspiration 
Complete the Lord/Lady of the Knits Aspiration
Reach level 10 in the Gardener career – Floral Designer branch
Complete the Gardening and the Frogs collections
Color: green Material: wood in all forms and colors Style: homey / craftsman / colonial World(s): Willow Creek / Brindleton Bay / Windenburg 
6 Gold generation👑
Country life doesn’t really work for you as much as it did for your parents. You want fame and glory, you want the glam, you want a penthouse or a mansion in which to display your wealth. You still love your family, and one of your siblings is basically your best friend, and always will be. You always organize a Winterfest lunch to reunite with your folks. You also like music and everyone has to know you love it, you know you’ll teach your kids how to play the violin. You climb the social ladder (or marble staircase?) till the TOP. You have many lovers and many pregnancy scares, until one of them brings you an actual kid. Who would’ve thought you could love someone more than you love yourself? Oh you’ll get married, but only as an elder.
Traits: Good, Materialistic, Music Lover Aspiration: Mansion Baron
Max the Acting, Violin and Dancing skills
Complete the Musical Genius Aspiration
Complete the Mansion Baron Aspiration
Reach level 10 in the Acting Career
Become a Global Superstar
Earn the Shameless satisfaction reward trait
Color: gold Material: gold, marble Style: glam! (you can choose the amount of tacky-ness of your Sim’s glam style) World(s): Del Sol Valley / Strangerville / Willow Creek / Britechester 
7 Ice generation❄️
Your parents are hella famous. You don’t know if that works for you, though. The only thing you know is that you can kind of play the violin. You go live on your own when you’re just a teen, with your beautiful dog, and make sure no one knows who your parents are, you don’t want to be treated differently. Part-time job after part-time job, you have a cute little house that you can call home. Another thing you become good at is photography, so you start working in the Freelance photography field, and you LOVE IT. You fall in love with one of your models and marry them. You have kids together, and the  look in your spouse’s eyes when they look at your children is everything.
Traits: Goofball, Dog Lover, Bro Aspiration: Soulmate
Max the Photography, Comedy and Pet Training skills
Complete the Soulmate Aspiration
Complete the Simmies Collection
Go on a vacation at least once in your life
Earn the Independent satisfaction reward trait
Color(s): white and light brown Material:  fake fur, wood Style: Asian-like / Scandinavian / minimalistic World(s): San Myshuno / Mt. Komorebi / Windenburg / Newcrest
8 Air generation🌬️
You want to make this world a better place. You want to make yourself a better person. To actively make your world a bit greener, you decide to become a Civil Designer. When you’re not working you like to focus on your mental well-being with some yoga or meditation. You’re married with kids but your inner wellness and the one of the world matter to you more than the one in your house. Your spouse will take care of the kids while you’re cheating on them with your neighbor. Hey! It’s for your inner well-being! At some point you also decide to leave your family and go live on your own. But it’s too hard, so you make peace with your spouse and come back home.
Traits: Geek, Neat, Hates Children Aspiration: Eco Innovator
Max the Fabrication, Wellness and Guitar skills
Complete the Eco Innovator aspirations
Reach level 10 of the Civil Designer career – Green Technician branch
Do at least one yard sale
Live in at least three different worlds
Complete the Metals collection
Color: beige Material: glass, Style: mid-century modern World(s): Willow Creek / Mt. Komorebi / Sulani / Evergreen Harbor
9 Brass generation🛎️
You are in love with adventure and discovering new things, they can be anything really. You just love knowledge, therefore you become a professor. Someday you find out about this place called Selvadorada, and want to know EVERYTHING about it. You explore it in your many trips there, and you also fall in love with a charming local. Ahhh their accent is so lovely!
Traits: Ambitious, Active, Bookworm Aspiration: Jungle Explorer
Max the Selvadoradian Culture, Archaeology and Fitness skills
Complete the Jungle Explorer Aspiration
Reach level 10 in the Education career – Professor branch
Complete the Ancient Omiscan artifacts and the Omniscan Treasures collections
Color(s): grey, bronze and blue Material: metal Style: contemporary or European World(s): Del Sol Valley / Oasis Springs / Mt. Komorebi / Britechester / Windenburg
10 Rainbow generation🌈
Woah, your family tree is huge, isn’t it? Anyway. You’re a very outgoing person, you love meeting new people and making friends. You found a club where everyone is welcomed and accepted. You love, LOVE, parties, because you can meet more people there! You don’t care about the gender of your lovers, you love them because of who they are! When you finally find your person, you get married and have a beautiful pair of twins.
Traits: Cheerful, Outgoing, Foodie Aspiration: Friend of the World
Max the Comedy, Dancing and Bowling skills
Complete the Friend of the World Aspiration
Complete the Leader of the Pack Aspiration
Complete the Voidcritters collection
Reach Level 10 of the Style Influencer Career – you may choose whatever branch you like
Found at least one club
Color(s): any/every color of the rainbow Material: metal Style: anything from the 50s > 90s designs World(s): San Myshuno / Willow Creek / Windenburg /Evergreen Harbor
Thanks for reading up to here!
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zestyq · 3 years
The Flavours Of Life - A Sims 4 Legacy Challenge
Sims tend to have a lack of personality. A lack of flavour. But I'm here to fix it. Are you tired of sims challenges either being too short or having wayyy too many goals to incorporate your own creative freedom? Then read ahead!
General rules;
1 - No cheats and cheaty mods. Sims tends to get boring if you cheat money, careers and skills. 2 - This challenge is about having freedom and being flexible. So feel free to edit some of the generation rules for your liking in your playthrough. 3 - Stick to a normal or long lifespan. 4 - Design your sims with the general colours/styles of the generations. 5 - The whole point of this challenge is to have fun so if you don't think you're going to enjoy a gen, skip it!
Generation One, Vanilla;
New town, new life and new opportunities. You grew up with privilege and have never had to work for yourself. Until one day, your parents pass away suddenly and you find they left nothing to you in your will. In a rags to riches style, you have to build yourself up from nothing. Eventually, you gain back your white picket fence lifestyle and marry, then have kids. You care for and love your kids - you want the best for them. But one day you make a grave mistake...
Traits: Materialistic, Snob and Perfectionist.
Aspiration: Succesful Lineage.
Career: Your choice, excluding high intensity jobs.
-Max out a career of your choice.
-Have at least two kids.
-Master parenting and whatever skill(s) correspond with your job.
- Complete at least half of your aspiration
- Have a one night stand with an evil sim, get pregnant and lie to your partner that it's their child.
Generation two, Strawberry;
You've always seemed so sweet and... charming. So charming you can practically manipulate anyone into liking and trusting you. Okay let's face it - you're evil. (I wonder who you got that from). You've been married so many times it's hard to count. It's a shame your relationships never work out. Although you'd prefer to commit crimes all day, you have a reputation to uphold. So you buy a bakery! Some say the special ingredient is love. You know it's much more sinister.
Traits: Evil, Romantic and Foodie.
Aspiration: Serial Romantic.
Career: Baking Business.
-Have a pristine reputation.
-Have multiple of your wives/husbands die under "suspicious circumstances" and take their money
-Have at least a three star business.
-Master the Baking, Charisma and Mischief skills.
Generation three, Bitter;
Growing up your parental figures came and went. Nothing was permanent. Which is why you guess stability never come easy to you. The only thing that remained consistent throughout your life was your hatred of your parents. As a teen or young adult you run away from home at the dead of night and start a new life. With no set goals or plans in your life you jump quickly from one thing from another. You live all over the globe during your life but you finally settle down in the tropical Sulani. Oh, did I forgot to mention you hate children?
Traits; Non-Committal, Hates children and Self-Absorbed.
Aspiration: Beach Life
Career: Any four careers + a term or so of uni.
-Reach level 2 of four careers.
-Go to uni for a degree but drop out sometime during the first term.
- Max two skills and reach level five in another.
-Get pregnant by accident and have twins. (You may cheat)
-Have maxed out hate for at least one parent.
-Get a Nanny for your children.
Generation 4, Salt OR Pepper;
(During this generation you get a choice as who you will play as)
Option 1 - Pepper,
You and your twin sibling have always been polar opposites but that doesn't mean you can't be close! You were always the rebellious one. Sneaking out to parties, underage drinking and hiding your soulmate in your room. Whatever you were doing it certainly wasn't something good. At school you never tried and got an F Grade at high school. But when P.E came around... you were the star of the show. Sports was your natural calling. And after a long day of exercising, you liked to help yourself to a drink.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Active, Hot-Headed.
Aspiration: Soulmate.
Career: Bodybuilder Branch of the Athlete Career
-Max the fitness and mixology skill
-Complete the Soulmate aspiration.
-Reach level ten of the athlete Bodybuilder Branch
-Have an alternative style for the majority of your life.
-Have max friendship with your twin.
-Meet your soulmate as a child and stay together forever.
Option 2- Salt,
You and your twin have always been close friends but that didn't stop you from feeling jealous of their perfect relationship. During school you always had your head in a book and at the library one day you meet someone to love. But it didn't work out. For a lot of your life you were stuck in a loveless relationship that ended in divorce and kids to look after. You wrote romance novels in hopes that one day the stories would come true and you'd find that special someone to call your "soulmate". And eventually, you do! In the last years of your life you meet your special someone...
Traits: Romantic, Gloomy and Bookworm.
Aspiration: Bestselling Author.
Career: None. You can only get money by self-publishing books.
-Max out the writing skill and logic skill
-Complete the Bestselling Author aspiration
-Meet your first love at the library during "Book Club"
-Have a divorce as an adult.
-Have max friendship with your twin
-Marry "the one" as an elder
Generation 5, Spicy:
Growing up you always wanted to be the centre of attention. You always had a fiery and unpredictable personality. Sometimes you'd fabricate stories just so your parents would feel bad for you. As you got older, nothing changed. You became a famous actor. People around the globe loved you and the roles you'd play. One night you spot a paparazzi and the flirtations began. At first you thought it'd be nothing; you were used to pretending to like someone. As the night progressed, you and the paparazzi hooked up and a child was conceived. Terrified of what the public would say you quit acting, become a stay at home parent and marry the paparazzi.
Traits: Self-Assured, Ambitious and Erratic.
Aspiration: Master Actor.
Career: Actor, Stay at Home Parent.
-Master the acting and cooking skill.
-Reach at least level 5 in the acting career.
-Complete at least half of the acting aspiration.
-Marry a paparazzo.
-Become a three star celebrity.
Generation 6, Orange:
You always knew your parent loved you but you could tell they'd rather be famous and living a life of luxury. They signed you up for drama club in the hopes you'd fulfil their dreams but you'd rather be playing with your doll family at home. Babies. Something about them was so cute to you. You grew up and had a large family. You managed to balance work and family perfectly. You gave your children full unconditional love and they returned it. Despite being unwanted as a child, you made sure your children felt belonging. One day it all changed. One of your children passed away in a fire and you were distraught. But you wouldn't let them be forgotten; every week you made at least one painting dedicated to them.
Traits; Creative, Family Oriented and Paranoid.
Aspiration; Big Happy Family.
Career; Painter.
-Master the painting skill.
-Complete the Big Happy Family aspiration.
-Make at least one painting a week after your child passes.
-Have 5 or more children.
-Attend drama club as a child.
Generation 7, Sour:
Your childhood was fairly uneventful. Except from the fire incident... But you don't talk about it. You prefer life to have a kick to it. You spend your life seeking danger. Some days you'll be climbing the treacherous Mt.Komorebi, others you'll be exploring the ancient tombs of Selvadorada. Whatever you're doing it's sure to be fun. For a while you settle down and have a child but as soon as the child is old enough to journey with you - it's back to the thrill. Life doesn't wait. Neither do you.
Traits; Adventurous, Loves Outdoors and Slob.
Aspiration; Jungle Explorer
Career; None. You sell fossils and artifacts.
-Max the Seladoradian culture and archaeology skill.
-Complete the Jungle Explorer aspiration.
-Reach the top of Mt.Komorebi.
-Have a child with a Seladoradian Native.
Generation 8, Sweet:
You grew up in a wild family. You often went on wild journeys with your parent but you didn't really want to live that life. Music was your passion. Anything musical was perfect to you. Through joy, sorrow and hope you played music. You became an entertainer and married your co-worker. You sang soft lullabies to your children when they cried and serenaded your partner when things were getting romantic. After a long days work, you come home and see your partner in bed... with the maid! Do you forgive and forget? Or do you divorce?
Traits; Music-Lover, Good and Jealous
Aspiration; Musical Genius
Career; Entertainer
-Max out two instrument skills and singing.
-Max out the entertainer career
-Donate to charity once a week.
-Adopt two children from less fortunate homes.
-Catch your partner cheating on you
This challenge is my first one so please don't hate. Constructive criticism is appreciated. Also this challenge is loosely based off of the not so berry challenge by lilsimsie. Go subscribe to her :)
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ziesbunz · 14 days
NCT Legacy Challenge [ver 2]
Inspired by lilsimsie and alwaysimming's not-so-berry challenge and sims-himbo's Barbie Legacy Challenge, I give you the K-pop collaboration idea that comes from combining the large numbered group NCT and our beloved Sims 4 Legacy gameplay.
Make sure to use the hashtag #NCTLegacyChallenge, so I can catch a glimpse of what you're making on various social media platforms and in the gallery.
For easier access, here is the link for the Google Docs of the challenge
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Welcome! To the 25 generations of a legacy challenge inspired by the 25 members of NCT!
Here are some of the basic rules of the challenge:
Play on a short lifespan this is to make sure that we get through all 25 generations of this let’s play.
But if you want to play on a normal life span please refer to the normal life span rules [to be updated!]
This legacy is patriarchal, meaning only male sims can be the heirs of this let’s play.
The firstborn son would be the recognized heir.
All skills and careers should reach level 7
Unless stated otherwise 
All aspirations must finish the third level
Unless stated otherwise.
All generations should start with 2,500 Simoleons
Unless they are set to inherit the previous sim’s wealth.
Auto aging should be on even for townies.
You may opt to, but are not required to:
Edit your sims to look like the NCT members
Edit their names to be the same as the generation
Live in different lots per generation (if moving is not a requirement)
Follow with a mid-life crisis situation and change paths as long as you've reached level 7 of your career.
Before we continue, I want to apologize with the fact that I used a lot of packs for this legacy challenge.
Also, this challenge doesn't reflect real life personalities of the members. It is simply inspired by SOME aspects of their personalities and what they show to us as idols. I also do not own NCT, nor is this challenge affiliated with them.
If you're a simmer, who happens to want a little more legacy challenges to play with and is not familiar with NCT please feel free to follow through with the legacy challenge and use the hashtags #NCTLegacyChallenge in all platforms (including the Gallery)
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ENTP | Aquarius
It's simple, you are the epitome of good-looking, model-like perfection. You're the perfect start to a legacy challenge of good-looking men set on their own paths in life. Your path, as the bright good-looking, model-like pioneer you are, you are set in the path of stardom, fame, and success. You desire the arts, are charismatic and charming, and are the perfect fit to become a world-famous actor.
traits: outgoing, self-absorbed, snob
aspiration: master actor
career: acting
skills to lvl 7: fitness, DJ mixing
additional requirements:
Reach celebrity level 4
Flirt and get into a relationship with Judith Ward* [your decision if you want to marry her or not]
Get 10,000 social media followers.
*you may opt to reverse Judith Ward's age to a young adult
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ENTP | Cancer
Your father was a popular actor and you? All you want is a simple life, so you pack up your bags and move to the country, although the one thing you can’t seem to move away from is the premium-aged nectar your father had in abundance. Now, you dream of starting your own nectar-making farm to fulfill those dreams of yours.
traits: animal lover, loves the outdoors, childish
aspiration: master nectar maker
career: none [self-employed - nectar maker]
skills to lvl 7: nectar making, gardening
additional requirements:
Move to Henford-on-Bagley as soon as you turn into a young adult.
Strictly no career [no odd jobs or part-time jobs]
Spouse should be from Henford-on-Bagley
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SEXY | Scorpio
Why did your father pack up all his stuff to move to the countryside? The boring, lifeless countryside. You just can’t seem to see the appeal of the quiet life in a remote village where it takes a good commute to get you to town, the charm of the bars, parties, and flirting seem much more appealing. A little partying and flirting isn’t going to hurt anyone.
traits: romantic, art lover, non-committal
aspiration: villanous valentine
career: style influencer -- trend setter
skills to lvl 7: writing, charisma
additional requirements:
Move into a needs TLC apartment as a young adult – unfurnished.
Move into a better apartment as an adult.
Must have your heir with a short-term live-in partner.
Have a strained relationship with your child/children
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ESFJ | Capricorn
Everywhere you went all you hear about is how your father broke their hearts. It was like a curse hunting you every day. The only way you could escape was when you watched the sky. The many your father romanced were from the city, it was crazy how with every turn of the corner this was how they remembered you as. Maybe the only answer for happiness was in the stars.
traits: genius, neat, snob
aspiration: renaissance sim
career: astronaut -- space ranger
skills to lvl 7: logic, rocket science
additional requirements:
Move into the suburbia (newcrest, willowcreek, etc.)
Build a rocket ship
If abducted by aliens keep the child [if it is a male, that will be the heir]
Cook with your child three times.
Sing in the shower every time you take a shower.
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ISFJ | Aquarius
Your father was rarely home– heck even rarely on the planet. On the rare occasion, he was home he was either working on his rocket or cooking lunch with him. His unhealthy obsession with the sky made it a bit difficult to approach him, but he had always made time by cooking them food and it seems that this has stuck with you.
traits: perfectionist, foodie, creative
aspiration: master chef
career: culinary -- chef
skills to lvl 7: cooking, singing
additional requirements:
Cook with your father 
Aside from cooking together, you cannot talk with your father
Indifferent with the other parent.
Invite Kun over to your place to cook for him
Karaoke once a week.
Meet your spouse at the karaoke.
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INFJ | Aquarius
Your father was a talented chef and before you even realized it you were only used to eating the best of the best. Your father, as much as he hates to admit it, was a talented singer. Being surrounded in a house where creatives were valued you were bursting with your own creative juices. 
traits: high maintenance, creative, dance machine
aspiration: painter extraordinaire
career: painter -- master of the arts
skills to lvl 7: painting, dancing
additional requirements:
Previous generation’s wealth is inherited.
Give a masterpiece painting to Doyoung
Go to the club (place) once a week
Create a club for painters
Earn 2000 club points for the club [can be used and consumed]’
Spouse should be one of the people in the club.
Make a painting of your heir and give it to them.
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ESFP | Aquarius
As much as your father was busy with his hobbies and work he seems to have always had time for you. Thus, all you’ve ever wanted was to become a father present in kids' lives– but things are always easier said than done. With work eating you up and a marriage that was bound to fail promising a great life for your kids looked impossible.
traits: family oriented, active, lovebug
aspiration: big happy family
career: salaryman -- supervisor
skills to lvl 7: parenting, charisma
additional requirements:
The previous generation’s wealth is inherited.
Marry someone you’re not compatible with
Have four or more children
Get married as soon as you turn into a young adult.
Have a supportive family dynamic with ALL your children
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INFJ | Scorpio
You grew up in a big house, with a huge number of siblings, and barely any room and space to yourself. As your parents put you in some after-school activity– cough drama club cough– in hopes that it would help with your shyness. But it doesn’t seem to have worked at all. All that’s left is a confused identity, whether you want to act or not, or find a compromise for that– or whether you want to be in a happy long relationship or not.
traits: loner, creative, geek
aspiration: soulmate
career: secret agent -- diamond agent
skills to lvl 7: logic, acting
additional requirements:
Complete the drama club during childhood and teen years.
Live in a micro home (max 34 tiles) until your second child then may expand to a tiny home
Thus, it is required to have at least two children.
Spouse must be a co-worker in order to keep the secret of your work.
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INFJ | Pisces
Tiny home with a father who has always wanted to be alone and a number of siblings sharing a room. Your life early on was a total disaster– not to mention you were sure that your parents did some dirty work to get them by. Now all you want is a stable career and a stable place for all your future kids. But no matter how much you want to be a better person you can’t help but joke around.
traits: over achiever, goofball, materialistic
aspiration: successful lineage
career: engineer -- mechanical engineer
skills to lvl 7: mischief, robotics
additional requirements:
Never have a balance of less than 1,000 simoleons
By the end of this generation all children should have the ff:
Their own room
Most expensive computers (that doesn’t need to be unlocked)
Their own TVs and gaming consoles
Visit the lounge once a week to tell jokes and cause mischief (ex. Pranking the toilets, interacting w/ other sims)
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INFJ | Leo
Your father made sure to spoil you, but you were never truly attached to your physical things instead you have always wandered around in your mind. Not to mention his uptight way of running your home doesn’t seem to sit right with you. Thus, it doesn’t really come as a surprise that you want to be a famous author.
traits: ambitious, bookworm, bro
aspiration: best selling author
career: writer -- author branch
skills to lvl 7: writing, guitar
additional requirements:
Reach celebrity level 3
Always. Always pose for the paparazzi.
To gain fun the main way is through playing a guitar (do this thrice a week to be considered a main way)
Attend if your book gets nominated and meet your spouse through this event.
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ENFP | Leo
 As seen by your ancestors, a popular father has always had its downfall, but to you, it was no disadvantage at all. You loved the attention, but you weren’t exactly the writer that your father was– though you are talented as a singer, you just couldn’t see yourself pursuing it. But if you were to bask in attention maybe there was a way– be an influencer.
traits: self-absorbed, clumsy, dog lover
aspiration: world famous celebrity
career: social media -- internet personality
skills to lvl 7: comedy, pet training
additional requirements:
Adopt a dog and name it ‘Bella’
Every time you take a shower you have to sing in the shower.
Just like your father you have a bad habit of posing in front of the paparazzi
Your spouse must have celebrity status as well.
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ENTP | Libra
You lived under all the spotlight. It was exhausting! Constant cameras in your face and your parents were just as obsessed with fame as everyone was obsessed with your parents. So all you could really think about was moving out as soon as you could– and as far away from your parents as possible. What better way to run away from people than to constantly work from home– but that only seems too hard for an extrovert like you.
traits: outgoing, cheerful, lactose intolerant
aspiration: neighborhood confidant
career: freelance -- programming
skills to lvl 7: video gaming, handiness
additional requirements:
Finish the aspiration
Give your neighbors (all those in the neighborhood) crafted items from the woodworking bench.
Move to Tartosa as soon as you turn into a young adult.
Visit the beach once a week and do your work there.
Upgrade one of your toilets to have a composting container.
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CUTE | Aries
You lived in a town of romance. Surrounded by several beautiful things in your life. It doesn’t really come as a surprise that you turned into a romantic. You adored watching sunsets and were a lot more drawn to the ocean than normal. So, it doesn’t come as a surprise that you want to give back to the ocean and make sure it’s in perfect condition.
traits: romantic, hot-headed, child of the islands
aspiration: beach life
career: conservationist -- marine biologist
skills to lvl 7: logic, fishing
additional requirements:
Collect 75% of the fish collection
Move to Sulani as a young adult
Your spouse must be from Sulani and be a mermaid.
Do odd jobs during the day offs related to Sulani ONLY
Host a Kava gathering
Attend one town festival with your whole family.
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For easier access, here is the link for the Google Docs of the challenge
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ryebread-sims · 4 years
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The Not So Berry Remix
Do you still love the rainbow? Did you enjoy your Not So Berry Sims, but you want to play with some newer aspects of the game? Then, this is the challenge for you!
The Not So Berry challenge by @lilsimsie​ and @alwaysimming​ has been a staple in Sims 4 gameplay since 2017. Whether you were on YouTube or Tumblr, this challenge has crossed your path more than once. The game has changed a lot in three years, so in carrying on the challenge’s legacy, it’s time to try something new! 
Welcome to the Not So Berry Remix! New careers, new traits, and still the same loved ten generation legacy challenge we all know. 
Basic Rules:
Nearly copy-paste of the original rules which you can read here, but in case you don’t want to change pages, here they are!
Each heir must represent the color of the generation (i.e. hair, makeup, clothing), but brightly colored skin is not necessary (these aren’t actually berry Sims, that’s the joke). Of course, this is optional but a big portion of the fun.
The colors of the spouses don’t matter as they aren’t part of the challenge. Unless otherwise stated you can do whatever you please with them.
Money cheats can be used, but not excessively. Suggestion: use freerealestate for your first home, but no cheats afterward.
You may live wherever you please unless something is specified in the rules of a generation.
Every generation is supposed to complete both the career and aspiration of the heir unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Keep the lifespan on Normal.
The generations may change as gameplay changes, but as of August 2020, these are the generational rules of the remix challenge! I’ll try keeping everything updated!
Generation One: Seafoam
Science has been your life ever since you were a kid. From studying seashells to interacting with beach life, every part of your world made you more curious. Living a luxurious life on the lush beaches is just right for you. The perfect place to nurture curiosity in your own child and plant a few pranks on the tourists.
Traits: Child of the Islands, Materialistic, Vegetarian Aspiration: Beach Life Career: Conservationist Rules:
Master Conservationist career and complete Beach Life aspiration
Master logic and mischief skills
Woohoo in waterfall
Improve Sulani’s environment fully
Generation Two: Rose 
You were supposed to be a scientific prodigy. Instead, fashion caught your eye, and you want an empire. A workaholic through and through, family was never on your radar, but you love the one child you did have. You would give them the world if you could.
Traits: Hot-Headed, Romantic, Snob Aspiration: Serial Romantic Career: Style Influencer Rules:
Have only one child
Master Style Influencer career and complete Serial Romantic aspiration
Master charisma and writing
Leave someone at the altar
Get married for the first time as an elder
Generation Three: Yellow
While your parent never caught the science bug, your close bond with your grandparent made you appreciate science-- and the environment-- even more. From recycling to neighborhood cleanups, you want to be involved in it all. Yellow might be your favorite color, but you’re feeling green.
Traits: Ambitious, Clumsy, Green Fiend Aspiration: Eco Innovator Career: Civil Designer Rules:
Master Civil Designer career and complete Eco Innovator aspiration
Master logic, handiness, and fabrication skills
Have a Green Eco Footprint
Enter the secret lot in Oasis Springs
Never have any close friends or relationships other than grandparent from generation 1 until grandparent dies
Generation Four: Grey
Family, sports, and fun: the only three things you need in life. Especially, after your poor grades kept you from the path to professional sports. Instead, you enlisted in the military in hopes of becoming something more covert, or at least, you could become a military singer.
Traits: Active, Music Lover, Slob Aspiration: Bodybuilder Career: Military Rules:
Master Military career and complete Bodybuilder aspiration
Master singing, parenting, and athletic skills
Have three failed relationships before finding spouse. Marry a neat sim
Be good friends with all of your children
Have family movie night every Sunday
Generation Five: Lilac
Even if your family was tight knit, there were still so many expectations. You wanted to be an artist, but your parents worried that wasn’t a good career path. Joining the business career, you hope to make them proud. However, part of you was always pulled back to art.
Traits: Creative, Genius, Paranoid Aspiration: Renaissance Sim Career: Part-Time, Business, Freelance Artist or Part-Time Rules:
Master painting and two other skills of your choosing
Complete Renaissance Sim aspiration
Must live in at least three different worlds over the course of your life
Quit business as an adult and own an art gallery
Generation Six: Coral
Life was handed to you on a silver platter, even if your parents were always busy. Knitting is your passion, and you don’t want a full-time job or the family art gallery. No, life was for relaxing and not working all the time.
Traits: Childish, Lazy, Outgoing Aspiration: Lord/Lady of the Knits Career: Any Part-Time Rules:
Master knitting and baking skills
Only work a part-time job and complete Lord/Lady of the Knits aspiration
Pass on knitting to your child
Marry a co-worker
Sell your knitwear on Plopsy and make at least $2000 in total
Generation Seven: Pink
Your parent may not have aspiration and drive, but you were born to be a star-- until a failed audition. Ouch! Social media is the way to go, and you plan on making every fair-weathered friend that you can along the way.
Traits: Unflirty, Neat, Self-Absorbed Aspiration: Friend of the World Career: Social Media Rules:
Master Social Media career and complete Friend of the World aspiration
Master charisma, wellness, and writing skills
Complete postcard collection
Generation Eight: Orange
The cameras were always on you as a kid, and it drove you bonkers! You wanted a normal life. You wanted a way out. It was off to law school with you for a life of normalcy… But also a life of paperwork and cases. Only a small price to pay.
Traits: Self-Assured, Glutton, Bro Aspiration: Academic Career: Law Rules:
Master Law career and complete Academic aspiration
Master research and debate, gourmet cooking, and singing skills
Have twins, but only those two children
Must live in Willow Creek, Brindleton Bay, or Evergreen Harbor
Generation Nine: Lime
Education was a priority in your household, but you loved SciFi. Collecting voidcritters, watching the latest space flicks, and searching for aliens were your heart’s desires. You could only begin to dream of bringing that SciFi to life.
Traits: Bookworm, Squeamish, Jealous Aspiration: Nerd Brain Career: Engineer Rules:
Master Engineer career and Nerd Brain aspiration
Master handiness, robotics, and programming skills
Build Servo
Build a rocket (Sixam optional)
Collect twenty voidcritter cards during childhood and win three battles
Generation Ten: Blue
Life was perfect. A beautiful garden, a loving family, and a happy marriage. Your family restaurant is booming after you bought back your family’s old retail space. Your secret affair with one of the waiters can just stay behind closed doors. Your family had to remain perfect.
Traits: Perfectionist, Loves Outdoors, Family-Oriented Aspiration: Super Parent Career: Restaurant owner Rules:
Adopt at least one child
Master gardening, cooking, and parenting skills
Have 5-star restaurant and complete Super Parent aspiration
Must marry high school sweetheart who has the Foodie trait
Have one time secret affair with waiter
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13reasonsinourstars · 4 years
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BTS Not So Berry Challenge
Hello Tumblr! 👋
This post might be a bit long and somebody may have already done this before but this idea just came to me and I wanted to share it with fellow BTS fans.
Now I don't know if any of you out there play The Sims but if you do and you're feeling bored for gameplay this might be a fun game for you. So sit back, kick your feet up and enjoy 🥰
So if you are an avid sims player you may have already heard of the 'Not So Berry Challenge' if you haven't here is a link and I will give you a quick description of the concept.
The Sims 4 Not So Berry Challenge was created by tumblr user 'lilsimsie' as far as I know, and it is where you are given ten colourful generations with rules for each sim that you have to carry out and complete. It is super fun and I am currently half way through it myself and that is why this idea came to me. The link above will explain it to you in more detail so please go and check it out if you're interested and without further ado let's get on with this post!
How the challenge works:
1. Each heir must represent the colour of their generation (i.e. hair, makeup, clothing, house etc.)
2. The colour of spouses does not matter as they are not part of the challenge. Unless otherwise stated you can do what you please with them.
3. You may live wherever you please unless stated in the rules of that sim.
4. Every generation is supposed to complete all of their rules before moving on to the next heir.
5. If you play my version of the challenge please share it with me by twitter. My user is @in_reasons
Required packs:
Base Game, City Living Expansion, Discover University, Get to Work
Although this is optional and you can change traits etc if you have too.
In this version there will only be seven generations as there are only seven members of BTS but most of the rules remain the same I have just tweaked them to fit the boys a little more.
That being first of all I have changed/not included all of the colours so they match the boys, and personality traits and aspirations have been altered to coincide with the members.
Let's Go!
Generation One: Purple (Jin)
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Kim Seokjin is a mischievous chef that really loves the colour purple (because of Army 😜). He's career driven but still makes time for silly pranks and outings with his closest friends. He loves luxury and wants the best for himself and his family.
Traits: Childish, Foodie, Goofball
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Career: Culinary Career (Chef Route)
. Master Culinary Career and complete Chief of Mischief aspiration
. Master mischief and cooking skills
. Unlock all 27 food stall recipes (City Living Expansion
Generation Two: Mint (Suga)
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Min Yoongi had everything he desired as a child but he was always longing for more. He was hardworking as a teenager with part-time jobs and as an adult he is only focused on his career. If there was a workaholic trait in the Sims 4, Yoongi would have it.
Traits: Music Lover, Lazy, Creative
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Career: Entertainer Career (Musician Route)
. Master the Entertainer Career and complete the musical genius aspiration
. Master the Piano Skill
Generation Three: Red (J-Hope)
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Growing up all Jung Hoseok loved to do was listen to music and dance. He was very close to his family and had lots of friends. Unfortunately as there is no dance career in the Sims 4, Hoseok has chosen the next best thing; to be a pro-athlete. At least this way he gets to be a cheerleader which is kinda like dancing, right?
Traits: Cheerful, Dance Machine, Active
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Career: Athlete Career (Pro Athlete Route)
. Master Athlete Career and Dancing Skill
. Complete Friend of the World aspiration
. Always attend parties you get invited to
. Constantly throw your own dance parties
Generation Four: Yellow (RM)
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Kim Namjoon always felt like he was different. While the rest of his family were sporty and athletic, Namjoon just wanted to be shut inside the library reading a book. As a kid he always got his parents to read him a bedtime story and always loved watching the News channel on TV. Seeing as his fantasy book world was better than the one he lived in he decided to make a change, growing up to become a politician. Oh, and Namjoon loves to fish (ya know, crabs 🦀)
Traits: Genius, Bookworm, Good
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career: Politician Career (Charity Route) - Requires City Living Pack
. Master Writing Skill and Research and Debate (Requires University Pack)
. Master Politician career and complete Renaissance aspiration
. Clean the rubbish from the beaches whenever you visit
Generation Five: Pink (Jimin)
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Every new skill Park Jimin learns he will try his best to improve until he is perfect at it. He had a lot of friends growing up and is still the social butterfly now he is an adult, causing him to become a massive flirt. He is silly and kind and unknowingly leaves behind a trail of broken hearts. As a kid his dream was to always grow up go become a policeman.
Traits: Perfectionist, Goofball, Romantic
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Career: Detective Career - Requires Get To Work Pack
. Master singing and two other skills of your choosing
. Complete Serial Romantic spiration
. Complete Detective Career
. Must have had at least three different relationships
Generation Six: Grey (V)
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Kim Taehyung is the most creative of his family. A lover of art, music and fashion. He is always posting online and creating new looks and trends. He is his own person and never follows the trends of others but makes his own. He loves shopping and hanging out in art galleries.
Traits: Art Lover, Childish, Creative
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Career: Style Influencer (Stylist Route)
. Master painting and photography skill (Requires Get to Work pack)
. Record video blogs and upload them onto the web
. Must live in the art district of San Myshuno for entire young adult life (Requires City Living Pack)
Generation Seven: Black (Jungkook)
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Jeon Jungkook spent his childhood inside his room playing computer games and watching TV. He never had many friends and when they did visit they would play video games together for the entire day. As he grew up he decided he wanted to earn money doing this so chose to become a professional gamer. His favourite thing to do it visit the GeekCon Festival when it is in town, never missing it! (Requires City Living Pack)
Traits: Geek, Loner, Unflirty
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Career: Tech Guru (eSport Gamer Route)
. Master Programming and Video Gaming skills
. Complete Computer Whiz aspiration
. Master Tech Guru career
That's it for this blog, I really hope you enjoyed it and give this challenge a go. Please let me know in the comments and don't forget to @ me on Twitter if you try it 💜
See you next time Tumblr! 👋
©All rights belong to the original creater of the 'Not So Berry Challenge'
© This BTS version belongs to me
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sixam-skies · 4 years
The Extended Not So Berry Challenge
Here is the complete list of generations for my extended version of the Not So Berry challenge. This challenge consists of the 10 generations of the Not So Berry challenge by @lilsimsie and @alwaysimming, with a few extra skill and collection goals added, followed by the 11 generations of the Road Less Travelled challenge (created by myself (originally camisimblr)​ with help from Briar, Hope, and Fiona).
Generation One: Mint You’re a mischievous scientist that really loves the colour mint. You’re career driven but still make time for silly pranks and outings with your closest friends. You love luxury and want the best for yourself and your family.
Traits: Vegetarian, Jealous, Materialistic Aspiration: Chief of Mischief Career: Scientist
Goals: - Master scientist career and complete Chief of Mischief aspiration - Master mischief and logic skills - Complete elements, crystals, and metals collections
Generation Two: Rose You had everything you desired as a child, but you were always longing for more. As an adult you have a hard time committing to relationships as you’re so focused on your career. If we had a workaholic trait in The Sims 4 you would have it. You have absolutely no maternal instincts whatsoever, but you still love your child with all your heart.
Traits: Hot Headed, Snob, Romantic Aspiration: Serial Romantic Career: Politician
Goals: - Have only one child - Master the politician career and complete Serial Romantic aspiration - Master charisma skill - Leave someone at the alter (an interaction available during a wedding) - Get married for the first time as an elder
Generation Three: Yellow Growing up you never had a close relationship with your mother and spent the majority of your time alone in your room obsessing over space. You just really love space. You’ll do whatever it takes to get to Sixam no matter the cost.
Traits: Clumsy, Ambitious, Loner Aspiration: Nerd Brain Career: Astronaut
Goals: - Master rocket science and handiness skill - Master astronaut career and complete Nerd Brain aspiration - Must build a rocket ship and visit Sixam - Enter the secret lot in Oasis Springs (requiring max handiness) - Never have any close friends or relationships other than grandparent from Generation 1 until the grandparent dies - Complete space rocks, space prints, and aliens collections
Generation Four: Grey You always felt that you were different. While the rest of your family was busy messing around in the lab, you just wanted to be outside playing basketball. You’re very good at sports and you dream of becoming a professional athlete. To make up for your non-existent relationship with your parents you want to be there for your own children as much as possible. Oh, and you love to sing.
Traits: Active, Slob, Music Lover Aspiration: Bodybuilder Career: Athlete
Goals: - Master singing, parenting, and athletic skills - Master athlete career and complete Bodybuilder aspiration - Have three failed relationships before finding spouse, marry a neat Sim - Be good friends with all of your children - Have family movie night with your spouse and children every Sunday
Generation Five: Plum You’ve always been good at anything you tried. It’s hard to choose a career, so why not try a few? You work as a doctor for much of your life, but as an adult realize that your true dream is to become a professional dancer. You quit your job and join the entertainer career. Basically: you’re an indecisive oddball.
Traits: Genius, Noncommittal, Dance Machine Aspiration: Renaissance Sim Career: Fast Food, Doctor, Entertainer
Goals: - Master dance and two other skills of your choosing, achieve at least level eight in six skills - Complete Renaissance Sim aspiration - Get divorced and then later remarried to the same Sim - Must live in at least three different worlds over the course of your life
Generation Six: Orange You’re the black sheep of your family (but with orange hair) and you were raised in a hectic household. You’ve always wanted to cause mayhem, but you’re just really bad at being evil. You enjoy breaking into your neighbors’ houses and eating their food. You really love baking and spend the majority of your spare time eating sweets.
Traits: Evil, Self-Assured, Glutton Aspiration: Public Enemy Career: Criminal
Goals: - Master baking and charisma skills - Master criminal career and complete Public Enemy aspiration - Must live in a ‘needs TLC’ apartment for entire young adult life - Have twins, but only those two children (you may cheat for this). - Insist on being evil (claim to be criminal mastermind) but nobody believes you, not even your own children
Generation Seven: Pink You grew up poor and are living paycheck to paycheck working in the business career just as your parents did. You long to write romance novels but are too afraid to quit your steady job to follow your dreams. You’re very practical and you know the chances of making it as a writer are slim, so you stay working at your nine to five. As an adult you finally decide to pursue your dreams. You’re a hopeless romantic, but your unflirty nature makes it nearly impossible to find love.
Traits: Neat, Unflirty, Creative Aspiration: Best Selling Author Career: Business
Goals: - Complete postcard collection - Master writing and wellness skills - Complete Best-Selling Author aspiration - Have a well-maintained garden - Quit day job as an adult to pursue dreams (mid-life crisis much?)
Generation Eight: Peach Your mother always taught her to follow her dreams. You’ve always wanted to be a detective. You’ve always wanted to be a comedian. Well dang it, you can do both! Detective by day, comedian by night, you can do anything you set your mind to.
Traits: Foodie, Lazy, Goofball Aspiration: Joke Star Career: Detective
Goals: - Marry a co-worker - Must play an instrument - Master gourmet cooking and comedy skills - Master detective career - Must live in a different world than the one he/she was raised
Generation Nine: Green You were caught hacking by a major tech company that then offered you a position in their firm. You know Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds? That’s you. You’re dedicated to your work, but that doesn’t stop you from going out and having a good time. You’re the kind of person that will be at a party at 3am and then at work at 6am.
Traits: Squeamish, Geek, Cheerful Aspiration: Computer Whiz Career: Tech Guru
Goals: - Master mixology, video gaming, and programming skills - Master tech guru career and complete Computer Whiz aspiration - Must accept every invitation to parties/outings with your friends - Have at least five good friends and five enemies - Complete Voidcritters collection
Generation Ten: Blue You have the perfect life. White picket fence, loving spouse, beautiful children. But why do you still want more? You have a one-time secret affair and will regret it for the rest of your life. Afterward you pour your soul into raising your children and fixing your marriage. You never admit the affair to anyone and dedicate your life to being the perfect mother.
Traits: Gloomy, Perfectionist, Family Oriented Aspiration: Super Parent Career: Critic
Goals: - Adopt at least one child - Master the photography, cooking, and parenting skills - Master critic career and complete Super Parent aspiration - Must marry high school sweetheart and stay with them until you die - Have a one-time secret affair
Generation Eleven: Platinum You grew up in the perfect home, with a perfect childhood. What more could you want? Well, there’s fame, and money, and you’ll get both if you work hard… or marry rich.
Traits: Self-Absorbed, Insider, Materialistic Aspiration: Master Actor/Actress Career:  Actor/Actress
Goals: - Become a 5-star Celebrity - Marry a celebrity (3-star or higher) - Master acting and media production skill - Have either a Pristine or Atrocious reputation - Throw 5 successful Charity Benefits or 5 successful Lampoon Parties (depending on reputation)
Generation Twelve: Lilac As the child of famous parents your entire childhood was spent in the spotlight, wishing to be anywhere else, and you couldn’t get any further from the spotlight than Selvadorada.
Traits:  Loves Outdoors, Outgoing, Good Aspiration:  Jungle Explorer Career:  Writer (Journalism)
Goals: - Marry a Selvadoradian local - Master archaeology and Selvadoradian culture skills - Collect all Ancient Omiscan Artefacts and Omiscan Treasures - Explore the temple in Selvadorada three times. - See everything Selvadorada has to offer - Befriend a skeleton
Generation Thirteen: Copper Growing up with stories from your parent of exploring Selvadorada, you make it your mission to do some exploring of your own – by solving the mysteries of StrangerVille.
Traits: Paranoid, Noncommittal, Vegetarian Aspiration:  StrangerVille Mystery Career:  Military
Goals: - Become the Hero of StrangerVille - Befriend The Mother - Master fitness and charisma skills - Be enemies with at least 3 coworkers - Live underground as a Young Adult - Never have a serious relationship
Generation Fourteen: Turquoise Growing up with a paranoid parent is no easy feat, and you crave an easier, cruisier lifestyle. Nothing could be better than spending every day on the beautiful beaches of Sulani… if you can keep them beautiful.
Traits:  Outgoing, Child of the Islands, Bro Aspiration:  Beach Life Career:  Conservationist
Goals: - Move to Sulani as a Young Adult - Master Photography skill - Throw a beach party every weekend - Marry an island local - Befriend a dolphin - Complete seashells collection
Generation Fifteen: Red You love animals far more than you love people, so much so that you’ve decided to dedicate your life to your critter friends.
Traits:  Hates Children, Loves Cats, Loner Aspiration: Friend of the Animals Career:  Vet Clinic
Goals: - Open and run a successful Vet Clinic - Master veterinarian and pet training skills - Always have at least two pets in your household - Cook your pets a weekly meal - Have only one pregnancy, leave your partner to do the parenting
Generation Sixteen: Navy What’s more enthralling than the pursuit of medicine? The pursuit of magic! You want to be the most spectacular Spellcaster to ever live and nothing will get in your way.
Traits: Self-Assured, Erratic, Ambitious Aspiration:  Spellcraft & Sorcery Career:  Painter
Goals: - Become a Spellcaster - Master painting, gardening, and herbalism skills - Mix every type of potion successfully - Learn every spell - Defeat all 3 Sages in a Duel
Generation Seventeen: Black As the child of a Sage you’re no stranger to the supernatural, but a chance encounter with a dark, dangerous stranger has you chasing your humanity.
Traits: Clumsy, Music Lover, Squeamish Aspiration:  Good Vampire Career: Musician
Goals: - Become a Vampire as a Young Adult - Master vampiric lore, pipe organ, and guitar skills - Marry a human - Become human again before starting a family - Become a Grand Master Vampire
Generation Eighteen: Baby Blue Your parent overcome the greatest of obstacles to start their family, and it’s always inspired you to raise the perfect child. But every Stay-At-Home parent needs some me-time.
Traits:  Perfectionist, Family Oriented, Creative Aspiration: Big, Happy Family Career: None
Goals: - Raise a perfect child (Max toddler skills, max child skills, complete all childhood aspirations, have all 5 positive character values) - Marry a childhood BFF or high school sweetheart - Max painting and bowling skills - Max any skill that brings a profit - Bowl a perfect game
Generation Nineteen (Option 1): Emerald (UBrite) You were the perfect child, and now you’ll be the perfect student. You’re going to excel on whichever path your academic life takes, but which path will it be?
Traits: Bookworm, Genius, Outgoing Aspiration: Academic Career: Law
Goals: - Get a full ride of scholarships - Max research & debate skill - Graduate without failing a class - Major in a Distinguished Degree - Reach the highest rank in an Organisation - Win the Debate Showdown
Generation Nineteen (Option 2): Maroon (Foxbury) You were the perfect child, and now you’ll be the perfect student. You’re going to excel on whichever path your academic life takes, but which path will it be?
Traits: Bookworm, Genius, Outgoing Aspiration: Academic Career: Engineer
Goals: - Get a full ride of scholarships - Max robotics skill - Graduate without failing a class - Major in a Distinguished Degree - Reach the highest rank in an Organisation - Build a Servo
Generation Twenty: Honey Your parents spent their lives with their noses buried in their textbooks, but you want to live with the sun on your face and your most loyal companion by your side.
Traits: Loves Dogs, Loves the Outdoors, Good Aspiration: The Curator Career:  Gardener
Goals: - Live Off The Grid as a Young Adult - Max fishing, gardening, and flower arranging skills - Take your family camping every weekend - Always have a dog in your household - Complete the Fishing and Gardening collections
Bonus Generation: Fuschia You’ve lived most of your life in the peace of the woods, but long for the hustle and bustle of city life. You’ll find your place in the big city, and someone to share the view.
Traits: Art Lover, Foodie, Romantic Aspiration: City Native Career: Social Media
Goals: - Max charisma and comedy skills - Open a gallery to feature your photos - Accept every invitation for parties and events - Complete the City Posters collection - Marry a Sim with similar traits.
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pochiway · 4 years
Not So Berry Legacy Challenge
Do you like the rainbow? Do you like the idea of playing with berry Sims but hate berry Sims? Do you want to mess around with aspects of the game you’ve never used before? Boy, do I have the challenge for you!
Welcome to the Not So Berry Legacy Challenge, a ten generation legacy with a focus on bright colors and new experiences.
Basic Rules:
Each heir must represent the color of the generation (i.e. hair, makeup, clothing), but brightly colored skin is not necessary (these aren’t actually berry Sims, that’s the joke). Of course, this is optional but a big portion of the fun.
The colors of the spouses don’t matter as they aren’t part of the challenge. Unless otherwise stated you can do whatever you please with them.
Money cheats can be used, but not excessively. Suggestion: use freerealestate for your first home, but no cheats afterward.
You may live wherever you please unless something is specified in the rules of a generation.
Every generation is supposed to complete both the career and aspiration of the heir unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Keep the lifespan on normal.
Me Pochiway used Lilsimsie’s Not so berry challenge and changed it a little bit for my future series on my youtube channel Pochiway!!!!!!
Generation One: Mint
You’re a mischievous Actress/Actor that really loves the color mint. You’re career driven but still make time for silly pranks and outings with your closest friends. You love luxury and want the best for yourself and your family.
Traits: Vegetarian, Jealous, Materialistic Aspiration: Chief of Mischief Career: Actress/Actor
Master Actor/Actress career and complete Chief of Mischief aspiration
Master mischief and logic skills
Complete elements collection
Also try to become as famous as possible
Generation Two: Rose
You had everything you desired as a child but you were always longing for more. As an adult you have a hard time committing to relationships as you’re so focused on your career. If we had a workaholic trait in The Sims 4 you would have it. You have absolutely no maternal instincts whatsoever but you still love your child with all your heart.
Traits: Hot Headed, Snob, Romantic Aspiration: Serial Romantic Career: Politician
Have only one child
Master the politician career and complete Serial Romantic aspiration
Master charisma skill
Leave someone at the alter (an interaction available during a wedding)
Generation Three: Yellow
Growing up you never had a close relationship with your mother and spent the majority of your time alone in your room obsessing over space. You just really love space. You’ll do whatever it takes to get to Sixam no matter the cost.
Traits: Clumsy, Ambitious, Loner Aspiration: Nerd Brain Career: Astronaut
Master rocket science and handiness skill
Master astronaut career and complete Nerd Brain aspiration
Must build a rocket ship and visit Sixam
Enter the secret lot in Oasis Springs (requiring max handiness)
Never have any close friends or relationships other than grandparent from Generation 1 until the grandparent dies
Generation Four: Grey
You always felt that you were different. While the rest of your family was busy messing around in the lab, you just wanted to be outside playing basketball. You’re very good at sports and you dream of becoming a professional athlete. To make up for your nonexistent relationship with your parents you want to be there for your own children as much as possible. Oh, and you love to sing.
Traits: Active, Slob, Music Lover Aspiration: Bodybuilder Career: Athlete
Master singing, and athletic skills
Master athlete career and complete Bodybuilder aspiration
Have two failed relationships before finding spouse, marry a neat Sim
Be good friends with all of your children
Have family movie night with your spouse and children every Sunday
Generation Five: Plum
You’ve always been good at anything you tried. It’s hard to choose a career, so why not try a few? as an adult realize that your true dream is to become a professional dancer. You quit your job and join the entertainer career. Basically: you’re an indecisive oddball.
Traits: Genius, Noncommittal, Dance Machine Aspiration: Renaissance Sim Career: Fast Food,  Entertainer
Master dance and two other skills of your choosing, achieve at least level eight in six skills
Complete Renaissance Sim aspiration
Get divorced and then later remarried to the same Sim
Must live in at least three different worlds over the course of your life
Generation Six: Orange
You’re the black sheep of your family (but with orange hair) and you were raised in a hectic household. You’ve always wanted to cause mayhem, but you’re just really bad at being evil. You enjoy breaking into your neighbors’ houses and eating their food. You really love baking and spend the majority of your spare time eating sweets.
Traits: Evil, Self-Assured, Glutton Aspiration: Public Enemy Career: Criminal
Master baking and charisma skills
Master criminal career and complete Public Enemy aspiration
Must live in a ‘needs TLC’ apartment for entire young adult life
Have twins, but only those two children (you may cheat for this)
Insist on being evil (claim to be criminal mastermind) but nobody believes you, not even your own children
Generation Seven: Pink
You grew up poor and are living paycheck to paycheck working in the business career just as your parents did. You long to write romance novels but are too afraid to quit your steady job to follow your dreams. You’re very practical and you know the chances of making it as a writer are slim, so you stay working at your nine to five. As an adult you finally decide to pursue your dreams. You’re a hopeless romantic, but your unflirty nature makes it nearly impossible to find love.
Traits: Neat, Unflirty, Creative Aspiration: Best Selling Author Career: Business
Master writing and wellness skills
Complete Best Selling Author aspiration
Have a well-maintained garden
Quit day job as an adult to pursue dreams (mid-life crisis much?)
Generation Eight: Peach
Your mother always taught her to follow her dreams. You’ve always wanted to be a Freelancer to stay home and take care of family. You’ve always wanted to be a comedian. Well dang it, you can do both! Comedian by day, Freelancer by night, you can do anything you set your mind to.
Traits: Foodie, Lazy, Goofball Aspiration: Joke Star Career: Entertainer at day, Freelancer at night.
Marry a co-worker
Must play an instrument
Master gourmet cooking and comedy skills
Master detective career
Must live in a different world than the one he/she was raised
Generation Nine: Green
You were caught hacking by a major tech company that then offered you a position in their firm. You know Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds? That’s you. You’re dedicated to your work, but that doesn’t stop you from going out and having a good time. You’re the kind of person that will be at a party at 3am and then at work at 6am.
Traits: Squeamish, Geek, Cheerful Aspiration: Computer Whiz Career: Tech Guru
Master mixology, video gaming, and programming skills
Master tech guru career and complete Computer Whiz aspiration
Must accept every invitation to parties/outings with your friends
Have at least five good friends and five enemies
Generation Ten: Blue
You have the perfect life. White picket fence, loving spouse, beautiful children. But why do you still want more? You have a one time secret affair and will regret it for the rest of your life. Afterward you pour your soul into raising your children and fixing your marriage. You never admit the affair to anyone and dedicate your life to being the perfect mother.
Traits: Gloomy, Perfectionist, Family Oriented Aspiration: Super Parent Career: Critic
Thanks so much for your support and please go to my YouTube and subscribe!
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toastverse · 4 years
Sooo... Thanks to the quarantine I got into Sims again and I discovered the Not so Berry challenge which I absolutely adore! Credits to @lilsimsie ^^ I like the idea of achieving preset goals and sticking to a given theme, but I wanted to customize things a little bit. And I came across the build your own berry challenge: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/963165/build-your-own-not-so-berry-challenge
So here is the Not so Berry challenge Ritsu edition! Feel free to try it out! And please tag me if you do!
You must complete your aspirations and get to the top of your carrer unless it's specified otherwise. But you don't have to stick to the given color theme and you can also change the order of the generations if you're more interested in one then in the other.
Generation one- Lavender
You are a kind and generous nerd who just wants the best for everyone around them. Your biggest dream is to become a doctor and you're working very hard for that.
Traits: good, geek, ambitious
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Doctor
Skills to max out: Logic, Parenting
- Marry a Goofball Sim and you have to be Soulmates as Elders
- Have only one child, become best friends with them in their childhood (you could have an other best friend later on)
- Get at least to level 8 in the doctor career, so you can help in your grandchild's birth, but you don't have to get to the top
- Complete the elements collection
Generation two- Dark blue
You've idolised Lavender Sim all your life and you also want to help people just like them. You are a prodigy with a kind heart but with sometimes untamed emotions.
Traits: good, genius, self-assured
Childhood aspiration: Whiz Kid
Adult aspiration: Nerd Brain
Career: Detective
Skills to max out: Logic, Handiness
- Earn the Compassionate and Untamed Emotions character values
- Marry your high school sweetheart and have a baby with them as soon as possible (possibly with teen pregnancy mods, but if you're uncomfortable with that, do it as soon as you turn into a young adult)
- Have your spouse be a secret agent or also a detective
- Complete the snowglobe collection
Generation three- Green
Both of your parents dedicated their lives to their dangerous jobs and were also young and inexperienced parents which left you alone or with your Lavender grandparents most of the time. You've spent a lot of time outside and found comfort in plants. You're also dreaming about a big, happy family which you've never had in your younger years.
Traits: Goofball, Loves Outdoors, Slob
Childhood aspiration: Whiz Kid (for them it's not obligatory but helps with the Fishing skill later)
Adult aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast or Big Happy Family (or both). You can choose this one
Career: Gardener, Botanist (doesn't have to be completed)
Skills to max out: Gardening, Fishing, Herbalism
- Earn the Responsible and Mediator character values
- Be best friends with your Goofball grandparent and don't have anyone else until you're a young adult
- Have 5 children and one of them has to be adopted
- Complete the gardening collection
- Be at least friends with all of your children except one (the next heir)
Generation four- Red
You come from a very simple and subtle but also a very big and noisy family where you didn't get the attention you want and actually deserve. You're dreaming big unlike your stupid parents who wasted all of their potential.
Traits: Self-assured, Perfeccionist, Materialistic
Childhood aspiration: Social butterfly
Adult aspiration: Mansion Baron
Carrer: Businessman, Investor
Skills to max out: Charisma, Gourmet Cooking, Pipe Organ
- Earn the Responsible and Argumentative character values
- Have a negative relationship with Green Sim as a YA
- Have only one child
- Divorce than remarry the same Sim in your next life stage
- Have a total net worth of 1.000.000 simoleons
Generation five- Orange
Your Red parent gave you everything you could ever imagine as a child, but as you grew older you've realized that money can't buy happiness. But food definitely can! You've always loved the cute gourmet meals your Red parent prepared for you, and as you were growing older, you slowly started to dive into the world of cooking as well.
Traits: Cheerful, Insider, Foodie
Childhood aspiration: Artistic Prodigy or Social Butterfly
Adult aspiration: Master Chef
Carrer: Chef, Restaurant owner
Skills to max out: Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, Comedy
- Earn the Good Manners character value
- Learn all foodstall recepies in San Myshuno
- Donate 10.000 simoleons to charity
- Have a big family dinner every Saturday night
- Get to at least level 6 in the Chef carrer before quitting and having your own restaurant.
Generation six- Malachite
You are the little weird, black sheep of your family. While the others were playing outside, you stayed in your room full of flowers reading romance novels and dreaming about your significant other.
Traits: loner, vegetarian, romantic
Childhood aspiration: you decide
Adult aspiration: Soulmate
Carrer: Gardener, Floral Designer
Skills to max out: Flower Arranging, Wellness, Guitar
- Earn all five positive character values
- Never have any close friends except your spouse
- Collect all crystals
- Have twelve traits before turning into an elder (complex personality pretty much...)
Generation seven- Silver
You are a michevious nerd with a potty mouth who can't take anything seriously, not even themselves. You're very smart and optimistic, seeing the good in everything but with your high IQ comes a very low EQ and sometimes you don't realize how much you've hurt someone.
Traits: genius, clumsy, childish
Childhood aspiration: Whiz Kid
Adult aspiration: Chief of Mischief or Computer Whiz (you can decide or you can do both)
Carrer: Tech Guru, eSport gamer
Skills to max out: Programming, Mischief, Video Gaming
- Earn the Irresponsible and Bad Manners character values
- You have to leave a Sim at the altar, because this type of commitment is too much for you
- You have to woohoo in a rocketship, possibly at GeekCon
- Collect all Voidcritter Cards
Generation eight- Gold
Your Silver parent always told you to follow your dreams doesn't matter how crazy they might be. So you did! You are a curious and hyperactive person who never turns down a challenge. Especially if it's related to the wild jungles of Selvadorada or especially life threatening. Or maybe both!
Traits: kleptomaniac, loves outdoors, erratic
Childhood aspiration: Rambunctious Scamp
Adult aspiration: Jungle Explorer
Carrer: Secret Agent, Diamond Agent
Skills to max out: Selvadoradian culture, Archaeology, Fitness
- Earn the Uncontrolled Emotions character value
- Earn gold on 5 different party types, because you just can't rest
- Get an Adventurous dog
- Get married first as an elder
- Complete the insect collection and dedicate a room to them in your home.
Generation nine- Brown
Your family had all sorts of different and interesting animals when you were a child, and you've loved spending time with them, especially with your Gold parent's dog. Their death hit you pretty hard and later it made you want to protect all animals at all cost.
Traits: cat lover, dog lover, unflirty
Childhood aspiration: you decide
Adult aspiration: Friend of the animals
Carrer: veterinarian
Skills to max out: Veterinarian, Pet training, Piano
- Earn the Responsible and Controlled Emotions character values
- Never get married.
- Have five cats and five dogs in the household during your life. At least two of each has to be a stray.
- You can only have "accidental" human children. Let's be honest, your pets are your real children.
Generation ten- Yellow
You are a very abstract and artistic person who is just as much of a weirdo living their lives by their own set of rules as their Gold grandparent. You love living in the city and meeting new people there.
Traits: creative, squeamish, noncommital
Childhood aspiration: Artistic Prodigy
Adult aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire or Serial Romantic
Carrer: Freelance artist
Skills to max out: Painting, Dancing, Bowling
- As you turn into a YA move into the Arts Quarters in your city
- Visit every festival
- Go bowling with your friends every Friday night
- Collect every emotional painting type
- Have multiple affairs while you're married or in a relationship
- Have a small pet from YA- to death
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