#you could see pac being surprised and then pining hard
sp4mja · 10 months
One of the best moments of yesterday's stream was Fit singing his special lullaby to Empanada and Pac watching and falling in love all over again
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teopatra · 10 months
All about your crush 😻 👀
Pick a pile/pick a group PAC
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Pick one of the boys: What does your crush think about you?👀
I was inspired by the cast of the show Revenge which debuted on ABC when I was surprised to learn that the main character Emily Thorne (blonde lady pictured below) is actually married in real life to another character on the show, Daniel Greyson, who I actually did not use in this reading.. NO SPOILERS
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• dresses preppy or formal • wealthy • clean shaven / clean cut • Burberry • Tom Ford • Lacosté • Ralph Lauren • designer, luxe, luxury, • jewelry like watches or cuff links • suit and tie • corporate • first or business class • fresh food never frozen
• this person can be found at social gatherings a lot or you may have met them at some type of event, probably formal or having to do with work. If not, then you may have known this person for a long time thru family. Or this person could have grown up in the same neighborhood as you, may have went to a school of other mutual friend’s but not your school. This could be a family friend/associate who you’ve always known but you all may not have had your own personal or intimate relationship.
• this person gives off air sign energy or mutable enrgy mainly gemini, but could be any of the mutable signs. This person likes to stay busy bc they have to. They’ll begin to overthink or get anxiety if they’re too still or not busy being involved in some type of gathering. This person knows how to socialize and party but that doesn’t mean they’re a party animal. They network for the sake of their reputation or business, but they are in no ways a clout chaser. They have a very androgynous energy so they may have both genders pining after them which gives them many options to choose from except they’re very picky with their dealings. They’re very sought after for their work, reputation, and wealth and you two may come from completely diff words. For that reason you all may have not connected or hung out previously bc of fear.
• either you or this person didn’t initially approach the other bc he didn’t want to come off as chauvinistic or as if he can get whatever he wants due to his status. This person is very humble and down to earth but has been burned by betrayal. This person wants to be seen as normal, but not regular, meaning that they want to be noted for their hard work not just for their finances or donations.
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✨This person will like to make you laugh and watch you from afar just to study you for example if you show up to the same place (or event) they’ll pay attention to your look and style bc they’re into that. They admire fashion specially runway and couture bc that’s what they can afford.
✨ this is not your typical rich boy troupe, for they have worked very hard to be where they are and it is deserving. This person could have good aspects to their Jupiter or 2nd house.
✨ they noticed you bc of who they’ve seen you conversing and interacting with and they’re intrigued bc most women who remind him of you are gold diggers or manipulators and he can peep 👀 game from a mile away (this is what he does for a living in the business world)
What do they like about you?
• Regardless of the romantic feelings between the two of you, you all will find long lasting friendship in one another first and last. This could be a friend turned lover or a romantic connection that ends in forever friendship with no love lost. This person has respect for you and sees the class you have, whether one of you or neither of you are wealthy neither of you care about that, but they see how valuable you are. They see you as very talented and well connected and since they’ve been introduced to so many rooms and tables they’ve seen it all from people who are superficial, users with ulterior motives, or people who bring nothing to the table except for what they can take from others. This person feels like you are deserving of everything great that comes your way and they see you as someone they can trust and even come to for advice. They hope that n the future you all will be able to put your heads together and work together. There could be initial attraction between you all, but you two happen to both be very focused individuals more so determined to build wealth. This person sees you as easy going and tbh I feel like the both of you see yourselves in each other but you’re not the type of people to outwardly discuss that at first. A lot of air sign energy; they don’t want to get hurt, but they know how to take a game or risk when it comes to new opportunities. They see you as an opportunity to grow and not a liability; not saying that they want you for what you can do but more so they see how the two of you together as wolves of Wall Street lol xoxo
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• stoic, observant, calm • casual, quiet, under the radar, off the grid • traveler, multi-faceted, exclusive • elusive, sleeper build, trustworthy • high class, foreign, mysterious • limited edition
• most likely you’ve met this person at work or some type of community event or religious banquet.. wherever it was it’s similar to group 1 (Nolan) where the event could have been more formal or you needed to dress up to attend. Lol my readers are classy individuals so plz check out the Nolan group if you’re here <3 ANYWAYS , this person may not have felt it was appropriate to approach you bc maybe they’re older than you (meaning you’re well over 21 and so are they. If you aren’t 18 you shouldn’t be talking to anyone over 18 now if they just turned 19 or you’re about to that’s diff but I ain’t ya mama I’m just letting you know.. again , ANYWAYS) this person maybe knows your dad lol so if they felt it wasn’t appropriate it’s bc they’re very respectable and this could be the reason why I’m feeling it was a religious event like something for church bc n their head they’re like “ this isn’t speed dating” lol. RESPECT.
• this person understands that there’s a time and place for everything which gives me a more mature vibe from this person, OR if they felt it wasn’t appropriate to approach you it’s bc they’re traditional and want to ask your parents or whoever raised you like aunts, uncles, grandparents or whoever for their persmission first 🥹 AWWWWWNN 🥹🥹 das so sweeeeeet ahaha nah fr I’m jeally lowkey bc I love traditional romance not this hookup culture talking stage bull crap pew 🤢
• this person is very formal and doesn’t like to be the center of attention, but they’ve noticed you for a while actually which I love bc I’ve gotten in all my groups that the feeling is mutual between the crushes teehee .. they’re very imaginative, but they like to make sure they’re making the right decisions before they make one.. that’s important to them. And everything they do with intention, so tbh they’ve been plotting for while now how to approach you bc even tho they’re not the show-offy type, don’t be fooled bc this person would go allllll out for you. They’ve haven’t been n too many commitments bc they don’t believe n casual dating, but that doesn’t make them inexperienced. They’ve had great examples of leading men and women figures n their life so they come from a great background and they take commitment serious once involved. Your value is NOT measured by how others see you, but tbh they’re aren’t too many men out there like him and you should be flattered fr fr..
How do they feel about you?
✨ what you see isn’t always what you get with this person bc they’re very deep and definitely more than what meets the eye. They may look like your typical playboy or seem like a ladies man bc I’m ngl they can’t get a break.. LITERALLY.. he’s always being approached by stunning women and the occasional pick-me, but he attracts women with alpha energy lol and he hopes that doesn’t make you think less of him
✨ he feels like you are royalty and should be treated as such which is why he doesn’t approach you so casually.. he wants you to understand him and his approach. He feels like you deserve grandeur even tho he may not always be the best at expressing his feelings and he actually sees you as someone who is very knowledgeable and educated so he has been actively trying to better himself in learning about his family history and maybe he’s into astrology and would love to take a look at YOUR natal chart 👀 OOOOOH where is he atttttt doeeeeee bc dis my man right here ahaha 🤣 ugh I’m a sucker for this kind of stuff
✨ bc of how you look of look or dress he may assume you’re wealthy so doesn’t wanna come off cheap even tho he doesn’t think you’re a snob and even if you aren’t wealthy you look regal 100% of the time OKURR. He knows that you’re a group leader and organizer and that you like to help out (esp n the community) which makes him think you’d be an amazing wife and mother to someone one day if not to him, whoever it is would be lucky… he feels like if he asks you out of tried to talk to you you’d reject him and you probably would 🤣 bc you think he’s an F boy but he’s not.. he can tell tha you’ve been betrayed n the past and that’s mainly bc you probably had a very public breakup or falling out with someone or a group. But he knows they did wrong by you and you’d be best off without those people anyways bc they’re not on your level. He feels honored to be n your presence whenever you’ll are at the same places honestly. He may be tall or very built; extremely masculine physique and he sees you as so dainty and fragile tbh he feels like you’d be better off not knowing him cuz he isn’t sure if he’d know how to love you properly bc to him you are the personification of love… xoxo
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• familiar, nostalgic, past lives, spiritual • expressive, passionate, loving, energetic • caring, wise, maternal/paternal/fatherly • chemistry, attraction • physically active, athletic • focused, determined • loner • alpha, manly, muscular, hairy • nice cologne, fireside chat, night visits, rocks thrown at the window kinda vibe, let’s cuddle, staycation together
• strong water energy mainly piscerian. This guy has a burning fire inside of him for you and majority of the time won’t show it (in a larger crowd lol like a Scorpio) this guy thinks you’re really pretty and he hasn’t seen anyone like you before. It’s something about you that takes his breath away and he wants to know what you look like with different types of hair styles and looks LOL what.. he wants to take you out on a dinner date or maybe something romantic like a boat ride. He’s very sweet and creative and will find fun ways to woo you like words made of rose petals
• he puts his heart before his head bc his head may convince him otherwise so he’s a just go for it kind of guy bc he’s very passionate. I feel like you guys could live or work close together or n the same area maybe you go to the same school but you live n diff buildings (duh bc do colleges even do coed LOL) but if he sees you on campus he ONLY sees you at certain times and places but sometimes he doesn’t see you and he’s like dam.. he’s hoping he sees you talking to someone he knows so he can ask more about you.. NOT IN A STALKERY WAY just a mutual crush 😏 so if you were wondering… confirmation.
• YOU could have seen him and you all have similar thoughts about hoping they know a mutual so you can ask more about them. But I feel like you’re too shy and he’s honestly not too mixy or involved .. he could either play a sport or be in some type of frat or organization bc there’s some reason besides class that forces him to be on campus or else he’d prob just hideaway in his room (no pun intended 😜 iykyk 🤭)
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✨ If you were wondering if your crush notices you yes they do! I feel like you should shoot your shot and make the first move lol it doesn’t have to be too forth coming or aggressive but you could introduce yourself and say hey I’ve seen you around and you seem pretty cool. Go from there lol he’s kind of a shy guy and he may not approach you AT FIRST bc you’re so pretty and he doesn’t wanna come off too strong but since he has Alpha energy he isn’t gonna let too many encounters go by before you slip away PLUS there’re a few gals (maybe guys too lowkey LOL) with their eye on him bc everyone kinda has a crush on him bc he’s mysterious and not n everyone’s face like most of these guys r esp on campus or n school
✨ he’s seen you around other pretty girls or the Misses of your school if your school does the royal court thing and that kind of intimiades him bc he doesn’t really understand it all and doesn’t wanna be rude or weird lmao he’s very respectful and well mannered. BUT I see y’all passing each other alone and you guys catch each others eye maybe you’ll both start blushing and can’t stop awwww PLZ LMK IF THIS HAPPENS
Future of this connection / what happens next?
• if you get ahold of their birth chart you’ll be VERY surprised to see how your synastry parallels/aligns but if your moon signs are opposite that may not be your guy esp if you haven’t reached your Saturn return yet BUT just know that any opposing energies is room for OPPORTUNITY that could be good OR bad depending on how you perceive it but either way it may cause a challenge more than a conflict so don’t be discouraged just be wise..
• this type of connection feels like the one that is very passionate n the beginning then dwindles out like a flame (maybe you could be twin flames). This could piss you off if you’re more and more attracted to this guy bc of his nice guy persona which is genuine, but he may struggle with his confidence and it can make him jealous or clingy but he’ll prob grow out of that. You’re prob really sought after also except you’re a bit more outgoing than he is so you’ll be seen amongst larger crowds which can raise his judgement. It’s not that he doesn’t trust YOU, but he doesn’t trust the company you keep sometimes.. and he may be right. I see this guy being very intuitive, but sometimes for a man it’s hard to decipher intuition if they’re not actively doing shadow work or healing. They’ll just chalk it up to their being too emotional. Xoxo
Thank you for reading and feel free to pick more than one group
x o x o
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miyalove · 4 years
Um... Hi. 👉👈 I saw that your requests were open. Could you write a mutual pining, friends to lovers scenario with Kunimi x fem!reader during high school? Where he casually confesses to her like it's no big deal and this catches the reader off guard? Thanks! (You can also change this as you see fit. I mostly just want a cute Kunimi x fem!reader scenario. lol)
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—pairing: kunimi x fem!reader
—warnings: none just fluff!!, unedited*
—synopsis: 1.3k | public settings really isn’t his thing, but for you anything goes, he supposes.
—a/n: thank you for requesting, hun ✨ idk if i was rlly on the dot with his character but i tried my best!! i hope you enjoy :) + request are still open
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despite being a close friends to kunimi, he will always be a puzzle to figure out.
he doesn’t like loud characters, yet you’ve witnessed many instances where he’d get a little too cheery with the 3rd years.
often times he opts to cheating off of your homework, but he gets flying colors when it comes to test. 
he’s lazy and skips practices as much as he can, but when he does decide to come, you can see all the effort he puts into the sport. it’s a complete 180 from the lazy, careless kunimi you’re used to.
and by far, the most baffling off all, kunimi isn’t one for attention. he hates large crowds and how close strangers stand next to him. there’s no room to move, and no clean air to breath.
if he had the choice of staying in his room for the rest of his life or making awkward eye contact with strangers from across the floor, the former sounds like a dream come true. 
to say the least, your beloved best friend is an introvert that enjoys the bliss of sweet silence more than anything.
and yet the most confusing thing is, here he was in the one place he loathes the most and for what? he sighs, stealing a slight glance to his side. there you are babbling about something, what exactly? he doesn’t know. 
but he does know that the shirt your wearing makes your eyes pop and how your smile looks extra bright today. will he ever admit that he’s here purely because he likes spending time with you no matter what you end up doing? no, of course not but he’s here for you and that’s all that matters.
“woah, akira! let’s try this one next!” you’re practically bouncing off the wall as you point at a game far in the distance, one that the taller boy cannot see. he tries to follow your finger but alas, the crowd is too thick. 
the sudden sound of space invaders blasting right next to him makes him flinch. how annoying, he thinks. there’s a scowl resting on his face, an expression he only makes when he’s deeply bothered by something as he eyes the kid that just slammed down the start button.
there’s just too many people here. he could be in his bed right now, sleeping at least and yet he’s here at an arcade that smells like moldy pizza and sweat. it’s then he reminds himself of your presence. too busy sinking into his own bitter thoughts, he had completely forgotten that he was here on a “date”.
ha a “date”, he finds himself rolling his eyes against his will, i wish.
he shakes his head, trying to fight off the hot feeling in his cheeks. his round eyes scan the crowd looking for one person in particular. it shouldn’t be this hard to find the girl he’s been crushing on since middle school but for some reason, you’re nowhere to be seen.
this is his cue to stare moving. he doesn’t make an effort to call your name out, simply just maneuvering between nooks of the crowd and looking around. by now, his face is back to normal. no longer is there a scowl etched into his lips.
instead, he wears is usual monotone expression but you know better. behind that stale look lies an emotion that is only reserved for you; concern. you can proudly say that you broke his hard shell after many, many years of kissing up to him in middle school. 
at first, he was annoyed but your persistence worked out and now the two of you are practically glued by the hip. a friendship in which kunimi doesn’t feel pressured to entertain you and you don’t feel like you’re wasting his energy. it was a win-win.
“where is this damn girl,” he mumbles to himself. worried eyes now looking a little more frantic than usual. he fingers at the loose threads on his sweatshirt, a nervous habit you pointed out to him. he can’t help it really, how he feels. 
you’re his anchor especially when it comes to public settings like this. he can feel himself caving in with every second that passes, he just wishes you’ll be in the next corner he sees.
and like an angel coming to save him in the mist of chaos, “akira!” he swiftly turns to follow your velvety call. you’re not too far behind him, once he sees your smiling figure, the tension in his shoulders ease.
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you were lost without any doubt. your heart sputtered in your chest at the thought of kunimi looking for you. you know he can hold his own, but you felt bad for suddenly ditching him. 
this was your idea to begin with, going to an arcade together. so the deep gutting feeling in your chest makes sense. anxiously, you call out to him.
“akira, where are you?” a few heads turn your way as you shout but honestly, you don’t care. you’d gladly make a fool of yourself if it meant finding him.
rounding a corner, you give it one more go, “akira!” a familiar dark brown mop of hair turns, and the feeling in your chest weighs heavier. your eyes are meet with kunimi’s dark ones from across the room. you notice his tense stance even with the distance between the two of you, it makes you feel worse. 
as he makes his way towards you, his lean figure glides through the crowd but his eyes never waiver from yours. the intensity is felt from across the room and you don’t know why but you can’t break your stare even if your try. 
“don’t run off like that,” there’s a harshness to his words and you can’t help but pout. he furrows his brow when he doesn’t get a response, “hello? earth to (y/n)?”
“sorry, akira. i didn’t mean to run off like that,” you play with your fingers not daring to look up. you’re blushing, he could probably see the pink stain on your cheeks from miles away. he notices your sudden avoidance and can’t help the feeling he gets in his chest.
cute, he thinks. 
“just don’t do it next time,” he lectures. and he can’t believe how bold he’s being right now. 
“next time? why are you making this sound like a date?” and just like that, you’re back to usual. he would be lying if he said he didn’t like how energetic and teasing you were. on anyone else, he’d hate it, but with you... it just works. maybe it’s because you know when you’re overdoing it... or maybe it’s simply because it’s just you.
he’s not thinking when the next words came out of his mouth, “cause maybe it is.” 
despite the echoing noise of pac man in the corner and the overwhelming boom of the crowd, all he hears is your silence. he’s staring directly at you, not bothering to look away because if he was going to get rejected, at least he can say that he had enough courage to at least confess.
you don’t know what to say. a million thoughts all come flying through your head, what does he mean date? like a date-date? or like a friend date? what if he’s just messing around with you? what if—
“i can practically hear the gears turning in your head, (y/n),” you look up at him, there’s a shake in his voice that you takes you by surprise. “if you don’t like me, just let it out. don’t leave me in the dark like that.” 
he speaks so nonchalantly, as if he didn’t just confess his feelings for you. as if rejection didn’t mean messing up years and years of friendship. he waves off your silence allowing the rhythmic music from a near by game to take over the tension.
you tune out the noise. mostly just staring at his round face, then his arms that despite being covered you just know look good, and then his slender hands. your eyes widen, he’s picking at the threads of his hoodie... a timid smile grows on your face, he’s nervous. 
and just like that you know what you have to say.
“i like you too.”
silence. now you know how he felt just seconds prior. for a split second, his eyes grow wide but as fast as the shock comes, it gone nearly just as quick. he still isn’t saying anything though.
“and i wouldn’t mind a ‘next time’ either,” feeling bold, you grab at his slender fingers. feeling the callousness from volleyball practice, you smile up at him. he can’t help but tighten his grip on your smaller hand.
the weight of his feelings finally getting released is euphoric and though it is rare, he smiles at your smaller figure. nothing too big, but you don’t mind. you know akira better than anyone else. behind that small smile, lies another emotion only reserved for you; adoration.
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7r0773r · 5 years
Medallion Status by John Hodgman
As you know, airports occupy their own country. Let’s settle this once and for all: if you have a stopover at an airport in, say, Phoenix or Berlin, you cannot say you have visited Arizona or Germany. you have only visited AIRPORT, a dimension outside the jurisdiction of not only literal local law, but also most unspoken social contracts about when it is acceptable to sleep in public, wear sweatpants, and drink and drink and drink and drink in the morning. I myself drink a free drink whenever possible, but to my own surprise,I have never succumbed to this morning temptation. Perhaps I fear emitting the same giddy light that I see in the faces of all the other middle-aged moms and dads when they sip their first vodka-sodas and breakfast Sam Adamses in the Sky Lounge, the smiles and shining eyes that say:
Finally, I am alive again. For the first time since college, or maybe high school, I am freed from the drudgery of work and childcare and decent behavior that I use to distract myself from the grim drift of my body, my enflabbening into the picture of my own mom or dad. Suddenly I am not afraid of dying on this flight to Atlanta. Or ever. In fact, part of me hopes the plane does go down, because it will never, ever get better than this.
Once in a Sky Lounge, I noticed the self-serve bar had a bottle of Fernet-Branca, an esoteric Italian digestif that tastes like pine cones soaked in menthol and grave dirt that is favored by hipster chefs and weirdo booze completists like me who used to write about non-wine alcohol for magazines. I pitied the poor cocktail nerd who put it there. The Sky Lounge bar is no place for mixology. The Sky Lounge is not aspirational. It is desperational. (pp. 23-24)
The waste involved in this trip was obscene: of money, of jet fuel, of time. None of it was justifiable. Was I really going to do this? Fly five hours across the country? Get out at LAX? Leave the airport just long enough to go to the In-N-Out burger that’s right near the airport on Sepulveda? Was I going to have a double-double animal-style while sitting outside, watching those big planes land just across the road, roaring in-n-out of the sky and blasting your face with their diesel majesty, their liveries from around the world? Was I really not going to call anyone in LA, but be there, briefly, a lonely ghost without friends or family? And was I then going to just go back to the airport, reenter with no luggage one last time through that Beloved One portal, to take my seat on the plane and fly back through the night, eating first class food curated by Danny Meyer and drinking free whiskey and watching Mad Max: Fury Road three times? 
As I considered it, I realized: this sounded like it was going to be the best day of my life. 
But then I thought about my son. I thought about what he would say when I told him I could not bring him to school that morning.
“Are you going away again, Dada?” he would ask.
“Yes,” I would reply.
“For work?” he would ask.
“Well...” I would reply. “It’s hard to explain, son. I have to leave you. I have to fly across the country, and I may need to use some of your college savings to pay for it. But don’t worry: I will be flying right back. I just have to be there for a couple of hours. I just have to go to collect an imaginary medallion. But you understand, of course. You’re a gamer. It’s time for me to level up.
“Think of Pac-Man. Out there in the maze, there is a power dot. And if I go to Los Angeles and eat it, then for a brief moment, I will be bigger. For a brief period of time I will be able to turn around and eat the ghosts of guilt and doubt and shame and self-hatred (aka Shadow, Speedy, Bashful, and fucking Clyde), and as I eat them, the ghosts will say, ��Thank you for being Diamond on Beloved Airlines,’ and I will live briefly without constant fear. Because I will BE LOVED.”
“Dada,” my son might say. “I still do not understand. Why are you making a Pac-Man reference? I am only ten years old. Even if I understood your metaphor, you don’t level up by eating a power dot, but by clearing the screen. And wouldn’t a Diamond Medallion be more like a bonus prize, a bouncing bunch of cherries?”
“Son,” I would say, “life is messy. Sometimes you just have to use a metaphor that makes its point, even if it’s not perfect. Just like sometimes we have to do things that hurt other people. We know it is wrong and we are doing it anyway. And when that happens, we will mix any metaphor we have to justify our actions and get out the door. You’ll understand when you’re disappointing  your own children someday.” (pp. 197-98)
And that is when your cat takes his revenge. That is when he turns to you and says, I’m still here. He reminds you of the day you found him, when you were twenty-six, living in a studio apartment, just three doors down from the cool independent video store, and every night you could just stay up late and watch movies and answer to no one, a grown-up alone in the world. He reminds you that everything after that moment was optional. You could have remained the same selfish creep you were trying so hard to un-become, just getting money and having sex, or, if you were me, getting drunk in bars and arguing about operating systems. You didn’t have to get a cat. You didn’t have to have children. You didn’t have to devote every minute, the life energy of your every cell, to worry, to the harried art of keeping something else alive. You didn’t have to learn what it is like when you fail at that task. 
The cat doesn’t really say this. Cats can’t talk. But for a rickety, declining year, he sends you the message: We are both old. See how I cannot walk correctly or bathe myself? That’s going to be you someday. Go ahead. Tell your kids about how we all decay and die. I will wait over here in the bathtub in a pool of my own urine.
And then you are in a mournful room in the basement of a veterinarian’s office, and you are about to pay someone to poison your pet. And the vet says, “You don’t have to make this decision now. We could wait a few days and see if he improves.”
And you are forced to say, “No. I have to get back to my family. This is the most convenient time for me to have him poisoned.” And you know you are a monster after all, a sick animal that no one has the decency to put down.
That was how I felt at the time Petey died. But as I write this now, my children are even older than they were then, and further from my reach. Soon they will be gone altogether from my daily life. Petey’s revenge was not to remind me that all his pain was optional. Because it becomes self-evident to any parent that the pain of loving and caring for another thing is better than the ease of not. I will admit even fur parents know this secret. Parenthood begins as an expression of narcissism, of personal genetic redoubling; but that selfishness is quickly burned away in the crucible of tears, vomit, fevers, and close calls; and it is repaid only in the incalculable joy of seeing someone else thrive in happiness and apart from you. You disappear, and it is a fucking relief. 
Petey’s revenge was to remind me that the creatures we raise and grown with, and disappear into, also grow and go away. And I was grateful to him. We need assholes in our lives to tell us the hard, true things we don’t want to hear. That’s why children become teenagers. (pp. 210-11)
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