#you could blame uta for mira getting into piercings and tattoos but all he did was open a door
toukasspouse · 9 months
What are some of Mira's and Milo's healthy and unhealthy habits?
ooooo thank u for the question! i'll give three for each piece but there may be more parts that aren't as obvious
Art in general! They have a bunch of different things they can be working on at one time and it helps distract when they keep obsessing over things.
They get outside a lot to explore. Are they good with directions? Debatable but not important in this context!
They know better than anyone that self-isolating does not help, so they more than likely to be hanging out with someone when they have low moods/intense stressors so they don't engage in their unhealthy habits.
Emotional regulation comes in changing up their appearance. New hair style, hair color(s), later on piercings and tattoos.
Skin picking. They will do it until they bleed and leave scabs, and since they heal faster, it means they can be on a repeated cycle until they find something else to fiddle with.
Biting also helps self-regulate. They have an accessory they sometimes wear when they're more stressed to assist them, otherwise they will bite their fingers to the point of breaking skin.
He tends to focus on self-care. A lot. He focuses on making sure his hair is nice and pretty, his skin is soft, and that he's in his relaxed zone with a good book (it's Bram Stoker's Dracula usually, but he will occasionally read his terrible condition Interview with the Vampire).
An open book on how he feels, he will not hesitate to tell you he likes or doesn't like something. He's also not afraid to communicate such at any given opportunity. The only time he's ever vague or passive aggressive is if he's communicated this want/need several times and has felt unheard.
Because he cares about his physical form, he workouts frequently. Not that it's easy to see under his attire (and that is on purpose), but he's got a good muscle build that he makes sure to maintain and does not skip leg day.
He will ghost people... For weeks. Months if the situation is that bad. Self-isolation and him are besties at this point.
Because he's open with his emotions, he will be nasty and mean to someone he doesn't like, willing to burn bridges before a connection can be made. He doesn't care if that comes to bite him later, he reasons it'll save him from suffering if he's upfront about it.
Don't put money in front of his face, he will spend it all within an afternoon. Worst idea one could have.
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