#you come to clown in my inbox i will clown you right back :)
softspiderling · 5 months
illicit affairs - part two | r.c
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"Speaking of, why don’t you stay over tonight? It’s late, and I don’t want you walking home by yourself.”
“You’re not gonna drive me?” You asked with a pout and he rolled his eyes.
“I’m too tired, don’t make me. Just stay over.”
“What? And leave in the morning like I’m one of your hook ups? Please.”
OR; Rafe makes an outrageous suggestion and you? You give in.
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
warnings: mention of drugs, talk about sex (nothing graphic yet) but the later parts will have smut, so 18+ MDNI!
word count: 2k
author's note: pt. two out so soon?? there's gotta be smth fishy going on 🤭we finally get into the PLOT! i hope you enjoy my lovelies, don't forget to leave a comment/like/reblog or share your thoughts with me in the inbox.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
pt. two: "it's born from just one single glance"
A week after the party, it was the first Friday in a while where the four of you didn’t go to a party. After spending a day out of the sea to test out Topper’s new boat, you got picked up some pizza and settled down in Rafe’s living room, where you were still in the same spot several hours later. The empty pizza cartons were stacked on the floor and the four of you strewn out on the couch and various seats.
“You want another drink?”
Rafe was waving his empty glass in front of you, a lonely ice cube clinking in it, an expected eyebrow raised.
You squinted at him, nodding. “Can you get me a coke please?”
Kelce perked up in his seat at the prospect of another drink. “Hey, can you get me another beer?”
“No,” Rafe answered, without even looking back as he left for the kitchen. “You know where the fridge is.”
“What?” Kelce muttered with a frown, looking over to you as he slumped back down. “You know where the fridge is, why is he getting you a coke?”
You only shrugged with a grin, making yourself comfortable on the couch now that you had more space, while Topper clapped Kelce on the back in consolation.
“Come on man, you know she’s his favorite.”
Grabbing a pillow from the couch, you shucked it at Topper, making him yelp when it hit him square in the face.
“Don’t talk about me like I’m not right next to you,” you scowled. “And I’m not Rafe’s favorite.”
“You’re a clown if you actually believe that.”
“Fuck you, you’re a clown.”
Topper tossed the pillow back at you, narrowly missing your head by an inch and the pillow fell to the floor behind the couch, landing just in front of Rafe’s feet as he returned.
“I was gone for five minutes, what are you guys fighting about now?”
“Precious over here thinks she’s not your favorite.”
You glowered at the other two boys, while Rafe settled back on the couch next to you, pressing a can of coke into your hands. He took a sip of his drink, eyeing you briefly and shrugged, pursing his lips in agreement.
“Nah, you’re definitely my favorite.”
You stuck your tongue out at Topper when he gave you a knowing look, instead focusing on opening your coke. “Whatever. It doesn’t mean anything, you two shitheads don’t make it hard for me to be anyone’s favorite.”
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” Kelce grunted with a frown and you raised a brow at him.
“You literally had sex in Rafe’s bed last year,” you said, before turning your attention to Topper. “And you’re still obsessed with Sarah.”
Rafe let out a noise, making clear that he was fully agreeing with you. “What she said.”
Topper, while satisfied he had proven his point, still rolled his eyes and Kelce crossed his arms, annoyed.
“I hate it when they team up like this.”
“Shut up and get your beer.”
The next couple of hours passed easily, just as it always did when the four of you came together to talk shit. While you did enjoy going to parties every now and then, you really appreciated just hanging out with your friends and talking about everything and nothing in the safety of the four walls of Rafe’s home.
Only you and your boys. Just the way you liked it.
“Alright, I think it’s time for me to go,” Topper said, breaking up the group with a yawn, shaking his head to stay awake as he sat up. “I’m beat.”
“Can you give me a ride?” Kelce asked, standing up and Topper nodded, turning to you.
“Do you need me to drop you off too?”
You stretched your arms, legs long draped over Rafe’s lap as you laid lengthwise on the couch. It was nearing one am and you really should make your way home, but you were far too comfortable to move, having spent most of the day in the sun, which was catching up to you now.
“I think I might stay for a while longer, thanks though.”
Topper clicked his tongue, ruffling your hair, messing it up for good measure as he and Kelce said their good byes, their voices getting quieter as they strolled to the front, the door shutting in its hinges. It wasn’t long after until you could heard Topper’s truck start, and then pull off the estate grounds.
Finally, it was quiet enough for you to hear the music, which was drowned out by Kelce’s constant yapping. You loved him but he was such a chatter box when he drank beer.
“Isn’t Sarah coming home tonight?” you asked into the sudden quietness, combing through your hair with your fingers, trying to get rid of the knots that have formed since you’d laid on the couch for the whole night. The estate had been quiet apart from the four of you causing raucous in the living room.
“Please,” Rafe scoffed. “She’s staying with John B more nights than not, I’m this close to kicking her out for real.”
“Oh come on,” you laughed, leaning up to shove his arm a little. “She’s in love. Leave her alone. And don’t act like you don’t enjoy being the man of the house and having it all to yourself.”
Rafe grinned to himself, shrugging his shoulders a bit like you weren’t absolutely right. Like you said, you knew him. “Eh. Maybe. House tends to get a little quiet sometimes... Speaking of, why don’t you stay over tonight? It’s late, and I don’t want you walking home by yourself.”
“You’re not gonna drive me?” You asked with a pout and he rolled his eyes.
“I’m too tired, don’t make me. Just stay over.”
“What? And leave in the morning like I’m one of your hook ups? Please.”
“Give me a break,” Rafe huffed. “You know damn well you’re not one of my hook ups. They don’t get to stay till the morning,” he paused, turning his head to look at you inquisitively, and you knew that look all too well. He was about to be nosy. “What about yours, anyways?”
“My what?”
“Your hook ups, precious. Haven’t seen anyone around since Jack.”
You shrugged. “Cuz there wasn’t anyone else since Jack, you know that. And he wasn’t a hook up, he was my boyfriend.”
He was quiet, but you could basically hear the gears in his head turning. “I know you’re not into hook ups and shit, but don’t you need to get off sometimes?”
“And risk hooking up with weirdos like Moany? No thank you. I don’t need anyone else to get off.”
Rafe rolled his eyes. “I know, jesus. I’m just saying… Sex by yourself isn’t as good as sex with another person. If you know what they like. Not everyone has freaky requests like Monique. And if you’re compatible, you know the sex can be insane.”
You eyed him suspiciously, not sure if you liked which direction this was going. He wasn’t about to suggest the two of you having sex…. Right? Because that would be just crazy.
“… jus’ getting sick of having to get to know a new girl every time, ‘s exhausting.”
“You know you can have sex with a person more than once right?”
Rafe scoffed, leaning his hands behind his head. “Yeah, but then they start getting comfortable. I don’t need that right now.”
You waved your hands around, trying to stop Rafe’s train of thought before it could get any further.
“Rafe, stop beating around the bush. The fuck are you on right now?”
He swirled his drink around, downing the last of it before shoving the glass on the table, looking at you.
“What if… We fucked?”
“What?” you stared at him incredulously, like he had just grown a second head.
“I mean, not relationship wise. Casual. Friends with benefits.”
“Friends with benefits,” you echoed, dryly. “Are you insane?”
Rafe scoffed, shaking his head at you, not bothering with a reply. You thought that was the end of it, trying to calm your heart down, as it was nearly jumping out of your throat, when you felt Rafe’s hand splaying across your bare legs. His fingers brushed your inner thigh, making you tense and you glared up at him.
“Seriously Rafe?”
“Seriously Rafe?” Rafe mocked you, reaching out to tuck your hair behind your ear, the other hand starting to trace circles into the skin of your thigh, like it was the most normal thing for him to do. “We both know that if you didn’t want me touching you, you’d have kicked me half ways across the room already.”
You wanted to protest, but your words died halfway down your tongue, knowing it was no use with the way Rafe was looking at you. Also, he was a 100% right. Turning away, you stared at the ceiling, trying to ignore how his finger tips left your skin tingling, thinking of the most random things to calm yourself down.
There was no use of lying to yourself, a part of you wanted to say yes.
You knew Rafe didn’t do relationships, has never had a girlfriend in all the years you’d been friends. What if being friends with benefits was the closest thing you could be for Rafe? Not only his best friend, but a step further? What if this was all you could get with him?
“This is a bad idea.”
“You’re my best friend.”
“Exactly. You’re my best friend, I don’t have to tell you anything because you know exactly what I like and what I don’t.”
“Not when it comes to sex!”
“Okay okay, calm down, I was just making a suggestion.”
Rafe trailed off, dropping the topic, his fucking hand still on your thigh. He wasn’t looking at you, but you could tell that he was biting back a grin, and you hated to think that you were going to give in.
“We’re not telling anyone, you hear me? Not a single soul. Especially not Top and Kelce, they would never let us live this down.”
He turned his head, the corner of his mouth ticking up knowingly. He was your best friend after all, he knew what to say to convince you of his argument. “Those two knuckleheads don’t need to know everything we do,” Rafe said as he leaned in, but you stopped him halfway, your hand on his chest.
“If this affects our friendship in any way, or or…. If it gets awkward or someone… Just, we stop, okay? No lying to get your dick wet.”
“Have I ever lied to you, precious?”
“Uh, yes. Remember when you, Top and Kelce snuck into my gard- oomph.”
Your sentence was cut short when Rafe pressed his lips against you in a soft kiss, his hand cupping the back of the neck. He pulled away, his breath hot on your face. Your lips parted a bit, shock coursing through your veins. You had wondered how it would feel to kiss Rafe for so long, and you had to admit, that the real deal was so much better than anything you could’ve imagined.
“You talk too much,” he mumbled against your lips and you rolled your eyes, brought out of your haze. This was still Rafe. Your best friend.
“Shut up.”
Fisting his shirt, you pulled him closer to you, lips hot as they interlocked. He leaned forward, both of his knees bracketing your waist, one hand moving from the back of your neck to the front, so he could cup your face. Suddenly, you were surrounded by him and if you weren’t so distracted by Rafe’s tongue slipping into your mouth, you’d be freaking out right now. This felt like a fever dream; your hands moving automatically down his torso, sneaking under his shirt, nails grazing his chiseled abs and when Rafe let out a honest to god whimper, you knew you were done for.
There was no going on back.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
author's note: am i sorry about the cliffhanger? ask me later👀
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danieyells · 4 months
I don't know if you've done it yet but I would like to request Ren lines? I'm having tokyo debunker Ren brainrot bro 😭.
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You're all very welcome! I love you guys too, so far! Sorry you've been deprived of lazy boi lolol HOPEFULLY THESE SATISFY YOU A LITTLE BIT.
He's a little tsundere I think. He's one of those characters who just wants to be normal but he can't just pretend to be normal because he lives surrounded by chaos so he just complains a lot lolol. . .but i think he's a good guy. Aside from that he does not help his mother captain at all.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Great, shift change. I'm gonna head out then... What? Do I really need to be here for that?"
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"I think you've got a notification... Aren't you going to look at it?"
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"Who did I disappoint in a past life to end up in Jabberwock... There's no general students or even a single other sane person, and these jumpsuits are a crime..."
"Why do I have to look after all these weird-ass animals? This is forced labor...  Ugh, they're so gross..."
"If you're just gonna stand there, could you go feed the animals in the aquatic zone?  I'm too busy."
"Ugh, why is that clown calling me... ... Whatever, I'll just let it ring out."
you know damn well that if you don't answer the phone you're gonna have to deal with Haru in person. Better to just answer it.
"Oh, hey... Could you open the link I sent you? No, you don't have to sign up or anything. Thanks."
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Ugh... Tell me how I'm supposed to sit through classes when I've been up since 4 AM? (yawn) I'm exhausted..."
well if you didn't stay up until 4am--oh who am i kidding i stayed up til like 3 watching a stream and reading datamine stuff and then I got up at like 6:30 to get ready for work I'm no better kekw.
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Ugh... I can't believe I'm hiding right now... Why the hell does that clown have to chase me around at lunch time too?"
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Preach about doing it for the sake of your friends or the animals or whatever all you want— I really don't give a shit. People who say that stuff are just deluding themselves."
i've known people with this kind of cynicism before. once he finds people care about him and a little more stability he'll come around a little more.
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Huh? I can't see that clown anywhere... Hell yes. Gonna get through my watch list. I hope he never comes back."
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I'm grinding this game on my phone, so could you not talk to me for a while? Crap, I think my RSI is flaring up..."
in Japanese he specifies tendonitis haha
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Don't people get embarrassed calling out those words when they use their stigmas? It makes them look like LARPers..."
in japanese he says they sound like they have chuunibyou which is much funnier imo lmao. also i guess that means he can say his in his head? since he'd feel embarrassed doing it aloud, maybe he's practiced already lol
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"You think I sigh a lot? Got a problem with that? You realize trying to take away people's freedom of speech is power harrassment, right?"
you're starting to sound like ritsu. gonna hurt yourself reaching like that.
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm so done... I'm out of HP... Shouldn't I be exempt from missions and classes since I'm looking after all those animals?"
well based on one of Haku's chats, you can just do missions if you don't go to class, and based on Kaito you can just go to class instead of doing missions. . .but I'm sure Haru forces him on missions anyway lol. . . .
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Pfft... The video of that clown getting attacked by that hawk thing is getting so many interacts. This editing thing's actually pretty fun."
does editing count as a creative effort? i wouldn't be surprised if he switched to Hotarubi next year if so, assuming he doesn't get used to Jabberwock and the animals. Also why didn't he get stopped by Sophy for uploading a video with an anomaly? Unless he uploaded it to an Institute social media site like WickHive or something. . . .
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Gotta change the locks so that clown can't get in again. I've bought enough padlocks to start my own business by now..."
life haru finds a way. sometimes that way is "towa, break down the door" if he runs out of lockpicking equipment.
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"My head's killing me... This is the worst... Rise and shine! my ass... It's basically still the middle of the night. Guess I should padlock my windows..."
5-6am I can understand being 'basically the middle of the night' but after that you're pushing it lmao
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"The cafeteria's way over capacity... The assholes who save seats before its even noon are ruining it for everyone else..."
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Why's my pay so low... huh? What's this deduction for? "Consultation Fee: Ritsu Shinjo..." He's seriously charging me for complaining...?"
Ritsu charges for looking at him too long. i'd try venting on wickhive over complaining to Ritsu.
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"That rabbit sure has it good. All it has to do is breathe and everyone fawns over it. Doesn't even have to feed itself. Just wait till it grows up and learns what the world's really like."
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"Sup... Huh? I'm alone today. I just got up on my own since if I don't that clown'll wake me up anyway."
yeah? it's because of haru? not because of your affinity with the pc being more than half so you wanna be up earlier to spend more time with them? sure.
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Oof, nearly missed the noon raid...  Not like I'll have any time to myself once I get back to the dorm, so I guess I should do it now..."
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"No, I'm not going to sleep yet. I'm gonna watch a horror B-movie. You don't have to think, so they're the perfect thing to watch before bed."
i used to watch/listen to mts3k to go to sleep so. i feel this.
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Well done me for surviving another day... Oh, same to you too, {PC}. I don't how you can do this stuff voluntarily."
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Huh? I'm going to the campus store to buy some stuff, where are you going? Well, I'm going that way, so...bye."
not sure if shy or asocial lmao. could be both!
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"You're being forced to help out again? Wow, a doormat out in the wild. So? Where do you want me to carry all this food?"
he's helping you even though he doesn't wanna work. HE'S GOT IT BAD.
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"This? It's a video I uploaded. People seem really into it. It's of that clown getting chased by a dog and flailing around like one of those inflatable air dancers."
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"What am I doing today? Working at the diner. Oh, if you want to keep me company, feel free to come by. As long as you serve yourself."
it's not a date or anything since he's at work but like. . .he is inviting you to hang out. . . .
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Huh? You were waiting for me to get off work? Oh... Thanks. Wait, that clown put you up to this?! I'm gonna kill him..."
NO NO WE CAME HERE WILLINGLY probably. although it does seem like Haru to be like "oh hey Ren really really likes you, you should go pick him up from work! he'd love that!!" like a real nosy mom who's trying to get his son together with his crush.
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"When did it get this late? That was horrifyingly fast... I'll walk part of the way back with you. I was gonna go buy something to drink anyway..."
excuses, excuses. . . .
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"Every day here is a fresh hell, sure, but... You're suffering through it with me, so I guess I'll stick it out a little longer..."
'this sucks but you make it suck a little(a lot) less so i can keep going'. yep, that's our tsundere alright!
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"That clown's even more slap-happy than usual lately—it's horrible. Has he got spring fever or something?"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Otonashi keeps trying to make me drink some kind of rice porridge with weird flowers in it... It's actual porridge harassment."
considering the flower Towa associates with Ren is poisonous, i think it's safe to assume he is literally trying to poison him to death lmao. also wtf is porridge harassment--i even tried looking it up in japanese and the first thing that came up was someone screenshotting it and saying "what is porridge harassment" lolol
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"All this farm labor's bad enough without all the caterpillars and weird plants that are out there now...This is harassment."
what's harassing you, nature? as someone who just had to kill a huge mosquito that came into my room, nature is harassing me too.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I hate cherry blossoms. They're like the flower version of being a legacy kid— all they have to do is bloom once a year and everyone claps."
in japanese what he says is something like 'i hate them just like people born with silver spoons in their mouths'. basically he hates people born into privilege lol i bet he'd have the potential to get along well with haku until he learns he'll be inheriting a shrine. . .then again he's getting along with Ritsu in their own little way
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"This is the worst... It's not even noon yet, how is it so hot? Summer is for extroverts and party animals, I wish it could just be over already..."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"A group trip to the beach? I'd rather die. No decent person would ever go there of their own free will."
butbutbut. think of the summer skins!!!
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Summer was our busy period back home, so I always had to kill myself helping out. Now I'm here though... nothing's changed."
. . .did Ren's family run some sort of seaside shop??? And he happened to end up afraid of the ocean and hating aquatic creatures and such?
(between 8pm and 5am)
"How can the A/C be banned in the dorm...? Who gives a shit what temperature some anomalous animal that sneaks in prefers, humans should come first..."
okay i agree with him here though what the fuck kind of rule is that. can we talk to hyde about that, that's insane haru.
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Now it's getting colder, I nearly found myself feeling grateful for this tragic jumpsuit... Am I being brainwashed...?"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Fall, the season of the harvest—I'll stick with cup noodles, thanks. "Fall, the season to enjoy the outdoors"—screw that. I'm gonna make it the season of naps."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Look—I got bitten by some weird bug anomaly. To hell with the stupid bug spray ban, I'm buying some."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I feel like the mountains are rowdier when there's a full moon. Pretty sure my enemy encounter rate goes up when I'm on patrol too... Maybe I'm just imagining it."
is 'enemy encounter rate' here referring to people or anomalies. . .because if it's people then that's just because of tsukimi. . .although I wouldn't be surprised if there were a lot of anomalies or anomalies were more active on full moons.
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"There's less patrols in winter but anything involving water like washing up gets even worse... Ugh, I wish I could hibernate too..."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Since the climate in Jabberwock's so messed up, sometimes it's actually warm in winter. The blizzards are way stronger though..."
have you tried pissing towa off less?
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Oh god, I just saw what's in the diner's new Mystery Hot Pot... It's gotta be a matter of time before this place goes bust..."
i mean if they had ordinary health inspectors maybe lolol
(between 8pm and 5am)
"That clown broke my window so my room's like a freezer... Oh, don't worry. I just took his room instead."
lmao imagine Ren invites you to hang out and takes you to Haru's room instead of his like nah he broke my window so i'm using his room and he can freeze.
His birthday: (July 25th)
"You got this for me? That clown's been spreading my personal info around... No, it's fine, I'll still take it. Thanks."
i guess he doesn't really tell people his birthday, huh.
Your birthday:
"Happy birthday, {PC}. ...Isn't it kind of rude to look so surprised I'd celebrate your birthday? That came from the heart, you know."
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year. My resolution? Escaping the hell hole that is Jabberwock, for starters."
well you got here in like September or something so. you've got a while befor eyou can switch houses lmao but you can do it this year!
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"You got me chocolates? You're the type who does all this kind of stuff, huh? No, it's fine, you went to the trouble and everything so I'll take them."
i love when characters kinda mock you for doing getting them something but then they're like "nonono i want it gimme--" lolol from Ren especially it's very tsundere. poor guy wouldn't be straightforward about his feelings unless a damn life was on the line.
White Day: (March 13th)
"{PC}... Here, if you want them. I just bought the first thing I saw, so don't read into it..."
i bet it's actually really nice lolol
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Guess what? I got special permission to switch houses. That nightmare is now behind me! I wish..."
Halloween: (October 31st)
"I hope everyone who gets excited about Halloween lives in misery for the rest of their lives. Why the hell do I have to help out with this stupid themed tour?"
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Can I ask you a question, {PC}? You don't still believe in Santa Claus, do you? Never mind, it doesn't matter. Have a good Christmas."
i mean. . .after coming here santa is a plausible entity to believe in. . .if there's gonna be a santa i don't wanna be caught not believing and missing out on gifts. . . .
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"Where'd she go...? Whatever. Guess I'll catch up on some of my games."
(13 affinity and above)
"Pfft... This edit's awesome. I'm a genius. I'll show {PC} when she gets back."
true bonding is sharing the funny memes you worked hard on. . . .
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"It's not like I was waiting for you or anything. It's just this hell hole is even more unbearable when you're not around..."
YEP THAT'S OUR UNFORTUNATE CUSTOMER SERVICE EMPLOYEE TSUNDERE ALRIGHT. His lines don't really get super affectionate but. They still have a charm to them when you realize how much he hides his feelings in the usual tsundere way. He likes you a lot but like. . .it's a bother and it's embarrassing. . .and what're the chances you're into him? He'll just invite you over to watch movies and play games with him and stuff. . .and tell himself it's fine to just be friends until it eats away at him. . .or until Haru spills the beans for him--
this took way too long because i got distracted like three times in the middle and my laptop started freaking out and i had to figure out why and close and reopen everything about 8 times hahaha. . . . OKAY TIME FOR ME TO GO TO BED! I hope this satisfies you a little bit!!
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erxxi3 · 1 year
Giggling as I write this 🤭🤭🤭
So basically, you and Leon haven’t had sex or anything too sexual in a while. Needless to say, Leon is really pent up and needy… this comes in handy lol.
One evening, while Leon is gaming with the crew, you sneak in and begin to tease him before sucking him off (similarly to your work where you fuck Leon while he’s gaming). Leon’s really sensitive because he hasn’t been touched in a while, so while he thinks he muted his mic—he did not. I’m leaving it in your hands for how the crew reacts!! I just… really need to read this 😈 Thank you for your attention, I love your works!
Giggling because you requested this and thank you for your support my lovely! <33
Definitely gonna make the others clown on Leon when he puts his headset back on to continue gaming, I’ll add a little smth smth maybe the reader teases him by moving her tank top to the side to show the side of her boobs? Maybe trailing her fingers down his happy trail (he definitely has a slightly small happy trail.)
Teasing Him & Under The Desk Head
Re4, Gamer bf! Leon Kennedy
Sypnosis: (What the request said ^ )
Cw. PURE SMUT, oral (m! Receiving), sucking + jerking him off, public bc ummm the party chat thingy wasn’t on mute kind of & getting caught??, kind of sub! Leon & begging Leon (more so puppy leon ig?), slight praise, pet names: (Baby & sweetheart), lots of teasing towards leon, and mentions of more loving at the end :) IDK IF I HAVE EVERY WARNING DOWN! NOT PROOF READ!
A/N: Loved writing this again and thats for requesting my lovely because my inbox had a moth fly out of it……. FEEL FREE TO REQUEST MY INBOX IS ALWAYS OPEN!!
You were in the kitchen cleaning after making cookies with Leon, but you had grown a bit bored so you thought you should checkup on him to see what he was doing. As you got closer to the room you heard him yelling at his buddies on the game, “Shut up, chris you’re a asshole for killing me!”.
You chuckled and walked into the closet and changed into a loose fitting tank top and some tight shorts, heading back to watch Leon play his game.
You put your hands on his shoulders while leon whispered to you “Babe, cmon I’m playing a game not right now.”
The others started laughing, Carlos began to speak “Leon I think you should take care of your lady before someone steals her.” he teased him.
Carlos is quite the Mr. Steal yo girl type of guy which made you find him quite funny and he definitely was the charming type.
Leon gets back into his gaming mode, but you have other plans stored for him. Pulling his chair back a bit, “Don’t worry babe, just relax lately you’ve been so pent up…” you whispered into his ear before planting soft kisses onto his neck. Leon shivers once more as his fingers trail up your leg and your hand slides down over his abs and back up again. Leaning in to kiss Leon again and pull away slightly when Leon starts kissing your collarbone, you turn around and plant a quick peck on his lips.
You pulled away and pointed to his headset which he grabbed “Sorry guys I have to take care of something important it won’t take long I promise.” laying it back on the desk putting it on mute, or so he thought.
You took some time to start pulling at the hem of his shirt over his head and throw it on the floor, while kissing him “No touching yet, baby.” You said as you move one side of your tank top revealing the side of your boob, but you stopped there.
“Babe, please…” He begged as he tried to sit still, his chest rising and falling with each breathe he takes. You restrain his hands behind his back so he doesn’t touch you, as your hands trail down his happy trail you begin to unbutton his pants “I want to taste you…I need to feel you.” Leon moans in pleasure at your ministrations. Taking Leon’s cock out of his pre-cum covered boxers taking it in your hand you slowly palm the head of his cock looking at Leon who’s eyes are glued to your face, his face getting redder by the second.
“Can I do this, sweetheart?” you ask him as your tongue circles his tip, “Yeah.. yeah baby….” Leon says as he tries to focus on anything else except for what you were doing with his cock that was now fully erect and throbbing at your touch. You prepare to take him into your mouth, as you try to take all of him he pushes your head down onto his cock. “Take it all f’me …Please don’t stop.” he says in between pants and gasps for air. You lick his cock one last time then place him in your mouth sucking his entire cock.
You could hear him moan every time you sucked and nibbled at him and soon you felt yourself get soaked with more pre cum, “Fuck. Mmh— Fuck…” he moaned as he continued to thrust himself into your throat. You continue to suck his cock, taking all of him in your mouth as tears started to form and prick your eyes, eventually gagging around his cock due to how much you liked having him inside your throat, but he began thrusting, “I’m close….Ah- fuck..” Leon said as the climaxes began to build inside him. His orgasm was about to hit and you pulled your mouth off of him and started jerking him off as he started crying due to the pleasure, leaving him in ecstasy.
His cock twitched in your hand as he got closer to his release, “Babe~….Hah- oh…fuck-“ his thighs started to shake as he built up his orgasm, Leon’s body quivered as he came, spattering cum all over your chest and face.
“S-shit…oh god-“, he said through grunts trying to catch his breath, as he collapsed into your embrace “Shh…I’m sorry…” you told as you whiped yourself clean with your hand and licked all off his cum off your fingers. Clinging to his body and hugging his chest tightly you kissed his cheek softly “It’s okay...don't apologize..it happens sometimes.” He said with tears flowing down his cheeks. He wipes his tears from his cheeks as he wraps his arms around you.
You let go of the embrace and went back to work cleaning off the mess you made and throwing away the cups. “Let me wash you off baby.” He suggested, as you nodded. He got a wet paper towel and cleaned you up with it. “Babe, go back to your game the others are probably waiting for you.” you said leaning into his ear and whispering, before leon puts his headset back on he hears the others laughing.
“Hey, guys I’m back! What did i miss.” Leon said waiting for someone to respond.
“Oh nothing…Just the fact that we heard everything. You got it right on, my man!” Chris stated.
Carlos then chimed in “I would say she learned some tips from Jill a couple days ago, I overheard them on the phone.”
Leon laughed “Well, guess I know where she gets her information for new things to try from. That’s besides the point we don’t talk about what you heard, got it guys?” He said in a stern and slightly demanding voice, which you found hot.
“Yeah bro’ we wouldn’t dream of it~” Chris answered teasingly.
You rolled your eyes at their shenanigans and layed in the bed on your phone waiting for Leon to wrap up his game for the night and come love on you some more.
As soon as he finishes his game you give him a quick peck and tell him to ‘go on, I’ll be here, I’m not gonna fall asleep again tonight without getting some more love from you.’ you said smirking at him as he turns back and nods with a smile.
You then turn your attention back to your phone and watch Tik Tok and see the latest trends and stuff.
Your boyfriend has been playing for about a couple hours before he told the bros he was getting off for the night and that he was tired, that he will most likely play tomorrow if he isn’t busy with his girlfriend, which is you. He turned off his system before getting in bed with you and spooning you until you fell asleep with his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him.
He knew you loved being in his strong embrace and that you wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight without it. You both always slept better when you were tangled together like this especially during sex or in bed. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep too.
The next morning when you woke up you looked over at Leon and couldn’t believe the scene that greeted you, which you couldn’t help but laugh at. He was still sleeping peacefully in your arms and your face was facing towards his. His beautiful blue eyes stared into yours as you watched his eyelashes fluttering every now and then, his hair had bits of black hair on it and he looked like an angel, as his face relaxed and the corners of his mouth curved upwards slightly. He really was a beautiful sight, even though he looked very sleepy.
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daytaker · 8 months
greetings from clown anon, adored the fic very silly <33
i apologise if i’m filling up your inbox but may i ask for an mc that’s a mortician? that or is just desensitised to death and knows a lot about it, like i imagine whenever the brothers in early season 1 used to do like very specific threats mc would be like “uh actually that’s not how that works” essentially acting like a bit of a smart ass completely glossing over the actual threat
thanksies in advance (´∀`*)
Clown Anon MCs - [ Clowncore MC | Death-Fixated Science Geek MC | LeVeyan Satanist MC ]
(I'll be real I have no memory of the specific threats and I was too lazy to go look for them but I will follow along the lines of the prompt anyway.)
I'm going to do this one in bullet point form. Hope that's okay.
(CW: a bit gross at times. not quite gore.)
Now I Am Become MC, Destroyer of Worlds: A Death-Fixated Main Character in Obey Me!
Read below the cut.
They're extremely curious about demon anatomy. And not in a kinky way. They want to see how similar the structure and layout of demon organs are to human organs. They want to get full body X-rays when those wings and tails pop up. They want to get it on video when they appear and disappear. Because what the fuck. Yeah, yeah, they get it, magic exists, but still, what the fuck?!
They fully expect Beel to keel over and die one day from overeating. There is no way any single individual can consume the way he does and survive. They're actually hoping that if he does, they'll be able to carry out the post-mortem and see what exactly was going on with that stomach of his. I mean, yes, they'll be very sad he's gone, but at least he'll have died as a martyr to science!
Dead shadow hog? Taxidermied. Dead fire newt? Taxidermied. Dead devil zebra? Brought home, dissected, taxidermied. The brothers don't really like to go to their room because of the constant dizzying stench of formaldehyde that comes from it.
Sometimes they'll just sit and stare at one of the brothers. If asked what they're doing, they'll simply say, "Observing." Reactions to this range from Beel's "Oh, okay," to Levi's "I'M GOING TO MY ROOM AND NEVER LEAVING FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE."
So Solomon's immortal, is he? How immortal, exactly? Is it just that he'll never die from old age? Could he die of a disease? Surely he could die from injuries, right? Has he tested this? Can they test it? Please?
Wait, wait, wait. Satan came from where? How? Why? What the hell? Lucifer, take your shirt off, they need to do some investigating. Satan, you too. Lucifer, show them your back. No scars? Not even from ripping your own wings off? Hm. Satan, do you have a bellybutton? ...That's weird, you definitely didn't need an umbilical cord. And you're saying he came out full-sized? Stop telling them it's magic! Magic is just science that people don't understand yet.
Actually, all of you get in here and strip, this has been a long time coming. MC needs to figure out what the hell is happening here.
Why not?
Satan, let's talk about one of your murder mysteries! They do this exactly one time, and never again because MC kept interrupting to point out plot holes and inconsistencies. It was so annoying. It kind of ruined the genre for him for a little while.
Leviathan, MC wants to ask you about how you survive underwater. Levi--- Hey, where are you going? Levi?
They write their paper on comparative anatomy of demons, angels, and humans. Diavolo gets a little queasy after the first page and gives them an A. He doesn't want to read the rest, he trusts they did a thorough job.
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mariipun · 1 year
Adventures of Wally & The Gang (plus their Caretaker)
Adventures of Wally and the Gang (plus their Caretaker)
Associates Meeting (one-shot)
Warnings: None. Just fluff and funsies honestly; silly antics some of the cast members get themselves into. By no means are my interpretations in relation to Clown’s work, and therefore, not canonically based. Consider this an introduction to the whimsical one-shots to come with our dear Caretaker and the gang.
Word Count: 1,970
Brief Description: Set in the modern world, the Welcome Home cast is alive and aware, living alongside humans. And you have been contracted to be their Caretaker. [you are referred to by the puppets as “Caretaker” or “Care” for short.]
Dedication: @nonomives @kandavers
 *blows kiss* Wanted to give you both this as my debut. 
[I am open to constructive criticism, feedback and ideas! Please inbox me if you have any! I’m a bit rusty with writing, so I appreciate any insight]
In a world much like the Muppets, puppets co-exist with humans. Although the colorful ensemble of characters from the beloved children’s TV show portrays themselves as sweet, educational, fun-loving personas-- when they aren’t on the air, they happen to get themselves into quite a lot of mischief. And you, the lucky individual that you are, have been contracted as their Caretaker to ensure these chaotic puppet actors stay on schedule and don’t put themselves in situations that could cause bad publicity.
You walked off set after speaking to one of the producers as the show had wrapped up earlier than expected. This made it easier to schedule the upcoming appointments you had meticulously organized around the otherwise busy puppet’s schedules. With clipboard in hand, you made your way over to the break area, where most of the cast members were chatting with stagehands, makeup artists, or lounging in their deck chairs.
“All right everyone!” You clapped your hands together to garner the attention of the cast, all eyes turning to you except for Barnaby standing over the spread table, hungrily grabbing at the box of doughnuts one of the interns had placed out. You deadpan at him before shouting his name, earning an audible hmph?! as the blue mass turned to look at you, a sprinkled doughnut hanging from his mouth, with two others in hand.
“Okaaaay—now that I have everyone’s attention, we have an early flight to catch tomorrow for our meeting with our studio associates, which will take place later in the afternoon once we’ve arrived.” You scan the break area to ensure they’re still listening, amused by Julie and Sally as they respond with shared squeals, already chatting about plans to sightsee the area and meet their adoring fans. Their bubbly response caused you to grin momentarily, before turning serious.
“That means! You all need to be awake, packed, and ready to go at 6 A.M. sharp.” You say sternly, now earning loud groans from a few of the puppets.
“Okay, okay.” You waved your hand dismissively to the choir of complaints. You didn’t know why they were complaining, considering they usually wake up this early in the morning to start the show. Rolling your eyes, you let out a breath, mentally preparing for whatever shenanigans these puppets will pull on you later. “You guys have the rest of the day to relax since it’s only 2 P.M. right now. Just remember, we need to stick to the schedule. I don’t want to have to explain myself to the Manager if things derail.”
With a resounding “All right” from everyone, you went your parting ways and continued to work out the schedule’s details. “Also! Julie, you better pack light! We are only staying for two days, so don’t bring your whole wardrobe with you—again…” You called after her, ignoring her refusal to do so.
[Next Day: 5:41 A.M.]
You grabbed your duffle bag, slinging it over your shoulder before grabbing the briefcase on your way out of your small apartment. Before descending the stairs of the apartment building, you turn back in to grab your coffee, yawning in the process. “Ugh, gonna be a long day.” You murmur to yourself, the lingering drowsiness from slumber not yet leaving your body. You check the time on your phone as you take a gentle sip. You only lived a 7-minute walk away from the set, which you were grateful for since (1) You didn’t own a car and (2) The Studio provided you with lodging once you agreed to be the cast’s Caretaker. The pay was all right considering the added bonuses of what the Studio provided for you, although, it’s probably due in part to the various applicants that had been hired and then immediately quit due to their lack of ability to actually wrangle the cast from committing any sort of war crimes. (Guess the Studio needed to give some sort of incentive for someone to fill the role). Taking on the task was daunting at first since you quickly learned how eager the members were to push boundaries. You didn’t necessarily blame them for being curious since there was still so much of the world they wanted to learn about. Of course, this made your job more difficult to handle at times.
[5:53 A.M.]
You walked through the studio’s hallways, quietly greeting good mornings to other studio employees as you passed. The meeting location for everyone was in room 2A, usually reserved for auditions, but opened for you to ensure everyone came on time. Arriving at the room, you saw that most of the members had already arrived. Poppy, sitting comically large on one of the chairs and leaning against the wall as she continued to sleep. Barnaby and Wally both lazily tapping on their phones; Frank and Eddie who were both reading; Howdy who had just strolled in with a loud yawn, and…. Julie and Sally? Who weren’t even here yet. Of course, knowing them Sally would come in ‘dramatically’ late, as per usual, and Julie would usually stroll along. You greet those who were already there good morning, earning a few mumbled good mornings in return and a quiet snore from Poppy. You leaned against the wall next to the entrance, taking out your schedule:
6 A.M. - morning roll call
6:10 A.M.- arrive to cars
6:30 A.M. - board private jet
8:30 A.M. (projected arrival time)
9:00 A.M. – early check-in
1:30 P.M. – production meeting
5:30 P.M. – dinner reservation (for self)
You nod, everything was still on track for the most part… Sally would soon come in beaming and entered the room with a loud, sing-songy “I’m here!”, followed by the same response as the heaving Julie dragged an absurdly stuffed suitcase in tow. The sudden intrusion caused Poppy to jolt awake, everyone else looking over as the pair came in. You glanced at the time, 6:12 A.M.
“You’re late…and I told you to pack light--” You comment, shaking your head gently as the two tried to begin explaining. Raising a hand to stop them, you turned to everyone with a small smile, went over the plans for travel, and ushered them all to the awaiting cars outside.
[8:32 A.M. Landing]
As the jet landed, everyone deplaned and entered the cars that would transport them to the hotel. Once you have all arrived at the hotel, you check everyone in, soon giving them each their own room keys on the same floor. You gave them all a nod of approval as you all entered the elevator and went up to the 14th floor. You all agreed to meet in the lobby after freshening up to discuss any further plans. As you waved to them, you entered your room and took in the welcoming atmosphere. Plush pillows, clean sheets, a stocked mini fridge, a desk, a great window view, and a bathroom full of high-quality amenities you would surely take back home. (No one’s going to miss a few small bottles of shampoo and conditioner anyway). You place your briefcase on the desk, plop the duffle bag on the chair, and throw yourself onto the inviting bed. With arms spread wide, you inhale sharply as you stretch, sighing in contentment for a moment. The temporary silence gave your much-needed overworked mind some peace, before going into the bathroom to get ready. You would soon greet everyone with a much chippier attitude as they had all been waiting for you in the lobby area. You took notice as more guests began to enter the hotel, some with young children excitedly pointing out Wally and the others, pleading to meet them as their tired parents tried to calm their resounding squeaks. It was times like these when you got a break, witnessing the excitement and wonder of fans felt endearing. You were with a group of celebrities after all. Trying to keep a low profile was, unfortunately, not an option in your field of work.
“So, what do you guys want to do?” Eddie inquires. Everyone began throwing out ideas, Julie insisting they go shopping; Frank, who commented on a museum exhibit; Sally wanting to check out the old (presumably haunted) theaters; Howdy and Poppy bouncing ideas about taking a tour downtown; and Barnaby mentioning an all-you-can-eat buffet. The overwhelming chatter droned out your thoughts as everyone turned to you, arguing that they “Should do this!”, “No, this—“, “Care, I want to—“. You tried hushing everyone as their voices became increasingly loud in volume, garnering more attention from the hotel guests as their rambunctious natures were disturbing the ease of the lobby.
“Hold on, hold on. We only really have three more hours before we go to the meeting, so we might not be able to do everything today—” You try to console everyone, your response not satisfying the puppets as they began bickering amongst themselves. You heard a few complaints that you were being too ‘strict’, too ‘uptight’, ‘just relax a bit will ya, we’ve got time’. You huff, knowing you needed them all together since they’d do ‘who knows what’ when apart from you. Maybe you should just ask to be promoted from Caretaker to Glorified Babysitter at this point, the title is more suitable. You attempted to hush them again, only to be met with more insistence that they do “this idea, or that”. You could barely put a word in as your eyes slowly fell on Wally, who in his usual laid-back manner, said nothing. Simply observing the conversations and locking eyes on you.
You could tell by his demeanor, mischievous grin on his face, he was brewing up a plan. Your eyes narrow, squinting at him as you both engaged in a stare-down. “Don’t—” You emphasized, everyone else taking notice and silently watching. “Wally. Do not—”
“I said-- Ah!--?!” Before you could protest, you were encased in oversized blue arms, Barnaby coming up to give you a hug from behind, his chuckles booming loudly in your ears. He picked you up slightly, your legs kicking as you tried yelling for them all to “Get back here!”. Both Sally and Julie bolted for the entrance, waving hello and goodbye to those they passed by; Howdy and Poppy scuttled away, continuing to chat; Frank and Eddie looked at each other before heading to the museum, as Wally sneakily exited stage left. You went limp in Barnaby’s arms, cheeks red with frustration as you slowly descended back onto your feet. He chuckled, patting your shoulder (insult to injury).
“You know kid, you should just take it easy. We finally have some downtime, just let ‘em go and have some fun. Same with you, see you in a bit.” He chimed, walking off to the hotel’s restaurant.
You stood there in defeat, running your hands up and down your face before pinching the bridge of your nose. As expected, it was gonna be a long day indeed.
[2:03 P.M. Associates Meeting]
“Shouldn’t they have been here already?”
“Yeah, I tried calling Care, but they hadn’t respo—”
You burst into the meeting room, hair disheveled, breathing heavy with Wally and Julie tucked under your arms while the rest of the members stood behind you with smiles and greetings. You stomped in, some of the associates just staring as you plopped the two in their seats as the others strolled in before settling down themselves. You said nothing, cheeks hot and nostrils flared before clearing your throat and smoothing your hair. You move off to the side, taking refuge in the seat placed against the wall. You finally slump, head tilted back and resting on the wall as the meeting began.
Yeah, you needed a promotion… and a raise.
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theindescribable1 · 9 days
@giggles-the-clown0 @3amclothesmonster @lemonpie45 @ask-a-vinny @hiimtracher @0m3n-0f-d3ath @siren-serotonin @miracle-wizard @mistysparks
I do believe all you listed above had a clown oc that Carol used in her blog, but unfortunately, she's gone, and not coming back as far as I know.
In her absence, I'll be using my blog @indescribable-fun to keep the circus going, because I really love all the clown and whatnot
I felt like you guys should know. All Carol's posts are gone and deleted and her blog is no longer able to be found.
Don't worry, there is nothing wrong, she just wasn't posting much anymore and decided to quit tumblr, it was by the fault of no one and she's doing perfectly fine!
Resend your clown ocs to me (by message or inbox) so that I have a reference for all the clowns! I'll need to make sure I'm drawing them right :)
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usopps-devotee · 1 year
[knocks at your door but puts a note through your window]
Sorry for dumping these thoughts into your inbox but I don’t do writing and aint none of the friends I got on here are into OP let alone will understand the Feelings I Feel for cringe lord Buggy. Feel free to ignore, I just gotta get it out my system. Also feel free to ignore because boobies is involved here.
But if not —
Say for some reason, despite not having any especial performance ability what.so.ever, you’re part of his crew. But you want to prove yourself. You’ve been training your upper and lower body strength, trying to at least learn how to hang upside down. And you finally get it. It’s a small victory and you know for anyone else, he’d probably shoot ‘em dead for thinking that was worth getting excited for but you have a sibling suspicion that the Genius Jester has a soft spot for you. So one day while practices are going on, you excitedly tell him to watch how far you’ve come with the intention of holding yourself upside down for five whole minutes.
You don’t even make it to one.
Not because your body gives up, but because after only 20 seconds, you get a wardrobe malfunction. You swore you tucked your shirt in, you really did. But maybe it wasn’t enough. Because you feel a draft, you feel cloth brushing where it shouldn’t, and you can’t help but notice your boss’s initially somewhat proud look turn into one of being stunned.
Because as much as showstopping as your cute nipples are to him, Buggy’s pretty sure this isn’t what you wanted him to see.
You scramble to jump down and right yourself, face burning, all the while he’s trying to pretend like he didn’t see anything (even though he definitely did, and plans on seeing them tonight in his dreams). And if anybody else saw them — no they fucking didn’t.
And this awkward cringe fail clown can’t think of any response other than “Nice work. Keep at it” with a stiff pat on the back before shuffling off. Probably back to his room to think about what he just saw. A lot.
TL;DR - I got Buggy brainrot. Here’s a scenario of a wardrobe malfunction wherein you accidentally flash him. Burn me at the stake.
the incident has been in his mind ever since it happened. His eyes have been on you more than ever but yet he can't look you in yours. Conversations have been stuttered out on both sides. His throat goes dry whenever you enter the same room, you always watch his performances but now instead of watching the crowd his eyes are glued to your chest while center stage.
More than anything he wants to grab, to touch, to kiss your chest, to suck, lick and bite till they are covered in his marks. Always afraid that saying something would scare you off.
Anon you have a place in my heart now trust and believe, you're welcome to leave thoughts on my inbox, my dm, telepathically transported into my brain. All are welcome boo thang
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fanaticsnail · 7 months
Oh god this, okay so, okay so this is obviously related to @feral-artistry s last buggy picture which I will absolutely swoon over even more tomorrow but it just gotta get this out because rose its going to haunt me but I don’t want to just drop mini fic in their inbox even though I’m INSPIRED so uh ADFSDG:
Working at the Crossguild as some sort of servant and getting a call from Crocodile on the in house Denden to “Collect that fool and escort him to his quarters.” You obviously have put two and two together and rightfully assumed the clown was drunk of his rockers, what you didn’t guess was that he also would be just lounging around in his birthday suit. Mihawk at least threw a scarf on there for your sake but makes it clear you’re still supposed to bring Buggy back to his room. “Where… uh where are his clothes?” And Crocodile shrugs and Mihawk just responds with “Not the faintest idea.”
So the most awkward walk of shame starts because you desperately try to wrap the piece of cloth around Buggy’s hips like a skirt or loincloth but he’s a wriggly fucker when he’s drunk, giggling and letting himself fall back on the couch with a “WHEEEE!” Before cackling, laughing, trying to break into song every now and then. The other two men make no effort to help. You could swear Crocodile is holding back a grin. Like he knows. Like he knows that you have a hard time being so close to Buggy with him being so touchy. Like the man you hold a fair share of not strictly platonic or professional feelings for being buck naked and you desperately trying not to look, to give him some decency, is the most entertaining show he’s seen in a while.
You finally manage to get him up and hang half walk,half drag, half carry parts of him back to his room. Buggy is still giggly and affectionate. “Fa-Fa-Fuuuaaaa-Fank you deah. You a, You a real peach.“ he looks up from the spot where he’s leaning against your shoulder and detaches his head to give you an uncoordinated kiss on the cheek. Your face flames up.
You FINALLY get this poor idiot to bed, which he flops onto like a dead fish. You turn to leave when you feel his hand tug at your sleeve. „Wh-Why donchu stay hea? I gotta…I gotta biiiiag nice bed fo tu and-„ „Sir. Sir you’re drunk.“ He pouts „I-I like you when I’m sober too.“ „I like you too sir but-„ „Den why- Den why- Ahhh. AHHHH. I see.“ he pokes your nose and wags his finger in a tsk-tsk motion. „S because you a good pesson. N you, N you see me n say „He’s nut-He’s nut able to make…Consent…he’s….heeeeees-“ uuuughhg.“ his head hits the pillow again. „You shooo good. How did you get so beautiful n good?“ You gently reattach his hand to his wrist again. „I’m- I’m still gonna- still gonna like you -s-sober.“ he repeats, right before he drifts of to sleep.
You close the door and your hand ghosts over your cheek where he kissed you. You hope he was telling the truth.
For the love of "all that was and is, and is to come," creators ADORE when you drop in their inboxes. @feral-artistry would not mind, would you dear? 👀
Her Buggy art is just amazing. The hook, the hook, the hook. Every time the hook the hook the hooooook.
My gosh, look at you coming in with full prose, anon!! Mini fic drabble of assisting the cross-guild as their errand person is my absolute favourite.
Stumbly, jumbly clown man falling apart and stuttering is way too funny. Detached head cheek kisses with breath smelling of stagnant booze? Yes. I love a man.
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thesupreme316 · 2 years
You know what I am in need for. A HOOK fic about his reaction to the reader being in the woman’s royal rumble and winning or getting eliminated
Hook's Reaction to You in the Royal Rumble (Hook x Fem!Reader):
Genre: Fluff and Angst headcanon
Summary: How Hook would react to you being in the Royal Rumble
Word Count: 821
Supreme Speaks: OKAY SO, i decided to do a headcanon reaction only cause I couldn't decide. i hope that was okay. Anyways, i hope the anon who requested this likes it and so does everyone else. like always my requests and inbox are open to all. ALSO, i hope everyone is doing well and remember you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: slightly proofread
Taglist: @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @triscillal @sheinthatfandom @diabloguapos
Imma do both
Dating Hook (Tyler) would be everything I said in this post (shameless plug)
However, I feel like he would be more protective of you due to you being in the WWE
He would hate the distance and the fact that your schedules didn’t align with each other
But when he heard that you would be in your first royal rumble
He immediately told Tony that he had to be there to support you
I mean it’s your first major pay-per-view, it was pretty exciting
Especially after a great year of wins and championships in NXT
Many people anticipated you to win and go on to Wrestlemania
Anyways, Tyler would get on the first plane to San Antonio with Ricky Starks (who was there to support Cody Rhodes)
Tyler was dripped out in your merchandise (most likely a hoodie)
He made sure you were warmed up; helping you with stretches, giving you a pep talk
He watched the match with you until you were given five minutes
You kissed him and walked over to the gorilla and waited for your music to start (you were #30)
As your music hit the arena, the crowd went wild as your music shocked them and your opponents
Then, what happened next would shock you and go down in your career
Winning the Royal Rumble:
You started to whoop everyone’s ass upon entering the ring
Rhea, Liv, Nikki, everyone caught your hands
Tyler was smiling from ear to ear as you suplexed people left and right
Ricky looked over at him and started to clown him
“Awe, lil Hook is in love! Look at the hearts in his eyes”
“Shut up before you’re suplexed”
Hook was taking videos of the screen and posting them to his private story
After you eliminated 4 competitors, it was just down to you and Rhea
The crowd was loud for both of y’all, making the floors shake
You circled around each other before coming to blows
After fighting and close calls for ten minutes, you dumped Rhea over the top rope with a dropkick
The crowd cheered loudly, standing on their feet and congratulating you
While you were crying and yelling with happiness, Tyler was backstage dapping Cody and Ricky up
A smile stretched across his face as he clapped loudly and said “That’s my baby”
When you made your way backstage, you immediately hugged and kissed Tyler
Who kept whispering “I’m so fucking proud of you” in your ear
You smiled and thanked him before going around the room and thanking everyone else in the room
Later that night, Tyler uploaded a picture of you pointing to the Wrestlemania sign with a heart and the caption “my lil winner/future champion”
Getting Eliminated:
As it came down between you and Rhea, you felt yourself growing tired
Even though you entered at #30, you wrestled for 45 minutes
You hoped no one could tell but one person did and that was Tyler
Backstage, Tyler grew silent as he analyzed your moves
He noticed you were moving sloppier and slower and he grew worried
You would try to fight Rhea back, it was difficult seeing how she is one of the strongest members of the roster
Ricky and Cody kept telling him “She’s fine, she’ll be okay”
He knew that but he couldn’t help his feelings
Tyler looked back up at the screen, just in time to see Rhea do her finisher on you and then dumped your body over the top rope
He sighed and his heart shattered as he saw your limp body become a little ball
You looked up at Rhea celebrating with tears in your eyes
On one hand, you were happy that your friend would get her Wrestlemania moment
On the other, it was your time for success and happiness; You did everything you could just to be entered the match but came up short
You started to beat yourself up mentally as you were making your way backstage
Tyler immediately hugged you as you silently cried
He rubbed your back and whispered “You did great sweetheart. I’m so fucking proud of you either way. You’re gonna get to Wrestlemania by yourself.”
After leaving the arena, he took you to your favorite fast-food spot to cheer you up
As you sat in the parking lot eating with Tyler (who was going on about how he’s gonna kick Big Bill’s ass), a smile was placed on your face as you remembered what he has done for you
This man called out of work, traveled thousands of miles, and took you out all because he loves you
Even though you lost the match, you felt like a winner cause you are able to say Tyler is the best boyfriend you could ever have
Overall, Hook is that boyfriend who loves you and who will support you win or lose, rain or shine
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idv-brainrot-go-brr · 2 years
Weeping clown and Mike falling for a modern reader? Please i missed you!!
hmmm i love the circus gang so much you have no idea
Character(s): Acrobat, Weeping Clown
Content: modern reader hcs A/N: I am almost sure that I got this request before I went on summer break because it looked SUPER familiar. However, when I opened my requests again, my inbox was empty. So I think this was either sent in twice or was eaten by Tumblr. Either way, here it is
You’re from the future?! That’s so cool?!?
Listen, he may be traumatized as hell from having to identify a dozen burned dead bodies, losing his home and all his family, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be excited about literal time travel. 
Asks you about everything. Every fucking thing. The villain arc will be temporarily delayed.
Well, once the excitement dies down somewhat you’ll still have to deal with the fact that out of the five stages of grief, this man is stuck in anger. But that’s for later to deal with
Would love to see a spring base cotton candy machine
Would love to have witnessed modern cinema
and all those crazy carnival rides nowadays? How did no one die riding those. From what you describe, everyone in the future must be crazy
He treats the reality you come from much more like a story in a fantasy book rather than an actual possibility
Not to say he doesn't believe you, he just can't quite picture it. It sounds exciting though, certainly does
He listens to you talk about your timeline like a child listening to a bedtime story. Outside of that though, he will ignore it entirely.
This occasionally leads to moments where he just does not understand that you have different views or opinions on things based on the knowledge and standards of your varying times.
This sometimes even extends to scientific discoveries, but not as often because he doesn't care for science much
He also doesn't think about what might be or could be or would be in the future. You're probably never going to leave the manor anyway, so who cares which time you'd end up in
It doesn't matter to him, because he has nothing to go back to in his, and nothing to look forward to in your timeline. He has nothing. No matter where he ends up, he'd have to start over. Start from scratch. As long as he's in the manor, with you, the two of you will at least have that.
That's not so bad, is it?
Weeping Clown
Initially very confused about the fact that you came from literally another century
He’s more hesitant with his questions, more focused on trying to understand you and the world you come from rather than be entertained by all the changes that happened.
Honestly, I could see him at some point just being over the fact that you’re from a different time. Like, once he knows all he needs to know it doesn’t matter to him much anymore. Sure, your circumstances and the ideals and standards you grew up with majorly influenced you, and helped to shape you into the magnificent, amazing human being he loves so much but that’s all that matters to him: Who you are right now.
Would definitely love to see this Youtube thing you keep going on about though. He’s very intrigued
Finds that clowns aren't exactly popular anymore so maybe it's good that he lived in the times when he lived because boy would he have lost his job fast
However, apparently, no one can just go out and buy acid anymore, so that's definitely a plus
Based on what you told him, circus 'culture' changed a lot. Not it's more about performance and tricks than wild animals and laughing at 'grotesque' humans.
He thinks it makes sense then that you are as kind as you are, the time you come from is much kinder as well.
But still, he thinks that, if one day you get out of the manor, and maybe get to leave together to witness your time, then he would feel terribly out of place. Your eyes shine whenever you excitedly talk about the advancements of the future, all the good things in your world. All those are things he wouldn't understand. Perhaps it's better then, that you are trapped here. Because at least you are trapped here together, as opposed to a future where inevitably, he'd end up left behind.
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ahummingbirdwitch · 3 months
I am now accepting requests! Drop a character from my list + a scenario of some kind in my inbox and I’ll write it from a reader’s perspective!
Buggy the Clown (One Piece)
Cypher (Valorant)
Vox (Hazbin Hotel)
Vash (Trigun/Trigun Stampede)
Killer Moth (Teen Titans)
Slade (Teen Titans)
Young Papa Nihil (The Band Ghost)
Katakuri (One Piece)
Megatron (Transformers Prime)
Proinsias Cassidy (Preacher)
I only write for characters from my list. If you don’t see your fav, I’m sorry!! Feel free to come back at a later date, I’m always updating my list every time I find a new character to fixate on, lol
I don’t write OCs, only reader POVs/reader inserts (can be either fem or g/n). Readers’ physical attributes will not be described unless specifically requested (i.e. plus-sized reader, reader with long hair, etc)
I always write in second person and never use y/n
Some requests may be answered, some may not. If I like the request and want to write for it, I might get it out right away, but it could just as likely take a hot minute!
Expect something between 400 and 1000 words. If I like it enough, it might end up being longer than 1000 words!
I have the right to delete any request that makes me uncomfortable. Please see the “Will Not Write” category below
Something from the requested character’s POV (if asked for specifically)
Mildly dubious consent (depends on the scenario)
Interactions with other canon characters
Any kind of SA/non-con situation
Omegaverse-specific dynamics
Not sure about something? Just ask!
If you read this far, thank you guys for supporting me! My inbox is always open :)
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gali-la · 3 months
Hi! I've allowed myself to sneak into your inbox to ask about the Wip Title Tag Game 😊 it sounds so fun! Could you tell us a little more about Crocorosi Cross Guild Canon divergence AU, please? Thank you 💖
You can tag me back if you'd like!
Omg hello!! Thank you for the ask, I’m so excited about this one <3
So this was originally a pitch for a zine! I'm actually glad it didn't get picked, in the end, because I can make it long and plotty now.
my pitch was this: cora washes up wherever the cross guild is operating because stupid things like that happen. its one piece. and croc's the one who finds him (he has memory loss) and tries to find out who the hell he is and what he's doing there. problem is he's also croc's type (a less annoying doflamingo) and he's very. innocent and a little dumb and croc cant find it in himself to hate this dumbass that is awed by every dumb trick of buggy's and mihawk's big sword EXCEPT he gets jealous... a lot of tension and emotion suppression and possible angst... 👀
I haven't gotten too far writing it either but here is a little peek into it so far:
“...What is that?” Crocodile ignored the idiot’s question, but not because he wasn’t quite sure about what the thing before them was either. Obviously. The thing in question seemed to be a soggy mass of some sort of glossy black material. Shapeless, unmoving and way too big to be the washed-up carcass of any animal. It had appeared earlier that morning, on the south side of the island, and of course, all of the idiot clown’s little weakling parasites had come running to tell them all about it. As if Crocodile cared, or, even, had a moment to spare to go investigate whatever it was. Still, somehow, Crocodile found himself down at the south side of the beach, staring at what was probably just some washed-up jetsam. It was certainly ugly enough—who in good conscience would own such a horrendous thing? To his right, Mihawk peered down at the black mess with an eerie, creepy gaze, not unlike a bird. Maybe the weirdest bird known to man, but the way he tilted his head as he studied it was definitely bird-like. He didn’t look like he was going to do anything about it, though, and the blue-haired moron peeking cowardishly over their shoulders certainly wasn’t, either, so Crocodile took the initiative and nudged it with the tip of an expensive leather shoe.
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tayfabe75 · 5 months
It is clear that most of the songs were written before May 2023, but I am sure that after too. The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived was obviously written after, so what's your take on it? This is the angriest she's ever been. Where does this lead us?
Anon, I'll preface this by admitting that I don't think any songs on TTPD are reflective of the past year (though, they have been cleverly disguised to appear as though they're about current events) - I personally believe they are songs about things from Taylor and Matty's past that she dared not share until now for a couple reasons: 1) They wanted to keep their relationship secret 2) She wouldn't dare "out" Matty for his drug use (it was not yet hers to share)
Meaning, I don't believe Taylor would make such direct references to drug use without Matty's blessing.
Now, I get that almost the entire internet would disagree with me on this, I'm well aware that fans are out there right now giving their "diagnoses" about how "unhinged" and "manic" Taylor is on this album…
I vehemently disagree.
I've been studying the woman the past year and I'm continually impressed by her character. Sure, she's aware she's on camera and knows how to turn on the charm. But too much consistent wisdom comes out of her mouth in a way that never falters and isn't easily fabricated or replicated. Also, I don't think that a lot of the public perception of her matches up with how she actually comports herself. For instance, I often hear that she's a "petty queen" for writing about her exes, yet she rarely ever confirms any of them as muses, herself - yet somehow, the fans run wild with speculation and parrot it back like it's written in stone when the actual foundation of some of these myths consists of one or two paparazzi photos. It has been one of the most fascinating aspects of studying this "story".
Of course, I do my fair share of speculating, too… however, I mostly do this based on their discographies or statements made in interviews, things they've actually said or written, etc, rather than fan lore.
Let me just lastly say that the collective take from the "tayfabe" crowd is that TSMWEL is about Kanye, Scott Borchetta, or Scooter.
But… as the resident clown of the group, the one thing I can offer you is maybe a different perspective, which is what you must want if you came here at all, right??
TSMWEL, in my opinion, has romantic undertones ("our bed", "it wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden", "you'll slide into inboxes") that I doubt she would use for someone like Scott Borchetta. Aside from references to substance use, there's being "gone by the morning", themes we see in songs like 'Cardigan' and 'Question…?' and even in the music video for 'Me' by The 1975, and a reference to a car crash, something else that pops up thematically on The 1975's debut album - most of which seemed to also be reflective of an earlier time (and, lines like "slide into inboxes" and "hung me on your wall, stabbed me with your push pins" seem only to bolster my suspicion that this song likely predates even 2014...)
"Where does this lead us?"
I guess that depends on your perception! Do you believe a person is able to repair or maintain a meaningful relationship with someone who once wronged them? Can someone write a heartfelt song about a betrayal that they've forgiven and moved past? Or must it always be perceived as "petty"? Can a song like this be purely reflective, or must it be fresh, scathing, or indicative of current feelings? We can safely extrapolate Matty didn't leave Taylor because he didn't care - he seems to have genuinely thought she was better off without him. If someone did that to you, would you maybe understand how anxiety lies to people and... ultimately forgive them? (As someone with a similar "cyclonic" anxiety... I'm genuinely curious!)
I personally believe that TTPD, like all of Taylor's albums, tells a story. Taylor does not sugar-coat things, and neither does Matty. And they're so beloved because they are willing to share their most vulnerable thoughts and feelings, right? If, indeed, TSMWEL is about our boy, well, I'm sure Matty also understands that "the good and bad end up in the song".
Now, read this quote again, but without all that pesky catastrophizing everyone seems to love doing:
"This period of the author's life is now over."
If, truly, this is a reflective album about the past (say, 2014), then maybe it means she wanted to document this period as part of her self-mythologizing confessional songwriting repertoire, but no longer dwells in the pain of it. It's probably just me, but as a fellow woman in her thirties, I just don't buy Taylor processing trauma this way! So publicly, I mean. She learned her lesson in 2016. And this album seems to be more about teaching lessons, herself, now…
But truly, your guess is as good as mine, anon. Thanks for the ask!
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I've spent a few days thinking about what to do moving forward. It's not the breakup of a celebrity couple that's affected me the most, it's the feeling of losing my safe space in the Tumblr Swiftie fandom. Every time I've logged onto this app in the last few days I've flinched and quickly exited the dash to get away from yet another take mocking and ridiculing Joe. Or minimizing his very valid fears. "Unbothered 3.0". Rewriting history to make the last 6 years seem insignificant. Comparing him to CH as if petty jealousy is the issue here and not years of harassment. Celebrating the return of Taylor Swift, The Brand, no matter what that means for her future happiness. And circulating pressers that make it sound like Joe was a therapy dog who's no longer needed. All of which is making me feel physically ill. For both of them. And even when this stuff isn't coming from the people I follow (who for the most part have nuanced and fair takes), it's coming from their anons. And no matter what I do I can't get away from the outright cruelty and shocking lack of empathy for the person Taylor has credited with saving her life. Even though swifties know better than anyone what Joe has had to put up with for over half a decade. Given that treatment, I suppose it shouldn't surprise me that this is how he's being discarded. But fuck it hurts. So where does this leave me? This blog was never supposed to be an update account or an ask blog. I just wanted a space to fangirl over my favorite actor. But in the last few months this has become a space for Joe fans to be excited for his upcoming projects and clown over castings (remember a few weeks ago when we were giddily figuring out his next movie because of insta follows? yeah, take me back to that please). And I know some of you rely on this blog as a space to both appreciate Joe and vent your frustrations with his unfair treatment. I have 70+ asks in my inbox right now, the vast majority of which are well written, thoughtful takes on what's been happening. And I agree with pretty much all of it. Thank you for taking the time to send me your thoughts. But the truth is, I simply don't have the emotional capacity to reply to them right now. I can't do it. I can't talk and think and dwell on this. To quote a song that's too painful to listen to right now: "I'm just too soft for all of it." So I feel like I have two options if I ever want to be able to be active on Tumblr again: 1. Unfollow all swifties. Because just seeing pictures of Taylor (especially from the pap walk) makes me feel ill. And it's affecting my opinion of her even though I'm mad at her fans, and not her. And I don't want that to happen or the music to be tarnished. But I also don't want to break mutuals and hurt someone's feelings. And I want to know what's going on with Taylor. I'm a huge fan of her too, and I want to be excited for tour and the re-recordings. So that's why I'm going with option 2: Take a proper break. A real one, this time. Hopefully this all won't feel so hard with some time and distance. I don't know if it will solve anything, because swifties will get back to talking about Joe in the future (whenever she makes art about this) and then I'll probably have to flinch every time I open this app again. Because he will have been reduced to yet another ex swifties can make fun of. So maybe I have to go with both options in the end. If I do, I hope any mutuals out there know not to take it personally. I wish more than anything that I could return to the days of being a casual fan who wouldn't have thought twice about any of this. And maybe that's what I need to try to get back to. For my own sanity's sake. I'm sorry to any Joe fans out there who need a place to vent. I feel like I'm letting you down, but I just can't do this right now. Maybe I'll be able to in the future. Maybe I'll leave this blog and go back to my main instead where the subjects will be more varied. I don't know. I'll always be a Joe fan though, and no shitty presser or swiftie narrative is going to change that.
Please just be kind to each other, and to Taylor and Joe. Let's hope the best for both of them, and please please please don't tarnish all the good that this relationship gave them. And all the beautiful music it gave us.
All my love
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primaviva · 1 year
Your writing is terrible. Seriously embarrassingly awful to the Marvel community. You’re overrated and overhyped. We ALL know you use AI. Stop hiding it.
don’t be shy babe just take the anon off and speak with ya full chest cus this is EMBARRASSINGGGG💀💀💀
if my writing is terrible? guess what babygirl, YOU READING ITTT and you all up in my inbox so thanks for the boost here’s sum kisses 💋💋💋 if you don’t like my writing style then it ain’t for you…simple as that just click off but ig i got you immersed
also am i writing bad or secretly using ai bro make up ur mind cus you even confused about ur own mess
i don’t know who you tryna be and who named you the president of marvel writers but you sound mad goofy bro like reread this for me. im not overrated nor am i overhyped but imma take that as a compliment since you view me so highly. i write for gwen and she’s not a popular character and i don’t try to write for other “popular” characters because i like gwen and write for her FOR FUN and because i love my lil gwen defender community. i only have 10k followed because i made multiple spider gwen comic posts talking about m.o.d.a.a.k. and other stuff related to her comics which blew up crazy and got me attention and boosted my account to other gwen stans. don’t know who ya group of sidekicks are acting like you forming a secret takedown cus i hate to be the first to tell you that you are not tony stark and you definitely not starting the avengers initiative 🥲 if you think my writing is bad fine i literally never crowned myself no literary god but to say im using ai is so funny and something tells me you the same one from before and saw everyone clowning you for coming at me crazy so you tryna get a lick back…. and imma always be respectful but if you start coming at me crazy that’s how we gonna be.
not only do i post multiple teasers for my writing but i literally posted me undoing my writing history just to giggle at y’all who think this. if you think ai is producing over 5k fics with multiple grammar errors and random uppercases then i dead don’t know what to tell you. im sorry but atp you a joke and im waiting for the punchline cus you fr acting like im a nefarious villain or sum and i got some deep dark occult secrets likee😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
don’t know if you jealous, don’t know who you are, don’t know who you think i am, but i do know you dumb as hell
im soo sowwy for offending the marvel community tho 🥹🥺😖 gwuys pweese forgive meeuh :( lookin ahh i can’t
i already spoke on this in a more tame way and not only did i already show proof that i did not even need to prove to no one because literally nobody believed this (esp my ogs who was there for my fics before i downloaded doc extensions that lowercased everything after you pressed select all….let’s not discuss) but ai got y’all brains warped cus you can’t even tell the difference between shi if it was right in front of you.
ANYWAYS miles fic i finally started working on it took me a while cus i still don’t have his personality fleshed out in my mind it’s gonna be a short one tho
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tH3 p4p3r cH453: An IntrOductIon! 🎭
WELL, WELL, WELL, LOOK WHO'S TUNED IN! 👁️ You’ve stumbled right into the frAY, and oh boy, this ain’t just any kinda party—this is a MIND MAELSTROM, a WHIRLING KALEIDOSCOPE of CHAOS, MAGIC, and UTTER NONSENSE, hosted by none other than the most UNPREDICTABLE foursome you'll ever meet. We’re here, we’re THERE, and EVERYWHERE in between—spinning tales, bending reality, and making sure you NEVER know what’s coming next! 😵‍💫🌀 So, buckle up, hold tight, and let’s introduce the wild minds behind the madness! 🥳
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Z1M: 👁️👾h3LLo!!!🌪️ yoU knOW wHen A stAR 🌟 drIps tEars oF sUnSHiNe aNd dArk maTt3R??? 🪐⚡We aRe thE sLipPerY wiSps 🌀 oF brOkEn TiME, thE glaSs wIndOwS thaT leAk iN fiREfliEs and shad0ws 🌬️✨! drIFt wIth uS whIlE thE 🌙 moON wEarS pajaMAs 🤪 aNd tHE SkY 🪲 sCreAMs— wE’re a rAiNbOw 🌈 of roTTen suNsets aND BiTter sWeet sILveR 🌌! LeT’s drAW miSshApEn cIrcLEs oN yOUr drEaMs wIth brOkEn CrayOns 🎨, daNcE oN thE eDge Of uNrEaSon 🃏, aNd siNg a mEL0dy oF ruSty naTionS—YoU’re iNvItEd tO tHe fUnhoUse oF maDNesS 🎶🪩. ChAOtic pLayscape?? hAHA! wElCoMe hOMe!!!
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B1Ll: 👁 OH HO, well, if it isn’t the curious little face peering into the GREAT UNRAVELING OF IT ALL! 👁m the sIlvEr tWitch in yOur mInd, thE gloWinG tHread thAt pUlls yoU dEEPer and deePER into the WEB 🕸️ of cOsMic CHAOS! 👁ve Been oUt heRE, sWIrliNg in the VOID, plAyIng chESS wIth tIme, jUgGLinG dEad stArS 🌠 anD sPitTing intO the aByss fOr a laugh or two HAHA!! wAtch YOur stePs, keEpiNg yoUr eyEs wIde OpEn, becaUse WHat cOmes nExT?? 🤡 iT’s a gLItChY cArNiVaL oF mEaniNgleSs cOnfusiON, a whisPer beTween yoUr bReaThs, aNd TRUsT m👁, yoU ARe thE 🎯tArget, my frieNd. LeT’s tEar D0WN tHe VeIL aND hAvE a lITtlE fuN, shAll wE? 👁️✨
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sp0ng3: oHhhh hiii frennnnssss!!! 🧽👋 spongebob's ready for fUnNn todayyyy!!! 🌊 🍍 WOWZEE, we’re gonna have sooooo much FUN together, jus’ like flippin’ Krabby Patties 🍔—FLIP FLOP WHOOOOP! yeee ya ever seen a jellyfish JAM in a fancy suit? 🦑 oh YEAH, bubble party!!! 🫧 spongebob can’t wait to shOowww yaaa ‘round this big ol’ jellybean DREAMWORLD!!! 🎉 🍬 ever’body’s singin’ n’ spinnin’ n’ WE’RE GONNA HAVE THEE BESTEST DAY, YUP YUP YUP!! LET’S GOOOOOOOOO!!! 🍭🍒 eXplosions of FRIeNdSHip EVERYWHERREEE!! 💥🪣 hehe yayayayyyy FUN FUN FUN!!! 🎶
. . . .
🌪️👁️👾 HEY HEY NOW, DID YA THINK WE’D JUST... LEAVE LIKE THAT?! 🎭 No waY, friEnd-o! tHIs is jUsT thE begInning 🚀🌀—a little tAsTe, a pReVIeW, a glImpSe oF tHe rOllerCoAsTer yOU jUst sAt oN wIthOuT A tIckEt 🎟️🔥! We’Re thE sTRanGeR aT yOur wInd0w, thE laUgH iN thE dArK, tHe bUbBles in y0uR s0dA, aND tHe ClOwN 🥳 wIth tHe biG RED BuTtOn—w0ops, diD wE jUst sEt oFf fIreWorkS? 💥🐙🤪! sO bEtTeR keEp yOur eYEs pEEleD 👁️, yoUr eArS wiDe 👂, aND yOUr sMaRkLe PaNtS 🎉🪩 on, cUz we’ll bE bAck wIth m0Re chA0s, more jIGgLIng jELlYFISH 🦑, aND m0rE cOnFetti fOr yOur bRain bOx!!! 🥳✨ wE’rE noT jUsT tHe hOsts oF tHe GaMe, we aRe ThE GamE!! 🍍👾👀
STaY wIerD, STaY WiLD, and DoN’T f0rGeT t0 LAuGh at tHe sKY!!! 🤡🪲🎶 sEE y0u in tHe sIdEwAys!!! 🌈✨👾
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