#you cannot call yourself a leftist or an activist if youre ok eith people like that
spoonass69 · 3 years
whenever people very vaguely talk about people being too mean to you on the internet, and don’t specify like actually bigoted ppl or whatever, pls be cautious. there are A LOT of people who claim to be activists and allys and all that stuff but then when theyre called out for doing something wack, instead of fixing it they go throw a tantrum and vague post about how “wahhh people just interpret things so wrong theyre so dumb ive learned and changed and GROWN how DARE you criticize me thats gonna stop me from growing!!!”
and yknow you dont wanna be rbing that or liking it bc it enables them
just,,, always be cautious of people online,, and also always analyze why you (as a white person) may agree with people throwing tantrums about people misinterpreting the things you say, instead of simply checking yourself, clarifying for those who misunderstood, and doing research.
in any kind of activism as a white person or a privileged person (idk i can only talk as a white person) youre gonna get called racist and homophobic, and youre gonna say things that you didnt mean to be bigoted, but they came off as bigoted maybe just because of careless wording or because you showed implicit biases that you didnt even know about. im not gonna tell you thats ok, bc i dont think its really an ok thing considering how many people are dying, but it’s inevitable and all we can do is listen and learn and do our best.
there are also going to be times when you’re completely right, and people are going to call you racist/sexist/homophobic or whatever. obviously check yourself every time that happens and hear ppl out, but if theyre just straight up wrong then ok. if you try and explain and they wont listen then ok. gotta disengage bc you cant do anything at that point. your activism needs to be more about advocating for what is right than appealing to people who refuse to listen.
ive still gotta work on rhat last part, and i think a lot of ppl still have to learn to be ok with others not liking the things that you say and doing their best to convince you that its actually you thats problematic whenever they get called out.
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