#you can't force people to build a house and you can't force people to beat the game 🤷‍♀️
gnaga37 ¡ 25 days
also! for how much you can argue that mc is not really a sandbox, you can't artificially create goals for the players. you Have To create your own goals in the game. you're just making a new game otherwise.
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love-note-musings ¡ 15 days
˙✧˖°📷 ⋆。˚꩜ toby x reader // creepypasta oneshot
request: HelloI May i request a oneshot where toby pins the reader against a wall and maybe threatens her but she lowkey can't focus BC she's thinking how pretty he is? The reader has a love hate relationship with him. Sorry if it's confusing.
word count: 3.6k
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     As the last costumer of the day left, your shoulders dropped as the tension ebbed out of your body, dropping the “customer service smile” you had plastered on for the last couple of hours. A lengthy sigh left your mouth and you shook out the tired feeling from your muscles and with a swift lock of the doors, you began your nightly routine of cleaning for close. 
      Working the night shift wasn’t so bad, you had thought, it was generally pretty uninteresting, living in a small town and all, the clientele were the same, jobs were casual, it wasn’t that horrible. Having worked at this quaint restaurant for a couple of years, you knew the ins-and-outs pretty well and you operated most of the tasks you needed to on autopilot. However, the job was one thing, and daily living was another. Of course the pay was less than what you needed to live on realistically, what with housing, insurance, and feeding yourself. You still didn’t mind the nightshift, you found it rather relaxing.
    Wiping down tables, sweeping floors and mopping, cleaning out cappuccino machines, all of it went by as fewer cars passed on the road. You could hear the breeze start of as a small gust here and there until it picked up into a violent wind that rattled the building. Soon, you figured it would begin storming, with big raindrops pelting down and you surely wanted to be in your own home underneath thick blankets before then. 
     Unlocking the back entrance, you began dragging the heavy trash-bags out in the back of the parking lot, the last thing you’d need to complete before heading home for the day. You could feel how the cold nipped at your skin and willed your legs to go faster. 
     The city was always quiet, it was still except for the symphonies trees played nearby in the forest, clanging against each other from the wind. There were stories of course, about people going in and never coming back, but there were lots of people who did come back, more so than the latter, so the locals knew it as folktales. In reality, it was just another ordinary small town, with small-towned people, small-towned restaurants, and small-towned ideas. Forest or not, it was also another small-town ideal.
     Swinging the bag into the bin, you closed it with a sharp bang just as the back door to the restaurant flew with a clang. The weather was worsening overhead with dark clouds hiding the moon and the wind was threatening to take you away with it. Your feet carried you back inside as fast as they could, one pounding after another. //
//     He crashed into the back door with a thud as his legs gave out, one arm trying to hoist himself up and another trying to stop his wound from exuding any more blood. It wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle, but the exhaustion was creeping up his body, the lights had looked like crystallized diamonds hanging off of his eyelids, and he stumbled into them with reckless abandon before collapsing on tiled floor… somewhere. Vision swimming, legs crumpled underneath him, he sat there, body trembling and nauseated, trying to grasp onto his abdomen in an attempt to convince his body to let him back up, to keep moving. It wasn’t even that bad of a wound despite its length, it wasn’t anything he couldn’t  work with, but there he was, slipping on himself in the back of some beat-up building. The lights slightly flickered every few seconds, the buzzing of electrical appliances seemingly rang through his ears in tenfold, there was nothing in his stomach but his body forced him to empty it anyway, spilling out nothing onto the black and white tiles besides the gagging noises coming from him. He couldn’t stop the movement from racking his body once again as he dragged himself forward. 
     There was a scream, a crash maybe, all he saw was a figure with their arms raised high, ready to pounce on him, everything else was foggy besides the lights. Big, bright lights. Groggily, he looked up with lidded eyes, mouth slightly agape, nostrils flaring, trying to allow more oxygen into his lungs. He yelled at his brain to move faster and to process the situation, finding nothing once again but some static sound that filled it. Their mouth moved, and the sound flowed back into his ears, slowly, and then all at once.
     “I said—“ they cleared their throat “do you need me to call the authorities?” There was an umbrella raised threateningly in their hands, knuckles already turned white. It looked like their breath was caught in their throat and their body shaked. He slowly registered the information piece-by-piece, stringing together some semblance of thought. 
     Slowly, he forced his head to move side to side, shaking ‘no’. 
     “Are you hurt?” They asked authoritatively, despite the tremble in their knees.
      Again, another rather slow nod, another no. Hurt was subjective, after all. 
     Sighing, they lowered the umbrella just a little more to their side. “What do you need? Are you in trouble?”
     He ended up coughing violently, his head was spinning and he was mentally whacked. “b.. bath- can I use your b..athroom.”
     They stood off to the side and pointed towards it, watching his movements as he tried to force himself to stand upright. He managed to get up to his knees before crashing over again. 
     “I’m going to help move you there, okay?” they said as they set the umbrella down against the wall and moved closer towards him. He nodded once and they hooked an arm underneath his and guided him to the bathroom. 
     They turned on the light inside, indicated him to ‘be careful’ and that ‘there was a first aid kit under the sink’, before leaving him alone with a soft close of the door. 
     Toby gazed at himself in the mirror, bracing his weight against the sink before shakily turning the knob and splashing himself with cool water. How many days had it been since he had first left? He couldn’t even recall how long he’d been out, but it was long enough for his body to put the brake lights on his activities and start naming demands. And one of the demands was water. He earnestly started to drink the water from the faucet, cupping his hand and bringing it up to his lips over and over again.//
//     Meanwhile, an exasperated worker decided to flick back on the lights to the dining room and begin preparing a small meal to share with the guy who just stumbled into their restaurant. They didn’t really know what his deal was, nor did they care to know, they just wanted to give him something to eat before sending him back out into the storm. If he wouldn’t talk then maybe he’d eat and be able to go back home or something like that. Whatever the case was, it wasn’t your responsibility to know, but you’d also be damned for not trying to help him out just a little bit. 
     It took awhile, but the bathroom door finally clicked open and close again. Toby stumbled along the hallway and followed the light into the dining room. There were bandages wrapped around his abdomen and minor scratches on his legs and arms. His body was exhausted and his mind was more or less alert. 
     “Hey,” when you saw him feebly inch his way, you quickly went over and offered a hand, to which he shaked it off. Regardless, you told him where he could sit in the dining room,  a little booth by the kitchen door, and watched to make sure he settled himself well. You made a note of how determined he was despite his body practically shutting down, and he hadn’t tried to stop himself yet. Even as he fell into the booth, you watched as his body relaxed and his eyes stayed vigilant, always looking this way and that, carefully observing. It was fascinating. But again, it wasn’t your business. 
     You placed a plate in front of him with leftover food from the fridge and a pastry you had been saving to take home. “You have a drink preference? I can get you water.” He shook his head and you got him a glass of water anyway, of which he eyed a bit oddly, sipping little by little. When he saw the food, however, you noticed that he immediately went for the pastry.
     He was…strange, at the very least, that’s what you gathered as you watched him from the kitchen picking at his food and glancing around every couple minutes to double and triple check his surroundings. If you had to admit to yourself, you just wanted to go home, and by now it was raining, evident by the sound of raindrops pattering onto the rooftop. You were tired too, having worked all day, cleaning up and waiting on people, and now doing it all over again for a second time. Thankfully tomorrow you’d have a day off. 
     When he drank all of the water in the glass, you went over to refill it. “My name’s Y/n, what’s yours?” You asked with as much normalcy as possible, hand settling on your waist as you stepped back to watch his expression. 
     “Toby.” He muttered, before eating more and ignoring you. 
     “It’s nice to meet you, Toby.” 
     Sometime while you were re-cleaning the kitchen, you heard the bells on the door open with a clamor and close. Shrugging, you supposed he would have left, and you didn’t expect anything more from him. But now that you were thinking about it, it was kind of weird for someone to stumble in from the back of the building, but lots of things happened out in the forest. People go out with their friends, some people like hunting deer, who knows? Some kid could have just gotten mixed up with the wrong people and left out there. You don’t consider it much, but you sealed it away in the back of your mind as a little note for later as you left the restaurant and headed home. Personally, you had never experienced anything bad out there. //
//    It became more common for ‘Toby’ to show up after closing hours. Every few days or so, he’d show up looking tired and miserable, he’d ask to use your bathroom and then lug himself out to the dining room while you gave him the leftovers. You didn’t push him to talk about himself and settled for short conversations about the weather, or asking if he needed you to call anyone this week. Whenever you asked if he needed anything, he’d say no and continue eating solemnly, playing with his food and acting almost disinterested with it. 
     “What’s your favorite food?” You asked while chewing a piece of bread from the pantry. 
     Toby shrugged, “I don’t really have one.” 
     “There has to be something that you like at least? Can’t you think of something? I can try to make sure we keep some of it here.”
     He pondered for a moment, putting his fork down. You never questioned his sudden movements or verbal outbursts at all, figuring it’d be best not to pester him with questions since he obviously couldn’t control it, other people probably bothered him enough. Toby answered you quietly, “I liked that pastry you first gave me, I..I don’t remember when that was.”
     “Hmm.. okay. I can get it for you next time.”
     And the next time you did, and the time after that, until you were sure that he was sick of it every time you served it to him. But he never said anything and accepted it without a word.
    Perhaps you could say that the two of you had come to a mutual understanding, maybe a friendship, and you wouldn’t admit it to yourself that you looked forward to your short and awkward meetings. You didn’t know much about each other, but you felt comfortable despite his out-of-the-normal appearance and habits. It was non-judge mental, as far as anyone else was concerned, nothing happened here after-hours anyway.
     You found yourself tracing his facial features in your mind, promising them to memory and making mock-paintings in your mind. He had pretty eyelashes, his skin was pale and light, he had deep scarring on the side of his mouth, that’s why you assumed he wore the mask in public, you couldn’t be sure though, and you could be less sure about the googles attached to his jeans. The only thing is that you’d wish he’d eat more since it was obvious his health wasn’t the greatest. Whenever you saw him, he was almost always exhausted and almost ready to pass out. Although, besides the first time you met, you didn’t see him with any more wounds, so you supposed it was just some off-handed accident and nothing intentional. 
     Yeah, you politely admitted to yourself that you were quite fond of your new and odd friend. Perhaps attracted, whatever attraction meant. You found him nice to be around. And maybe, just maybe, you wanted him to feel the same. It had been a long time since you’ve had a proper friend. . . 
     Rock songs played from the radio atop the refrigerator, melodies soft and sweet, they played from collections of the classics and you loved it. During your shifts you’d lose yourself in the tune, pretending that you existed inside music videos and getting lost in a world where the waiters and waitresses were the main characters. You had asked Toby a while ago if he liked the station you left the radio on, hoping it was to his tastes. He had replied affirmatively, and you had kept the radio on that station every time he visited. 
     “Come on, get up.” you instructed, coming around the bar and onto the dining room floor. 
     “What?” He asked, nonetheless getting up from the barstool and following you along. 
     “You like this song, I like this song, let’s dance.”
     “But I don’t know how—“ Toby insisted as you took his hands anyway.
     You scoffed with a fool’s smile, “Neither do I.”
     At first you dragged him along around the dining room floor, navigating between the tables and chairs, tapping to the beat. He was awkward and didn’t know how to move his legs, flinging this way and that, but eventually he fell into your pattern and moved along. You both laughed, rocking your bodies to the beat hand in hand. Swaying left and right and once or twice trying spin each other. At one point, Toby almost toppled over into a couple of chairs, but you grabbed on tight to his hands and didn’t let go. A silly little smile spread across your faces and the two of you turned giggly as a new song started playing and the dance continued. 
     It was true—the two of you really didn’t know how to dance, and if anyone were to look into the windows they’d see two people who were wildly uncoordinated. You felt like you owned the world and that your body was perfectly aligned to the songs, you saw Toby and how he finally looked relaxed, mouthing along to the lyrics and shaking his arms around freely with his eyes closed. When you started screaming out the lyrics yourself, belting out notes pitches too high or low, he didn’t hesitate in joining you, resulting in one grand cacophonous harmony. 
     When Toby left later that night, it hit him in the face. Realization, fear, all of those types of things that crept up his back and settled into the crock of his neck before lodging itself into thought. That feeling, it settled inside of him and wouldn’t leave, it overwhelmed him and gnawed away at his stomach lining. Toby was never still, and it was more apparent now as the anxiety rose up his cheeks. He gulped, drank from the water bottle you had given him, slipped his hatchets into his belt loops and disappeared back into the forest. He always left his hatchets hidden behind your restaurant whenever he visited you. Just so you’d never see them with all the dents and stains that’d scare you away and leave him alone again. Toby really hated being alone sometimes.
     And Toby also knew who he was. It was evident by those same stains. It haunted him. He would never be able to sleep without seeing all of the things he’s witnessed, that he’s done. While knowing who you also were, he knew that you wouldn’t need him, that you’d need to help other people that got lost at night, who just need a helping hand. He’d hope you’d be able to help a lot more people than just him. You’d need to forget him, or at least you would, eventually. //
//     The night was quieter than normal. There was no radio playing, there were no cars passing by on the road, and there was no rain or wind, clear skies all day and all night. In short, it was boring. You were propped up by your elbow as you leaned over the bar countertop, idly skimming through the contents in some magazine left here by another customer. Only one customer remained, a pleasant old man who stopped by during the weekdays to watch the news on the television here. With a yawn and a tip, he left too, and you weren’t bothered to immediately lock the door after his departure. It had been a slow day.   
    He was behind the restaurant, hunched behind some garbage cans and waiting to hear the last car pull out from the parking lot. Everything was still and he was seeing the place for the first time with orange-tinted lenses.  He shook and shivered, bones rattling, and he couldn’t stop his arms from jerking even as he held himself together tighter. The last customer was gone. Now he just had to wait for you to come outside. Rocking back and forth to calm himself, he toyed with the fraying strings on the edge of his sleeves, occupying his mind and trying to distract himself from the bloodstains forming on his shirt and pants, not to mention the uncleaned hatchets that hung by his side. It wasn’t until a rather loud clang that he was snapped out of his trance.
Shooting up from his hiding spot, he made his way over to you without even a trickle of a sound. 
     All of a sudden you were shoved back towards the building, the air was knocked out of your chest from the force and you stumbled back. Toby had one hand blocking your exit, and another raised high above your head with a hatchet threatening to crack your skull open. 
     He stared at you, questioning himself, looking at you and then the hatchet and then you - you were terrified, and trembling, and god he wanted to disappear right at that moment, to drop everything and cling onto you. And he knew it wasn’t going to happen, but still his arms wobbled and there was a hitch in his throat. One hand slowly went to his mouth to stop the whimperings from escaping and the other slowly lowered his weapon until it fell onto the pavement.
     How could he be so stupid? He caved for the niceties, any inking of kindness and he instantly folded his hand. It wasn’t the terror in your eyes that had stopped him, it was just you. The way it felt to be so close again, how his body responded by going weak, he wanted to stay like that for a long time, he wanted to stay by you for as long as you’d let him. But he couldn’t do that, could he? Trust is a delicate thing. He knew that lesson well.
     You stood there with your back pressed painfully against the wall, your heart was beating frantically against your chest, your muscles were tense, your eyes were glued on Toby as he lost his resolve and crumbled down onto the ground in a heap with his head in his hands. Sobs wracked his body up and down and he heaved. Kneeling down next to him, you grabbed the hatchet and threw it as far as you could, considering for a moment if you should comfort him or not before placing a hand tentatively on his back, rubbing circles once he responded to your touch. The goggles on his face were fogging up, and you carefully found the clasp underneath a topple of tangled brown hair, letting it fall onto the ground as you wiped the tears falling down his cheeks with your hand and slipped off his facial mask. 
     His eyes did not meet yours, leaning over and making himself seem small. He sobbed until there were no more tears left, and even then his chest just heaved wildly as he struggled to find an even breathing pace. Kneeling closer, you wrapped your arms tighter around him, embracing, whispering in a soothing voice. 
     Toby wrapped his arms around your waist, slowly at first before completely enveloping you, resting his head into your lap. You felt nice, and comfortable, safe. He hung onto you for dear life.
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originally posted on quotev/citrusyfruits, reposted with permission
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drunkenskunk ¡ 1 month
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Been thinking a lot about Lancer lately, in case you can't tell. And a thought has crossed my mind.
The various military powers that exist in the world of Lancer. Union. The Karrakin Baronies. The Aunic Ascendancy. The corpro-states like Harrison or SSC or IPS-N. Even the smaller independent nations in the diaspora outside the control of Union or anyone else. How are all the various armies of these different powers organized, and what are their respective doctrines actually like?
Let me explain.
When you play Lancer, the book makes it VERY clear that what you, the players, are doing when you're in the combat part of the game is... the exception and not the rule. 3 to 5 people in absurdly customized and overpowered mechs is not normal. You are exceptional people, piloting exceptional machines, constantly being thrust into exceptional situations.
So how are the armies of regular mechs organized, and how are they deployed against one another in actual war?
By way of an example: Battletech. When it comes to the armies of the Inner Sphere (at least during the Succession Wars), forces of mechs would typically be organized like:
4 mechs in a Lance
3 Lances in a Company
3 Companies in a Battalion
3 to 5 Battalions in a Regiment
Now, obviously I'm oversimplifying here. There's gonna be some variations, depending on the time period and the Successor State in question, and anything larger than a Regiment has it's own problems... but that tends to be the starting point. Usually. And there's also many different variations when it comes to the organization of things like aerospace assets, armored vehicle elements that are NOT mechs (like tanks and artillery), and infantry units. Because even in a setting dominated by heavy metal, the humble footsoldier has never truly gone away.
But that's just how the Successor States of the Inner Sphere do things. Mostly. The Clans have a very different way of organizing their armies:
A Point is the smallest unit for the Clans, either being a single mech, two aerospace fighters, two armored vehicles, five power armored infantry, or a 25-man platoon of conventional infantry.
5 Points in a Star
2 Stars in a Binary
3 to 5 Binaries in a Cluster
3 to 5 Clusters in a Galaxy
The Clans like thing to be simple and organized, which... can be both a good and a bad thing, depending.
In terms of battlefield doctrine, the way the Successor States wage war is an absolute clusterfuck. Tactics can vary wildly depending on which house you're talking about, and when, but for the most part? They're going to employ some form of combined arms, with mechs spearheading an assault, supported by infantry, armor, artillery, and aerospace assets. The Clans, on the other hand, have a completely different doctrine: their Batchall, or "Battle Challenge."
See, the Clans treat war like a game. It's a sport. It's not (usually) about annihilating the other side; it is (supposed to be) a means of settling disputes in a "civilized" manner. Clan Wolverine would probably have some choice words to say about that description, but that's a topic for another day. See, they want things to be an even fight. A test of skill, rather than a test of who can buy the biggest weapons or field the largest number of troops. For example: if your side has warships, and your opponent does not have warships, then you're expected to bid away your warships and you don't get to use them in that fight.
It is a very fair, but very stupid, way of waging war, and that battlefield doctrine came to bite them in the ass in 3052 when the ComGuard beat the shit out of them at Tukayyid.
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... I think I may have drifted slightly off topic.
Right, yes, Lancer, that's what I was talking about.
What got me thinking about this? Well, I was reading through the rulebook earlier; specifically, going through the GM part of the book where it has the list of all the different NPC types and the templates you can apply, and how to build encounters and such. And I was also fucking around in Comp/Con. Doing things like trying to figure out how strong I could make the "squad" NPC using the rules available (is it even possible to make a squad of infantry a threat to mechs?), and trying to see what stats a tank would have, that sort of thing.
And as I was futzing around with all this, I noticed that the way you build encounters reminded me a lot of... well, building a Lance of mechs to fight an opponents Lance of mechs in the tabletop wargame version of Battletech. And then that got me thinking about organizational structures and battlefield doctrine, and...
I suppose the point my autistic ADHD-addled mind is trying laboriously to get to is: would it be possible to modify the rules of Lancer to play it like a tabletop wargame instead of an RPG? Y'know, like...
Well, Battletech, I suppose.
And, y'know, from a lore side of things: what would an army of mechs in Lancer actually look like (beyond the squad of player characters who are special by dint of the narrative), and how would those armies be organized?
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ravi-deactivated ¡ 7 months
𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙖𝙣𝙖 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨
„Sweet cunt and a sharp tongue, you're a dangerous combo, love.“
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featuring: edward kenway
cw: praise, vaginal sex, semi-public i guess
synopsis: owning a tavern in havana means being used to pirates in your every day life, their crude words and behaviour. but you've never met a pirate going this far in attempt to apologize for a crewmate's bad actions.
note: „fy nghariad“ is a welsh phrase meaning „my love“ or „my sweetheart“ which i thought would be nice to include, but please tell me if i used it incorrectly, that would be kinda embarassing lol
18+ content - MDNI
Havana is always warm, always welcoming and soft, with sunlight flooding through streets of beige and gold, full of laughter and peaceful existence.
Even at night, it feels like the warmth wraps around people like a soft coat, summer air resting between the buildings and mingling with the scent of the sea, darkness enlightened by warm lanterns and candles. The sound of joyful music, shanties and drunken laughter has become the soundtrack of your nights as bartender in the tavern and restaurant which are owned by your father, and you like to say that Havana is a place of joy, no matter the time of day.
You've done this job since your teenage years, are used to bar fights and lusting gazes resting on you, know how to handle men who try to let their hands wander, think they can whistle at you or spit out crude and naughty things.
Most of them know that it will only get them a ban from the house, or in worst case, a beating from your main visitors or an arrest by the guards, but sometimes, there still are idiots who try it, out of pure stupidity and falsely placed ego.
Citizens of Havana adore your tavern as a centre of the city, they know how to behave and have their fun in peace, but the pirates docking on the shore are a different story.
You can see it in their gazes, in the way they talk, the way they stride through the streets like they own them and the houses forming them, that they're looking for provocation, hungry for a fight.
Thankfully, most of them are more of an inconvience and not an actual threat, and you know how to handle them, know that a tavern is a pirate's favourite place, which gives you a slight advantage against them, even if it's just out of their sympathy for the rum you pour them.
It doesn't diminish your dislike for them, despite them being your costumers.
Pirates are a disease, you've always been told. And yet, you can't help but feel a thrill in your veins, feel your heart leap and your legs trembling when a strong hand grabs your chin from behind, gently, sensually lifts your head.
The soft light filling the dim walls of the empty, closed tavern flickers in your vision, soft tears of passion melting it to a blur along with the dark of the late night and a breathed, blissful sigh leaves your lips, forced out of you by the way the body of the man behind you rocks once more against you.
Pirates are the worst of the worst, you learned early in your life. And Edward Kenway is so good at being a pirate, at getting what he wants, that he might be something even worse, armed with those mischievous eyes, his charming smirk and skilled fingers.
You did not question the leathern bracers wrapped around his lower arms, the hidden blades you saw shimmering in the dim light when you served him and his men, and you didn't question the hooded robe hanging over the back of his chair, could only focus on the white lace-up shirt on his body, the cleavage that slightly revealed the tattoos spreading over his chest.
It was no surprise and nothing new when one of his men hit on you, spitting rude words from a drunk tongue in an attempt to seduce you. What did surprise you was how fast AdĂŠwalĂŠ grabbed him by the scruff like a puppy to kick him out of the tavern, and the way Edward apologized to you, genuinely and gentle.
Most men did not act like this when they came to drink in your tavern, only laughed when their comrades harrassed a girl. It did not fit your world view, disturbed the evil picture you carried of pirates all these years of your life.
You couldn't help but smile at the way Edward looked at you, a mixture of apologetic and enthrilled, felt your breath hitch when he asked you what he could offer to beg your forgiveness.
The way his hands are now roaming your body, his husked breaths against your ear and his body pressed against yours is not what you had in mind at first, but you'll gladly take it as a form of apology.
He lets out a groan as he fills you, slides into you like you are made for him, slicked walls hugging his cock, clenching around his girth.
He fills you just right, hits spots you have never felt, makes you see stars despite the roof above both of your heads.
„What do you say, sweetheart? Think this'll make up for the inconvience?“ he husks against your ear, sends a new shiver down your spine that ends up right inside the heat pooling in your lower stomach, and you lightly lean your head back, feel the stubble of his beard brushing your ear.
Just when you're about to answer, he hits you with another thrust from behind, knocks the air out of you with the sheer depth of his movements.
You need a second to catch your breath, collect yourself, before a little smirk spreads on your lips.
„Thought a world-class-pirate would have more to offer“, you respond, with a low, seducing voice, a tone that lures him in, makes his breath hitch lightly, bearly hearable if he wasn't so close to your ear.
He's so close even that you think you can feel the way an amused smile tugs at the corners of his mouth, and you shudder again when his breath fans your cheek.
„Sly little thing, aren't ya?“
Before you can answer in an even brattier tone than before, you feel how he slightly pushes you down, makes you lean further forward until you're forced to hold onto the bar, driven further and further into the wood by his harsh thrusts.
He quickens his pace, makes you whine and moan with the way he fills you, tip kissing your womb, his slight curve brushing your sweet spots just right.
„Sweet cunt and a sharp tongue, you're a dangerous combo, love.“
His words and the deep tone of his voice only make you arch more in his grasp, make you hold onto the bar with one hand, while the other carries your balance on its wooden surface.
You feel your own arousal run down your thighs, feel yourself getting higher and higher on the wet sounds echoing through the room whenever he enters your aching cunt, your brain spinning around mixed feelings of confusion and arousal.
He's a pirate, a well wanted one as well, and yet you can not help but love the way he grabs you, the way he fucks you, the way he makes you feel.
When he leans over your back, one hand placed next to your body, the other one on your hip to hold you steady, you somehow forget how much his head is worth, how dangerous his hands should feel on your body.
It feels strange, but a spark of sympathy arises within you when he leans in further, buries you in his shadow as he pushes a soft kiss against the back of your neck, drowns you in the illusion of intimacy when he gently closes his teeth around the shell of your ear.
Edward doesn't seem like other pirates, doesn't initiate fights he can not win, doesn't harrass others, doesn't cause unnecessary ruckus to prove his ego. He smells better than most of them, covered in the scent of the sea, of salt and a hint of rum, but with an underlying note of herbs, probably because of salves that are used to treat wounds lingering his body.
And above all, he looks so handsome, a dark angel within a bunch of dirty, fattened and drunk pigs, his cheeky smirk more intoxicating than alcohol or money.
A smirk that is directed at you, resting on you as he observes you, watches you writher and shake beneath his movements. When you catch it from the corner of your eye, it fuels new fire inside of you, and your lips curl sweet and mischievously when you slightly raise your head to respond.
„Maybe you shouldn't provoke my sharp tongue too much then, captain.“
The word does something to him, you can feel it, notice the way he gasps for a second, slows his thrusts for the shortest bit. Then he suddenly slips out of you, both hands grabbing your hips and pulling you up, your back straightening for the shortest second before he turns you around, pulls you in by the waist and leans forward to push his lips against yours, catching you in a heated kiss that steals your breath, makes your knees weak.
You bury your right hand in his blonde hair, hold him close, while your other hand rests on the textile of his shirt, trying to hold onto soft linen while you sigh and feel your legs tremble.
As if he's feeling it, he lightly bends his knees, slides his hands from your hips to the back of your thighs to pick you up, makes you wrap your legs around his waist while your hands cradle his face and you sink further into his kiss, melt against his lips. You hear the rustling of clothes, feel how he picks up your discarded dress from the edge of the bar and spreads it on the counter, adjusting the textile before he sets you down on the wood, just to break from your mouth a few seconds later.
He smirks at your little gasp, licks his lower lip before raising his voice.
„Captain, huh? That a hidden request to join my crew?“
You gasp when you feel his fingers dig into the softness of your thighs, need a second to collect yourself before you scoff at his words, look at him through a glimmer of competition before you breathe out an „In your dreams, pirate.“
He only grins at that, eyes slightly narrowing as they slide down to his hands on your thighs, watches them when he spreads your legs to get new access to your leaking centre, his eyes staring shamelessly at it.
And just when you think to finally have the air to add another snarky comment, he suddenly thrusts back into you, one switft motion with which he fills you to the brim, makes you throw your head back as he falls back into a relentless rhythm, his cock slicking in and out of your warm wetness.
He leans over you again, holding you by the waist as he pounds into you, forcing high pitched moans and whimpers out of your throat that you simply can not hold back.
His thrusts feel so deep, hit you so perfectly and when he grabs one of your legs to raise it to his shoulder, you almost choke on the air in your throat, bliss filling you at the pleasure washing through you by his deepening movements.
You curse out an „Oh god-“ as you throw your head back, hear a breathed laugh from Edward when he grabs you by the hips again, adjusts your body on the textile of your dress, pulls you in to take his hard thrusts.
Another whimper leaves you as he partially folds you in half, sass and mockery leaving your body with each new thrust, slowly melting in the heat of a building orgasm within your body.
It doesn't help how he reaches out with his hand to search for your clit, forcing a loud moan from your throat when his finger presses against it.
„That it, darling? That the spot?“
Through your panting and heavy breathing, the dizziness in your vision, you see how he smirks at you, pure confidence written in his attractive features and you can only nod, breathe out a „Please-“, a word that only makes his smile widen.
Your lower body tenses, a coil clenching deep within your core, tight enough that it almost hurts.
„Don't hold back. Let me feel you come, fy nghariad.“
His voice slightly falters, breathless because of his own arousal, the tension with which he holds himself back, and his words only add fuel to the fire in your body, make the flames lap higher, reaching your chest, making your heart race.
Whimpers and gasps leave your throat, you tense, feel your thighs shiver, your entire body short-circuiting until eventually, you feel yourself breaking apart, tension and arousal reaching their peak, knocking you into an abyss of white noise, making you cry out in pleasure, your head falling back as arousal floods your veins.
His thrusts never waver, seem to get even harder, fucking you through your orgasm, almost making you pass out with the sheer overstimulation. Your brain turns to mush, simply melts away and when you look up at him, with tear-filled, flickering eyes and your tongue slightly peaking over your lower lip, he takes in a sharp, hissing breath, slipping dangerously close to an orgasm just by your gaze and your walls spasming, clenching and relaxing around him.
His hand trembles a little as he trails it further up your body, fondling your chest for a second and making you whine out at the soft feeling, before his fingers graze your neck, eventually rest on your cheek.
He spreads his thumb, runs it over the corner of your mouth, doesn't expect the way you push out your tongue to taste salt, gunpowder and rum on his skin. Not a second later, you allow his finger to slip into your mouth, relish in the way he draws a sharp breath when you lazily swirl your tongue around it.
The facade in front of his face cracks the slightest bit, and you see how he bites his lower lip, how his brows furrow a little in what seems to be despair, before he breathes out a „Shit, you're gonna make me cum, sweetheart.“
It's the cue you need and while you whine, shudder beneath each of his thrusts, you at some point slightly bite down into his finger, hard enough to make him jolt, hard enough to break his facade.
He gasps for air, lets out short „Fuck-“, before he holds onto your hip, digging the fingers of his free hand into the skin when he forces himself to pull out, holding you in place as warm, white seed spurts over the skin of your abdomen.
For a few moments, you only look at each other, breathe into the space between both of you, wallowing in the heat of each other's body. Your head is still spinning when Edward slightly leans forward, gently rests his forehead against yours before he lets out a heavy breath.
His eyes are dark and dominant when they dig into yours, captivate you with the slight glimmer within them.
„Aren't you just something else... Maybe I'll pick you up and simply take you with me. Wanna know what else that sweet mouth of yours can do.“
It doesn't matter what you learned your entire life, his words make you giddy and thoughtless, make your heart leap in joy and your lips curl to a smile.
„Careful, Kenway. My lips may seem sweet, but they come with a pair of teeth.“
He lets out a little groan, a sound of playful despair and frustration, before he leans further against your forehead, gently nudges his nose against yours.
„Fucking heavens, you're perfect.“
You smile when he kisses you, wrap your arms around him and become a mess of sweet nothingness beneath his hands when they start roaming your body again, not taking long until you throw your head back once more, sending sighed versions of his name into the warm night.
173 notes ¡ View notes
demiromantic steve ficlet because mom said it's my time to project onto him
Throughout most of Steve's childhood love is absent. His parents teach him about disdain, desolation and neglect instead. Still, Steve kinda obsesses over love, listens enraptured when his nannies read him fairytales about true love's kiss and love that saves the day and even love that conquers death. He thinks about how love could fill his life while he sits in a house bursting with emptiness, echoing with despair. Love might be absent, but Steve still yearns for it.
When his friends are getting their first crushes, Steve doesn't get it though. Sure, some girls are pretty (and some guys but apparently no one ever talks about that Steve sure won't bring it up) but the butterflies, the sweaty hands the hearts skipping beats never happen for him. So either everyone is lying to him about love or Steve is broken. He doesn't allow himself to dwell on that thought. Instead, if a girl shows interest in him, Steve talks himself into being in love, /decides/ that now he is in love with that girl. He almost buys is own lie especially because it still hurts when they leave. But it doesn't hurt because Steve lost the girl, it hurts because apparently, he was not good enough for her.
And then comes Nancy Wheeler. They dance around each other at a couple of parties, figuratively and literally before they finally kiss at one. Nancy is nice, smart, witty, pretty much perfect. Steve might not get the butterflies in his stomach, but he genuinely really likes spending time with her, kissing her, sleeping with her. it's only after the upside down, after they have seen each other bleed, after they have been bound together by secrets and trauma, after Steve feels like they know each other inside and out that his heart suddenly kicks into overdrive. They are just sitting on the couch, arms around each other and for a second Steve thinks he is having a panic attack, only that the usual dread stays out and he realizes that this feeling? This indescribable fondness, the magnetic pull in his chest, the adrenaline-filled tingling in his entire body? It's love. It makes their break-up feel even worse and Steve suffers from his first genuine heartbreak.
After that Steve is a mess, kinda gives up again on the idea of love. Sleeps around, never manages to bond with anyone really. Stops telling himself that he is in love just because someone is interested. There is a brief interlude to his self-loathing.
The summer with Robin feels like a build-up, getting Steve closer and closer to the edge and he knows maybe a week more and he will be falling. He doesn't in the end, but he still loves her nevertheless. Just a different kind of love than he expected.
Steve tries after that. Tries to give his dates a chance, but none of them feel right. The longest he lasts is when he goes on three days with Marcia Wellburn and she tells Steve that she likes him. It's nice, but Steve doesn't feel the same. Considers for a moment, maybe if he had more time to get to know her, to truly get to know her he could like her too. But that would feel like leading her on and thanks to Nancy he knows that you can't force yourself to be in love. So he ends it with Marcia, grabs snacks and a movie and crashes on Robin's couch and complains about his sucky love life.
Eddie is the first guy Steve truly admits to himself being hot. He thinks about Eddie a lot, about kissing Eddie, about sleeping with Eddie, about finding out what the sweat on his skin tastes like. But Steve never does anything about it. He knows he could, Eddie came out to the gang relatively quickly, no point in getting attached to the people who saved the world and your life if they might kick you out of their little found family over your sexuality. But no one had done any kicking, if anything it had brought Eddie a little bit closer to them all.
So Steve could def make a move, flirt a little and be flirted back with. But he doesn't. He doesn't want to jeopardize their friendship like and he is done with meaningless sex. Is so tired of interchangeable bodies and lack of feelings. And it's enough for now. He has his friends, his little family, love is no longer absent in his life. Sure, a relationship would be nice, the little cherry on top, but the hassle just doesn't seem worth it. Steve knows it takes him forever to fall and he is still worried about leading people on.
It's late autumn when things change. Steve has spend the entire day with Eddie, just hanging out and shooting shit nothing special. But as Steve drives home through the dark of the night he can't help but already miss Eddie. Which is stupid they hung out all day. But his heart aches just with how much he loves Eddie. Platonically of course, but god, Steve loves him so much, is so glad that Eddie is in his life.
It should have been the tipping point, should have clued Steve in, but not quite yet. Steve has his lightbulb moment two weeks later. He, Robin and Eddie are at a Halloween party in Indy, friends of Eddie's, almost completely queer group. It's nice, welcoming, makes Steve forget how much he hates Halloween parties. The trio is talking when a slightly tipsy mummy approaches them and says, "you really make a cute couple."
"Oh Robin and I aren't dating," Steve says, used to people assuming that they are together. The mummy shakes her head.
"I meant you and Dracula," she says and nods towards Eddie in his vampire costume. It makes both of them blush and splutter.
"We're not dating either," Eddie corrects her.
Steve gets how the mummy might have gotten to the wrong conclusion though, they are standing close after all, sharing personal space, leaning against each other, always gravitating around each other. They're always touching, always whispering and especially tonight Steve can't stop staring at Eddie's lips. They are not dating, but god Steve really wants them to be. The realization hits him like a wall of bricks. He glances at Eddie, managing to look both hot and dorky with his fake vampire teeth, the bloody makeup, hair messier than usual.
Steve thinks about how much Eddie gets him, how he never makes Steve feel stupid, how he takes the time to explain his nerdy references to Steve, how when they are in a group he always listens to Steve telling a story even when everyone else is ignoring him. Steve thinks about the time they fell asleep on the couch and woke up in each other's arms and how that had been the best morning in a long time and yup, yes, there it is: a storm of butterflies in his stomach, his heart skipping enough beats it might as well go into cardiac arrest, the tingling all over his body. He is in love with Eddie. The all-consuming, potentially life-ruining, breathtaking kind of love. And a couple of drinks, a game of spin the bottle and a life-changing first kiss later, Steve finds out that Eddie feels exactly the same.
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jebewonmorelike ¡ 1 year
I Am The Boyfriend, Sir
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wc: 1.5k pronouns: she/her (he/him and they/them versions are below original!) warnings: junhyeon being unhinged, ~flirtatious ending~, allusion to strict parents, fluff summary: kum junhyeon is SO excited to finally meet your parents... what could possibly go wrong? ~bp masterlist~ ♡ ~kofi (no pressure at all)~ THE HOURS. ARE DWINDLING. THE END. IS NYE. THE APOCALYPSE NEAR. BEP1ER IS APPROACHING RAPIDLY. i don't want to stop writing about any of these guys. i don't want to stop seeing any of themmm. i love them so much. catch me in therapy tomorrow only talking about boys planet istg.
"I think they're gonna love me," Junhyeon predicts as he hops out of the car. You grab your bag from the floor and start to open the passenger door, but your boyfriend beats you to it. He holds his hand out to help you chivalrously with a cheeky grin.
"Thank you, kind sir," you tease as you step out of the car. He laughs, taking your bag from you and throwing it over his shoulder along with his own. 
"I'm so excited," Junhyeon relays, grabbing your hand and forcing you to jump up and down with him as you walk up to your parents' front door. "I can't believe I'm about to meet the people who made you who you are! I bet they're just as fun as you."
"Well..." You start to interject, but he continues on.
"Ugh, I've seen this moment in dramas a bunch of times. The male lead is always stressing out about meeting 'the family'," Junhyeon babbles as you ring the doorbell. "It's so annoying! Like, what are you so worried about? That your father-in-law is going to--."
Just then, the door swings open to reveal your dad. Six-foot-four and brawny, a greying mustache, and wearing his Marines t-shirt that you always begged him not to wear when you had guests over, your dad blinks back at the two of you in the doorway.
"Kill you," Junhyeon finishes his sentence in a whisper as he takes in your dad's massive build.
Your dad gives you a warm smile. "Hey, peanut," he says gruffly, then turns to Junhyeon; giving him a once over. "So you're the boyfriend?"
“YES, SIR!” Junhyeon jumps to attention, dropping your hand as quickly as possible and saluting your dad. "I AM THE BOYFRIEND, SIR!"
Your dad shoots you a concerned look as you reach up and pry your boyfriend's hand from his forehead. "Dad, this is Junhyeon."
"Junhyeon, huh?" Your dad nods thoughtfully. "I had a buddy in the service named Junhyeon."
Your boyfriend grins and you can tell he's revving up for a joke. "Is he handsome, too? I wouldn't want you to get us mixed up."
"He's dead," your dad announces dryly.
Your bag drops from Junhyeon's shoulder to the ground as shock takes over his whole body.
Your dad snorts. "I'm just messing with ya, kid. Come on in; your mother's setting the table."
Shaking your head hopelessly, you finally step past your dad through the door and into the house. When you realize Junhyeon isn't following you, you turn around to see what the hold up is.
"Junhyeon?" You begin to question before you see your boyfriend on the ground in a full bow in front of your father.
"Thank you for letting me into your home, sir. I appreciate so deeply your hospitality and kindness," Junhyeon pleads as you walk back over to him and pull him up by the neck of his t-shirt.
"Let's go," you say exasperatedly, dragging him through the front door and into your house. Your mom walks out from the kitchen into the living room, smiling at you.
"Hi, peanut," she greets softly, giving you a pat on the cheek before turning to your boyfriend. "It's nice to meet you, Junhyeon."
Junhyeon nods respectfully at your mom, whose hair is tied up in a tight bun with her rectangular framed glasses sitting towards the end of her nose. A research librarian, your mom was quiet and caring by nature-- but she valued discipline and quiet just as much as your dad while you were growing up.
"You kids can drop your things off upstairs and freshen up before we eat," your mom directs. "There's clean sheets on the guest room to the right."
Junhyeon's eyes bug incredulously. "We--... You want us to sleep in the same room!?"
Your mom glances at you. "Is that a problem?"
Junhyeon nods vigorously, checking over his shoulder to see your dad sitting in the arm chair behind you. "We won't be sharing a bed until we're married!"
You grab your boyfriend's sleeve, pulling him towards the stairs and up to the guest room-- shutting the door quickly behind you.
"Baby, what the hell are you doing?" You ask, watching as Junhyeon sits down on the bed quite cautiously.
"I--... I don't know," he says, shaking his head in disbelief. "I'm so scared."
You can't help but laugh at your boyfriend's complete attitude change. In the car he couldn't shut up about how good he is with parents; how his friends' dads always adore him more than their own sons...
And now, here he is: head in his hands on the verge of combustion from terror.
"I know they can come off a little intimidating at first," you soothe, walking over to Junhyeon. He rests his head on your stomach and you run your fingers through his hair soothingly. "But I promise their bite isn't nearly as bad as their bark."
"He's so big," Junhyeon whispers. "How does he even fit through the door?"
"Well, they actually had custom doorframes built in this new house..." You trail off when you see him looking up at you with a worry you'd never really seen on him before. "Hyeonni, it's going to be absolutely fine. Didn't you say you were excited to meet the people who made me who I am?"
Junhyeon laughs sadly. "But you're so... I mean, you're..."
"Fun? Light-hearted? Whimsical? Care-free?" You suggest, Junhyeon nodding enthusiastically in response.
"Exactly!" He agrees, eyes widening as he makes a clarification. "Not that there's anything wrong with them or anything! You're just really different, is all."
“I actually evolved more in response to my upbringing," you say with a sigh. "Not in accordance with it."
Junhyeon puckers his lips cutely and you lean down to kiss him. He wraps his arms around your waist tightly, deepening the kiss.
"Two minutes!" Your mom calls up the stairs, causing Junhyeon to jump back up to attention-- almost knocking you over in the process. He catches you quickly with one arm and spins you around, placing you down firmly in the spot he was just sitting.
"Trying to steal my innocence," he shames, clicking his tongue and shaking his head disapprovingly as he makes his way to the bathroom. "It's like you want your dad to bury me in the backyard."
You watch as Junhyeon takes very careful, calculated bites of his steak; cutting respectfully with the knife and fork provided to him. Usually he'd just shove the meat in his face and nearly swallow it whole.
"I heard you were thinking of moving in together," your mom says, smiling politely at the two of you.
Junhyeon blinks nervously. "No, no. Me and her? No. No way. Absolutely not."
"Oh," your mom replies in surprise. "(Y/N) told us that--."
Junhyeon interrupts: "(Y/N) is an evil temptress and I am but a mere victim."
Your dad chokes on his water.
"Junhyeon," you try to intercept to no avail.
"We will not be moving in together. We don't have any physical contact-- not even platonically. This is actually the first time I've seen her in a month," your panicked boyfriend rambles, the lies just rolling off his tongue.
"Son, if you're worries about offending us--," your dad tries to deescalate but Junhyeon continues.
“I don’t even look at her, sir!"
“You don’t look at her?” Your dad repeats, brows furrowed concernedly as he glances at you.
Junhyeon shakes his head furiously. “I respect your daughter far too much to taint her with my gaze, SIR!"
“Junhyeon—," you try again.
“I only plan to look at her for the first time on our wedding day!”
One last time, you try, “Hyeonni—.”
“Hyeonni!?” Junhyeon’s eyes bug out of his head incredulously, his voice lowering to a whisper. “Are you crazy!? Your dad could kill me with his bare hands.”
Your dad looks down at his hands with a frown as he freezes in the middle of cutting his steak.
“He’s literally holding a knife!” Junhyeon exclaims, giving up on his piss poor attempt to be discreet. “(Y/N), I know you want me, but you can’t have me if I’m dead!”
Suddenly, your dad begins to laugh heartily-- something you've only heard about a handful of times in your life. “Where did you find this guy, peanut? He’s got quite the sense of humor.”
"He does. Doesn't he?" You agree tersely, glaring at your boyfriend.
Your dad places his fork and knife down, announcing decisively: "I like him."
Your eyes widen in surprise as Junhyeon stares back at your father, equally stunned. "You do?"
"You do!?" Junhyeon repeats hopefully, clasping his hands together as if he's praying for it to be true.
Your dad picks his fork and knife back up, continuing to cut into his steak. "He's a little odd, but I think he really likes you... In his own way."
Junhyeon nods enthusiastically. "I do! I really do!"
You smile at him, biting your lip as you look at the sweet, considerate, and absolutely insane boy sitting next to you.
"I really like him, too."
Junhyeon flops down on the bed, arms above his head as he smiles happily to himself.
The night had passed by fairly smoothly after that-- your parents patting you on the back lovingly and congratulating you on finding such a good match for yourself.
"That was awesome," Junhyeon says with a sigh. "I don't know what you were so worried about!"
You chew your cheek as you grin, suppressing the urge to smack him. "You wouldn't even kiss me, you were so worried," he says, sitting up and looking around with his eyebrows raised as if he's checking that no one else is in the room. Finally, he gazes back up at you with a shrug.
"Wanna make out?"
he/him pronoun users :)
"I think they're gonna love me," Junhyeon predicts as he hops out of the car. You grab your bag from the floor and start to open the passenger door, but your boyfriend beats you to it. He holds his hand out to help you chivalrously with a cheeky grin.
"Thank you, kind sir," you tease as you step out of the car. He laughs, taking your bag from you and throwing it over his shoulder along with his own. 
"I'm so excited," Junhyeon relays, grabbing your hand and forcing you to jump up and down with him as you walk up to your parents' front door. "I can't believe I'm about to meet the people who made you who you are! I bet they're just as fun as you."
"Well..." You start to interject, but he continues on.
"Ugh, I've seen this moment in dramas a bunch of times. The male lead is always stressing out about meeting 'the family'," Junhyeon babbles as you ring the doorbell. "It's so annoying! Like, what are you so worried about? That your father-in-law is going to--."
Just then, the door swings open to reveal your dad. Six-foot-four and brawny, a greying mustache, and wearing his Marines t-shirt that you always begged him not to wear when you had guests over, your dad blinks back at the two of you in the doorway.
"Kill you," Junhyeon finishes his sentence in a whisper as he takes in your dad's massive build.
Your dad gives you a warm smile. "Hey, peanut," he says gruffly, then turns to Junhyeon; giving him a once over. "So you're the boyfriend?"
“YES, SIR!” Junhyeon jumps to attention, dropping your hand as quickly as possible and saluting your dad. "I AM THE BOYFRIEND, SIR!"
Your dad shoots you a concerned look as you reach up and pry your boyfriend's hand from his forehead. "Dad, this is Junhyeon."
"Junhyeon, huh?" Your dad nods thoughtfully. "I had a buddy in the service named Junhyeon."
Your boyfriend grins and you can tell he's revving up for a joke. "Is he handsome, too? I wouldn't want you to get us mixed up."
"He's dead," your dad announces dryly.
Your bag drops from Junhyeon's shoulder to the ground as shock takes over his whole body.
Your dad snorts. "I'm just messing with ya, kid. Come on in; your mother's setting the table."
Shaking your head hopelessly, you finally step past your dad through the door and into the house. When you realize Junhyeon isn't following you, you turn around to see what the hold up is.
"Junhyeon?" You begin to question before you see your boyfriend on the ground in a full bow in front of your father.
"Thank you for letting me into your home, sir. I appreciate so deeply your hospitality and kindness," Junhyeon pleads as you walk back over to him and pull him up by the neck of his t-shirt.
"Let's go," you say exasperatedly, dragging him through the front door and into your house. Your mom walks out from the kitchen into the living room, smiling at you.
"Hi, peanut," she greets softly, giving you a pat on the cheek before turning to your boyfriend. "It's nice to meet you, Junhyeon."
Junhyeon nods respectfully at your mom, whose hair is tied up in a tight bun with her rectangular framed glasses sitting towards the end of her nose. A research librarian, your mom was quiet and caring by nature-- but she valued discipline and quiet just as much as your dad while you were growing up.
"You kids can drop your things off upstairs and freshen up before we eat," your mom directs. "There's clean sheets on the guest room to the right."
Junhyeon's eyes bug incredulously. "We--... You want us to sleep in the same room!?"
Your mom glances at you. "Is that a problem?"
Junhyeon nods vigorously, checking over his shoulder to see your dad sitting in the arm chair behind you. "We won't be sharing a bed until we're married!"
You grab your boyfriend's sleeve, pulling him towards the stairs and up to the guest room-- shutting the door quickly behind you.
"Baby, what the hell are you doing?" You ask, watching as Junhyeon sits down on the bed quite cautiously.
"I--... I don't know," he says, shaking his head in disbelief. "I'm so scared."
You can't help but laugh at your boyfriend's complete attitude change. In the car he couldn't shut up about how good he is with parents; how his friends' dads always adore him more than their own sons...
And now, here he is: head in his hands on the verge of combustion from terror.
"I know they can come off a little intimidating at first," you soothe, walking over to Junhyeon. He rests his head on your stomach and you run your fingers through his hair soothingly. "But I promise their bite isn't nearly as bad as their bark."
"He's so big," Junhyeon whispers. "How does he even fit through the door?"
"Well, they actually had custom doorframes built in this new house..." You trail off when you see him looking up at you with a worry you'd never really seen on him before. "Hyeonni, it's going to be absolutely fine. Didn't you say you were excited to meet the people who made me who I am?"
Junhyeon laughs sadly. "But you're so... I mean, you're..."
"Fun? Light-hearted? Whimsical? Care-free?" You suggest, Junhyeon nodding enthusiastically in response.
"Exactly!" He agrees, eyes widening as he makes a clarification. "Not that there's anything wrong with them or anything! You're just really different, is all."
“I actually evolved more in response to my upbringing," you say with a sigh. "Not in accordance with it."
Junhyeon puckers his lips cutely and you lean down to kiss him. He wraps his arms around your waist tightly, deepening the kiss.
"Two minutes!" Your mom calls up the stairs, causing Junhyeon to jump back up to attention-- almost knocking you over in the process. He catches you quickly with one arm and spins you around, placing you down firmly in the spot he was just sitting.
"Trying to steal my innocence," he shames, clicking his tongue and shaking his head disapprovingly as he makes his way to the bathroom. "It's like you want your dad to bury me in the backyard."
You watch as Junhyeon takes very careful, calculated bites of his steak; cutting respectfully with the knife and fork provided to him. Usually he'd just shove the meat in his face and nearly swallow it whole.
"I heard you were thinking of moving in together," your mom says, smiling politely at the two of you.
Junhyeon blinks nervously. "No, no. Me and him? No. No way. Absolutely not."
"Oh," your mom replies in surprise. "(Y/N) told us that--."
Junhyeon interrupts: "(Y/N) is an evil seducer and I am but a mere victim."
Your dad chokes on his water.
"Junhyeon," you try to intervene to no avail.
"We will not be moving in together. We don't have any physical contact-- not even platonically. This is actually the first time I've seen him in a month," your panicked boyfriend rambles, the lies just rolling off his tongue.
"Son, if you're worries about offending us--," your dad tries to deescalate but Junhyeon continues.
“I don’t even look at him, sir!"
“You don’t look at him?” Your dad repeats, brows furrowed concernedly as he glances at you.
Junhyeon shakes his head furiously. “I respect your son far too much to taint him with my gaze, SIR!"
“Junhyeon—," you try again.
“I only plan to look at him for the first time on our wedding day!”
One last time, you try, “Hyeonni—.”
“Hyeonni!?” Junhyeon’s eyes bug out of his head incredulously, his voice lowering to a whisper. “Are you crazy!? Your dad could kill me with his bare hands.”
Your dad looks down at his hands with a frown as he freezes in the middle of cutting his steak.
“He’s literally holding a knife!” Junhyeon exclaims, giving up on his piss poor attempt to be discreet. “(Y/N), I know you want me, but you can’t have me if I’m dead!”
Suddenly, your dad begins to laugh heartily-- something you've only heard about a handful of times in your life. “Where did you find this guy, peanut? He’s got quite the sense of humor.”
"He does. Doesn't he?" You agree tersely, glaring at your boyfriend.
Your dad places his fork and knife down, announcing decisively: "I like him."
Your eyes widen in surprise as Junhyeon stares back at your father, equally stunned. "You do?"
"You do!?" Junhyeon repeats hopefully, clasping his hands together as if he's praying for it to be true.
Your dad picks his fork and knife back up, continuing to cut into his steak. "He's a little odd, but I think he really likes you... In his own way."
Junhyeon nods enthusiastically. "I do! I really do!"
You smile at him, biting your lip as you look at the sweet, considerate, and absolutely insane boy sitting next to you.
"I really like him, too."
Junhyeon flops down on the bed, arms above his head as he smiles happily to himself.
The night had passed by fairly smoothly after that-- your parents patting you on the back lovingly and congratulating you on finding such a good match for yourself.
"That was awesome," Junhyeon says with a sigh. "I don't know what you were so worried about!"
You chew your cheek as you grin, suppressing the urge to smack him. "You wouldn't even kiss me, you were so worried," he says, sitting up and looking around with his eyebrows raised as if he's checking that no one else is in the room. Finally, he gazes back up at you with a shrug.
"Wanna make out?"
they/them pronoun users ~ gender neutral :)
"I think they're gonna love me," Junhyeon predicts as he hops out of the car. You grab your bag from the floor and start to open the passenger door, but your boyfriend beats you to it. He holds his hand out to help you chivalrously with a cheeky grin.
"Thank you, kind sir," you tease as you step out of the car. He laughs, taking your bag from you and throwing it over his shoulder along with his own. 
"I'm so excited," Junhyeon relays, grabbing your hand and forcing you to jump up and down with him as you walk up to your parents' front door. "I can't believe I'm about to meet the people who made you who you are! I bet they're just as fun as you."
"Well..." You start to interject, but he continues on.
"Ugh, I've seen this moment in dramas a bunch of times. The male lead is always stressing out about meeting 'the family'," Junhyeon babbles as you ring the doorbell. "It's so annoying! Like, what are you so worried about? That your father-in-law is going to--."
Just then, the door swings open to reveal your dad. Six-foot-four and brawny, a greying mustache, and wearing his Marines t-shirt that you always begged him not to wear when you had guests over, your dad blinks back at the two of you in the doorway.
"Kill you," Junhyeon finishes his sentence in a whisper as he takes in your dad's massive build.
Your dad gives you a warm smile. "Hey, peanut," he says gruffly, then turns to Junhyeon; giving him a once over. "So you're the boyfriend?"
“YES, SIR!” Junhyeon jumps to attention, dropping your hand as quickly as possible and saluting your dad. "I AM THE BOYFRIEND, SIR!"
Your dad shoots you a concerned look as you reach up and pry your boyfriend's hand from his forehead. "Dad, this is Junhyeon."
"Junhyeon, huh?" Your dad nods thoughtfully. "I had a buddy in the service named Junhyeon."
Your boyfriend grins and you can tell he's revving up for a joke. "Is he handsome, too? I wouldn't want you to get us mixed up."
"He's dead," your dad announces dryly.
Your bag drops from Junhyeon's shoulder to the ground as shock takes over his whole body.
Your dad snorts. "I'm just messing with ya, kid. Come on in; your mother's setting the table."
Shaking your head hopelessly, you finally step past your dad through the door and into the house. When you realize Junhyeon isn't following you, you turn around to see what the hold up is.
"Junhyeon?" You begin to question before you see your boyfriend on the ground in a full bow in front of your father.
"Thank you for letting me into your home, sir. I appreciate so deeply your hospitality and kindness," Junhyeon pleads as you walk back over to him and pull him up by the neck of his t-shirt.
"Let's go," you say exasperatedly, dragging him through the front door and into your house. Your mom walks out from the kitchen into the living room, smiling at you.
"Hi, peanut," she greets softly, giving you a pat on the cheek before turning to your boyfriend. "It's nice to meet you, Junhyeon."
Junhyeon nods respectfully at your mom, whose hair is tied up in a tight bun with her rectangular framed glasses sitting towards the end of her nose. A research librarian, your mom was quiet and caring by nature-- but she valued discipline and quiet just as much as your dad while you were growing up.
"You kids can drop your things off upstairs and freshen up before we eat," your mom directs. "There's clean sheets on the guest room to the right."
Junhyeon's eyes bug incredulously. "We--... You want us to sleep in the same room!?"
Your mom glances at you. "Is that a problem?"
Junhyeon nods vigorously, checking over his shoulder to see your dad sitting in the arm chair behind you. "We won't be sharing a bed until we're married!"
You grab your boyfriend's sleeve, pulling him towards the stairs and up to the guest room-- shutting the door quickly behind you.
"Baby, what the hell are you doing?" You ask, watching as Junhyeon sits down on the bed quite cautiously.
"I--... I don't know," he says, shaking his head in disbelief. "I'm so scared."
You can't help but laugh at your boyfriend's complete attitude change. In the car he couldn't shut up about how good he is with parents; how his friends' dads always adore him more than their own sons...
And now, here he is: head in his hands on the verge of combustion from terror.
"I know they can come off a little intimidating at first," you soothe, walking over to Junhyeon. He rests his head on your stomach and you run your fingers through his hair soothingly. "But I promise their bite isn't nearly as bad as their bark."
"He's so big," Junhyeon whispers. "How does he even fit through the door?"
"Well, they actually had custom doorframes built in this new house..." You trail off when you see him looking up at you with a worry you'd never really seen on him before. "Hyeonni, it's going to be absolutely fine. Didn't you say you were excited to meet the people who made me who I am?"
Junhyeon laughs sadly. "But you're so... I mean, you're..."
"Fun? Light-hearted? Whimsical? Care-free?" You suggest, Junhyeon nodding enthusiastically in response.
"Exactly!" He agrees, eyes widening as he makes a clarification. "Not that there's anything wrong with them or anything! You're just really different, is all."
“I actually evolved more in response to my upbringing," you say with a sigh. "Not in accordance with it."
Junhyeon puckers his lips cutely and you lean down to kiss him. He wraps his arms around your waist tightly, deepening the kiss.
"Two minutes!" Your mom calls up the stairs, causing Junhyeon to jump back up to attention-- almost knocking you over in the process. He catches you quickly with one arm and spins you around, placing you down firmly in the spot he was just sitting.
"Trying to steal my innocence," he shames, clicking his tongue and shaking his head disapprovingly as he makes his way to the bathroom. "It's like you want your dad to bury me in the backyard."
You watch as Junhyeon takes very careful, calculated bites of his steak; cutting respectfully with the knife and fork provided to him. Usually he'd just shove the meat in his face and nearly swallow it whole.
"I heard you were thinking of moving in together," your mom says, smiling politely at the two of you.
Junhyeon blinks nervously. "No, no. Me and (Y/N)? No. No way. Absolutely not."
"Oh," your mom replies in surprise. "(Y/N) told us that--."
Junhyeon interrupts: "(Y/N) is an evil seducer and I am but a mere victim."
Your dad chokes on his water.
"Junhyeon," you try to intercept to no avail.
"We will not be moving in together. We don't have any physical contact-- not even platonically. This is actually the first time I've seen them in a month," your panicked boyfriend rambles, the lies just rolling off his tongue.
"Son, if you're worries about offending us--," your dad tries to deescalate but Junhyeon continues.
“I don’t even look at them, sir!"
“You don’t look at them?” Your dad repeats, brows furrowed concernedly as he glances at you.
Junhyeon shakes his head furiously. “I respect your child far too much to taint them with my gaze, SIR!"
“Junhyeon—," you try again.
“I only plan to look at them for the first time on our wedding day!”
One last time, you try, “Hyeonni—.”
“Hyeonni!?” Junhyeon’s eyes bug out of his head incredulously, his voice lowering to a whisper. “Are you crazy!? Your dad could kill me with his bare hands.”
Your dad looks down at his hands with a frown as he freezes in the middle of cutting his steak.
“He’s literally holding a knife!” Junhyeon exclaims, giving up on his piss poor attempt to be discreet. “(Y/N), I know you want me, but you can’t have me if I’m dead!”
Suddenly, your dad begins to laugh heartily-- something you've only heard about a handful of times in your life. “Where did you find this guy, peanut? He’s got quite the sense of humor.”
"He does. Doesn't he?" You agree tersely, glaring at your boyfriend.
Your dad places his fork and knife down, announcing decisively: "I like him."
Your eyes widen in surprise as Junhyeon stares back at your father, equally stunned. "You do?"
"You do!?" Junhyeon repeats hopefully, clasping his hands together as if he's praying for it to be true.
Your dad picks his fork and knife back up, continuing to cut into his steak. "He's a little odd, but I think he really likes you... In his own way."
Junhyeon nods enthusiastically. "I do! I really do!"
You smile at him, biting your lip as you look at the sweet, considerate, and absolutely insane boy sitting next to you.
"I really like him, too."
Junhyeon flops down on the bed, arms above his head as he smiles happily to himself.
The night had passed by fairly smoothly after that-- your parents patting you on the back lovingly and congratulating you on finding such a good match for yourself.
"That was awesome," Junhyeon says with a sigh. "I don't know what you were so worried about!"
You chew your cheek as you grin, suppressing the urge to smack him. "You wouldn't even kiss me, you were so worried," he says, sitting up and looking around with his eyebrows raised as if he's checking that no one else is in the room. Finally, he gazes back up at you with a shrug.
"Wanna make out?"
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mylittleredgirl ¡ 4 months
For the ship it or not game: Benjamin x Kasidy, please?
(ship asks)
I Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
they literally COULD NOT have written a better love interest for ben sisko, and they put them together so thoughtfully. jake sets them up -- after a build-up where we see jake turning into a young man thinking about his future and really wanting his dad to have someone. i love that she's a freighter captain, a type of person in the ds9 universe who we have never really gotten to know, and essentially a grounding element -- she's a civilian living her own life who is (at first) totally uninvolved in the a-plot. and she knows about baseball!! the sheer joy i felt watching her walk in in her second appearance in "the way of the warrior" and they're already together and falling in love...
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i couldn't find a great two shot of them so look at these caps from the "don't get killed" moment in the way of the warrior........ ROMANCEEEE
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
it's such a good relationship!!!! they're mature, open, respectful, demonstrative, sexy... every beat is so potent and it expands into episodes she's not even in. i love her, i love her for him, i love him for her, and i LOVE her relationship with jake. their love stories are both heavy and light ("it's a big step") but there's never a flippancy to their relationship ever. and hooooooly shit. for the cause. i remember my dad showing me the last scene of casablanca like "this is the end scene of all time" but have you seen the last scene of for the cause.
genuinely i think this would be THE undisputed together-on-screen-in-canon star trek relationship of all time if it weren't for the fact that kasidy is a guest star and, while she has a rich implied life and does develop and grow, we never get the full main character treatment with her like we do with riker/troi and paul/hugh (and michael/book because book is also a guest star but he's a driving force of the a-plot of a whole season).
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
i think most people probably agree with me tbh that it's an incredible ship that's electric on-screen and underrepresented in fanworks. i don't know if people agree that the last part of their arc was the weakest part because it was rushed (that engagement scene was so sweet though!! it's your house i want it to be our house!!), and i don't really like unplanned pregnancy as a trope (planned pregnancy? yes please!). like yes, her entire presence in the series has always been to serve his emotional story, but this felt different. until that point, her life between episodes was mostly implied until it intersected with the plot, but it was important to her and believable. in the final chapter it vanished completely, and i can't remember if she ever made that an intentional choice (or, if she did, if that choice was given enough weight).
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tjodity ¡ 4 months
Oo what about cHannah?
I'm just getting increasingly enraptured with her. Summaries for lore are helpful but going back and rifling through old vods gives me such deeper impressions of their characters. She talked about how she's aware of how women and femininity are usually ignored and underestimated and how she actively plays up femininity in her builds and general vibe so she can catch them off guard and kill them more easily, and also how her evil lair thing under her base isn't representative of her either and is exaggerated partially as an intimidation tactic. It's interesting to me how these things aren't necessarily 'acts' but that she leans into certain aspects of her personality while masking others depending on the situation. It's also more apparent in more subtle things like her level of politeness, how much she insults people, whether or not she makes an effort not to swear, etc. I think it's fun that she is a person who will insult and argue with you more if she likes/trusts you and I think it's an interesting and subtle level of guardedness for her character.
I also think it's interesting how much she enjoys fighting. Some characters like the feeling of violence or control or vengeance but she enjoys the act of fighting and it like. is very neat to think abt seriously. When she's running around on the first day she thinks its stupid that she's fighting zombies, not because they're irritating but because she thinks they're below her to fight. She lists her ability to kill other people with pride and a main core fact about her. The context to her joining the server is her losing in a fight to Dream but beating Punz. She is actively excited to fight Sapnap when Puffy tells her about him. She gets into repeated rematch fights with Punz outside his house. I think the only other character I've seen on the SMP that actually likes fighting as much as her is maybe Techno.
I also am fascinated by what Hannah's afraid of and what she's not afraid of. She's terrified of cave spiders because they've killed her in her previous hardcore worlds. When she and puffy get trapped in a void maze trap and Puffy's freaking out she just silently brute forces her way to an exit and seems undisturbed, but she's very scared when she thinks the two of them are lost and can't get back to the main SMP. She's initially freaked out by the Egg vines and says that they look 'poisonous' but after Puffy explains it to her she is totally frightened by it. She believes that it's evil and that it can mind control people and she's cautious but not. afraid in the same way other characters are.
One last thing I looooooove how much she carries over from her old experiences. As said before she's scared of cave spiders due to a hardcore series but also carries a bunch of her stuff on her instead of storing it and makes a ton of crafting tables because of it. She calls the Central SMP 'Mid' out of habit from Minecraft Hunger Games. Her entire fighting thing and most of her pre-smp knowledge of other characters comes from bedwars and other fighting minigames. I just like when people do that
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mazeinthemiroh ¡ 1 year
ateez and their s/o move in together pls ❤️
ateez when they move in with their s/o
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genre: crack, fluff
word count: 1.1k
warnings: some are longer than others, apologies
pls like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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hongjoong had the design of most of the rooms all figured out. and you trusted him with this because he just has a naturally good eye for these things. he has a unique but organised mind; he knows what looks good.
for this reason, everything seemed to be in place quite early on after moving in. the challenging tasks lay with putting together certain furniture.
"we shouldn't have to pay someone to do this for us when we can do it ourselves!" hongjoong said defiantly and optimistically. "how hard can it really be?"
he soon regretted asking that because it was 11:30 pm and you both sat together on the living room floor, still contemplating the instructions that made no sense and the unit you were trying to build still not complete.
you both looked over at each other and exchanged looks, not needing to say what you both thought about the situation.
"you wanna get a takeaway?" hongjoong shrugged at you.
"oh, absolutely." anything was better than this.
seonghwa was in a dream-like state the moment all the boxes were unboxed and everything was in its place.
you looked at him and shook your head, "oh yeah? you're happy now, but earlier you were a nervous wreck!"
seonghwa chuckled sheepishly and leaned against the kitchen counter, a slightly guilty look on his face.
"yeah, sorry about that," hecrossed his arms over his chest, "i just wanted everything to be... perfect?"
"yes, i can tell," you giggled at him gently, wrapping your arms around his waist in a hug. seonghwa grinned at your actions and hugged you back.
"now that i've stopped to take it in, i just can't believe we've moved in together," he dreamily, a thankful smile on his lips, "it feels so surreal. and so, so lovely."
"so what are we gonna do about that spare room?"
yunho whisked his head around excitedly at this question. of course, he had to play it smart in order to get his way. so he sat and raised his hand to his chin, stroking it as if he had a beard, and acting as if he were in incredibly deep thought.
"we could... i don't know..." yunho lead up to it, "turn it into a gaming room?"
you smiled and him knowingly and tutted, "why am i not surprised?"
"hey," yunho chuckled, "it's got multiple purposes. if we have a big tv in there and a couple of consoles, when people will come round we will all have something to do to break the ice."
yunho always made a good point.
"and when it's just us two, we can cuddle up and watch a movie," he fluttered his eyelashes and you shook your head, rolling your eyes at his forced cuteness.
"fine, whatever. have your game room! but only if you let me beat you when we play fifa."
"yeah, i don't see that happening."
you and yeosang both agreed that the fridge was the most important appliance in the house. the fridge was a priority.
and so here you both were, standing next to a fridge full of food. perfect. but what to do next? neither of you had a clue.
"maybe we should have thought this through," you hummed, suddenly becoming overwhelmed with the thought of everything else you had to get through.
"yeah, but hey, at least we got food," yeosang grinned and grabbed a chocolate bar. you shoo your head disapprovingly at him.
"onto the next thing now," you said, acting as the voice of reason in this situation (it tended to alternate) and on passing yeosang, you took a big bite out of his unwrapped chocolate. he was appalled at your actions but knew he had to oblige.
indulging in chocolate would have to wait.
"so now that we have settled in, we need to de-clutter all our stuff. you know, get rid of stuff."
the word 'de-clutter' never really appealed to san. he wasn't a hoarder by any means, but he did tend to keep a lot of stuff for the sake of keeping them.
"i know i need to get rid of some clothes," you said, going through your wardrobe. you came across something of san's and smiled, amused.
"i suppose we are keeping this?" you held up his shiber plushie that he has kept for all these years. he looked at it with a fond smile and practically snatched it from your hands.
"yes, i'll keep shiber," he hugged the plushie to his chest, "for old time's sake, of course"
you and mingi lay in an exhausted heap on the sofa. the unpacking was done. everything was in it's place. it took ages but finally, everything had come together.
"we did it," he mumbled, his tone tired but triumphant as he raised his hand lazily to offer a high-five. you high-fived him back, a half-hearted effort on your part too. your hands collided and fell into each other in the same movement. you were both tired, but that didn't mean you couldn't hold hands.
"what do we do now?" he asked, half-worried there would be more work to do.
but you shook your head as if you sensed his worry.
"nothing," you replied, "we do nothing."
"there is no way we're having yellow-coloured walls when we have to work with this green carpet."
wooyoung decided he was an interior designer when the two of you moved in together. it was hilarious to you because both organisation nor coordination was just not his thing. but hey, he sure had some style to live up to, apparently.
"i should have gotten another roommate," he sighed dramatically and shook his head.
"i'm not your roommate, i'm supposed to be your soulmate you idiot," you whacked him gently on the arm, before poking him playfully in his sides, making him chuckle and grin at you. "maybe i should find another soulmate then, hmm?"
"you wouldn't dare."
having a boyfriend like jongho had a lot of perks.
for instance, when moving in with him, he did all the heavy work. it made things much easier having him around that was for sure; lifting things you would never be able to lift yourself.
"can you lift that cabinet over here a sec, i wanna see something," you asked jongho, pointing to the place you wanted it to be put. you were seeing what layout of the lounge was better.
"am i your personal forklift now?" jongho asked, chuckling at his own little joke. he couldn't deny that he enjoyed helping you build the home for the both of you to share.
it was weirdly romantic for him. it felt like a new start to your journey together.
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ratwavegamehouse ¡ 10 months
One of the games available in my Hidden Games Sale (aka the I have no job and I must scream sale) is Forecaster: The Body You Share a fighting adventure game of selves-discovery for 2 or more players using playing cards.
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You are an apprentice forecaster. Forecasters are responsible for sparring with weather spirits, protecting your world from natural disasters. You’ve been training for years but to physically interact with weather spirits all apprentices must undergo a journey where they will battle many tests and complete a Graduation Ritual, gifting them their true forecasting power. The ritual involves communing with a nature spirit, sharing with them a true understanding of your one self and letting them join in it. You’ve been training for years but you now have cause to suspect the ritual will fail for you. Because you are not one self. You are more than one.
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Fights are played as a trick-taking game between the Front and the Opponent. It's based on an adapted version of the Transgender Deathmatch Legend rules. Cards correspond to individual moves and have trump effects. One addition is that you make a build of trump effects and success in fights can lead to the levelling up and gaining more effects.
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You tell the story of a System, four characters sharing one body, and their journey. You draw a trail of cards to determine the scenes of your journey, and the opponent's you encounter in each. In a given scene one player is the Front, the system member currently in control of the body, another player is the Opponent, an external character the system must meet and fight as part of their journey, and other players act as any other system members who are co-conscious in talking scenes. In the fight phase the player who was the Front acts as the whole system, switching between members as determined by the suits if playing cards.
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Some things people said about Forecaster:
"Like Jacob wrestling the angel, Forecaster takes us to a violent and sweaty place to figure out who we are, how we fit into the world, and how the world fits in us. But if that sounds like undergrad religious studies boloney, don't worry: Forecaster is also a fast-paced beat-em-up game with evocative tables that ensure everyone will kick ass and look cool doing it. Can't wait to play." - Aaron King, (@aaronsrpgs) - Patchwork World Sixth Edition
"This game presents a compelling narrative and complex fight mechanics clearly and concisely, making it a great option to pick up and play without prep or pre-planning." - Jack Blair (@toyourstations) Space Legs, This Game Will Force You to Stop Procrastinating Your Gender Crisis
"It's a personal subject, written with vulnerability through the easily relatable context of a fighting game. Its thoughtfully made & informative, with examples of play that make it easy to learn." - Gem Room Games (@postdungeon) - High Magic Lowlives, 9 Lives to Valhalla
Personally I think it's neat and heartfelt game built on a fun and innovative fighting system. It's only $3.20 in the sale or you can bundle it with Fear the Taste of Blood, Wild Duelist, The Ballad of the Bastard and the Tinkerer and Save Our Souls for just $40. I'm stilling looking for a new job and money from games can hopefully tide me over until something hopefully comes by but any if this helps.
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 ¡ 2 months
Okay so tonight's three am thought is about Kim and skip squad (juvie cop) and speedfreaks and going undercover
In my book, the music of the youth and the music of revolution is edm. Trance, techno, hardstyle, house, the works. All of that. Edm represents the fury of the youth, completely anti-everything. It takes disco and turns it violent. The older generation (boomers lol) had the New and disco and all that but I think they also had a lot of acoustic and guitar stuff too. Very 70s. All the older generation dream of this time as the quintessential everything was perfect and great and the kids are ungrateful and will never understand and what's with this harsh noise electronic shit? back in our day we had disco which was electronic that made sense and electronic that you could dance to, not all this ... super fast super loud super grating shit. The kids don't get it, they'll never understand dance music. That and also. Where's the human soul to it? Disco has lyrics. Our pop and folk music had people who actually played the instruments instead of getting a machine to do it. Our music was real music. Etc. all that bullshit
So now you have this new edm that's just so intense. You have other sounds of rebellion and the revolution as well, of course, metal and industrial and all those types. But it's mainly edm. Sure surrounding countries have their edm as well. Graad has its synth stuff developed in the 30s and so does gottwald and there's stuff coming out of the semenine too. All sorts of influences everywhere. But the edm coming out of insulinde, ex-heart of the world, especially revachol, is atomic as fuck like extremely intense like the most intense bass in your life. Insulindean culture, and revachol culture really, is at its heart flashy and loud and vibrant and full of life. It is a stubborn-headed persistence, it is a constant will to survive, it is a flower growing out of the rubble, its continuing in spite of all odds and carrying on no matter what. It is forcing the sun to shine when there is no sun, and every part of insulinde and revachol culture reflects this. Everything flashes, sparkles, shines. Everything insists it is here it is real it is present it is ALIVE dammit despite everything we are ALIVE. You cannot erase us no matter how hard you try. (Which is also what Harry is. He is, in his purest essence, very truly revacholian.) So the edm is also truly revacholian. Loud, intense, highspeed. Bass like you've never felt bass in your life. Atomic
They have all sorts of raves and shit in all the bombed out palaces of the suzerainty, too. In all of revachols demolished buildings and its wiped out neighborhoods and its abandoned warehouses and its abandoned factories. Down in the catacombs and in the unfinished branches of the metro lines. Life in the face of death. The world in the face of the pales catastrophic end, standing up against it, defying it
So this takes me to Kim who grew up listening to operas and symphonies bc the orphanage that raised him thought they were erasing his culture by inflicting so much insulindean culture on him (but because Kim never knew anything other than insulindean culture, all they did was make him love it). Kim who, upon hearing speedfreaks and all the electronic shit the youth were into, couldn't believe the disgrace. Hated it with all of his soul. But the more he was exposed to it and the more he had to Get it to be juvie, the more he started to understand and the more he really really started to love it. Now he absolutely is a whore for the most violent bass and beats in the world. He loves that shit. He can't get enough of it
Some image in my head of him and eyes going undercover to some rave and Kim just absolutely digs it completely and eyes who likes folk and blues and that kinda shit can't really wrap his head around it (but he too resonates with the rage, he too understands the intensity and the lifeforce thrumming behind every beat)
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bellaxgiornata ¡ 1 year
Keep Coming Back to You (Chapter One)
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader travels the multiverse hiding in different worlds from the one who is hunting her because of her ability. Over time, she realizes she keeps getting pulled back to Matt Murdock in his world. See my Masterlist of stories or the PROLOGUE for the full summary of this series (& you might want to read it first, anyway).
Warnings: 18+ for this series; angst, smut, horror, language, violence (possibly more warnings later)
Word Count: 4.4k
a/n: Just going to go ahead and post the first chapter already for y'all so you can actually get some college Matt and Foggy! And some zombie world--I mean, Nightmare 1. Hopefully you enjoy the first full chapter of this series! Depending how posting on tumblr goes, maybe we will see all the chapters on here, but otherwise I post everything on AO3 (which you can find in my Masterlist).
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Six Years Later
A cold gust of wind blew over you, rustling the leaves on the nearby trees. A storm was inevitably on its way, you could tell it by that scent of ozone in the air. Sweet and strong, a crisp smell that was often comforting to you. 
Except for right now.
Heavy footfalls pounded along the sidewalk behind you, the sound spurring you forward. Quickly you darted around a corner, racing past two-story house after two-story house. The only light you had to see through the dark was coming from the perfectly spaced street lights in the upscale neighborhood and the few outdoor sconces that were lit on the front of some of the homes. You weren’t even shocked that no one had even glanced out of their window to see why a young woman was being chased at night down their street. It was amazing what people anywhere chose to ignore.
Your lungs felt close to bursting, a sharp pain steadily building as you struggled to take a full breath and keep on running. You could feel the sweat accumulating along your forehead despite the chill of the evening. There was a stitch in your side gradually turning into a painful cramp that made it hard for you to keep up your pace. Your legs were getting weak; your left shin felt like it was burning with every jolt from the pavement beneath you as you ran. 
They had been chasing you for blocks now and you had never been the best runner, even if you’d had to learn back on Nightmare 1 just so you could survive. But with the added fence climbing you were doing trying to get some distance between you and them, you were quickly reaching your breaking point. You needed to stop and rest. You needed to find a safe space to get out of here and get them off of your trail.
Panting heavily, you abruptly turned and sprinted down the side of a house and towards the backyard. Your heart was hammering in your chest feeling like it was ready to beat right through your ribcage. Fear was building in you, a fear so strong that you were desperately trying to fight back down. If you didn't get your body under control you knew exactly what would happen soon. You would be pulled–and you definitely didn't want to be pulled. You needed to focus and calm down so you could jump. Fear would only make things worse.
"You can't hide from me girl!" they roared out.
They weren’t too far behind, you’d certainly been slowing down.
" Shit ," you whispered.
Your eyes scanned the backyard around you–there was a patio with a built-in firepit, a large outdoor dining area, and a pool. None of which would do you any good. Shifting your focus, you spotted the few large trees and a playset with a covered roof farther down the yard. Without hesitation you sprinted towards the playset, throwing yourself up the ladder rung after rung and wincing as it creaked unsteadily underneath your weight. 
Please don't snap in half under me. Please don't snap in half under me.
When you reached the top you immediately crawled up against one of the wood walls, tucking your legs tight into your body. Forcing yourself to calm down, you inhaled sharply through your nose, held your breath, and then carefully exhaled as quietly as you could.
You heard their soft footsteps rustling through the grass and you hesitantly peered through a knot in the wood of the playset just beside you. They were standing in the dark yard, their eyes focused directly on the playset you were trying to hide inside. Your eyes snapped shut–you didn't have much time. You needed to go, needed to make a jump.
When you opened your eyes again, you tried to ignore the thunderous beating of your heart in your ears as you focused on the space before you. Concentrating hard, the shimmering threads of colorful light slowly shifted into focus.
"You can't hide forever, girl," they called out again. 
You tried to ignore them, your eyes searching for the thread that you had always felt a slight draw towards, though lately it was getting harder and harder to find through the multitudes of universes. Home–that thread meant Home to you. Or at least lately it had become something like Home. You figured you’d jump there and then quickly find somewhere else to jump to lose them for good for a while.
"The others couldn't hide from me either," they told you, their voice closer. 
Their words caused you to pause, momentarily distracted as the threads glittered before you, varying shades of colors and lights softly reflecting along your legs. In the distance you heard a crack of thunder roar through the sky.
"You’re not the only one, Serena," they continued, smug satisfaction in their tone. "And I know that's not your real name, girl."
Your head snapped to your left. They were standing at the bottom of the playset’s slide now, staring right at you through the dark with a menacing smile. The teeth of the young man they were currently possessing flashed at you like a warning. A terrified shiver ran down your spine at the sight.
"I always get them eventually," they called up to you. "Just like I'll get you."
Ice cold fear shot its way through your veins. Before you could control it, something was tugging sharply at your body. That horrifyingly familiar feel of cold hands gripping your shoulders and yanking you forcefully backwards hit you hard. 
And then you were falling. 
Your stomach felt like it was flying up into your throat, your organs shifting and squeezing unpleasantly inside of you as you were pulled–the second worst possible thing that could have happened to you in that moment. 
Just as fast as it had started the sensation stopped. You landed hard on your knees along cracked pavement, wincing in pain at the rough drop. Your hands instinctively flew forward, scratching roughly along the broken cement as you tried to steady yourself on all fours. Panting hard, you looked up and surveyed your surroundings while hoping against all hope you weren’t where you thought you were. But your heart fell to the demolished road beside you the moment you took in the sight of the plant life overtaking the decrepit houses around you. Eyes closing, you tried to fight back the sting of tears.
Not here again. 
A fresh wave of panic rolled through you as you quickly and quietly rose to your feet. It had been awhile since you’d been to this world, but you remembered exactly what you needed to do. You needed to be silent. You needed to remain calm. And you needed to get the fuck out of here as fast as you possibly could. Before one of those things found you. You just needed a second to catch your breath and scan your surroundings, to make sure you were safe and alone. Then you would find a safe universe and jump again.
That's it, you told yourself. Just calm down. I'll get out of here, I always do. Just need to stay calm.
You tried to take a steady breath, keeping your eyes open while you scanned the area around you. Carefully you expelled the breath as gently as you could, your eyes taking in the sight of the post-apocalyptic neighborhood before you. There was a gaping hole in the roof of the house just in front of you, the front door entirely missing. Both houses beside it had broken windows and ivy snaking its way up the front of them. The exterior paint had long since faded and the mailboxes out front were rusted and tipped to the side. But at least you didn't see any movement. As you observed your surroundings, you kept an ear out and listened to every single noise around you. For now, the soft whistle of wind through the copse of trees nearby was thankfully all you could hear. Everything else was quiet.
Good. Silence was good here. Silence met one of those things weren't about to jump out and try to savagely rip you to shreds and eat you like you were their last meal.
Or infect you.
Fuck, I hate this place.
Cautiously you made your way through the tall grass as it brushed against your skin, the soft swish of it hitting your ears. The overcast light from the sun sneaking through the cloud cover overhead was a sharp contrast to the dark night you'd just been running through moments ago. 
Traveling through worlds was incredibly strange. It could be broad daylight in one place, but then you could jump and end up somewhere where it was pitch black seconds later. Same with the weather–it could be springtime somewhere, with birds chirping and flowers blooming, and then another moment you were landing in three feet of freezing cold snow in a pair of shorts. 
Your concept of time was entirely fucked at this point.
Moving on the front of your feet, you tried to make as little sound as possible as you walked. It was difficult to catch your breath, trying in vain to keep your labored breathing steady and quiet after that chase you’d barely escaped. You just wanted to get your back against something solid and search the threads for a universe that felt safe to jump to. That was your focus right now.
You moved slowly, careful to be as soundless as you could and grimacing at the stains of old blood you saw splattered along the panels of the house as you walked. You crept your way gradually around to the side of the house, glad that it was windowless. Very carefully you turned, stepping backwards until your back hit the wall. At least nothing could sneak up behind you while you worked now.
With a sharp exhale through your nose you tried to focus on the space before you yet again. Gradually the threads of multiple universes appeared, shimmering in the overcast light of the day. This time there was a rush of blues and purples that came forward. You squinted, reaching two fingers tentatively out and trying to get a feel for a few threads of light. 
Maybe you needed to find somewhere new. Somewhere that they wouldn't easily think to find you. But you hated finding new worlds. You never knew what you would be walking into every time you jumped. Though usually if you trusted your instincts you would end up in a world similar to your Home. Right now that's what you needed to find.
A noise came from not too far away, cutting through the silence. You froze instantly at the sound, your fingers holding onto a thread as your eyes darted to the side. And then the jarring, guttural, screeching noise that plagued your nightmares rang out through the trees nearby. The hair along your arms instantly rose, a prickling feeling growing at the base of your skull.
Your jaw clenched, your heart rate rising again. Time was up. You needed to get out of here now. You didn't need to encounter one of those again. You had nothing to fight it with and you sure as shit wouldn't manage to outrun it. 
As the terrifying, rasping growl cut through the air around you yet again, you knew exactly what that sound meant from the time you’d spent here before. It was searching, probably having caught onto the fresh scent of the blood on your scraped hands. But before you could pull the thread of light between your fingers and jump, it disappeared. All of the colorful lights before you suddenly vanished.
"Shit," you whispered. 
That loud, rasping roar reverberated through the air again and shot another spike of fear and adrenaline through you. 
It had gotten closer. 
As you turned, trying to remain calm, you prepared to hide in the house behind you. But that’s when you heard it. Something like a high-pitched shriek in response. There was a second one. And they were communicating with each other. You knew what that sound meant.
They knew something was here. 
Pressing your lips tight together, you moved along the side of the house, keeping one shoulder against the panels as you crept along. Your eyes were darting all over the place, a feeling of unease washing over you in the sudden, eerie silence that had fallen. You knew they hadn’t gone. You knew they were hunting for you, slowly honing in on the scent of your bleeding palms and the sound of your footsteps.
Carefully you stepped up the decaying back porch steps, taking each step one at a time as you moved. On the third step the wood let out a loud creak and you flinched, sucking in your breath and holding it. A few seconds later you heard a low growl coming from a house over. 
If you didn’t get the hell out of here soon, you’d be dead in minutes.
Biting down on your tongue, you bolted up the last step and sprinted into the house. You barely had time to register the layout of the house, your eyes spotting the kitchen before you ran straight towards it. Breathing a quiet sigh of relief when you spotted the dust-covered knife block on the counter, you threw out a hand and pulled out the biggest one. You’d at least try to take them out before you went down, even if your count for killing intelligent zombies was only at one.
You turned, wiping your bloody hand along the doorframe and smearing the blood before bolting over to the space beside the fridge, far away from the door. You pressed yourself flush to the wall and did your best to slow your panicked breaths. 
This was where you needed to be silent. The zombies in this world–rotters as the survivors here called them–were fast. And they were incredibly smart, with a language they somehow understood between each other, one that had taken you a bit of time to learn. But the downfall of them was their eyesight. While they had amazing hearing and a decent sense of smell, it's like they were practically blind. So if you could remain absolutely still and silent, you could technically hide from them–though the blood on your hands might prove a problem.
Sure enough, it was only a moment before you heard the back door bang open, slamming into the wall. Your eyes closed as you gripped the knife tighter in your right hand. A wheezing sound met your ears, gradually growing louder as the rotter made its way towards the kitchen, its footfalls causing the floor to creak. A moment later you heard scratching just along the wall on the opposite side of the fridge. Swallowing hard, you held your breath. It was in the kitchen now, drawn to the scent of your blood you’d wiped along the doorframe hoping to confuse it.
A guttural, clicking sound echoed through the kitchen as it took a step further inside. Your eyes flew open, your heart jumping into your throat as you saw the half-decayed thing standing not seven feet away from where you were hiding. Its head slowly swept the room, momentarily pausing along the side of the fridge where you were hiding. Could it hear how loud your heart was racing? Did it smell the scent of your blood in the air?
Another high-pitched shriek came from somewhere outside of the house and the animated corpse’s head snapped to the side as it registered the call. Apparently the other one had found something. 
Probably an animal, the poor fucking thing.
The rotter turned, hurrying out of the kitchen. A few seconds later you heard the back door slamming against the wall again as the thing left. You expelled the breath you’d been holding and tried to steady your hands. You needed to go now .
Concentrating harder than you ever had before, you willed the lights to appear. It took you a few tries before they finally did. With the only thought in your head a prayer that you didn’t land in a body of water, you yanked the blue thread of light in a rush and went barreling forward, your body feeling like it was being pulled from your navel this time. The familiar yet uncomfortable twisting of your insides commenced as you fell forward through lights and colors, feeling as if you were being momentarily squeezed through a small, tight space. 
And then you were sliding along your side roughly across more pavement, your eyes closed tight. It took you a moment to realize the knife in your hand had sliced down the side of your arm when you’d fallen. Pain shot through you and you groaned, tossing the knife away from you. You hissed through your teeth, trying to push yourself upright along the pavement you had once again landed on.
“What the hell ?”
You paused on all fours, eyes going wide before your head whipped in the direction of the voice. Two young men were standing at the edge of what appeared to be an alley that you’d dropped into. One of them was visibly gaping at you, his long blonde hair reaching just past his shoulders. His own eyes were blown wide at the sight of you hunched over on the ground. Beside him, clutching onto one of his arms, was another man with shorter dark hair and a pair of dark glasses that seemed quite out of place considering how dark it was outside. But then your eyes dropped down to the cane in his left hand and you quickly pieced it together–he was blind. So while he most likely hadn’t just witnessed you appear out of nowhere, it seemed his friend might have.
Cradling your bleeding arm into your body, you fell back on your ass and scuttled backwards along the pavement until your back hit a wall. This was not what you needed right now. You’d dealt with far too much already.
“Did you just…just fucking appear out of thin air?” the blonde asked in awe, still visibly gawking at you at the end of the alley. “Or did I somehow drink that much tonight?”
“You’re drunk,” you called back, latching onto the first thing he gave you. 
His eyes dropped down to where you were holding your arm before they shifted to the bloody knife on the ground. Beside him, you noticed his friend was quite intensely focused on you for someone who was blind and couldn't actually see you. Which would have made you suspicious if you didn't know they only ever possessed those who weren’t vision impaired. 
“Whoa, hey, are you okay?” the blonde asked nervously. He pointed a finger at the knife on the ground. “Someone attack you? Or–”
“I’m fine,” you said firmly.
“You’re–you’re bleeding,” he pressed. “We should like call an ambulance or something. Get you to a hospital–”
“No hospitals!” you snapped, shaking your head. “I don’t do hospitals.”
“She’s bleeding?” his friend asked curiously. 
“I said I’m fine ,” you growled. 
The blonde ignored you, turning and focusing on his friend. “Yeah, she’s got a cut down her arm,” he told him. “Maybe we should call the police?”
Using the wall for support, you pulled yourself up to your feet, hissing out a breath as you did. Your body was spent after everything. You needed rest. You didn’t even know how long you’d been going for with all the jumping between worlds you’d been doing.
“I’m leaving,” you informed the pair. “Forget about me.”
Making your way down the alley towards them, you cradled your bleeding arm against your chest. You noticed the blonde shrink away from you as you neared, a look of unease on his face. He tried to pull his friend out of the way when he moved, but the dark haired man remained attempting to block your exit out of the alley.
“You’re injured, you should let us help you,” he said.
You glared back at him instantly, squaring your shoulders. “I said I’m fine. Back off,” you warned.
He didn’t move, his expression not even remotely wavering at the edge in your voice. And that only further irritated you.
“Let us help,” he offered calmly. “I’m quite good at stitching if your arm needs it. Just come with us back to our dorm and I can help you.”
"No," you growled, skirting around him.
A hand grabbed your shoulder and you immediately bristled at the unwanted contact, spinning on the spot and ripping your shoulder from his hold. You took a step back, placing a bit of distance between you and this stranger. He immediately raised his hand like he had meant no harm. Next to him, his blonde haired friend was openly staring at your bleeding arm, his lips slightly parted. You really did need to bandage it. 
"Just let me help you, please," the dark haired man pleaded, his tone more insistent. "You can leave right after if you want. But…we were planning to order some pizza. If you're hungry."
Your eyes narrowed further back at him, scoffing loudly despite the way your stomach growled at the thought of food. It had been a bit since you'd last eaten and you were definitely hungry after all that running and multiverse jumping. 
"I'm not some stray," you grumbled instead.
He shot you a placating smile, nodding his head slowly. "Of course, I wasn't trying to imply anything," he said gently. "But I mean, you are bleeding and my friend here said you just appeared out of thin air so–" he shrugged a shoulder casually, "–I am sort of curious now."
"Don't be," you replied quickly, taking another step back from the pair of them. "I'm not interesting."
"Well now I'm more interested," he teased, his lips pulling up higher at the corners.
You took another step back, heart rate accelerating before you inhaled a sharp breath, holding it and forcing yourself to calm back down. As if sensing he was only further making you want to run, the man took a cautious step towards you as if you really were a feral stray, the teasing expression quickly falling from his face.
"Please," he begged again. "Let us help. I just want to help."
"Why the hell do you so badly want to help a stranger?" you snapped, scanning him warily up and down.
"Let's just say I can sense when someone is in trouble," he answered softly. "And I just want to help. That's all. I swear." He extended a hand forward towards you very slowly as if he was afraid the gesture would spook you. "My name is Matthew, but you can call me Matt."
You flinched back from his outstretched hand, staring at it as if it would somehow suddenly brandish a knife at you. But of course no knife appeared in his large waiting palm. Your eyes carefully slid back up to his face, taking in what you could see of him with his glasses on. He was still smiling back at you, a genuine warmth on his face even if his friend seemed a bit suspicious beside him. 
You stood there for a moment, hesitantly studying the man before you. For some reason you found yourself wanting to trust this stranger. It felt like something was almost drawing you towards him, making you want to accept his help. Which wasn’t something that happened often with you. Swallowing hard, you tried to push down your fears. He had to be safe at least, because they didn't possess the blind. And you did occasionally need to trust people in these different worlds you found yourself in just to get by and survive sometimes.
That's all this will be , you told yourself. Just a one time acceptance of help. And if they turn out to be bad guys, I’ll just jump again. 
Carefully you reached out, placing your hand into his. He gripped yours firmly in response, entirely unaware of the amount of trust you had just given him.
"My name is Serena," you lied.
His head tilted curiously to the side for a moment, his brows twitching on his forehead briefly just above his glasses as his smile faltered just a fraction–but you’d caught the movement. And then he released your hand, smiling wider at you like that weird little moment hadn't happened.
"This is my friend Franklin, but I call him Foggy," he told you, gesturing a hand at the man beside him. 
Your attention returned to the blonde as you raised a brow at the name. He waved nervously back at you, a tight smile on his face. Your lip pulled up into something between a sneer and a smile. You didn't really do the making friends thing. 
"Let's get you back to our dorm," Matt said, grasping back onto his friend's arm. "It's only a few blocks from here. Then I can bandage your arm." 
Matt and Foggy continued past you on the sidewalk, the blonde leading his friend. With a resigned sigh you cautiously followed a few steps behind the pair, listening as Matt and Foggy chattered on over the sounds of the city you’d found yourself in. Though you certainly noticed the way Foggy kept shooting you uncomfortable glances over his shoulder when he thought you weren't looking.
Not like you could blame him. Your clothes were worn and you probably looked like a dead tired mess. Plus, you were dressed for summer in dirty clothes you hadn’t changed out of in days, and it felt more like early spring here with the slight, cool breeze brushing over your exposed skin. 
Keeping your distance behind the chatty pair, your eyes lingered on the back of Matt. You wondered why he’d been so adamant to help, and you wondered even more why he kept trying to draw you into their conversation, especially when you only responded with a rude grunt. If he minded your discourteous responses, he never showed it. 
But you found yourself really wondering one thing on the entire walk back to their dorm. Why was it whenever you looked at this Matthew–who you’d just met–did you feel almost… safe with him? You'd never felt safe with anyone before. It was…odd.
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amybizarre ¡ 3 days
Priest (Room For Rent P1)
(No angst in this one. Priest is just being a wholesome guy, who's always happy to help a college student. :)   ) ________________________________________
You were both: Distraught and angry. Perhaps you were also greatly disappointed in society and the people you were supposed to call superiors. It has been proven to you, that even ididots can make their way to high-ranking positions. Through an epic failure of course.
Perhaps the biggest failure in all of college-organizing history. Well, your personal history at least.
You had applied for a college course in literature and creative writing in this town. Which meant you had to move out of your parents' house. Buuuut you didn't have the money for an apartment yet, so a dorm room at college would have to do.
Except some useless twat had fucked up your papers and the organization. In your acceptance letter they had promised you a dorm room at campus. But when you had arrived at your new college, luggage in tow and excited to start the next day, the staff had told you there was no room available under your name. First you had thought it was a simple spelling mistake, which rendered them unable to find your name. Sadly that hadn't been the case. They downright forgot you. And all dorm rooms were full. No capacities for you.
Now here you were. In a strange town, on the street with your heavy suitcase. Not enough money for a hotel room. And the sun setting behind the buildings.
Honestly, you wanted to cry. Instead you forced yourself to stay calm as you called your mom for advice. Otherwise the poor woman wouldn't understand you through your histerical sobbing and call the emrgency hotline for you. The phone rang a couple times, before she picked up.
"Hey honey! Did you arrive well? Is your college room nice?"
"No! These idiotic fools forgot to give me a room!" So much for staying calm.
"I'm on the fucking street, mom-"
"Don't fret, love. Get a hotel room for tonight," she advised.
Unfortunately you had thought of that already.
"I already called the open ones in town. They're all too expensive." Your voice wavered a little, threatening to break.
"Oh no-," was all she could say, followed by a beat of silence. You heard her fumble with a few things.
"Honey, there's a church in town, right?"
"Yes..?" You were unsure about where this was going.
"Try ask them for assistance. They're usually very hospitable."
Your jaw almost hit the floor. Of course she would suggest the church! She always had been a very religious person.
"I'm sorry, what? The church is probably closed by now! I'm not gonna find them-"
"Now, now, honey. Each church has a rectory. If the priest isn't in the church, he'll be there."
"Is that, like... His home then?" You felt incredibly awkward just thinking about knocking on a stranger's door, asking for a place to stay.
Your mother hummed in confirmation. "That's right. A rectory usually holds the offices and living quarters for the church staff. Try talking to someone there. If they can't help you, call me again and I will pick you up and get you home."
"Ermmmm... I dunno about this one, mom..." You chewed your lip nervously. You rathered her to just pick you up either way. 
"You'll be okay honey. Give it a try now, before it becomes too late. Love you." With that she hung up on you.
You lowered your phone and stared at it in disbelief. Okay, not the best thing your mother has ever done. You sighed in exasperation.
What now? Should you actually follow her advice? Church staff usually is very friendly, right...?
Thankfully you wouldn't have to search for long, because the local priest was coincidentally strolling down the street you were loosing your mind on. He was just on a casual evening walk, when he saw you on the other side of the street, suitcase by your feet.
He wondered why you seemed so distressed. Being the helpful citizen and responsible priest he was, he crossed the street to talk to you.
Noticing a stranger approach you, you looked up alarmed. You eyed the man cautiously, subconsciously grabbing your luggage just in case. He was dressed entirely in black. First this was alarming to you, but then you noticed his dress shirt had this typical collar priests wore. Plus: There was his golden necklace with a pretty elaborate looking cross on it. You raised an eyebrow at him. He however just smiled patiently and introduced himself.
"Good evening, my dear. My name is Wally Darling. I'm the local priest."
Yeah, you kinda guessed that, based of his appearance. Then again, you could never be sure, if you ran into a fraud or not. Trying your best to be polite, you also introduced yourself. Mr Darling nodded and smiled.
"You have a wonderful name, dear. It suits you well."
You smiled back at him. Maybe he wasn't so bad. "Thank you, sir."
"I noticed you were looking a little stressed out here. And I thought I'd come over and talk to you to see if you need any assistance?" He tilted his head slightly, a worried crease appearing between his eyebrows.
You sighed before telling him about your dilemma and how you would like to strangle the collage staff right now, guesturing along to your explanations. He only got more worried as you did so. Especially at the strangling part.
"That's a.... Very infuriating situation to be in," he admitted after you were done, shifting his weight onto the other foot, "And your mother advised you to ask me for help?"
You nodded with a solemn expression. "Yup. Sooo... Got any ideas on what I can do-?"
He thought for a moment, tapping his chin. "Mh... In terms of theoretical advice... Not really. In terms of practical help? Maybe? Depends on how comfortable you are with my suggestion."
"Go on..." You prompted him, honestly growing a little desperate to get out of this misery of a day you were having.
"I have a guest room at my house, that's always free for people in a pickle like you. It's not much, but cozy. You could sleep there for tonight or as long as you need to."
Housemates with a priest, huh? Sounds like a reality show waiting to happen, you thought to yourself.
Naturally you weren't keen on sleeping at a stranger's place. Then again, what other options did you have? Going back home and missing the first days of college? Hell nah. You were way to excited for this course.
Mr Darling noticed your hesitance and quickly held up his hands. "Look, I know this sounds a little sketchy. How about this? I can show you my home and said room. You can take a look and back out at any time you'd like. I promise I won't feel offended!"
You squinted your eyes at him. He seemed to be genuine... With another sigh you agreed to his offer. "I guess taking a look won't hurt."
He smiled and his shoulders relaxed.
"Wonderful, dear. Come now, it's not far." He began leading the way.
You grabbed your suitcase and followed him. He glanced over his shoulder and saw you struggling with it.
"Ah, my bad- Here, let me help." He offered to help you with your luggage, which you accepted.
"Thank you, Mr Darling."
"Oh dear, please! Don't call me that. Wally will do just fine."
He had to assure you multiple times, that it was okay, before you reluctantly gave in.
After roughly 30 minutes of walking, the two of you reached a cozy looking house. Sure, it was a little "old-timey" and on the smaller side, but definitely had its charms.
Also, the church was right across the street.
Okay, noted.
Wally went up the steps to the front door and fumbled around with his keys. You found yourself wondering what a priest's house would even look like. Would there be religious items in every room? Or just a couple?
Your unspoken questions were answered soon, when Wally unlocked and opened the front door for you. Helping you with your suit case once more, he beckoned you inside.
Curiously, you entered his home. The interior was as old fashioned as the exterior. (Meaning it reminded you of your granny's house.) The dark, wooden floors and floral wallpaper, coupled with vintage furntiture and plush carpets however, gave off a very homely feel.
You liked it.
Didn't seem to be the kind of house, where people got kidnapped in-
"Your house is very nice," you complimented the space, while taking off your shoes.
This made Wally very happy. He practically beamed as he closed the door.
"Thank you, dear. I'm glad you like it. This house has been in my family's care for generations now. Not every visitor is appreciative of its style. So, I'm relieved that you are!"
You smiled back at the happy priest. Behind him, you saw a cross right above the front door. Ah, there's the religious decor you've been wondering about. He followed your gaze and chuckled.
"Yes, this house is protected by our loving God. Home."
"Home?" You asked in return. "Haven't heard of him yet."
"Ah, no shame in that, dear. We are a fairly small community after all." Wally waved it off. "I could tell you all about him though, if you're interested?"
You shrugged. "Sure why not? Just... Later, maybe?"
He nodded. "No problem at all. I should probably show you your room first, hm?"
Wally brought you upstairs, where the bathroom, master bedroom and guest room were. You stepped into the guest room and inspected it, with Wally watching you curiously from the door.
The room's style fell into the same category as the rest of the house. All complete with a bed, bedside table, lamp, desk, closet, a plant and a shelf. The window looked out at the church. Perfect opportunity to stalk the church goers on Sunday mornings, you noted with a chuckle. Another thing you noticed was the lack of religious decor. Probably to keep anyone comfortable, who wasn't religious.
"What do you say?" Wally asked after a few moments.
"I like it." You admitted. "And it's really okay if I stay here for now?"
Wally smiled once more. This time with a warm glint in his eyes. "Of course it's okay, dear. As a priest, I am always happy to help those in need." He told you, placing a hand on the cross around his neck.
"Right. There's just two last things I'm worried about." You glanced at him sheepishly.
He nodded, a bit more serious now. "Tell me about it. I'm sure we'll be able to find solutions to each problem."
"Well, first of all, I'm not religious at all."
"And, uhm, I'm not sure if that poses a problem to you..."
He scratched his neck. "Well... To me it's not a problem. I cannot and will not force you to participate in my beliefs. I will however carry out my usual prayers and routines in my house. I guess the question is if you have a problem with that?"
You quickly wave your hands in front of your chest. "Nono! Not at all! I'm fine with that!"
"Then we don't have a problem, dear." Wally concluded.
You were relieved.
"The second thing I'm worried about is rent. How much do I have to pay you per month?"
Wally hummed. "How much would your dorm room have cost you?"
"1.200 bucks a month."
His eyes widened. "1.200?? Per month? For one measly room?"
"Yep. And it would have been a shared room, so the college would have earned  double per room and month," you deapanned, making Wally shake his head.
"That's hardly acceptable!"
"Tell me about it."
He sighed. "I'd say we keep it simple, but calculating this won't be simple for me. If you want to stay here, we just split the bills and I'll be happy."
"Soo, that means means half the costs for electricity, water and food?" You asked to make sure.
"Yes. And you help me with household chores every now and then."
You pondered the offer for a little, before nodding. "Sounds fair to me. I'm in."
Both of you shook hands and it was a deal. You officially moved into a priest's house and were his... Roommate? Housemate? Housemate. You were his housemate now.
This surely would be an interesting experience to make.
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july-angel-wings ¡ 1 year
Descendants-Part 1
Oracle of Ages! Raven x Female! Reader (Romantic)
Link x Female! Reader (Platonic)
Descendants-Part 2: TBA
(In case you didn't know, Raven is Link's ancestor! Takes place in Oracle of Ages manga!)
Summary: You're always such a curious young lady. In the period of disharmony in Labrynna, Sir Raven comes back with a new arrival of a young boy named Link. For a reason that you cannot explain, you wanted to help the young hero. But he seems troubled…
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(I do not own this image)
Under the warm sun outside your home in a hidden village, you hum a sweet song under your breath whilst watering a small garden pot near your door. A green germ was developing much bigger. Surprisingly, you had only planted it three days ago!
The seed that Raven has given you from his travels is utterly extraordinary. No other seed grows so fast and you should know because you were born in a farming community as well!
You sigh in longing.
You still recall his sweet smile when he gave you the seed...
You and Raven met when this secret village developed to house the people who ran away from the forceful and harsh slave labor of the Queen's tower construction.
This action technically made you and the villagers outlaws of disobeying a royal decree of the Queen. But thanks to Raven, the new knight in training from Hyrule, you were all able to avoid the eye of the guards.
With Raven's bonus knowledge of farming and other survival skills, you and many villagers survived. For that, you admired him and respected him immensely.
You didn't know when, but curious glances and stares were shot between you two across the village. Brief talks became long talks and so on. It has grown at a steady pace for older adult village women and others to tease you about your obvious attraction to Raven.
Your relationship grew until one day when you went to work in the fields, your relationship with Raven takes an extra step began...
You and the knight were working alone in the farming fields near the secret settlement. There were not a lot of workers to take care of the fields, but you were determined to finish all the fields even if night falls. You needed the food, and this village needs it, too.
Raven turns from the plants to face you, who is tending the sprouts with great vigor, with a mysterious expression on his face. Feeling the gaze on your back, you turn to look at him.
When you saw his direct gaze focus on you and you only, your face flushes. You call out to him, a bit embarrassed.
"Sir Raven? Is there something on my back or something?"
"No, no." Chuckling, Raven stood up and started walking towards you, a smile appearing on his face. "It's just...I was right to entrust you with helping me with the crops, Lady (Y/n). You do excellent work."
Your cheeks pinked as his muscular build now stood in front of you. Gosh. He was always the most attractive among all the males in this village.
"Such words are far too generous, Sir Raven." You sigh, somewhat regaining your composure. "You were doing most of the work yourself! Anyways, didn't I tell you NOT to call me a lady?"
You puff your cheeks, making him chuckle, and then you see his hand shuffling in his satchel before his words attracted your eyes to his own.
"My apologies. I cannot help it. Well, if that's what you want, then you can drop my title as well."
Your heart made a little beating sound. Dropping a knight's or noble's titles and only speaking their first name means you are close to the person, like a family member or... a significant other.
You glanced down at your feet bashfully.
"I can't do that! You are a knight! Why, it would be greatly disrespectful for a man such as your station-!"
Suddenly, an open-gloved hand suddenly appeared in your own view. It was a fruit seed of a unique purple color with blue tribal-looking markings. You look up at the man with warm blue eyes and a gentle smile. The sunset behind him made his outline glow a beautiful golden hue like his hair.
"(Y/n), It would be my greatest honor if you can call me Raven."
Oh, the teasing from the other village ladies when you returned with Raven, hand in hand. Crimson cheeks and all…
It wasn't a secret anymore that the Hyrulean knight was now courting with you. The odd fruit seed was certainly a strange gift for a woman, but it was Raven who gave it to you, which makes it all the more special.
Two weeks after, you both were on the line to be formal, but sadly...A letter from the castle had arrived by a reliable messenger. A sudden dire situation with the tower construction prompts Queen Ambi to call for Raven's duties to her.
A little sad to see him leave to the castle so quickly, you stand by the village entrance early in the morning. You see him ready himself on his horse named, Puini, and ride up towards you. Stopping by your side, he looks down at you with a small reassuring smile.
"...Please be safe." You reach up and grab his hand softly. He leans down and kisses your knuckle tenderly for a few moments before reluctantly letting it go.
"I'll be back. Please wait for me."
With those departing words, he was gone.
Staring after his leaving form, you didn't notice your hand clutch the fruit seed that was in your pocket.
Now, a few weeks later, a sigh leaves your lips as you pick up the little pot. You place it on your lap while sitting on a nearby fence. A tiny grin comes on your face as you stare at the plant.
You wonder how Raven is doing...
You hoped he wouldn't be arrested as a result of the discovery of the hidden village. Or the increasingly ludicrous demands of the Queen that will make him hesitate to obey, which would be an instant death sentence.
You started to frown at these negative thoughts plaguing your mind until...
A loud clip-clop sound made your head snap up.
In the short distance, a familiar Hylian man riding on the horse made you beam widely. You nearly didn't see the second passenger on the horse behind him, but Raven had your entire focus.
The knight's handsome face had a half smirk and smile with almost visible happiness when he sees you.
I'm home, (Y/n)."
You leap over the fence and sprint up to Raven as he dismounts his horse and turns to face you, now grinning widely. Instantly, you hug him tightly while holding the plant under one arm. He returns your hug, just as tightly.
"Welcome home...I'm so glad nothing had happened."
Raven chuckles when you nuzzle into his chest. "Glad to know you have such faith in me."
You were basking in his closeness and earthy smell when you thought you heard the second passenger remark something like 'She couldn't be…'
Curiosity drove you to pull away from Raven's embrace and gaze behind him to see a young Hylian kid on the horse still.
Your eyes widen in shock as you take in his complete appearance.
The boy resembles Raven nearly exactly!
His hair color, eyes, and even his nose! He could identify himself as his relative or…
A sudden nagging thought enters your head, causing you to side-eye Raven suspiciously…
(A sudden chill ran down Raven's spine, and almost as a defensive mechanism, he squeezed your free hand reassuringly. That had calmed you down. For the moment.)
When the youngster noticed you looking at him curiously, he offered you a shaky smile and a wave.
"Ah, hi... I'm Link."
Hello, everyone! I made this a two-part of my favorite character Raven from the Oracle of Ages manga (besides Link).
I hope you like this story! I spent quite a few days making sure the story flow just right. I might take a bit more time to make the second part longer than this one. Think of this as an introduction! And I will be making more one-shots during my writing of the second part!
Stay safe and tuned, everyone! Have a wonderful day/night!
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gerogerigaogaigar ¡ 1 month
Now that we've listened to the cadence of rappers through the interplay between the flow and beats it is time to listen to what rappers are saying. Rap has its own language made up of metaphors and references that can intimidate new listeners, but there is one skill that should be easy for anyone to appreciate. Storytelling. These songs are some of the best storytelling that hip-hop has to offer. And Storytelling is one of rap's strong suits so really this is some of the best storytelling that music has to offer!
The Art Of Peer Pressure Kendrick is why were here right? Well he is probably the best lyricist in rap history. The Art Of Peer Pressure may not be his biggest hit but it is unparalleled in terms of storytelling. Kendrick describes a night as a teen in Compton. Him and his friends emulating the violence heard on their favorite rap albums. The story seems simple, but the message is complex. He disavows every action he engages in saying that he's normally sober, normally peaceful, but he's with the homies right now. As the title suggests its a story about how peer pressure helps reproduce systems of violence.
Children's Story Slick Rick is the storyteller of all time. It honestly baffles me how naturally he communicates this simple fable without missing a beat. It flows so casually that you actually forget that he's maintaining rhyme throughout.
Gold Simple fables about street violence are extremely common in hip-hop. This one builds bravado and avarice until the tragic ending where the singer buries his mother before he can use all the money he's attained on her.
I Left My Wallet In El Segundo And now for the lowest stakes in any rap story. This is the gripping story of Q-Tip trying to remember where he left his wallet. The energy of a couple of friends trying to retrace their steps is actually really relatable though.
It Was A Good Day I've seen people on here try to use the details of this song's lyrics to pinpoint the exact date Cube was talking about. It's a simple song, but the simplicity belies some depth. It's pretty telling that to Ice Cube playing basketball and dominoes with his friends is on the same level as not getting harassed by the police or shot.
Millie Pulled A Pistol On Santa De La Soul decided to ditch the fun and games on Millie Pulled A Pistol On Santa. seriously content warning for frank discussion of csa. The tense story of a girl who is brought to the point of desperation because no one will believe that she is being abused. Its dark stuff and extremely well told.
Neighbors J. Cole dodged a bullet when he decided not to actually beef with Kendrick. Which is good cause I actually like Cole's music. Neighbors is about J. Cole tried to move into a nice house in a white neighborhood and got harassed until he was forced to leave. He meditates on the fact that fame can't actually stop the baked in racism at the heart of America.
Hey Mama If you want to know why fans are mourning Kanye or even hoping for him to get better instead of just dropping him like a rock look no further than Hey Mama. This ode to his mother is the sweetest song ever made. I'm kinda glad Donda West didn't have to see what her son turned into.
Just A Friend Biz Markie is the clown prince of hip-hop. his flow is goofy, the beat is kinda wonky, and the story is simple. And then he just kinda yells the hook like he's half drunk. It is either gonna charm you right away or annoy you. Just A Friend is the kind of stupid that I always fall in love with and it's enduring popularity is proof that others feel the same.
Fat Cats, Bigga Fish The Coup are the group that would eventually make the film Sorry To Bother You. Fat Cats, Bigga Fish is a deftly told story whose moral is "stealing is only illegal if you aren't rich"
To Be Continued ===> Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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greypetrel ¡ 6 months
I was gleefully telling my friend about you and showing her your art (she's super into LOTR so I was trying to find those, but got in the wrong tag🤣) and found/shared your Vespa comic. We had a good laugh and she said: "Wait till someone tells them about ROLLER COASTER" and I immediately came over here. WHAT IF someone tells Dorian and Aisling about ROLLER COASTER?? 🤣🤣🤣
Forgive me if it took too long, but this made me laugh so much that I HAD TO draw something.
Also: I'm leaving you the correct tag down here, but the Dark Lady one is "aisling the dark lady AU". You can find all my aus and tags in the character masterpost!
They'd LOVE the idea, of course. A little too much. They. Not most people around them.
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They'll ignore Josephine begging them to please, PLEASE reconsider, think of your reputation, and rush to the Undercroft. Dagna will be over the moon with the plan, of course. Here's the blueprint, and under the cut some other details:
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They found plenty of materials to build it in the Exalted Planes. Someone will have to dispose of all that rubbish after the war ended, right?
"Can't you build it in the Exalted Planes?" "But Josie, if we build it there, how would we experiment on gravity? We'll need to travel there and you see, that would be a great bother and will hinder our research. Also if we have it here, it would improve the moral of the troops greatly! :D"
Dorian's calculations were right. Solas discovered it with the first trial run. Not that any of the -very elated- science bros knew, but he actually started to think that maybe the Veil wasn't that bad of an idea, right there and then. Because can you imagine them WITHOUT THE VEIL? CAN YOU? Thedas wouldn't survive.
In order to make Josie happy, they'll come up with other rides to install around Skyhold:
Teacups will be installed in the upper courtyard. Except they're still a scientific experiment on Centrifugal Force, so they're fast. So fast that the game promises a free foal to everyone who manages not to puke on them. Since the foal is one of Little Brother's, Aisling horse (he made a name for himself in the Western Approach, biting on Venatori's butts, and is generally a prick), the excessive speed is actually considered a good thing. So nobody will win a foal of that horse or will have to tell Aisling that her beloved horse is an asshole.
Cullen's tower will be turned into a haunted house (thanks @ndostairlyrium for the idea). He'll actually contribute in painting the place, and will say that it's very useful to dissuade people to come looking for him if the report isn't REALLY important. "Aren't you scared, tho?" "Please, I was a commanding officer in Kirkwall."
Whack-a-mole in the Tavern's courtyard. The Iron Bull and Cassandra monopolize it and they're so-called nemeses. One day, then, the TRAGEDY: a mysterious person beat their record. No one knows who they are, there's a whole weekend of them playing Sherlock Holmes interrogating everyone around the Keep. (it's Krem.)
Josephine needed one joy, or ONE THING that she can use to sell the Inquisitor to the aristocracy. So Aisling organised something cute and nice for nobles to see and participate in. With horses! She named one of the horses Josephine! Josephine is moved, and from how Aisling describes it, calling it "giostra" because she heard the term from Dorian in vernacular Tevene and can't remember it in Trade for the sake of her, Josie thinks it's a carousel.
It's actually something better, and Josie loves it. (In Italian, "giostra" means a carousel, and also what happens in the video)
(Aisling is the unbeated championess. It's not that people let her win, is that she just can't be beated.)
One day, Dorian will eventually use all the data to calculate how much force they will need on the roller coaster to send a cart into orbit. Aisling will read his notes and find a way to propel the cart strong enough to actually do it.
Sera greatly approves.
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