#you can still see me laughing in the bg when I post it
azurexsnake · 1 year
Vash & I make one of those couple-envy/thirst trappy TikToks to this song and it starts a trend
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
Part 2: re: New Speculation that L&N have been together since Toronto
List of items that I think other armchair detectives will raise:
1) L’s post about “don’t let her ruin our night” - message to N, consistent with theory
2) SATC TT - N captioned this with ‘not you Colin, you’re perfect’ - this is a message to fans to emphasise that she is not the victim in this narrative because people thought L is hard launching gf, distancing himself, etc. “Bridgertons” IG story is N’s attempt to make L laugh.
3) Double Washington Post posts - consistent with theory plus damage control
4) Fallon - I now think N was with him in NYC. The point of this is still damage control, to put focus on him, not for selfish reasons, but to deflect attention away from A and especially N. But dude can’t keep his mouth shut about N 😂
5) Milan/Loewe - I think Milan was planned before break up but L went ahead with it with A because of the agreement. Even though there were some videos that got out, it would appear that there is an attempt to minimize any pap photos of L and A going out (there are speculations that L and team bought them out).  L looked anxious and stressed here while A looked confident as all out.  I think she’s also meant to go in Loewe but with the backlash, she was asked to sit this one out.
 6) LA part 2 - I think this is work related for him and she was planned to go before break up. Went as planned because of agreement and also so that she can explore career options here (we had the birthday party from PR person here, IG follows of LA-based choreographers). A posted LA photos but no arm or hand in sight. First lifeguard on duty photos that were publicly leaked. L captioned La La Land on his one and only post. Note he didn’t use “LA” anymore. Was this an inside joke to N?
7) GQ - networking opportunity for A - she was really in her element here. I think she enjoys being able to rub elbows with celebrities.  His photos on his IG posts were mostly in the dark, is there some symbolism at play here?
8) Italy- group/R birthday trip, weird and awkward behaviours from both L&A – 2nd lifeguard duty photos that were again publicly leaked. We got the whole shebang here: "pap" photos, DM, PM, and BG posts. I have a feeling that this is L’s PR team at work.  I think this is nearing the end of the agreement that is why we’re getting a full-court press.
9) N and N friend group posts including JD – I will post this analysis separately of a pattern that I’m seeing. Pattern is the posts from her side coincided with posts on his side (as in they happen in a specific cluster of days). Almost as if N knows something from his side will be posted and she a) has to distract herself b) distract the fans so that whatever L posts don’t get that much of a backlash c) has to send a secret message to L that she’s doing fine and she’s still 💯 in.
10) The Great Unliking of 2024 – personal reasons … I think he didn’t like the reminder that, at one point (especially now that he’s with N), he wavered on the notion that he and N could be together. Unliking J posts - this is a secret-not-so-secret acknowledgment on when his feelings for N surfaced (read: became undeniable).  This is his way of coming to terms/quietly accepting that this is the date when he clocked out on his J relationship.
Sidebar: I think L, while he is happy with N, is salty with fans. It’s like end of S2 backlash for him again. He is probably thinking why he has become the villain again for events that are not entirely his fault. I think he’s hurting and in disbelief that people believe he can do something as vile as what a lot of folks think about the pap walk (including me initially), that he would actually waste 5 years’ worth of effort, both his and N’s efforts, and disrespect the Bridgerton team and N like that.
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lukolabrainrot · 2 months
Part 2: re: New Speculation that L&N have been together since Toronto
List of items that I think other armchair detectives will raise:
1) L’s post about “don’t let her ruin our night” - message to N, consistent with theory
2) SATC TT - N captioned this with ‘not you Colin, you’re perfect’ - this is a message to fans to emphasise that she is not the victim in this narrative because people thought L is hard launching gf, distancing himself, etc. “Bridgertons” IG story is N’s attempt to make L laugh.
3) Double Washington post posts - consistent with theory plus damage control
4) Fallon - I now think N was with him in NYC. The point of this is still damage control, to put focus on him, not for selfish reasons, but to deflect attention away from A and especially N. But dude can’t keep his mouth shut about N 😂
5) Milan/Loewe - I think Milan was planned before break up but L went ahead with it with A because of the agreement. Even though there were some videos that got out, it would appear that there is an attempt to minimize any pap photos of L and A going out (there are speculations that L and team bought them out).  L looked anxious and stressed here while A looked confident as all out.  I think she’s also meant to go in Loewe but with the backlash, she was asked to sit this one out.
 6) LA part 2 - I think this is work related for him and she was planned to go before break up. Went as planned because of agreement and also so that she can explore career options here (we had the birthday party from PR person here). A posted LA photos but no arm or hand in sight. First lifeguard on duty photos that were publicly leaked. L captioned La La Land on his one and only post. Note he didn’t use “LA” anymore. Is this an inside joke to N?
7) GQ - networking opportunity for A - she was really in her element here. I think she enjoys being able to rub elbows with celebrities.  His photos on his IG posts were mostly in the dark, is there some symbolism at play here?
8) Italy - group trip, weird and awkward behaviours from both L&A – 2nd lifeguard duty photos that were again publicly leaked. We got the whole shebang here: pap photos, DM, PM, and BG posts. I have a feeling that this is L’s PR team at work.  I think this is nearing the end of the agreement that is why we’re getting a full-court press.
9) N and N friend group posts including JD – I will post this analysis separately of a pattern that I’m seeing. Pattern is the posts from her side coincided with posts on his side (as in they happen in a specific cluster of days). Almost as if N knows something from his side will be posted and she a) has to distract herself b) distract the fans so that whatever L posts don’t get that much of a backlash c) has to send a secret message to L that she’s doing fine and she’s still 💯 in.
10) The Great Unliking of 2024 – personal reasons … I think he didn’t like the reminder that, at one point (especially now that he’s with N), he wavered on the notion that he and N could be together. Unliking J posts - this is a secret-not-so-secret acknowledgment on when his feelings for N surfaced (read: became undeniable).  This is his way of coming to terms/quietly accepting that this is the date when he clocked out on his J relationship.
Sidebar: I think L, while he is happy with N, is salty with fans. It’s like end of S2 backlash for him again. He is probably thinking why he has become the villain again for events that are not entirely his fault. I think he’s hurting and in disbelief that people believe he can do something as vile as what a lot of folks think about the pap walk (including me initially), that he would actually waste 4 years’ worth of effort, both his and N’s efforts, and disrespect the Bridgerton team and N like that.
25 notes · View notes
[CN] Victor’s Luolan Date (Eng Translation)
“It appears I’ve already found the rose from the legend, one that will never wither.”
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⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 楼兰之约, that is yet to be released on the global server! ♡
【Subbed Video】    
[Anika's Notes]: tbh ig the VAs were told to soften their voice 10x than usual for this event LOL. The amount of nonverbal sounds—— 😩 also, since Tumblr wants to reduce my workload LOL and won’t allow more than 30 pics, PLS DO WATCH the video for the god-tier voice acting, new bgs, the bgms and sprite alterations too~💕
【Transcript Version】
【Chapter 1】
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Victor: If you keep crying for any longer, your eyes might become swollen.
MC: [sobbing]  The ending was simply too unfair. Who can resist crying…
Through the hazy veil of tears, I see the lights in the living room flicker on.
The time-traveling drama I’ve been following all summer aired its series finale tonight. Victor even joined me in watching the web series together after getting off work.
We were chatting about the storyline just fine, until the final scene when my tears began streaming down uncontrollably––
Upon returning to the present day, the heroine enters Luolan once again, only to discover that the once prosperous city has eroded into the long river of time.
But the rose that the Prince of Luolan had carved outside the palace walls still blossoms on the crumbling ruins, quietly awaiting her for a thousand years.
Victor places a towel, radiating warm steam, over my eyes, gradually soothing my emotions.
MC: Don’t you find it beautiful?
Victor: Carving a rose into a stone is quite romantic. I can understand why you like it.
MC: I see absolutely no hint of being moved on your face…
He slightly furrows his brows in response to what sounded like an odd statement to him.
Victor: You’re not expecting us both to cuddle up and cry our eyes off, are you?
A rather peculiar image flashes through my mind, and I can’t help but burst into laughter.
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Victor: Crying one moment and laughing the next. Your emotions are truly fickle.
MC: Precisely. Compared with my vivid and overt emotional display, this audience member’s emotions are too composed.
Victor: The selling point of all time-travel dramas mostly revolves around the theme that love can transcend time and space, with endings that can either be joyful or sorrowful.
Victor: This ending was predictable.
MC: But this series is adapted from the legend of the last prince of Loulan!
MC: Additionally, in the last century, a foreign explorer claimed to have seen flower-shaped carved patterns on the stone tiles at the Luolan ruins.
Victor listens quietly, then turns his gaze to me after a brief pause.
Victor: So, is this why you want to visit the Loulan ruins?
MC: Well, it’s not the sole reason. The legend of Luolan’s overnight disappearance has been widely known as a mystical tale. I was originally–– hang on, how did you know I wanted to go there?
The answer to my question is a document he hands to me. Upon closer look, I realize it’s actually the official permit granting access to enter the Luolan ruins.
MC: Why do you have this document too?
Victor: …dummy, it’s yours. Could they have sent it to the wrong person?
I flip through a few pages, and sure enough, find my full name written in the applicant’s box.
MC: I had just woken up when I filled in the address… I guess I subconsciously thought it would be safer to have it sent to you?
Victor: Sweet talker.
He raps my head.
Victor: But I heard that it’s no longer open for public visits.
MC: Yes, indeed~ Currently, only teams on scientific expeditions or those with permits are allowed in.
MC: The conditions for obtaining the permit are so incredibly stringent. I even tried leveraging all my connections, but still couldn’t succeed!
Hearing my words, he gives me a sidelong glance but doesn’t interrupt my unceasing torrent of complacent monologue.
MC: Luckily, I was able to negotiate a documentary collaboration with the local government and received an invitation for sightseeing~ I even signed multiple agreements to protect cultural relics.
Victor: No wonder a certain dummy’s tail is raised high into the sky; it indeed was no easy feat. However––
Victor: [sulking] You just said you had leveraged all your connections. How come I don’t remember myself being among those connections you leveraged?
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MC: Because this was meant to be my Qixi Festival surprise for you…
【Chapter 2】
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Victor: Is this abrupt emergency break also a part of the surprise?
He pinches up the coffee-spattered shirt clinging to his body and stares at me sitting in the driver’s seat, lost for words.
MC: That pit just now was really too tricky…!
Just a few short hours ago, we landed at Luolan Airport. However, upon arrival, we were informed by the airline that our checked luggage had been delayed in the transit city and wouldn’t be delivered until two days later.
To avoid delaying our itinerary, we agreed to deal with the matter of collecting them on our way back. With that settled, I confidently got into the driver’s seat of the RV, and alongside Victor, embarked on a self-driven journey into the desert.
Yet, as expected, things aren’t as uncomplicated as I initially thought.
Looking at his shirt– practically soaked through and with coffee still dripping from it– I promptly grab some tissues and wipe it off for him.
The next second, my gaze suddenly falls upon the carry-on suitcase on the luggage rack. My eyes light up, leading me to pause in my actions.
MC: Why not take it off and wash it immediately? Although, while waiting for the clothes to dry, it seems like you’ll have to either be completely naked––
Unsurprisingly, as I deliberately prolong the final note, his reaction of furrowing his brows is true to my expectations.
MC: Or you could wear the couple’s outfit I packed inside the carry-on luggage for taking photos~
Victor: It seems like occasionally; one can still count on––
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However, as soon as I take out two sets of lavish Western Region attire, his voice ceases to be heard.
The gold-plated ornaments chime with a delicate tinkling sound, aggravating the crease between his brows.
Victor: What are these?
MC: Compared to my dancer’s attire, yours is actually a collaboration with the museum, an exact 1:1 replica of the half-sleeved garment worn by the Prince of Loulan back in the day~
Victor: So?
Seeing that he is unmoved, I extend my hand and point to the sign denoting the “uninhabited area” by the roadside.
MC: There’s no place to purchase clothes around here. If you don’t change soon, that coffee stain won’t come off. And then, regardless of what outfit you wear on the return trip, it’ll end up on the news––
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MC: 《The CEO of LFG’s Grand Cosplay Elevates Airport Fashion》 or 《The CEO of LFG Spotted in Stained Shirt - Speculations of Bankruptcy》. Your choice?
After quite a while, he compromises with a sigh, taking the clothes from me and walking towards the bathroom at the back of the RV.
Not long after, the sound of water seems to quiet down. In anticipation, I turn my head––
The soft crimson robe barely conceals the glimpses of sculpted and muscular contours underneath, complemented by intricate gold ornaments that adorn him with an air of regal nobility and grace.
Faced with my unblinking gaze fixated on him, he displays a somewhat unnatural expression, which is rarely seen on his face.
Victor: Why aren’t you changing?
MC: [still busy gaping]  What?
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Victor: Why am I the only one wearing the couple’s outfit?
MC: Okay, okay, I’ll “accompany” you.
Watching the awkward expression on his face, I can’t contain my laughter and let out a chuckle. Just before his gaze can shoot my way, I hurriedly grab my attire and head to the bathroom.
The desert weather is always fluctuating and unpredictable. Right after I finish changing my clothes, I notice a sudden sandstorm brewing outside the window.
Seemingly catching a sound, his gaze lingers on me for a brief moment, and an almost imperceptible tenderness crests on the arches of his brows.
With the scope visibility diminished, Victor assumes control of the steering wheel, deftly maintaining a steady distance from the swirling sand and wind.
After who knows how long, we finally spot a single-story house coming into view at the end of the yellow sand. Brimming with excitement, I tap the navigation icon to zoom in and get a closer look.
MC: It’s the cultural relics preservation station!
Initially, our intention was only to charge the RV. But with the yellow sand swirling around, we find ourselves invited by the stationed personnel, Maizi, to come inside and rest for a bit.
Just as we step inside, a dense mass of sand and stones outside the window surges forward, closing in rapidly.
The sandstorm has begun.
Thoughts of how an entire kingdom was once buried under this very sand spring to mind, and an instinctive fear begins to loom large within me.
The delicate brick house trembles subtly amidst the raging wind, and at this moment, a crisp sound resounds in my ears.
Several pairs of shimmering gold-plated earrings illuminate my dusky field of view. Taking note of my reaction, Maizi places them in front of me.
Maizi: Don’t be scared. Here, we’ve been wearing these kinds of earrings since childhood. They’re like protective charms for children in the desert.
As Maizi speaks, she turns slightly and shows me her earrings. The luster has dimmed a touch, suggesting she’s been wearing them for a long time.
Maizi: These are the ones I made for my kids. If you don’t mind, would you guys like to choose two pairs?
MC: Thank you, but it’s alright.
With a hint of bashfulness, I gesture with my hand and point at Victor’s ears.
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MC: Besides, my boyfriend doesn’t have ear piercings.
Maizi: It’s no problem. My eldest son doesn’t have ear piercings either.
With a smile, Maizi offers me a pair of clip-on earrings.
Maizi: Consider them as a wish for your safety and well-being. Take them.
As the sandstorm eases up, not wanting to impose any longer, we say our goodbyes and ultimately accept the two pairs of earrings before returning to the RV.
Perhaps due to how terrifyingly unnerving the sandstorm was, Victor doesn’t refuse when I offer to help him wear the clip-on earrings after he’s put the earrings on me.
I take up the clip-on earring and carefully trace my finger over his earlobe to figure out its placement. However, after spending a good amount of time, I still don’t find the ideal position I’m entirely satisfied with.
Victor: Still not done?
MC: Have a little patience. I don’t seem to recall rushing you when you gifted me earrings for the first time~
[Tidbits]: AHHH YESSS the call back to their first “kiss” kiss date– “Dazzling Date” 🥺
At long last, I find the right spot and fasten the clip. Following this, I can’t help myself and imitate the past actions in my memories, gently cradling his face and leaning in to take a closer look.
The glistening golden pieces dance softly. However, in the next second, a subtle blush at the corner of his eyes captures my attention.
Seeing this, I mischievously continue leaning closer and closer to him. As I catch a momentary hitch in his steady breathing, I deliberately reach out to stroke his earlobe.
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MC: Oh gosh, could you be allergic to metal? The corners of your eyes have turned red. Maybe I should take them off…
Before the words fully leave my mouth, I find myself abruptly pulled into his arms.
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Victor: They’re on just fine, don’t mess with them.
His arms tighten around me a little more, and I obediently nestle into his embrace, letting the cocoon of safety enfold me.
The swirling underlying tension caused by the dreadful weather finally dissipates, akin to feathers drifting in the air. As drowsiness slowly sweeps over me, I register the sound of my last question being put into words.
MC: Victor, what if we can’t find the remains? What should we do then?
Victor: If we don’t find them this time, we will come back next time.
【Chapter 3】
[Anika’s Notes]: While I’ll talk about this later, just wanted to say— that the way we get a mere glimpse into how extreme level of PTSD this man has given MC from the main story like— I’m counting fingers for the number of times she got nightmares when he isn’t next to her— (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)
A man sits in solitude beneath the palace walls, gazing towards the east for a long, long time.
He has probably repeated the act of carving a million times before. It seems as if the carving knife in his hand has a soul of its own now, each stroke finding its mark with precision, etching deep scars.
Fresh blood trickles down along the blade’s edge, staining the rose with a blood-red hue. Yet, he appears unresponsive to the pain, persistently carving stroke after stroke.
Only when the red headscarf is lifted by the wind does a familiar face emerge before my eyes.
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MC: Victor!
I reach out in a panic to touch him, but a sudden onslaught of sand and wind surges forth, engulfing him in the blink of an eye.
Startled awake from the nightmare, I instinctively reach my hand to my side, only to find nothing but an empty space.
Victor is not in the car.
Amidst the boundless silence, a distant chime of camel bells suddenly reaches me. Compelled by the sound, I push open the car door––
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The sandstorm has ceased at some point, revealing a sky that’s now crystal clear and brilliantly bright.
The curtain of dusk hangs low, but the luminous moon has already ascended in the vault of the heavens, radiating its brilliance alongside the sun.
Among the endless sand dunes, Victor, attired in exquisite garments, guides a pure white camel through the terrain, advancing his way through the light.
Stretching behind him, across the infinite expanse of Lop Desert, stands several silent, solitary, and enigmatic remnants of ancient civilizations.
The breeze dances by, causing his knuckles to gently clasp the upper garment brushing against his grave and stern visage, setting the accessories on his splendid attire to chime with delicate, tinkling sounds.
Perhaps dazzled by the light, he squints his slender eyes and immediately spots my presence. He appears slightly taken aback, but then quickens his stride as he approaches my direction.
In the boundless landscape, with each step he takes toward me, I feel as if he is crossing through a thousand years to reach me.
The scene from the dream resurfaces in my mind once again, and before I can even fully comprehend it, I’m already sprinting toward him with large strides.
I practically crash into his arms.
Victor: [breathes sharply]  Running so fast––
Seeing that I’m breathless and staring fixedly at him without even blinking my eyes, he freezes for a moment. Then, as if realizing something, he envelops me in his arms.
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Victor: The Luolan ruins we are heading to are in that direction. We can’t drive there, so I borrowed a camel from Maizi for transportation. 
Victor: It was released to wander in the desert, and I needed to go and guide it back myself. You seemed to be sleeping so soundly, so I didn’t wake you up.
His words are extremely slowed, spoken one at a time. Listening to him, rather than an explanation, it sounds more like he is comforting me.
MC: You weren’t here just now and… I had this strange dream.
With his questioning eyes upon me, I feel compelled to respond honestly.
MC: I dreamt that you turned into the Prince of Loulan and were swept away by the sand...
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Victor: [sighs with infinite indulgence and helplessness]  …
MC: You find this amusing?
Hearing my grumbling, he finally can’t hold back a muffled chuckle, drawing his arms around me a little tighter.
Victor: Have you confirmed it now?  – that I haven’t been swept away by the sand?
MC: Who knows, maybe you had gotten swept away! And it was this camel that rescued you and brought you back.
I huff angrily and bicker with him, effectively dispelling the uneasiness that the nightmare had triggered.
However, the camel seems to have caught on something, suddenly swaying its head and coming closer to me.
Momentarily taken aback, I then laugh in spite of myself and reach out to pat it. This gesture seems to act as a signal of some sort, prompting it to obediently lower itself to the ground.
MC: Huh, could it be that I have a natural talent for taming camels?
Victor: It’s more likely a stroke of luck.
As he speaks, he nimbly mounts the camel’s saddle and reaches out to hug me, lifting me up onto it alongside him.
The camel stands up in due course and suddenly leaps into the air, prompting me to let out a subconscious cry of exclamation.
MC: Whoa!
Victor: Hold onto me firmly and sit tight.
After he tugs on the reins, the camel pivots to change its direction and heads toward the ruins.
Probably due to Victor’s presence, I swiftly adapt to the bumpy ride. I even begin swaying my ornaments to create a pleasant sound, echoing in harmony with the camel’s bells.
MC: I feel like I’m a dancer being offered to the Prince of Luolan~
Victor: How come I’m not aware of any dynasty where a prince would rush out of the palace to welcome a dancer?
His teasing leaves me momentarily dumbfounded. It takes me quite a while before I open my mouth to speak, unwilling to resign myself.
MC: I never said the Prince of Luolan is you.
For an instant, Victor seems to stiffen up. When he speaks again, his tone takes on a slight rigidity.
Victor: [sulking] Who is he, then?
MC: …that’s not the important point!
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MC: The important point is that you’re the Mr. Husband of my dreams– whom I’ve long set my heart on, and now you’re stealing me away to elope.
Victor: Childish.
A gentle tap lands on my head, and as I tilt my head up, I find myself ensnared by the light of his tender eyes.
MC: You clearly look really happy~
He doesn’t banter any further and only gives a tug on the reins, prompting the camel’s steps to become a bit brisker.
Receding into the distance amid the boundless expanse swept by the northern breeze, the glory and decline, the prosperity and withering of ancient Luolan have long frozen into eternal slumber.
MC: How wonderful!
Victor: What’s got you so moved again?
MC: The weather has cleared, which is wonderful. We’re heading to the ruins without any hiccups, which is also wonderful. But the most wonderful thing is having you by my side, chatting about all sorts of nonsense.
MC: No matter what, everything is wonderful as long as Victor is around.
The jingling tinkle of camel bells accompanies his gentle laughter close to my ears.
Victor: It’s only possible with a certain dummy around.
As the outlines of the ruins become distinct, I turn my head back in exhilaration.
MC: Even if I have to turn this place upside down, I’ll find that stone-carved rose!
His gaze lingers briefly on my arms waving around in excitement, and then he arches an eyebrow.
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Victor: It appears crucial for me to remind you that you signed agreements for the preservation of cultural relics. If you do turn this place upside down––
Victor: I won’t be able to save you, even if I were to sell LFG.
【Chapter 4】
MC: …it’s all completely weathered away.
As I look at the historical ruins of the ancient kingdom before my eyes, which have gradually been devoured into nothingness by the endless expanse of yellow sand, I can’t resist pouting my lips.
MC: Locating the ruins of the imperial palace itself is akin to a far-fetched tale, let alone finding the stone-carved rose.
Victor: Why are you so hung up on that legend?
MC: Just a bit of anticipation, you know. After all, you see, If I were in that position, I’d surely leave behind some traces for you.
MC: The speculation is that the woman in the tales possessed an Evol similar to yours, which led her to go there. But, due to certain factors, she had no choice but to leave.
Victor: It won’t be the same.
He softly counters my statement, his gaze filled with seriousness.
MC: Hm?
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Victor: With me, those factors you mentioned won’t come into existence.
A warm and fuzzy feeling suddenly envelopes my heart. I grin, drawing closer to him.
MC: Guess there’s no way around it. It seems I have no choice but to concede that the legend is, indeed, bogus.
He pauses for a moment, and his lips twitch. But in the end, he doesn’t say anything. Soon, a glimmer of a smile sparkles in his eyes, and immediately after, he tightly clasps my hand.
While I’m still in the midst of my puzzlement, a sudden glaring sunlight makes me reflexively squint my eyes. And then, a hot and humid breeze, carrying an exotic fragrance, hits me in the next moment.
After struggling to open my eyes, I curiously peer in the direction of the light, only to find myself frozen right where I’m standing––
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Before my eyes lay a quaint-style courtyard adorned with fragrant blossoms. A flowing river winds its way through, its glistening waves reflecting in the sunlight with water that is clear and pristine, hosting schools of fish swimming within.
Compared to me who is filled with utter incredulity, Victor’s expression remains unchanged as if the current sight before us holds no element of astonishment for him.
Could this be a mirage? Puzzled, I gingerly brush the river’s water with the tips of my toes. The cool sensation of the flowing stream leaves me bewildered, prompting me to lift my gaze to the person next to me.
MC: Victor, am I dreaming again?
Victor: Just earlier, didn’t a certain someone say that she wanted me to take her away to elope?
He smiles as he looks at me, and in his eyes, the magnificent beauty and grand scenery of an ancient landscape are reflected.
The lofty dome of the circular palace hall is embellished with ceramic glazed tiles on its overhanging eaves, each detail unmistakably declaring the opulent and prestigious nature of this place.
Atop the roof stands a wooden pagoda reminiscent of those unique to ancient Luolan, and a lush canopy of greenery veils the gray-red palace walls I’ve seen in the drama.
A somewhat daring conjecture surfaces in my mind.
MC: This wouldn’t be the Imperial Palace of Luolan, is it?
Seeing the originator of all this noncommittally raise an eyebrow, I feel my heart tighten and rush to examine him thoroughly, circling around him.
MC: [anxiously, PTSD x2]  A-are you feeling any discomfort?
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Victor: [?? laughs helplessly. *screams* DO YOU SEE HOW BADLY YOU GAVE HER AND US MAIN STORY PTSD––] Dummy. I’m not that fragile.
Victor: As long as we manage to sidestep the butterfly effect and avoid impacting the course of history––
Probably noticing that I’m tensely staring into his eyes again, he slips my restless hand into his palm and gives it a gentle squeeze.
Victor: Don’t be so anxious. There won’t be anyone else here for the time being.
Hearing him say this, I poke my head out and gaze at the rare and magnificent view that lay before me.
MC: So, can we take photos?
Victor: Ask your phone.
But I soon realize that my phone is entirely frozen on the lock screen interface and is refusing to respond whatsoever, leaving me with no choice but to resentfully lower my hand.
MC: The phone says it’s not possible…
Victor: That being the case, simply keep your eyes wide open and commit it to your memory.
I let him lead me toward the depths of the courtyard, and along the way, we see the flowers bloom all the more luxuriantly. Unwittingly, I find myself mesmerized by the vista.
It’s not until a glazed table adorned with delicacies and fine wines appears amidst the blossoms that I stop in my tracks in astonishment.
–– Everything unfolding before my eyes is gradually starting to align with the scenes from the time-travel drama in my memories.
MC: It turns out that the drama is actually so detailed. It seems that I, who diligently watched every episode without exception, am about to become a walking encyclopedia of Luolan––
From the garden on the other side of the wall, there suddenly comes voices of conversation. I hastily hush and excitedly prick up my ears to listen to their dispute.
However, all that reaches my ears are unfamiliar and garbled sounds, and soon I start feeling my head beginning to spin a little. Once the women have walked farther away, I find I’m already frowning without even realizing it.
Victor: Looks like a certain encyclopedia trained through time-travel dramas is really just a half-filled bucket of water sloshing around.
MC: Says who!
[Anika’s tidbits]: HAHA as you guys know, I’ve long stopped explaining the thousands of idioms and intricate phrases Li Zeyan writers use unless they’re absolutely necessary/ crucial– or else my translation notes would be bigger than the content itself LOL– and this is one of those and it’s one of my favs 😂 the full idiom phrase is “一桶水不响, 半桶水晃荡” – it literally means while a full bucket of water doesn’t make noise as it is heavy and stable, a half-filled bucket sloshes around– i.e. those wisest among us prefer being quiet and are self-confident, while those who are in the less wise/ smarter group often try to compensate their lack of knowledge/ understanding by asserting that they do~ 💀
Displeased with his jest, I swiftly focus my gaze on a copper utensil.
MC: Believe it or not, this was designed for storing spices, and it’s a very rare and expensive item.
I open the lid as I speak, and sure enough, a strong and fragrant aroma assails my nostrils. I can’t help but lift my chin complacently.
Victor: [laughs indulgently]  Alright, I underestimated a certain dummy.
I vaguely feel that the aroma is somewhat familiar, so I lean in to take a whiff, and a powerful fragrance of mugwort instantly invades the tip of my nose.
MC: [sneezes]  Ah-choo!
I rub my nose and look up, only to find that I have blown most of the scented powder onto Victor’s body, causing his figure to be coated with a drizzle of white.
The next second, he narrows his eyes and swiftly scoops me behind him. The smell of bone-chilling danger subtly spreads through the air.
MC: You’re not angry––?
Victor: Hush.
Looking in the direction of his gaze, I instantly become dumbstruck where I’m standing.
A massive leopard is peering at us from beneath the poplar tree, its face obscured by the shade of the tree, its pupils gleaming with an eerie and chilly light.
MC: L-Leopard…
Victor: [smiling]  I’m familiar with it.
Despite being faced with a ferocious beast, this man actually still has the mood to crack jokes!
MC: But according to historical accounts, this should be one of those leopards raised in captivity by the royals and aristocrats. It’s probably quite docile… it wouldn’t eat us, right?
Victor: [still smiling]  Being raised in captivity doesn’t mean it has lost its ability to hunt.
Seeing the leopard arch its back, fear grips me so hard that I cling tightly to his arm.
MC: Do we still have a chance to slip away secretly?
Victor: [still smiling]  We’ve already made direct eye contact within its territory. Stay calm for now.
Pressing my hand against my wildly thudding heart, I raise my gaze to see it take a whiff of the air and then proceed to saunter leisurely in our direction.
After a while, it approaches Victor and sniffs gently. My heart leaps to my throat, but leaving me stupefied, it actually lays down, its shape reminiscent of a fluffy cushion. It even nuzzles him affectionately with its head.
What follows is a fuzzy ticklish sensation, and I stare in startled shock as the leopard’s tail merrily swishes against my lower leg.
MC: …didn’t we just make eye contact with it? Yet you’ve actually managed to tame it?
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I cast an incredulous glance at Victor, while he is staring at the incense burner with furrowed brows.
Victor: This scented powder probably isn’t intended for human application.
The enormous creature rolls over, laying bare its soft belly, exceedingly similar to the way Pudding behaves coquettishly after sucking on catnip.
Victor: It might not necessarily be us who drew it here. This fragrance is not just on me.
It’s only now that I realize a subtle aroma of mugwort is also lingering in the air. Following the fragrance, my eyes land on one side of the path lined with densely grown nepeta herbs. I immediately heave a sigh of relief.
At this moment, the leopard flexes its limbs in an inviting gesture, signaling for Victor to pet it. As I watch his rare expression of being at a loss for what to do, I can’t help but break into laughter.
Victor: [laughs helplessly]  …look at what good deed you’ve done!
MC: Being approached by an imperial leopard is a rare blessing that can never be obtained even if one beseeched it.
[Anika’s tidbits]: ANOTHER ONE OF MY MOST FAV PHRASES EVER! The term MC uses here is 求都求不来 (qiu dui qui bu lai), which is a play on this phrase: 可遇不可求 (ke yu bu ke qui), which means “can only be obtained (serendipitously) but not be sought after” – which paints the perfect imagery for “destiny, sth/sb being destined for someone”~ and a very important thing to note, which I’ll come back to later. 🥺 
Likely attributed to my overly bright gloating, Victor curls his fingers as he pinches up a small amount of the scented powder, which he then dabs on my face.
Sure enough, the leopard turns around and nuzzles against me. Seeing that I’m not putting up any resistance, it then straightens itself up and buries me completely in its soft fur.
MC: …ngh, Victor! Save me!
Victor: Nope. This “rare blessing that can never be obtained even if one beseeched it” is now being given to you.
Nudged by the leopard, I’m prompted to draw a few steps back, and as I let out a startled cry and tumble backward, I find myself landing in a soft embrace.
Amused, Victor pats the leopard on the head, and it obediently sits back down on the ground, reminiscent of a docile house kitten.
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Even as he enfolds me in his arms and sits us both down on the grassy lawn, I remain a bit indignant.
MC: Why does it only listen to you! We both clearly have the same scent.
At this moment, I happen to glimpse at the golden silk embroidery on his clothes shimmering in the sunlight. I then contemplatively look at my own dress, which is somewhat plain.
Victor: You don’t think it’s because of the clothes, do you?
MC: …who can say, perhaps its owner has clothes identical to yours.
Victor: Well, a certain someone must be thinking to herself, “Had I known earlier, I would’ve chosen a fancy princess gown for myself.”
Seeing me choked silly by his spot-on guess of my thoughts, he studies me with even more and more interest.
Victor: [IN THE MOST DOTING AND ADORABLE VOICE EVER]  But however you slice it, a certain dummy still looks like a certain dummy.
Disgruntled, I lean closer to the water’s surface to check my reflection. A pouty face suddenly jumps out at me, which indeed is in disharmony with the dancer’s attire.
However, when I turn around and notice the wine cups on the table, an idea immediately strikes me.
I pick up a cup and lean in to bring it to his lips, working hard to make my voice sound soft and enticing as I speak.
MC: Your Highness~
He pauses for a brief moment, almost imperceptibly, before swiftly locking eyes with me.
Victor: There’s no wine in the cup.
MC: …you spoilsport!
Huffing, I sit up straight from his arms and shoot him a glare.
MC: Isn’t it because I’m afraid that if I spill the wine just like I sneezed earlier, it could result in altering the details of the history!
Victor, however, lightly quirks the corners of his lips, pours the glass to the brim with wine, and once again draws me closer to his side.
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Victor: What did you want to do to me? Go on.
MC: You…
Before I can fully comprehend why he is being so cooperative at this moment, I feel a gentle force gripping my chin up.
I find myself falling into those serenely deep and unceasingly approaching pupils, and my breathing becomes rapid, beyond my control.
Victor: Weren’t you quite bold just a moment ago?
Victor: Seeing how you’re being so tentative like this, do you want me to teach you how one should drink this wine?
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My slightly trembling hand is gently lifted by him with an irresistible force, and the small wine cup is soon raised to the level of my eyebrows and then even higher.
His fingers trace a slow path from my wrist to the palm of my hand, making the wine in the cup ripple, mirroring the swaying of my heart in tandem.
Just as his waywardly mischievous fingers are about to enter between the crevices of mine, he applies a slight pressure. The teetering fine liquid finally spills out, and the cool sensation quietly trickles down my forearm.
Along with the soft sensation, a rush of warmth suddenly washes over me. I stare wide-eyed, completely unguarded, and am rooted to the spot.
That pair of deep eyes, which has been fixed on me all along, makes it clear that he has no intention whatsoever of letting me go.
The scorching tip of his tongue gently licks and sucks on the continuously dripping nectar-like fine liquid, sending a wave of tingling shivers coursing throughout my entire body. 
The incessantly rising, delicate sensation of itchiness makes me a bit restless. I have the urge to escape, yet simultaneously, I can’t help myself from pandering to it.
He looks at me with slightly half-lidded eyes, his lips curling up into a triumphant arc of someone getting their way.
Victor: Have you learned it now, dummy?
MC: !
I suddenly snap back to my senses and hastily pull my hand back, tossing the ceramic glazed cup back onto the table as if I were holding a hot potato.
MC: W-What am I learning this for…
Victor: Clearly, it was a certain someone who started it first––
Before the words even leave his mouth, I notice a skylark swooping down. Seeing this, he swiftly pulls me to the side to dodge.
While I’m still amidst my puzzlement, a black shadow suddenly flashes before my eyes. Much to my astonishment, the leopard has scampered into the air to catch the bird.
“Clang” –– the table is abruptly turned upside down by it, sending fruits and vegetables tumbling and leaving the cups and dishes in a complete disarray.
When I see him calmly looking at the spilled wine, as if he’d already foreseen it, I realize where his confidence in pouring the wine earlier came from.
And also, the uniqueness of this “trip.”
Looking up at this world that doesn’t belong to me, I can’t bear to tear my eyes away from the courtyard blooming with vibrant and luxuriant flowers––
The abounding blossoms of crimson pomegranate adorn the trees, while the light purple clovers form dense clusters, and the red lotus stretches wantonly by the riverbank…
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MC: I’m still finding it hard to believe that I’m able to see the ancient Luolan with my own eyes…
Victor: So, have you found what you were searching for?
At his reminder, I belatedly recall the original purpose that I had cast to the back of my mind.
After casting a surveying glance all around, I don’t find that rosy color I was expecting to see and can only gaze at him with a sense of bitterness.
Victor: During this period, roses hadn’t been cultivated yet.
As if he can sense what I’m thinking, he explains in a calm tone.
MC: So that means, the stone-carved rose doesn’t exist either… Since you knew this all along, why did you go through such great pains to bring me here?
Victor: Compared to simply answering you whether the legend is true or false, bringing you here to see for yourself is more just.
Victor: In this boundless universe, there will always be a kind of beauty worthy of a certain dummy’s pure yearning.
Only at this moment do I realize that this voyage across time and space is precisely his answer.
MC: You… don’t you think it was quite naïve of me?
Victor: I do. But it’s also a precious trait of a certain dummy, and I think I can help you maintain it in moderation.
My heart suddenly turns into a mush. I settle my gaze on the edge of his lips before lifting my head and kissing him.
The aroma of wine and fragrance of flowers gradually fade away, and I find myself drenched only in his pleasant scent. Amidst our closely interwoven breaths, time seems to slow to a crawl, stretching ever so slowly.
It’s not until the familiar dryness lingers around the tip of my nose that I slowly open my eyes, slightly gasping for breath. What greets my eyes is the view of the endless sand dunes.
Apt to the occasion, my phone starts vibrating and powers up automatically. Only ten minutes have passed.
I feel as if I have just woken up from a dream. I gaze at Victor in a trance, and the rose-colored kiss mark on his lips enters my field of view, making me unable to help the smile spreading across my face.
MC: It appears I’ve already found the rose from the legend, one that will never wither.
In those eyes, brimming with unending tenderness, I see him lowering himself——
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Victor: Then, allow it to bloom for a little while longer.
[Anika’s Analysis & Ramblings]
twitter thread link: ♡
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lovelettersarchive · 5 months
Entry #9: Om's birthday.
[Mondayday || May 6/2024 || nighttime.]
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About Sunday/5 May/2024: after morning routine I started writing tumblr post after 10am. I collected lyrics and wrote meaning + started searching for pictures after scrolling on pinterest for hours, created moodboards out of those pictures (because there's limit of 10 pictures and 1 video) wrote everything I could think of despite having terrible headache because of sleep deprivation. Till lunch I couldn't think of how I should I portray this wish then I thought of last year's birthday wish and thought of chennai express and that's how I came up with "gujarat express" idea and started writing important parts. After that I collected pictures and videos according to his vibes from pinterest after scrolling so much once again. At the end I decided to add a video, I searched for it but I didn't like the song so I changed it. After that Created 3 edits as always, even though it was hard for me to decide bg music for those edits. After that I wrote paragraph for his dm, wrote few lines for his each birthday, from 1 to 20. And it was already 12:00am.
He came to my dm before 12am but I was still editing tumblr post and at 12:00am I wished him happy birthday first and posted that tumblr post as always and told him to see tumblr post. He came here to read it and I went to mention him my instagram stories. I came back and he was still reading that post because it was lengthier than I thought. He came to my dm, was so overwhelmed with emotions and was lose for words. So I sent him that mini letter I wrote for his each birthday, he loved it and laughed because I made it kinda casual and wholesome, no big lines or words but just my thoughts. I let him process though he kept saying how happy he was and how lucky he was to have me and writer's love is one of a kind and by then it was already 01:30, I kept him in my dm for that long before he went to see my instagram stories. He liked those edits as well, he came back to me and kept talking and complimenting me for whatever I did for him till 02:44am and we fell asleep. He talked about each and every line I wrote for him like he couldn't decide which part was his favorite, all these because I can't call him or face time with him or send him vns(my family is strict). So I try to make up with my writing.
In the morning I sent him gujarati playlist I created for him specially with good morning text and afternoon came he went to shopping with his cousins and family. He texted me and asked me to select an outfit for him because he couldn't decide which one he should buy and so I chose for him. At evening he went out with his relative's family to celebrate his birthday and I'm happy that he's enjoying his birthday like this.
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Why do I can't stop myself from writing about him? I ended up writing about him once again. See...
They said "Go where you feel the most alive."
And I hid into his embrace.
...And when he speaks, I can feel hope crawling out of my lifeless chest.
They say you can't reach to the stars but that's wrong. I see stars in his eyes whenever he talks about his dreams.
He is what a lost poet wants to write about but can't, happiness.
If he'd tell me to kneel I wouldn't dare to look up.
He has taken over my mind, my heart and my soul like devil takes over sinner's prayers.
If I were to get locked up in one room without a way out, I would create stories for him in my mind to keep me alive till the end. –Simran.
To my past self: I found something better than your books, inspiration for writing. And that's because of him, Om.
To my future self: I know that you won't stop writing about him because now he has blended our souls and only death can stop my pen.
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rui-drawsbox · 1 year
Hi um I really like the Arashi magical girl au so I hope it's alright if I talk a bit about what's in my head. I wrote down a few scenarios and did a quick storyboard for one (will draw everything out later). er here one of the scenarios I wrote (don't wanna make this post too long)
Scenario based on how Nazuna left Shu and how Mika does the same later
Mika: I still remember that day when Nazuna left…
Dark, dreary bg colors, Nazuna’s back is facing camera.
Mika: Nazuna-nii? Where are you going?
Nazuna pauses. He turns his head a bit. Close-up of his mouth.
Mika (Voice over): His words were a whisper… but I heard him clearly.
Nazuna: Sorry. I hope you'll understand one day...
Back in present. Mika holds a burned photo of him and Arashi. The side with Arashi is burned but bits of her hair and clothes can still be seen. (Shu was the one who burned the photo after seeing Mika look at it. Me thinks he threw it in a fire and after he left, Mika managed to salvage it but the side with Arashi is completely burnt)
Mika: I understand now. And I know what I have to do now.
Um there is a scene where Mika screams at Shu. Mika grabs Shu by the front of his clothes and flings him to the ground. Mika then walks away, now his back is facing camera.
Shu: Don’t you dare take another step or I’ll-
Mika (turns around): Or you’ll what? 
Close-up of Mika’s face.
Mika: I won't let you control me anymore.
Mika walks away.
Flashback to another scene in the past when Nazuna was still working for Shu.
They have come to Earth for the first time. They somehow come across a photo booth. Mika is very excited about what it is and Shu is about to scold him, telling him that their mission is more important. Shu then looks at Nazuna, who is quiet but is clearly interested in photo booth too. Shu relents and they take photos. At first they don’t know how it works so the photos turn out goofy. Then after getting the hang of it, Shu makes them pose a certain way. When he sees the photo strip, he does admit that the humans are interesting to have this sort of method to store memories. He cuts and throws the goofy trial photos away but Nazuna secretly takes them out. Perhaps when he betrays Shu, Nazuna’s final way to move on is to burn those photos, although Mika and Shu do not know. (yes photos being burned for dramatic flair)
In present, when Nazuna meets Mika after he leaves Shu, they hang out. They see a photo booth again. Nazuna makes a small remark about the previous photo with Shu. He asks Mika if he wants to take another photo. Mika asks if the Knights could take a pic with them too. In this pic, Mika is far happier. 
was thinking of parallels for Nazuna and Mika
Nazuna left quietly (was afraid of confronting Shu so he just wrote a note) Mika left with a bang! screams at Shu and grabs him by front of his clothes and throws him on the ground :D The photo that Nazuna kept of him, Shu, and Mika made him stay longer than he would have. Looking at it made him guilty for wanting to leave. Mika's photo of him and Arashi makes him realize that he has to leave Shu.
ok I will run away now. have a nice day :]
hihi! hello ask from 4 months ago haha /sobs/ im glad you enjoyed the au! sorry for not answer before haha,,
actually i loved this idea sm that i made a drawing about this at the time! i didn't liked the result and burned out lol, tried to make like a fake screenshot but it looked wonky tbh
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i edited it a bit today (mabye i went overboard with those two, it looks kinda too dark even for a night and it looks unsettling lol) so it wasnt too gray (and mabye cuz i wanted to use these new cool effect in clip i learned the other day)
and my friend let me say that i loVE when photos have a heavy sentimental value for characters, im a sucker for the burned photo trope
+ Shu, Mika and Nazuna not being from earth makes me laugh for some reason, like, does this count as scifi if arashi is fighting vs technically aliens?/j
but if i think about it it would be like Madoka Magica(?), like, Arashi's cat should be an alien so why not the villians? i makes sense for me at least
also the parallels between Nazuna and Mika?!??!!"?!? im in love!??!?!??! the way they leaved Shu in such different ways?!??! the way their actions get affected by a simple piece of paper that means a lot for them?!?!??! thats my favorite part fr
and yeah go mika go! tell him his truths! he deserves it! *cheer moves*
byee! i loved this sm!! sorry for not answer this before!!!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 8 days
THE BIBLE VERSE FORMAT I’m done imagine he makes his own “Bible” of sayings and it’s like “book of aiku, book of Oliver, aikulations, women” LMAOAOA
Actually wait reuniclus does give me nagi hype man vibes now that you mention it like fr just chilling and being Nagi’s cheerleader even if the decision is bad LMAOOO kinda like Shidou energy but like, not to that extent obv
PLEASE I mean if you HAVE the material I will never say no….but PMG WAIT the one from the mini smau you made too right??? Omg guys tullia reader reveal!!! I’m crying THE AUDIO ok who’s gonna hit reader up and say the “YIPPEE” LMAO and I forgot to mention I’m still slowly watching the dub and I just past the “don’t disrespect soccer” scene and I relived the cringe all over again LMAOAOA that scene is forever iconic though also SHIN AH WAIT HES SO CUTE
BAROU YAYOI EXES omg…wait??? Ok but anyways where was all this pokemon info when I was actively breeding stuff….wtf why did I never know some of these things
ORPHANED BABY KANGASKHAN so many potential routes…or post main plot he just ends up being the go to sitter first Tullia sends over her baby pokemon and then Hiori sends over some orphans and then baby pokemon just gravitate to him like he just wakes up one night to that munna at his door or like nibbling on his hair…LMAO real losercore it’s fr either flame or be flamed for him
LMAOO FR chigiri would so be like “wtv I don’t wanna put up with whatever shit they give me later” wait actually I don’t know the meme?? Do enlighten me LOL
“Interesting way of inhaling” has me cackling LMAOO real he would do that BACK ARCH IS ICONIC OFC IK IT hes jumping up chest bump the ball and hioris marking him and we see feathers and stuff how could I forget!! But REALLL LMAO yuki Reo Karasu sleeper build /j but yeah barous just ginormous it’s like putting otoya next to nagi and he looks short as hell then you realize Nagi’s just a skyscraper and otoyas pretty tall still
LMAOO first maid then stripper what’s next for fanon Barou
SHAHSHS “if my parents don’t get to divorce neither do you” HAAHAH the dynamic is fr so funny
Yuki back to being the opp FR but wait fwtkac bestie in the pokemon verse…guys…its all interconnected this truly was our miraverse multiverse
Me I just auto filter it out and enjoy the art LMAO
LMAOOO SELL THE PRINCESS side note but Nagi looks so cute like that HSSVSJSB the audio also has me laughing wait the yuki edit is kinda majestic esp with the eye blink fade to the flower bg???
I was gonna type LMAOO here but I look up and see like three LMAOOs stacked on top of each other so I’ll refrain ig but ok no if you’re just casually reading there’s no way you’d be able to tell (I think I’ve mentioned this before but before I put two and two together and realized you wrote peregrine too I read some of your other works including cherry tree and I fr had no idea I would’ve guessed that you were a Rin enthusiast considering how good it was) so I don’t think you need to worry LOL AHAHAHA the Isagi ones crack me up they were still fire though but considering the context and our convos I still find it funny bfb Karasu is my Roman Empire but anyways back to the point yeah I don’t think anyone would be able to guess because tbh even your works for characters that (I know now) you don’t rlly care for are more thought out than a good number of works I see floating around (no hate ofc but when I read your work I can FEEL that there’s been a lot of consideration put into it)
- Karasu anon
LMAOOO NAH BECAUSE HE WOULD BE THE ONE pls i’m going to have to take a break from the oaeu for a bit just to stop thinking in the aiku mindset before starting pursuit i cannot be writing such an insane plot and be dropping in aikulations midway through
LMAO NO LITERALLY all of nagi’s pokémon gas him up sm except for i think his snorlax (why do i always forget he has one) is lowkey his opp for some reason HAHAAH like it’s giving ash and charizard i feel
YES from the smau!! LMAOAOA PLSSS READER SEARCHING FOR THE “YIPPEE” TO HER FORTNITE UND COLA technically since she only sees kaiser and ness again in NEL and she’s on pxg (technically on their bench but yk) there’s a few options…either charles chimes in to be problematic, shidou does it for the same reason, karasu does it because he’s always matching her vibes, or rin deadpans it because he wants to impress her but he also thinks it’s stupid 😭 DON’T DISRESPECT SOCCER IS INSANE WORK the way nagi and reo were so unamused too it’s truly such an embarrassing scene idk how isagi nation recovered…look ik nagi’s going through it but that panel of his ego leaving him was GORGEOUS so we are always up!!
HAHAAH OFCCC i love making silly two second drawings!! maybe not EVERY ask but i’ll def sprinkle them in w some frequency!! here’s pursuit reader (post written by karasu tbh)
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i was a smogon LURKER that’s why i know so much random stuff LMAAOAO anyways barou yayoi exes…barou who knows he’s dying and can’t bear to break her heart when he finally passes so he pushes her away but she doesn’t let him…yayoi who still waits by the door hoping he’ll come back one day and wondering if she did something to push him away but he’s actually just dead…nah because the karasus and the barous (technically reader is an l/n but ykwim) are so intertwined so paralleled it’s just soooooooo ahem anyways okay but then karasu finding reader is even more cute because it’s not just reader thinking “my cousin sent someone to look after me when he no longer could” it’s YAYOI thinking “barou sent his cousin to love my brother because he couldn’t love me” STFUUUUUUU i’m crying sobbing screaming shitting tears (love in this sense is platonic of course…ha ha…)
HELP KARASU JUST ATTRACTING BABY POKÉMON it all started w him accidentally adopting hiori and reader and everything spiraled from there okay wait lowkey instead of being a gym leader (i’m not mega attached to the idea because his goal in the story is proving himself to yayoi and after that he just hangs around to help reader and co out so his ending could be whatever) imagine karasu becomes the pokémon daycare owner 🥹 in an au where the daycare isn’t where pokémon breed it’s just meant for raising younger pokémon while the trainers are out battling or exploring dangerous ideas LOWKEY THIS COOKS IMAGINE HIM AND HIS BIRDS LOOKING AFTER THE EGGS 😭😭😭 or garchomp and lucario teaching the babies how to fight…dare i say an epilogue change is in order…
i don’t even know if there’s an actual meme it’s just whenever someone’s slaying in an unexpected way you just say “this diva” or “these divas” idk it just gives karasu/otoya
ok this is the only example i could find online that fits the vibe LMAOAOAAO i promise i didn’t just have this on hand
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BACK ARCH TOP THREE KARASU PANELS AND IT’S NOT TWO OR THREE!! KDFJISJDSJ he’s just such a hater at heart he cannot stop himself…no because i always joke about isagi and otoya being short because compared to nagi karasu barou they ARE but they still are much taller than ME so i need to cool it w the clowning 😭 but agreed yeah barou is just massive bro his HANDS?? his thumb is like the size of isagi’s wrist good lord (lowkey karasu’s hands are also really big like in the panel of him waving to hiori they look magnificent)
MIRAVERSE MULTIVERSE might as well make hiori’s love interest his childhood bff who only ever wanted to take care of pokémon and not battle them and when he runs away he doesn’t tell her so she can’t find him until she realizes he’s at the safari zone waiting for her in the exact house she dreamed of as a kid (white butterfree/beautifly asf) HAHAHA
THE YUKI EDIT ACTUALLY ATE AGREED!! and omg the nagi video had me cackling okay these two videos [1] and [2] aren’t edits they’re from an artist but the sae one had me cackling because that’s exactly how we believe he should be written and the tabieita one is tabieita so ofc it goes hard HAHAHA
IT’S OKAY I’M A LMAO WARRIOR i try to add in a HAHA and a key smash every now and again but when you’re texting there’s only so many things you can add in yk 🤔 ANYWAYS idk why but i read that as you JUST figured out i wrote peregrine and i was like ??? how did you take this long to realize??? HAHAHA please the isagi ones are so lighthearted tbh maybe i just don’t like writing him because nobody is making me make him SUFFER like i’m excited to write him in pursuit because he’s interesting and weird and has odd dynamics w the characters instead of being mega ultra green flag plus (isagi treating reader the way he’d treat barou but she’s not barou and never will be and sometimes that frustrates him because barou was his rival and best friend and he’ll never get him back and reader won’t even TRY [not that she should this is just the mindset] yet at the same time he also treats her very kindly when he can because she’s barou’s most beloved and whenever he upsets her he can feel barou’s disapproval and he wonders why he’ll never be able to live up to his rival’s expectations and questions if maybe the wrong one of them got to live…) LMAOOO okay but yeah bfb karasu is just that guy JFSKDKDS i’ve seen a revival in bfb interactions i’m expecting more people to find it now that s2 is coming out AHHAAH and yeah i always try to put some effort into everything i write!!! i mean i managed to cook for kiyora and i barely knew anything abt him i truly do think my wc is super prompt dependent more than anything!! like i was in the kitchen w white butterfly and i did NOT gaf abt hiori the prompt was just vague enough that i could infuse my own style into it so the wc naturally expanded 🤩 same w the instrument/seabird/cherry tree…not that i mind more specific requests it just means i’m more likely to be able to write less since there’s less avenues for me to explore ig 🤔
anyways uhhh idk if you’ll see it before you read this or not but 1k event post dropping posthaste 😏‼️ i decided to do the pokémon theme after all since soooo many people do food/drink themed ones might as well be #different #miraverse LMAOAOAO
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memberment · 16 days
hi friends
still alive
still gotta post the eclipse epilogue
and Craig's guide
I'll do it when I get back from my hellshift, swear lmao
also pls, someone pls if you're seeing this yell at me to post dandelion after midnight hits I can already feel that I'm not gonna wanna do it BC I DON'T WANT IT TO END so someone has to yell at me to do it.
always hope everyone enjoys their days I am forced to work despite my internal agony. later!<3
(10:32) guys be so honest would you laugh if I set up a scene where someone is questioning someone else as to why they work for the villain and they're just like ".... I have student loans."
(4:20) um happy 420 I'm literally rereading the first chapter of morning glory rn and thinking about how when Tweek and Craig talk about this later in the fic Craig calls Tweek 'the cutest' and I'm actually just
(4:53) I have adventure time playing in the bg as I reread this. Y'all. Honestly did not recall how funny early adventure time is when you're so extremely sleep deprived and feeling silly. Currently giggling myself to near tears over 'The Eyes'
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misoshio · 1 year
Skip to Loafer Anime Episode 1, Part 1 - Thoughts and more thoughts? (Part 2/3)
Here is Part 1 of my Part 1 LOL
NOTE: these posts do contain manga spoilers/ spoilers to episode 1 of the anime
6. Nao's Introduction
When I was looking at my side by side comparison with the anime to the manga, I was REALLY surprised to see that THIS was a difference. Where in the anime, Mitsumi says something along the lines of “Nao is my dad’s sibling”, I was really surprised that the manga translation introduces Nao as Mistumi’s dad’s younger “brother.” I’m really glad for this change, because character-wise it just makes SOOOOO much more sense that Mitsumi would use a gender-neutral term in her perspective that introduces Nao to all of us.
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When I was looking at two translations that are up on mangadex, I noticed that one had brother italicized, while the other doesn’t HM. Not too sure which one is the official one, but the italicized brother does give a different meaning than the one that isn't!
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I’m really curious as to what the original Japanese translates to in the intro of Nao, and would love a confirmation as to what the official english release translation of it was if anyone can send me any info in regards to that!
Edit as of: Fri, April 7, 2023~
The lovely Millie on discord has let me know that the official english release translation is true to Nao's identity! Millie has also provided me with a photo - thank you Millie :))) So that's awesome for me to see that Nao's intro really isn't a change from the manga to the anime.
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I'm still curious as to what the Japanese official manga translation is/ what the dialogue actually translate to in the anime, cause I think that'd give me far more context as to how the intro of Nao is adapted in the anime being introduced as "Nao is my dad's sibling", so if anyone has any info on that, I'm all ears and would love to know :)
Edit as of Friday, May 12th, 2023
The wonderful @li-changge has kindly explained the original Japanese translation. Please refer to the replies in this post :)))
7. Cute and cuter! Animals are the best.
I just thought it was so cute how we can see more of Mistumi’s lock screen in the anime! Honestly, I completely missed this when reading the manga
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8. More Cherry Blossoms - they're falling for me, and I'm falling for them even more than I already am!
More cherry blossom action, but what’s cool is in the anime, we actually see it in action - LOL I love seeing anime doing its anime thing, but that's too bad in my screenshot.. you don't see any of the anime thing, so this is your sign to watch the episode again
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9. Huh? She's stuck to it.
I love how we get to hear the little “huh?” that Shima does! In the manga, it seems more so that Shima notices Mitsumi, with no spoken reaction!
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Also, in this sequence of “girl stuck on the wall” we literally see a crowd part before we see MItsumi which i think only adds to the humour of this moment. Also, hearing the characters say these lines and how the voice actors have delivered them so freakin' well only makes the dialogue of Shima and Mukai even funnier HAHA
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10. Sound Rolling, Camera Speeding, Me Laughing
These moments were SO great to me on all senses - sound, visuals, my stomach muscles moving so I could ha ha ha
First of all, whatever gurgling sound mitsumi is doing in this moment made me topple over LOL
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and then the moment of reveal when mitsumi looks at shima for the first time with the sound effects? Also, the anime throughout has SUCH a great use of realism and when to really exaggerate the dramatics which only makes things all the more funnier - and this moment before mitsumi turns, then having that bg music hit and the visual background turn dark, and then close up of that eye  is one example of this anime’s great use of realism vs. heightened realism for effect 
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11. This Mitsumi Face
We get to see more of droopy mitsumi face in the anime and i’m here for it! This chibi-guilty face rocks my world and i’m very happy we get to see it, as it’s not really clear in the manga
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12. A little mix and match
This next moment, the anime and manga actually swapped/combined together some visuals from different moments and put them in one and the way they used it imo is really cool!
In the manga, mitsumi has this post-train ride reflection moment. For the first time, it happens right before she meets shima
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and the anime plays each sequence out in its own scene.
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Then later, after they got off the train and shima asks mitsumi if she wants to run to school, mitsumi’s has her post-train ride reflection a second time. In the manga, it looks like this:
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but in the anime, we just stay on her face
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i think what’s cool with this choice of using the different vignette scenes only during the very first post-train ride relfection - the being lost, being in the wave of people, etc. is that with the funny bg music, the added visuals only make it more funny.
Then by having her second reflection only focused on her face with no background music at all, really makes us feel like she’s reflecting on what happened in a different way, with more seriousness, and more gravity, and we can feel that through the simplicity of just looking at her, no sounds aside for her inner thoughts
Link to Part 3/3
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pandiongames · 2 years
Banda's Grove Overhaul Devlog - Design, Maps, and Terminology
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Why are we overhauling Banda's Grove? See here: https://www.tumblr.com/pandiongames/711176177895735296
This will be a series of design deep dives. We want to share not just what we're changing about the game, but why we're changing it. Perhaps it could help someone in the future. I'll be using "#banda's grove overhaul" tag in each post if you would like to follow along.
Page Design
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Check out the images if you want an idea of what Banda Grove's current rules are. This isn’t final text in the v2 image by any means, but we’re walking down the path of making new master pages for layout.
A Refreshed Color Palette
The background color is lightened up, and the vibrancy of all the colors is increased just a little bit for further contrast. We played around with changing the palette completely, but after a couple of hours of going back and forth, we decided to tweak the existing one because it feels unique and iconic to BG now.
New and more fonts
We stuck with Oil Can as the header and title font after looking at a ton of different options. This is a special font for me because it is no longer available from Lost Type co-op and hasn’t been for almost a decade now. Back when we started this project, I emailed them to get reconfirmation of a commercial use. I covet and backup the .otf file religiously. That certainly increases the likelihood this will remain a unique look.
But for the body text, we’ve swapped out Courier Prime with three fonts, two of them are on display here. The Paragraph is Bitter from Google Fonts, while the in-game handwriting is KH Sober Draftsman from Kern + Hide.
The callout boxes (post-it notes) in the game will use Ultra-Classified by Kern + Hide - this wonderfully jaunty typewriter/newsprint type of font.
We will be working with columns where it makes sense, but there will be a mix.
This is all to give the book a cleaner, easily readable interior. Previously, I was using different colored callout boxes to differentiate between “in world” notes from Ranger Murie, and game text. Now, however, we can represent that by font styles, which keeps the pages a bit more tidy.
The rectangle and pink triangle in the header is an anchor design and be used throughout everything to tie things together.
Maps, Mapping, and Hexes
We’ve been working the last few days on the mapping system in Banda’s Grove. Please note, things are still influx, and may change more.
Mapping in Banda’s Grove has been tedious at best from the very beginning. It originally had a tetris-style chunk of hexes you could lay down on a massive hex grid. That was replaced with a simpler 19 hex flower, and you started by building out 7 of them to start. But each individual hex also had its detail map of another 7 hexes to track little details. This was a lot to manage, to say the least, and made online games dang near impossible.
I had a big conversation today with another designer on the purpose of a hex on a map, and Banda’s Grove does not have any travel or time mechanics tied to traversing a hex. It is not a hex crawl or point crawl. The purpose of the map is to draw, sketch, and laugh together when you talk about the worlds you’re building.
So, we are getting rid of hex grid and detail maps entirely.
Instead, we are working on implementing a single free form map, plus a shared notebook. We’ll still provide a themed map, but players can also just use the biggest piece of paper they can get their hands on to draw the twisting, winding, Planes converging at the Grove. Players still draw together with Jamboard, Figjam, tldraw, aggie.io, or Miro for online games, or ignore the map aspect completely.
We’ll provide tips on how to setup your shared notebook or gdoc and offer optional templates in PDF and .gdoc formats. We’re investigating other online worldbuilding tools to build templates for them as well.
This change has an additional upside: We can remove an entire technical term from the game, reducing jargon and confusion.
Before, we used the word “Fragment” to denote we were talking about a hex tile in general, and “Plane” to talk about the biome and culture on that Fragment. The word Fragment has now been completely removed from the game, and we only have Planes.
As an example, Maps in Banda’s Grove will become more free form like this, rather than the more bounded hex grid style. And no, I cannot draw. This is why I hire artists!
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And this actually opens up some interesting possibilities for using mechanics to add limits, encouraging players to use the Convergence Event move, which also risks adding blips to the map, which in turn causes more narrative friction.
I’m playing with limiting the number of facilities you can build on a single Plane - we have to make sure we don’t overcrowd the environment! However, now a Convergence Event can add a new Plane you come up with yourself, or expand an existing Plane (you still need to roll to see which Plane is extended). Extending a Plane doesn’t add any new overhead to your note-taking now. You just continue adding details and notes under the “Cluthar” section.
When blips occur, you still roll a pebble over the map, and the Plane it lands on becomes shrouded in primordial darkness and is unavailable until mended.
Actions, Phases, & Quantum Events
First, let’s discuss a quick term rename I did. We mistakenly used the name “Action” to represent the special abilities of a playbook, facility, or downtime phase that cost a pebble to use. These are now called Moves. This will free up the word “action” for another mechanic to reduce confusion further.
The other piece I’ve been working on is how Phases work. Phases were always meant to represent the passage of a week, but their naming and how I implemented them muddled that, and it was… confusing at best.
I’ve always had this idea that the “Downtime” phase was the weekday, that’s why you have 5 actions to take. One for each day of the week.
The Update Phase was supposed to represent Sunday Evening, when you’re settling in and taking a moment to prepare for the weekday.
And the Quantum Event phase, was meant to be the weekend, a time of adventure, and shenanigans around the campgrounds.
The phases and quantum events have been renamed to reinforce that weekly cycle concept fully:
The Weekday - You take 5 Weekday Actions. You can spend pebbles to perform Weekday, Playbook or Facility moves, or have slice of life roleplay scenes to gain pebbles.
The Weekend - This is when you go on Weekend Adventures! Time to get into and out of trouble, help peoples, and discover hidden mysteries.
Sunday Night - This is the time to settle in after your big adventures, take stock, reduce your dice, and prepare for the Weekday.
Even though these are just terminology changes, they help reinforce the concepts of the gameplay loop, what it means, and connect the mechanical concepts together better.
And speaking of the Weekday Phase, we have simplified the “Downtime Actions” (now called Weekday Moves). Before, you had Downtime Actions. Some were nestled under a “Grove Projects” action, which itself was several possible actions. Wow, that’s confusing. That is all rewritten and organized, so there’s no nesting. Just a list of comprehensive Weekday Moves now.
Because The Weekend is a cleanly defined phase of free form adventuring and roleplay, but with the limitation of not being able to use Weekday or Facility moves, I can also organize gameplay better.
The biggest one here is Events (previously “Festivals” & “Special Events”, also simplified). They were always a free form adventure. They were designed as roleplay heavy, low stress, celebratory “Quantum Events” with boons and bonuses for your efforts - they have an introduction, complications, and your reward for participating.
But, they didn’t really fit in the Weekday phase’s gameplay, where they currently take place. But that’s where they had to live because The Quantum Event Phase was for Quantum Event. As written, it didn’t leave room for anything else.
Now the Weekend is a phase of adventuring where you just can’t use Weekday or Facility Moves, only your Playbook Moves, inventory, and wit. By default, a Weekend Adventure takes place - either one we wrote, or one you create.
However, now an Event can replace that Weekend’s Adventure. There are some Facility Moves that also initiate Events, like putting on a play at the Stage. That will take place during the Weekend in lieu of a Weekend Adventure now as well.
All these little tweaks and changes are to streamline and organize play, reduce jargon and drastically increase clarity.
Until next time!
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had a hell of a time (good) bit ago watching elemental and feeling things including enjoying a film, great ride, i love a metaphor & anything vignettey (just living life, alongside but also including the [this is about the metaphor] threads), i do love it when a couple of fun people have an enriching dynamic that they enjoy and huaaaghwgh (good) & i liked the premise metaphor exactly as is for what it is for what it did with it & i liked overlaps & resonances w/other experiences i saw ppl perceive. i liked the way i was going oh my god that painting looks the way i feel b/c like navigating a complementary dynamic where what's holding one person back is what helps the other person along, vice versa, no interaction or relationship that develops by like having some [theoretically your trait/quality/behavior] contained in the other person, rather it being an interaction within yourself, such that i was going "i have this interaction Within Myself, right now, in life currently like always and the past years but also past months especially really, it's ongoing, i'm going Oh Goddamn Omg" scintillating to see it externalized as a conversation imagined by others. and also still different / more capacious on both ends than "wow Exactly that." feeling things going ohh my god. music is going for it so Noticeably. hot air balloon scene And track changing me with an immediate Resonance
easier when having fun but i was also like continually so hype gasping about intrigued about pointing at art direction decisions & execution and one especial element i was sooo noting was the use of Color b/c it's Really colorful like rainbow palette nigh constant noticeable saturation, And it was atmospheric, always readily visibly parsed, varying in styles but cohesive. the backgrounds babey, with obvious priority for working with a vivacious orange and/or blue. oh and the related use of Light like different visuals for different glows and just different effects and waugh....i collected mostly a bunch of bgs to point at often for that "look at the color design & atmosphere" but also so much more & foreground things big time too. semitransparent characters like bitch. the physics of fluid dynamics. optics like refraction like my God. i'm mclosing it and that these effects would be sooo prohibitively intensive w/o computer but it's so impressive w/computer and that Stylistic Decisions were made all over, it's clearly not ever simply just "oh this is what it'd 'realistically' look like if uhhh someone was made of fire or water" even as realism Based effects were employed for style and fun and our lives. the use of of course 2D animation / art conventions for style and effect and fun & our lives!!! maybe ember a bit too but wade has a whole like 2D style profile so the [curved droplet] shape always faces the camera, how are we doing that it's so cool & i love to see it. not to mention being transparent but also like clearly not!! first time i've properly thought about how inside of mouth 3D animation has Ever worked lmao
cut so i can go on & on (^ that's brevity up there lol) & post mostly various backgrounds to gesticulate at what i notice abt the use of color like oh my god. and some other things. laughed, cried, lived & loved like for real lol
oh my god
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and like immediate intro theme going "oh my god blue and orange making Purple (magenta, pink) oh my god we're doing Additive Light with that holy shit yes"
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so extra [!!!] about city nighttime shots especially. and the details of all the building designs, it's all the shit like i haven't even sat and Studied any given shot for all small elements like that but that you know they're There so that it looks this complex and "realistic" like you know the attention & effort is there & you get the Overall Effect baby. also the way purple/green are employed to contrast with blue/orange often. the Glows here, the Bluer upper half and the Oranger lower half that both also have some purplishness to them, the Green bridge breaking it up / spanning this
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the colors in closeups even. first of all the expressions styles are after my own heart & got it, and i'm sure i'll go on & on more there. pull mouths down do the m upper lip n lower lip lines combo, you know what i mean, i Love it. wavy flowy design vs more triangular / ending in peaks/corners design for your water vs fire aesthetiques. i think that's [heat creating refraction in the air] effect like lord. the pink blue purple here. the slight shadow framing the pic for better contrast, the pink / glow around ember, wade slightly Glows from within too, the constant wave refraction there. okay obsessed again with both sorta transparent and fluid Figures like you've got the outermost layers. you've got the Inside. you've got the silhouettes and the lines that are "drawn," reddish outlines of flame shapes and constant highlight "outlines" for water so it never "realistically" blends in with everything / just Is clear and is impossible to easily parse. that those silhouettes are constantly Flowing and responding to motion / pressure as well. i can only imagine. oh and the colors again that the Glow for fire is often a Soft gradient, but there's this like, slightly convex polygonal style of "glow" / Light in backgrounds a lot and it works great for style and contrast with the important Soft Glow from fire and even also water, again the slight inner glow there too. and again the mutual [pull mouths down] expressiveness lol so much fun. the Elasticity is fantastic, same with like 2D style Movement like invoking a smear frame for example like fuck yes it's about What Works it's about style & effect & what things like lighting color faces can do that aren't just aiming for "be peak realistic" like clearly it isn't. note the sharper line of shadow in the upper corner with a deeper blue. we framing
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oh this one was to point out "look at how you can see the full spectrum rainbow in the wave surface light refraction oh my fucking god" not to mention of course In Motion the shapes, the effect, some bubbles and flow for flare and seeing that constant Light Outline, the cyan leaning aqua that's put in along with the overall slight blue not b/c it's "realistic" but b/c it's what works baby the artistic design choices fuck like hell. and only when i took this one frame was it like oh my fucking god look at these split second flame shames flowing off of ember there above her head especially. all the more stylization required for fire without it being like, "realistically" mostly transparent, overly bright, not very strongly delineated / silhouetted....the shape, color, flow of flames on the "inside," outermost breaking off shapes & "outline" as well augh god. and look at the purples in the background's left side
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AUGH the night city backgrounds. pottery burn haha yeah the blue orange AND purple my god!!!! it's thematic ([blue + orange = purple] b/w the blue & orange characters) and it fucks like hell holy shit!!!!!
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meanwhile the green & purple here with One orange element getting to stand out / not that much blue either, but more ultramarine style than aquamarine, and LOOK AT THE MOON!!! the surface!!! check out that Polygonal glow around it and the green/purple there too!!!
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and the use of bokeh. immaculate, not holding back, after my heart. the Purple/Pink additive light properties coming into play!! her reflection is more simply orange(tm) sometimes and i would presume it tends purpler when we are getting [emotionally connecting / recognition of the self through the other] but oh my god heaving overhead like a hero this additive light blue+orange=purple ingenious and stylistically fucking like hell choice. and again their "outlines" working so well while also retaining enough softness/fluidity to be part of them as a whole. everything is so cool
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there's the mouth shape i was talking about. you see the slight m upper lip simply n lower lip and resultant (idk like a video game controller?) shape lol. flexible expressive asymmetry. the closeup transparency of [can always see the other side of shirt collar]. green bg for contrast while also incorporating the orange glow. the full spectrum rainbow refraction just also an immaculate and probably characterfully relevant lmao as a bonus. also hell of cute moments wauugh yes, fun, dying thanks
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the additive light!!! (how magenta/purple/pink the reflection of Orange is off the Blue like employing what's realistic in another context for what fucks aesthetically & carries symbolism. like wade wouldn't Realistically be constantly [surface wave refractions] but it fucks like hell. also wouldn't be someone made of fire or water but it fucks like hell & embodies a central metaphorical layer to the literal material). also look at that curtain from deep purplish red to deep bluer purple!!! the line of bright blue!!! the glow in the Background with sharper polygonal lines / corners to contrast with the visual effects of glows elsewhere!!! wade default =3 as [wavy featured] and inherent =3 vs ember's more flame tipped => (not pictured)
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ohh this one for rainbow color / out of focus usage and b/c it's like how the semi transparency but only So Much + constant outline of Highlights / constant inner glow and visible infusion of like aquamarine / bright turquoise cerulean color helps a water guy stay perfectly Visible / parsable. also besides ember being green, an effect subtly pictured at any given point: like cinders continually rising off fire but depicted so much like Sparkles :') there's so much colors and highlights and choices after my own sensibilities out here like i love a shoulder swoop design that flows right into the arms from the neck from the head. and that's exactly what we get precisely b/c it has so much flow!!! ember's like whole head Flaring out from her neck, terminal points like tips, or sources, of flames. Styles
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the bokeh!! the blues and pinks and purples!!!
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UGH obviously in motion the like arcing falling curtains of water, the shimmering....the purple into pink into dusky orange!!! the little bit of contribution of the turquoise light aaa wahooo, ofc what the bridge adds in Composition for this & that previous shot
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lmao this is b/c Wavy Scribble Squiggle Mouth again the design choices after my own heart. the constant extra wobbliness to Mouth Outline obviously works great to emphasize [water design] but it also works great b/c i love it
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every shot of the background with this beach is gongious like jesus christ. the closeup of sand is like that looks amazing and So soft. look at the wavy swoopy shapiness of the clouds, look at the [in this shot] faintly detectable Polygonal outlines of Glow from the sun. feel free to look at that water like i said every shot of this, wrow. tasked with Pretty Beach Sunset and coming through big time
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expressive design contrast, glow contrasts, refracting, silhouettes, those flame shapes breaking off again epic hot wheels style fuck yes....and the bg!!! look at the purple to muted purple pink sky, the atmospheric distancing on layers of buildings that goes from blue to purple!! the dimmer purple / blue / teal on the ground in the foreground here UGH the COLOR USE
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ooh i was so Noticing the like, full ultramarine blue here, like it's been used Before in any night environments but the way here it's brighter, making it like "okay yeah night but more Lit Up. also the visual variety of [water curtain] textures there, the area of Pink, the Yellow that hasn't previously shown up too much but might be saved for associations with tension / "danger" lol. also love the "straightup a pool" designs lol wish i was swimming
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oh the orange + blue = purple on display here / translating Outlines
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amazing sequence and again look at the Purple shadows the Blues the Oranges the Greens!!!! aughhh again like So colorful and so bright but also ofc dimmed, atmospheric, balanced, waughhh!!!
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oh my god what can i say. "bisexuality" for one but and also fr like the pink of the sky vs deep purple, lighter with more blue in the water, the streak of oranger light, pink atmospheric haze....augh!!!
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speaking of "and then really vivid striking colors in another overall palette we haven't seen before" the teal & golden yellow for this shot was new & noticeable. the yellow of problems, but not too bad lol, looking at that Contrast with the blue on the outer pool edge there. i wanna take a swim yippee....but fr like holding some colors more in reservation, finding new combinations, as Ever how bright the bgs are but atmospheric, non overwhelming of other elements, i Love it
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bokeh!!!! colors!!!!!!!
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bokeh!!!!!! colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fucking roy g biv like yes gorgeous. nice tree evocative bridge. composition. lots of lights and colors but the distribution being so balanced, but organic, broken up in all the right ways and all encompassing....the bright orange lights in shadowed blue/purple buildings in the upper left corner, leading down to the path of lights across the center of everything....ugh incredible great
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out of focus bg, the lights, the purples, the blue/Green, look at everything on the right side ugh lovely, the slight Shapes of glows, can see that arc in the right side as well, the emotional relevance of all the colors and glows as this bg dims / desaturates a second later
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and so similarly here, the Purple, the Glows....like the use of both the perfect balance of soft edges/borders but no sacrifice in clarity
oh and i suppose there's then any amount of spoilers following but like, in part only b/c i point them out as as much but also like. it's about the journey lmfao you see two screenshots, containing some information, well you've seen it all
and to pad that out i'll also note without screenshots about it like bringing in a very like Clear for Compositional Effect sort of Danger Yellow again twice over, with the harshest like chartreuse leaning yellow yet for it, v much a color that it'd just take more effort to fit into a palette / would have to be kind of the color centerpiece, vs the orange/blue/purple here
(but also not to say yellow was never used otherwise....some perfectly harmless golds, paler lighting like just Daytime vibe, constant presence w/fire of course. so the Particulars of a hazard yellow are all the more notable)
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the COLORS....look at that orange that pink red the pink reflections the Purples....the just deep slightly slightly purple red in the bg and how like smoothed over / Immediate that background is to just make everything close & present!! the flame textures going!!! water textures going!!! cinders as points of light!! the colors the orange purple pink blue UGHH it's amazing they're really off the shits with it in every scene
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spoilers they do kiss about it and i was like smacking hand to forehead like oh my god and they did another "breaking out a new Light thing" when we've glowed and refracted within and without, lit up or dimmed, sparkled, reflected, used further styles in environmental lighting....answer was Lens Flare rainbow refracting glow like goddamn!!! and again like putting In the purple, but also the blue, the orange, the out & out more cerulean / aquamarine that is not gonna simply come from elsewhere in the environment. nice commitment to also having someone smile into a kiss lmao we've all been like i Will make this work. i'm still just like ugh the focus on and variety of Light too, the backgrounds' like soft polygon/hexagon glow "fields," straightforward soft/even gradient glows, wave pattern refraction, refraction also separating light into rainbows, remember water is a lens, stylized light of fire, bokeh, additive color mixing....holding on to & breaking out Cinematic LENS FLARE is fr like ohhh my god they're just fucking On It, got this, here's another effect for you
i also have a gif b/c i couldn't note anyone's fluid dynamics / flowing / Interacting physics enough, and little moments giving that some extra flair are a delight, but holy shit a highlight i'm instantly obsessed with forever, now if there's something and nobody pours themself, i'm out
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oh we sloshing!! all the water physics going on here to fantastic effect but also all working within the confines of "and it's some guy." immaculate joke 5 sec later around the "i am Not an inspector" line just What a delight. the vision....the manifestation of effort, craft....i'm not kidding at all i'm like okay forever treasuring [pours yourself] clip and if someone doesn't get it it's like it's called joie de vivre, panache, taking all kinds. some sloshheads out here
again i had a delightful time at the cinema (figuratively. i didn't go anywhere. though i did go "oh fuck re: even the idea of seeing plenty of this in theater format" like i was going oh Shit at visuals and music and every damn thing enough already, can only imagine) i was like bitch i love ppl living life vignettesquely with the emotional arcs aids of metaphor, symbolism. i love the styles and designs and i love paying attention to details and going damn how they'd do that, i love technical shit, noting techniques that are centered around 2D derived visuals, about aesthetic effect & visual purpose....i was going "oh my god same. lately, always, ongoing. oh my god it's me always crying at everything, but also never at anything, and also just sometimes at some things. it's me with the Temper it's me with one like everyone else but not about to let it out at all / not be making room for anyone else's. me like 'just powering through like arghhh' me like 'that, but [a puddle]' liable to spontaneously interact with randos by just doing your own thing, also [dying] and beloathed at that, going with the flow trying to carpe diem it, having these conversations and navigations like just as one person lmao, and also ofc it's different" lol like oh damn okay. and twentysomethings popular with the nebkids like wow in real life....and just having a great time entirely straightforwardly and expecting as much but also being increasingly delighted and surprised and going "wow my aesthetique sensibilities piqued" and going "wow okay a journey" and like Gasp at details and loving the overall effects and little moments and shots and entire deal. did weep repeatedly, when you slosh, when you soggy....delighted a lot, along for the ride having fun for the whole way, so much abt [bummed 20somethings who are nevertheless very vivacious Feeling Things, including About feeling things] and the way that's given sooo much space, Saturating things even, maybe with light & color....i liked it a bunch, [aaaaaa], great time, thinking about feeling things and feeling about it and about thinking about it & so on & so forth too like man hang on a second. and the soundtrack. and the character designs Overall there did i mention?? so cute & fun. wobbly wavy shivery tapering having Flow in the lines / shapes of silhouettes in different ways just like flow in [fluid dynamics] of flame or water in different ways. there's a lot i can say but i just mostly did the backgrounds / color / lighting noncomprehensive slideshow lol. i was very engaged like oh wahoo yippee aaa then mfs let's go and keep going
#i'm big on like rainbow lot of color constant saturation....Yet; Atmosphere / skilled balance in application/usage#i don't have the restraint (or like full knowledge / experience lol) to Use it myself but i Love when i see it used lol. Very colorful here#and i had thoughts & feelings & a good time so that made it easier to be like oh whee AND look at that background. mf we sloshing#nonzero spoilers via largely contextless static images; many wide shots / environments; really doesn't matter much#but i guess if you're like ''i specifically want to know Nothing at All'' like well then there are images in there#like 65% me going ''and look at that purple. oh my God the green blue & blue green. Orange''#b/c like wrow....#pixar elemental#films to whisper to myself like omg. like me. right now#btw it's kind of long post inside there. but For Me; typically so lol#can't say shit in thirty tags!! esp when i had a great time i liked it i was like oh my god#can't even say that shit in regular text which is why i mostly talk about colorful backgrounds lmfao. and even Then!! and so on so forth#and hand over heart like omg when by yourself you're a bit too much; but together; you're a bit too much together ;w;#like wow just like me; me; & still me!!! and not caring about what's all ''too much'' like it's about the me & me actually thanks#(and ofc the premise / central metaphor/conflict there as is; vulnerable cultural identity that needs to be maintained but uh oh)#speaking of uh oh look who's underway in the tags!! i'm heading myself off now lmao. time for half past 3 am Night Sandwich
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psych 2x15 Black & Tan, a crime of Fashion. I thought this was way later in the series, it was one of the earlier episodes I'd seen. SF, CH, KK, JRr, DH
I might be able to tell their voices apart this time
nope nvm it has been nearly two months.
kelly is using her husband's name now! <3 Good for her
*asked permission to not have the flashback* *denied* *extended part where shawn gives himself a mustache*
Something sexy & edgy & sleek
Gus not working on his birthday & the complications that ensue when a case pops up
DH: I enjoyed shooting this scene because it was right around the corner from my apartment (I love the "I'm Black, he's Tan" it's so good.)
JRr: Dule Hill's finest hour
"Cheeta" SF's bro knew the names of ALL the laker girls & that was the inspo for Gus knowing the Gooey Girl's name.
SF: How do you know if someone is bulimic? Me: ... Mom don't read this post. *listing off symptoms in my head* SF: The two fingers are chafed but it looks like she dipped them in acid or red paint.
My man was named after a german tennis player. & then he died.
"The names caused a stir in this episode with the network." "American duos had, like, five, but this has eighteen." "I sent them a document with 30 REAL supermodel names, all of which were multisyllabic & weird, & they were like 'yeaaaaaah....',"
Foot model XD ok Gus. & ankle & hand
It's Gus's birthday hence he's not working tonight. *counting down until midnight.*
Why does Shawn think his dad is asleep at 8pm? Wait nvm he fishes early in the morning.
*Chief opens the door* SS: I didn't see anything SF: & then for one moment it gets just a little weirder
Purple shirt
HS: Come on hawn you have an opinion on everything (Funny how it comes off as "I hate you" even while he's asking him for help)
*leave the gate open* *Gus calling himself cinderella*
Pancakes in a diner at 11 at niht? BG: Woah! Six five! Commenters burst out laughing bc Shawn isn't even doing anything
"Every promotional clip of this show should have this" *Gus & Shawn doing the arrow dance thing
The sneeze was so cute
JRr wrote "I'd rather shower with a bear"
"Look at my jaw!" KV: I've seen enough, you're hired.
YES PLEASE BRING THAT CHARACTER BACK! The show's over, nothing I can do now
Heck yeah amanda detner
a thousand dollars over budget & all in wardrobe
... "I got the window" Kelly left it in for once
Sigrand O'o, who he went to college with. Sorry, Gus would kill me if I said that. Let me fix it: with whom he went to college.
Gus is legit hella strong. I love him. *immediately tends to him* (gay) That pillow fight is JRr sticking to his guns; everybody tried to take it out but JRr du his heels in & got ONE shot.
So much debate on what the song for the slow-mo should have been. *winds down* Dad?
"Why was Henry out in an alley knowing where Shawn would be?" There was an earlier version where Henry heard they were going to a bar, but "I was a detective" was fine.
SS: I'm proud of the fact that I've never been in therapy That's true, he didn't even call the crisis line, he made Gus do it. Related fact: his mom was a psychologist. He probably should be in therapy though.
JRr directed this scene! Good for him.
SF: It's taken Gus about 3 minutes to turn into an incipient horror
Heck yeah aotearoa, this kiwi stuff is so funny but so subtle.
Still shocked that they kept "don't be surprised if your pillow smells faintly of my butt" made it through the censor
Soo funny how the models wake up looking ready for the runway & Shawn is there looking like a normal guy (still a pretty actor tho ofc)
She's a vampire? Where did that come from?
*walking by saying horrible things to the head*
The fashion funeral was a great set piece. "You can't dance at a funeral, Shawn"
"Props to my dear friend amanda for letting herself look like this" *weird model fashion*
She died with her eyes WIDE open but it was cut
Gus with NO PANTS ON but still his SHOES
"That's a painting of Bruce Jenner as a fish''
Star filter & the three of them like *eyes emoji*
Ghandi as a fish
Dead, not dead, & this is how the show got around it.
The point of it, besides Gus's birthday, was to see if they could write a show where there was nobody to cuff in the end.
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
Let’s suit up! Mk39 Edition #shorts
We have the form of Kevlar armor but the plastic would be vulnerable so he said it's like some kind of ceramics and we tried it and it breaks up but you can still get hit a bunch of times and survive it he put the ceramics on the outside it's like a layer of plastic and then you have insulation and it's very warm in the winter let's ceramics make it cold so I tried it with this plastic armor we have it's like the Stormtroopers but it's a lot better and it works great and it's good for atmosphere suits when it's cold now the ones they use down there are professional grade atmosphere suits if it's compromised you can still stay warm but they're expensive and they're big this will be for you know people for regular foot soldier or people who are in the national guard or in EMT emergency groups that like firemen and for explorer post and for rescue workers it's really a huge thing for rescue workers but this armor is not it is a bit flammable you can't use it in fires but he says you can use different suits there's something that we're making for fires and they look pretty cool they don't do too well in the cold I wish it's odd you can't seem to get one that works well in both and he says asbestos it's not as fast as but it's similar it just does not work very well wow so it's learning and it's there's a lot of materials we use in space that would work but this suit works great it looks like this it's similar material and it goes down to like negative 50 and the most I've seen it get even down below is like -60 people say negative 100 but really I have not seen that and people say if we have a freeze out it's probably not going to get below negative 10 and we agree we need that up there all the time so I'm going to take my design and I'm going to try and get BG to fine tune it see if he knows of some other materials it's full of resistant it's bullet resistant and if you put metal in the outside it gets cold even if you sandwich it it gets cold so it really transfers the cold for some reason I don't know why don't ask me why but our friends said it really will make you cold that metal is steel is a cold metal some metals are not as cold but they still do it and it's like conductivity and that makes a lot of sense there's plastic is not very conductive so will and Bill like the ceramics but doesn't work that great and polycarbonate doesn't work too great this other forms of armor but really it doesn't work too good this is what about lexan and I tried it once and it seems that it goes in it and it won't stop it unless it's thick but we have real super hard stuff so I checked that out mess up works great and it doesn't transfer the heat it's kind of fireproof a little bit and he says that you have this scratch proof layer and wonder if you can enhance that and I decided to try it and really it works it's an awesome invention and it doesn't have to be clear and use different colors certain coloring works and he's wondering about nanoparticles to make it weaker or stronger and it makes it weaker but you can put it on the surface and nanoparticles might work certain ones so we're looking at this stuff that's a great idea is it's not really that expensive he says you just have to use this process and it's true and you can have different grades just like glasses I'm getting ready to do this right now
Lebouef that's my stage name he knows me as Tim Franklin we're still getting along it's not a big deal I'm really brad
Anything look at this idea these suits can be good to real cold without any electrical systems it is electrical system and it could be really really warm and our friend says that you could use a passive system with certain materials with static I might fry your nuts a little bit so I laughed and said wow that's interesting and the guy said it's possibly true that you can have some material that you wear that it warms up so I'm going to look at that too so damn cold down there almost everybody dies we have the stuff and it works
Wow we're going to get involved this is worth something to us in the static idea is great and this plastic is great too it's really really resistant it's bulletproof at a certain distance it'll block all the lead you can throw at it and it does have resistance to armor piercing it a distance not real close but a 45 caliber won't go through it at 20 yards and that's only if it's like 3/8 of an inch it's really hard and it doesn't weigh much and making it hard works and there's some you can do the surface that makes the surface harder and it's not as strong that's why you don't do it we're going to go ahead with us and you can layer it with the harder stuff boy that's smart like a 16th of an inch thick armor like on a tank can you put pieces on even your visor you could put a few layers that's pretty quick
We're moving out on these ideas right now
I'm calling them up and I'm placing an order and with Will and Bill for design and stuff and our friend here wants to model it get the hell out of here model it he can withstand electrical charge around okay drive a truck around and give him cash I sort of get something how about some money you freaking fruitcakes we'll probably do that
Mac daddy
This is nice you may have had this idea no probably need it it has flame resistance it's like his glasses really can hold a flame on it for a while I think we have tests and studies on all that stuff since these guys probably do too but that's a good idea it's worth money we're going to try and do that
You have the idea too when it's worth money and really it's going to get cold up there and it's a problem we have a lot of problems
I think our son needs some money what are you guys think though what the hell are you doing this another invention we needed out there but for Christ's sake how about some money any money $10 on the street I mean give me a break what is your problem you all stupid
Thor Freya
His ideas are worth centuries of work and we have to do something and he came up with it for glasses this is too much for us have to get him something he said is all sorts of money out there that's owed and also to idiots want to block it and then they can buy the farm and hand over the goods I'm going to go ahead and do that
Us too
Pseudo empire
We're going to do that too this is such a pain in the ass these ideas are worth a lot of too damn freaking cold everywhere
I'm going to help try and get him stuff too
I guess we're the only stinkers left we're going to sit here and lose everything doesn't make any sense we have someone right there she can he can cut a check we're not in the mood though we're fighting each other
I might go ahead and cut a check this is so stupid you need something for this effort and I sort of get that
Terry c
Yeah that makes sense
For enemies and that's that we're going to get the hell out of this rut it's so stupid
We'll get out of it then
Hera Zues
Let's talk about it a little I mean for Christ's sake this is going to be hell I mean we we have to get him stuff and you have to do you make it so damn hard you guys break your back every single time and who the hell is falling for it no one maybe it's your jerk off Tommy f he has lots of it
Move out of the way Tommy
Tommy f
We told you to get out of the way Tommy
So what
Tommy f I can't have you move right now he has no big secret doesn't really do anything and stupid but I'm doing it still I plan to
You're Dead Tommy f
Thor Freya Olympus
Yeah goodbye Tommy f you're going down
I'm coming to a meeting right now to talk about that spaz
Us too
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goldenlie · 2 years
i always love watching george for mcc! i saw a post on tumblr about how george gets teamed with new people a lot and i completely understand why (although i don’t know if it’s intentional) he’s such a good entertainer making people laugh and keeping the spirit up he can be a sweat sometimes but likes having fun more personally i really enjoy watching him for that reason - he makes games fun to watch no matter what he’s playing i wish he streamed more different games i think it would be cool watching him play decision based games like dbh!
George is my absolute go to for MCC anon, it's a very enjoyable watch with a consistently energetic mood. For sure, he's been paired with first timers (Ludwig, Ponk, and now Sneeg although I think I'm missing some) so often I definitely believe it to be an intentional move on Scotts side of things. George has such an easygoing demeanor which removes some of the stress felt by the team, this especially serves well for new players who are already feeling quite tense. Don't get me wrong, as you said he'll try hard when he wants to and he'll still feel down if the team isn't in the running for dodgebolt but he's not one to point fingers even to a minor degree. He's conscious of both his teams and his audiences enjoyment throughout, which makes for such a reliable, light hearted event.
Real and true, George is truly a content creator that doesn't need to use Minecraft to keep a following, his now natural on screen charisma relies on nothing but himself to entertain a viewership (the only variable being how big that viewership is for just himself but hey, a twitch streamer with 20k concurrent? I think you've made it). He genuinely has such potential for being a variety streamer, especially considering the fact that outside MCC, mc doesn't touch his twitch channel that often.
Ok I see the vision with you, I would eat up a dbh let's play from George. I can imagine him frantically asking the chat for advice before the short timer inevitably beats the stream delay and we end up with a panic button press. Although George seems to fear making the wrong choice between apples and oranges, I think games (impersonal questions) would find little hesitation. It'd be interesting to hear his thought process throughout and see what ending he'd naturally wind up with. Fuck it, George for the walking dead when? Undertale -> Deltarune binge? Please?
While we're on the topic I would actually love George on something like Doki Doki literature club (minor spoilers ahead), I truly enjoyed the reactions to that game despite it initially scaring the life out of me. George with his keen ears would catch the random higher pitch of the music or the weirdly timed loop. I think he'd even catch the minorly skewed bg scene. I'd genuinely adore watching his realisations in real time although I'd imagine the games genre outside of his preference.
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alfredolover119 · 4 years
zukka fic rec list (modern au)
howdy! i’ve been collecting zukka fics i like since uhhh june and now i am sharing my lists with the world. i’m splitting it into three posts so it hopefully wont be too long. this is the third and final one: modern au fics! the other two are canon era and post-canon. [side note!! if youd like a specific type of rec list,, i.e. soulmate au, fake dating, ambassador sokka,, hmu and i’ll post a list !!]
within this post, the fics are in word count order! also, if you’d like a soundtrack for your reading, i might recommend my zukka playlist :^) happy reading!
it’s the lack of creativity for me by @theboilingrock
-1912 words, teen
-soulmate au, humor
The point is, the concept of soulmates was simple on the surface, but the people in Sokka’s life all had special and unique stories surrounding soulmates. So of course Sokka would be the one stuck with only the word “Hi” tattooed on his arm. [In which Sokka overcompensates for his soulmate’s limited imagination in the greetings department (seriously? “Hi”?).]
We’ll play hide and seek (to turn this around) by @engagedzukka
-5502 words, general
-bakoda-centric with background zukka, fluff, meet-cute (note: i had to include this one its just too good not to!! plus the ed sheeran title spoke to me)
Sokka has a plan to ask out the cute boy at the bookstore. Hakoda is a begrudging participant until he meets the boy's beautiful older coworker.
if the shoe fits by @bisexuallsokka 
-5742, teen
-college au, director!zuko and set designer!sokka, tooth-rotting fluff, mutual pining
The stranger is still there, and he doesn’t seem in a hurry to leave. Zuko, on the other hand, is anxious to wrap up his work for the night so he can meet his uncle for dinner. “Can I help you with something?” // The man laughs. “I’m actually here for you. Short-tempered, badass scar, soft looking hair? You must be the director. I’m Sokka.” // Zuko sputters. “What? I-I don't...who described me like that?” // “Well, Jet just said short-tempered, I added the rest on my own,” Sokka shrugs. “He said you were looking for some help designing your set.”
lighthouse beam by @incorrectzukka 
-7167 words, general 
-college au, hurt/comfort, semi-deaf zuko, fluff and angst, mutual pining
Sokka’s breathtakingly beautiful and he’s smart and makes other people laugh. Zuko has a half-burnt face and a deaf ear. It’s not rocket science. // Or, Zuko falls in love with the boy in his Philosophy class.
put your lips close to mine (as long as they don’t touch) by @celestialceci
-9470 words, teen
-college roommates, summer vacation, humor
Zuko hates his home. He likes college alright, but he likes Sokka even better, his assigned roommate turned best friend. Spending the summer with Sokka will be fun, a welcome change of pace he desperately wants. It probably won't awaken anything in him... right?
always a plus one (never a groom) by @hotdamnitszuko
-13133 words, teen
-friends to lovers, humor, sharing a bed, hurt/comfort
Zuko and Sokka decide that the best way to get through the late-twenties wedding rush is to do them all together. As it turns out, being surrounded by people in love all the time will make you want to kiss your single and hot high school best friend.
swords of fate, pride of heart by @zukkababey
-13531 words, teen
-college au, online romance, zoom meet-cute, fluff, bg piandao/jeong jeong
Yeah, attending university via Zoom sucks. But it sucks a little bit less when Sokka gets to stare endlessly at the pretty boy with the cool swords and the cute cats without him ever even knowing. [Or, Sokka and Zuko "meet" in Zoom class. Flirtatious shenanigans ensue.]
earth system history by @pianjeong
-14084 words, teen
-college au, coming out, first kiss, sparring
Sometimes, you just need to sneak into the earth science lab at three in the morning with your best friend whom you are in love with. This is far more of a formative experience for Zuko and Sokka than they originally intended.
Kiss-Proof Lipstick: Fact or Fiction? by @flammable-grimm-pitch
-14171 words, teen
-sephora employee!zuko, mutual pining, idiots to lovers
Sokka gets dragged along to Sephora by his sister and Toph; Zuko provides him with a makeup education.
The Road Between Action and Inaction by @donvex​
-17548 words, teen
-road trip, slowburn, comfort, mutual pining, first kiss
Sokka does a shitty k turn in the parking lot across from the bus station, pulls up to the curb where the boy is looking determinedly at his phone, and rolls down the passenger window. “Hey! Which way were you going?” He may die, but at least his conscience will be clear. // The guy blinks at him. “Don’t.” // Oh, he’s prickly.
There Is COVID in Ba Sing Se by @koala-otter
-17783 words, teen
-quarantine au, roommates, friends to lovers, domesticity
The whole world is under lockdown, and Sokka and Zuko move in together.
Mass Times Acceleration by Haicrescendo
-19417 words, teen
-roadtrip, bed sharing, idiots to lovers, pining, underage drinking
[Zuko calls at three in the morning and says, tears in his voice and rage through his teeth, “I want to run away.” // It’s Sokka’s turn to carry the brain cell in his household but he doesn’t waste a second before he’s saying, “Tell me when and where—I’m coming too.”]
Anything for You by beersforqueers
-23616, explicit
-fake dating, breaking up/making up, fluff, angst with a happy ending, humor
In which Sokka and Zuko have broken up but Sokka hasn't told his family yet. So when Katara and Aang's wedding weekend rolls around and he doesn't want to break Gran-Gran's heart, he asks Zuko to pretend to be his boyfriend for one last weekend. Things don't go as planned.
That Midnight Sky by @zukkababey
-103016 words, teen
-college au, fake dating, strangers to lovers, slowburn, mutual pining, fluff and angst, miscommunication
In Zuko’s strict family, needing a tutor is just about the worst thing you could do. Failing a class, however, is even worse. The only rational solution? Take up Aang on his offer to find him a physics tutor and have Sokka—beautiful, smart, handsome Sokka—tutor him in secret. // When Azula’s arrival threatens to reveal Zuko’s secret, it’s up to Sokka to convince her this definitely isn’t what it looks like. See, he’s actually… Zuko’s… boyfriend? // Hmm. There’s no way this could get complicated, right?
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m1ckeyb3rry · 16 days
FHE JUSTIN BIEBER GIF CRYINNGGGGGG LAMAOAOAOAOAO im assuming its the sae oaeu cooking rn
LMAOSOA YOUR POST trust I take all of your ramblings as rewards your brain is fr so big all of these fire ideas >>>>> ok but the pokemon au is so good…extraordinary….exquisite….remarkable (if you’ve watched as much pokemon as i have you’ll probably get this but if not just take it at face value) the Barou sibling angst is actually my fav
ISAGIS HAIR I feel bad for his hair and his hair alone they always weirdly slick it back or comb it up and he looks like a middle aged man
IM CRYING “I cry but because I have to deal with his shit” LMFAOOO yuki fr tweaking atp or repeatedly saying his mantra in his head trying to keep his sanity like “god never gives us more than we can handle god never gives up more than we can handle god never-“
LMAAOA NO IT MAKES SENSE my brain just grouped up the letters that way that I had to double take ok so we’ve had kaneshiro possesses Mira moment and we get canon characterization of kiyora it’s time to freaky Friday reverse you should take over kaneshiro and write bllk i fr wish Karasu actually scored more literally my exact thoughts like “ARE YOU A STRIKER???” Channeling my inner ego…..but agreed glad he still at least has SOME presence and is consistently shown active in game
Bro kurona was so random…like with epinagi and s2 you can see them sneakily trying to add him in the bg cameoing to make him feel relevant but he fr was dropped out of nowhere like wdym the one who ranked fourth in second selection who we’ve never even seen a glimpse of and didn’t do anything in u20 is suddenly good friends with Isagi and others and gets field time HUH his first appearance is quite literally in BM when he’s holding the iPad showing Isagi Kunigami new stats (yk it’s bad when I rmr this info off the top of my head) something about the wording “using religion and blindness” has me laughing so hard LMAOOOO it’s giving that one meme “I’ve got the power of god and anime on my side” except it’s god and optic neuropathy UAHSHSHA ok but on a serious note that fr would go so hard like let’s expand on his character please….id honestly love to see more of him as he was shown in the LN because nel yuki is SO diff than what he actually seems to be based off the LN but anyways…
Kunigami being the main rival makes sm sense tbh when I first read I thought he WAS going to be the main rival but no it’s Kaiser ig….wait the morally greyness of wildcard being discussed would fr be so interesting…..guys….also ness is one of my least fav characters tbh so slander him all you want LMAOO gotta agree w some dudebros he’s fr a Kaiser glazer you’re fr cooking though….we gotta get you in touch with kaneshiro asap
LMAO REAL I also (clearly) enjoy bllk quite a bit but yes many things to be improved…sometimes I think to myself if only I was an Isagi Rin or Kaiser stan I’d be having the time of my life but alas we cannot be MEDIOCRE
Wait the terminally ill route fits his character fr….where he’d be unwilling to tell his family about it because he wants to strive to be the best despite it and won’t settle for a comfy life…I can also see him getting murdered though LOL either way I’m sure it’ll be good (even though he’s dying oops)
Yeah I lowk forgot people who have such audacity exist the Tullia hate kinda insane and just generally when people comment “he’s mine [chafacter] better get away from my man” ICK imagine in the tags you just put every reader pairing possible as a jic disclaimer like “reader and Tullia talk to men so beware!”
I always found the rival characters so funny like why are you jumping me when I’m trying to get to the next city no I don’t wanna battle you rn LMAOO it’s funny in how like every version you end up teaming up and double battling the villain team somehow but the way they come and go was always so funny to me
When you first said may I thought you meant May from pokemon but now I realize…anyways love Tullia sooo glad to have her alive!!
LMAOOOO Lowk I had a subconscious thought like galvanthla interesting choice (i personally collected joltiks bc they looked cute LMFAO) Isagi the most basic of basics so an all basic team is perfect for him LOL I mean hey you gotta have an op basic pokemon somewhere right I already consider infernape relatively more niche amongst most popular pokemon too LOL
Otoya using his pokemon as chick magnets is so real LMAOO I wanna analyze the breloom yuki vibe like why does it work so well
Nagi fr got the short end of the stick omg LMAOO ofc it had to be a fire type too for once thank you reo for spoiling him HSHSH
SHSHSBD THATS TOO CUTE I bet chigiri would take sm time grooming and caring for his rapidash too (in line with what we talked about for his hair and skin LOL) sometimes I forget you make money from battling LMAOOO like yeah I just beat your pokemon up now hand me my check
REAL BUT LMAOOO the light blue team never fails for him honestly when in doubt just match the hair color I can definitely see him genuinely having an aurorus and ice types though maybe he’s like (I like them calm and cold unlike my parents) hiori running a fossil pokemon conservation wait id never thought of that that’s also so real….atp this should just be an expanded universe that exists time to world build (on that note imagine Aryu grooms and styles pokemon for coordinators and especially furfrou, I forgot exact which gen you were into pkmn until oops I’ll elaborate if you didn’t get to kalos/xyz)
LMAOOOOO i was already linking up aiku and Brock the moment you brought him in lowk that interaction set up you have is so pkmn verse coded its great
I SECOND THAT if no other inspo comes out lowk pokemon au….guys…..also Noel noa being the actual champion while reos dad just holds the title is actually such an interesting dynamic and would work so well
SHSHS sounds like you’ve got it all down still praying for your safety though all those experiences in one lifetime is crazy
HAHAHA I LOVE THE CHATTER reading the convo responses brings me just as much joy as reading ur actual fics im always down for yap sessions
- Karasu anon
LMAOOO that’s just me irl tbh like i hope that’s what you picture when you think of me 🤩 surprisingly it wasn’t in reference to the oaeu!! someone had just posted that they wished there were more otoya fics because they’ve read all of them already and i was like “just working…working hard to please you” because i am an occasional otoya writer for sure
OMG MR REMARKABLE (i forget if he had an actual name KFNSJSN my brother and i always just called him mr remarkable he’s like that elderly man who has a tv show or smth right??) and HAHA tyyyy 🥹
maybe they do it like that to distinguish him from rin or smth?? idk but it’s specifically only isagi who gets the horrendous hairdos they don’t give ANYONE else that treatment 😭 i fr feel bad for the guy even though idgaf abt him…
bllk karasu’s like “can we switch places” because a universe where otoya’s not as much of a dumbass AND he has the chance to rizz up reader is the universe for him (he def is so pressed that hollyhock karasu never made any moves LMAOOO “wdym you lost her to OTOYA” and hollyhock karasu is like “i never wanted her in the first place 🤔” so bllk karasu is like “WHAT”)
HAHAHA possessed by kaneshiro fr i felt his energy flowing through me in that moment 😭 someone needs to get me on the phone with him like idk much about soccer BUT i can definitely cook in terms of characters and plot!!
I REMEMBER WHEN KURONA FIRST SHOWED UP I HAD TO REREAD THE CHAPTER BECAUSE I THOUGHT I JUST MISSED HIS INTRODUCTION 😭 agreed there’s such a discrepancy between ln/third selection/u20 yukimiya and nel yukimiya!! especially with that rlly cool panel of him in the u20 game where they’re like “his style of soccer is street soccer 😰⁉️” and he looks gorgeous af i was looking forward to more elaboration on that!! like really showing how he plays differently compared to the other players (maybe giving him some special weapon because of that kinda like metavision) it also could’ve been a really cool point of connection between him and kaiser given that both of them kind of learned how to play soccer in unconventional ways…but alas…here we are
NO BECAUSE KUNIGAMI VS ISAGI RIVALRY COULD’VE BEEN SO GOOD it would’ve built up the hype for kuni sm more and him feel much more relevant imo!! honestly along with wanting to know what wc is all about i’ve always wanted to know noel noa’s reaction to it…like his biggest rival from the past has destroyed this child’s body and life and future in order to make a copy of him THAT’S LEGIT INSANE??? kaneshiro could’ve given us such a scrumptious kuni and noa dynamic and then he just didn’t 😭
honestly i think one of the main problems w bllk is that kaneshiro is spreading the cast too thin and making people care about too many characters but it’s impossible to effectively manage such a huge cast given the premise of the story and still have emotional impact when stuff happens to them and that also means that characters aside from the protagonist aren’t given a ton of fleshing out (this is relatively common in shounen sadly…jjk had a similar issue but almost to the next level) where by focusing on lesser characters and just giving them insane depth the story would’ve felt much stronger ☝🏻 like realistically there’s 0 reason for kurona to exist in nel when reo (as per our earlier convos) or yukimiya could’ve easily taken that role and had their characters developed much more!! kiyora could also have been replaced with yukimiya (as much as i love him) and tbh?? get sendou out of ubers and focus more on aryu (how’d he go from number 2 in scoring goals to a defensive player?? flesh him out more instead of sendou literally nobody cares abt him…hot take but only memorable u20 players were aiku sae and shidou the rest did not need to be there), get rid of tokimitsu entirely (show how his nervous personality doesn’t jive with egoism) and give zantetsu + karasu more opportunities to shine in pxg (honestly if they wanted to keep the cutthroat feel of second selection then get rid of nanase too and show how kindness doesn’t cut it in bllk where you need to be insane; that way the cast is still large but these characters aren’t fighting for a main spot they’re more naruhaya-esque) 😰 and another hot take but they should’ve saved all of the other ng11s besides sae until the world cup arc (so no kaiser and lorenzo in nel) to really build the hype and stakes of the wc because rn it’s like…ok the bllkers have already managed to beat lorenzo and the whole kaisagi rivalry is going on so the ng11s don’t feel as threatening?? whereas they could’ve been a really cool obstacle in the wc and would’ve provided a baddie of the week feel and higher stakes without it being boring or random since they’ve been so foreshadowed already with sae
i agree i rlly like the terminally ill aspect it also explains why his pokémon are willing to go along with his possessed body (they’re not able to accept that he’s gone) as well as why isagi knows so much without him being a villain…it’s also just sad to think about like he didn’t want his family to worry about him but he wanted to accomplish his goals so he just pushed forward until he literally couldn’t anymore 😭 also now i’m realizing lowkey kunigami would fit better in barou’s role (given the whole canonical wildcard thing being similar to the possession) however idc because i like barou more
yeahhh unfortunately fandom people can be a little weird to say the least and especially now that i have a decent amt of followers i know there are going to be interesting individuals in my comments so it’s not even worth it to not tag…okay but hear me out i wasn’t even thinking about this when i assigned teams (nagi got his team based on cuddly fluffy vibes and barou got his team as all dark types because of his “villain king” thing and reader was forced to have one of the same pokémon as him for the sibling theme…of barou’s team i liked houndoom the most so that’s what reader got) BUT the parallels between nagi’s starter being arcanine and reader’s being houndoom kinda go crazy?? like they both have huge fiery dogs but as per the pokédex arcanine symbolizes loyalty justice protection etc and houndoom is like death hell horror and whatnot 😭 however as we know nagi’s aura is death and reader’s character’s main theme is love (for barou, for her pokémon, etc) so narratively nagi x reader would be so good…especially if they’re each other’s “rivals” but they’re not really rivals and half of the time are helping each other out…there’s a vision here and it’s cooking imo 🤩 ALSO i’m thinking…hear me out…karasu reminds reader of barou so he becomes like her surrogate older brother while they’re searching for barou and reader is the annoying little sibling karasu never had which makes him respect yayoi more and teaches him responsibility and maturity which in turn makes yayoi finally respect him too 🤔
honestly galvantula is such a random pokémon but realistically in terms of type matchups it’s absolutely CARRYING reader against barou’s team considering dark is weak to bug 😭 honestly it’s such a cool little pokémon i think it’s so fun for her to have it on her team!! and the gyarados plot line is going to be so entertaining (basically she gets scammed into trading a freshly caught pokémon for a magikarp and shenanigans ensue) that i think the basicness is excusable
otoya constantly getting girls via his fairy type pokémon vs reader and tullia being like “ladies STAY AWAY” who wins 😭⁉️ and agreed breloom + yuki goes so hard…tbh i rlly like steelix and yuki too it works surprisingly well
no literally justice for nagi 😭 the way the government did NOT gaf abt him is crazy like they could’ve at least given him a water type (although tbf he’s meant to show how the pokémon training system takes advantage of people so it makes sense) honestly though i love his character in this au he goes through sm development and his slowburn w the reader will be legendary fr
YOU KNOWWWW chigiri’s rapidash is SPARKLING he def takes such meticulous care of all of his pokémon (same w reo) whereas nagi’s just like eh as long as they’re healthy 😄 KFNJSSB so like manshine trio will be chilling and in their downtime reo will be brushing his cinccino and chigiri will be polishing his rapidash’s hooves meanwhile nagi’s arcanine is rolling in a pile of mud somewhere having the time of its life
hiori and ice types just go so well together (even though he only has one on his team I think 😭) and agreed i can see him retiring from battling after his arc w reader and co and following his actual passion of helping endangered pokémon instead of listening to his parents (maybe karasu inspires him because he also stood up to his family [yayoi] and that gives hiori the courage to do the same)
gen six is where i left off!! i played gen seven (namely moon and a bit of ultra moon) but i didn’t like them that much so as far as i and this au are concerned the pokémon verse ended with xy/oras 🤩 omg wait aryu as a pokémon groomer slays…maybe he’s the one yuki takes his pokémon to before contests?? and perhaps the itoshi bros are mentioned in passing as gym leaders in another region…kaiser as noel noa’s apprentice who’s going to be a new e4 member like isagi (but a bitchier one who never knew barou and never directly interacts with reader) and same with bachira + kunigami (kaiser to replace noel noa, bachira to replace lavinho, kunigami to replace chris prince, and isagi to replace snuffy) there’s just so many different roles that characters can play!! the world building would be so fun
LMAOO honestly aiku trying to be the rizzler but getting cock blocked by big bros otoya and karasu is so funny to me 😭 also speaking of brock link ups since we know karasu and reader are like a sibling duo i’m imagining otoya and tullia to have that brock and croagunk dynamic where she just punches him whenever he flirts with girls because he’s so cringe it’s embarrassing 😰 speaking of tullia atm i’m think she’ll likely end up with either chigiri (since he’ll probably pull up quite frequently as a nagi companion so there’s ample time for development), isagi (since he’s a classic tullia pairing and all), or maybe even hiori?? like her and hiori really hit it off and after the main story is over instead of becoming a show/competition breeder like she planned she decides to go back to his nature preserve and help in breeding for species conservation or something 🤔 many many options fr
NO BECAUSE LISTEN THE TIK TOK AUDIOS ARE BURSTING WITH POTENTIAL FOR THE POKÉMON AU i’m getting soooo many ideas for the story now!! like the entire gyarados arc, the aegislash arc (this one goes crazy because it’s basically “reader and nagi somehow end up in a period drama for an entire arc” yet it makes perfect sense given the pokémon verse and the backstory), EVERYTHING with barou especially the final fight between the cousins (i’ve decided they’ll be cousins but as close as siblings!! so y/n’s mother is barou’s father’s sister and her houndoom is barou’s houndoom’s sister so it’s like three generations of brother/sister-esque bonds making up the story), the random evil team encounters…i’m sure you saw but i put requests on hold for a few reasons: so i can finish the ones i have, work on the oaeu, AND also start this story hopefully!! also i want to deny people from requesting for a bit so the hype is built for my 1k event whenever we reach that milestone FJDJSJSJ
LMAOOO the craziest thing is that’s not even scratching the surface unfortunately i have had many insane experiences with men i’m sure you’ll hear about more whenever they’re relevant to the convo 😭 and YESSS i love chatting w you hehe always a little rush of dopamine when i see the little “anonymous asked you a question” notification on my phone (when tumblr isn’t an OPP and actually gives the me the notifs) 🥹
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