#you can still like Lotor
discordiansamba · 10 months
I guess I should discuss the AU that's been rattling around in my brain in a little more detail, rather than just making shitposts about it. So here's the basic gist of it:
We all know there was one surviving universe at the end of Honerva's rampage in VLD's (pretty bad) finale before everything was restored to normal- but could it really survive everything that happened around it unscathed?
The answer is no. Of course it's no.
In a twist of irony, given Honerva's goals, Lotor is deleted from a universe that would have otherwise been very close to the canon universe as we know it- which is... kind of a problem, actually. As in 'the universe could fall apart if this event doesn't happen' problem. But don't worry. The cosmic forces of the universe has a stopgap measure of its own in place to protect itself.
After all, what could go wrong with the universe using one half-Galra to replace another?
Keith is born to Zarkon and Honerva in Lotor's place. He's always felt out of place in a way that simply only being half-Galra can't quite explain. He has a strong sensitivity to quintessence, and knows from a young age that his father and the witch that stands by his side are corrupted.
He knows he's corrupted too. he can hear things that are not him whispering in his head sometimes, telling him things. he ignores them.
(this is sometimes harder than he would like)
(on very rare occasions he hears a different voice from the rabble- one that calmly tells him not to do things. he listens to this one a little more.)
He grows up loathing his father- it's a mutual feeling. He knows that even before he was born, his mother loathed him as well. He grows up with no strong connection to their either side of his heritage.
(perhaps honerva subconsciously realized the child she was carrying was not her own)
He breaks away from the Empire on his own at an early age- he knows in his bones this is wrong, and wants no part in it. He ends up safeguarding a pocket of space from the Empire, but his motives remain erratic and he stays aloof from the other forces against the Empire, so he's not exactly trusted by them.
After all, he's not exactly not still a part of the Empire himself. Zarkon's not going to let his only heir walk away that easily.
He still ends up meeting Acxa, Narti, Ezor and Zethrid.
He's born with the Altean talent of shapeshifting- though he's better at it than most. He wears three faces- the Galran prince, the Altean wanderer, and then a third face, one of a race he has never seen before, yet feels oddly familiar to him.
(Sometimes it feels more natural than the one he was born with.)
He later learns of a planet called Earth, and its people known as humans, who so resemble his third face- and the blue lion with them. He decides to keep an eye on the planet with the excuse of trying to protect the lion... which is surely the only reason he feels such a strong draw to this otherwise backwater planet.
Which is great, because it turns out replacing Lotor with Keith created another problem the universe has to deal with- there isn't a Keith anymore to pilot the red lion.
He just kind of gets swept up in everything when the blue lion awakens, and before he knows it, he's on the Castle of Lions, and Princess Allura of all people is telling him he's a paladin. They all seem to think he's human.
Somehow, he senses it would be a very, very bad idea to tell them all he's actually Zarkon's son.
Great job Keith. You signed up for the universe's most stressful double life. I'm sure this is going to work out real well.
(I am lying.)
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roseboysstuff · 8 months
Okay but- daddy Lotor making his son wearing a collar that says “Daddy’s boy” all the time and having a matching leash for it that he attaches and tugs on while he breeds his adorable slutty son, the Collar letting everyone know who his son belonged to- THAT SHIT JUST- you can ignore this if you want- I just think this idea is hot-
Holy shit that is hot i have to write it but for some reason this one came out as headcanons coz my fibro is flaring up and I am tired
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You protested the collar at first
But he made you wear it
"Don't make daddy angry. Put it on."
The collar was comfortable, made of leather and lined with something soft
The baby blue lettering, "Daddy's boy", made you embarrassed.
Did he really expect you to wear this?
"Never take that off. Shows who you belong too."
You try to wear turtlenecks, and jackets, to hide the collar, but most people on his spaceship see it eventually.
And when he gets rid of all your clothes that could hide it? Well, that makes sure everyone sees it
The stares made you embarrassed, but they just made him hard
The whole spaceship knew that his son belonged to him, and if any of them questioned it, they would be left marooned on a planet to die.
He attaches the leash a lot, having you knelt down next to his chair, one hand holding the leash, the other caressing your hair.
Or sometimes he'll yank the leash, pulling you closer onto his lap
All so he can kiss you breathless, and fondle every part of your body.
You eventually start smiling whenever he does, loving the possessiveness of the gesture.
And the things he would whisper in your ear as he held you on his lap.
Ranging from sweet nothings like "So pretty, my pretty son, my baby boy", to dirty talk, meant to get you all wet and needy "Gonna breed you tonight, so be a good boy, or I'll do it in front of all my crew."
Of course you stay still, being as good as you can be.
And when he finally gets you back to his chambers, he's throwing you on the bed, and then using your leash to pull you close to him as he climbs on top of you
"Gonna breed your slutty pussy tonight, get my baby boy full of daddy's cum"
And he does. Your pussy is pounded, in every position he can think of.
I headcanon that the galra don't have a refractory period, so good luck because you won't get a break from being stuffed with cum
Takes about 6 loads for him to stop, and even then he's making you cum, fingering you, trying to keep his cum in you.
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minamorsart · 4 months
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Enter Merla: Queen of Darkness!!! 🖤✨
I was pretty disappointed when VLD didn't explore the culture and politics of the Galra Empire more, especially after Lotor took the throne, and I was also quite disappointed with Merla's cameo. So I decided to take a crack at her design myself! Some backstory below!!
I made her Acxa's twin sister because while I don't believe it was confirmed, I always thought that 80's Merla's character must have been divided into the four women who became Lotor's generals in VLD, so why not make Merla and Acxa related? Plus in every piece of fiction you need to have at least one set of twins ;) That's just da rules babeyy~
Acxa and Merla are from Planet Drule (a loyal territory of the Galra Empire) and are half-Galra and half-Drule. They are not of royal descent, and since they were children they were looked down on because they are half-breeds. As the oldest, Acxa takes on the responsibility of looking after Merla, who over the years begins to grow restless with the two of them settling for low-ranking positions in the army and living a less than satisfying life.
One day exiled Prince Lotor comes to oversee the planet just as Merla is planning a coup to overthrow the corrupt Drule king. The coup fails, and wanting to protect her sister, Acxa takes the blame even though she had nothing to do with it. When she is sentenced to death, Lotor, seeing the potential and skill Acxa possesses, offers to pardon her in exchange for her loyalty to him, thus saving her life (it is my personal headcanon that Acxa is the first of the generals to be recruited). She accepts and tries to convince Merla to come with her, but Merla refuses and insists on staying, saying that she wants to change things on Drule, and that by leaving Acxa is abandoning her. The two part ways on bad terms, and do not see each other for many years.
Merla eventually succeeds in taking the throne, her followers assassinate the king, and she becomes queen of Drule. She and Acxa have the occasional run-in, which is how Lotor and the other generals get to know her more. There is still lingering resentment between the two sisters, however, particularly on Merla's part. The events of VLD proceed as normal up until the end of season 5, and I personally would like to take out Lotor killing Narti and the generals turning against him. Now emperor, Lotor works tirelessly to unite his people and deal with the growing Galra factions which plot to rise up against him.
News of Lotor's ascent to the throne spreads throughout the universe, and soon Queen Merla is paying a visit to the Empire and demanding an audience with him. She knows all about the Galra factions, including Sendak's Fire of Purification, and proposes that she and Lotor marry in order to combine the forces of both the Galra Empire and Planet Drule. If Lotor accepts, the two nations will become stronger than ever and no one will dare stand against them. If he refuses, Merla will merely seek support from the factions, perhaps even form an alliance with Sendak, who will eventually try to take the Galra throne himself.
What can this mean for not only the Galra Empire, but for Voltron and the Coalition as well?? What can this mean for Lotor and Allura's developing relationship??? For those who haven't seen the 80's show, Queen Merla debuts in the US-made 2nd season. She and Lotor are actually engaged for a time! Merla is cold, cunning, and calculating like Lotor, and perhaps even a little more manipulative. She enjoys being entertained and can on occasion be condescending.
And this is not meant to create any unnecessary love triangle between Merla, Lotor, and Allura. While Merla has people in her life she cares for and she respects Lotor, her first priority is maintaining her seat on the throne and looking after her people, so she really only sees Lotor as a means to gain more power. Lotor recognizes this, because he mostly shares the same mindset as her and can see the benefits of marrying her, regardless of his own feelings. And how does Allura feel about this whole matter?? 👀 Only time will tell, though it is also likely that the princess may be too proud to ever reveal how she truly feels. At the end of the day, I just think it would be fascinating to explore more of the politics of the VLD universe and the complications that come with ruling an entire empire whilst trying to keep alliances and territories intact. Plus it would make for some fun drama! Particularly in the romance category hehe.
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erinwantstowrite · 3 months
Are you team Jason is riddled with scars or team Jason was healed of past injury by the laz pit
Ps. I AM OBSESSED WITH HOME I just finished chapter 33 (I’m always amazed at how much you can fit into each chapter like Lotor, the black lion, then Shiro figuring stuff out and it all just flows so well and is still so incredibly entertaining, I want to scream) I think Shiro seeing an outside perspective of his waking up scene might have actually ended me for real. AND BEFORE THAT the lance in the black lion scene had me freaking out along side him. Idk how you keep doing in Erin, it should be illegal to be this good at writing.
I'm team both because there's on one hand, Jason coming back and not looking anything like who he was because he's a giant, and he's covered in these scars,,, and like, him constantly having to see the proof that it happened to him? It being a fuel for the hurt?
(I have a fic concept where Bruce pieces together that it's Jason because of the scars, because he went over Jason's autopsy and he held Jay's body, and he memorized the hurt in his grief and guilt. And he sees the pieces together and everything stops when he realizes that's that's his baby? His boy? Littered in scars?)
But on the other hand,,, Jason losing the scars on his knees from falling as a kid. The little mark on his eyebrow where he was being silly playing with Catherine and he bumped his head and Catherine kissed the boo boo away? Jason not having the small marks of the kid he was? Jason not having the proof that It happened to him, when his mind got all twisted up and he didn't exactly know what was and wasn't real in the first place? Sometimes he thinks "what if that never happened and they lied to me or made me think it did, and Dad still loves me?" but then something happens that disproves that and it crushes Jay all over again?
And then a third option: where Jay came out of the pit with a fresh body and nothing of his past, feeling lost and confused and angry because his mind is all messed up. And in turn, being reckless and not caring what happens to him, and so he gets all new scars, all the time, even ones that were avoidable...
(I have such strong opinions about Jason)
Also AHHHHHH Home!!! The Lion Swap made me SOOOO MAD in canon and I could NOT do it in Home,,, had to put an emphasis on why it doesn't work,,, and Shiro seeing the outside POV god I wish canon did more with the Lions and their lore, I CRAVED it as a kid
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Keith knows his nerves must be leeching off him, because the rest of the team is overcompensating. There’s an abundance of chatting and banter, way more than usual, enough that Keith can recognise the oddity even though he’s been gone for two years. It might just be everyone’s relief after finally getting to sit down and be calm after rushing to foil Haggar’s weirdo clone plan, but Keith’s pretty sure his team has noticed his strangeness, and is trying to make him comfortable again. The thought makes him smile despite his anxiety. He’s missed them.
He’s snapped out of his thoughts by Pidge pointedly clearing her throat and using her spork to point at Krolia, who’s been about as anxious as Keith (only for her that manifests as looking like she wants to kill small cute things).
“Are you finally going to tell us who Tall Dark and Gorgeous is?” she asks, because she is the least subtle and nosiest person in the galaxy and Keith honestly should have expected it. His face flames, and his mother raises an eyebrow, while the rest of the team snickers.
Shiro tries his best to appear a little more adult. “If you wouldn’t mind introducing us, Keith.” He smiles kindly at Krolia. “You were amazing out on the field, we were really grateful to have you. Sorry for not getting us all introduced earlier.”
Krolia nods at him, smiling in an awkwardly reassuring way. “Of course, Black Paladin. There were bigger things to focus on handling.”
She returns to her food too after speaking, clearly done her piece.
Keith grimaces. He was hoping she’d introduce herself, but it looks like he’s going to have to. Fuck. (He’s not sure why he’s so opposed to it. It’s nerve-wracking, though, introducing his actual mother to his family. To his brother, his almost-father.)
“Um, Krolia, this is my family.” He points to them all and names them, rolling his eyes fondly at Lance’s wink and finger guns. He even introduces Lotor, even though he still maintains that they are not friends and Prince Hairdo has a lot of making up to do. “Everyone, this is Krolia.” He looks directly at his brother, taking strength in the man’s encouraging expression and addressing him directly. “She’s my mother.”
The entire table goes dead silent. Small conversations abruptly halt, the sounds of eating cease, silverware freezes where it was scraping on bowls. Complete and total silence.
Shiro’s face goes from encouraging and open to shocked to shuttered, jaw set and eyes narrowed.
Keith’s anxiety skyrockets. He sees his mother tense from across the table, and feels Lance go rigid beside him.
This is worse than what he expected.
“Your mother?” Shiro clarifies, words careful and controlled. He’s the first to return to movement, scooping goo into his spork almost robotically.
“Yes,” Keith says hesitantly. He doesn’t understand his brother’s reaction. He had expected some hesitance from Hunk, who is wary of newcomers, and maybe some understandable discomfort from Allura, but not…
Not Shiro. Not Shiro who is great in a crisis, who is the king of diplomacy, who has always supported Keith.
The rest of the team slowly follows Shiro’s example, returning to their meals, but there’s no more jovial conversation. All eyes are avoiding the brothers, but ears are open, movements slow and quiet so as to not miss a word.
“Hm. Interesting.” Shiro takes a bite of the goo, slowly chewing and swallowing, looking forward like he’s really contemplating. Keith watches every move carefully. “Where’d you find her?”
His tone is almost pleasant, conversational, but there’s something off and plastic about it. Forced. Like he’s talking about a volatile creature Keith has dragged home that he’s trying to be cool about, not the parent Keith has been searching for his whole life.
Keith glances surreptitiously at his mother, but she only shrugs at him. “On the space whale. Well, at the Blades, technically. She was assigned the mission with me and we both got stranded.”
Shiro makes another hum of acknowledgement, nodding to himself. He pokes aggressively at the bowl of green gelatine. “That’s wild. I would have guessed you’d have found her in a jail cell for tax evasion or something, since she seems to be the type to avoid responsibility.”
Keith blinks in shock. Two seats down, Hunk chokes on his water, and Coran thumps his back to help. Every other jaw is dropped in shock, heads swivelling from Shiro to Keith, at a total loss.
“What the fuck are you talking about,” Keith says harshly. He glances at his mother, who quickly hides the hurt on her face with a carefully practiced mask of indifference.
“Oh, nothing,” Shiro says, distractedly pushing around his goo. He sounds blasé, unbothered, but Keith recognises this tone of his, as rare as it is to hear it — the passive aggressiveness, the snooty way he speaks when he’s too furious to even yell, and just wants to make everyone around him feel stupid. “I just figured the person who abandoned her infant son without so much as a note is someone of the more irresponsible and immature variety. That’s all.”
Lance, who has never been capable of handling tenseness, stands abruptly and starts gathering the bowls and utensils of everyone at the table, regardless of whether they’re finished. Keith watches distantly as he quiets Pidge’s whining, firmly telling her to get up and bring it with her if she needs.
“She’s my mother,” Keith says through grit teeth. He pulls his gaze away from the red paladin, glaring at his brother. “I thought you’d be happy for me.”
Shiro finally looks up from his stupid goo, baring his teeth in a poor imitation of a smile.
“Thrilled,” he drawls.
Quietly, Krolia stands, pushing in her chair and following the rest of the team to the door. In the back of his mind, Keith wonders if it would be better for her to stay, but dismisses it just as quickly. Better for her not to hear whatever Shiro’s problem is. She walks out the door without so much as a glance backwards, and Shiro’s gaze follows her out with a sneer. Lance shoves the rest of the reluctant team out of the kitchen doors, then glances back one more time, brown eyes big and reassuring, smiling sadly before closing the doors quietly behind him.
When Keith finally returns his gaze to his brother, his eyes are wet and there’s a lump in his throat. Hurt swarms his chest as much as anger.
“You’re being a dick,” he says. His voice cracks several times as he says it.
“Oh, well, fuck me, then,” Shiro says, violently pushing his chair away from the table and stomping to his feet, grabbing his bowl with his prosthetic so tightly it cracks. He barely even glances at it, fisting the pieces and storming over to the kitchen to toss them. “Here, let me pretend.” He turns back to face Keith and forces a smile on his face, mockingly sincere. He reaches over and yanks Keith bowl away, with his flesh hand this time, and all but tosses into the sink.
There are small smears of blood on it, from the shards of porcelain that dug into Shiro’s flesh hand. Keith’s own hands shake. He scoops his and Shiro’s sporks into his hands, squeezing them tightly, and walks carefully to the sink. He resists the urge to fling them right at Shiro’s head, instead forcing himself to set them gently among the rest of the dirty dishes and standing next to his brother to rinse what he washes. He says nothing as Shiro roughly scrubs the goo pot — they’ve discovered it tastes sort of better hot, so they take the time to cook it — and practically slams it into Keith’s sink.
“Could you tell me what your fucking problem is,” he grits out. He can no longer stop his tears and they drip down his face, down his nose, over his lips, down his chin and disappearing into the dishwater. Every time he swallows, it’s bitter with salt.
“Sure,” Shiro snaps. “I have a couple questions first.”
Frankly, Keith wants to tell him right where he can shove those questions, but he wants this to be resolved more than he wants to be angry.
“Great,” Shiro says with a relish, and Keith regrets it immediately. “She recognise you the second she saw you?”
Keith swallows. He has to try three times to speak, to force his voice above a whisper. “No.”
“Huh. How long’d it take her to realise?”
Keith hands shake so bad he has to set down a cup lest he drop and break it. He doesn’t want to answer. “Some time.”
“Crazy. Bet she told you she’d been looking for you, huh?”
“Stop,” Keith whispers, choking on a sob, but Shiro plows right on.
“Told you that finding you was all she ever wanted? That she’s so glad she can finally see you again?”
“That you’ve turned into a fine young man she’s proud of?”
“Shut up!” Keith shouts, and the words hurt on their way out of his mouth, shoved past the giant lump in his throat. He gasps for air and can barely find it, lungs heaving, hurting everywhere, heart feeling like he’s being squeezed. He can no more stop his sobs now than he could stop a star from imploding, and they tear out of him, leaving him aching and shuddering and shaking. “Stop. Stop. I don’t know why you —”
“I’ll tell you why,” Shiro snaps, dropping the last dirty dish and gripping the sides of the steel sink so hard it warps under his prosthetic. “You remember when you showed me those pictures of your dad and his crew? When you were thirteen?”
Keith nods, sniffling, wiping his eyes with wet hands. He hears metal creak, hears hands being dried on a dishtowel, and a long, heavy sigh.
“I picked him out immediately, kid,” Shiro says quietly. Some of the overt cruelty has faded from his voice. He just sounds tired, now; bitter. “You didn’t need to point him out to me. I barely even needed to look at it. I knew who your father was immediately.”
Keith sets the last dish on a drying rack and takes a step back, leaning away from Shiro and pointedly looking away. “So?”
“So — ”and Shiro’s voice sounds almost gentle, now, apologetic, although to Keith or for Keith he’s not sure — “you look just like your Pa, Keith. You are his spitting image. The only difference is your eyes, and your height.” He glances at Keith and then snorts softly. “Well, not the height anymore.”
Keith doesn’t smile back anymore. He hears what Shiro is saying and he hates it, hates him a little for bringing it up.
“She had no reason to expect it was me,” Keith argues.
“And no reason not to recognise you if she was really looking,” Shiro retorts. “If she was exactly what she said she was, she’d recognise you.”
Keith scowls at him. His eyes still burn with tears. “I was wearing my Blade uniform. And she hadn’t seen me since I was a baby.”
Shiro’s face has started to return to the anger it held before, the frustration. “That’s the fucking point!” he shouts. “She left you! Without so much as a goodbye, or even a note! Just a cryptic knife that did nothing but confuse you!”
“There was a war to fight!”
“And she had a kid to raise!”
“What was she supposed to do about Blue, huh?” Keith demands, pushing off the counter and throwing his hands up. “Let Zarkon find her? She had to protect the universe!”
“She had to protect her fucking kid.”
“One kid is not worth more than the entire universe!”
“You are!”
Keith freezes. Shiro barely notices, face twisted in rage so badly that he’s barely even looking at Keith, fists clenched hard enough to creak, fury radiating off of him.
“What?” Keith asks in a small voice, but Shiro plows on.
“You’re her fucking kid. You come first. You come before any other kid, you come before her mission, you come before the fucking universe. That’s how having a kid works. They’re the priority. And anyone who leaves their family behind like that is unforgivably despicable.”
The truth comes crashing down at Keith all at once. He looks at his brother with wide eyes, unclouded with his own hurt, and sees for the first time all the pure hate and rage and pain — not directed at Krolia, not even a little, but sharpened to a point and shoved back into himself.
Anyone who leaves their family behind is unforgivably despicable.
The words ring through the room. Keith hears them repeat a thousand time in three seconds. A million different memories whirl through him at once, all tinged with a pain and a border of abandonment; memories he hasn’t let himself touch since he got to space.
“I don’t blame you for Kerberos,” Keith says quietly. He waits a beat. “I never have.”
Shiro says nothing. His expression is frozen, body unmoving, but his dark black eyes — the eyes that chose him first, that followed him with pride, that were the first to look at him softly when his heritage came out and everything went to shit, that he used to cry and sob and beg to have so that Shiro could be his brother in more than name — are wrought with pain. His face does not crumple, but his eyes are like shattered volcanic glass, and slowly they fill with water, and a drop escapes the corner of his almond eye, dripping slowly down his cheek.
“How can you ever forgive her?” he asks, near silent, voice rough as sandpaper and twice as painful.
How can you ever forgive me?
Keith chokes back his tears and meets his brother’s eyes head-on, determined and steady and loving as Shiro always has been when Keith was the one shattering.
Shiro swallows. It’s loud, deafening in the silence of the room. The sound of it, the knowledge that Shiro is pushing his pain down but it’s coming up anyway, makes Keith’s chin tremble.
“I don’t deserve easy.”
“You deserve whatever I want to give you.”
Finally Shiro breaks, and sobs. And sobs and sobs and sobs. His cries seem the yank the life out of him, drain himself of energy; his knees hit the floor with a crack and he crumples at Keith’s feet.
“Forgive me,” he begs, like he knows he doesn’t deserve it.
Keith gently kneels next to him and reaches out, almost afraid to touch. “I already did.” He reaches out finally and holds his brother, his big brother who was stronger than his body and bigger than his dream and catapulted Keith up to the stars with him, and holds him together as he cries.
“I forgave you before you even left,” Keith whispers, when Shiro’s sobs don’t sound so painful. He squeezes tighter, because he’s almost worried that he needs to keep Shiro all together. “So did Adam.”
The mention of Shiro’s…whatever Adam is to him makes him cry harder, but Keith pushes on, sure that he needs to know.
“The day you went missing, he broke into your apartment. Went looking for the rings. He never took it off after. Never stopped looking for you, either. He forgave you, too.”
Shiro cries something, too warbled to make out, but Keith can make a pretty good guess as to what it was.
“You do deserve it,” he says firmly. “You are not a monster. You are not undeserving of our love, Shiro, of any of our love. We have always loved you as you are. Don’t rob of us the chance.”
“I don’t actually hate your mother,” Shiro whispers.
Keith laughs wetly. “I got that one, dumbass. Use your words next time.”
Shiro smiles slightly, wisely not agreeing. They both know he won’t. They both know this will probably happen to him again, and probably Keith, too — they may not be blood brothers, but they’ve always been alike anyway. Neither has ever been good at expressing themselves, at letting themselves be vulnerable.
But Keith holds his brother tighter, and thinks of their family who loves them with all their shit, despite it and because it, and thinks that they’ll make it through anyway.
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xjulixred45x · 10 months
Lotor x Pearl!GN! Reader
Request: Now that the requests are open I want to do one about Voltron (again), about Lotor headcanons with a reader who is like a pearl from Steven Universe, who probably was a "gift" from his governess, I imagine that reader @ is a very scared but sweet person who is afraid of disappointing Lotor and that he will throw them away because of that (traumas from the past before meeting him). I just want some comfort from one of my favorite Voltron characters💕
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: Gender neutral
Warnings: allusions/mentions of past abuse, reader at first treated more like an object than a person, fear of abandonment, somewhat confusing timeline for the sake of the plot? HURT with Comfort, Fluff, non-canon ending of Voltron for my sanity :') Lotor What have they done to you?
You come from a very... special planet to say the least.
Especially you were born in a social caste that was considered the lowest, so you were trained all your life to be the future accessory of a powerful person. As bad as it sounded.
This was obviously not a pleasant process, especially with the Garla empire breathing down your planet's neck.
You could say that you got especially ruthless training, the slightest mistake was severely reprimanded, only to know that if you did it in REAL practice you most likely wouldn't come out alive...
Then the Garla Empire took possession of your planet. Everyone was terrified of what could happen, YOU were terrified of what was going to happen to you.
But fortunately? You were given as a personal servant to the Garla, along with many others, in exchange for not destroying the planet completely.
But you were lucky enough that it was your turn to serve the Prince of the Garla, Lotor.
This was before the Paladins intervened, so even when they arrived, this still stood.
To say that you were scared was to say, you were terrified of what was going to happen. What if he was one of those super strict princes? What if he had a bad temper? What if he got angry with you and got physical? And If it hurts you? Or worse?
You set out to be as correct and upright as possible for this new position, apparently you would be a gift, well, maybe you don't have to do much, you can do this.
Dayak barely talks to you, although the first time you meet her is only so she can give you a checkup to make sure you live up to her expectations, and fortunately you are and she seems very satisfied.
Before meeting this "Lotor" she gives you a tour of the Garla main ship in a vague way so that you become familiar with everything and thus adapt quickly before seeing Lotor. The ship is GIANT so it takes a while.
Although at least with this you can hear some people talking and whispering about Lotor, apparently the winner of the "Kral Zera", the first Half-Blood emperor and Zarkon's heir...someone to have fear apparently.
Let's just say they didn't make you feel much better.
But at the end of the day you finally meet him. Is he together with what appear to be the paladins of Voltron? And Dayak makes his presence quite noticeable (poor paladin Blue and especially yellow).
Before retiring, Dayak introduced you to Lotor, as his new personal assistant, to serve him in any way he wanted.
To your surprise, Lotor seemed just as off guard as you, it seems that he had forgotten the deal with the Kral Zera matter, it is understandable, but it was especially shocking when he apologized to you because he could not introduce himself properly, since he had a VERY busy day with the Voltron thing...
....weren't you supposed to come help him with that? What Quiznak?
You tried to tell him that, that you could help him manage that, but he said no! That for now he could handle himself well, but that you should give him time to think of something for you...
okay that was VERY strange
But a nice strange? Lotor was not like you thought he would be.
Even when he finally did what he had to do with the Paladins and Princess Allura (love of a person), he still treated you with a respect you weren't used to.
you were mainly in charge of his agenda with the other Garla leaders and works like that, together with the Paladins and Princess Allura, etc. It wasn't a heavy job, but it required attention to detail and you definitely went out of your way to make it perfect.
And contrary to what you thought, you received some recognition from your, so to speak, Boss (because Lotor hated it when you called him "master" or "owner"), Lotor was grateful that you helped him and that you were so diligent, He let you know when he kept you up to date.
You could even have conversations with him! It wasn't something you had been prepared for in the least, but it was nice, Lotor was someone very intelligent and even had an interesting sarcastic sense of humor. You learned a lot by talking to him.
In turn, Lotor learned more about your species based on his experience with you, although at first it was difficult for him, because you insisted on keeping a certain distance, but he was able to make his way through your walls.
He found you quite pleasant and even charming! Lotor always tried to see other species with equal respect, and for you to see him from such a high place (without the need for violence, just doing his job) made him feel very good about himself.
And the feeling was mutual.
It made you feel calmer about all of this, that everything was going better than you thought. You had ended up with an owner--ahem, Boss- who was nicer than you expected and everything seemed fine--
But then you made a MISTAKE.
You were trying to get used to one of the controls on Lotor's main ship and out of nowhere the controls stopped working. They didn't respond, didn't work and seemed glitched.
You realized that you had pressed the wrong places (used to the mothership controls) and that you had "messed up" this one.
But all you could think about was the trouble you'd get into with Lotor.
Oh no oh no oh no What am I going to do? What are they're going to do to me? They're going to have to throw me away, right? How can I get through this? What if they kill me? What if--
You were so panicked that when Lotor arrives you don't notice.
And it only makes you even more afraid.
Lotor asks what happened, but he starts checking the console on his own and realizes what happened, he knows what you did--
And you can't stand the urge to cry anymore.
Lotor honestly freaks out, he thought you would have gotten hurt and that's why you were crying so much, but you were apologizing for breaking the console, and saying that you were fine with being replaced with someone more capable as long as please, please don't kill you...
Even if he didn't show it much on the outside (it's a habit up to this point he's sorry for it), it hurt Lotor to see you like this. And even more so for something so small. Is this why you thought he was going to replace you? Kill you?? Although he sees that it's mostly because you've been traumatized before, so he's not offended (at all).
Lotor tries to calm you down, explain to you that it's not a big deal. It's not broken! It just needs to restart! Please don't cry! He's not going to replace you! Much less touch a hair on your head! You are save with him...
He ends up fixing the console to prove his point and you calm down, something like that, both of your emotions are running high.
From there, you are a little more alert for your possible "mistakes" and honestly, Lotor misses how you were before this little incident, now it seems like you are walking on eggshells (Whatever that means? The blue Paladin said it ) when you are around him.
He discovers that he misses talking to you more than he thought, he is not someone who gets attached easily, but finally having someone who respected him as a person and not as Prince Garla and that you are now in this scared state hurts him.
So it does something... surprising.
He asks the Paladins and Allura for help.
Obviously some make fun of him a little ahem LANCE AND PIDGE ahem, but for the most part they try to give him good advice on how to approach the situation, although they all have a common idea.
TALK IT DIRECTLY or let you adjust naturally again (which seemed unlikely without the former).
So he did it, he call you to speak alone.
Sincerely? You almost died of fright. This on your planet was a VERY BAD omen, VERY BAD.
so imagine your surprise when Lotor was REALLY alone when you went to see him, but you still remained nervous, this man could destroy you with just one arm after all.
But Lotor...just talks.
And he gets straight to the point, he does NOT plan to replace you, he does NOT plan to hurt you, he does not want you to think that you are so expendable, especially when he has come to enjoy your company so much, you can rest assured, mistakes happen, we ALL make them, he prefers that you make them. a thousand mistakes to not having you at all.
Being honest? It was quite nice.
And you were able to be more...at peace with yourself after that. Be the sweet assistant again.
If we talk about advanced terms of a romantic relationship, IT'S PURE FLUFF.
Lotor has shown that he doesn't give a shit about race, so he has no problem relating to you even if you're not even half Garla. What if someone has a problem? They won't have it anymore :)
If your planet is still under the control of the Garla, it is most likely that Lotor has forced them to have laws and a more egalitarian legislature, your people have not lived so well in decapheobes! Of course, there are those who are still not used to it and others who are directly against it, but that always happens.
Lotor is patient when it comes to old wizard habits, chances are you'll still be that way! But more as a consort😅
Get ready, now that it is certain that he loves you and that you love him too, there is no escape from affection. Lotor is aware that he's touch-starved, but when you discover through this that YOU'RE touch-starved TOO, it's like, the perfect mix.
Lotor is the most openly affectionate, which helps you gain some courage to do the same, although of course, when it comes to making the other person nervous, you never win (although Lotor MELT inside seeing you try).
Lots of physical contact!! Especially at events with too many people and where you can easily feel overloaded, it's a quick way to calm yourself down and for Lotor to be happy and calm (literally, if they want to calm him down they have to bring you into the room and he's INSTANTLY in a good mood again).
You have a friendship with Allura! She jokingly says that you're too good for Lotor, but in a loving way.
The Paladins don't understand how Quiznak, someone as sweet as you ended up with Lotor. Did they threaten you? Blink twice if so--
Your nature is now a little more curious, you see everything with new eyes, it is something tender for Lotor, for him most of these things are everyday, but for you it is something new and even unique, it is nice.
He also now handles your crises better when PTSD strikes, takes you somewhere spacious, keeps some distance so you can breathe better, and when you recover he is on you for the rest of the day, quite worried.
In general, Lotor sees his partner with equal respect and love regardless of their race, social status or how they met, he loves you regardless of everything or how you perceive yourself. You are his equal, his partner, nothing changes that.
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Reblogs, shares and Comments are very welcome!!
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Ok ok so have yall seen those fanarts of Keith as one of lotors generals? Hope so cause that’s kinda based off what I’m talking about. Buckle up cause this is long and I didn’t reread it so sorry if there is any mistakes
What if Keith worked with lotor as one of his generals? Who would be the red paladin? I think it would be allura, or lance would be in red and allura would be in blue. Keith could’ve known shiro on earth but after the Kerberos mission incident, Keith tried looking for him like in cannon but couldn’t. Then, somehow bc I’m not sure yet, Keith gets ‘kidnapped,’ by lotor/the galra. He becomes one of lotors generals alongside acxa, ezor, zethrid and narti
The paladins got into space similarly to cannon. Pidge gets the Voltron’s signals, they kidnap shiro but PIDGE finds the blue lion, then they get shot into space and become the paladins of Voltron alongside allura and coran
They catch the attention of lotor and his generals since, oh shit, voltrons back and oh wait!! Keith knows the black paladin for some reason? Plus the galra empire but yk this ain’t about them
So it goes down how it did in canon for how the paladins meet lotor and technically the generals, I don’t remember how this happened so it’s vague, sorry, and then they meet Keith. Shiro can barely recognize Keith. It can’t be him. That can be the same like 12 year old he knew all those years ago. This is someone completely different.. right? He certainly looks different..
I think Keith would probably looks more galran rather the human. Example being yellow sclera, pointy irises(like a cat), maybe even white pupils, and his teeth and nails are sharper, almost like claws, his hair has a purple tint to it, like his mother’s. Basically he appears human but the more they look at him the less human he seems
The paladins, specifically and mainly shiro, end up having to fight him like the do acxa or ezor or zethrid. And frankly, shiro feels terrible about it. No one but shiro and lance knew who Keith was. But lance didn’t really like him because of their one sided rivalry. So shiro had to explain how he knew Keith. How that cannot be the same boy he helped and cared for. It can’t be his little brother.
Then lotor goes kinda crazy and says he’s gonna destroy the galra! Which is yk.. definitely something to say! So Keith and the others help haggar and the empire, like in canon. But Keith questions it like acxa eventually did. So he ends up helping the paladins, who still barely trust him, which is fair. But he does something that gains their trust. Maybe keeping lance safe by risking his life. Keith ends up growing to trust shiro again. He only ‘stopped’ trusting him because he was left behind. And he had worked with lotor, who really made it seem like he, shiro, was untrustworthy
But he isn’t needed with the paladins, until shiro fucking dies but I’ll get to that in a second, so he helps the BoM. Where he finds his momma then gets stuck on that damn whale thing. But he gets kosmo and finds out krolia is his mom
But then shiro goes missing. So he has to help the paladins. But he’s not the leader, no no no. That’s lance. Allura is in blue and Keith is in red.
That’s all I have right now lolol
- Vee 💜
I need to figure out your account if I don't already know it and I need to be ur mutual right now literally how do you come up with this stuff it's so good holy shit
I can absolutely see all of this happening and their is a good chance imma make fan art later.
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As my rewatch of Voltron season 6 comes to a close, here are my thoughts on it. Mind you, as I'm writing this, it is past midnight. I took my medication, and one of the pills I take makes me a bit sleepy. I wholeheartedly apologize for any repeated sentences, nonsensical phrases, poor spelling of certain words, and poor grammar.
Keith and Krolia's adventure to the area where the other Alteans are should have been at least two episodes - there are moments that should have been more fleshed out, but were unfortunately cut short by production, and possibly absences of Steven Yuen since he is a popular actor in both America and South Korea
Season 6 was ordered, it started production with a certain number of episodes, then one of the suits decided to cut down on the number of episodes - that explains the weird montages
Monsters and Mana, while the best episode of the season (and I stand by it) was definitely written as either a needed filler episode (which is fine) or a special episode to release between season 6 and season 7
Anything that I said about Lotor, in terms of how he ruined Allura's character, is wrong. Allura is just not a good character in this season. I can understand that she needs that connection to her people, and Lotor is able to help her. But I genuinely stand with Lance when comes to not trusting Lotor, since he could not shut the ever loving fuck up about their fathers being friends. My brother in Christ, Lotor, we fucking get it. Your dad and her dad rubbed elbows.
The kiss shared between Lotor and Allura still makes me gag. Nothing against the shippers of this specific ship. I just hate Lotor and how he manipulated Allura. I've been through my own kind of manipulation, so I can't seem to like the character as a person.
I am still right in the theory that Lance and Shiro's relationship was supposed to be important. As much as I adore the fight that Keith has with Kuron, and he tries to being Shiro back and Keith says "I love you", shocking the clone enough for Keith to get the final blow... Lance was given the shaft once again. I could try to work with this in my fix it fic, despite sacrificing my favorite moment in the finale. I'm still outlining my fic, and still on chapter 1, so only time will tell.
That Galra robot that was programmed to have fun was amazing and the scene of it being tied to a rocket getting shot into space as Amazing Grace played in the background is iconic and I wish people talked about it more. Because it was insanely funny and I loved it too much. Fly high, random robot. I will always love you.
Despite me bashing Lotor for all that he is, I will still say that he is a well written character that I would love to punch in the face. Unfortunately he is like 7ft tall, and I am the same height as Krillin from DBZ. So I'm either going to have to learn how to do a Shoryuken a la Street Fighter.
As much as I love the finale of Season 6, I genuinely have to say that Keith's inclusion after being away from Team Voltron just seems convenient.
The Black Lion is the most disloyal bitch I have ever seen. I love the Black Lion's design, as I should. I'm a basic Voltron: Legendary Defender fan. But the Black Lion instantly took Keith back after leaving the team to be with the Blade of Marmora. Also the Black Lion had no problem with Kuron after a certain point, which is stupid. How dare it not be a continuous struggle for Kuron to gain its trust. Then again, this is the same lion that was still loyal to Zarkon despite the fact that Zarkon was evil. Never understood why Zarkon's bond with the Black Lion was so strong when Shiro proved himself to be the better paladin, but that's none of my business at this time.
I personally felt like the Blade of Marmora overstayed their welcome after a certain point. This could just be a me problem, and I am wholeheartedly willing to be the only person on this hill.
Coran is consistently amazing.
I don't know when the writers started making Hunk more of a tech savy character (I genuinely have no idea), but it's quite eye opening when you notice the change in archetypes.
Matt is still an okay character to me. When he was revealed, a good chunk of the fanbase was madly in love with him, which I understand, but I just look at him and shrug.
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harukamitsuki · 4 months
Okay... I am currently back on my Voltron bullshit and continuing my rewrite of Voltron. And I'm constantly reminding of HOW MUCH I HATE LANCE.
Don't get me wrong. I am still treating Lance fairly in my fic, making sure he gets screen-time and a proper character acr and stuff.
But by GODS. This man pisses me off so much and that's only made worse by his stans. I was scrolling through Keith's tag here on tumblr. I also have Kl@nce filtered out. I cannot see a single post without at least three pages of scrolling and then it's only ONE POST. AND IT'S STILL KLANCE BECAUSE IT HASN'T BEEN TAGGED CORRECTLY.
Anyway. Onto the actual things I hate about Lance and not just his fandom.
Lance is a fucking asshole. I mean that on the deepest level. Let's go through it chronologically because I cannot rank it from least to most assholery, because some things are on the same level.
1 - Allura wakes up from the cryopod and Lances catches her. She's confused and dazed and the first thing you should do is ask if she's alright. Oh, but Lance is above that. Instead, he flirts with her. Karma given immediately as she calls his ears hideous and puts him in a submission hold, which is why I kept that scene in my fic, but that was still wrong. I know it was played for comedic effect, but that doesn't make it not canon. It's canonically accurate that if you've awoken from a coma, Lance's first instinct is to flirt with you if you're pretty.
2 - Literally throws Hunk into the middle of a battle. I get that Hunk was supposed to leave the Lion anyway, but just shoving him out when there are lasers everywhere and Hunk has no protection? Yeah. So much for 'best friend'. Add on the fact that Lance never really treats Hunk like a friend. At all.
3 - Okay. Season 1 Lance isn't bad outside of those two examples, even if he has his dumb moments, so let's jump to Season 2. Starting shit with Keith for no reason. People can go 'oh, Keith obviously did something to him at the Garrison' but he DIDN'T. The writers themselves confirmed that Keith did nothing to Lance, he just started shit with Keith all the fucking time. Like accussing Keith of wanting Blue and cutting him off when he tried to explain what was actually happening, even though Lance is the one who was outraged initially that Keith had Red. Or how about Lance getting up in Shiro's face and screaming his head off about how Keith would rather kill people than listen to them, as if he knew Keith at all after bullying him the entire time.
4 - Okay. This one pissed me off the most and is the biggest reason I'm making this post. The fact that Lance used Shiro's death/disappearance against Keith. Keith outwardly expresses his lack of desire to become the leader and accidentally let it slip that Shiro wanted him to do it. To which Lance is all 'convenient that you say that when Shiro's gone'. What. What the fuck. Stans really say that Lance is precious but how the hell are you justifying that? A blind man could see how much Keith loves Shiro, and Lance has the fucking gall the say that Keith is USING his death/disappearance for a position he doesn't want? He didn't even apologise for it. He just told Keith to suck it up later on. This is one of the reasons I hated Lance as the Red Paladin, the others being explained in an earlier post of mine.
5 - Oh, yeah. We're not done. Because after Keith, it's Allura. Allur@nce is probably the worst ship that could have happened, apart from Kl@nce. If you wanted a straight ship, how about what was canon for the past Voltron series? Kallura? Anyway. Yeah, Lance treats Allura like a prize instead of a person. He's posessive in a way that he has no right to be because they were not together. He glares at Matt for flirting with Allura, something he only does once. He gets mad at Lotor and tries to stop them from spending time together, EVEN THOUGH LOTOR IS HELPING ALLURA AND BONDING THROUGH ALTEAN THINGS. HELPING HER KEEP IN TOUCH WITH ALTEAN CULTURE. In Season 8, he literally yells that it should be Lance and Allura?? What a fucking weirdo?? You can't claim that you're destined to be with someone without being together. That's not how healthy relationships work. That's how a stalker's mind works. Lance is constantly flirting with Allura throughout all of Voltron and she never once reciprocated until Season 8 where it's so obvious that Lance is just a rebound but the writers wanna make it so that it's 'true love' and they want Lance to be happier than anyone so they just gift her to him like some sort of trophy. Lance didn't care about loving Allura, he cared about winning her. At least Lotor actually cared for and respected her. I still don't like canon Lotor, but that's mostly because the writers didn't want to deal with gray morality. Cowards.
1 - Honestly the worst example of a leader. It's shown from episode one. Now, there is the argument of learning to become one, but Lance just never learns? He's never facing the consequences of his actions and, if he is lectured, he ignores it. Keith actually takes lessons to heart and tries to improve and he does. If Lance became the Black Paladin, the universe would have been doomed because he can't get over himself for a single moment to even bother listening to anyone else's advice.
So. Yeah. Those are the main reasons why Lance is an asshole. Now to make the Lance stans really pissed.
Reasons why Lance would have been a terrible leader and could never have been the Black Paladin.
Remember episode one? Remember how the hydraulic stabiliser was out in the simulator and Lance still tried to push on, even though Pidge and Hunk advised him not to? Totally great leadership qualities there. There's nothing better than a leader that refuses to listen to you. 'Oh, but Keith is stubborn and didn't listen--' yes he did. He's stubborn and unrelenting at first, but he eventually realises that they're right.
Remember episode three? Remember when Lance bragged about kicking, which made Voltron fall, then proceeded to try it again and failed again even when Keith advised him not to? Yeah. Lance does not make good decisions and does not listen to any advise. Even from the leader's right hand man.
Remember Season 1 Episode 12? Remember how they were waiting for Shiro and Allura to get back and then Keith saw someone taking quintessence so he decided to follow them? Remember how Lance said no and was ignored but did nothing more to stop Keith? He has no authority and no charisma to keep anyone at bay. Pidge herself mocks Lance for being the pinnacle for leadership. Sarcastically. Because he's far from it.
Pidge doesn't respect Lance as a leader, Keith never would considering Lance treats him like shit, Allura can't take Lance seriously with him hitting on her every ten seconds, and Hunk is always questioning Lance's decisions. If nobody respects you, you cannot be a good leader.
2 - Easily distracted. Yes, it's a very popular headcanon that Lance has ADHD, and I agree with that, but that doesn't make it okay. And he's distracted in the easiest ways. Just shove a pretty girl and he'll instantly get distracted and lead the entire team to doom. Remember Nyma and how easy it was for her to steal the Blue Lion? How he didn't even warn anyone that he was taking her out for a ride because he didn't want anyone contesting his conquest? Yeah.
Don't get me wrong. It's fine to have ADHD or get distracted easily. Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece is a great example of a leader who gets easily distracted, but the second he sets his mind on something, he blocks everything out. Lance just doesn't have the capability to do that, nor do I think he'd be able to learn how to.
3 - Gets jealous really easily. As in. Really fucking easily. He's jealous of Keith from the get-go, starting a one-sided rivalry that he's constantly on the losing side of because Keith doesn't care. He gets jealous of Matt when he flirts a bit with Allura. He gets extremely jealous of Lotor for having actual chemistry with Allura. He's constantly jealous and a good leader is only ever in competition with himself. A good leader will only strive to become better for the sake of the team, not to say that they're better than someone else, much less if they're someone that you are in charge of. It's a horrible trait to have.
Jealousy in and of itself is not a bad thing. It's when that jealousy overrides your logic and controls you, instead of you controlling your jealousy: which Lance struggles with a lot. And getting jealous over anyone who even looks at your crush is a very bad thing to do because you do not own your crush. It's okay to be jealous, but not posessively like Lance is. Not to the extent of trying to scare off any potential suitors.
4 - Nowhere near as skilled as Keith or Shiro. Sure, the writers may claim that he is better, but the proof is in the pudding. Keith and Shiro are fucking unmatched. I've defended Lance's skills in a previous post, but I also said in that post that, while he is skilled, he is nowhere near Shiro or Keith's level. I mean, Shiro was the golden child of the Garrison and set so many records. He was known as the best pilot. Keith beat those records and his flying capabilities are always, always noted. I haven't heard a single character comment on Lance's skills, other than to point out how bad they are. Keith was the only one who could have flew through the astroid field, he was the only one who could fly into the Marmora base which was in a blue star surrounded by two black holes, he was able to fly a Galra jet just by pushing the right buttons and knowing what the do, and he's the one who unlocks the warping abilities of the Black Lion. Shiro was able to connect with the Black Lion far before anyone else, able to see through Black and connect with Black to the point of his soul being saved by her.
Lance hasn't done anything spectacular. And, no. He was not 'done dirty'. He was given almost everything he wanted except the Black Lion. The writers claim he's the best pilot, but have not shown it at all. In my eyes, Keith and Shiro will always be the best.
5 - Selfish. Again. Nothing against being selfish. It's perfectly fine to be selfish, so long as it doesn't actively harm others. But for a leader? You should be as selfless as you can be. The team comes before you. And that's exactly what Lance isn't.
Lance is selfish and that's okay, but it's not leadership material. The whole reason Black rejected him is because he wanted the position out of selfish reasons. When he enters Black, he says 'Come on, Lance. You can do this'. In other words, he wants to pilot her because he wants to prove himself. He wants the acknowledgement. He wants the title of the Black Paladin and leader. Black accepted Keith, both at the start of Season 2 and Season 3, because he piloted her for purely selfless reasons. For Shiro.
Lance wants things for himself. Keith wanted things for Shiro. It was only after Shiro came back, (or so they thought), that Keith started focusing more on himself. Even then, he put everyone else before him. He distanced himself from the team so that Shiro could pilot Black again, and he was constantly risking his life for the Blades.
Lance just... isn't the type. He has put others before himself, but he expect things out of it. He expects a parade and acknowledgement. Nobody knew what Shiro went through to rid Zarkon of his connection to the Black Lion. Nobody knew what Shiro went through in his imprisonment because he doesn't want to burden anyone with that. Nobody knew what Keith went through to save Black and Shiro from Zarkon. Nobody knew what Keith went through when they were all mad at him for missing an attack. Lance doesn't withold that sort of stuff. The only thing he doesn't talk about is his insecurities, which he ends up spilling to the mice and Laika (the Yupper) anyway.
6 - Last one. Promise.
Nothing fucking happened. While Keith was gone, nothing of importance happened surrounding Voltron specifically. There was the Lion mind meld and Lotor joining, but all that served to prove was, with the mind meld, if Keith was there, he would have heard Shiro. And with Lotor joining, all it proved was how immature Lance was.
The second Keith gets back, things start happening again. Lotor gets outed as cruel and manipulative (still an ass-pull, by the way), Shiro gets outed as a clone, and so on. If Lance was leading, they all probably would have died ages ago. I'm talking Season 3 Episode 2, ages ago. Because Lance just isn't cut out for it.
So. Yeah. Those are the main reasons I hate Lance and why Black Paladin Lance is an awful idea. Screw the people who believe in it. It is awful.
Like I said, this won't affect my treatment of Lance in my rewrite, because I can fix those issues that come up. I don't have an issue with Season 1 Lance, it's later on that gets problematic. I just hate people building Lance up by bashing all the other characters, then claiming that Lance is the most traumatised, sad character when SHIRO AND KEITH ARE RIGHT THERE. NOT TO MENTION ALLURA, WHO LOST HER ENTIRE SPECIES, AND CORAN WHO LOST EVERYONE INCLUDING ALLURA AND NEVER GOT TO SAY GOODBYE TO HER.
Fuck. I hate Voltron so much but I can't help but love it.
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uniquecellest · 9 months
Some fun AU ideas for Adashi
- Adam is half Galra/human but remained unaware
-Adam is half Altean/human
-Adam half Altean/Galra
-Adam was sent to earth to be a spy however he was extremely young and does not recall his mission at all
-Adam was captured; Shiro gets recaptured and thrown into the Gladiator ring again, they have to fight. Adam doesn't remember Shiro
-Shiro and all Paladins get to Earth the day the Galra invade. Shiro ends up saving Adam before Adam can unalive and Shiro is p i s s e d they went after Earth, especially Adam
-Adam and Lance get captured at different times/places resulting in Keith and Shiro to go after them, only they have to make a choice who lives: Adam or Lance (bonus for Adashi/Klance parallels)
-Matt teasing his friends Adam and Shiro constantly being a little terror to them
-more Adam, Shiro, and Matt being the og Garrison trio
-Krolia meeting a young Adam while she's with Keith's dad and Keith's dad being a mentor/role model to Shiro
-Matt, Shiro, and Adam discover Voltron earlier and are the paladins
-Adam meets Zarkon, Lotor, and/or Sendak and goes ferral on them for hurting shiro, Keith, and the other paladins
-They never broke up when Shiro went to space making
-Adam went on Kerberos replacing Matt, Sam, or Shiro
-Adam gets captured but is released as if a hostage, he was brainwashed/had a chip put in him
-Shiro vs. Kuron and Kuron brings Adam up to emotionally hurt Shiro (lowkey pisses Keith off bc no disrespects his brothers like that)
-Shiro and Adam reunite but are stiff thinking the other has moved on. They're only around each other when necessary unaware that they're also spending longer times together again - /and of course I still want him, but I can't when he's clearly moved on/ (cue Matt and Keith pulling a parent trap)
-rebel leader Adam whether it be on earth or a different planet
-Adam helps make Shiro a new hand
-trouble makers Adam, Matt, and Shiro (i.e. Matt and Shiro causing chaos while Adam tries to get them to chill)
- teenage Adam wanting to impress Shiro so he does something stupid that could actually result in explosion from the Garrison
-Shiro and Adam having relationships with the other Paladins before Kerberos (Pidge especially)
-Adam making Shiro blush easily
(Shiro: you know what you're doing
Adam: what are you talking about. [Actually knows what he's doing])
-Shiro and Adam loving to observe each other from afar from when they're cadets all the way to when Shiro leaves for Kerberos
-Adam is secretly an heir to a great fortune, but he had cut ties with his family and didn't get it til his grandparents passed away (Adam is not the only living relative just a sole inheriter)
-Adam sees Kuron and Shiro fighting and is the meme of "hey what's x + x kuron: correct answer Adam: shoots him Paladins: that was the right answer Adam: yes, but Takashi always does this (cut to Shiro and Keith doing the same fucking movement)
- Adam giving Shiro a silent treatment for dying in space
-Adam thanks Haggar for curing Shiro before unaliving her
-nervous cadet crushes bc they're 50/50 if the other will say yes if asked on a date. Someone makes a remark on the other making Adam or Shiro punch someone. The fight is broken by the time the one who wasn't present gets there (or maybe they're pulling their crush off) and don't get the full story until the one who wasn't fighting is helping patch up the one who was
-they're roommates as cadets
-Adam or Shiro is roommates with Matt while the other has a single room (cue Matt doing his best in getting the two idiots together)
-young Keith unaware that Adam and Shiro are dating so he tries to get them together (he enlists Matt's help)
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discordiansamba · 8 months
"Okay, show of hands. How many of us are half-human, half-Galra?"
A lot of hands go up, but surprisingly, not everyone's does. One version of himself, a Galra with red and purple markings wearing Blade armor just looks confused.
"Wait," he says, "-you guys are only half Galra?"
"See, I'm just completely human," one version of himself with gray eyes says, "-but I guess I was raised by Galra? So technically I'm still an alien."
"Wait," a puzzled version of himself wearing a more fantasy version of Blade armor tilts his head, "-what's an alien? I mean, I'm half Galra, but-"
"-actually yeah, same question," a version of himself with golden eyes wearing a cloak asks, "-what's an alien? also what's a Galra? I'm human also. By the way. Definitely human."
"That feels like a really obvious denial," another version of himself that's purple but is wearing more Altean style clothing says, "-also I'm half-Galra, half-Altean."
"I am also half-Galra, half-Altean," a version of himself that definitely looks a little too much like Lotor raises his hand.
"Half-human, Half-Altean," another version of himself wearing even fancier Altean clothing says.
"Full Altean," says another version of himself, "-it's a recent and complicated development. Don't ask."
"Y'all are aliens?" A version of himself that looks mostly human asks, arching a brow. "Huh. Guess that... might explain some stuff about me."
"You guys aren't Shifters?" A deeply confused version of himself asks. "Like? You can't change your shape? That's so weird."
"I can," one version of himself says, and demonstrates by turning themselves Galra in the blink of an eye, "-you mean y'all can't do this?"
"I wish I could do that," says an extremely tall, very Galra version of himself wearing Lotor's armor, "-but no."
"I'm... a lot of things," says a version of himself who does, in fact, look like a lot of things, "-but originally I was just half-human, half-Galra."
"...why do so many of you guys have aliens in your universe?" one version of himself asks, "-because I don't. I mean, I may be a genetically modified superhuman, but-"
"Actually being part-Galra would explain some stuff," a version of himself with visible Galra features says, "-I just thought the changes were because I'm infected with a zombie virus."
"Wait. What the fuck."
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roseboysstuff · 9 months
Yandere lotor baby trapping his trans bf/fiance cause they don't want to marry him and the reader already has a lover
Hehe I've been waiting to write this one this hits all my kinks
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Lotor was furious. You were his. No matter what anyone, even you, said. No matter if that other man thought he was getting lucky. That man didn't know you like he did, didn't love you like he did. He would kill and die for you. He could spoil you, give you the universe. So why were you showing that man all that attention. He would not stand for this. He waited for you to be alone, and politely asked you to come back to his room. It was an innocent gesture, and in your ever trusting nature, you followed him. His thoughts ran wild as he led you back. "This is why he needs me, he's so trusting. That man could never protect him, he's mine." A little grin appears on his face, as he goes through his plan. And as soon as his door is closed, he locks it and pushes you against it with force. Your protests fall on deaf ears, as he growls and kisses your neck. He was a lot stronger than you, and he could keep you still. Your wrists pinned, unable to move, as his teeth relentlessly pull at the skin of your neck. "L-lotor, stop! W-what are you doing?" "Shush, my prince. This is right. You'll be mine, I'll give you everything you need." He picks you up and lowers you onto his bed, only chuckling fondly at your desperate attempts to escape. Your clothes are peeled away, and he marvels at your naked form. "My sweet prince, I know you desire this too. You are soaked. Don't worry, I'll give you what you crave." You are about to ask him what he means, and beg him to stop again, but your words are stopped by the feeling of his cock pushing into your pussy. His moans drown out your little whimpers, but he reaches down and rubs your clit as he thrusts into you. He wants you to feel good too, to know that he can give you everything you need. And he'll make sure you can't escape him, ever again. Even if you struggle, he needs to keep you safe. To keep you loved. So as his cock twitched, signalling his release, he made up his mind to fill you up. Even as he heard you begging him to pull out, he figured that you would forgive him eventually, once you realised he was doing all this because he loved you. A loud grunt falls from his lips as he releases his seed inside you, forcing a kiss onto you, desperate to give you all the affection. He kisses your tears away as he's done, acting as if he did nothing wrong. "There we go, my boy. Now you'll have my child, and you'll stay with me forever. Don't fret, I'll give you everything you could ever need."
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minamorsart · 6 months
What , And how did you start pairing lotura, And Plance .?
Ooooh boy am I excited to answer this!!! This is going to be a long answer, hope you don't mind! Because I have some specific memories about these two ships, particularly lotura, that I would absolutely love to share with you!
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Prepare for a long read! Hehe
Starting with lotura, when season 3 came out and Lotor made his debut, of course I was all 👀👀👀 Because that day something awoke in 19 year old me that I didn't realize could ever be awoken lol. And I wish I could remember exactly what my reaction was to his cat-and-mouse chase with Allura in the episode "The Hunted", but at the time I must not have considered the idea of them ever going in the direction of a romance. Looking back now though, how could I have been so blind??! That chase scene is HOT. I mean just look at them!!! Look at Lotor especially woah mama 😳
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Season 4 was mediocre to me at the time, I will confess, for a lot of different reasons. But then season 5, man... SEASON 5!!!! I remember it was March 3rd, 2018. I wasn't keeping up with the show anymore, but I just so happened to see an article online that said season 5 had been released the day before on Netflix. I told my sister and we decided, "eh, let's watch at least the first episode."
And we watched the first episode, alright. And then another, and then another and another until we watched all six episodes in one sitting. We were both blown away! Lotor... Allura... together???? 😲
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Their adventures, their chemistry, their clear attraction to one another... I was OBSESSED!!! I shipped them hardcore after that. They were and are still my #1 OTP, and it's because of them that I really tried to work hard and improve my art! I wanted to draw them all the time, making mini comics and AUs, and while their tragic ending actually left me in tears and I was upset for a really long time, I can now say that I have been able to heal and move on from it--eh, mostly anyway, haha.
It still hurts, but 5 years later I feel that I've matured and come to a greater understanding and acceptance. I have come to really appreciate how perfect they are for each other, both aesthetically of course (cuz lookit that sexual dimorphism babeyyy) as well as the many, many things they have in common. I have also come to appreciate their flaws, their imperfections, and the mistakes they made regarding each other and their relationship. They may have gotten a sad ending, but they were still truly equals in every way. It's just beautiful, and my love for them now is stronger than ever :')
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For Lance and Pidge on the other hand, it's not quite as clear as when I started shipping them! I remember rolling my eyes at Lance and Allura's first meeting, like "okay Lance is one of THESE guys, here we go 🙄"
Other than that I didn't really ship Lance or Pidge with anyone! If I'm recalling correctly, I don't think it wasn't until after season 6 that I started shipping them together. I remember reading metas and analyses of their relationship that people were making in anticipation for season 7's release, and the more I thought about it, the more I started to really like the idea of Lance and Pidge getting together! And there are definitely subtle hints throughout the earlier seasons of Pidge's feelings for Lance, as well as their fun chemistry with one another, like the episode "Space Mall"!
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The hints are not so subtle to me now, but back then it wasn't until I watched season 7 that I actually became hopeful that they could be a couple! I especially loved the moments when Pidge indirectly called Lance "cute, in a creepy, hideous sort of way" lol, and when Lance become very protective over Pidge in such a way that I don't think we ever saw him react before! I was honestly taken aback by that moment!
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And again, their ending was definitely less than satisfactory, particularly Lance's ending (still hate it with a passion), but just like with Lotura's relationship, I have also come to appreciate many things about Plance's relationship today. While Lotor and Allura have so much in common and are able to reach an understanding with each other that they can't with anyone else, it would seem at first that Pidge and Lance are far too different to be compatible. And it is true that they are very different, but for one, that can be a good thing! The foundations of some relationships are built off of their differences. It can make someone more compassionate and more open-minded when they have a willingness to accept and appreciate the differences they have with their partner, and a willingness to take a genuine interest in the things that their partner is passionate about, even if they don't completely understand.
And two, at the same time, Pidge and Lance DO have things in common! They both love their families, both have a stronger connection to Earth compared to the other paladins, and they are able to bond with one another over fun pastimes such as video games! How cute is that??!
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And just like with Lotor and Allura, I also love Pidge and Lance for their flaws. It did take me a while to come around to Lance, because while he has his funny moments and one-liners, I also found him very annoying at times lol. But I think the fact that he can be really annoying honestly makes him the most realistic character in Voltron. Not necessarily the most relatable, at least not for me, but definitely the most human! Because there are people in our real lives that we love and cherish deeply, but they absolutely have their moments where you go, "ugh, you're so annoying and it really frustrates me when you act this way" but we still wouldn't trade them for the world 🥰
And just to draw one last comparison between Lotura and Plance, I especially LOVE how incredibly different the two pairings are even from each other! To me, Lotor and Allura are sexy and passionate, while Pidge and Lance are pure and fun! They're all so unique and special in their own ways, and they bring so much to the table, both for their characters and for their relationships.
I can't help but write essays every time I get asks, I'm so sorry lol 😭 There's so much more I could say about these guys, but I think I'd better stop here haha! I had a lot of fun writing about Lotura and Plance, and I hope you had just as much fun reading this! I really love these characters a lot. I'm so incredibly grateful that they exist, even if in the form of fiction, and I'm even MORE grateful that my love for them has continued to grow over the years. Thank you so much for the ask!!!! 💖💜💙💚
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Oh and one last thing: we were robbed of a lot of different potential interactions with a lot of different characters, but I have to say it would have been fun to see more of Lotor and Lance interacting with each other! Lance was always acting out due to his jealousy, while Lotor on the other hand mostly just ignored him lol.
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Unpopular opinion but I don't hate the Altean Colony plot. It's just another wasted plot line that could've been very interesting.
A lot of people think it ruined Lotors character but I'd argue it didn't. Him not getting a redemption did. The white lion is episode is a perfect depiction of Lotors character.
This is just an opinion, and a poorly done analysis.
Essentially, even if Lotor despises Galran culture/heritage it's clearly had an impact on him. Allura was wrong when she said he's just like his father, Lotor is exactly like his mother.
Lotor shouts at the lion "victory or death" That's all he's been taught. That's how he had to survive too, considering he's an outcast hated by his own father.
(And then Honerva takes her chances with the white lion by killing it too....she was just successful..)
Another thing is, Lotor never had the time to explain the colony to Allura. We never got to see Lotors perspective of this colony. I'm not saying Lotor is a liar, he's meticulous, manipulative but honest when it came to team Voltron and I do think his allegiance go them was true.
So...why the colony? So here's two things.
Some things are earned the hard way. If anyone knows about loss, it should be Allura. In his furious state Lotor threatened to wipe out any enemies in the way of him and his new Altean followers.
His word is true. That may be hard to accept but victory or death. I always found that so interesting about Lotor, how complex things are for him. Had he gained the secrets of Oriande or whatever would he have found another way?
Secondly, all those bodies being used. This is just a theory here because I don't know. But, none of those bodies were disposed of.
And you know what quintessence does? Well I don't know if it has the ability to ressurect but it gives you immortality. Considering the fact that the Altean bodies were still kept, Lotors promise may have been good. He could easily restore their lives, now given with immortality.
On top of that, if the Alteans are immortal, Lotors reign can last forever. That's probably what Lotor wants.
His 'death' or so doesn't make sense because last I heard Lotor had some sort of immunity to the quintessence field...(allegedly) The Altean colony plot gets left behind, Romelle is a useless character, the way his character is set up. It just makes sense honestly for him to be this anti villian. People mistake him for an anti hero. He's not.
Because Lotors reasons are understandable. His redemption arc starts with him realizing it's not always about victory or death. Too bad he died fighting that way.
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writing-fanics · 1 year
HI!!! CAN I REQUEST THAT SCENARIO YOU SUGESTED??? Lotor telling his child about his story with reader???? I love this purple ass and i miss voltron so much <3
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what was mother like?
lotor x fem!reader
[a/n: don’t get upset with me if anything is wrong I haven’t seen voltron in so long]
[warning: angst : death off screen : fluff ending]
“Father, what was mother like?” Itri asked, his eyes filled with curiosity and wonder. Lotor froze for a moment, as if reliving a moment he didn’t want to relive. Painful memories of a time long since passed still fresh in his mind.
“Father?” He said, waiting for a response. Lotor turned around looking down at his son. His eyes reminded him so much of her and his son too reminded him of her.
His son deserved to know about his mother. But he didn’t want to bring up painful memories he didn’t want to remember. But looking down at his son, seeing those eyes that brought him so much joy before the birth of their son. He sighed, walking towards the empty chair and sitting down.
His son followed and climbed onto his father lap. Lotor couldn’t help but chuckle. Holding his son on his lap, he started to reminisce about the past he spent with her.
“Your mother was, amazing, beautiful, compassionate, feisty, caring.” He said, smiling warmly thinking about her, and then looking down at his son.
“I fell in love with her the moment I saw her.” He said, and Itri looked up at his father and smiled hearing this.
“Yet, we were enemies, she worked with the paladins of voltron. she didn’t trust me.” he said, rolling her eyes and playfully looking down at his son.
“can you believe that she didn’t trust me?!” he jokingly said, causing his son to giggle. “yet, deep down she still cared for me despite being enemies. slowly I was able to both gain her trust and heart.” he said.
“which i regrettably broke when I turned on them while in the quintessence field.” he said, looking down remembering the look of heartbreak on her face seeing him betraying her and her teammates before her very eyes. how she had tears rolling down her cheeks being forced to fight the very person she’d fallen for that she’d opened up too.
he could’ve sworn he saw a single tear roll down her cheeks. “Yet, she did something unexpected.” He said, and his son looked up at him in wonder.
“We give Lotor all the power he wants.” Allura said, looking at him and [Y/n]’s eyes widened, her heart was pounding against her chest.
She didn’t want to kill him, despite all that he was doing now. She still loved him she couldn’t do it. She wouldn’t do it. She looked towards Lotor, it all happened so fast too fast no one had time to react before it was too late.
“She’d put herself in front of me taking in the pure quintessence, sacrificing her life just to save me.” He said, looking down and his son looked up at his father.
“Everyone, was in absolute shock after everything id done up to this moment. She till found it in her heart to sacrifice her life for me in that very moment.” He said, Itri leaned his head into his father’s chest who smiled softly.
“It was in that moment I’d realized my mistake and quickly acted.” He said.
Her entire ship was destroyed her unconscious almost lifeless body floating. Debris floated around her, Lotor took action and immediately, put on his helmet and got out of his ship to retrieve her.
“Y/n!” the paladins shouted, watching as Lotor brought her back to his ship. and left the quintessence field. they couldn’t fly after them so the paladins left the field.
“I’d never been more scared in my entire life.” He said, shuddering slightly as the memory played once again in his mind.
Itri gripped onto his father, “I thought that I was going to lose her, all because of my selfish actions.” He said, looking down.
“But, fate had other plans.” He said, remembering.
[Y/n] groggily, opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. She was no longer in her ship but somewhere else. Galran technology surrounded her and she felt someone holding her hand.
“L-Lotor.” She mumbled, causing him to look up and smile, “Thank the stars, your okay.” He said, gently squeezing her hand and she smiled. “I thought I’d lost you.” He said, and she smiled looking at him.
“That moment, I realized something.” He said, and Itri looked up at him curiously. “What’s that?” Itri asked, and his father smiled, “How much I loved your mother.” Lotor said, Itri giggled.
“What happened after that?” Itri asked, and Lotor’s face went red and coughed slightly. Remembering the not child friendly events the happened after that moment.
“I made her my empress.” He said, and Itri smiled leaning against his fathers arm. All that happened after that seemed to happen so quickly, whatever his mother was planning was big.
“She eventually reunited with her friends, also revealing something else.” He said.
“Y/n!” Everyone shouted, running towards after having not seen her in so long.
“Hi,” she said nervously. Their eyes widened noticing her stomach had grown and the wedding band around her ring finger. She chuckled nervously, looking at her friends faces scratching her chin with her index finger.
“Yep, Lotor and I got married and are expecting.” She said, and she looked at them nervously all of them still in shock she bit her lower lip. Lance walked towards her and placed his Ah f on her shoulder, “It’s nice seeing you again,” she smiled, wrapping her arms around him hugging him.
Allura looked at her worriedly, thinking that maybe Lotor was manipulating her. [Y/n] turned towards Allura and smiled warmly before turning to look towards the others.
“Congratulations,” Lance said, and she giggled placing her hand on her growing stomach.
“You know who was in her belly?” He asked, and Itri shook his head, “You my little star.” He said, and Itri grinned happily.
“She loved you more than anything, and was so excited to finally hold you.” He said, and then he looked down. Almost not wanting to continue on with the story.
“But, fate had other plans.” He said shakily, it had only been a couple of months after the fact she’d seen her friends again. Something happened, that day while she visiting something he’d never forget.
“What happened?” Itri asked, and Lotor sniffles tears rolling down his cheek. It was too much he couldn’t tell his son. He was too young to know.
“She sacrificed her life just so you might be here today.” He said, and Itri had tears welling up in his eyes and sniffled. Lotor held his son close but he couldn’t help but smile tearfully. Feeling a familiar warmth wrap around him, he could hear the faint whispers of a familiar voice.
‘I’m always with you my star’
‘de luste da’
de luste da: I love you (galran)
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lilflowerpot · 5 months
Hiiii flower! This has beeen eating me alive and I just have to ask because I think I’m going crazy is there a post about lotor having a past lover/love interest?I swear I saw one but I can’t find it and im thinking I’m fixated so much on little blade that im actually dreaming/imagining about them🤭
IF he did have a lover what happened to them? And is that character going to be in little blade
Also how would keith reaction be if lotor had or has a lover and he still falls in love with lotor how would keith react to realizing that he fell in love with someone that already has a partner or has had a love interest in the past?
ALSO is that (possibly fake/real) love interest the reason that lotor doesn’t get involved with other people?And since I know it’s mentioned that he doesn’t get involved with them because of Haggar does that mean that Haggar has done something to this person(Ex, past possibly still in love partner, past dead partner?)
Sorry I know that most of these questions can’t be answered but im still curious and I been thinking if its just my imagination making these post up😭.
Also have to know (not related to my last questions) if Keith would to have met sane Zarkon and Haggar and lotor would have been born in the future around Keith’s birth time also if they would have been lovers with the original story line straying from canon then would Haggar and zarkon approve of Keith?
Jesus I’m very very sorry for all these questions I been reading your older posts and honestly it’s been piling more theories and questions and since summer is up and school is back up again and me not putting attention in class I been thinking more and more about little blade it’s ok if you don’t answer bye flower have a good day/night/afternoon♥️💜
I cannot express how relieved I was when you acknowledged that I can't answer most of these questions, because when someone's so clearly enthusiastic and I have to be like "irrespective of whether I confirm or deny this, it's still going to be a spoiler" I always feel so mean 😭
As for whether there's a post explicitly delving into Lotor's romantic past, though it's entirely possible that I've let the odd tidbit slip here and there, I believe I've been rather particular in avoiding addressing that topic in full; I do have thoughts on said romantic history, naturally—Keith's too, as a matter of fact—but that is something for which you shall have to be patient and wait for the story-proper to take its course.
Keith, I think, would be more surprised if he were to learn that Lotor //hadn't// a romantic past than had, I mean... he's a literal prince and looks like that?? The only thing he's reasonably certain of is that, regardless of whether there was/wasn't someone like that in Lotor's life at some point, there isn't anyone anymore, for the simple fact that Lotor's arrival on Voltron's doorstep seemed quite obviously the move of a man with nowhere left to turn.
Your last question is one I actually can answer, or rather, I've already done so! Both for uncorrupted Zarkon, and also as the man he was before the rift ♡
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