#you can skip 4 and 5 but 6 is SO UNHINGED its amazing lmao
timeisacephalopod · 1 year
Look I get Shuester from Glee sucks ass but people saying Sue was right and a much better teacher clearly never watched the show she was going to shoot Brittany out if a canon with a "70% chance of catastrophic failure" (YES that's what the guy who gave her the canon said verbatim). She also, when in charge of William McKinley, instituted mandatory daily weigh ins at the school and everyone who was "too fat" had to wear a pig nose and got put in a literal cage Sue called the pig pen for "mandatory fat shaming." Sue Sylvester is a fucking monster who has less business being around kids than Will Schuster and that guy can't figure out if he's a teacher or the creepy uncle to the whole school so that's a fuckin feat
Yeah Sue is one of my favorite Glee characters but she's undeniably way worse an everything than Schue is it's just that Jane Lynch is a phenomenal actress who plays the character beautifully and blessedly doesn't rap.
She also gives a student a custom Tom Brady Fleshlight and as someone who has worked in a sex shop that might actually be illegal, not just wildly inappropriate. You can sell toys to teens technically but they can't resemble genitalia at all (so wands or bullet vibes would be ok but a ridged dildo wouldn't be). Now the student way gay so the Fleshlight wouldn't have been a vagina it'd have been Tom Brady's bootyhole but that's still enough of a grey area that I'd have not sold something like that to a minor so like if you think Schue sucks because Finn was his best man you cannot say Sue us a better more appropriate teacher after a stunt like that.
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