#you can only see half a nipple so no filters here =p
innamorament0 · 4 days
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I am combining ( or trying to) kinktober and Supercorptober prompts, so here it is - Blindfold for Kinktober and leaves for Supercorptober.
I didn't know where to put leaves, so I slapped them behind Lena's window. Let's say it's a very windy autumn, and they flew 90 stories high XD
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pedrostylez · 1 year
Missed You
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pairing: Javierxfem!reader
summary: this is literally just smut. I don't know what else to say. Is it a drabble? A one-shot? idk. Very little editing done, so sorry about that. It is based on this gif and this shirt specifically, I couldn't stop thinking about the color of it even though I only mention it once in this thing. Anyways, enjoy!
rating: 18+ (no minors please)
word count: 1.1k
warnings etc: smut, dirty talk, light choking, come play, unprotected p in v sex, pet names, established relationship. NO USE OF Y/N.
“I’ll take you right here if you don’t stop teasing me cariño.” He growls, hand sliding down your jaw to lightly grip at your neck. Your pulse speeds up under his thumb, a smirk of satisfaction gracing his lips. “Unless that’s exactly what you want.”
You bite your lip to hold back a moan, willingly tilting your head back so he could lean down and press his lips to your heated skin. His own breath is coming heavily, fanning over your face and jaw, swirling around your ear to tickle you. 
His shirt is spotted with sweat, dark blue around his collar and down the buttons where his sunglasses currently lay. “Did you run home?” You giggle out, fingers brushing against his glasses and removing them from his shirt. 
He smiles against your skin, hand squeezing lightly around your neck. “You’re asking for trouble.” He mumbles, nipping at you to hear you finally let out a breathless moan. “Had to hurry home to see you.” His fingers release your neck and skim down the front of your shirt to the hem. “Wanted you wrapped around me.” 
“I told you I would be home this evening.” You sigh, closing your eyes while he pushes you backwards towards the bedroom. His fingers quickly lift your shirt over your chest, hands leaving a hot path up your front to squeeze. 
“That’s why I ran here when you said you were early.” Javier mumbles, mouth now around one peaked nipple and sucking generously. His ears heat at the sound of your moan, your hands reaching behind you to the dresser. It shakes briefly, your necklace stand falling to the floor with a soft thud. He pops off your chest briefly to flick his eyes up to yours. “Couldn’t wait for the end of the day.”
You laugh, reaching down to the hem of your shirt to fully take it off while he is busy. You wanted him just as desperately, but the idea of Javier running through the streets of Columbia to your apartment rather than to chase someone that knew Escobar, didn’t make sense to you. “I would have cooked you dinner, you know.” You say gently, letting your fingers filter through his hair. A quick tug to get him to come up to your face has him smiling. 
Javier kisses up your neck to meet your eyes, letting his hands drift away from you briefly to take himself out of his jeans. “You still can if you want to, hermosa. But I need you right now.” He feels breathless, insatiable at the sight of you. “Be a good girl for me and turn around.”
“Must not miss me that much if you don’t even want to look at me.” You say as seriously as you can, although he knows you’re being sarcastic. He gives you a shocking smack on your ass when you don’t turn around quickly enough, skirt being lifted as he bends over to kiss as the base of your spine. 
“Need to feel you.” He growls, fingers sliding to your slit and feeling just how wet you are for him. “You need to feel me too, apparently.” He laughs, adjusting his stance behind you to let the head of his cock sit at your entrance. 
He stands there for a moment, looking down at your center so close to his and waits. His hands squeeze around your hips before one reaches up to the front of your neck and arches you back towards him. You moan, trying to push back on to him. “Baby, please-”
He tuts at you, biting your ear quickly before smiling. “Ask nicely.” He says, glancing to the mirror that is on your dresser to look at you. He looks feral, even to himself, with his shirt half open and jeans down to his upper thigh. His arm bulges with his grip around your neck, waiting as patiently as he can stand it. 
You only wait a few seconds before becoming a begging mess. “Please, Javier. I missed you, please–” You squirm towards him, letting his grip tighten around you so that he can guide himself into you. 
He slides in to your weeping center with one fluid motion, pausing at the hilt to let you adjust. “That wasn’t so hard was it baby? So pretty when you beg for me.” He growls, listening for your breath to slow down before sliding back out again. He sets a brutal rhythm, the button of his jeans and buckle on his belt slapping against the back of your thighs. 
You want to reach for him, but you’re not convinced that you will have the balance, so you grip on to the wood in front of you harder. Your knuckles go white as his hand around your neck loosens, reaching to your hip to hold you steady. You groan at the ability to drop your head down and make eye contact in the mirror with him. “Fuck, Javi.” You whine, biting at your lip. 
He feels out of control, ready to come at any second. “Cariño–baby.” He groans, continuing his pace even though its making him reach the finish line. “Fuck, if you keep squeezing me like that I’m goin’ to come.” 
You manage a smile, pushing yourself back against him as an answer. You continue to watch him in the mirror, his jaw dropping open, his hands squeezing tightly around your hips. His movements don’t stop, his eyes glazing over in pleasure as he calls out for you. “So fucking good–fuck–”
When he has pushed out the last of his own orgasm, he pulls out and immediately drops to his knees, not bothering to pull up his pants and adjust himself. His hands stay on your hips, moving to each cheek of your ass and spreading you before pushing his tongue out to your clit. 
You inhale sharply in surprise, looking over your shoulder down at him. His eyes are wide, watching your reaction as he moves his tongue expertly over you. He groans when his tongue tastes himself and you mixed together, gliding it to your center and fucking you with his tongue. 
It’s not hard to come on his face when he starts doing that, alternating between your hole and your clit, groaning out vibrations that causing you to break. Your knees go weak and he has to physically hold you up while continue to eat you out, eyes closing in bliss at the sound of you. 
When you finally come to, Javier’s fingers are lightly running circles on the part of your legs that have marks from his jeans. “Sorry sweetheart, couldn’t help myself.” He mumbles out before adjusting your skirt to fall back into place. 
He leans down to pick up your shirt, letting you turn back around to face him. “That’s okay, Javier. I missed you too.”
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itwasntimethatdidit40 · 2 months
Happy Birthday, little finch.
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Gif credits
Pairing: Jackson!Joel X AFAB!reader
Words count: 6731
Rating: +18 NSFW, Minors please don’t interact
Summary: Everyone forgets your birthday but you receive an unexpected invitation (wink) that will change the fate of the day.
Warnings: POV second person, smut, little power dynamic, little brat taming, begging, unprotected P in V (please, always use protections in real life!), Reader's age is intentionally unspecified, you can imagine an age gap between her and Joel or not, oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), nipples play, Joel comes on reader's tits, just a little of pulling hair, soft!Joel, grumpy!Joel, pet names (little finch, honey, baby, babe), mention of fasting as a sarcastic joke (I don’t condone joking about no one’s eating habits), reader has hair (It is not specified how long they are or what they look like), reader can be lifted by big and strong Joel, reader has a able body, breasts and vagina and she wears a dress, apart from that no other description is given, reader is part of the Jackson community, I don't know anything about Jackson, I only know a few details about second game’s plot (including that detail, yes) so everything I describe is purely from my imagination and may have no bearing on the original Jackson, brief appearances by Maria, Tommy, Ellie and Dina, drinking, swearing, Joel calls reader “little finch” (I came up with this nickname just because my grandpa used to call me with a bird name when I was little and I always found it sweet, so here we go ❤️), Joel can draw (I don't know if it's true but for me it is, okay, allow me). I hope I haven't forgotten anything but if I do I'll add it as soon as I notice.
English is not my first language so please be kind, I always try to do my best, no proofreading (sorry), very little editing, I apologize for any mistakes. I'm writing on my phone, I hope the formatting isn't too bad 🥲
Thank you so much to anyone who will read this, I really hope you’ll like it, kind comments and advices are really appreciated ❤️
I've been listening to Hozier's "Talk" heavily while writing this so here it is, I'll let you know. It's such a beautiful song and I love Hozier so much 🫠
You wake up struck by a ray of sunlight that enters faintly through the half-closed shutters and dies right on your face.
You have no idea what time it is and your head feels heavy and confused, you turn over in bed thinking that maybe you can give yourself another 5 minutes but then you hear voices outside already awake and ringing and then you think that maybe it's really late. You sit up and retrieve the clock from the bedside table, it's 7 in the morning.
You get up and go to the kitchen to make some coffee and from the window you see some people already busy doing their work. Some children head towards the building designated as school in Jackson, happily laughing while they chase each others.
You yawn and open the cabinet in the kitchen where you keep the coffee filters, a precious supply recovered during an exploration that you jealously preserve.
The coffee is also the result of a find and therefore it was carefully rationed with the other members of the community.
You are grateful that it exists because this morning you really need it, last night you slept badly, continuing to toss in your sleep and always dreaming of the same thing again and again. You being swallowed up by a hole in the ground and no hand reaching out to help you. Just a great dream.
The coffee maker burbles a few minutes later, releasing the drink you crave.
Temperatures are milder in this season so you no longer need to put on a heavy jacket and snow boots, there is a bit of fresh wind but nothing compared to the harsh winter that has just passed.
Today in particular you feel like dressing better than usual, you go back to your room and open the wardrobe, carefully inspecting the few clothes hanging there.
You obviously don't have much choice because they're all salvaged second-hand clothes, but Maria gave you a nice pair of denim shorts a month ago and they look very nice on you.
You take it out of the closet and place it on the bed along with a white tank top that highlights your boobs just right, it’s nothing particularly fancy but it makes you feel good, you head towards the shower humming softly.
The shower helps you wake up, you dress and you leave the house feeling a bit better.
You meet a couple of people who greet you as you make your way to the library.
You enter, smelling the familiar smell of books and immediately get to work cleaning and dusting the shelves and the floor, like every day.
The morning passes peacefully, only a couple of people come in to borrow books, so after doing your chores you took the opportunity to rearrange thriller’s books section.
You're a bit shocked by the fact that no one told you anything particular but you don't mind, these people have a lot to think about and a lot to do.
When you leave it's lunch time, so you head to the common room.
The crisp air caresses your face and the sun gives you a little warmth that you missed so much, you really love this season in Jackson.
You enter the room filled with chatter that echoes off the walls. You take your place in line and once you have had your portion you sit at one of the tables.
No one reaches you yet. You're alone in a room full of people.
You see him in a corner, sitting with Maria and Tommy and you get lost for a while observing the way he moves his large hands, how his hair rests at the base of his neck, his big brown eyes, so communicative, the way his flannel shirt - which has practically become a distinctive trait of Joel - hug his muscles, the way his lower lip slightly twitch while he’s talking.
You’re totally captivated.
You can't help it and you know it.
Every time he spoke to you, even for just a few minutes, your body reacted unequivocally at his deep low raspy voice, his proximity always caused you trouble.
You like this man, much more than you are willing to admit.
Joel Miller.
You're friends, you might say. As much as it is possible to be friends with a man like him.
He's friendly, but always with an undertone of detachment that you can't define, as if he's afraid of letting himself go with someone and let his feelings flow freely.
And just as you're thinking this, he turns and looks at you for a moment.
You are sitting, yet your knees feel weak and you feel your cheeks redden knowing you've been caught.
You turn your eyes back to your lunch, quickly finishing your meal and bringing your tray back. You leave the common room feeling in a bubble.
It's stupid that he makes you feel like a little girl with her first crush but it always happens, by now you're resigned to always making a fool of yourself with him.
You walk home to do your household chores and then go to the patch of garden you've been assigned to take care of.
You meet various people along the way but again everyone just say hello, you see Ellie with Dina and they both wave at you and nothing more. In the meantime, Maria has left the common room and the only thing she asks you is how the courgettes you planted a month ago are coming along.
It's strange, but you shrug your shoulders and think that deep down today is not such a relevant day for others even if you hoped it would be because you now consider these people as your new family.
You stop thinking about it and focus on the things you have to do but a tiny piece of your heart hurts a little, just a little.
What the hell is wrong with people today? Only a month ago they throw a big party for Tommy and now nothing, not even a hint.
Okay, Tommy is higher rank, he is married to Maria, everyone sees him as a guide just as they see his partner.
And he goes on patrols, certainly offering others a greater sense of security and protection, unlike you who deal with less dangerous things.
That's probably why, you're just a minion in Jackson's pecking order.
You let off some steam by plowing your field with more force than necessary, small drops of sweat slide down your forehead and you end up hot and with your arms aching from the effort.
Stupid girl, stop thinking about it, it's not that important to have a birthday, not in a post apocalyptic world where everyone is struggling to get ahead.
But still, they acknowledged every single special day of everyone’s here before, except yours and nothing particularly relevant is happening, it’s been a couple of quiet weeks.
You're wiping sweat from your forehead with one hand when you hear a voice behind you.
"What are you doing tonight?" It's his voice, you'd recognize his among a thousand.
You turn around stuttering “uh, what?”
And there he is, flannel shirt, curls slightly blowing in the wind, mouth curved in a smirk, dark piercing eyes.
“I asked…what are you doing tonight?”
You feel the nervousness rising in your chest, it's the first time he's spoken to you in a week and you weren't ready in the slightest.
“Uh…oh…nothing special, I guess, I think I'll read a book and go to sleep early”
you say trying to maintain a certain apparent nonchalance.
“You didn't mention dinner, are you going to fast?” Oh, great. Sarcastic jokes, classic Miller behavior.
“No, of course not,” you reply, rolling your eyes.
He chuckles “okay, so, would you like to come to my house? I cook”
Fuck. Is that, a date?
You instantly feel your mouth dry as you try to reply “Well, it’s not like I have something better to do so yes, why not”
You don't want to make it obvious to this man how he makes you feel. There are worse things to worry about in this world, but letting yourself go with someone who always shows restraint only to be rejected - on your birthday, no less - doesn't seem as pleasant.
And that's how you usually communicate anyway, bickering.
Maria often laughs about it, you are both stubborn and neither of you ever wants to agree with the other.
One day she told you that she thinks you'll end up together and you practically laughed in her face. Not because you don't want to, but because you thought Joel didn't even see you that way.
Maybe Maria was right all along, who knows.
“Good, see you at 7”
And he goes.
You watch him walk away for a while, still with spade in your hands.
Suddenly this day became interesting.
You run into the house and take off your dirty clothes throwing them in the basket you keep in the bathroom and go to the shower.
While you're soaping yourself up you wonder what came into his mind.
As you rub your hair, you think that maybe he's making fun of you but Joel doesn't seem like the type to make a prank, he's always quite sarcastic but not a proper prankster.
It's part of his charm, he always looks grumpy but you know he's not bad, the way he looks at Ellie or his brother says everything about him.
He would do anything for the people he loves.
And he’s not mean, he was kind to you too.
You've spent more time looking at him, analyzing every chat you had with him than you like to admit, so yeah, you're pretty sure he's okay.
Once you get out of the shower you open the wardrobe and find yourself contemplating the usual clothes with which you have to make the best of things.
There is a cute dress that you have never worn because you have never found a particular occasion. It's quite short and low-cut, definitely not suited to Jackson's lifestyle, here everyone wears jeans and sweaters or t-shirts.
You think that maybe tonight is the time to dare even if you don't want him to burst out laughing and ask you what you've got in your head.
It's just a dinner.
He never mentioned anything romantic.
You're obviously nervous, because you like him and if it doesn't go well you should continue to see him every day anyway.
In the end you decide to wear the dress anyway but to tone it down with a cardigan and a pair of boots, so as to make it look less like "please fuck me" style.
You shake your head, how much trouble are you going to for Joel Miller.
However, you have to admit that it's the first really exciting thing that's happened to you since you've been here. You thought that surviving was enough so you obviously never complained about it.
You fix your hair after drying it, you look at yourself in the mirror and you think that you're not that bad after all.
It's almost time, you leave the house and walk the few meters that separate you from Joel's house with your heart beating wildly in your chest.
You climb the few steps to his porch feeling insecure and stupid for accepting, who knows what you expect from this lonely man.
You shrug and knock on the door, snuggling into your cardigan in the cool evening air.
You consider going back and pretending you had a mishap, but Joel opens the door.
“Hey, come in” he smiles at you. You cross the threshold timidly as a delicious scent invades your nostrils.
Who knew Joel Miller could cook?
You follow him into the kitchen and Joel pours you a glass of wine.
“Where did you find this?” you ask in surprise. Wine is a luxury that you haven't been able to afford many times in Jackson, usually the only thing they bring back after searches and patrols are bottles of cheap whiskey.
“I found it two km from here in an abandoned shop. It was stuck under a shelf, probably for years”
“Oh, great”
“Well they say that aged wines are better. Like men, don't you agree?” He smiles, winking at you.
He winked.
You try to hide your surprise by taking a long sip from your glass.
While Joel is busy checking on the stew you take a look around the living room.
It's a nice house, simply furnished like all the houses in Jackson, tidy and clean.
There are some sheets with drawings on the coffee table in front of the couch. You know Joel made them because you've seen him several times on his porch busy drawing animals. A squirrel, a deer, a small bird. He's really good at it.
And obviously his guitar, resting on a stand in a corner near the couch.
In a totally cheesy way you would love to hear him play something for you.
“So, do you like wine?”
You turn and see that he is a few steps away from you, glass in hand.
“Uhm, yeah, it’s good”
He gives you a smile “stew is almost ready”
“Can I help you with something?”
“No, don’t worry, you’re the guest”
You see him linger with his gaze on your legs and up to your breasts and you think that the dress wasn't such a bad idea after all.
He is wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans and is breathtaking.
You scan each other for a few seconds, without speaking. You are like two predators sniffing each other to see who will give in first.
“That dress looks good on you” he finally says and for the first time you notice that he is slightly embarrassed. He looks down at his glass and stares at it harder than necessary.
You still don't know why he invited you tonight but honestly at this point you don't even care. He's more handsome than ever, his hair still slightly damp from the shower and pulled back, that little scar on his cheek that you'd be eager to find out the story of, that smile he's giving you and his hands nervously gripping the glass, everything about him draws you in like a magnet.
"Thank you. You're not bad either." You giggle and you know that it’s definitely what you needed tonight. To feel attractive. To feel seen.
He comes back to the kitchen and after a few seconds he calls you “Dinner’s ready”
You sit at the table in the kitchen and he places a plate in front of you that smells of home, of memories and takes you back to when you were little and your mom cooked for you.
It's like Proust's madeleine.
Evoking sweet feelings with food is one of your favorite things to remember who you were, who you loved, and what was before this debacle.
It's melancholy but also comfort in a certain way, it's like holding on to the truest and most authentic part of you, the one that made you who you are today and probably allowed you to survive.
You take a bite as Joel looks at you in anticipation.
“Wow, this is good!” you exclaim “extremely good. Who knew that you were a chef”
“Ha! I’m really not, it’s just a stew and I’ve done it so many time that I can’t get it wrong at this point”
“It's still the best I've had in years, I need to get invited to dinner more often”
You chuckle and then you blush, because you've made it clear that you hope it's the first of many times.
Damn you.
You hadn't had a love interest in years, obviously, there wasn't time to think about that while the world burned and you had to fight to stay alive. But here, in this little bubble, where people have welcomed you and you have recovered crumbs of normality, it doesn't seem too stupid to feel something for Joel.
Is he grumpy? Sometimes. But he is also incredibly generous, to be honest. When you asked him, a formal contractor, to help you create the library he snorted, he told you that it wasn't necessary, that no one would ever go there anyway.
You shrugged and said that you would have done it anyway with or without his help, Maria had already given you permission.
The next morning you got up early to go and clean up the designated building and found him there, he was repairing a damaged window that wouldn't go up or down.
He grumbled when you asked him ironically what he was doing “someone has to stop you from opening a crumbling library”
You smiled, feeling your heart warm.
And so it was every day until the place was ready. Joel showed up early in the morning or in the evening, spent a few hours fixing the steps, eradicating moths, building shelves and cabinets, even a desk for you.
You've never talked in depth about your lives but you still know something you've heard through the grapevine. He's very secretive about his past so you never asked him any uncomfortable questions, the last thing you would want is for him to never share anything with you again.
The time he helped you with the library was the most enjoyable time you've had here so far and that's when you realized that your crush was more serious than expected.
“Do you want another glass of wine?”
“Why not, i don’t have to drive home”
He laughs “Yeah, no fines for you”
“At most a headache, but I'll think about that in the morning”
“Were you surprised when I invited you?”
he leaves you speechless for a moment and then you find, you don't know how, the strength to use irony, like you always do "I've known for a long time that you want me" you giggle and brush your hair away from your face while you say it.
"Oh yes? How strange, I actually thought it was the opposite” the smirk and the deep chuckle he gives to you goes straight to the most private part of you. Right there. It sits on your clit and you feel it tingling.
Fuck, this man.
You never experienced a flirty Joel Miller before and you were actually quite sure he wasn’t even capable of being so but he is.
“Oh shut up, finish eating” you scoff, feeling your cheeks turn on fire.
He lets go for a while and watches you amusedly fill your mouth with his stew.
“It's a pleasure to see you eat, little finch”
He started calling you that when you couldn't move the furniture in the library on your own. "I don't know how you thought you could manage on your own, little finch."
At first you hated it, now you pretend to hate it but you actually like it.
“Stop calling me that!” you still have to keep up a facade after all.
“Oh come on, finch is the cutest bird, don’t be offended”
“I’m no bird” you pout.
“Yep you are, finch. Delicate. Elegant. Pretty. You walk like you’re floating in the light air and your voice is a lovely chirping sound. It gets on my nerves sometimes, but I actually like it. A lot.”
Oh, fuck.
You can't believe he said that.
You feel your heart melt like snow under the sun, your lips involuntarily curl into a smile, your hands tremble with the desire to touching him and between your legs a lustful heat invades you all over.
His face is relaxed, his eyes sparkle mischievously and his smile…his smile pins you to the chair.
You raise your glass in an attempt to drink some courage while he doesn't stop looking at you silently.
Just enough time to bring your lips close to the glass and you find yourself coughing, you're too distracted and the wine goes sideways.
You can't help but look like a fool in front of him, you don't even know how he thinks you're elegant.
“Jesus, are you okay?” he asks in alarm as he reaches up to wrap his arm around your back and pat you lightly.
To your surprise, his large, calloused hands can be very gentle.
“Oh my god, yes, yes I’m okay” you reply between coughs "I'll get over it now"
Now that he knows that you will survive he sits back down to his chair and scrutinizes you with an amused expression.
“Did I go too hard on you?”
“What? No, not all” you reply red-faced, while trying to regain some composure.
“Okay, if you say so” he places a hand on yours gripping the table “Has it passed?”
“Yeah, I think it is” You pour a little water into the other glass he has set and drink, this time slowly.
Finally you feel your breathing return to regularity and your cough gradually subside.“Thank goodness, little finch, think if I should have taken you to the doctor in that lovely dress” and laughs.
You've never seen him laugh so much.
He is intelligible most of the time but tonight he is an open book.
“What's wrong with this dress, Miller?” you ask, ironically, you may be clumsy but not to this point and you want to try to get back at him.
"Nothing. You don't see many of them in Jackson, that's all."
“It doesn't look like anything special to me,” you say, as you realize he's staring insistently at your tits. “Do you see anything special, Miller?”
He shrugs “It’s pretty low cut for nothing”
You bend over slightly, resting your forearms on the table smiling at him, exposing your boobs even more. He is sitting in front of you and still watching at them.
“You're pretty good at it after all, little finch” his eyes have become darker and it's as if a small flame is burning inside them.
You feel a certain pride rising in your chest.
“Now you look like the embarrassed one, Miller, have you seen how things have changed?” Your smirk doesn't go unnoticed by Joel who squirms in his seat as if it has suddenly become uncomfortable.
"Can you tell me something? Why did you invite me tonight?” you’re pushing him, and you know it. And actually, you like it, for once you feel like you have the upper hand.
“Isn't it obvious, finch?” he mutter.
“Maybe, but I'd like to hear it from you. Use your words, Miller, I know you can."
“When you asked me to help you to arrange the library I thought you were crazy. Then I realized I was wrong. It was a nice idea. It was a great idea actually. No one here can go anywhere anymore, and in any case there is nowhere you can go so it is comforting to know that there is always a way to take refuge elsewhere, at least for a few hours, reading a great book. So yes, finch, I like you. I like you because you gave us back some beauty.”
“Fuck Miller, you can make speeches whenever you want”
“It's just one of the reasons I like you, you’re also smart and thoughtful and gorgeous but yeah, that’s it, I’ve said it”
His gaze is languid, you'd almost say longing. Maybe you managed to scratch a small piece of the invisible armor he built to protect himself.
One moment you were bickering as usual and the next Joel fucking Miller left you speechless.
No sarcasm, not an ounce of irony, he sounds sensitive and vulnerable.
It's so strange to see him in this light, the only other time it happened to you you were in the library, he found a children's book and held it in his hands looking at it in silence.
For a moment you could have sworn you saw tears in his eyes, he looked helpless and hurt and then it was the usual Joel, complaining about the mess and the weight of the boxes you had made him lift that gave nightmares to his back.
You get up from the chair without even realizing it, as if it were an involuntary movement that your body needs.
You stop in front of him, who is still sitting, his arms abandoned on the table, his gaze following you questioningly.
You put a hand in his hair and let it run through his dark curls while he instinctively closes his eyes, abandoning himself completely under your touch.
You would like to say something but you don't want to ruin the moment and in any case you can't find any words suitable to describe how you feel.
Moved, yearning, grateful, overwhelmed?
All these things together at the same time.
You let your hand linger on the base of his neck, stroking softly
“Look at me” you whisper.
And his gaze turns, his whole body turns, and you've never seen him so clearly. He rests his large hands on your hips and his gaze pierces you as he lands on yours.
You feel his grip tighten as you lean over him and leave a shy kiss on his lips. Small. Brief. And another, instinctively. And yet another.
And another until his lips part on yours and fit perfectly in a long sigh. He tastes like wine and loneliness and desire.
It’s manly but tender and demanding for more.
Your tongues meet and it's like an electric shock that surprises you but at the same time it's inevitable like when two surfaces rub together generating energy, it is an unwritten physical law that holds you together despite having used all your strength to keep each other at a distance for months.
Now, all you can do is give up.
You kiss him like it's the last thing you do in your life, his eager hands roam your hips, gripping your ass and squeezing tightly.
He part from your lips just the time to stand up and wrapping you entirely in his arms, his mouth searching for yours again, eager, his hands stroking your back while you feel just like a little finch in the most comfortable nest you could find.
“God, I want you” he mutter in your ear nuzzling at your sensitive skin.
“Take me. Just… take me, Joel”
It’s a dreadful need that you feel deep in your bone, the last shred of love you could find in this broken world, a sweet feeling of release that you desperately wanted.
You can’t think straight and don’t want to.
He take off your cardigan and reaches for the hem of your dress and lifts it up roaming your thighs feverishly, squeezing and stroking, his fingers digging into your flesh as you moan softly into his ear. He pulls it up to your waist and you help slide it off your head.
He bends down to take off your boots and throws them on the floor in an unspecified place, then he gets up and takes you back in his arms. He's still dressed while you're almost naked and exposed in a pair of black lace panties and a matching bra. You might be intimidated but you're not. You let yourself be held and explored by his hands. His calloused fingers, rough but gentle, touch you everywhere, giving you goosebumps. He lifts a hand to one of your breast and squeezes it through the fabric.
You can't help but let out a muffled moan while he is filling his hand with your flesh.
“Do you like it, finch? Me squeezing your boob?” he says in a whisper, looking into your eyes.
“Y-yes” you mumble “give me more”
There's a smug, lecherous smile painted on his face as he reaches for your bra and unclasps it with a single gesture.
He slides it off and drops it on the kitchen floor. Your nipples stiffen in an instant, hit by the air, he takes one between his fingers and pinches it, pulling it gently and then his mouth is on it swirling his tongue and sucking it. You squirm at the sensation, digging your hand into his hair again, pushing his face into your breast “more, more” you stammer. You feel his smile spread across your skin and his teeth bite lightly into you.
“You’re ravenous, aren’t you?”
You pull his hair and tilt his face slightly to regain eye contact. “Do you mind?”
“Absolutely fucking not.”
“Good, you can continue doing what you were doing” you smile defiantly. You like to provoke him, especially now.
“You're bossy for a little finch, I like that”
he smiles back, his eyes shining bright with thrill and anticipation.
He returns to greedily licking and sucking like a thirsty man on your nipples, another loud moan escape from your lips.
“Fuck, you’re so good”
“I just started with you, you have no idea what awaits you” he whispers.
“Mmm then less talking, Miller, show me”
Without having to be told twice, he picks you up, much to your surprise, and places you on his couch in the living room.
“Woah, Miller, easy”
“You told me not to waste time talking” he shrugs. chuckling.
He pulls you to the edge of the couch “spread your legs”
You open your legs a little but he is visibly not satisfied, he takes your knees and opens them more "Like this. Now stay still” he orders.
He kneels between your thighs and pulls your panties aside.
You feel his fingers trail up your thigh, slowly, taking the time to slide lightly over your skin, causing you a mixture of tickling and excitement.
You writhe when you feel his index finger grazing your pussy lips, wandering up and down caressing for a little bit before sliding it between them and wetting it completely in your juices.
“You’re soaking wet, baby”
You can literally feel your cunt dripping when he keeps going up and down, briefly sinking into your hole with the tip of his finger and then on your clit, moving in circle with two fingers over your bundle of nerves.
You’re whining again, you’re growing impatient and he perfectly knows that
“Yes, Finch?”
“You're doing it again”
“You know what. Do you want to torture me?”
"No. I just want you to beg me."
“God, you’re impossible” you roll your eyes out of exhaustion and arousal.
He stops completely.
“So are you, babe. Can you please let me do what I know best?”
He presses on your clit with two fingers and you squirm.
“Fuck. Okay”
He starts teasing your clit again, moving his fingers up and down to gather your wetness and spread it all over your lips.
“The thing is, finch, your pussy is so good. Look at her, I can’t rush it. She deserves to be loved nicely and slowly”
He is sitting on his heels just taking his time with you and you can’t be more eager to have him in your hole but you breath, resigned to wait for his pace.
He teases your entrance again, this time with two fingers, pushing in a little deeper.
His thumb is still taking care of your clit, moving a little faster than before.
“Eyes on me, babe”
And you do, you lock your eyes with his and you see hunger and lust and wonder.
He’s admiring you and you feel flattered.
He brings his face closer and sticks his tongue out, licking you from bottom to top and then again, letting it slide between your lips.
His beard is scratching you, his tongue stops on your clit swirling around it, jerking it slowly, again and again until you see him closing his lips on it and sucking gently.
He’s devouring you at this point and you mewl and cry and scream for more.
“Jesus - fuck - oh my goodness”
Your fingers are entwined into his curls and you’re pushing his face against you as much as you can, his tongue is fucking your hole now, he delves into you and lick all he can and you start to feel an incredible warmth rising from your core, in your tummy, to your chest.
He finally lets his index and middle finger sliding into you, pumping slowly in and out of your dripping wet cunt.
“Joel, oh my God I - ha! - I can’t, oh God”
“Yes, you can. Just like that, baby, give it to me” he whispers softly against your skin.
You’re on the verge of coming, the most incredible orgasm is knocking at your senses, overwhelming and brutally crushing into you.
“I’m com - oh GOD - yes,Joel, fuck”
He praises you again “come for me, soak my fingers, come on”
And you do. You gush all over his fingers like it was the last thing you do in the world, your legs shake and your heart reach an impossible pace that leaves you breathless.
He keeps licking and pumping into you until you calm and you can’t take your eyes off him bowed between your thighs, he drives you wild.
He stands up grunting at his poor knees and you giggle, he raises an eyebrow at you
“I wouldn't laugh considering the fact that I just made you scream my name”
He sits down on the couch next to you, circling your waist with his big strong arm and pushing you against him.
You bury your face in his chest “Aw, you’re so touchy, Miller” and you giggle again.
“You’re such a little brat.” He says, stroking your hair “But see? I wasn’t lying. It's been many years since I last did this but I still know what to do”
You raise your eyes at him “yeah, I give you that. You’re fucking good” and you place a kiss on the hairless part of his beard “but I-”
“What?” he interrupts you, looking at you maliciously
You bite your lower lip, feeling hot again just for the way he’s holding you tightly watching you with lust in his eyes.
“I want your cock”
“Oh. It’s time to beg, baby”
“Beg for it, little finch” he’s smiling but his voice is firm and slightly authoritative
“I never beg” you scoff
“You will start now, sweetie, if you want to see me naked”
You look at him with exasperation, rolling your eyes immediately after “okay, Jesus. Can you please give me your cock?”
“Manners, babe. Ask gently”
You ask yourself what have you done wrong to fall for such an unbearable man “Good Lord”
“Beg with conviction”
“Joel Miller, could you do me the courtesy of fucking me? Please?”
You’re smirking hard. You definitely love to get on his nerves.
“You’re getting into trouble with this attitude, you know that?” He reaches one of your nipples and pinches it hard making you whimper into his arms.
You turn serious, looking him in the eyes intensely, licking your lip before saying “Fuck me, Joel. Please.”
“Mmm yes, just like that baby, it didn't take much”
He finally stands up in front of you. He takes off his shirt, revealing a strong, broad chest.
You can see a thin strip of hair disappearing under his jeans but apart from that he is almost hairless, his skin is delightfully dotted with freckles that make your mouth water.
He throws off his shirt and bends over to remove his boots.
Your eyes linger on his back, on his tense, rippling muscles, you can't believe how gorgeous he is, after all you think it was worth begging for this but you will never tell him.
He unzips his jeans and takes them off, remaining in his boxers. The sight of his deliciously soft tummy drives you completely insane. You’re craving him like you never did with anyone before.
“Kneel on the couch for me, baby” he orders and you immediately do, you turn your head just in time to see him taking off his boxers, freeing his already hard and swollen cock. Your knees sink into the pillows and your hands rest on the armrest, you are completely exposed to his will.
He gets behind you on his knees, gripping your hips and pulling you towards him.
“Fuck me Joel, please, fuck me now” you cry
“Such a good girl, begging for my cock like that. You learn quickly, little finch”
You only feel the tip poking at your entrance, he slides his cock against your dripping folds “Beg once more, babe”
You writhe, it’s more than you can take right now, you want him desperately.
“Please, Joel. Please” your voice sounds distraught but you don’t care, not now.
He enters you with a single thrust that makes you scream “Fuck!”
He’s big, so big that his cock burns in your center.
“I told you you were getting into trouble, baby, if you wanted me to be gentle you should have behaved better”
It's a small punishment you can bear, after a few seconds you already got used to his intrusion, you never felt so full before and right now you couldn’t ask for anything better.
He begins to move slowly, in and out of you, sinking deeper each time and reaching that spot that makes you see stars.
His loud grunts numb your head, his fingers dig into your hips as he thrusts into you, maybe he will leave some marks and the thought excite you even more.
“Oh God, please don’t stop, please”
He’s pounding into you incessantly, every thrust more deep leaving you short breath, you’re so wet that every lewd sounds coming from your cunt is making you feel like you’re on the brink of falling apart.
“Fuck, you look so pretty like that, babe, the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen, so perfect for me”
You whine even more at his praises, feeling your pussy clenching hard around his cock.
“Joel please I’m-”
“I know baby, I know, I can feel you, squeezing my cock just right, God you’re taking me so good”
You basically spasm on his cock right now, legs trembling as your sink your fingers in the fabric of the couch desperately trying to hold your posture.
He holds you tightly by your hips, grunting with each thrust into you, hitting your cervix again and again.
“Come for me baby, come all over my cock”
You’re quivering so hard that you almost think of being on the verge of losing your mind.
You cry his name feeling so full and dazed while your orgasm explodes inside you.
He pumps into you until you calm down but he’s still throbbing against your walls “Where do you want me?”
“On my tits - please”
He comes out of you and you lie down on his couch, his throbbing cock is in front of you, he takes it in his hand, milking it a couple of time before releasing his cum all over you. He moans loudly as he paints your tits and chest with his pleasure.
He lies down on top of you, groaning “God, this was amazing”
You feel his sticky seed spreading on your skin but you don't care, you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him softly.
He moves to the side so as not to weigh you down and takes you in his arms again.
You hide your face for a moment in the crook of his neck, inhaling his woody, citrusy perfume, with a hint of the natural sweaty scent of his skin. He smells amazingly.
“I could get used to it” you giggle
“Me too, little finch” and he leaves a kiss on your hair.
“Oh, you made completely forgot about it, do you know what day it is today?”
“No, should I?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever told you. It’s my birthday.”
His eyes widen, “Really?”
“Well then happy birthday. Did you like your present?”
“It’s the best I’ve ever received”
You kiss him again, knowing how true it is.
“We should take a shower,” he laughs.
“Yeah, you’re… well…all over me…but to be honest, I like it.”
He smiles widely “Come on little finch, I might have another gift for you in the bathroom”
“Oh, then I can’t wait to unwrap it”
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crowfootwrites · 3 years
The Dream [Chibs Telford x Fem!Reader]
I've had this sitting on my Drive for like a month and just like... couldn't finish it? I don't fuckin' know, man. Anyway, since I apparently only know how to write smut for Chibs, here's another.
Inspired by the @creativepromptsforwriting one-liner: "I dreamed of your legs wrapped around my waist." (Modified slightly to fit Chibs' Scottish brogue lol)
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, smut (handjob, vaginal fingering, P in V sex); language | Words: 1,365
Taglist: @chibsytelford
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The closing of the bathroom door across the hall wakes you, and you panic for a moment before you remember that Juice is staying with you for the week. Early morning light filters through the window over the bed. You squeeze your eyes closed again and nestle further into the warmth of the blankets around you, scooting your backside around to find Chibs on his side. A strong, heavy arm drapes itself over your waist and you let him pull you against his sturdy body. You smile at the scruffy tickle of his facial hair on the back of your neck.
“Good morning, handsome,” you murmur, lacing your fingers in his where they rest on the bed in front of you, trapping you against him.
A low rumbling in Chibs’ chest precedes his morning greeting to you, a sign of his complete exhaustion. “Mornin’, mo ghràdh.” He had been out on a run over the past few days and had crawled into bed around 1 am. Blessedly, it’s a Sunday morning, so neither of you make any move to get up.
You turn yourself gently in his arms, bringing you face-to-face with your Old Man. His eyes are still closed, deep lines of worry and fatigue etched onto his face. You softly trace a finger along one of the long scars on his cheek before cupping his jaw in your warm hand. You can tell by his easy breathing that he’s not asleep, but he keeps his eyes closed as you explore him, taking pleasure in your touch.
Your fingers trail down to his shoulder, over his reaper tattoo, then onto his chest, gliding over the million-dollar bill tattoo. Slowly, trying not to disturb the sleepy atmosphere, you wrap your free arm around his waist and lower your head to press a kiss to that tattoo, right in the middle of his chest. You feel Chibs shift above you just slightly, his chin resting atop your head.
As close as you are, you feel the inhale in his chest just before he speaks. “I had a dream abou’ ye, lass,” he grunts sleepily.
You smirk to yourself before responding. “You did?” you ask sweetly. He only ever tells you about his dreams of you when they go a very specific way. The soft swell of his erection against your stomach confirms your suspicions. “What did you dream, love?”
His hand, resting on your ribcage, tightens, then trails along your side to the hem of your panties. His fingers dip below the waistband and you can’t help the little twitch of your hips as he moves lower. You pull your head back slightly, to find that Chibs’ eyes are still closed, and you grin. Lazy, sleepy morning sex with Chibs is always perfect. To be fair, all sex with Chibs is incredible, but there’s something about a slow, languid session on a Sunday morning that never fails to remind you of just how much he loves you.
You inhale sharply as one of his fingers runs between your folds, a knowing hum escaping his lips at the wetness gathering there. By now, Chibs’ eyes are half-open, hooded and glassy with sleep. His fingers still as he nudges your head to the side with his nose, finding your temple.
“I dreamed o’ yer legs wrapped aroun’ ma waist,” he growls into your ear, and you shiver involuntarily.
“Sounds like a dream we can make come true,” you respond coyly, keeping your movements slow despite the adrenaline suddenly coursing through you. You sneak your hand past the waistband of his boxers and grip his hard length loosely, coaxing him. Your thumb runs across his tip, smearing precum along the head of his cock.
Chibs groans at your teasing, then sinks two fingers into you, making you gasp into his shoulder. You whine against your Old Man’s neck as he fucks you with his fingers, slow and deep. You can feel the heat of his own breath against your ear, your heads resting together, as you stroke him, firming up your grip.
He’s pushing you quickly to the edge, but you feel the overwhelming urge to have him inside you, to feel his weight pressing you into the mattress. You want that dream to come true as much as he does.
“Filip,” you breathe, “I need you –”
But he’s already on it, able to read your needs almost better than you. He presses gently on your shoulder, rolling you onto your back before coming to hover over you. You can see the muscles tightening in his biceps as he holds himself over you, and you snake your arms around his shoulders, slowly guiding him down. He props himself up on his elbows, his gaze meeting yours, foreheads touching. He reaches between your bodies to line himself up with your entrance, grazing himself over your folds. When he pushes himself in, it is agonizingly, torturously slow, and the pressure at your core drives the air out of your lungs in a hard exhale.
True to his dream, you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him into you as deep as he can go. Your back arches in response, pressing your breasts into his chest. Chibs moves slowly, his hips rolling against you, pushing you higher. You drag one of your hands up the pillow, reaching for the headboard, but you feel his fingers lace with yours, clasping tight as he rocks with you. He pulls you slowly towards your orgasm, unraveling you meticulously like he’s pulling a thread. His mouth seeks yours, drinking in the crescendo of your heady sighs and moans of his name as he traces his tongue over your lower lip.
Your free hand wraps around Chibs’ and you drag your nails across his skin, delighting in the shudder that rushes through him. A forceful groan escapes him as he drops his head, burying his face in the slope of your shoulder. His pelvis grinds heavily against your clit with every rock of his hips, stoking the fire burning low in your belly. Heat builds as you move under the covers, heightening the sensations between your legs. Your thighs tremble as your cunt pulses feverishly around him, almost at your peak.
“Please, Filip, don’t stop,” you beg, desperate to find release.
“Never,” he mutters, his breath fanning across your ear and neck. He picks up his pace and your hand grips the pillow beside you, crying out his name like a fervent prayer.
The fire in your core erupts, tremors blazing through you as you come, heat flaring all the way into your chest and cheeks. Your body clamps around Chibs helplessly as he buries himself inside you. You ride the pulse of pleasure sweeping through you, unable to come down as he continues to climb towards his own release. Your heart thunders in your chest and the sound of your blood rushing in your ears overtakes everything as your focus narrows on Chibs. The surging of his hips becomes erratic and desperate. You reach around with your free hand, the other still grasped tightly in Chibs’, and grip his ass tightly, the crescents of your nails biting into skin.
“Fuck!” he growls, releasing himself with one last thrust. His cock twitches inside you as he comes, the minute feeling overwhelming against your tender walls. Panting, he drops his upper body heavily onto your chest and you let out a quiet oof at the added weight. You chuckle and you feel his lips, pressed against your neck, curl into a grin. You feel him beginning to soften inside you and he gently pulls out and rolls over onto his back at your side. You smirk at the feeling of his cum dripping out of you and onto the bed sheets.
Biting back a laugh, you reach over and pinch one of Chibs’ nipples.
“Fuck!” he yelps, swatting at your hand. “Wha’ was tha’ for?” he demands, looking over at you with an eyebrow raised in suspicion.
You let a little giggle slip out as you lean towards him to press your lips to his nipple, kissing it better. “So you know you’re not still dreaming.”
384 notes · View notes
Late Night Festivities
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AN: Sorry this took so long! It always takes me a while to get stuff done, I have procrastination problems and am unmotivated at best, so getting stuff done in a timely matter is not my forte. I’m sure that other people have written stuff similar to this to celebrate the occasion, so any similarities between this and anything else are merely coincidence. Hope you guys enjoy!
Word Count: 3,774
Warnings: smut, teeny bit of swearing
You sat on the couch, eyes glued to the screen in front of you. The Stars were playing the Blues for the fourth time this season, and were looking for a win to solidify their wildcard spot. The first period ticked away without anything major happening, until about 17 minutes in when your boyfriend, Jamie Benn, scored. You shouted in celebration, not having anybody around to make fun of you. You did a small happy dance on the couch, before settling down to watch the rest of the game. A goal by Klingberg had you celebrating as well, and before you knew it the first was over. You sent Jamie a snapchat, knowing he wouldn’t see it until after the game, but he always told you he didn’t mind when you sent him stuff during the game. It was just a selfie with a filter on it with the caption “Congrats!!”, but you couldn’t not let him know you were proud of him. The second went by much the same, a St. Louis goal dampening your mood slightly, but when Jamie scored again you could barely contain your excitement. You couldn’t believe that after missing two games Jamie already had two goals. You took a picture of yourself wearing nothing but one of Jamie’s hoodies, much too large on you, and sent it with the caption “Oh captain my captain! You better be ready when you get home”. You usually had amazing post-win sex after games, but nights like this were extra special. You knew Jamie would be keyed up on adrenaline, and not even sitting on a plane for two hours would calm him down. You scrolled through your phone and killed time until the third period started. You couldn’t help but wonder if Jamie would score again, you always did when he had two goals. You were proud of him no matter what, but you secretly always wanted him to get that third goal. The third period was relatively uneventful, with nothing happening until it was almost over. The Blues had pulled their goalie, and you watched Jamie lift the puck off the ice and send it in the direction of the empty net. You held your breath as you watched it move down the ice before sliding into the net. You couldn’t help but yell as you watched the boys congratulate Jamie, excitement flowing through everyone’s veins. You immediately reached for your phone, wanting to congratulate him for yourself. You unzipped the hoodie slightly and let it fall to expose your bare shoulder. You sent him a picture, choosing to caption it nothing more than “Can’t wait”. You sent a second of you laying down, hand resting on your upper thigh, captioned “I can’t help but get all hot and bothered when I watch you score”. You send a third, hand now resting between your thighs, the words “Watching you get that hat trick got me so wet, I might not be able to wait until you get home”. While your words were true, watching him score did turn you on, you wanted to tease him a little, you knew your patience would be strong enough to wait until he got home. Eh, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. You knew it would be a while until he was able to check his phone, as the media would likely demand an opportunity to talk to him after a game like this. Half an hour later, your phone lit up with a notification from Jamie. You opened the snap eagerly, it was him in the locker room, hair still damp and dress shirt unbuttoned. It read “Fuck, you can’t send me shit like that in the locker room, the last thing I want is to get hard in front of my entire team”. The second photo is of the floor, captioned “Can’t wait to get home to you, be patient for me baby girl”. The third, blurry and indistinguishable, reading “PS, think Seggy looked over my shoulder and saw what you sent me”. You felt a slight blush move across your face, and you sent back a picture of yourself, captioned Oops, sorry not sorry :P”. That got a “Don’t test me sweetie” and an attempt from Jamie to look angry in return, before he sent “Leaving the arena now, not long before I can be at home with you and celebrate properly”. You decided to just wait on the couch for him, knowing if you went to bed you’d probably fall asleep. You put on an episode of Peaky Blinders, and went to the kitchen to get a snack. You returned to the couch to find another Snapchat from Jamie, this time it was a picture of Tyler asleep on the bus beside him, captioned “Not even ten minutes on the bus and he’s out like a light. Now you can send me anything you want ;)”. You unzipped the hoodie all the way, letting it hang open down the middle, barely covering your breasts. You sent him a selfie like that, biting your lip slightly in a way you knew he loved. You sent it without a caption, knowing Jamie likely wouldn’t read it anyway. He sent back a selfie, with the words “Can’t wait to eat you up” visible along the bottom of your screen. He sent a video of Tyler snoring, and you sent him back “Way to ruin the mood XD” before texting him to put on his headphones before playing the next video. He sent a selfie to prove he’d done what you asked, and you decided you weren’t quite done teasing him for the night. You turned down the volume of the tv until it could barely be heard in the background. You went upstairs and grabbed one of your vibrators, knowing the distinct sound would set Jamie off. He loved watching you use them on yourself, especially the ones he could control with a remote. He loved the way your body twitched and shook when the vibrations bordered on too intense, and how you’d beg him to turn it off after three orgasms, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes, most of all he loved shushing you and telling you you could handle one more. You arranged yourself on the couch once again, opening a snap from Jamie that showed he was growing impatient. You turned on the vibrator, and proceeded to send Jamie a video of you rubbing it over your clit, soft moans escaping your mouth. You’d told yourself you weren’t going to get off, that this was only to tease him, but now you weren’t sure you wanted to stop quite yet. You turned it up slightly, hips bucking at the change in power. You sent him small clips here and there, and you sent a final video when you came, crying out his name, whimpering at the oversensitivity afterwards. He didn’t respond for a while, and you figured he might’ve made it to the airport. You didn’t get an answer until the boys had boarded the plane, when Jamie sent you a picture of himself in his seat, Tyler once again passed out beside him. It simply read “My god, I’d be angry at you but that was so hot”. You knew the plane would be taking off soon so you chose to just relax on the couch and wait for Jamie to get back. You just have dozed off, because the next thing you remember was hearing Jamie open the front door. He abandoned his luggage in the foyer and quickly made his way over to the couch and wrapped you in a big bear hug. You stayed like that for a moment, merely enjoying the others presence, before Jamie moved to place a gentle kiss on your lips. He made no moves to deepen the kiss just yet, so you stayed like that, in his arms, exchanging gentle kisses. Soon enough, however, you ended up in his lap, kissing him with a new found sense of urgency. You managed to utter the words, “I’m so fucking proud of you,” between kisses, and Jamie replied with a small hum. He moved to kiss down your neck, dragging his teeth over one spot he knew would drive you crazy. You let your eyes slip closed, savouring the feeling of his lips on your skin. He moved to your collarbone, leaving a mark just under it. You started to grind down gently, searching for some friction. Jamie sensed this, and his hands moved to your hips, guiding your movements. “Jamie, bedroom,” you managed to breath out, but he shook his head.
“I got the hat trick, I decide what happens here. I’m gonna make you come three times tonight, there’s no rush to move just yet.”
He moved one of his hands to grab the TV remote, turning of Netflix and changing the channel to something you couldn’t see.
“Turn around, back against my chest.”
You obeyed, turning around before laying back, feeling Jamie’s muscled chest press into your back. You glanced at the TV, which was now playing highlights from the Edmonton Columbus game. Jamie must have sensed your confusion, as he moved to whisper in your ear.
“You enjoyed watching me score so much the first time, might as well watch it again,” You felt a shiver run down your spine at his words, you would have laughed if you were capable of forming coherent thoughts, your brain foggy with want. You felt his fingertips wander up your thighs, under the hem of your stolen sweatshirt. He slid his fingers under the waistband of your underwear and slid them off part of the way before you sat up slightly, eager to rid yourself of them. You settled back into him, and his hands returned to their spots on your thighs. He squeezed gently, before moving to unzip the hoodie. He didn’t take it off just yet, he let it hang open on your body, the metal of the zipper cool against your skin. He moved to squeeze your boobs, playing with your nipples gently. His mouth was attached to your neck the entire time, leaving small love bites and kisses, and one particularly large bruise near the nape of your neck. You arched your back slightly, leaning into his touch, growing impatient. He sensed this, and finally moved his right hand to toy with your clit gently. He teased you at first, but once you heard reporters talking about the Dallas game in the background, he slid his two middle fingers into you. You inhaled sharply, eager to finally get what you’d been waiting for. Your eyes drifted to the TV screen, watching the reporters drone on about Jamie’s absence, the numerous injuries on the roster, but you couldn’t focus on their words once Jamie angled his fingers slightly. You let out a low moan, encouraging him to keep doing the same thing.
“Pay attention baby, now they’re showing the good stuff.” You hadn’t realized you’d closed your eyes, but you opened them and focused the best you could on what was happening in front of you. You watched as Jamie scored his first goal of the night, and felt him begin to move his hand a little faster as the puck hit the back of the net. You reached down to grip his forearm that was draped over your stomach, needing something to hold on to. He whispered in your ear as you watched Klingberg score, then Pietrangelo for the Blues.
“You know, I thought of you after I scored. Knew you’d be at home, on the couch, watching the game like a good girl. Knew you’d seen me score, wanted to make you proud.”
Your brain couldn’t quite process what he’d said to you but your body reacted nonetheless. Your hips bucked slightly, and you felt his forearm press into you harder, an attempt to keep you still. You kept your eyes glued to the scene in front of you, watching as Jamie scored yet again on the powerplay. Once again, he quickened his movements, and you felt the knot in your stomach begin to tighten. You could barely hear the reporters talking over the blood rushing in your ears, focused on the way Jamie’s fingers moved in and out of you, the heel of his hand hitting your clit when he thrusted in. They showed his third goal of the night in slow motion, him lifting it off the ice and sending it in the direction of the net. You watched it hit the middle of the net and bounce out, felt Jamie speed up once again, and felt his teeth sink into your skin where your neck and shoulder connected, and you felt your back arch and your hips bucked once, twice, and then you came on Jamie’s fingers with a low, breathy moan. You could hear him praising you, muttering about how good you felt when you came. You let out a small whimper when he pulled his fingers out, offering them to you to lick clean. You did as you were told, obediently licking his fingers until they were thoroughly clean. He grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, before helping you out of his lap. He placed a small kiss on your cheek before picking you up, throwing you over his shoulder without warning. He made his way up the stairs, slowly yet with a sense of urgency. He tossed you on the bed once he made it to your shared bedroom. You watched as he took of his tie, and began to slowly unbutton his dress shirt. You decided to sit up and slide the fabric of his hoodie off your body, and when you turned your focus back to him Jamie was shirtless in front of you. He returned to the bed, moving to kneel between your legs. He kissed down your body, sucking hickies into your skin wherever he pleased. He left one on each breast and the valley between them, just under your belly button, on each hip bone, your inner thighs, and many more. He loved leaving marks like this that could be easily concealed, private reminders that you were his, even when he wasn’t with you in person. You felt his arms wrap themselves under your thighs, and you let your lower legs drape over his broad, muscular shoulders. He kissed up the inside of one of your thighs, leaving small nips and bites every few inches. He placed a gentle kiss to your clit before repeating the same treatment to the other thigh. Your hands found their way into his hair, hoping to let him know you were growing impatient. However, he took his time despite your attempts to relocate his mouth to somewhere more useful. After what felt like an eternity, he turned his attention to the heat between your legs. He began timidly, almost shy, not wanting to give into your demands just yet. Soft licks sent sparks of arousal thrumming through your body, but they weren’t enough to give what you wanted. Jamie had learned all he knew about eating someone out from you, his reluctance earlier in your relationship due to inexperience, but now that you’d taught him the proper technique it was something he enjoyed. He knew how to bring you to tears, desperate with need before finally diving in; one time he had made you come so hard that you blacked out for a few seconds. You were ripped from your thoughts when he began to suck on your clit, albeit gently. Your grip tightened in his hair causing him to moan against you, the vibrations against you sending a shiver throughout your body. He knew you loved when he got a little messy, so when he shifted his focus to licking up and down your slit, tongue eventually sliding into you, he did so eagerly. The lower half of his face was covered in your wetness, and his nose bumping your clit while he demonstrated just how talented he’d become with his mouth had your eyes rolling back with pleasure. You tried to form words to express to Jamie that you were close but the only thing that left your mouth was whimpers and a small gasp, but he seemed to get the message, as he didn’t let up. You felt your grip in his hair tighten to the point it was probably painful but you couldn’t do anything to change it as your second orgasm of the night washed over you. Jamie continued what he was doing while you rode out your high, not pausing until you managed to form coherent thoughts and ask him.
“J-Jamie, stop, sensitive,” you choked out, chest still heaving.
“Did you enjoy yourself baby?” he asked as he moved away, standing up and beginning to remove the dress pants he was somehow still wearing.
“God Jamie, that was incredible.”
“Good, I’m glad. Do you need a minute to calm down, or can I fuck you now?” “Can I please have a minute? I’ll suck you off while you wait.” “Well, how am I supposed to say no to that? Come here, kneel in front of me.” You obeyed, legs still feeling slightly like jello when you walked over to him. By the time you knelt in front of him he wore nothing but his black Calvin Klein boxers. You hooked your fingers under the waistband and pulled them down slowly, mouth watering at the sight that greeted you. Jamie’s cock was long and thick, just like you liked it. You didn’t want to waste any time, given that Jamie had already gotten you off twice, and you were eager to make him feel good too. You shuffled closer to him, placing a small kiss to the head before licking a stripe from base to tip. He inhaled sharply, the soft touches the most attention he’d gotten all night. You didn’t hesitate to grow slightly more aggressive, running your tongue through his slit before sucking the head gently, circling your tongue around it. You moved your head further down, taking as much as you could of him into your mouth. You began to move up and down slowly, and you let your hands wander up and down his thighs, scratching slightly. Once your rhythm started to quicken you brought a hand up to stroke what wasn’t in your mouth. By now Jamie was starting to lose his composure, hands tangled in your hair, guiding your movements. He let out the occasional sigh and grunt, letting you know he was enjoying himself. You decided to try to take all of him, relaxing your throat as much as you could as you moved further and further down his length. You gagged lightly but didn’t back off, remaining as far down as you could for a few moments before Jamie pulled you off.
“God Y/N, please tell me you’re ready ‘cause I don’t know if I can wait much longer,” said Jamie, his tone needy. You simply nodded and stood up, feeling your knees protest. You ignored it, and moved to lay in the middle of your bed, eagerly awaiting what was coming next. Jamie soon joined you, leaning over you to reach into the bedside table to grab a condom, but you grabbed his wrist. He turned to look at you, a confused look on his face.
“I thought maybe….we could try...without one?” You were on birth control but you both agreed you could never be too safe, however lately you’d found yourself daydreaming about Jamie filling you up, yet another reminder that you were owned, and you wanted nothing more than to try it. Jamie opened his mouth to respond but decided just to nod instead, unable to string together the words to answer you. He slotted himself between your thighs and leaned down to press an eager kiss to your lips, biting at them gently. You pulled away to let out a small moan as he slid into you, a feeling you always missed while he was away. Your hands immediately moved to grab at his shoulders, nails digging in while he fucked you agonizingly slow. He liked to take his sweet time sometimes, building up a rhythm ever so slowly. However, it was clear he was a little more desperate tonight, as he quickly abandoned the slow rocking of his hips and gentle touches for something a little more aggressive. His hair had fallen into his eyes, and you tucked it behind his ear, wanting a clear view of his face. He caught your eyes and a small smirk danced across his lips.
“Like seeing what you do to me, huh?” You couldn’t deny it, you loved the way his nose scrunched up slightly when he got close, the look of determination. He leaned down to bury his face in your neck, leaving open mouth kisses on fading marks, and leaving new ones in their place. You raked your nails down his back, still sensitive from earlier. It was clear neither of you would last long, both growing desperate. You cried out when he thrust particularly deep, hitting something inside you that made you see stars. Once he found it he didn’t let up, and it wasn’t long before you felt your orgasm start to build.
“Oh god Jamie, c-close,” you managed to moan out, and this only seemed to encourage him.
“You gonna come for me, hm? Go ahead,” he said as he bit down on your neck. That was all it took, and the next thing you knew your back was arching off the bed, your mouth open in a silent scream. Jamie’s hips stuttered, and he was soon spilling into you. The feeling of him filling you was unlike anything else, and the feeling of ownership that washed over you was everything you’d ever imagined it to be. Jamie was draped over your chest, careful not to put his full weight on you. You both laid like that until you had caught your breath. When Jamie pulled out he caught a glimpse of his cum leaking out of you, and you could tell if he were younger he’d be hard again in an instant.
“That’s a sight I don’t think I’ll ever forget.”
“Was it a good enough celebration for your hat trick?” You asked as he laid next to you. You’d shower in the morning, for now the both of you wanted nothing more than sleep.
“I couldn’t have asked for anything better.”
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emberpendragon · 6 years
The Forbidden Stories
Chapter One Chapter two Chapter Three Chapter Four
(Alright this is my very first time writing the actual smut part so please bare with me and give me any and all feed back... here we go ;p)
Chapter 5: The Carnival 
You woke up early this Monday to make sure you were ready for Steve. He said he would be there to pick you up at ten. Taking your time, you took a shower and made sure you were perfectly groomed. You found a cute little red dress to wear, making sure to match your underwear and bra perfectly. Then you curled your hair before dolling yourself up, smiling at the thought of him calling you “doll” like he did. Now you at least earned the name. You even painted your nails the exact same shade of red. As they  were drying you got a text from steve.
“I am on my way Doll, I will be there soon” it read.
“Can’t wait,” you replied.
Standing up, you walked out of the room careful not to ruin your nail polish and went to the fridge for some water. Humming a tune from your favorite band your bend down a little to grab the water.
“You look gorgeous.”
Spinning around you almost spill all the water form the filter pitcher you are holding, only to see Natasha sitting in your living room like she owned the place.
“Way to knock!” you yell.
“I wanted to make sure you didn’t forget about our plans,” She looked you up and down. “Now that I KNOW you didn’t, i’ll be on my way. Have a good spring break.” She winked at me before walking out of what you thought was the locked front door. You were left speechless in the kitchen drinking my grass of water until steve showed up.
Hearing a polite knock from the door you quickly check your nails. Relieved that they are dry you make sure to take a deep breath before opening the door.
In the doorway you see steve with a red rose in his hand and a smile on his face. He looked you up and down shocked as you gesture him to come in. “Wow…” Is all his can muster through his half open mouth.
After a second he puts himself back together and steps forward, handing you the rose slowly, “This is for your doll,” he says in a low voice.
Smiling you take it and smell it, taking in the beautiful scent. “Oh steve its gorgeous, thank you so much.”
“That flower is nothing compared to you,” He blurts out, realizing how cheesy that was he starts to blush.
You giggle and place the rose in a small vase before returning to him with your hands in front of you. You notice he is still staring so your decide to do a small. “So what are we going to do today?” You ask.
He stares down at you, speechless, while he watches that dress turl. He is brought back when he realizes you asked him a question. “Uh, I-, I mean I planned for us to go to a carnival that is not to far away.” He stutters, but doesn’t stop staring.
You love carnivals and always have. From the first time your mom brought you into the barns as a toddler to see all the animals. To when your dad brought you on your first ride when you were a little older. Even when your first love managed to somehow win you the biggest stuffed animal in the whole place. You always had fun at carnivals, so the idea of going to one with Steve made you excited.
“Then let's go!” you squeal, grabbing his hand and pulling him with you out the door.
At first you were a little freaked to ride on his motorcycle. Mostly because you haven’t ridden on one before. You have read many stories about how dangerous they are. Looking at it made your stomach drop.
Steve only had to put his arm around you and land his hand in the small of your back to calm you down. Looking up at him, you saw the concern in his eyes as he stared down at you.
“Do you trust me love?” he asked as he took your hand, kissing your knuckles.
You nodded and gulped. He mounted the motorcycle and motioned for you to sit behind him. He gave you a helmet and you thanked the lord that your only curled the bottom half of your long hair. Then you wrapped your arms around his thick chiseled chest and softly gave the okay to move.
Steve took it slow, taking back roads until he felt you relax. Only then did he give you a wicked smile you never thought you would see on this man. He sped up so fast you thought you would lose your head. The adrenaline pumped through you and suddenly you felt free. You felt like you were flying like an eagle, like you could leave all your worries behind you. Not to mention you understood why he preferred to ride a motorcycle instead of in a confined car.  
You almost arrived at the carnival too fast, but once you saw it, your excitement grew. The towering rides were already in motion. The smells of  food you can only truly get at a carnival make your stomach growl. The moos and oinks of all the cute animals calls to you asking for pets.
You dismount the bike in a hurry and rip off the helmet. Smiling the whole time, “Come on Steve what are you waiting for?” you taunt.
He’s by your side in a second with a hand on the small of your back, “Relax Doll, im right here.”
Many hours go by, you guys visit the barns and Steve swears you had to pet every animal. He could feel him falling for you almost as much as you fell for the mini fluffy cow. He takes you on every ride and loves your way to cling to him the whole time. Some of them scare you, others make you feel wild, all of them make you laugh and scream in happiness. You two ate so much fair food you could have sworn you had grease instead of blood.
It’s getting to the end of the night, the sun falling below the horizon. And you see the most adorable little stuffed bear. A small brown teddy bear with a Captain America suit on, complete with a round felt shield. Steve fallows your eyes and smiles at you, giving you a wink before viering over the game the bear is displayed by.
The game was simple, you had you knock all three of the blocks off of the pedestal using only one soft ball. “I have never seen anybody who is actually able to do this,” you taunt playfully.
Steve, holding the softball he was given in hand, slouches a little and whispers into your ear, “trust me when i say this, i am getting you that bear tonight doll.” you feel a shiver down your spine.
Then with one expert throw, all the blocks went flying. Even the guy working the game was surprised. But nonetheless he pulled the bear down and gave it to Steve, who turned you your and held it out to you with a smug look on his face.
You blushed as you took it slowly, snuggling the bear into your chest. It had only been in his possession for two seconds, but it already smelt like him.
He then took hold of your waist and brought you too him, leaving the bear in the middle. “I told you that bear would be yours.” He chuckled.
You looked up at him and smiled, “I have no more doubts.”
Putting a hand on your neck he pulled you in for the sweetest kiss you ever tasted. You opened your mouth instantly for his tongue, which caressed yours in the sweetest manor, you never wanted it to stop.
This time getting back on the bike was easier, you took your time making sure the bear was safe in between you and Steve, sliping it little foot under your thigh before placing the hemet on your head. Steve starts the bike and glances at you, “Homebound Doll?”
You smile and kiss just behind his ear, “If you wouldn’t mind.”
You could feel his shiver as he groaned a little.
The next thing you knew, he had you pinned on the silky sheets of your bed. His shirt was lost in the process along with your dress. He looked down mesmerized by your gorgeous figure and tauntingly sexy underwear.
Reaching up, you stroke his spine with your left hand and pull his mouth to meet yours with your right. He reaches under you and pulls you up to him, pressing you against him as much as he could. He other hand feels down your side, creating tingles as it goes. It stops at your panties and he groans, pulling away for a second.
“My apologies, but i owe you a new pair Doll,” he chuckles as he rips the pretty lace right off and starts to massage your  entrance.
You arch your back as he does, letting out a short huff of shock, “ookay hun,” you breath as he starts to circle you clint.
Your eyes flutter shut as he gently slides one of his fingers into you, his thumb putting pressure on you clint the whole time. After a second he slides the second finger in with more feriousity and you let out a squeal of pleasure. He leans down and uses his teeth to pull your bra down, giving his accsess to your now hard nipples. He sucks your left nipple into his mouth with a moan and starts pumping his fingers into your pussy.
Your breaths get short and your body starts to lose control. Arching his fingers, it takes him a second but he finds your sweet spot, making you let out a moan that was louder then you liked it to be. Hearing it only made Steve more hungry. He pulled you into a  passionate kiss as his fingers start to go deeper into you, with speed you have never felt before.
It didn’t take long for you become undone in his hands. His thumb putting pressure on you clint and his fingers hitting just the right spot. Steve smiled into your lips as he helped you ride it out. Before pulling his finger out slowly and setting them on your stomach.
“I bet they don’t do it like that anymore,” he winked at you.
You gave him a soft laugh as your tried to catch your breath. But before you could find your bearings, Steve was on top of you again with his over your shoulder. You heard the rubber stretch below you, and looked down to investigate. Seeing his member, your eye grew wide.
Steve smiled and kissed you sweetly, “Trust me doll, i’ll be gentle.”
Lifting you up, he sat back and placed you on his lap, letting you set the pace. You set your hands on His shoulders to steady yourself as you lift yourself up and position him under you. He groans as you sit back down slowly, his cocking filling you all the way up to your cervix. Once you are back on his lap, he lets you get used to him for a second, kissing your neck gently.
Then he brings you back down on the bed like an animal and starts to pump into you ferociously. You scream his name as he does, feeling a sensation you have only dreamed of feeling, a feeling no other man has been able to accomplish. He pushes his lips into yours again, never stopping and never slowing down. You can start to feel yourself losing control again. Your eyes flutter shut as your nails dig into his back, high pitched moans leaving your mouth uncontrollably. He moans loudly once and slams his cock so deep into you, you thought you might break. Your walls tighten around him and you feel a warm sensation flow over your pussy.
You feel his arms shaking as he stands still for a second, holding onto the moment. You relax your head back into your pillow as he slides out of your and rolls onto the other side of the bed, in a long sigh.
“Fuck baby,” he breaths, “your talents never cease to amaze.”
Chapter Six
@amryan8 @rin-rue
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soft-sarcasm · 7 years
im jaebum: standards.
Pairing: im jaebum x reader.
Request: vickyxmelonlove: Hello there!! May i request for a GOT7 scenario with JB or Mark where they're crush is a tsundere. ^^ please and thanks!!
Anonymous: Can you please write a Got7 JB smut with n i p p l e play? Thank you:)
Genre: smut, fluff, mild nipple play, some even milder drying humping.
Word count: 3.6+k.
a/n: so I didn’t intend to combine this two requests but it just kinda of worked so, yeah. I hope this is what you wanted, I don’t know how well it turned out because both of these things are not exactly things I’m very well versed in, so yeah. Thanks for reading.
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 "-If you say again one more time I'm going to explode." Came the voice of your boyfriend, the sound amplified as it filtered through the Mic and into the dimly lit producing booth you currently occupied.
 You could understand his frustration. It was slowly going on 3am and you add been making him repeat the second half of his part in the third verse for a good ten to fifteen minutes, constantly interrupting when you deemed it necessary for a retake.
 You rolled your eyes, pressing down your finger on the com button so that your voice filled the space behind the glass that currently separated you. "You're the one who wanted to make a song together Jaebummie and you knew well in advance how I operate."
 You had been a music producer at JYP for years now, after being one of the few trainees who auditioned for the position and actually was hired. You had also worked on many of the most successful singles to come out of the entertainment company, songs like 'TT' by Twice that was a monster of a bit and GOT7's 'Never Ever.' That's where you had truly had gotten to know your boyfriend who was currently glaring at you from behind the glass. Of course, you both knew of each other from working in the same company for so long and having mutual friends, but you had only gotten to know each other during that time.
 But while you had worked on the track, you had only assisted during the actual recording so this was the first time that he was in a session that you were leading entirely. And while he knew of your perfectionist attitude as it translated into your daily life, it seemed that he hadn't fully grasped just how ready you were to keep you both there all night until you were happy with it. You had warned him that you weren't going to compromise because of your relationship and he had simply brushed it off, eager to start on the project he had been nagging you for, for weeks after he had spent one too many times listening to some of your samples and base tracks. While he himself was no stranger to producing, he had always been fascinated by your ear for music and personal flourish that made most of the projects you touched instant hits.
"Just one more time Jae, and then I promise we're finished." You attempted to coax, putting on a pretty smile and bat of your eyelashes.
He simply scoffed but never the less slipped back on the headset. You started up the track to the right time and leaned back as he prepared to sing. Listening carefully for the correct flourishes and pronunciation that you wanted. The song cut off as did his voice, and you looked up from your notes to see him staring at you expectantly.
"Up to your standards then?"
You simply raised your shoulders, a coy smile threatening to curl at the edges of your lips. "It'll have to do. You can come out now."
There was a distinct huff that came through the Mic before you turned off the com and begun to resemble yourself as you finally prepared to leave. It wasn't that you tried to be a bitch. It was just who you were and one of the reasons why you had been able to accomplish what you had in your life. It had not been easy by any means to get yourself taken seriously as a music producer in the beginning and you had had to fight tooth and nail to get you to where you are simply due to age and being a gender which still remained unfavoured when it came to music producing.
 You were a perfectionist and a borderline control freak which usually made you a pretty unlikeable person. There was also the fact that you were entirely dedicated to your just above almost everything else that had always made getting into relationships, whether platonic or romantic, rather difficult as most people rarely put up with someone who would rather stay holed up in their studio for days then replying to text messages or going outside even. You also were known to be quite harsh in your search for basic perfection and there was also your fundamentally standoffish personality. And yet, despite all these things, Im Jaebum had decided that he found you charming enough to want to date and you had found him tolerable enough to do the same. Almost 18 months later here you were.
 "I should put Yugyeom in here with you, maybe then he'll stop complaining anytime I make him repeat a verse," Jaebum stated offhandedly as he entered in the sound booth area, making his way to settle in the chair next to you as he had noticed that you had favoured rerunning through the song opposed to getting fully ready to return to your apartment. "But I can't say anything; you definitely know your shit."
 "Thanks," You mused, listening for any lasting imperfections for the umpteenth time that day. You had started working on this track a day or so ago, having finalised the instrumental and most of the lyrics to the point that all Jaebum would have to do is add the vocals and any lyrical choices of his own. Being in the industry had taught you both to move at an incredible pace with your own side projects being no exception.
 "Ready to head home?"
 You let out a non-committal hum, no longer focusing on the world around you as your mind drifted. "I just remembered there's this track Hui wanted me to smooth over that I never got around to doing."
 "Good lord," Jaebum exclaimed, exasperation saturating his tone. "You cannot start anything right now. It is almost 3 and you have been up for nearly 24 hours. If you keep it any longer your eyes will literally pop out of your skull."
 "Sounds fun," You stated offhandedly, now fully immersed in your own swirling brain. "I bet you I could have it done by 7."
 "And die in the process?" Jaebum scoffed, pulling himself from the chair in a motion to leave. "I thought I was meant to be the tsundere one.”
“Please, that trifle you call angst is just a fraction of what I possess, so watch out,” You stated pointedly, making a flare gesture to yourself, “Because if your fans ever catch a sight of this; they’re mine.”
“Yes, yes, you’re very angsty dear.” He cooed mockingly like some patronizing grandmother causing you to scowl, “Now let’s get out of here, I’m already dead on my feet as it is.”
“But, but- the song, music, creativity,” You rambled pitifully, turning to pout and display your most endearing set of puppy dog eyes. “Just five more minutes, pwease?”
Jaebum physically cringed at the overwhelming sweetness and babyish texture of your voice, “Please, go back to being angsty that was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard.”
Taking this as a cue to go farther you suddenly were springing up from your chair, performing an impromptu display of the many different ageyo expressions you had watched idols do for years. “Please, I really want to finish this song. I promise I’ll love you forever,” And just to finish it off you ended with a small whine as you jutted out your bottom lip and hung on his arm, the cherry on top being the finger heart you shot over in his direction.
“I think I’m actually going to be sick,” He gaped, face covered in nothing but pure distaste and disbelief, “You’ve officially lost it, we’re going home.”
You abandoned your posture at that, falling back into your usual stance of indifference as you regained your composure, letting out a dissatisfied sound as you did, “All that work; just to be rejected. I guess it’s true, boys are only into what’s chic these days and when a girl shows her true emotions, they simply push them aside. I thought society had moved past this, but alas,��� You let out a sorrowful sigh, “We have not.”
“If that was a true display of your emotions; we need to break up,” Jaebum stated plainly moving even closure to the door causing you to wonder if he had realised that the most movement you had made to leave was stand up from your chair. “Now can we please go, I want to at least get some form of sleep before you wake me up to no doubt re-do the second verse or maybe even the entire song.”
“Perfect idea,” You exclaimed, “You go home, I stay here. I’ll call you at 10 and we can go on from there, sorted. See you tomorrow!”
There was a loud groan and a muffled bang as Jaebum all but slammed his head into the door he was in the process of opening out of what you could only assume was frustration, he then turned back to you, “Fuck man, you are so insufferable sometimes. You are not a robot, you need to sleep-”
“-Sleep,” You dismissed, “Sleep is for the weak. I’m not even tired yet, so all that would happen would be that we would get home, you would pass out and I’d just lie there, all night, fixating on the work I should be doing. I’ll sleep when this is do-”
“-more like when you’re dead if you keep this up.” Dammit. You had done it now. Gone was the majority of the playfulness that up until this point that guided your conversation. You overworking yourself was a common topic of your conversation ever since a few months back where you had suddenly passed out after leaving a recording session at 3 am. Jaebum had been near furious to find out that it was mainly due to the fact that you hadn’t slept for two days and had eaten maybe half a meal during the same time period.
You wanted to say that he couldn’t say shit because there were times when he was injured or fatigued and he still performed, but he simply argued that at least he took care of himself enough that he could actually manage those performances without flaking out. Yeah, it was a touchy subject.
“Jae,” You started, softer now with the sudden change of tone, “I really think that even if I tried, I wouldn’t get any sleep right now and you know how much I hate that, just lying there when there’s something better I could be doing. I know what you’re saying is valid and you know better than anyone that I’ve been doing better, so just this once; let me stay here and then I promise I’ll sleep all of Saturday just for you.”
There was a beat of silence and then Jaebum was dropping down his bag and sighing, making his way over to you just in time for you catch an interesting flicker of something in his feline edged eyes, “Why don’t we rather do something else that I know will tire you out and then we can go home and then you can come back?”
“And what would this something else be?” You replied, now understanding the shift in his tone as you realised that you had been backed up so that you were now pressed against the desk behind you.
There was a twitch of something between coy and satisfaction at the corners of his lips as Jaebum leaned closer so that his mouth was up against your ear, giving him the access to nip the skin. “Maybe you’ll just have to figure that out for yourself.”
You wanted to laugh at the blatant seduction in his voice but any noise that could have possibly been wanting to come out quickly evaporated as Jaebum crushed his lips against yours, teeth and tongue instantly added to mix as soon as you parted your lips. Jaebum further nestled himself into the spot between your legs, hands gripping every part of your clothed frame with just enough pressure to set you all on fire. You pulled yourself closer so that your forms were pulled together so with each one of your movements you could perfectly full every ridge of him, lazily licking and biting at his mouth as your hands travelled south so that you were roughly grabbing his ass to further push him into you.
A distinct hiss left his lips as you grinded up into him, the friction a delicious mixture of pleasure and denial, “Fuck, you really are something.”
You simply hummed in answer, taking his moment of weakness to not only spread your lips over the expanse of his exposed neck but also push the bomber jacket from his shoulders so that only a thin shirt remained. “You’re the one who offered,” You reminded while you nipped at his collar bones, “So don’t flake out on me now.”
He couldn’t answer straight away as you twist your hips up, having to regain himself before he could. “I’m not flaking, just stating the facts.”
“Then I take the compliment and raise you one,” You chortled happily, wandering fingers making their way to grasp at his belt. “Or rather, you can raise one.”
An actual laugh escaped his lips, a breathy one as you made your way to cup him in your hands, but still a laugh before he was removing himself from you for a moment, “You sure know how to just sneak in those innuendos don’t you?”
“It’s a talent,” You shrugged while making quick work of kicking off your shoes and discarding your sweater, exposing your chest instantly to the chilly sound booth thanks to your lack of bra. “But while it is one of many, patience is not, so if we could get on with this whole ‘tiring me out thing’ I’d very much appreciate it.”
Your words seemed to knock the sense that Jaebum seemed to lose at the sight of your fully bare chest. In your opinion, there was not a lot to look at, but apparently, it was one of Im Jaebum’s many things, and who were you to judge? He moved like lightning, freeing himself from his shirt and latching himself back to your body by way of your neck within a few seconds of each other. You let out an overly satisfied sound as the heat that radiated from his body made contact with you, an even more pampered noise escaping when a warm hand clamped down on your right breast, nimble fingers further stimulating your nipple that had already become perked due to the contrast of temperature.
His tongue trailed down your neck, teeth sometimes joining so that a kaleidoscope of sensation greeted you with each ministration. He only stopped when he reached the left side of your chest that had seemed neglected until then, his breath stuttering for just a moment as you continued to twist your clothed core up into his. You let out a soft gasp when his mouth finally came into contact with your nipple, there being no time to recover was his other hand pinched down on your other one.
“Shit,” You cursed while tossing your head back, keeping yourself stable by pushing back on the desk space behind you to keep you stable. There was a nip at the sensitive flesh that you could only imagine was overly red due to his ministrations. “Jae.”
He perked up at the sound of his nickname, a look of pure satisfaction and mischief in his eyes as he gazed up at you, “Yes? You okay up there?”
You let out a frustrated huff, the sound finishing over as a stunted whine when he decided that now was the appropriate time to give you a small flick. “Can we skip this part already? I know it’s like, a thing, but I currently need a different thing if you get what I mean.”
You were answered with a noncommittal hum and a kiss to the side that had once been occupied by his left hand, “I don’t know, I think you may have to be more specific. I mean, how am I meant to successfully tire you out if I don’t know what you want?”
There was a shriek when he sunk his teeth down and suddenly all of your inhibitions were gone and you were thrusting up your hips, “If you don’t fuck me this fucking instant I swear to god Jaebum I will get myself off right here, right now and make you watch.”
That seemed to knock some sense into him, especially as he knew you were perfectly capable of going through with any and all threats. There had been this one time when he had attempted to distract you from your work for a good two hours because he was horny and wanted attention even though you had a deadline. Simply put, he never tried that ever again.
The memory of that torturous night was probably one of the things that set him into instant motion, making quick work of helping you lift yourself up enough to take off your leggings before doing the same to his own jeans, though it seemed he was slightly too eager to even finish the job as he regained his spacing as soon as they were far enough down his thighs so that he could push down his underwear. You understood why the mere thought of not being able to finish what he had started and made him act so quickly when you saw the sight of his cock, incredibly hard and dripping precum. You had seen his dick enough times to not be surprised by it anymore but that didn’t mean that you didn’t take the time to admire it, not that that’s what you were doing right now, right now you were more frustrated by the fact that you could still see it and it wasn’t inside of your rather than how unnaturally pretty it was.
He didn’t waste any time either, cloaking your body with his own, mouth mashing against your own as you felt the all too familiar, yet still exhilarating feeling of his head lined up to your thoroughly sopping entrance. Even though it had barely been a day since the last time you had fucked, it felt like you hadn’t felt his body this close to your own in months. That feeling was quickly extinguished when he slid into you, the stretch welcomed as you both moaned in content.
“Fuck yes,” You sighed in satisfaction, rotating your hips in appreciation of the filling sensation.
Jaebum pressed an overly mushy kiss to your lips before he begun to move, each thrust making you both more riled up and sedated, his empty hand that wasn’t busy keeping your leg up to allow better access, sneaking in between your bodies to latch onto your swollen clit.
You clenched at the added stimulation causing him to groan, “Fuck, you feel fucking amazing.”
“Thanks,” You hummed, clenching down again as your eyes fought to not flutter closed. You enjoyed seeing Jaebum like this, sweat beginning to drip from his dark hair, face flushed with exertion, not to mention basically naked.
“Stop that,” He berated as you tightened yet again, “This is about you if you keep doing that there’s not going to be much of me left.”
“Sorry,” You apologised though it lost its sincerity when you pressed down again causing him to glare at you and press down harder on your clit in retaliation causing you to unleash a loud curse as you threw your head back. There was a twist in your stomach that you knew all too well, the sensation sending shocks through your body. “Fuck.”
“Seems like I won’t have to hold on for that much longer,” Jaebum chortled while slamming back into you causing you to let out an almost shriek.
He was right though, you could see your finish line, the race coming to an end with each twist of his thumb and slam of his hips. Then there was an intruder at your already full entrance and you arched from the table as Jaebum slipped in another finger alongside his dick, successfully stealing the air from your very beginning. You were completely speechless at the sudden sensation that was only amplified by the finger both in you and the one of your clit.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” You repeated like a mantra before you were cumming, clamping down on Jaebum with an additional tightness thanks to the extra component which sent him spiralling.
Heavy breathing filled the sound booth, sounding as pleasant to you as many of the songs that had been produced in the very same space. You were thoroughly satisfied and there was an overwhelming sense of numbing exhaustion taking over your very being. Jaebum regained his strength before you did, moving you both to the couch after pulling out, he set you down in a lying position before he went off to find something to clean you off with.
“You tired enough to go home no-” Jaebum begun as he returned with a cloth after having to put on his clothes to go retrieve one, only to be met with you already passed out on the couch, having obviously used the last of your strength to grab for his discarded jacket to cover yourself. He let out a laugh at the endearing sight of your innocent expression as you slept peacefully, muttering himself as he made his way over to you, “Tsundere indeed.”
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especialty · 7 years
‼️Submission Saturday Rules & Guidelines‼️ #naaruletag • how to submit: 1. read all of the rules & make sure your photo is following all of them. 2. once you’re positive that it qualifies, dm me your picture. all submissions go to @nudityasart on Instagram PLEASE don't post your submissions or send them to any other account, only dm'd submissions will be posted!! PS: when you send in your dm, make sure to add in which SS it is for (themed or regular), as well as your pronouns if you'd like, especially to my trans friends, to prevent being misgendered! ‼️RULES!!‼️ I have two accounts now. @especialtys being my main (educational/informative/selfcare), and @nudityasart being my second account (bodypositivity/submissions). Unlike previous account(s), all submissions will be sent (and posted) to @nudityasart. 1. when submitting, remember that it is completely anonymous, meaning I will not tag you and no one will ever know it’s you, UNLESS you yourself choose to state otherwise in the comment section. (If you’d like to thank people for compliments or just let people know it’s you, you can do so by commenting but besides that the only two who will know who is is, will be you and I) but this is for body positivity ONLY and a majority don’t want to be named, therefor it remains anonymous on my part. Please don't DM me asking who a submitter is, I know sometimes you want to ask where they got their clothing but I want this to remain confidential so just comment asking and maybe they will reply or someone else who knows will! Another thing, before sending remember that I am not at fault if someone gets upset about your submission, but I will kindly delete it if necessary (this has happened quite a bit, actually, between protective partners and rude friends. just send me the picture as request the deletion of the photo. only the person who sent the photo can request for it to be removed, btw) 2. PICTURES: for your picture quality; I ask that it be high quality and trust me, I know sometimes phones don’t have the best quality, but here are the easiest ways I've found to match my theme: -use natural lighting, like in front of a window, outside, or a naturally lit room. - camera flash (especially if you have a low quality camera) I know it's hard using your back flash, so place a mirror in front of you to help get a good picture! these are the only two ways I know of to get a good picture, but outside/natural lighting is the best way to go to ensure your photo matches and gets posted on my account! (ps. if you need ideas, use other submissions (posts on @especialtys could help too) as reference to how the  photos should look, and pose ideas and picture ideas. I LOVE creativity!!) 3. censoring; this is a big issue with submissions because of Instagram so I need to address it. I can’t allow full nudes or any sexually explicit submissions because instagrams rules and regulations (and once again, this is for body positivity not send your genitalia to mooma. keep ya genitals covered. I, nor Instagram, want to see that so keep it away from me thank you) but as for nipples, yes you can send uncensored ones and I will censor them for you, (by putting light glares/stars on them. If you want to do it yourself but don't know the app: star/glare app is LINE camera! the sticker is "shine" last one with the saturation turned down so it's white) but I have to be extremely cautious with what I post on my account  in order to not be deleted so I would appreciate it if you covered them with something, but if you don't that's okay too! I'll censor it for you! btw, your gender or sex doesn’t matter when censoring. I will censor any and ALL nipples! I’m censoring everyone's as a way to get some form of equality on my page. If one should be censored, shouldn't they all be? But, you can also use your hand to cover your nipples or use something else like paint, real or fake flowers, candies, (real) stickers, leaves, sea shells or pretty rocks/gems, small toys, (this will hurt coming off) tape, fruit/other foods, slime, compact mirrors, little pumpkins, small plushies, glitter, or anything of your choosing!! be creative and have fun with it, there's really no wrong thing you could use except for (basically anything digitally added except blurring or star/glare) emojis, or any type of edited sticker as well as coloring them out with the snapchat pen or any other type of pen, this includes background blurring because it doesn’t fit my theme at all and won't be posted. sorry! 4. no filters of any kind; I know!! a lot of you enjoy using the black and white filter or some other filter because it makes you look good but it doesn’t match my theme and it doesn't send a good message, I’m sorry!! please send it without a filter, because I won't post it on my account with a filter. 5. Although you don't have to be completely bare to submit, I would ask that you not have too much clothing covering yourself since this is for body positivity and it's hard for someone to compliment your body if they can't see it. If you aren't comfortable with nudity, you can always just take a cute picture of your tummy! or if you don't want to do that, a picture of your collar bones or your thighs? whatever you're comfortable with! 6. Don’t be rude to any submitters; I will not tolerate any form of negativity on my account. this is a SAFE place and I won't let anyone ruin that for me or anyone else on my page. do you know how much confidence it takes to post some of your greatest insecurities? a fucking lot. this is for positivity and appreciation!! don’t be a dick to anyone who posts, your comment will be deleted and you might even be blocked. Be kind to one another. Bring everyone who submits up, not down. prove to them how beautiful the skin they are in is. It isn’t that fucking hard and it’s free to be a decent human being!! 7. Please be patient; & don’t get upset when I don’t post yours right away. I receive many dms and pending dms, that it takes me a while to post them all. but occasionally, I don't receive dms so please if I haven’t posted yours and it’s been two weeks+ just send me a heart (sometimes you'll need to unsend and resend it) or ask if I’ve saved yours yet, and I’ll make sure to do so ASAP(: • AND REMEMBER: if you have any questions or comments regarding SS, feel free to contact me via dm or ask them on qoohme (the link is in @especialtys bio) and also via my remindapp (text "@mooma" to 81010, or get the remind app and add "@mooma") and I will get back to you as soon as I can! I love you all, don't forget to check the FAQ before asking a question x ‼️FAQ: • do I have to be following you to submit I don't see why you wouldn't be following me if you were trying to submit but yes, you MUST at least be following @nudityasart to submit. • when are submissions posted? every other Saturday for regular submissions. and once a month for themed submissions, unless I & the people who help post submissions have something come up that prohibits us from doing so, from twelve am Friday night to twelve am Saturday night! (CST) although sometimes it's started sooner than that. • how many submissions do you normally post? there isn’t any given number that I post. once I post a submission I won’t post another until that one gets twenty five or more comments. I do this so each submission gets a good amount of positivity. I don't want anyone feeling left out! for people who comment and the comments, please don’t put some unrelated comment such as emojis or something, actually take time (if you have it) to write a positive message about how a feature that caught your eye, or how strong they must be, or how wonderful their completion is or how you adore their freckles, etc. it doesn’t take much of your time and I promise you it will make someone’s day so much better. just say things that you’d want to be told about your own body  but a little ps, saying "goals" or "i would die to have this body" or "I wish I looked like this" or  "why can't I have this body" or any other self degrading comment is NOT a compliment and never will be a compliment. it will be deleted. bringing yourself down isn't what I consider a compliment, sorry! not only that, it could end up hurting someone rather than helping them! • when can i send you my submission? any day of the week! most send on Saturday while I’m posting submissions and that’s cool and all but sadly, you cut the likelihood of it actually getting posted that day by half because I post the ones I didn’t get to post last week, and then the ones sent throughout the week, first(: (I recommend sending them Thursday because I save them on Friday) • is there an age limit to submit? sort of, I’d ask that you’d be at least thirteen+ because although this is only for body positivity I am not dumb and I know some people may see it in other forms. so since instagrams age limit is thirteen I guess so is mine. although, if you’re underaged please do not send me full nudes (keep your genitals covered please. tummy pics, thigh pics, etc are fine, but I would be careful not to have full nudity so undies/bathing suits are a must) this puts me in a very awkward position. remember that your nudes are often considered child pornography depending on your state/region. and depending on your age. be careful kiddos. • if I send you a caption to post with my pic, will you post that too? yes yes! all you have to do is specify that you want your caption posted and bam! posted along with your photo ! • do I have to be naked to submit? not persay, no. not everyone is comfortable being completely naked, and I understand that 100%. but since this is body positivity, you can't exactly receive compliments about your body with full clothing so I would ask that you have minimal clothing. if you aren't comfortable with showing your stomach, show off your thighs or collar bones! • can I send you a selfie to post? no. sorry but this isn't a selfie positivity account, it's a body positive account so no picture with your face in it please. covering it with your phone is okay though and having your lips in it if yore doing a collar bone photo but otherwise no, please crop your face out. it isn't really anonymous if your face is in it.
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