#you can literally replace that guy with anyone else and nothing wouldve changed hes so replaceable. i wouldnt have been this
aria0fgold · 6 months
I honestly fr just despise that SIU Director nameless ass npc and his shit-eating grin plastered on his face nearly 24/7 as if he has accomplished anything noteworthy when in reality he's just a lapdog taking orders from his nameless faceless boss and doesn't know any better but obey and go "It's just as you planned" like a yes man that feels good bout himself when he hasn't even done anything on his own other than be an obedient dog, lil piece of shit, I hate that man so much. I hate him more than his boss whoever it is, at least his boss is being a threat by doing stuff behind the scenes, but my guy is literally just on that damn phone every scene we get of him, pathetic.
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