#you can bet your butts that morgen and josele caught some nasty colds after that
loosesodamarble · 1 year
Firefly's Dance
Summary: When a beautiful evening has been seemingly ruined by rain, Morgen finds some inspiration and shares a moment with Josele. Inspired by "Night Bugs on a Rainy Street." Genre: romance Word Count: ~2300
There was a chill and low hum in the air, both the result of rain that fell that evening.
Morgen and Josele stood by the windows that looked out towards the gardens of the Grey Deer base. Tables, chairs, and floral arrangements had been set up for a dinner party to celebrate the squad’s recent achievements and grow closer as a unit. However, the occasion had been canceled due to the sudden appearance of rain. It wasn’t a storm nor even a particularly heavy downpour, but even the light drizzle discouraged the Magic Knights from stepping outdoors.
“I suppose we should’ve expected as much since it’s the rainy season…” Josele muttered with a defeated sigh.
“It’s not all bad either.” Morgen looked over his shoulder.
The other members of the Grey Deer squad were gathered together in the sitting room that looked out onto the garden. Tea and other refreshments had been brought out. The musicians that were to play in the garden instead took up a corner of the room and started up a relaxing melody. The people peacefully chatted amongst themselves. How quickly they had gotten over the disappointment of the rain to instead enjoy one another’s company.
“It’s good that everyone is getting along here,” remarked Morgen before turning his attention to Josele. “Would you like me to get something for you, dear?”
Josele quietly shook her head. Her eyes were trained on the view of the garden. Then, she reached out and took Morgen’s hand. Of course Morgen held her hand back, going so far as to weave their fingers together.
As always, Josele’s hand was warmer than Morgen’s own.
The two of them stood there, simply taking in the view of the outside. Leaves and flower petals quivered as raindrops hit them from above. The light from indoors seeped out through the clear glass, giving a corner of the garden a gentle glow, and once in a while reflected on the falling raindrops which created a flickering, twinkling effect. A faint haze filled the air, dampening the colors of the world. It was not, however, a dull or sad muting of the world. The faded colors felt more relaxed, as if taking a respite from being so vibrant.
Morgen understood how it felt. After a long day of giving his all, he would let go of whatever was left of his energy and surrender himself to exhaustion.
As he gazed at the garden, he felt his hand shaking, ever so slightly. He glanced down. With their hands intertwined, he wasn’t sure if it was actually his or Josele’s that was trembling.
“Are you perhaps cold?” Josele didn’t feel any colder than usual but Morgen wanted to be sure.
“I’m fine…”
Smiling, Morgen gave Josele’s hand a squeeze.
He supposed it didn’t matter. In fact, the ambiguity of it brought him a strange comfort. Perhaps it was even the both of them.
“The rain is lovely, isn’t it?” Morgen said, taking the half-step needed to close the distance between himself and Josele.
“Definitely.” Josele smiled, her teeth showing between her lips. “It’s so nice… I might not even mind eating outside.”
Morgen, bringing a hand to his mouth, laughed, “I think even you would be unsatisfied with a soggy meal!”
“Eh, well if you’re starving and on your last legs, a soggy slice of bread might feel like a king’s banquet.”
Morgen and Josele turned to see Yami and William walking in their direction, both having drinks in hand.
Yami took a swig of his beverage then continued, “But at a time like this, shitty wet food is gonna feel like shitty wet food.”
“Alright then, I guess I’ll wait to picnic another day,” Josele replied.
“Don’t wait too long on tonight’s food or there won’t be anything left,” William said.
“Of course, of course.” Morgen nodded. “But I think we’ll watch the rain a bit longer.”
Yami grunted, “Weirdos.”
“There’s something odd about wanting to watch the rain…” William muttered, squinting through his mask. “I would think it'd make one feel gloomier. I’m more of a warm, sunny day person.”
“Those are nice as well,” Josele agreed with a slight nod. “But the rain… I dunno…”
Grinning, Morgen wrapped his arm around Josele’s shoulders and spoke up, “There’s joy to be found in rain. Such as how it waters plants and cools one off after a hot day.”
“And there he goes again,” Yami chuckled. “You can find the good in every damn thing, can’t ya?”
“If Morgen didn’t then you’d be down one friend,” Josele lightly answered.
Yami shrugged and gave half a smile, accepting her point. He stepped closer to the window and stared at the garden. “Hey, would you look at that.”
William, Josele, and Morgen turned to see what Yami saw. Hovering over the grass in the garden were faint lights, slowly fading in and out every few seconds.
“Fireflies come out in the rain?” William questioned.
Josele tilted her head. “I’ve seen it before but on warmer days.”
“Perhaps they saw the rain reflecting the light from inside and thought it was their friends,” Morgen suggested, making his fellow Knights laugh a bit. “At least someone is enjoying the garden right now.”
“Guess so.” Yami finished off his drink. “I’mma be right back.”
Josele waved off Yami while the young men politely nodded at his departure.
Morgen, William, and Josele lapsed into silence, watching the rain and now the lightning bugs as they flickered around the garden. Some of the bugs seemed to bounce through the air. And others flew in looping paths. There was no coordination to their movements and yet their leisurely flights and the gentle glow was like a graceful waltz.
“They make the rain seem quite inviting now,” remarked William.
“Yes, like a dance out in the rain…” Morgen whispered. His gaze wandered to Josele.
Maybe it was Morgen’s imagination. Maybe it was reality. But Morgen swore he saw Josele’s eyes sparkling from the fireflies’ light. They were out and about, dancing the way Morgen had hoped to with Josele. Before the rain fell.
Although, if the bugs could do it…
“Morgen?” Josele turned her head up to look at him. “What’s with that face?”
He wasn’t sure what kind of face he was making. But given Josele’s faint smile of amusement, he would’ve suspected he looked wistful or lovestruck. And how could he not be with her on his mind?
Without saying a word, Morgen removed his hand from Josele’s shoulder to tuck some of her bangs behind her ear. Then, he took Josele’s hand and began to guide her away. Josele’s head tilted to the side, perplexed.
“Hm? Where are you two going?” William asked but got no answer from either part of the couple.
Morgen led Josele to the door leading out to the garden and opened it. He felt Josele tense and he looked at her. Her shoulders were drawn up, a pink flush colored her face, and her gaze was towards the ground.
“Josie…” Morgen whispered. He brought Josele’s closer to him and coaxed her into meeting his eye. “Just keep your eyes on me.”
After hearing those words, Josele smiled and it felt like a soft embrace of Morgen’s heart.
Together, they stepped outside, letting the cool night air and the rain welcome them. They walked hand-in-hand until they came to the middle of the garden where they stopped.
Morgen brought Josele closer. He raised their clasped hands. Placed his hand on her back while she set her hand on his shoulder. With the rain in their ears, Morgen and Josele began to dance.
A melody could be faintly heard through the open door but they didn’t need the music to fall into a swaying rhythm. He guided her along. And she followed him.
Their feet glided over the grass. And each step they took was together. The harmonized movements of their bodies reflected how their hearts lovingly resonated with one another.
Though they performed a waltz, Josele and Morgen lacked the air of sophistication that the dance usually carried. It was more like they were frolicking in the rain. Still, they moved with a grace all their own.
Morgen twirled Josele under his arm then brought her back close to him. When their eyes met, the two of them grinned. Morgen then placed his hands on Josele’s waist and lifted her into spin. Josele’s smile grew and a laugh flowed from her mouth. As Morgen lowered Josele to the ground, she took the chance to give him a kiss. And once both had their feet firmly planted, they resumed their dance form.
Each step they took into their waltz, the further the rest of the world seemed. If their squadmates stared at him and Josele. If they whispered and criticized. Morgen registered none of it.
Morgen’s gaze never left Josele. For how could he look away from the love of his life? All that existed to Morgen in that moment was Josele. He could only stare at her, at her smile which was illuminated by the lightning bugs floating around them. He didn’t feel raindrops hitting his face and soaking his clothes. Instead, he felt Josele holding his hand and gently pressing her body against his. And her laugh, so lively and without a care, drowned out the sound of the rain.
When they had danced their way to the center of the tables set out in the garden, Morgen lowered Josele into a dip.
Josele took a deep breath and lingered.
Everything about that moment felt beautiful. From the steadiness of Morgen’s grasp on her. To the rain washing over her body. Even the faint sensation of mud having gotten on her feet during the waltz. Josele wanted to commit it all to memory.
Had she been alone at the party, she would’ve been content to stay inside and simply watch the rain. Even if she wished to go outside and enjoy it in full. But Morgen had been there with her. With their hands intertwined, with him smiling at her, Josele felt like what they were doing was right.
Josele felt that she was right when she was with Morgen.
“How are you feeling, my heart?” Morgen whispered, bringing Josele out of her thoughts.
“Can we stay like this a little longer?” she asked.
“In this pose or…?” Morgen chuckled when Josele shook her head. “We can dance until the sun shines again if you wish.”
Slowly, the pair rose to stand upright. Josele let go of Morgen's hand and settled her arms on his shoulders. Morgen, following her example, rested his hands on her waist. They quietly circled one another for a bit.
“We should change it up a bit if we wanna go that long…” Josele mumbled with her eyes closed in thought.
“Do you have any suggestions then?” To Morgen’s question, Josele shook her head. “Well then…”
Morgen’s gaze drifted past Josele to their surroundings. The fireflies in the garden were still out, seemingly unbothered by the couple’s presence.
They were but small lights, flitting through the air.
He had learned that fireflies give off light in order to attract partners. Their glow was in fact a courting ritual. A sign of love and romance for the insects.
Morgen had Light Magic. And to Josele, he was like the sun. Her sunrise and shining knight.
Lights in the air… Love… Light… Himself… Romance…
Morgen looked at his feet.
“Josie…” He took a deep breath. “Do you trust me?”
“Huh? Of course I do, sunrise!” Josele tilted her head. “Why do you ask?”
“Because I’m about to try something for the first time,” answered Morgen. It wasn’t something complex but it was still a new technique. “And I’d like you to try with me.”
In a quick motion, Morgen picked up Josele in a bridal carry. He summoned his magic and took a step. Instead of hitting the ground, Morgen’s foot was held up by a spot of light. He took another step up and got the same result.
“Haha! Yes!” Morgen spun himself and Josele around, held aloft by his Light Magic.
“Morgen, this is—!” Josele giggled and hugged Morgen around his neck.
Going one step at a time, Morgen carried Josele higher and higher into the air. Neither his feet nor his magic faltered at any point along the way. When they became level with the second story of the base, Morgen carefully let Josele down and allowed her to stand on her own feet atop his Light Magic. He held both of her hands, not wanting to let her go in fear that it would cause her to fall.
But also, he simply didn’t want to let her go…
Josele and Morgen’s eyes met, lit up by the silver light at their feet.
It was quiet, save for the sound of still pouring rain.
“Hey Morgen…” Josele stepped closer and reached her head up. Understanding immediately, Morgen put his forehead to Josele’s. “Can this just be for us?”
“What part of this?” asked Morgen.
“All of it, actually. I want… I want us to be the only ones who know what this is like. Is that okay?”
Josele swallowed hard, worrying how she sounded. Was her request too silly? Was it selfish?
She held her breath, awaiting Morgen’s answer.
Josele usually found it easy to share with others. But Morgen… Or rather the relationship the two of them had was theirs. She didn’t want to share the most wonderful aspects of their love with others. And the feeling of dancing on air, not flying but just being one with the sky, was something Josele wanted for herself and Morgen.
“But of course…”
Josele felt Morgen lean in closer and press his lips to hers. A sign of a promise.
The kiss came to a slow, sweet end. But Morgen and Josele weren’t ready to pull away just yet.
A hand on the waist. A hand on the shoulder. Their hands found each other. Once more, the two of them fell into step, another dance for the evening.
As silly as it seemed, Josele believed that she and Morgen could’ve easily danced for the rest of the night that way. Morgen, meanwhile, wanted to tell Josele that they could go to the ends of the earth so long as they were together, but it would’ve been a fool’s lie.
Their bodies felt weightless on the light. And their hearts felt like they were soaring.
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