#you can also start w 3 if you're into darker stories
1eos · 2 years
The sweet sweet relief of never having to see the words "featuring redacted" ever again.... I don't even know what to do with myself this is so good. Anyway this is an excuse to ask you which persona game would you recommend to start with? I haven't played any of them but I know I'll love them but I'm not sure to start at the very first game, ty ♡
we might be free from barking...this is monumental. like i literally said may the music industry reject him when he gets out and it might happen. i need to start using my psychic powers to win the lottery.
anyways as for persona do NOT start at the very first game it will make u hate everything. since you know you'll like it/accustomed to jrpgs i'd say start with persona 4 golden. it's the most persona persona game to me but it takes abt an hour to get into gameplay so i don't recommend it for ppl new to jrps LOL. from 4 i say play 3 (fes is my favorite version bc of the epilogue but portable is also good) then p5 royal! and THEN once you're done with those try persona 1 then persona 2 but be warned persona 1 is fucking brutal. a slog to get thru but the story bangs. persona 2 actually has continuity with the first one so you'll benefit from playing that afterwards!
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gffa · 6 months
I adore your batman stuff very much. I recently read the Wayne Family Adventures, and now I really want to read some more. Do you have recommendations on comic lines to follow?
Hi! I'm glad you're having fun with getting into comics and enjoying the posts around here, it's always nice to have new blood (or returning blood, in my case)! <3 I would give a gentle caution in that Wayne Family Adventures is sort of in a class of its own in a lot of ways, the characterization is much softer and fluffier, while the mainline comics are darker and messier, the characters are definitely not always as nice as they are as in WFA. That's no shade on either of them, just that I want to give a quick warning that if you're stepping from one to the other, the culture shock can sometimes be more than you're expecting. (And also keep in mind that comics are a shifting landscape, there's no one "true" version of many of the landmark moments of characters' lives, you'll see events often retold, you'll see comics that later get retconned, you'll see comics that are in different continuities/set before or after a universe-wide reboot, etc. Don't worry about it, just recognize that you're reading a story to enjoy that story, not as Hard Continuity!) That said, some of the lighter comics that I think would be fun if you're looking to come over from WFA are:
Li'l Gotham is a cute parody series that's super adorable, has some lovely art, and is nice little self-contained stories that are humorous. It's not in mainline continuity and it's even softer than WFA, but it's deeply charming and it's a fun, quick read.
Super Sons (2017) by Peter Tomasi is in mainline continuity and it's focused on Damian Wayne and Jonathan Kent becoming friends, bickering all the while, and getting into hijinks. It tends to lean more humorous and cute, so it's a nice stepping stone up to regular comics.
Robin and Batman (2022) by Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen is a good litmus test for whether you might like regular comics--it's a short 3-issue mini-series focused on Dick's early days as Robin and the complicated, thorny relationship he has with Bruce about it. It's one of my favorite, it balances what a terrible gremlin he was with what a little angel he was and the emotional beats are painful in the best way.
Robin: Year One (2000) and Batgirl: Year One (2003) by Scott Beatty/Chuck Dixon and Marcos Martín/Javier Pulido are good places to start for both characters, and hold up okay considering their age. The art is a bit stylized in a way I really like, it lends it a charming old-fashioned vibe while still being pretty to look at, and there's some solid character moments in both.
Nightwing (2016) by various (starts with Tim Seeley, but it's been several authors by now) is one of my go-to recs, I think it's a great jumping on point, has a lot of really nice art, and often tells fun stories, as Dick has some of the best connections to various other characters in the universe.
Nightwing (2016) by Tom Taylor starts with issue #78 and is a great jumping-on point and Taylor's writing is just very light-hearted, action-packed, quippy, and fun. Starting here saves you from having to slog through some of the worse arcs of Dick's series, you get Bruno Redondo's fantastic art, and you can feel the affection for the character, the author and artist love this character and want to make him very cool, as well as they love his relationships with other characters, so you get good Bruce guest appearances, Babs appearances, Damian appearances, Wally appearances, Jon appearances, etc.
Robins: Being Robin by Tim Seeley and Baldemar Rivas was a fun self-contained mini-series that had all the Robins working together and I don't think it should be taken super seriously as a case story, but it had some quality banter, some hilarious moments, and a great look at these chaotic gremlins all shoved into a mini-van together to go solve a case.
Batgirls (2022) by Conrad Michael W./Becky Cloonan and Jorge Corona is focused on Babs, Cass, and Steph as a trio and being adorable together, with some humorous moments, cool art, and fun Batfam moments. It's nice that they get the spotlight and the chance to shine (it's their book, so they get the majority of the cool moments) and it's not super-long and you can jump right in.
Batman: The Knight by Chip Zdarsky and Carmine Di Giandomenico is a "Bruce travels the world to learn the skills he needs to become Batman" and I'm really in love with the way Zdarsky writes a Bruce who is deeply complicated, messy, coming from a place of loving deeply, but also this man has twenty seven different flavors of fucked up trauma going on in that hell brain of his. Zdarsky's current run on the main Batman title has been my jam, but that's a bit of a darker leap than this one, and I think this one is a great way to get to know Bruce Wayne as a character.
Batman: Urban Legends volume 5 has a story called "The Murder Club" that is basically "Thomas and Martha Wayne are time traveled into the future and see what's become of their son, they're not thrilled about it, but come around when they see the people that love him so deeply--primarily Dick, Damian, and Alfred." and was an absolute BANGER for me for feelings, gorgeous art, and some great character moments.
Batman/Superman: World's Finest (2022) by Mark Waid and Dan Mora is an absolute knock-out, it's Bruce and Clark in their early days of their friendship, where Waid is one of the best writers in the industry for how fun his stories are but also how well he knows the characters, Mora's art is often THE portrayal I think of when I think of the characters, and there's a ton of bonus guest appearances from various characters across DC's universe. Also, I am biased, Dick tags along a lot, as he's still Robin at this point in time, and it's a great dynamic between the three of them.
Batman: One Bad Day: Mr. Freeze by Gerry Duggan and Matteo Scalera was easily the standout of the "One Bad Day" stories for me, it's set in the early days of Bruce & Dick as Batman & Robin and it has ADORABLE sunshine gremlin baby Dick Grayson, a genuinely touching story about Mr. Freeze and his wife, and some beautiful art.
Year One: Batman/Scarecrow (2005) by Bruce Jones and Sean Murphy is a fun look at the early days of Scarecrow, but also has absolutely banger baby Dick Grayson content, there's a scene where Bruce literally just grabs him by the scruff of the neck to haul him out of the way of a crowd about to stampede and it's the funniest thing because that 12 year old could destroy your face with his fists but also Bruce can literally pick him up one-handed. There's some great banter in there and it's just a super fun dynamic.
As you make your way through this list, keep the author/artist and year listings in mind, as often times there are multiple series under the same title and some are more relevant to what you're looking for right now than others. Like, there have been three different volumes of "World's Finest", but I want to direct you specifically to the 2022 version because I think that'll work better for you. Similarly, Nightwing 1996 is one of my faves, but I think the 2016 version will work better at drawing you in right now. This is definitely biased in favor of my faves, but I honestly think they work for good jumping on points for someone new to comics and who's coming from WFA and might not want to get into the messier stuff of the mainline comics right away. Hopefully, you'll enjoy these and anyone else who wants to transition from WFA to reading mainline continuity comics, feel free to join us! Yeah, comics fandom can be a bit of a pill sometimes, but genuinely there's a lot of really fun moments to love and the characters are so much more fun when you're reading their stories with all the history and depth behind them!
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kawaiichibiart · 5 months
can i get ur hcs for mizuki's transistion and their struggles w/ it... im also nb and i love their story and i rly wanna see ur pov on it <33 :3 hamster face BLEEHH!!!
Yeah, I can go into my HCs for Mizuki's transition and the struggles they faced. (also let it be known as a Global player, I don't know everything about Mizuki or what has already been confirmed about their gender and/or relationship with her parents, nor can I really speak about being trans and how coming out or trying to suppress your gender identity can affect you, remember this is all my HC ^_^)
A tldr for anyone who doesn't want to read everything: Mizuki's transfemme nonbinary. When she was younger, she didn't see the things she liked as signs she was a girl, and was even encouraged to enjoy them. However, due to issues she faced in school, they began to suppress that side of them, and even tried to convince themselves that they were a boy. It was only after she ranted to Rui, her only friend in middle school, that he asked her about being trans. She did a lot of research and came out to her family, who signed her up to Kamiyama Highschool as a female student. Mizuki still struggles with her gender identity, mostly when people ask about it and push her for an answer. She eventually finds new friends and meets people, who like her, don't identify with their birth gender. And as time passed and she meets more people, she finally finds herself in a place where, maybe, just maybe, they can come out. And they do, not to everyone (though eventually they do find out, minus Rui who already knew, but we aren't counting him), but to one person: her girlfriend.
Starting off, I HC Mizuki as mtf/transfemme nonbinary. She mainly uses she/they pronouns and will later on experiment with more and use multiple, but she/they is your best bet if you've just met.
They always had a passion for cute things, if asked as kid, she'd say pastel pink was her favorite color. They loved watching their mom and sister dress up and make themselves look pretty. And she wanted to experience that. She even had them style her hair to be like theirs, and used Yuuki's clips and bracelets. It was fun and neither minded when she joined in. Their dad would even smile whenever she showed off the way her mom painted her nails or the jewelry Yuuki let them borrow.
She didn't think she was doing anything wrong until kids in their school began talking about it and avoiding them. Whispers about how she was a weirdo for liking girly things. What was she? A girl? "You can't be a girl, you're a boy, dummy!" And these kids eventually began to talk to their parents, and their parents sent in complaints. And before long, Mizuki had to stop coming to school with the things that made her happy.
But that did nothing. Kids still avoided her. The few who tried to play with them or talk with them, were pulled away, because they couldn't risk catching any weirdo germs from Mizuki. They wanted friends, right? Hanging out with her wouldn't make them friends.
And yes, there were some kids who didn't care. Who still spoke and hung out with them. But every year, they left. She'd see them the following year and they didn't talk to her. And it hurt. It hurt so much.
At one point, they began to wake up and try to reaffirm that they were, in fact, a boy. That one day, they'll wake up and be happy as their parents son and sister's brother. That she'll stop liking cute things and pastels and makeup and start liking things like working out, playing sports, darker and/or neutral colors. That she's just holding onto a phase. She stops borrowing her sister's jewelry. She stops asking her mom to make her look as pretty as she looks.
But she can't stop thinking about how uncomfortable she is. How she hates being called a boy. How being called "young man" makes her feel sick. They want nothing more than to wear the female uniform. That she could enjoy what she enjoyed without being judged for it.
Was it so wrong for her to like what she liked? To feel the way she did?
It's why meeting and befriending Rui was so important to them. Why their one year apart finalized the decision they were going to take.
Rui was the first person to connect with Mizuki in a way that others didn't. He was an outcast, much like she was. People thought he was weird and that his shows would bring more harm than good. And, okay, she can see why they'd be concerned, but surely Rui would listen to their concerns and be willing to make changed to ensure they were safe, right?
She could talk to Rui, he didn't judge her. He didn't tell her to stop whining, to stop crying. He listened day after day, until he asked the question:
Have you ever considered that you're trans?
No. No, she hadn't. Didn't everyone feel that way? Like they didn't belong in their bodies or that what they liked affected their gender? Pastels and makeup and clothing design are all, well, girly things, right?
Again, no. Rui loves makeup. He loves dressing up. He keeps his hair longer than most other boys because he likes how pretty he looks. But he never felt like a girl. He always felt like a boy. He just didn't like to be put into a mold. Gender non-conforming, as he puts it.
Could she be that? She could, but he can't really see her using that label. Not because of it's meaning, but because of what she's doing. Suppressing her real identity but trying to be the boy she never was. And, should she ever decide to embrace who she is, she likely won't want to use it and prefer being referred to as a feminine. He could be wrong, and he tells them that labels aren't necessary. That they can try them on, change them, and try them on again. But ultimately, it was her choice.
And she made her choice. She listened to her friend, who was off to highschool. She read and researched everything she could about being transgender. She listened to podcast, watched videos about transitioning.
If she cried as she struggled to come out to her parents, and later on her sister, well, no one had to know.
While it was too late to change things at her current school, she was immediately signed up as a girl in Kamiyama. When their uniform arrived, she tried it on immediately and felt their smile before they saw it. She was just, so happy.
That last remaining year was hard. She began to grow out her hair, she ignored the comments she got about it. She began to slowly incorporate the things she liked in her wardrobe again. She started designing again. And when she was gifted her first mannequin and sewing machine, she began to make her own clothes. Add things to her current clothing.
And then, her first year of highschool began. She felt nervous but overall, it was nice. She thinks maybe she can make friends with a girl named An. It'd be nice to have a friend outside of Nightcord, well, if they were even friends (she hopes they were friends). It was a pleasant surprise to see Rui was attending Kamikou. She thought he went to a different one (she's not sure if him being expelled is true or just a rumor).
But, some things didn't change. She still got comments about her appearance. About why they chose to wear what they wear. About why they didn't look like the other girls did. One person even motioned to their chest when they asked, which made her uncomfortable and desperate to leave. People pried and tried to get them to answer. And it became too much.
So, they began to cut class, some days they never even went to school. Her parents were concerned but they knew that things wouldn't be easy. That what Mizuki was going through would be difficult and face several hurdles, even after she fully transitioned. They would still get comments and they would get to her. So they laid off her skipping school. So long as she didn't fall behind, if she needed a day off, she could have a day off. If she needed either of them with her, they'll call off work. They just wanted her to be okay. To be happy. If it came down to it, they would pull her out of Kamiyama Highschool and enroll her into an online class.
Mizuki does, eventually, go back to Kamikou and is treated to the sight of one An Shiraishi digging into the students who had invaded her privacy, even while she was away. She watched and listened as her classmate tore into the boys and girls until a teacher stepped in. She blinked back her tears and thanked An out loud, laughing a bit when the other girl jumped and turned around to face her ("It was nothing!! I hate people like them, nosy and in everyone's business.").
An began to spend more time with her after that. Rui also spoke to her once he found the time, asking if she was alright, how she's been since he last saw her.
While her parents were the first she came out to, Rui was the first person to know. He just knew and it was very evident by the changes in her appearance. He's happy for her.
He admitted not knowing what to do when she was being questioned the way she was. He was still considered a weirdo, but at least he wasn't alone in that anymore. A boy in his year had asked him to join his theater troupe and he had accepted ("I think you should meet Nene and Tsukasa-kun, actually. They understand your situation and would be willing to listen! Tsukasa-kun can even introduce you to Aoyagi-kun, who would also be willing to talk.").
She did, eventually, meet the three.
First, was Nene. Rui's neighbor and childhood friend. A shy girl but nice once you got to know her. While Mizuki wasn't sure how to begin, Nene let her know she didn't have to say anything yet. Coming out was hard. Rui had been vague when talking about their problems. He only mentioned that she was a bit like her. And she could only guess it had to be something queer. And she wasn't going to make them say anything until they were ready. Something Mizuki was grateful for. And she told Nene that she didn't have to say anything, but Nene insisted. She wouldn't have offered to tell her if she wasn't actually ready to say anything.
She's a demigirl. For years, being a girl felt right and wrong. A part of her was girl. But that's it. Just a part. A small part as well. Another part of her felt like a boy at times, but the biggest part felt neutral. Like she didn't even have a gender. She tried different labels in the past (nonbinary, gender fluid, gender queer, trans, etc.). But demigirl felt right and like it aligned with how she identified. If and/or when Mizuki felt ready, she was ready to listen. And Mizuki does open up, not about her gender, but about her interest in girls, something Nene is also able to talk about.
She meets Tsukasa and Toya together. It's an... interesting dynamic, to say the least. They don't know who to talk to first, how to even approach the subject, when Toya speaks up ("Kamishiro Senpai said you wanted to speak with us. He didn't say why or what about, but would it help if I knew already?").
He knew already? Turns out Nene is his classmate. Unlike Nene, who was a bit more open about her gender, Toya was a bit more reserved. Not enough that he wouldn't tell her, but enough that he wouldn't get into details. He was also demigendered. It's one thing he and Nene bond over. He's a demiboy to be specific. Feels only partially like a boy, mainly neutral. Mizuki is one of the few to know (if she heard Tsukasa grumble about...Har...Haru...Hari....Haribo??? what did gummy candy have to with anything?). She promised not to tell anyone.
She then turned to Tsukasa and asked if he minded telling her about his own identity and the labels he used. And he surprised her the most when he admitted to not using any. He didn't see the need to use them. If someone wanted to be with him, they had to accept who he was. His sister is like him in that regard. Neither of them care about labels, just about how people treat them. To them, clothes are clothes. Anyone can wear makeup. His sister, Saki, enjoyed being called handsome and young man, but she didn't label herself as anything that would indicate she was a boy, because she wanted to be known as Saki first and foremost. He loved dresses and gowns and owned several crowns and tiaras, but he wasn't identifying himself as anything other than his name and as a "WORLD FUTURE STAR!!"
Next to Rui and An, Tsukasa is the one Mizuki turns to the most. Rui has known for years, even before she acknowledge it. He was the safest person to talk to. While An didn't know, she was proving to be a good friend, listening as she ranted about whatever annoyed her and offering comfort whenever their classmates words stung. But Tsukasa was different in the fact he didn't care. It wasn't a big deal to him. She liked girls? Cool, his sister is dating her childhood friend, who is also a girl, and he's happy for the two. He admits to being somewhat interested in Rui (Oooooohhh~ "DON'T SAY ANYTHING TO HIM!") Sometimes Mizuki asked him about how he got to where he was. She didn't say outloud, but she wondered if he also went through something like she did. And in a way, he did. But where she has struggled to accept herself and tried to force herself into a mold she couldn't fit, he just, didn't have anyone. His sister as in the hospital and his parents spent most of their time either working or with her. He didn't have anyone to talk about it with. He was loud and obnoxious, surely she's heard the rumors going around ("Yeah, when are you and Rui blowing up the school again, I wanna ditch that day, thanks!")? He didn't really have friends until now, and the very, very, few he did, he didn't really see. Toya knows because he's his brother ("SINCE WHEN?!"), but beyond that? No one found out until very recently. And he's not ashamed about, and she shouldn't either. Like everyone else, he'll wait for her. And she honestly didn't think she would ever tell anyone other than Rui, and maybe An, sooner rather than later, but Tsukasa might be up there...("It's the older brother thing. He feels safe and comfortable," Toya would later tell her. Huh, she never saw it like that, but yeah, it did kinda feel like when her sister was home, like she was safe and cared for.)
And later on, months later after helping Mafuyu, both in terms that of saving them and helping them accept their own gender identity, she sits in her room and thinks about everything.
An, who jumped in to defend her whenever she could.
Nene and Toya, who were almost two sides of the same coin and opened up to her first without wanting or making her do the same.
Akito, who got into a fight because he heard people talking badly about them.
Tsukasa, who listened and offered his own experiences, somehow being the one she can relate to the most, despite how different they were in terms of experiences.
Kanade, who liked her for her and didn't ask her things.
Mafuyu, who became the first person Mizuki gave the advice once given to her. The first person she was able to help in terms of gender identity.
Rui, the person who was first to help her. To help her realize what she had been forcing away, hiding from sight. The person who she still thanked for being her first real friend.
Ena. Ena, whom she loves and began loving more when she said she would wait for them. No matter how long she took, no matter how much time passed by. She would wait. She would wait for Mizuki and be ready. She wasn't going to push her. She didn't care if it took months or years. She would wait for her.
After months of knowing her friends, finding things out about them, seeing them come out and be accepted, after finally, FINALLY, feeling safe enough to open up, that they decide it was time.
She was ready. They could do this. She could tell them. They've shown her they cared. They would never share anything she didn't feel comfortable with, what they did share was kept vague and open. They didn't mention her name unless they were talking to someone who already had an idea (aka someone in the friend group).
She sent the message before she could back down.
It was finally time to talk with Ena.
Some bullet notes:
I want Mizuki's parents to be accepting of who they are. I want them to see their daughter struggling and be okay with them skipping school. To see their child needs help and are willing to give them that help.
I think that, had they not forced themself into a mold, she wouldn't have gotten dysphoria. At least not bad dysphoria. But because she pushed herself into being a boy, it got worse and worse.
The sad thing about Mizuki's classmates when she was a kid, was that a good chunk of them also wanted to wear pretty things to school, but when their parents found out Mizuki was a "boy" they sent in complaints. They felt like she was "tainting" their kids. And they forbade their children from speaking with her. It didn't matter if she was a child, it was "unnatural for a young boy to mese around with things for little girls. Best have him learn not to use that stuff or else he'll become...one of them." And what's even worse is that many of them got into their kids heads, ultimately leaving Mizuki friendless until they met Rui in middle school and later on Nightcord, and An in highschool.
I honestly feel that Tsukasa would be the one Mizuki relates to the most in terms of their gender identities. Not because they're the same, but because they genuinely understand each other. Neither of them had friends until they met Rui and their respective group members. Both were seen as annoying and as someone you didn't want to be around. The first people they came out to were their families. Mizuki had a bit more time helping her family adjust and learn, while Tsukasa's family was still learning. And, as Toya mentioned, and later on Kanade (which she still doesn't get how that happened, it doesn't help that Kanade insists the Tenmas found her wandering in the park and decided to keep her, but whatever, she knows it was probably something else), it was the big brother thing. He feels safe, and that's enough to make Mizuki feel comfortable confiding in him.
Rui knowing Mizuki was trans before they knew is a nod to my headcanon of Mizuki knowing they liked Tsukasa before he knew (and Tsukasa confirming he liked Rui didn't exactly help, because she couldn't just tell him, she tried once, pointing out how close they were and Rui kept saying Tsukasa had to have meant it as friends, MEIKO save her...)
Mizuki does come out as transfemme nonbinary. Her parents do well to help her adjust when they do. It takes a while before they and her sister can remember her pronouns and name. But they make effort and will start over if they accidentally refer to her by their birth name or by masculine pronouns and/or terms.
Mizuki crying while she comes out is something that comes out of a combination of fear and feeling like a disappointment. They're afraid that not only will her parents reject her, but that they will hate them for taking their son away. Same goes for her sister. She thought she'd hate them for taking away her little brother. It wasn't just ugly crying, she was trembling and having a near panic attack while she tried to come out. She was apologizing over and over, even after being reassured that they still loved them. That being Mizuki and not her old name was okay. They didn't hate her. That they were so proud of her telling them, and how they would have waited for her to be ready, if she had needed more time.
↑ this is mainly the reason why Mizuki didn't come out when Nene, Toya and Tsukasa did. While she wanted to someday, she didn't want to experience that again. To feel like she was ready just to burst into tears and struggle to breath as she told them. It was one of the first things her parents made them promise. That if they thought they were ready but not actually, they would wait until they were in a place where they mentally and emotionally could handle it. Yes, her self identity is important, but it's not worth her health if coming out causes her to feel so, well, afraid.
All of Mizuki's friends will jump in to defend them. Both in class and out. It's what made the decision to come out to them so easy in the end.
Mizuki did consider coming out to everyone at once, but decided last minute there was one person she wanted to tell in person. Only one person. And that was Ena. And yes, she did cry when she did. Yes, it was ugly and the feeling of possibly being rejected, losing the love of their life, hurt. But like her parents, like Yuuki, Ena reassured her. Reminded them that she loves them. That she would always, always, wait for her. She loves her. She loves them. She loves them, she loves them, she loves her.
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uselessmicrowave · 1 year
HII i was the anon asking for a matchup hehe (both bots and cons, literally anyone) im just so interested and excited abt the matchup since its my first time doing one :DDD
Im quite short, around (5'6), i have a darker shade of green eyes (w long lashes) and long black hair with pink highlights that end around my mid back, (it's quite curly too); im very pale, and i mean "the first time they see me they tell me im a vampire" kind of pale, i have plump lips that are pink, kinda like a blushy pink! I have an ear piercing, and some snakebites, tho it's not pierced, its those ones where you can hook them on, ive also got a thing for silver rings (one is vine like and the other is a silver snake that goes up halfway on my pointer finger [i love snakes]; on my right hand tho is a single gold ring)
On how i dress, i usually do not give any fucks- literally, i just throw anything on (my usual fit is a black shirt, and some soft pants)
I'm an INTP (for some reference since i really suck at describing things) Me as i describe myself, am a very quiet person, quiet as in "my friends forgot i was in the backseat" kind of quiet, im usually a homebody, literally, another reason why i get called a vampire is that i hate sunlight, alot, i dont like going out as much as my friends do, since i hate loud and public places tho i would really be down to hangout with them whenever. I always keep to myself and refrain from ever speaking out, always observing, and just listening; but when i get closer to someone and get to know them more i usually get loud and very talkative. Even tho im always patient doesn't mean i wouldn't punch someone if they mess w me or my friends, as i could really have a high temper; on a side note, im very patient! Really im not even kidding i literally put up with someone's shit for 3 years and still going.
Hobbies or things i generally like/ like to do is art!! Mostly digital art, you'll always see me with my tablet everywhere i go, and i rarely share them as i have absolutely zero confidence, i also love to read! (Fav being tolkien books, both LoTR and TH) i also write my own stories and could be so into world building, its taking me 3 years to actually build my world properly. I love music like its not even funny; aside from seeing me w my tablet, i guarantee you'll always see me wearing earphones and jamming, im a sucker for roadtrips while i gaze outside just daydreaming and forgetting about reality (im a hardcore daydreamer). I really dont have a certain music taste since i just play whatever sounds good!!
Hello anon! I’ll match you up with TFA Prowl!
Prowl is fascinated by your piercings. How do you get one? Does it cause daily issues? How do you take care of them? What are the other kinds (He'll keep these questions to himself though, but he will encourage you if you start rambling about it or want to talk about it)?
He's also very quiet compared to the other bots, and he'd prefer to have a 'home date' or just hang out with you somewhere outside in a quiet and shady area.
Prowl is glad you get talkative when you two are alone, because he really won't speak up about anything unless it's dire or bothering him an insane amount.
He is very interested in your digital art process, he'd love to watch you draw if you'd let him.
You'll have to introduce you to your favorite authors and books if you want him to understand a specific reference/joke.
He's amazed that you had taken three years to... make a world? He doesn't completely understand but, tell him about it, please, he'd love to hear about it.
If he sees you wearing headphones/earbuds, he'll ask what song or what artist you're listening to, especially if you look like you're enjoying it.
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aliypop · 11 months
Santa Bring My Baby Back To Me: Chapter 3
Tumblr media
Word Count: 1,227
Writers Note: Tis the season well near it, so I decided to get a head start. Also finally let me introduce you to Cecelia's parents! Finally.
Warning: None so far except for language and historic language
Pairing: OC x Elvis
Plot: Christmas is around the corner at the Valmos mansion where there's love and a bit of arguing and the Presleys are here can Elvis and Cecelia spread the holiday cheer?
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Taglist: If you wanna be tagged let me know!
Nashville, Tennessee, December 23rd,1957
On the front porch of the doorstep of Valmos mansion was a newspaper with Elvis and Cecelia drinking a milkshake, but standing there was a darker-skinned woman and a lighter-skinned woman also had their suitcases in hand. As the door had opened, there stood,
 "Well, if it ain't our big brother Alfonso!" Ruby, the darker-skinned woman, who some would argue could be Pearl Bailey's twin, hugged her brother as he got her bag, "Eleanor, you're not gonna say hi!" Alfonso said as she had bags of gifts in hand,
 "Well, I would, but Ruby's all over you."
"Eleanor! Ruby..." Denise said as the two women walked in. Eleanor hugged Denise as Ruby looked at their Christmas tree, 
"Don't start."
The radio was playing a commercial about the new Mattel Elvis doll. Ruby then looked up at Eleanor, who gushed,
 "Oh, that Elvis Presley, you know I was gonna get Cece one of those dolls, but I watched him in that new Jailhouse rock and Oh child..." she pretended to fan herself, "If I was only a few years younger."
"Not you, too," Alfonso said, watching as Ruby chuckled, 
"Not her too what?"
"Got that Elvis craze, Cece's go it so bad she bought-"
"Bought what..."
The door opened as Cecelia walked in, hanging up her and Elvis's scarf as she ruffled his hair and giggled. The two had been out shopping for Christmas gifts and had just gotten home from the skin-piercing winter air.
"Oh..." both her aunts nodded and looked at the pair. Elvis and Cecelia were gazing into each other's eyes. Denise cleared her throat.
"AUNT RUBY, AUNT ELEANOR!" Cecelia shouted as she ran towards the two women, hugging them tightly, "Want to introduce us to your boyfriend?" Ruby whispered in her ear as Cecelia blushed. 
"You lovely ladies must be Cece's younger cousins." he winked as he kissed Eleanor on the hand and then Ruby. He was dripping in Southern charm. 
"We're her aunts. And you are as handsome in person as in the movies."
Cecelia was turning red in embarrassment at her aunts as they kept buttering him up, 
"So tell us, how long have you known our little Cece."
"Since we were 19, Ms..."
"Midfird," Eleanor said with a smile. 
"Mmm... So you two toured together."Ruby sat back as Cecelia was now helping her and Gladys cook. The two wanted to see what Cecelia was going to do, 
"We did, Aunt Ruby, and it was the best," She smiled. 
 Everyone gathered at the table, prayed over the food, and ate. 
"So, how did you and Elvis meet." the couple sitting next to each other asked.
"Louisiana Hayride 54," she started as she was eating. Vernon and Gladys were interested in the story, 
"We bumped into each other, and we just knew..." Elvis responded as he looked at Cecelia lovingly.
"Knew what..." Alfonso asked, noticing them holding hands.
"Wa-W-we u-uh ..."
"Would hit it off as great friends." Cecelia covered for him. She loved how he'd stutter when he was nervous. It was always a cute trait of his, "Best friends even." Cecelia looked at him like every man wanted the woman of their dreams to look at them. If he didn't keep this woman in his life, he'd explode. And Ruby and Eleanor could tell. 
"Sounds a bit like love there," Vernon mentioned as Gladys glanced at him.
"You know your father and I were best friends," Denise said, both Elvis and Cecelia listening, 
"Joined at the hip." Alfonso held her hand, the two smiling at each other, 
"We would finish each other's sentences and know what the other was thinking." Denise blushed,
"But what won this woman over was when I sang and played the guitar, that same Falcon I gave you, Lia." Alfonso smiled as Elvis connected why that guitar was so important to her. 
"Well, I won you over with my cooking and singing." Denise laughed as he leaned in, 
"You won me over 'cause you know how to put me in place."
Ruby began to clear her throat as Cecelia gagged, signaling to leave from the table, and both Gladys and Vernon continued to look at the two.
 "That's how it was when we met you two. Love radiatin off ya."
"Seems there's love radiating between another two..." Eleanor said as she looked over and saw Elvis and Cecelia standing under the mistletoe.
"Elvis and my lia..." Alfonso shook his head, "Nah, besides, he so..."
"So what." Gladys glanced over.
"He just uh... A little soft, pretty boy."
It was as if a silence fell over the entire house, and Cecelia heard every word from her father's mouth. "ELIVS IS MORE THAN THAT!" Cecelia shouted as she squeezed his hand. She knew how he felt about being called pretty. 
"Denise, I'd get her if I were you." Denise raised her hand to silence Ruby
"Really... how would you know..." 
"Because I-"
"Because you what..."
"Because when you two start messing around with her head, she runs to me! To Graceland!"
"No, she doesn't. She runs to the studio." Denise interjected, "Right?"
"Wrong..." Cecelia looked at them, " It's suffocatin with you two dancing around that you're together when you're separated!" 
"Cecelia Shanel!"
"No, she's right!" Elvis joined back in, "She's right. You two have got your heads so far up each other's asses you don't even notice how Cece really feels!"
"ELVIS AARON PRESLEY!" Gladys shouted, "You apologize right now!"
"I'm sorry... I- I can't stand to see my girl upset..."
"Your girl... please." Alfonso laughed, "She'd prefer Chuck Berry..." 
Cecelia held Elvis's hand as she kissed him under the mistletoe. Both her parents had gasped as Midge walked in from the back, last-minute presents in hand, 
"Oh, look, the lovers being lovers." Midge chuckled. All eyes were on her. 
Sitting in her room writing another song was Cecelia. She couldn't get the melody right, and it needed to sound perfect. After all, she needed to clear her head over what had happened during dinner. Knocking on her door was Denise, who looked upset, not at her daughter but at how she made her feel.
"Sweetheart, are you okay?" Her mother asked as Cecelia nodded, 
"You know I knew right..."
"You and Elvis, I'm your manager, and Midge tells me everything." 
"Really..." She looked at her mother. Denise laughed as she nodded,
"That picture of you two on Beale Street dancing in the rain..." Denise laughed, "I thought it was romantic,"
"But you said you'd get rid of it?" Cecelia looked at her mother, confused.
"I did. I guess I just got so caught up in your image I didn't think about you, and I'm sorry." Elvis was standing at the door as he poked his head, hoping he wasn't seen, 
"Mr. Presley..."
"Mrs. Valmos..."
"I know you're outside the door." she ushered her in. 
"I'm sorry about earlier, I-"
"Stood up for my daughter, " she kissed his cheek. Elvis blushed, "That takes bravery like you sneaking about my house." she winked as she left the two alone, 
"Guess we blew it, huh..."
"Nah," Cecelia nudged him as the two were now lying on the bed, 
"So, what's going on tomorrow?" he pulled her close as she kissed him.
"The big Paradise Record Christmas Party."
"Should I be scared?"
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thatwouldbee-enough · 9 months
😅🎢🎶🛠⛔🌞❌💲🧐🎃🦅👀🤗💞🤲😬⌛ anyfandom!
Ahhhh thank you so much for this! Sorry it took a while there were so many to answer <3
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
Anything from the very very early days of my AO3 account lol. They weren't bad but there's definitely so many things when I go back and read them where I would write things a lot differently now
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Oh man. Interpreting wildest ride in two different ways here.
1 (craziest/most disturbing): Let Me Crawl Up Into Your Mind
2 (wild ride plot-wise): Fate and the Fall
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Yes!!! Some songs from recent writing playlists:
this is me trying by Taylor Swift
The Cause by Tommy Lefroy
Paul Revere by Noah Kahan
reckless driving by Lizzy McAlpine
Letter to an Old Poet by boygenius
Partners in Crime by FINNEAS
tolerate it by Taylor Swift
Colorado by Renee Rapp
You Could Start a Cult by Niall Horan w/Lizzy McAlpine
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
So many 😬
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
Honestly either early in the morning right after I wake up or middle of the night lmao. Middle of the night has given me some of my best writing for real but at what cost
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
I don't like to say never on any tropes because I think with the right idea any trope can be done well. Some things that I tend to stay away from are heavy mental health fix it style stories because 1) I don't feel qualified enough to write that well and 2) I don't find them super interesting usually. Exploring darker storylines is always more fun for me, or mayyyybe the occasional fluffy romance lol
💲 Would you ever open commissions?
For fanfiction based on someone else's intellectual property, no, because there are legal issues there. For writing in general maybe, but I don't see a huge market for that
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
Way too much time
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
Occasionally! Maybe Sleigh Bells Ring for a favorite. Most of the holiday pieces I've written have been very fluffy lol
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
It's a mix. Usually seat of my pants, but if I have a lot of details worked out in my brain already then I'll outline
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
I have a TBOSAS piece that I'm working on where Coriolanus's punishment after cheating in the Games is to be sold as a sex worker (similar to how Finnick was in THG series) rather than being forced to enlist with the peacekeepers and he ends up with Strabo Plinth as a client.......
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
I cannot recommend enough just... doing it. Everyone worries so much about it not being good enough, but just like every other skill, you'll never get better without practice and just doing the damn thing over and over again.
Also read a lot. Read fanfic and actual books. You pick up a lot of things as a writer when you're reading other people's work. Sometimes you'll see certain ways of writing dialogue or inner monologues that you love and want to incorporate into your own writing. Sometimes you'll see things that pull you out of the story or don't flow well, and you'll learn that it's something you don't want to include in your writing. All of it is useful.
And MOST importantly, please please please learn how to properly format your dialogue 😭 (this is just a pet peeve of mine, but SO MANY fics don't have proper dialogue formatting)
ex: "This is the correct way to format a spoken sentence," she said sternly. "When you write a spoken sentence followed by a dialogue tag, the dialogue tag is PART of the sentence, so you should end the 'spoken sentence' with a comma, and then add the dialogue tag (starting with a lower case letter if it's not a proper noun), and then the sentence ends."
"This is correct too!" she exclaimed.
"This is also correct," she explained, "because the dialogue sentence hasn't ended, it was just interrupted. When dialogue is interrupted, but the sentence hasn't ended, the dialogue tag is surrounded by commas, indicating a whole, ongoing sentence."
"This is not the correct way to format a spoken sentence." She said, crying a little bit on the inside.
"Neither is this!" She exclaimed.
"And neither is this." she sighed, rubbing at her temples as intentionally writing dialogue incorrectly began to trigger a headache.
💞 Who's your comfort character?
For Hamilton/Amrev, it's probably Hamilton. Sorry, basic bitch answer.
For TBOSAS it's Sejanus <3
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
A snippet from the TBOSAS AU with Coriolanus and Strabo Plinth that I mentioned above 🙈
But fighting? Fleeing? He thought back to the arena. The way his heart had pounded as he smashed at Bobbin until he laid unmoving on the ground.  He refused to let that sort of response control him again. He was better than base instincts. Especially here. This wasn’t life or death. All he had to do was play things smart, and he would come out on top again eventually.  And then everyone who ever tried to make him feel small would pay. 
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
Literally any of the smut lmfao.
But specifically the Henry Laurens/Alexander Hamilton fucked up intern AU, Let Me Crawl Up Into Your Mind, and A Royal Affair are probably all up there for top contenders
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
Highly dependent on a lot of different variables (what I'm writing/whether it requires research/what else is going on in my life/level of motivation and focus/etc). Anywhere from a couple of hours to a month lmao
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fairytimestudio · 1 year
Glassheart DEVLOG 2
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Lets start with the non-game related stuff...
In an attempt to get the word out about the game, I spent most of this week setting up my socials as well as putting up more content for the game. If you're interested in seeing more artwork related to the development of Glassheart and other stuff I work on in my down time you can find me on Instagram and Twitter.
Though with all the stuff that's going on on Twitter or X or whatever it's called nowadays I'm a wee bit reluctant to post anything there.
I also made a Linktree. Here she is:
Her name's Rita and she's a Leo.
In terms of art I haven't got as much done this week. I did a bit more work on Anya's room and began solidifying the aesthetic I was going for. Basically each region of the world will have it's own sort of colour scheme and for Hedona that scheme is blue, pink, green and yellow (and some lavenders).
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I want Hedona to feel dreamy and fairytale-like so I'm using a lot of pastels in the art. I also love how Anya's deep purples and blacks contrast with her bedroom and the rest of the cottage. It makes sense for a characterization. Speaking of Anya.
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I also gave Anya a bit of a makeover from her first look. Due to her shifting role in the story I gave her a darker outfit with purple and black being the main colours and dark green and gold being an accent.
before, Anya was supposed to be you archetypical princess character. Kind, good-hearted, a little on the meek side but still had a rebellious streak to her. Think a Princess Aurora or Cinderella. But due to a drastic change to the stories themes her personality had to follow suit.
Instead she plays the role of the witch or evil stepsister within the narrative(or at least that's how she's perceived).
I also wanted to add some drama to her face so I gave her a bit more eyeshadow as well as some glitter. I wrestled with the glitter because I felt it might look out of place in a story but came to the realization that I don't care and I want everybody that where's makeup in the story to be well acquainted with glitter.
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I also worked on the logo for FairyTime studio. The official logo is the second one though I might change it. We'll see.
And now onto the music!
So, I'm a solo dev. Let's remember that when we listen to some of the tracks I've come up with.
But seriously these are rough, basically just a few motifs and melodies to help guide me when I actually beginning making my songs but here they are.
I was inspired by again, golden age Disney music namely Once Upon a Dream and Snow White's Wishing Well song. That certainly isn't coming through now but I'm still in very early production with these pieces. I composed them with a music box instrument because it helps me focus on the melody and also I fucking love music boxes. My logo's actually based on a Polyphonic Music Box I fell in love with and just have to have one day.
Basically, I want the music to feel magical and nostalgic and I hope I'll be able to capture that when I actually start the composition.
I've mainly been focusing on world building this week as well as determining the role that certain characters will play and the new Version of Glassheart.
Basically this story's gone through 3 phases and I'm currently trying to smoosh some other projects I was working on into this one but here's what I came up with.
Glassheart takes place in a country called Hedona at two opposing colleges seperated by a bridge:
The Garden of Crowns; The college Anya and the bulk of the cast attend and Wellwood's Cross; this is the opposing college that often times finds itself in competition with its neighbour. While the rivalry between these colleges can often seem light-hearted; there's real animosity between the two tribes especially fuelled by the adults.
This rivalry is further exasperated when Anya Torre, whose father is a well known alumni of the college, decides to offer her Blade to Bravis Swanthorn, a student of Wellwood's Cross and it's crowned champion in the sport of sword fighting.
She is branded as the Treacherous Blade and ousted from polite society with no one to defend her, not even her beloved half-sister, Beatrice Prine. She resigns herself to playing the role of a villainess and takes up refuge in Toad Cottage far off from the colleges and close to edge of the woods.
This is where the story begins to take off.
Now one thing that important to note about the world is the idea of Blades and their wielders. Essentially, a princess(which in this world refers to any young woman of a certain age) is able to draw a power out of her heart and manifest a blade that can be used in battle. Think Revolutionary Girl Utena.
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There are two measures used to discern the strength of a blade: Sharpness - Which refers to how sharp and strong the blade is Lightness - Which refers to how light the blade is to hold.
The best blades are described as being "near-Glass" as no blade has ever managed to be fully classified as glass.
The elusive glass blade or Glassheart, is a blade so sharp and light that it has the power to tear through the fabric of reality and manifest the wielders thoughts and desires into existence. A power coveted by the Armed Guard; the protectors of Hedona; The Goddess Body; a group of outlaws that practice arts banned by the High Council of Alchemy and of course the Witches whose motives remain unknown.
I haven't yet began working on the metric to actually calculate all of this stuff but I think I'll have more to say about blades in a future DevLog.
The next DevLog will also feature some character descriptions just to get you acquainted with the main cast.
So for the coding aspect of the game I mainly focused on navigation. Basically the way the exploration works is that I've put some points in the shape of a box to indicate where the doors are. When the player hover's over that space fairy dust pours out of the wand to highlight that you're hovering over an interactable area. When you click this spot you're transported into a different room.
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Different character's might be in different rooms so you'll be able to interact with them in the exploration phase in order to get relevant information.
Another thing I worked on was essentially just reducing the effects I was using in Gdevelop5. Basically when you use too many effects it can slow down the game down and while a visual novel isn't that resource intensive there was some lag in certain areas that I wanted to fix. I'm already using 3 effects to help sell the vintage look:
-Old Film to provide some noise -RGB Split for the slight chromatic aberration and -Blur(Kawase Fast) to make the art look less crisp
Too many effects as it is but totally worth it imo. But you can be the judge of that.
Outside of that I don't think there's much more I can say about the art or the game so I think I'll leave it there.
Thanks for reading all this and I hope you're having a wonderful day.
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localplaguenurse · 1 year
Hello it's me again here to yell at you some more about gold as ginkgo because WHAT IS YOUR WRITING???? OMG I'm at ch23 already and so much has happened fcvhbjknklml amazing storytelling!!
Now this is gonna get a biiiit personal mayhaps sorry if that makes you uncomfy maybe?? But I just want to express how much I *adore* the way you portray the protag's anxiety and particularly the internal conflict of coming out of a toxic relationship.
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this paragraph, this one in particular got me literally crying. I kid you not I started weeping and then went to talk to my besties because it's so real it hit me so hard. I'm sorry many people can relate of course but I in particular I'm just coming out (~5 months or so) of a 12+ year old toxic relationship and I've been struggling SO HARD, really so hard. And that made me feel validated, that made me feel like yes it's a thing it's normal. (I too had straight up panic attacks that left me with hands shaking and crying)
It looks eerily a lot like something I'd told my best friend weeks ago
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anyway idk I just want to say your writing is amazing, the pacing, the characterization. I love that wifey doesn't just "get over" things or "get better" int he way it's usually portrayed, it's organic and slow and she falls back into negative thoughts and stutters and gets anxious but they ARE getting better in the little things, in the confidence, in the healing, in the feeling comfortable.
And it's not just that, the social anxiety, the nonbinary struggle, the feel that you're annoying others and have to be hyper independent never asking for help. I may not fully relate to all of them but you do make them important on the story and I feel like you portray them all so well.
And Gods, Morax/Zhongli is so nice lmao <3 need me a partner like that //hit that is SUPER self-indulgent love it. He's all kind and patient and loving and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;w; I love him your honor <3<3<3
Aaaaanyway loved their outing to the city, love Li Lei's character, loved wifey slowly growing out of their shell, love Morax fucking crashing injured in the middle of the night during a storm and Xiao and the panic and everything, the whole dealing with the Abbes CHILL MAN LITERALL CHILLS OMG. Love the golden smoke yes it is your signature ehe <3
(as a side note, I remember a lot of chapters ago this scene with Morax commenting about a storm incoming and then dissapearing and I was like.... is this some weird ass mandela effect or am I crazy bc I specifically remember this lore of dragons getting horny during the rain but NAAAHHH NO WAY the fic isn't going on that direction Crys pls chill your horny brain BUT THEN HAHAHAHA GUESS WHO WAS LOWKEY RIGHT??? I DID READ EYE OF THE STORM TOO TO BE FAIR. Also on the same line of my horny brain so sorry for this but wigey being so asdfcvhbnjmk about praise and compliment has me going PRAISE KINK PRAISE KINK MORAX PLS!!!!//HIT)
ok that's enough this got way too long I apologize I got emotional n cried again I LOVE YOUR FIC!!!!!
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I am going to get emotional, I'm getting the like heavy feeling in my eyes of "oh tears! may be soon!"
I'm also gonna get a little personal because it also ties in with the fic and just, y'know, if we're sharing then I'm gonna share too.
I've said numerous times that wifey's experiences with anxiety stem from my own. I was also writing this fic during a few very difficult parts of my life so I really leaned HARD into those aspects of their character. Something I also mentioned a few times is that I used to write stuff on wattpad, I got burnt out, and then I didn't post fic for five years (which now that I think of it, technically not true because I did post some things on amino back in high school, but y'know). I never really stopped writing, though. Gave me room to experiment and because I'm A) a lifelong fan of the dark and macabre (even though I'm actually a bit of a chicken baby), and B) very depressed/anxious, naturally I leaned more into darker writing. I liked to make it a point of writing happy endings but I would put my charcters through the fucking wringer.
I was also a huge people pleaser in high school that didn't know how to make friends aside from the ones I already had. You can imagine how fucking devastated I was when one day, fuckin completely out of the blue, I was booted from my friend group. I only had like five friends and I kept two of them after that shit. One of those friends was a girl I had known since first grade. For the next two years right up until covid hit I was like "well fuck, Charlotte, guess you've only got two friends now. It's only a matter of time before they get sick of you too." It took me maybe a year for me to realize it wasn't my fault that the people I trusted turned out to be shitty, and it wasn't until like a year or two ago that I was able to actually open up and talk about that shit because I've been terrified to actually be vulnerable with people since then.
That's only like some of my damage, I've also got the eldest daughter and "ah fuck I think I'm undiagnosed neurodivergent" trauma. Two for one combo! Love it here!
So, yeah, I got pretty good at writing and specifically writing about people dealing with toxic relationships. Part of it is venting, part of it is wanting to raise awareness for these things, and part of it is just, idk, I like writing this stuff. I'll write whatever if it's interesting enough.
Anyways, thank you so much!!! There's more I could go on about but that's spoilers, so I just wanna say I'm really really happy you like what I've done! Put my heart and soul into this baby. Also yes this is horrifically self indulgent lmao, this fic was like entirely catered to me and my beta reader and apparently everyone else is into it.
I hope your day or night is well, whatever time it is where you are!
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baekhvuns · 1 year
I'll be waiting for a new romance in my life 😩 I hope it comes soon Bcz this loneliness is getting harder to romanticise buddy.
Ah your genre was shoujo, I started with sweet and kind animes too but I somehow got occupied with those adventure and like revenge arc ones 😭 MAID SAMA AND OURAN HIGH SCHOOL ARE LITERALLY COMPULSORY LIKE YOU GOTTA WATCH THAT OR YOU'RE UNCULTURED SRSLY! kamisama kiss though 😭😭 I still haven't watched it!!.
Right now my genre would be pure comedy and on the b sides I like watching animes like haikyuu, jujutsu Kaisen, attack on Titan and stuff. It gives trauma but hey :') I'm used to it. But studio Ghibli movies are pure joy really, I've watched howl's moving castle and OHMYGOD SOMEONE GET ME A MAN LIKE HOWL! And honestly if I'd want someone to play the role frm k-pop industry I'd realllllyy want either Yeosang or joshua from seventeen they'd be perfect Bcz they seriously look like they got up and decided it'd be a good day to leave their anime dimension and came here to make us all feel ugly.
I've seen so many people wanting some real ffs like guys me too PUHLEASE SOMEONE QUENCH OUR THIRST!!
I'm currently trying to write a hwa fic Bcz my first one, I felt like was trash and just... discarded it. And now, its something that fits my genre a lot. Like imagine hwa and yn being friends since literal birth and BABY HWA DEVELOPED A CRUSH ON YN WHEN THEY WERE IN KINDERGARTEN 😭😭 AND IT STRETCHED TIL HIGH SCHOOL
But....yn doesn't feel the same way and they seperate at the graduation ceremony.
It has a lot to it.
Although I'm still trying to improve my writing, so I feel like mine are probably not the best choice bcz somehow I feel like they won't make an impact on the reader ykwim? But still im writing it for the sake of real and true love 😔
And it just came to me thru a vibe like idk if it's just me but i make the moodboard first and then write the story 😭😭 im always in the opp. Direction for some reason, idk how but pretty pictures inspire me to write masterpieces. So, yeah we'll see what'll happen once I release it.
no worries!!! LMFAOOOO but isn’t it peaceful to not have any romance in life and then giggle at webtoon’s where the men are just scrumptious ☺️
yes yes!!! i loved shoujo so im excited bc the it’s coming back w my happy marriage which i 10000% recommend,, align w shoujo slice of life, darker magic ones and the comedy ones r just 😮‍💨 GIVES U TRAUMA RHWKJDLQKDLQ used to wach them but they are just sO long kudos to u chaerssss!! let us know more if ur recs <3 U DIDNT WATCH KAMISAMA KISS???? HELLO????
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STOP studio ghibli films are just so comforting esp on rainy days 😭😭 and howl </3 a man like him would end my existence OH U ARE SO CORRECT JOSHUA OR YEOSANG YES OR INFINITE’S L HE FITS IT 😭😭
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REMOVE THE SMUT!!!! no seriously real fics with plots that are to die for, we need movie like fics back 🤚🏻
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we are into it, we will be there, we will be there regardless of what happens 🤚🏻 writing for the sake of true love AS U SHOULD!! ooo i also do the same!! i visualize a scene and look for pictures to put it a lot together it’s the only way i can do it also 😭😭 it helps to write too <3 WE WILL BE AT UR DOORSTEP THE SECOND U RELEASE IT
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bestie help whats a matchup
Okay so starting to pick up MAYBEEE I should have left an example with the post but no matter! >+)
Matchup's are kinda like, You give me some info on yourself and I assign you a character that I think would be the best romantic candidate and in this case, yandere! Although. It's for fun and you can ship w/ whatever character you'd like too! I just do these for fun and I know I enjoy them, So I thought it'd be nice to do! +)
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Said info, both from my own and the ones submitter so far:
Personality ( whether that be writing out a paragraph or giving me a MTBI type or something )
Likes, Interests, Hobbies
Possible look for in a partner
However you can add anything you feel that would be important or just things you might like me to talk about when writing a bit of what I think your relationship/dynamic would entail. Also if you have a preference on gender ( but the only woman I'm aware of is White hank so </3 but I like to hc Stygian and Deliberator are somewhat female +> then Conductor is enby if that counts.)
Also if that's still a bit confusing, I can also leave an example ( I know those work better for me than actual instructions half the time soo ) so the example is under the cut!! <3
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Using myself as the example +)
I'm an introvert at heart, But have been told I'm approachable, laid back and friendly - Albeit accidentally coming off as Aloof. I tend to keep to myself most of the time, But I love making new friends and socializing the few times I do. I'm very dedicated to anyone that is close to me. I'm hellbent on everyone being happy and feeling safe, regardless of them being a compete stranger, friend or even someone I greatly dislike: From personal experience I didn't like it, So I don't want others dealing with it. Also the idea of being close to remotely anyone with my feelings makes me feel insanely awkward so I'll beat around the bush if people want to know about it.
I'm pretty dense thanks to my combined daydreaming and lack of self-awareness in social situations. I don't like talking much and prefer to listen because I love hearing what people are passionate about, although if you get me talking - I most likely won't shut up.
I'm a bit of a nerd: Loving Table top RPGS, Videogames, Movies and Comics. I love writing and drawing ( Shocker 💀 ) - Which I spend most my time doing since I don't go out much. I love brainstorming new ideas for both characters and stories but I'll often get too carried away in my own head. I'm also very into darker horror stuff which reflects into both my clothing style and tone of my interest.
Partner wise - I don't really look for anything outside of someone being generally nice to me but also able to be firm and honest with me. I tend to overthink and miss the point of things sometimes, Which causes me to have super bad anxiety and as a defence mechanism, distance myself. If I know my partner is able to be honest and firm with their feelings then that's all I need.
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And then with this information, I'd assign the person who sent it in a character and write some headcannons about it n' stuff!
Of course - That is just my own and I feel I got kinda rambly. But either way hopefully that example is good. If you're still not sure and the stuff closes. Don't worry! I plan on doing it again in future and you can look out for that and use the ones I have answered as examples! You can be as long as you want with them too! Sorry I didn't make this clear earlier dude <3 and do with that info about me what you will lmao.
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blueberryrock · 4 years
This is a short story I wrote with my week off from my main series, hope y'all enjoy, it's just a lot of bellow diamond, so enjoy <3
(Blue's first ball and blue's pov)
I nervously drum my fingers on my arm, today is a very very big day for me and the entire gem race.
Not only is today my first ball, but today White and Yellow diamond will announce that a new diamond has emerged, me, then they'll want me to walk across the ballroom and sit on a throne.
It sounds simple enough, it really is simple, but I have a feeling that something will go terribly wrong today. I pace back and forth in the hallway that connects to the ballroom.
The more I pace the more I get anxious and excited. I walk over to a full-length mirror that White diamond had put for me to look at. Both White and Yellow decided it would be a grand idea to look nice, so Yellow had her pearl brush and braid my long dark blue hair, and White helped me pick out a gorgeous gown.
The gown its self is fairly simple, but the design is gorgeous. For starters, the neckline is low enough to show my entire gem and a bit of breast, and there is a slit by my legs that goes from the bottom of my dress (covering my feet) almost to my hip, this time instead of my normal one strap robe, the straps go all the way to my wrists and the gown is a beautiful dark blue. It's also very sparkly.
But White diamond allowed me to go barefoot, because I accidentally broke the heel part of one of White diamond's heel shoe. Although Yellow wasn't too happy about that, but if White diamond allows it, I will do it.
I go back to nervously pacing down the small cold hallway, my hand starts to shake from sheer nervousness, my hand instantly stops when I get interrupted by the door opening at the end of the hallway and the older diamonds step into the cramped hallway.
My eyes get immediately pulled towards White diamond. She has almost the exact same dress, except it ends at her mid-calf, her dress only has straps instead of a full sleeve, her dress is a grayish-white, and she is wearing her normal heels/sandals.
"Ah moonlight you look so beautiful, are you ready?" White diamond asks me. I blush from a new compliment. I nod as look over at Yellow diamond.
When I first emerged a few months ago, the first thing I noticed about Yellow diamond was how gorgeous she was. With her golden eyes, her short and golden seemingly soft hair, and her beautiful skinny but muscular frame. This time, since it's supposed to be formal, Yellow diamond had her golden armor polished so well, I can see my face in the reflection.
"Blue?" Yellow diamond says to get my attention, I quickly snap back to reality.
"Wha-" I blink a few times.
"You were staring at me again" Yellow diamond crosses her arms behind her back.
"Well nothing else is worth looking, besides you" I smirk, as Yellow diamond's entire face gets darker.
"Well..I.." Flustered, Yellow diamond's face just gets darker and darker by the second, she tries to say something but White diamond interrupts.
"Hey, let's get this ball over with quickly" White diamond pulls a still blushing Yellow diamond by the arm towards the ballroom door. I follow behind them, but I move to the side when Yellow diamond walks out.
I take a shaky unneeded breath in, okay Blue, as long as you stick to what White diamond showed you you'll be fine, just like we practiced. White diamond turns and puts her hands on my shoulders.
"Relax, if you do everything I told you to do, you will do just fine" White diamond reassures me.
I nod. The ballroom doors open again and beautiful music fills the room, White diamond removes her arms from my shoulders exits the room and as soon as the doors close again, I eagerly move in front of the doors.
From what I can hear, they turned down the music and White diamond has already gotten halfway through her "speech". Anxiety starts creeping into me as White diamond almost finishes the speech.
"And now, introducing your new diamond" I feel myself deflate as I let out the breath I was holding "Blue Diamond" White diamond finishes.
The big doors in front of my open and I slowly walk into the room. All gems from each court is here, and all of them stare at me. I nervously freeze where I stand, I look up to where White and Yellow diamond are sitting, right next to Yellow diamond's throne is my similar blue one.
Yellow diamond notices that I haven't move an inch, she gives me a reassuring smile and motions with her head to come closer.
I take a shaky breath in, I break off all the ice that was on my feet, luckily my dress covers the ice, I nervously cross the cold ballroom floor. Once I get to my seat, I make sure my dress is covering my bare feet, and I put my shaky hands in my lap.
I start to relax a bit as the music starts up again, and everyone is focused on dancing and not me. Watching all the little gems dance on the floor is making me want to try and do it. I glance over at Yellow diamond, she has one knee on her leg and is resting her head on her hand.
She looks rather bored, maybe she'd like to join me. I then look up at White diamond, she is watching all the other gems dance, I wonder if she'd let me and Yellow diamond join them.
I smile and blush a little at the thought of me and Yellow diamond dancing, I don't really know how to dance very well, I look back at Yellow diamond, but I bet she knows how to.
I poke White diamond in the legs to get her attention. "What?" She says annoyed.
"I wanted to know if you would allow me and Yellow diamond to dance with the other gems" I cheerfully ask.
"I suppose so, but if you cause to much commotion, you will have to sit back on your throne" White Diamond looks back at the dancing gems.
I excitedly look back at Yellow diamond, this time she shoots a confused look. I excitedly jump out of my seat and run to Yellow diamond's throne.
"W-wait" She tries to say to stop me, but I grab her by the wrist and drag her to the ballroom floor. I shiver slightly when my bare feet hit the tiled floor.
A group of what I think is hessonites quickly move out of our way, I let go of a shocked Yellow diamond and I quickly whip around to face her so quickly, that the end of my braid hits me in the face.
I move my braid over my shoulder, and I quickly put one arm on her shoulder and one arm around Yellow diamond's slim waist. She nervously does the same.
"So, Yellow diamond" I say gently.
"Umm, y-you can just call me Yellow" Yellow answers nervously.
"Okay then, Yellow" her name gently rolls off my tongue "do you know how to dance?" I calmly ask.
Yellow shakes her head no "White, never taught me how to"
I smile "I can try to show you if you'd like" I give her a flirty smile, and she blushes "i'm not to good at it, but I asked your little pearl if she could show me some stuff"
"You do have good hand placement" I move her hand up a little "so here is something simple, take two steps forward and one step back"
"O-okay" Yellow slowly takes two steps forward and one step back.
"See, simple" I smile at her.
"Y-yeah, this is not so bad" Yellow smiles back, she decides to pick up the pace a bit. "Do you want to try a twirl?" I ask.
"Yes" she smiles.
"Here I'll do it to you" I say, I grab her hand and I start to twirl her, but midway through she grabs my dress and I accidentally release her hand. I quickly catch her and pull her to her feet.
She is so close our noses are almost touching and I can feel her warm breath on my face. She impulsively decides to give me a quick but passionate kiss on the lips. When she pulls away I can feel almost entire face heat up and turn a darker shade of blue.
I look at Yellow, she is just as shocked and flustered as me. I unwrap my arms from around her waist.
"I-I am sorry" she slowly starts to back away "I-I didn't me-" I cut her off by grabbing her waist and pulling her into a deeper kiss.
I break the kiss "Yellow, you're fine, I actually found the quite lovely" she manages to blush even harder.
"Now, I didn't invite you over here to just stand around, let's get back to dancing" I grab her hand once more and pull her into our original position.
After two songs we decide to sway around and talk. "For the record, you didn't say a word to me, all you did was grab my hand and pull me to the ballroom floor" Yellow wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap mine around her waist.
"Did I?" I tilt my head to think.
"Yes, yes you did" Yellow smiles warmly at me "I have multiple witnesses around me to prove my point"
I shrug and smile at her "guess I did, I am very glad I did it though, this is nice" I bury my face in the crook of Yellow's warm neck.
"Yeah, this is very nice" Yellow rests her head on mine. The music starts to pick up and I, unfortunately, have to remove my head from Yellow's warm neck.
"Okay, last song then we should sit down" I firmly say.
"Definitely" Yellow agrees.
We go back to two steps forward and one step back routine, since the music is a bit faster, we decide to change it to five steps forward and two steps back.
It goes great for a while, and I even got to do a perfect twirl with Yellow. My eyes were mostly focused on the sometimes blushing yellow diamond in front of me, but from out of the corners of my eyes many gems are dancing like we are.
I smile from the thought of gems already following my lead. For the rest of the fairly long song, my attention is mainly on the beautiful diamond in front of me. Stars I have just met her and I'm already in love, the way she smiles, the awesome way that her golden eyes sparkle when the light hits just right.
The way that I had to show her a very some dance, stars, I wish this moment could last forever. "Stars, how long is this song" Yellow asks.
"Do you want to stop?" I almost completely stop moving "we can stop if you like"
"What? No, no, I don't want to stop. But I'm just noticing how long this song is" Yellow warmly smiles at me, I let out a sigh of relief.
We continue to dance around until Yellow decides to try and twirl me, as soon as she lifts me hand, she accidentally steps on my shimmering dress. I clumsily trip over my own feet and I start to fall back, but before I hit the ground, the sound of a sickening rip and shattered glass cuts through the room.
A lot of little things break my fall, but my wrists and butt are very sore, I let out a small whine and I sit up, I wince as I rub my sore wrists. I look at my now ruined dress. A long tear has formed from one of the slits in my dress, the tear went from the very bottom of the dress all the way to the very bottom of my bra.
My entire face starts to heat up as all the gems that have been dancing stare at me. "Oh my stars" Yellow lends me her gloved hand. "I'm so sorry Blue...i didn't mean to...it was an accident..." Yellow nervously stammers.
Once I'm on my feet, I look down at where I landed, a small crater with a bunch of orangeish speckles has formed where I landed. I quickly dust myself off and summon a veil to wrap around my waist.
"Yellow, I think I landed and shattered bunch of hessonites" I sadly say.
"Its-" Yellow gets cut off.
"Ok, I think that's going to be all for this ball" White diamond slides herself off of her throne and walks over to us.
"You two, my chambers, now" she quietly hisses. She places her hands on our backs and leads us out of the now almost deserted ballroom.
I hang my head lowly as we walk through the crowded halls, a sense of dread builds in me as we make our way closer to White diamond's chambers.
I gulp as the big white doors close behind us. White allows me to change in my normal one strap dress before she tears into us.
"Do you know how much damage you two caused?" White diamond yells.
I look up to say something, but Yellow quickly smacks my hand as a sign to tell me not to say anything. I sadly look back down at the ground.
"Twenty hessonites" White diamond angrily paces back and forth in front of us "you two managed to shatter twenty hessonites just by landing on them, you both are lucky that I don't put you in a bubble or worse"
White stops in front of us, she angrily pinches the bridge of her nose "now go before I decide to put you in a bubble".
Yellow grabs my hand and literally drags me out of White diamonds chambers. Once the doors close, I notice tears start to form in her eyes.
"B-blue I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for you to get in trouble" Yellow quietly cries.
I gently place my hand on her shoulder "hey its okay, you're fine" I wipe away a stray tear. She looks at me with tearful eyes "I want to say something before I have to go".
"What" she wipes away her tears.
I place a quick kiss on her lips and her entire face gets a few shades darker "thanks for dancing with me, and I love you".
Before she can reply back I quickly turn around and head for my chambers. I make it at least twenty feet before Yellow calls out " and I, you".
A warm feeling creeps into me, I wonder how much she thinks I actually mean it because it's a lot more than she truly knows.
Maybe this eternal life won't be so bad after all.
Well I hope y'all enjoyed that, except a new chapter of Gemlings next Saturday, bye
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aceofstars16 · 7 years
What are you're top 3 ocs??? Like your mains or w/e, what world are they in? What do they look like? What's their personality like???? I want to knowwww
My top three??? Oh gosh I don’t think I can pick a top three??? I have like wayyy to many OCs and I’ve gone though phases of loving some more than others, and some getting more development than others....how about the main three that I can think of from my main story (the one that is taking years to work out cause I can’t settle on a good plot xD)
The world of this book is....still a big WIP, but I think it has a medieval feel to it, with a few larger countries (I think three maybe four) and then a small island that has two nations on it. At least that’s how I set it up last time I thought about it xD
Vistina is one of my faves, she’s suuuper suborn and really doesn’t care much for other’s opinions. Yes, she will listen to her superiors but she prefers to be alone, mainly because she’s been let down by people in the past, and partly because she misses a few people she actually did connect with. I’m still working on her looks, but I know she has wavyish black hair to maybe her mid back? And she has darker skin, in our world she would probably be native american? Or at least partly. She’s pretty sturdy cause she kind of really likes working with horses (horses are her favorite things, Jaspern is her horse and she’s taught him all kind of fun tricks and I love that. Will lore or magic play into this? Maybe, but I’m not sure yet xD)
Senith is a dork wrapped up in a suave exterior. He’s cool and calm and charming and his smile makes all the girls swoon (well not ALL the girls but most of them...xD). But really he’s actually a boy who is still trying to figure out who he is and what he wants to do. He goes through a loooot of character development and I’m still working out a lot of that but he’s fun! Looks wise, he has a bit of a California surfer vibe - blonde hair, tanned skin, bright blue eyes, a little lanky but not overly so. 
Elisda started off almost as a self insert character. She’s a bit insecure and unsure about the future and if she can do what she needs to do (vague because spoilers kind of). But aside from that she’s really nice, very much a mediator, especially between Vistina and Senith. She loves to read and come up with stories and is also a little adventurous...at least until she kind of realizes living out in the woods isn’t actually that fun. Looks wise, she has medium brown hair that’s wavy/curly, freckles dotting her face and shoulders, and green eyes. 
I have a ton of other OCs, including fandom OCs and fankids, you can see them all here: My OCs tag
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