#you asked - I answered
copiousloverofcopia · 11 months
imagine copia about to become papa iv and his prime mover saying something like "you're going to be papa" and he's like duh, not getting it at all, and she literally has to go "no, you're going to be *papa*" and that's how she breaks the news to him
It's a shame how long it's been since I got this...like a year. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Hopefully this little sumthin sumthin will be worth it.
And Then It Hit Him
You have news for your husband, Cardinal Copia on the brink of his ascension to the Papacy, but will he stop long enough to listen?
Also available on AO3 HERE!
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You were doing your best to remain patient, though the news was burning from inside you. Wringing the fabric of your habit in your fingers as you waited for the perfect moment to interrupt him. Your husband had barely looked up from his parchments since you entered. A comfortable silence between you as you noted his hands were once again covered in ink. 
You were instantly transported back to when your dear sweet Cardinal was only the Ministry treasurer, and you still a naive novitiate. A time when you fell hard and fast in love with eachother. Watching with joy as he ascended the ranks of the Ministry. Proving himself worthy of his station at each and every turn. 
Now he was only weeks away from the announcement that he would receive the miter. The highest honor that only the select few could ever hope to achieve within the church. Truth be told you had wondered if your news would pale in comparison, but knowing Copia as you did, there was no way it would.
"Cope..." You nudge, hoping to finally garner his attention. Copia stopped, pulling his glasses off from where they hung on the bridge of his nose and began rubbing his eyes. Clearly he hadn't moved them from his work for more than a few second at a time.
"I'm so sorry cara, I just have so much work that needs to be done before I head back out on tour. If I leave anything unfinished Sister will have my head for it." He responded, taking your hand in his. His eyes, returning to his desk. You could tell he was worn down by it. The endless bureaucracy of the Ministry trampling over him in the guise of all this paper and ink.
"Copia, my love...I know you have a lot on your plate, but I—I just have something I wanted to tell you." 
"Of course, what is it?" He asked you, a sweet smile sent your way.
"Well.." You began, rounding his desk and placing your head on his shoulder. Breathing in the scent of his cologne. Like old books and patchouli, a scent that had intoxicated you night after night for so long now. It hardly seemed fair just how much it had affected you. Like a spell cast on your senses. Clearly it was one of the many reasons, like his undeniable charm, that led to you being in this position. "Soon my love…you are going to be a Papa.”
You were surprised when Copia's reaction was lacking. Letting out a sigh as he finished up the sentence he had been writing. "I know, I know. That's why I have to get this done." He explained, clear now that he had completely missed what you were trying to tell him. You thought for a moment, trying to decide if you could stand one more minute of knowing it all on your own, before finally you let out a groan.
It stopped him, Copia catching on that you needed him. Letting the pen drop to the desk as he pulled his attention away from the plethora of papers decorating it to face you. Heeding you as you gently brought his jaw up to help face you. Your eyes locked with his when he gently kissed your hand. The hair of his sideburns, tickling your palm as you spoke.
"No…Copia.” You began, a note of both amusement and disbelief in your voice, “...that's not what I was trying to say.” 
“I'm sorry amore… you should have had my full attention. Please…what is it you wanted to tell me?”
“I'm trying to tell you, you silly man, that you are going to be A PAPA.” You emphasized by taking his hand and placing it on the small of your belly. Suddenly it was clear to him. Hitting him all at once as his eyes began stinging with tears. He stared at your still inconspicuous belly. Both mystified and deliriously happy before looking up at you.
“Amore, are you sure?” he asked you. His voice quivering—a mess of emotions. You could feel Copia's hand trembling as his thumb gently glided over your stomach. Already so gentle and tender with a child he had only just discovered existed.
“I'm very sure Cope…we’re going to have a baby.” You smiled. 
“Sweet Satanas, I'm going to be a Papa!” Copia yelped, casting himself up from the chair and pulling you tightly into his arms. Blissfully crying and whispered praises in Italian, his hand never leaving your belly. You began to laugh. Copia looking up at you once again just as your own tears began streaming down your face.
“A papa and Papa.” 
novitiate- nun or sister in training 
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pacific-rimbaud · 3 months
i'm curious how do you feel about dramione community now?
i'm a new writer, long time reader and can't help but feel like the fandom and the ship changed so much and i wonder if i even have a place in it anymore.
there's so much demand for the writers from the readers (constant update demands, no willingness to engage with wips) and at the same time i've been in a couple of dramione writer communities where other writers are openly pressuring each other to either start tiktok or finish the fic before posting it (the new dramione writers society discord server specifically).
particularly upset when i see people advising each other to commission art to promote their fic for writing.
it seems like that space for writers to be just writers becomes smaller and smaller and readers are not interested in the fandom but rather the next hot fic that's getting traction.
and all that combined with the overall hatred toward dramione as a ship outside of dramione.
I've genuinely stopped writing because of this. and i'm sad that i lost that one hobby that made me feel good, as it now seems like a popularity contest more than just fandom fun.
you seem like you're able to balance your love for writing with the changed landscape of the fandom. at least from the outside posts :D
DHr grew exponentially in the short time I spent in the ship, and that growth will only accelerate as big name fandom writers continue to enter traditional publishing with seven-figure book and film deals.
Life is change. Change is death. It's okay to grieve what's gone and won't come back.
And I want to add: keep writing. No matter what. But that would be hypocritical. I haven't written in a year, and remain deeply uncertain about whether or not I'll take it up again. It's a real puzzle.
The relevant questions seem to be: why do I want to write? And: what spaces feel nurturing to me as a writer?
The first one's easy. I write because I like the films I see in my head. I like the way language sounds. I like to experience the past, and to be swept away by intense emotions. It's like having a Holodeck in my head. And sometimes, when everything clicks, I get to describe my little bespoke scenarios in words that make a nice sound when they rub up against one another.
I'm waiting on a good answer to the second question. All I know is that art, criticism and commerce have always been an incredibly awkward ménage à trois. No shade to folks seeking to work the fandom algorithm and secure the bag (posting already completed work on a schedule, writing popular tropes and characterizations, and using original art in social media marketing are all great ways to do that). Whether money changes hands or merely attention (which can be converted into money), that's commerce having its turn at the wheel.
I'm suspicious that my creative brain is commerce-repulsed. Maybe yours is, too. So it goes.
I'm certain that we shouldn't let that keep us off the Holodeck.
So. Make a deal with me. I promise to run some freaky little scenarios in the simulator this summer if you'll do the same. Then let's meet in the limestone cave and paint our blorbos by candlelight. Let's tell them around the campfire. Come draw them with me in the sand.
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insomnikat-mused · 2 months
Sakura as hokage au😍 please (or gen swap)
I love love love that I get to say: "If I had written this (likely long)fic, five things that would have happened are..."
Sakura gains the title with some controversy (how could she not), with Kakashi insisting that-- despite the elders, other nations, and even the civilian population preferring him-- she would be much better at ushering in an age of healing and peace. He does a whole poignant speech in front of everyone that makes Sakura cry because she'd never heard him express his pride and faith in her before.
As consolation, Kakashi becomes her right-hand man. She's very appreciative of his help (especially since she doesn't always need to wrangle/bribe/blackmail him into doing tasks), but gets increasingly frustrated when most of the foreign dignitaries believe Kakashi is still the real power behind the deals and policies she rolls out.
So Sakura starts experimenting with her look, starting first with wearing glasses but quickly escalating to using Tsunade's transformation technique: making herself look older when she overhears potential business partners say she's too young and inexperienced, enhancing all her womanly curves thinking it will help win favour in one business deal, becoming more androgynous for another, more burly for yet another, and even masking herself Kakashi-style.
Kakashi is amused, at first. Even impressed when it works in key negotiations. But he watches how dispirited she gets at the end of the days until one evening-- let's say they're at a masquerade ball, because I loooove dance scenes and symbolic irony-- he pulls her close and tells her it's aright to just be herself. That she's already accomplished so much in a few months; proving herself more than worthy. "But no one fully respects me just as I am. Not even Sasuke," she says, to which he replies, in a gentle and deeply affectionate way that surprises her by stirring something in her heart, "*I* do."
KakaSaku happily ever after. Because of course🍆❤️🌸
For the ask about a potential AU I will never write (or won't I?)
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theladyofshalott1989 · 7 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here!
Firstly, thank you @il0vemazzystarr for my first-ever question in my Askbox. :) 1. Hogwarts: Legacy (obviously...LMAO). My husband (not me) bought the game last February because I was very vocally adamant that I wouldn't like it. Turns out he knows me better than I know myself. <3 2. Writing. The first "book" I ever wrote was in kindergarten. It was about a horse named Rose who wanted to learn how to ride a bike. The plot was *chef's kiss*. The illustrations... well, not so much. (I have been writing ever since.) 3. Coffee. It's my lifeblood. I nearly always have a cup beside me.
4. Workout classes, particularly yoga, kickboxing, and dance. I have never been very good at motivating myself to work out on my own, but if I can find a decent class somewhere that's well-attended, I will be there religiously every week. I love to exercise with other people! Fun fact: I once took a Fencing class. I was absolutely atrocious at it, but would still recommend it.
5. Reading. Before I had my child, I typically read anywhere from 75 - 90 books a year. My favorite genres are fantasy, m/m romance, and science fiction. My favorite book last year was Less by Andrew Sean Greer (The MC, Arthur, is my spirit animal).
Tagging the last 8 people who have liked or reblogged something on my page here (no pressure to answer though!): @honeybadgerdontcare394 @heyitszev @juneymont @a-usernamelol @kylowrehn @cherry-lys @breannabanana8 @the-chaotic-scilla-aster
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skydemonizark · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 💜💜
Video games (currently playing so much Stardew Valley and terraria, but story of seasons, rune factory, and dragon age always bring me joy)
Manga/ webtoons (mainly bl, but anything with any kind of supernatural/ fantasy/ or sci-fi elements are my jam. Also everyone needs to read from far away it's the best manga I've ever read and not enough people appreciate it)
Youtube (so many youtubers make my day better, tho rn I'm binging so much drawfee)
Dropout (kinda youtube adjacent but since they aren't on there much anymore I'm counting them as separate. My fav series they do is game changer, make some noise, and um actually)
sweets (literally anything with added sugar that doesn't give me a headache (so no dark chocolate or citrus baked goods))
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nunezs-stuff · 4 months
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Here's some of my random pics of Sayo that reminds me of Kianna (again) >:D
I love it >:)
Also I think that does resemble her pain very well >:D
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fishwithtitz · 1 year
4 11 13 15 17 21 28 31 36 51 55
Dang, that's a lot! <3
4. what are you looking forward to?
I am getting married in Ireland in June. My wedding will be a dark/ethereal vintage romantic vibe and I'm literally getting married at Dunluce Castle. A dream!
5. are you listening to music right now?
Nope. I'm enjoying the complete silence of my house :)
13. how do you feel right now?
I started antibiotics last Wednesday and I'm feeling so much better. I'm starting to get more of my writing out and I think it's reaching more people, so that brings me joy!
15. personality description
Growing up, I was VERY outgoing and outspoken but I've mellowed a ton. I've been told I come off as shy and a little intimidating until you get to know me. I have always had a love for the unusual things in life and have been able to see beauty in darkness. I was the odd one out (didn't have a ton of friends growing up). I love and care fiercely and I will do anything for my friends and loved ones. I think I'm the funniest person to exist even though I'm probably not.
My students describe me as sassy (I love to roast them) and see me as a second mom haha.
17. opinion on insecurities.
I'm not really sure what this one means, but I'm going to answer it as if it's my opinion on my own insecurities.
I'm insecure about my body. I have the typical hourglass figure (big hips/thighs, big tits, small waist) but I also have hip dips so anything form fitting is a no go. I grew up in the late 90s/early 00s diet culture and have yo-yoed in weight since I was a kid. I had an almond (step)mom and I still feel shame around food. It's something I'm working on in therapy. I have so much pride and respect for Gen Z and their movement of body acceptance and positive body culture. It's something I wish us millennials had done when we were younger.
21. age and birthday?
August 13th; I’m 31 going on 85
28. i’ll love you if…
You are kind and genuine. You leave me comments on/reblog my work (because as much as I say I write for self-satisfaction, I also love recognition like anyone else and I have a really low self esteem when it comes to my writing). You take me out for coffee. You have a good sense of humor (extra points if it's dry or dark).
29. 3 random facts
I had to be treated for the plague in my 20s (yes, the literal bubonic plague)
I used to be a top writer on a fanfic website when I was 13 (early 2000s) and I cringe thinking of the shit I put out 😂
*trigger warning for injury* I have seen/smelt burning flesh (like, flesh melting off someone's body) as a result of an accident in high school. I still get jumpy around explosives. 10/10 don't recommend.
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
I'd like to be a published author that gets to share their thinking with the world (and ngl I'd love to do an international book tour).
I want to get back into music/playing piano (I'm too scared to try and don't even know where to start).
I want to travel more (ideally to Europe). It's so expensive and I'm poor and landlocked.
51. starsign
Leo Sun, Sagittarius Rising, Aquarius Moon
55. tumblr friends
@copiasghoulfriend @copias-juicebox @anamelessfool @portaltothevoid @katyaoaksdottir @the-lisechen
In response to Get to know me, pick some numbers post
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zeebee3 · 5 months
Hi!😊 Could you tell me how long do you think the "You Do It For Me" fic will be? I heard it was supposed to be a one shot and now it's 42 chapters 🙈
I looove your writing btw! ❤
Hi! Thanks for your question, and the kind words 🥰
Tbh I wish I knew but I’m just letting it take me along for the ride as much as anyone 😂
I can say that I have about 15k written across what will likely end up being 4-5 chapters once they’re fully fleshed out, and then an additional 11 random scene ideas which I may or may not include and uhh….about 23 smut ideas…oh and an epilogue for…whenever it is relevant.
It’s extremely un-plot driven which makes it sort of tricky since I’m not writing toward any specific ending. Will I be writing until they’re 25? I hope not. And I would like it to end at some point this year, just because it needs to so I can finish my other WIPs too, but as of today, I don’t have a firm plan or timeline.
I hope that completely non-answer is somewhat helpful! 🙈
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I could also use some more Papa Terzo getting his face sat on by anyone. nemA. 🙏
Hey there ghestie!!!
I have so many things in the works for you lol but to start here's a little taste....no pun intended.
For your reading pleasure....
Smeared Paint
Featuring Terzo x reader for some face sitting/riding fun 😏
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Also available HERE on AO3!
Definitely NSFW below the cut
"Are you sure about this?" you asked him. Your thighs tingling in anticipation. Trying hard to stop your legs from shaking as your wet core hovered just above his painted lips. 
"Si, sorella…now sit. I'm growing impatient." Terzo whined. Licking a trail up your thigh. Teasing his hot breath at your folds. You let out a sigh, ready to feel his mouth on you—insides pulsing just at the thought.
After all, he preferred it this way. Face buried into your folds. Ready to give his life in worship of your cunt. And though you had been his altar many times before, you always hesitated, worried you may facilitate his meeting Lucifer before his time. 
Before you could say anything else, the choice was made for you. Terzo quickly wrapped his arms around your thighs. Fingers dug deep into the flesh as he pulled you down hard on his face. The tender flesh of your cunt meeting with his mouth. 
"Ah!" You cried out. His sinful tongue slithered its way from your taint to your clit. Dipping into your opening a moment before he continued on. Lapping at you like melted gelato on a hot summer day. Both of you moaning as you instinctively rolled yourself over his face. The vibrations from his enthusiasm—heading straight to your clit. 
"Hmm... Sorella, la tua figa ha un sapore così buono. Come il frutto divino dell'albero proibito…" Terzo praised as he came up for air. His decadent words–followed by a string of moaning and indiscernible Italian. 
"Mmm…yeah…mmm…" you moaned. Your pussy gliding with ease across the broadness of his tongue. Terzo, kissing and nipping and sucking on your folds and you rode his face. You became lost in pleasure, grinding on him with wild abandon. Overwhelmed in your lustful haze.
You tried to raise up, but you were quickly forced back down. Terzo holding you, like a vice grip against his mouth. Your whole cunt dripping with his saliva—messy and wet as he continued. The pressure built up inside you, slowly starting to release. 
"Oh Papa, I wanna cum." You mewled; hand grabbed firmly on a tuft of raven black hair before you. Terzo staring up at you as he devoured you. Gently sucking on your lips and sliding his tongue once more over your cunt. 
"Then cum." He told you, his voice full of that suave, devilish charm that had made you fall for him in the first place. "Give me communion sorella." 
That was enough to send you over, yanking harder on his hair. Terzo hissing, his paints smeared all over his face and the inside of your thighs. Mixing for a perfect shade of gray. 
You came. The third Emeritus son drinking you down like the richest of wines. Savoring the notes of pleasure, divined in the way you tasted. Your fluids running over the corners of his smiling mouth. Still refusing to release his hold on you. 
You were breathless and spent, finding yourself falling. Collapsing down beside him in the ocean of violet sheets. A smile on your face—speaking to your lover's skill. Maybe you'd be the one to die from the sheer ecstasy he brought you.
You kept your eyes closed. Enjoying listening to the sound of your shared breathing, when you felt Terzo get up. Taking hold of your legs and flipping you onto your stomach. Pulling you up on your knees before you could even speak. 
"Ass up sorella. I'm not done with you yet." Terzo teased. 
"Oh!" You called out as he guided the swell of your ass higher in the air. Marveling at the sight of it, before adding two fingers carefully into your entrance. Pressing hard and deep into the bundle of nerves. Cloaked within you—a place only he was able to find. 
"That's a good girl sorella." Terzo praised you as you rolled your hips back against his fingers. Terzo glided his hand across your ass. His fingers sprayed out over it before giving you a good smack. Your cunt, jolting back even harder onto his hand. Face pressed against the bed, trying your best to quiet your moans. The mid-morning rendezvous, proving to be more noisy than you intended. 
"Tell me how bad you want his cock sorella. How much you long for my fingers to be replaced with it. So I can fill you and have you dripping with me." Terzo commanded. 
"Uh! Fuck…Yes!" You called out as he made you cum again on his hand. 
"Tell me what you want." He ordered you, removing his fingers and stroking himself with your slick. Cock hard and at attention and ready to do as promised.
"I want your cock. Please…"
"Please, what?" He taunted. Allowing the plump, leaking head of his cock to tap against your core. 
"Fuck! Papa! Please!" You cried, desperate for it now. Terzo, giving a sinister smile as he obliged you. Slamming himself through your folds and taking hold of the lush curves of your thighs. Pounding inside you with full fervor. 
"See…all you need is to ask nicely…" 
"Mmm…Papa, yes. Ah…ah…." You moaned, feeling him spreading you out. Pressing all around inside, your body tugging against him with every thrust. You began to compress around him. Clamping down on his cock as you began to cum. Practically screaming now in your pleasure. Both sure the whole of the Abbey could hear you. Not that either of you cared. 
"That's it…ah…yes…sorella…" Terzo groaned. Quickly losing his stride as your pussy fluttered around him. "Your. Cunt. Is. Mine." He growled as you felt him kick inside you. His burning seed, flooding deep inside. Your Papa, continuing his movements until he was sure you were stuffed full. 
He hung limp over you. Kissing the small of your back as he pulled his softened cock from inside you. Continuing his row of kisses as he met with your ass. Coming to lay beside you and shielding you from the cool air with the cover of his sheets.
"That was incredible…" you began before you realized what day it was, "...uh…Papa. Isn't it your day for confession?" You asked. 
"Oh shit, yes!" Terzo panicked. Springing up from the bed in a fury. Rummaging around the room for his discarded vestments. Quickly redressing before giving your forehead a kiss. "I'll be back for you later." He smiled attempting to head out the door. 
"Wait! Wait! You can't go out like that!" You told him. He turned to face you, eyebrow perked and that puzzled look on his face.
"And why not?"
"Your paints!" You told him, half laughing, motioning to your lap that looked like a grayscale painting. 
Terzo smirked, "Hmph…let them see."
Hmm...Sister, your pussy tastes so good. Like divine fruit from the forbidden tree. -Hmm... Sorella, la tua figa ha un sapore così buono. Come il frutto divino dell'albero proibito.
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pacific-rimbaud · 4 months
I’m sorry but why is Neville still so appealing as a soft boy. We see in media men becoming bad and gaining sexy points along the way or even making an audience do a 180 (saltburn) but Neville doesn’t have to. He can be his quiet, contemplative, measured self in your world- and somehow I want him?!?! Does man have soft power or what
Ngl it's a bit rough being a writer of soft-but-strong men who love with unshakable, quiet devotion in a fiction marketplace hungry for blood soaked Byronic heroes, match in hand to ignite the world for their special lady friend, but it is what it is. The grass is certainly very green over here, tended by Thomas Hardy's Gabriel Oak and his grazing sheep, Dickon Sowerby from The Secret Garden, one of my great childhood fictional crushes, Samwise Gamgee and Neville Longbottom. Notable that two of these examples (or three, if you count LOTR) are from children's fiction. These guys are so uncommon that as far as I know they haven't merited an archetype name, so let's call him The Gardener. He is kind, patient, and honest, tender by default and firm when he needs to be, ferocious in defense of his flock and unswerving in his devotion to his people and place. It's no coincidence that these boys and men tend to be skilled and faithful keepers of plants and animals. Wildly underrated romantic hero archetype imo.
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insomnikat-mused · 26 days
Paragon / Renege pretty please!!!!
You just honed in on the WIP I made banners for today, so now I guess I'm committed! It's totally spoilers for BG3, but I'm going to assume you've seen *something* already so-- I'm planning to take part in The Emperor Week!
Like, yes, Astarion was my first playthrough's romantic end game. But thoughts of The Emperor lingered and here we are. I'm a little nervous because I noticed I was writing snippets in The Narrator's voice which means first person and I have never been a fan of x Reader fics but I admit it kind of makes sense with a game like this. I dunno. I still have a few weeks to figure out the style but here's a sneak peek:
You successfully deduced what the Emperor had not: that what he valued more than freedom, more than power, was novelty. You can leverage this newfound insight to your advantage. Proposition him to explore this… unconventional, but completely unique bond towards mutual benefits that extend beyond mere pleasure. Though a part of you hopes that pleasure is not completely off the table.
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txna-blxckthorn · 6 months
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rate them in terms of style, attractiveness and how much their style matches with yours
sometimes i question why we are friends.
but you are weird, and i love weird
so i will answer your question but i will be sobbing as i do so
i hate the shirt. I despise the earings and the collar of a choker. The shade of blue of the hair and the eyes is nice but i do not think the color suits them.
Definitely not my style. Like at all.
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theladyofshalott1989 · 5 months
Which character should I choose to ask you about for the character game?.. Hmm, I don’t even know… Let me think… SEBASTIAN please! :D
DIANA!!! MY GLORIOUS MOOT (may I call you Diana???), THANK YOU. AHHHHHHHHHHH. (...I'm just a little bit excited. Can you tell? XD)
1. How I feel about this character
Hmmm, well... so, it's complicated. I obviously adore Sebastian, that's a given, but I will say that it took me a while to get past his attitude during my first playthrough because I felt like I was watching teenage me self-combust. In retrospect, that's probably why I wrote my series (and from his POV) because the ending of his storyline felt like a punch to the gut, and I needed to freaking FIX IT.
Besides that whole can of worms, when I can separate the character from teenage me, I think he's the most fleshed out character in the game. He's so well-written and his backstory is so tragic. And the SNARK (especially with Ominis)! I just go absolutely feral over it.
2. All the people I ship romantically with this character
Besides shipping him with my OC, Damien, I ship him with @heyitszev's Charlie (from his series To be Loved is to be Changed). <- READ IT FOLKS. GOOD SOUP!!! I actually ship him with most M!MCs to be honest with you. LMAO. But I do have a hard time reading really dark Sebastian. I like him with a bit of spice, so to speak (not too hot, not too cold vibes), I suppose.
3. My non-romantic OTP for this character
Ominis. I don't know why, but I can't get into Sebinis. I WANT TO LIKE IT SO BAD. (I actually see the dynamic between my husband and me as Ominis/Sebastian, so you'd think I'd like it, but alas.) They are just best buds in my brain. Their personalities are very different, but sometimes that just works, you know? They complement each other in a platonic way. Most importantly, Ominis gets exasperated with Sebastian's antics a lot, but he will always forgive him in due time.
4. My unpopular opinion about this character
I'm actually not sure if this is unpopular, per se, but I'm not into Dark Sebastian, unless he's in "protecc"-mode. It seems unrealistic to me. If MC doesn't send him to Azkaban and MC, Ominis, and Anne are there for him and eventually forgive him (which is what happens in my head canon), I don't think he's physically capable of becoming a Dark Wizard. The events of Hogwarts: Legacy happen when he is 15/16, after all. He is still so young. Teenagers make mistakes. (AND YES, I do realize he made a more egregious mistake than most teenagers... but the point still stands, at least IMO.)
5. One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Two things. I wish we could have given Sebastian some semblance of happiness at the end of the game. A hug would have been a good start. LMAO. But SECONDLY! I wish he didn't freaking ignore us after everything! I'M SO BITTER ABOUT THIS. Avalanche, please change this in the summer update. Pretty please????
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itookyoudown · 1 year
Alright, so I am new to the fandom, and while I have so many asks because I am INCREDIBLY invested in this show, I figured I'd start out with a "simple" one, maybe. What do you believe is the thematic symbolism of Raylan's hat and what it means when he doesn't wear it?
hi justie! welcome to the madness. when/if you're ever ready to come off anon, there's lots of blogs here for you to follow and we have a discord.
i love this question! thanks for popping into my ask box. i could write any entire essay on this with diagrams and screenshots, but i'll try to keep this short for now.
first off, i think it needs to be mentioned that the most obvious symbolism/use of the hat is how it immediately signifies to the audience that Justified isn't a typical cop drama, it's a modern-day western. a cowboy hat on top of the protagonist's head immediately clues you into that (plus it's sexy af let's be real).
beyond that, i think the hat is a mask for Raylan and he uses it to both comfort and empower himself. the same way he uses his star as a shield to get away with his outrageous behavior. Raylan swaggers around as a cool cowboy and has an asshole authority figure persona. and like most social masks, i believe it's simultaneously both true and un-true.
the color of Raylan's hat also has its very own symbolism. it's not a white hat (the official color is silverbelly), because Raylan isn't actually a hero. he's just the protagonist of the story.
as for what it means when he doesn't wear it...from what i can remember from watching (and rewatching the show), Raylan sometimes takes off his hat to be polite, but he isn't consistent about it. he wears it inside frequently. i don't think i can really ascribe any particular symbolism to when he doffs it VS when he doesn't. he just seems practical about both taking off + putting on his hat.
i will say however that he does seem to use the brim of his hat to hide his eyes sometimes. and in his intimate scenes with his lady friends, he doesn't leave the hat on (such a shame).
that's just what i think though! justies what do y'all think about raylan and his stetson?
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runnning-outof-time · 7 months
Last Line Tag Game
Thanks for the tag Lee @zablife ! 🥰
This is from the Tommy & Friend!Reader request I have — it’s called You Asked, I Answered … these few paragraphs are all that I’ve got written for it since motivation has been at an all time low for me recently. If anyone has any to spare, I’d love it if you sent it my way 😅
I'm gonna tell him. I'm gonna tell him. I'm gonna tell him.
That was the statement that (Y/N) kept repeating in her mind as she made her way over to her friend's family home Watery Lane. She had no clue why she was feeling nervous right now, or why she needed to be psyching herself up to do this.
The two blinders standing outside the Shelby family home recognized her immediately. They both tipped their caps to her as they let her enter the home. She didn't have to venture in far to find him. He was sitting in one of the chairs in the small entry room that the house had.
"Tommy?" (Y/N) called to him after the sound of the door shutting hadn't been enough to get him to look in her direction. His eyes snapped over to her when she spoke his name, and the distant gaze that greeted her was enough to make the breath freeze in her throat. "Is everything ok?" 
Tagging: @brummiereader @there-goes-thefighter @padfootdaredmetoo @peakyswritings @evita-shelby @justrainandcoffee
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I wanna see the text thread where they coordinate their outfits
well has nate sold his NS house yet. he's likely bunking at sid's and both took turns sitting on their bed to fashion runway golf half-zips for each other. and sid was like im rly feeling this cape breton one we just picked up golfing here today and nate squealed OMG my ireland one is a matching blue YESSSS and happy happy off they went to the local pub arms locked
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