#you are my 420th follower
cobble-stone · 2 years
OH HEY congrats on being my 420th follower jfhskdhdjfg !! you win or something, idk
LETSGO i was destined to be number 420 it was fate trust me. definitely didn’t only just realize i wasn’t following you
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tricornonthecob · 1 year
me: Now that I've gone on a walk and showered, I can go back to finishing up a little bit of work.
my brain: The 420th Continentals are a complex polycule, the pig mascot Nice is their adopted son, and the sergeant's name is Yancey Donald D'Andé. The woman with the major's cockade is in fact the XO. The captain is a British defector and it was decided he'd do the least amount of damage with the 420s. He and the crying Pennsylvania Dutch boy rifleman give the best hugs. The woman with the fabulous purple robe is a wealthy princess on a very long sabbatical who, for some reason, decided to go to New Jersey and from there became a follower of the 420s. The chill rifleman at the very front with the corn cob pipe is the only one, aside from the Major, who can fire a gun sober. He only speaks Esperanto.
You would think they were the regiment that suffered greatest during Valley Forge, but they actually came up with some of the most inspired and palatable Bootleather Stews in the encampment. They have beef with the entirety of Maryland.
They are the reason Washington becomes so fed up with camp followers.
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i want u to know that you were the 420th note on one of my posts i hope u have a lovely day <3
You too on the enjoying your day part! I saw that you followed. Stick around at your own risk. There's a reason my profile says I'm "making a bell of my honor," as I always say, but I also always say that I hope you think I can make good music out of it. <3
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Hey, you know, your actually quite cool
You know what's even cooler? You're officially my 420th follower. Congratulations!
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gay-yosuke · 5 years
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[shitty party blower noise]
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sylvrain · 6 years
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@hadnat :)
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fruitobject · 2 years
i triedsending you an ask I accidentally unfollowed for a sec I’m back . But also Lloyd is so funny I wish he was bald in season 1
welcome back you're now the new 420th follower of mine good 4 u!!!!👏👏👏👏
ALSO IM SO SORRY TO YOU AND THAT ONE RB IVE ONLY SEEN LIKE THE FIRST 4 SEASONS AND THAT WAS IT I have not seen anything else that is new or the redesigns
I thought he was bald until I rewatched it recently and saw the ninjago fanart of him floating in my feed he'll still be bald in my heart don't worry
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Congratulations mate, you are officially my 420th follower.
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I posted 5,822 times in 2021
5 posts created (0%)
5817 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1163.4 posts.
I added 256 tags in 2021
#art - 64 posts
#hades - 37 posts
#lord of the rings - 30 posts
#mass effect - 26 posts
#avatar the last airbender - 23 posts
#fan art - 22 posts
#fan comic - 17 posts
#star wars - 13 posts
#aesthetic - 12 posts
#cows - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i will crash my car into oncoming traffic killing myself and inevitably innocent casualties if it's the only way to turn off a train song
My Top Posts in 2021
anybody got good mod recs that will work with legendary edition?
0 notes • Posted 2021-08-26 01:03:34 GMT
sorry 'bout the bans 😅
1 notes • Posted 2021-04-17 17:50:42 GMT
🌺🌼Send this to 10 other bloggers you think are awesome! Keep the game going🌼🌺
Thank you so much my love 💖💖💖 So blessed to receive this from my mutual with the best name in the game
2 notes • Posted 2021-03-11 18:23:29 GMT
what's up it's 8am time for me to ruin your dash with hades content
2 notes • Posted 2021-02-09 14:15:53 GMT
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Congratulations to @werewolfgirl1995 on being my 420th follower ✌️😎✌️
3 notes • Posted 2021-03-01 20:04:45 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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shittyavatarideas · 4 years
i started this blog like two weeks ago and i have hit... a milestone 
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we’re at 420 followers, lads. a very big thank you to @lonelyspaceman, the 420th comrade. ( @lonelyspaceman​ if you submit something i’ll bump it to the top of the queue!)
ALSO: because of this, i am hosting a Q&A tonight! ask me literally anything, and i’ll answer it at around 10pm CST. go wild! 
just... thank you all. i’ve been on Tumblr for a good couple of years and i’ve always been anxious about posting my own content. y’alls response to my shitposting has been incredible. thank you so much. 
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uwuprime · 4 years
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I would like to thank my dear sister @meme-void for being my 420th follower. noice
Also. 420 followers. Where did ya'll come from??? Hello! Thank you!!!
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nukaposting · 4 years
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anyway, i’ve been wondering how to celebrate this extremely very good and important milestone, and eventually i decided to share more of my best screenshots!
i was thinking of giving something to the 420th follower, but i don’t really have anything to offer. just a huge thank you for helping me hit the weed number ❤︎
on to the screenshots!
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lords-of-time · 4 years
|| Rules ||
No godmodding or Mary-sueing
No hate will be tolerated. This is my blog and I choose how to right my muse this is my interpretation.
This is a canon and OC blog, not your thing? Don’t follow simple as.
I am new to roleplaying, please have patience with me and understand I will take time to adjust. If I make mistakes please give me a gentle message to remind me, or ask me to correct something.
Length wise, please keep it a minimum of a single paragraph or more. Please don’t feel the need to match lengths, but please don’t respond to multi paragraphs with a single sentence.
I am 18+ years of age, NSFW and other 18+ content will be present so you have been warned.
This is a side blog, I will follow back from my main; which is @marshall-universe-cosplay
|| Muses ||
10th Doctor
11th Doctor
12th Doctor
420th Doctor
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sporkkles-irl · 5 years
I just wanted you to know that in my ts sides blog - @shitpost-sides You were my 420th follower lmao
n i c e
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horrorismycomfort · 4 years
HIIIII ❤️ this is saldoodles (am writing from my main blog) and i just wanna say thank you for the follow! i really appreciate it. also, congrats on being the 420th follower (`∀´)Ψ as a token of appreciation, my drawing request box is open for you. feel free to request anything (if you'd like!) as long as its pretty simple. again, thank you so much! i hope you have a nice day ✿
Ahh that's so sweet of you! Thank you! 💞
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godsofhumanity · 6 years
I’d just like to say thank you to all my lovely followers, especially my first five followers:
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(Yeah I scrolled all the way down)
And also my awesome mutuals who I met along the way, @y--a--g, @batfam-art, @writingpantheon, @therestlesspantser, @the-sandy-hippo (who rose from the dead)+everyone who submitted things, or asked things, or messaged me because they wanted to share something.
I really really appreciate all of it, so thank you so much!
To celebrate this blog’s 1st Birthday, I’m going to be reblogging all of my milestone posts - 1st post, 69th post, 420th post, 666th post, most-notes post and least-notes post. So keep your eyes peeled!
Thank you all, love ya!
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