#you are at the best higher education institution in the entire state
navree · 3 months
"if you use chatgpt for anything other than summarizing or editing in your schoolwork that's lowkey not great blah blah blah" stfu if you use chatgpt in literally any way especially for the work you are paying for the privilege to do you're a giant dork ass loser and you should get smacked in the head with a ceramic plate
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week - May 15, 2023
🐕 - Now It's a Paw-ty
1. World's oldest ever dog celebrates 31st birthday
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Bobi was born on 11 May 1992, making him 31 years old, in human years. A big birthday party is planned for Bobi today, according to Guinness World Records.
It will take place at his home in the rural Portuguese village of Conqueiros in Leiria, western Portugal, where he has lived his entire life.
2. The FDA has officially changed its policy to allow more gay and bisexual men to donate blood
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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that they’ve eased restrictions on blood donations by men who have sex with men in an effort to address blood shortages. The new policy recommends a series of individual risk-based questions that will apply to all donors, regardless of their sexual orientation, sex, or gender. Gay or bisexual men in monogamous relationships will now be permitted to donate blood.
3. Illinois passes bill to ensure community college credits transfer to public universities
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The Illinois General Assembly has passed a bill that would help community college students transfer to public universities.
It would ensure that certain classes taken at community colleges could be transferred to any higher education institution in the state. Some schools currently only count community college coursework as elective credits.
4. Brazilian President Lula recognizes 6 new indigenous territories stretching 620,000 hectares, banning mining and restricting farming within them
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Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has decreed six new indigenous reserves, banning mining and restricting commercial farming there. The lands - including a vast area of Amazon rainforest - cover about 620,000 hectares (1.5m acres).
Indigenous leaders welcomed the move, but said more areas needed protection.
5. More than 1,000 trafficking victims rescued in separate operations in Southeast Asia
More than 1,000 trafficking victims were rescued in separate operations in Southeast Asia over the last week, officials in Indonesia and the Philippines said. 
Indonesian officials said Sunday they freed 20 of their nationals who were trafficked to Myanmar as part of a cyber scam, amid an increase in human trafficking cases in Southeast Asia. Fake recruiters had offered the Indonesians high-paying jobs in Thailand but instead trafficked them to Myawaddy, about 567 kilometers (352 miles) south of Naypyidaw, the capital, to perform cyber scams for crypto websites or apps, said Judha Nugraha, an official in Indonesia's Foreign Affairs Ministry.
6. A peanut allergy patch is making headway in trials
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An experimental “peanut patch” is showing some promise for toddlers who are highly allergic to peanuts. The patch, called Viaskin, was tested on children ages one to three for a late-stage trial, and the results show that the patch helped children whose bodies could not tolerate even a small piece of peanuts safely eat a few.
After one year, two-thirds of the children who used the patch and one-third of the placebo group met the trial’s primary endpoint. The participants with a less sensitive peanut allergy could safely tolerate the peanut protein equivalent of eating three or four peanuts.
7. Critically endangered lemur born at Calgary Zoo
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The Calgary Zoo has released pictures of its newest addition, a baby lemur. The zoo says its four-year-old female black-and-white ruffed lemur, Eny, gave birth on April 7. The pup’s father is eight-year-old Menabe. The gender of the pup has not been confirmed but the Calgary Zoo says the pup appears bright-eyed and active and is on the move.
The black-and-white ruffed lemur is registered among the 25 most endangered primates in the world, due mostly to habitat loss and hunting.
That's it for this week :)
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gemsofgreece · 1 month
could you talk more about constantinople university?
Hey, I am sorry for the very late reply. This past week was very difficult. Anyway I assume you are asking about the main educational institution in Constantinople at the times of the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire.
First of all, I should start this by saying a few basic things about the educational system in the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine Empire had the best primary education in Europe and one of the best in the known world at the time. All peasant children were able to receive education, that is, both boys AND girls, which was unheard of in most other places. As a result peasant men and women attained a satisfactory level of education for the standards of the time.
Higher education was received mainly through private tutoring, which means that this was in fact a privilege of the rich and upper middle classes. Private tutors could also be hired by women who, even though they could not work in professions of a high academic profile (except they could become doctors for women), were still able to educate and improve on themselves just for the sake of it.
The University of Constantinople
When the Roman Empire was spilt in two in 395 AD, the Hellenized eastern part of the empire already had a few famed schools in some of its greatest cities (i.e Academy of Athens, the schools in Alexandria, Antioch, Beirut, Gaza). Those remained the hotspots for higher education for a few centuries, mostly until the Arab conquest in the 7th century.
In 425 AD Emperor Theodosius II founded the state funded Pandidakterion (Πανδιδακτήριον) in the Capitolium of Constantinople, what is supposed to be the original form of the University of Constantinople. According to some sources the concept of this school was actively supported by Theodosius's sister Pulcheria and his empress wife Aelia Eudocia the Athenian. The Pandidakterion was not exactly a university in the modern sense; it initially did not offer courses in various fields of sciences and arts from which students could choose their studies and career. The Pandidakterion's aim was to train specifically those who pursued a career as civil servants for the administration of the Empire and the secular matters concerning the Church. The courses taught were: Greek Grammar, Latin Grammar, Law, Philosophy (students were taught Aristotle and particularly Plato) and Rhetoric (with an emphasis in Greek rather than Latin rhetoric). That last one was considered the most challenging course. Pandidakterion did not teach Theology; this was the responsibility of the Patriarchal Academy. There are sources which list the Pandidakterion indeed as a university though and perhaps it is the closest thing to a university you could have gotten that early in time.
Meanwhile, in Constantinople and other large cities of the empire there were various academies of theology, arts and sciences but those were not universities. Also, as stated above, it was after the 7th century that Constantinople became the center of Byzantine higher education. In the 7th and the 8th century the Byzantine empire was attacked by Slavs, Arabs, Avars and Bulgars, loosening the focus to education. All this and the Iconoclasm seemed to have had adverse yet non permanent effects on the function of the university. The dynasty of the Isaurians (717 - 802) renamed "Πανδιδακτήριον" to "Οικουμενικόν Διδασκαλείον" (Ecumenical School).
The 9th century signifies a new prosperous era for higher education. There are some conflicting sources for that time - according to some the Pandidakterion was moved to the Palace of Magnaura and according to others this is an erroneous conflation of the Pandidakterion in the Capitolium with the new University of the Palace Hall of Magnaura (Εκπαιδευτήριον της Μαγναύρας). Whatever the case is, this renovated or entirely new school was founded by Vardas (842 - 867), uncle of Emperor Michael III. Mathematics, geometry, astronomy and music were added to the courses. The school then was managed by Leon the Mathematician (790 - 869) from Thessaly. Studying there was free.
In the 10th century, Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogennitos promoted the Pandidakterion and supported it financially.
In 1046 Constantine IX Monomachos reformed the actual Pandidakterion of the Capitolium into two large faculties operating in it; the "Διδασκαλείον των Νόμων" (School of Law) and the "Γυμνάσιον" (Gymnasion). The School of Law retained its purpose to train the civil servants whereas the Gymnasion taught all the other sciences (i.e philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, music). At the time Pandidakterion had a clear resemblance to a typical university. The principal of the Law School was called "Νομοφύλαξ" (nomophýlax), Guard of Law. A notable nomophylax was Ioannis VIII Xiphilinos (1010 - 1075) who was an intellectual, jurist and later Patriarch of Constantinople. The principal of the Gymansion was called "Ύπατος των Φιλοσόφων" (Consul of the Philosophers). Notable Gymnasion principals were Michael Psellos (1018 - 1078), one of the most broadly educated people to have lived in the Byzantine empire or the middle ages even. Psellos was a Greek monk, savant, courtier, writer, philosopher, historian, music theorist, poet, astronomer, doctor and diplomat. He was notoriously horrible at Latin although given the extent of his studies it is unclear to modern historians whether his Latin knowledge was genuinely poor or he played it up as an act of disdain (he was totally the type to do that). Another notable principal was Ioannis Italos (John the Italian), a half-Italian half-Greek from Calabria, who was Psellos' student in classical Greek Philosophy.
The function of the Pandidakterion as well as all high education in the Byzantine Empire was ceased after the capture of Cosntantinople by the Crusaders in 1204. The Byzantine royalty did however survive through the small Empire of Nicaea and they supported financially the private tutors. After the liberation of Constantinople by the Byzantines in 1261, there were efforts to restore the higher education institutions. Michael VIII Palaeologos, the emperor who recovered the city, reopened the university and appointed as principals Georgios Akropolitis, a historian and statesman, for the Law School and Georgios Pachymeris, a historian, philosopher, theologist, mathematician and music theorist, for the Philosophy School (Gymnasion).
However, the University never returned to its previous status and smooth function. It slowly passed fully under the Church's management in order to survive, while the rest of the teaching was again done by private teachers. This was the case all the way to the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453. Only one day after the capture of Constantinople, Sultan Mehmed II founded a madrasa as the primary educational institution of the city. Madrasa is an arabic name for an Islamic higher education religious institution. In 1846, this insitution was reformed into a university in the likes of the typical Western European universities. Until 1930 many old sources referred to this university confusingly as "University of Constantinople" because the city's name had not actually changed until that time. However, this institution was not the same to the Pandidakterion, the university of the Byzantine Age. In 1930, the city's name was officially changed from Constantinople to Istanbul and the university was renamed in 1933 to "Istanbul University" and it operates like this, being the first university of the Republic of Turkey.
What about the Pandidakterion though, the first University of Constantinople? Well, it ceased to exist, unlike the Patriarchal Academy which re-opened one year after the Fall of Constantinople, in 1454, refounded as the Phanar Greek Orthodox College, which operates to this day.
*Forgive any potential inaccuracies, some sources were really conflicting, especially about the possible Pandidakterion and the Magnaura School mix up.
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sexcromancy · 9 months
saw a post that had some tweet screenshots with true but shallow info about issues affecting native hawaiians so I am gonna share some news articles from honolulu civil beat, the best (and really only 😑) source of investigative reporting in hawai'i!
on the topic of 'olelo, the native hawaiian language, in schools:
^ this article describes a state bill that is unlikely to go anywhere but is such an exciting step towards 'olelo becoming a staple in schools! it already is an option in 32 public high schools, not even counting the many private/charter immersion schools. in general 'olelo is spoken literally 1000%+ more than it was in the 1970s, when it was officially unbanned and the hawaiian language and cultural revival began.
on the school to prison pipeline and disproportionate, punitive incarceration of native hawaiians:
if you read some/all of these articles, please consider dropping some $$ to civil beat! they are entirely subscriber and donor funded and have no paywall, ever. their reporting on the ongoing bureaucratic mishandling of the lahaina victims is also very strong.
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fluffy-does-essays · 10 months
Essay: "The Problem with Modern Feminism"
Feminism is a term that is both hated and loved by many. A concept that is ever-changing as a new era comes and goes and new definitions seem to appear for it whether it be toxic or positive by radicals or traditionalists A movement originally used for the right of women to be equal and expand their horizons rather than to be seen as worthless and nothing by those that hold power in patrichary now seemingly twists and turns into something new in this new generation of women compared to our ancestors time. There is a debate between the different types of women in her role and their place in life, according to many, depending on who you talk to. In this essay, we are going to talk about the concept of feminism, its good, its bad, and its ugly.
Feminism, according to Merriam Webster, is defined as "belief in and advocacy of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes expressed especially through organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests". Another quote, according to Britannica, is: "Feminism is the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Although largely originating in the West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is represented by various institutions committed to activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests." And another, according to the Cambridge Dictionary, quote: "the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power, and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way, or the set of activities intended to achieve this state." So we get the idea; it's supposed to be for women to have equal opportunity, equal choice, and be treated as equals as human beings like our counterparts. Where women can go for their careers and delight in the activities they want, just like men do with their careers and what they delight in doing, But according to others, it's an entirely different story. While some radical feminists argue for equality between men and women, others adopt a more extreme position, viewing men and women as inherently different and claiming that women are superior to men. This can include rhetoric such as suggesting that men are inferior to women, promoting the idea that men should be killed or enslaved, and expressing indifference to or even amusement at men's problems, such as sexual assault and other violent acts. These views, although not held by all feminists, are often criticized as being misandrist and unhelpful to the broader ideals of gender equality. Traditional women's view of feminism is typically marked by the belief that it is a woman's place to be subordinate to men and to stay at home rather than pursue a career or expand on other aspects of her life. They believe that feminism is bad because it encourages women to question the established gender roles and social structures that have historically kept women in a lower position in society. This view can also include the belief that women are naturally better suited for duties such as homemaking and childcare and that seeking higher education or employment opportunities is not in their best interests or the interests of society as a whole.
Here's an outsider view: It is a woman's choice whether she should be married, single, career-seeking, or at home. Both radfems and tradtionalists don't understand, as they have a narrow view of what true choice is. For the radfems, yes, the men you deal with are evil in nature, and the ones who mainly hold power, like industry or government, are ones who seek to put you down, but do not assume that other men will be the same way. A double standard has been created by the ones who hold power to encourage division and constant battle, which leads to both sides belittling each other rather than being helpful to each other about free choice and equality in achievement options. For the traditionalists, nowhere did it say a woman couldn't expand her career while taking care of the house and the kids, and nowhere did it say that men couldn't help with the house while working to provide it, nor did it say that men beat their wives, belittle their wives, and cheat on their wives. If we go by true traditionalism, it's actually equal; it's just assigned roles, but men in the roles took advantage of their position to abuse rather than uphold it like they should. Since some traditionalist women go by the Bible, here are examples: 1 Corinthians 7:3–4 (KJV), Colossians 3:19 (KJV), Genesis 2:24 (KJV), and 1 Peter 3:7 (KJV). Where in there does it say a man can beat his wife? Where does it say a woman is inferior? Nowhere does it say they could not work together to help the household. A woman can still take care of the house and the kids and expand on their careers, and a man can take care of the kids and the house while also doing their careers too. There is no inferior or superior; it's just roles you guys twisted into making it look that way.
So what is the problem with Modern Feminism? Modern feminism often centers around its perceived co-option by marketing strategies rather than serving as a genuine human rights movement. Critics argue that it has become a tool for industries to enhance their sales, targeting the masses with a diluted version of feminist ideals. In this context, feminism is portrayed more as a commodity than a catalyst for positive societal change. This commercialization has the potential to overshadow the core principles of feminism, transforming it into a means for profit rather than a pursuit of equal rights. One manifestation of this criticism is the association of feminism with a hypersexualized image, exemplified by popular figures like Beyoncé and Cardi B. These celebrities, while advocates for women's rights, are sometimes accused of perpetuating a hypersexualized and prideful persona that conforms to societal expectations rather than challenging them. and though there is nothing wrong with empowerment through women's bodies and image of their own design, The use of demeaning language in media and music, such as the frequent use of terms like "bitch" and "slut," contributes to the perception of feminism as a movement that is more concerned with projecting a certain image than empowering women to make independent choices about their bodies and lives.
In conclusion, feminism, at its core, champions a woman's right to choose her life path—be it traditional, independent, or otherwise. Criticism should focus on a person's actions and character, not their gender or aspirations. Genuine respect for individual agency, free from imposed standards, fosters an inclusive society where women can authentically pursue their chosen paths. Radfems shouldn't be entitled to not get criticism because they are women, and traditionalists shouldn't be entitled to be criticized because they are Christians or of any other religion.
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radikylie · 1 year
Journal entry 5 million years later
Wow. It’s been well over a year and a half since I posted anything super personal and probably close to two years since being active on here. It has been a rollercoaster. In November 2021, I accepted a job at a university in the state where my love lived. After my graduate assistantship ended in 2020, it took me a year and a half to find a full-time job because of Covid. I applied to nearly 100 jobs and only heard back from maybe 10% of those jobs. And then I had exactly 3 and a half weeks to move my entire life across the country and move into an apartment with my then long-distance girlfriend when I was offered a job at a mid-size university.
Sometimes my life still doesn’t feel real. I’ve been so happy to be with my Emily and our quirky little sweet cat, but navigating life as an adult in this clown world has been extremely hard. I still can’t believe I live in fucking North Dakota. Our first two winters here have been the most brutal I have ever experienced. Boy, I thought I had SAD when I lived on the east coast but it sure is worse here. We hate living in a red state, but at least we live in the biggest city that is the most progressive.
My job as an admission counselor has been rewarding, difficult, draining, fun, and now mixed with frustration and disappointment. Our education system is a complete dumpster fire. Our incoming students and current students are having mental health crises every fucking day. It tears me apart sometimes to think that I am promising students a future I can’t guarantee with how the world is right now and where it’s going. In a week of traveling, I can drive over a thousand miles and spend over 30 hours in a car. There are high expectations and pressure to bring in first-year students because they are the true cash cows and there’s been a national decrease in enrollment across all institutions. The people I work with have been genuinely great people and are the best parts of the job sometimes. But the pay is absolute shit, and that coupled with rising greedflation and my outrageous private student loan debt feels like it’s crushing me. I don’t know how much longer I can take.
I recently applied for another job within my office that pays 10k more, and I know deserve something insanely better, but it would have been a good transition point and actually allow me to save money to move, and to get an EdTech job that is remote. I was denied this new job, the other candidate had “years of direct marketing experience” where I didn’t, but I had almost 2 years of experience in my office. I’ve shown them consistently that I have strong project management skills and organization for handling all of the texting/calling campaigns we do for students which was another part of this new job. It was handling all of the communications for print/emails (project management) and the job description didn’t even place a strong emphasis on design or marketing. But that’s what they went for in the other candidate. A white man. He wore a fucking flannel to the interview. If he didn’t have an awesome portfolio to present and he doesn’t bring the “wow” factor to this job, I’m going to be even more pissed.
And you know what also makes me mad. Last year around this time, we were actively hiring for another admission counselor position, and I was on that search committee. We were down to two choices, someone with 14 years of experience, and another person who interviewed so strongly but only had previous tour guide experience in terms of higher ed experience. We asked our supervisor if we could choose the person with less experience and she said that she would support that. We offered the position to the person with less experience but they eventually declined because the salary was so low (which we did advertise the salary??). So for this position I wanted, why would they not elevate another person in their office who has worked so fucking hard and has gone above and beyond for this position, and knows this office and best practices. So why does years of direct of experience matter now?
I cried for like the whole day. People in my office were rooting for me to have this job. The woman who previously had this job, she came from my position before that and didn’t even have a master’s. I cried because I felt trapped in this job, mainly due to capitalism. I cried because I felt so betrayed and underestimated. My direct supervisor was the chair for the search committee, and I know she doesn’t want to lose me as a counselor. Our director told me that my supervisor “adores” me, and that I consistently come up in their conversations about how I do great work and I get shit done. My director said she was excited that I applied and hoped they chose me, so I went into my final interview feeling very confident because she had already met the other two candidates before me.
When my supervisor called me to tell me the news (she was a at a conference), she started out saying that she appreciated me so much and that the other candidate would let them go in another direction that they didn’t even know they could go. I couldn’t speak. My voice cracked and I said thank you for letting me know and we ended the conversation. She followed up with a message on Microsoft Teams saying she appreciated me again and would like to help me build my skills to get me a job in EdTech, which is what I ultimately want. And I wonder if this response is because I low-key indicated to my director (because she flat out asked me) if I would leave if I didn’t get this job and I said yes. I don’t think my supervisor realizes how immediate I want (more like need) to leave.
I went home early crying after spending the entire week, waiting for the call, with extreme brain pain (psychophysiological disorder) symptoms and upset stomach to where I couldn’t eat because I was so stressed. Essentially, my nervous system thinks I’m in “danger” when thinking about travel season so it sends me unpleasant physical symptoms, like nerve pain in my face and muscle aches and nausea to where it gets debilitating at times. And travel season is both Fall and Spring. This past spring, I had to drive on icy back roads to rural parts of ND where my phone service does not work at times and once my tire starting leaking because it had a screw in it. I had a lowkey panic attack because I didn’t know what to do and needed to go to small town (population of 207) to get it patched. I was raped on a back road in a car with a man I thought I could trust when I was 20 so being out in the middle of nowhere gives me so much fucking anxiety. I’m stressed at the thought of college fairs starting in less than 2 months.
Stressed because I can’t do this fucking job anymore. The thought of being in this job for another travel season, like 6 weeks or more on and off of traveling start mid-September through November. And what’s worse is that we get “reimbursed” for our meals that we are out on the road but because North Dakota is North Dakota, I only get reimbursed up to $35 dollars a day meanwhile my coworkers traveling within MN can get up to $70 per day. So, when I travel, I have to be as frugal as possible and still lose money because I only get $6.50 for breakfast (unless I’m at a hotel and they have breakfast), 10.50 for lunch, and 17.50 for dinner. It was fine when I first started out but because of greedflation, it’s so much harder.
My student loan payments are like $700 dollars a month, and even though I have three fucking degrees, I’m stuck at an entry level pay despite having an MS degree. The pay across campus is abysmal. The pay for people with advance degrees is absolute shit. They advertised a mental health counselor position here which required a master’s or above and a license in counseling or social work for 43k. Like WHAT. That is what was offered to me when I started. I can’t save money long-term to get out of this fucking state, and we can’t even pay to go on a mini-vacation for a weekend trip. I had to tell my best friend from high school that I couldn’t go to her very fancy wedding on Cape Cod because there’s no way I can even save for myself. And I don’t think she will ever understand what its like to financially struggle and it feels like she lowkey resents me for it, and it makes me feel alone knowing she could never understand since both her and her husband come from a family with money. I worry she thinks I am just dumb as hell and not responsible with money but I can’t save for fucking anything. 
And my god, it could be so much worse. I know this, and am grateful for what we do have but it feels like we have very little to look forward to, and we pretty much can only spend what we need and not for things we want long-term. My family was exactly middle-class and moved into upper-middle class by the time I was in late high school, so it’s brought me more perspective. We are what they call “new poor” - we are one unexpected medical bill/car repair bill away from financial insecurity. I never had to worry about things like this before, I grew up blessed, and I know this. I try to give what I can when I can to my community and family and friends in need.
I tried to pick up a second job at really, really cool brewery but the shifts are so long (6-8 hours) and I sprained my knee on the job which led to my entire back seizing up two days before my birthday a few months ago. The worst birthday I’ve ever experienced. When my back spasmed, I couldn’t walk for three days. I cried the entire time almost. The first day it happened I screamed in pain with every little movement, like so much so Emily worried the cops would be called. Emily had to do everything for me – help me shower, eat, go the bathroom and she cared for me so well. I am so blessed and lucky to have her. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. I had to go back to physical therapy and that was expensive also because health insurance is a fucking scam. It took me about a month to get to 60% okay.
I couldn’t work at the brewery for months and the money from there was so good because it’s an insanely huge operation so now I’m back in the same position now, and don’t know if I can physically keep up with the work. They work their employees so hard, not in a bad way necessarily, it’s just the nature of it because it’s in the top 10 breweries on untapped or whatever. I don’t think I can physically handle more than one or two shifts a month, but I’m afraid to work a whole shift again.
My health is not great. My desk job already has me gaining weight paired with PCOS that feels like it’s out of control, and my body hurts from sitting all day. My face is constantly breaking out from hormonal acne, I’m sure it’s been from all the stress I’ve been under too, but also because everything in this fucking world is harmful to us in one way or another. I’m not at the highest weight I’ve ever been but close to 20 pounds extra since I moved here. Its just so hard to find time and energy to workout because I have so little of both. Especially when I’m traveling, and it’s harder because the cheapest food when I’m out on the road is fast food so there’s not a lot of options to be healthy, especially in fucking ND. I think the only healthy/salad bowl kind of place is in the city we are in and the capital of ND and that’s it lol and its also more expensive. Driving for hours and hours is so exhausting. So. my mental health and self-image have been suffering from all of that too.  
But it feels like we are stuck in this city that is filled with terrible drivers and roads, and these brutal winters. The winters wouldn’t be so bad if the city actually maintained the roads better but every other week it feels like we are risking our lives to go to fucking work. I’ve had to drive through blizzards when I’ve never had any winter driving experience before. I’ve had an entire panic attack/mental breakdown on the interstate here that was completely iced over for 75 miles and I needed to get to the other side of the state for a fucking career fair for work. There were cars in ditches, and another fucking blizzard on the way after receiving well over a foot of snow in some parts of ND. If we weren’t visiting Em’s parents in the same town, and if she didn’t take over and drive on the icy parts for me, we would have never made it. I would have been paralyzed in fear at a truck stop without her, and she really showed up for me that day.
Spring and Fall both lasted maybe 3 weeks before it was either hot or cold season which seems to be all that ND has. Spring used to be my favorite season, but here the flowers don’t bloom until late May and its just mud and rain. Its depressing as hell. At least the summers have been mild in comparison to the disgustingly humid summers MD/VA have. When we do get a few really humid/hot days everyone complains so much and its funny to me because that’s basically any day in the summer on the east coast. It wouldn’t be so bad if our apartment ac unit actually fucking cooled our apartment below 72 degrees on a consistent basis. When its extremely hot and humid here, our apartment has gone up to 79 degrees if we do any sort of cooking or baking. It takes days to cool down, even with extra fans.
The city we live in does have a cool community and lots awesome local businesses. That’s been a saving grace. They do a lot of farmer’s markets, vintage markets, community/mutual aid events. If the world ever completely collapsed (which I feel is inevitable), I would feel pretty safe here and secure knowing the community is full of genuine and resourceful people. It’s a very safe and cheap city to live in because nobody wants to live in these winters. But we have no real friends here. We have our work friends who are just that, and it’s incredibly disappointing. We are both introverts but crave deeper connections with others, even if its only a few. One of the hardest lessons I have ever had to learn, and still learning, are that friends are like the seasons – they come and go.
I miss my family. I miss those summer days where I would wake up late, and my brother’s family would come over to swim. The dogs would be playing, and my niece and nephew being silly. My dad would grill and my mom would make a bunch of sides and we’d eat outside on the deck together. No plans except to go play a silly little video game by myself or with some people later that night after going for a walk or a run in my neighborhood in the woods. I miss sitting out in my driveway under the stars and trees with a good playlist, smoking a bowl, and reading about aliens. I miss my niece and nephew coming over every Tuesday and the house being so crazy with them but never a dull moment. I didn’t think I would miss that so much. My brothers can be assholes (my older brother more so), but it was nice when we were all getting along.
My relationship with my parents has gotten better as I’ve gotten older but they still can’t give me the emotional support that I need. Emily’s mom has been more emotionally supportive. My parents never ask me how I’m doing, just what I’m doing. I wish they would come visit me but I don’t think they ever will. They wouldn’t even fly me or Emily out for Christmas even though they have more than enough money to do so. They’ve been going on 10-day vacations in Jamaica at fucking Sandals, and doing weekend trips all over the east coast. But seeing me is not enough of a reason to fly here. 
They keep telling me how much they miss me and want me to move back but then don’t do anything to help me do that. They said they would help us move if I got a job on the east coast but don’t care that I’m drowning in student debt.  They disappoint me still and it feels like I have to grieve my relationship with them of what I need versus what they give me. It’s been that way my entire life. I know that they will never apologize for the things that they did while growing up. It’s a sad thing to come to terms with.
Another thing I have had to come to terms with is my purpose in this world, I guess. When I was 18, I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to help people in some capacity. When I was 21, I had this grandiose idea and plans for how I could do that and save the world. When I was 24, I wanted to be a recreational therapist and create a holistic community center. When I was 25, I had started a master’s degree in Higher Education because I wanted to be a graduate assistant to a unique women’s college program within my university, which I worked hard to desperately create a safe space for young women, but the university didn’t give an actual shit about it. I didn’t think I would end up in higher education but here I am.
This is not where I expected myself to be at all, but I really did enjoy working with my students. So, I stayed in it. I finished my degree. And now I feel “stuck” in an education system that is very much a fucking dumpster fire. I’m feeling burnt out, I guess. It’s wrecking my mental and physical health. My nervous system is on high alert all the time, I think. I feel like I can never get enough time to actually rest and recover.
I’ve also had to re-evaluate my “purpose”. I’m an extremely spiritual person and have very much moved away from New Age completely but very interested in paganism or Mother Earth spirituality. I used to think that I had to have this grandiose purpose to change the world, but I recognize that the most important change comes from the self and extending that out to your community. Small acts of kindness can go a long way and encourage others to do the same, creating a chain reaction. But where exactly does that leave me?
Part of me wants to go to another university because of the “prestige” around it, but every institution has its own problems and is still within America’s education system that is a fucking shit show. I’m so concerned about how others see me sometimes, especially in professional sense. I felt like I was a late bloomer in all things because it took me 6 years to get my bachelor’s, but I also had a complete thyroidectomy after struggling with severe symptoms from it, and then being raped 3 months after the surgery. I was academically suspended for a year after my surgery and SA because my GPA was so low. There are so many people from that period of time who wrote me off as a dumb stoner and had no idea I was abusing weed because of trauma. Even my ex-girlfriend and her friends just thought I was a dumb stoner.
So, I guess I feel the need to “prove” that I am more than what they assumed me to be. I thought that I needed to be so career-driven to change the world and I am starting to understand that having that mindset is not a healthy way to live and will lead to self-destruction and burnout. I never thought I would hate my current job as much as I do. And I’m realizing that I don’t necessarily hate the work, but rather the expectations and circumstances surrounding it. I could stick out this job longer if I was paid more but it feels like I am running out of time to find something different before travel season starts again.
I’ve essentially quiet quit at this point. I feel like I have to detach myself from everyone because it hurts that I’m going to have to leave some of the people in my office, and I would go to bat for them at any time. I’ll be doing just above the bare minimum, and will not be volunteering as often to do extra things any more. A coworker of mine just got placed into her dream job and I’m so excited for her, but her leaving also gives us more work to cover. Another reason why I need to leave. And if I can leave before travel season, I feel a little guilty leaving during an important peak time, but they put me in this position. 
I can’t do it. I won’t if I don’t have to. And if September comes, and I am still searching for a job, I will do the college fairs with the goal of leaving before October. They could have given me the other position and I would have grown into it, and worked extremely hard to exceed their expectations and they could have arranged to have a new admission counselor in my position by the time college fair season started. But they made their choice. I need to make mine now.
But now I feel like I have to redefine what work means to me. Fuck the system. I can make my own path. I can change the world without a grandiose career. Its okay to just show up to work and then live your life. And so, I hope that my next job is in EdTech (and remote) that can give me financial freedom and security because that’s what it really all comes down to. I want a “lazy girl” job. A job that I feel good about and is not as emotionally/physically demanding so that I have the money to help others and do what I want. I just want to live a comfortable life, and one where I am not always worrying about money.
So, in order to get that, I think I need to release all of this. It’s been holding me back. I deserve a job that pays me well, and lets me live the life I want. A job that lets me help my friends and families, and give back to my community. I don’t have to bear the burden of being in a career that is glorified for how much you give and destroy yourself for it. I can’t imagine what k-12 teachers feel every day.
I think the next piece is letting go. Doing a trust fall for Mother Goddess to catch me and deliver me to my next opportunity. Trusting that the perfect job is on its way to me, and I won’t miss out on something that is for me. I deserve a job that gives me a better work-life balance. That I don’t feel like I am killing myself to survive. I have the money to live how I want, and all of the time and energy I have for other things is abundant.
I get so caught up worrying about making the right or wrong choice, or missing out on a job posting. I get caught up thinking that I’m not quite enough – I don’t have quite enough experience or direct experience or the right degrees. I get caught up with thinking about the cost of living in other states and what I can’t do or where we can’t move to. What if I’m meant to focus on the good, and all of the possibilities and different lives of Kylie. The possible exciting adventures in store for me.
Its reminiscent to how I felt when I couldn’t find a job after my graduate assistantship. I was stressing over every little thing. And then I finally just surrendered. That’s what it felt like after my huge disappointment with Bryn Mawr College and they decided not to hire me but not long after that I was offered my current job. And how I felt after running into my ex at a grocery store and having a panic attack and obsessing over how I’m going to meet my love and what I do or don’t do that could lead me to missing that connection. I eventually had to acknowledge and say that I surrender to the wonderful mystery that is the Universe. About two weeks of recognizing my need to let go of control, I met my Emily.
The catalyst this time is not getting this position within my office. It was a devastating disappointment. I’m still trying to reconcile that. But it has also opened me up to the fact that I do deserve something insanely better - better pay, better benefits, better work-life balance. I know my worth. And while I feel betrayed that I wasn’t picked for this position, I don’t need to punish myself or the people in my office for it. I do still feel a hint of resentment towards my supervisor, but she’ll understand the choice she made when I get offered my next job.
At first, I wanted to sulk. I wanted to quiet quit as loudly as possible. But now I see that I need to cherish my time with everyone. I want them to miss having me. I want to leave the office on good terms. But I want people to know that they lost my loyalty as well. I want people to think that they wish I was still there because of all the light and humor I brought. So. I will not be jumping at every opportunity to volunteer extra time and energy towards things. I will not be half-assing this job completely, but I will not be going above and beyond as often anymore either.
I am still incredibly sad and frustrated at this disappointment, but I see it was necessary and its time for me to move on, as scary as it seems. I will miss these people so much. So now I need to let go. Trust fall. Mother Goddess, A-team, I trust that the perfect job will find its way to me and will bring about the most exciting and best chapters of my life. Thank you for this.
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shyfungiver · 2 years
What are the various education boards are there in India?
India has many educational boards, some of which have been around for a very long period. Each Board has its own approaches to curriculum, instruction, and exam administration that support students' entire growth. Parents frequently struggle to choose the best education board for their kids. You can find out everything you need to know about the many Indian educational boards in this post.
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Different Education Boards in India:
State Boards
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE)
International Baccalaureate (IB)
International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
State Boards
Every State has its own State Boards, which adhere to its own syllabus and ranking standards. The main education boards in India each have their own educational strategies, which results in differences in the curricula from one state to the next. It places a focus on regionally relevant topics and local content that enables students to prepare for state-level engineering and medical admission exams. In comparison to numerous other boards, the syllabus is often restricted. Regional heritage and languages have a significant part in the curriculum. Recent state board directives mandated that all schools use only NCERT textbooks, which are crucial for students preparing for all-India exams.
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
One of India's most renowned and possibly most well-known education boards is the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Since it relates to establishing traditional teaching frameworks for most schools across the country, CBSE has succeeded in doing this. Numerous private and public schools across subscribe to this national level board. Exams are given by the Board to both regular and private students. Candidates who are interested in remote learning can register for admissions and apply for evaluations. After the tenth grade, CBSE offers its students a variety of courses in the humanities, sciences, and business. Students can submit applications to numerous universities for higher education after graduating from class twelve.
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE)
In India, a private education board of administers the Indian School Certificate Examination. The purpose of this board is to offer an English-medium general education examination in compliance with the New Education Policy 1986 (India) recommendations. Candidates who plan to take the exam must complete one to three papers in each of six disciplines. Consequently, depending on the disciplines, there are eight to eleven papers in total. Results for the ICSE exam only consider the top five topics. But English marks are always required and inclusive.
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IB School
With its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, the International Baccalaureate (IB) is a privately run global educational foundation. It offers three main programmes: a primary year programme for students in grades KG through 5, a middle year programme for students in grades 6 through 10, and a diploma programme for students in grades 11 and 12. The 144 nations where this board is offered have around 3500 schools on it. Without having to take several additional tests, the IB board assists pupils in applying to overseas universities. Students are taught analytical abilities, language, the arts, and humanities in its curricula. To prevent a fragmented approach, the disciplines are taught in this setting in an integrated manner. Typically, parents who intend to relocate overseas favour IB.
International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
Students can prepare for the International Baccalaureate and Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) A-level through the private, internationally accepted International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) programme. There are essentially four exam types: Cambridge Primary for students in the fifth through eleventh grades, Cambridge Secondary 1 and Cambridge Secondary 2 for students in the twelveth through sixteenth grades. It provides students with two pathways: Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge O Level, as well as Cambridge Additional for students between the ages of 16 and 19 who need advanced study to get ready for college and higher education. Students then have the option of enrolling in Cambridge Pre-U or Cambridge International AS and A Level. The tests are administered by the University of Cambridge International Examinations, and this board has members in 120 nations.
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), which was founded in 1989, is a government-run open school that enables students to study online or even restart their education if there has been a lapse in their studies. This board's main objective is to improve distant communities' access to education. Open Basic Education (OBE) includes classes 3 through 8 in the primary grades. Basic math, environmental science, and computer abilities are all covered here. At least five subjects and a language must be taken from each of the two basic groupings for grade 10. In grade 12, there are additional alternatives available in the humanities, sciences, and business. Then, the students choose one or two from each of the five groups that were created.
Students today in India have a variety of education boards to pick from while choosing a curriculum. It can be challenging to find the right education board in India, though. Choosing the best curriculum may be one of your many alternatives, but you also need to consider several other factors, such as the extracurricular activities that are given, the cost, and the future aspirations of your children. I recommend the Soundarya School in Bangalore, which offers both CBSE and state board education along with excellent other facilities that can assist your child develop more fully. We sincerely hope that our advice on selecting the best education board for your child helped you.
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studyvisa · 12 days
Study in Australia - Australia study visa Consultant in Chandigarh
Planning to Study in Australia? Unitrack Overseas is the best Australia student visa consultant. Best consultant for an Australia study visa.
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Comprehensive Guide to Providing Proof of Funds for Student Visa Applications
Many people have the goal of studying abroad because it provides wonderful chances for both academic and personal development. As someone who wants to study abroad, you have to be aware of the numerous requirements and paperwork involved with relocating for higher education.
The process of applying for a university or a visa is complex and time-consuming. However, this is more than just completing various types of paperwork. In many of the countries where students want to study or apply for visas, they need to have proper knowledge about the finances that they need to have a positive impact on their visa outcomes. This demonstrates that the student has sufficient funds to cover both their tuition fee and living expenses.
Let’s examine the numerous reasons why this becomes crucial.
Understanding the Necessity of Proof of Funds for a Student Visa
There are several reasons why proof of funds is required.
First of all, it guarantees that students may sustain themselves financially without depending entirely on part-time employment, allowing them to continue concentrating on their academics.
In addition, it serves as a precaution against possible instances of financial difficulty or even homelessness among international students.
Finally, it gives Immigration Authorities confidence that students can pay their fees and won’t be a drain on the resources of the host nation.
This post will examine the financial needs of some of the top study abroad locations worldwide, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and numerous European and Asian nations.
Essential Financial Documentation for Top Study Destinations
USA: US$ 40,000–US$ 80,000 or More. (It might change based on living expenses and first-year tuition fees.)
UK: £24,167 for courses outer the London and £27,808 for courses inner London each year.
(These are only estimates; if tuition costs increase, they may differ.)
Canada: $38,635 annually (Including GIC and tuition fees)
Australia: Between AUS$65,000 and AUS$75,000 annually
New Zealand: $45,000 to $67,000 annually
Financial Proof for Living Costs in European Study Destinations
Ireland – €10,000 per year
Germany – €11,208 for one year
Finland – €590 per month for one year
France – €615 per month
Spain – €600 per month
Malta – €778 per month
Cyprus – €859 per month
Asian study destination
Singapore- S$ 16,400 – S$ 45,000 per year
Valid Approaches for Demonstrating Necessary Funds
When requesting a visa, international students can demonstrate their financial stability in a number of ways. Among these are the following options:
Bank Statements: If you choose to self-fund, you may submit bank statements attesting to the existence of enough money in your savings account. It’s also crucial to remember that this money must be easily accessible and unrestricted by investments or other assets, in accordance with the Visa requirements of the majority of study destinations.
Scholarships: Proof of scholarships or grants from governmental agencies, nonprofits, or educational institutions is also accepted. Immigration authorities will cross-verify your scholarship letter because they occasionally pay for living expenses and tuition fees.
Sponsorship: In order to contribute the money needed for your student visa, parents or legal guardians may serve as official sponsors. They will need to present their bank statements, which acts as a proof that they can afford the living expenses and course fees.
Education Loans: Visa officers will accept confirmation from accredited financial institutions when they give assurance that education loan has been approved. However, the requirements for secured and unsecured loans vary depending on the study location. Therefore, make sure the loan terms match where you want to study.
Although these choices are provided in a broad sense, you should confirm that they are appropriate for the study location you have narrowed down.
Why is proof of funds necessary for a student visa?
Proof of funds is required to:
Ensure students can support themselves financially without relying solely on part-time work.
Prevent financial difficulties or homelessness among international students.
Provide confidence to Immigration Authorities that students can pay their fees and won’t be a burden on the host country’s resources.
What are the estimated financial requirements for studying in popular destinations?
USA: US$ 40,000–US$ 80,000 annually.
UK: £24,167 (for courses outer London; £27,808 )
Canada: $38,635 annually.
Australia: AUS$65,000–AUS$75,000 annually.
New Zealand: $45,000–$67,000 annually.
What are the valid methods for demonstrating the necessary funds?
Bank Statements: Showing sufficient funds in a savings account.
Scholarships: Proof of scholarships or grants from government agencies, nonprofits, or educational institutions.
Sponsorship: Parents or legal guardians can act as official sponsors by providing their bank statements.
Education Loans: Confirmation from accredited financial institutions that an education loan has been approved.
What should I consider when using bank statements as proof of funds?
Ensure that the funds are easily accessible and not restricted by investments or other assets, in accordance with visa requirements of most study destinations.
Can my parents or guardians sponsor me for my student visa?
Yes, parents or legal guardians can act as official sponsors by providing their bank statements to show they can afford your living expenses and course fees.
What should I know about using education loans as proof of funds?
Visa officers accept confirmation from accredited financial institutions that an education loan has been approved. Requirements for secured and unsecured loans vary depending on the study location, so ensure the loan terms match your destination.
How can Unitrack Overseas assist with the student visa application process?
Unitrack Overseas offers comprehensive end-to-end support, including personalized assistance with visa requirements, financials, and university application process.
How can I get in touch with Unitrack Overseas for assistance?
Contact Unitrack Overseas Chandigarh for detailed guidance and support. Their experts can help simplify and expedite the study abroad application process for the upcoming intakes.
In summary, the following are the current and pertinent numbers about the financial requirements for student visas. Therefore, to guarantee a seamless and successful visa application process, it is imperative that you meet the financial requirements stipulated by the destination country, regardless of the study destination you choose. We hope that after reading through and meeting the proof of funds requirements, you will be ready to start your international education journey.
It can be time-consuming to figure it out, but what if we told you that Unitrack Overseas offers applicants like you comprehensive end-to-end support? You read correctly! Our experts offer personalized assistance and detailed guidance on visa requirements and financial documentation, in addition to helping with the university application process. Your loan funding is also taken care of with Unitrack Overseas Chandigarh.
Thorough planning and preparation are essential before embarking on a journey to pursue higher education overseas. Thus, you can get assistance from our Country Experts to expedite and simplify the procedure.
As one of the best study visa consultants, Unitrack Overseas is here to help you every step of the way. For the upcoming intakes, get in touch with our team right now and start your study abroad application with the top visa consultant!
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How to get Education Loan for Higher Education in Rajasthan
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Education Loan for Engineering
The cost of education is continuously increasing. If you want to pursue and course without a burden on your parents, or you are not capable to pay your higher education fees then you can apply for an education loan. If you want to take an education loan then you should complete your qualification process.
Some are the greatest Educational institutes of the nation are established in Jaipur, including ACEIT (Arya College of Engineering & IT best engineering college in Jaipur) and others. You can get an education loan through the State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Allahabad Bank, Bank of India, Oriental Bank of Commerce, Bank of Baroda, Syndicate Bank, Union Bank, Central Bank, and Rajasthan Gramin Bank.
If your profile is strong and clear then some private and government banks can give your loan at the minimal interest rate.
Localized Impact
With the exception of a few rural locations in Rajasthan due to their accessibility issues and other factors, most of the city's regions are eligible for education loans. Although some banks may restrict their service to an area around their headquarters, don't worry; you can easily get an education loan in Jaipur.
Coverage & Eligibility
The costs covered by college loans include:
 Fees due to the school, college, or hostel.
 Laboratory, library, and exam expenses.
 Equipment, books, instruments, and uniform purchases.
 The purchase of a computer or laptop if necessary for the course to be completed.
 Travel and/or passage costs for international study.
 Eligibility requirements:
The borrower must be an Indian national.
Prior to disbursement, he or she must have obtained admission to the college.
 However, the bank alone has the last say over loan approval and distribution, and this right is entirely held for the bank.
Finance for Education in Jaipur
Arya College Jaipur and some other Engineering Colleges are established in Jaipur. To provide educational loans to incapable students, colleges make tie-ups with some banks. In Arya College, if you want to get an education loan then some banks are available for you like State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Bank of India, Allahabad Bank, Bank of Baroda, Union Bank of India, Oriental Bank of Commerce, Syndicate Bank, Central Bank, Rajasthan Gramin Bank, etc.
Source: Click Here
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manasastuff-blog · 1 month
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When it comes to preparing for the National Defence Academy (NDA) entrance exam, choosing the right coaching institute is crucial. In Andhra Pradesh, students are fortunate to have access to several quality institutions, but one stands out among the rest: Manasa Defence Academy. Their tailored programs and dedicated instructors provide students with an excellent foundation to succeed in this competitive field.
Manasa Defence Academy: Providing the Best Training to Students Located in Andhra Pradesh, Manasa Defence Academy has earned a well-deserved reputation for being one of the best institutes for NDA coaching. But what makes them so special? Let’s explore some of the key features that set them apart.
Experienced Faculty At Manasa Defence Academy, the faculty plays a vital role in shaping students' futures. The instructors are not only well-versed in the subjects they teach, but many have firsthand experience in the defence services. Their insights and guidance help students navigate the often-challenging curriculum effectively.
Quote: “The teachers here are like guides who make the entire journey enjoyable and informative.” - A satisfied student
Comprehensive Curriculum The training offered at Manasa Defence Academy is designed to cover all aspects of the NDA exam. From Mathematics to General Knowledge, the curriculum is comprehensive. The academy ensures that students receive well-rounded preparation through:
Regular classes
Mock tests to assess progress
Group discussions to build teamwork and communication skills
This blend of theoretical and practical learning helps students feel confident as they approach the exam.
Personal Attention to Students One of the hallmarks of Manasa Defence Academy is their commitment to providing personal attention to every student. In smaller class sizes, teachers can focus on individual strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to offer targeted support. This is especially helpful for students who may need a little extra help in particular subjects.
State-of-the-Art Facilities Understanding that a comfortable learning environment is essential for education, Manasa Defence Academy boasts modern facilities. With well-equipped classrooms and libraries, students have access to all the resources they need to excel.
Successful Track Record Success speaks volumes, and Manasa Defence Academy has a strong track record of students who have qualified for the NDA exam. Alumni often share their success stories, which not only inspire current students but also reflect the effectiveness of the training methods employed by the academy.
Many students have reported higher success rates compared to other institutes.
Regular feedback sessions help improve overall performance and strategy adjustments.
Focus on Physical Fitness Preparation for the NDA isn’t just about academics; physical fitness is equally important. Manasa Defence Academy integrates physical training into its routine. They conduct regular sports sessions, and physical fitness tests, ensuring that students are fit and ready for the rigorous demands of the NDA training.
Conclusion Choosing the best institute for NDA coaching in Andhra Pradesh can make a significant difference in achieving your goals. Manasa Defence Academy stands out for its dedicated faculty, comprehensive curriculum, and commitment to student success. If you are serious about a career in the defence services, this academy could be your gateway to success.
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alankitattestation · 2 months
Employment Certificate Attestation in Delhi
Navigating the complex world of document attestation can be a daunting task, especially when it involves crucial documents like employment certificates. Whether you are seeking employment abroad, applying for higher studies, or planning to settle in a foreign country, attestation of your employment certificate is a vital step. This process ensures that your document is genuine and accepted by foreign authorities. In this blog, we will guide you through the essentials of employment certificate attestation in Delhi and why Alankit Attestation is your best choice for a hassle-free experience.
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What is Employment Certificate Attestation?
Employment certificate attestation is the process of verifying the authenticity of your employment certificate by a series of official authorities. This process involves multiple stages, including attestation by the Notary, Home Department, Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), and the respective embassy of the country you are planning to visit.
Why is Employment Certificate Attestation Important?
Verification of Authenticity: Ensures that your document is genuine and not forged.
Legalization: Makes your document legally valid and accepted in the foreign country.
Eligibility for Employment or Further Studies: Required by employers or educational institutions abroad to validate your previous work experience.
The Process of Employment Certificate Attestation in Delhi
Notary Attestation: The first step is to get your employment certificate attested by a Notary. This verifies that the document is authentic.
Home Department Attestation: After notarization, the document needs to be attested by the Home Department of the respective state. In Delhi, this step ensures that the document is valid and genuine.
MEA Attestation: The Ministry of External Affairs then attests the document, further validating its authenticity for use abroad.
Embassy Attestation: Finally, the respective embassy of the country where the document will be used attests the employment certificate.
Why Choose Alankit Attestation for Employment Certificate Attestation in Delhi?
Navigating the attestation process can be overwhelming, but with Alankit Attestation, you can be assured of a seamless and efficient experience. Here’s why Alankit Attestation stands out as the best option for employment certificate attestation in Delhi:
Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in the field, Alankit Attestation has a deep understanding of the attestation process and requirements.
Efficient and Time-Saving: Our team ensures that your documents are processed swiftly and efficiently, saving you valuable time.
Transparent and Reliable: We provide transparent services with no hidden charges, ensuring reliability and trust.
End-to-End Services: From document collection to delivery, we handle the entire process, providing you with complete peace of mind.
Customer Support: Our dedicated customer support team is always available to assist you with any queries or concerns.
How to Get Started with Alankit Attestation?
Getting your employment certificate attested is just a few clicks away. Visit our website Alankit Attestation to learn more about our services and initiate the attestation process. Our user-friendly platform makes it easy to submit your documents and track their status.
Employment certificate attestation is a critical step for anyone planning to work or study abroad. By choosing Alankit Attestation, you are opting for a reliable and efficient service provider that ensures your documents are authenticated without any hassle. Trust us to handle your attestation needs while you focus on your future endeavors.
For more information and to start your attestation process, visit Alankit Attestation today!
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komal7676 · 3 months
MBBS Fees in Uttar Pradesh: Explore Costs at Santosh Medical College
Are you considering a career in medicine and wondering about the MBBS fees in Uttar Pradesh? Let's dive into what you need to know! Understanding the costs associated with pursuing an MBBS degree is crucial, especially if you're eyeing top institutions like Santosh Medical College Ghaziabad.
Understanding MBBS Fees in Uttar Pradesh
In Uttar Pradesh, MBBS fees in Uttar Pradesh can vary widely depending on whether you choose a government or a private medical college. Government colleges generally offer lower fees, making them more accessible for many students. For instance, in a government medical college, the annual fees can range from INR 10,000 to INR 50,000. This affordability can be a significant relief for students and their families.
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However, private colleges, while often more expensive, provide additional facilities and opportunities. These colleges can charge anywhere from INR 3 lakhs to INR 20 lakhs per year. But don't let these figures scare you! Many private colleges also offer scholarships and financial aid to help students manage these costs.
Focus on Santosh Medical College Ghaziabad
One of the renowned private medical colleges in Uttar Pradesh is Santosh Medical College Ghaziabad. If you are considering this college, you might be curious about its fees and what makes it a great choice.
At Santosh Medical College Ghaziabad, the MBBS program is designed to provide top-notch medical education with a focus on practical experience and research. The annual MBBS fees in Uttar Pradesh at this college are higher compared to government institutions. For Santosh Medical College, the fees are approximately INR 24 lakhs for the entire course. This may seem like a lot, but the college offers a well-rounded educational environment, with state-of-the-art facilities and experienced faculty.
Why Choose Santosh Medical College Ghaziabad?
Choosing the right medical college is not just about the fees; it's also about the quality of education, the facilities, and the opportunities you will receive. Santosh Medical College Ghaziabad is known for its excellent infrastructure, including modern labs, a well-equipped library, and opportunities for clinical practice in affiliated hospitals.
The college also provides various extracurricular activities and support services to ensure students have a balanced and enriching experience. Whether you're interested in research, sports, or community service, you'll find opportunities to explore and grow.
Financial Planning and Scholarships
Managing the MBBS fees in Uttar Pradesh, especially at a private institution like Santosh Medical College Ghaziabad, requires careful planning. Start by exploring scholarship options offered by the college and external organizations. Many scholarships are based on merit, need, or specific criteria such as community service or leadership.
Additionally, consider education loans. Many banks offer student loans with flexible repayment options tailored for medical students. Remember, investing in your education is investing in your future, and with proper financial planning, you can achieve your dream of becoming a doctor.
Final Thoughts
Understanding the MBBS fees in Uttar Pradesh and at specific colleges like Santosh Medical College Ghaziabad is a crucial step in your journey towards a medical career. While the fees can vary, there are numerous ways to manage and plan for these costs. Take the time to research, compare, and choose the college that best fits your budget and career aspirations.
Always keep in mind that the value of a quality education and the opportunities it brings can far outweigh the costs. So, start planning today, explore your options, and take a step closer to your dream of becoming a doctor.
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certifydelhi · 4 months
Attestation Services For Abroad Studies
Attestation Services For Abroad Studies | Educational Attestation Services 
Attestation services for abroad studies. Educational Attestation services by Genuine Attestation. We provide the best attestation services at the best price and the best quality.
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The increasing trend of students seeking education overseas highlights the need to have the right paperwork. To ensure that educational diplomas are accepted by authorities and educational institutions abroad, attestation services are essential. This article seeks to provide students with the knowledge they need to successfully begin their educational journey overseas, from comprehending the significance of document attestation to navigating the nuances of various attestation standards across nations.
Introduction To The Abroad Studies
In a world growing more interconnected by the day, pursuing a higher education crosses national borders. Students who wish to pursue academic possibilities outside of their native countries face several obstacles, chief among which is the verification of their academic qualifications.
Education Attestation Services
In the modern, globalised world, students who want to extend their horizons and get a professional advantage are more and more likely to pursue higher education overseas. But in this endeavour, a crucial component that is frequently disregarded is the document attestation procedure. By confirming the legitimacy of academic qualifications and guaranteeing their acceptance in other nations, document attestation plays a crucial part in international education. 
Why Do You Need Attestation For International Study?
For students who intend to pursue their studies overseas, document attestation is an essential step in the admissions process. Candidates must provide a variety of papers to the necessary educational institutions, such as academic transcripts, degrees, certificates, and other pertinent documentation, whether applying for undergraduate programmes, postgraduate studies, or professional courses. However, these papers need to go through a stringent attestation process for foreign colleges to accept and recognise them.
Reason To Choose Attestation Services
Complying with foreign institutions' entrance standards is one of the main reasons why document attestation is essential for students hoping to study abroad. As part of the application process, the majority of educational institutions require candidates to provide authenticated copies of their academic transcripts. This is done to confirm the candidates' stated educational backgrounds and determine if they qualify for admission to the desired programmes. 
Furthermore, from the perspective of academic institutions, employers, and other pertinent stakeholders, attestation is crucial to proving the legitimacy and authenticity of educational qualifications. Students' dedication to honesty and openness is demonstrated by getting certified papers, which raises their reputation and reliability in the eyes of possible employers and educational institutions.
Benefits of Genuine Attestation As A Professional Attestation 
If someone has to verify their papers for any reason—including work, school, immigration, or legal issues—professional attestation services provide several advantages.
Expertise - Expert attestation firms have vast expertise and experience managing document authentication processes for many nations. Their proficiency in the distinct prerequisites and guidelines of diverse governmental and diplomatic entities guarantees that papers are handled effectively and precisely. 
Accessibility - By using expert attestation services, people may avoid navigating convoluted bureaucratic processes and interacting with several government departments or diplomatic missions. Alternatively, clients can depend on attestation specialists' experience to oversee the entire procedure on their behalf.
Accuracy - Expert attestation services guarantee adherence to the particular rules and specifications controlling document authenticity in various jurisdictions. They start the attestation process by carefully going over each document to make sure it is accurate, comprehensive, and follows the correct format.
Attestation services are crucial for students seeking education overseas, as they ensure the legitimacy of their academic qualifications and guarantee their acceptance by educational institutions. These services provide attestation services, such as academic transcripts, degrees, and certificates, to meet foreign institutions' entrance standards. They also demonstrate honesty and openness, raising students' reputation and reliability in the eyes of employers and educational institutions. Professional attestation services offer advantages such as expertise, accessibility, and accuracy, ensuring adherence to specific rules and specifications across various jurisdictions.
Visit - https://www.genuineattestationservices.com/
Email ID. - [email protected]
Contact No - +91-8130 050 988
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peachy-gemini · 4 months
I have made the decision to finish pursuing my master's of social work, returning to education after about a decade away.
As part of this venture, though, I unfortunately have to be subject to the financial burden of education in the United States. As a transgender person (as with other marginalized populations), this can come this can come with its own set of financial barriers -- and #TransgenderFirst wants me to write about why it's challenging for transgender students to afford and approach college to raise awareness of these issues as part of my entry for their scholarship. More below --
You're online with me here, so I have no doubt we have all seen the conversations surrounding transgender rights and visibility. It remains to be seen if being "visible" is, in fact, "progress". Transgender individuals continue to face systemic barriers - and accessing higher education is no exception. Transgender students encounter challenges in affording and pursuing higher education -- and I have some thoughts regarding those societal, economic, and institutional factors contributing to our marginalization, and hope to propose strategies for fostering inclusivity and equity within academic environments should you be privy to them.
Socioeconomic disparities are the most obvious to track; I'll refrain from finding specific statistics because, frankly, they're too depressing for me. Transgender individuals often encounter socioeconomic challenges that hinder our ability to afford rent and groceries, much less higher education. Discrimination and prejudice in employment settings frequently lead to job insecurity and financial instability, making the prospect of financing education daunting at best. If you want to look up information, I'm sure surveys such as the ones from the National Center for Transgender Equality will show more insight on how transgender individuals are more likely to live in poverty compared to the general population, should you want to see this in depth. Furthermore, familial rejection due to gender identity can result in houselessness or lack of needed social and financial support, further impeding access to resources necessary for pursuing higher education. Again, another instance of the statistics being depressing - regardless of gender identity, you're welcome to look up statistics regarding becoming unhoused. A high percentage of individuals who become unhoused before adulthood are significantly more likely to face continual financial and health issues throughout their entire lives.
Legal and policy frameworks also pose significant obstacles for transgender students seeking higher education. In many jurisdictions, transgender individuals face discrimination in housing, healthcare, and education due to inadequate legal protections. Without comprehensive anti-discrimination laws, transgender students encounter hostility and bias from peers, faculty, and administrators within academic institutions, creating unwelcoming environments that undermine their academic success. Additionally, limited access to gender-affirming healthcare and supportive services further compounds the challenges faced by transgender students, affecting their mental health and overall well-being. Additionally, internal academic policies play a role in many institutions and specific organizations, which I will discuss further by addressing overall campus climate.
The campus climate plays a pivotal role in shaping the educational experiences of all students, and transgender and gender non-conforming students face issues regarding their existence in greater numbers than our peers. Despite progress in LGBTQI+ advocacy, many academic institutions lack inclusive policies and practices that affirm transgender identities and address issues of discrimination and harassment. Transgender students frequently report feeling unsafe on campus, with high rates of verbal and physical violence targeting gender non-conforming individuals. The absence of gender-neutral facilities and inadequate support services further marginalize transgender students, contributing to feelings of isolation and alienation within academic spaces. Legal and policy restrictions often go into play with acceptance into certain institutions - the mixed bag of women's colleges are a prime example but also I won't go in depth. I know first hand that this was a fight from within those colleges to even address the acceptance of intersex individuals and transmisogyny-affected individuals, and that isn't even to address how trans women do not feel comfortable applying to these places in the first place due to the climate toward them.
The intersection of transgender identity and mental health presents significant challenges for academic success. Transgender students are disproportionately affected by mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and suicidality, often stemming from experiences of discrimination, stigma, and social exclusion. These mental health disparities not only impede academic performance but also diminish the overall quality of life for transgender students, hindering their ability to fully engage in their educational pursuits. Furthermore, the lack of culturally competent mental health services exacerbates these challenges, perpetuating a cycle of distress and academic underachievement.
It is essential to acknowledge that transgender students experience intersecting forms of marginalization based on race, ethnicity, class, disability, and other identities. Intersectionality shapes the unique experiences and vulnerabilities of transgender individuals within higher education, compounding the challenges they face in navigating institutional barriers and societal prejudices. For example, transgender students of color often face compounded discrimination and violence, further limiting their access to educational opportunities and resources. Intersectional approaches to addressing the needs of transgender students are crucial for promoting equity and inclusivity within higher education.
Addressing the challenges faced by transgender students in higher education requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses policy reform, institutional change, and community engagement. First and foremost, academic institutions must implement comprehensive anti-discrimination policies that explicitly protect transgender students from harassment and discrimination. This includes training faculty and staff on LGBTQ+ issues and creating inclusive curricula that reflect the diverse experiences of transgender individuals. Additionally, colleges and universities should invest in gender-affirming resources and support services, including access to gender-neutral facilities, counseling, and healthcare.
Moreover, efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion should prioritize the voices and leadership of transgender students, ensuring that their perspectives and experiences are central to decision-making processes within academic institutions. Establishing LGBTQ+ resource centers and student organizations can provide vital spaces for community building, advocacy, and support. Furthermore, collaboration with local LGBTQ+ organizations and advocacy groups can enhance the visibility and accessibility of resources for transgender students both on and off campus.
It become obvious, then, that transgender students face significant challenges in affording and pursuing higher education, stemming from systemic discrimination, socioeconomic disparities, and institutional barriers. Addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort to foster inclusivity, equity, and support within academic environments. By implementing anti-discrimination policies, providing gender-affirming resources, and amplifying the voices of transgender students, colleges and universities can create more welcoming and accessible spaces for all members of the LGBTQ+ community. Ultimately, as corny as it sounds, advancing transgender rights within higher education is not only a matter of social justice but also a fundamental step towards building more equitable and inclusive societies.
#TransgenderFirst scholarship information can be found here: https://www.onlinedegree.com/transgender-first-scholarship/
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ikshvakusingh · 5 months
Applying for an Education Loan: Step-by-Step Guide with the Best Banks
When it comes to pursuing higher education, an education loan can be a crucial financial tool that helps bridge the gap between aspirations and affordability. If you're considering applying for an education loan, you're on the right path towards realizing your academic dreams. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process of applying for an education loan and introduce you to some of the best banks that offer these loans.
Step 1: Research and Choose the Right Bank
Start by researching the best banks that offer education loans. Look for institutions with a solid track record, favorable interest rates, flexible repayment terms, and excellent customer service. A few well-regarded banks that offer education loans include State Bank of India (SBI), HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, and Axis Bank. These banks are known for their competitive loan offerings and efficient application processes.
Step 2: Determine Loan Eligibility
Before applying for an education loan, make sure you meet the bank's eligibility criteria. This often includes factors such as your academic qualifications, the course you're applying for, the institution's reputation, and your co-borrower's financial stability. Some banks may also consider your academic performance and the future earning potential of your chosen field of study.
Step 3: Choose the Right Loan Scheme
Different banks offer various education loan schemes to cater to different needs. Some schemes might offer lower interest rates for specific courses or institutions. Compare the loan schemes offered by different banks to choose the one that best aligns with your financial situation and academic goals.
Step 4: Gather Required Documents
Preparing the necessary documents is a critical step in the application process. Commonly required documents include:
Admission letter from the educational institution.
Proof of identity (passport, Aadhaar card, etc.).
Proof of residence (utility bills, rental agreement, etc.).
Academic records (marksheets, certificates, etc.).
Income proof of the co-borrower (salary slips, income tax returns, etc.).
Collateral documents (if applicable).
Step 5: Estimate Loan Amount
Calculate the total cost of your education, including tuition fees, accommodation, travel expenses, and other related costs. Once you have an accurate estimate, apply for an education loan that covers your entire cost of education or a significant portion of it. Keep in mind that different banks have varying limits on the loan amount they offer.
Step 6: Complete the Application Form
Visit the bank's official website and locate the education loan application form. Fill out the form accurately and thoroughly, providing all necessary details. Be sure to include accurate information about your course, institution, and co-borrower's financial details.
Step 7: Collateral Assessment (If Applicable)
In some cases, banks may require collateral or a co-borrower with a strong credit history. The collateral can be property, fixed deposits, or other assets. The bank will assess the value of the collateral to determine the loan amount they can offer.
Step 8: Loan Sanction and Disbursement
After submitting your application, the bank will review your documents, assess your eligibility, and evaluate the course and institution you've chosen. Once your application is approved, the bank will send you an offer letter outlining the terms and conditions of the loan. After you accept the offer, the loan amount will be disbursed directly to the educational institution or to your account, depending on the bank's policies.
Step 9: Repayment Plan
Understand the repayment terms, including the interest rate, repayment tenure, and the grace period (if any) after completing your education. Different banks offer different repayment options, so choose the one that aligns with your future financial prospects.
Applying for an education loan can be a smooth process if you follow these steps diligently. Researching the best banks that offer education loans, understanding their eligibility criteria, gathering the required documents, and estimating the loan amount are all crucial aspects of the application process. By taking these steps and selecting the right bank, you can pave the way for a successful education journey without undue financial stress.
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ikshvakudiary · 5 months
Applying for an Education Loan: Step-by-Step Guide with the Best Banks
When it comes to pursuing higher education, an education loan can be a crucial financial tool that helps bridge the gap between aspirations and affordability. If you're considering applying for an education loan, you're on the right path towards realizing your academic dreams. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process of applying for an education loan and introduce you to some of the best banks that offer these loans.
Step 1: Research and Choose the Right Bank
Start by researching the best banks that offer education loans. Look for institutions with a solid track record, favorable interest rates, flexible repayment terms, and excellent customer service. A few well-regarded banks that offer education loans include State Bank of India (SBI), HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, and Axis Bank. These banks are known for their competitive loan offerings and efficient application processes.
Step 2: Determine Loan Eligibility
Before applying for an education loan, make sure you meet the bank's eligibility criteria. This often includes factors such as your academic qualifications, the course you're applying for, the institution's reputation, and your co-borrower's financial stability. Some banks may also consider your academic performance and the future earning potential of your chosen field of study.
Step 3: Choose the Right Loan Scheme
Different banks offer various education loan schemes to cater to different needs. Some schemes might offer lower interest rates for specific courses or institutions. Compare the loan schemes offered by different banks to choose the one that best aligns with your financial situation and academic goals.
Step 4: Gather Required Documents
Preparing the necessary documents is a critical step in the application process. Commonly required documents include:
Admission letter from the educational institution.
Proof of identity (passport, Aadhaar card, etc.).
Proof of residence (utility bills, rental agreement, etc.).
Academic records (marksheets, certificates, etc.).
Income proof of the co-borrower (salary slips, income tax returns, etc.).
Collateral documents (if applicable).
Step 5: Estimate Loan Amount
Calculate the total cost of your education, including tuition fees, accommodation, travel expenses, and other related costs. Once you have an accurate estimate, apply for an education loan that covers your entire cost of education or a significant portion of it. Keep in mind that different banks have varying limits on the loan amount they offer.
Step 6: Complete the Application Form
Visit the bank's official website and locate the education loan application form. Fill out the form accurately and thoroughly, providing all necessary details. Be sure to include accurate information about your course, institution, and co-borrower's financial details.
Step 7: Collateral Assessment (If Applicable)
In some cases, banks may require collateral or a co-borrower with a strong credit history. The collateral can be property, fixed deposits, or other assets. The bank will assess the value of the collateral to determine the loan amount they can offer.
Step 8: Loan Sanction and Disbursement
After submitting your application, the bank will review your documents, assess your eligibility, and evaluate the course and institution you've chosen. Once your application is approved, the bank will send you an offer letter outlining the terms and conditions of the loan. After you accept the offer, the loan amount will be disbursed directly to the educational institution or to your account, depending on the bank's policies.
Step 9: Repayment Plan
Understand the repayment terms, including the interest rate, repayment tenure, and the grace period (if any) after completing your education. Different banks offer different repayment options, so choose the one that aligns with your future financial prospects.
Applying for an education loan can be a smooth process if you follow these steps diligently. Researching the best banks that offer education loans, understanding their eligibility criteria, gathering the required documents, and estimating the loan amount are all crucial aspects of the application process. By taking these steps and selecting the right bank, you can pave the way for a successful education journey without undue financial stress.
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