#you are all just so annoying and obsessed like let it go
bitethedevil · 3 days
What do you like about the character of Raphael ?
A Feral Love Letter to the Devil We Know
Oh boy. Here’s my list of why Raphael is like catnip to me (it’s not short and it is possibly a bit extra deranged because I am currently sick).
Purely physical things that convince me that this man was made for me in a lab:
Brown eyes and dark hair has always been my type
The slight stubble and those cheekbones (generally just his whole facial structure is beautiful)
The fucking n o s e <3 <3
Those thick thighs (perfectly sittable and bitable). He is just perfectly shaped.
Those hands he waves in your face all the time and those long fingers (does things to me)
His clothes. Yes, even in cambion form and even the silly clown boots, I love them. It is just all too extra, and I live for it
Everything about his cambion form
I have this crazy theory. There has been made these studies that depending on hormone levels, women are attracted to different kinds of men. At one end of their cycle, they prefer more ‘feminine’ looking men, and on the other end they prefer more traditionally ‘masculine’ looking men. If I get tired of his human form, I get more attracted to his cambion form and the cycle repeats. I think that is why I just do not get tired of staring at this stupid man every day. I know I’m not crazy. It’s science (and we all know I’m a trusted scientist).
Non-physical things that intrigue me:
How expressive he is. I love how his face changes constantly and dramatically with each sentence he speaks. It’s mostly an act but he is so charismatic. He has ‘rizz’ like the kids would say.
I can’t fix him. I don’t want to. His mind games intrigue me. I want to study him like a bug and play mind games with him too (I’m not delusional enough to think I’d win). Let it be toxic as fuck on both parts.
This man is just chucking stones from his glass house like there is no tomorrow. He plays such a big bad devil, but he is really just a little wet cat with a god complex and daddy issues. Not to mention his little hissy fits if any of his perceived weaknesses are pointed out. I find it endearing (unfortunately).
His voice and his eloquence. I love it. Even his shitty poetry. I could listen to it for eternity.
He is so smart. I have been shouting it from the roof tops: he is not stupid. He is always ten steps ahead.
He’s honest. He doesn’t lie and you know where you’ve got him (if you know how to keep up with him).
Genuinely everyone thinks he sucks, both devils and mortals, and yet he thinks he is the shit, either genuinely or as a coping mechanism.
He just such a nuances character if you really dig into it.
Things I relate to:
The scheming and overthinking. Everything is meticulously thought out to the point of obsession. He is playing 4D chess but doesn’t even consider that the other players might just eat the pieces to win. He strikes me as someone who completely overcomplicates things for no reason, and I felt that.
His idea of order is very different from what’s actually orderly. It just has to make sense to him, like ‘what do you mean it’s not orderly to have dead people lying around, trash everywhere, and debtors running around aimlessly in my house? Completely intentional. What’s not clicking?”. I felt that too. There is order to my chaos, and you don’t have to understand it. I get it.
He’s a cringy theater kid with a love for poetry too.
I too find it annoying when other people don’t follow the script I had in mind for the conversation.
Just human enough to understand how human interactions works, but either doesn’t give a shit or genuinely thinks that just spouting vaguely threatening poetry to strangers is a completely normal thing to do.
The obsession and ambition that just completely makes him lose the plot of everything else.
He is just so obsessed with everything being perfect to a point where it almost seems silly.
Acts like he doesn’t care, but actually cares A LOT about how other people perceive him.
I could honestly keep going but you get the picture.
(Thank you for the ask <3)
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michaelawinter · 3 days
Andre Nikto head canons
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We have little information about Niko but here's what I've gathered..
((Also I'd like to kindly add, hi, hello, my name is Mika and I am a Bosnian. The chances of me adding some accurate slav head canons are always high but never low!!🙏🏻 ALSO IM TERRIBLY OBSESSED WITH NIKTO SO IF ENJOY THIS AND YOU WANT DATING NIKTO HEAD CANONS PLEASE LET ME KNOWWW))
Genuine head canons:
Andre Nikto (Никто) is a (scary) Russian military man, roughly 193/194 centimetres (when you compare him to Simon's height) He suffers with acute dissociative disorder (better said DID) yet is still serving the military cause of how he preforms during battle.., so the military still views him as a ideal soldier for combat despite his disorder..
No hate but from what I've seen in some art works claiming it's his "face reveal" you people have to understand that under his mask, his face is disfigured.. so, no he won't be an attractive super model under that mask of his..
I don't think you people are aware how badass Nikto is as a character, almost SIMILAR as Ghost who's in the military for the same reason as everybody else, to risk their life.
Although judging by Nikto's voice lines, he doesn't care who he's killing..if it were up to him, if his teammates serve him zero purpose he'd care less if they die..(after all, you're just a target..) but being a professional, he can't allow that to happen to his teammates
If you look up closely, Nikto wears a military uniform that is different from everyone else with MP-0 written on it. Now if you don't know, MP stands for Military Police (enforcement agencies connected with, or part of, the military of a state.) and zero next to it meaning "nothing" and this is important which is what Nikto refers himself as..
Yeah so about that..
I have a theory about Nikto's nickname
After being captured and brutally tortured with whatever sick tendency mister Z had in store for him. It was Mister Z that couldn't really get much Information about Andre.
They would start torturing him while repeating to Andre that he's nothing, he's no one, what he is is nothing but what he is is everything. Those words play in the back of his head and they never seen to go away.
(This is extremely relevant cause Mister Z tried to get to know a bit of Andre by looking through some research come to find his citizenship and language are censored making him a nobody. Keep in mind, if he found any information about Andre viewing from personal life etc. it will be used as blackmail..)
After recovering his scars and taken to therapy after 7 years he was diagnosed with DID
NOW moving on to the DID part
(What I said about the fact that people overlook Nikto's disorder, I mean it..
Some don't really write about his disorder which is fine but when someone does it gets messy. )
Alters aren't easy to deal with, it's actually gonna haunt you till the day that you die cause there's no cure for it. And in Nikto's case it's from PTSD and Nikto is very aware of his alters..
Let me tell you how Nikto's disorder affects him. Switching can be consensual, forced or triggered, Nikto values silence as much as the next person cause he's dealing with much inside his head already. The kind of guy that would "watch TV" while dissociating with a 100 yard glare with very slow blinking and a slight headache..
There are times where his personalities would correct him when hes referring to himself (example: I'm up..(his personality correctes him) WE'RE up..)
"He made us do this" (and other voice lines I can't recall..)
Maybe cut bits of an apple with a knife and eat it while watching TV..
He has medication prescribed for him but he didn't wanna depend on medications cause they're just drugs..they're nothing to him but just drugs..
He has dissociative amnesia too, sometimes he would wander around confused maybe even annoyed. The amnesia appears to be caused by traumatic or stressful experiences endured or witnessed..Although the forgotten information may be inaccessible to consciousness, it sometimes continues to influence behavior
Like I said he likes quiet people, someone who doesn't waste their air on small talk..
Example; don't really talk to him about the weather, unless you have something interesting to say but if the conversation is gonna go nowhere , don't talk..he finds that a waste of time
People assume just because he's Russian that he likes vodka, he doesn't like vodka...-He doesn't like any alcoholic beverage cause it makes his problems a lot worse,...maybe If you were lending him some as an offering, he'll take it but he has SOME self control, he's okay with coffee, though..
It's relevant cause he stays awake at late hours since he finds it difficult to sleep, he'll stay up late with no music, nothing, just a silent room. It doesn't matter if he tries the military tactic where you just close your eyes and turn off your thoughts, it's very different when you have voices screaming inside your head...
Despite everything he's still intelligent, so being smart + strength + sharp reflexes and you got yourself a criminal
Death doesn't phase him, but to him death is like sleeping, he's not scared of death considering that he's been through hell those past few months.
He likes the simple things, don't complicate anything..because he's quick with catching an attitude..be blunt and forward and stumble over your words..
Nikto shows confidence in the battlefield,just like König, except he has a high rush of adrenaline and will laugh at the enemies death.
Fun fact: in this one comic Price calls Nikto "psycho"
And it's without a doubt that he is one.., a sadistic, sociopathic, psychopath
After splitting, his alters can and will get more aggressive and do more harm and damage to others cause they're doing the most at protecting the host.. (depending on the alter, some wanna protect him while some wanna hurt him)
Oh by the way about the intelligence part, I mean he has a good good memory with remembering faces..
He doesn't like people looking at him funny, he'll get angry really fast and annoyed at the same time.., he won't show hesitation when it comes to approaching you and asking you what are you looking at (it's like trying to avoid eye contact with a homeless man Infront of a store, that's how scared you would be)
He's slow with jokes or any form of humor that you throw at him??? You'll be excited to tell him a joke, and when you do he just looks at you and tells you never to do that again..,or just straight up tell you he doesn't get it...??? and probably trying to explain it either he gets it or not he'll still tell you that it's not funny
He doesn't argue, or he does? Arguing with him will costs you avoiding getting objects thrown at you so you can get out of his sight..tragic, now you have a teammate that hates your guts and won't apologize for it.
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saltymarshmall0w · 3 days
Danny Phantom- Swapped Obsessions AU
Slash Evil Danny?
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You know how normally if people include ghost obsessions they make Danny's obsession protection? And they also make Vlad's obsession love/family? And the whole reason Vlad is evil is because he can't fulfill his obsession.
Well, I'm currently writing a fic where I take their obsessions and swap them. Subsequently, I am also swapping their roles as hero and villain.
Mostly by expanding on Danny's anger issues and general teenagery-ness.
— Vlad —
After gaining ghost powers in an accident where he saved his best friend’s life, Vlad used his newfound abilities to become the infamous ghost hero- Plasmius.
 With a combination of technology and years of study and practice he easily became one of the most powerful ghosts out there. And, he knows just about everything there is to know when it comes to ghosts to boot.
However, all his current ghost theory comes crashing down when he meets a vulgar-mouthed poltergeist that can evade his ghost sense, escape the ghost zone in a matter of hours, and shows an abhorrent lack of knowledge about other ghosts. 
Oh, and his core is only a few weeks old, not that it made him any less powerful than full-fledged ghosts, apparently. 
— Danny — 
The only thing Danny’s parents have given him is his reputation as the crazy ghost hunter’s kids. 
He has spent most of his life chasing their fleeting affections and the attention and it all comes to a head when he dies right under their noses and they don’t even fucking notice. 
How he has some nifty ghost abilities and can do anything he wants with no one to stop him.
Except that annoying “hero” ghost, Plasmius. 
This fic is going to be: Danny-centric, ~30k words long, 3rd person, past-tense and posted on A03
~bonus~ My Beta reader writes and edits stuff as, like, their job so you know it’s gonna be good soup. 
Interested? Questions? let me know.
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mya-valentine · 10 hours
Headcannon: Tomura Shigaraki with an S/O Who Teases Him
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Shigaraki absolutely hates how much his S/O teases him… at least, that’s what he tells himself. He’s not used to people pushing his buttons in such a playful way, and it throws him off balance. Every time they poke fun at him, he shoots them an annoyed glare, but deep down, he’s amused, even if he’d rather crumble into dust than admit it.
His S/O loves teasing him about everything—his posture, his video game obsession, the way he scratches his neck when he’s stressed. “You’re gonna wear a hole in your neck at this rate, Shiggy,” they’ll say with a smirk, earning an immediate growl in return. But despite his irritation, he can’t help the faint smirk that sometimes flickers on his face.
They’ll call him cute or handsome just to watch his reaction, knowing it makes him squirm. Shigaraki will scoff or dismiss it, but the faint blush creeping up his neck is impossible to miss. His S/O will push even further, saying, “Aww, Shiggy, don’t get all shy on me now,” which only makes him scowl harder and mumble something under his breath.
He’ll throw sarcastic insults back at them, but his heart’s not really in it. His S/O knows it’s all in good fun, and honestly, it becomes their favorite game—seeing how far they can push Shigaraki before he snaps. Of course, his version of snapping is dramatically throwing his hood up and sulking for a while.
Despite his annoyance, Shigaraki secretly loves the way his S/O can make him feel normal. When they tease him, it’s not because they’re afraid of him or walking on eggshells around him—it’s because they genuinely like him, and that’s something he’s not used to. It’s oddly comforting.
Sometimes, Shigaraki will try to get them back, mimicking their teasing tone or throwing a sarcastic jab. “You think you’re funny, huh? You’re the one hanging out with a villain, so what does that say about you?” He’s proud when his S/O just laughs it off, unfazed. He’s still learning the teasing game, but he’s getting better.
When they make fun of his appearance, like his messy hair or the way he dresses, Shigaraki will roll his eyes and mutter, “You think I care about stuff like that?” But secretly, he’ll glance in the mirror later, wondering if maybe he could style his hair a little better, not that he’d ever let his S/O know.
His S/O loves playfully daring him to do things he’d never normally do. “Bet you can’t go a whole day without scratching your neck,” they’ll challenge, and Shigaraki will immediately take it personally, determined to prove them wrong… for about an hour, before he gives in and grumbles about their stupid dare.
The more time they spend together, the more Shigaraki realizes that his S/O’s teasing actually makes him feel seen. It’s not about making fun of him—it’s their way of connecting, of showing they care without getting all sappy about it. And while he’ll never outright say he likes it, he does let them tease him more than anyone else.
His S/O is probably the only person who can get away with playfully touching his face or hair without him recoiling in disgust. He might slap their hand away, but it’s half-hearted, and sometimes he’ll even let them brush some stray hair out of his face—though he’ll grumble, “Don’t push your luck.”
When he’s in a particularly bad mood, his S/O knows how to balance their teasing. They’ll tone it down just enough to lift his spirits without going too far, understanding that even the King of Villains needs a break from time to time. And while Shigaraki won’t say it, their teasing is one of the few things that actually helps him feel a little better.
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beevean · 1 day
If I’m being honest, you are all getting way too hung up on fake diseases and attacking a writer as if he personally attacked your family. It’s a strange obsession you have and you guys always come at any small nitpick as if it’s the end of the world. It’s a weird obsession and you have all been doing it for years. Maybe you liked Sunset Heights getting a remix but you also play victim when people don’t like the 2010s games. You can see Sonic is more successful now and doing things much better but you just like to sit in your anger towards the series for years. I’ll add that you’re much more sane in your reactions than RandomtheFox, but this whole side of the fandom here is so pathetic. The endless loop of anything new coming out for Sonic, and your little posse hating on it because it isn’t the meta era or because Ian Flynn has his name on it makes me glad you guys are a small minority in the fandom.
Do you want to know why we're discussing this?
If you go back and read our discussions, see how much we brought up with this little detail!
I looked up the effects of low gravity on the human body: I learned something new about science. I tried to put into words why this detail is harder to accept than Sonic breathing in space: this is about stories and world building. I immediately found a replacement idea. We discussed about SA2, its gameplay mechanics, its cutscenes. Someone even brought up the idea of drawing parallels with AIDS and how it would affect Maria. Negativity can stem from a place of reasoning, "how would I do that?", and it makes me use my brain in a fun way. I'm aware it's a inconsequential detail, but I'm having fun!
As for the rest of the message, yeah, we are a minority. Which makes me wonder why you care so much about a group of, what, four people?
Why don't I get any engagement when I'm positive, but suddenly people are up my ass when I talk about something negative? I didn't even tag most of my posts. Bro half of the Sonic fandom blocked me already because I'm a dirty sinning IDW non-enjoyer. I am not bothering anyone.
By the way, my negativity about IDW once even resulted in me writing a fic about it. Again, creativity and genuine discussions about writing a story and its downfalls. It nourishes the brain.
I don't like this new direction for Sonic. There, happy? I don't feel catered to, as a 2000s fan, by all this "REMEMBER WHEN WE WERE COOL????" stuff, not to mention I'm just not a Shadow fan so seeing him with wings and shit does nothing for me. I am annoyed because this used to be a franchise dear to me, but the current environment, both games and fandom, alienates me. I am also aware that, precisely because I'm in the minority, I'll just have to wait until ST changes trend again.
If my writer side activates when I talk about a writing decision I don't like and I'm having fun dissecting it, let me, alright? You can find me cringe, if you want to, but I'm not doing anything different than other fans, just directed towards a less acceptable target and in the privacy of my blocked blog.
Also: to be perfectly honest, if it only takes me one day of mild bitching to get anons yelling at me that I'm a joyless bastard doomed to be sad because I refuse to be happy, it kind of makes me want to be saltier out of spite. I'm already a bad person, might as well, right?
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biggie-chcese · 2 days
ranking rain code lets plays on how much i enjoy/would recommend them
hi did you know i am incredibly autistic about this game and have watched, in full, several lets plays of it? and im still going? haha yeah im normal. anyway here goes... all lets plays ive watched from best to worst:
#1 Highest recommendation: JustOneGamr. ESPECIALLY for people who are going in blind. im so serious. it's the best way to experience as much of the game as possible without playing it yourself. They go through all of the content, side quests, gumshoe gabs, profiles, DLC, and even most of the flavor text. it's also a no commentary run, which i personally see as a massive boon because they aren't influencing your opinions of the game
#2: Pixel Partners. they've got real good vibes and they actually do the side quests. it's also fun to listen to their theories and see their reactions. they're one of the few who dont spend their time complaining and give more valid constructive criticisms than others. they also have the funniest reaction to the chapter 5 reveal
#3: JohnAwesome. his humor sometimes isn't particularly for me but boy is his lets play enjoyable. also has lots of positive vibes and is generally pretty entertaining. i dont remember if he does side quests but im pretty sure he does. he will easily make chapter 4 even more gut wrenching thanks to a very specific kind of incompetence on his part, which in hindsight is really funny
#4: NyanCave. they're pretty fun and also have great vibes! i like their chemistry a lot. they have some pretty good theories and good jokes, but they will spend a lot of time on responding to chat donations. this is fine like get that bag kings but if you're impatient like me it might get annoying after a while lol. it's especially bad in chapter 5, where the tension dies because of their waifu fight donations
#5: NicoB. I was never really a NicoB fan because he's a bit too loud and high energy for me, but his rain code lets play is still pretty good! he seems to have fun playing the game and even has a few good jokes. i think he does the side quests which is a plus but i could be misremembering. i still quote "and now back to yuma crackhead" to this day so there's that
#6: Faz Faz. This another no commentary run but for people who are in a rush. they go through the game as quickly as possible. frankly, i think these kinds of lets plays are not as good as the ones that go through the sidequests, but hey, it's there if you just want the main plot and gumshoe gabs
#7: Save Data. I don't recommend this one to people experiencing rain code for the first time because they will talk over the cutscenes and dialogue and that will get annoying. they also complain quite a bit about the same things over and over which can also get tiresome (im sorry guys i do Not care about graphics as much as you do). however, they're really funny and it's good for a second or third experience of the game. "this city..." is a highly prevalent vocal stim for me thanks to them. they will shit on on the game often though, so if you really love rain code and dont want to hear that, then avoid this one lol. but you do get to see my art at the end of their vids! that's pretty cool!
#8: Rat Attack. i straight up don't recommend this one. it's easily the worst one i've seen and that's sad because i really love their pngtuber avatars. they're not finished with the game yet and that's probably because they spend so much time ranting and yapping about everything else, or just concocting the most baffling theories known to man and spending wayyy too much time on them. you will also hear a lot of unfunny halara gender jokes sorry. sometimes they are funny in other ways but it's honestly not worth it unless you're like me and keep watching out of obsession for the game.
that's all the ones ive watched in full (so far)! here's a couple others i haven't seen in full but have seen small parts of:
Weeby Newz - she's got some fun reactions from what ive seen and is pretty funny too. i have only really watched her play chapters 4 and 5 though, so i cant give a full opinion. i dont care for yakou fathero as a concept though and she seems pretty heavy on that, but if you like that you may enjoy her let's play. i may go back and finish it soon!
CurtStreamy - genuinely very funny from what ive seen though in chapter 5 his whole crew has a pretty fundamental misunderstanding of makoto's character, which can be a little irritating. either way, most of it is great but his live chat sucks. i still need to watch the rest in full to form a full opinion
CrystAAHHL - ohhh she did Not like this game lmao. she is a based makoto enjoyer though. i only watched the highlight reel though i think watching her full streams would just make me tired. i personally dont like watching lets plays if the person playing isnt having any fun
JazzyGuns - unfinished but she is really funny and has good vibes. if you can cope with her probably never finishing the game then go for it
khee chu - im still in the process of watching this one in full but it's fun so far. i will say CHECK OUT KHEE'S MERCH AND SHINIGAMI X JUNKO ART!!! THE ART IS RLY CUTE!!!!
and that's everything! there's other lesser known ones out there but im just one guy i cant watch em all despite how determined i am to do so </3 above all else i want people to get the game but like, yknow, some folks dont got $60 to spend on a game lol. anyway have fun and happy watching!
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zayray030 · 3 days
too proud to show
Summary: And this pride was especially in effect when it came to a certain, heart eyed Heartstaybul little shit with his pretty pouty lips, rose cheeks, lightly tanned skin and gorgeous body. Yep. For as long as they live, the NRC students will absolutely refuse to acknowledge the feelings they hold for a certain Ace Trappola.
Ace is oblivious and gorgeous. NRC are prideful and dumb. Who would have thought?
Notes: Sorry for not posting yesterday. Fell sick but also, hope everyone likes this one.
One thing that all of the NRC students shared, apart from magic and emotional repression, was their pridefulness. 
Be it so that they don't ask for help for said emotional problems, that they show off their magic at every given opportunity and how smart they are or just something as simple as continuing to open a jar without help despite struggling immeasurably. They were all prideful one way or another. 
And this pride was especially in effect when it came to a certain, heart eyed Heartstaybul little shit with his pretty pouty lips, rose cheeks, lightly tanned skin and gorgeous body. Yep. For as long as they live, the NRC students will absolutely refuse to acknowledge the feelings they hold for a certain Ace Trappola. 
Now, however, just because they refuse to acknowledge nor act out on their feelings does not mean that they have not made it so painfully and extremely obvious about what they think of the pretty Heartstaybul student. 
Sebek liked to think of himself as level headed. Sure, some would say that his obsession with protecting Lord Malleus was extreme and overzealous but they were all disposable humans, never able to hold a candle to his greatness and his power 
However, loath as he is to admit it, he was still a teen boy in a school full of teen boys who had a 95% non-heterosexuality rate and he was part of that 95% percent. And he was also the part of the 100% of the school that found Ace Trappola's annoying ass to be pretty. 
So, when the redhead had come up to him and said that the first-year gang was planning a study over at Savanaclaw it had only taken him to look at those pretty pouting lips and those heart stopping eyes for him to agree. 
And that's how he had ended up sitting with both Jack and Epel on either side of him admiring how pretty Ace looked whilst he poked fun at Deuce. 
"C'mon Deucey give it up and ask for help already!" Whined Ace, pouting at Deuce as the blunette tried to push the ginger away. 
"No! I have this!" Argued Deuce and Sebek felt his temperature flare. The moron had the pretty redhead's attention all to himself and he wasn't even going to take advantage of that?! Disgraceful! 
"He's not even going to pretend?" Muttered Epel under his breath, aura murderous as he stared at the blue haired idiot who was too oblivious to notice the privilege he was getting. 
Sebek stared at Deuce and Ace for a moment longer and couldn't help the feeling of relief inside. At least somebody was making it easier for him to capture the heart-eyed student's attention. 
He stared a moment longer before yelling loudly about the stupidity of humans, everyone except Ace understanding the dual meaning behind it and he couldn't help but smirk at Deuce's flushed face. 
Floyd found Ace pretty, for once doing something that the entirety of the student body agreed on. However, his way of showing his affections was less than usual. 
"Crabby~ Come here and let me squeeze you." The older one whined loudly as basketball practice slowed down to a finish. 
"Considering that we're both sweaty and gross? No thank you." Ace snapped as he turned to the locker rooms to shower, once again showing his lack of self-preservation but also no doubt his bravery in front of his moody upperclassmen. 
“But Crabby looks so cute and squishable right now, I have to squeeze him.” Floyd countered, already advancing towards the unsuspecting redhead who was too busy taking a swig from his water bottle. 
“You say the weirdest shit sometimes, Floyd-senpai.” complained Ace only to yelp when he felt strong arms wrap around him and lift him off the floor. “Put me down!” he demanded, scrambling to hold onto the eel as the older boy began laughing. 
“Not until you let me squeeze you.” Floyd simply told the boy before nuzzling against the redhead's neck. 
Unbeknown to the both of them, the entire club was currently holding itself back from charging at Flod and throwing the merman into the darkest pits of hell for capitalizing on Ace whilst he was flushed, sweating and tired. 
“I’ll kill him.” hissed out a particularly vapid Heartslabyul student and he couldn’t be blamed for it. After all, even when he had Ace in his dorm, he still couldn't get any alone time with him whilst Floyd managed to effortlessly sway Ace into conversation, even with the threat of getting squeezed due to one of the eel’s mood swings. 
Jamil sighed as he watched the rest of the basketball club conjure up a way to murder Floyd and keep it a secret whilst he merely went up the redhead. 
“Come on now, Floyd, let him go so he can go get changed or he’ll catch something.” Jamil scolded the taller as he caught a stumbling Ace was let go by a pouting and irritated Floyd. 
“Way to ruin the fun Sea Snake.” huffed Floyd as He slung an arm over his own shoulder and glared down at the grey eyed boy. “And just when Crabby and I were having fun.”   
“Who was having fun?” asked Ace sarcastically, simply just wanting to take a shower and nap for eternity. 
Jamil chuckled at the redhead's sass and gently ruffled his hair. “Well as one of our up-and-coming basketball stars, we need to make you're in good condition, no?” Jamil pointedly asked, using a hand to gently the cup the others face. 
In the background someone squeezed their bottle to the point that the water splattered out of it and everywhere on the floor. No one paid attention to it, too busy trying to curse Jamil ad Floyd with their minds to care about the possible slip hazard. 
Beauty was something that all NRC students strived for, not just Pomefiore. Now, there were different kinds of beauty. There was beauty in following the rules, in a good fight, a good deal, good grades and so on. It just didn’t help that Ace has a beauty like no other. 
“Normally, I would be jealous beyond belief that some upstart first year from a different dorm had all of Vil-Senpais attention.” Commented a 2nd year Pomefiore student, as they observed Vil adjust the dress that Ace was wearing. “However, right now I’m more grateful than anything.” his companion nodded as he discreetly took pictures of the scene in front of him, more focused on trying to capture the pretty redhead more so than the blond model. 
“Amen, brother. Amen.” 
The reason for the two unexpectedly tame reaction is due to the fact that Ace had lost a bet with Epel. Now what might that be you ask? Whether or not Ace could actually play basketball in high heels. Predictably, Ace lost. However, his loss could be attributed to the fact that Epel gave him 7” stiletto heels to play in so there’s also the question of how ethical that bet really was. Not that anyone is complaining of course. That is due to the consequences of Ace losing said bet. 
What were the consequences? Having to wear on outfit by Epel’s request and having to take his position in ballet. Now, of course because Epel is a first year and is like 2 feet tall so it didn’t take long for some third and second years into ahem kindly suggesting a different outfit for him to try. 
See, whilst Epel was irrevocably into Ace, he also wanted to show Vil he could dance just fine dungarees and he would have used Ace to prove his point. However, of course none in his dorm would have allowed such a precious opportunity to go to waste because of some grudge. We are talking about seeing Ace Trappola in whatever outfit they wanted. Who the hell would be stupid enough to ruin that? 
So that is why Ace was currently in white feathered gown. The top part has a sweetheart neckline and was sleeveless with little encrusted gems and small feather and gems on the corset that made the teen almost sparkle. Meanwhile the bottom part was almost entirely feathered and stopping at around mid-thigh. This was the only outfit that Vil hadn’t rejected after deeming all the other ‘perverted’ and a ‘disgrace to the elegancy of Pomefiore’ 
‘Yeah right, blondie.’ thought a mob viciously as they watched Epel reluctantly hand Ace the dress and delighting in the sweet flush of his cheeks. ‘Like you wouldn’t pay to see him in those.’ Almost as if Vil had the ability of telepathy he turned to glare at said mob which caused the other to turn away and whistle innocently. 
“Hey, Umm where’s Rook? I thought he’d be here taking pictures.” asked a mob as they watched Vil teach Ace some of the more basic movements in ballet whilst the redhead observed closely. “Wouldn't he be the first one here? He is the school’s resident stalker.” and the blond wore that as if it was a badge of honour  
“Oh, he’s in the vent.” said a more artistic Pomefiore student. Instead of taking a picture like the rest of his dormmates, he has instead taken to drawing a live portrait. It would be so sweet if there wasn’t certain...ahem discrepancies in the drawing. Mainly the position and certain tasteful alterations to the dress.  
“Huh?!” they all hissed and looked up and there truly was their Vice-lead, in the vents staring down at Ace with a blush on his cheek and a camera in his arms and what looked suspiciously like camera memory holders. Several of them. 
“He kinda makes out obsession look like a sham.” one pouted, arms crossed and annoyed. Before anyone else could agree with their fellow perv- dormmate, there was a loud pointed cough. 
“Is there a particular reason why you are all behind us, taking underhanded photos and drawing such abominations.” Oh, their dorm head was pissed. A vein was throbbing, his hands were clenched and if he was a dragon he would be breathing out fire and smoke from pure rage alone.  
In contrast to Ace, who honestly just looked bored and done with the ordeal. He had his signature pout and he had his arms crossed as he leaned on one of the railings, hips cocked out. 
“Whilst all of you were all being disgraces to this dorm.” ouch. “Ace here has shown magnificent progress.” okay even Vil won’t compliment someone out of pettiness. “Show them, potato.”  Vil demanded, still glaring at those in his dorm. 
Ace rolled his eyes, grateful that Vil can’t see and started doing the moves that Vil had shown him. Now, of course Ace wasn’t a master Ballerina, nowhere close. His pirouette lacked the power, his wobbled were clear and his moves were sloppy and clearly lazy. However, for a beginner who’s had like 30 minutes tops? That was pretty amazing stuff. 
“Can i go now?” the brat asked after he did his final twirl, still looking annoyed at the fact that he had lost a bet to a loophole and has been instructed by Vil for the past 30 minutes.  
“Yes, potato, leave.” Vil waved him off distractedly, still focusing on the perverts in his dorm. When the younger left, giving them all a perfect view of his pretty pale back, Vil asked his dorm a question, “Now, what do you have to say for yourselves.” 
“It was silent for a moment before Rook opened up his mouth, unwantedly by the rest of the room. 
“I do believe he would be more beautiful and perfect split on my cock as he performs one f the moves he learnt today.” the hunter said, smiling with an almost innocent head tilt. Those eyes would look so naive and trustworthy were it not for the words just spoken. It was silent for a minute before Vil took out his magic pen and started firing spells left and right in pure rage. 
‘Ah, at least if i die now i know that Ace is flexible.’ thought a mob as a spell fired at him. 
“More protection.” demanded Riddle as he used multiple spells on the garden hedges to make it so that anyone who wasn’t from this dorm would get immediately strangled by the thorny bushes. 
“No offence, Riddley, but don’t you think this is over T?” asked Cater as he watched, mildly terrified by the number of curses that Riddle knew. 
“They aren’t enough,” muttered Trey darkly as he helped Riddle set more spells. I mean who could blame him. He had just walked in on another Heartslabyul student attempting to take advantage of Ace whilst the boy was bet over a counter to try and reach something, “If anything we need to start making it attack people in the dorm.” 
“And give Ace more triggers for the rose-related PTSD?” Cater asked sarcastically, hands on hips looking at the two as they were insane. “Do you two see yourselves? Acey is more than capable off looking after himself, this is just insulting towards him.” 
“Housewarden! Everyone is daring Ace to eat a banana whole which has whipped cream and icing n it!” Deuce came in yelling, sounding out of breath, clearly have run all the way here. 
The two childhood friends turned to Cater in sync, almost as if to say, ‘You see what we mean now?” before turning to Deuce “Guide us.” Riddel demanded with Trey nodding behind him. 
When those three left the rose bushes, Cater turned to them and took out his own magic pen so that he could increase the length of the bushes so that they can travel farther and strangle perverts at a long distance. 
“Get off me, Ace!” demanded Jack as he continued doing his push ups. 
On his back was Ace, reading a magazine and taking an occasional sip from his cherry pop. “Why? You’re getting extra practice from me being on your back!” he argued, pouting at being denies his fun. “Are you saying you can’t keep up, Jack?” he teased the wolf. 
“You way the approximate weight of a packet of grapes..” Jack replied innocently, still doing his push ups as if he doesn’t have a whole 16-year-old on his back. “Now get off before I ‘accidentally’ injure you.” 
“I sensed the quotations; Jackie Boy and I’m hurt.” Ace shot back, still refusing to get off the tall teen’s back, instead getting even more comfortable by placing his soda can on Jack’s back as well along with the magazine and admired how the can didn’t even sway or spill. 
“What’s going on here?” joined a new voice to the first years. Jack looked up and there stood Leona with his hand on his hip whilst Ruggie was behind him, looking highly amused by the scene. 
“Ace is being a nuisance and won’t get off,” replied Jack much to Ace’s indignation if the offended gasp was to say anything. 
Ruggie snickered at the wording whilst Leona merely smirked his usual smirk at Jack before turning to the first year who wasn’t a part of his dorm. 
“How about this. Get off Jack and I’ll take you flying.” Leona offered. From far away it might seem like a gesture of good will to the both of them but those who truly knew the lion knew that something else was going on. He was trying to bribe Ace away from the other first year, and trying to get one-on-one touching time with him as well. No way was Ruggie gonna let that happen. 
“Shishishi, Really Leona-san?” asked Ruggie as he raised an eyebrow at his dorm head. “I thought you’d be too sleepy to even fly your own broom.”  
“Well, if I can afford it, why don’t I use it.” Leona shot back, an equally cruel smirk on his face as Ruggie’s. 
Jack assessed the situation, remembered the weight on his back and hatched a plan as the upperclassmen fought over who would ride with Ace. 
“How about Ace flies with the both of you.” Jack suggested, ignoring the heavy stare of betrayal from Ace as he realised Jack was throwing him under the bus. “Then he can say which one is better.” he added which caused Ace to immediately stand up and try and make a break for it. 
“You know what, I just remembered that my housewarden might want something from me, so I'm gonna go now-” he was cut off by Leona grabbing him and throwing him over his shoulder. He let out of a scream of surprise and flailed around before he realised who’s shoulder he was on.  
“You’re precious housewarden can wait. C’mon Ruggie. Later frosh.” Leona waved at Jack as he and Ruggie made their way to the court. 
Jack stared at the door for a while, a sense of guilt festering before he shrugged and continued training. Ace could survive. 
After all, neither were going to risk the fury of the entire school in the off-chance that thye might hurt him. 
“Yeah, that’s it. Now go to the left and you should win.” 
“Don’t forget to get the level-ups as well. You're a noob so of course you’re going to need all the help you can get.” 
“This coming from the guy who needed help after he got kidnapped by a ghost?” 
“One time!” 
“And during that one time you pissed everyone off so much that the original groups wanted nothing to do with you- WAIT don’t go in there!” 
“Why-Oh. I see. That is why.” 
One of the oddest groups within NRC were all crowded together. There was Malleus, Ace, Lilia and Idia, all around, watching Malleus play on the game console that Ace had given him to try, all of them trying to help him win the level with varying levels of success. Most of them being very low. 
“I don’t understand. If I've already defeated the boss, why do I die again?” asked Malleus, very much looking like he wanted to smash the game to pieces if it wasn’t that Ace would get extremely upset with him if he did so. 
“Look, watch here.” Ace took back his consol to show him how hot do the level. 
They all watched as he expertly manoeuvred through the level, even Idia not making any backhanded comments, instead content on watching how cute Ace looked with his pretty pink tongue poking out ever so slightly in concentration. 
‘So. Fucking. Cute.’ Idia gripped his hoodie even harder to resist the urge to do something dumb. Such as lean over and kiss Ace which would most certainly not only get him punched by said redhead, but also stomped on by the entire school. 
However, Lilia shared no such fears. He wrapped his arms around Ace and leaned in closer from behind, resting his chin on Ace’s shoulder an let out a chuckle. “My, my How often do you play this game, Ace.”   
“A lot!” Ace answered distractedly, completely forgetting that the whole point was to teach Malleus how to play the game, instead choosing to play the game all over again, not that Malleus had any objections to that. “Me and my brother used to play it all the time and he said anytime I beat his high score he would buy me whatever I wanted.”   
Idia’s heart squeezed at how cute Ace looked in his excitement to mention his big brother and he had to take several deep breaths so that his hair didn’t change colour. 
“Could you teach me how to play more, some time?” asked Malleus, enraptures by the redhead, not focusing on the game so much as the other human.  
“Yeah sure! It’s actually easy once you get the hands of it! You’ll be semi-decent in no time!” teased Ace, smiling up at the fae. 
Malleus stared at the pretty smile before muttering under his breath. “I wish I don’t”   
“What was that?” Ace asked tilting his head. 
“Yeah, what was that?” joined Idia and Lilia in to stir the pot. 
“I said, can't wait.” Malleus answered the two with gritted teeth before looking back down at Ace. “Now could you show me this level again.” 
So, yes, whilst the people in NRC will never admit to the feels they have for the redhead, hey can damn well show how they feel. 
And that’s better than nothing, right? 
*Clown-bus noises in the back.* 
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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such is the tale of a ✨chronically online hypocrite✨
#(please forgive this old folk’s rambling for a hot min bc i need to get this off my chest somehow and in some way)#tl;dr: come and get into the hw idol series!!! we have ship discourse; more ship discourse; even more ship discourse#(yes ik people should be free to ship what they do b u t claiming a noncanon ship as canon and forcing it on everyone else is. not cool.)#yes yes friday’s mv was visually cute and ino.rin’s singing was peak b u t i feel like it has caused more harm than good in some way???#i cant b e l i e v e the jp hwtwt beef over friday’s mv is still going on mannnnnnnnn#no less than 3 separate people have made posts along the lines of#‘p l s stop using [official tags] to post about *[unnamed] non-official ships* p l s there’s a time and place for everything’#and n o n e of them even remotely run in the same circles yet they’re all banded together against a *certain* group lmfao never change hwtwt#lhy (esp yhy) shippers are always at the scene of the crime mannnnnnn#i cant see anything on their end of the naval battle (has every single lhy tag+account that i could think of blocked)#b u t it’s still really funny to witness on my twtdash against my will. i think i need to touch grass#‘kyhn isn’t canon either so why do you like it while being such a hater towards lhy—‘#great question!!!!!! it’s bc (disregarding the movie) they actually interact really well together~~~ like the honeypre event y k—#and also bc yukki treats hina really nicely all the time (even when she was being tsun and literally running from her feelings for him)#a n d hina loved him for who he truly was; even before his image change arc. and she also does her best to appeal to him and such~~~~~~~#but lhy. uh. they just bully hiyo 95% of the time and while they do look out for her bc they’re pals#they’re just pals. guys. and lxl have gone ‘uwu it must be u uwu’ to each other one too many times so shoehorning hiyo between them would.#be pretty weird ngl? esp since the ‘widely accepted’ portrayal of lhy as a trio is p much just hiyo x 2 dudes who dont even like each other#and. like. a branch of such portrayals usually seem to have aizo waft away from the ‘r/s triad’ to date mona instead which is. very weird.#some people just pick and choose aizo and mona interactions dont they. all they see is the umbrella scene and go ‘ah yes. canon’#they dont even read further to see how mona doesn’t even use the umbrella after aizo leaves (clear rejection)#a n d how aizo doesn’t even remember giving the umbrella to mona + mona’s entire existence in general after that#and that’s not even counting the grudge mona refuses to let go of even after what looks to be literal months#so for certain shippers to just casually shoo aizo out of the hiyoharem and into mona’s unwilling arms for the sake of yhy is. weird.#and like. shouldn’t he and yujiro have a say in this?? they’re more interested in each other than hiyo so just how are they being commonly#portrayed as hiyosimps in fanon? im so confused… like. wouldn’t they be equally obsessed with each other (as w/ hiyo) if they were a rstrio?#aaaaaa get this off my twtdash plsssssssss pls see this post twtapp pls let this affect your dumb algorithm im tired of the ship discourseee#as funny as the ‘lhy vs the world’ naval warfare is it’s getting. um. very annoying!!!! and now im missing nagisa more than ever s o b s#plsplsplsplsplsplsplsplspls influence the algorithm ragepost; ik big brother is 👀watching👀 so do your thing—#(pls feel free to duke it out with me too if y’all read this i need my birdsite algorithm to le a r n that i dont wanna see stuff like this)
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cheekblush · 1 year
i'd rather be friendless than to constantly have my boundaries disrespected
#i am so frustrated and annoyed rn#at the beginning of this year my ex best friend reached out to me and i cautiously let her back into my life#things were going great but now she turned a harmless topic into a full blown discussion even though i told her multiple times that i no..#.. longer want to discuss this matter but she kept going & then accusing me of continuing the discussion as well#and tbh i really should've stopped engaging with her messages much sooner but it's so annoying when someone sends you lots of messages with#their opinion although i mentioned several times that i want to drop the topic & then i'm just expected to shut up lol#she didn't respect my wish to move and made a huge fuss about nothing#i stopped replying to her since yesterday bc i really had enough & i should've just left her on read much sooner#but her messages were truly annoying me#her last message now says that we often have different opinions & she thinks she's more optimistic than me & that makes it hard for her to..#talk to me..... i was so dumbfounded when i read that this morning#our initial conversation was about whether a song is more pop or rnb....... & she twisted that into me being negative lmao#she was so obsessed with being right that she couldn't drop the topic even though i told her how exhausting the convo was for me#and like it's such an irrelevant topic... imagine being that obsessed with always being right 😭#idc anymore i'd rather be a negative bitch than someone who disrespects others' boundaries <3#i thought she changed for the better but she's so self-righteous opinionated & stubborn it's awful#i calmly told her that her behavior is bothering me & we easily could've just moved on but she kept going on and on#and she herself admitted that it's one of her flaws that she always has to be right & she's being petty & yet she didn't stop 🤡#even writing all this down feels so silly to me bc the initial topic was sooooo trivial#am i supposed to feel sorry for thinking a song was rnb rather than pop???? like go touch some grass please#she even sent me a screenshot of the wikipedia page of the song to prove that it's rnb & it literally said synth pop & rnb lol#but i wasn't even mad about that her not respecting my wish to drop the topic & move on even though i said it multiple times really pissed..#me off though.... like girl just let it go it's not that deep!!!#but apparently i'm negative & pessimistic for having a different opinion than her 🤷🏼‍♀️#like imagine starting a fight over smth SO IRRELEVANT but i'm the negative one sure lmao#okay i just needed to get this off my chest bc i don't have anyone to talk to about this & it's just ridiculous to me#☁️
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curiouschaosstarlight · 9 months
Oh boy it sure is nice not being alloromantic/allosexual enough to be "normal" but also not aromantic/asexual enough to be a good aromantic/aspec person (:
Sure is nice to finally have a community I totally fit into, everyone is SO welcoming
#chaotic rants#“there's no platonic explanation for this!” there is actually#“when are you gonna get a date/get married/have kids?” never#“let's get you fixed up so you and your boyfriend/girlfriend can have sex! ^w^” “i dont have one” “oh im sure you'll find one :0”#“i dont want a significant other and i never will” “oh that's just your anxiety talking. it'll go away once your anxiety's cured!”#vs#“ugh all these allosexuals are SO OBSESSED with shipping”#“are allosexuals okay”#“not EVERYTHING has to be a ship”#“if you ship a canonically aro character you're erasing the representation and are evil and should be hurt/killed”#vs...#“who cares about the lore of this game? what if the characters just fuck and nothing else”#“lol that character isnt het/bi that makes no sense!” it has canonical proof/is obviously shipteased all the time but okay#“lol that character isnt bi/pan that makes no sense!” it's not contradicted by canon even the tiniest bit but okay#-finally finds a character that's ACTUALLY similar my experience being aroaspec-#-that character is the butt of every joke and a mockery of me and everyone like me as people-#“yeah the 'aroace character is obsessed with food' thing is an annoying stereotype! but it's all you're getting so be happy about it :)”#“lol this character that is canonically het and is constantly sexually harassed is actually canonically aroace.”#“what? you find that offensive and uncomfortable? fuck you im asexual and i get to decide what is and isnt canonically aroace” okay#“you think this other character is canonically aroace? uhhhh no you're wrong that's an offensive stereotype idiot”#-it's the one character in the entire canon that's literally never shown any attraction to anyone else-#“this character was turned aroace by this other character. even tho this is offensive with any other sexuality it's totally fine here!”#“also yes you're a bad person if you ship this character even though they're only aroace in fanon”#“here's our webcomic where everyone's gay or trans or both! ...what? sorry there's no aro or ace or aroace characters in this.”#“fuck you if you were hopeful there would be”#vs!!#“oh everything in fiction is a person's idealized reality!”#“shipping is everyone's idealized romantic/sexual relationship!”#“if you like this in fiction then you like it and want it to happen in reality!”
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orcelito · 5 days
Sasuke is Out! Sasuke is Doing things! What will Sasuke do?! I have no idea!!! I've never gotten this far in the story before, so I have no idea how things are going from here!!!! But Sasuke is Loose!!!!!!
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Quoting this post to myself as I see Sasuke walking around and doing things. I haven't seen this guy do anything in like a hundred episodes. It's so exciting
#speculation nation#fanny watches naruto#it's so sweet seeing Suigetsu and Jugo trying to find Sasuke again#meanwhile Karin is under lock and key. yet shes playing with their expectations to her advantage#her pretending to be just the stupid sasuke obsessed girl to make them not pay attention to her#to let her keep the picture that actually contains some fucking lockpicks. crafty af#and her GLASSES??? the arm of her glasses is hiding a little secret knife?!?!! thats so cool karin wtf#i love when shes shown to be capable like this. like her sasuke fangirling was real. before.#but idk about now after he tried to kill her. he does Not deserve to keep her affections after that for Sure.#but shes still using the act. making people underestimate her. so crafty. like fuck yeah you go you funky little outlaw#i do love that shes genuinely a bitch. i hated her when i was younger bc i hated sasuke#and the fangirling still does annoy me. but shes also more than the fangirling.#shes so COOL when shes not obsessing over sasuke. i wanna see more of her!!!!!#unfortunately now i have to go back to this shit ass kage fight. really boring to me. now that sasuke's out i dont caaaaaare#it's just a bunch of OP ninja throwing rocks and shit at each other. madara literally dropped Two giant fucking meteors on the battlefield#like it was just one and it was a huge deal but tsuchikage and gaara stopped it. yay!!#but then it was such a Gradeschooler One Upping You moment where madara was like. Heh. well actually. theres Two.#and the 2nd one falls on the first and kills a bunch of people etc etc like come onnnn this isnt even fun anymore#we're just committing massive ecological damage all around#also killer bee literally PURPOSEFULLY clearing a massive section of forest for the sake of visibility#NONE of these ninja care about the environment!!!!! those poor trees and creatures!!!!!!#anytime theres some kind of poison something and they show it off by having birds or whatever die like#STOP!!!! youre killing the environment!!!!! stop it!!!!!!!!!#anyways what a show. the more ridiculously massive the fight gets the less fun it is to watch.#why should i care about guys throwing boulders at each other. Boringggg show me some people punching the shit outta each other.#THE TAIJUTSU!!!! WHERES THE TAIJUTSU!!!!! STOP WITH UR OP NINJA MAGIC SHOW ME TAIJUTSU!!!!!!!!#i also really want to see itachi. where is he. sasuke's loose now i know he teams up with itachi Where Is He....#LETS GET SOME UCHIHA UP IN THIS BITCH!!!! madara get ur pasty ass out of here and tobi stick your head in a toilet#only the uchiha BROTHERS here get those old guys OUTTA HEREEEEEEE#anywyas i actually folded some laundry while watching. wild. having fun rn
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vaugarde · 1 year
i get the frustration with so many villains now getting treatment like “oh they had a sucky childhood so actually you need to feel bad for them and not hold them accountable for their actions” but the counter of “this person was born evil and cant ever grow and its pathetic to assume that they can, also people cant be redeemed no matter what and this is fantastic writing actually” is so exhausting. 
#like... no one is born grinning maliciously with a knife out the womb. no one starts out that way#and anything thats ever tried to portray a character that way at birth has only ever been ironically funny#idk its annoying when people are like ''actually its more interesting that the character doesnt have a motive for killing people''#like. coming off of bullet train rn but even ''this character otherwise has a perfect life but they accidentally killed and now theyre#fascinated with all the ways people can die'' is more interesting than ''idk thats just how they are *shrugs*''#like yes someone can have the perfect upbringing and social life and still turn out to be sadistic but you can still work with that#as opposed to ''they were born evil thats just how they were always gonna be SORRY''#like. idk go into that ''perfect social life and family''. what did that family value? what were the friends like?#what did that person experience outside of those things? what did they consume?#did their social standing actually breed some sort of entitlement to them? do they perhaps freak out if something doesnt go their way?#are they insecure deep down? does that drive them to it? are they a perfectionist? do they assume peoples feelings?#i remember reading this wc fancomic that explained why a character was evil and like her mom died#and the attention from her mothers death made her obsessed with being fawned over so she started medical abuse#and letting her patients die so that people would fawn over her the same way every time#and the op was like ''HEY before you yell at me shes NOT evil bc her mom died ok she was gonna turn out evil no matter what''#like... no no go into the emotional vulnerability implied there. go into the morbid introduction to slow death at a young age#go into the potential desensitization go into that. youre already willing to make her multifauceted and with positive traits#why are you afraid of implying shes even SOMEWHAT sympathetic and just want to say she was gonna do that regardless#and i fault the atmosphere around this stuff most of all like we should never have implied that giving a villain a reason to be evil#was stupid woobifying bullshit that was out of touch with reality#echoed voice
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
How do I gush about Chase from the sonic realtime fandubs without sounding like a lunatic
#Ive been rewatching them obsessively the past couple days and I realised JUST how consistantly funny he is#his comedic timing and oneliners are so good but his on the fly writing characters is soooo good#Storm in the riders dub? hilarious. Mephiles in the 06 dub? highlight of the dub. Black doom/the devil in the Shadow dub? highlight#HES SO FUNNY#IK WE ALL LOV ALFRED AND PENNY BUT. CHASE <3#His improv with ryan's shadow is consistently my favourite#from the 06 dub the whole thing about them being in a genuinely believable relationship#and Black Doom/the devil being like parasocially obsessed with shadow??#WHY IS IT GENUINELY GOOD UGH#also from the riders dub lines like “HU. I JUST REMEMBERED A TRAUMATISING EXPERIENCE IN MY PAST let me stim a bit and Ill feel better.”#and “Youre not gonna acknowledge me?? i greeted you.”#the whole “Its a gamer pad 😌” thing from the sonic06 dub#the iconic “Bahbahbah shut up shut up shut up I dont care- I do not care! This means NOTHING to me. You and your little friends-#are fucking ANNOYING. this is why I stay in hell-“ THING??? LIKE THE WHOLE ”I DONT CARE I DONT CARE I HATE YOU I HATE YOU“ IS SO GENUINE???#and obviously “Bing bong hey whats up youre doin a bad job” and “Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy whats upppppppp its meeee”#and earlier “Hi shadowwww 🥰 I love youuuuu”#Chase is so fucking funny idc#Anyway. go watch the Sonic realtime fandubs if you havent you dont have to know anything about Sonic and its hilarious#snapcube#penny parker#sonic real time fandub#snapcube rtfd
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pickapea · 4 months
i have rough, calloused fingers but not because i've been working the earth or have learned to play the guitar but bc i have very strong compulsions to hit really hard at random places on my phone screen or computer keyboard when the vibes under the surface of them feel off
#shady websites are my greatest enemy bc i have to slam down on the mouse very hard many many times per minute to find peace#and that's where the evil ads wait for me#i also can't stalk people on instagram and so on bc i WILL have to hit the screen vv hard many times at random and that's how you get caugh#my fingers hurt really bad if i've spent a whole day on the computer bc i have banged on it many many times every minute very very hard#this started months ago#it's also soo annoying when watching videos on my phone bc i keep pausing the video and skipping around accidentally#i once tried to not do it i watched a music video and the Feeling came over me that there is something wrong and imbalanced under the scree#and i said No. i will not slam hard at the screen. i am strong. i will simply watch the video and the feeling will go away. it doesnt matte#the feeling did not go away and i did not simply watch the video and i was not strong. i did slam hard at the screen#it felt HORRIBLE! i couldn't live like that. my whole body was goddamn screaming until i gave in. i couldn't even focus on the video#anyway. my fingers hurt and the pads of them are harder than they should be all things considered#i can't even describe the Feeling. it waits just under the surface of the phyical object. and i have to hit it#the only way to not his it. for example the computer keyboard. is to simply press on the button instead of slamming it#press on it for a really long time and in the exact right place so the energies become balanced again#lowkey it takes me longer to write anything bc i have to rub at my fingertips with my other fingers bc the vibes feel off inside the finger#bc they touch the evil keyboard with strange energies hiding under the keys#RRRRAAAAAAAAAHHHH#i don't even have ocd. it's not like i have obsessive thoughts that i try to control by doing compulsions#there's no ''my parents will die and i will get a disease and i'll burn the house down''. it just feels. Bad. and Wrong. and i can't let it#can't let it be#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#pickapost
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planetsage · 2 months
FHUCK MEEEE i need like semi-public sex with dom!choso he’s like on my mind 24/7 uhm
NEW PIN ! ꒰ 🪴 PUT THAT PUSSY ON ME𖧧˚⋆ʚɞ ── choso kamo 𝜗𝜚
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contains. 2k words + nsfw so, minors do not interact. f!reader, dom!cho, boxer!cho, established relationship, blood, sweat, semi public sex, locker room sex, f rec oral, a little ass eating (if you squint), spit, hair pulling, dirty talk, breeding, overstim, creampie, biting, cum eating.
all big-time boxers practice abstinence for at least a week before their fights; an age-old tradition that’s been torched down from talent to talent said to preserve testosterone, aggression, and most importantly, the drive to win.
it makes sense. not only on the physical side of things, but mentally. discipline — “if a player can’t handle a month or 20 days without having relations, then he’s not really ready to be a professional.”
although choso knew of this prior to becoming a fighter, his coach never actually brought it up to him until you were sat with big child-like eyes, pupils dilated as if trying to drink in every little detail, watching your amateur boyfriend practice for the first time.
it felt like a world of its own with choso sitting atop it on a blood-stained throne. the smell of leather and sweat suffused through the large dome-shaped gym, dull thuds and thumps of fists hitting bags, feet screeching sounding over music.
shirtless, choso’s muscles pumped and flexed as glossy sweat trickled down his temples, merging into rivulets that traced the contours of his face before dripping off his chin and down, down, down his battered body; each quick movement sent salty droplets flying, making dark, little circular marks on the mat.
his arms and core clenched, causing his thick biceps to swell, veins prominent beneath flushed skin like flowing riverbeds; his abs rippling with every rapid punch. the rigid meat of his heavy thighs bulged through black nylon shorts as he hopped around fluidly. dancing. it was truly hypnotic.
about halfway into his practice, you found yourself slightly tilting your head to the side in confusion as his coach moved to point at you.
choso seemed annoyed, running a taped hand through his sweat-ridden hair. then he nodded before they both dispersed to start another round of sparring.
“he said i can’t fuck you anymore”
choso’s wet body clung tightly to your previously dry one, making a sticky connection as he squirted a stream of electrolyte-mixed water from a bottle he clutched with thick hands into his scarred mouth. his usually pink lips were a little red. swollen and plumped, making them jut out, begging to be kissed by your softer ones.
and he was exhausted, visibly. his body sagging when he practically mounted you as soon as he finished practicing, the musky, almost primal scent emitting from him filling your senses in a heady wave as he whined and pouted over his coach’s orders when you asked what had been said earlier, handing him a fresh towel.
“he went full authoritarian on me,” he roughly scrubbed his flushed face with the cloth before dragging it over and around his arms, then abs letting the cotton soak up his sweat, “said we can’t do anything … its so stupid, i’ve done research on it, y’know. it’s a myth”
he rambled on and on, his voice soaked in frustration, bringing up the hundreds of articles he scoured. the way he animatedly swung his arms around, bloodied lip, and still damp with sweat, made you giggle.
you leaned in to gently press a kiss to the corner of his lips. “hey, it’s okay,” you hummed soothingly, contrasting his outburst, “it’s only just before a fight. it can’t be that bad, right?”
and it wouldn’t be.
if choso’s feelings for you didn’t border obsession. he physically can’t go over a day without stuffing your pussy full of his gooey cum and he’d be dammed if some dumb ‘tradition’ that lacked the backing of science stopped him from fucking his pretty girl.
so here you are. embarrassingly parting your sticky folds with meek fingers, revealing your glossy pussy to eager, purpled eyes in the dim back corner of a stuffy locker room.
approximately … thirty seven minutes until choso’s fight.
after a verbal beating from his coach, he was, unwillingly, forced to abstain; forced to spend weeks on edge around you, to not so much as brush a finger against your soft skin because he’d get hard and shoot out hot cum untouched. and he was so close to being successful, too, but he swore he’d lose with how full and heavy his fat balls felt, nudging you into the locker room with empty promises of being “so quick”.
“just need ta taste my baby first,” his voice came out in a heavy whisper as he licked up the fat of your inner thighs, the cooled air of the cramped room circulating and brushing against your achy clit making you flinch, “poor thing .. you missed me too, hm? missed my mouth, pretty?”
“choso hur—”
“shh. ‘m not talkin’ ta you ‘m talkin’ ta her,” he was undividedly staring at your pussy as if trying to commit the filthy imagine of it leaking, clenching around nothing to memory before he rubbed the tip of his flushed nose against your pretty clit, nuzzling into that addictive scent he had been yearning for for what felt like decades.
that said, he was still taking his sweet time.
pressing almost petty pecks to your sensitive thighs, humming out a singsongy ‘aaahh’ before biting into them, leaving fresh pretty marks now that all the old ones have faded. fidgeting on his knees, probably bruising them as he drug his pudgy bulge against the tiled floor until he’s finally, finally moving to lick a long, slow stripe up your pussy, making your hips sputter and buck up against his face.
he’s so loud and messy.
eating you like he’s been starved because, well, technically, he has, “mmmmmm tas’ so fuckin’ good baby. missed— mmhhm havin’ you on my tongue”
cradling your clit with his puffy lips to firmly suck up and drool back out. viscous spit slips out from your pussy, leaving the bench all wet and sticky, so he pauses. because it’s rude to leave messes, shifting his attention from your sloppy hole to drag his tongue on the cold metal bench and clean it all up. the wet muscle brushing, slipping past your ass, making you yelp.
“choso please— hur— hurry. you’re gonna be late” with balled fists you push against his head, musing his inky black hair and if it had been under any other circumstances, he would’ve punished you for interrupting his meal. but he was going to be late, twenty three more minutes and god knows how many rounds it’s gonna take to empty his balls, so he lets you glide all over the thin ice.
just this once.
“fuck, baby, let me fuck that pussy from the front” choso stands up to shove his now tight shorts down to his ankles, his cock springing out, eagerly slapping against his stomach as precum dribbles onto his chest. “always cum so fast when m’ lookin’ at that pretty face”
he wraps his hand around his shaft to move and press his chubby tip against your little hole, scribbling all over it with a hum before leaning to spit a fat bubbly glob onto your needy pussy.
a pretty whine escapes you as you softly lift up your hips begging him to just slip it in, “quit actin so needy, ‘m riiighht here” dragging out his words, he sloowwwly lets his cockhead sink past your folds, whining at how fucking tight you are.
he missed his pretty pussy so much. so, so much.
“fuck, ‘s so big” it’s been a while since you’ve felt the stretch of his cock molding your walls to fit him making tears swell and clump up in your curled lashes as you fling your arms around the slope of his shoulders before you’re shoving your face into the side of his warmed neck.
but he said he needs to see that pretty face, so he’s quickly moving to grab a fist full of your hair, roughly pulling you back by your scalp as you squeal, your mouth falling open to let in and out deep shaky breaths, “look at me”
and he holds you there, forcing you to stare into his darkened eyes as he fully bottoms out to bully his plump, heavy cock up into you. giving you the messiest, most feral strokes. losing his mind in your pretty pussy, already twitching inside you, spilling out pearls of precum that kiss your spongy g spot.
you can’t even moan. just weakly whimpering out broken cries of his name, ”so— ch— cho ssso” as he drags his cock against your gooey walls, his left hand thumbing at your sensitive clit sparking big tears to slip down your cheeks, your eyes hazing over, starting to slip up .. and go back just a little revealing porcelain white, then a little mor-
“i said fuckin’ look at me”
he jerks your head around like some doll; again, forcing you to stare up at him as he knocks the wind out of you with every snap of his waist. and he looks dazed. his hair is messy, mussed, and tossed to his shoulders as sweat catches a few strands to curl up and stick to his temples. he’s almost pink, flushed with so much fever, fucking into your sloppy pussy as he growls, “theeeree you go. ‘m so close, baby— shit. want me to fill that pretty pussy, huh? want me to— fuuuckk pump you full of my cum? hm?”
but his feral growls start to turn into pretty little saccharine whimpers as he gets closer and closer, sputtering his rose-skinned hips, “yeah cho. give it to me— haaa mmm, wan’ it all. fill me up”
“you wan’ it all?” his grip on your hair grows tighter, vice-like, as he mocks your needy little tone with a breathy chuckle, “want me to fuck a baby into you, yeah? knock you up then go knock that fucker out?”
bobbing up and down dumbly, you nod, his words stringing in one ear and quickly out the other because it’s just so fuckin’ good.
he’s pulling you closer, closer, and closer to that edge he loves to dangle you over. “choso ‘m gonna—”
“i know, mama. can feel it. keep lookin’ at me. give it to me”
with a whimper of his name, your knees crash into each other, your toes curling as white-hot pleasure strikes like thick bolts of lightning behind your eyes.
choso’s pulling them back apart and you almost fall off the bench until he’s wrapping his thicker arms around your body to keep fucking into you, “thereee you goo, mhm. look so pretty like that baby” talking you through it so sweetly as if he’s not overstimulating you. rewiring your brain.
“shi— shit, baby fuckin’ milkin’ me .. gonna— ‘m gonna—”
groaning too loud, his hips stilled as he dumped the heavy buildup of cum into your more than welcoming pussy, his head slumping forward to bite into your shoulder and muffle himself.
he’s filling you up so well, shooting thick ropes into your pretty, satiny walls as he pulses and twitches inside you.
but he’s still so hard.
pulling out to wrap a hand around his cock, jerking himself off, roughly, it looks like it hurts, “stick your, haah fuck, stick your fuckin’ tongue out” griping as his chest caves in and heaves until he’s spilling more hot cum onto your pretty fucked out face.
his head falls back, his body swaying slightly as he catches his breath, his muscles relaxing with a heavy sigh until he leans back down to lick up his sticky mess, making you buzz with warmth, twitching at the feeling of his warm tongue. “hhnngg— choso you have to goo”
oh yeah.
he hums, a smile tugging at his lips against your skin before he reluctantly pulls back, moving to draw up his shorts, “almost forgot about that,” he grabs a handful of his messed hair to pull back up into his trademark buns, “i’ll be quick, baby. still got the taste of my good luck charm on my tongue”
not even an hour later, before you can completely clean yourself off and find your bearings, a deafening lion-like roar surges from the full crowd piercing through the thick walls of the locker room. your head quirks up, and then you hurriedly push through the door, almost jogging into the arena.
there he is.
in the center of it all looming over his opponent. the referee pulls up choso’s arm and again; the crowd erupts as the other poor soul winces, crimson-faced, red gloves covering their bloodied expression.
amidst it all, choso’s eyes find yours. he’s licking at the corner of his lips with a knowing smirk.
all big-time boxers practice abstinence for at least a week before their fights; all expect the biggest rising rookie choso kamo.
© planetsage 2024 all rights reserved. no part of this may be reproduced in any form.
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shmpxx · 11 months
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⛤ yuuji itadori x fem! reader
Yuuji definitely loves cumming inside but you ban him from doing so, how could you do that to poor Yuuji?
cw. smut. unprotected sex. creampies. cervix-fucking. squirting. non-con cumming inside. overstimulation. pussydrunk. tummy bulge. mentions of pregnancy. +18!
wc: 1k
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Sex with Yuuji is amazing but also annoying. Yuuji never listens to you, not when his cock is so buried deep into you, threatening to cum and coat your gushy walls even when you tell him not to, he cums too much that you’ll already end up feeling full in one go. The first time he slid in, he couldn’t stop. How can he? Your cunt was squeezing him tight, milking him dry each time he can’t pull out in time. He’s being deeply swallowed by your warmth and the wind is being knocked out of his lungs. Your pussy is basically begging to be filled with his cum. You regret furthering make out sessions because now there’s no going back. He doesn’t like to wear condoms either, not when he had went raw for the first time, now he is obsessed with your used up hole.
You’ll scold him that if he did it again he wouldn’t be getting any for a while. This time surprisingly he did listen, he promised though he was sad he will never get to sink his cock into you and fill you up in all the right places, your mushy walls being glazed and the pretty mess you make on him as well. How could you punish him like that? It wasn’t his fault he can’t help it, the feeling was pretty much addicting but your not trying to get pregnant, though he probably wouldn’t mind if he just gets to. So every time his cock slightly twitched to cum, he would pull out cumming on your stomach or your ass. It’s still feels good but stuffing you was so much better.
Yuuji now pounding into you, this time you both ran through your first orgasm. Yuuji was hungry, hungry to keep beating your cervix with his cock. His pace was fast and rough, sweat beads forming on your bodies. His head lowering cursing and moaning “fuck-fuck..ah! Can’t stop-…shit!” he wasn’t even getting tired, his hips slamming into you and your hands tug onto the sheets beneath you, eyes tight shut as your taking his merciful thrusts, your moaning like crazy your getting dizzy. Your pretty pussy taking his big dick at such speed.
You can feel his cock throb, that’s when you know he’s about to cum. “Yuuji! You know to..ah-pull out” what was that? Sounded like nothing to him. He’s still going, his eyes closed as he tilts his head back just thinking about how good you feel and your walls tightening around his girth, he was practically drooling. “feel so- fucking good! Can’t stop! I have to-“ You shake your head before he begins to go faster. Half of your mind was being focused on Yuuji fucking you hard into your spot and the other half was the hope that you needed him to pull out in time before he cums, you were near your end and he was too yet he’s so lost in your weeping cunt, he might have to just break his promise not even thinking twice about the consequences because he was so entranced by your pussy.
“Yuuji don’t! Don’t cum inside! Ah! Pull out already” you yell out a moan, a sharp ache was building up in the pit on your stomach. He shakes his head “m’ sorry baby! Fuck-“ Yuuji was not cooperating nor he was sorry. You slightly pull your hips back but Yuuji grabs them slamming you back down, his leaking tip pounded at your cervix and you let a intense moan. “Please baby..just let me-“ he whines, his voice cracking a bit.
“Yuuji!” you gasp, you felt like you were about to explode. Yuuji hurries, feeling himself about climax and made sure he was about to do it right inside you just like he always wanted to. “‘m cumming! ‘m cumming” how fucking amazing that felt when he pumps full of hot spurts of cum deep in your womb, he’s biting the inside of his cheek. you cry feeling him fill you up so fast already and you gushed around him of your liquids right on his cock cumming hard, the feeling of your tummy became full of him “Ah! Yuuji no! I-your cumming inside me“ you whimpered with your hand on your lower abdomen feeling the bulge of his big dick. you were trembling, your heart is racing, waiting for your high to calm down but it’s taking a while to do so.
“Don’t wanna stop now” he exhales a large gasp of air, He knew he was gonna overstimulate himself, he had never before in a while though you felt so good and he had to keep going, he got to cum inside you, surely he could do it again. “Yuuji yer such a idiot” you whine and gave him a fist at his chest as his dick growing hard again and he’s still thrusting inside not caring about the filthy mess he made. “‘m sorry baby..i really am..-shit! Your squeezing me though” if you keep doing that then he might just cum harder and so much more than before.
Yuuji uses his hands to push your legs almost to your ears so he can fuck into deeper, already planning to cum inside you again when he’s to his end. He’s panting like a dog, you’re moaning and the sounds fills your ears of Yuuji’s cock plunging repeatedly in your stuffed pussy. You might just kill him after this yet you’re overwhelmed with Yuuji tip prodding at your cervix with ease. “Yuuji i hate you s’ much..hah! Ah! s’ much!” Yuuji lets out a sigh along with a small laugh “I’ll make it up to you I promise just- fuck! Let me..ah!” Yuuji’s hips are snapping but they’re also a bit sloppy.
“oh fuck oh fuck!” His cock pulses, your moans pitches when your stomach tightens. Yuuji leans down gritting his teeth hard and his fingers dig through your skin. He gives you another load while your pussy clenches around him. Your toes curl and you cum intensely, gushing over him messily again, your stomach fluttering with his dick still pumping his essence into you and some of his previous cum leaking out. “Stupid Yuuji..” you’re all fucked out but your pissed as hell “Hah..sorry” little does he know he’s not getting sex from you for a while.
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