#you always knew I was a multishipper at heart
zulufic · 1 year
Chapters: 1/15 Fandom: A League of Their Own (TV 2022) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lupe García/Carson Shaw, Greta Gill/Carson Shaw Characters: Lupe García, Carson Shaw, Greta Gill, Jess McCready, Jo De Luca, Esti González, Beverly (A League of Their Own TV 2022) Additional Tags: Canon Lesbian Character, Canon Bisexual Character, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Baseball, Pining, Jealousy, Angst, Period-Typical Racism, Period-Typical Homophobia, Eventual Happy Ending, POV Lupe García, POV Carson Shaw, POV Greta Gill, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, ...and they were batterymates Summary:
In which Lupe’s gaydar is slightly better, Greta’s timing is slightly worse, and Carson’s choices aren’t so clear-cut.
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yooooo!!! you’re my favorite ethan winters artist i just wanna say that first and foremost, thank you for the wholesome content of my comfort character and father figure 🥹🫶
i’m really curious bc i feel like i see a lot of people against mithan (not me personally, i’m p neutral on them!) but i’m curious to know all your thoughts on them! thoughts on their canon relationship, their fanon portrayal, the backlash against them/mia accusations, and your headcanons? i’m just really interested!!! hopefully that’s not weird :”)
have a good day!! sparkle on!!! ✨💖
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i heart mithan... i think that they can be so cute...
i personally hc them t4t and i like to think that the dated in highschool before they both had fully transitioned
mia likes to bake and ethan likes to scrap book and he always likes to take pictures of mias cakes/ baked goods and has a album for them 😭
i am a multishipper so i draw a lot of ethan ships so my girl is left out sometimes and im sorry mia 😔
i actually really like their relationship, its a really complex dynamic that i like to talk about with my friends
i think the issue is that when talking about mithan or mia in general, theres just SO MUCH misinformation that its honestly a pain the butt to talk about
people still think that she was responsible for the creation of eveline, people still think that she experimented on eveline, people still use examples of her attacking ethan as if she did it on her own will instead of being mind controlled
in reality she was just someone who oversaw the transportation of evie. im not excusing her or anything because obviously she knew what she was doing, but people really try to accuse her of doing something she didnt and it bothers me alot lol
the problem with the fandom is that people either try to water her down to girlboss who did nothing wrong and fail to acknowledge the complexity/ moral grayness of her character and the other side is misogynists 😭😭😭😭
its hard to talk about her without people either going "stop trying to villainize her and make her look bad!" or people ACTUALLY villainizing her and acting like heisenberg would have treated him better 😭😭
mithan is such a sad relationship because they loved each other so much and that ended up being the reason their relationship fell apart (sort of... its not like the broke up... ethan kinda just straight up died)
i get a lot a trouble for saying this, but mia is a selfish person.
its not a bad thing! well i mean it is but it doesnt make her some evil witch who is somehow worse than the guy how made a werewolf american ninja warrior. its just a major character flaw she has! which is good! mia being a flawed person who makes mistakes and morally gray decisions make her a more interesting person!
she is selfish in the way that she wants to keep her family with her no matter the cost. even if it means lying to ethan about her job so that he wont think different of her. here is a interrogation from the re7 DLC, which is easy to miss!
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she isnt necessarily trying to apologize for the things she has done, she is more of a, "u wont need to forgive me in the first place if we just forget it all and move on"
she doesn't try to redeem herself for what she has done, she tries to move on and return to the normal life that she wants so bad. which is fine! everyone copes a different way and she has to right to move on from her trauma. the problem that lies in this is that she has a shared trauma with ethan who still has no idea what went on in dulvey and still effects him till the present (he is mold! this is a important thing to know! most people would want to know if they were a walking corpse)
she played a direct part in what happened in dulvey, and im not referring to the email, she did not send that. she never wanted ethan to come in the first place. she tried her best to send a video to him, begging him to forget about her because she wanted to protect him, BUT it didnt send.
he got involved because she was involved. its honestly a series of really really unfortunate events.
THOUGH! she did know what she was getting into. im tired of seeing the narrative that mia was innocent and didnt know what was going on or was simply a bystander. she knew what she was doing, she knew eveline was a bioweapon, she knew eveline was a child. she used a MACHINE GUN! she knows how to use weapons and was obviously trained for it.
she tried her best to keep everybody out of the mess, ex: warning the bakers not to take them in, warning ethan not to find her, sacrificing herself for ethan in the later half of re7
but again, those are the consequences of HER actions
her consequences just happen to get really big and end up hitting ethan on the head like a metal sheet 😭
their relationship is really so interesting, it makes me really sad to think about sometimes 😭they both went through something that nobody else would ever understand, in the end they really only have each other. they get moved to an entire different country and the dulvey incident gets covered up with a "gas leak"
its really tragic because their marriage definitely had some flaws and bumps. and i know im repeating myself but its because people always take this in the worst way possible but just because i say their relationship was rocky doesnt mean im saying they dont love each other!!! thats the entire basis of mias character!! saying she doesnt love ethan would destroy her entire character!
you can see in the re8 DLC how fondly ethan talks about mia! he loves her so much, though im not sure if his comments in the DLC are him narrating current (post re8) or his thoughts before everything went down and he died (pre re8)
everything mia did was because she LOVED ethan. she would never do anything to intentionally hurt him, she is not a cruel person. she hides the truth of her job from ethan pre re7 because she loves him and doesnt want her job to drive them apart. she CONTINUES to refuse to tell ethan the truth post re7 because she wants to move on a live a happy normal life with him and knows something like her being directly associated with the connections would probably cause (more) problems. she refuses to tell ethan that he is mold because again, hard to live a happy marriage with your husband after you tell him hes a bioweapon.
obviously i dont think it was right that she did this, thats what makes her selfish! she did it for herself! she did it for her family! she thought it would work out, she thought that they could move on and be happy together.
the issue is that ethan didnt want to forget. he wanted to know what happened, he wanted to know the part mia played, he wanted answers! which is reasonable! he knows to some extent that mia was partially responsible for his involvement and he was always suspcious that mia was lying to him about her job which is implied when mia says "you were right, i did lie to you"
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she doesnt learn, she doesnt stop lying, her lies get bigger and worse and it sucks yeah but it makes her so interesting!!! she keeps doing stupid things under the idea that this is whats best for her and her family, that if she hides this everything will work out and it will be for the better but its not!
just because telling your husband hes dead and a bioweapon is a hard subject to bring up doesnt mean you DONT bring it up. people shouldnt use that as a reason to excuse mia 😭, its a very bad excuse and honestly highlights how horrible their communication skills were. you cant just not tell your husband that he is actually infected with the mold and not tell him for the tree years between post re7 and pre re8.
im not saying these things to put mia down, or try and villanize her. these are all just actual things her character does! she isnt evil, but she isnt a knight in shining armor either. we need to be able to have talks about complex characters without crying everytime someone points out a flaw. characters have flaws! and mia just happens to have a lot of them!
im not mad at her, i dont dislike her because i think this way of her. shes a fictional character! you can like characters that are morally gray, or villains that drink blood and make corpse soldiers. they are fictional! pointing out the flaws of a character does not mean i dont like them.
i wouldnt call her "the real villain of re8" but i wouldnt treat her like a damsel in distress either. she is a competent person, she knows what shes doing, she has her reasons for doing them. she made bad descions with good intentions behind them! they can coexist and we should let them!
i like mithan! its a complex relationship because they both love each other so much but hurt each other in the process
talking about them is just a pain in the butt because talking about mia is a pain in the butt lol
i really hate how she keeps getting sidelined, its super frustrating to see mia get put in a cage in every game 😭
its even more frustrating that mia straight up just disappears???? in the shadows of rose DLC... like she just stops taking care of rose and theres nothing said about it. no reason or explanation. i dont think mia would ever ditch rosemary because she didnt care about her, but we probably will never know because capcom sucks at writing and they probably forgot the mia ever even existed.
all in all, i think the fandom is really just full of misinformation which make people either think mia is some horrible evil person, or its full of people who think that saying mia messed up is the equivalent of comparing her to wesker lol.
i really love mia, shes a incredibly fun and complex character, its just hard to enjoy her sometimes with the people in the fandom haha.
also ive got no idea what u meant by "the backlash against them/mia accusations" so sorry if i didnt answer that!
thank u for the ask! sorry for the long response!
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angelsdean · 1 year
What bothers me with DeanLisa is that Sam pushes Dean toward Lisa because of something Dean fantasizes about... 40 years earlier. Before the Apocalypse, before knowing angels and God exist, before being tortured 30 years in Hell (and spending 10 years torturing)... Sam, being oblivious, doesn't take any of that into account. Dean has changed too much since he dreamt about this for their relationship to work (I think DeanLisa could have worked if they were both in the same mindstate than s3 but)
yea there are a lot of reasons why deanlisa was never going to really work out in that context. i think if circumstances had been different then maybe. but i just have a lot of issues with deanlisa, they're not my fave and i can't get over how plot device-y they are, but that's an issue with the writing and i don't actually hate lisa as a character or anything. i know a lot of multishippers like deanlisa so i don't wanna step on any toes and i think in fanon, giving them more depth than the narrative ever did helps make them more interesting and complex. but when i'm like putting my analytical hat on and looking at what the text actually does and critiquing what they actually gave us versus what they didn't give us or what they could've done it's well :/ like narratively she, and ben, are presented as this ready made family fantasy and that's about it. that's their sole "function" and lisa never gets much depth or complexity to her character and it's just very :/
i think dean has a huge heart, and i while i def question him showing up out of the blue to move in with a woman he knew collectively maybe 2 weeks out of his life, i do think dean IS the kind of person who "falls in love" a little bit with everyone he meets that treats him with genuine kindness and affection. and i think there are different degrees and shades and intensities to that "love" and it's not always the kind of One True Love definition of love. like he also only spends about 2 - 3 weeks with cassie but says she was his first love. and that love is important and meaningful but also very different from say, his love for cas which gets 12 years to grow. but neither is "better" than the other, they're just different! so like, i think he definitely cared for lisa and loved her in some way, and maybe if, like you said, circumstance had been different, they could have worked out and maybe grown to really love each other deeply. but in the circumstances they were in it always felt a little doomed. (here's a really good post about this).
as much as we can debate whether dean really loved her or not, i think dean would probs Never have sought her out if sam hadn't pushed him toward her w/ is "dying wish" of dean being a happy little suburban man. i don't think dean was thinking abt her all those yrs or holding a torch for her. and dean might've wanted that fantasy family life at one point but yea for dean those dreams were a long time ago. i think by the end of s5 dean doesn't really think that life is in the cards for him anymore.
my reading of the situation is: dean is numb with grief. dean has lost nearly everyone (bobby's still around but that's about it, and they don't seem to be in contact). dean is trying to honor his brother's "dying" wish. except sam isn't actually dead! (i forget who brought this up but i saw it recently and!!!!) sam literally isn't dead when he goes into the cage !!! he's spending eternity being tortured by the devil as far as dean knows. i think that would cause dean a great amount of stress / worry / anguish on top of his grief. i don't think dean would be able to just move on and play happy family forever. so, he's numb, depressed, going through the motions, and holding on to this one (1) thing he now has, this perfect little family. and it's what he should want !! it's what he used to dream about !! but so much has changed. and he cares about lisa, he does. she's great and she's trying to help him. and ben is a great kid and dean loves him too. but it was never going to work, not really, because dean's issues are SO huge and all encompassing at that point AND this life wasn't really his choice. it's not what he would have chosen if sam hadn't nudged him in that direction. he's there, and he's trying, but it's not enough. he's got unresolved hell trauma, unresolved grief, probably constantly thinking abt sam being tortured in hell by the devil after dean very recently spent 40 yrs !! in that place. he's also lost cas, his best friend, who in dean's eyes abandoned him for heaven. based on past and future behavior he's probably also feeling like he doesn't deserve to be alive, possibly is passively suicidal. he's got a lot going on, and of course you don't have to be perfect or have your shit together to be in a relationship, but i don't think dean was in the right place to be in a relationship or to be playing the role of suburban dad and husband. and i think that's kind of the point, i think the narrative wants us to see that friction and see the cracks in the fantasy.
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redvanillabee · 1 year
Thank you @daniel-sousas-blue-shirt for the tag!
First ship:
I probably rooted for some pairs before I even consciously knew what 'shipping' was, and it was most likely some...random local TV drama couple. I also was very mildly rooting for some H*rry P*tter couples back when I read the books as a kid. But generally speaking, I didn't care too much about romance subplots or ships (#signs that should have told me i was aro)
Once I learnt about shipping, my first 'real' ship was I think...US/UK from Hetalia.
Three ships:
You can't just ask a multishipper that! Um...
JackDaniels (Agent Carter)
Klaine (Glee) will always have a special place in my heart
Third place is probably just a tie between my other MCU ships
Last (current) song: China Reggaeton—Namewee
Last Movie: Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania! :)
Currently Reading: I'm slowly making my way through several non-fiction. I don't have the same focus needed to read actual books as I used to.
Currently consuming: ...a protein shake
Currently craving: as in food or things in general? I would like a week off. But if we're talking about food...nothing really. I'm feeling quite full.
Tagging: @3friesshortofahappymeal @likea-black-widow-baby @the-invisible-queer @dnptheinfinity @sadieb798
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theclearblue · 3 months
For the ask game, can I ask for Zoro, Kenjaku and Yona.....
Thanks 🍀
Sexuality headcanon: This man is as gay as they come. Obviously a big part of his storyline revolves around women, but I've never gotten the vibe that he's into women. The things he says to men ALL the time though...I know what you are...
Gender headcanon: Cis or trans man, either works for me. I've read some really good fics/seen good art of trans Zoro and it makes a lot of sense to me and I enjoy it when I see it, but I'm not really fussed either way.
A ship I have with said character: Zosan forever and always is the OTP for me, and I'm a lot less of a multishipper with Zoro compared to Sanji for some reason lol. I've warmed up a bit on Zolu too but I do still prefer that as more of a platonic soulmate thing, and I know I said I see Zoro as gay but the t4t potential of Zoro/Kiku is quite good too so I'm willing to say he isn't 100% gay because of it.
a BROTP: Him and Chopper are so cute oh my god, the way Zoro acts like a proud/protective older brother to him is really really cute, that's his guy!!! I also LOVE the Zoro and Nami friendship, I think they antagonize each other for fun lmao but I also think they would be really close to each other and have their own special relationship where they can tell each other anything.
A NOTP: Zoro with any woman other than Kiku really, but I know Zoro/Robin is somewhat popular and I don't think I really get it all. I think their relationship/friendship is really interesting especially pre-timeskip where they had to learn to trust each other when Robin first joined the crew, but I think they're just friends who watch each other's backs.
A random headcanon: I'm surprised I don't see this hc more, and maybe it's just me projecting, but this man 100% has ADHD lmao. The way that he gets lost all the time, his hyperfixation on swords and also his dream, his head empty moments throughout the series, how he's somewhat impulsive, and I feel like the meditation/workout routine is how he tries to manage his concentration (also his anxiety).
general thoughts: I absolutely adore Zoro, and he was the one that surprised me the most. I knew about him before starting and thought he would be the "badass and stoic" character that ended up being flat compared to everyone else, and that's just not true. He's SO silly but also has a really good heart and character, that even though he is a loser he is also very cool at the same time. he's more of a simple character but there's still a lot to talk about with him and he's just had consistently strong writing throughout the entire series. I don't talk about him as much as Sanji or maybe even Robin but those three are tied for my fave strawhat.
(Kenjaku and Yona under the cut)
Sexuality headcanon: Pansexual or bisexual, I think they've lived a thousand years and things such as gender aren't a factor in who they are attracted to. They truly just go for whoever they catches their interest at any given moment in time.
Gender headcanon: Uhhh all of the above lol. Man, woman, nonbinary, no gender, all the genders, whatever they're feeling and however they are perceived is their gender. I think it's similar to the sexuality, you live a thousand years and gender is a construct they abandoned a long long time ago. No matter what I think they're trans though, and all pronouns.
A ship I have with said character: I think every major ship with Kenjaku works for me, and I struggle to pick a favorite. Gojoken, Tenken, Takaken, Kenjin, Mahito/Kenjaku, even Sukuken I find kinda fun lol. If I had to pick one of these, probably Takaken, but I am big Gojoken and Tenken fan so they're close behind.
A BROTP: So the thing about Kenjaku is that they're a cringefail loser and they don't know how to make friends lmao. Maybe Mahito and Kenjaku? I know I put them in the ship category but I think they fit more here, the silliness and horrors they get up to together were a lot of fun to watch.
A NOTP: Hmm I'm struggling to come up with an answer lol. Uhhh I guess the one Heian era character I don't ship with them is Uraume, but I've never actually seen this ship anywhere. Oh I guess if there's any Kenjaku/Yuuji or Kenjaku/Choso I would not be a fan of that either.
Random headcanon: I feel like in the in between time of executing their thousand year evil plan, they sometimes go out every once in awhile like every 20-30 years to engage with human society again and acts like an old man who's never heard of technology lmao. I also think they would say super off putting things that make no sense to anyone like "Man this dish was so much better 80 years ago :(" and the waiter is just staring at this person who looks like they're early thirties at most.
General thoughts: I think they're the most interesting villain in JJK by far, their relationships spanning over a thousand years are messy and mysterious and span far and wide and the small pieces we get are something to theorize on endlessly. I think they are so effective in that they always are doing or saying something interesting/horrific/fun when on screen, but when they are gone that causes more anxiety for the reader. They're a very cruel and inhumane character, but there is almost a melancholic aspect to them too where they have this big plan, but it doesn't even seem to excite them that much. I'm hoping to do a Culling Games reread maybe in the summer mostly just for them tbh.
Sexuality headcanon: Bisexual but she doesn't know that askhfkl. Obviously she's attracted to men, that's known from the beginning of the series, but whatever she had with Lili....well...I think they had the potential to be more than gal pals given time....
Gender headcanon: Hmm I guess just cis woman. Haven't thought about any other gender for her, and I think that's honestly what she feels comfortable identifying as. If you got any trans/nb hcs for her though I'm open to it.
a ship I have with said character: Have you heard of Hak/Yona....i think they're neat...cool even....yeah most obvious answer lmao but this is really the only romantic ship I like with her (even if Lili/Yona has potential too and I can convince people on the yuri if no other brave soldiers are willing to).
BROTP: All of the dragons, easily. Hak/Yona might be the ship but those five are connected through fate, through lifetimes. it feels like a disservice to pick one over the other even, they all have such a love for Yona and Yona for them, that's found family right there.
A NOTP: I know some people ship Yona with Soo Won and they have maybe my favorite relationship in the whole series, but I just cannot see it as romantic, especially since both have grown so much. Yona's crush at the beginning of the series to me is more "there's this guy I care about a lot, it must be love" and I do think it was/is love, but that's more of a teenager crush that doesn't actually mean anything. Yona loves him, but in a different way from Hak I think.
Random headcanon: This goes more into theory rather than hc, and it may be dreadfully outdated considering how far behind I am, but I don't think Yona will be the ruler by the end of the series (and definitely not Hak for that matter as well). That said I wouldn't be surprised if that does end up being the case, and it would still make sense especially since Soo Won is sick (as far I know), but I feel like her role as this liberator and almost Robin Hood like figure where she travels around to aid people just makes perfect sense for her and the group as a whole. Undeniably Soo Won has been a really good ruler even if he got spot through, you know, murder lmao. Idk I think I need to reread and catch up to really stand by this, but these were my thoughts through a lot of the series.
General thoughts: Yona of the Dawn is my favorite shoujo and for good reason I think, and a very large part of that is how strong of a protagonist I think that Yona is. You see this really compelling arc over the course of the story of her coming of age that I think is really inspiring, where she very much comes into herself fully but also the relationships she develops with everyone are key to her success as well. One of my favorite characters ever go read Yona of the Dawn everyone (<- directed to me who needs to reread the series more than anyone else in the world)
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hot-take-tournament · 11 months
Klapollo isn't for everyone obviously so I won't say that it is, but they actually foil each other really well and I think that's where the shipping aspect comes in. Apollo wears his heart on his sleeve and is super distrusting of pretty much everyone. Klavier hides his true thoughts and feelings away to be the person he thinks others wants to see and throws himself into trusting people, he wants it so desperately. The people closest to Apollo trust him while the people closest to Klavier don't. They're both grieving so many things, running from and fighting them. They have the potential to help each other in a way that no other characters presented can (in aa4 imo. Not out here saying you couldn't possibly ship them with anyone else, I'm a multishipper myself lol). Some people might be looking for wrightworth, but tbh this ship is the opposite of them. I totally understand not liking the ship, it's hard to be as compelling as wrightworth when capcom decided to do ALL THAT to Apollo rip my guy, hope you can reconcile your 8 backstories, and then do absolutely NOTHING with Kalvier rip my guy, hope you're doing something somewhere and didn't like join Clay offscreen or something. Probably moved to Borginia with Apollo's mom /j I could say more but idk the character limit on an ask and you don't want my essay in your ask box.
TLDR; It's not for everyone but it's not baseless.
(so... now that persona 3 is getting a remake, i can't stop thinking about this one time i was on my way home and i passed by this weird family-owned sweetshop i'd never seen before. so on impulse i decided to go in and buy something, and i ended up buying this huge novelty lemon sherbert, because i needed to study and i wanted something that would last a long time. so i get back home, sit on my bed and look for some calming study music to put on, and for whatever reason the first thing i think of is kimi no kioku from persona 3. at this point, i remembered i had the sherbert, so i put the song on loop, went to get it, and then got back onto the bed to eat it. and because i live alone and there was no one around to make fun of me, for fun i decided to eat it all sexy like cleopatra eating grapes (you know, when you lie back, tilt your head towards the ceiling, hold it above your head, and lower it into your mouth). but as i'm holding it over my head, the sherbert slipped out of my fingers, bounced off my tongue and went straight down the collar of my shirt. i immediately forgot where i was, panicked, awkwardly fished it out and just flung it straight into the back of my throat and accidentally swallowed it whole - at which point it immediately got lodged in my oesophagus and completely cut off my airway, and no matter what i did, i just couldn't get it out. so i stumbled out of bed and started frantically clawing at my throat as i tried to find the door, unable to breathe, unable to scream, until my vision began to darken around the edges and i couldn't see - and the next thing i know i'm lying on my back gasping for air, with a dumbell that i had left lying on the floor now lodged between my shoulder blades, and the massive sherbert fused to my eyelid. so what must've happened is i'd blacked out, toppled backward and fell on this dumbell in just the right way that it dislodged the sherbert and launched it out of my throat, sending it arcing through the air and landing it on my face. and ever since that day i've always wondered - what if i had just died there? if i had fallen very slightly differently and missed the dumbell, would i have died alone on that carpet, desperately begging for help that i knew would never come? and if i did, how long would it have been before someone even noticed i was gone, let alone care enough to come check on me? and what would've happened when they did? since i had the song playing on loop, and my laptop was plugged in, there's a chance that when they did finally find me, they'd find me lying on my back, eyes closed, with kimi no kioku playing on repeat in the background)
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eruhatesu · 1 year
baby utahime is so cute!! so sexy of mappa to keep her lips with the soft neutral lipstick, and what a nice touch with the red ribbons, like a wink to all the edits of her with a red bow. my multishipper heart is also swooning, like, the color contrast between her and mei mei is so fine, and the description of utahime being on good terms with our trio! of course we knew that but an official statement is always delicious
Mappa puts on soft lips on their fav characters HEHEH i see I see. Ngl I still havent processed ribbons being red but maybe when I see it animated I'll get to love it more!!
Also thank you for that statement that she's in good terms with the trio bc fr it wasnt needed to be stated idk how these antis just dont get it. what manga are they even reading lol. A person can be annoyed and still be good friends. Idk but I do be like that with my friends. You can only be that annoying if youre comfortable enough that it wont affect your relationship with another person right??
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potofqueer · 2 years
Okay, story time.
Rewatching YuGiOh has been a ride. And I don't just mean content wise, or because I finally am watching the none 4kids version (thank fuck).
While I am a multishipper and appreciate lots of ships either for fun or dynamics, I'm still a puzzleshipper at heart (nobody is surprised, I know).
BUT I always thought my baby gay mind just was very impressionable. I mean, I was the kind of kid who thought of people as married/partners before I ever knew what shipping was. Like the classic Xena/Gabriella but also I was always convinced that Atem and Yuugi were a couple. Just. Deadass never questioned it.
I literally had to learn about shipping and online fandom before I ever found out that, well this is a ship and that that means that, no technically it is not canon and my gay little world was ahead of its time not actually intended.
I mean I experienced this with other shows and games as well, but this one was most harrowing, because I had always been obsessed with ygo as a kid since elementary school (I was both the kid that pretended to be dragon, as well as actually playing duel monsters on the playground) And my love for it lasted until....welllll let's just say I connected with my current partner due to duel monsters. So. You know.
Finally rewatching the show as an adult I thought I would see things and go "Oh stupid baby gay me, I see now where I went wrong"
Instead? Yes I have added many ships to the list of things I can see and find appealing and intersting ot3 between seto atem and yuugi hello, BUT I mostly I just???? Still cannot get over the things I picked up as a kid. Yes I see WHY I saw them as partners back then, but I also. It's just. THEY ARE SO GAY?! I was not being weird/off/projecting ...nearly as much as I thought. Wow.
I mean seriously I regularly have to pause and just. Process that I saw what I just saw. And it's worse in the manga that I am in the process of reading for the first time rn. I don't know where I'm going with this, but I had to get this off my chest.
TLDR; YuGiOh is not only AS gay as I remeber, but somehow much more so?! Send help
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livingforthewhump · 3 years
Hey! I just wanted to say your writing makes me so happy :))
If you have the time, would you do a continuation of Villain x Hero (injured by Mentor) cause I really enjoyed that.
You’re amazing, have a wonderful life! <33
Continued from here, next
Villain had been gone for a long time. Hero was playing a fun new game they liked to call Stare At One Spot Until The World Stops Spinning. Their fingers tapped restlessly at the couch. They felt full of nervous energy and yes Villain had told them not to move while they were gone because of their injury, but they’d been injured before and still functioned just fine.
Well. Maybe a little less than fine.
They could hardly breathe without fire racing across their torso, but that was probably normal.
Finally, finally, they heard the door open and close again.
“It’s about time you got back,” Hero grumbled.
But when the figure appeared in the doorway, their blood ran cold.
“That’s not how I taught you to speak to your betters, Hero,” Mentor tsked, stepping forward casually.
Hero pressed themselves against the back of the couch as if that would make any difference at all.
“I’m sorry.” The words fell from their lips before they could think, all the more pathetic in that.
“You know, I don’t think you are. But we can fix that.” Mentor smiled, and it sent spikes of fear raging through Hero’s chest. “Tell me, Hero, who were you waiting for?”
“What?” Fear wiped their mind blank of all thought.
Mentor walked right up to the couch, towering over Hero’s prone form. “When I came in, you thought I was someone else. Who?”
“I-” Hero’s eyes were wide, terrified. “Y-you already seem to know.”
Mentor hummed, catching a lock of Hero’s hair in their fingers. They flinched. “And this is why I know you’re not really sorry. What punishment is suitable for such disobedient behavior, hm?”
Tears fogged Hero’s vision as they shook their head. They didn’t know. They felt like they ought to, but really, they’d never been this bad before. The thought of a punishment extreme enough to correct this made them sick to their stomach.
“How di—how did you know?” They asked, voice quivering as much as they were.
Mentor rested a hand on top of their head, nestling into their hair. “Stupid little Hero, your bracelet doesn’t record you. It’s a live feed.”
Hero’s heart jolted. “You, y—you lied.”
The hand in their hair tightened, yanking their head back. “And if you had learned your lessons well, you wouldn’t ever know that.”
They sobbed, wincing as it tugged at their wound.
“Now, since you don’t seem keen on choosing a punishment, I’ve chosen one for you.”
Mentor would’ve gone with their idea anyway. They said that Hero didn’t know how to act right, so they didn’t know what would make them better. It was all a sick mind game and stars, Hero was tired of playing it.
A hauntingly sympathetic smile grew on Mentor’s face. “Since you can’t seem to stop opening that mouth of yours, I’m going to whip you, and every time you make a noise, that’s another meal you miss.”
Hero felt like they were dreaming. This had to be a nightmare, because Villain had said they were coming back. Villain had said they were going to go deal with Mentor, and then they would be back. Villain always did what they said. Hero didn’t know when they had started trusting them so much.
Where was Villain?
Mentor tutted, wiping tears off of Hero’s face. “They’re preoccupied right now. I made sure of that. You have plenty to keep you busy here.”
Oh. Had they said that out loud? Was Villain going to be okay?
“On your knees, now, Hero. We don’t have all day.” Mentor grabbed a loop from their belt that Hero hadn’t noticed and flicked it open, revealing a long strip of leather. It was thin, and was clearly designed to slice.
“I’m going to bleed out,” Hero managed numbly. Their movements were robotic as they moved to their knees, facing the couch and leaning against it. The inevitability of it all was settling in like a weight around their throat, choking them and locking them in place.
“I won’t let you,” was all Mentor said in response, snapping the whip in the air and making Hero flinch.
The next time the crack sounded in their ears, they felt it too, a deep, bottomless agony that absorbed them and every thought until all they knew was pain. They hated the slip into that mental state, but, just like everything else, it was inevitable.
It was four strikes before they cried out, and Mentor was sure to remind them of the meal they’d miss for it. They made it six more before they screamed as two lashes crossed over each other.
They toppled forward and caught themself on their hands, vision white from the pain. There was a loud crash somewhere behind them, but it didn’t really matter because the pain was here and now and everything.
It didn’t even matter when Mentor snarled something, or when the whip dropped to the floor beside them. Darkness was edging in, a feeling like cotton in their ears muffling every sound.
But it mattered when they heard Villain’s furious voice.
“Get away from them.”
And their vision went black.
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @twistedcaretaker @lonesome--hunter @poppys-writing @endless-whump @susanshinning @multifandoms-multishipper @shadowylemon @cherryblossomskye @utopian819 @whumpkitty @journey-the-panda @freefallingup13 @shameful-indulgence @1becky1 @temporary-whump-sideblog @chartreusephoenix @thelazywitchphotographer @onestopheroxvillain @smolxhero @mylifeisonthebookshelf
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(not discourse) but the issue i have w/ the qrow dad theory is that it wipes away the fact that ruby and yang have such a healthy half-siblingship. in media (or the majority of) half-siblings (sharing only one biological parents if you didnt know) are always portrayed to have some kind of dislike/rivalry between eachother, so seeing yang and ruby love eachother and actively be *siblings*, its nice. i have an older half brother and we have a near identical relationship as ruby and yang have (siblingship- not the fighting grimm part) and its so heart warming to see such a healthy portrayal of this
also, i think qrow being an uncle really adds to the family value that both yang and ruby need. they HAVE a loving father, they had a loving mother, they have a loving uncle. despite both losing their mother (and raven walking out before yang knew her) they had a healthy childhood, they were loved and cared for. “but qrow basically raised ruby” likely because as she got older, tai saw more and more of her resemblance to summer and very likely felt guilty over the loss of his wife. of course he still loves ruby, but he probably never had enough time to mourn her. he had two young daughters to raise. qrow raising and teaching ruby was so tai could finally grieve. of course he still loves ruby as much as he loves yang, their his daughters for god sake. qrow being rubys (adoptive) uncle means he still gets a close relationship with her, and considering the circumstances, he became incredibly close with her, and they have an important bond that would be erased if he was her father
sorry for going off, i always like discussing my ideas of the qrow father theory!!
Gotta love the “not discourse, but” asks.
Nobody is trying to take away what the show’s canon is. Idk everyone is convinced that’s what we’re trying to do.
You know how multishippers have 163925294 different ships with the same character(s)? This is that, but with families.
I think that Tai being the girls’ father is neat.
I think that Qrow being ruby’s father is neat.
I think that Tai being the sperm donor for Raven and Summer is neat.
I think STRcrossed/polystrq is neat.
I have literally written fics for all of them. Nobody is erasing anything.
Sometimes I just want a different flavor of family.
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favberrys · 3 years
I'm bored and in a kkg brainrot mood, so i'm just gonna rant about my opinions of kakegurui ships and i will make some headcanons:
Ok i had to start with them bc they're just too iconic, i think they have one of the most interesting and complex dynamics in kkg, they really got me obsessed with them, it's probably my number one kakegurui ship and the reason i started watching the show and reading the manga. Honestly yeah their relationship has some power imbalance, since sayaka is kirari's secretary, and is probably disfunctional, but contrary to what some ppl say kirasaya is not abusive, kirari never physically or emotionally abuses sayaka throughout the story. Anyway they're a 10/10, peak lesbian yearning, if they don't kiss at least one i will jump the author. Probably one of my fav ships ever, i think they're made for each other and i can't see kirasaya with anyone else, they're just so good together and their chemistry is >>>>>>
Ok this one is kinda an unpopular opinion bc most people like yumary, but honestly i can't get invested into it, there's something in this ship that doesn't make my heart go "fuck yeah they should be gfs". Personally i don't ship yumeko with anyone bc i can't imagine her in a relationship since her main thing is being a compulsive gambler, her existence revolves around it and she forms relationships when they're useful for her gambling games. I think yumary could be friends with benefits for some time, but after a while mary would probably break it off because i don't think she can handle a sexual/romantic relationship with yumeko and after a while it would make her go nuts. A friendship between them is already messy and complicated and honestly i don't think they are compatible that way. Yes they have chemistry and there's probably some mutual attraction but to me it's a no. Also can cishet dudes stop fetishizing this ship ? My vote is 6/10, mostly bc mary doesn't seem much physically comfortable with yumeko, idk mary just seems off with her in that sense and i prefer them as gambling partners or friends.
I honestly love this ship, especially after reading the manga, they have such an great dynamic, i think they both care about each other, they have chemistry and i think they're compatible and that their personalities compliment each other, mary is often loud and aggressive and passionate while ririka is more closed off and quiet, they're like fire and ice and this case i think the saying "opposite attract" works with them. Mary counts on ririka and i love the fact that she is so comfortable with her physically (mary is almost always the one to initiate the contact, holding her hand, touching her head, etc) and ririka gets inspired by mary to be her own person and chase her goals. Plus they're really cute together, aesthetically i find them the most attractive couple, i'll give them a solid 9/10
Lmao i don't even know if this is the correct ship name for itsuki x kaede, ok i don't hate it and i think they could work as a couple, it's not my cup of tea bc m/f ships bore me, but i like their relationship, they have the kind of old married couple dynamic that always works. 6/10.
I can see it happening, i don't ship it, but i don't mind it either, i'm kinda neutral about ryota x yumeko, but i think he's one of the ppl who care about yumeko the most in that academy (with also mary ofc), the ship is boring bc ryota is bland (he's a good guy don't get me wrong and he defo doesn't deserve the hate he gets) and as i said previously i don't ship yumeko with anyone. Sorry i gotta give it 5/6 out of 10
Ok i love midari but just like yumeko, i don't ship her with anyone bc i see her as someone who's too much unstable for relationships, but i know that canonically she loves/likes/is attracted to yumeko so i don't hate this ship, i think it's decent, the only problem is that yumeko hates midari. Still i think that since they're the most insane mfs in that school somehow this ship could work. 6/10
Again midari in my eyes is kinda unshippable, but this ship is not bad at all, they would have that kind of bickering married couple dynamic like itsuki and kaede, i like it but it doesn't do much for me. 7/10
Jsjssjsksk i looked the name of mary x ryota's ship on wiki so if it sounds weird it's bc i don't know their ship name and i have looked at the first site google gave me. This ship is hard no, mainly bc ryota is very bland and i consider mary a lesbian (i read that she is a canon lesbian but idk if it's confirmed by the author, let's say lesbian mary is just my hc) so shipping her with men feels like a hate crime to me, mary is for the girls only, 4/10.
They are kind of cute together right ? I think they're adorable, tsuzura is mary's first love and i think that someone like her would make mary very happy. I still haven't finished kkg twin, so my opinion on tsuzura is incompleted and it might change, i don't hate her but i find her character a little basic/boring so even though this ship is cute it doesn't make me fall in love with them. 7/10 bc probably also tsuzura had feelings for mary and they have a healthy dynamic, you can see they love each other.
I enjoy this crackship, i know that they both like different people but i headcanon that they were together during middle school or that midari had at least a small crush on sayaka during that time, before kirari came to hyakkaou i like to think that they explored their sexuality together so midari was probably sayaka's first kiss, her first date, etc, so they would have history together and we also see that midari knows sayaka bc her character is described through her pov during tower of doors. I find this ship pretty funny bc sayaka is always so serious and composed and midari is a ball of chaos. 7/10
This is another crackship i don't mind and find hilarious, yeah i'm a huge kirasaya stan but i'm also a multishipper and sayaka deserves all the girls in the world, so the more the merrier. I like to think this ship as one sided love in which yumeko sort of pines after sayaka and i think it would be very interesting to see kirari being jeaulous that sayaka is getting yumeko's attention. We saw jeaulous/protective sayaka in kakegurui, but i would also like to see how kirari reacts when someone tries to take sayaka away from her, it would be really interesting. Obv this would create some tension between kirasaya and also between kirari and yumeko, almost a sort of love triangle dynamic. My opinion is that yumeko is just too unstable to settle down, also they both probably would get bored/lose interest in each other after the heat of the moment. 6/10
Sorry but i really can't see it happening not even if i squint, but i really enjoy the ririsaya fanfictions and i think those works are pretty great even though i don't ship them very much. It would be interesting if both twins were in love with sayaka and there was some tension/coldness between them for a while bc they liked the same girl (maybe i read too many fanfictions). My headcanon is that both sayaka and ririka had a crush on each other when they first knew each other and for sayaka it was probably pretty confusing bc she already had feelings for kirari. I see them as friends, 7/10
Again idk if this is the correct name of the ship, many said that yumemi and saori are a healthier/mentally stable version of kirasaya and i agree. the dynamics are similar bc we have the secratary that is willing to do everything for her boss and the relationship is a little more balanced, i think they would be very cute together, but sadly they had very little interactions and if i could see more of them i would probably ship them even more. I like them 7/10.
Sachiko x Mary
I didn't even find a ship name for this couple, so they must be pretty unpopular, i like both characters and their antagonistic dyanamic is very interesting, but i don't ship them much bc i think mary needs/wants someone who is completely different from sachiko, who wants to make mary her pet and mary is someone who cares very much about her freedom, her indipendence and wants to make her own choices and this completely clashes with sachiko's extremely sadistic and domineering nature. I prefer them as enemies who have some sexual tension or enemies with benefits or one night stand adventure, but nothing more. 5/6 out of 10 bc the only mary ship i really love is meariri and i also like tsuzumary a bit.
Sachiko x Mikura
This is probably one of the most unhealthy relationships in kakegurui, but i kinda like it. Their dyanmic is pretty much vertical with sachiko who has all the power and makes mikuro do everything she wants and mikura who is completely obsessed and devoted to sachiko (my opinion is that she developed a sort of stockholm syndrome towards sachiko). I think that someone like sachiko could never have genuine romantic relationships bc of her extremely sadistic nature, she sees ppl like toys to break and what she enjoys the most is seeing ppl suffer, so the only compatible person with sachiko is someone extremely masochistic like mikura. Giving them a 6/7 out of 10 bc their interactions are fun/interesting and spice things up.
Rin x Ibara and Yumeko x Kirari
Hard no to both of them, i don't ship incest, yall can do what you want but personally it's a huge no for me. When i first started watching the anime at the beginning i thought yumeko and kirari had some sort of tension and could have been enemies to lovers (lmaoo i was so naive), but then i discovered they were cousins and i saw more kirasaya interactions so i got completely turned off by this ship. 3/10 to both of these ships.
Sachiko x Sakura
Now this ship is very sexy, idk why i like it but i do, yes i don't see sachiko with anyone besides mikura, but this pairing is not bad at all, even though it's a crackship. I think they would be rivals with benefits and would argue a lot and then make out/have hot sex. 7/10 (maybe it's too high but since these are just my opinions i won't be objective)
Mary x kirari
Uhm is there really someone out there who ships them ? Yeah i thought they had some sexual tension in s1 with that tea scene, but it's a no from me, i don't like it and i don't think they're compatible in any way, i can't see kirari with anyone who isn't sayaka. 4/10
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For the Ship Ask...talk to me about Uhura & Spock.
WELL YOU KNOW WHAT! I didn't expect anybody to ask me about this one in 2022, but I'm glad that you did, because I really don't get to talk about them as much as I loved to do, because I don't really know anybody in the fandom anymore.
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1. What made me ship it?
Uhura and Spock were one of my first unconscious ships. I liked them together at a pretty young age and didn't really know the concept of shipping or anything of that sort, because I was a kid. But, I think what made me ship it was that, as a kid with a huge crush on Spock and somebody really excited to see a Black lady in space, I most likely projected. (But also, they had a bit of rapport in TOS that I likely noticed and categorized in a girl + boy way doable for my brain at the time). Whenever the reboot came out in 2009, that was the first time I began sharing fan fiction with a fandom and the first fandom that I made online friends with as opposed to talking about stuff at school or with people I hung out with from work and the bar and stuff. So, in a way, it sometimes feels like my first fandom a lot of the time, despite having detached myself from Star Trek fans I knew in real life because... rabid. Jesus.
I have a special place in my heart for Uhura and Spock always, even being a multishipper and shipping both of them with others at times. They're my primary there and I've been able to envision them since I was a kid.
2. What are my favorite things about the ship?
I enjoyed the fact that while you'd often see Spock (sometimes) come off as a bit of a rude person in our human society, he was always honest and his honest thoughts towards her were always really nice ones. You'd even see him appear to enjoy her company at times.
Skip to AOS, and they're canonically involved - he backs her up when put in the position to do so and you get to actually SEE him be vulnerable with a person he's involved with instead of having to make it up in your mind like so many of us had to do for decades of Star Trek shipping prior to the establishment of this romantic connection in the reboot.
I love relationships between people who aren't living solely to connect with others and have a relationship. I like to see two people who could take it or leave it, but have chosen to work with each other and to put into it what they need, and be honest when that isn't there. I'm not a romantic. I'm a realist who sometimes enjoys romance, so they work perfectly in that they aren't fluffy, all over each other and going on epic feats of love and affection, BUT, they will rush to each other's aid when needed and be passionate about that.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion that I have on this ship?
Well, I don't talk to enough trekkies to know what's popular or not, but if I had to think of something that I could remember seeing/not seeing, I would say that I think more people view them in this light where Uhura would either tire of his Vulcan ways and want to have something more emotional or affectionate?
I think that Uhura would be more likely to be chill with a lot of the toned down areas of his being and as a skilled communicator, use everything, not just his words to assess his emotions. And he has so much of them, as a Vulcan, just doesn't react on those as much, but I think she would always see and know what's going on in there, and not be confused, turned off, insecure, or whatever else, for the most part.
Damn... I miss them!
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letstrywritingmaybe · 2 years
Fleeting Feelings
… until it lingers. In which no one can resist the allure of Miyano Shiho. Kudo Shinichi is one lucky guy, or is he?
A/N: let me preface this by saying I’m not a multishipper but everyone loves my queen okay. I’m only tagging shinshi as the ship but know that this fic includes other Shiho ship potentials.
If you care or still want to read it, here’s the ao3 link (I was lazy and didn’t want to paste it here, plus it’s a little wordy. Like 4k, which is a lot for me okay)
I’m just gonna ramble my thoughts about other ships here cause I can:
Shuichi- okay listen this is a strict brotp for me. Like I could never otp this because I hella shipped Akemi with him. And as someone who has a sister, it’s just way wrong for you to ship yourself with your sister’s bf so yeah. I will never ever write an otp type fic for them, but brotp? Oh yeah, all the way. I honestly wish we would get more moments with them in canon.
Rei- I don’t have a strong opinion for this ship. Like I can understand it, but it doesn’t compel me. That being said some of my fav mutuals from this fandom ship it, so I support it. I admit it intrigues me cause there’s so many things I would want to know, the big thing being of course that he knew her mom! Then there’s the whole having been part of the Black Org thing. Anyways, I could be convinced.
Heiji- okay listen, I never ever would have thought I would ever ship this but fuck man. I have now read two fics where this ship was mentioned and I didn’t hate it! I was super surprised at myself like how??? But I mean I like the idea of them being a super solid brotp, so why not otp? There’s just so many complications though, like is he a replacement? But also I’ve said before that I should totally stan Heiji for one reason and it’s sports. I know nothing about soccer and have no interest, but baseball? Well it’s at the bottom of my fav sports, but I do care about it and have a team (two) so there you have it folks. My only thing about this is Kazuha. They’re legit the only childhood friends to lover trope I support in this fandom.
Sonoko- okay I don’t have a solid ship for her, but I have always thought that they would be a really great brotp if given the chance. Canon, do something about this. Idk I just think she’s fun and pretty shippable, though I lean on shipping her with Ran. This is the childhood friends to lover trope we should be focusing on y’all.
Ran- tbh this is another one of those I can’t otp this. Sorry not sorry. The biggest reason once again is the sister thing. Because she resembles Akemi a lot (which is why I could totally ship her with Akai but we’re not talking about that), like I just can’t ship her with Shiho. Again would love to see this brotp, canon come on, but nope absolutely not an otp for me.
Kaito- I say I’m not a multishipper but the truth is… I guess I am cause I really love this ship too. They quite literally stole my heart, hence my nickname for this ship. I could go on and on about why I love them, the most important being that they’re the two sides of the same coin dynamic that CoAi could never. I one thousand percent believe that they could understand each other in a way that Shinichi would never be able to, and that is why they got me so bad. Plus I totally believe that Shiho could ruin Shinichi but Kaito could ruin her and I love it.
Shinichi- do I even need to talk about this one? This was literally my otp for the longest time in this fandom. I mean they were my most tragic one, but still. If I’m being honest, I wish they still owned all of my heart even though they brought me the most pain. I get so sad thinking about them, it was bad. But, I had an otp and now I don’t and I cannot deal with it. I complain all the time, but I really don’t know how y’all multiship? I am in shambles and torn all the time. It’s the worst. So what I’m saying is, please take me back to CoAi hell. Even though I was suffering, at least I didn’t lose myself. Also I still can’t read bad endings for them, like it puts me in such a down mood. Plus I still really only read strictly CoAi fics, so really what am I doing here?
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yoshimochii · 3 years
My Barbarian King & My Village Boy
Heyo! Mochi here!!! I wanted to say sorry for not posting...writing wasn't coming as easy as I wish it was but this fanfic...I rlly like it so far!!! I am a multishipper and I really wanted to do a poly relationship so why not do it with two of my fav mha characters!! If you understand the divine reference you watch Siren Son's and I love you:P I LOVE ALL OF YOU!! Okie Enjoy!! Enough talking Mochi!! Take some mochi and enjoy the first chapter of the fanfic!
Characters- Bakugou x Shinsou x Reader
Warning- None for this chapter! But next maybe!
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“W-W-Watch O-O-Out!!!!” You scream in a frantic manner at a couple of children that are in the way of a tumbling baker. That tumbling baker was you.... You lived in a small village, with your parents and two younger siblings. Everyone practically knew who you were and you knew practically everyone. That was just the way it was.
You were the baker's daughter, apprentice, a sweet ditzy but also sassy young lady. While most of your time went to being a baker, a woman who always smelled like sweet treats, you were at heart an explorer, a fighter. You trained yourself at a young age to learn how to protect yourself, at first it wasn’t your idea. It was the boy near the lake, you always saw him there when you were younger. He had ash blonde spikey hair, scars across his chest, a scowl always presented, and the one detail you could never forget...his deep vermillion eyes that demanded respect. But for now we have to focus on the present...YOU ABOUT TO TRAMPLE SOME CHILDREN!!
The children quickly jump out of the way as your face comes in contact with the dirt path and you basket flying up in the air and then BOOP! Right on your head. “Ow!!!! That really hurt! I didn’t hurt you kids did I?” You say rubbing the back of your head sheepishly. The children all rely on shaking their heads no and give you a helping hand. “You should really be more careful Ms. Y/N!!” One of the younger boys exclaims in a worried tone. “Yeah clumsy women!!!” Another child, one of the older girls, insulted in an angry tone.
“Yes, yes I will be more careful Hanako!” You say as you brush yourself off and take the basket from one of the younger children with a small smile. As you say your thank you’s for helping you back on your feet you hear a low laugh from behind you. You turn around to see your childhood best friend Hitoshi Shinsou. You turn a bright red and look away as he walks over to you. The children run off as Hitoshi makes it to you, holding a cocky grin on his face.
“So Princess... falling on children are we?” He says with an eyebrow raised and his damm grin still present. “I-It w-wasn’t l-like I meant to!!! I was running trying to get back to the bakery and then I tripped over some stupid branch which honestly shouldn’t have been there in the first place and I'm gonna stop talking now because I am only driving myself in a deeper corner….” You say, starting off really quickly and ending in a soft and quiet manner as his lavender eyes pierce through you.
He started laughing again and in retaliation you started hitting him over and over again. You had met Hitoshi when you were much younger, around 5-6 you would say. His father often came in for the sweet cat paw cookies your family baked. His name was Mr. Aizawa, and every time you saw him you would run to the back, and grab the hand wrapped bag of cookies you made especially for him. One day he had brought in a little boy around your age maybe a year older with fluffy lavender hair. You ran up to him and started petting his hair not really caring about personal space, he had started blushing like a mad man, and started running away from you, but of course you chased him.
Now Hitoshi was the one making you blush as payback for all those years when you two were younger. He changed….a lot. He still had his messy lavender hair but now he was muscular, taller, and much more flirtatious then the previous Hitoshi Shinsou you met. None the less you had changed too, well of course still stubborn as hell, and always making fun of people, but now you were stronger still training after those couple of days with the boy at the lake. You told Hitoshi about him and of course Hitoshi listened but he didn't like hearing about another guy coming out of your mouth. In all honesty, he was in love with you.
He couldn't tell you though, he didn't know if you loved him or even liked him for that matter! So he hid it and still hides it now, he just wants you to be happy. “Hitoshi I swear to the divines, I will murder you!!!” You say hitting him still as his laughter only grows. Hitoshi had picked you up in one fail swoop and threw you over his shoulder. You kicked and hit his back, and screamed, and yelled but all he could do was laugh. Yeah this was heaven. Nothing could change the way he loved you. You were the only person for him….or so he thought.
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elderdragonblu · 2 years
I feel like this needs to be said: If a ship isn’t pedophilic or weird like that, then literally leave people alone
As a multishipper many people have the gull to come up to me and put me down for liking certain ships. And as someone who’s always adored ships like amberpricefield due to my own personal experiences as someone who is poly, I also despise it when people force me to chose between ships as well, or simply just tell me poly ships don’t exist/don’t work in society/whatever other bullshit I’ve been told.
I like amberpricefield, but I also like Wardfield, Chaseprice, and Ambermarsh (Marshamber?). I also like Nathan x Warren. Is Nathan someone who drugged a girl? Yes. Did he kill someone? Yes. But he also had an abusive father and seeked the validation of a father figure (ie Jefferson) and did horrible things to keep it. I’m not saying he was right, or that he was a complete victim, but he doesn’t deserve to be villainized the way he is.
And also: Victoria, Rachel, Chloe, and even Max aren’t inherently “good” people either.
Victoria literally bullies Kate into suicide, and only after she tries to commit/commits it, does she feel any sort of remorse! She bullies her constantly, writes horrible grafiti, even wrote down the link to Kate’s video which she KNEW was already hurting her enough. But Victoria also comes from a home where there are high expectations for her success. She hides behind masks in order to make it in the world because she knows how hard it is. Doesn’t make it right, but it makes her real and raw. Not to mention she dedicates her winning award for the contest to Kate Marsh.
Rachel cheated on Chloe, sure they might’ve had some weird benefits situation, but she also lied to Chloe. She was seeing multiple guys, lied to Chloe repeatedly, and did absolutely anything to try and leave Arcadia. She’s manipulative, there’s no denying it. As much as I love Rachel, I love that she’s real and the fact is that Rachel did a lot of fucked up shit. But she was also being groomed by two grown fucking men, was drugged and kidnapped to get pictures taken of her in the Darkroom, one of her good friends fucking overdosed her on accident, not to mention the fact that she was probably close to becoming a drug addict if she continued taking the drugs she did.
Chloe held a lot of things over Max’s head for probably longer than she should’ve. Constantly put herself and Max in danger. Always blamed the people around her rather than herself. She was problematic, but her father (someone she was hella close with) died when she was fourteen, her best friend left the day her dad’s funeral occurred and then her best friend ghosted her for five years while her mother ignored her constant complaining about David who is in fact canonically ABUSIVE even if he saves Max, it’s not excuse.
Max was someone who left the day her best friend’s dad’s funeral was happening, didn’t call Chloe for fucking years, and when she does come back to Arcadia she stays for a month before she coincidentally meets Chloe again. But she also probably didn’t have control over when she moved, and after all the shit she went through maybe it somewhat redeems her
Point is, characters in Life is strange and any fandom in general are flawed. Some could be doing horrible things but we still love them regardless. Let people ship their ships, they’re not hurting you at all, they’re finding comfort in the ships that make them happy. For example, one ship that I don’t tend to like much is Victoria and Nathan simply because I see them having a kickass sibling like friendship going on. If people like shipping them together? Then fuck yeah! Ship away, ship to your hearts content. I just want people to stop judging others for like content that makes them happy.
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indigowallbreaker · 3 years
Hmm Sylvain centric? I love the idea of him being a single dad. Lots to do with it in a canon or modern setting.
But! Modern Au: Single dad Sylvain, gym teacher/coach Felix, and music/band teacher Dorothea (or whoever you want to ship him with as teachers) and Sylvain is thirsty and joins the pto or something to get closer to the teachers.
Or his kid joins a sport or band or something and he's always flirting with the teacher/coach to his's kids annoyance (or the kid does both and Sylvain can't decide who he wants to date seriously ala Sylvian's Sylvainness)
I love every inch of this and the vibes are so good and single dad Sylvain hits me right in the chest.
However. You have limited yourself, dear one. Why pull Sylvain's heart in two directions-- when you can pull him in MANY? (cue my multishipper tendencies)
Single dad Sylvain goes to Parent-Teacher’s Night that takes place about a week before school starts. There he meets a few interesting people:
Felix, or Coach F as the kids call him, who teaches gym and coaches some school teams
Miss Dorothea, the music teacher, who also organizes and directs the school plays
Art teacher Ignatz who tries to teach kids all types of art but admits to having a preference for paint
Ms. Varley, the librarian, who Sylvain has trouble finding after the initially introductions
Mr. Ubert, “just call me Ashe!”, the health teacher who, along with the nurses Mercedes and Marianne, teaches the kids about nutrition and first aid
Vice principal, Dedue Molinaro and;
The Principal, Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd. Who Sylvain knew in school but lost track of after college and is 10x more attractive than he remembers
All of these people have Sylvain complaining to his neighbor Leonie because “Leo, it has to be illegal for the whole school to be that alluring.”
“Let’s start with who responded to your horrible one liners and work our way from there.”
Sylvain’s best friend Ingrid (also a single parent) has a kid going to that same school and they carpool and she also rolls her eyes at his complaining. Though there are one or two members of staff she’s been known the turn red around...
There’s a man named Hubert that Sylvain sees sometimes at pick up who, after weeks of the aforementioned horrible one liners plus some actual small talk, reveals that he picks up his friend’s child because he watches them after school while she’s at work.
Claude is hired in the winter of that year seemingly out of no where as the social studies teacher. It feels like every time it’s Sylvain’s turn to get the kids, Mr. Riegan is in charge of dismissal and makes a point to chat with Sylvain. 
All in all, it’s hard to be Sylvain right now. But luckily, his kid is none the wiser and cheerfully comes home every day with a new story or a new friend. Sylvain is of course enthralled and listens to every story diligently and loves his kid so so much. 
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