#you always come thru for my dumb lazy ass jkdkdkk
hyunubear · 1 year
So i researched a little and read the transcript of the very long rambling speech jackson made at his london concert. apparently he said that all the negativity in the media about china is "propaganda bullshit" and that china is a "dope place". From what i gather, people are mad bc there was some more stuff that came out recently (?? idk) abt the abuse of uyghur people and they see his speech as defending that. he also apparently broke his contract for a partnership with adidas after they stopped using cotton from an area in china bc of forced labor/discrimination of minorities, which he said was "malicious acts that defame and slander china". Some people are taking his speech to mean that he's against asian hate crimes, others are saying he's like a puppet of the chinese state media, and others are denying that he meant anything negative and want him to sue people that have "defamed" him. Its all very convoluted tbh
Wow okay... wow
There is so much to unpack but first of all why would he even say that at a concert ment unprovoked??? Thats sus.
And now suddenly everything i just heard in that tiktok just now makes a lot more sense.... I'm gonna link it somewhere but basically she talked abt cultural relativism and how ppl of different nationalities have a different perspective on different policies. But in the end i think even if jackson's intentions were pure and he did intend to speak against/stand up to asian hate crimes, he chose the wrong subject to do it with.
And as an international artist I don't think we can excuse his actions by saying he's brainwashed by chinese propaganda...
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