knockyasocksoff2022 · 3 months
BSD Skillswap HCs
I'm going to write some one-shots for these later.
Scared when Elise disappears
Wondering where the hell she went
Thinks he’s sick or has been poisoned
(because when his energy is drained it’s hard to keep her around)
Can suddenly feel all of his subordinated abilities.
Then he realises that he had Fukuzawa’s ability 
But wait, they’re the wrong ones
And then Chuuya comes to him ranting about how a sleezy mackerel did something to him
and it all makes sense
I know that transferring a God from one vessel to another is prob hella complex
Just don’t think too hard about it
It’s the ~ magic ~ of  ~ L O V E
falling from mid-air
No longer feeling the thrum of Arahabaki
Bro finally gets a break from the constant ache to cause destruction.
He takes off his gloves
But puts them right back on when he realises what that means
He doesn’t want to go around nullifying people’s abilities accidently
Getting blown up by one of his bombs and it hurts him
But then he heals really quickly in a flurry of butterflies
Surprisingly, very calm
Does a quick scientific method to  figure out what the hell happened
Scared for Akiko when he realises 
because he does in fact have a crush on her
He worries she’ll get hurt or hurt someone else
He starts running to the Agency
Rashoumon goes in the middle of a fight
A fight with Atsushi, no less
Then suddenly he’s a tiger
He pAnIcS
He’s trying to hide the pAnIc
It’s not working
They’re both terrified
And trying they're very desperate best not to show the other that they are
They keep fighting
“Cuz damn if I don’t keep my promises
I said I’d fight you
So I will!”
Also, I’m extra mad at you for whatever you did!
“B-but I didn’t do anything!”
"DaMn JiNkO, you’re so incompetent you can’t even hold onto your own ability."
“Hey! We both switched, don't act like you’re better than me!”
“Think of it like Rashoumon . . . but in reverse. Byakko isn’t a gun or spear, but a massive shield!”
“You gave this . . . thing a name?”
“Yeah, so what? She may be an ability, but she deserves a name, just like Elise.”
He’s sparing with Gin when he suddenly flickers out of sight
He sees the snow but Gin doesn’t
He immediately recognises Tanizkai’s ability
“How could I forget it after he almost decapitated our entire organisation?”
But why tf would I have suddenly got Tanizaki’s ability
“And do I still have mine?”
Then he starts figuring it out
He uses it to his advantage during the sparring match
Because he figures I can’t solve this right now 
so I might as well make the best of it
He thinks there’s a cool kind of power in knowing your invisible
“You can do basically anything you want!”
Gets jump scared when Elise appears in his office
So confused
She’s like “I’m yours now.”
He’s like “nO, you are NOT.”
“Of course I am, you do love Stupid Rintarou, don’t you?”
“Y-yes . . .? Normally I’d say so without question, but I have a bad feeling about where this is going.”
She explains what happened, because as an ability she has an understanding of it
He’s a little shaken
But he likes her so he becomes chill with it
He does know however that his employees won’t be chill with loosing their abilities
He hides Elise in his office with a colouring book he had bought for her
Constantly reminding himself that this is temporary
“I’m a grown man with employees working under me, I must remain calm”
He actually loves Elise, even if he doesn’t spoil her as visibly as Mori does
As soon as the ADA realises (yet the employees still haven’t realised who some of them have swapped with and what it means 😉) he’s like “I’ve got to call O- Mori-dono”
“Why?” They’re all immediately suspicious
“To let him know this is not in any way our doing of course.”
“Oh, yes, of course.”
He and Mori are like “I was just about to call you!”
“Ougai, come get your feral child!”
“Yes, I’d like her back as much as you, but shockingly, we have larger problems.
He tells him that the PM members have the ADA members abilities
dun Dun DUN!!!
Knows what’s going on at once
He’s thrilled!
“I can fly!”
“I can jump off the roof and scare the crap out of Atsushi!”
“Oh wait, but now I can't jump to my death anymore, stupid automatic activation ability.”
But he’s always worried for Chuuya
b/c Chuuya is used to having his ability
He doesn’t want Chuuya to be hurt
He also thinks it’s funny as hell
Because he’s a little shit
He wants them to all get their original abilities back
But he FULLY intends to take advantage of this while he can
Chuuya calls him like “WTF did you do to me mackerel!”
Then Mori explains and Chuuya calls Dazai to rant about how he “can’t believe a piece of garbage like “shitty” Dazai is my soulmate!”
After he sees everyone’s ability is messed up he tries to make something with his book but it doesn’t work
He wonders who he swapped with because he doesn't feel any different
He starts trying to do other abilities (reminds me of that once scene where he’s buy Atsushi’s bedside after the fight on the ship and he’s trying to show Atsushi that he’s calm and ready for anything and is doing martial arts to the air or whatever) and none of them work
Then he gives up and decides he should ask around if any of his underground sources know what’s going on
He’s trying to call it and the phone is doing stuff without him touching it
He’s like OHHHH
 . . . shite
Goes to get check up on katai before he loses his mind of boredom and sadness without his computer skills
He never uses paper so he doesn’t notice he’s gained a new ability
But he does notice that his computer has stopped listening to him
He’s confused and distraught
He thinks he’s lost the only quality of his that matters
But he’s far too emotional and lazy to inquire so he just starts to mope in depression
Luckily Kunikida is there within 30 minutes to “save” him
She doesn’t notice until she has to treat Tanizaki 
b/c he stabbed himself by mistake when he magnetised a scissor to him
He explained it that he just dropped it
b/c he didn’t want to admit what happened b/c he was to freaked out
She starts dismembering him when and then realises😬😰😶
Oof size large
Tanizaki starts panicking and unintentionally flinging her metal tools everywhere, injuring both of them.
Yosano immediately knows he swapped with Tachihara but has no time to be amused
They speedrun like every ability to figure out who she swapped with
“Try levitating something!”
“Here touch Tanizaki, see if it makes him stop!”
In the end, it’s Kajii who comes to them because he likes Yosano and wants her to be safe.
So he shows up just in time and Yosano shows him how to heal her and Tanizaki.
Suddenly he’s no longer a tiger, but a human
And tendrils are coming out of his clothes
He’s scared because he can’t regenerate now
And he’s scared for Aku 
b/c Aku doesn’t know how to defend himself using the tiger
He wants to stop fighting
But at the same time, he pushes to his highest potential (it makes him exhilarated, and maybe something else . . .) because he knows Aku will just regenerate
Aku’s teaching how to use Rashoumon while they’re fighting
“Not like that, idiot!”
“It requires finesse!”
“As base a creature as you doesn’t deserve her*!”
*rashoumon is a referred to with s female somewhere in the manga/light novels I think
“Slice with the edge, imbecile!”
“Don’t use your body weight, you brute! Let Rashoumon do it for you!”
“How can’t you grasp something so simple!”
“Stab, not slash, you stupid oaf! And send tendrils out remotely. You don’t have enough technical skill for that, weretiger. Your specialities lie in brute strength and maximum destruction. Use that! Don’t try and fight with your weakness, deliberately doing so sets you up for failure. Only a fool sets himself up for failure. Don’t be a fool, weretiger!”
They’re still arguing to cover their fear
Yeah, it’s really just them showing off how well they know each other
Eventually, the others find them.
doesn’t notice at first
Then Kenji comes in and male blond Demon Snow is trailing behind him
He’s completely unaware
It’s so cute
Kyouka doesn't want to tell him 
so she experimentally lifts Kuni’s desk 
and when she can easily do so, Kenji’s like “Wow, you’re so strong Kyouka!”
She’s like “Yeah *_* We swapped abilities.”
He turns around and notices
He loves Demon Snow
Kyouka kind of wants to give it to him
Even though it’s the last piece of her mother, it still brings painful memories
He tells her she should keep it.
All smiles
“It was your Mum’s gift to YOU. You can use her to help others and make her your own. Just please, give her a chance, for me okay.”
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knockyasocksoff2022 · 4 months
🪻 knockyasocksoff2022's Masterlist 🪻
The updated schedule is when I feel like it. I am sorry about that but my time, energy and motivation are all over the place. Please keep me accountable for updating these, I cannot keep focused on one thing for the life of me. If you want to know about any of these please just ask.
Akikajii / Kajiiko / Motosano / Yosojirou (Thou Shalt not Explode)
IN PROGRESS: (fics w/ chapters already posted)
🦋Butterflies & Lemons🍋 - Chapter One
The Untold Origins if the Port Mafia (long fic) Chapters 1 - 20 / 30
COMING SOON: (one-shots still in drafts)
Fukumori / Zenki Soukoku (ZSKK)
A Truce, Among Other Things (one-shot) [3,051 Words]
IN PROGRESS: (fics w/ chapters already posted)
The Untold Origins of the Port Mafia (long fic) Chapters 1 - 20 / 30
COMING SOON: (one-shots still in drafts)
Cherry Blossoms (one-shot + relationship reveal) (includes some implied side-ships)
Fukuzawa-Mori Elise (one-shot + relationship reveal)
The Clever Shadow of Evil (one-shot + relationship reveal)
The Reason Why Kunikida Is So Strict About Meeting Procedure - Part 2 (one-shot + relationship reveal)
Fyolai / Fyogol
Dizzy (one-shot)
IN PROGRESS: (fics w/ chapters already posted)
COMING SOON: (one-shots still in drafts)
Contortions (one-shot + fluff + slight crack + Nikolai being a weirdo (affectionate) and using his hypermobility to gross Fyo out)
Oh, Nikolai (sick-fic + them being domestic in their own goofy way)
No title, but it’s based extremely loosely on 5ft Apart
Kunikidazai / Kunidazai
IN PROGRESS: (fics w/ chapters already posted)
IDEALS (fic) Chapters 1 - 13
COMING SOON: (one-shots still in drafts)
My Dear Ranpo (one-shot + relationship reveal) [1,055 Words]
May I Love You? (one-shot + relationship reveal) [1,468 Words]
IN PROGRESS: (fics w/ chapters already posted)
The Cask of Manhasset (fic) Chapters 1 - 6
The Untold Origins of the Port Mafia (long fic) Chapters 1 - 20 / 30
RANPOE!!! one ICE (YURI!!! on ICE AU fic) Chapter 1
COMING SOON: (one-shots still in drafts)
Even Authors Need rest (one-shot + relationship reveal)
Lost (one-shot + relationship reveal)
Manhasset Security's Security Measures (one-shot + relationship reveal)
Mission in the Rain (one-shot + sickfic + relationship reveal)
Ranpo Guild AU (fic, includes a relationship reveal, but that’s not the main focus. Mainly it’s Ranpoe getting together)
Surprise!!! (one-shot + choas/crack + relationship reveal)
The ADA's Newest Member (one-shot + relationship reveal)
Shin Soukoku (SSKK)
IN PROGRESS: (fics w/ chapters already posted)
Vampires Beneath the Moonlight (fic) Chapter 1 - 2 [2,638 Words]
COMING SOON: (one-shots still in drafts)
Horimiya (The Misisng Pieces) AU
AU where they’re both in the orphanage together (and Gin is there too)
Soukoku (SKK)
Chibis makes the best lunches (one-shot) [1,177 Words]
Dancing with My Love (one-shot) [1,472 Words]
Executive Dazai (one-shot) [4,154 Words]
"Mr. Dazai, your son threw up at school." (one-shot) [2,360 Words]
Snowstorm (one-shot) [1,177 Words]
The Disastrous Meeting (one-shot) [3,635 Words]
The Haunted House (one-shot) [1,666 Words]
The One Day Return of Double Black (one-shot) [4,846 Words]
IN PROGRESS: (fics w/ chapters already posted)
Hunger Games AU Chapter 1 - 9
More Than You Know (fic) Chapters 1 - 9
The Untold Origins of the Port Mafia (long fic) Chapters 1 - 20 / 30
Through Glass Walls
COMING SOON: (one-shots still in drafts)
As Far As The Eye Can See (fic + glasses!zai AU + Age 15)
“Dazai, the love of my life, you’re a damn idiot, you know that?”
Did you ever see a ginger mackerel wearing bandages?
Emergency Contact (Or The Mackerel did WHAT now!?)
How Long Has This Been Going On?
I’m Doggy Paddling For My Sanity Over Here
Karaoke Night
Notes from Me & My Beloved
Stray Dogs: J-Pop Idol AU
The Reason Kunikida Is So Strict About Meeting Procedure - Part One
Suegiku / Saihiro
IN PROGRESS: (fics w/ chapters already posted)
Even Fire is Defeated By The Rain
COMING SOON: (one-shots still in drafts)
Tachizaki / Tachitani / Tanihara (Midwinter Snow)
What Does the Tripartite Framework Have To Do With Midwinter Snow
#1 New Place - Part One (First part of my 5 + 1 Tachizaki things collection called My 5 times the ADA almost found out about Tachizaki and the 1 time they did. I haven’t posted it on Tumblr yet. I will when it’s finished, but for now, you can find it on Wattpad.)
#3 Nicotine-Scented Love (Second part of the 5 + 1 Tachizaki things)
IN PROGRESS: (fics w/ chapters already posted)
AU loosely based on Horimiya (idk if I’ll continue it though)
COMING SOON: (one-shots still in drafts)
#2 A New Place - Part Two (Third part of the 5 + 1 Tachizaki things)
#4 Light Snow & Firearms (Fourth part of the 5 + 1 Tachizaki things)
#5 Fight (Fifth part of the 5 + 1 Tachizaki things)
A Window Into The Love Life of Tanizaki Junichirou
Motion Sick
The Mysterious Case of the Missing Red Jacket
(A/N: this took a crazy long time to make! It was mostly my fault because I went through a short phase of not posting chapters on the same post so I had to track down all of them, it was so annoying. Never Again! And I realised I forgot to post a ton of stuff, lol. So this was a great reminder and I hope it helps you all.)
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knockyasocksoff2022 · 8 months
Anyone else here ship Akiko Yosano with Motojirou Kaji?
If so any ideas of things I could write for them? I want to write something but I can't think of a good scenario.
Also and ship names?
Thou shalt not explode?
Akikaji? Kajikiko? Akaji? Kajiko? Motosano? Yosojirou?
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