#yoshiya tamura
anamon-book · 3 months
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対談 美酒について-人はなぜ酒を語るか 吉行淳之介+開高健 サントリー博物館文庫 5 サントリー、ティビーエス・ブリタニカ 装丁=田村義也、表紙・本文イラストレーション=佐々木侃司
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artjapan · 7 years
Kumagusu Minakata: An Informant-savant 100 Years Ahead of his Time
Kumagusu Minakata: An Informant-savant 100 Years Ahead of his Time at National Museum of Nature and Science Media: Graphics - Drawing - Sculpture - Talks (2017-12-19 - 2018-03-04)
The late Kumagusu Minakata has long been known as a researcher who explored natural phenomena, but in recent years the vast body of work that he left behind has been re-evaluated and his role reconsidered as that of an information provider. In this exhibition, you can take a trip inside the mind of Minakata by looking at key exhibits pertaining to his work, such as diaries, letters, illustrated texts, and diagrams of fungi. This show is complemented by the simultaneously held exhibition “Lichen - A Fungi and Algae Composite.” Venue: Special Exhibitions Space, 1F Japan Building, National Museum of Nature and Science [Related Events] Gallery Talk: “Kumagusu Minakata, Our Contemporary” Date: Jan. 26 (Fri), 18:00-18:30 Venue: Special Exhibitions Space, 1F Japan Building Speaker: Yoshiya Tamura (Academic Trustee of Kumagusu Minakata Archives) Gallery Talk: “Mysteries of the Life and Illustrated Works of Kumagusu Minakata” Date: Feb. 23 (Fri), 18:00-18:30 Venue: Special Exhibitions Space, 1F Japan Building Speaker: Tsuyoshi Hosoya (Chair of the National Museum of Nature and Science Department of Biology Division of Fungi and Algae Research Group) *No booking required. *Events in Japanese. *Please see the official website for further details.
from TAB Events - Most Popular http://www.tokyoartbeat.com/event/2018/BFB5
Kumagusu Minakata: An Informant-savant 100 Years Ahead of his Time at National Museum of Nature and Science Media: Graphics - Drawing - Sculpture - Talks (2017-12-19 - 2018-03-04)
The late Kumagusu Minakata has long been known as a researcher who explored natural phenomena, but in recent years the vast body of work that he left behind has been re-evaluated and his role reconsidered as that of an information provider. In this exhibition, you can take a trip inside the mind of Minakata by looking at key exhibits pertaining to his work, such as diaries, letters, illustrated texts, and diagrams of fungi. This show is complemented by the simultaneously held exhibition “Lichen - A Fungi and Algae Composite.” Venue: Special Exhibitions Space, 1F Japan Building, National Museum of Nature and Science [Related Events] Gallery Talk: “Kumagusu Minakata, Our Contemporary” Date: Jan. 26 (Fri), 18:00-18:30 Venue: Special Exhibitions Space, 1F Japan Building Speaker: Yoshiya Tamura (Academic Trustee of Kumagusu Minakata Archives) Gallery Talk: “Mysteries of the Life and Illustrated Works of Kumagusu Minakata” Date: Feb. 23 (Fri), 18:00-18:30 Venue: Special Exhibitions Space, 1F Japan Building Speaker: Tsuyoshi Hosoya (Chair of the National Museum of Nature and Science Department of Biology Division of Fungi and Algae Research Group) *No booking required. *Events in Japanese. *Please see the official website for further details.
http://www.tokyoartbeat.com//media/event/2018/BFB5-80 via Art Japan
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anamon-book · 9 months
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軍隊と戦後のなかで-「私の昭和史」拾遺 末松太平 大和書房 装幀=田村義也
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anamon-book · 8 months
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死言状 山田風太郎 富士見書房 装丁=田村義也
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anamon-book · 9 months
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母と私-九津見房子との日々 大竹一燈子 築地書館 装丁=田村義也
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anamon-book · 9 months
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最後の戦死者 陸軍一等兵・小塚金七 若一光司 河出書房新社 装幀=田村義也
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anamon-book · 1 year
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婆沙羅 山田風太郎 講談社 装丁=田村義也
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anamon-book · 6 years
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おえん遊行 石牟礼道子 筑摩書房 装幀=田村義也
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anamon-book · 7 years
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天皇陛下万歳-爆弾三勇士序説 上野英信 ちくま文庫 カバーデザイン=田村義也
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anamon-book · 8 years
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百鬼園先生と目白三平 中村武志 旺文社文庫 カバー装丁=田村義也
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